September, 2019
September, 2019
As Thesis Research advisor, we hereby certify that we have read and evaluated this thesis
prepared under our guidance, by Brihanu Gizaw Worke. Entitled: “Evaluation of Artificial
Insemination Service Efficiency and Reproductive Performance in Debre Birhan Dairy
Cooperative Farms. We recommend that it should be submitted as fulfilling the thesis
As members of the Board of Examiners of the MSc. thesis open defense examination, we
certify that we have read, evaluated the thesis prepared by Brihanu Gizaw Worke and
examined the candidate. We recommend that the thesis be accepted as fulfilling the thesis
requirement for the Degree of Master of Science in Animal Science (Animal Production).
First, I declare that this thesis is my bonafide work and that all sources of materials used for
the thesis have been duly acknowledged. This thesis has been submitted in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for M.Sc. degree at Debre Markos University and it is deposited at the
University’s Library to be made available to borrowers under rules of the Library. I solemnly
declare that this thesis is not submitted to any other institution anywhere for the award of any
academic degree, diploma, or certificate.
Brief quotations from this thesis are allowable without special permission provided that
accurate acknowledgment of source is made. Requests for permission for extended quotation
from or reproduction of this manuscript in whole or in part may be granted by the Head of the
major department or the Dean of the college of Graduate Studies when in his judgment the
proposed use of the material is in the interests of scholarship. In all other instances, however,
permission must be obtained from the author.
The author was born from his father Ato Gizaw Worke and mother W/ro Mulunesh Feleke in
North Shewa zone Molale in February 10, 1986. He attended his Elementary and Secondary
Education at Yigem Elementary School and Molale Secondary High School, respectively.
After successful completion of secondary school education, he joined Jimma University
College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine in September 2005 and when he was 3 rd year
student he joined AICAT (Arava International Center for Agricultural Training) in ISRAEL
for internship program and he awarded with international diploma certificate in general
agriculture in 2007. After successful completion of AICAT program he come back to Jimma
University College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine and he was awarded BSc Degree
in Animal Science in June 23, 2017. After graduation he joined TVET (Technical Vocational
and Educational Training) college and worked still as instructor in Animal Production
department in Debre Sina TVET College. Thereafter, he joined college of Graduate Studies in
Debre Markos University in March 2009 to pursue his MSc study in Animal production.
First and foremost I would like to thank Almighty God in supplying health, strength, patience
and protection throughout the study.
I am highly thankful to my major advisor Dr. Natnael Teshager for his wholehearted support
and useful advice and fast comments and excellent cooperation that enabled me to complete
this study with his constructive criticism and comments from the initial conception to the end
of this work. A very deep appreciation and special thanks also go to my co-advisor, Dr.
Habtamu Addise for his technical advice and supervision and above all for his unforgettable
kindness and encouragement.
I wish to extend my deepest appreciation and thanks to AI technician Dr. Fikrte Tadesse who
helped me by providing all recorded document which are relevant in may study.
AI Artificial Insemination
AIDA Artificial Insemination Database Analysis
AV Artificial Vagina
Table of Contents
BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH..................................................................................................iv
2.LITERATURE REVIEW.....................................................................................................3
6. REFERENCES....................................................................................................................40
7. APPENDICES.....................................................................................................................44
Table 1. Total inseminations, calves born, pregnancy rate and number of service per
conception due to AI in Ethiopia................................................................................................4
Table 2. AI coverage, semen production and AI application in different parts of the world.....4
Table 3. Rank of semen gross motility.....................................................................................10
Table 4. Rank of individual semen motility..............................................................................11
Table 5. Relationship between conception rate and services per conception and between
breeding per conception and level of fertility...........................................................................16
Table 6. Benchmark to measure fertility...................................................................................16
Table 7. Conception rate of cows across the year (2014-2019)................................................22
Table 8. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) presentations for source of variation.......................23
Table 9. Effect of season on conception rate............................................................................25
Table 10. Conception rate in different breed of cow................................................................26
Table 11. Conception rate in different types of semen.............................................................27
Table 12. Conception rate in different body condition of cow.................................................28
Table 13. Conception rate in different inseminators.................................................................30
Table 14. Least squares means (± SE) for effect of breed, parity and season on CFSI, NSC
and CCI.....................................................................................................................................35
A study was conducted to evaluate the efficiency of AI and hindering factors influencing
reproductive performance of dairy cattle in Debre Brihan dairy cooperatives farm. The study
focused on evaluating the reproductive efficiency of dairy cattle in the farm at Debre Brihan
town. Data on calving to first service interval (CFSI), number of services per conception
(NSC) and calving to conception interval (CCI) were collected from recorded documents
owned by AI technician. General Linear models procedure of Statistical Analysis System
(SAS) and artificial insemination database analysis (AIDA) computer software was used to
analyze the data. The fixed effects considered in the analyses were genetic group, parity,
season, body condition of the cow, time of insemination, management and inseminator
identity. The overall mean for (CFSI) was 91.77±6.4days while the mean for NSC was
1.62±3.02. The mean for CCI and conception rate was 135.68±8.3days and 64.3%. Parity,
BCS, time of insemination, management, year and season of insemination significantly
affected conception rate (P<0.05). However artificial insemination operator had no
significant effect (P>0.05) on conception rate of cows. Breed of cow, season and parity had
significant effect (P<0.05) on conception rate, CFSI, NSC, and CCI. For these traits,
performance was improving by advancement in age of cows. It was concluded that
reproductive performance or AI efficiency was best with age improvement, appropriate AI
time, good BCS and proper management implementation in the farm.
Keywords: Artificial efficiency, Dairy cows, Cooperatives, Debre Brihan
Agriculture is the mainstay of the Ethiopian economy employing approximately 85% of the
total population. Livestock is an integral part of the agricultural production system in Ethiopia
and its contribution to the national economy accounts for about 40-45% of agricultural gross
domestic product (GDP) and 16-30% of export earnings (Behnke and Metaferia, 2011;
Andualem, 2016). Ethiopia is a home for many livestock species and suitable for livestock
production (Solomon et al., 2003;Tilahun and Schmidt, 2012).
Ethiopia possesses the largest livestock population in Africa. According to Central Statistical
Agency data the country is a home for about 61.51 million cattle (of which 22.03 million are
dairy cow), 33.02 million sheep, 38.96 million goats 1.76 million camels, 59.42 million
poultry, 1.93 million horses, 0.37 million mules and 19.66 million donkeys. From the total
cattle population 98.24% are local breeds and the remaining are hybrid and exotic breeds that
accounted for about 1.54% and 0.22%, respectively (CSA, 2018).The average lactation length
and daily milk production of cows was 6 months and 1.85 liters per cow, respectively the
total milk produced during the year 2014/15 was recorded to be around 3 billion liters (CSA,
Due to low productivity of indigenous cattle, Ethiopia is still importing a significant amount
of dairy products. This suggests that the total number of both exotic and hybrid female cattle
produced through the crossbreeding technique for many decades in the country is quite
insignificant indicating unsuccessful crossbreeding (Tegegn and Zelalem, 2016). This
suggests that Ethiopia needs to work hard on improving the productive and reproductive
performance of cattle through appropriate breeding and related activities. To date, artificial
insemination (AI) is recognized as the best biotechnology for increasing reproductive capacity
and has received widespread application in farm animals (Temesgen et al., 2017).
Nevertheless, the efficiency and impact of the AI operation has not been well-documented
(CSA, 2018). Therefore, a series of studies are needed to determine the coverage and
performance of AI at national, and district levels.
According to Desalegn et al. (2017), in Ethiopia, AI was introduced in 1938 in Asmara, the
part of Ethiopia, which was interrupted due to the 2nd World War and restarted in 1952. It
was again discontinued due to unaffordable expenses of importing semen, liquid nitrogen and
other related inputs requirement. In 1967, an independent service was started in the then Arsi
Region, Chilalo Awraja under the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA)
(Desalegn et al., 2017). The technology of AI for cattle has been introduced at the farm level
in the country over 35 years as a tool for genetic improvement (Nuradis et al., 2017). The
present National Artificial Insemination Center (NAIC) was established in 1984 to coordinate
the overall AI operation at national level.
The study area is one of the livestock producing area but still now the people in the area
cannot satisfied from the dairy farm. Peoples in the study area utilize dairy products from
neighboring district to meet their requirement. Artificial insemination service had been
coordinated for the last two decades by Agricultural Bureau of Amhara Region to increase the
genetic gain and efficiency especially in production systems for meat and milk. However, the
efficiency and hindering factors of the AI operation has not been well-documented in the area.
Research on this aspect has not been conducted yet to evaluate how much the AI operation is
efficient and what factors affect it in the study area. This study were look in to whether AI
service in the study farm is efficient or not. It also test whether AI efficiency is affected by
multifactor or not. Therefore, this thesis research is designed with the general objective of
evaluating the efficiency of artificial insemination and its constraints in selected dairy
cooperative farms. This research also encompasses the following specific objectives;
Most cattle in Ethiopia are of the natural zebu breeds (Bous Indicus), as has been found in
most tropical countries and characterized mostly by producing considerably less milk than
European breed. The average milk production capacity of the indigenous cow per head per
lactation is estimated at 213 kg which is very low (Azage & Dirk, 2011).
The introduction of exotic breeds has been suggested as one option to improve the
productivity of indigenous cattle, but it has become expensive and risk because the cost of
milk production is often greater than the gross income that can be obtained (Nibret Moges,
2016). Therefore, combining the adaptability (disease tolerance, ability to heat tolerance) of
indigenous cattle with that of high production performance of temperate cattle through cross
breeding has been found to be relevant to increase productivity especially for dairy
production. Understanding the existing situation, a lot of efforts have been done in National
Artificial Insemination Centers. However, the AI coverage (Table 1 and Table 2) figure is
very low when compared with the potential number of (22 million) cattle that are available in
the country.
Table 1. Total inseminations, calves born, pregnancy rate and number of service per
conception due to AI in Ethiopia
Table 2. AI coverage, semen production and AI application in different parts of the world
The proportion of improved cattle are far away from the increasing need to sate a service, so
that the national AI scheme should adopt a strong and functional organization that can win the
farmers confidence and also on the necessity of a well-organized national dairy recording
scheme that works in close cooperation with, different government and nongovernmental
organizations (Temesgen et al., 2017).
Artificial Insemination is a process by which sperm are collected from the male, processed,
stored and artificially introduced in to the female reproductive tract for the purpose of
conception. AI has become one of the most important techniques ever devised for the genetic
improvement of farm animals. It has been most widely used for breeding dairy cattle and has
made bulls of high genetic merit available to all (Nibret Moges, 2016 and Temesgen et al.,
In the history of AI, old Arabian documents dated around 1332 AD showed that an Arab
Chieftain wanted to mate his prize mare to an outstanding stallion owned by the enemy. He
introduced a wand of cotton in to the mare’s reproductive tract and then used it to sexually
excite the stallion and causing him to ejaculate. The semen was introduced in to the mare
resulting in conception. Anthony Van Leeuwenhook, inventor of microscope first observed
human spermatozoa under magnification. This finding led to further research. Spallanzaniis
usually considered the inventor of AI. His scientific reports of 1780 indicate successful use of
AI in dogs. In 1899, Ivan off of Russia pioneered AI research in birds, horses, cattle and sheep
and has been the first to successfully inseminate cattle artificially. According to Riyad et al.
(2017), mass breeding of cows via AI was first accomplished in Russia, where 19800 cows
were bred in 1931 and in Denmark has been the first to establish an AI cooperative
association in 1936.
The use of AI in Ethiopia is growing but estrus detection is difficult owing to poorly
expressed estrus of Zebu breeds (Abdul Gaffar et al., 2016). Similarly, Jashin et al. (2015)
have reported that the short duration and low intensity of estrus signs in Ethiopian Zebu cattle
caused most estrus detection failures which indicates a need for the use of current advances in
AI such as estrus synchronization.
The worldwide scale and importance of the artificial insemination industry in cattle breeding
are beyond question (Temesgen et al., 2017). Maximum use of superior sires has been
considered as the greatest advantage of AI while natural service has been linked to limit the
use of one bull probably to less than 100 mating per year. The author further showed that AI
usage enabled one dairy sire to provide semen for more than 60,000 services in one year.
Temesgen et al. (2017) has listed many advantages of AI including prevention of reproductive
diseases that comes associated with bull, control of inbreeding, minimizing the cost of
keeping bulls for natural service and others. Besides, the availability of accurate breeding
records such as breeding dates, pregnancy rates, inter-estrus intervals, and days to first service
used to monitor fertility are other advantages of AI (Jashin Uddin et al., 2015). Artificial
insemination, however, has disadvantages that include poor conception rates due to poor heat
detection and inefficiency of AI technicians, dissemination of reproductive diseases if it is
collected from diseased bull and poor fertility rates if AI centers are not equipped with
appropriate inputs &are not well managed. Other disadvantages include high cost of
production (collection and processing), storage and transport of semen as well as budget and
administrative problems and inefficiency of AITs (Jashin Uddin et al., 2015).
Errors in heat detection have a substantial effect on the length of the breeding period,
conception rates, day’s open and calving intervals (Abdul Gaffar et al., 2016). Two to three
times 30 minutes intensive visual observation period per day can enable to achieve high rate
of efficiency. Visual observation remained as the most practical and economical method in
tropical countries. New approaches are being developed to provide automated systems for
oestrus detection using electronic technology. The goal of an oestrus detection programme
should identify oestrus positively and accurately in all cycling animals and consequently
identify animals not cycling. The ultimate goal should be to predict the time of ovulation,
thus allowing for insemination that will maximize the opportunity for conception (Nibret,
A frequent question concerning AI is the time of oestrus during which cows should be breed
for greatest chance of conception since oestrus may last 10 to 25 hours. Much research works
have indicated that conception rates is lower when cows are breed prior to mid oestrus or later
than 6 hours after cessation of oestrus (standing heat in this case). Success in insemination
timing is dependent upon a good heat detection program. It has been recommended by Jashin
et al. (2015) that cows detected to be in heat in the morning should be inseminated in the
same day, while those showing heat signs in the afternoon should be inseminated in the
morning of the next day for better efficiency.
The breeding season or insemination consists of a period of the year in which breeding
females are exposed to males or are inseminated, and calving season is closely correlated,
because the births are concentrated in a pre-determined by the breeding season or
insemination. It is a strategy for increasing productivity in terms of number of weaned calves,
zero cost, rationalizing the reproductive activity of animals with the concentration of
deliveries, facilitating and regulating the management of livestock (Tegegn and Zelalem,
2016) .
The most widely used method of breeding in central Brazil is one where the bull stays with
the herd throughout the year. As a result, births are distributed throughout the year, despite a
higher concentration during the months from July to September (Tegegn and Zelalem, 2016).
The occurrence of births at times inappropriate affect the calves due to higher incidence of
diseases and parasites or the lower availability of pasture for cows during the lactation period.
The biggest drawback, however, that limits the use of rides throughout the year concerns the
difficulty of controlling the health of livestock and livestock due to lack of uniformity (age
and weight) of animals. These factors ultimately affect the selection of cattle for increased
reproductive potential rather than female fertility (Embrapa, 2011).
The advantages in adopting the breeding season are many and are related to the calves, the
matrices and the production system. With regard to calves they will be born in more
favorable time of year with a lower incidence of ectoparasites and endoparasites with
proper nutrition will have a greater supply of fodder, assist in the formation of more
uniformity, reduced mortality, increased weaning weight and easy of recreating.
Concerning the matrices the mating season coincides with the increased availability of
forage providing suitable conditions for the restoration of reproductive activity with higher
pregnancy rates select arrays to better reproductive efficiency after the breeding season and
diagnosis gestation selecting the best females, and lactating occurring over a period of good
supply of food (Azage& Dirk, 2011). The advantages to the production system is
characterized in rationalization of manpower, purchase of inputs less frequently, much lower
price and ease of adoption of other practices such as early weaning, supplementation of
calves, estrous synchronization and artificial insemination of matrices (Milad, 2011).
The canister is an insulated container with vacuum insulation for the preservation of semen
and for that it should receive liquid nitrogen which preserves the doses of semen frozen at a
temperature of -196ºC (one hundred ninety-six degrees Celsius) indefinitely. It should be
handled with the utmost care to avoid damage that may result in losses. To lessen the risks to
the canister it is advisable to build a wooden box for packaging, avoiding shocks, movements
are too fast and overturn spilling its entire contents (Temesgen et al., 2017).
inseminate cows in 10 minutes. All equipment must be kept artificial insemination extremely
The deposition of semen in inadequate reproductive tract may be a limiting factor when the
coach is not sure of the location of the pipette tip. Milad (2011) shows that less motile sperm
reaching the oviduct when the semen is deposited in the cervix. Insemination goal is to
reach the body of the uterus. When in doubt it is better to deposit the semen in one or both
uterine horns and fertility will be less compromised than if the semen is deposited only in
the cervix (Milad, 2011). As 85 to 90% of the semen is expelled from the female reproductive
tract by retrograde flow, it is essential that the total dose is deposited in the uterus.
The use of sexed semen has become common, but it is important to remember that it is
different from the conventional. To achieve 90% purity of a specific sex sperm are treated
with fluorescent dyes and X and Y chromosome sperm are separated by a cell separator
(flow cytometry) based on fluorescence intensity after exposure to the laser beam (Riyad et
al., 2017). There are many data Dairy Heifers describing a design with sexed average, around
70% to 80% of the design of conventional semen used in the first service. The specific reason
for this drop in fertility in artificial insemination with sexed semen as compared to
conventional is still unknown. Nevertheless, given the potentially negative effects of the
procedures for sexing of course it is very important to the careful handling of sexed semen to
optimize fertility. Sexed semen for commercial use is currently stored in straws thin (0.25
mL) containing 2.1 million sperm. Although 0.25 mL straws were handled similarly to 0.5
mL. The smaller diameter makes them more sensitive to errors in handling semen. The
deposition of sexed semen in the uterus of the heifer must be as fast as possible not exceeding
5 minutes (Riyad et al., 2017) . Fertility variations found after the use of sexed semen are
quite large and are determined by several factors including error handling and storage of
semen (Milad, 2011). Handle carefully sexed and consider the ongoing evaluation of
procedures because every successful artificial insemination program starts with good handling
practices Semen.
2.2.6. Sperm motility
Motility should be assessed microscopically. Two methods of assessing sperm motility are
traditionally employed gross motility (or mass activity) and individual motility (or percent
progressive motility). It is good procedure to use both methods as can they differ somewhat in
interpretation and precision. With all motility estimations it is important to protect semen
against adverse effects (e.g cold shock) and to do the estimation as soon as possible after
semen collection.
Gross motility, or the amount of swirling (or wave motion) present in an undiluted semen
sample is a function of both sperm concentration and individual motility (Peter J, 2002).
Under field conditions, gross motility is typically assessed by placing a drop of raw semen on
a warmed slide and observing it at 100 magnifications (10X eyepiece and 10X objective).
With the condenser properly adjusted, mass action or "swirl" can be observed in samples
which have adequate numbers of motile spermatozoa. According to Peter J (2002), the
minimum recommended threshold for gross motility is fair (f). The rankings for this estimate
are as follows:
are serviceable diluents physiological sterile saline (PSS) may be used although readings
should not be delayed when it is used. The percentage of active progressively motile cells is
estimated. This procedure takes more practice than does the gross motility estimation but is
probably more accurate in experienced hands (Peter J, 2002). The minimum recommended
threshold for individual motility is 30%. Individual motility ratings are as follows:
The estimate of the nutritional status of ruminant livestock of interest by assessing body
condition (BC) is a subjective measure based on the classification of animals with the
coverage of the muscle and fat mass. Therefore, the body condition score (BCS) estimates the
nutritional status of animals by means of visual assessment and or tactile and represents an
important tool of management (Nibret Moges, 2016 ;Belayneh, 2018). The method is fast,
convenient and cheap. It reflects the energy reserves of the animals and serves as an aid in the
identification of practices to be adopted in the nutritional management of the herd.
The assessment of body condition or its variation to estimate body reserves is more
appropriate than the measurements of body weight for its analysis independent of the size
and physiological status of the animal. The importance of body assessment scores stems
from the knowledge about the partition of nutrients according to the priority needs of the
animal. The premise is to maintain life and then to preserve the species. Thus, Adams and
Short (1988) proposed the following order of partition of energy nutrients: 1. basal
metabolism, 2. mechanical activities, 3. growth, 4. set of basic bodily reserves of energy, 5.
ongoing maintenance of pregnancy, 6. lactation, 7. extra reserves of energy, 8. estrous
cyclist, ovulation and early pregnancy, and 9. excess reserves. Therefore, the reproductive
functions, in terms of partition of nutrients, are not priorities for the animal economy
(Milad, 2011).
The score is obtained by the visual and tactile (palpation) of the animal by a trained
professional. There are scores of different scales which vary in concept, the topology of the
points of observation and animal species for which they are applied. The notes are given to
animals in accordance with the amount of tissue reserves especially fat and muscle in
certain areas of the body, often associated with specific anatomic landmarks, such as certain
bony protrusions, ribs, spinous processes of the spine, processes transverse spine, flank, tip
of the ileum, above the tail, sacrum and lumbar vertebrae. Extreme scores 1 and 5 (obese and
cachectic) are undesirable in any scale and in any animal species (Belayneh, 2018).
The monitoring of changes in the body condition score and body weight provides
information on the reproductive potential of the cows (Abdul Gaffar et al., 2015), which is
directly related to nutrition in the pre-delivery and postpartum period. Milad (2011)
found that body condition score at calving and during breeding season is closely related to
the interval between births, the proportion of cows not pregnant at the end of the breeding
season, milk production and cow weight at weaning. Cows with body condition at calving
cycle more rapidly than those with body condition score.
In cows of high milk production it expected high demand for nutrients and thus
mobilization of reserves in the first three to five weeks postpartum. This phenomenon is
accompanied by rapid weight loss and BCS which submits the ovarian follicles to large
metabolic changes. Such variations affect the normal development of follicles and lower
levels of progesterone. This scenario is associated with reduced fertility (Milad, 2011).
Walters (2000) found that the decrease in BCS after delivery decreased by 42% the quality of
oocytes collected by follicular aspiration from Holstein cows.
Milad (2011) inferred that the nutritional status influence postpartum luteal activity
and concentrations of glucose, insulin and saturated fatty acids which are high in cows with
high body condition score at calving. According to Walters (2000), this framework explains
why the delay of first ovulation in postpartum cows with negative energy balances. In fact,
low plasma levels of glucose, insulin, non-esterified fatty acids and growth factor type 1
insulin are associated with inhibition of pulse frequency of luteinizing hormone and
estradiol production by the dominant follicle (Walters, 2000). In cows that consume
adequate dry matter during this period, follicular development is apparently normal
(Milad, 2011). Already decreased by 1.0 point in the body condition score in these first
five weeks postpartum resulted in lower fertility at first service (Britt, 1992). In contrast,
over-conditioning, i.e very high body condition score cows at the end of the pre-delivery
caused an increase in service period and embryonic mortality (Abdul Gaffar et al., 2015).
The productivity and profitability of farms are closely related to achieving high
reproductive rates which are only achieved through the adoption of certain management
practices. Among these, science-based nutrition should provide the matrix of metabolic
conditions ideal to meet certain strategic moments of the production cycle, such as the
breeding season, the season of birth and lactation season (Azage and Dirk, 2011). In this
context, the body condition score is a useful tool in assessing the nutritional status of the
animal and therefore has strategic application in reproductive management of herds that are
artificially inseminated.
Pregnancy diagnosis is an important tool for the management of rural property. This must be
done by a veterinarian trained at around 28-30 days after artificial insemination by rectal
palpation or ultrasonography. There are other methods that can be used for diagnosis
of pregnancy such as; no return to service, measurement of progesterone, pregnancy specific
proteins, estrogen sulfate, breast enlargement and abdominal distension. The
accurate diagnosis of pregnancy is important in establishing and maintaining optimal
reproductive performance. The producer should know as early as possible if the female is
covered or not pregnant for it to be inseminated again (Jashin and Tewodros , 2015).
A cow is diagnosed not pregnant if she has been observed in estrus approximately 21 days
after artificial insemination. The percentage of cows not observed in estrus around this
period is known as the rate of no return and is not a method to estimate pregnancy rates. As
the percentage of cows ovulating truly seen in estrus is often low, the rate of return not
overestimate the rates of pregnancy (Jashin and Tewodros , 2015). If a cow is in estrus
detected three weeks after artificial insemination, it can still be pregnant and her artificial
insemination can cause miscarriage.
Cows get pregnant has always been and will remain the major challenge of cattle. Over the
years many methods evaluation were developed but, unfortunately, with the interval between
data calving, days in milk at first AI, percentage of pregnant cows on visit the veterinarian
and the first AI conception do not tell the whole story that is do not reflect reality Abdul
(Gaffar et al., 2015). Averages can leave much to be desired, especially when analyzing
calving interval. Two herds may have intervals of 13 months births, but in the herd A the
cows were pregnant in the early part and the remaining lactation and late lactation and few
between. While in herd B pregnancies are distributed during lactation, and the vast majority
of cows becomes pregnant at the beginning of lactation and the rest evenly distributed during
lactation. Herd B has a performance reproductive better, but the average interval between
births of the two herds is equal. The most reliable measure that reflects what is happening in
the herd and has resulted in the birth of calves is the calving rate (Milad, 2011).
The calving rate is the percentage of cows calved in the total of pregnant cows at the
beginning of the breeding season. Even under ideal conditions with 100% of normal cows
and 100% efficiency in detection of estrus, farrowing rates will fail to reach 100% . Only 60-
70% of inseminated cows produce a calf born alive and the great majority of failures occur
before the second half of pregnancy (Milad, 2011) . This is partly due to the failure of design
and partly of embryonic or fetal death. The proportions of embryonic or fetal death are far
greater than the failures in the design and the vast majority of these occurred probably by
genetic abnormalities in embryos, but this hypothesis has never been proven. The cause is
probably multifactorial involving interactions between genetics, environment and
Fertility is measured by calving rate to first service for artificially inseminated dairy cattle.
Conception rate at first breeding provides a useful estimate of the conception rate for a herd.
However, it is a measurement that combines the effects of semen quality, fertility of the cow,
timing of insemination, semen handling and insemination techniques as well as factors such
as high environmental temperature and stress (Nibret & Abdul et al., 2016).
In Ethiopia, Several factors have been reported to influence the number of services per
conception. Breeding taking place during the dry season required more services per
conception than the short and long rainy seasons. According to Jashin Uddin et al. (2015),
management factors such as accuracy of estrus detection, timing of insemination,
insemination technique, semen quality and skill of pregnancy diagnosis have been reported to
affect number of services per conception. Higher number of services per conception might
also result from repeat breeding due to infectious or noninfectious diseases.
Similar findings have been reported for number of services per conception as 1.74 ± 0.43and
1.65 ± 0.43 for Nharira and Lancashire, respectively in Zimbabwe (Nibret Moges, 2016).
Higher number of service per conception was found at Assela Dairy Farm and has been
reported, in most cases, to inefficiency in AI operations. Similarly, Abdul Gaffar et al. (2015)
has reported a significant effect of year on the number of services per conception at
Abernossa Ranch. This has been supposed to be due to the fact that incentives and bonuses
which used to be given to AITs for each insemination resulting in conception was later
stopped and subsequently resulting in increased number of services per conception. The role
of incentives for inseminators is also well documented to increase reproductive efficiency
(Jashin and Tewodros, 2015).
Table 5. Relationship between conception rate and services per conception and between
breeding per conception and level of fertility
2.4. Factors Affecting the Efficiency of Artificial Insemination
The site of semen deposition has been an important factor in the success of AI in dairy cattle.
In addition, the deposition of semen in the uterine body resulted in a 10% higher non-return
rate than did cervical deposition. An increase in the conception rate has been reported when
semen was deposited in the uterine horns rather than the uterine body (Temesgen et al., 2017).
According to Azage & Dirk (2011), the major factors that determine AI efficiency are heat
detection skills, fertility level of the herd, semen quality and efficiency of inseminators.
Similarly, a successful insemination requires the acquisition of quality semen from a bull, the
detection of estrus in the female, and the ability to properly place the semen in the
reproductive tract of the female.
Detection of estrus has been known to be one of the most difficult tasks for successful AI
activities which in turn is affected by diseases of testis, epididymis, and accessory glands in
the male and diseases of the female reproductive tract (Nibret Moges, 2016). The success of
AI depends upon various factors such as the efficiency, capacity and commitment of AI
centers in procedurally and ethically producing, processing, handling and distributing semen,
the commitments and efficiencies of AITs, presence of appropriate breeding policy along with
proper control of indiscriminate crossbreeding, proper heat detections by farmers and other
factors (Belayneh, 2018).
The study was conducted in Debre Birhan town Dairy Cooperative Farm. The study site is
located in the highland parts of southern eastern Amhara regional state, Debre Birhan is found
in highland escarpment and the major livestock species found in the areas are cattle, goats and
sheep (FAO, 2011). The major crop produced in the area is barley and wheat. The site is
geographically located about 120 km North-East of Addis Ababa with altitude between 2800
and 2845 m.a.s.l and at 9°51′N Latitude and 37°36′E longitude. The mean annual rain fall is
2720.7mm and the annual temperature varies from 5ºC to 23ºC with mean value of 14°C. The
area is characterized by cold weather condition. According to DDAO (2017), the study district
is reported to have a total population of 90,232 cattle, 54,474 sheep, 3,869 goats, 4,325
donkeys, 122,504 chicken and 3,956 bee hives.
3.2. Study Population
The study population were112 dairy cows those received AI in the last 6 years which are
owned by cooperative enterprise. All breed (exotic, cross breed and local breed) cows in the
cooperative farm raised under extensive, semi intensive and intensive production system
were used as study population.
A cross sectional study and retrospective study were conducted in Debre Birhan town in
Amhara Regional State, Ethiopia, from November 2018-May 2019. A cross sectional type of
study supported by observation for parameters such as management system, breed of cow,
body condition of cows and time of insemination and focus group discussion with enterprise
and AITs were carried out. Retrospective study was used to collect data from the service
records of AI technicians covering the period from 2014 to 2019.
For this study both purposive and systematic random sampling were used. Purposive sampling
were used based on AI using potential of the enterprises during the last six years. Based on
the information from the district agriculture office, there are a total of 86 dairy enterprises in
the study district. But from thus, only 22 dairy enterprises having a total of 560 dairy cows are
AI user for about more than five years and also they have accurate records for all parameters.
Based on this information, 22 dairy enterprises (having 560 dairy cows of different breed
managed under extensive, semi-intensive and intensive system from 2014 to 2019) were
selected purposively and again systematic random sampling techniques (with in 5 interval)
were used to select 112 sample dairy cows. The sample size was determined by Yamane
formula which is given by:
n = N / (1 + Ne2)
Where n= corrected sample size, N = population size and e = Margin of error (0.05). Based on
this formula, the total number of sample size was 112 dairy cows.
3.5. Type of Data Collected
Six years retrospective data on AI service were collected from AI certificates and
inseminations recording books to evaluate the efficiency of AI service and factors affecting
AI efficiency in selected dairy farm. During the study the following data were collected by
taking sample population in the farm to evaluate how much AI was efficient. These includes
conception rate (determined by rectal palpation 30 to 60 days following insemination),
number of service per conception (NSC), calving to first service interval (CFSI) and calving
to conception interval (CCI). On the other hand parameters such as cow breed, semen type,
month of insemination, time of insemination, parity, body condition of the cow ranging from
1 (emaciated) to 5 (obese) and inseminator identity were collected to evaluate their effect on
AI service efficiency. All dates of inseminations, conception and pregnancy diagnosis were
recorded and utilized in statistical analyses.
For this study the source for data collection were both primary and secondary data sources.
Both are used for obtaining data from farms and administrative bodies. Primary data were
collected directly from the field assessment for parameter such as body condition of the cow,
season, cattle breed, semen type, month of insemination, number of service per conception
and conception for currently inseminating cow while secondary data were collected for those
parameter listed in the above from records of AI technician who works in the farm during the
last 6 years. In general three complement data collection methods which are direct farm visit,
interview method with AITs and secondary data review were used.
All data were filtered and entered in Microsoft Excel sheet and analyzed using both Artificial
insemination database analysis (AIDA) and SAS application software for evaluating the
efficiency of AI service and factors affecting AI service efficiency. AIDA software was used
for descriptive statistical analysis which is developed by African country in order to evaluate
the efficiency of AI and to develop summary report for parameter like conception rate,
number of service per conception and days open whereas SAS software was used for
ANOVA preparation in order to know the significance of independent variable such as cow
breed, semen, parity, season and body condition of the cow. All data were summarized using
descriptive statistics analysis such as percentages for conception rate and graphs and Chi
square test for all normally distributed independent variable which have an effect on AI
efficiency such as management, season, breed, semen and time of insemination.
Effective fertility management of cows is a key component of profitable dairy farming. The
goal of commercial dairy farms is to get one calf per year and continuous milk production.
Artificial insemination efficiency can be determined in terms of conception rate. In this study
the overall conception rate from year 2014 to 2019 is 64.3%.
This result is in agreement with the previous study done by Shamsuddin et al. (2014) at
Holeta research center, Khan et al. (2015) at Sokoine university, Paul (2010) at Bangladesh
and Mollah (2013) at Jimma university who found 54.9, 59.3, 57.3 and 55.1% conception
rates respectively. Similarly this result is in agreement with the previous studies done by
Tewodros et al. (2015) in Fogera reported 65.6% pregnancy rate in cows using frozen semen
and Gebeyehu et al. (2016) in Assela farm reported 62.1% pregnancy rate in cows using
frozen semen, whereas lower than the findings reported by Asimwe (2016), Riyad et al.
(2017) and Yifat et al (2010) which is 84.66%, 86.4% and 63%-71%, respectively. Tadesse
(2005) in Addis Ababa reported that the highest (79%) and the lowest (61.8%) conception rate
may be obtained when cows were inseminated at middle and late stage of oestrus signs
respectively. Insemination with increased proportion of abnormal spermatozoa beyond the
normal limit may induce lower fertility (Gebeyehu et al., 2016). Other factors which may
increase or decrease the conception rate may be of sexual health status of the female
reproductive organs, proper maintenance of the liquid nitrogen level in the container and
faulty technique of using frozen semen in AI practice. The result of conception rate in this
study shows that the efficiency of artificial insemination in the farm is good according to
conception rate interpretation level studied by Nibret (2016) at Gondar, Ethiopia. Nibret
(2016) reported that conception rate higher than 60% is an indicator of good fertility in case
of first service.
In this study, the conception rate was observed significantly (P<0.05) higher (72.0%) in the
cows which were inseminated in 2019 than the cows were inseminated in other year. Abdul
(2016) in Bangladesh reported that conception rate of the cows significantly differed in
different periods of insemination. The conception rate was observed significantly (P<0.05)
lower (57.1%) in the cows which were inseminated in 2014. Poor management and different
inseminators could have been the reason for lower conception rate during 2014 of
insemination since a majority of farmers at that time had no experience in dairy cattle
Conception rate (%)
Cross breed
Local breed
parity 1 parity 2 parity 3 parity 4
The present study found the parity as a significant influencing factor (P<0.05) in the
conception rate of both cross and local breed cows. Contrasting to the present finding, Khan et
al. (2015) in Bangladish reported higher conception rate in cows at second and third parity
than that of cows at zero parity. In this study there were no local breed cows with 4 th parity.
There is also report that conception rates in cows at their first three parities are higher than
that of their later parities (Asimwe, 2016). Further, Gebeyehu et al. (2016) in Assela farm
reported an increased conception rate with advancing parity from parity 2 up to 6 and then
declined at parities 7 and 8. Mollah (2013) also reported similar results that conception rate
increased gradually from the 1st parity to the 4th parity and then decreased in the subsequent
parities for all types of breeds of cows. Nibret (2016) observed higher CR in 1 st, 2nd and 3rd
parities than in later parities in North Gonder Zone, Ethiopia. Tewodros et al. (2015) in
Fogera, Ethiopia reported that the conception rate in 1 st parity of cows was highest (54%) and
the lowest in 7th parity of cows (38%).
This could be due to physiology experience attained as the age improves. A decline in fertility
with advancing age is a result of decrease in ovulation rate due to lack of gonadotrophin
release from the pituitary. A deterioration in the quality of eggs ovulated with subsequent
fertilization, resulting in embryonic or fetal loss or uterine failure due to hormonal imbalance
or deficiency may occur in advanced age. Further, the older cows might have more chance to
get subclinical uterine infection resulting in lower pregnancy rate. In this study, cross breeds
had higher conception rate than local cows in all parities and the variation is due to genetic
In this study, the conception rate was observed significantly (P<0.05) higher in cross breed
cows which were inseminated in spring than the cows were inseminated in winter, Autumn
and summer. The result showed that conception rate of both cross and local breed cows were
higher when inseminated in spring than other seasons. This could be due to satisfactory
availability of necessary nutrition for feeding of the animals. Abdul (2016) in Bangladesh
reported that conception rate of the cows significantly differed in different seasons. He
reported that the conception rate for cross breed cows was observed significantly (P<0.05)
higher (53.07%) in the cows which were inseminated in spring than the cows were
inseminated in summer (37.89%) and winter (39.42%). However the result of this study were
higher than that of reported by Abdul (2016). Abate (2008) in North Gonder Zone, Ethiopia
reported that conception rate of the cows significantly differed in different seasons. The
seasonal variations in conception rate of cattle are not only due to effect of season alone but
many other factors including change in nutrition, climate and photo period. On the basis of all
consideration, it may be concluded that spring is the best season for highest conception rate of
cows having suitable climate with satisfactory availability of necessary nutrition for feeding
of the animals. In this study conception rate was observed significantly (P<0.05) lower in
local cows which were inseminated in autumn. This is due to smaller samples that cannot
represent the whole populations.
The present study demonstrates that the conception rate of cows was significantly (P<0.05)
influenced by the breed of cows. Cross breeds had higher conception rate as compares to local
cows. Contrasting to the present study, Shamsuddin et al. (2014) in Holeta research center
reported that local cows achieved lower fertility than Friesian and cross breed cattles.
Moreover, Sarder et al. (2017) in Kenya farm observed that the overall conception rate was
better in cross breed cows than local animals. However, Vinod et al (2018) in Haramaya
University reported that the highest (46.14%) conception rate was observed in indigenous
local cows and lowest (35.39%) in Holstein Friesian but there was no significant (P>0.05)
difference in conception rate among the different genotypes of cows.
Tadesse (2005) in Addis Ababa also reported that there were no significant difference in
conception rate due to genotypic variation of cows. Yohaness et al. (2003) observed higher
CR of indigenous cows than other genotypic groups in Central Highlands of Ethiopia.
Similarly, Reynolds et al. (2011) in West Hararghe, Ethiopia reported variation in conception
rates among breeds. It is likely that genetics may influence the conception rate in cows. In
practices, it is difficult to find out the effect of cow’s genotype on their fertility.
Environmental and management conditions might have more influence on fertility.
The conception rate in different semen of different sire was ranged from 61.7%-69.2% and
the difference in conception rates among semen was significant (p<0.05). In this study, it was
observed that there was a significant (P<0.05) difference in first service conception rate
among the cows served by different genotypes of the bull semen. Contrasting to the present
study, Mollah (2013) in Jimma Zone, Ethiopia found difference in conception rate of cows for
various genotypes of bull. He reported that conception rate were 61.7%, 58.6% and 69.2% for
cows served by Holsteins, Jersey and cross of Holsteins and local breed semen. Similarly
Finland Central Association of AI societies (2008) found difference in conception rate of
cows for various genotypes of bull. They reported that conception rate were 64%, 58% and
54% for cows served by Holsteins, Jersey and local breed semen. However, Asimwe (2016) in
Harari National Regional State, Ethiopia was observed that there was no significant (P>0.05)
difference in first service conception rate among the cows served by different genotypes of
the bull. Abate (2008) in North Gonder Zone, Ethiopia also reported that genotypes of bull did
not have significant effect on the conception rate of cows. The variation of semen on
conception rate could be different inseminators, cows and seasons.
In this study a significantly (P<0.05) higher conception was found in both breeds with
medium BCS than cows with poor and fat condition. Similarly, higher pregnancy rate in cows
with good BCS than that in cows with poor BCS has been documented by Shamsuddin et al.
(2014) in Holeta research center. The stored fat or diminished muscle mass of an animal
reflects the nutritional plane to which it was exposed. Condition scoring provides a quick,
cheap and easy method of comparing cattle herds or individual animals under different
management system. Large number of animals can be scored at a time without the need to
handle them or use weigh scale. Condition scoring is a subjective assessment, but with
practice a high level of repeatability and reproducibility can be obtained both between
workers and between observations.
In dairy cows, overfeeding leads to over condition at calving and to depression of appetite
after calving. As a consequence, at calving over conditioned high-producing dairy cows
inevitably go into a more severe negative energy balance postpartum than cows that have a
normal appetite (Yifat et al., 2010). In general, a severe negative energy balance induces
changes in biochemical, endocrinological and metabolic pathways that are responsible for
production, maintenance of health and reproduction of the post parturient dairy cow. These
changes include a decrease in blood glucose and insulin concentrations and an increase in
blood non esterified fatty acids concentrations. High non esterified fatty acids concentrations
caused by intensive lipolysis are accompanied by impairment of the immune system making
the cows more vulnerable to infections. Metabolic diseases such as ketosis, milk fever and
displaced abomasum are related to over condition at calving. The changes in biochemical,
endocrinological, and metabolic pathways are associated with delay of the first visible signs
of oestrus, an increase in the interval from calving to first ovulation, a decrease in conception
rate and a prolonged calving interval. It is possible that the increased blood non esterified
fatty acids concentration directly impairs ovarian function.
The effects of poor body condition during the estrous cycle are more thoroughly documented
and are observed both at the ovarian and pituitary-hypothalamic levels. Several workers have
reported lower serum concentrations of progesterone with underfeeding (Mollah, 2013).
Under-conditioning or thinness can frequently lower fertility levels because of insufficient
energy and protein reserves. In this study it is difficult to compare the conception rate among
cross and local breed cows. This is due the number of local breed cows in each category of
body condition was insignificant which is too small. It is likely that cows with good BCS are
more responsive to hormonal stimulation than poor BCS counterpart resulting in good
conception rate in the present study.
4.2.6. Effect of inseminators on conception rate
The skill of AI operator is a major factor which influence conception rate in field condition. In
the present study conception rate showed a significant (P<0.05) variation due to AI
technicians. The present results are in accordance with Vinod et al. (2018) in Haramaya
University reported that there was significant (P<0.05) effect of AI technician on pregnancy
rate. This variation may be due to experience difference among AI technician. While Belete et
al. (2018) found non-significant effect of inseminator identity on conception rate of cows in
Ferta woreda, Ethiopia. This may be due to single inseminator or experience approaches
between inseminators.
4.2.7. Effect of time of insemination on conception rate
Conception rate (%)
Cross breed
30 Local breed
7-10h 11-14h 15-18
Time of insemination during estrus is one of the most important factors influencing
conception rate of all breeds of cows. The first service conception rate in 11–14 after onset of
estrus of the cows were significantly higher than the cows inseminated at the time of 7-10h
and 15-18h of estrus for both breeds of cows. From the study, the highest conception rate
(71.6%) was observed when insemination was done between 11–14 h of estrus and lowest
conception rate (47.2%) when insemination was done at later than 15 h. Similarly, Mollah
(2013) in Jimma Zone, Ethiopia and Yohaness et al. (2003) in Central Highlands of Ethiopia
found that conception rate were 68.3% and 52.5% when insemination was done in 11-14h and
above 15h after onset of estrus respectively.
However, this rate was higher than those reported by Engidawork et al (2013) in North Shewa
Zone, Ethiopia, Yifat et al (2010) in Zeway, Ethiopia and Tadesse (2005) in Addis ababa
reported that conception rate were 62.4%, 58.9% and 66.2% when cows were inseminated at
the time of 11-14h of estrus respectively and 45.4%, 50.2% and 48.6% when cows were
inseminated at the time of 7-10h of estrus respectively. Abdul (2016) also clearly indicates
the conception rate decreased (after the 14th h of estrus) with the increasing time of
insemination during the estrus of cows. Sisay et al. (2017) inseminated 100 Holstein and
Brown Swiss×Zebu cows on 0-2, 6-8, 12-14, and 18-20 h after the first sign of estrus and
found significant variation in conception rate 40%, 52%, 62% and 32% respectively.
Temesgen et al. (2017) also reported almost similar results, they observed significant
(P<0.05) variation in conception rate 58.82%, 69.69% and 33.70% when the cows were
inseminated in early, middle and late estrus, respectively.
Yohaness et al. (2003) in Central Highlands of Ethiopia also reported that the highest (79%)
and the lowest (61.8%) conception rate may be obtained when cows were inseminated at
strong or weak estrus signs respectively. This is because of ovulation occurs 24-30 hours after
the onset of heat and sperm requires 6 hours in the female tract before they are fully capable
of fertilization. The life span of the ovum is around 12 – 18 hours and its viability decreases
with time. About 8 hours after service sufficient spermatozoa have reached the isthmus of the
oviduct. For fertilization to take place, capacitation of the spermatozoa is required.
Capacitated sperm cells show a hyper motility and have undergone the acrosome reaction.
The life span of spermatozoa is limited. If insemination takes place too early, the sperm cells
will die before fertilization of the ovum can occur. Conversely, when insemination is over
delayed, the ovum has lost its capacity to be fertilized (Temesgen et al., 2017). Thus, the
effect of time of insemination on conception rate as observed in the present study supported
the other previous studies.
4.2.8. Effect of management on conception rate
Conception rate (%)
40 Cross breed
Local breed
Extensive Semi-intensive Intensive
All cross and local breed cows managed under intensive management system have
significantly (P<0.05) higher conception rate than cows managed under extensive and semi
intensive system respectively. However, the observation is higher than that of Tesfaye et al.
(2015) who reported the proportion of cows pregnant were 52.8%, 46.3% and 43.8% for
intensive, semi intensive and extensive management system respectively. Such differences
could have been due to the management variation of the enterprises. In this study, cows
managed under extensive management system have significantly (P<0.05) lower conception
rate (44.4%). This could be due to extensive management system which was not guaranteed
with enough feed for the cows unless a comprehensive supplementary program supports.
The result showed that local cows had higher conception rate than cross breeds in extensive
management system. The reason for this is local cows are adapted and productive in
unfavorable condition as compares with exotic breeds. As reported by Obese et al. (2014)
lack of supplementary feed in extensively grazed dairy cows affect their reproductive
performance. In addition the estrus activities were suppressed in extensively grazed dairy
cows due to heat stress (Tesfaye et al., 2015) and cows exposed to heat stress 1-3 days post
insemination accustomed to embryonic death that leads poor conception rate and repeat
breeding. Besides the nutritional deficiencies, parasitic load and allowing calves to suckle
their dams in extensive management system interfere with ovarian function that leads to
prolong days open. Severe environmental and nutritional stress imposed makes cows to spend
an excessive proportion of their lives nonproductively (Jordan, 2013).
BCS and management system of this study were associated to nutritional status of the cow.
Nutrition has a significant impact on numerous reproductive functions including hormone
production, folliculogenesis, fertilization and early embryonic development (Tesfaye et al.,
2015). Under nutrition has been observed to suppress female reproduction through the
suppression of gonadotrophin releasing hormone (GnRH) secretion, the delay of onset of
puberty, the interference with normal estrus cycle and the alteration of endocrine function
(Tesfaye et al., 2015). The level of energy feed after calving will influence the percent of
cows cycling, but even more dramatically influence first service and overall conception rates
during the breeding season.
4.2.9. Effect of breed, parity and season on calving to first service interval, number of
service per conception and calving to conception interval
The overall means for number of service per conception (NSC), calving to first service
interval (CFSI) and calving to conception (CCI) were1.62±3.02, 91.77±6.4days and
135.68±8.3days respectively which are expressed in table 14 with respect to the factors breed,
season and parity. Parity, breed and season differences had significant effect on NSC, CFSI
and CCI (p<0.05).
Table 14. Least squares means (± SE) for effect of breed, parity and season on CFSI, NSC
and CCI
The number of services per conception (1.62±3.02) reported for the present farm is consistent
with 1.6 services per conception reported by Engidawork et al. (2013) and Yohaness et al.
(2003) in central highlands of Ethiopia. Similarly, the result is in line with the result at
smallholder dairy farms 1.6 reported by Lobago et al. (2006). However, the result was lower
than 1.88 reported by Abate (2008) and 1.7 reported by Yifat et al. (2010) for smallholder
crossbred dairy cows in north Gonder zone, Ethiopia and in and around Zeway, Ethiopia,
respectively. Similarly, the present result is lower than 2.2 reported by Mureda (2007) for
crossbred cows and 2.15 reported by Yohannes et al. (2001) for crosses in Asela farm (2.15).
The result found in this study also lower than the estimates for different breed groups at
Abernosa Ranch (1.7) reported by Mekonnen et al. (2013), Holeta Research Centre (1.72)
studied by Gifawosen et al. (2012) and commercial dairy farms (2.0) studied by (Asseged
and Birhanu, 2014). Such variation may be due to heat detection skill of the farmers.
Generally number of service per conception higher than 2.0 should be considered as poor
(Tadesse, 2005). Thus, the result reported in the current study can be considered as fairly
good. Number of services per conception tended to decrease significantly (p<0.05) with parity
number (until parity 3). The possible cause of the high NSC for younger cows is not clear and
whether that was due to physiological or differential treatment needs to be established.
Similar report was made by Nega and Sendrose (2000) at Holeta state farm that first parity
cows had higher NSC compared to two and above parity cows. A significant effect of parity
on the NSC were also reported by Asimwe (2026). The highest number of service per
conception (1.90±3.08) was observed in local cows followed by cross breed and there was
significant (p<0.05) difference in NSC among the different breed of cows as clearly showed
in (Table 14). This is due to insemination was not given with appropriate time for local breed
cows because heat detection is not easy unlike other breed of cows.
In this study, between spring and summer season of conception there was no significant
(P>0.05) effect on NSC. But, NSC is highly significant (P<0.05) in winter season. This might
be associated to the grazing practice in the farm, which makes the effects of seasonal variation
in forage developments and feed availability was high. The absence of seasonal effects on
NSC was reported by Yifat et al (2010) in and around Zeway, Ethiopia and Tadesse (2005) in
Addis Ababa. However, Engidawork et al. (2013) in North Shewa Zone, Ethiopia found a
significantly less NSC in the wet season.
The overall mean for the interval between calving and first service was 91.77±6.4 days (Table
14) which is similar to the results reported by Asimwe (2016) which ranged from 93.2 to
151.7 days in various crosses. On the other hand these result is much less than the results
found by Gebeyehu et al. (2016) of 164.1 days in Assela farm. Such differences could have
been due to good efficiency of farmers to detect heat signs after calving thus shortening the
interval and it could also be associated with good nutritional status of the cows which allow
them to recuperate fast enough after calving. In this study season and parity had important
sources of variation on interval from calving to first service (P<0.05). The highest CFSI was
observed in cross breed followed by local breed cows but there was no significant (p>0.05)
difference in CFSI among the different genotypes of cows. It was observed that first calvers
had the highest intervals with mean of 102.4±12.2 days from calving to first service, while
those that calved in second plus parities had the shortest intervals. This could be associated
with improvement in reproductive management and it also indicates that physiological
maturity is attained with advanced age of cows. This result coincides to the previous findings
stated that as parity increase calving to first service is decrease.
The season effect on calving to first service interval and calving to conception interval in this
study was significant (P < 0.05). Similarly the same effect was recorded by Abate (2008) who
concluded that season of calving influences resumption of ovarian cycles. Also, Tewodros et
al. (2015) found that, Follicular growth generally resumes within 7-10 days in the majority of
cows associated with a transient follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) rise that occurs within 3-
5 days of parturition. Dairy cows that are not nutritionally stressed generally ovulate their first
post-partum dominant follicle (approximately 15 days). Gebeyehu et al. (2016) reported a
tendency for greater seasonal effects on post-partum intervals to first ovulation, first oestrus
and conception in cows receiving low energy diets due to variation in length of ovarian
The overall mean length of days open (CCI) in this study was 135.68±8.3days. This length of
days open is lower than the results by Riyad et al. (2017) of 195.3 and Asimwe (2016) of
197.7 days in West Hararghe, Ethiopia and Harari National Regional State, Ethiopia
respectively. When we compare these result from the previous study, it is better since the
length of day or intervals from calving to conception is lower. Such differences could have
been due to better efficiency of the farmers to detect heat signs after calving as a result the
interval from calving to first service was shorten and eventually it contribute the number of
days open to be short. For all parities studied, animals that calved in parity one had the
maximum mean CCI of 179.2±16.8 days followed by those in second and third parities (Table
14). These result coincides to Shamsuddin et al. (2014) findings of DO tending to decrease
with advancement in age and parity in Holeta research center. This could be due to
physiological stress experienced by the first calvers in early lactation. Level of exotic blood
was a highly significant (P<0.05) source of variation for calving to conception intervals.
Local breed cows had longer intervals from calving to conception than cross breeds. This is
due to heat detection is difficult in local cows since they have short duration of heat period.
From the present study, it can be concluded that the overall conception rate, calving to first
service interval, calving to conception interval and number of service per conception was
64.3%, 91.77±6.4 days, 135.68±8.3 days and 1.62±3.02 respectively. According to the results
of this study, AI efficiency on conception rate is significantly influenced by the breed of
cows, genotype of semen, BCS of cow, parity of cows, season and year of insemination, time
of insemination and management practice in the farm. Whereas AI operator had insignificant
effect for the failure of AI. Reproductive performance or AI efficiency was best as age
improvement, good BCS and proper management by the farm. Good BCS ranging between
3.25 to 3.75 and good herd management significantly enhances the pregnancy rate in cows. AI
service performed between 11-14 h after onset of oestrus can result in obtaining good first
service pregnancy in cows.
The cow factors such as parity and breed affect many of the reproductive traits like calving to
first service interval, calving to conception interval and number of service per conception in
addition to season of insemination. Cross breed cows had short time interval from calving to
first AI service. Management differences are still the major determinants of reproductive
performance of dairy cows. Even if there is gap due to these factors, the value of CCI, CFSI,
NSC and conception rate coincides to the previous studies shows that the reproductive
efficiency of dairy cows is good due to AI services but also it need better improvement to
achieve its goal. Based on the findings of the study, the following recommendations are
Awareness should be given to the enterprises in order to fill the skill gap on heat
detection especially for local breed cows since they have short heat period.
Each enterprise should improve their management system such as breeding and
feeding management because fertility rate varies with different breeding seasons and
different body condition of cows.
Those cattle which have poor genetic performance in relation with conception rate,
number of services per conception and calving to conception should be culled to
reduce the cost incurred to the enterprise.
Encouragement should be given to allow more AI technicians since there is only two
AI technician giving services in the farm.
Each farmer in the cooperatives should strongly accept feedback which are given by
AI technician and apply to improve their cattle reproductive and productive
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ANOVA= analysis of variance; EMS = Standard error of mean; LSMEAN= least square
ANOVA= analysis of variance; EMS = Standard error of mean; LSMEAN= least square
ANOVA= analysis of variance; EMS = Standard error of mean; LSMEAN= least square
Table 4. ANOVA for body condition of cow for conception rate of cows
ANOVA= analysis of variance; EMS = Standard error of mean; LSMEAN= least square
ANOVA= analysis of variance; EMS = Standard error of mean; LSMEAN= least square
ANOVA= analysis of variance; EMS = Standard error of mean; LSMEAN= least square
Y 59.1794970 21.6774753
ANOVA= analysis of variance; EMS = Standard error of mean; LSMEAN= least square
ANOVA= analysis of variance; EMS = Standard error of mean; LSMEAN= least square