Minutes of Meeting19.11.11

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Venue: Vardhman Fabrics, Budhni Persons Present:: For M/S WTT (India) Mr. Raja Sekar M/S Vardhman Fabrics Mr. Amit Kumar Mr. Vinod Mathur Mr. P N Sharma Mr. Puneet Midha Date: 19th Nov, 2011

The erection work of II phase of ETP is going on & M/s. WTT Engineer Mr. Raja Sekar is at VF plant & supervising the job. Following are the work progress details: 1. Screen Filter : a. Civil work completed b. Unit shifted to site, gear box shifted to suit location. Electrical connections to be done. 2. Neutralization Pit : a. One no. pump installed. Electrical connection to be done & trial to be taken. b. pH meter to be installed 3. Biological Tank 1 : a. New overflow SS channel to be fabricated(as per new Drawing received on 14.11.2011) and fitted. Material procurement in progress. This also needs breakage of partition curve wall (Same to be done in Biological Tank 2). This needs emptying out of tank & could only be done once the 2nd Biological Tank is ready by all aspects. 4. Biological Tank 2 : a. Flowmakers (3 nos.) received on 18/11/11 at site. Installation of same under progress. Electrical connections of Flowmakers to be done. b. Only incoming pipe supports remaining in air grid. Diffusers installation is to be done (will be commenced at commissioning time). c. DO meter to be installed. 5. Return Sludge Tank : a. 3 nos Pumps installed. Guide pipe to be installed. Pipeline laid. Welding in progress.

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b. Tank leakage (from feed side)is being attended. De-Nitrification Tank : a. Flow Mixer (1 no.) received on 18/11/11 at site. It can only be installed after emptying out the tank b. Sludge Mixer Pump (2 nos.) to be installed. Opening to be made for 1 no. Sedimentator 2 : a. Few welding to be done in Scum collector and top scrapper. b. Bottom floor and wheel platform civil work need to be done. Hydraulic testing can be done only after completion of all the civil works. c. Electrical connections need to be done. d. Overflow permeate water line to be connected with the existing permeate line. e. Scum reject needs to be connected with Decanter. Chemical Reagents : a. Dosing pumps to be positioned. Pipeline laying to be done. Some fittings and pipeline needs to be procured. b. Electrical connections to be done. Electrical Panel : a. Panel erection work in progress. b. Cable laying work in progress. To be completed by 30th Nov,11.

10. Clarifications required from WTT : a. Distribution of Sewage in both the Biological tanks (Presently, it is being fed into Biological Tank -1 only) b. Flow Meter to be installed in Sedimentator 2 feed pipeline ( in case of further expansion with 3rd biological tank) c. Culture development for Biological Tank - 2

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