IVA 61 SuryanshKashyap
IVA 61 SuryanshKashyap
IVA 61 SuryanshKashyap
In future, if it is found that, the contents of this MOOCs overlap (more than 20%) with the contents of courses
(core/departmental clectives/Honors, Minor, if opted, etc.) which are accessible to me as apart of my UG curiculun of four
years duration at RCOEM OR IfI have taken credit transfer/Incentivefor the same MOOCs OR MOOCs having the same
contents earlier, the credit transfer shall be cancelled.
Details of the MOOCs for which Credit Transfer taken carlier if any:
Sr. No. Name of the MO0C Semester
Submitted to, the Chairperson IDBoS, through in charge, Interdisciplinary Courses, RCOEM
Respected Sir/Madam,
Part Il: Application for Permission to Opt MOOC(9) for Credit Transfer against Open Elective of B. E. SEM IW
2023- 2024
20. The details of the MOOCsare as under: