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a Excellent Good (4) Satisfacto Needs Inadequate (1)

ry (3) Improveme
nt (2)

Film Title The title is impacting the

The title is good, providing overall
creative, a clear sense of The title is presentation.
relevant, and the film's theme basic and
effectively or narrative. It somewhat
captures the engages the relevant to the The title lacks
essence of the audience and film. It could be creativity and The title is
film. It piques contributes more relevance to the generic, unclear,
interest and sets positively to the engaging or film, making it or entirely
the tone for the overall viewing reflective of the less appealing to unrelated to the
audience. experience. content. the audience. film, negatively

Criteria Excellent (5) Good (4) Satisfacto Needs Inadequa

ry (3) Improveme te (1)
nt (2)

Creativity Demonstrates Shows Demonstrates Lacks Fails to

and exceptional creativity in a basic level originality demonstrat
Originality creativity, offering storytelling and of creativity, and e any
a unique and filmmaking, but the creativity in creativity
innovative with some approach is both or
approach to original somewhat storytelling originality.
storytelling and elements. conventional. and
filmmaking. filmmaking.

Technical Displays advanced Demonstrates Shows Lacks Fails to

Proficiency technical skills in solid basic technical demonstra
camera operation, technical technical proficiency, te any
lighting, sound, skills in proficiency, with understandi
and editing. All camera but with significant ng of basic
technical aspects operation, noticeable errors technical
are executed lighting, errors in affecting the elements.
flawlessly. sound, and camera overall
editing. Few operation, quality.
minor lighting,
technical sound, or
issues. editing.

Narrative Presents a Presents a Demonstrates Lacks a Fails to

Structure compelling and good a basic coherent establish any
narrative with narrative

Criteria Excellent (5) Good (4) Satisfacto Needs Inadequa

ry (3) Improveme te (1)
nt (2)
well-structured clear structure, structure, but narrative narrative
narrative within but there may some structure, structure.
the three-minute be minor elements making it
duration. The issues with may be challenging
storyline is pacing or unclear or for the
clear, coherence. not well audience to
engaging, and developed. follow the
effectively story.
the theme.

Overall Elicits a strong Elicits a Elicits a Fails to elicit

Impact emotional and positive limited a Fails to
intellectual impact emotional and emotional or meaningful make any
on the audience. intellectual intellectual emotional impact,
The film impact on the impact on or and the
effectively audience. The the intellectua message or
conveys the film audience. l theme is
intended message successfully The film impact. The entirely lost.
or theme. communicates partially message or
its message or communicat theme is
theme. es its unclear or
message or ineffective.
Fails to
any attention
to detail.
Attention Demonstrates Shows good Demonstrate Lacks
to Detail meticulous attention to s basic attention to
attention to detail detail, but there attention to detail,
in all may be some detail, but resulting in
aspects of minor there are significant
filmmaking, oversights or noticeable issues with Fails to
ensuring a inconsistencies oversights the final collaborate
polished and in the final that affect product. effectively,
professional product. the hindering
final product. overall the overall
quality. production.

Collaborati Effectively Collaborates Demonstrat Exhibits

on and collaborates well with team es basic poor
Teamwork with team members, but collaborati collaboration
members, there may be on but and
contributing some minor struggles teamwork,
positively to the communication with leading to
overall or teamwork communicati significant
production. issues. on or challenges
teamwork, during
impacting the production.

Grade A: Outstanding B: Good C: Satisfactory

Criteria Excellent (5) Good (4)

Film Poster
Inadequate (1)

D: Needs
Improvement F: Inadequate

Criteria Excellent (5) Good (4) Satisfactory (3) Needs Inadequate

Improveme (1)
nt (2)

Visual The poster has The poster has The poster has a The poster The poster
Impact a strong a good visual satisfactory lacks visual is visually
visual impact, visual impact, impact, with
impact, effectively using but it may lack design
and fails to
immediately design some elements that
capturing elements to elements that do not attention or
attention. It capture could enhance effectively generate
effectively attention and its overall capture any
uses design generate appeal. attention or interest.
elements to interest in the generate
create intrigue film. interest.
and interest.

Alignme The poster The poster The poster The poster The poster
nt with aligns aligns well somewhat does not is entirely
Film seamlessly with the aligns with the align well unrelated to
Theme with the theme theme of the theme of the with the the theme of
of the film, film, film, but there theme of the the film,
effectively conveying its may be film, providing no
conveying essence and inconsistencies making it insight into
its essence creating a or elements challenging the content.
and visual that are not to
creating a connection to entirely understand Information
visual the narrative. reflective of the intended on the
connection to the content. narrative. poster is
the narrative. entirely
unclear or
Clarity of Information Information on Information Information absent.
Informatio on the the poster is on the on the
n poster is clear and poster is poster is
clear, communicates somewhat unclear or
concise, and essential details clear, but confusing,
effectively about the film, there are making it
communicat but noticeable
es issues
Original representation conv
Criteria Excellent (5) Good (4) ity of the film. or

essential there may be all
details about minor issues
the film with clarity or
(title, tagline, conciseness.
Inadequate (1)
credits, etc.).

Design The poster The poster

Elements effectively uses design
utilizes design elements
elements well, creating
(layout, color, a
typography, visually The poster
imagery) to appealing demonstrates a complete lack of
create a composition, understanding or application of design
visually but there may principles.
appealing and be
cohesive minor The poster is entirely
composition. inconsistencies. unoriginal,
relying heavily on generic
The poster The poster is
demonstrates original and
exceptional creative, elements.
originality, presenting a
offering a unique
unique and representation
creative of the film.

Grade A: Outstanding B: Good C: SatisfactoryImprovement F: Inadequate

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