ICT - Chapter 5 - Revision Notes

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Chapter 5 – Networks

2.3 – Requirements for connecting to a network, including the internet

There are requirements for devices to connect to a network so that they can abide by the protocols.

Devices are identified on a network by either one of the following:

1. IP Address

Can be assigned by an administrator or by a DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)

IP addresses are not fixed and depend on the network you are on.

There are currently two types of IP Addresses:

- IPV4 – Uses 8 numbers only. They are separated by dots.
- IPV6 – This is the newer one. It is made up of 8 groups of 4 hexadecimals. They are separated by colons.
Hexadecimal – A base-16 number that uses numbers 0 – 9 and letters A - F

IPV6 was developed because the number of devices was growing faster than the number of physical users.

2. MAC Address

A MAC address is fixed, unlike and IP Address.

A MAC address is made up of 6 pairs of numbers/letters.

The first three pairs – Unique to the manufacturer of the device.

E.g. – All Lenovo devices have the same first three pairs.

The second three pairs – Unique to the device and its NIC
E.g. – Every individual Lenovo device has a different second three pairs.

MAC Addresses can be useful for the following:

1. Identifying devices on a network (E.g., in malls when they only give you a certain amount of Wi-Fi time. If
you log in again you are rejected because your MAC Address is identified)
2. Tracking devices on a network
3. Changing device’s access rights to a network
4. To adjust dynamic/static IP Addresses
Since IP Address constantly changes, using MAC Address you can specify a fixed IP Address for a device when
it connects to your network.

3. Device’s Name
This is not the best way as several devices on one network can have the same name
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Components of Wired and Wireless Networks:

Networks typically have a few standard components which we need to know about:

A) Cables
Cables are used to connect devices in a wired network.
Variations include: Cat5e, Cat6 and even optical fibers.
Measurements of their speed is taken in Mbit/s or Gbit/s.

B) Wireless Access Points (WAP)

These connect devices with Wi-Fi connectivity to a wired network wirelessly.
Nowadays, they are built into routers and can even come with boosters.

C) Gateway
A gateway connects LANs to WANs

D) Routers
Routers store all connected device’s IP Addresses.
They use these to forward network traffic using the fastest route.

E) Switch
A switch has many ports that can be used to connect devices with wires.

F) Booster
A booster amplifies a network signal so that it can cover larger distances.

G) Server
A server is a computer that shares its resources with connected devices.
Devices connected to a server are called clients.
Types of servers include:

1) Authentication Server
2) Application Server
3) File Server
4) Print Server
5) Web Server

Connecting to and Using the Internet

To connect to and use the internet several aspects are needed:

1) Internet Service Provider

An ISP is needed to guarantee access to the telecommunications infrastructure.
These are the companies that mainly structure the internet.

2) Web Browser – A web browser takes requests and guarantees access to Web Servers

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3) Search Engine – A search Engine allows a user to enter keywords which are compared with the web pages
stored on a database and hence allows the Web Browser to give the most relevant results.
a. Filter Software:
This allows administrators to control users from accessing inappropriate/risky content.
Web pages can be filtered using their URL (Uniform Resource Locator), which is the web address.
They can add to a whitelist or a blacklist.
Whitelist = Allowed Access
Blacklist = Denied Access
None = Automatically whitelisted.

2.4 – Benefits of using a LAN/home network

LANS can be really useful.

There are two main types of LAN:

A) Peer-to-peer network:
This is where the devices are connected to each other and share resources without a server.

B) Client-server network
This is when all the devices are connected to one server.

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Benefits of a LAN (whether peer-to-peer or client-server):

- Shared files and storage

- Shared peripherals
- Easier Communication
- More Flexibility
- Better Media Usage
- Shared access to the internet

Benefits of a CLIENT-SERVER network:

- Roaming Profiles (Log into you account from any device)

- Control over user access rights by administrators (Less errors likely – safer)
- Centralized Backup (No hassle for individual users)
- Centralized Administration (Entire network easily moderated and kept safe)
- Shared Peripherals (Only need one peripheral e.g., one printer per network)
- Shared Storage & Applications (Each user doesn’t need to individually install applications)

2.5 – Securing data on a network, including the internet

There are several ways networks are kept safe from daily threats.

1) Authentication through Logins

2) Firewalls
These are found on gateways and control what can enter the network of the LAN (like a cell membrane)

3) Encryption
This is when data is scrambled so that unauthorized users are unable to understand it.

There are several methods of encryption:

A) Caesar Cipher
All data is shifted by a certain number of units to the left. The number of units it’s shifted is the key. This is,
however, easy to crack.

B) Symmetric Key Encryption

This is used when data is transferred.
A key is used to encrypt the data before it is sent.
The same key is needed to decrypt the data by the recipient.

C) Public Key Encryption

This is also used when data is transferred.
However now, we have two different keys, forming a key pair.
The public key is used to encrypt the data. Then, there is a private key only available to the recipient, that
decrypts the data.

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D) Wireless Encryption Protocol (WEP)
This is an extremely basic method of encryption where all data sent out of a network is encrypted using the
same key.
This can easily be decrypted by an eavesdropper (someone who has unauthorized access to a network but
remains within it and “stalks” it)

E) Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA)

This is the updated version of WEP.
It is more secure because:
- Every single device has a unique key on the network.
- Every data packet sent out is encrypted with a unique key.

4) Virtual Private Networks (VPN)

These allow you to access LANs from remote locations.
VPNs can be beneficial for:

A) Making secure payments (Data is not recorded on VPNs)

B) Staying away from surveillance/tracking
C) Accessing the work network from home
D) Accessing geologically locked content.

5) Transaction Logs
These keep track of all exchanges of data happening on the network.

6) File Access Permissions

7) Backup

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