IFRS 15 - Revenue From Contracts With Customers
IFRS 15 - Revenue From Contracts With Customers
IFRS 15 - Revenue From Contracts With Customers
25 February 2020
Sensitivity: Internal
IFRS 15 in Grameenphone: some real life cases
Sensitivity: Internal
What’s changed
Consolidation Consolidation
IAS 16 IAS 40 IAS 16 IAS 40
guidance guidance
IFRIC 15 type requirements removed and replaced by new over time criteria.
More guidance on separating goods and services bundled in a contract.
More guidance on measuring transaction price.
No IAS 11 equivalent to guide accounting when revenue is recognised over time.
Revenue from contracts with customer
Sensitivity: Internal
Revenue from Contracts with Customers (IFRS 15) shall be applicable to all contracts with customers,
except the following:
Sensitivity: Internal
The five step model overview
Identify the contract with a customer
Identify the performance obligation
Determine the transaction price
Allocate the transaction price
Recognise revenue
A contract
exists if...
Criterion 1: Criterion 2:
Capable of being distinct Distinct within context of the contract
Can the customer benefit from the good + Promise to transfer the good or service is
or service either on its own or together separately identifiable from other
with readily available resources? promises in the contract?
Yes No
+ + =
Distinct goods or Each distinct good or Same pattern of Single performance
services are service is satisfied transfer obligation
substantially the same over time
= + + +
Contract to Bricks Windows Fittings Construction
build a house service
own or with other resources is separately identifiable
Do the goods and
services individually
meet the criteria? Each material could be used with Entity is providing a significant
another readily available item. integration service.
To make the assessment all relevant factors are considered – in particular the:
Difference between the transaction price and the cash selling price of the goods or services;
Combined effect of the length of time between payment and performance and the prevailing interest rates;
Other reasons for the payment terms.
Discount Rate that would be used in a separate financing transaction between the entity
rate and customer.
a margin approach
Fair value measurement approach
For each performance obligation an entity chooses a method that depicts its performance.
Units delivered and similar methods not appropriate if work in progress is material.
Adjustments required for wastage and uninstalled materials when cost method used.
A present
obligation to Legal title
Risks and
Accepted the
rewards of
IAS 11 IFRS 15
Acceptable to measure revenues and No automatic link between revenue and cost.
costs applying POC with balance sheet
Costs incurred that relate to satisfied or
‘true up’.
partially satisfied performance obligation are
expensed as incurred.
Recovery is expected
Directly related
Generate or enhance
(e.g. sales commission)
Practical Amortisation period < 1 year? Recovery is expected
expedient Expense costs as incurred
Amortisation period
Systematic basis consistent with the pattern of transfer.
Considers anticipated contracts (e.g. renewal options).
The customer can benefit from the good on its own and the good is
separately identifiable from other promises in the contract
Revenue from the sale of a good is only recognised when the legal
title of a good has been transferred
Sales commission
Wasted materials
Payments to subcontractors