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Relationship of Financial Status To Academic Performance of Senior High School Students in CONDE LABAC INTEGRATED SCHOOL 1

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Conde LabacIntegrated School

Practical Research 2 i1



A Research Paper
Presented to
The Faculty of Senior High School
Conde Labac Integrated School Division of Batangas
Batangas City

In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirement for

Practical Research 2
Grade 12 Senior High School
Applied and Specialized Subject

Alegria, Eron A.
Macatangay, Jhon Martin P.
Almarez, Sharmyn A.
Claveria, Dianne C.
Guico, Baby Lyza A.
Macatangay, Glaiza B.
Miranda, Roma Denisse
Soneja, Judylyn M.

January 2024

TITLE PAGE...................................................................................................................i

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .............................................................................................. ii

DEDICATION ............................................................................................................... iii


TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................................v



Statement of the problem..................................................................................

Scope and Delimitation of the Study.................................................................

Significance of the Study...................................................................................

Definition of terms...............................................................................................5


Review of Related Literature ............................................................................6

Conceptual Framework.....................................................................................7

Review of Related Studies …………………………………………………………8



Research Design…………………………………………………………………. …..10

Respondents of the Study……………………………………………………………..11

Data Gathering Instrument…………………………………………………………….12

Statistical Treatment Data……………………………………………………………..13


Presentation of Data…………………………………………………………………..14




Conclusions ……………………………………………………………………………...17



CURRICULUM VITAE……………………………………………………………………….20


This study would not have been possible without the direction and aid of

numerous people who in one way or another contributed and extended their valued

assistance in its preparation and completion.

We owe our sincere thanks to REBECCA R. PAGCALIWAGAN, our School

Principal for being present throughout the completion of this research.

We acknowledge with gratitude Mrs. Rochelle A. Macatbag, our Practical

Research 2 Teacher, for her productive criticism and intelligent suggestion about the

researchers research topic and for her unselfishness in sharing her knowledge,

patience and time in helping the researchers to come up with this successful study from

beginning to end.

We owe special thanks to our parents for their wholehearted support and motivation

to make this study successful.

Above all, our highest honor and gratefulness to our Almighty God for wisdom, and

strength to continue this research in periods of distress and hard times.



We humbly dedicate this piece of success to our beloved parents.

Mr. Felipe and Mrs. Juana Alegria

Mr. Florentino and Mrs. Sally Macatangay

Mr. Edgardo and Mrs. Vilma Almarez

Mr. Michael Claveria and Ms. Maricel Candor

Mr. Ananias and Mrs. Juliana Guico

Mr. Lucio and Mrs. Marina Macatangay

Mr. Ronald and Mrs. Prima Miranda

Mr. Eddie and Mrs. Marilyn Soneja

Who never fail to be there for us and provide us moral and financial necessities and for
the inspiration they are giving to finish this study.

To our ALMIGHTY GOD who is the owner of our lives and he who never fail to help
us in times of need, and for giving us a the strength, wisdom, and guidance as we
worked on this study.

Purpose of the Study : The study's goal is probably to find out how senior high school

students' financial situation affects their academic achievement at Conde Labac

Integrated School. This can entail looking at the effects that financial assistance,

resource accessibility, and socioeconomic background have on students' academic

performance. Educators, legislators, and other stakeholders can find ways to support

students from different financial situations and enhance academic performance by

having a better understanding of this link.

Design/ Methodology/ Approach: A quantitative study approach could be used to

investigate the association between senior high school students' financial position and

academic achievement at Conde Labac Integrated School. This would entail compiling

data on students' financial situations and academic accomplishments via surveys or

questionnaires. The possible relationships between these variables could subsequently

be found using statistical analysis techniques like regression or correlation.

Furthermore, qualitative techniques like focus groups and interviews may offer greater

insights into students' viewpoints and experiences with financial difficulties and how they

affect their academic performance.

Findings: The study's goal is probably to find out how senior high school students'

financial situation affects their academic achievement at Conde Labac Integrated

School. This can entail looking at the effects that financial assistance, resource

accessibility, and socioeconomic background have on students' academic performance.

Educators, legislators, and other stakeholders can find ways to support students from
different financial situations and enhance academic performance by having a better

understanding of this link.

Research Limitation / Implication: The following are possible research limitations and

consequences in a study investigating the connection between senior high school

students' academic performance at Conde Labac Integrated School and their financial

status :Sample Size and Generalizability: If the study only uses a small sample size

from a particular demographic or geographic location, then limitations may occur. It

might have an impact on how well the results apply to other demographics or

educational settings. Data Collection Method: Response bias or inaccurate reporting of

financial status or academic performance may be present if data is gathered through

surveys or self-reporting. Confounding variables: Other factors, such as family

dynamics, resource accessibility, or extracurricular involvement, that may have an

impact on both socioeconomic status and academic success but were not taken into

consideration in the study.

Originality/ Value: Originality/Value: Conde Labac Integrated School senior high

school students' financial position and academic performance may be related, and this

association may provide important new information about how socioeconomic issues

affect educational outcomes. One way to be innovative would be to carry out a focused

study in this particular school setting, which might yield novel results that are applicable

to the neighborhood. This kind of research could help inform interventions and

educational policies that try to narrow the success gaps caused by economic inequality

in the classroom.

Types of Research: Quantitative Research




INTEGRATEDSCHOOL, prepared and submitted by:Alegria, Eron A. ,Macatangay,

Jhon Martin P.Almarez, Sharym A. Claveria, Dianne C. , Macatangay, Glaiza B.Miranda,

Roma Denisse Soneja, Judylyn M. in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

subject Practical Research 2 has been examined and recommended for acceptance

and approval for oral examination.


Practical Research 2 Teacher







Dear Respondents,

Good Day! We are the Grade 12 Loyalty Students of Conde Labac Integrated

School,we are currently conducting a research entitled “Relationship of Financial Status

to Academic Performance of Senior High School in CONDE LABAC INTEGRATED


In order to finish this research, we are asking for your help by answering the

questions that will be asked to all of you in order to obtain the data that is needed for

this study. You can rest assured that all of the information that you will provide will be

respected and treated with utmost confidentiality.

Your participation in this study will be highly appreciated. Thank You!

Respectfully yours,



The Researchers

Noted by:

Practical Research 2 Teacher



Financial status and socio-economic status affects the academic performance of

academic achievement of students. Through the use of quantitative-correlational design

employed by the researchers to prove the relationship between the two variables;

mainly the financial status as the independent variable and the academic performance

as the dependent variable. In an educational institution, the fundamental needs go

further in food, clothing, shelter, and energy. In addition, the fundamental needs of a

student extend to the health care, cost of transportation and more recently,

theinformation and communication technology. This implies the role of finance gives a

greater impact to the students' academic performance as much as education is

concerned. The academic performance of the students in most colleges and secondary

schools has become an objective inquiry for researchers recently.

The financial status of a family in most cases affect the education of children

whether their children graduate or to stop going to school. According to Donald

Luke(2020) the financial status is the mix of monetary and economical proportions of an

individual's work and the financial and social situation of an individual or family in

association with others for the reason of salary, work position and work-related

status.The family's financial income and occupation are reviewed, together

with the combined and individual remuneration, and their credit history is assessed in

order to ascertain the family's financial situation.


According to Lukeman (2021), Student in a low financial status family tend to

have more challenges and difficulty compared to a student in a high financial status

family. Shifeng Li et. Al. (2020) also states that according to their study, that students

from a disadvantageous family negatively affects the students in their school thus

negatively affecting the students academic performance. With these evidence, it could

mean that financial status can significantly affect a students academic performance

depending on what This research seeks to examine the relationship between financial

status and academic performance of senior high school students in Conde Labac

Integrated School. It is the perspective of the researcher that understanding the

relationship between the two variables would be a considerable help to students and

help them enhance their academic performance financial status their families are in.

Financial problems are known to affect various aspects of individuals' lives,

including their educational pursuits. Senior high school students face unique challenges

as they transition to higher education, and understanding the influence of financial

status on their academic performance is crucial. This study aims to examine the specific

impact of financial constraints on the academic achievements of students in Conde

Labac Integrated School, providing valuable insights for educators and policymakers.

Financial problems have a negative effect on the academic performance of students.

Students who are concerned about finances may demonstrate lower goal commitment,

academic engagement, and persistence, leading to increased likelihood of dropping out,

stopping out, or reducing course loads. Financial strain can reduce students’ motivation

to complete college and deplete their cognitive resources available for academic


Financial stress can lead to health problems, such as anxiety and depression,

which can further impact Senior High School students academic performance.

According to various studies, financial stress can lead to a decrease in academic

performance, as students may need to take fewer credit hours or have poor attendance

due to their part-time jobs. This issue is significant, as it can affect the students’ ability

to succeed in their studies and achieve their academic goals.

Students with higher levels of financial stress are more likely to experience

extended time to degree, which further escalates the costs of college. The impact of

financial problems on academic performance varies between male and female students,

with women reporting higher levels of financial stress and men being more affected by

student debt. Financial difficulties at the start of the academic program, such as missed

payments and delays in receiving student loan payments, have been shown to have a

damaging effect on academic performance.

Socio-economic Status of student’s family or parents have also great impact upon

academic success of the students, they are reciprocally related to each other but Socio-

economic Status is the important contributing factor in student’s Academic

Achievement. The term Socio-economic Status is the combination of social status and

economic status of an individual or family on the basis of income, education,

profession, and material possessed etc.We know that when we have low socio

economic status it is hard for us to have a focus in our studies and to our goals

especially when some of our classmates have a high level of economic status in our

economy we struggle to communicate and associate to them.


This research aims to examine the Relationship of Financial Status to Academic

Performance of Senior High School Students in Conde Labac Integrated School. It is

the perspective of the researcher that understanding the relationship between the two

variables would be a considerable help to enhance their academic performance.

Statement of the Problem

The main objective of the study is to analyze the Relationship of Financial Status

to Academic Performance of Senior High School in CONDE LABAC INTEGRATED


1.What is the level of financial status of the senior high school students in terms of:

1.1. Family monthly income;

1.2. Students daily allowance;

1.3. School daily expense;

2. What is the level of academic performance of senior high school students?

3. What is the relationship of financial status on the academic performance of senior

high school students?

4.How do financial challenges impact a senior high school students ability to access

educational resources like textbooks and study materials?


Scope and Delimitation

This study focuses on the financial status, and academic performance of Senior

High School Students at Conde Labac Integrated School. The study specifically

examines the Relationship of Financial Status to Academic Performance of Senior High

School Students in Conde Labac Integrated School:

The study includes a comprehensive assessment of the financial status of the

senior high school students in socio economic, daily allowance and school expenses

and how these expenses impact their academic performance.

The study population consists of Senior High School Students at Conde Labac

Integrated School, and the data collection methods include surveys, interviews, and

observation of the students' academic performance. The study uses a mixed-methods

approach, quantitative data, to provide a comprehensive understanding of the

Relationship of Financial Status to Academic Performance.

Significance of the Study

The primary beneficiaries of the research are the participants, who will benefit

positively from the study. The research is the answer to the need for more preparation

for student advancement in response to the impact of financial status on academic



To the Senior High Students, The participants who experience the

financial problem information to have knowledge about this financial problem.It is

significant since it focuses on how financial circumstances affect a student's educational

performance. Studying the relationship can help identify educational disparities and

offer recommendations for programs focused on helping financially challenged


To the Parents and Guardians, it can assist them in realizing the significance of

financial stability for their child's academic success. For their children's academic

achievement, it could induce parents to utilize all of the amenities and assistance

systems that are out there.

To the Educators, The one who have awareness to the students that financial

problems are the reason why some students will not go to school and consider the side

of the students. This study will assist the teacher in understanding how financial

difficulties affect the academic achievement of students. It can also assist teachers in

adapting their pedagogy to meet the requirements of financially disadvantaged

students. To boost student performance, teachers might employ a range of teaching

strategies. To encourage a welcoming environment for learning, extra resources,

different instructional tools, or changing the way evaluations are conducted may be


To the School Management, For them to know that some students are

experiencing financial problems and for them to take action and make solutions about

this problem.

To the School Support Services, this study can help improve Conde Labac

Integrated School's support services by identifying the difficulties faced by students.

This could involve putting in place financial assistance programs, scholarships, or

additional strategies that aid struggling students.


To the Future Researchers, This study may help the researcher to manage

their money beneficial for others who are interested in conducting this research on

financial behaviour of the teachers. They may use the construct of the study to enhance

their own content and validate the study.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined conceptually and operationally for better

understanding of the study :

Academic Performance- is the measurement of student achievement across

various academic subjects. Teachers and education officials typically measure

achievement using classroom performance, graduation rates, and results from

standardized tests. It is a measure of how well a student is performing academically in

comparison to their peers.

Finance- is a field that deals with the management of money and assets. It

involves the study of various aspects such as investments, banking, budgeting, lending,


financial planning. This study helps individuals and organizations make informed

decisions about how to allocate their resources, manage risks, and generate wealth.

Financial management- is strategically planning how a business should earn

and spend money. This includes decisions about raising capital, borrowing money and

budgeting. Financial management also involves making strategic financial decisions,

such as budgeting, investment planning, and financial analysis, to ensure the efficient

and effective use of financial resources.


Financial problem- having financial problems means being unable to pay debts

over the short or long term. Debt complicates financial management and limits

purchasing power. Financial difficulties become a source of stress until all debts are


Financial Status- means the condition including finance, business, assets,

properties, and operations of a person. In this study financial status is often used to

assess an individual’s or organization’s ability to meet financial obligations and achieve

financial goals.

Financial stress-can be defined as difficulty meeting basic financial

commitments due to a shortage of money. Financial stress increases the risk of

homelessness and can negatively impact an individual's health and psychological well-

being. Not surprisingly, low income is a significant cause of financial stress.

Scholarship- money given (as by a college) to a student to help pay for their

education needs.

Socializing- the process of interacting and engaging with others in a social

setting. It involves building relationships, connecting with people, and participating in

various social activities.

Socio-economic- refers to the interaction between the social and economic

factors that influence an individual or a society. Social factors include aspects such as

education, employment, income, and health, while economic factors include production,

consumption, and distribution of goods and services. Understanding socio-economic

conditions is important for addressing issues related to poverty, inequality, and social


Students- are individuals who are enrolled in educational institutions, such as

schools, colleges, or universities, to acquire knowledge, skills, and qualifications. They

are typically pursuing academic or vocational studies in various fields of interest.

Students engage in learning activities, attend classes, participate in discussions,

complete assignments, and take exams to demonstrate their understanding and

mastery of the subject matter.

Universities- an institution of higher learning providing facilities for teaching and

research and authorized to grant academic degrees.It is typically a larger and more

diverse educational institution compared to colleges or community colleges. In this

study universities provide undergraduate and postgraduate education, conducting

research and offering specialized programs in various fields of study.




This study gives the readers a better understanding of Relationship of Financial Status

to Academic Performance of Senior High School in CONDE LABAC INTEGRATED

SCHOOL Basis for Intervention. The researchers reviewed materials relevant to the

content of the study.

Financial problems are commonly faced by everyone, especially for those who

come from underprivileged or low-income families.Several studies have investigated the

relationship between financial problems and academic performance. A study conducted

by Smith (2018) found that students from low-income families often face difficulties in

affording educational resources, such as textbooks and school supplies. This lack of

resources can negatively impact their academic performance.In addition, students who

come from underprivileged or low-income families might affect their academic

performance. Most of the past research has been done to show a relationship between

financial problems and the students' academic performance. According to

Olufemioladebinu, Adediran and Oyediran ( 2018 ) , the parent’s income or social

status has positively affected the students' academic performance in an examination.

This can be further supported by a previous study by Olufemioladebinu et al. (2018)

explained that students who come from low socio-economic family status tend to show

a poor academic performance compared to students who come from a better family

background status. To sum up, Asri et al. ( 2017), students who come from a high
economic status are able to have a stimulating learning environment. Hence, it is
possible 11

for those who have a better family financial background to excel well and achieve a

better academic performance compared to those students who come from low-income

families. Another way financial problems could affect the students' academic

performance is stated by Widener ( 2017 ) , in order to overcome the financial

problems.Financial problems can also limit students' access to educational


According to a study by Brown and Lee (2020 ), students from low-income

backgrounds are less likely to participate in extracurricular activities, such as sports or

clubs, due to the associated costs. These activities not only contribute to holistic

development but also enhance academic performance by fostering teamwork,

leadership skills, and time management.

Some students make a decision of having to work part-time and even working

for long hours, which takes away their time focusing on their academics. Therefore,

having a part-time job leads to a lack of studying.Widener ( 2017 ) mentioned that

there are two ways of how a financial problem could affect the students academic

performance which are health problems and having work part-time they taking less

credit hours and also poor attendance resulting in their poor academic performance.

According to Perman ( 2019 ) , CNBC journalist, stated that having a part-time job

during the study takes a greater impact on low-income students, whereby approximately

6 million students took a part-time job, and most of them are women, Blacks and
Latinos. By juggling between jobs and academics, some students have to struggle to
overcome and manage their financial problems. 11

Based on Nnamani, Dikko and Kinta (2014), they mentioned that financial

problems of the students extremely contribute to the students low academic

performance, which therefore leads to the low quality of education in many ways.As

stated in this early literature, financial problems lead to the financial stress which will

eventually influence the low academic performance of the students. A study from

Widener (2017), they mentioned that financial stress has been consistently related to

the students' low academic performance. Based on a study of Asri et al. ( 2017), there

are many factors that contribute to students' academic performance. However, family

socio-economic factors are the significant factors as it involves financial management

which will provide motivation for the students to either have passion or not to achieve in

their academics.Another study by Johnson et al. (2019) focused on the psychological

impact of financial problems on students. The researchers discovered that financial

stress can lead to increased anxiety and decreased motivation, which in turn affects

students' ability to concentrate and perform well academically. Widener (2017) further

added that financial problems lead to health problems such as anxiety which then lead

to negative behaviours such as addiction to alcohol or uncontrolled shopping, hence

making the students lose their focus on their academics. When students face financial

problems to cope with the high cost of living, they are more exposed and vulnerable to

health problems. Therefore, here comes the issue of whether students who have

financial problems can handle the stress of managing their daily lives and finances.

Based on the study of Dang and Bulus (2015), stated that many Americans are

affected by the economic downfall. Even college students often worry about their

finances, which then this financial worry may affect their academic performance as the

students are dividing their attention between financial and academic.Hence this can be

stated that the family's finances are motivation and encouragement for the students to

have a good academic performance. Asri et al. (2017) added that when a highly

motivated student encounters a financial problem, the student will turn the problem into

motivation for them to achieve success. Therefore, whatever problems that come, which

include financial problems, should not hinder the students if they want to succeed


Asri et al. (2017) stated that poor financial management could cause an

individual unable to control the stress and thus it affects their daily life such as health by

making them depressed and becoming physically ill. This can be further supported by

the study of Asri et al. (2017) which stated that one of the causes of stress among

students is because of their financial problems in which the students tend to feel dizzy

and have anxiety that will eventually create tension with them. In other words, financial

problems lead to various problems that will eventually affect the students academic


This can be supported by a study from Widener (2017). It found that students

who are financially depressed had lower grades and enrolled in fewer credit hours. Most

students are involved in part-time jobs given by universities or local companies.

According to Asri et al. (2017), the students who come from underprivileged

socio-economic status families are often constrained by problems such as needing to

work to help their families, incapable of buying learning materials that will ultimately

impact their academic performance.


This affects their academic performance as they have to divide their focus and

attention between work and their academics. Perman (2019) also mentioned that

approximately 59% of students from underprivileged or low-income families worked for

15 hours and more, and they received a C average or lower for their academics. This

does not only affect the students schedule as they not only have to manage their time

for classes and assignments, but they also have to manage and plan their part-time job

schedule accordingly. This will eventually affect their academic performance and add to

health problems such as fatigue. As a result of this financial problem, students tend to

be less social, skip classes, and take a toll on their health, leading to poor academic

performance. According to Asri et al. (2017), stated that due to financial problems,some

students tend to be quiet, unsocialised with their friends and less interaction in class

thus leads to a decrease in their academic performance due to their lack of interaction

in acquiring knowledge.

Conceptual Framework

Input Process Output

Financial Status of the Senior HighData Analysis  Evaluation of the

 Sending of survey academic performance of the the

School Students questionnaires to the students.

 Family Monthly Income respondents of the study.  Establish a relationship

 Students Daily Allowance  Statistical treatment of between the financial status of

 School fees and Expenses the numerical data. the senior high school students

 Interpretation of results. and their academic

performance. 15

In this conceptual framework,we use this diagram to show you the effect of the

level of financial status to academic performance of senior high school students in

Conde Labac Integrated School.

Review of Related Studies

Ghulam Sughra (2022) stated that socioeconomic status (SES) serves as a

quantifiable indicator of an individual's and their family's economic and societal


in comparison to their peers. While the relationship between SES and various social,

psychological, and health domains has been extensively examined, its impact on the

field of Education has only recently gained attention. Researchers have focused on

exploring the association between SES and students' academic achievements for over

two decades. For instance, Quagliata (2008) discovered a positive correlation between

SES and academic performance. Ahmad and Khan (2012) as well as Ahmar and Anwar

(2013) established a significant link between parental socioeconomic status and the

academic achievements of secondary school students in Secondary School.


Examinations. Okioga (2013) demonstrated that the socioeconomic background of

students influences their academic performance. Moreover, the PISA (2012) study

indicated that over seventy-five percent of the differences in academic performance

among participating schools could be explained by analyzing the socio-economic status

of both the schools and the students. Sledge (2016) established a significant

relationship between SES and access to education. Doston and Folly (2017)

acknowledged the impact of student poverty on academic achievement. Bhat and Joshi

(2017) identified a substantial distinction in the academic performance of pupils with

higher socioeconomic status compared to those with lower socioeconomic status.

Furthermore, Davoli and Entorf (2018) highlighted the persistence of achievement gaps

among advantaged and disadvantaged students, as evident in the PISA results. Given

the factors that influence students' academic achievements, the relationship between

SES and students' academic performance has garnered the attention of researchers in

the field of educational testing and measurement. However, there is a notable dearth of

research concerning the relationship between the socioeconomic status of school heads

and a school's academic performance.

A study conducted by Fauzi, R., Fitri Zaini, M. N. Z. Nik Faudzy, N. ., & Zor, A. A.

Z. (2020) found that self-efficacy plays a significant role in the determination of financial

behavior and self-assuredness regarding one's ability to manage finances. According to

a study conducted on undergraduate college students, the majority of students exhibit

confidence and high motivation in effectively managing their finances and making plans

for future savings (Hucul, 2015). Financial behavior refers to the actions individuals take
in managing their finances, and there exists a direct correlation between self-control and

saving behavior. This notion is supported by a study conducted by Amer Azlan, Wijaya 17

Kamal, Rosie, and Zaiton (2016), which reveals that individuals with higher levels of

self-control demonstrate discipline, delayed gratification, and prioritize their financial

decisions. Financial wellness pertains to an individual's state of financial health, and a

positive financial attitude is associated with a higher level of financial well-being

(Philippas & Avdoulas, 2020). Research conducted by Setiyani and Solichatun (2019)

found that, in addition to a positive financial mindset, a higher level of financial literacy,

increased financial socialization, a strong sense of financial trust, and positive financial

behavior significantly impact the financial well-being of students. Jariah's research

(2014) indicated that college students with lower grade point averages reported more

financial problems compared to those with higher grade point averages. These students

tend to engage in activities such as gambling, accumulating excessive debt, inability to

repay debts, and lack of savings, which contribute to financial stress. Therefore,

students who perform better academically may possess superior financial management

skills. The study by Rubayah et al. (2015) stated that students with higher Cumulative

Grade Point Averages (CGPAs) and strong academic performance exhibited a higher

level of financial literacy. Limited research exists on financial behavior and problems

among Malaysian tertiary education students due to a lack of awareness surrounding

this issue. This fact is supported by Opletalová (2015), which reveals that financial

education has not received the attention it deserves. Hence, this work aims to bridge

these gaps by providing an analysis of financial issues among Malaysian university

students. This study will benefit organizations as they can assess whether finance plays

a major or minor role in affecting the academic performance of nursing students during

their studies. The data obtained from this study can be utilized to plan programs or

events focused on financial education and encourage nursing students to participate in

such initiatives to enhance their financial knowledge. In conclusion, financial matters are

highly relevant to university students. Given the current concern surrounding financial

issues among youth, further research is necessary to gain a comprehensive

understanding of these problems and develop effective measures to address them. 11

Raju, T. (2016) stated that socioeconomic status can have a significant impact on

a person's academic achievement and access to resources. It is important to consider

these factors when evaluating a person's cognitive abilities and potential for success.

Socioeconomic status is a measure of a person's social and economic position in

society. It can affect a person's access to resources, opportunities, and social

connections. In the context of education, socioeconomic status can impact a student's

academic achievement. Academic achievement refers to a student's performance in

school, typically measured by grades or standardized test scores. It is often used as an

indicator of a student's cognitive abilities and future success.Research has shown that

there is no significant difference in cognitive development between rural and urban

children of high and low socioeconomic status. However, there are differences in

academic achievement between rural and urban boys of high socioeconomic status,

with rural boys performing better. There were no significant differences in academic

achievement between rural and urban girls of high and low socioeconomic

status.Intelligence and achievement in mathematics have been found to be related

across different socioeconomic levels. More educated parents from economically

advantaged backgrounds are able to provide their children with more facilities and

stimulation, which can impact their academic achievement.In the context of sports,

research has shown that female players from different socioeconomic backgrounds do

not differ in their achievement motivation levels. However, their socioeconomic status
does not affect their game performance. 11

Balachandran Vadivel, et al., (2023), demonstrated a study between student

academic achievement and SES to bring the attention of monetary and educational

institutions to communities and families with lower SES. There are so many

international organizations, governments, NGOs, and volunteers working on this issue.

Governments in third-world countries are providing free-of-cost primary education,

textbooks, uniforms, mid-day meals, etc. to attract children from low socioeconomic

backgrounds to the schools. The main limitation here is the lack of awareness on the

parents’ part and the lack of basic facilities such as washrooms, benches, and

blackboards that do not let children get admitted to the schools and if they do take

admission, they do not remain there for a long time. No proper education ruins their

chances of getting upward in the social hierarchy. Every nation has a unique socio

economic setting. Therefore, it is important to examine the effect of a country’s

socioeconomic situation on student accomplishment and compare the results across

various nations. The study is significant because academic success gaps between

children from affluent and poor SES families start to appear early in a child’s life.

Understanding this subject is important for policy study because it can provide

information about how and when inequities reproduce and how they can change over a
person’s life. This research paper hopes to draw the attention of all those authorities

involved in working for the education of children with low-socioeconomic backgrounds. It

throws light on the relationship between the socioeconomic background of a child and

his educational achievements and what psychology is working behind these children not

pursuing their education and getting into a low-paid job where they are exploited by their
employers. 11

Mootoocurpen (2021) acknowledges the relationship between academic

performance and socio-economic status (SES) has been widely studied in social

sciences. SES is a measure of a person's combined economic and social status, and it

is often used as a variable in educational research (Sirin, 2005). Other indicators of SES

include education, social class, and income (Darin-Mattsson, Fors, & Kåreholt, 2017). In

this study, we define SES as the achievement of families in terms of income,

educational achievement, and occupation.Global studies have shown that SES factors

have a significant impact on students' performance in school. These factors include

poverty, the level of education of students' parents, parental income, indiscipline, and

lack of motivation (Alika; Morgan, Farkas, Hillemeier, & Maczuga, 2009; Alika & Edosa,

2012). Children from low SES households and communities are often exposed to poor

neighborhoods and are more likely to be deprived materially and emotionally, which

negatively affects their academic performance (Alika; Morgan, Farkas, Hillemeier, &

Maczuga, 2009; Alika & Edosa, 2012).

Moreover, schools located in low SES communities often lack resources, which

have a direct negative influence on students' progress and outcomes (Aikens &

Barbarin, 2008). The educational background of parents plays a significant role in their
children's academic performance (Grissmer, Kirby, Berends, & Williamson, 1994;
Okantey, 2008). 11

Parents with a solid educational background have the potential to have

increased income and are more likely to show involvement and concern for their

children's school achievement (Okantey, 2008). Parents of high socio-economic status

tend to have the ability to financially and morally support their children, which in turn

could improve their academic performance (Makewa et al., 2012). Several researchers

have found that there is a relationship between peer pressure and students' academic

performance (Zimring, 1998; Steinberg, 2005; Temitope & Christy, 2015; Mosha, 2017;

Bankole, 2019). According to Steinberg (2005), a student who is negatively

influenced by their peers would often have a poor academic performance. On the other

hand, positive peer influence results in students' academic vigor and motivation for

achievement (Lashbrook, 2000; Olalekan, 2016).In Mauritius, the academic

performance of students in secondary schools is a matter of great concern for parents

and the government. The quality of education at the secondary level has become a

major problem, especially with the re-introduction of obtaining 5 credits at School

Certificate “O” level to secure a place in Grade 12. The decreasing performance of

students, especially in mixed-ability colleges, has increased, and data collected from the

Statistical Office (CSO, 2020) shows a complete decline in academic performances of

students for both female and male gender, with a drop of 4.1% over the past five years.

One of the factors that could have contributed to this drop in academic performance is

the SES background of the students. This study aims to investigate the academic

performance of students from different SES backgrounds and explore how their
performance varies socially. The extent to which factors such as family, personal, and

other circumstantial factors impact students' academic performance is discussed.


Tus (2019) conducts a study about self-efficacy is the belief in one's ability to

accomplish tasks and achieve goals. It's a crucial factor in determining an individual's

effectiveness in their work and personal life. In the context of education, self-efficacy

can greatly impact a student's academic performance. Previous studies have shown

mixed results when it comes to the relationship between self-efficacy and academic

performance. Some studies have found no significant relationship between the two,

while others have found a positive correlation.The purpose of this study is to explore the

influence of self-efficacy on academic performance. Specifically, we aim to measure the

self-belief of students in their ability to achieve their academic goals and determine how

this affects their academic performance.By gaining a better understanding of the

relationship between self-efficacy and academic performance, we can identify ways to

enhance student learning and help them achieve their full potential.

Macatbag (2019) indicated that most individuals agree of having financial

education and skills aids in understanding and handling financial matters, but there are

other factors that also affect an individual's personal financial management, such as an

individual's "emotional control," their degree of confidence in their "decision making,"

and their ability to handle financial products (Atkinson and Messy, 2016). To ascertain

how well people manage their finances and overcome financial challen

There are no sources in the current document. (Macatbag, 2019)ges, it is

critical to assess their comprehension of financial concepts and level of self-efficacy.

Self-efficacy is the belief in one's own self-agency and ability to complete tasks. People

who possess these abilities can make more competent and rational decisions, have

positive control over their financial future, and therefore can achieve favorable future

outcomes (Guo, et al., 2018).Self-efficacy is the sense of one's own agency and the

conviction that one can successfully complete a task. It is associated with optimism,

motivation, and self-assurance and the belief that one can overcome a range of

obstacles (Gecas, 1989). Many aspects of an individual's behavior, such as their

outlook on the future and how optimistic or pessimistic they are, can be used to

measure their level of self-efficacy (Bandura, 2006). A person with high self-efficacy is

motivated to approach goals positively and can overcome hurdles to reach their goals

more readily than one with low self-efficacy, which makes them focus on possible 23
setbacks. Lastly, it appears that there is no accepted definition of financial self-efficacy.

According to Guint et al., (2015), they mentioned that the factors affecting

student achievement include income, source of income, and the mother's education

level Although many poor students score below average on assessment measures,

instructional techniques and strategies implemented at the classroom, school, district,

and government levels can help close the achievement gap by providing students with

necessary assistance in order to achieve high performance in academics.

A study conducted by Munir, J., Faiza, M., Jamal, B., Daud, S., & Iqbal, K. (2023)

found that academic success is significantly impacted by socioeconomic status. When

compared to their peers from lower socioeconomic origins, students from higher

socioeconomic backgrounds typically experience superior educational performance.

Numerous factors, such as parental education level, social and cultural capital, and
access to educational resources, might be linked to the impact of socioeconomic status

on academic achievement (Reardon, 2013; Srin, 2005). Developing treatments and

policies that seek to provide equal educational opportunities for all children, regardless

of their socioeconomic circumstances, is crucial in light of the significance of addressing

these inequities (OECD, 2018). 00

Badaran, Bulastig, Dayot (2023) , they mentioned that academic performance is

defined as a student's grade or the skills they have acquired at the conclusion of a term,

semester, or other academic period in a particular academic field or subject. Good

academic performance is shown by students who receive satisfactory or better marks

as well as scores, based on their qualifications. On the other hand, low grades are

indicative of poor academic performance for students. individuals from low-income

families typically face more obstacles and difficulties than kids from high-income

families. These students' negative influences on other students in their school also have

an adverse effect on the students' academic achievement. Based on this data, it may be

concluded that a student's academic achievement can be greatly impacted by their

family's financial situation.


Khan (2005) developed by Islam and Khan (2017) introduced different factors

which relates the Socio-economics Status of the Students at Higher Secondary level

and their Academic Achievement. Khan observations are unique and are as follows:

The Academic Achievement of a student is not only a function of his/her intellectual and

personal characteristics but also influenced by his/her Socio-economic Status and

which in turn also, influences and determine the attitudes, interest and motivation of

students for studies. Thus, Socio-economics Status is important variable for determining

the Academic students.

Gershoff et al. (2015) found that students from low-income backgrounds tend to

have lower academic achievement compared to their peers from higher-income

households. This is due to various factors like limited access to resources, lack of

parental support, and increased stressors related to financial instability.

Davis-Kean (2005) highlighted the influence of parental socioeconomic status on

student academic achievement. This extends to high school students as well. Students

from low-income families may face challenges in terms of accessing educational

resources, extracurricular activities, and other opportunities that can enhance their
academic performance. 11

DesJardins, et al. (2002) showed that financial aid positively impacts academic

performance. Students who received financial aid were more likely to persist in

their studies and achieve higher grades. This suggests that access to financial

resources can alleviate financial stress and create a more conducive environment for

academic success.

Hill et al., (2004) also argued that the financial status of parents do not only affect

the academic performance of the child, but also makes it impossible for the child to

complete with his counterpart from high financial status under the same academic


Camacho, Cordero, & Perkins, 2016; Chan &Bernardo, 2017).One of the sources

of stress for students that has been observed among higher education systems in
different parts of the world relates to financial pressures.Education is an essential need

in the society today, and therefore academic performance is

positioned quite high on the national agenda, with educators and policy makers putting

effort in testing, accountability and other related concerns (Mark 2003).

In the RAM framework, adaptation refers to their level of learning, emotion

management, and judgment (Roy & Andrews, 2008).That is, as students experiencing

financial hardships, they learn to cope with or adapt to new financial stressors more

effectively. Unavoidable expenses, lifestyle, peer pressure, tuition fees, debt loans, and
financial planning and awareness were chosen to represent the student’s problem. 11

Melvin Jabar, Judith Garcia, Marie Anne Valerio Asia-Pacific Social Science

Review 20 (4), 2020 Parental involvement plays a crucial role in the achievement of

positive educational outcomes of children. However, the level of involvement among

parents varies based on the confluence of individual, familial, and societal factors.

Anchored on such premise, this paper aims to investigate the influence of the different

socioeconomic related variables to parental involvement, such as monthly income,

subjective assessment of living condition, weekly expenditures related to children’s

education, and membership in Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) Program or the

Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps). It separately analyses parental

involvement at home and in school, as these two distinctively involve nuanced

practices. This paper is based on a survey conducted with 1,638 parents, mostly

experiencing poverty, from 29 public elementary and high.

Allan Coran (2013) stated that globally, being financially stable became a serious

matter when it comes to productivity and creativity in the academic performance

of students. Indeed, we researchers also believe that being financially stable means

students could afford their daily academic expenses in their everyday life as they

productively enhance themselves in school. But financial instability on the other

hand,can cause negative effects to the academic performance of students, such as they

could not afford to buy tools, supplies or equipment that is needed for their Academics.

Also, they could not afford a particular project, neither to participate financially in a

specific project. As they cannot afford to buy things that is essential to their academic

development, it may result for the decrease of their academic performance in school.




This chapter reveals the methods of research to be employed by the researcher

in conducting the study which includes the research design, population of the study,

research instrument and its development establishing its validity and reliability, data

gathering procedures, and the appropriate statistical treatment of data.

Research Design

The research design used for this study is a quantitative research design with a

descriptive-correlation methodology. The study will employ a questionnaire created by

the researcher to gather data. Quantitative research focuses on quantifying the

relationships between variables, which in this case include weight, performance, time,

and treatment. According to Hopkins (2008), the study will aim to establish the

relationship between various variables, such as the profile of the respondents, their

parents' financial status, school background, and academic performance, using effect

statistics like correlations, relative frequencies, or differences between means. The

respondents for this study will be senior high school students under the academic track

of Accountancy, Business, and Management, Science, Technology, Engineering, and

Mathematics, and SMAW students for the school year 2023-2024.


Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study involved all the students in Senior High School

Students at Conde Labac Integrated School. The researcher used a probability

sampling method in determining the possible respondents.

Section Total Population Sample Size

G-11STEM-Knowledge 26 16

G-11ABM-Integrity 31 16

G-11ABM-Benevolence 31 16

G-11SMAW-Respect 21 15

G-11SMAW-Righteousness 21 16
G-12STEM-Wisdom 24 15

G-12ABM-Loyalty 28 16

G-12ABM-Liberty 29 16

G-12SMAW-Courage 27 16

G-12SMAW-Confidence 26 15

TOTAL: 264 157

Data Gathering Instrument 11

A Standardized survey questionnaire was used in this study. In the conduct of

the study, the researcher followed these following steps seeking permission from the

school principal setting appointment with the senior high school teachers, Conducting

the interviews with the students. In gathering data, the researcher will create a survey

questionnaire. The questionnaire-checklist will be distributed to the target respondents.

The responses will have gathered for processing.

The data will be organized, computed, analyzed and interpreted according with

the use of Google forms to come up with a reliable results, whether there is significant

relationship between the relationship of financial status on Academic performance of

Senior High School Students of Conde Labac Integrated School.

Statistical Treatment Data

The following statistical tools were used in the study:

Frequency counts and percentage distribution. It was used to classify and

group the respondents according to their profiles according to their socio economic

status, financial status, and average family income.

Mean and standard deviation. The following scales were used in interpreting

the following data of the summary of the level of financial status and academic

performance of the students.

Person's correlation.It was used in the effect of respondent's financial status to

their academic performance and how their socio-economic affect their performance in




This chapter presents the comprehensive analysis and interpretation of results

from the data gathered. Data were presented in a tabular form and were supported by

the gathered literature and studies.

1.Profile of Respondents

Table 1 Presents the frequency and percentage distribution of the respondents in

terms of average family monthly income.

Table 1

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents in terms of Average

Family Monthly Income


Average Family Monthly Frequency Percentage


Below 5,000 83 52.9

5,001- 20,000 48 30.6

20,001- 40,000 17 10.8

Above 40,000 9 5.7

Total 157 100

Table 1 reveals that 52.9 percent or 83 respondents has an average family

monthly income of 5,000 below ,30.6 percent or 48 respondents with 5,001-20,000,10.8

percent or 17 respondents with an income of 20,001- 40,000 and lastly,5.7 percent or 9

respondents with average family income of above 40,000.It can be inferred that majority

of the respondents have 5, 000 below average family income and only 9 respondents

have above 40,000 family income.

Table 1, it shows that the 83 respondents has an average family monthly income

of 5,000 below, 48 respondents has an average family monthly income of 5,001 -

20,000 17, respondents has an average family monthly income of 20,000 - 40,000 and
9 respondents has an average monthly income of above 40,000. 01

This was supported by the study of Macatbag (2017) ,that financial literacy was

strongly related to socio demographic characteristics and position in family on financial

sophistiation. But, financial literacy varies quite substantially among countries: financial

literacy level depends on educational,social interactions (TullioJappelli, 2019).

Average Students Daily Frequency Percentage


50 below 26 16.6

51-150 87 55.4

151-200 29 18.5

200 above 15 9.6

Total 157 100

Table 2

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents in terms of

Average Students Daily Allowance


Table 2 reveals that 16.6 percent or 26 has an average respondents has an

average students daily allowance of 50 below, 55.4 percent or 87 respondents have


allowance of 51-150, 18.5 percent or 29 respondents have daily allowance or 151-200 ,

and lastly 9.6 percent or 15 respondents have 200 above daily allowance.

Based on the survey we conduct , majority of the respondents have 51-150 daily

allowance and only 15 respondents have above 200 daily allowance.

These findings are consistent with previous studies of Moneva, J., Tuñacao, M. (2020),

that most of the students have the ranges forty-one to fifty pesos as their daily

allowance. With this, students are satisfied with their daily school allowances. The

students seem to have a peaceful mind in their financial life because of meeting

financial obligations with fewer debts and liabilities. A student who manages well a

financial resource leads to lesser debts and liabilities which tend to increase the level of
financial support satisfaction. Furthermore, a financial support satisfied student is more

confident, tolerant and less prone to stress for having improved individual well-being. In

order to enhance budgeting skills and increased level of financial support satisfaction,

this study suggests exploring more on the students who are making debts at an early



Table 3

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents in terms of Students

Previous General Average

Previous year Frequency Percentage

General Average

Below 75 1 0.6

76-79 10 6.4

80-85 75 47.8

86-90 59 37.6

91 Above 12 7.6

Total 157 100 35


Table 3 reveals that 0.6 percent or 1 respondents got 75 below previous year

general average,6.4 percent or 10 respondent got 76-79 last year general average,47.8

percent or 75 respondents got 80-85 previous year general average,37.6 percent or 59

respondents got 86-90 last year general average,and lastly 7.6 percent or 12

respondents got 91 above last year general average.

From table 3 it shows that the 75 respondents has an previous year general average

of below 75, 59 respondents has an previous year general average of 86-90,12

respondents has an previous year general average of 91 above,10 respondents has an

previous year general average of 76-79, and 1 respondents has an previous year

general average of below 75.

Indicators WM Verbal Interpretation Rank

1. My family own a business 2.52 Disagree 3

2. Our family income 2.49 Agree 4

reaches Php. 20,000-40,000

3. Our family income is just 2.67 Agree 2

enough to meet expenses

on our daily things

4. We have money reserved 3.01 Agree 1

for savings and future


Composite Mean 2.67


Table 4

Shows the Data of Family Monthly Income of the Senior High School Students in

Conde Labac Integrated School

Table above reveals the data Family Monthly Income of the students. The highest

weighted mean obtained by the students was 3.01 who answered the question, We

have money reserved for savings and future expenses. This finding was supported by

Asri et al. (2017) that when a highly motivated students encounters a financial problem,

the student will turn the problem inti motivation for them to achieve success. This then,

confirms that research is a skill that help us to more understand how financial status of

the family affect the student academic performance. 37

Table 5
Data of Students Daily Allowance of The Senior High School Students in Conde
Labac Integrated School

Indicators WM Verbal Rank

1. My family give my allowance 2.94 Disagree 2
2. My family give my allowance 2.54 Agree 4
3. My allowance every day is 3.05 Agree 1
between 100-200
4. My allowance every day is 2.74 Disagree 3
200 above
Composite Mean 2.82

This data shows the Students Daily Allowance. The weighted mean obtained by the

students was 3.05 who answered the question, My allowance every day is between

100-200. Students having a high financial status gain public attention and peaceful

surroundings that would improve their academic achievement (Chandra & Azimuddin,

2003). Researchers demonstrate that financial status of the students correlates with

academic achievement (Bhat, Joshi, & Wani 2016).

Table 6

Present the Data of Daily Expenses of the Senior High School in Conde Labac

Integrated School 38

Indicators WM Verbal Rank


1. I budget my allowance wisely 2.20 Agree 4

2. I spend only 20% of my 3.05 Agree 1

allowance for school expenses

3.I spend half or more of my 2.59 Agree 3

allowance for school expenses

(e.g. food, exam papers, modules,

and fees)

4.I prefer buying food on school 2.86 Agree 2

than packing my own food

Composite Mean 2.68

This another data shows the School Daily Expenses of the students. The highest

weighted mean obtained by the students was 3.05 who answered the question, I spend

only 20% of my allowance for school expenses, The status of a student in the society

sees family income as a factor to consider regarding socioeconomic status (Okioga,

2013). Students now can be more attentive when it already had the need of improving

their academic performance, Socioeconomic status of the students can be a factor

when achieving and enhancing one academic performance, School allowance plays a

big role in daily school adventure.

There can be an impact if the student allowance on school is not enough for them to

focus when studying.


Table 7
Data of the Students “Level of Academic Performance of Senior High School

Indicators WM Verbal Rank

1. I always pay attention 2.54 Agree 2
during every discussion.
2. I actively participate in 2.50 Agree 3
every discussion.
3. I enjoy participating in 2.41 Agree 5
recitations and activities in
4. I am focused especially if 2.22 Agree 7
the subject is hard.
5. I am confident to answer 3.09 Agree 1
even. I am not sure if it is
6.I always attend classes. 2.35 Agree 6
7.I submit all my projects and 2.42 Agree 4
assignment on time.
Composite Mean 2.50

The table above reveals the data of the Level of Academic Performance of Senior High

School Students. The highest weighted mean obtained by the students was 3.09 who

answered the question. I am confident to answer. The duration of time taken to break

from high school to higher education, and student engagement in the facilities or

support that higher education institutions provide (Moraga-Pumarino. Salvo-Garrido, &

Polanco-Levican, 2023). Furthermore, based on their extensive literature review.

Alyahyan and Düştegör (2020) have identified the most important factors in predicting

students' academic success in higher education divided into five categories, namely: (1)

academic achievement which includes GPA and cumulative GPA: (2) student

demographics which includes gender, age, parents' educational background and

occupation, student's place of residence, and family income: (3) student's learning

environment in the higher education institution where the student studies: (4) student's

psychological condition which includes learning interest, learning motivation, and self-

regulation: (5) e-learning activities that the student engages.


Table 8

Present the Data of Students “Is financial significantly affect their grades”

Indicators WM Verbal Rank


1. I can’t focus on my school

works because of financial 2.68 Disagree 3


2. I experience a late

submission of projects and 2.49 Disagree 5

etc. due to financial problems

3. I forgot to do my activities

and requirements because of 2.75 Disagree 2

thinking about how to provide

money for my school fees

4. I am unable to follow the Disagree 4

lessons because I wasn’t able 2.61

to purchase the required

textbook or module that are

needed for the class

5. Sometimes I cannot buy

the materials needed because 2.90 Disagree 1

I do not have a money for it. 11

Composite Mean 2.69

The table reveals the data of students “is the financial affect their grades”. The

highest weighted mean obtained by the students was 2.90 who answered the question,

Sometimes I cannot buy the materials needed because I do not have a money for it. In

order to take initiatives in academic performance of students need to include efforts and

make their selves aware academically for them to develop their academic performance

(Shanzadi & Ahmad, 2011).Students are mostly doing recapitulation the tackled lesson

by memorizing the word again by themselves and this may become one of the styles of

learning of the students (Gbolle & Keamu, 2017). In addition, well-furnished study room

with loaded equipment has a helpful outcome on the scores of the students.

Table 9

Shows the data of the students “Are there visible problems and academic


Indicators WM Verbal Rank


1. I skip a whole

day class because 2.35 Disagree 2

of financial
problems. 11

2. I cannot pay

attention in class 2.15 Disagree 4

because of how

tired I am from

helping my parents

to earn money.

3. I usually

intended not to 2.36 Disagree 1

submit my activities

due to financial


4. I tend to not

have energy to

participate in any

activities because 2.27 Disagree 3

my mind is on our



5. I was not able to

pay a full amount 2.11 Disagree 5

of money when

there is
contribution. 11

Composite Mean 2.25

The table shows the data of students “Are there visible problems and academic

success”. The highest weighted mean obtained by the students was 2.36 who answered

the question, I usually intended not to submit my Persistence could be an advanced

development that lends students to achieve the specific online course (Hart, 2012). A

study implied that both attitude and self-efficacy have strong effect on academic

achievement (Li, 2012). Student performance can be influenced by how they are been

guided by their teachers and parents considering the learning facilities (Singh, Malik, &

Singh, 2016). Risk takers with a brave mind to nurture new things and develop their

self-reliance are the classification of determined people.


Table 10

Present the Data of the Student Financial Situation that Influence their

Educational Achievements

Indicators WM Verbal Rank

problems have
affected my 2.19 Agree 3
2.I did not
participate in
activities that
require financial 2.18 Disagree 4
because of the
lack of financial
3.I feel un
motivated to
study and tends 2.10 Disagree 5
to lose my focus
while studying.
4.I cannot 2.38 Agree 2
perform better
when I have a
5.I was thinking
of dropping out
the semester 2.48 Disagree 1
when we
difficulties in
Composite 2.27

The table shows the data of the Students Financial Situation Influence Their

Educational Achievements. The highest weighted mean obtained by the students was

2.48 who was answered the statement, I was thinking of dropping out the semester

when we experienced difficulties in financial. Students having a high financial status

gain public attention and peaceful surroundings that would improve their academic

achievement (Chandra & Azimuddin, 2003). Researchers demonstrate that financial

status of the students correlates with academic achievement (Bhat,Joshi, & Wani 2016).

Table 11

Present the Impact of Financial on Senior High School Students Ability to Access

Educational Resources and Study Materials in Conde Labac Integrated School

Impact of Financial on Senior High School Students Ability to Access

Educational Resources and Study Materials

Indicators WM Verbal Rank


1. I wasn’t be

able to pay a full

amount of money 2.20 Disagree 4

when there is


2.Sometimes I

cannot buy the

need materials 2.34 Disagree 3

because I doesn’t

have money for it.

1. I was not able

to go on school

activities because 2.75 Disagree 1

of lack of financial


2. I was not able

to participate on

activities that 2.02 Disagree 5

require financial


3. I cannot buy

materials and

textbooks on time 2.36 Disagree 2

because I don’t

have enough

money for it.

Composite 2.33


The table above shows the data of the Impact of Financial on Senior High School

Students Ability to Access Educational Resources and Study Materials in Conde Labac

Integrated School. The highest weighted mean obtained by the students was 2.75 who

was answered the statement, I was not able to go on school activities because of lack of

financial support. This study was supported by Davis-Kean (2005) highlighted the

influence of parental socioeconomic status on student academic achievement. This

extends to high school students as well. Students from low-income families may face

challenges in terms of accessing educational resources, extracurricular activities, and

other opportunities that can enhance their academic performance.



This chapter presents the summary of the study. This also includes the findings,

conclusions,and recommendations.


The study was conducted to analyze the Relationship of Financial Status to

Academic Performance of Senior High School Students in Conde Labac Integrated

School. This considered the family monthly income, school daily allowance of the

students and students daily expenses. As a result, the researchers understand and

willing to help some senior high school students in Conde Labac Integrated School who

are having difficulties to their academic performance due to financial status to enhance

and achieve their academic goal.

The quantitative descriptive-correlation research was used. There were a total of 264

senior high school students in Conde Labac Integrated School and our research

respondents have a total of 157.


The findings of the study are the following: In general majority of the respondents

previous academic performance did not affect by their financial and socio-economic

status. Financial status have a low impact to the academic performance of the senior

high school students in Conde Labac Integrated school as more of them got a high
average in their previous academic year and it is ranging of 80-85 or 47.8 percent. It

found that even the family monthly income of is 5000 below the students still can do

better to their academic performance.


The purpose of this chapter was to focus on the findings emerged from the interview.

Its is a clear from the findings that:

1.There is one senior high school students got 75 below in previous year average.

2.The family monthly income of majority of senior high school students is 5000 below

and more of students got an 86-90 previous year average.

3.The financial status of the senior high school students have a low impact to their

academic performance.

4.There’s have a few students who have difficulties to understand the lesson and pass

some activities due to financial status they have.


In view of the findings and conclusions of this study the researchers recommend the


1.Senior High Students must be create a budget to track their income and

expenses .Cut their unnecessary needs and find low-cost alternatives.

2.Parents on guardians are required to find a job that can supplement the family

finances ,such as online selling,building a sari sari store on selling food in the market.

3.Educators can support students with a financial status by teaching financial

literacy ,connecting them with local resources,and creating a supportive classroom


4.School Management can support students by offering scholarships,collaborating with

community organizations for work opportunities ,providing free or access to school


5.Further, Future researchers could are this research study,as by offering background

information ,identifying gaps, and suggesting areas for expansion in similar studies.

















(Macatbag, 2019)

Macatbag, R. A. (2019). Financial Self-Efficacy Among Women Educators In Public Secondary High School
In Batangas City. 6.

Personal Information

Name: Judylyn M. Soneja

Address: Sto Domingo, Batangas City

Date of Birth: December 29, 2004

Place of Birth: San Jose Sico, Batangas City

Citizenship: Filipino

Civil Status: Single

Email: [email protected]

Educational Background


Conde Labac Integrated School SY. 2022-2023

Conde Labac Batangas City

Accountancy, Business, Management


Conde Labac Integrated School SY. 2018-2022

Conde Labac Batangas City


Sto Domingo Elementary School SY. 2012-2018

Sto Domingo Batagas City


Personal Information

Name: Glaiza B. Macatangay

Address: Conde itaas, Batangas City

Date of Birth: October 26, 2006

Place of Birth: Conde itaas, Batangas City

Citizenship: Filipino

Civil Status: Single

Email: [email protected]

Educational Background


Conde Labac Integrated School SY. 2022-2023

Conde Labac Batangas City

Accountancy, Business, Management


Conde Labac Integrated School SY. 2018-2022

Conde Labac Batangas City


Conde Itaas Elementary School SY. 2012-2018

Conde Itaas,Batagas City


Personal Information

Name: Dianne C. Claveria

Address: Dumuclay East Batangas City

Date of Birth: January 26 2005

Place of Birth: Batangas City

Citizenship: Filipino

Civil Status: Single

Email: [email protected]

Educational Background


Conde Labac Integrated School SY. 2022-2023

Conde Labac Batangas City

Accountancy, Business, Management


Libjo National High School SY. 2018-2022

Libjo Batangas City


Dumuclay Elementary School SY. 2012-2018

Damuclay Batangas City


Personal Information

Name: Baby Lyza A. Guico

Address: San Miguel Bugtong na Ruhat

Date of Birth: November 8,2005

Place of Birth: San Miguel Batangas City

Citizenship: Filipino

Civil Status: Single

Email: [email protected]

Educational Background


Conde Labac Integrated School S2022-2023

Conde Labac Batangas City

Accountancy Business And Management


Conde Labac Integrated School SY 2018-20222

Conde Labac Batangas City


San Miguel Elementary School SY 2012-2018

San Miguel Batangas City


Personal Information

Name: Jhon Martin P. Macatangay

Address: Maipa San Miguel Batangas City

Date of Birth: February 14, 2006

Place of Birth: San Miguel Batangas City

Citizenship: Filipino

Civil Status: Single

Email: [email protected]

Educational Background


Conde Labac Integrated School SY. 2022-2023

Conde Labac Batangas City

Accountancy, Business, Management


Libjo national highschool 2018-2022

Libjo Batangas City


San Miguel Elementary School SY. 2012-2018

San Miguel, Batagas City


Personal Information

Name: Roma Dennise D. Miranda

Address: Cumba, Batangas City

Date of Birth: February 12, 2006

Place of Birth: Cumba, Batangas City

Citizenship: Filipino

Civil Status: Single

Email: [email protected]

Educational Background


Conde Labac Integrated School SY. 2022-2023

Conde Labac Batangas City

Accountancy, Business, Management


Conde Labac Integrated School SY. 2018-2022

Conde Labac Batangas City


Cumba Elementary School SY. 2012-2018

Cumba, Batangas City


Personal Information

Name: Eron A. Alegria

Address:Conde Itaas Batangas City

Date of Birth:December 13,2004

Place of Birth:Conde Itaas Batangas City

Citizenship: Filipino

Civil Status: Single

Email: [email protected]

Educational Background


Conde Labac Integrated School S2022-2023

Conde Labac Batangas City

Accountancy Business And Management


Conde Labac Integrated School SY 2018-20222

Conde Labac Batangas City


Conde Itaas Elementary School SY 2012-2018

Conde Itaas Batangas City


Personal Information

Name: Sharmyn A. Almarez

Address: Sto Domingo, Batangas City

Date of Birth: December 21, 2004

Place of Birth: Sto. Domingo Batangas City

Citizenship: Filipino

Civil Status: Single

Email: [email protected]

Educational Background


Conde Labac Integrated School SY. 2022-2023

Conde Labac Batangas City

Accountancy, Business, Management


Conde Labac Integrated School SY. 2017-2021

Conde Labac Batangas City


Sto Domingo Elementary School SY. 2012-2016

Sto Domingo Batagas City

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