Rebon shrimp protein hydrolyzate has the potential to be used as a protein powder as a nutritional
supplement. The aim of this study was to determine the best protein hydrolyzate concentration as a
raw material for protein powder. The research was carried out in two stages, each of which was related.
Suparmi1,*, Dewita1, Desmelati1, Taufik The first stage was made of protein hydrolyzate using 2 treatments, namely enzymatic hydrolysis (15%
Hidayat2 papain) and fermentation using 10% L plantarum bacteria. The parameters observed included yield, amino
acid profile and fatty acid profile. The second stage was determining the best concentration of 5 level (6%,
Department of Aquatic Product Technology, 7%, 8%, 9%) protein hydrolyzate, as a binder was added gum arabic and dextrin (1: 0.5) the amount of
Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, University 8% (w / v). observed parameters, organoleptic values, physical characteristics and degree of brightness.
Agency for Assesment and Aplication of
The results of this research can be concluded that the hydrolyzate of rebon shrimp protein with the best
Technology, Laptiab Building Puspiptek Serpong, concentration is 9%. can be used as a protein powder as a nutritional supplement with the addition of
INDONESIA. gum arabic binder and dextrin (1: 0.5) with a yield value of 73.191% and a total amino acid of 46.70%.
The content of fatty acids produced The fatty acids contained are mMyristic acid 0.264%, palmintic
Correspondence acid 6.361%, stearic acid 0.678%, oleic acid 16.704% (Omega 9) and linoleic acid 0.084% (Omega 6).
Suparmi Organoleptic value of protein powder, namely taste 8.6, aroma 8.4, appearance 8.8, texture 8.5, with
Department of Aquatic Product Technology, the characteristics of a bright yellowish white color, not fishy aroma, fine texture and very savory taste
Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, (umami), the brightness value at the level of 97.82%.
University of Riau, INDONESIA. Key words: Acetes erythreaeus, Dextrin, Gum arabic, Hydrolyzate, L plantarum sp.
E-mail: [email protected]
• Review completed: 28-06-2021;
Rebon shrimp is rich in protein which can be used Materials and tools
• Accepted Date: 07-07-2021.
as raw material for protein hydrolyzate whose
DOI : 10.5530/pj.2021.13.151 The raw materials used in this study were fresh
protein content consists of both essential and non-
Article Available online rebon shrimp, papain enzymes and L plantarum sp.
essential amino acids where the function of the Bacteria. The binding agents used were gum arabic
protein is for the human body to maintain health,
Copyright and dextrin. Other materials used are Glucose,
Utilization of rebon shrimp as a protein source can NaOH (Merck), 85% alcohol, HCl (Merck), NaCl
© 2021 Phcogj.Com. This is an open-
access article distributed under the terms be done by making protein hydrolyzates. (Merck), and phosphate buffers (Merck) and NaOH.
of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Chemicals used for amino acid analysis. The main tools
International license. Rebon shrimp protein hydrolyzate in liquid form
has a weakness, which is more easily contaminated used in this research are an incubator (IS900 Yamoto),
autoclave (SM52), centrifuge (himac CR 21G),
and easily damaged due to high water content.
homogenizer (Nissel AMS), oven draying (SH62),
But with the method of adding protein binders,
freeze dryer, Spectrophotometer (Shimadzu 120-01),
it can be made in powder form, so it is not easily
HPLC, Magnetic stirer, Oven, stainless steel blender, pH
contaminated and easy to store because it has low meter (HM-205), Vortek, and Water bath (GFL1083),
water content and has high solubility so that it is refrigerator, analytical scale, glassware, spatula, distillation,
easy to add to food ingredients to be supplemented. biuret and film bottle, 60 mesh sieve.
In the process of making powder from a liquid, a Research methods
binding agent is needed and the materials that can
be used are gum arabic and dextrin. Arabic gum The research process was carried out in two stages.
can act as an elmusifier and dissolves easily in water The first stage aimed to obtain the best protein
and in oil1, while dextrins have stable molecules so hydrolyzate from the two treatments, namely
they can protect compounds that are sensitive to enzymatically and microbiologically. The parameters
analyzed were yield, amino acid profile, and fatty
oxidation and heat2.
acid. The second stage aims to determine the best
It is hoped that the production of rebon shrimp concentration of 5 treatment levels (6%, 7%, 8%, 9%)
protein hydrolyzate powder will be able to produce protein hydrolyzate as a raw material for nutritional
supplement materials that have high protein. So, supplement powder as a protein binding agent,
the purpose of this study was to determine the best added with Arabic gum and dextrin (1: 0.5) 8%, the
concentration of rebon shrimp protein hydrolyzate parameters observed were moisture content, fungi,
which was powdered as an ingredient in nutritional physical characteristics, organoleptic values, and
degree of brightness.
Cite this article: Suparmi, Dewita, Desmelati, Hidayat T. Study of the Making of Hydrolizate
Protein Powder of Rebon Shrimp as a Food Nutrition Enhancement Ingredient. Pharmacogn J.
2021;13(5): 1180-1185.
Procedure for Making Rebon Shrimp Protein Hydrolyzate3 Table 1: The yield of rebon shrimp protein hydrolysate.
Fresh rebon shrimp as much as 500 g are cleaned and washed with Component Initial weight (g) Final Weight (g) Value (%)
running water, then crushed, then added 500 ml of sterile water (1: 1 A 500 365.954 73,191
w / v) then homogenized, then heated at 60 0C for 15 minutes aims to B 500 287.446 57.489
activate the shrimp enzyme. The optimum pH adjustment was carried Noted:
out using 0.5N NaOH to reach pH 7, added the papain enzyme with a A = Protein hydrolyzate using papain enzyme
concentration of 15% of the weight of the shrimp, then incubated at 60 B = Protein hydrolyzate using L. plantarum bacteria
C for 4 hours, after heating using a water bath at 85 0C for 15 minutes,
to separate the liquid phase and the solid phase, centrifugation was Table 2: Amino acid content of Rebon shrimp protein hydrolyzate.
carried out at a speed of 15000 g for 15 minutes. The supernatant rProduct
obtained was protein hydrolyzate of rebon shrimp. Amino Acids Protein hydrolyzate Protein hydrolyzate
A (%) B (%)
Procedure for making rebon shrimp protein hydrolyzate Aspartate acids 4.25 1.52
using L. plantarum sp.4 Glutamate acids 8.47 2.06
Fresh rebon shrimp as much as 500 g are cleaned and washed with Serine 1.31 0.56
running water, then crushed using a blender then added 1: 1 (w / v) Histidine 2.60 0.84
sterile water then homogenizer is sterilized at 1210C for 15 minutes, Glisin e 2.14 0.77
after which 1% sterile glucose is added. (b / v). Then add 10% L Treonine 1.44 0.60
plantarum sp., Then put it in a glass bottle, ferment it for 96 hours. The Arginine 2.78 0.70
fermentation process was stopped by heating it at 950C for 15 minutes. Alanine 2.73 0.52
To separate the liquid phase and the solid phase, centrifugation was Tirosine 1.03 0.35
carried out at a speed of 10,000 g for 20 minutes. The supernatant Metionine 2.18 0.78
obtained was protein hydrolyzate of rebon shrimp. Valine 2.98 0.56
Penilalanine 1.78 1.78
Preparation of Protein Hydrolyzate Powder
I-Leuosine 2.14 0.86
The second stage of the research was to make protein hydrolyzate Leusine 3.28 1.30
powder, the treatment was to select the protein hydrolyzate Lisine 3.93 1.08
concentration of rebon shrimp with a treatment interval of 6%; 7%; TOTAL 46.70 14.28
8%; 9%. The step, then for each treatment was added a binder, namely
a mixture of gum arabic and dextrin with a ratio of 1: 0.5 with a total of Noted:
A = Protein hydrolyzate using papain enzyme
8%, homogenizer then carried out the drying process with a spray dryer
B = Protein hydrolyzate using L. plantarum bacteria
at an inlet temperature of 1650C, outlet temperature 700C.
the papain enzyme is a proteolytic enzyme derived from papaya sap,
this enzyme has the ability to break down protein molecules and can
Phase I hydrolyze peptide bonds that build polypeptide chains on proteins to
produce one molecule with carboxyl groups and other molecules that
have amine groups. When enzymes are mixed in food, food protein will
The results of the first phase of research showed that there was a be broken down into peptides, which in turn break down into simpler
difference in the percentage of yield between hydrolysis using papain forms called amino acids.
enzyme 15% (A) and hydrolysis treatment using fermentation by
bacteria L plantarum 10% (B). The yield of rebon shrimp protein According to7, the function of protein hydrolyzate can be as a flavoring
hydrolyzate can be seen in Table 1. and to obtain individual amino acids or for treatment, namely as a diet
for digestive sufferers. The low content of amino acids in the protein
The yield of rebon shrimp protein hydrolyzate can be seen in Table hydrolyzate treated using 10% L plantarum bacteria, this is due to
1, the yield of treatment protein hydrolyzate (A) was 365.954 grams
the fermentation hydrolysis process in accordance with the opinion8,
or 73.191% higher than the yield of treated protein hydrolyzate (B)
namely that when the fermentation process takes place, fish protein
which amounted to 287.446 grams or 57.489%, the low yield of both
treatments This is probably because the wet rebon shrimp is still in the will be hydrolyzed into amino acids and peptides, then the amino
form of a coarse collision, not in the form of finer powder. This causes acids will break down further into other components that play a role
the active substance content which can be hydrolyzed by the papain in the formation of taste. This opinion is further clarified by the results
enzyme and also by the L plantarum bacteria only on the surface of of9 research, namely that a longer fermentation process will lead to a
small fractions, not in the form of a finer powder. reduction in the amino acid levels of the product.
Based on the results in the phase 1 research, it can be concluded that parameters in determining product acceptance by consumers, the taste
hydrolysis using the 15% papain enzyme produces higher yields, amino and delicacy of food is influenced by its chemical content.
acids and fatty acids than hydrolysis using the bacteria L.plantarum
The content of glutamic acid and aspartic acid in the protein
sp 10%, so that the protein hydrolyzate produced from the enzymatic
hydrolyzate of rebon shrimp is 8.62% which can give a very savory taste
process is used as an ingredient. protein powder manufacturing
to the functional flavor powder. According to14, high levels of glutamic
standards in Phase II research.
acid and aspartic acid, amino acids and nucleotides can contribute to
Phase II Research forming a savory taste (umami), forming monosodium glutamate salt
and in general marine products have the type of amino glutamic acid.
The second stage of the research was to make protein hydrolyzate The percentage of glutamic acid content in food products is thought
powder, the treatment was to determine the protein hydrolyzate to be due to deamination between the amino acids glutamine and
concentration of rebon shrimp with 6% intervals; 7%; 8% and 9% then asparagine, thereby increasing glutamic acid levels in food products15.
for each treatment a binder mixture of gum arabic and dextrin is added
with a ratio of 1: 0.5 for a total of 8%, homogenizer then the drying Physical Characteristics
process is carried out with a spray dryer at an inlet temperature of
Based on the panelists' responses to the characteristics of protein
1650C, outlet temperature of 700C,
powder from shrimp protein hydrolyzate, can be seen in Table 5.
Organoleptic Test Characteristics of protein powder with gum arabic and dextrin binder
has a bright yellowish white color, the aroma is very real, the texture is
The results of the organoleptic test for the protein hydrolyzate powder dry, and smooth and the taste is very tasty.
of rebon shrimp can be seen in Table 4 that the highest average value is
related to taste, aroma, appearance and texture of protein hydrolyzate Degree of Brightness
powder, namely at a concentration of 9% with a taste value (8.6), Assessment of the degree of color brightness was carried out using a
and aroma value (8.4 ) visual value (8,8), texture value (8,5). Based Lutron 10 Bit Color Analyzer, RGB-1002 Type, the results obtained
on the results of the analysis of variance, it can be explained that are stated in Table 6. The results of the analysis show a significant
the hydrolyzate concentration of rebon shrimp protein in different difference.
amounts has a significant effect on the organoleptic value. To see this
difference, the Tukey test is continued, the results show that the 9% The assessment of the degree of brightness of the rebon shrimp protein
concentration is significantly different from the 6% concentration; 7%; hydrolyzate functional flavor powder produced (Table 6) showed that
and 8%. a difference in the degree of brightness where the functional flavor
powder with 9% protein hydrolyzate concentration of rebon shrimp
Protein powder with a concentration of 9% is preferred by panelists, has high brightness, namely 97.82%. The high degree of brightness of
because the chemical content that gives the powder a savory taste, the powder means that the product has a good appearance and color,
namely glutamic acid, the higher the concentration of adding rebon thereby creating an attraction for consumer acceptance. According to
shrimp protein hydrolyzate causes the resulting taste and aroma to be 16
, color is one of the main factors that are important in a food product.
stronger. According to 13, that taste, aroma, appearance, and texture are Because the first impression seen by consumers is when they see the
Table 4: The results of the organoleptic test values for the protein hydrolyzate powder of rebon shrimp.
Taste Odor Appearance Textur
Treatment (%) Panelist
Value Value Value Value
6 80 5.5± 0.2 5.2± 0.3 5.0± 0.2 6.4± 0.2
7 80 6.5± 0.2 6.0± 0.2 6.4± 0.3 6.8± 0.2
8 80 7.0± 0.2 6.5± 0.3 7.3± 0.2 6.6± 0.1
9 80 8.6± 0.1 8.4± 0.1 8.8± 0.2 8.5± 0.1
Table 5: Characteristics of rebon shrimp protein hydrolyzate added with gum arabic and dextrin binder.
concentrations (%)
Appearance Odor Texture Taste
6 Dull yellow color Shrimp Dry and smooth A little savory
7 A slightly faded yellowish color Shrimp Dry and smooth It's a little tasty
8 Yellowish white color slightly faded Shrimp Dry and smooth Tasteful
9 Bright yellowish white color Strong shrimp Dry and smooth Very Tasty
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Dr. Ir Suparmi
Birth: Rumbai, 10-8-1958
e-mail: [email protected]
Study :
S1 (Fisheries University of Riau)
S2 (Post Harvest IPB University)
S3 (Marine Biotechnology, University of Riau)
Focus: Fisheries Post Harvest
Cite this article: Suparmi, Dewita, Desmelati, Hidayat T. Study of the Making of Hydrolizate Protein Powder of Rebon Shrimp as a
Food Nutrition Enhancement Ingredient. Pharmacogn J. 2021;13(5): 1180-1185.