Cayley Tree 1
Cayley Tree 1
Cayley Tree 1
We give a new proof of Cayley's formula, which states that the number of labeled
trees on n nodes is n'-2. This proof uses a difficult combinatorial identity, and it
could equally well be regarded as a proof of this identity that uses Cayley's formula.
The proof proceeds by counting labeled rooted trees with n vertices and j improper
edges, where an improper edge is one whose endpoint closer to the root has a larger
label than some vertex in the subtree rooted on the edge. © 1995AcademicPress,Inc.
1. Tim PROOF
Q(1, 0 ) = 1
Q(i, - 1 ) = 0 , i~>l,
Q( 1, j ) = 0, j~>l,
0097-3165/95 $12.00
Copyright © 1995 by Academic Press, Inc.
All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.
NOTE 155
Q ( i , j ) = ( i - 1) Q ( i - 1, j ) + ( i + j - 2 ) Q ( i - 1, j - 1), otherwise.
Q ( i , j ) = i i-1. (1)
Q(1, 0, k) = 1
Q(i, - 1, k) = O, i ~> 1,
Q(1,j,k)=O, j>~l,
Q(i, j, k) = ( i + k - 1) Q ( i - 1, j, k)
+ (i+j-2) Q ( i - 1, j - 1, k), otherwise.
Q(i, j, k) = (i + k) i- i. (2)
The previous section can be viewed as a proof of this identity for the case
k = 0. We now give a combinatorial proof of this identity for integers k ~> 1.
Since Q(i, j, k) is a polynomial in k, by interpolation this proves (2) for
all k.
We need the following generalization of Cayley's formula [ 1 ].
I thank the referee for the suggestion that Ruehr's generating function could be used
to compute the expectation and variance of the number of improper edges and for the
Refs. [4, 6] on inversions in labeled trees.