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YOUR FIRST GAME������������������������������������� 3 Sepulchral Guard Turn 4�����������������������������������40
Before You Start���������������������������������������������������� 3 Ironsoul’s Condemnors Turn 4 ����������������������� 41
Setting up��������������������������������������������������������������� 4 End Phase������������������������������������������������������������� 43

ROUND 1 �����������������������������������������������������10 ROUND 3 �����������������������������������������������������46

Sepulchral Guard Turn 1����������������������������������� 10 Ironsoul’s Condemnors Turn 1 �����������������������46
Ironsoul’s Condemnors Turn 1 ����������������������� 11 Sepulchral Guard Turn 1�����������������������������������48
Sepulchral Guard Turn 2����������������������������������� 14 Ironsoul’s Condemnors Turn 2 ����������������������� 49
Ironsoul’s Condemnors Turn 2 ����������������������� 15 Sepulchral Guard Turn 2����������������������������������� 50
Sepulchral Guard Turn 3����������������������������������� 18 Ironsoul’s Condemnors Turn 3 ����������������������� 50
Ironsoul’s Condemnors Turn 3 ����������������������� 19 Sepulchral Guard Turn 3����������������������������������� 51
Sepulchral Guard Turn 4����������������������������������� 23 Ironsoul’s Condemnors Turn 4 ����������������������� 52
Ironsoul’s Condemnors Turn 4 ����������������������� 25 Sepulchral Guard Turn 4����������������������������������� 52
End Phase������������������������������������������������������������� 27 End Phase������������������������������������������������������������� 53

ROUND 2 �����������������������������������������������������30 WHO WON? �����������������������������������������������53

Sepulchral Guard Turn 1����������������������������������� 30 What If?��������������������������������������������������������������� 53
Ironsoul’s Condemnors Turn 1 ����������������������� 32 What Next? ��������������������������������������������������������� 53
Sepulchral Guard Turn 2����������������������������������� 34
Ironsoul’s Condemnors Turn 2 ����������������������� 35 WARBAND PRIMERS �������������������������������54
Sepulchral Guard Turn 3����������������������������������� 36 Ironsoul’s Condemnors Primer����������������������� 54
Ironsoul’s Condemnors Turn 3 ����������������������� 38 Sepulchral Guard Primer ��������������������������������� 55


With thanks to the Godbeasts, the Katophrane Relics and the Seraphon Agenda for their additional
playtesting services
Warhammer Underworlds: Starter Set © Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2023. Warhammer Underworlds: Starter Set, GW, Games Workshop, Warhammer,
the ‘winged-hammer’ Warhammer logo, Warhammer Age of Sigmar, Stormcast Eternals, and all associated logos, illustrations, images, names, creatures, races,
vehicles, locations, weapons, characters, and the distinctive likenesses thereof, are either ® or TM, and/or © Games Workshop Limited, variably registered around
the world. All Rights Reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers.

This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this book are fictional, and any resemblance to real people or incidents is purely coincidental.

British Cataloguing-in-Publication Data. A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. Pictures used for illustrative purposes only.

Certain Citadel products may be dangerous if used incorrectly, and Games Workshop does not recommend them for use by children under the age of 16 without adult
supervision. Whatever your age, be careful when using glues, bladed equipment and sprays, and make sure that you read and follow the instructions on the packaging.

Games Workshop Limited, Willow Road, Lenton, Nottingham, NG7 2WS, United Kingdom
This playthrough takes you through a full game of Warhammer Underworlds, turn by turn. You’ll set up the
battlefield and your fighters. You’ll use your fighters and their cards. Most importantly, you’ll learn how to win the
game! It’s a great place to start. You can play through this by yourself or with another player.

In this playthrough, parts of the game that would normally be random – the cards you draw and the dice you roll –
are fixed.


The first thing you need to do is put together the Citadel miniatures included in the box. The rulebook contains easy-
to-follow instructions showing you how to do this on pages 14-15. Once you’ve done that, push out all the counters and
tokens from the token sheet and sort them into separate piles. Give four activation tokens to each player.

Activation token

Unpack the cards, and separate them out into two sets of fighter cards and four decks – one objective deck and one power
deck (see below) for each warband. Don’t shuffle these decks to begin with! They have already been arranged in a set order
to help you learn the game. Don’t worry if you have; you can simply find the cards as they are mentioned instead.

Now collect the attack dice (white) and the defence dice (black) and the double-sided game boards. You’ve now got
everything you need to play.


Each card has a symbol in the top-right of the card OBJECTIVE DECKS
that tells you which warband that card belongs to. A power deck contains 20 power cards with blue
This is the warband symbol. backs and an objective deck contains 12 objective
cards with gold backs – together, these cards are
This is the warband symbol for known as a Rivals deck (Rivals decks are explained
Ironsoul’s Condemnors. on page 18 of the rulebook) and each warband in this
This is the warband symbol for the set comes with their own unique deck.
Sepulchral Guard.


Fighter cards are two-sided. One side shows a fighter
as they are at the start of the game. The other side
shows that fighter when they become ‘Inspired’ (we’ll inevitable blow
explain this later). Spread the fighter cards out so that The first Range
ck action
1 or Range 2 Atta Cleave
t activation step
made in the nex
you can see them all, and so the Inspired sides of the or Ensnare: pick
whi ch one
Attack action step
the declare

fighter cards are hidden. When the fates

alig n ther e is noth ing that
rior’s killing strik
can impede a war

Each fighter card

© GW 2023

has a picture in Power cards

the top-left of the
card that shows the OBJECT

Citadel miniature
that represents The Warden
that fighter. The sepulchra ed
3 1 4 Action: Choose arden
Before you start 2 1 4
Boneshiver s
to two other frien
Action: Cho
fighters. The
chosen ose up
fighters eachtwo other friendly

I_ this playthrough,
mak e one
2 2 3
Boneshiver s
Move action. ers. The
fighters each mak
Action: Cho e one der’s
place each Citadel 2 2 2
friendly fighter
e actio
is is
ely after
your lea
immediat an enemy fight
out of actio Cho ose
n. Place the one ore th es
Inspire: Two or chos frien dly Surge: Sc action that tak n.
miniature on more en fight
fighter on an er that is tio
friendly fighters out of action. Plac Attack out of ac d for as
have empty star ting
chosen hex
e the s lingere
Raise counters
or you your terriemp
tory, thenfightiner on an arden ha is as str
lchral W espire, yet he
its respective © GW 2023 give an Inspired
fighter a Raise
© GW 2023
give that fightty
friendly your
counterone Raisegive
er starting hex in
ter. tory, then
that fighter
The Sepu
as an yo ne in Shad ever.

fighter card. one Raise coun

10/32 3
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Fighter cards Objective cards

Setting up a game of Warhammer Underworlds is done in four steps.

1. Place the boards

2. Place objective tokens
3. Draw cards
4. Place the fighters


Find the boards shown in the picture below, and set them up exactly as they are in that picture. This is the battlefield. It
is divided into hexes, which you use so you can tell where fighters and objective tokens are in relation to each other.

Now find the five numbered objective tokens (one side is blank) and place them as shown in this diagram with the
numbered sides showing.


Now draw three objective cards from each warband’s objective deck, and five power cards from each warband’s power
deck. To draw a card, a player takes the top card from the relevant deck.

In this playthrough, we’ll refer to the Condemnors player and the Sepulchral Guard player. If you’re playing through
this with someone else, decide who is controlling which warband and give each player the cards you’ve drawn for that
warband. Otherwise, just keep all the cards where you can see them – you’ll take the role of both players!

You should have the following cards in front of you.



Land of the dead Lay CLaim to it aLL marCh of the dead

Surge, Dual: Score this immediately after an
opponent’s activation step if: Score this in an end phase if five or more
Score this in an end phase if your
Your warband holds two or more objectives friendly fighters each have one or more Move
warband holds more objectives than each
And: The total value of those objectives is 6 or and/or Charge tokens.
other warband.
greater (e.g. objectives 2 and 4). ‘Walk careful here. The dead are restless.’
All is for the dead. All is for Nagash.
‘The dead shall rule the Mortal Realms, and - Severin Steelheart
whatever lies beyond.’ - The Sepulchral Warden

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1 7/32
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1 8/32
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Bone Shrapnel Terrifying ScreamS reSTleSS DeaD

Reaction: Play this during an enemy fighter’s Choose a friendly fighter, other than the
Attack action that took an adjacent friendly Choose an enemy fighter within 2 hexes of Sepulchral Warden, that is out of action. Place
fighter out of action, after the out of action one or more friendly fighters. Push the chosen the chosen fighter on an empty starting hex in
check. Deal 1 damage to that enemy fighter. fighter 1 hex. your territory, then give that fighter one Raise
As the skeleton collapses in a cloud of dust, The fallen of Shadespire know the slow horror of counter and one Charge token.
razor-sharp fragments of bone slice through their bodies rotting and wasting away. Nagash denies the gift of eternal rest to those
the air. who defied his will.

13/32 20/32 18/32

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frighTening SpeeD DeaThly charge

+1 Damage to this fighter’s Range 1 and 2
Attack actions while they have one or more
+2 Move
Charge tokens.
Like all things, death can come sooner
Once, the Champion tutored young warriors in
than expected.
the art of the sword. Now that life is little more
than a fading dream.

26/32 25/32 RESTRICTED:

© GW 2023 © GW 2023 The champion

The cards in your hand are a mix of objective cards and power cards. These are normally kept secret, but in this
playthrough you’ll know which cards each player has.

Objective cards set challenges for you to accomplish during a game of Warhammer Underworlds. Power cards are
either ploys or upgrades. Ploys have a dagger symbol in the top-left corner, and upgrades have a cogs symbol in the
top-left corner. You can play ploys during the game to have instant effects on fighters or the battlefield. You can give
upgrades to fighters to give them additional abilities that last for the rest of the battle.



SacroSanct Purge ForceFul BaniShment unconteSted might

Score this an end phase if two or more Surge: Score this immediately after
Score this in an end phase if your
enemy fighters were taken out of action an enemy fighter is driven back by a
warband holds one or more objectives in
in this round. friendly fighter’s Attack action that
enemy territory.
The storm-enchanted maces of the has Knockback.
‘None can stand before the righteous.’
Sequitors blast through metal and ethereal ‘Begone, servant of evil!’
- Gwynne Ironsoul
matter with equal ease. - Tavian of Sarnassus

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1 2/32
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1 8/32
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SteadfaSt adaptive tacticS inevitable blow

Draw up to one objective card and up to The first Range 1 or Range 2 Attack action
Choose a friendly fighter. Give the chosen one power card, and then discard one made in the next activation step has Cleave
fighter a Guard token. objective card. or Ensnare: pick which one in the declare
The warriors of the God-King stand firm in Trained relentlessly in the grand Attack action step.
the face of the daemonic and the undead. Gladitorium of Azyrheim, Stormcast When the fates align there is nothing that
Eternals are prepared for any battle. can impede a warrior’s killing strike.

19/32 13/32 17/32

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conSecrated pendant Soul-hardened Shield

At the start of this fighter’s activation, give

I_ +1 Wounds
This amulet bears a powerful arcane ward.
this fighter a Guard token.
Powerful magic empowers this shield.

25/32 30/32 RESTRICTED:

© GW 2023 © GW 2023 ironSoul, tavian

Finally, place the fighters on the battlefield as shown in this diagram.

The Zealous The Rising The The Inevitable The The Prince The Sepulchral
Petitioner Petitioner Harvester Petitioner Champion of Dust Warden

You’ve now set up this game of Warhammer Underworlds, and you’re ready
to begin the first round!

Gwynne Ironsoul Tavian of Sarnassus Brodus Blightbane

The Sepulchral Guard player is taking the first turn. Their turn is an activation step, followed by a power step.

In the activation step, a player activates a fighter, and then
decides what action that fighter will make.

The sepulchral Warden

2 1 4
Action: Choose up
to two other friendly
fighters. The chosen
fighters each make one
Boneshiver spear
Move action.
2 2 2 Action: Choose one
friendly fighter that is
Inspire: Two or more out of action. Place the
friendly fighters have chosen fighter on an
Raise counters or you empty starting hex in
give an Inspired friendly your territory, then
fighter a Raise counter give that fighter
© GW 2023 one Raise counter.

The Sepulchral Guard player activates the Sepulchral

Warden. The player uses the action on the Warden’s
fighter card to choose two other friendly fighters – the
Harvester and the Inevitable Petitioner – and make a
Move action with each of those fighters.

To make a Move action with a fighter, you move them

up to a number of hexes equal to that fighter’s Move
characteristic, found on their fighter card. Then you give The Warden’s action – and his activation – are now over.
that fighter a Move token. After a player’s activation step, flip one of that player’s
activation tokens over so that you can keep track of how
many activations each player has used. Now it’s time for
t he harveSter
Brawler the Sepulchral Guard player’s power step.
Inspire: This fighter
2 1 3 has one or more Raise
Whirling Scythe
None know when the
1 2 2 Harvester first took up
his scythe, or whether
Scything he once wielded it in
Move life. What is certain is
characteristic that he uses it to reap a
terrible toll in death.
Spent Activation token
© GW 2023

Move the Harvester and the Inevitable Petitioner onto In the power step, players can play ploys and upgrades,
objective tokens, as shown right, and place a Move token taking it in turns to do so, or pass, doing nothing. In
next to each of them. this power step, both players pass – neither of them has a
ploy that it would be a good idea to play at this point, and
neither of them has any glory points, which are needed to
give fighters upgrade. The power step ends.

Move token

The Condemnors player is taking their first turn. Their turn is an activation step, followed by a power step.

The Condemnors player decides to activate Tavian of
Sarnassus to make a Charge superaction. A Charge
superaction is simply a Move action followed by an
Attack action. A fighter that has a Move token can’t make
a Charge superaction.

Move Tavian into position beside the Harvester and the

Prince of Dust, as shown below. When a fighter makes a
Move action as part of a Charge superaction, you give Charge token
them a Charge token instead of a Move token. When a
fighter has a Charge token, you can’t normally activate
them again in that round.

Each fighter has one or more Attack actions on their fighter cards. Tavian has two, as you can see below.

Each Attack action has a Range characteristic, which tells

Tavian of SarnaSSuS you how many hexes away from the attacker their target
can be. Tavian’s Attack actions have a Range of 1, so they

3 1 4
Inspire: This fighter’s can only be used to target a fighter adjacent to Tavian
Dice attack roll or defence roll
contains one or more (that is, in a hex next to Tavian).
STormSmiTe Mace
tormsmite m
In another life Tavian
1 3 2 was the last Prince of
Sarnassus, a kingdom
i_ SShield
hield Slam
now devoured by
cannibalistic mordants.
1 2 1 He fights on in the name
of his lost people.
Knockback 1

© GW 2023


MAKING AN ATTACK ACTION 5. Deal damage. The Attack action succeeded, so it
1. D
 eclare Attack action. Tavian targets the Harvester deals the amount of damage shown for its Damage
with his Shield Slam Attack action. characteristic. Tavian’s Shield Bash has a Damage
characteristic of 1, so he deals one damage to
2. A
 ttack roll. To make an attack roll, you roll the the Harvester.
number of attack dice (the white dice) shown in the
Attack action’s Dice characteristic. When a fighter is dealt damage, take that number
of wound counters and place them on that fighter’s
fighter card.
Warhammer Underworlds uses dice that have
symbols, rather than numbers, on each side.
In this playthrough, we’ll tell you what each
player rolls.

Tavian’s player rolls 2 dice for the Shield Slam, getting Wound counter
the following results – Fury ( ) and Smash ( ):
6. C
 heck if the target is taken out of action. A fighter
is taken out of action when the number of wound
counters on their fighter card is the same as or more
than the fighter’s Wounds characteristic.

3. Defence roll. To make the defence roll, the target’s t he harveSter

player rolls the number of defence dice (the black dice)
Inspire: This fighter
2 1 3
shown on their fighter’s Defence characteristic, found
has one or more Raise
on their fighter card. counters

t he harveSter
Whirling Scythe
None know when the
1 2Wounds
2 Harvester first took up
his scythe, or whether
characteristic he once wielded it in
1 3
Inspire: This fighter
has one or more Raise life. What is certain is
counters that he uses it to reap a
Whirling Scythe
terrible toll in death.
None know when the The Harvester has one wound counter, but a Wounds
1 Defence
2 2 Harvester first took up
his scythe, or whether characteristic
© GW 2023 of 3, so he is not taken out of action.
Scything he once wielded it in
characteristic life. What is certain is
that he uses it to reap a
7. Drive back. In the drive back step, a successful
terrible toll in death. attacker can push their target one hex away from them.
The Sepulchral Guard player rolls 1 dice, getting the
following u
© GW 2023result – Block ( ):

4. Determine success. The Dice characteristic of an
Attack action and the Defence characteristic of a
fighter both include a symbol. Any results in the
attack roll or defence roll that match those symbols
are successes.

Tavian has one result which matches his Shield

Bash’s Dice characteristic, so he has one success. The
Harvester has no results which match his Defence
characteristic, so he has no successes.

When the attacker rolls more successes than the target,

the Attack action succeeds. Otherwise, the Attack
action misses.
Push the Harvester back one hex as shown here.

When an Attack action with Knockback succeeds, you •I
can push the target an additional number of hexes in I
the same direction. Tavian’s Shield Bash has Knockback II
1, so he can push the Harvester one more hex in the
same direction.

The Attack action has now finished, as has

Tavian’s activation. Glory Point (unspent/spent)

Then they put the Forceful Banishment card face up

next to their objective card deck. This is the Condemnor
scored objective pile.

When a player scores a surge objective, they draw an

objective card to replace it. The Condemnors player
draws Wrathful Blow and adds it to their hand. Now it’s
time for the Condemnors player’s power step.


Push the Harvester back one more hex as shown here.

WrathFul BloW
REVEAL SURGE Surge, Dual: Score this immediately if:
A friendly fighter’s Attack action takes an
After each activation step and each power step, players In the power step,enemy
neitherfighter out of
players action
have cards they wish
have the chance to score Surge objective cards with the to play at this point and both pass once
And: That friendly fighter has oneagain, then the
or more
surge keyword, as long as they meet the condition(s) on Condemnors player’s turn wound counters.
those objective cards. With a single furious blow the foe is sundered.

The Condemnors player checks their objective cards. 11/32

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ForceFul BaniShment
Surge: Score this immediately after
an enemy fighter is driven back by a
friendly fighter’s Attack action that
has Knockback.
‘Begone, servant of evil!’
- Tavian of Sarnassus

© GW 2023
I_ Tavian’s Shield Bash has Knockback, and his Attack
action drove the Harvester back. This is exactly what
what needed to happen to score this objective! The
Condemnors player collects the number of glory points
shown at the bottom of the Forceful Banishment card
– one – and puts it next to their fighter cards with the
unspent side showing.

ACTIVATION STEP Move the Zealous Petitioner and the Champion onto
You can activate the same fighter more than once in objective tokens, as shown below, and place a Move token
a round, and the Sepulchral Guard player activates next to each of them.
the Sepulchral Warden again. This time, they use the
Warden’s action to make a Move action with both the With that, the Warden’s action – and his activation – are
Zealous Petitioner and the Champion. over. Remember to flip one of a player’s activation tokens
over after each activation.


In the Sepulchral Guard player’s power step, they pass. Place the card face up next to the battlefield as a helpful
reminder to make use of its effect in the next activation.
The Condemnors player plays the Inevitable Blow ploy, It’s the Sepulchral Guard player’s turn to play a card or
which will make their next Attack action much harder pass, but both players now pass, ending the power step
to avoid. and the turn.

inevitable blow
The first Range 1 or Range 2 Attack action
made in the next activation step has Cleave
or Ensnare: pick which one in the declare
Attack action step.
When the fates align there is nothing that
can impede a warrior’s killing strike.

© GW 2023

 heck if the target is taken out of action. The
Brodus Blightbane now makes a Stormsmite Greatmace Champion now has three wound counters, which is
Attack action, following the same sequence as before. equal to his Wounds characteristic of 3. He is taken
out of action!
Brodus BlightBane

3 1 4
Brodus Blightbane is
a towering presence, a
warrior of prodigious
strength who swings his
tormsmite G
greatmace with fearsome
1 2 3 speed. Yet despite his
ferocity in battle, Brodus
Knockback 1
is a kind-hearted soul
and a source of constant
Inspire: This fighter’s
reassurance and
attack roll or defence roll
good humour to his
contains one or more
fellow warriors.
© GW 2023
the Champion
Inspire: This fighter
MAKING AN ATTACK ACTION 2 1 3 has one or more Raise
1. D
 eclare Attack action. Blightbane targets the
Wight Blade
Champion with his Stormsmite Greatmace and picks Though the Champion
the Ensnare ability from the Inevitable Blow ploy. 1 2 2 retains fractured
memories of countless
Cleave battles, he cannot recall
2. A
 ttack roll. Blightbane’s player rolls 2 dice for the whether he fought for
duty, honour or coin.
Stormsmite Greatmace, getting the following results:

© GW 2023

3. D
 efence roll. The Sepulchral Guard player rolls 1 dice, OUT OF ACTION
getting the following result – Dodge ( t ): When a fighter is taken out of action, remove them
from the battlefield, along with their tokens, and
clear the counters off their fighter card.

4. Determine success. Blightbane has one result

which matches his Stormsmite Greatmace’s
Dice characteristic, so he has one success. The
Champion has one result which matches his Defence
characteristic, so he would normally have one
success. However, thanks to the Inevitable Blow ploy,
Blightbane’s Attack action has Ensnare! This means
rolls of cannot be successes against it – there’s just
no dodging it!

5. Deal damage. This means that the Stormsmite

i_ Greatmace Attack action succeeded, so Blightbane
deals three damage to the Champion! Place three
wound counters on the Champion’s fighter card.



Some cards have abilities called reactions that can be
3 1 4
Brodus Blightbane is
used at particular times when the condition on the card a towering presence, a
warrior of prodigious
is met. The Sepulchral Guard player plays the Bone strength who swings his
stormsmite greatmace
Shrapnel ploy. greatmace with fearsome
1 2 3 speed. Yet despite his
ferocity in battle, Brodus
Bone Shrapnel
Knockback 1
is a kind-hearted soul
and a source of constant
Inspire: This fighter’s
Reaction: Play this during an enemy fighter’s reassurance and
attack roll or defence roll
good humour to his
Attack action that took an adjacent friendly
fighter out of action, after the out of action
BOUNTY contains one or more
fellow warriors.
© GW 2023player gains one glory point, called a
check. Deal 1 damage to that enemy fighter.
bounty, for taking an enemy fighter out of action. Place
As the skeleton collapses in a cloud of dust,
that glory point near their fighter cards, with the unspent
razor-sharp fragments of bone slice through
the air. side showing.

13/32 When the target of an Attack action is taken out of

© GW 2023
action, the Attack action finishes – there is no drive back
step. As the Attack action is over, the effect of Inevitable
To do so, they reveal the card from their hand, then deal Blow ends as well, and the Condemnors player puts it
1 damage to Blightbane, placing one wound counter on face up next to their power deck. This is their power
his fighter card. Finally, they put the power card face discard pile.
up next to their power card deck. This is the Sepulchral
Guard power discard pile. The Condemnors player’s activation step is now over.



OBJECTIVE CARDS Now that the players have started earning glory points,
Remember, you can score Surge objective cards after each they have more options available
UPGRADEto them.
activation and power step – not just on your own turn!
The Sepulchral Guard player checks their objective cards. It’s the Condemnors player’s turn in the power step,
and they spend one glory point – by flipping it over to
Land of the dead show its spent side – to give the Consecrated Pendant
upgrade to Brodus Blightbane. This upgrade changes his
Surge, Dual: Score this immediately after an
Wounds characteristic to 5, so it will take more damage
opponent’s activation step if:
Your warband holds two or more objectives to take him out of action. Place the upgrade card next
And: The total value of those objectives is 6 or to Blightbane’s fighter card to show that he now has that
greater (e.g. objectives 2 and 4). upgrade for the rest of the game.
‘The dead shall rule the Mortal Realms, and
whatever lies beyond.’ - The Sepulchral Warden
conSecrated pendant
© GW 2023
+1 Wounds
A warband holds an objective if a fighter from that This amulet bears a powerful arcane ward.
warband is in the same hex as that objective. Thanks to
the Move actions they made in their first two activation
steps, the Sepulchral Guard player meets the condition
on Land of the Dead – their warband holds objectives 25/32
3 and 4. © GW 2023

The Sepulchral Guard player collects the number of glory Now it’s the Sepulchral Guard player’s turn to play a
points shown at the bottom of the Land of the Dead power card or pass, but they pass.
card – one – and puts it next to their fighter cards with
the unspent side showing. Then they put the Land of the It’s the Condemnors player’s turn once more, and they
Dead card face up next to their objective card deck. spend their remaining glory point – by flipping it over
to show its spent side – to give the Soul-hardened Shield
When a player scores a surge objective, they draw an upgrade to Gwynne Ironsoul. Place the upgrade card
objective card to replace it. The Sepulchral Guard draws next to Ironsoul’s fighter card to show that she now has
They Keep Coming! and adds it to their hand. that upgrade for the rest of the game.
Soul-hardened Shield

At the start of this fighter’s activation, give

this fighter a Guard token.
Powerful magic empowers this shield.

© GW 2023 ironSoul, tavian
they Keep Coming!
It’s the Sepulchral Guard player’s turn to play a power
Now it’s time for Dual:
Surge, the Condemnors player’s power
Score this immediately after: step. card or pass, and they pass, as does the Condemnors
You give a friendly fighter a Raise counter player, bringing the power step to an end.
And: One or more other friendly fighters each
have one or more Raise counters.
You can’t keep a good warrior down.
© GW 2023

The Sepulchral Guard player activates the Warden again, and this time he uses his action to command the Prince of
Dust and the Rising Petitioner to make the Move actions shown here. Give them both a Move token after their action.

With that, the Warden’s action – and his activation – are over. Remember to flip one of a player’s activation tokens over
after each activation.



In the power step, the Sepulchral Guard player passes. I
The Condemnors player checks their hand and can see
that they’re unlikely to be able to achieve the condition
on Uncontested Might in this round. They decide to
see what other options they might have by playing
Adaptive Tactics.

adaptive tacticS
Draw up to one objective card and up to Strength in unity
one power card, and then discard one Dual: Score this in an end phase if:
objective card. There are two or more surviving friendly fighters
Trained relentlessly in the grand And: Each of those fighters has one or more
Gladitorium of Azyrheim, Stormcast of the same tokens from this list: Move token,
Charge token, Guard token.
Eternals are prepared for any battle.
Sequitors fight as a single devastating entity,
with each warrior playing a vital role.

© GW 2023

© GW 2023

They draw one objective card – Strength in Unity – and

one power card – Aetherically Charged Weapon. Then
they discard Uncontested Might by putting it face up next
to their objective deck – this is their objective discard
aetherically charged weapon
pile – and they put Adaptive Tactics into their power
discard pile.
Both players During
then pass this fighter’s
in turn, ending first Attackstep.
the power
action in a round, after the defence roll,
you can re-roll one dice in this fighter’s
attack roll.
This weapon resonates with celestial power.

© GW 2023


The Strength in Unity objective prompts the Condemnors player to make a Charge superaction with Brodus Blightbane.
Move him next to the Harvester and the Prince of Dust, as shown below, and give Blightbane a Charge token.

Brodus Blightbane now makes a Stormsmite Greatmace MAKING AN ATTACK ACTION

Attack action. 1. D
 eclare Attack action. Blightbane targets the Prince of
Dust with his Stormsmite Greatmace.
Brodus BlightBane
2. A
 ttack roll. Blightbane’s player rolls 2 dice for the
Stormsmite Greatmace, getting the following results –
3 1 4
Brodus Blightbane is
a towering presence, a importantly, one of which is a critical success ( )!
warrior of prodigious
strength who swings his
Sstormsmite greatmace
tormsmite G reatmace
greatmace with fearsome
1 2 3 speed. Yet despite his
ferocity in battle, Brodus
Knockback 1
is a kind-hearted soul
and a source of constant
Inspire: This fighter’s
reassurance and
attack roll or defence roll
good humour to his 3. D
 efence roll. The Sepulchral Guard player rolls 1 dice,
contains one or more getting the following result – single support ( ):
fellow warriors.
© GW 2023

4. Determine success. The players compare their rolls. REVEAL SURGE
SUPPORT The Condemnors player checks their objective cards.
Normally, the Prince’s defence rolls count rolls of
as successes, which would mean the Prince rolled no WrathFul BloW
successes in this example. However, there is one friendly
fighter – the Harvester – next to the Prince’s attacker, so Surge, Dual: Score this immediately if:
the Prince is supported and counts rolls of as successes. A friendly fighter’s Attack action takes an
enemy fighter out of action
CRITICAL HIT And: That friendly fighter has one or more
Blightbane’s attack roll includes a – a critical success! wound counters.
A critical success is always a success in an attack roll or With a single furious blow the foe is sundered.
defence roll. In addition, symbols ‘trump’ all other
successes. Even though the Prince has one success as
well, Blightbane’s Attack action results in a critical hit
© GW 2023
and succeeds.
Blightbane has a wound counter and made an Attack
A critical hit doesn’t normally have any effect beyond the action that took an enemy fighter out of action, so the
Attack action succeeding. Condemnors player reveals this objective – Wrathful
Blow – and will score it in the next Surge step.
5. Deal damage. The Attack action succeeded, so
Blightbane deals three damage to the Prince. First though, there is an Inspire step.

6. C
 heck if the target is taken out of action. A fighter INSPIRE STEP
is taken out of action when the number of wound After each activation step and each power step, there
counters on their fighter card is the same as or more is a chance for fighters to become Inspired. To see if a
than the fighter’s Wounds characteristic. fighter becomes Inspired, check the Inspire condition in
the gold box on their fighter card. Here is Blightbane’s
Inspire condition.

Brodus BlightBane

3 1 4
Brodus Blightbane is
a towering presence, a
warrior of prodigious
strength who swings his
stormsmite greatmace
greatmace with fearsome
1 2 3 speed. Yet despite his
ferocity in battle, Brodus
Knockback 1
is a kind-hearted soul
and a source of constant
The PRince of DusT Inspire: This fighter’s
reassurance and
attack roll or defence roll
good humour to his
contains one or more
Inspire: This fighter
2 1 3
fellow warriors.
has one or more Raise © GW 2023
Royal Mace
Centuries ago the Prince Blightbane’s attack roll included a , so he has met this
1 2 2 of Dust commanded
vast legions and condition. Flip his fighter card over to show its Inspired
Knockback 1 decided the fate of side, with better Move and Defence characteristics and
kingdoms on a whim. improved Attack actions (remember to put his wound
Now, he is but another
tortured servant of the counter back on his fighter card after flipping it over).
Great Necromancer.
© GW 2023
BlightBane inspired

4 2 4
Brodus Blightbane is
The Prince has a number of wound counters equal to a towering presence, a
warrior of prodigious
I_ his Wounds characteristic, so he is taken out of action. strength who swings his
stormsmite greatmace
Remove him and his Move token from the battlefield and greatmace with fearsome
clear the wound counters from his fighter card. 1 2 3 speed. Yet despite his
ferocity in battle, Brodus
Cleave, Knockback 2
is a kind-hearted soul
The Attack action ends, and the Condemnors player channelled Blow and a source of constant
reassurance and
gains one glory point for taking the Prince out of action. 1 2 2 good humour to his
Cleave, Scything fellow warriors.
© GW 2023


SURGE STEP Once they have done so, they put Terrifying Screams
It is then time for the Surge step, and the Condemnors in their power discard pile. The Condemnors player
player takes the reward for scoring Wrathful Blow – one notices that Tavian is now within range of the Sepulchral
glory point – and puts Wrathful Blow in their scored Warden, and decides to play a card – the Steadfast ploy.
objective pile. Finally they draw another objective card to They give Tavian a Guard token, then put Steadfast in
replace it – Your Turn! their power discard pile.


Choose a friendly fighter. Give the chosen

fighter a Guard token.
The warriors of the God-King stand firm in
the face of the daemonic and the undead.


© GW 2023

your turn!
Surge: Score this immediately after an
enemy fighter is driven back into a hex
In the power step, to a friendly player
the Condemnors fighter.passes. The
TheGuard player
strike of plays
a shield Terrifying
can Screams
a foe reeling
ploy and and Tavian
helpless for one hex closer
a comrade’s towards
killing the
Sepulchral Warden – see below.
Guard token
© GW 2023
1 ScreamS
While a fighter has one or more Guard tokens, they are
Choose an enemy fighter within 2 hexes of
one or more friendly fighters. Push the chosen
on Guard and you consider rolls of and as successes
fighter 1 hex. in their defence rolls, regardless of their Defence
The fallen of Shadespire know the slow horror of
characteristic. In addition, a fighter who is on Guard
their bodies rotting and wasting away. cannot be driven back except by a successful Attack
action with Knockback.

20/32 It is the Sepulchral Guard’s turn in the power step, but

© GW 2023
they pass, and so does the Condemnors player. It is the
Sepulchral Guard’s turn.

For a fourth time, the Sepulchral Guard player activates the Warden, but this time he makes a Charge superaction.
Move him next to the Inevitable Petitioner, as shown here, and give him a Charge token.

The Warden targets Tavian with his Boneshiver Spear. The Warden’s Attack action succeeds, dealing 2 damage
to Tavian. Put two wound counters on Tavian’s fighter
The sepulchral Warden card. Note that, even though there are two successes
in the attack roll, the Attack action only deals damage
once. The Warden cannot drive Tavian back, because
2 1 4
Action: Choose up
to two other friendly Tavian is on Guard. The Attack action ends.
fighters. The chosen
fighters each make one
Boneshiver Spear
oneshiver s pear
Move action.
2 2 2 Action: Choose one Tavian of SarnaSSuS
friendly fighter that is

3 1 4
Inspire: Two or more out of action. Place the Inspire: This fighter’s
friendly fighters have chosen fighter on an attack roll or defence roll
Raise counters or you empty starting hex in contains one or more
give an Inspired friendly your territory, then

STormSmiTe mace
fighter roll
a Raise counter give thatDefence
fighter roll In another life Tavian
© GW 2023 one Raise counter. 1 3 2 was the last Prince of
Sarnassus, a kingdom
Shield Slam
now devoured by
cannibalistic mordants.
i_ 1 2 1 He fights on in the name
of his lost people.
Knockback 1

Tavian has one success, thanks to his Guard token, which © GW 2023

would normally mean that the fighters had one success

each. However, there is one friendly fighter – the Zealous
Petitioner – next to the Warden’s target, so the Warden is
supported and counts rolls of as successes.


In the Sepulchral Guard player’s power step, the
Sepulchral Guard player passes. The Condemnors player
spends one more of their glory points to give Gwynne
Ironsoul the Aetherically Charged Weapon upgrade.

aetherically charged weapon

Reaction: During this fighter’s first Attack

action in a round, after the defence roll,
you can re-roll one dice in this fighter’s
attack roll.
This weapon resonates with celestial power.

© GW 2023

Then both players pass.



ACTIVATION STEP Strength in unity

The Condemnors player activates Gwynne Ironsoul for
the first time. First, her Soul-hardened Shield gives her Dual: Score this in an end phase if:
a Guard token, putting her on Guard. However, if the There are two or more surviving friendly fighters
Condemnors player is going to achieve the condition And: Each of those fighters has one or more
of the same tokens from this list: Move token,
on Strength in Unity, they will need Gwynne to have a Charge token, Guard token.
Charge token like Tavian and Blightbane. She makes a Sequitors fight as a single devastating entity,
Charge superaction! with each warrior playing a vital role.

Soul-hardened Shield 7/32

© GW 2023
At the start of this fighter’s activation, give
When a fighter makes a Charge superaction, first remove
this fighter a Guard token.
that fighter’s Guard tokens.
Powerful magic empowers this shield.
Remove Ironsoul’s Guard token – she is no longer on
Guard – then move her next to the Harvester and give her
30/32 RESTRICTED: a Charge token.
© GW 2023 ironSoul, tavian


Ironsoul targets the Harvester with her Stormsmite Mace.

Gwynne ironSoul

3 1 4
Seldom does Gwynne
Ironsoul speak, and
she wastes no words
on idle rhetoric. A true
tormSmite m
daughter of Chamon,
1 3 2 Realm of Metal, Ironsoul
is meticulous and
clear-headed, preferring
Inspire: This fighter’s
a rational approach
attack roll or defence roll
to displays of self-
contains one or more
© GW 2023

Attack roll Defence roll

Ironsoul rolls two successes in her Attack roll, thanks to

Blightbane who is adjacent to her target. In addition, her
Aetherically Charged Weapon upgrade lets her re-roll one Raise counter
attack dice in her first Attack action of the round, so her
player re-rolls the symbol and gets a – Ironsoul now They put a Raise counter on the Champion’s fighter card,
has three successes! then put Restless Dead in their power discard pile. Both
players then pass.
Modified Attack roll Defence roll
the Champion
Inspire: This fighter
2 1 3 has one or more Raise
Wight Blade
CRITICAL DEFENCE Though the Champion
However, the Harvester has rolled a , which is always 1 2 2 retains fractured
memories of countless
a success in an attack roll or defence
GAMBIT • PLOY roll and ‘trumps’ all
Cleave battles, he cannot recall
other successes. Even though Ironsoul has more successes whether he fought for
duty, honour or coin.
than the Harvester, the Harvester’s means the Attack
action fails and Ironsoul’s activation comes to an end. INSPIRE STEP
After the
© GWpower
2023 step, the Champion becomes Inspired.

POWER STEP Flip his fighter card over to the Inspired side (once you’ve
In the power step, the Condemnors player passes. The flipped it over, put the Raise counter back on the card).
Sepulchral Guard player then plays the Restless Dead He now has a higher Move characteristic and a better
ploy, bringing the Champion back to the battlefield! Attack action.

That brings the turn, and the action phase, to an end.

reSTleSS DeaD
Choose a friendly fighter, other than the
Sepulchral Warden, that is out of action. Place the Champion inspired
the chosen fighter on an empty starting hex in
your territory, then give that fighter one Raise
3 1 3
Though the Champion
counter and one Charge token. retains fractured
memories of countless
Nagash denies the gift of eternal rest to those battles, he cannot recall
Wight Blade
who defied his will. lade
whether he fought for
1 3 2 duty, honour or coin.
18/32 Cleave
© GW 2023

© GW 2023

In the end phase, the Sepulchral Guard player plays through the following sequence.

1. S
 core Objectives. They check their objective cards for Lay CLaim to it aLL
any they can score. OBJECTIVE

The Sepulchral Guard hold two objectives – that is, Score this in an end phase if your
two of their fighters are standing on an objective token warband holds more objectives than each
other warband.
– compared to one for the Condemnors. That means
they can score Lay Claim to it All. All is for the dead. All is for Nagash.

In addition, five of their surviving fighters have either

a Move or Charge token, so they can score March of 7/32
© GW 2023
the Dead.

Give the Sepulchral Guard player three unspent glory marCh of the dead
points in total, and put their score objective cards on
top of Land of the Dead in their scored objective pile. Score this in an end phase if five or more
friendly fighters each have one or more Move
Charge tokens.
‘Walk careful here. The dead are restless.’
- Severin Steelheart

© GW 2023

2. D
 iscard Objectives. The Sepulchral Guard player next frighTening SpeeD
decides whether they want to discard any of their UPGRADE
remaining objective cards. They decide not to.
+2 Move
3. P
 lay Upgrades. Then the Sepulchral Guard player
Like all things, death can come sooner
can play upgrades. They spend two glory points (flip than expected.
them over to their spent side) and give the Frightening
Speed upgrade to the Harvester and the Deathly
Charge upgrade to the Champion.
© GW 2023
4. Discard Power Cards. Next they decide whether or not
to discard any of their remaining power cards, but they
have no power cards left. DeaThly charge
5. Draw Cards. Then they draw objective cards and +1 Damage to this fighter’s Range 1 and 2
power cards until they have 3 objective cards and 5 Attack actions while they have one or more
power cards in their hand. Charge tokens.
Once, the Champion tutored young warriors in
the art of the sword. Now that life is little more
than a fading dream.

© GW 2023 The champion

Then the Condemnors player plays through the same sequence.

1. S
 core Objectives. They score Sacrosanct Purge, as
their fighters took out the Champion and the Prince of
SacroSanct Purge
Dust in this round (it doesn’t matter that the Champion Score this an end phase if two or more
is back!), and they score Strength in Unity because enemy fighters were taken out of action
they each have a Charge token. in this round.
The storm-enchanted maces of the
Give the Condemnors player two unspent glory points, Sequitors blast through metal and ethereal
and put Sacrosanct Purge and Strength in Unity in matter with equal ease.
their scored objective pile.

2. D
 iscard Objectives. The Condemnors player chooses
© GW 2023
not to discard any objective cards.

3. Play Upgrades. They do not have any upgrades.

Strength in unity
Dual: Score this in an end phase if:
4. Discard Power Cards. They do not have any There are two or more surviving friendly fighters
power cards. And: Each of those fighters has one or more
of the same tokens from this list: Move token,
Charge token, Guard token.
5. Draw Cards. Finally, they draw objective cards and Sequitors fight as a single devastating entity,
power cards until they have 3 objective cards and 5 with each warrior playing a vital role.
power cards in their hand.

This brings Round 1 to an end. Clear all of the Move,

© GW 2023
Charge and Guard tokens off the battlefield, and check
that you have the following cards in your hands.


they Keep Coming! BattLe Without end eternaL Legions

Surge: Score this immediately after an activation
Surge, Dual: Score this immediately after: Score this in an end phase if three or more
or power step in which you gave a second or
You give a friendly fighter a Raise counter friendly fighters are each in no one’s and/or
subsequent friendly fighter a Raise counter in
And: One or more other friendly fighters each enemy territory.
the same phase.
have one or more Raise counters. ‘I’ve bashed ‘em, krushed ‘em and smashed ‘em
Shadeglass is not needed for Nagash to bind his
You can’t keep a good warrior down. boss! Nuffin’ works!’ - ‘Ardskull
followers to eternal servitude.

© GW 2023
/~, 1L ,. 7 (i' ;~( 1•7
© GW 2023 "' 3/32
© GW 2023
-~------ --~------


inexhauSTiBle WarriorS piTileSS commanD ceaSeleSS aTTackS legacy of DuST peTiTioner’S oaTh
Reaction: Use this after an activation step in
Choose a friendly fighter with one or more Reaction: Play this after an activation step in +1 Damage to Range 1 Attack actions made by which this fighter was taken out of action. You
+1 Move to friendly fighters. This effects persists
Raise counters. Push the chosen fighter up which a friendly fighter made one or more friendly Petitioners within 2 hexes of this fighter. can do so even though this fighter is out of
until the end of the round.
to 2 hexes. Attack actions. Choose another friendly fighter. If this fighter is within 2 hexes of a friendly action. Place this fighter on an empty starting
Death comes quickly in the underworlds of the The chosen fighter makes one Attack action. Petitioner, this fighter is supporting hex in your territory, then give this fighter one
The freshly resurrected are remorselessly driven
Mortal Realms. that Petitioner. Raise counter. Then break this card.
back into battle. How do you defeat an army that does not tire?
Whispered in desperation, regretted for eternity.

15/32 17/32 14/32 27/32 RESTRICTED: 29/32 RESTRICTED:

© GW 2023 © GW 2023 © GW 2023 © GW 2023 WarDen, prince © GW 2023 peTiTioner



your turn! martial ProWeSS Sally Forth

Surge: Score this immediately after an Surge: Score this immediately after your Score this in an end phase if two or more
enemy fighter is driven back into a hex warband’s third or subsequent successful Attack friendly fighters are adjacent to each other
action in the same phase.
adjacent to a friendly fighter. and in enemy territory.
‘Our foes outnumber us once again. Perhaps we
The strike of a shield can leave a foe reeling should fight blindfolded, to even the odds?’ ‘There is a time for the shield and a time
and helpless for a comrade’s killing strike. - Brodus Blightbane for the hammer.’ - Gwynne Ironsoul

© GW 2023
1 1-~;~f 2 '\
© GW 2023 1T I l-~;(•7
© GW 2023
1 T
-- ---'-- -------'- -- "'-- _,___ ____ ...._ /4


outflank unyielding reSolve Spirit flaSk Stoic Stance aetherically charged Shield
Action: Pick one: Deal 1 damage to an
Choose a friendly fighter adjacent to one Choose a friendly fighter and roll a defence
adjacent enemy fighter, or Heal (2) this You can re-roll one dice in this fighter’s
or more fighters. Push the chosen fighter dice. On a roll of or , Heal (2) that This fighter cannot be driven back.
fighter. Then break this card. defence rolls.
up to 2 hexes. fighter, otherwise Heal (1) that fighter. Rooting themselves with aetheric magic, this
Sacrosanct warriors carry consecrated warrior becomes as immovable as a mountain. Sigmar’s storm can defend as well
‘Tavian, to the left! Strike from the flank!’ Only the surest blow can strike down a
flasks that, when broken, release a blast of as destroy.
- Gwynne Ironsoul Stormcast Eternal.
powerful spirit energy.

18/32 21/32 31/32 32/32 23/32 RESTRICTED:

© GW 2023 © GW 2023 © GW 2023 © GW 2023 © GW 2023 ironSoul, tavian

FEELING READY? Alternatively, you could follow the instructions in the core
You’ve now played through a whole round, which has rulebook to set up and play your own game, and begin
I_ introduced you to most of the rules in the game. If you’re mastering it!
feeling eager to get started with your own games, you could
try playing out the rest of this game without following the If you take either of these options, you might find the
playthrough any further. If at any time you’re not sure what warband primers on pages 54-55 useful. These give you
to do, you can check the rulebook to find your answer. some advice to get you started with each warband.

The Sepulchral Guard player takes the first turn in the second round.

ACTIVATION STEP The sepulchral Warden

They activate the Sepulchral Warden, and use the other
ability on his fighter card to place the Prince of Dust back
2 1 4
Action: Choose up
on the battlefield. to two other friendly
fighters. The chosen
fighters each make one
Boneshiver spear
Move action.
2 2 2 Action: Choose one
friendly fighter that is
Inspire: Two or more out of action. Place the
friendly fighters have chosen fighter on an
Raise counters or you empty starting hex in
give an Inspired friendly your territory, then
fighter a Raise counter give that fighter
© GW 2023 one Raise counter.

Give the Prince a Raise counter by placing it on his

fighter card.

The PRince of DusT

Inspire: This fighter
2 1 3 has one or more Raise
Royal Mace
Centuries ago the Prince
1 2 2 of Dust commanded
vast legions and
Knockback 1 decided the fate of
kingdoms on a whim.
Now, he is but another
tortured servant of the
Great Necromancer.
© GW 2023



After the activation step, the Prince of Dust becomes At this point, the Sepulchral Guard player can reveal
Inspired, as does the Warden. a surge objective that they have completed: They Keep
Coming!. Give that player one glory point, then put
The sepulchral Warden They Keep Coming! face up in the Sepulchral Guard
scored objective pile and draw a replacement objective –
Invigorated Dead.
2 1 4
Action: Choose up
to two other friendly
fighters. The chosen
Boneshiver spear
fighters each make one
Move action.
they Keep Coming!
2 2 2 Action: Choose one
friendly fighter that is Surge, Dual: Score this immediately after:
Inspire: Two or more out of action. Place the You give a friendly fighter a Raise counter
friendly fighters have chosen fighter on an
And: One or more other friendly fighters each
Raise counters or you empty starting hex in
give an Inspired friendly your territory, then have one or more Raise counters.
fighter a Raise counter give that fighter You can’t keep a good warrior down.
© GW 2023 one Raise counter.

11/32 1
The PRince of DusT
© GW 2023

Inspire: This fighter

2 1 3 has one or more Raise

oyal Mace
Centuries ago the Prince
1 2 2 of Dust commanded
vast legions and
Knockback 1 decided the fate of
kingdoms on a whim. UPGRADE
Now, he is but another
tortured servant of the
Flip their fighter cards over to the
GreatInspired side
(once you’ve
© GW 2023flipped the Prince’s card over, put his
GW 2023

Raise counter back on the card). They now have

improved characteristics.
invigorated dead
Score this in an end phase if the number of
surviving Inspired friendly fighters is equal to or
greater than the round number (e.g. two or more
in round two).
Driven by the will of theof DuST
Warden, the Sepulchral
In the power step, the Sepulchral Guard player spends Guard are formidable foes.
a glory point to give Petitioner’s Oath to the Zealous
Petitioner. The Condemnors player passes, and the
Sepulchral Guard player plays another upgrade, spending
© GW 2023
+1 Damage to Range 1 Attack actions made by
Petitioners within 2 hexes of this fighter.
If this fighter is within 2 hexes of a friendly
another glory point to give Legacy of Dust to the Petitioner, this fighter is supporting
Warden. Both players then pass, bringing the Sepulchral that Petitioner.
Guard power step – and their turn – to an end.

© GW 2023 WarDen, prince

peTiTioner’S oaTh
Reaction: Use this after an activation step in
which this fighter was taken out of action. You
can do so even though this fighter is out of
I_ action. Place this fighter on an empty starting
hex in your territory, then give this fighter one
Raise counter. Then break this card.
Whispered in desperation, regretted for eternity.

© GW 2023 peTiTioner

It’s the Condemnors player’s turn, and the player activates Tavian, who makes a Charge superaction.

He targets the Prince with his Shield Slam. CRITICAL HIT

This time, Tavian has two successes, including one
critical success, and the Prince has one critical success.
Tavian of SarnaSSuS When the attacker and defender have the same number of
critical successes, whoever has the most other successes
3 1 4
Inspire: This fighter’s
attack roll or defence roll wins. Tavian’s Attack action results in a critical hit,
contains one or more and he deals one damage to the Prince, then drives it
STormSmiTe mace
In another life Tavian back one hex and then one more hex thanks to his Shield
1 3 2 was the last Prince of
Sarnassus, a kingdom
Slam’s Knockback ability. Be sure to give the Prince 1
wound counter.
hield Slam
now devoured by
cannibalistic mordants.
1 2 1 He fights on in the name
of his lost people.
Knockback 1
The PRince insPiReD
© GW 2023

3 1 3
Centuries ago the Prince
of Dust commanded
vast legions and
Attack roll Defence roll Royal Mace
decided the fate of
kingdoms on a whim.
1 3 2 Now, he is but another
tortured servant of the
Knockback 1, Stagger
Great Necromancer.

© GW 2023

Because Tavian’s Attack action drove his target back to a position adjacent to Blightbane, the Condemnors player can
reveal Your Turn! and score it in the Surge step that follows their activation step.
First, though, it’s Tavian’s turn to become Inspired as In the power step, the Condemnors player spends one
there was a in his attack roll. Flip his fighter card over glory point and gives the Aetherically Charged Shield
to its Inspired side, with improved Attack actions and upgrade to Tavian. Then the Sepulchral Guard player
Defence characteristic. passes. The Condemnors player then plays the Unyielding
Resolve ploy.
Following that, the Condemnors player scores aetherically charged Shield
Your Turn!.

You can re-roll one dice in this fighter’s

your turn! GAMBIT • PLOY
defence rolls.
Surge: Score this immediately after an Sigmar’s storm can defend as well
enemy fighter is driven back into a hex as destroy.
adjacent to a friendly fighter.
The strike of a shield can leave a foe reeling RESTRICTED:
and helpless for a comrade’s killing strike. © GW 2023 ironSoul, tavian

© GW 2023
unyielding reSolve
Give the Condemnors player one unspent glory
point, then draw an objective card for them – Choose a friendly fighter and roll a defence
Vengeance Satisfied. dice. On a roll of or , Heal (2) that
fighter, otherwise Heal (1) that fighter.
Only the surest blow can strike down a
Stormcast Eternal.

© GW 2023

They choose Tavian and roll a defence dice, getting a .
They Heal (1) Tavian by removing one wound counter
from his fighter card. If they had rolled a or a they
would instead have removed two wound counters to Heal
(2) Tavian. Then they put the Unyielding Resolve ploy in
Vengeance SatiSFied the Condemnors power discard pile.

Score this in an end phase if more than

half of the fighters in one or more enemy
warbands are out of action. 33
The screams of routed foes make for a most
The Sepulchral Guard player activates the Champion and makes a Charge superaction.

He targets Tavian with his improved Wight Blade. CRITICAL HIT

The Champion has two critical successes, and Tavian
the Champion inspired has one critical success. Tavian’s result isn’t a success
because of the Champion’s Cleave ability, which cuts
straight through results. The Champion’s Attack action
3 1 3
Though the Champion
retains fractured results in a critical hit, and he deals three damage to the
memories of countless
battles, he cannot recall Tavian – normally his Wight Blade deals two damage,
ight B lade
whether he fought for but while he has a Charge token it deals one extra point of
1 3 2 duty, honour or coin.
damage thanks to his Deathly Charge upgrade. Put three
Cleave wound counters on Tavian’s fighter card. As he now has
wound counters equal to his Wounds characteristic, he is
taken out of action!

© GW 2023 Remove Tavian and his Charge token from the battlefield,
and give one glory point to the Sepulchral Guard player.

Attack roll Defence roll
In the power step, both players then pass.

After the defence roll, Tavian’s player re-rolls the ij result

(thanks to his Aetherically Charged Shield upgrade) in
the hope of getting another , but gets another ij result.

In their activation step, the Condemnors player activates Blightbane, who makes a Channelled Blow Attack action.

Blightbane has two successes, while the Harvester has

one success. Blightbane’s Attack action succeeds, dealing
two damage to the Harvester and taking it out of action.
Remember to give the Condemnors one glory point for
taking an enemy fighter out of action.

t he harveSter

Inspire: This fighter

2 1 3 has one or more Raise
BlightBane inspired Whirling Scythe
None know when the
1 2 2 Harvester first took up
4 2 4
Brodus Blightbane is
a towering presence, a his scythe, or whether
Scything he once wielded it in
warrior of prodigious
strength who swings his life. What is certain is
stormsmite greatmace that he uses it to reap a
greatmace with fearsome
1 2 3 speed. Yet despite his
ferocity in battle, Brodus
terrible toll in death.

Cleave, Knockback 2
is a kind-hearted soul © GW 2023

C hannelled Blow
low and a source of constant
reassurance and
1 2 2 good humour to his
fellow warriors.
Cleave, Scything Then Blightbane targets the Prince.
© GW 2023

Attack roll Defence roll
When a fighter makes an Attack action with Scything,
they make that Attack action once for each adjacent
enemy fighter.
Blightbane has no successes, so his Attack action fails
First Blightbane targets the Harvester. and he cannot drive the Prince back.

Attack roll Defence roll
In the power step, both players pass.

The Prince is supporting the Harvester, as he is next to
the attacker, while Gwynne is supporting Blightbane, as
she is next to the target.

The Sepulchral Guard player activates the Inevitable Petitioner, making a Charge superaction.

The Inevitable Petitioner targets Blightbane with his Attack roll Defence roll
Ancient Weapon.

nevitAble petitioner

Inspire: This fighter The Petitioner has two supporting fighters – the Warden
2 1 2 has one or more Raise
and the Prince – so it has two successes thanks to the roll
of Double Support ( ). Blightbane only has one, so the
ncient WeApon
Many of Shadespire’s Ancient Weapon Attack action succeeds, and Blightbane
1 2 1 lost souls believe that
only by acknowledging
is dealt two damage. He now has three wound counters on
their sins against him his fighter card – still not enough to take him out of action.
and begging for Great
Nagash’s forgiveness
can they escape their
endless torment.
BlightBane inspired

4 2 4
© GW 2023
Brodus Blightbane is
a towering presence, a
warrior of prodigious
This Attack action doesn’t look like much, but the strength who swings his
stormsmite greatmace
Sepulchral Warden is within 2 hexes of the Inevitable greatmace with fearsome
Petitioner, which means that the Petitioner has an 1 2 3 speed. Yet despite his
ferocity in battle, Brodus
additional supporting fighter and +1 Damage thanks to Cleave, Knockback 2
is a kind-hearted soul
the Warden’s Legacy of Dust upgrade! channelled Blow and a source of constant
reassurance and
1 2 2 good humour to his
Cleave, Scything fellow warriors.
© GW 2023

REACTION The PRince insPiReD
The Sepulchral Guard player plays a reaction after the
Petitioner’s Attack action – Ceaseless Attacks.
3 1 3
Centuries ago the Prince
of Dust commanded
vast legions and
ceaSeleSS aTTackS Royal
R oyal Mace
decided the fate of
kingdoms on a whim.

Reaction: Play this after an activation step in

1 3 2 Now, he is but another
tortured servant of the
Knockback 1, Stagger
which a friendly fighter made one or more Great Necromancer.
Attack actions. Choose another friendly fighter.
The chosen fighter makes one Attack action.
How do you defeat an army that does not tire?
© GW 2023

© GW 2023

Attack roll Defence roll

The Sepulchral Guard player chooses the Prince of Dust,

who swings his Royal Mace at Blightbane.

Each fighter has one success and one critical success. The
Prince’s Attack action fails, but as he had at least one
success he can drive Blightbane back one hex.

Both players pass in the power step.

The Condemnors player makes a bold move – the wounded Blightbane charges the Sepulchral Warden.

Blightbane’s Stormsmite Greatmace has improved Attack roll Defence roll
characteristics when he is Inspired.

BlightBane inspired

4 2 4
Brodus Blightbane is
a towering presence, a Blightbane has one success. The Warden would normally
warrior of prodigious
strength who swings his have a success, but Blightbane’s Cleave ability means
tormsmite G
greatmace with fearsome that rolls of are not successes in the Warden’s defence
1 2 3 speed. Yet despite his
ferocity in battle, Brodus
roll. Blightbane’s Attack action succeeds, so he deals 3
Cleave, Knockback 2
is a kind-hearted soul damage to the Warden and drives him back one hex and
channelled Blow and a source of constant then two more for his Knockback 2 ability!
reassurance and
1 2 2 good humour to his
Cleave, Scything fellow warriors.
© GW 2023


In the Surge step that follows the Condemnors player’s
activation step, they score Martial Prowess because their
warband has now made three successful Attack actions
in this phase.

martial ProWeSS
Surge: Score this immediately after your
warband’s third or subsequent successful Attack
action in the same phase.
‘Our foes outnumber us once again. Perhaps we
should fight blindfolded, to even the odds?’
- Brodus Blightbane

© GW 2023

Give two glory points to the Condemnors player,

and then draw them a replacement objective card –
Vindicated Arrogance.

In the power step the Condemnors player plays the
Outflank ploy, pushing Ironsoul.
Put the Outflank ploy in the Condemnors player’s power
outflank discard pile.

Choose a friendly fighter adjacent to one The Sepulchral Guard player passes, and then the
I_ or more fighters. Push the chosen fighter Condemnors player spends a glory point to give Ironsoul
up to 2 hexes. the Stoic Stance upgrade. Both players then pass, ending
‘Tavian, to the left! Strike from the flank!’ the power step.
- Gwynne Ironsoul

© GW 2023

Once again, the Sepulchral Guard player activates the Warden, and this time they use his action to bring the Harvester
back to the battlefield. Give the Harvester a Raise counter.


INSPIRE Give the Sepulchral Guard player one glory point, then
After the activation step, the Harvester is Inspired. draw another objective card for them – Retake What
is Ours.
The Sepulchral Guard player has now given two fighters
a Raise counter in this round, so they can score Battle
Without End in the Surge step.

BattLe Without end

Surge: Score this immediately after an activation
or power step in which you gave a second or
subsequent friendly fighter a Raise counter in
the same phase.
Shadeglass is not needed for Nagash to bind his
followers to eternal servitude.
retaKe What is ours
2/32 1 Dual: Score this in an end phase if:
© GW 2023
Your warband holds three or more objectives
Both players One
pass inorthe
more of those
power step.objectives is in
enemy or no one’s territory.
The supremacy of death, clear for all to see.

© GW 2023
ACTIVATION STEP Remove Ironsoul’s Guard token – she is no longer on
The Condemnors player activates Gwynne Ironsoul. Guard – then move her between the Harvester and the
First, her Soul-hardened Shield gives her a Guard Inevitable Petitioner.
token, putting her on Guard. However, once more the
Condemnors player needs Ironsoul to make a Charge
superaction, so she’ll lose that Guard token straight away.

Ironsoul targets the Petitioner. Attack roll Defence roll

Gwynne ironSoul

3 1 4
Seldom does Gwynne
Ironsoul speak, and
she wastes no words
on idle rhetoric. A true Ironsoul rolls two successes in her Attack roll, including
SStormsmite Mace
tormSmite m ace
i_ daughter of Chamon, a critical success. The Petitioner’s roll of is a success,
1 3 2 Realm of Metal, Ironsoul
is meticulous and
but Ironsoul’s Attack action succeeds and results in a
clear-headed, preferring critical hit.
Inspire: This fighter’s
a rational approach
attack roll or defence roll
to displays of self-
contains one or more
important Ironsoul deals 2 damage to the Inevitable Petitioner,
glory-seeking. taking it out of action and gaining one glory point.
© GW 2023



After the activation step, because Ironsoul had a in her In the power step, the Condemnors player passes. The
attack roll, she becomes Inspired. Sepulchral Guard player plays the Pitiless Command
ploy, pushing the Prince of Dust onto an objective token
ironSoul inSpired and then putting the ploy in their power discard pile.

piTileSS commanD
3 2 4
This Attack action has
Knockback 2 instead of
StormSmite mace Knockback 1. Choose a friendly fighter with one or more
1 3 3 Raise counters. Push the chosen fighter up
to 2 hexes.
Knockback 1, Smite
The freshly resurrected are remorselessly driven
back into battle.

© GW 2023 17/32
© GW 2023

Both players then pass, bringing the Condemnors player’s turn and the action phase to an end.

The Sepulchral Guard player plays through the end phase sequence.

1. S
 core Objectives. They score Invigorated Dead invigorated dead
and Eternal Legions, collecting three glory points OBJECTIVE
and placing the scored objectives in their scored Score this in an end phase if the number of
objective pile. surviving Inspired friendly fighters is equal to or
greater than the round number (e.g. two or more
in round two).
TERRITORY AND EDGE HEXES Driven by the will of the Warden, the Sepulchral
Guard are formidable foes.
This diagram shows you the Sepulchral Guard’s
territory (the complete hexes on their game board), the
Condemnors’ territory, and no one’s territory (the hexes 5/32
© GW 2023
completed by the placement of the game boards). The
Warden and the Prince are in no one’s territory and the
Rising Petitioner is in the Condemnors’ territory. eternaL Legions
Score this in an end phase if three or more
friendly fighters are each in no one’s and/or
enemy territory.
‘I’ve bashed ‘em, krushed ‘em and smashed ‘em
boss! Nuffin’ works!’ - ‘Ardskull

© GW 2023

- Starting hexes

- Ironsoul’s
Condemnors territory

- Sepulchral Guard’s

- Completed hexes
No one’s territory

2. D
 iscard Objectives. The Sepulchral Guard player 4. Discard Power Cards. They do not discard any
keeps their remaining objective. power cards.

3. P
 lay Upgrades. They do not have any upgrades left in 5. Draw Cards. Then they draw objective cards and
their hand. power cards until they have 3 objective cards and 5
power cards in their hand.

Then the Condemnors player plays through the same sequence.

1. S
 core Objectives. They score Sally Forth, as Ironsoul Sally Forth
and Blightbane are adjacent to each other and in enemy UPGRADE
territory. They collect one glory point and add the card Score this in an end phase if two or more
to their scored objectives pile. friendly fighters are adjacent to each other
and in enemy territory.
2. D
 iscard Objectives. The Condemnors player chooses ‘There is a time for the shield and a time
not to discard any objective cards. for the hammer.’ - Gwynne Ironsoul

3. P
 lay Upgrades. They spend one glory point to give the
Spirit Flask upgrade to Blightbane. 5/32
© GW 2023
4. Discard Power Cards. They have no more power cards
to discard. Spirit flaSk
5. Draw Cards. Finally, they draw objective cards and Action: Pick one: Deal 1 damage to an
power cards until they have 3 objective cards and 5 adjacent enemy fighter, or Heal (2) this
power cards in their hand. fighter. Then break this card.
Sacrosanct warriors carry consecrated
This brings Round 2 to an end. Clear all of the Charge flasks that, when broken, release a blast of
tokens off the battlefield, and check that you have the powerful spirit energy.
following cards in your hands.
© GW 2023


retaKe What is ours undying WatChmen a ChaLLenge unansWered

Surge, Dual: Score this immediately after an
Score this in an end phase if there are more
Dual: Score this in an end phase if: opponent’s activation step if:
enemy fighters out of action than there are
Your warband holds three or more objectives Your warband holds two or more objectives
friendly fighters out of action.
And: One or more of those objectives is in And: One or more of those objectives is in
enemy or no one’s territory. enemy territory. ‘Everything in this city belongs to Nagash. Every
soul, every blade of grass.’
The supremacy of death, clear for all to see. When your enemy has no fear of death, how can
- The Sepulchral Warden
you possibly drive them back?

© GW 2023
3 12/32
© GW 2023
2 1/32
© GW 2023


STarTling reformaTion WorThleSS chaff inexhauSTiBle WarriorS unDying ancienT commanDer

Reaction: Play this after you give a friendly Friendly Petitioners have no bounty.
Action: Choose up to three friendly fighters.
fighter a Raise counter. Place that fighter in an This effect persists until the end of the round, or +1 Move to friendly fighters. This effects persists
+1 Wounds The chosen fighters each make one Move action.
empty starting hex in enemy territory, then give until a friendly Petitioner is taken out of action. until the end of the round.
that fighter one Charge token. Until the curse is lifted, the lost and damned of The Sepulchral Warden has fought a thousand
Though fervent in their worship, deep in their Death comes quickly in the underworlds of the
Shadespire can never find peace. battles, and commanded both the living and the
Never underestimate the wicked cunning of souls the Petitioners know that there will be no Mortal Realms.
dead with equal surety.
the dead. forgiveness for those who defy Nagash.

19/32 22/32 15/32 32/32 24/32 RESTRICTED:

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Vengeance SatiSFied Vindicated arrogance aetheric maStery

Dual: Score this in an end phase if your
Score this in an end phase if more than Dual: Score this in an end phase if:
leader was the target of one or more
half of the fighters in one or more enemy Attack actions in this round There are two or more surviving friendly fighters
warbands are out of action. And: Each surviving friendly fighter is Inspired.
And: Your leader is surviving.
The screams of routed foes make for a most The warriors of the Sacrosanct Chambers are
stirring choir. ‘Come then, fiends. The storm awaits.’ suffused with the fury of Sigmar’s Tempest.
- Gwynne Ironsoul

© GW 2023
2 10/32
© GW 2023
1 1/32
© GW 2023


fulminating blaSt thunderouS Smite championS of Sigmar Sanctified armour hallowed aura
Reaction: Play this during a friendly fighter’s Range 1
Attack action, after the determine success step. In the The first Range 1 or Range 2 Attack action Reaction: After an Attack action that dealt
deal damage step, instead of dealing damage equal to When this fighter is dealt damage, reduce
Push an enemy fighter 1 hex. made by a friendly fighter in the next damage to this fighter, roll an attack dice.
the Damage characteristic of the Attack action, deal 1 that damage by 1, to a minimum of 1.
A spear of lightning smashes down from damage to the target and to each enemy fighter activation step has Innate ( ). On a roll of or , Heal (1) this fighter.
adjacent to the target. This battle-plate has been blessed with the
the heavens, driving back the unrighteous. None can stand before the This warrior is so suffused with holy power
An eruption of thunderous force sends the Sequitors’ blood of saints.
God-King’s finest. that their wounds heal almost instantly.
foes reeling.

15/32 20/32 14/32 29/32 27/32

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At this point, you may feel confident enough to play out the remainder of the game without this playthrough! If you do,
remember that you can always consult the rulebook to clarify any rules questions you may have – and you can always reset
the game state to this point and play out the final turn on the pages that follow.

The Condemnors player has the first turn in round 3, and activates Brodus Blightbane. Blightbane makes a Charge
superaction, targeting the Sepulchral Warden and the Prince of Dust with his Channelled Blow.

BlightBane inspired Attack roll Defence roll

4 2 4
Brodus Blightbane is
a towering presence, a
warrior of prodigious
strength who swings his
stormsmite greatmace
greatmace with fearsome
1 2 3 speed. Yet despite his
ferocity in battle, Brodus
Blightbane has one success and the Prince has no
Cleave, Knockback 2
is a kind-hearted soul successes. Blightbane’s Attack action deals 2 damage to
channelled Blow
hannelled B low and a source of constant the Prince, taking it out of action once more. Give the
reassurance and
1 2 2 good humour to his Condemnors player one glory point for taking the Prince
Cleave, Scything fellow warriors. out of action.
© GW 2023

First Blightbane makes the Attack action targeting the

Prince of Dust.

Then Blightbane makes the Attack action targeting The Condemnors player then spends another glory point,
the Warden. giving Ironsoul the Sanctified Armour upgrade.

Attack roll Defence roll Sanctified armour

When this fighter is dealt damage, reduce

that damage by 1, to a minimum of 1.
This battle-plate UPGRADE
has been blessed with the
Blightbane has one critical success and the Warden has
UPGRADE blood of saints.
one critical success, so Blightbane’s Attack action fails.
Although the Condemnors player could drive the Warden
back, they do not, leaving him next to Blightbane. 29/32
© GW 2023

POWER STEP It’s the Sepulchral Guard player’s turn to play a card
In the power step, the Condemnors player spends or pass, and they give the Undying upgrade to the
one glory point to give Blightbane the Hallowed Harvester, spending another glory point.
Aura upgrade.
hallowed aura
Reaction: After an Attack action that dealt +1 Wounds
damage to this fighter, roll an attack dice. Until the curse is lifted, the lost and damned of
, Heal (1) this fighter.
On a roll of orUPGRADE Shadespire can never find peace.
This warrior is so suffused with holy power
that their wounds heal almost instantly.
© GW 2023
© GW 2023

The Condemnors player passes, and then the Sepulchral

The Sepulchral Guard player spends one glory point to Guard player plays the Inexhaustible Warriors ploy.
give the Warden the Ancient Commander upgrade.
inexhauSTiBle WarriorS
ancienT commanDer
+1 Move to friendly fighters. This effects persists
Action: Choose up to three friendly fighters. until the end of the round.
The chosen fighters each make one Move action.
Death comes quickly in the underworlds of the
The Sepulchral Warden has fought a thousand Mortal Realms.
battles, and commanded both the living and the
dead with equal surety.

© GW 2023
© GW 2023

Inexhaustible Warriors ‘persists’. This just means
it has a continuous effect on the battle until the
effect ends, as described on the card.

Finally, both players pass.


ACTIVATION STEP ancienT commanDer
It’s the Sepulchral Guard player’s turn, and they activate
the Warden. This time, they use the action on the Ancient
Action: Choose up to three friendly fighters.
Commander upgrade. The chosen fighters each make one Move action.
The Sepulchral Warden has fought a thousand
The Warden, the Rising Petitioner and the Champion battles, and commanded both the living and the
each make a Move action. dead with equal surety.

Thanks to Inexhaustible Warriors, the Champion has a

Move characteristic of 4, letting him reach the hex that 24/32
© GW 2023
the Warden just left.


In the power step, the Sepulchral Guard player plays the
Worthless Chaff ploy, which persists in the same way
as Inexhaustible Warriors. The Condemnors player then
plays the Fulminating Blast ploy, and pushes the Warden
one hex.

fulminating blaSt

Push an enemy fighter 1 hex.

A spear of lightning smashes down from
the heavens, driving back the unrighteous.

Both players then pass, ending the Sepulchral Guard

15/32 player’s turn.
© GW 2023

In the Condemnors activation step, Ironsoul gains a Guard token from Soul-hardened Shield and then loses it when she
charges the Warden and swings her Stormsmite Mace. Remember to give her a Charge token after her Move action.


ironSoul inSpired undying WatChmen

Surge, Dual: Score this immediately after an
3 2 4
opponent’s activation step if:
This Attack action has
Knockback 2 instead of Your warband holds two or more objectives
SStormsmite Mace
tormSmite m ace
Knockback 1. And: One or more of those objectives is in
enemy territory.
1 3 3 When your enemy has no fear of death, how can
Knockback 1, Smite you possibly drive them back?

© GW 2023

Attack roll
© GW 2023
Defence roll
Give the Sepulchral Guard player two glory points, put
Undying Watchmen in their scored objectives pile, and
then draw another objective card – Grave Reprisal.


Ironsoul has three successes, including a critical success,

and the Warden only has one. Ironsoul deals three
damage to the Warden. He now has six wound counters
on his fighter card, and is taken out of action. Remove
him and his Move token from the battlefield, and give the
Condemnors player one glory point.

i_ The Sepulchral Guard have suffered a serious blow, but it’s
not all bad news – the Sepulchral Guard player can now
score Undying Watchmen. grave reprisaL
Surge, Dual: Score this immediately after an
POWER STEP activation step if:
A friendly fighter’s Attack action took an enemy
Both players pass in the power step.
fighter out of action
And: That friendly fighter had one or more
Raise counters.

© GW 2023
ACTIVATION STEP Even though the Champion has more successes than
The Sepulchral Guard player activates the Champion, Blightbane, Blightbane’s one ‘trumps’ the Champion’s
and makes a Wight Blade Attack action that successes, and the Attack action ends.
targets Blightbane.

the Champion inspired POWER STEP

In the power step both players pass.

3 1 3
Though the Champion
retains fractured
memories of countless
battles, he cannot recall
ight B lade
whether he fought for
1 3 2 duty, honour or coin.

Attack roll Defence roll
© GW 2023

ACTIVATION STEP Attack roll Defence roll
In their activation step, the Condemnors player activates
Blightbane again. Normally, you can’t activate a fighter
who has a Charge token. However, if each friendly fighter
on the battlefield has a Charge token, you can, though
there are limitations on what they can do.
Blightbane has two successes – including a critical
Blightbane targets the Champion with his success – and the Champion has no successes. The
Stormsmite Greatmace. Attack action results in a critical hit, dealing three
damage to the Champion and taking it out of action.
BlightBane inspired Remove it and its Move token from the battlefield, and
give the Condemnors player a glory point.

4 2 4
Brodus Blightbane is
a towering presence, a

tormsmite G
warrior of prodigious
strength who swings his POWER STEP
greatmace with fearsome In the power step, both player pass.
1 2 3 speed. Yet despite his
ferocity in battle, Brodus
Cleave, Knockback 2
is a kind-hearted soul
channelled Blow and a source of constant
reassurance and
1 2 2 good humour to his
Cleave, Scything fellow warriors.
© GW 2023

The Sepulchral Guard player activates the Harvester, and makes a Charge superaction.


t he harveSter inSpired SURGE STEP

The Sepulchral Guard player can now score Grave
Reprisal, as the Harvester has a Raise counter and
3 1 3
None know when the
Harvester first took up took an enemy fighter out of action. Give that player
his scythe, or whether
he once wielded it in one glory point, put the Grave Reprisal card in their
W hirling Scythe
Whirling cythe
life. What is certain is scored objective pile, and draw a replacement card –
1 3 2 that he uses it to reap a
terrible toll in death.
Skills Unforgotten.

grave reprisaL
First it targets Blightbane. Surge, Dual: Score this immediately after an
© GW 2023 activation step if:
A friendly fighter’s Attack action took an enemy
Attack roll Defence roll
fighter out of action
And: That friendly fighter had one or more
Raise counters.

© GW 2023
The Harvester’s critical success means that Blightbane’s
two successes cannot save him. Blightbane is taken out of
action by the two damage dealt by the Attack action, and
the Sepulchral Guard player gains two glory points – as
Bightbane has a Wounds characteristic of 5, he is worth
an extra glory point when he is taken out of action.

Then the Harvester targets Ironsoul.

Attack roll Defence roll

i_ sKiLLs unforgotten
The Harvester has one success and Ironsoul has none. Surge: Score this immediately after your leader’s
Normally, the Whirling Scythe would deal 2 damage to POWER STEP
Attack action that takes an enemy fighter
out of action.
Ironsoul and the Sepulchral Guard player could push her Both players pass in the power step.
The Sepulchral Warden has lingered for as long
back. However, the Sanctified Armour upgrade means
as anyone in Shadespire, yet he is as strong
that Ironsoul is only dealt one damage, and the Stoic as ever.
Stance upgrade means that she cannot be driven back.

© GW 2023

Attack roll Defence roll
In the Comndemnors player’s final activation, they
activate Ironsoul once more. The Soul-hardened Shield
gives her a Guard token. In a final act of defiance,
Ironsoul swings her Stormsmite Mace at the Harvester.

ironSoul inSpired Ironsoul has no successes, and the Attack action fails.

3 2 4
This Attack action has
Knockback 2 instead of
Knockback 1. Both players pass in the power step.
SStormsmite Mace
tormSmite m ace

1 3 3
Knockback 1, Smite

© GW 2023

ACTIVATION STEP Attack roll Defence roll
In the Sepulchral Guard’s final turn, the Harvester swings
his scythe at Ironsoul once more.

t he harveSter inSpired

Both fighters have one critical success, but Ironsoul has

3 1 3
None know when the
Harvester first took up
his scythe, or whether
an additional success, as while she is on Guard she counts
he once wielded it in rolls of as successes in her defence rolls. The Attack
W hirling Scythe
Whirling cythe
life. What is certain is action fails.
1 3 2 that he uses it to reap a
terrible toll in death.

Both players pass in the power step.

© GW 2023



In the final end step, players simply score any objectives they can.

The Condemnors player scores Vengeance Satisfied and WHAT IF?

Vindicated Arrogance. In the Condemnors player’s final activation step, if the
attack had succeeded, then Ironsoul could have driven
Vengeance SatiSFied the Harvester off the objective, thus denying them Retake
OBJECTIVE What is Ours, which would mean the Condemnors
Score this in an end phase if more than won instead!
half of the fighters in one or more enemy
warbands are out of action.
The screams of routed foes make for a most WHAT NEXT?
stirring choir. Now that you’ve completed this playthrough, here
are a few options for you.

© GW 2023
2 • Play through this game again. You’ve played a
whole game from start to finish, and you know
much more about Warhammer Underworlds now.
Vindicated arrogance If you like, why not play through this game again,
following the same directions as before but armed
Dual: Score this in an end phase if your
with new knowledge! The decks will no longer be
leader was the target of one or more
OBJECTIVE in the right order, but the playthrough tells you
Attack actions in this round
which cards to draw and when, so you can repeat
And: Your leader is surviving. this playthrough whenever you like.
‘Come then, fiends. The storm awaits.’
- Gwynne Ironsoul • Set this game up again, then play it yourself.
This playthrough gets you playing as quickly as
© GW 2023
1 possible, and you can start your own game by
copying the set-up from this playthrough. The only
difference will be that you shuffle each warband’s
The Sepulchral Guard player scores Retake What is Ours. objective and power decks before drawing cards
at the start of the game. You’ll see some new cards
retaKe What is ours this way, but all of the rules are covered in the core
rulebook so you can just look them up whenever
Dual: Score this in an end phase if: you encounter something new. If you do this, you
Your warband holds three or more objectives may want to read the warband primers on the
And: One or more of those objectives is in following pages, which give you a helpful reference
enemy or no one’s territory. for how to use each warband.
The supremacy of death, clear for all to see.
• Play a full game of Warhammer Underworlds
yourself. After this playthrough, you’ll be in a
© GW 2023
3 really good place to understand all of the rules in
the core rulebook. You can follow the instructions
in the core rulebook to set up and play your own
With that, the game ends. game, and begin mastering it! Again, if you do
this, you may want to read the warband primers
WHO WON? for some tips to use in your games.
At the end of the game, the player with the most glory
points wins. However, each player has 17 glory points –
it doesn’t matter that they’ve spent some of them, they’re
all counted. When the players are drawn on glory points,
there are two tie-breakers. First, if only one warband has
I_ fighters on the battlefield, they win. If both warbands
have fighters on the battlefield, whichever warband is
holding the highest combined value of objectives wins.
The Sepulchral Guard are holding objectives 1, 3 and 5
for a combined value of 9, while the Condemnors aren’t
holding any. The Sepulchral Guard win!

The Condemnors are an elite unit of Stormcast Eternals, deadly in combat with their magically enhanced maces.
Quicker and tougher than their undead foes, they are more than capable of taking on twice their number and
emerging victorious.

To succeed with the Condemnors, you will want to get them Inspired as quickly as possible, which makes them both
more deadly and more resilient. At the same time you’ll aim to eliminate enemy fighters, neutralising key threats or
targets of opportunity while taking a commanding position on the battlefield.


Inspiring fighters improves their abilities in the game Generally speaking, your plan should be to make a
a great deal. The Condemnors become more deadly, Charge superaction with each of your fighters in each
harder to kill and, in the case of Blightbane, faster! Each round. Your warband scores objectives for eliminating
of your fighters becomes Inspired after rolling a critical enemy fighters and for surviving – you won’t win a
success in an attack or defence roll. The only way to make simple battle of attrition, so you must try to make sure
this happen is to get stuck in! Don’t be afraid to charge that your opponent’s losses are heavier than yours.
your fighters in, though try to ensure that when you do, Your warband also scores objectives, to a lesser extent,
a successful Attack action will rob your opponent of a for holding positions in enemy territory, so bear these
chance to strike back – match Damage 2 Attack actions objectives in mind when deciding where to move your
with targets with a Wounds characteristic of 2, and charging fighters.
Damage 3 Attack actions with targets with a Wounds
characteristic of 3 or less. When you make your Charge superactions, try to
avoid exposing your fighters to too many enemy Attack
You also have three key cards which can help you inspire actions. While your fighters are tough, they are not
a fighter: Improvised Blow and Vengeful Strike let your invincible, and you should be particularly wary of fighters
fighters make extra Attack actions, and Aetherically – like the Champion – whose Attack actions have Cleave.
Charged Weapon lets you re-roll one dice in an attack
roll – even a success – to give you an extra chance to roll a
critical success.

• Set up at least two fighters within 3 hexes of an enemy fighter – preferably one they can take out of action with
a single Attack action.
• With each of those fighters, make a Charge superaction (onto an objective token if possible) in the hope of
Inspiring them quickly.
• Ploys which let your fighters make Attack actions will make this easier – look for these in your starting hand.

The Sepulchral Guard are deathless sentinels standing guard over the ruins of Shadespire. Led by the Sepulchral
Warden, a champion invested with a portion of necromantic power, these warriors fight and fall only to rise and
fight again.

Victory with the Sepulchral Guard comes from clever use of the Sepulchral Warden’s abilities to bring fallen fighters
back to the battlefield and to move more than one fighter in a single activation step. The Sepulchral Guard are focused
more on taking and holding objectives than taking enemy fighters out of action. This means you may go several
activation steps in a row without making an Attack action, instead solidifying your hold on the battlefield.


The Sepulchral Guard has a few strong fighters, capable of Your game plan will depend to a large extent on the
going toe-to-toe with Stormcast Eternals, and a number objective cards in your hand. However, it will generally
of weaker fighters whose role is mainly to hold objectives be in your best interest to try to make sure that you’re
or assist the more able members of the warband. holding at least three objectives, which should include
Foremost amongst the warband are the Sepulchral at least one in your opponent’s territory. If you find
Warden, who you should try to preserve at all times, the that your fighters are being taken out of action, you’ll
Champion, whose Attack action is excellent for taking need to strike a balance between bringing them back
out heavily armoured opponents thanks to its Cleave to the battlefield and using your remaining fighters to
ability, and the Prince of Dust, whose Attack action can take objectives.
help you push enemy fighters off objectives to allow your
own fighters to take their place. However, you’ll also find that bringing fighters back to
the battlefield will help you score a number of objectives,
so make sure to check your hand to work out what’s the
RAISE best decision at each point. Sometimes you’ll be able to
When one of your fighters, other than the Sepulchral tip the scales in your favour by simply raising two fighters
Warden, is taken out of action, it’s not the end of the (and the Restless Dead ploy lets you raise a fighter without
world. You can use the Sepulchral Warden’s ability to taking an action).
bring them back to the battlefield on a starting hex in
your territory. When you do this, they will also become When you do need to attack enemy fighters, try to stack
Inspired, generally becoming faster and making their the odds in your favour with cards like Ceaseless Attacks
Attack actions more accurate. This can actually make it and The Necromancer Commands. These cards can help a
an advantage in some games to lose the Champion or the pair of your fighters take out a stronger enemy when your
Prince of Dust early on so that you can Raise them with opponent least expects it.
their improved characteristics. This means that setting
these fighters up front and centre at the start of the game, Most importantly, without the Sepulchral Warden your
while appearing reckless, is actually an excellent tactic. warband will quickly fall apart. This makes the Warden
a priority target for your opponent, so set your leader
up as far away from the enemy as possible at the start
of the game. The Warden’s abilities to move friendly
fighters and Raise friendly fighters have no range or
targeting limitations, so he can use both while staying
relatively safe.

• Set up the Petitioners first, set up the Champion and the Prince of Dust on your front line, and the Warden far
back in your territory

I_ • At the start of each round, check your objectives to find out where your fighters need to be in the next end
• Focus on using the Warden’s abilities to achieve these objectives by making Move actions with multiple fighters
and raising fighters


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