CE135 - 2. Flexural Analysis of Concrete Beams

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Prepared by: Engr. Jan Nathan A.

▪ Minimum beam depth ▪ For fy other than 420MPa, the
expressions in Table shall be multiplied
by (0.4 + fy /700).
▪ For nonprestressed beams made of
lightweight concrete having wc 1440 and 1840
kg/m3 , the expressions in Table shall be
multiplied by the greater of (a) and (b):
(a) 1.65 − 0.000wc
(b) 1.09
▪ The thickness of a concrete floor finish
shall be permitted to be included in h if it is
placed monolithically with the beam or if the
floor finish is designed to be composite with
the beam in accordance to 16.4.
▪ 425.2.1 For parallel non-prestressed
reinforcement in a horizontal layer, clear
spacing shall be at least the greatest of 25mm,
db , and 4/3 dagg .
▪ 425.2.2 For parallel non-prestressed
reinforcement placed in two or more layers,
reinforcement in the upper layers shall be
placed directly above reinforcement in the
bottom layer with a clear spacing between
layers of at least 25mm.
▪ 425.3.3 For longitudinal reinforcement in
columns, pedestals, struts, and boundary
elements in walls, clear spacing between bars
shall be at least the greatest of 40mm, 1.5db ,
and 4/3 dagg .
▪ Assume that a small transverse load is placed on a concrete beam with tensile reinforcing and that
the load is gradually increased in magnitude until the beam fails. As this takes place, the beam will
go through three distinct stages before collapse.
▪ These are:

1. Uncracked Stage
2. Cracked Stage
3. Ultimate Strength Stage
▪ When tensile stresses are less than the modulus
of rupture, the entire cross section of the beam
resists bending, with compression on one side
and tension on the other.
▪ Modulus of Rupture (fr ) – bending tensile
stress at which concrete begins to crack
▪ Cracking Moment (Mcr ) – moment at which the
tensile stress at the bottom of the beam is equal
to the modulus of rupture
▪ At Uncracked Stage:

1. M < Mcr 2. fb < fr

▪ As the load is increased after the modulus of
rupture is exceeded, cracks begin to develop in
the bottom of the beam.
▪ As the load is increased further, these cracked
quickly spread up to the vicinity of the neutral
axis, and then the neutral axis begins to move
▪ The cracks occur at those places along the beam
where the actual moment is greater than the
cracking moment.
▪ At Cracked Stage:

1. M ≥ Mcr 2. fb ≥ fr
▪ As the load is increased after the modulus of
rupture is exceeded, cracks begin to develop in
the bottom of the beam.
▪ As the load is increased further, these cracked
quickly spread up to the vicinity of the neutral
axis, and then the neutral axis begins to move
▪ The cracks occur at those places along the beam
where the actual moment is greater than the
cracking moment.
▪ At Cracked Stage:

1. M ≥ Mcr 2. fb ≥ fr
▪ Concrete in the cracked zone cannot resist
tensile stress. The steel must do it.
▪ NSCP 2015 422.2.2.2 Tensile strength of
concrete shall be neglected in flexural and axial
strength calculations.
▪ In this stage, the compressive stress vary
linearly with the distance from the neutral axis.
▪ To compute the concrete and steel stresses in
this range, the transformed area method is
▪ Modular Ratio (n) – ratio of steel modulus to 420.2.2.2 Modulus of elasticity, Es , for non-prestressed
concrete modulus. bars and wires shall be permitted to be taken as
▪ Transformed Area Method – a method in which
steel bars are replaced with an equivalent area 429.6.4 It shall be permitted to take the modular ratio,
of fictitious concrete which supposedly can n = Es /Ec , as the nearest whole number (but not
resist tension. less than 6). Except in calculations for deflections,
E value of n for lightweight concrete shall be
n = Es (429.6.4) assumed to be the same as for normal weight of
the same strength.
▪ For normal weight concrete:
429.6.5 In doubly reinforced flexural members, an effective
Ec = 4700 fc′ (419.2.2.1.b) modular ratio of 2Es /Ec shall be used to transform
compression reinforcement for stress
▪ If 1440kg/m3 < wc < 2560kg/m3 : computations. Compressive stress in such
Ec = 0.043wc1.5 fc′ (419.2.2.1.a) reinforcement shall not exceed permissible tensile
▪ Flexure formula:
fb = From strength of materials

▪ Modulus of Rupture:

fr = 0.7 fc′ NSCP 2001 409-11

fr = 0.62λ fc′ NSCP 2010 409-10
NSCP 2015 419.2.3.1
▪ Cracking Moment
fr Ig
Mcr = NSCP 2001 409-10

NSCP 2010 409-9

▪ 419.2.4 Lightweight Concrete

▪ 419.2.4.1 To account for the properties of

lightweight concrete, a modification factor λ is
used as a multiplier of fc′ in all applicable
provisions of this Code.
▪ 419.2.4.2 The value of λ shall be based on the
composition of the aggregate in the concrete
mixture in accordance with Table 419.2.4.2 or as
permitted in Section 419.2.4.3.
▪ 419.2.4.3 If the measured average splitting tensile
strength of lightweight concrete, fct , is used to
calculate λ, laboratory tests shall be considered in
accordance with ASTM C330M to establish the
value of fct and the corresponding value of fcm and
λ shall be calculated by:
λ= ≤ 1.0 419.2.4.3
0.56 fcm
fct = average splitting tensile strength of
lightweight concrete
fcm = measured average compressive
strength of concrete
▪ 429.4 Permissible Service Load Stresses ▪ 429.4.2 Tensile stress in reinforcement fs shall not
exceed the following:
▪ 429.4.1 Stresses in concrete shall not exceed the
following: For Grade 280 reinforcement:
Extreme fiber stress in compression Fs = 140MPa
Fc = 0.45fc′ 429.4.1.1 For Grade 420 reinforcement or greater and
welded wire fabric (plain or deformed):
Fs = 170MPa
For flexural reinforcement, ∅10mm or less, in one-
way slabs of not more than 4m span but not greater
than 200MPa:
Fs = 0.5fy
▪ The given concrete beam below has fc′ = 28MPa
and fy = 420MPa.
a. Determine the cracking moment
(kNm) of the section.
b. Compute the bending stresses
(Mpa) in the extreme fibers of the
beam for a bending moment of
c. Compute the bending stresses in the
extreme fibers of the beam for a
bending moment of 35kNm.
d. Determine the allowable moment
according to NSCP 2015.
▪ Solution:
3 step model:
1. yത (centroid from the top)
2. Ig (centroidal moment of inertia)
3. F (stress at any given point)
▪ Solution for (a):
Mcr yt
fr = Ig
h 450
yത = 2 = = 225mm
bh3 300 450 3
Ig = = = 2278.125x106 mm4
12 12

fr = 0.62λ fc′ = 0.62(1.0) 28

fr = 3.281MPa
Mcr 225
3.281 =

Mcr = 33217407.71Nmm
Mcr = 33.217kNm (Ans. )
▪ Solution for (b):

M < Mcr ∴ the section is uncracked.

h 450
yത = 2 = = 225mm
bh3 300 450 3
Ig = = = 2278.125x106 mm4
12 12
Mytop 25x106 225
ftop = = = 2.469MPa
Ig 2278.125x106

ftop = 2.469MPa C (Ans.)

Mybot 25x106 225
fbot = = = 2.469MPa
Ig 2278.125x106

fbot = 2.469MPa T (Ans.)

▪ Solution for (c):

M > Mcr ∴ the section is uncracked.

Use transformed area method.
Ay top = Ay bot

b yത = n As d − yത
E 200000
n = Es = 4700 = 8.04
c 28

300ഥy2 π 2
= 8(3) 4
16 (375 − yത )
▪ Solution for (c):
300ഥy2 π 2
=8 3 16 375 − yത
2 4

yത = 94.922mm
bഥ 2
Ig = + nAs d − yത
300 94.922 3
Ig = 3
π 2 2
+8 3 16 375 − 94.922

Ig = 464.055x106 mm4
▪ Solution for (c):
fc = Ig

35x106 94.922
fc = 464.055x106

fc = 7.159MPa C Ans.
fs Mybot
n Ig

fs 35x106 375−94.922
8 464.055x106

fs = 168.993MPa T (Ans. )
▪ Solution for (d):

yത = 94.922mm
Ig = 464.055x106 mm4
Fc = 0.45 fc′ = 0.45 28
Fc = 12.6MPa
Fy = 170MPa since fy = 420MPa
▪ Solution for (d):
Mc ytop
Fc = Ig

c M 94.922
12.6 = 464.055x10 6

Mc = 61.599kNm
Fs Ms ybot
n Ig
170 Ms 375−94.922
8 464.055x106

Ms = 35.209kNm
Mallowable = 35.209kNm (Ans. )
▪ After the concrete compression stresses exceed about 0.5fc′ , they no longer vary directly as the
distance from the neutral axis or as a straight line.
▪ It is assumed that the curved compression diagram is replaced with a rectangular one with a
constant stress of 0.85fc′ .
▪ After the concrete compression stresses exceed about 0.5fc′ , they no longer vary directly as the
distance from the neutral axis or as a straight line.
▪ It is assumed that the curved compression diagram is replaced with a rectangular one with a
constant stress of 0.85fc′ .
▪ The rectangular diagram of depth “a” is
assumed to have the same c.g. and total
magnitude as the curved diagram.
▪ Experimental tests show that with the
assumptions used here, accurate flexural
strengths are determined.
▪ Charles Whitney replaced the curved stress
block with an equivalent rectangular block of
intensity 0.85fc′ and a depth a = β1 c.
a = β1 c 422.
▪ NSCP 2015
422. Values of β1 shall be in accordance
with Table 422.
▪ Analysis using Engineering Mechanics:

▪ 422.2.2.1 Maximum strain at the extreme concrete

compression fiber shall be assumed equal to 0.003.
By similar triangles:
c dt
0.003 0.003+ϵt
c = 0.003+ϵt
c= s f

c = 600+ft
600(dt −c)
fs = c
▪ Analysis using Engineering Mechanics:

▪ 422.2.2.1 Maximum strain at the extreme concrete

compression fiber shall be assumed equal to 0.003.
By summation of forces:
0.85f′c ab = As fs
By taking moment:
Mn = C d − 2
Mn = T d − 2
Mu = ∅Mn
Note: The assumption that fs = fy is subject to
verification in the analysis. For beam design,
we always set fs = fy to maximize the capacity
of the rebar.
▪ A beam that has a balanced steel ratio is one for which the tensile steel will theoretically just reach
its yield point at the same time the extreme compression concrete fibers attain a strain equal to
▪ Should a flexural member be so designed that it has a balanced steel ratio or be a member whose
compression side controls, the member can suddenly fail without warning.
▪ These members are compression controlled and are referred to as brittle members. Obviously, such
members must be avoided.
▪ The Code stated that members whose computed tensile strains equal to or greater than 0.005 at the
time the concrete strain is 0.003 are to be referred to as tension-controlled sections.
▪ For such members, the steel will yield before the compression side crushes and deflections will be
large; giving users warning of impending failure.
▪ Furthermore, members with ϵt ≥ 0.005 are considered to be fully ductile.

▪ The Code further stated that members that have net steel strains or ϵt values between ϵy and 0.005
are in a transition region between compression-controlled and tension-controlled sections.
▪ For Grade 60 (420MPa) reinforcing steel, which is quite common, ϵy is approximated to be 0.002.
▪ Balanced Section

fs = fy when ϵc = 0.003
▪ Compression Controlled Section

fs < fy when ϵc = 0.003

▪ Transition-Zone Section

fy < fs < 1000MPa when ϵc = 0.003

▪ Tension Controlled Section

fs ≥ 1000MPa when ϵc = 0.003

▪ The beam shown has f′c = 28MPa and fy = 420MPa.
a.) Determine the nominal moment (kNm).
b.) Determine the ultimate moment (kNm).
▪ Solution for (a):
3 step model:
1. a (depth of the rectangular compression block)
2. Check if the conditions are satisfied. Recompute if needed.
3. M (moment)
▪ Solution for (a):

Assuming that steel will yield: (fs = fy )

0.85f′c ab = As fy
π 2
0.85 28 a 300 = 3 25 (420)

a = 86.625mm
Check assumption:
600(dt −c)
fs =

Since f′c ≤ 28MPa, β1 = 0.85

▪ Solution for (a):
a = β1 c → c = 0.85

c = 101.912mm
600(dt −c) 600(430−101.912)
fs = =
c 101.912

fs = 1931.608MPa > 420MPa

∴ correct assumption
Mn = 0.85f′c ab d − 2
Mn = 0.85 28 86.625 300 430 − 2

Mn = 239166688.8Nmm
Mn = 239.167kNm (Ans. )
▪ Solution for (b):

Mn = 239.167kNm
Mu = ∅Mn
∅ depends upon the condition at failure.
fs = 1931.608 > 1000 ∴ tension controlled
∅ = 0.90 for tension controlled sections
Mu = 0.9 239.167
Mu = 215.250kNm (Ans. )
▪ A rectangular beam has b = 400mm, d = 380mm, As = 4 − 32mm, f′c = 30MPa, grade 60
reinforcement (fy = 420MPa). Calculate the ultimate moment capacity of the beam.
▪ Solution:

Assuming that steel will yield: (fs = fy )

0.85f′c ab = As fy
π 2
0.85 30 a 400 = 4 32 420

a = 132.464mm
▪ Solution:

Check assumption:
600(dt −c)
fs = c
β1 = 0.85 − fc′ − 28
β1 = 0.85 − 30 − 28

β1 = 0.836
a = β1 c → c = 0.836

c = 158.504mm
▪ Solution:
600(dt −c) 600(380−158.504)
fs = =
c 158.504

fs = 838.447MPa > 420MPa

∴ correct assumption
Mn = 0.85f′c ab d − 2
Mn = 0.85 30 132.464 400 380 − 2

Mn = 423943070.2Nmm
Mn = 423.943kNm
▪ Solution:
fs −fy
∅ = 0.65 + 0.25 ≥ 0.65
∅ = 0.65 + 0.25 ≥ 0.65

∅ = 0.830
Mu = ∅Mn
Mu = 0.830 423.943
Mu = 352.027kNm (Ans. )
▪ A rectangular beam has b = 400mm, d = 380mm, As = 6 − 32mm, f′c = 30MPa, grade 60
reinforcement (fy = 420MPa). Calculate the ultimate moment capacity of the beam.
▪ Solution:

Assuming that steel will yield: (fs = fy )

0.85f′c ab = As fy
π 2
0.85 30 a 400 = 6 32 420

a = 198.696mm
▪ Solution:

Check assumption:
600(dt −c)
fs = c
β1 = 0.85 − fc′ − 28
β1 = 0.85 − 30 − 28

β1 = 0.836
a = β1 c → c = 0.836

c = 237.756mm
▪ Solution:
600(dt −c) 600(380−237.756)
fs = =
c 237.756

fs = 358.964 < 420MPa ∴ wrong assumption

π 2 600(380−c)
0.85 30 a 400 = 6 32
4 c
π 2 600(380−c)
0.85 30 β1 c 400 = 6 32
4 c
π 2 600(380−c)
0.85 30 0.836c 400 = 6 32
4 c

c = 227.551mm
▪ Solution:

a = β1 c = 0.836 227.551
a = 190.168mm
Mn = 0.85f′c ab d − 2
Mn = 0.85 30 190.168mm 400 380 − 2

Mn = 552655052.7Nmm
Mn = 552.655kNm
▪ Solution:
fs −fy
∅ = 0.65 + 0.25 ≥ 0.65
∅ = 0.65 + 0.25 ≥ 0.65

∅ = 0.65
Mu = ∅Mn
Mu = 0.65 552.655
Mu = 359.226kNm (Ans. )

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