Jabonga Executive Summary 2021
Jabonga Executive Summary 2021
Jabonga Executive Summary 2021
A. Introduction
C. Scope of Audit
7. The audit covered the accounts and operations of the Municipality for Calendar
Year 2021 and was aimed at ascertaining the propriety of financial transactions,
management’s compliance to prescribed rules and regulations and the fairness
of the presentation of the financial statements. Financial and compliance audit
was conducted on the audit of Covid-19 pandemic expenditures. Performance
audit was also conducted in the implementation of Programs, Projects and
Activities (PPAs) funded out of the 20% development fund, fund transfers from
the National Government Agencies, Fund Transfers to Non-Government
Organizations/People’s Organizations (NGOs/POs) and/or Other LGUs and
Local Disaster Risk and Reduction Management Fund to determine whether the
objectives of the PPAs were attained in the most efficient, effective and
economical manner.
D. Audit Opinion
• In the case of payables, exhaust all possible means to pay off the LGU’s
accounts. Otherwise, request for write-off in accordance with the
provisions of the COA Circular 2016-005;
• In the case of fund transfer (due to and due from), coordinate with the
partner agencies with whom the funds were transferred and liquidate it.
▪ Each office of the LGU fills up the Inventory Count Form and submit
the same to the Property Unit for verification. The form will then be use
by the Inventory Committee as basis in the preparation of its PIP and
will be consider as part of their inventory working paper.
g. Direct the Municipal Accountant and the Treasurer to reconcile the Cash in
Bank account balances with the Treasurer’s cashbooks by determining the
transactions that caused the net difference of ₱5,332,414.83.
j. Since no entries have been made yet to take up the transfer of unexpended
LDRRMF from GF to TF, direct the Municipal Accountant to draw an entry
to take up the transfer of unexpended LDRRMF from GF to TF using the
adjusted unexpended balance of the LDRRMF for CY 2021 and Prior Years
prepared by the OIC-Municipal Budget Officer.
a. Outstanding Cash Advance (CA) aged one (1) month to fifty-one (51)
months granted to officers and employees for traveling expenses amounting
to P278,940.00, the purpose of which had been served, remained
unliquidated as of December 31, 2021 contrary to COA Circular No. 97-
002 dated February 10, 1997 and Civil Service Commission (CSC)
Memorandum Circular No. 23, s. 2019.
We recommended and Management committed to:
2. Direct those employees who did not submit their DTRs for the
immediate submission.
11. The Municipality certified that they have no transfer of funds to/from the
Philippine Red Cross for the period January, 2016 to September, 2021.
Beginning Balance
Audit Action Issued Settled
Balance December 31,
Suspensions ₱ 9,795,756.49 0.00 0.00 ₱ 9,795,756.49
Disallowances 1,699,734.76 0.00 0.00 1,699,734.76
Charges 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
We recommend that Management strictly follow the provisions of Section 9.4
and 10.4 of COA Circular 2009-006 to take immediate action and require the
concerned personnel to settle their audit suspensions and disallowances.
13. Out of the forty-five (45) audit recommendations for the nineteen (19) audit
observations contained in the CY2019-2020 Annual Audit Reports, 27 were
fully implemented, 6 were partially implemented, and 12 were not implemented.
Out of the six partially implemented, one was reiterated. Out of the 12 not
implemented, three were reiterated. Detail is shown in Part III of this report.