Nursing Care Plan On Thoysoglossal (Tayiba)

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Nursing care plan for Thoysoglossal


Patient name: Waqas Age: 40 years sex: Male
Registration#:34902 Date: 11-05-2023 Bed#:8

Assessment Diagnosis Planning Interventions Rationale Evaluation

Subjective Acutepain Short term goal: 1. Assess the client's 1. Monitor the After 2 weeks of
Data: relatedto 1. The airway and breathing client's airway and nursing
1.Pain in the client will status regularly. breathing status.
inflammationa 2. Administer interaction, the
neck area nd distortionof report reduced 2. Administer client can
2.Difficulty medications as
pain in the neck medications as
the prescribed to manage verbalize positive
swallowing area within 24 prescribed to manage pain and
3.Lump in the gallbladderas pain and inflammation.
concept of self,
hours of inflammation.
neck area evidencedby receiving pain 3.Encourage the client to know his
3. Encourage
Objective Data: verbalreportso medication. perform deep breathing the client to perform strengths and
1.Swelling in f pain. 2. The and coughing exercises to deep breathing and limits as a
the neck area client will be prevent respiratory coughing exercises to person.
2.Visible lump complications. prevent respiratory
able to swallow complications.
in the neck 4. Provide education At the end of
without 4. Provide
area 3.Redness to the client on how to nursing
or warmth difficulty within care for the incision site
education to the
48 hours of the client on how to interaction, the
around the and how to prevent care for the incision
procedure. client's
lump infection. site and how to
4. Difficulty 3. The 5. Monitor the
participation in
prevent infection.
breathing client will client for signs of 5. Monitor the
daily activities,
Vital sign: demonstrate infection, such as fever, client for signs of shows eagerness
Blood pressure proper incision redness, and increased infection, such as to socialize with
120/80mmHg pain. fever, redness, and other people,
site care within
Temperature 5. Encourage the increased pain. copes well with
24 hours of 6. Encourage
98F client to rest and limit problems
receiving the client to rest and
Pulse 76/m physical activity until the through omission
education. limit physical activity
Labs: incision site has healed. until the incision site of negative
CBC 6. Provide has healed.
Long term goal: thinking,accepta
HCV emotional support to 7. Provide
1. The the client and family
nce of honest
HBV emotional support
client will have members. to the client and appraisal, and
PT no signs of family members. express emotions
7. Collaborate with
RBC infection in the the healthcare team to productively.
platelet incision site ensure the client receives
Urea after 2 weeks. appropriate care.
Creatinine 2. The
client will be
able to resume
activities and
return to work
or school within
4 weeks of the
3. The
client will have
a successful
recovery with
no complications
Submitted to: Mam Rubina Kousor

Submitted by:Tayiba Ashraf

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