Underground Cable Fault Detector IJERTV10IS090048
Underground Cable Fault Detector IJERTV10IS090048
Underground Cable Fault Detector IJERTV10IS090048
Abstract: In the city regions, the electric cable runs in of the whole vicinity to locate and accurate the fault which in
undergrounds rather than overhead line. Whenever the fault flip reasons wastage of cash and manpower. Soit's far vital
happens in underground cable it's far tough to locate the to understand the precise area of faults withinside the
precise area of the fault for method of repairing that underground cables. Whatever the fault is ,the voltage of the
Particular cable. The proposed gadget unearths the precise
area of the fault. The simple concept at the back of the
cable has the tendency to extrade unexpectedly on every
operating of this Project is ohm’s law. At the feeder end, while occasion a fault happens. We employ this voltage extrade
a DC voltage is Applied,primarily based totally at the area of throughout the collection resistors to locate the fault.
fault withinside the cable, the fee of Current additionally
changes. So in case of a brief circuit fault like L-G Or L-L fault 2. LITRRATURE SURVEY
the extradein voltage fee measured throughout theResistor is [1] M.M. Amarnath, B. Ganesh Ram, Mr. V.
then fed to the in-constructed ADCof the Arduino. This fee Is Chandrasekaran, Mr. G. Mohan Ram, “IOT Based On
processed with theaid of using the Arduino and the fault is Underground Cable Fault Identification Using Arduino” in
calculated in phrases of distance from thebottom station. This
April 2021. With the development and advancement in
fee is dispatched to the LCD Interfaced to the Arduino board
and it shows actual area of the fault from the bottomstation in technology, things changes. As technology helps us to
kilometers for all of the 3 Phases. This fault introduction is understand its importance like in urban areas, the electricity
made with the aid of using the set of switches. Project is runs underground through electrical cable instead of typical
organized with a fixed of resistors which Represent the overhead lines, which occupies less space and is considered
duration of the cable. At each recognized kilometer Fault as the most effective and efficientway of transmission but
switches are located to set offfaults manually Finally the Fault the problem arises when a fault occurs in the underground
distance may be decided. cable and is also difficult to detect the exact location of the
fault during the process of repairing that particular cable and
Keyword:- Fault, Cable, Ground, Arduino, Circuit.
the methods in existence till now follow some algorithm in
order to identify the location of the fault. We Use IOT
Knowledge That Allows the Doyens To Observer And
An package of electrical conductors used for sporting
Check Faults Over Internet. TheEdifice Advert Fault With
Electricity is known as as a cable.Underground cables used
The Help Of Likely Divider Network Laid Across The
in large part in city vicinity rather than Overhead strains.
Cable. FaultAre Fast Repair To Revive Back The Power
We can’t effortlessly pick out the faults withinside the
System. Higher Initial Cost And Insulation Problems At
Underground cables. This undertaking offers with Arduino
High Voltages.
Microcontroller, buzzer and LCD. This proposes
substantially reduces The time and operates effectively. The
[2] Raushan Kumar Bhagat, Shrawan Suthar, Chandan
Kumar, Sunil Kumar Mina, “Underground Cable Fault
undergroundcabling System is a not unusual place exercise
Detector Using Arduino And Gsm Modules” in July 2020.
observed in lots of city regions. Many time faults arise
The main goal of this project is to identify faults and show
because of creation works and different Reasons. At that
these faults in LCD and mobile using Arduino and GSM
point it's far tough todig out cable because of now no longer
Knowing the precise area of the cable fault. NoMatter what which is occurring in underground cable. On the feeder side,
when a direct current voltage is applied, the current
fault happens, the voltage at the cable Will extrade all at
estimates are further changed to address the problem areas
once with every fault. This voltage Change withinside the
of the cable. Therefore, in the event of a short circuit
collection resistance is used to locate a Fault. Power
problem (such as an L- G or L-L problem), an ADC made
Transmission may be completed in each overhead in
by Arduino will adjust the estimated rated voltage through
addition to in underground cables. But not like underground
a resistor. This value is prepared by arduino, and the
cables the overhead cables have the downside of being
shortage is well determined by the basestation. This value is
effortlessly at risk of the outcomes of rainfall, snow,
transmitted to the LCD connected to the arduino board and
thunder, lightning etc. This calls for cables withreliability,
displays theexact area several kilometers away from allbase
Increased safety, ruggedness and extra service. So
stations in three phases. The task consists of many resistors
underground cables are favored in lots of regions
that communicate the length of the cable. Faults switches
particularly in city locations. When it is simple to locate and
induced in every This Strategy Works For All Kinds Of
accurate the faults in over head line with the aidof using mere
Links From 1km To 4km. In This Method, Problems Up
observation, it isn't always viableto accomplish that in an
To 4 Km Can Be Identified. When A Fault Switch Operated
underground cable. As they're buried deep withinside the
The Condition, The Phase Associated With That Particular
soil it isn't always clean to locate the abnormalities in them.
Switch Is Considered A Fault Phase.
Even while a fault is determined to be giftit's far very tough
to locate the precise area of the fault. This ends in Dugging [3] Padmanaban. K, Sanjana Sharon. G, Sudharini. N ,
Vishnuvarthini. K, “Detection OfUnderground Cable Fault
IJERTV10IS090048 www.ijert.org 39
(This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)
Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
http://www.ijert.org ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 10 Issue 09, September-2021
[4] Using Arduino” in March 2017. This paper proposes displayed on the LCD display.
fault location model for underground power cable using
microcontroller. The aim of this project is to determine the 3. PROBLEM STATEMENT
distance of underground cable fault from base station in • To develop a system that detect thelocation of fault in
kilometers. This project uses the simple concept of ohm’s underground cable lines from base station.
law.When any fault like short circuit occurs, voltage drop
will vary depending on the lengthof fault in cable,since the
current varies. A set of resistors are therefore used to 4. OBJECTIVES
represent the cable and a dc voltage is fed at one end and the • To review and classify faults in underground cables.
fault is detected by detecting the change involtage using a • To design and construct an less costly underground
analog to voltage converter anda microcontroller is used to cable fault detector.
make the necessarycalculations so that the fault distance is
6. COMPONENTS present day (DC), which flows in best one direction. The
6.1 POWER SUPPLY method is referred to as rectification. Rectifiers have many
The strength deliver circuit includes step down transformer makes use of, however are frequently determined serving as
that's 230v step right all the way down to 12v.In this circuit additives of DC materials and high-voltage direct present
4diodes are used to shape bridge rectifier which provides day strength transmission systems. Rectification can also
pulsatingdc voltage after which fed to capacitor clear outout additionally serve in roles aside from to generate direct
the output voltage from rectifier is fed to clear out out to present day to be used as a supply of strength.
dispose of any a.c. additives gifteven after rectification. The
filtered DC voltage is given to regulator to provide 12v 6.3 LCD DISPLAY
steady DC voltage. Liquid crystal display are interfacing to microcontroller
6.2 RECTIFIER 8051.Most commonly LCD used are 16*2 and20*2 display.
The output from the transformer is fed to the rectifier. It In 16*2 display means 16 represents column and 2
converts A.C. into pulsating D.C. The rectifier can be a 1/2 represents rows. LCDs are available to display arbitrary
of wave or a completewave rectifier. In this undertaking, a images or fixed images with low information content, which
bridgerectifier is used due to its deserves like right stability can be displayed or hidden, suchas preset words, digits, and
.The circuit has 4 diodes related to shape a bridge. A 7-segment displaysas in a digital clock. They use the same
rectifier is an electrical tool that converts alternating present basic technology, except that arbitrary images aremade up
day (AC), which periodically reverses direction, to direct of a large number of small pixels, while other displays have
larger elements.
IJERTV10IS090048 www.ijert.org 40
(This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)
Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
http://www.ijert.org ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 10 Issue 09, September-2021
Arduino is an open-supply platform used for constructing
electronics projects. Arduino includes each a bodily
programmable circuit board (frequently known as a
microcontroller) and a bit of software, or IDE (Integrated
Development Environment) that runs in your laptop, used to Fig. [2] CKT Diagram of UCFD
jot down and add laptop code to the bodily board. The
Arduino platform has grow to be pretty famous with humans 8. WORKING
simply beginning out with electronics, and for right reason. The circuit includes a strength deliver, 4line show, Arduino
Unlike maximum preceding programmable circuit boards, and resistance size circuit. To set off faults manually
the Arduino doesnow no longer want a separate piece of withinside the kit, fault switches are used. About sixteen
hardware (known as a programmer) which will load new fault switches are used which might be organized in four
code onto the board – you couldabsolutely use a USB cable. rowswith every row having five switches. The three rows
Additionally, the Arduino IDE makes use of a simplified constitute the three levels particularly R, Y and B. The fault
model of C++, making it simpler to learn how toprogram. switches: have 2 positions- No fault position (NF) and fault
Finally, Arduino gives a fashionable shape element that position (F). Main factor of the underground cable fault
breaks out the capabilities ofthe micro-controller right into a detection circuit is low fee resistance size. It is built the use
extra on hand package. of a steady present day supply of 100mAmps. It can degree
6.6 RELAY very low fee resistance because the cables have round
Relay is sensing tool which senses the fault and sends a zero.01 Ohm/meter resistance. For 10 metercable resistance
experience sign to circuit breaker to isolate the defective turns into zero.1 Ohm. This circuit can degree resistance
segment. A relay is an automated tool by which an electrical up 50 Ohm, Maximum cable duration it is able to take a look
circuit isnot directly managed and is ruled with the aid of at as much as five kilometers. So beginning from the
using extrade withinside the equal or some other electric reference factor five units of resistances are located in
circuit. There are numerous formsof relay: Numerical relay, collection. These five units of resistances constitute the 3
Static relay and electromagnetic relay. Relay are housed in locations and the neutral. Short circuit faults, Symmetrical
panel withinside the manage room. Here 3 mini strength and unsymmetrical faults may be decided with the aid of
relay are used every for one of the 3 levels. The relays using this technique. Each collection resistor represents the
periodically test the 3 ohases and ship the sign to the resistance of the underground cable for a selected distance
Arduino controller. Thescore of every of the relays is set and so right here five resistances in collection constitute 1-
12V. five kms. Value of every resistance is 10kΩ. One relay for
6.7 RELAY DRIVER IC every segment R, Y and B 3 relays are used and the not
Driver Circuit is used to reinforce or extend indicators from unusual place factors of the relays are grounded and the NO
microcontrollers to manipulate strength switches in semi- factors are related to the inputs of R17,R21 and R26 and
conductor devices. Driver circuits take capabilities that being the 3segment cable input. As deliver wanted for the
encompasskeeping apart the manage circuit and the strength relays is better than that of the Arduino , Relaymotive force
circuit, detecting malfunctions, storingand reporting screw is used to reinforce the deliver andoffer it to the relays. A
ups to the manage gadget, serving as a precaution in 230V AC deliver is carried out to the transformer from
opposition to failure,reading sensor indicators and growing wherein it'sfar stepped right all the way down to 12V AC.
auxiliary voltages. In this undertaking, ULN2003 is used From the transformer the alternating present day receives
because the relay motive force circuit. It is an untegrated transformed into direct present day while it passes thru a
circuit which capabilities because the relay motive force and Bridge wave rectifier. The 12V DC then is going to the
boosts up the delivergoing to the relay. voltage regulator wherein it receives transformed from 12V
DC to 5V DC. Voltage regulator is used additionally
converts the variable Dc deliver into steady DC deliver.
This 5V DC is used to deliver strength to the Arduino and
IJERTV10IS090048 www.ijert.org 41
(This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)
Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
http://www.ijert.org ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 10 Issue 09, September-2021
• Less maintenance.
• It has better efficiency.
• Less fault arise in underground cable.
• This technique is relevant to all formsof cable
starting from 1 km To five km.
• It can locate different forms of cablefault inclusive
of cable fault, cable cuts.
Thus the project on Underground cable fault detection the
use of Arduino became completedand the gap of the fault
from the bottom stationin kilometers became displayed for
the 3 personlevels R, Y and B. Circuit may be examined
with exclusive resistor values. In this project faults as much
as a distance of 5km may be detected. When the fault
Fig. [3] Flowchart of UCFD
switches are operated to fault circumstance then the
10. PROPOSED ALGORITHM segment similar to that unique transfer is taken into
Step 1:- Initialize the ports, declare timer ,ADC, LCD consideration because the defective segment. So the
functions. defective segment can effortlessly be located.
Step 2:- Begin an countless loop; turn on relay1 by making 14. FUTURE SCOPE
pin0.0 high. In this project we detect the precise area of cable fault
Step 3:- Display “R:” at the starting of firstline in LCD. withinside the underground cable from feeder lead to km
Step 4:- Call ADC function, depending uponADC output, with the aid of using theuse of Arduino. In future, this
displays the fault position. undertaking maybe carried out to calculate the impedance
Step 5:- Call delay. with the aid of using the use of a capacitor in an AC
Step 6:- Repeat steps 3 to 5 for other twophases.
[1] M.M. Amarnath, B. Ganesh Ram, Mr. V. Chandrasekaran, Mr. G.
11. RESULT Mohan Ram, “IOT Based On Underground Cable Fault
Identification Using Arduino” in April 2021.
[2] Raushan Kumar Bhagat, Shrawan Suthar,Chandan Kumar, Sunil
Kumar Mina, “UndergroundCable Fault Detector Using Arduino
And Gsm Modules” in July 2020.
[3] Padmanaban. K, Sanjana Sharon. G, Sudharini. N , Vishnuvarthini.
K, “Detection Of Underground Cable Fault Using Arduino” in
March 2017.
IJERTV10IS090048 www.ijert.org 42
(This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)