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Timo Booklet FR Primary 4

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Thailand International

Mathematical Olympiad
Past Paper Booklet 2022 – 2023

Final Round
奧冠教育出版社 Olympiad Champion Education Publisher 1
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泰國國際數學競賽總決賽 2022 - 2023 3

2022 - 2023

Primary 4 Question Paper

小學四年級 試題

填空題(第 1 至 30 題)(每題 5 分,答錯及空題不扣分)

Open-Ended Questions (1st ~30th) (5 points for correct answer, no penalty
point for wrong answer)
Final Round

Logical Thinking
邏輯思維 4

1. Sunan and all other students from class 4C are standing in rectangular
formation. There are 11 students on Sunan’s left hand side, 3 students
on his right hand side, 6 students in front of him and 5 students behind 5
him. How many student(s) is / are standing in the formation?
蘇南與其他 4C 班的學生排成一個矩形方陣。蘇南的左方有 11 名
學生,右方有 3 名學生,前方有 6 名學生,後方則有 5 名學生。
2. If 18 is subtracted from Peter’s age this year, the difference is then
divided by 5, 10 is then added to the quotient and finally the sum is
multiplied by 4, the result will be 64. How old is Peter this year?
把彼得今年的年齡減去 18 之後除以 5,再加上 10 後再變成 4
倍,結果是 64。那麼彼得今年多少歲?

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3. According to the pattern shown below, if A and B are positive integers,

find the value of B.
按以下規律,若 A 與 B 為正整數,求 B 的值。

1 3 5 7 9 11 13

9 15 21 27 33

45 A 81

Question 3

4. If 24th January 2023 is Tuesday, which day of the week is 24th

November 2023?
若 2023 年 1 月 24 日是星期二,2023 年 11 月 24 日是星期幾?
nd 5. Edward is counting numbers from 15. Whenever the number counting
is a multiple of 7, he claps his hands one time. What will the next
名 number be after Edward clapped his hand 25 times?
愛德華現正從 15 開始順序數數,每當數字為 7 的倍數時,他

便拍手一下。當愛德華拍手 25 次後,求下一個數的值。

6. There are a total of 35 chickens and rabbits in a farm. These animals

have a total of 110 legs. How many chicken(s) is / are there in the
農場裡有雞和兔共 35 隻,牠們共有 110 條腿。那麼農場裡的雞

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7. Using the identity S  2S  S , find the value of 1

S  13  26  52    6656  13312 .
利用恆等式 S  2S  S ,求 S  13  26  52    6656  13312 的
值。 1

8. Find the value of 212  225  238  251    433  446 .

求 212  225  238  251    433  446 的值。

9. Find the value of 589  31  25  31  119  31  154  31.

求 589  31  25  31  119  31  154  31 的值。 1
Final Round

10. Find the value of .
7 1
求 的值。
11. Find the value of 234  95 .
求 234  95 的值。

12. Find the value of 9 12 15 18 . 1

求 9 12 15 18 的值。

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Number Theory

13. What is the largest 3-digit number that is divisible by both 28 and 42?
求最大的三位數能同時被 28 及 42 整除。

14. Define the operation symbol a  b   b  a    a  b    4a  b  , find

the value of  7 10   35 .
定義運算符號 a  b   b  a    a  b    4a  b  ,求  7 10   35 的

15. Find the unit digit of 3

 3 3  3  5
   5 5  5  7
   7 7  7 .
 
2023' s 2023' s 2023' s

求 3
 3 3  3  5
   5 5  5  7
   7 7  7 的個位數。
 
2023' s 2023' s 2023' s

16. Given 1-digit numbers A and B, if 10-digit number 102749 A63B is

divisible by 21 and B  5  A  0 , find the value of A.
對於一位數字 A 與 B,若十位數 102749 A63B 可被 21 整除且
B  5  A  0 ,求 A 的值。

17. The sum of 7 consecutive even numbers is 784. Find the value of the
largest number among them.
7 個連續偶(雙)數之和為 784,求當中最大數的值。

18. Given that positive integers A and B satisfy the product of A and B is
1445 and A is 5 times of B. Find the value of A.
已知正整數 A 與 B 滿足 A、B 之積為 1445 且 A 為 B 的 5 倍。求
A 的值。

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Geometry 2

19. If we combine 16 squares of perimeter 44 into a rectangle with

integral side lengths, what is the maximum possible perimeter of this
若我們把 16 個周界為 44 的正方形合併為 1 個整數邊長的矩形,

20. 9 cubes are needed to be created a 3-level structure as below. How

many cube(s) is / are needed to be created an 8-level structure
following the same pattern?
要建立下圖 3 層的立體需要用 9 個正方體,若要以相同規律建立
Final Round

8 層的立體則需要用多少個正方體?

Question 20
第 20 題

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21. How many rectangle(s) containing both “*” is / are there in the figure

* *

Question 21
第 21 題

22. How many rectangle(s) is / are there in the figure below?


Question 22
第 22 題

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23. Given the area of a rectangle with integral length and width is 693,
find the minimum possible value of its perimeter.
已知某矩形的面積為 693,而其長和闊均是整數,求其周界的最
小可能值。 2

24. Given a right-angled triangle with hypotenuse 10 and one of its leg 8
shown in figure 1, if we use 4 of these triangles and a rectangle of
appropriate size to form the polygon in figure 2, what is the area of
this polygon?
圖一為一個斜邊為 10 與其一直邊的邊長為 8 的直角三角形,若我
們以 4 個圖一的三角形與一特定大小的長方形組成圖 2 中的多邊 2
Final Round


圖一 圖二
Figure 1 Figure 2
Question 24 2
第 24 題

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25. A number is called “Special” if its unit digit is smaller than its other
digit(s) if any, for example 831 and 554. How many 3-digit “Special”
8 number(s)
as is / are there if its hundreds digit can only be 2, 3 or 4?
如:831 和 554。請問有多少個三位的「特別數」且其百位數只
可以是 2、3 或 4?

邊 26. If we are using numbers 1, 5, 5, 5, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8 and 8 without repetition
to form two 5-digit numbers, what is the minimum possible value of
their difference?
若我們不重複的運用 1、5、5、5、6、7、7、8、8 與 8 組成 2 個

27. 89 students are divided into 5 different groups. If each group has at
least 5 students and two of the groups have at most 15 students, at
least how many student(s) is / are there for the group with the most
89 名學生被分為 5 組,若每組至少有 5 名學生,而其中兩組最多
只有 15 名學生,請問最多名學生的那組至少會有多少名學生?

28. How many different way(s) is / are there to divide 2205 candies into
equal group(s)? (Grouping all 2205 candies into 1 group is allowed)
請問有多少種不同的方法平分 2205 顆糖果?(把全部 2205 顆糖

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29. Numbers are drawn from 95 integers 51 to 145 at random. At least

how many distinct number(s) do we need to draw to ensure that there
are two numbers drawn whose difference is 13?
在 51 至 145 這 95 個整數中最少任意選出多少個不同的數,才必
定有兩個數之差是 13?

30. A flight of stairs has 11 steps. Andy can go up 1 step or 2 steps at a

time. The 9th step cannot be stepped on as it is broken. How many
different way(s) is / are there for Andy to go up the stairs?
一道有 11 級的樓梯,安迪每一步可以上 1 級或 2 級,其中第 9
級因為損壞而不能踏上,請問安迪共有多少種不同的路徑走上這 填
道樓梯? O
Final Round

~ 全卷完 ~
~ End of Paper ~

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泰國國際數學競賽總決賽 2022 - 2023

2022 - 2023

Primary 4 Detailed Solution
小學四年級 詳細解答

填空題(第 1 至 30 題)(每題 5 分,答錯及空題不扣分)

Open-Ended Questions (1st ~30th) (5 points for correct answer, no penalty
point for wrong answer)
f Logical Thinking

1. Sunan and all other students from class 4C are standing in rectangular
formation. There are 11 students on Sunan’s left hand side, 3 students
on his right hand side, 6 students in front of him and 5 students behind
him. How many student(s) is / are standing in the formation?
蘇南與其他 4C 班的學生排成一個矩形方陣。蘇南的左方有 11 名
學生,右方有 3 名學生,前方有 6 名學生,後方則有 5 名學生。

11  1  3   6  1  5  15 12  180

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2. If 18 is subtracted from Peter’s age this year, the difference is then

divided by 5, 10 is then added to the quotient and finally the sum is
multiplied by 4, the result will be 64. How old is Peter this year?
把彼得今年的年齡減去 18 之後除以 5,再加上 10 後再變成 4
倍,結果是 64。那麼彼得今年多少歲?

 64  4  10  5  18  16  10  5  18  6  5  18  48
4. According to the pattern shown below, if A and B are positive integers,
find the value of B.
按以下規律,若 A 與 B 為正整數,求 B 的值。
Final Round

1 3 5 7 9 11 13

9 15 21 27 33

45 A 81

Question 3

A  15  21  27  63
B  45  A  81  45  63  81  189

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02 [作者姓氏] / "[從標題開始的 1 到 2 個字]" / 203

4. If 24th January 2023 is Tuesday, which day of the week is 24th

November 2023?
若 2023 年 1 月 24 日是星期二,2023 年 11 月 24 日是星期幾?

解:Fri / 五
365  31  30  304
 304  2   7  306  7  43 5
Fri / 五
ers, 5. Edward is counting numbers from 15. Whenever the number counting
is a multiple of 7, he claps his hands one time. What will the next
number be after Edward clapped his hand 25 times?
愛德華現正從 15 開始順序數數,每當數字為 7 的倍數時,他
便拍手一下。當愛德華拍手 25 次後,求下一個數的值。

21  7   25  1  1  21  7  24  1  21  168  1  190

6. There are a total of 35 chickens and rabbits in a farm. These animals

have a total of 110 legs. How many chicken(s) is / are there in the
農場裡有雞和兔共 35 隻,牠們共有 110 條腿。那麼農場裡的雞

 35  4  110    4  2   30  2  15

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7. Using the identity S  2S  S , find the value of

S  13  26  52    6656  13312 .
利用恆等式 S  2S  S ,求 S  13  26  52    6656  13312 的

2S  26624  13312  6656    52  26
S  13312  6656    52  26  13
2S  S  26624  13
Final Round

 S  2S  S  26624  13  26611

8. Find the value of 212  225  238  251    433  446 .

求 212  225  238  251    433  446 的值。

212  225  238  251    433  446
 212  446   446  212 
   1
2  13 
658  234 
   1
2  13 
 329  19
 6251

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9. Find the value of 589  31  25  31  119  31  154  31.

求 589  31  25  31  119  31  154  31 的值。

589  31  25  31  119  31  154  31
  589  25  119  154   31
 837  31
 27

10. Find the value of .
求 的值。

1 1 1 1 26
   
9 9 9  3 26  4  27 131
4 4 4
5 7 3  5 26 26
3 3

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11. Find the value of 234  95 .

求 234  95 的值。

234  95
 234  100  5 
 23400  1170
 22230

12. Find the value of 9 12 15 18 .

求 9 12 15 18 的值。
Final Round

9 12 15 18
 9  180  18
 1620  18
 29160

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Number Theory

13. What is the largest 3-digit number that is divisible by both 28 and 42?
求最大的三位數能同時被 28 及 42 整除。

L.C.M .  28, 42   2  3 14  84
999  84  11 75
 999  75  924

14. Define the operation symbol a  b   b  a    a  b    4a  b  , find

the value of  7 10   35 .
定義運算符號 a  b   b  a    a  b    4a  b  ,求  7 10   35 的

7  10  10  7   10  7   4  7  10 
 3  17   28  10 
 51  18
 33
 7  10   35  33  35
  35  33    33  35    4  33  35 
 2  68  132  35 
 136  132  35
 39

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15. Find the unit digit of 3

 3 3  3  5
   5 5  5  7
   7 7  7 .
 
2023' s 2023' s 2023' s

求 3
 3 3  3  5
   5 5  5  7
   7 7  7 的個位數。
 
2023' s 2023' s 2023' s

 3 3  3  7
   7 7  7  5
   5 5  5
 
2023' s 2023' s 2023' s

 21
 21 21 
  21 5
 5 5  5
 
2023' s 2023' s

 1
 1
 1  1 5
   5 5  5
 
2023' s 2023' s

 1 5
Final Round


16. Given 1-digit numbers A and B, if 10-digit number 102749 A63B is

divisible by 21 and B  5  A  0 , find the value of A.
對於一位數字 A 與 B,若十位數 102749 A63B 可被 21 整除且
B  5  A  0 ,求 A 的值。

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. 解:4
3 102749 A63 B
 1  0  2  7  4  9  A  6  3  B  32  A  B
 32  A  B  39 / 42 / 45
 A  B  7 /10 /13
7 102749 A63 B
  630  B    490  A   27  1  166  B  A
166  166  B  A  166  9  0  175
 166  B  A  168
 B A 2
 A  B  10  A  4
 
B  A  2 B  6

17. The sum of 7 consecutive even numbers is 784. Find the value of the
largest number among them.
7 個連續偶(雙)數之和為 784,求當中最大數的值。

784  7  112
112  6  118

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[作者姓氏] / "[從標題開始的 1 到 2 個字]" / 210

18. Given that positive integers A and B satisfy the product of A and B is
1445 and A is 5 times of B. Find the value of A.
已知正整數 A 與 B 滿足 A、B 之積為 1445 且 A 為 B 的 5 倍。求
A 的值。

1445  5  289   5  17   17   A  B
A  5  17  85

Final Round

19. If we combine 16 squares of perimeter 44 into a rectangle with

integral side lengths, what is the maximum possible perimeter of this
若我們把 16 個周界為 44 的正方形合併為 1 個整數邊長的矩形,

44  4  11
16  2 4
 16  1  11 2  374

204 奧冠教育出版社 Olympiad Champion Education Publisher

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10 [作者姓氏] / "[從標題開始的 1 到 2 個字]" / 211

20. 9 cubes are needed to be created a 3-level structure as below. How

many cube(s) is / are needed to be created an 8-level structure
following the same pattern?
要建立下圖 3 層的立體需要用 9 個正方體,若要以相同規律建立
8 層的立體則需要用多少個正方體?

Question 20
第 20 題

1  3  5  7    13  15  16  8  2  64

奧冠教育出版社 Olympiad Champion Education Publisher 205

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[作者姓氏] / "[從標題開始的 1 到 2 個字]" / 212

21. How many rectangle(s) containing both “*” is / are there in the figure 2

* *
Final Round

Question 21 解
第 21 題

4  3  2  3  72

206 奧冠教育出版社 Olympiad Champion Education Publisher

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12 [作者姓氏] / "[從標題開始的 1 到 2 個字]" / 213

e 22. How many rectangle(s) is / are there in the figure below?


Question 22
第 22 題

1  2  3  1  2  3   4  5   4  5  4
 6 6  9  9  4
 58

23. Given the area of a rectangle with integral length and width is 693,
find the minimum possible value of its perimeter.
已知某矩形的面積為 693,而其長和闊均是整數,求其周界的最

 693  32  7 11
  33  21  2  108

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[作者姓氏] / "[從標題開始的 1 到 2 個字]" / 214

24. Given a right-angled triangle with hypotenuse 10 and one of its leg 8
shown in figure 1, if we use 4 of these triangles and a rectangle of
appropriate size to form the polygon in figure 2, what is the area of
this polygon? 2
圖一為一個斜邊為 10 與其一直邊的邊長為 8 的直角三角形,若我
們以 4 個圖一的三角形與一特定大小的長方形組成圖 2 中的多邊

10 解
Final Round


圖一 圖二
Figure 1 Figure 2
Question 24
第 24 題

 10 2  82  6
  4   6  3 6
 3  8  4  18  6
 96  108
 204

208 奧冠教育出版社 Olympiad Champion Education Publisher

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14 [作者姓氏] / "[從標題開始的 1 到 2 個字]" / 215

as Combinatorics

25. A number is called “Special” if its unit digit is smaller than its other
我 digit(s) if any, for example 831 and 554. How many 3-digit “Special”
邊 number(s) is / are there if its hundreds digit can only be 2, 3 or 4?
如:831 和 554。請問有多少個三位的「特別數」且其百位數只
可以是 2、3 或 4?

8  15  21  44

26. If we are using numbers 1, 5, 5, 5, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8 and 8 without repetition

to form two 5-digit numbers, what is the minimum possible value of
their difference?
若我們不重複的運用 1、5、5、5、6、7、7、8、8 與 8 組成 2 個

87561  87558  3

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[作者姓氏] / "[從標題開始的 1 到 2 個字]" / 216

27. 89 students are divided into 5 different groups. If each group has at 2
least 5 students and two of the groups have at most 15 students, at
least how many student(s) is / are there for the group with the most
89 名學生被分為 5 組,若每組至少有 5 名學生,而其中兩組最多
只有 15 名學生,請問最多名學生的那組至少會有多少名學生?

89  5  17  4
17  15 3
89  15  15  59
59  3  19  2
Final Round

 20

28. How many different way(s) is / are there to divide 2205 candies into
equal group(s)? (Grouping all 2205 candies into 1 group is allowed) 解
請問有多少種不同的方法平分 2205 顆糖果?(把全部 2205 顆糖

2205  32  51  72
  2  1  1  1   2  1  3  2  3  18

210 奧冠教育出版社 Olympiad Champion Education Publisher

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16 [作者姓氏] / "[從標題開始的 1 到 2 個字]" / 217

29. Numbers are drawn from 95 integers 51 to 145 at random. At least

how many distinct number(s) do we need to draw to ensure that there
are two numbers drawn whose difference is 13?
在 51 至 145 這 95 個整數中最少任意選出多少個不同的數,才必
多 定有兩個數之差是 13?

13  4  1  53

30. A flight of stairs has 11 steps. Andy can go up 1 step or 2 steps at a

time. The 9th step cannot be stepped on as it is broken. How many
different way(s) is / are there for Andy to go up the stairs?
一道有 11 級的樓梯,安迪每一步可以上 1 級或 2 級,其中第 9


1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th

1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 34 34

~ 全卷完 ~
~ End of Paper ~

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33 [作者姓氏] / "[從標題開始的 1 到 2 個字]" / 334

Thailand International
Mathematical Olympiad
Final Round 2022 - 2023
Primary 4 Answer Key
Logical Thinking Number Theory Combinatorics
邏輯思維 數論 組合數學
1) 13) 25)
5 5 5 5 5 5 5
180 924 44
2) 14) 26)
5 5 5 5 5 5 5
48 39 3
3) 15) 27)
5 5 5 5 5 5 5
189 5 20
4) 16) 28)
5 5 5 5 4 5 5 18 5
Fri / 五
5) 17) 29)
5 5 5 5 5 5 5
190 118 53
6) 18) 30)
5 5 5 5 5 5 5
15 85 34
Arithmetic / Algebra Geometry
算術 / 代數 幾何
7) 19)
5 5 5 5
26611 374
8) 20)
5 5 5 5
6251 64
9) 21)
5 5 5 5
27 72
26 22)
5 10) 5 5 58 5
11) 23)
5 5 5 5
22230 108
12) 24)
5 5 5 5
29160 204

奧冠教育出版社 Olympiad Champion Education Publisher 325

版權所有 不得翻印 All Rights Reserved

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