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TRFR FAT Test Program 20240229

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Changzhou Sieyuan Toshiba Transformer Co., Ltd.





24.2.28 DATE

LiangShaoHua APPROVED BY APPROVED BY LiangShaoHua DATE:24.2.28

ChenXinDong REVISED BY CHECKED BY ChenXinDong DATE: 24.2.28


Changzhou Sieyuan Toshiba Transformer CO.,Ltd. 常州思源东芝变压器有限公司 1 / 15

Changzhou Sieyuan Toshiba Transformer Co., Ltd.

This test procedure covers shop inspection and tests for following equipment.

Oil immersed transformer
Rating (specification)
Rated capacity :50MVA/50MVA
Rated frequency:50Hz
Rated voltage: HV(Y):132kV(﹢4-12)×1.25%
Rated current on principal tap: HV:218.7A
LV:1312 A

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Changzhou Sieyuan Toshiba Transformer Co., Ltd.

No. Test Item Test Procedure Applied Spec.or Standard

Visual Inspection check of construction and external appearance of the transformer will be made according to the
1 Visual inspection outline drawing and contract specifications. Manufacturer standard

a) Maker: The test results provided by CT manufacturer shall be included in the final factory files.
Check of the ratio
and polarity of b) Before assembly: Following test or inspection items will be done. Consistent with the nameplate
2 built-in current 1. Polarity check
transformers 2. Measurement of current ratio

The voltage ratio will be measured with the RATIO TESTER. And this test will be made at all tap positions.
The check of phase displacement will be made with the RATIO TESTER at the rated tap position .

Test Circuit:(EX. Between HV and LV )

IEC 60076-1(2011)
Measurement of
Error of voltage ratio
voltage ratio and
3 Should be within ±0.5%;
check of phase
Voltage relations(YNd1)

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Changzhou Sieyuan Toshiba Transformer Co., Ltd.

No. Test Item Test Procedure Applied Spec.or Standard

The winding resistance will be measured with a resistance measuring test set on all windings at all tap positions.

Test Circuit:
Ex). Measurement of HV winding between H1-H0

Measurement of
IEC 60076-1(2011)
4 winding resistance
Reference data

Insulation resistance between core and clamp will be measured with 2500V Megger for 1min. Manufacturer Standard
Check of core and (1) Core ~ clamp, earth The insulation resistance should
frame insulation exceed 500MΩ at 20℃.
(2) Clamp ~ core ,earth
(manufacturer standard)
(3) Core ~ clamp

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Changzhou Sieyuan Toshiba Transformer Co., Ltd.

No. Test Item Test Procedure Applied Spec.or Standard

Insulation resistance (R15, R60and R600) of winding will be measured with 5000V megohm-meter as follows. The
absorption ratio (R60/R15) and polarization index (R600/R60) will be calculated.
(1) HV winding~LV winding·Ground
(2) LV winding~ HV winding·Ground
(3) HV winding· LV winding~Ground
(4) HV winding~LV winding IEC 60076-1 (2011)
Measurement of Manufacturer Standard
6 insulation Criteria:
resistance The insulation resistance should
exceed 2000MΩ at 20℃.
(manufacturer standard)

Dielectric dissipation factor and capacitance measurement will be made at 50Hz-10kV with AI6000-A as follows.
(1) HV winding~LV winding·Ground
(2) LV winding~ HV winding·Ground
(3) HV winding· LV winding~Ground
(4) HV winding~LV winding

Measurement of
dissipation factor IEC 60076-1 (2011)
and capacitance Reference data

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Changzhou Sieyuan Toshiba Transformer Co., Ltd.

No. Test Item Test Procedure Applied Spec.or Standard

Following test will be carried for bushings after the transformer is installed IEC 60076-1 (2011)
8 Test of Bushing Dielectric dissipation factor should
- Measurement of dissipation factor and capacitance not exceed 0.5 % at 20℃.
(Manufacturer standard)
No-load loss and excitation current will be measured at the rated frequency at 90%,100%,110% of the rated voltage
at the rated tap position
The specified voltage will be supplied on LV line terminals and HV line terminals will be left open-circuited.
3-phase excitation current with low voltage will be measured at the same time.
Test circuit:
IEC 60076-1(2011)
Technical Spec.
The measured values should satisfy
Measurement of the following
9 no-load loss and guaranteed values
excitation current No-load loss
At 100% rated voltage

Measurement of Technical Spec.

Harmonic measurement of no-load current will be made at 100% of the rated voltage.
10 No-load current
harmonics Reference data
The measurement will be carried out as a special test.

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Changzhou Sieyuan Toshiba Transformer Co., Ltd.

No. Test Item Test Procedure Applied Spec.or Standard

The measurement of short-circuit impedance and load loss will be made at the rated and extreme tap positions as
HV~LV: at 50MVA base IEC 60076-1(2011)
Test circuit: Technical Spec.

The measured values should
satisfy the following
Measurement of guaranteed values
11 impedance and
load loss Pk75℃ ≤186kW

Zero-sequence impedance measurement will be made with suitable low voltage at rated tap position as follows.

Between HV and HVN


IEC 60076-1(2011)
Measurement of
Technical Spec.
12 zero-sequence
Reference data

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Changzhou Sieyuan Toshiba Transformer Co., Ltd.

No. Test Item Test Procedure Applied Spec.or Standard

The lightning impulse test will be made with negative polarity as follows.

Wave HV line HV Neutral LV line

Full 550kV 250kV 150kV
Chop 605kV / 165kV

Wave shape
Standard impulse voltage wave shape:
T1 (wave front time):1.2μs±30%, IEC 60076-3(2018)
T2 (wave tail time) :50μs±20%
Wider tolerance may be accepted, if the capacitance of the winding to earth is very high and / or the inductance is Criteria:
very low, and if the standard wave shape cannot be achieved by installation of additional resistors ( Max. 500Ω ) in The absence of significant
the non-tested windings. differences between voltage
Test tap position and current transients
Lightning impulse a). phase H1 …….maximum tap recorded at reduced voltage
test b). phase H2………… .rated tap and those recorded at full
c). phase H3……… minimum tap test voltage, or between voltage and
current transients recorded at the
Test sequence same voltage constitutes
evidence that the insulation
has withstood the test.
HV and LV terminals
a. one 50% reduced full wave
b. one 100% full wave
c. one 50% reduced chop wave
d. two 100% chop wave
e. two 100% full wave

HVneutral terminals
a. one 50% reduced full wave
b. three 100% full wave

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Changzhou Sieyuan Toshiba Transformer Co., Ltd.

No. Test Item Test Procedure Applied Spec.or Standard

Test circuit:
ex. Test circuit of H1 terminal

IEC 60076-3(2018)

The absence of significant
Lightning impulse differences between voltage
Test and current transients
13 ex. Test circuit of H0 terminal
- continued - recorded at reduced voltage
and those recorded at full
test voltage, or between voltage and
current transients recorded at the
same voltage constitutes
evidence that the insulation
has withstood the test.

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Changzhou Sieyuan Toshiba Transformer Co., Ltd.

No. Test Item Test Procedure Applied Spec.or Standard

The test will be made as follows.
(1) HV ~ LV·ground
Test voltage ------95kV (50Hz) Test duration ------ 1 min.

IEC 60076-3(2018)

The test is successful if
(2) LV~HV·ground
no collapse of the test
Test voltage -----44kV (50Hz) Test duration ------ 1 min.
Applied voltage voltage and earth current
14 occurs.

TR: Testing transformer
VD: Voltage Divider
V: Voltmeter
A: Ampere meter

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Changzhou Sieyuan Toshiba Transformer Co., Ltd.

No. Test Item Test Procedure Applied Spec.or Standard

The Line terminal AC withstand voltage test will be made on each phase(H1,H2,H3).
Test voltage: HV=230kV
Test frequency: 200 Hz

Test duration:120× ra te d fre q u e n c y =120×50/200= 30sec

te st fre q u e n c y

Tap position : Tap1

Line terminal AC
withstand voltage IEC60076-3(2018)
test The test is successful if
15 no collapse of the test
voltage and earth current

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Changzhou Sieyuan Toshiba Transformer Co., Ltd.

No Test Item Test Procedure Applied Spec.or Standard

The induced voltage test with partial discharge measurement will be made as follows.

Test frequency: 200 Hz

rated frequency 50
Test duration:120× =120× = 30sec
test frequency 200
Connection: tap position tap 9B(132/22kV)

Auxiliary X1 H1

~ X3
~ H0
H3 H2 IEC 60076-3 (2018)
C Criteria:
3φ The continuous level of partial
Induced voltage 200Hz discharge at U2 does not exceed
test with partial Gen. 250pC
16 discharge C1 C1
measurement C2 C2
Test voltage(Phase to phase)
U1=2×Ur =264kV C1
U2=1.58×Ur =208.56kV C2
U3=1.20×Ur= 158.4kV

Test sequence 30sec


U2 A B C D E
U3 1min 5min 60min 1min

Changzhou Sieyuan Toshiba Transformer CO.,Ltd. 常州思源东芝变压器有限公司 12 / 15

Changzhou Sieyuan Toshiba Transformer Co., Ltd.

No. Test Item Test Procedure Applied Spec.or Standard

The temperature rise test will be made by a short-circuit method at the rated frequency and at the maximum loss tap
position, for 50MVA rating(ONAF) as follows.

1). Determination of top oil temperature rise

The top oil temperature rise will be determined by supplyingmore than 80% of the maximum total losses (the sum of
no-load losses and load losses converted to 75℃). If necessary, The correction to insufficient loss will be made by
multiplying correction factor according to IEC 60076-2 as follows. IEC 60076-2 (2011)
Technical Spec.
total losses K
Correction factor = ( ) K=0.9(ONAF)
supplied losses Criteria:
The temperature rise should
Top oil temperature, cooler inlet and outlet temperature and ambient air temperature of at least 3 points surrounding satisfy the following
Temperature rise transformer will be measured at half an hour interval and recorded . guaranteed values
17 test
The test will be terminated when the rate of change of the top oil temperature rise has fallen below 1K per hour and Temperature rise limit
has remained there for a period of 3 hours, then the readings of the last hour will be taken as the result of the test
2). Determination of average winding temperature rise Top oil : 57 K
Winding by resistance : 62 K
HV and LV windings The hot spot:75K
After determination of the top oil temperature rise at each cooling stage, HV and LV winding temperature rise
will be measured succeeding above 1).These measurement will be made by a winding resistance method after
maintaining the rated current of each rating for not less than one hour.

The measurement will be made for completely assembled transformer as following conditions.
1. To measure background noise
IEC 60076-10 2016
Determination of 2. Applying the no-load voltage of the rated frequency
18 Sound press level≤77 dB
sound levels 3. At 1m away from the principal radiating surface with forced (ONAN)
4. At 2m away from the principal radiating surface with forced(ONAF2)

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Changzhou Sieyuan Toshiba Transformer Co., Ltd.

No. Test Item Test Procedure Applied Spec.or Standard

FRA measurements will be made on each phase in turn under factory test condition, installed with temporary test
bushings and bushing turrets, the measurement will be made with following conditions.

1.Frequency ranges---20Hz~2MHz
2. Measuring conditions
(a). HV terminals (LV terminals open circuit)
①Source: H1, Receiving: H0 ②Source: H2, Receiving: H0
③Source: H3, Receiving: H0

(b). LV terminals (HV terminals open circuit)

①Source: X1, Receiving: X3 ②Source:X2, Receiving:X1
③Source: X3, Receiving: X2

IEC 60076-1(2011)
3. Test circuit (ex. Between H1 to H0) IEC 60076-18(2012)
Measurement of
19 frequency response
Reference data

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Changzhou Sieyuan Toshiba Transformer Co., Ltd.

No Test Item Test Procedure Applied Spec.or Standard

Oil test for transformer oil sample will be madeas following items:
Technical Spec.
1. Water content test 2.Dielectric strength test 3.Dissipation factor test 4.Dissolved gas analysis
Manufacturer standard
Insulation Oil Test 2. Dissolved gas analysis will be performed 4 times as follows
20 Criteria:
• At the start of the test schedule ,before dielectric test C2H2 should not be detected.
•After dielectric test,before temperature rise test
•After temperature rise test

After the transformer completely assembled, oil leakage test willbe made as follows.
Test pressure --- 0.035MPa (When completely filled with oil), applied to the top of the conservator of the IEC 60076-1(2011)
transformer. Manufacturer standard
Oil leak age tes t Test duration --- 24 hours
The oil leakage will be checked by touching and visually. If there are any points of suspected oil leakage, these shall Criteria: No leakage
be checked with white or other approved indicator.

IEC 60076-1(2011)
After the tap-changer fully assembled on the transformer,the following tests will be carried out.
IEC 60214-1(2003)
a.When the transformer is non-energized, 8 operation cycles should be completed under 100% rated operation
On-load Manufacturer standard
Tap-changing voltage. Criteria:
22 b. When the transformer is non-energized, 1 operation cycle should be completed under 85% rated operation voltage.
Operation Test Each item should be no trouble.
c. The transformer is on the condition of non-energized. Tap changer should complete 1 operation cycle while
Each operation test should
no-load test.
be performed without
d. 10 times tap-changing should be completed in the range of rated tapping of plus and minus 2 while load test.

Measurement of
23 the power taken by Measurement of the power and current taken by the cooling fan motors IEC 60076-1(2011)
the fans will be made at the rated voltage and rated frequency. Reference data

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