DLL For LC 48.1a-Word-problems-involving-Laws-of-Sines (Esmen)

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Teaching Dates and Time MAY 6-9, 2024 ǀ 2:15-3:15 Quarter FOURTH


I. OBJECTIVES a. Illustrate the law of cosine. 1. Illustrate the law of sine. 1. Illustrate the law of sine. CATCH-UP
b. Solve problems involving 2. Solve problems involving law 2. Solve problems involving law FRIDAY
oblique triangles. on sine. on sine.
c. Show mastery in applying the 3. Show mastery in applying the 3. Participate actively in a
laws of cosine in solving law of sine. group activity.
problems about oblique
A. Content The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates understanding of the basic concepts of
Standards understanding of the basic trigonometry.
concepts of trigonometry.
B. Performance The learner is able to apply the The learner is able to apply the concepts of trigonometric ratios to
Standards concepts of trigonometric ratios to formulate and solve real-life problems with precision and accuracy.
formulate and solve real-life
problems with precision and
C. Learning The learner solves problems Illustrates law of sines . (M9GE-IVf-g-1)
Competencies/ involving oblique triangles.
Objectives ( M9GE-IVh-j-1)
Write the LC
code for each
a. CONTENT Oblique Triangles (Law of Cosine) Law on Sines ( SAA Case ) Law on Sines ( ASA Case )

A. References
1. Teacher’s
Guide pages
2. Learner’s Grade 9 Learning Materials pp. 480 - 482 480 – 482
Materials 477 - 496
3. Textbook Advanced Algebra, Advanced Algebra,
pages Trigonometry and Statistics Trigonometry and Statistics
( Soledad Jose -Dilao, Fernando ( Soledad Jose -Dilao, Fernando
B. Orines and Julieta G. B. Orines and Julieta G.
Bernabe ) pages 217 – 227 Bernabe ) pages 217 – 227
Plane Trigonometry ( Rene R. Plane Trigonometry ( Rene R.
Belecina et al.) 85 -87 Belecina et al.) pp 85-87
4. Additional https://www.mathsisfun.com/ www.vitutor.com>trigonometry
Materials from algebra/trig-cosine-law.html www.algebralab.org www.algebralab.org>studyards
Resource (LR)
A. Other Learning laptop, oblique triangles LCD, Laptop, Activity sheet, Laptop, LCD, activity sheet,
Resources (pictures), LCD, activity sheets scientific calculator scientific calculator
A. Reviewing I. Look around the classroom. Purpose Setting Activity Purpose Setting Activity
previous ● Can you see things in the shape FACT or BLUFF
lesson or of oblique triangles? List down Look at the triangles below.
presenting the at least five things you see Identify the following missing
new lesson around that may not be measurement a FACT or
considered as right triangles. BLUFF.
These are oblique triangles.
● Take a second look at the
things you have listed and find
out what common characteristic
these triangles have.
● If you are asked to classify the
things on your list into two, how
would you do it? What is your
basis for classifying them as
● Can you now define an oblique
triangle? Give your definition of
an oblique triangle based on
what you have observed.
B. Establishing a II. Look at the triangles below Recitation/ Answering the Recitation/ Answering the
purpose for  What do you notice about questions orally questions orally
the lesson each of the given triangles?
 If you are asked to group the
triangles in into two sets, how will
you group them? Name them Set
A and Set B.
 What is your basis for grouping
them that way?
 Examine closely the triangles in
Set A. Can you solve the missing
parts of the triangles? How about
those in Set B? If you can solve
the missing parts of these two sets
of triangles using the previous
concepts you have learned, show
us how.
C. Presenting Law of cosine states that the Teaching / Modelling ( The Teaching/ Modelling ( The
examples/insta square of any side of a triangle is teacher does-it) teacher does – it )
nces of the equal to the sum of the squares of
new lesson the other two sides minus twice
the product of these sides and the
cosine of the angle between them.
c2 = a2 + b2 – 2ab cos C
It is only applicable if:
 the three sides are known; and
 the two sides and its included
angle are known.
Example 1. Solve for the missing
parts of ∆ABC below.
Given: two sides and an angle
opposite of these sides
a = 10 ; c = 19 ; ∠ C=120 o
Example 2:
Given: three sides
a = 10 ; b = 15 ; c = 20
Find the measurement of ∠A, ∠B,
and ∠C.
D. Discussing a. What are your thoughts about Number Heads Together Collaborative Approach
new concepts the applications of law of Group Activity: Fill Me In!
and practicing cosines? Part 1: Direction: Complete the table
new skills #1 b. Are the given illustrations Directions: Solve for the below with the missing
helpful? How it helps to solve the unknown parts . Round off to the measurement.
problem easier? nearest tenth.
c. Do you have other way/s to Part 2: Presentation of work
solve these problems? If so,
share it to the class.
E. Discussing Rally Coaching( By Pair) Recitation/ Answering the
new concepts Read the problem and analyze questions orally
and practicing the partial solution presented
new skills #2 below. Then answer the
questions follows.
F. Developing Find the measurement of ∠A, ∠B, Seatwork Think-Pair-Share ( By Pair )
mastery and ∠C. Direction: Answer the following Picture Me!
(Leads to questions using the figure Directions: Draw your own
Formative below. triangle given the indicated
Assessment 3) measures and solve for the
other parts using the Law of
Sine. Round off all decimals to
the nearest tenth.
G. Finding Peer Tutoring ( By Pair ) Peer Tutoring ( By Pair )
practical Draw, Solve and Discuss! Directions: Analyze the problem
applications of Directions: Draw a triangle given and solve for the missing part.
concepts and the following measurements and
skills in daily solve for the missing parts.
H. Making The law of cosines states that the The laws of sines states that a ASA Case: two and the included
generalization square of the length of one side is side divided by the sine of the side angles
s and equal to the sum of the squares of angle opposite it is equal to any
abstractions the other two sides minus the other side divided by the sine of
about the product of twice the two sides and the opposite angle
lesson the cosine of the angle between
I. Evaluating Maine’s handheld computer can Find Me! Use the Law of Sine to find x in
learning send and receive e – mails if it is Direction: Solve for all unknown figure below.
within 40miles of a transmission sides and angle measurements
tower. On a trip Maine passed the in DEF where E = 35ᵒ, e =
transmission tower on Highway 7 25, F = 102ᵒ.
for 32 miles, and turns 970 onto
Coastal road and drive another 19
Is Maine close enough to the
transmission tower to be able to
send and receive e – mails?
Explain your reasoning.
If Maine is within range of the
tower, how much farther can she
drive on Coastal road before she
is out of range? If she is out of
range and drive back toward
Highway 7, how far will she
travels before she is back in
J. Additional Solve the following problems. Follow Up Follow Up
activities for Given the figure below answer Given the figure below answer
application or A triangular lot sits at the corner of the following. the following.
remediation two streets that intersect at an a. solve the distance a. solve the distance from
angle of 58 degrees. One street from B to C and A to B. A to C.
side of the lot is 32 m and the b. measurement of /_C? b. how far is B to C?
other is 40 m. How long is the
back lot (the third side) to the
nearest meter?

Prepared by:


Subject Teacher


School Principal II

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