HirshEtal (2020) ReviewsOfTeachingMethodsWhichFundamentalIssuesAreIdentified

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Education Inquiry

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Reviews of teaching methods – which fundamental

issues are identified?

Åsa Hirsh, Claes Nilholm, Henrik Roman, Eva Forsberg & Daniel Sundberg

To cite this article: Åsa Hirsh, Claes Nilholm, Henrik Roman, Eva Forsberg & Daniel Sundberg
(2022) Reviews of teaching methods – which fundamental issues are identified?, Education
Inquiry, 13:1, 1-20, DOI: 10.1080/20004508.2020.1839232

To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/20004508.2020.1839232

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Published online: 15 Nov 2020.

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2022, VOL. 13, NO. 1, 1–20


Reviews of teaching methods – which fundamental issues

are identified?
Åsa Hirsha, Claes Nilholm b
, Henrik Romanb, Eva Forsberg b

and Daniel Sundberg c

Department of Education and Communication, Jönköping University, Jönköping, Sweden; bUppsala
University, Uppsala, Sweden; cLinnaeus University, Kalmar, Sweden


The purpose of this study is to discern and discuss issues with
relevance to the tension between contextuality and generalisation,
which recurrently are identified over time in research reviews of KEYWORDS
teaching methods. The 75 most cited reviews on teaching meth­ Internal and external
validity; moderating factors;
ods listed in the Web of Science from 1980 to 2017 were analysed. overview; research-practice
Since our interest is the claims made in each article about the gap; review; teaching
teaching method under study, the analysis concerned the abstract, methods
results, discussion, conclusion, and implication parts of each
review. Three main issues, cutting across the reviews over time,
were identified: 1) the abundance of moderating factors, 2) the
need for highly qualified teachers, and 3) the research-practice
gap. It is argued that the three issues reflect tensions in original
research. The implications of these findings are discussed in the
article. One main conclusion is that such issues ought to be more
explicitly attended to and elaborated in both primary and second­
ary level research. The importance of viewing validity as
a multidimensional concept, including internal, external, and eco­
logical aspects, is underlined. Further, ideas from realistic review­
ing are used to discuss a contextually bound approach to

Given the global emphasis on education as a road to national and individual success, it
is not surprising that a vast amount of research concerns which teaching methods
enable education to fulfil its aims. Although education concerns many areas, such as
educational policy, the organisation of education, financial systems, and school leader­
ship, there seems to be wide agreement that teaching, in the end, is the key factor in
making educational systems successful (e.g. Barber & Mourshed, 2007; Hargreaves &
Fullan, 2012; Hattie, 2003; OECD, 2016; Stigler & Hiebert, 2009).
How teaching should be arranged in the best possible way has been targeted in
a great number of investigations involving different theoretical points of departure
(Hattie, 2009). Consequently, reviews of the effectiveness or appropriateness of teaching
methods have become increasingly available. Producing such reviews is a logical way to
integrate findings and insights from different studies. Systematic research reviews can

CONTACT Åsa Hirsh [email protected] Jönköping University, Jönköping, Sweden

© 2020 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/
licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly

contribute in various ways with knowledge that may inform research, practice and
policy decisions (cf. Gough, Thomas, & Oliver, 2012). However, findings from under­
lying studies often show mixed and sometimes even conflicting results, due to a variety
of factors (e.g. Shute, 2008). Instructional methods and interventions act in complex
systems, and their effects are dependent on various factors in the context as well as the
ways in which and by whom they are implemented and enacted (cf. Cartwright &
Hardie, 2012; Pawson, 2006; Pawson, Greenhalgh, Harvey, & Walshe, 2005; Rycroft-
Malone et al., 2012).
Synthesising the results and effects of numerous primary studies inevitably involves
a certain degree of decontextualization. Still, at secondary research level, researchers
recognise, relate to, and/or problematise the meaning and impact of the context in
various ways. In the current study, we develop knowledge on how the tension between
contextuality and generalisability is addressed and elaborated in research reviews of
teaching methods. We are particularly interested in whether and how issues concerning
what works for whom and in what circumstances are problematised (cf. Pawson, 2006).
Thus, we explore those issues that recur across studied methods and overtime in
research reviews of teaching methods, with relevance to the tension between context
and generalisation. Subsequently, identified issues will be discussed in terms of possible
implications for both primary and secondary level research.

The overview format

This study is situated within the frames of a research project with the overall aim of
increasing and refining our knowledge about teaching and teaching research (Hirsh &
Nilholm, 2019; Roman, Sundberg, Hirsh, Nilholm, & Forsberg, 2018). In order to clarify
the context in which the present study has emerged, a brief description of starting
points and assumptions driving the overall research project follows below (cf. Nilholm
& Göransson, 2017).
With a growing amount of primary research, the number of research reviews, i.e.
a secondary level that sums up and synthesises primary level research on a particular
topic, has also increased. This in turn paves the way for a tertiary level of research that
summarises and synthesises research reviews (Polanin, Maynard, & Dell, 2017). Various
terms are used to describe the type of third-order research that uses research reviews as
its empirical data, such as overview (Polanin et al., 2017), meta-meta-analysis (Hattie,
2009; Kazrin, Durac, & Agteros, 1979), meta-synthesis (Cobb, Lehmann, Newman-
Gonchar, & Alwell, 2009), review of reviews (Maag, 2006), tertiary review (Torgerson,
2007), mega-analysis (Terhart, 2011) and umbrella review (Grant & Booth, 2009). The
terms used thus vary, but common is that the tertiary level is targeted at synthesising
the evidence on a particular topic of interest by examining only the highest level of
evidence, i.e. the evidence presented in systematic reviews or meta-analyses. In our
project, we have chosen to use the term overview.
Characteristic of our overview methodology is, among other things, the selection of
research reviews to be included. The point of departure is that it is fruitful to map and
analyse the research that the research community itself considers important (cf.
Nilholm & Göransson, 2017). Therefore, we only include recognised, high-impact
and top-cited research listed in the Web of Science (WoS).1 An overall interest in the

project is to explore trends in influential research reviews on teaching methods and to

discern common findings and topics to discuss across issues ˗ using the WoS as the
influence indicator.
Other main differences between our overview methodology and methodologies
focused on extracting evidence (see above) are that our type of overview a) is inclusive
regarding different kinds of second-level review research methodologies, b) is inclusive
with regard to different theoretical approaches at the review level (including reviews
from critical interpretivist perspectives), and c) maps and analyzes several aspects of
a research field, such as topics studied, theoretical/conceptual points of departure,
methodologies used, and results and conclusions presented. Yet, one particular paper
cannot elaborate on all of these aspects, and the present study concentrates on the
results and conclusions presented, with special attention paid to the tension between
contextuality and generalisability.

Before the analysis specific to the present study could be carried out, extensive basic
work had already been done, where the research group as a first step identified the 75
most cited research reviews on teaching methods listed in the WoS between 1980 and
2017 (25 from 1980 to 1999, 25 from 2000 to 2009, and 25 from 2010 to 2017).

Identifying reviews: search strategy and criteria for inclusion/exclusion

An initial search in the WoS Core Collection was carried out, using the simple search
string: “teach* OR instr* OR curric* OR did* OR coach* OR guid* OR tut*,” restricted
to topics within reviews in the four content areas (education educational research,
psychology education, education scientific disciplines, and education special) during the
time spans 1980–1989 (192 hits), 1990–1999 (446 hits), 2000–2009 (1241 hits), and
2010–2017 (2439 hits).
A second search in the WoS Core Collection was then carried out using the
combined search string “teach* OR instr* OR curric* OR did* OR coach* OR guid*
OR tut*” AND “review* or meta-analys* OR meta-narrative* OR meta-synthes* OR
overview*,” restricted to topics within articles and reviews in the four content areas
listed above during the time spans 1980–1989 (166 hits), 1990–1999 (1915 hits),
2000–2009 (3788 hits), and 2010–2017 (13,795 hits).
The result lists from the two searches were matched, and through the reading of
abstracts, relevant top-cited reviews from each decade were identified and selected for
further reading and coding. Our main inclusion criterion was that the review should
focus on teaching methods in the K-12 context. Reviews concerned only with higher
and/or adult education2 and reviews on teacher conditional factors (educational back­
ground, class, gender, ethnicity, etc.) were excluded. Furthermore, we excluded reviews
on learning which were not specifically related to classrooms, teaching, or school
subjects, as well as reviews on societal aspects of school and schooling in a wider
sense (i.e. which were not concerned with didactical matters). In addition, we excluded
reviews on student and teacher wellbeing and self-perception/self-efficacy, unless they
related to specific school interventions or teaching programmes. We did, however,

include a number of reviews on the use of technological artefacts for instructional

purposes that to some degree also included external learning environments (outside
classrooms and schools). For a full list of included reviews, see Appendix A.

Study feature coding

The 75 reviews were carefully read in their entirety and encoded in a 25-feature scheme
(see Appendix B) developed by the research group. Twenty-five reviews were read and
coded by two researchers in the group to check for interrater reliability, resulting in
a 92% compliance. The coding of the remaining 50 reviews was divided between the
two researchers. Different features of the coding scheme have been or are currently
being used for different analyses in the various studies that are all part of the overall
research project.

The current study

During the careful reading that the coding process entailed, it became apparent that
underlying reviews largely discussed similar issues, drew similar conclusions, and/or
pointed to similar implications for practice and/or research, regardless of teaching
method studied. This, in turn, led to further analysis, guided by an overall interest in
inductively and more deeply exploring the issues that appeared most frequently, with
the aim to identify recurring issues and bring patterns of issues together in categories
(cf. Saini & Shlonsky, 2012; Thomas & Harden, 2008).

Material in the current study

As a first step in the analysis, relevant features from the coding schemes of all the
underlying 75 reviews were summarised in a table with the following captions:

The actual analysis in the current study concerned the summaries in the third
through fifth columns of the table.
In the analysis phase, the summaries were regarded as text extracts that were the
subject of qualitative content analysis. Content analysis is a flexible method for analys­
ing text data obtained in various ways, such as interviews, observations, open-ended
survey questions, or print media such as various types of articles, books, or policy
documents (Cavanagh, 1997; Kondracki & Wellman, 2002). The goal of content
analysis is “to provide knowledge and understanding of the phenomenon under
study” (Downe-Wamboldt, 1992, p. 314), through systematic coding and identification
of patterns (Hsieh & Shannon, 2005). Whatever type of text the content analysis takes
its starting point in, the analysis starts at the manifest level. It may then proceed to the
latent level, but not necessarily. The manifest analysis deals with the content aspect and
describes the visible, obvious components (Downe-Wamboldt, 1992; Kondracki et al.,

2002), whereas the latent analysis deals with underlying meanings of the text (Downe-
Wamboldt, 1992; Kondracki & Wellman, 2002).
When summarising results and implications of each of the reviews in the original
coding process, our pronounced endeavour was to do so on a manifest level, that is,
with as little abstraction or interpretation as possible. In all cases where possible, we
took our starting point in the abstracts of the reviews, according to the logic that
summarised there is what the authors themselves consider to be the most important
results and implications. However, the results, discussion, conclusion, and/or implica­
tion parts of each review were also read in full, resulting in complementary text and
more informative summaries than the very short lines appearing in the article

Analysis in the current study

The following inductive analysis of the summaries was guided by Graneheim and
Lundman's (2004) qualitative content analysis approach and conceptualisation. Each
summary of results, implications for practice, and implications for research was con­
sidered a meaning unit that was labelled with codes. Coffey and Atkinson (1996, p. 32)
describe codes as “tools to think with” and “heuristic devices” allowing the data to be
thought of in different and/or new ways (while principally remaining on manifest data
level). Since a code is assigned to discrete objects/phenomena, and each meaning unit
often summarised various phenomena, each meaning unit was (in almost all cases)
assigned more than one code.3
In a next step, the most frequently occurring codes were sorted into areas sharing
a commonality, subsequently resulting in three overarching types of issues that we
labelled as follows:

(1) The abundance of moderating factors

(2) The need for highly qualified teachers
(3) The research–practice gap

Of these, categories 1 and 3 were so complex that further sorting into subcategories was
carried out.
In the following results chapter, we use the term overview findings for our over­
arching categories (with associated subcategories). An overview finding can be
described as a product of an accumulated analysis of individual review findings
describing a phenomenon or aspects of a phenomenon (here teaching methods) (cf.
Lewin et al., 2015). Overview findings thus arise in the analysis and involve interpreta­
tion. In general, overview findings can be formulated at different abstraction levels,
depending on the degree of interpretation being made. Overview findings at a lower
level of abstraction are often relatively close to underlying studies and formulated with
concepts retrieved directly from them, while findings at a higher abstraction level may
require other terms to be used.
Further, our analysis was partly4 guided by the methodology in the framework
CERQual (which stands for confidence in the evidence from reviews of qualitative
research) described by Lewin et al. (2015). A core purpose of CERQual is to offer
a method for systematically and transparently assessing the weight (in terms of

coherence) of findings derived from qualitative research.5 Although our primary inter­
est lies in describing recurrent patterns and in conducting a problematising discussion
about those patterns, we acknowledge the importance of visualising the occurrence and
frequency of different aspects (that together form our overview findings) in the various
underlying reviews as a signal of the “weight” (in terms of coherence) of the overview
findings. For this reason, we have created two tables highlighting the occurrence of
specific aspects in the various included studies (see Appendices C1 and C2).

Before presenting the main results of the current study, i.e. the three overview findings,
some overall observations are briefly accounted for regarding the format of the under­
lying reviews, as well as their temporal and geographical distribution.
The included 75 reviews build on different types of data in the primary studies,
which largely affect the format of the reviews. Quantitative reviews, which are based on
quantitative underlying studies, make up almost half of the sample (35/75). 24/75
reviews in the sample report both quantitative and qualitative data, whereas 16 reviews
are explicitly qualitative. The distribution between the three different types of reviews is
relatively even over the three periods 1980–1999, 2000–2009, and 2010–2017 (Roman
et al., 2018).
The tables in Appendices C1 and C2 visualise the occurrence and frequency of
different aspects in the underlying material. There, the reader can see which reviews
elaborate on which aspects, which year the reviews were published, and the geographi­
cal distribution of the reviews in terms of national affiliations of the review authors. The
Web of Science is located in the US, and there is a clear North American domination
when it comes to the national affiliations of the authors. Three-quarters of all authors
are affiliated with institutions in the US or Canada. The final quarter are affiliated with
institutions in nine other countries: the Netherlands, the UK, Germany, Greece,
Taiwan, Israel, Hong Kong, Australia, and Brazil.

The overview findings

As mentioned, in the analysis we found three overarching issues which were particu­
larly frequently elaborated and discussed across the reviews. Below, we present these as
overview findings, supported by typical excerpts.6

Overview finding 1: the abundance of moderating factors

Common to most of the research reviews is that they study the correlation between two
variables, in the language of meta-analysis sometimes referred to as treatment and
treatment outcome. The treatment variable is the teaching method, whereas the treat­
ment outcome is the effect/impact of the teaching method on students’ learning/
development. The relationship between treatment and treatment outcome is rarely or
never direct, however. It is, obviously, dependent on the influence of so-called mod­
erators, that is, variables that affect the strength of the relation between treatment and
treatment outcome.

Although a more or less explicitly stated goal in several of the reviews is to give some
kind of general answer concerning the impact of a given method, the reservations are
ultimately many. Givers (teachers) as well as receivers (students) of the treatment are
heterogeneous groups in several ways, and, additionally, there is great variation con­
cerning the contextual conditions framing the teaching-learning process. Many mod­
erators or combinations of moderators may potentially affect the method’s impact on
students’ learning outcome.
This fact is also problematised and discussed in several of the included reviews that
together constitute the empirical material underlying this study. An overview finding
where coherence, thus, is strong (i.e. where a pattern is found across most of the
underlying studies) is that a particular method has little or no effect per se; rather,
our analysis shows that the effect depends on moderators linked to four (often inter­
related) aspects (Table 1).
In an excerpt typical for many underlying reviews, Graham and Hebert (2011)
conclude the following:

Just because a writing intervention was effective in improving students’ reading in the
studies included in this review does not guarantee that it will be effective in all other
situations. In fact, there is rarely an exact match between the conditions in which the
research was implemented and the conditions in which it is subsequently implemented by
teachers. Mismatches between the conditions where a practice is implemented by a teacher
and its effectiveness as established by researchers can vary widely, including differences

Table 1. Differences moderating outcomes of teaching methods.

Differences in students - Age/grade level
- Gender
- Ethnicity/cultural identity
- Achievement level
- Cognitive level
- Metacognitive level
- Presence/degree of special needs
- Beliefs/attitudes, motivation
- Level of previous familiarity with method/artefact in focus
Differences in teachers - Competence to see students’ differences and needs
- Competence to determine when and to what extent it is appropriate to use a method
- Competence to design instruction in terms of tasks and classroom environment
- Competence to see when explicit teaching is necessary/what level of involvement is
appropriate in the teaching process
- Competence to teach learning strategy skills (to work with students on the metalevel)
- Relationship-building competence
- Level of professional experience
- Level of subject specific knowledge
- Level of knowledge of the method in focus
- Beliefs (including epistemological)
- Gender
- Ethnicity
Differences in context - Size of student groups
- Composition of student groups
- Physical classroom context, access to artefacts/materials
- Organisational structures
- Degree and impact of external control/accountability measures, prevailing test
Differences in content - School subject or area in which the method is applied
- Quality of the design of customised (externally created) teaching programmes and
artefacts (including nature/length of intervention)

between students (e.g. reading or writing skills, dispositions, previous school success),
instructional arrangements (e.g. number of students, material resources in the classroom),
and the capabilities of those implementing instruction (e.g. beliefs about teaching and
learning, success in managing the classroom, and experience from teaching writing and
reading). (p. 737)

In many reviews, especially those of the past decade, research on the use of technolo­
gical artefacts in instruction has been synthesised. All these reviews come to conclusions
like that of Smetana and Bell (2012):
Despite the promise that computer simulations have shown in the teaching and learning of
science, success is certainly not guaranteed. Like any other instructional resource, computer
simulations can be effective if they are of high quality and are used appropriately. Therefore,
the appropriate question for researchers is often how teachers and students use simulations,
rather than whether the simulation in itself can achieve desired results. (p. 1362)

Overview finding 2: the need for highly qualified teachers

Overview finding 2 is linked to finding 1 and concerns the fact that moderating
differences at the student level need to be recognised and compensated for by the
teacher organising the instructional activities. In some of the underlying reviews, this
is explicitly discussed (see Appendix C1 “Differences in teachers”), but it is also
a conclusion we draw on the basis of overview finding 1; since the effect of different
methods is undoubtedly moderated by differences at the student level, the teacher’s
ability to adapt and balance the use of a particular method is crucial. The aspects
listed at the teacher level as competencies (Table 1) appear as central. Based on our
analysis of the entire empirical material, we argue that there is high consensus (in
terms of coherence) that no teaching method or artefact can replace a teacher who
understands (1) that teaching (and hence the use of methods and artefacts) needs to
be differentiated, and (2) that teaching not only involves conveying a given subject
content according to a certain method or by using a certain artefact but also involves
actively working to provide students with strategies for learning the content accord­
ing to a method or artefact. The latter would also concern a gradual and conscious
building of students’ metacognitive abilities.
As regards the teaching methods’ effectiveness in terms of students’ learning and
development, our analysis shows that, above all, there is a distinction between students
positioned as low-performing or diagnosed with some form of learning disability and
students who are not so positioned or diagnosed. This is evident not least in reviews
dealing with the relationship between direct and indirect instruction. Teaching methods
based on constructivist thinking such as problem-based or discovery-based learning are,
in our material, generally found to be less effective for lower-performing students or
students diagnosed with different types of learning disabilities (e.g. Alfieri, Brooks,
Aldrich, & Tenenbaum, 2011; Hmelo-Silver, 2004; Kirschner, Sweller, & Clark, 2006).
It is also evident in several of the reviews concerning technology-related phenomena
such as educational virtual reality, augmented reality, and computer simulation that
there are several potential affordances in these for many students, while at the same
time there are potential risks for others. Wu, Lee, Chang, and Liang (2013), for instance,
discuss the crucial importance of teachers’ responsiveness to pupils’ different needs

when it comes to the use of technological artefacts in teaching (in this case augmented
reality, or AR):

In an AR learning environment, students could be cognitively overloaded by the large

amount of information they encounter, the multiple technological devices they are required
to use, and the complex tasks they have to accomplish. That is, students need to be multi­
tasking in AR environments. Dunleavy et al. (2009) reported that students often felt over­
whelmed and confused when they were engaged in a multi-user AR simulation because they
had to deal with unfamiliar technologies as well as complex tasks. Additionally, the tasks in
AR environments may require students to apply and synthesize multiple complex skills in
spatial navigation, collaboration, problem solving, technology manipulation, and mathema­
tical estimation (Dunleavy et al., 2009). Previous research indicated that one reason for
students’ learning challenges in AR environments lies in a lack of these essential skills
(Kerawalla et al., 2006; Klopfer & Squire, 2008; Squire & Jan, 2007). Particularly for younger
learners and novices at conducting open-ended investigations, additional scaffolding and
support would be necessary to help them generate an appropriate plan of action, search for
possible solutions to their problem, and interpret clues provided by the technological devices
and embedded in the real-world environment (Klopfer & Squire, 2008). (p. 47)

The importance of the teacher is also underlined by Smetana and Bell (2012):

Even when support is provided by the simulation software and its accompanying materials,
the teacher is critical for the successful implementation of instructional technologies and
computer simulations in particular. There are no teacher-proof simulations. The teacher
plays an important role in aligning the use of computer simulations to curricular objectives
and to student needs. (Smetana & Bell, 2012, p. 1359)

Overview finding 3: the research–practice gap

A third theme cutting across many of the included research reviews concerns the
research-practice gap. Despite the caveats discussed above and the impossibility of
providing “correct” answers that apply once and for all, it can still be argued that
research, over time, points to the relative benefits of some methods of teaching.
However, the methods are not always put into practice by teachers, and the research–
practice gap is problematised and discussed in several of the included reviews. Our
analysis shows that the causes of the gap can be related to three (often interrelated)
aspects (Table 2).

Table 2. Causes of the research–practice gap.

Research - Insufficient didactic focus
- Research not carried out in authentic environments
- Insufficiently specific (need for greater specificity and/or consistency; need to consider more
interacting moderators)
Teachers - Insufficient knowledge
- Insufficient or inadequate training
- Strongly characterised by certain traditions or beliefs
- Prefer to stay in the comfort-zone
Context - System level: Strong external control, prevailing test discourse
- System level: Insufficient knowledge at decision-making/policy levels
- System level and school level: Inadequate organisational structures at schools
- System level and school level: Inadequate physical and material conditions

Research is insufficiently didactic (a problem on the level of underlying studies)

A number of reviews problematise the fact that research on teaching methods is not
carried out in actual classrooms. In fact, many of the underlying empirical studies
included in the reviews that we have explored are conducted in laboratories, where the
contextual conditions in many respects differ from those of everyday classrooms. Duit
and Treagust (2003), for instance, conclude the following in their review on conceptual
change in science education:
Educational research in general appears to be in danger of being viewed as irrelevant by
many teachers (Lijnse, 2000). Kennedy (1997), for instance, argued that the ‘awful reputa­
tion of educational research’ (Kaestle, 1993) is due to the domination of basic research by
cognitive psychology. Such studies are usually carried out in laboratory settings in order to
allow strict control of variables. The price to be paid for a large degree of experimental
‘cleanness’ is that the results often do not inform the actual practice of teaching and
learning. Wright (1993) provided similar arguments to explain that science education
research is frequently viewed as irrelevant by policy makers, curriculum developers, and
science teachers. He also claims that most science education researchers have little interest
in putting into practice what is known. (p 681–682)

Rutten (2012), who reviewed the use of computer simulation in science education,
The effects of computer simulations in science education are caused by interplay between
the simulation, the nature of the content, the student and the teacher. A point of interest
for the research agenda in this area, as mentioned by De Jong and van Joolingen (1998) in
their review, is to investigate the place of computer simulations in the curriculum. Most of
the studies we reviewed however, investigated the effects of computer simulations on
learning ceteris paribus, consequently ignoring the influence of the teacher, the curricu­
lum, and other such pedagogical factors. (p.151)

Research is insufficiently specific (a problem in underlying studies and on the review

The goal of most of the included 75 reviews is to be able to say something about the
overall effect of teaching methods that are comprehensive by nature. Scaffolding,
problem-based learning, cooperative learning, and educational virtual reality are some
examples of such comprehensive methods. van de Pol, Volman, and Beishuizen (2010)
reviewed a decades’ research on scaffolding and conclude that scaffolding has neither
been properly defined nor studied in a consistent way:
[A] challenge lies in documenting the effectiveness of the use of specific scaffolding
strategies under particular circumstances empirically: Which strategies appear to work
with which children in which grades and for which subject areas? (p. 287)

Among the studies included in each review, the composition of the overall studied
population can range from pre-school children to adult students in higher education in
different disciplines. Local contexts vary (sometimes strongly), due in part to the
heterogeneity of the population but also due to a range of other factors. Additionally,
the content of the studied interventions varies because of the methods’ comprehensive­
ness. Formative feedback, as an example, can be given in a variety of ways (verbal,
written, modelling, etc.); it can be provided from teacher to student, between students,
or from computer to student. The extent of the feedback given can vary from

computerised, automated indications of the correctness of an answer to a factual

question to lengthy written comments on an essay. The context in which feedback is
given and received can also vary with regard to students’ ages, school subjects, etc. The
concrete and specific answers and guidelines that these types of studies can give to
teachers battling with the how-questions of classroom practice are few. This fact is
discussed by, for instance, Shute (2008), who concludes:
In general, and as suggested by Schwartz and White (2000) cited earlier, we need to
continue taking a multidimensional view of feedback where situational and individual
characteristics of the instructional context and learner are considered along with the
nature and quality of a feedback message. (p. 176)

Young et al. (2012), who undertook a review based on the question of how effective
video games are in enhancing students’ learning, conclude by directing criticism to both
themselves and the research community, urging researchers to “stop seeking simple
answers to the wrong questions” (p. 83):
Video games vary widely in their design and related educational affordances: Some have
elaborate and engaging backstories, some require problem solving to complete 5 to 40
multiplayer quests, and some rely heavily on fine motor controller skills. With this range of
attributes, perhaps no single experimental manipulation (independent variable) can ever
be defined to encompass the concept of video games writ large. Furthermore, given the
diversity of student learning goals and abilities, likewise perhaps no singular outcome
(dependent variable) from video games should be anticipated. Instead, applying principles
from situated cognition suggests that research should focus on the complex interaction of
player–game–context and ask the question, “How does a particular video game being used
by a particular student in the context of a particular course curriculum affect the learning
process as well as the products of school (such as test grades, course selection, retention,
and interest)?” No research of this type was identified in our review, suggesting the missing
element may be a more sophisticated approach to understanding learning and game play
in the rich contexts of home and school learning. (p. 83–84)

Teachers and context

While many review authors agree that research has its clear part in the responsibility for the
research–practice gap, it is also frequently suggested that lack of knowledge and training as
well as lingering old traditions and beliefs among teachers are probable causes of the gap.
Another aspect often discussed is how contextual factors affect teachers’ teaching in
a direction that neither research nor teachers themselves generally consider desirable.
This is exemplified in the following excerpt from Driver, Newton, and Osborne (2000):
It is apparent that current classroom practices give little opportunity for young people to
develop their ability to construct arguments. … The major barrier to developing young
people’s skills of argument in science is the lack of opportunity offered for such activities
within current pedagogical practices. If students are to be given greater opportunities to
develop these skills, then this will require a radical change in the way science lessons are
structured and conducted … The fact that this does not happen in science lessons in the
UK at the moment may be partly a reflection of the pressure that science teachers are
under to “cover the National Curriculum.” … We suspect, however, that although these
may be contributory factors, the main reason lies in the limitations of teachers’ pedagogical
repertoire and their limited understanding of the nature of science. Our observations and
interviews with science teachers suggest that few teachers have the necessary skills to
effectively organize group and class discussions and, hence, they lack confidence in their

ability to successfully manage sessions devoted to argumentation and discussion in the

classroom. Consequently, such activities rarely, if ever, take place. (p. 308–309)

The recurrence over time

Finally, our analysis shows that similar issues/problems are identified in the conclusion
and/or implication parts of the reviews over time. In the studies listed in Appendix C2,
the reader can note – especially as regards the role of research as the cause of the
research-practice gap – that studies from all four decades are listed. Many conclusions
concern the degree of classroom orientation in empirical research, and how great the
opportunities are for research that is not conducted in actual classrooms to inform
teachers’ work in complex practice. To exemplify; in a review of instruction on
problem-solving from the 1980s, Frederiksen (1984) concludes that researchers with
different interests and approaches work in isolation from each other, and indeed in
isolation from teachers and actual classroom settings, although it is precisely the
collaboration between them that would be needed to provide answers that are more
relevant to classroom practice. Similarly, Dole et al conclude in a review of reading
comprehension instruction from the 1990s, that future research needs to be more
classroom-oriented, didactic and specific. A clear example from the 2000s, is Duit
and Treagust’s claim that “[t]he price to be paid for a large degree of experimental
‘cleanness’ is that the results often do not inform the actual practice of teaching and
learning” (2003, p. 681–682). And, finally, in a review of the use of computer simula­
tions from the 2010s, Rutten (2012) refers to a previous review by de Jong and van
Joolingen from 1998 where it was concluded that future research ought to investigate
the place of computer simulations in the curriculum. 14 years later, in his own review,
Rutten concludes that most studies still attempt to investigate the effects of computer
simulations ceteris paribus, “consequently ignoring the influence of the teacher, the
curriculum, and other such pedagogical factors” (p. 151). The above mentioned are
examples of the fact that largely similar issues (which in many ways concern how the
gap between theory and practice can be addressed by making primary research more
classroom-oriented and specific) are discussed in research reviews over four decades.

The purpose of the present study was to identify how issues related to the tension
between contextuality and generalisability are elaborated in research reviews on teach­
ing methods. Through careful mapping of the manifest data material, we have been able
to show that such issues are frequently addressed and problematised in the analysed
reviews. Three overview findings have been presented: the abundance of moderating
factors, the need for highly qualified teachers, and the research-practice gap. In this final
section, we will elaborate on our overview findings and discuss some implications for
primary and secondary level research.

The abundance of moderating factors and the need for highly qualified teachers
Claiming that several factors affect the relationship between a teaching method
and student learning is not very controversial. Methodologically, intervention

studies deal with a moderator as a third variable affecting the causal relationship
between treatment (teaching method) and treatment outcome (effect on student
learning). The fact that moderators are controlled for is in itself a recognition of
the potential impact of the context. However, there is a difference between
accounting for controlled moderators and explicitly problematising them in
terms of what they may mean for a study’s external and ecological validity.
We identified nearly 30 moderators addressed across the four areas of pupil, teacher,
content, and context. Each of the moderators listed in Table 1 is highly complex, and the
number of possible combinations almost infinite. Obviously, it is difficult, not to say
impossible, to determine with certainty the effect of a teaching method ceteris paribus.
Simply put, methods do not have the same effect for all students in all situations. While
this fact likely is self-evident to most (not least teachers), it seems necessary to repeatedly
emphasise it in an era where the question asked often seems to be What works? rather than
What works for whom and in what circumstances? (cf. Cartwright & Hardie, 2012; Pawson
et al., 2005). Contextual variation and impact need to be clarified and acknowledged. In light
of such recognition, a teacher can examine his/her own practice in relation to research
findings and try to explore what will happen when employing a specific teaching method in
his/her own context.
In the field of social work, Cartwright and Hardie (2017) propose a model
aiming to predict the effect of a certain way of acting in a specific case. Such
predictions, they argue, will require practitioners to draw heavily on their profes­
sional experience, causal understanding of their own situation, the proposed
intervention, and its effects. More informed predictions may be made when
intervention studies more fully account for the contextual complexity and circum­
stances. In a similar vein, Khorsan and Crawford (2014) discuss the importance of
experimental studies in health care being explicit in explaining such aspects of the
studies that are crucial for practitioners (as well as for secondary level researchers)
if they are to be able to judge the external validity of implementation and out­
comes. They argue that study quality must be regarded as a multidimensional
concept that includes both internal, external (population) and ecological (situation
and setting) validity. Moreover, they propose an external validity assessment tool
to measure the extent to which and how well various context and intervention
characteristics are described in experimental studies. Only if such aspects are
clearly described, the judgement of relevance for other settings is made possible.
In the field of teaching and learning, Bernstein (2018) discusses generalisation as
a two-way street, where the possibility to judge the external validity of a study is
a shared responsibility between the author and the reader of a study. The author’s
responsibility is to provide enough information in terms of rich, thick descriptions
of context to make judgements about generalisation possible. However, the
responsibility for discerning useful parts of the study and relating them to other
contexts rests with the reader.
In the section of overview findings, we argue that no teaching method or
artefact can replace the context-experienced teacher. The effect of methods on
students’ learning is undoubtedly moderated by differences at the student level and
other factors, wherefore the teacher’s situational awareness and ability to predict
or know what may work for whom, how, and in what circumstances is crucial. The

teacher definitely needs the method, and the method certainly needs the reflective
teacher. In line with the arguments above from researchers in different fields, we
find it important not only to account for moderating factors, but also to explain
and problematise the complexity of the context in such a way that practitioners
within the field of teaching may assess the external and ecological validity of
a study.

The research-practice gap

The identification of a gap between research and practice is neither new, nor unique to the
research field of teaching methods. We have shown that the gap is attributed on the one
hand to factors at the levels of the teacher and the context, and on the other hand to the fact
that primary research is insufficiently naturalistic, didactic and specific. The high degree of
experimental cleanness that can be achieved in, for example, the laboratory environment
may ensure high internal validity, but simultaneously limit the external or ecological
validity of the findings (Bernstein, 2018; Khorsan & Crawford, 2014). The failure of primary
research to validate why a particular teaching method worked or not in a certain context is
emphasised in many reviews as a cause of the research-practice gap. In addition, some
reviews contain elements of self-criticism against the secondary level of research.
We too would like to suggest that the long-standing gap between research and
practice is an issue that needs to be addressed in both first- and second-order research.
In the introduction, we argued that producing reviews is a logical and reasonable way to
integrate findings and insights from different studies, and that systematic research
reviews can contribute in various ways with knowledge that can potentially bring
research forward and inform both practice and policy. According to Gough et al.
(2012, p. 5), research reviews are vital for various reasons:
[R]eviews enable us to establish not only what is known from research; but also what is not
known. They can inform decisions about what further research might be best undertaken,
thereby creating a virtuous cycle. They enable researchers, policymakers and practitioners
to answer key questions: ‘what do we know, how do we know it?’ and ‘what more do we
want to know and how can we know it?’

Reviews are crucial for establishing what is known and not known. The reviews we have
analysed are often adequately cautious in their conclusions of what is known. Moreover,
they point out knowledge gaps and how these can or should be addressed in future
research. However, by analysing a sample of research reviews spanning a period of four
decades, it becomes clear that the same types of problems and knowledge gaps are
pointed out repeatedly. The virtuous circle mentioned by Gough et al. (2012) above is
a metaphor used to underscore that one does not arrive at the same point, but rather
that there is a continuous knowledge development. The idea of research reviews as an
important element in creating virtuous circles presupposes that drawn conclusions and
appeals made in reviews form (at least in part) the starting point for new primary
studies. Reasonably, the primary study level has a great deal of responsibility when it
comes to creating more context-specific knowledge about teaching methods. However,
the responsibility also lies with second-order research and how the tension between
contextuality and generalisation is handled there.

A contextually bound approach to causality

Pawson (2006) and Pawson et al. (2005) argue that few clues are given in traditional
research reviews as to why interventions in the health service field show different and
sometimes even contradictory results in different contexts. According to the authors,
the quest to understanding “what works” needs to be more realistic and they advocate
a realist inquiry model in reviews. The model takes its starting point in a different
understanding of causality than the traditional review approach. Transferred to the
context of teaching methods, one needs to understand the underlying mechanisms that
connect the teaching method and its effect on a student’s learning, as well as the context
of the relationship. These interrelationships must be hypothesised and examined.
Consequently, the question of “what works?” changes to “what works for whom in
what circumstances?” Further, Pawson and colleagues argue that the conceptualisation
of interventions as dynamic and complex systems-within-systems imposes certain
limitations or requirements on a reviewer. First, there is a limit to how much territory
can be covered in a review. It must be clearly articulated in the review question(s)
precisely which aspects of an intervention or method are being studied. Second, reviews
cannot focus solely on tangible processes and easily measured outcomes but need also
to concentrate upon more subtle contextual conditions. Finally, the reviewer must be
cautious when delivering recommendations. The realist review approach that Pawson
and colleagues advocate delivers “illumination rather than generalizable truths and
contextual fine-tuning rather than standardization”, which brings with it that “[h]ard
and fast truths about what works must be discarded in favour of contextual advice in
the general format: in circumstances such as A, try B, or when implementing C, watch
out for D” (p. 24). Thus, a realistic review focuses on explaining contextual complexity
in such a way that it allows the reader to make more informed choices (see also Rycroft-
Malone et al., 2012).
Another prominent issue pointed out in the findings of our study which needs to be
considered at both primary and secondary levels, is the need for greater specificity. In
the section of overview findings, we argue (using the example of “formative feedback”)
that many of the teaching methods are comprehensive by nature and include many
different aspects. Additionally, there is sometimes a lack of consensus regarding the
definition and demarcation of a given method. It becomes highly problematic when
various studies that state the effect of a method (or, as it happens, even argue for or
against its existence) may not refer to or have studied the exact same thing. These
problems are highlighted fairly consistently by the authors in the reviews included in
our data. The fact that it is problematic with blurry definitions becomes especially clear
regarding student-centred teaching methods such as inquiry-based learning, discovery-
based learning and problem-based learning (e.g. Alfieri et al., 2011; Furtak, Seidel,
Iverson, & Briggs, 2012; Hmelo-Silver, 2004; Kirschner, 2006; Minner, Levy, &
Century, 2010).

To conclude
Through our overview findings, we have highlighted issues that are frequently proble­
matised across high impact research reviews on teaching methods over a period of four

decades. The substantive aspects of the findings are neither surprising nor previously
unknown. The strength of this study lies in how we have been able to show patterns and
coherence in conclusions across studied issues over time and their relevance for the
tension between context and generalisation.
Trying to determine where the effect of a method itself ends and where the
impact of the context begins is perhaps a mission impossible. What can be done in
both primary and second-order research is to explicitly recognise (to a greater
extent), explore, and discuss contextual complexity. In line with other researchers
above referred to, we want to underline the importance of viewing validity as
a multidimensional concept including both internal, external, and ecological
aspects. Basically, there are two questions research on teaching methods ought
to respond to: whether a particular way of teaching has an impact on students’
learning and performances, and what and how others can learn from completed
studies. Both are equally important, but the internal validity of studies seems to be
more valued than the external and ecological validity. As Bernstein (2018) argues,
foregrounding one at the expense of the other does not help advancing the field of
If we are unable to determine if what we are doing is working, we exist in an evidence-free
zone in which we are grasping in the dark to find the most effective ways to teach our
content. In addition, if we are unable to generalize our work to other contexts, we are not
building a field, and are not allowing the practice of teaching to advance outside our
individual classrooms. (p. 123)

Thus, richer descriptions and problematisation of context are needed, for both
practitioners and reviewers to be able to determine validity in a multidimensional
way. As for the review level, the realist approach suggested by Pawson et al. (2005)
may well be a viable way forward also in the field of research on teaching methods. Not
least – and due to the fact that many teaching methods are both comprehensive and
complex – it is important to emphasise the need for clearly articulated research
questions stating which aspects of an intervention or method are being studied and
that there is a limit to how much territory a review can cover.

This work was supported by the Vetenskapsrådet [2016-03679].

1. We are well aware of the fact that the WoS covers far from all educational research;
nevertheless, we restricted our searches to it because of its acknowledged high quality and
its prestigious position among databases.
2. A number of included reviews are based on studies carried out in both K-12 context and in
higher and/or adult education.
3. The codes are basically those listed as dashes under the four subcategories of overview
finding 1 (Table 1) and under the three subcategories of overview finding 3 (Table 2) in the
results section.
4. The CERQual framework primarily concerns reviews (i.e. secondary level) and involves
assessment of the methodological limitations and adequacy of data in underlying empirical

qualitative studies. This has not been relevant in our case; our use of the CERQual’s starting
points concerns the coherence of the overview findings.
5. Underlying studies (in their entirety) cannot in our case be described as “qualitative
research”. However, the data we have analysed are qualitative (i.e. text excerpts).
6. Since our three overview findings are to a certain extent linked to each other, the reader will
notice that some of the excerpts in the results section are in fact illustrative of more than one
overview finding.

Notes on contributors
Åsa Hirsh is Associate Professor in Education at Jönköping University and the University of
Gothenburg, Sweden. Her research focus lies at the intersection between the research fields of
classroom instruction, educational assessment, and school development.
Claes Nilholm is a professor of Education at Uppsala University, Sweden. His research focus is
on inclusive education. He also has an interest in methodological issues in research reviewing
and is currently leading the project “Research about teaching – systematic mapping and analysis
of research topographies” financed by the Swedish Research Council, educational sciences.
Henrik Román is senior lecturer in Education at Uppsala University, Sweden. His research
focuses historical aspects of contemporary educational policy and practice.
Eva Forsberg is professor in Education at Uppsala University, Sweden and general editor
of Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy (NordSTEP). Her research focuses the inter­
face between educational policy, practice and research from a curriculum theoretical perspective.
Daniel Sundberg is Professor of Education, Linnaeus University, Department of Education and
Teachers’ Practice, Sweden. He is co-leader of the SITE research group (Studies in Curriculum,
Teaching and Evaluation) and chief editor of Educational Research in Sweden. His main field of
research is comparative and historical perspectives on education reforms, curriculum and

Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.

Claes Nilholm http://orcid.org/0000-0001-8613-906X
Eva Forsberg http://orcid.org/0000-0002-1768-1450
Daniel Sundberg http://orcid.org/0000-0003-0644-3489

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