Efectos Del Masage
Efectos Del Masage
Efectos Del Masage
After the introduction of surfactant, the survival rate of preterm neonates has increased
significantly. This issue attracted much attention towards this fragile population. Many studies have
demonstrated that massage plays a role in the weight gain of preterm infants. This study compares
the effect of massage therapy on infants who were massaged by a nurse or their mother with those
who did not receive massage therapy at all.
The gestational age of infants ranged between 28 to 34 weeks. At the end of the fifth day the group
massaged by a nurse had significantly more weight gain compared to the other
other two groups (6.5+1.5
in the nurse group, 4.6 +1 in the mother group and 3.7 +1.5 in the control group
group, P= 0.001). Those
who were massaged by their mothers also gained weight significantly more than the control group
(P =0.05). There was no significant difference in the length of hospital stay among the understudy
Our study showed that the five-day
five day massage therapy is a safe technique mothers can perform for
stable preterm infants to facilitate weight gain in neonate.
Premature infant, Newborn, Massage therapy.
At present, improved care of preterm and specialists have focused on improving
infants especially with the use of the growth and development of this
surfactant has resulted in increased population (1). According to tthe definition
number of premature infants who survive by the World Health Organization
(WHO), an infant born prior to 37 weeks
*Corresponding Author: Zohreh Badiee Division of gestation is considered preterm (2).
of Neonatology, Department of Pediatrics, Isfahan Various studies have demonstrated that
University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran. infants leaving the uterus too early can
E-mail: [email protected] have many health complications (3).
Received: 14 March 2012; Accepted:
Accepted 24 June 2012
Table 1: Comparison of the mean percentage of weight gain among the infants of 3 groups during
the study period.
Massage by mother Massage by nurse Controls
Percentage of weight gain Mean±SD Mean±SD Mean±SD P-value
Day 4 compared to day 3 3.3 (0.8) 4.4 (1.7) 2.8 (0.9) <0.001
Day 5 compared to day 4 4.6 (1) 6.5 (2.5) 3.7 (1.5) <0.001
Dieter et al, in 2003 conducted a study on groups. The first group only received
32 premature infants. The newborns were supportive routine care; the second group
randomly divided into 2 groups of test was massaged by their mothers and the
(massage) and controls. Since the previous third group by a nurse. The intervention
10 day studies had demonstrated that continued for 10 days. At the end of study
gaining weight usually starts from day 5 of period, both groups receiving massage
intervention, the test group infants were therapy gained significantly more weight
massaged for 5 days. At the end of compared to the control group (10).
massage therapy, the test group gained Matthias and coworkers performed a study
53% more weight compared to controls (3). on 48 immature infants weighing 1 to 2 kg.
Safety and efficacy of massage therapy for Massage therapy was performed by a nurse
premature infants have been confirmed in from day 3 to day 8 and from day 8 on by
several studies. Researchers have the mother and continued until the infant
demonstrated that kinesthetic stimulation in was full-term. Weight gain in the group
infants by mothers improves the parent- receiving massage therapy was 4.2 g per
child relationship. Massage therapy can day more than the control group (13). In
also improve this relationship by the literature review we found only one
facilitating the development of preterm study evaluating the weight gain of
newborn (12). Therefore, it was suggested premature infants receiving massage
that massaging be performed by the therapy only by their mothers or nurses. If
mother. Apart from the above mentioned massage therapy is effective, the adverse
benefits, if applicable, this can help in complications of premature birth will be
reducing the costs to a great extent because compensated for to a great extent. If
hiring a nurse to do the massage therapy massage therapy is done by the mother, in
would be expensive and time consuming. spite of the resultant weight gain, the
In a study by Ferber and colleagues 57 mother-child relationship will also become
healthy preterm infants were divided into 3 stronger. The high cost of NICU will
decrease and the need for hiring a trained were massaged by a nurse. From day 2 on,
nurse will be obviated. infants massaged by the nurse had a
Our study results, similar to the findings significantly greater weight gain than those
of several previous studies revealed that in the other 2 groups. Infants massaged by
massage therapy can enhance weight gain the mothers did not gain weight as much as
of clinically stable preterm infants those in the nurse group but from day 3 on
(11-13,17). In the present study, infants had a significantly higher weight gain than
in the group of massage by nurse gained controls. This finding is in accord with
significantly more weight than the some other studies that confirm the ability
matched controls. At the end of 5-day of mothers to do the massage. However, a
study period, the massage by nurse group significant difference was found between
had significantly more weight gain infants massaged by the nurse and those
compared to the other 2 groups. Infants in massaged by their mothers in terms of
the group of massage by mother also weight gain. We believe this difference is
gained significantly more weight than the due to the difference in the amount of
controls. Different mechanisms have been pressure applied since mothers and nurses
proposed for the positive effects of had the same technique and the maneuvers
massage therapy. For the first time, Field were exactly the same. Also, a trained
and colleagues during the feeding of technician supervised both nurses and
preterm infants found that infants who had mothers. Although the mechanism
non-nutritive sucking gained 2.8 g more responsible for weight gain as the result of
weight than others. Based on this finding, a massage therapy is yet to be completely
mechanism was suggested stating that understood, it seems distant that the weight
stimulation of proprioceptors present in the gain be due to increased calorie intake
mouth has been the reason for this extra because Field and colleagues demonstrated
weight gain (11). In the mentioned study it that the infants who gained weight as the
was shown that stimulation of these result of massage therapy did not have
receptors results in increased secretion of more calorie intake or were not storing
Gastrin, Insulin and Cholecystokinin. Thus, more than others. The same results were
they concluded that stimulation of obtained by studies conducted on preterm
proprioceptors all over the body of infants infants and also in animal model studies.
may result in gaining more weight. Several Any weight gain as the result of massage
studies were performed by the same therapy is due to the higher food
researchers and others to test the accuracy conversion ratio (18). Another finding of
of this theory. They all reported that the present study was fewer defecations in
massage therapy with the technique the nurse group compared to the other 2
employed in our study enhances weight which can further confirms the increase in
gain. In all these studies massage therapy food conversion ratio. This group even had
with and without passive movement of less fluid intake compared to others. Some
limbs resulted in weight gain (11). studies have shown that massage therapy
According to the above mentioned studies can reduce the hospital stay (12). In our
although the immature infants can seem study and also in a study by Massaro et al,
very fragile, some pressure has to be no significant difference was observed in
applied in order for the massage to be the duration of hospital stay among the 3
effective. This fact was also confirmed in groups. It should be mentioned that in our
the present study. This study showed that hospital system, hospital stay is not a good
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