IVA 61 SuryanshKashyap

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FORM for Credit Transfer of MOOCsagainst Open Elective Courses of B.Tech.Programs

Part I: Dcclaration by the Student
I, MMS the student of RCoEM, studying in
SuryanshKoshyocSEData suec)
Semester md of program BE. during the ycar 2023 - 20 24, wish to register and
complete the MOOC(S) with adesire to consider it against Open Elective which will be offered to me at RCO:M in Sermester
during the year 20 23 -20 24.

Tcertifythat, I haveread, understood and agree with the in UG

i. Conditions for credit transfer of MOOC against opcn clective as per modificd regulation R41
Ordinance/Regulation dated 29-06-2020.
ii. Guidelincs & Process for Credit Transfer of M00Cs Against Open Elective courses of B.E. Programs
available on college websitc.

In future, if it is found that, the contents of this MOOCs overlap (more than 20%) with the contents of courses
(core/departmental clectives/Honors, Minor, if opted, etc.) which are accessible to me as apart of my UG curiculun of four
years duration at RCOEM OR IfI have taken credit transfer/Incentivefor the same MOOCs OR MOOCs having the same
contents earlier, the credit transfer shall be cancelled.
Details of the MOOCs for which Credit Transfer taken carlier if any:
Sr. No. Name of the MO0C Semester

Date: Signature of the Student:

Submitted to, the Chairperson IDBoS, through in charge, Interdisciplinary Courses, RCOEM
Respected Sir/Madam,

Part Il: Application for Permission to Opt MOOC(9) for Credit Transfer against Open Elective of B. E. SEM IW
2023- 2024
20. The details of the MOOCsare as under:

Name of the MOOC(s) I. Blockchain: ndestanding, ts cses cnd Implicahons.


MO0C Provider (SWAYAM /COURSERA / EdX): EdX Discipline/category of MOOC :

Date of commencement: 20/10/2023 Date of completion: g 1/12/2023
Duration of Course (Weeks&Hours): 1.

Name of host institution The Linux Faundaion

Name of Instructor (s)

Date: 31//2h03Signture of the Student:

Part III: Remarks by Interdisciplinary In charge of the student's parent Dept.
The above information and documentary evidences for MOOC(S) are verified and found true / false.The content included
in MOOCIS) that are claimed for credit transfer not accessible in the form of any course to this student at RCcOEM during
bis/her period of studies in this college during UG program. Also, the student has not taken any incentive on the same. The
above MOOCis) is therefore Recommended /Not Recommended for credit transter in place of Open Elective in Semester
of session 20 - 20 with grade


Name & Signature of Interdisciplinary In chargeSignature of HoD (Parent Dept.)

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