2023 Manpower Lithuania Infographic
2023 Manpower Lithuania Infographic
2023 Manpower Lithuania Infographic
The results of the study have helped our organisation to:
This survey
Remote work has become the norm in many organisations, but the need for managers to bring employees back to the office has increased due to smoother communication,
greater employee engagement, teamwork and shared goals. There is no one-size-fits-all solution. However, there are several ways to implement yet another revolutionary
change in the way organisations work.
babysitting, etc.).
Deciding on the flexibility of the working Convenient office location and free parking.
Dialogue and compromise between employees and employers should lead to a mutually favourable solution, while preserving mutual flexibility and without jeopardising
labour relations.
Advertisements: are we
communicating candidates'
responsibilities properly?
~ Checking company emails, answering phone calls, providing relevant information, dealing
with various and unforeseen situations, managing document administration, ensuring
cleanliness and order in the office (many different functions in one bullet point).
~ Greeting the company's clients and guests, escorting them to the conference room,
finding out guests' preferences for drinks (the item does not describe responsibilities, but
rather lists specific tasks in too much detail).
~ Entering data into software used by the company (a "stand-alone" function that does not
need to be separated into a separate bullet point).
2001 2021 2041 The country is facing The share of young people in the
demographic change - working age population is projected to
Lithuania's population is continue to decline due to low birth
ageing and shrinking, with rate. Increasing life expectancy will lead
3.48M 2.81M 2.34M low and declining birth to an increase in the proportion of the
rates. Migration of young elderly population, while the population
Source: Government Data Agency and the United Nations. and middle-aged people is as a whole will continue to age. The
a key factor in Lithuania's country's population is expected
ageing population. decline to 2.5 million in 2040.
Comparison of last year's and this year's demand for positions by sector
Based on data from Manpower and CVbankas, we have compared the labour market demand for different sectors
in 2022 and 2023.
According to the statistics above, we can see that the most in-demand sectors remain the same, but there is still a change. Both Manpower and CVbankas data
show that positions in the sales sector have become even more in demand in the market. Comparing the Manpower data for 2022 and 2023, the growth is equal to
10%. The IT and financial sectors, meanwhile, have experienced a decline in demand of 13% and 15% respectively. Thus, by comparing the available data from
Manpower and CVbankas together, we can confirm the demand trends in the position sectors.
Number of
Number of redundancies in
Lithuania 2022-2023
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