Reading 2 - Unit 6

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9IlNn 85 t

'saleurssel) rnor( qllivl uollsano

]run aql ssn)srp ol preoq uolssn)slo aurluo aql ol o9 3 [:]xl)taY
;dq,U. ilsotu eq] qll/v\ aa.l8e nol. op seepl asoqlA
luorlsan[ ]IuO eqt ra \sue dqdog pue 'x{eC 'Bun,1 op,e\oH 'Z
idqm.; aar8e nod o6
iernsear] olur qserl urn] ppoqs a^,\ {ulr{} snf,rery saop dq14 '1
asaql raMsue uaql'aulluo tilootssDl)o aw ol ualsll I (D
ir{seJ} Jno asn
o1,(e.n poo8 e srq] sI easnoq srqt q a,n11nod p1no A iesnoq
slq] aletu o] pasn aram slerreletu ]erllA 'o1oqd aq] ]B {oo'I 'E
ldeme r'rol{} daql a8eqre8yo lunoure aq}
asearrap aldoad plnof,.,\\oH ilnJalse,ry\ sr dlar:os lulq] nod og '7
;ap,{ca.r no,t op }eq6 ;deme,\,\orql
nod op ter{M lasn ra8uol ou nod s8ulqt q}I^\ op nod op ter{lA 'I
'sateussel).rno{ qllrvr suol}sanb asaql ssn)srC V
olu! rlseJl uJnl
OA Ue) rlrlOH
e. {
'srolsalu! Ierluolod ol 6ut;r{ra.t
e saqp)sap 1eq1 ue;d ssaulsnq e aledald ol seapl pue
uolleurolul toL{}eg 'eulze6eu s^ au ).rluerlV aqt wot1- sarrcg(go
ol)llre ue pue lsnuaps /1 aA, uol, al)tue ue peau IINN
Zarnsearl olu! r.lsel] urnl o^ uef oH I S f trun 09 t
slaaqm a1:{rrq
s^l plo
sdolde; plo
sallioq lurrp :rise;d
sauoqd lJal plo
'seapl ,rno{ e11.r111
auraql ql!/r^ op no{ p;nor aslo }eq1 '^ olaq ueq) aLl} u! sue}l a^S or{}
tnoqe Iulql2a6eqle6.rno[ {eane 6ulrvrolqt o} an!}euJa}le aLl} s! }eq1 E
lodap 6ur;:fuat'y
llgpuel 't
SUtH 09 V3 IVHL5'IJII{} lVOIJ.lNIJ]O NOljyf o1
quea qllM pora^o) pue punorb aql olut
lnd a6eqre6;o slunoLue a6re; araqnn a:e;d e 'p
a6eqre6 6uru.rnq lo, autLl)eu ro lauteluo) e ')
sl:npord Mau a)elu
o] pasn sr lr arolaq palros st alseM araqM a:e;d e 'q :'
slue;d mor6 ol ltos qllm paxtLU aq X;1en1uana
upl leqt alsenn:rue6ro 6urIe:ap ro1 a>e;d e 'e
'$fu. @
,l;;-€' *':ilgr
j:::jjr,i:i:! :.:!iij'i
1;i::l;;.,i.i: :
'uorle)ol q)ea
ur o6 uel teq] s6u!r.ll;o sa;dr,uexa oA l alltn uaql .uolle)ol l)elro) oql ol
txou uoltlugap q)ee Jo rallal aql elu^ 'lesodslp alseM uo zrnb aql aIeI (I
READING 1 I Garbage of Eden
UNIT ... You are going to read an article from New Scientist magazine that examines
the unique way that Singapore is dealing with its garbage. Use the article to
gather information and ideas for your Unit Assignment.

Being an active reader is the key to becoming a better reader. One way to be an
active reader is to think about the topic of a text and form questions before you
begin reading. Base your questions on the information or content you think will
be in the reading. Use question words (who, what, where, when, why, and how).
Then, while you read, keep your questions in mind and look for the answers.
For example, this title, subtitle, and photo are from a newspaper article.

Stop! I'm Full

No more room in local landfill; it will
close at the end of this year.

These are possible questions to ask before reading the article:

Who is in charge of this landfill?
What kinds of garbage are in this landfill?
Where is this landfill?

m I Reading and Writing 161

When was the landfill opened?
Why is the landfill full?
How will this landfill be cleaned up so it doesn't harm the environment?
While reading the article, note any answers to your questions. After you finish reading,
use the answers to your questions to help you identify the main ideas of the text.

A. Read the title and subtitle of Reading 1 on page 163. Also look at the photos
and landfill plan that accompany the article. Use the wh-word question
chart to write six questions that you think the reading should answer.







B. As you read the article "Garbage of Eden," look for the answers to your
questions. Annotate your text to remind you where you found the
answers. Do not complete the chart yet.

iQr,mftW◄I C. Go on line for more practice anticipating content through questions.


A. 1Q;j@1¥1 What are three possible ways Singapore could get rid of its
waste in an environmentally friendly way? As you read, check to see if
your ideas are similar to the ideas presented in the article.




162 UNIT 6 I How can we turn trash into treasure?

E9r 6ur11.r11pue 6urpeas I EKKU
.rade1 urrl] :ereqpuarq] r
'Jre oql ur sr urer
lo lloLUS oqf
nPIPUTaS nelnd uo slsunolofa
lteJls aJodeourg eq1 ur so^e^ 6ur1eu '6uluedo
lleurs e qOnorql [eq eql lo lno sor.]snJ Jo]eA
'[eq ;ercr;rye ue uropr] q6tq Outryeu 'oJol{s
Ilcor eq1 uo poomyup Jo llq e st LlseJl olqtst^
fi;uo eq1 'ledrec reieqpeoJql e suloJ'llos pue
yoqs 'sse:6 popelq-opr1 'peor lgeqdse ue eutl
sollsnq ue[ueq pue saoJ] ]nuocoo 'ne)euos
nqG! rfr,
nelnd uO 'puelsr ureu oLll tuoJ] t.llnos ept.t fule1
elnuru-02 e sr llUpuel[1uo g,3g6dVCNlS !
puelg cu1[g
,,,-fl{, Llserl Jo puelsr s,orodPbu!s punore ltorls
e o{el ealnleu qlllv\ ouo le oq o} lue^
olu! r.{serl urn} ue) a^A A or,{ uo uo!}euro;u; .raqleb pup al)lue aq} pea5 'V @
*ru!ffiWHH :frF*-t ffii"td$t HHffift$t
'uollp!)unuord rno( a>r1:erd pue ualsrl ol aulluo oD 'O mt
sproM d,0008 prolxo fir
(7) e^ltql (7) elerau!)u! ('u) lesods;p ('u) uorle^lasuo)
(fpa) alqeu;ersns ('u) uolleu!u!le ([pa) paleu;ue1uo> | (a) aledl:;1ue
(po) atapsqo (tpD) snotqnp ('u) luletlsuor (rpD) lJuepunqe
'seepr rnoi( ueeMlaq
'lrun aql ol alelar lltivt spJom aql rvroq lauued e qllm ssn)stp uaql
uosul ol suorlrsuerl
'spJom uA ou{un Jo A au r(ue augap o1(.reuo11rp e asn '^ oul no( sauo aleudordde Jo IUlLlf
'6urlum rnoi( ut I
aq] (,/)I)aq)'1
6urpeag uorJ spro^ asaql pnote pt"u IEEIIEEEEE 'f uorleurorur ]o l olJ
Llloouls aq1 enordu.t;
'luauu6rssv lrun.rno[ ue) seopr uaaMlaq
roJ uoll)as stLll asn ol raquauag 'asuodsal ul salnu!u OL-S JoJ altr1 suorlrsuell 6urs6
2,(1neaq lprnleu;o are;d e auo)aq alrs llgpuel e ue) lvroH EIMIffitr 'g
aarnsear] olur qser] urn] aM ue) oH | 9 IlNn vgl
IIEM ro ]uau{ueque :Punq I
Sururnq;o ssarord aql :uollsnqruoJ, sra,r.rr;o e8pa
,(-ro1re; e :1uu1d, al{l }E ro pnru u} s,nor8 1eq} aarl lecrdorl e :a,tortueru,
,,'lenr^l ns jo Jolleu e sel 'olsem ssol ocnpoJd ol slueprse.r
olse^ orll Jo 0utsodsr6,, .ro4 6u3 oo1 leoeuetu pue fulsnpur.rol u6reduec o] pue [ueJ6oJd
s,ne)euas s[es ,,'slsuno] ]ceJile plnol leq] 6ur;c{cer leuoqeu e elor-uo.rd A;rneeq ol ue6eq
puelsr ue uorsap o1ourful l,uoteM o A,, 'posolc luauuro^o6 or.,ll'sO66L fipee eq1u1 'ue;qold
puelsr ureu oq] uo lllJpuel lsel oql leue oql else^ e6nq e paleeJc lenen^oq 'esu prde: s11
'666t IUdV ur oraql pedlunp seM qseJ] lsru ^epoL{I 'puelsl apoLlu 'olels sn lsolleus oL.ll lo ozrs
'(uorllrru eql reyenb-ouo ueq] oJou elurl elels-^]rc e roJ
00r$ Sn)srellop orode6urs uorllrlu 0fg
lnoqe lsoc xolduoc oqf 'ne)euos nelnd puelst peq loN 'suorleu lsorr.llleo/v\ 09 s,puo^ aql lo
l eu oql psueu pue '6uelos pue ne)euos ouo auocoq ol uanor6 seq erodeOuls '996L ul
'spuelsr aJoqs#o oMl lcouuoc ol spunq )col ers^eley11 uorJ ocuopuodoput slt ecuts 'eceds
6uo;-releuolr)-uolos e lll nq ]uot uuJonoO ol1l Jo suoseoJ.rol 'e6eqle6 slrlo luooJod 96 ueql
'8661 Ul 'LlSe OLll lnd ol oJor.]l^ se^ uotlsenb orotu sunq elode6urg 's6urpunolns slt uotl
6tq eql'qserl Oururnq peyels [eq1 ecu6 #o paleos pue poleJoulcul ueeq seq qseJl slt
'lueld qlnos senl aql leLll sl-l lllpuel JoLllo Aue lsoru pue-r qsnlel L{l I
uorl neleueg seqsrn6ullslp leq1 b
Jo rooeueu lerouoo '6uoo;1 uoog qo6 sles
,,'poledlclluE oM ueql o^rlso#o oJotu uoeq lAlilOq Oueqleu e
seq uer6o.rd 6ur1c{cel JnO,, 'peztltqels onell pue 'prefidrqs e '1ue;d Ouunlcelnueu oloJcuoc
suorssr.uo slr lenol oL1 'sJeo^ 1o e;dnoc 1se; e epnlcur soulsnpur s1r lrqsnle;rqf potueu
or.{l ourJno 'oossouuol ur fuoleloqel leuotleN sel lr 'anerD pue;sl eq] sV'spuelst lleus slt
o6plu IeO aql {q pereqle6 elep o} Ourp.rocce Jo ouo uo uoo6e; e olut elesolollm qseJl slt
'peddoJp slrsodop uoqreo ptlos slt oltqM Ourdunp ue6eq so^rple6 oLll'2661 ul 'etpul
Ildreqs osoJ eJoqdsoule oLll olut suorssLuo lo lseos uror.{}nos oLl} J}o 'so^tplel/\ oLll 'uotleu
uoqrec slr 'oOpqJeO 6ururnq ue6oq orodeOuts puelsrroqloue o1 Our6uoleq durnp e o1 seo6
uoLl1 'oor1-ruolqold sr uorle:eutcut leL.ll loN I rouoLl snolqnp leql 'eos oLll LloJl esu ol
'roqueqc ruorlsnquoc or.ll qseJl ]o elsr lsr4 or..ll lou st 'puelsl .enol6uey11
ro1[e;ey11 sr qcrq^ 'ne)euas nelnd €
olur r.uooi Ournrecer-qseJl oql ulor] lte lnol oql
s)cns ]eL.ll r.I]nn3e^ )eel e saleoJc toleteutcut '6utuueld ueqJn pue uollelJosuoc lo oJnlnJ
oqf 'r.lsorl pue ueolo [;0ursr.rdrns punoJ
]! eq] rol e;duexe ue Ourpes st puelsr letctltlJe
Js4ue/os mary Aq lrsrn luoooJ V 'puelst uteu eq1 '6u11eru eq1 ur slee[ 1q6rJ 'srno1 peprnO
oql ]o ped lsemqlnos oql ur [eane po)cnl st peDuere [llerceds uo s]srJno]oco s]ceJl]e
'luoLuuJono6 erode6urg oq] Aq unr slue;d lno; uo^o ll 'sleuruepue s1ueld;o serceds ere.r
lo lsamou pue lse6te; eq1 'r1ue;d uotleJoutout 0urlcerpe 's6urql ;;e 1o '1ods1oq firslenrporq e
qlnos senl eqf 'lsoJ oL{lOurlereurcur sB solqnop puelsr or1t :llrlpuelfileurplo ou sr
pue-aloJcuoc uono'scruollcolo'cr1se;d srql 'sreeA 0,lxou aLll
rol oq lll/\^ lt se-lao^
'sse;6-uec Ieql leqan 6ur;c[cel uooq oneq e sfep uanos '[ep e sJnoq ,Z e.req pedurnp
serueduuoc lesodsrp e6eqre6 '6661 ecuts s Oureq sr slueprsoJ uorllu.u y'7 s,elode6uts uoJJ
qse ol qserl tuou qseJl or.{l lle leLll l oul Jo^ou plno^ no^ L
ser 6ulrtr6pue6urpeas I EreKk
relE1lt Jeau sPooB
a^II ]eql sprlqJo sadl.1,r Pue 'all{ 'uorarl6 d.rrec o1 pasn'ruolloq leu E l{}la leoq a?mle zeBmq,
seJJe ILI'T slre(qo drr.uaq a.toru
lsJelaur orenbs 6gg'61 o1 lenba JueuleJns?aur B :er"lJaLI 8
pu? ull o] POsn'suru 8uo1 tlllrl{ aulqtreur IIetr e :euErf, 9
'osrJ ol polcadxo slJoqtunu sll groz rtq teql stclpord luotuulo^oo oLlI
'sllrr.l Jollel 6utLu.to1 [1|enpel6't]ueo q]l^
leql pue 'sJolrsrn 000'9 ueql oJotu po66ol
puelsr or]l '9002 ul '6siollslLl/r^ a^oJoueu pue 11 ouuenoc pue slold eql oluo
qserl luJnq
solr) AuruL.leJq se llo^ se 'Aututl'poueu Ourdrunp 'ute6e JoAo Uels lltl slo)Jom 'os Jo
uoJor] polllq leor6 e ']uoplsal snoue} lsotu 0002 ul eq ll!^ qc!LlM 'pollu ore sllec oLll lle
s,puelsr aql roJ lool sloL{cle^ pJE 'qsliuoonb ocuo ,,'sooJl otll tou 1nq 'ssel6 eLll lueld oA ,,
pue 'epncerJeq 'Jodnor6 esee;e; pue qslec 'ool s^es ,,'spJlq oql uoJl sulc,, 'edecspue; l'
ol oruoc sdnoJo 6urqsr3 'pellods uooq e^eLl oql lop sooJl el y 'sser6 qlt^ pepoos pue
solunl uooJ6 pue 'sJollo 'sulLldlop pue 'oJoqs ulp r.lll/v\ llo poddol uoq] 'lo^ol eos o^oqe
urolse^ oLll llo luepunqE ore s+ooJ leloc sroleu o^ l lnoqe ol polllJ uooq o^eq sllec LL
'sruroMlell pue 'sleus 'qsuels oos'uec or.ll Io Jnol 'ueaco oql olut Outdees rolem
oJorll 'ouoz leprilolul aql )le^ sdnoJo oJnleu ^oq] poleurueluoc [ue;o u6ts ou st oJol.]l leJ
'oprl A ol ]v 'eeJe aLll ul solll^llce poleloJ os pue ';;ec Outllonn e Outpunot.tns lolel
-aJnleu uo altsqoM e 'Luoc'elodeoulsplll or.ll tuoJJ polsol ete se;dues 'Llluotu t,lce:l
sunJ oq^ [6o1oce uluedxo ue 'uef elu 'lilp r.lllm porJnq pue crlse;d ul peddelm ele
sfes,,'Alrsrenlpolq qctJ aq] aos ol pazewe 'solsoqse se Llcns 'pa1c[cel Jo pouJnq oq
pue pauunls ole sJollsln,, 'sJnol paplno rol l,uec ]eLll slerJoleyye6elee; {ue luenerd pue
uodo uooq seLl puelst otll '9002 [;n1 ecuts qserl ot1] ur leos o1 crlseld lclql lo .re[e; e
leq] os rlcnu os-6u!^utll sl uels^soce aql rllrl pourl uoql st qclq/v\ 'lloc e Jo lno pedund
'(ue16 ees) stlqep
slunocce lle Iq pue 'eJodeouls Jo lsJU srrele^Aeos eq1
^llsJo^lun reql dtunp [eq1 ereqan 's;;ec pe;;ec 'sAeq
leuorleN aL{} }e qcJeasou {ltsrentpotg 1o
unasny\ sellleu oLli Jo 6uey uenl 6ue11 polceuuocJolu! I,L ]o ouo ol lno o^lJp tlclql
sIes,,'ssoccns e oltnb st neIPuoS nelnd,, nl 'slcnrlduunp olut ,se6leq ruoJJ qse eLll peolun
'sorceds snoleunu Jol lellqeLl eseueJc 'uotlels Outntecel oql lV
s,puelsr oql ol {e1 sr leql op Ieql anog I
e se onJos r.lclLl/v\ 'senol6ueu lo EseJelcol] 0L
ueLll aJou seLll ou puelsl oLlI,,')ceq uoLll .
ueld puPlsl nElEuras
turJl ol oneq o^A MoN 'pa^t^Jns lle {eq11ng,,
'r.lod s^es ,,'llo olp ol sa^or6ueru Mou oql lo
or.uos pelsedxe e11,, 'lllJpuel oql 6ululofpe
seoJe ur pelue;der eroM sonoJoueu aql leql arode6u!S
lr ol A es fcueby le]uouuoJtnuf leuorleN
s,oJodeours 'puelst ; aql to ped uo
so^oJoueu lo uollcnrlsop aLll JoJ pellec ll leql
seM neleues nelnd lnoqe lulelduoc euo 5
sa^orOupl^i lplnlPN
'olslosqo sllupuel sll aleu lll^ nelpuas nElnd
stueJ6oJd uorleulu!lo elseM pue 6ullc^coJ
eernseeJl olur r.lserl urn] enn ue) lnoH I S flrun 99L
'eas eq] urou asrJ o]
r.{sBriJo puelsr }srg aq} Sur,req;o rouoq snorqnp aq} seq sa^rppry eql .g
'eplosqo eluolaq III.&\ slluPuel pue
papdca; aq Surq]dra,ra dep auo leqt adoq s]srlr]f,e 'L
'sllgpuel o1sao8 ]?q] qserlJo ]unorue eq]
saf,npar a8eqre8 s.aldoad ruo{ slerra}eur a1qe1il.rarJo uorleulurlle aql 'g
'JeArJ aq] olur elsez* crxol padunp
auoauros asnefaq peleuluruluof, arrrelaq dlddns Jale.u Ief,ol e[L 'g
Surrrotua.r pue r(e.,ne Surr*orq];o ssa:o.rd aqt ('u) 'p
plrom Iernleu aqlJo uorl:a1o.rd aq] ('u) ')
urnq o] (z) 'q
])eJ aq] ro; areda:d pue lradxa o] ('rL) 'e
's-rea.( aAU ]xeu 'qla^ Ll)ee ql!/v\
eq] ul IInJ auoraq IIII!! sllgPuel Prol leql sa1ed1:Puu ]ueuru;a,\o8 aq1 '? perrnber ro alqrssod
are sluatua;duuo>
'lualuuoJr^ua aq] q)rqM uJruuo) o]
{reuorl:rp e asn
1ra1o.rd o1repro u1]uelrodur dral sr a8eq;eSSo psodslp aJes aql pue ltun stql u!
palnporlur sqie^ l eu
'a.raqdsorule aq] q uor1n11od ol salnqrJluof, ueuo srq] ta,r.a.,lro11
aql raprsuoJ 'lrefqo
'ilUpuel e olur ]nd sr lr aJoJaq a8eqre8 Jraq] aleraurf,ur sarJlunof, arrros .Z ])alrp e {q paanolpo;
aq ue) sqro^ lou ro
'uraq] ruo4 lgauaq ilr.^ suorleraua8 a.rn1n; ]eq] os roqlaqM 6urI;rluapr
'I pue sluauue;duuor
sef,rnosar s.r{ueflJo uorleaJasuof, aql ur pe}saJa}ur aldoad dueyg
qre^ lnoqe pauteal
no{'9 1ru1'1 u;
'uorlrugap sl! qllM pro/'^ ploq q)ea q)]el.u uaqf
memau ilpls
'sa)ualuas aql peau'1 6urpeag ruorJ spro^ auos are .g rfuelnqero4
,,'ssoq oLl] r.uoJJ Ierrne 1eO ol ece;d 1eel6 [epo1 secel erodeOurg ]eLll slurEJlsuoc
e s,1;,, 'sfies ool sV'eprnO e lnoL1ltl 'olnleu
ocrnoseJ oL,ll,, 'sJouueld [1rc ]o suJocuoc
lnoqe ureol pue 'xeloJ 'e)tq ol oruoc uec oq] soJeLls ueL,' uorlezrueqJn olqeulelsns
eldoed oJeql on.tosel oJnleu lueueulted e 'lnJssaocns;o lcedse ouo Jo e;durexe ue se
auocoq lr oos ol o)rl plnol sre6eueu s,puelst
llgpuel neleuos oql oos | 'oJot1l otuos oO o1
aLll 'olrrll ueoyuuorle^Josuoc JoJ lopou lnJosn
seq e6eqle6 eql apueluteu eq] uo lellqeq
e sr ne)euos roqloql llol lll/v\ eurl :Ourqclean
JaLllo oruoslio lll) ;&1unoc JoLllo otuos ol
oq plnoqs pUoM oql lo lsal eq1 [qm sl ]eql 7l
l! ssof eo^rleuJolle aLll st leq1 ,,
'sIes ue1
'sIes eqs,,'[;;enluane ,,'peq s! lllJpuel ne)euos eql Aes [eru a;doe6,,
ocel llr^ puo^ or.ll Jo lser oql osorll oq ll!/v\ 'ernlnJ s,erode6urg o]
lercnrc sr puelsr oL{f [[
L9L 6urlu^ pue 6u,peau | (ff&
}el{l '9
:llupuel ne{euas aq} tuo4 ureal plro1l{ aq}Jo }sar aI{} ue3
ipuelsr eqt Punore pue uo ]uauruorl^Ue eI{}Jo a}e}s aq} sI }el{la
illgpuel s.a.rode8urg urSo pasodslP qser] sl^aoH '€
:r.{sBr} s}r q}I^{ op a.rodeSurs seop }eqla 'z
la,teq arode8urg saop [UpuelJo puDI ]BI{IA
'nol( padlaq zgt a6ed uo ueq) oql uorJ suollsanb.rno(;o q)!q/v\ laulred e llal uaql'suollsanb esaLll ol sral sue uoqs olUA 'I
'6u1pea.r aql u! pug ol alqe era^^ no( slannsuP aql qllm lleq) eql a1a1duo1
'z9t a6ed uo (11n11re ;;l1g 6u;peeu aql u! alol/vt no( suollsanb aql le loo'l 'g
'{re;nqe>on aq} q}r/v\ arlrrerd arou to} ;i iWffipg
dola,tep pue r*or8 o1 (zt) 'l
L1pua1.g l.lpluaruuorllue pue panuquol ('tpa) 'l
lrrurl e ('z) 't
srequnu a3.re1ut Su4sxa pue InJlluald ('tpo) 'I
'elpueq uef ]ualuuorllua aq] ueq] qseJ] a;ou 8ut4eu tuory sn sdols
,ter*e rrrorq] uetr ax\ a8eqres;o ]unorue aq] uo sluleJlsuof, '71-
'satrJnosal :raq] sa,tlasa.rd
leql qltro;8 f,nuouof,a elqeululsns 'ura1-8uo1]uel\ salJlunoc r(uuyq 'II
ilool nod a.ragrvrdra,ra -(ag1 'a{BI slql ul luuPunqe er? I{sIC '0I
'Jale^t. qsau pue aulqsuns q8noua a,teq -(aq] esnefaq o
a lrql uer daq] 'puelsl aq] uo saar].\{aJ e dluo ere areq} q8noqllv e 3ur1e];o ssa:o;d aql ('a) 'q
poo8 1ou dlqeqord sI ]Bt{} :tnoqe arns eq }ouuetr nolpyl ('{po) '3
alep Jo ]no er? daq] asneraq pasn .la8uol ou ('tpa) 'J
aJesun pue h,tp ('taa) 'a
F. Read the statements. Write T (true) or F (false). Then correct each false
statement to make it true.

1. The landfill is located 20 minutes by car from the main island.

2. The landfill took eight years to make.

3. Singapore incinerates less than 20 percent of its garbage.

4. Garbage disposal companies incinerate glass, plastic, electronics, and


5. Singapore has four incineration plants.

6. The rock wall that created the artificial island is 17 kilometers long.

7. The landfill is made up of 11 cells, which are being filled with waste.
8. Four of the eleven cells have been filled to about two meters above sea

9. The Government of Singapore plants trees on each filled cell.

_ 10. Singapore's National Environmental Agency destroyed all of the

mangroves on the original island.

G. Write the number of each true and corrected statement from Activity F
next to the main idea it supports.

1. Singapore has an environmentally

friendly and unique landfill.

2. Singapore is able to reduce a large

amount of the waste going into
its landfill.

3. Singapore has carefully planned

the building of its island landfill.

4. Singapore has done a lot to

maintain the natural environment
on and around its landfill.

168 UNIT6 I Howcanweturn trashinto treasure?

6st 6u1r1r6 pue ourpeas I Em
ilou dq^'\ ro dq11
:sarrlunof rarllo q ryo1v\ tualqoJd aSeqreE sI o] uoqnlos s,a-rodeSuls plnoiilz
;]ou dqr, dqq ;(s-relop Sn uon-rtu 00tg lnoqe) srellop arode8urg
uoryIu 0I9 rilro/v\ ]ra[ord sflp sI iernsear] o]ul qser] sI urn] arodeSurS PIp ,{,toH 'I
'dnor6 e u! suo!]sanb asaql ssn)sl6 "U
>firur*{-L f}ffiA &whEfi& H&EWffi .w
'uogsuaqerduor lno{ l)aq)
pue sfi) tsD! ot poo! tsD! woU ap1re eulze6eu aql peo, ol aulluo oD 'l ffiA!
'Iar ilgpuel e Jo lno padurnd sI rale,\teas '{-
JoJ Ilaql o] sllaf Eunportt reau ua{e} ate saldures Ja}eaeas dlqruont
'puelsl aq] ol ue{e} pue 1ue1d uol}eJaulf,ul ue uI peuJnq sI qse{
'qseJ] paleJeulf,ul
Jo speol rraqt dtunp o] [a] I1gpuel Surl;or* e o] allrp s>l3n{
'11a] V I
ilUpuel dldura qf,ea ur peuasul sI raull rllseld {rlq}
'slllI{ ralle}
a{Bru o} Surppe dq ure8e uets sraryo/v\'pellg are sllar aq} afuo
' dq
s{fnr} durnp oluo pepeol ere pue sa8req uo allrre slrqap pue qsY
'lalal ees eloqe sralaru o.ut lnoqe qrea.r daql af,uo IInJ are sllal ilUPueT
']1rnq are sIIe] ilUpuel dldua pa]f,euuotrre]ul
'spaas sse.r8 qlyn palueld pue urp qllm para^or ere sllal flUpuel IInd
'lf,ollo) lsou aql sl ,epJo .rno{ 1u;ql no( {qrvr ule;dxa pue ,rauyed e q}!/vl
repro rnol( ereduol'qsertJo lno puels! uP 6ulleal) loJ laplo ;e:16o; lsotu
eqt u! slua^o 6urano;;ol aql requnu ',1 oulpeeg u! uolleuloJu! eql uo pese8 'H
iarnsearl olur Llser] urnl ann uef linoH I S flN1n OLL
uo!le!)unuord rnol arrl:erd pue ualsrlo, oD ;;
"rllro :Wffig
sproM &0008 prolxo str
f7) ra)url ('u) rapunoJ fr) eue^uo) ('u.) apnltrde
f4 alearrrad | ('u) arlnep J ('u) a:uanbesuo: ('u) e>uer;dde
('u) luedr>ryed ('u) dlqsueursget> J ('u) rdaruo> f, (r) rsnfPe
'splon umoulun Iue augap ol (leuorlrtp e asn uaql.plol
q)ea Jo 6urueaur aLll puelsJapun no{ dlaq reqr }xa} aq} ut sanl) al)Jl)
'6urpeer aql u! spro^ asaql pug ol raulred e qltm rtron '3
'luauuu6lssv l!un tno{.ro; uo!})as
slql asn ol raqruauag 'esuodsal ut salnutu 0L-S roJ a1u;y1 iureEe pasn
aq ue) (artl reulr os parredar aq sualr ualorq ,o plo ,e) ,g
'al)rue srql {q paJamsue aq rq6;uu }eLlt suotlsanb lno; ,o aaJq} a}UM
uaql'Z Eurpeag 6ullueduo>:e sa.ln1:1d aql ]e ppaqe r,loo-l
EEUffi .y
ffiPd$ffiwffiffi ffiffi& ffiFeffiff&ffiffid
'luauru6lssv ]lun .rno{ to; seapt pue uo!}eruJoJur taq1e6
ol at)lue aql asn 'ure6e pasn aq ue: (aql leq] os s6u!r{l ualorq 6uuredal
lnoqe )DUDDV aLl! aurze6eu smau aLll rrroJJ al)tue ue peal ol 6uro6 ale nol (:ffi
Jlasrno^ 6urqlauos 6utxll Jo 6u;1aa1 snotrolD aql Z DNIOffiU
lprlpue; i(; ou :nEleuaS nelncl
'paureal no{ leqm }noqe 1u1q1 no{ se €91 a6ed uo a1r.rry11>rne .rno{
)e l)eq Ioo'I 'asuodsalul qde.r6eted e atplvr pue uotlsanb auo asooq) .g
ILL 6ur1rr6 pue 6urpeay I K@
]v ro^oc LUeoJ Mou p roJ aceJlns all] FuuedaJd pleLl 'FuUeqleF 1s;U otl] papuelie eldoad gg
'apelq urL.l] e LllrM Joleods oorals e punole LUol+ punory 'uteFe yroM o] [!a]t a]tJone] e ]ueM
ureoJ uauor pa^eLls sauor uels 'alqe] auo ]v 6 {lduurs oLlM asoll} se llom se o}sem o} pesoddo
'{enuapun {peatle etenn sltedat iillecrqdosolrqd aldoed ]ceJue sluo^a pueluod
snorolunu 'uMo] Jo opls quou oll] uo osnoL{alu aq1 s{es 'tt 'ssor3 uaJnel lopunol y66 ttedag s
cuolsrr.{ e ur ploll 'FuuaqleF raqLilococ s,pueluod 'stuolr polsnq xr1 o1 'uoFarg 'pueluod Jo umolauloq
olur due; rooU uayorq {Lu peurec I uoLlM {u-rea{ srr.l} rotuea }o se-pue 'al}}eas 'salaBuy
,,'{11uara11lp sFultl} ie FulXool peue}s eldoad,, sol 'o]lv o1e6 'oFectqC 'IroL MoN ut seceds I
'pres ']t-lE!] sent {euouu uaqM 'uln}umop ]ua^a pue sdoqs aalloc ]e ,ipelnFer Fu;uenuoc
crLUouoco ]uocor aLl] o] Ued ut y66 rtedag eytl unFeq aneq eldoad 'Sn aLl] ut 'pue 'LuopFu!y
sornlua^ ]l-x!,t ]o ssoccns aLl] solnqll]]e llalloS t pailun aLl] pue '{ueLutag 'acueJl 'spuelraLl}oN
'?ur;c{cer Uedra}unoc paztctlqnd aroLu s}l uell} aqt lnoqFnoril] eleredo salec 0g ueq] oro^I
saclnosor ranral selrnbal Futsnel 'ples aL{s 'snld 'aprM pue re1 peerds seq s{o} pue 'Futq}olc
,,'lcnpord raLlloue oIeLU o] paau aLl] FutleutLutla 'salc{crq'secueg;dde'orn}turn} uolorq Ll}tM
pue urearls olseM aqi Jo ]no sFutt.l] FuldaaY er,em slued;cgped ]stsse s;;t>1s ttedat qltm slaolunlon
'Fursna; {9,, 's;ezrueFro raq}o s,a}ec all} }o auo L.lcrr.lM
]e sluano oalj Jo ldecuoc oul] '6002 u!
'llarJo3 {put3 ptes,,'uotldutnsuoo LUeal}suleLU urepralsuiv ur alec rteder ]srU all] pollstlqelso
urorl {eme FurnoLu pue plotl sluetedpue;F rno eulsod aurueN paueu ueuloM e aculs €
sonle^ plo eLl] ,to aLros o] yceq Fu!oF er,eM,, I ,,'Uede sFulLlt
'ocuts sEut,teqleF Bur>1e11e pooF lou ur,l 'epn1;1de lectuel.lcaLu Jo
{lq1uoLu aq} o} dn umoqs oneLl gg }noqe pue ]ol e anell l,uop I :uosrod alemlJos e LU,l,, 'ott-tol.l
'pres ol1s 'doqs ael1oc {rtB 'eFtel e ut {en }sel 1l ale] plnoc os jlo looc o] 'lapou soE6T e
'drue1 .roo11 ua4olq (u
{lqeqord 'uueaqung ollo;qc all} lo} po}tem oll se
pres tLlepFan ,,'^ep {Lu }o ttlFtltlElq eLlt s! sltlI,, Z
o] qoul atll tsl,\ ] ol salrt uosqo)ef a)Irg raalunlo^ y66 .rredag
'ulool aLll
peleeured leaLlM palseo] +o lloLUS ]ooMs otl]
pue-uteFe Eulvlto,tt seM lolseol slt-l 'Uol aL1
aur] aLll {g 'qluouu tsel {ep ouo o}ec ttedel Jla!
s,pueluod o] LUILI llltm pearq Jo octls e ]t{Fnorq
lLlepFo^ a^ols 'ralseo] uolorq slq Lllttt Fuolv
ayoo3 eutlsuLls [B
'lr ol luauqcelle ,o ssuas oslol}
e lla, I lau o] due; e ,,1sn[,, loluol ou ssm 1; 'sa;ec
rgedar s,puelilod lo auo le duel [u papueu I uct]A
'arnsearl olu!
qsert urnl ue) arur /roq uo uolleuroru; req1e6 pue al)lue eqt pPaU 'V @
srugffiwffi& ffiffi& ffiaHffi HHffi&ft
Zarnseall olur qsert urnl e^ uef g IlNn ZLI
^^oH I
tqSrru )tulql aldoad
ule8e pasn Sureq uels Surqlauos e{eru 01 :earlar s 1ca;.rad 1ou sr
uado pue snorlqo uu ur euop :luelelq ]eq1 uorlnlos.(rerodrual e
ro; pro-,n 3ue1s e :ssaur4ue( ,
paJeduroc '[ep rad L]ser] ]o spunod V'V AeMe reqlo {ueuu 'dunp oL1} ro} peuFrsep ,[lpaqseqeun
sMorll] uecuourv aFelene ol.ll :uolloMs a^eLl ere sa1e1d reded pue stederp e;qesodsrp e>1r1
slcnpo;d a1 q11',(1r eluaul olq esodstp'zlueu LUop
I !
sllrlpuel rno ']Jo ]sru 'socuanbosuoc aleunuolun
JO JAqurnu e o] osrJ ua^rF seLl ilearq sued ol1] o] ralunoc spuels arnllnc lreda.r 'steelun;on
olFuls uaLlM ssolosn pue 'crloqor 'olqeqcnolun y66 rredeg ayrl aldoed {q syo11e }uacar a}rdsa6 gt
are ]eLli slcnpotd pleMo] lelercos allf i:i ,,'uollcauuoc ]eLl] oyeLU eldoad Furaes a)jrl 1,, 'pres al.l
'socllop ssolarm Jaqlo pue sauolldyeurs Futllos ,,'Fulyto,tt ]ou s,]r uaLlm Jlnis tno{ xr1{1;en1ce uec no{
oi slsr{qqoq }uouraseq pue aFereF ro1 sleFprnn pue ]eq] s! ozled o] spurr.l] lnpemod lsolu ol.l] jo ouO,, 7t
'srolcouuoc 'sa;qec Furllas Luorj 600Z ur paL.lclrms
'.rapuu8 aaJJor ua)orq e allret (rq8y) qarg {puey pue (r1a1)
ycel.lsorpeu 'slrlo;d FulFunld ]sooq o] tduue]]e uosqoref ar{.rg sraa}unlo^ y66 ;reda5 se uo 8ug4oo; ueuo/vt e
ue ur :acrecs {;Fursealcur aluocaq eneq {tlsnpur sles ,,ilr ano; 1-Surqlauos 1o 3u1xr1 aql arrupe o1 areq lsn[ 1,,
rreder eq1,{1ddns }eLl} sassoutsnq aLl} uanf 5t
'pe1snfpe pue paxeaM] oq uec 1eq1 sluauodLuoc
alqeanoLu ueLl] ralller drqc lalnduoc pue fie]]eq
e oce] no{'op no{ ecuo pue 'podr ue aprsur 1ep o1
preLl s,1r 'lsed suorleraueElo sorpel aql e>1r1u1-1 's{ep
esaql epua;leqc e sr Fupa>jur] 'preoq olll ssolcv 8t
,,'raLlleFo]lceq ]aF o1 preq uolJo s,]r 1nq 'pede
11 1el seurlaluos uec no,{ '11n1s ramaN,, 'Jo}seo}
s,lqppBa qponlnar oLlM ueLU aLl] 'qaJC {pueg
raalunlol pres ,,'pede 1! oye] pue s]loq olll Ma;csun
uec no{ osnecaq '{see }r saxeur ecuer;dde plo uV,, LL
'oo1 e;qrssodrur 'leapr aLl] dn yceq o] sllrys ;ecrlcerd aq] uraL.l] L.lcea]
1nq 'rreder o1 ;ecrlcetdiur {;uo 1ou are }eLl} pue-sluedroyed ur cr;la rredel e llrlsur o] slueM
slcelqo ralunocuo uayo ,{eq} {es slaelunlon }r-x4 uosqoce[ 'Joo]unlon yg6 tredag e sV 'LUaLl] pltnqal
s,pueluod 'Llcunq paurlrrolop e ar,{aq1 UFnoql pue olquassesrp p,oll pue 'stelsdurnp ut punol
'pouorlcunjleLU peq iuauodruoc lleus e lsnl-{;qeqo;d eq secuerldde aluoq a)iei plnoM all 'pll e se uonl
uoqM ll4puel oq] u! {eme lsnr plnoM acuetldde arrlue 'relult o] polll s{em;e s,oL{ ptes '{ep {q rauue;d
or..l1]ell] peperFar osle ; '1urod srq Mes I ol!r.l7171 gt olseM prlos leuorFel e se s)iloM oqm'uosqocel tl
'uaq] llelsur o1 ueuu{pueLl e Eut^ed 'uorlnlos eLl] ]o ,ssaur>iuel eult FurFpelmou)ice
pue 's1red mau Furpurl 'uuelqord aLli FulsouFelp 'pres oll ,,'llllpuel aLll LUor] aur] ol]]rl e Fur{nq 1snI
uell] rarseo pue radeeqc aq plnom 'pauosea; eq ar,aM,, 'speaJq] pedduls oq] ro} alesueduoc o1
'roqsem oL{} Fulceldou 'osnoll or]} o} poronrlap repuuE aoJJoc ualorq e lo pol roluoc alll punole
ourrlcelu Mou-puelq e aneq o] sem asuodsel 1sl1 edel raquunld padderm uosqocef ac{rg puy 0t
s,prolpuel {uu 'elduuexe ro1 'e;c{c urds eql Eurddr>1s '{ep 1eq1 rorlrpa la}eams
ueFeq aurqceur Fulr.lsem {u ueqm Ll}uoLU }sel tt ror-l uo poFFeus peq ueLUoM e ocelycou e pax4
(1r lnoqe ,]uelelq ssal {litlFrls ereaqqeFng ounel 'uorlcadsur raLlUnJ lol auoLl
ar,{eq} UFnoql; llam se passo} aq o} opeur ore uorlderluoc aql a)le] o] FuUoJlo {lgenluana 'loxLu
puels culcola ue palxce] ujols uajg 'laqloue
to 2.68 pounds in 1960, according to the US easily, he advised me to install a new electrical
Environmental Protection Agency. connector and showed me how I'd fasten
21 Additionally, we've been forced into shallow the lamp's wires to the new piece once I'd
relationships with our material possessions obtained it.
and have become increasingly dependent on 24 The next day, I visited the hardware store up the
manufacturers. And finally, overall craftsmanship road: four dollars and a few at-home adjustments
has declined, and we possess fewer objects worth later, the bulb lit up. I felt a surge of pride-and a
taking pride in and passing to the next generation. sudden, fierce attachment to the lamp.
(No one's going to inherit my $32 athletic watch.) 2s While repairing rather than replacing may have
22 Back on the Repair PDX floor, I set my damaged become a rebellious action over the last few
lamp beside Jacobson's table and explained the decades, Jacobson sees room for the concept
problem: The on/off knob had become too stiff to grow. From coffee grinders to speakers to
to turn, and though I'd been able to control the lawnmowers to furniture, Repair PDX alone has
light by screwing and unscrewing the bulb, that endowed6 a multitude of objects with new life.
strategy had stopped working as well. 26 "It might be a fringe activity, but so was stuff
23 Jacobson removed the shade, disconnected like Craigslist7 at first," he said. "It's got to start
the socket, and tried cleaning the device with with the curious ones, the people willing to take
a solvent. When the knob still did not rotate a risk."

6 endow: to give something 7 Craigslist: a popular classified advertisements Web site

B. VOCABULARY Here are some words from Reading 2. Complete each

sentence with a vocabulary word from the box. You may need to change
the form of the word to make the sentence grammatically correct.

adjust (v.) ,f concept (n.) ,f craftsmanship (n.) participant (n.)

appliance (n.) consequence (n.) ,f device (n.) ,f permeate (v.)
aptitude (n.) convene (v.) founder (n.) tinker (v.)

1. After the coffeemaker was fixed, the smell of freshly brewed coffee
________ the room.

2. Although many people may think they don't have a(n) ___ ___
for fixing broken items, with a little help and patience, they can learn to repair
many different kinds of things.

3. The repair cafe is a new________ that is helping people learn

how to fix old and broken items in a social atmosphere.

I Reading and Writing 173

iarnseell otur qserl urn] aM uel MoH g J-lNn vLL
'r(relnqeron aqr qrlM a>1l>e.rd aroru roJ ,, .: ryh,
's;ead dueru JoJ lsel
r{l}e.{,rlsrJl!\ s.Jer{}eJ -(ru dtrrenb-q8rq er{}Jo asneleg 'zI
']uauruorrlua aql Suldlaq pue dauoru Sur,tes sB r{fns
arrrlrsod;o ]ol e o] peal uef, derue ruaql Surrra.o.lql;o pealsul suall Suxrg .II
's1;ed palerllduor
dueur os eleq dag] asne:aq "rredar o1 uos.rad a8e.raae eql JoJ ]lnrgtrp are
'<slalqe] pue sauoqdpeus se r.{fns rruortf,ela dueyq '91
'eiurlJo pouad.ra8uol
e roJ ralseol aql q pa,(e1s peerq eqt ]eq} os reur] aq]
/q pr*g selv\ ]I d14:rnb ool ratseo] eqtJo 1no Surddod sem ]seo] aql .6
'uorlfeJsrlesJo asuas leatB e ut sllnseJ ureql Bu1xU
asnefaq sarueqdde ua{orq q}I { .(o[ua aldoad,(ue14 'g
'o8e aarq]
]noqe uollezlue8to aql peuels qnli .rrcdar ar{}Jo aql 'L
'Surppnq uorun ]uepnls
eql uI 4aa,,t,(ta.La qnl: Suqrdrar dlrs.ralrun aql .9
'ure8e pasn pue pexg
aq r(psea uef, sal]]a{ lrJ}f,ala pue ,sJepualq ,sra{euaaJof .sJaJSeo}
'ua{orq Laq} uaqru.,( uaq} Suurrorr{}Jo pea}sul .g
'3uo1e 1r{8norq daqt sura}l eq} xU o} alqe era.ry\ ruar{}Jo
Jsoru pue dep;n1eg
]sEI ]uela age: .nedar aq] ]e 09 JeAo eJar!\ aJeI{I 'b
sLL 6utur^ pue outpeau | (fW
qf,]B1v\ lrlaF{}e uB pue 'due1 lapur.r3 aagoc 'p
af,Bplfau t pue laxnu pue]s f,IJ]f,a1a te4eads oaJeJS 'l
duel e pue .relseo] :a>1eads oeJals 'q
af,Bpllau e PuB TepuI.rB aago: talseo] 'e
'- e Surxg are,u aJeaqqe8ng aIJneT Pue 'uJels ]larg'sauol uels '7
07 'p 09 'f 9€ 'q €.€. 'e
'pueluod ur sluala :redar aq] o] aruoc aldoa ]noqe 'qluoru dra,Lg 'g
0z 'p st 'f €E 'q 09 'e
'ruop8ury pellun aq] pue'dueu;a9
(spuelreq}aN eq} uI punoJ aq uel sa;eo rreda.r
ueql eJoIN 'Z
aq p1nol ]seo] snolf,Ilap tq811q8rq o] peluernt eL{ 'p
1ea ol Surqlaruos reelunlo XCId :redag aql a,r13 o] palue,vr arl
]sEo] a{rl ilaIIIs luoor eJl}ua aq} alelu o} pe}uellt aq 'q
paIJo t. ]l aJns eleu o] pa.rtedar sernt I JaUB Jelseo] slq ]sa1 o] p€]ue.t\ eq 'e
ayer rredar s.pueluod o] rulq qtl^{ pearqJo af,IIs e 1q8no;q -
pep8an e a}S 'I
'luauolels qrea sela;duo) lsaq leql la/v\sue aql al)r!) 'I
parredag 6ura6 suual;;o I1aue1 'l g7-g7sqdetOete6 '91-
paxrg duel p16 'l y7-77 sqdet6ere6 '6
xrl ol preH oolJJnls aluos 'q 1.7-97 sqder6ered '8
ssallns ralseol '6 6L-gt srldei6e)ed 'L
6uua>1ut1;o raMod 'l 9;-g; sqder6ered '9
qlMorD oJnlnl ])lpaJd 'e 71-g; sqderbered 'S
Xler:o5 alqesods16 e o] uotltsoddO 'p 6-9 sqder6e)ed 'v
plro1 aqt punore sa;el itedag ') 1-E sqdet6ered '€
s])npord urapow;o saruenbasuo) snouas 'q y-g sqder6e)ed 'Z
6urne5 pue 6uutedau ]o sanlen 'e 7-1 sqder6ered 'I
'saqtr)sap lsaq l! sqdet6eled aq] qilivl 6utpeaqqns q)ea q)lew 'g
iarnsear] olur r.1spJl uJnl a^ ue) nnoH I S flNn gil
raxrur puels trrrlfale ue xU o1Eurd:l uos-rad y '(
slua;edpuer8 .rraql;o sanlel ar{} o} 8uru.rn1a.r
are aldoad slaal or.{.M l;,aue8to ayer;leda; y 'l
pueluod ur aJef,.rredar ar{}Jo repunoJ aql 'q
:a4eads oaJals e Surxg uostad y '8
ur eJer .rreda.r ]srg eql peuels oq.n uosrad aq1 l aloo:) eurlsrJr.{)
rredar o1
Jarsea aJe srualr Jeplo ]eq] prBS or.llrr uos.lad y 'e
raalunlol yq4.nedag eJo a)r^pe aql uosqo:e{ arlrg
Surrvrolo; dq druel ue{orq e paxg oq.n uosrad y 'p
sauoI uelg
yq4 rredag
1e parreda.r sen leq] relseo] Jo reu,ry\o er1l ']
ssoJD uaJne'I '€-
adel raqunld
qll.{t rapulrS aagor plo ue Surxg uos.rad y 'q etulsod auruew
afeplf,au e Surxg uos.rad y 'e a.r.a1g
:slualualuls :a1doa4
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tsaq leql luaualels aql qllM aldoad 6urmo;;o; aql Jo q)ea q)lew .l
drqsueusge.rr dlrpnb-q8lq 'p pelrrar{ur aqs Surqlaruos .q
erusuadxeur Surqlauos ') ur aprrd Euqel rl].ro r 1:afqo ue .e
'-Jo aldurexa ue sr r{f,}en lr}alq}e s,e{ooJ Bur}srrr{J .g
ssal spunod V'V 'p .q
ssal spunod V.g
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'- 8ur1as paddols Ileqsorpeg '6O0ZUI .g
Jealunlol 'p ralroda.r .q
JapunoJ'f, uos.rad aJB.{tUos .e
sr uosqote{ a:l'rg 'g
G. Based on Reading 2, what answers can you infer to the following questions?

1. Why was getting his broken toaster repaired the highlight of Steve
Vegdahl's day?
2. Why have repair cafes become so popular around the world?
3. How would you describe the "old values our grandparents held" that
Cindy Correll talks about?
4. Why would an economic downturn contribute to the success of repair cafes?
5. Why does Jacobson want to instill a repair ethic in people?
6. Why are products such as radios, televisions, and microwaves designed to
be thrown away?
7. Why did the author's landlord want to replace the broken washer instead
of fixing it?
8. Why did RadioShack switch from selling cables, connectors, and widgets
to smartphones and other wireless devices?
9. Why isn't anyone going to inherit the author's athletic watch?
10. Why did the author feel such a sense of pride and fierce attachment to
her lamp?


A. Discuss these questions in a group. Look back at your Quick Write on
page 170 as you think about what you have learned.

1. Which item fixed at the repair cafe do you think was the most valuable?
Is this an item that you would fix if it ever became broken?

2. Why do you think Martine Postma started the first repair cafe?
3. Do you think that repair cafes will still be around in 10 years? Why or
why not?

B. Before you watch the video, discuss these questions in a group.

1. Why could it be a good business idea to recycle garbage into organic

fertilizer using worms?
2. How important is it to totally commit to a business idea and to put all of
your time and energy into it?

I Reading and Writing 177

iQ1,1mW@ C. Go online to watch the video
buzzword (n.) a popular technical term that
about how the company
is connected to a specific topic or subject
TerraCycle creates its fertilizer.
contraption (n.) a machine or piece of
Then check your comprehension.
equipment that looks strange
gold mine (n.) a business or activity that
makes a large profit
trade secret (n.) a secret piece of information
that is known only by the people at a
particular company

In Unit 5, you learned
D. Think about the unit video, Reading 1, and Reading 2 as you discuss these
questions. Then choose one question and write a paragraph in response.
about connecting
information. Use 1. Two different methods of turning trash into treasure were presented by the
linear information
structure or constant readings in this unit: ( 1) incinerating waste and creating an artificial island
information structure and (2) fixing broken items so they can be used again. What are some
in your response positive and negative aspects of each of these solutions?
to Activity D.
2. Do you think governments or regular people are more effective at disposing
of trash or finding ways to turn it into treasure? Why?

A suffix is an ending that is added to a root word. There are several suffixes that
form nouns. Some of them indicate people or concrete objects or things, and
others indicate more abstract nouns. The Oxford Advanced American Dictionary
for learners of English has a list of suffixes with their meanings and uses.
Understanding the meaning of suffixes will help you build your vocabulary by
giving you clues to the meaning and function of new words.

Noun suffixes · Suffix meaning Examples

-ation, -tion an action or process, or the conservation, production

result of it

-er/-or a person or thing that manufacturer, editor

-ist a person who does or believes ecotourist

in something

-ty, -ity the quality or state of biodiversity, clarity

-ment the action or result of agreement

178 UNIT 6 I How can we turn trash into treasure?

A. Complete the chart with the correct form of each noun by using the most
appropriate suffix from the skill box. Use your dictionary to help you.

1. incinerate incineration incinerator

2. present
3. fertilize

4. invest

5. invent

B. Read the paragraph. Write the correct noun form of each word to
complete the sentence.

Waste disposal is a big issue all around the world. Many countries have
created new __ r�e......g�u�la�t�io_n_s__ (regulate) about recycling that encourage
________ (retail) and ________ (manufacture)
2 3

to recycle their waste. This recycling keeps waste materials from being
burned in ________ (incinerate) or dumped into landfills. The

________ (eliminate) of a large amount of garbage helps to


protect the environment and the __ _____ (pure) of nearby lakes


and rivers. Many of these retail and manufacturing companies have now
started working with people such as ________ (environmental)

to think of more ways to lower the amount of waste they produce. Also,
________ (invest) are putting their money into recycling

companies. With the increase in environmental awareness around the world,

their ________ (invest) are starting to make a profit. As greater

numbers of ________ (corporate) become aware of the importance


of recycling, recycling programs are sure to become more popular.

j C. Go online for more practice with suffixes.

� I Reading and Writing 179

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