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A. Course Design


Nominal Duration: 20 Hrs. (Basic)
28 Hrs. (Common)
28 Hrs. (Core)
76 Hours


Course Description: This course is designed to enhance
the knowledge, skills, behavior and motivations in accordance with
industry standards.
To advocate and sell tourism destination, products and
services through technology-based information gathering and
application of sales and promotions principles and techniques.
This list does not include specific institutional requirements such as
educational attainment, appropriate work experience, and others that
may be required of the trainees by the school or training center
delivering the TVET program.
Trainees or students who wish to enter this training should possess the
following requirements:
 can communicate in basic English in both oral and
written form
 can perform basic mathematical computation
This list does not include specific institutional requirements
such as educational attainment, appropriate work experience, and
others that may be required of the trainees by the school or
training center delivering the TVET program.

Course Structure
Basic Competencies
No. of Hours: (20)
Unit of Competency Module Title Learning Nominal
Outcomes Duration
Participate in workplace Participating in 1.1.1 Obtain and 6 hours
communication workplace convey
communication workplace
1.1.2 Perform
1.1.3 Complete
relevant work

Work in team environment Working in a team 2.1.1 Describe team 3 hours

environment role and scope
2.1.2 Identify own
role and
within team
2.1.3 Work as a team

Solve/address general Solving / 3 hours

workplace problems Addressing general 3.1.1 Identify routine
workplace problems
3.1.2 Look for
solutions to routine
3.1.3 Recommend
solutions to problems

Develop career and life Developing career 4.1.1 Manage one’s 3 hours
decisions and life emotion
decisions 4.1.2Develop
reflective practice
4.1.3 Boost self-
confidence and
develop self-
Contribute to workplace Contributing to 5.1.1 Identify 3 hours
innovation workplace opportunities to do
innovation things better
5.1.2 Discuss and
develop ideas with
5.1.3 Integrate
ideas for change in
the workplace
Present relevant Presenting relevant 6.1.1 Gather data/ 8 hours
information information information
6.1.2 Assess
gathered data/
6.1.3 Record and
present information
Practice occupational Practicing 7.1.1 Identify OSH 4 hours
health and safety occupational compliance
health and requirements
safety 7.1.2 Prepare OSH
for compliance
7.1.3 Perform tasks
in accordance
with relevant
OSH policies

Exercise efficient and Exercising efficient 8.1.1 Identify the 3 hours

effective sustainable and effective efficiency and
practices in the sustainable effectiveness of
workplace practices in the resource utilization
workplace 8.1.2 Determine
causes of inefficiency
ineffectiveness of
resource utilization
8.1.3 Convey
inefficient and
Practice entrepreneurial Practicing 9.1.1 Apply 4 hours
skills in the workplace entrepreneurial entrepreneurial
skills in the workplace best
workplace practices
9.1.2 Communicate
workplace best
9.1.3 Implement

Common Competencies
No. of Hours: (28 hours)
Unit of Competency Module Title Learning Outcomes Nominal
1. Develop and update 1.1 Developing 1.1.1 Identify and 2 hours
industry knowledge and update access key
industry resources of
knowledge information on
the industry
1.1.2 Access apply and
share industry
1.1.3 Update
relevant industry
2. Observe workplace 2.1 Observing 2.1.1 Practice personal 2 hours
hygiene procedures workplace grooming and
hygiene hygiene
procedures 2.1.2 Practice safe and
handling, storage
and disposal of
food, beverage
and materials
3. Perform computer 3.1 Performing 3.1.1 Identify and 6 hours
operations computer explain the
operations functions, general
features and
capabilities of
both hardware
and software
3.1.2 Prepare and use
hardware and
according to task
3.1.3 Use appropriate
devices and
procedures to
transfer files/data
3.1.4 Produce accurate
and complete
data according to
the requirements
3.1.5 Maintain
computer system
4. Perform workplace 4.1 Performing 4.1.1 Practice 2 hours
and safety practices workplace workplace safety,
and safety security and
practices hygiene systems,
processes and
4.1.2 Respond
appropriately to
faults, problems
and emergency
4.1.3 Maintain safe
5. Provide effective 5.1 Providing 5.1.1 Apply effective 6 hours
customer service effective verbal and non-
customer verbal
service communication
skills to respond
to customer
5.1.2 Provide prompt
and quality
service to
5.1.3 Handle queries
promptly and
correctly in line
with enterprise
5.1.4 Handle customer
evaluation and

Core Competencies
No. of Hours:(28)
Unit of Competency Module Title Learning Nominal
Outcomes Duration
1.Operate technology- 1.1 Operating 1.1.1 Access 8 hours
based information system technology- information on
based an automated
information system.
system 1.1.2 Check and
1.1.3 Interpret
1.1.4 Organize
data base
2. Provide information and 2.1 . Providing 2.1.1Develop 6 hours
advice on a destination, information and information on a
product or service. advice on a destination,
destination, product or service
product or 2.1.2 Update
service information on a
product or service
2.1.3 Provide
information and
advice on
product or
services available
at the destination.

3.Promote tourism 3.1 Promoting 3.1.1Identify 6hours

products and services tourism customer needs
products and 3.1.2Suggest
services products to meet
customer needs
information and
3.1.4Sell tourism
related products
and services
Assessment Methods:
• Demonstration
• Observation
• Interviews/ Questioning
• Written tests


1. The delivery of training shall adhere to the design of the curriculum. Delivery
shall be guided by the principles of competency-based TVET.

a. Course design is based on competency standards set by the industry or

recognized industry sector; (Learning system is driven by competencies written to
industry standards)

b. Training delivery is learner-centered and should accommodate individualized and

self-paced learning strategies;

c. Training can be done on an actual workplace setting, simulation of a workplace

and/or through adoption of modern technology.

d. Assessment is based in the collection of evidence of the performance of work to

the industry required standards;

e. Assessment of competency takes the trainee’s knowledge and attitude into

account but requires evidence of actual performance of the competency as the
primary source of evidence.

f. Training program allows for recognition of prior learning (RPL) or current


g. Training completion is based on satisfactory performance of all specified


2. The competency-based TVET system recognizes various types of delivery

modes, both on-and off-the-job as long as the learning is driven by the
competency standards specified by the industry. The following training
modalities and their variations/components may be adopted singly or in
combination with other modalities when designing and delivering training

2.1. Institution- Based:

• The traditional classroom-based or in-center instruction may be enhanced

through use of learner-centered methods as well as laboratory or field-work
2.2 Enterprise-based Training - where training is implemented within the company in
accordance with the requirements of the specific company. Specific guidelines
on this mode shall be issued by the TESDA Secretariat.
Recommended list of tools, equipment and materials for the
training of a maximum of 25 trainees for TOURISM PROMOTION
SERVICES NC II are as follows:


(Latest Versions)
5 units Computer with 1 set Telephone Directory
internet connection
1 unit LCD projector 1 set Maps (world, national &
1 unit Telephone Posters of destinations
Assorted Travel brochures &
1 unit Fax machine Assorted Pictures/samples of
souvenirs, arts & crafts
& delicacies
1 unit Sound system 1 set Price lists of products &
1 unit Photocopier 1 set DOT latest version,
regional situationer
reports, statistics and
marketing plan

1 unit Printer 1 set Current schedules

of different modes of
transportation to
different local
5 sets Headset

*NOTE: Implementation of the training program can be facilitated

through a Memorandum of Agreement between the training
provider and industry partner/s regarding the use of facilities.
This is in response to the high cost of facilities and equipment.
Air-conditioned vehicles can be hired on a per trip basis subject
to requirement.


Based on a class intake of 25 students/trainees.

Space Size in Area in Sq. Total Area in Sq.

Requirement Meters Meters Meters
1 x 1 m. 1 sq. m. 25 sq. m
Working Space
Lecture/Demo Room 8 x 5 m. 40 sq. m. 40 sq. m.
Learning Resource
3 x 5 m. 15 sq. m. 15 sq. m.
Circulation Area 24 sq. m.

Total workshop area: 104 sq. m.

• Must be a holder of National TVET Trainer’s Certificate Level I in
Tourism Promotion Services NC II
• Must have at least 3-5 years’ job/industry experience
• Must have attended relevant training and seminars

Modules of Instruction
Tourism Promotion Services NC II

Core Competencies

Unit of Competency: Operate technology-based information system

Modules Title: Operating technology-based information system

Module Descriptor: This unit deals with the knowledge, skills, behavior
and motivations required to access and interpret information by using
computer-based systems and internet resources to acquire and
interpret tourism-related information on a destination, product or

Nominal Duration: 6 hours

Summary of Learning Outcomes:

LO1. Access information on an automated system

LO2. Check and download information

LO3. Interpret downloaded information

LO4. Organize data base

Details of Learning Outcomes:


Assessment Criteria Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment

1.Information requirements Role of The Discussion/ Direct
are correctly identified. automated students/trainees observation of
information must be provided Demonstration the candidate
2.Sources of information are systems in with the Video viewing while cleaning
identified and the correct the tourism following: a kitchen
automated system is industry.
accessed in an efficient Writing materials Written or oral
manner Functions of questions to
the References test
3.Appropriate search information knowledge of
methods are selected for the system Handouts candidates on
type of information required Basic cleaning
understandin materials and
4.Cleaning equipment are g of copyright equipment
used safely in accordance and and hygiene
with manufacturer’s intellectual issues
instructions property
requirements Review of
5.Features of the system are as they relate portfolios of
used and manipulated to to online evidence and
access the full range of information third party
system information. workplace
Basic report of on-
keyboarding the-job
skills performance
of the
Electronic file candidate


Assessment Criteria Contents Conditons Method Assessment

ology Methods
Information is accessed Role of The Direct observation of
to meet the required automated students/trai Discussion/ the candidate while
scope and purpose. information nees must demonstratio cleaning a kitchen
systems in the be provided n
Further search is tourism with the Video Written or oral
conducted if information industry following: viewing questions to test
is insufficient. knowledge of
Functions of Writing candidates on
Required information is the information materials cleaning materials
correctly selected. system and equipment and
References hygiene issues
Order is placed for any Basic
information that understanding Handouts Review of portfolios
requires purchase. of copyright of evidence and third
and party workplace
Information is intellectual report of on-the-job
downloaded/printed in property performance of the
accordance with requirements candidate
system procedures and as they relate
company requirements. to online
Information is
organized in a suitable Basic
format for use keyboarding

Electronic file


Assessment Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment
Criteria Methods
General and/or Sources of The students/ Discussion/ Direct observation
brochure information tourism product trainees must Demonstration of the candidate
are interpreted and information be provided Video viewing while cleaning a
applied to meet the with the kitchen
particular sales or Major following:
operational need. categories of Written or oral
tourism Writing questions to test
Specific details about products and materials knowledge of
the product are services candidates on
interpreted and References cleaning materials
accurately applied to Industry and equipment and
meet the particular terminology and Handouts hygiene issues
sales or operational common
need abbreviations in Review of portfolios
relation to major of evidence and
Special jargon or product third party
specifications used in categories workplace report of
product information on-the-job
are interpreted and Use of the 24- performance of the
accurately applied to hour clock candidate
meet the particular
sales or operational General
need procedures in
relation to major

Specific legal
issues relating
to different

organizing and
information to
determine what
information is

establishing the
correct source
of information
and accessing

skills to be able
to explain
industry jargon
to a customer


Assessment Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment
Criteria Methods
General and/or Profiling of The students/ Discussion/ Direct observation
brochure information customers, trainees must Demonstration of the candidate
are interpreted and products and be provided Video viewing while cleaning a
applied to meet the services with the kitchen
particular sales or following:
operational need. Electronic and Written or oral
manual filing Writing questions to test
Specific details about systems materials knowledge of
the product are candidates on
interpreted and References cleaning materials
accurately applied to and equipment and
meet the particular Handouts hygiene issues
sales or operational
need Review of portfolios
of evidence and
Special jargon or third party
specifications used in workplace report of
product information on-the-job
are interpreted and performance of the
accurately applied to candidate
meet the particular
sales or operational

Modules of Instruction
Tourism Promotion Services NC II
Core Competencies

Unit of Competency: Provide information and advice on a

destination, product or service

Modules Title: Providing information and advice on a

destination, product or service

Module Descriptor: This module deals with the knowledge, skills,

behavior and motivations required to source and provide destination
information and advice including general product information (eg.
what types of product can the destination offer.

Nominal Duration: 6 hours

Summary of Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of this module, the students/trainees

must be able to:
LO1. Develop information on a destination, product or service
LO2. Update information on a destination, product or service
LO3. Provide information and advice on a destination, product or
services available at the destination
Details of Learning Outcomes:

LO1. Develop information on a destination, product or service

Assessment Criteria Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment

Information sources are Sources of The Discussion/ Direct
identified and accessed information on students/trainees observation of
for current and accurate destinations must be provided Demonstration the candidate
information on with the Video viewing while cleaning
destinations Industry following: a kitchen
Information is obtained networks Writing materials Written or oral
on features of the questions to
destination and the Different ways References test
general type of tourism that individuals knowledge of
products available update their Handouts candidates on
knowledge in the cleaning
Information is identified tourism industry, materials and
and obtained on the including internet equipment
different tourism products and hygiene
available which can meet Ways in which issues
customer needs customers seek
information Review of
Information is identified portfolios of
and obtained on the Destination evidence and
different tourism products knowledge as third party
available which can meet appropriate to workplace
customer needs the sector or report of on-
specific the-job
workplace performance
of the
Communication candidate
skills for dealing
with customers
and colleagues

research skills

LO2. Update information on a destination, product or service

Assessment Criteria Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment

Informal and formal Sources of The Discussion/ Direct
research are used to information on students/trainees observation of
update destination and destinations must be provided Demonstration the candidate
general product with the Video viewing while cleaning
knowledge. Industry following: a kitchen
Feedback is sought on networks Writing materials Written or oral
experience with questions to
destinations from both Different ways References test
colleagues and that individuals knowledge of
customers and this is update their Handouts candidates on
provided to other knowledge in the cleaning
organizations where tourism industry, materials and
appropriate. including internet equipment
and hygiene
Updated information is Ways in which issues
shared with colleagues in customers seek
accordance with information Review of
enterprise procedures portfolios of
Destination evidence and
knowledge as third party
appropriate to workplace
the sector or report of on-
specific the-job
workplace performance
of the
Communication candidate
skills for dealing
with customers
and colleagues

research skills

LO3 Provide information and advice on a destination, product or services

available at the destination

Assessment Criteria Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment

Specific information and Sources of The Discussion/ Direct
advice needs of the information on students/trainees observation of
customer are accurately destinations must be provided Demonstration the candidate
identified. with the Video viewing while cleaning
Industry following: a kitchen
Range of current and information
accurate destination and networks Writing materials Written or oral
general product questions to
information and advice is Different ways References test
provided in a timely that individuals knowledge of
manner and in update their Handouts candidates on
accordance with knowledge in the cleaning
company procedures tourism industry, materials and
including internet equipment
Customer needs are and hygiene
addressed by ensuring Ways in which issues
appropriate scope and customers seek
depth of information information Review of
portfolios of
Information and advice Destination evidence and
are presented in an knowledge as third party
appropriate format and appropriate to workplace
style the sector or report of on-
specific the-job
workplace performance
of the
Communication candidate
skills for dealing
with customers
and colleagues

research skills

Modules of Instruction
Tourism Promotion Services NC II
Core Competencies



Modules Title: Promoting Tourism Products and Services

Module Descriptor: This module deals with the knowledge, skills,

behavior and motivations required to source and provide destination
information and advice including general product information (eg.
what types of product can the destination offer.

Nominal Duration: 6 hours

Summary of Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of this module, the students/trainees

must be able to:
LO1. Identify customer needs
LO2. Suggest products to meet customer needs
LO3. Provide product information and advice

Details of Learning Outcomes:

LO1. Identify Customer Needs

Assessment Criteria Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment
Specific customer needs Principles of The Discussion/ Direct
and preferences are selling students/trainees observation of
accurately identified, must be provided Demonstration the candidate
including cultural needs Fundamental with the Video viewing while cleaning
and expectations. communication following: a kitchen
Customer requirements Writing materials Written or oral
which, if met, would Special laws questions to
breach ethical and legal relating to the References test
commitments, are sale of knowledge of
immediately identified. prohibited Handouts candidates on
products cleaning
Rapport is established materials and
with the customer to Product equipment
promote goodwill and knowledge as and hygiene
trust appropriate to issues
the enterprise or
industry sector Review of
portfolios of
Content and evidence and
format of product third party
information workplace
report of on-
Communication the-job
skills, specifically performance
active listening of the
and questioning candidate


LO2. Suggest products to meet customer needs

Assessment Criteria Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment

Research is conducted, Principles of The Discussion/ Direct
when required, to source selling students/trainees observation of
information to meet must be provided Demonstration the candidate
specific customer needs Fundamental with the Video viewing while cleaning
communication following: a kitchen
Product options are principles
tailored to the specific Writing materials Written or oral
needs of the customer Special laws questions to
relating to the References test
Product suggestions are sale of knowledge of
made in accordance with prohibited Handouts candidates on
current enterprise products cleaning
promotional focus and materials and
any preferred product Product equipment
arrangements where knowledge as and hygiene
appropriate appropriate to issues
the enterprise or
Customers are made industry sector Review of
aware of additional portfolios of
products and options Content and evidence and
which may enhance their format of product third party
itinerary information workplace
report of on-
All options are provided Communication the-job
within the appropriate or skills, specifically performance
agreed timeframe active listening of the
and questioning candidate
All options are presented
in a format and style Interpreting
most appropriate to the product
particular customer and information
in accordance with
enterprise procedures

LO3 Provide product information and advice

Assessment Criteria Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment

Specific product Principles of The Discussion/ Direct
information and advice selling students/trainees observation of
needs of the customer must be provided Demonstration the candidate
are accurately identified. Fundamental with the Video viewing while cleaning
communication following: a kitchen
Current and accurate principles
product information and Writing materials Written or oral
advice are provided in a Special laws questions to
timely manner. relating to the References test
sale of knowledge of
Scope and depth of the prohibited Handouts candidates on
information are made products cleaning
appropriate to customer materials and
needs. Product equipment
knowledge as and hygiene
Information and advice appropriate to issues
are presented in an the enterprise or
appropriate format and industry sector Review of
style. portfolios of
Content and evidence and
Features and benefits are format of product third party
clearly explained and information workplace
promoted to the customer report of on-
Communication the-job
Additional information is skills, specifically performance
provided to overcome active listening of the
customer questions and and questioning candidate
Techniques are selected product
and used at the information
appropriate time to close
the sale with the

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