Catalog - Dahua WizMind - V2.0 - EN - 202105 (32P)
Catalog - Dahua WizMind - V2.0 - EN - 202105 (32P)
Catalog - Dahua WizMind - V2.0 - EN - 202105 (32P)
01 02
Human Applications
Face Recognition 2.0
People Counting
Heat Map
Stereo Analysis
Smart Tracking
Face Recognition 2.0
Dahua face recogni�on extracts the features of a captured
face image and compares it with those in the face image
database to recognize the person’s iden�ty. In order to be�er
expand basic on FR capabili�es, we released new func�ons:
Passerby Library, Accurate Customer Traffic and Frequency Alarm.
Prevent Duplica�on
In a certain �me range, people that appear frequently are counted only once based on passerby database.
13:00 15:00
Exclude Staff
The Face Recogni�on 2.0 can effec�vely filter out these people who don’t need to be counted, such as staff and security.
Customer Staff
Privacy Protection 2.0
Privacy Protec�on is designed to protect the privacy and
data of human face and body. It is based on deep learning
algorithm and complies with GDPR. With the fundamentals of
the first version, the Privacy Protec�on 2.0 offers addi�onal
occlusion op�ons (irregular polygons, mosaics, and colored
blocks) and allows expor�ng of non-pixelated images based on
specified targets, ensuring the privacy safety of places and people.
In nursing homes, sensi�ve areas such as bedrooms are not suitable for direct
monitoring. With the privacy protec�on solu�on, these sensi�ve areas can be
masked by camera, which not only protects the safety of the elderly, but also
reduce labor costs.
Nursing Home
Through the privacy protec�on system, the witnesses who tes�fy in the
witness room are automa�cally masked with real-�me mosaic to protect their
privacy and security. It encourages witnesses to tes�fy in court and saves
administrator’s �me from the heavy manual work of of masking people’s
images to protect their privacy.
Human Video Metadata 2.0
Human Video Metadata technology with deep learning
algorithm can detect, track, and capture images of people.
It selects the best images and extracts a�ributes of targets to
locate them immediately. We have added targets direc�on
analysis and data sta�s�cs technology in version 2.0, which can
be used for business analysis. Added PPE Detec�on which can
improve the work safety of employees.
Face Human Body Vehicle PPE Detec�on
'''''''E'*3$ E'@"/'G"2"%''''''E'@"/'@)/$
· Gender E'F$1&$%''''''''''''''E'*3$' E'@"/'G"2"%''''''''''E'@"/'@)/$ E'I$-.,2$'@)/$
· Gender · Age E'CD/%$;;."1''''''''E'B$0%& · Top Color E'G),2.13'J<5($%' · Face Mask
· Age · Top Color · Top Type · Glasses
· Glasses · Top Type · Vehicle Type · Hard Hat
· Mask · Bo�om Type · Vehicle Color · Reflec�ve Vest
· Expression · Hat · Cycling Number · Top Color
· Beard · Bo�om Color · Helmet · Bo�om color
· Bag
· Umbrella
Human video metadata can be used to analyze the a�ributes, direc�on and data
sta�s�cs of human, motor vehicles and non-motor vehicles on the road. The local
government can u�lize this data to efficiently plan be�er streets. It does not save
face image data to protect the privacy of pedestrians and other road users.
Main Roads
Wide Area Security 2.0
The Dahua Wide Area Security solu�on can realize 360°
uninterrupted monitoring with high speed PTZ camera,
u�lizing both panoramic and detail images. It also supports
crowd density and vehicle density alarms. The Wide Area
Security 2.0 includes a report analysis func�on based on crowd
and vehicle alarms. In addi�on, it also supports �me lapse video
and AR Panorama.
Time-lapse AR Panorama
Captures the progress of the project using Displays the video of corresponding camera
a �me-lapse video, thus enhancing the via AR tag, which makes monitoring more
visibility of construc�on sites, scenic spots, visual, convenient and efficient.
and ci�es from beginning to end.
The system automa�cally counts the number of vehicles in the area. When a sudden traffic jam occurs, the traffic
management departments are alerted in �me, allowing them to quickly implement an effec�ve response plan that can
alleviate traffic conges�on and help prevent traffic accidents. The system also supports expor�ng vehicle reports for BI
analysis to help traffic management departments to formulate corresponding traffic policies.
People Counting
Dahua People Coun�ng can track and process moving
human body targets to realize accurate sta�s�cs of people
entering, leaving and currently within the monitored area. This
intelligent func�on offers customers with valuable data for
business report analysis, providing sta�s�cs with up to 98%
coun�ng accuracy.
Report export
Count+1 Count 0
Queue Management
20s 25s 30s 35s 40s
The sta�s�cs of daily people count is very important for business analysis. It is one
of the most important data for opera�ons managers. This data enables retailers to
arrange staff schedule and plan customer-to-staff ra�o during peak hours using
traffic data. In addi�on, retailers can also measure the performance of marke�ng
campaigns according to the changes in customer traffic.
With the queue management func�on, when the number of people or the wai�ng
�me reaches the preset threshold, it will alert the manager to open addi�onal
checkout counters to serve customers without delay. This enables retailers to
deliver be�er in-store experience and reduce labor costs.
Checkout Counter
Fall Down
Stereo Analysis
With deep learning algorithm and 3-dimensional
technology, the Dahua Stereo Analysis technology offers
various func�ons that can recognize people’s behaviors,
including fall detec�on, violence detec�on, strand detec�on,
and people approach. These features generate alarm signals and
trigger linkage alarm.
People Violence
Approach Detec�on
Heat Map
With deep learning technology, Dahua’s new heat map
func�on demonstrates two types of heat map charts based
on the number of people and average strand �me. Being
widely used in retail shops, this feature enables business owners
to easily analyze customers’ preferences.
Heat map based on
mo�on detec�on output 1. Unrecognizable objects
2. Low accuracy
AI Heat Map
Heat map based on
people coun�ng output 1. Focus on people
2. High accuracy based on
two dimensions: number
of people and average
strand �me.
Smart Tracking
Aside from detec�ng humans entering a restricted area,
smart tracking also automa�cally track objects all the �me.
According to different scenarios, Dahua provides different
tracking solu�on with accuracy rate of up to 90%.
Auto Tracking
Smart tracking technology can monitor 24/7 without missing any details. At the same
�me, the system can also automa�cally warn off intruders which can help reduce the
number of maintenance personnel in the border, saving manpower and investment
of customers.
Vehicle Applications
There are lots of traffic accidents on city roads everyday. In case of a hit and run,
some drivers manage to escape the scene by covering their vehicle’s number plate.
In addi�on, using tradi�onal method, the policemen have to watch a lot of CCTV
recordings to find some clues that can solve the case, consuming �me and even
manpower. The video structuring technology increases the efficiency of case
inves�ga�on by providing addi�onal details of the target vehicle. It can also obtain
City Road more vehicle a�ribute for further surveillance.
Illegal Parking Detection 2.0
When a vehicle enters the monitored area, the Dahua
Parking Detec�on technology based on CNN deep learning
will capture its images and save metadata. It helps security
personnel to ensure smooth traffic, and reduce accidents and
property losses caused by illegal parking.
Illegal Parking Composite Graph *Illegal parking dura�on can be set according to demand
Vehicles parked on and off the road increase the risk of traffic conges�on and
accidents. Through the deployed camera, 24/7 detec�on of viola�on behavior can be
achieved, significantly improving monitoring efficiency. At the same �me, when an
illegal parking has been detected, the alarm linkage can be used to remind the driver
to leave on �me, thus ensuring traffic safety on the road.
Parking Space Management
With deep learning algorithms, Dahua Parking Space
Management technology can detect the number of vehicles
in an outdoor parking lot and the current number of remaining
parking spaces. It can also extract and display parking status
informa�on to improve parking efficiency.
B1 002
B2 000 B2
Enhanced Experience &
Relieve Traffic Conges�on Improved Efficiency 24/7 Monitoring
It can accurately detect and It can detect the status of The Parking Space Manage-
display parking status and parking spaces in real �me. ment based on video
number of available parking Once a vehicle leaves and the technology provides 24/7
spaces to guide drivers, parking space is released, the monitoring. It can quickly
avoiding traffic conges�on and next car can be guided to track abnormal events and
improving customer parking park on it, effec�vely capture evidence.
experience. improving the u�liza�on of
parking spaces in the area.
With increasing number of vehicles and fewer parking spaces, parking difficulty has
become an issue. The intelligent parking space management system can guide the
driver to quickly find a parking space, saving valuable �me, avoiding traffic conges�on,
and improving the efficiency of parking space u�liza�on.
With deep learning algorithm, the Dahua ANPR (Automa�c
Number Plate Recogni�on) technology can recognize the
number plate informa�on of vehicles from 58 countries. This
system can also be used to provide higher security in restricted
AS 1234 AK 4056
AS 1234 AK 4056
The ANPR can iden�fy vehicle informa�on and compare the license plate number of
vehicles entering the gas sta�on. It can recognize blocklisted vehicles and VIP
vehicles in �me. This intelligent system can improve the opera�on and management
efficiency of the gas sta�on and reduce the queuing �me of vehicles. It can also
reduce staff tasks and save opera�ng costs, providing an efficient self-service
refueling to customers.
Gas Sta�on
Thermal Application
Boat Detection
Temperature Measurement
Fire Detection
Boat Detection
Visibility on the sea and rivers is o�en poor at night, making
it difficult for authori�es to get a clear image of the boat.
Thermal imaging cameras have inherent advantages in such
scenarios. Combined with Dahua's advanced AI capabili�es, they
can automa�cally detect and iden�fy boats.
Within 3KM from the river bank and the coast, the water level will change with the seasons.
There is no supplemental light at night, and the ambient light is natural and dark. Waterway
authori�es, that need to detect illegal sand mining vessels, must pay extra a�en�on to
vessels that are staying in certain water areas. Fisheries authori�es are required to strictly
control boats entering and leaving ports and water regions during closed season. In
addi�on, illegal ac�vi�es usually occur at night, which are limited by the dim and complex
River and Sea environment of the water surface.
Long Range Surveillance
With deep learning and thermal imaging technology, this
camera can realize long distance monitoring that can
easily recognize human or vehicle even from far distance. In
addi�on, it is also not affected by environmental factors,
enabling it to provide a high contrast thermal image of the scene.
Na�onal borders are o�en in remote areas with complex environments and poor
ligh�ng. Tradi�onal video surveillance cannot cover the monitored area in a large
scale, nor adapt to all weather condi�ons. Thermal imaging technology can iden�fy
people or vehicles from a far distance and determine in �me whether they are
intruding the border perimeter.
Temperature Measurement
There is a corresponding rela�onship between radia-
�on energy and temperature. The different gray values
can represent different temperatures, which can be
u�lized for an effec�ve temperature monitoring.
Blackbody 36.6�
With the current outbreak condi�on, airports, railway sta�ons and subway sta�ons are
becoming important areas of epidemic preven�on, which means human body tempera-
ture monitoring in these sites is essen�al in preven�ng the spread of the virus. The heavy
passenger flow in transport hubs and the tradi�onal temperature measurement
methods can cause conges�on and have hidden safety hazards. Thus, a more secure and
effec�ve way of temperature monitoring needs to be implemented.
Transport Hub
There are lots of high-voltage equipment in a substa�on, which require maintenance
work. In most circumstances, electrical equipment failure indicates rising temperature.
When this happen, it is required to immediately cut off power to avoid further damages.
Substa�ons are usually located in suburban areas so it requires a lot of �me and cost for
travelling. Without automa�c inspec�on, the staff have to use handheld equipment
which is very �me-consuming. Thermal imaging technology can help managers to
Substa�on remotely monitor the opera�on status of equipment and locate the defec�ve equipment
in �me.
Fire Detection
Thermal cameras can detect mild differences in temperature
change. This feature allows thermal camera to detect objects
with a temperature difference compared to the average
temperature of the scene. As fires usually have much higher
temperature than the surrounding environment, Dahua thermal
cameras are able to detect the presence of fire in the scene.
Real-�me Alarm
Millisecond rapid response; �mely sends push no�fica�on of accurate fire alarm informa-
�on to the pla�orm; informs the administrator to take corresponding ac�ons; effec�vely
solves the fire patrol difficul�es in a large area.
Forest is a large area covered with trees and underbrush. It is prone to fires
during hot weather and thunderstorms. Early detec�on of forest fire is also
difficult to achieve in �me. By detec�ng temperature changes in the forest
environment, the thermal imaging cameras can spot fires in �me to prevent
them from growing out of control and to keep minimal damage as much as
possible through �mely interven�on.
WizMind Ecosystem
The Dahua WizMind series is compa�ble with major
third party pla�orms. In addi�on, the WizMind
Ecosystem provides sufficient DHOP and API, allowing
smooth and efficient integra�on with technology partners.
Good Compa�bility
Sufficient API
The sufficient API provided by Dahua allows any technology partners to communicate with Wizmind products.
A strong customer support, together with a complete SDK demo and API document are available in our website.
Protects Network Security and Prevents Privacy Disclosure
Empowering verticals with leading AI technology
Wide Panorama Crowd Map Wide Panorama Protec�on Face Detec�on FlexStream
HDW8341X-BV-3D HDW8341X-3D-S2
Perimeter Queuing
Face Detec�on Protec�on Fall Detec�on People Coun�ng Management
Empowering verticals with leading AI technology
Video Metadata Protec�on Face Recogni�on Crowd Density
Perimeter Perimeter
Video Metadata Protec�on People Coun�ng Video Metadata Protec�on People Coun�ng
A 1234 A 1234
Perimeter Perimeter
Video Metadata Protec�on People Coun�ng Video Metadata Protec�on
A 1234 A 1234
Parking Space
ANPR Face Recogni�on Privacy Protec�on Face Detec�on ANPR Management
• 4MP (2688×1520) @50 fps/60 fps • 4MP (2688×1520) @50 fps/60 fps (7442-ZVH Series)
• Smart H.264+/H.265+, 3D noise reduc�on, AWB, HLC, BLC, EIS, Defog • 8MP (3840×2160) @25fps/30fps (7842-ZVH Series)
• 140 dB, 0.001Lux • Smart H.264+/H.265+, 3D noise reduc�on, AWB, HLC, BLC, EIS, Defog
• IP67, IK10, ePoE ,Heater • IP67, IK10, ePoE ,Heater
• Five streams for three-channel HD video • Five streams for three-channel HD video
• 12V DC power output, max. current 165mA • 12V DC power output, max. current 165mA
• -FR:Face Recogni�on, 5 group face libraries with 200,000 face
images in total
Empowering verticals with leading AI technology
HFS7842-Z-5G-LED HFS7443-Z-LI-D2
Perimeter Perimeter
Video Metadata Protec�on People Coun�ng Video Metadata Protec�on Face Recogni�on
A 1234
• 8MP (3840 × 2160) @25/30 fps • 4MP (2688×1520) @25 fps/30 fps
• Supports 5G module (N41, N78, and N79 frequency range), and NSA • Two 4MP, 1/1.8” CMOS image sensors
and SA network • 140 dB, 0.0002Lux, 12 mm–72 mm Lens
• Supports GPS/BDS • Built-in illuminator of dual light fusion,
• 120 dB, 0.003Lux, 8 mm–56 mm Lens max. illumina�on distance: 150 m
• Built-in efficient warm light, max. illumina�on distance: 80 m • Supports mul�-spectrum fusion technology
• IP67 • IP67
• Five streams for three-channel HD video • 12V DC power output, max. current 165mA
Face Detec�on Face A�ributes Protec�on People Coun�ng
Face Detec�on Face A�ributes Protec�on People Coun�ng Heat Map
Perimeter Perimeter
Face Detec�on Face A�ributes Protec�on People Coun�ng Heat Map Face Detec�on Face A�ributes Protec�on People Coun�ng Heat Map
Empowering verticals with leading AI technology
Face Recogni�on Video Metadata AI IVS Face Recogni�on Video Metadata Protec�on People Coun�ng
Heat Map Wide Panorama Thermal Crowd Map Heat Map Wide Panorama Thermal
People Coun�ng Crowd Map Smart Tracking Smart Tracking Stereo Analysis
• Up to 256-channel IP video access, 8/12/16/24HDD • 16/32/64 Channel IP video access, 2/4/8 HDD
• Max 512Mbps incoming bandwidth • Max 320Mbps incoming bandwidth (when AI func�on is disabled)
• Supports max resolu�on up to 16MP • Supports max resolu�on up to 24MP
• Up to 192-channel video stream face recogni�on • Up to 4-channel video stream face recogni�on
• Up to 192-channel video metadata • Up to 4-channel video metadata
• Up to 192-channel AI IVS • Up to 12-channel perimeter protec�on
• Up to 50 sample face databases and 5 passerby face databases, with • Up to 20 face databases, with 200,000 face images in total
500,000 face images in total
WizMind PTZ
Face Recogni�on Video Metadata PFA Face Recogni�on Video Metadata PFA
Face Recogni�on Video Metadata PFA Face Detec�on Video Metadata PFA
Empowering verticals with leading AI technology
WizMind Thermal
Perimeter Perimeter
Fire Detec�on Protec�on Fire Detec�on Protec�on
Human/Vehicle Human/Vehicle
Classifica�on Auto Tracking Classifica�on Auto Tracking
• 640x512/400x300 VOx uncooled thermal sensor technology • 640x512/400x300 VOx uncooled thermal sensor technology
• Athermalized lens (thermal), focus-free • Athermalized lens (thermal), focus-free
• 1/2.8” 2Megapixel progressive scan CMOS • 1/2.8” 2Megapixel progressive scan CMOS
• Powerful 50X op�cal zoom • Powerful 45X op�cal zoom
• Supports op�cal defog, op�cal image stabiliza�on • Supports tripwire, intrusion
• Supports tripwire, intrusion • Supports cold/hot spot trace
• Supports cold/hot spot trace
Perimeter Human/Vehicle
Protec�on Classifica�on
Body Temperature
• 256x192 VOx uncooled thermal sensor technology • 640x512 VOx cooled MCT FPA
• Athermalized lens (thermal), focus-free • Up to 900mm thermal lens
• 1/2.8” 2Megapixel progressive scan CMOS • 1/1.9” 2Megapixel progressive scan CMOS
• Supports face detec�on • Up to 60X op�cal zoom
• Supports temperature measurement • Supports tripwire, Intrusion
• Accuracy: ±0.3°C, with blackbody • Supports human/vehicle classifica�on
• Smart linkage with strobe light & audio • Supports laser range finder
Perimeter Fire Detec�on Protec�on
Fire Detec�on Protec�on
Human/Vehicle Classifica�on Auto Tracking
Classifica�on Auto Tracking
Empowering verticals with leading AI technology
Perimeter Perimeter
Fire Detec�on Protec�on Fire Detec�on Protec�on
Human/Vehicle Human/Vehicle
Classifica�on Auto Tracking Classifica�on Auto Tracking
WizMind So�ware
• Face Recogni�on: face database alarm, face type alarm, records searching, face
tracking, visual reports
• Flow Analysis: people coun�ng in area, people coun�ng line crossing, heatmap
• Object Detec�on: object detec�on (human, motorized vehicles, and non-motor
vehicles), records searching, visual reports
• AI Alarm: strand detec�on alarm, people approach alarm, fall detec�on alarm, number
• Thermal: real-�me temperature display, elevated body temperature alarm, fire detec�on alarm
• Face Recogni�on: FR Alarm, FD Alarm
No.1199 Bin’an Road, Binjiang District, Hangzhou, China. 310053
Tel: +86-400-672-8166
Email: [email protected]