Free 3 Billy Goats Play
Free 3 Billy Goats Play
Free 3 Billy Goats Play
©2013 Carolyn Wilhelm, Wise Owl Factory, Clip art by Ian Nicholls of Masketeers, Ink n’ Little Things, and Digiscrapkits
© Wise Owl Factory Carolyn Wilhelm, 2000-2013. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this
material without express and written permission from the owner of Wise Owl Factory is strictly
prohibited. One picture with a link back may be used provided that full and clear credit is
given to Wise Owl Factory and with appropriate and specific direction to the original
content. Copying these student work pages partially, or fully, is strictly prohibited.
Permission is granted:
● to store on your personal computer
● to reproduce the printable pages of the educational resource for home schooling or for your individual
classroom use ONLY.
Created by Carolyn Wilhelm@2013
All rights reserved
©2013 Carolyn Wilhelm, Wise Owl Factory, Clip art by Ian Nicholls of Masketeers, Ink n’ Little Things, and Digiscrapkits
Cast of Players
Troll ________________________________
Troll’s Mommy_______________________
©2013 Carolyn Wilhelm, Wise Owl Factory, Clip art by Ian Nicholls of Masketeers, Ink n’ Little Things, and Digiscrapkits
The Little Red Hen, Page 1
Reader’s Theater
Name __________________________ Date _________
Welcome to our program, welcome to our show. This is
the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff, it is a story you all
Sit back and relax, please enjoy the time.
Oh, the goats see some grass that is fine!
©2013 Carolyn Wilhelm, Wise Owl Factory, Clip art by Ian Nicholls of Masketeers, Ink n’ Little Things, and Digiscrapkits
Page 2
Name __________________________
He is going to be sorry!
I wouldn’t do that if I were him!
©2013 Carolyn Wilhelm, Wise Owl Factory, Clip art by Ian Nicholls of Masketeers, Ink n’ Little Things, and Digiscrapkits
Page 3
Name __________________________
©2013 Carolyn Wilhelm, Wise Owl Factory, Clip art by Ian Nicholls of Masketeers, Ink n’ Little Things, and Digiscrapkits
Page 4
Name __________________________
He is real.
If I get across, he is going to cross the bridge, too.
©2013 Carolyn Wilhelm, Wise Owl Factory, Clip art by Ian Nicholls of Masketeers, Ink n’ Little Things, and Digiscrapkits
Page 5
Name __________________________
©2013 Carolyn Wilhelm, Wise Owl Factory, Clip art by Ian Nicholls of Masketeers, Ink n’ Little Things, and Digiscrapkits
The following pages are to be used either as signs for
the children to hold up or as nametag necklaces for
the cast members.
©2013 Carolyn Wilhelm, Wise Owl Factory, Clip art by Ian Nicholls of Masketeers, Ink n’ Little Things, and Digiscrapkits
Narrator 1
©2013 Carolyn Wilhelm, Wise Owl Factory, Clip art by Ian Nicholls of Masketeers, Ink n’ Little Things, and Digiscrapkits
Narrator 2
©2013 Carolyn Wilhelm, Wise Owl Factory, Clip art by Ian Nicholls of Masketeers, Ink n’ Little Things, and Digiscrapkits
Little Billy Goat
©2013 Carolyn Wilhelm, Wise Owl Factory, Clip art by Ian Nicholls of Masketeers, Ink n’ Little Things, and Digiscrapkits
Billy Goat
©2013 Carolyn Wilhelm, Wise Owl Factory, Clip art by Ian Nicholls of Masketeers, Ink n’ Little Things, and Digiscrapkits
Big Billy Goat
©2013 Carolyn Wilhelm, Wise Owl Factory, Clip art by Ian Nicholls of Masketeers, Ink n’ Little Things, and Digiscrapkits
©2013 Carolyn Wilhelm, Wise Owl Factory, Clip art by Ian Nicholls of Masketeers, Ink n’ Little Things, and Digiscrapkits
Troll’s Mommy
©2013 Carolyn Wilhelm, Wise Owl Factory, Clip art by Ian Nicholls of Masketeers, Ink n’ Little Things, and Digiscrapkits