Material Testing

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MATERIAL TESTING is a broad category of coarse- BITUMEN FPSCSDM

• Measurement of the characteristics particulate to medium-grained material

• Determining bitumen content STANDARD-SETTING AGENCIES
and behavior of materials such as used in construction, including sand,
metals, concrete, ceramics, or plastics gravel, crushed stone, slag, concrete • flash and fire point of bitumen • ASTM International (formerly
under various conditions. The data this and recycled geosynthetic aggregates. • penetration of bitumen the American Society for Testing
obtain can be used in specifying the Aggregates are the most mined • softening point of bitumen and Materials) is a private
suitability of materials for various materials in the world. • specific gravity of bitumen organization that establishes
applications. (e.g. building or aircraft specifications for materials and methods
construction, machinery, and STEEL REINFORCEMENT
• ductility of bitumen
of construction accepted as standards
packaging etc.) are steel bars that are provided in • marshal stability of bitumen throughout the United States. Numerical
• Examination of material properties with combination with plain cement references to ASTM standards for
respect to design and use of product concrete to make it reinforced CEMENT FineSouConSet example, ASTM C150 for Portland
concrete. cement, used in making concrete-are
• Fineness Test
CATEGORIES OF MATERIAL found throughout building codes and
CEMENT • Soundness Test construction specifications, where they
TESTING MTERtCaBDN is a finely milled mineral powder, usually • Consistency Test are used as a precise shorthand for
1. Mechanical Testing grey in color. Mixed with water, cement • Setting Time Test describing the quality of materials or the
2. Testing for thermal properties serves as an adhesive to bind sand, requirements of their installation.
3. Testing for electrical properties gravel, and hard rock in concrete.
4. Testing for resistance to • Test of Fresh Concrete AASHTO
corrosion, radiation, and is a composite material composed of o Slump Test • The American Association of
biological deterioration fine and coarse aggregate bonded o Compacting Factor Test State Highway and
5. Non-destructive testing together with a fluid cement (cement
o VeBe Test Transportation Officials is a
paste) that hardens (cures) over time. standard setting body which publishes
o K-Slump Test
CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS specifications, test protocols, and
• an item, material or supply consumed BITUMEN
• Test of Hardened Concrete guidelines that are used in highway
or used in a construction project and is a black viscous mixture of • Compression Strength Test design and construction throughout the
incorporated in the constructed building hydrocarbons obtained naturally or as a • Flexural Strength Test United States.
or structure. residue from petroleum distillation. It is
used for road surfacing and roofing.
• Rebound Hammer Test
• Ultrasonic Pulse velocity Test CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS
TYPES OF CONSTRUCTION • To know the sources of construction
CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS • Identify & know the properties of various
1. Aggregates • Tensile Strength Test
AGGREGATES SaWaCAI construction materials
2. Steel Reinforcement • Bend Test • To know how the materials are tested as
• Sieve Analysis
3. Cement • Re-bend Test per ASTM standards
• Water Absorption • To know how to choose from commercially
4. Concrete • Shear Test
• Aggregate Impact Value available construction materials depending
5. Bitumen • Brinell Hardness Test on particular use
• Aggregate Abrasion Value • To know common material defects
• Aggregate Crushing Value • Impact Test • To know various precautions to be taken
AGGREGATES • Torsion Test when constructing for better durability
Laboratory Ovens specially designed Sample Splitters It divides samples Micro-Deval Testing used to determine Buoyancy Balance used for specific
for drying, baking, so that half is Machine the quality of gravity and water
conditioning, and representative of aggregates by absorption test.
moisture the original whole abrasion
determination sample.

Muffle Furnaces for higher Tribometer Abrasion used to determine Core Drill design to remove a
temperature Tester the resistance to Jar Mill designed to reduce cylinder of
heating abrasion and wear to powder any sort material, much like
of cement, of granulometric a hole saw.
concrete, and material for
Moisture Tester for accurate similar materials. general purpose
moisture reading laboratory tests.
on site of soil, Extruder to thrust out; force
sand, aggregates Rock Classification is used for rock Dry Mixer designed to mix or press out.
Hammer classification tests dry materials like
powders, cement,
gypsum and
Chapman Flask use for field granulometric
determination of materials.
the amount of Portable Rock Shear used to determine
surface moisture in Abrasimeter suitable to Box Assembly the strength and
fine aggregates. Los-Angeles used to determine determine the slope stability of
Abrasion Machine the resistance of abrasion resistance rock size
aggregates by of glazed tiles and
Sieves device for abrasion other materials
separating wanted
from unwanted
material or for Aggregate Crushing used to measure Climatic Chamber used to test the
characterizing the Value Apparatus resistance of an effects of specified
particle size. Volumeter used to determine aggregate to environmental
the resistance to crushing under a conditions.
Sieve Shaker Motor operated for sieves abrasion and wear gradually applied
when perform of cement, compressive load.
sieving tests. concrete, and
similar materials Geologic Hammer use for splitting
breaking rock.
Compression Testing used to perform Compacting Factor designed to Concrete used to determine Vibrating Tables used for the
Machine compression test Apparatus undertake a more Penetrometer the setting time of compaction of
on concrete bean precise and the mortar fraction concrete
specimens. sensitive test in concrete mixes specimens in
procedure than laboratory.
the simple slump
Flexural Testing used to perform Specimen Grinding designed to grind
Machine flexural tests on K-slump Tester to determine the Air Entrainment it directly records Machine and polish cubic
concrete beam degree of Meter the percentage of and cylindrical
specimen compaction and air enclosed in specimens of
the workability of freshly mixed concrete, rocks,
fresh concrete. concrete and natural stones.

Compressometer used to determine Flow Table used to determine Curing Tanks used for curing
the strain and the workability of Unit Weight used to determine concrete
deformation concrete. Measure the weight per specimens.
characteristics of cubic meter of
concrete freshly mixed and
specimens. compacted
Drum Type Mixer suitable for field Kelly Ball Apparatus it is used to Specimen Cutting cut concrete
mixes of medium determine the Machine specimens and any
strength concrete workability of Joisel Apparatus used to separate type of
fresh concrete. the various construction
elements of the materials like
fresh concrete blocks, tiles, pipes,
rocks cores etc.
Concrete known as RAM (Rapid determination of
Slump Cone for the
Workability Meter plastometer is Analysis Machine) cement content in Ultrasonic Pulse to measure
determination of
designed to test fresh concrete, Velocity Tester materials
the consistency,
concrete for coarse and fine characteristics by
the medium and
dynamic aggregate, fly ash using ultrasonic
high workability of
workability. and GGBF slag pulses
fresh concrete.
content can also
be determined.
Vebe Consistometer based on the
Plasticity Meter measurement of Concrete Molds
slump test, the
concrete the plasticity of Automatic Concrete designed to carry
undergoes a concrete, detect Water Permeability out water
vibration to any excess of permeability test
determine its water. on cubic concrete
used in molding
slump. specimens max.
Apparatus Reflux Extractor use for asphalt Penetrometer determine the Flow Cone used for viscosity
content consistency of a Apparatus and fluidity
determination in bituminous determinations of
bituminous sampler under mortars, muds,
concrete. fixed conditions grouts, fluid
materials etc.
Hydraulic Press is a device using a Fraas Apparatus used to determine
hydraulic cylinder Universal Extruder it can extrude the breaking point
to generate a Marshall, CBR, and of semisolid and Vicat Apparatus used for setting
compressive force. Standard and solid bitumen. time and
Modified Proctor consistency of
specimen. cement.

Rapid Chloride Ion like water Viscometer used to determine

Penetration Meter permeability test, Asphalt Testing this apparatus is a the viscosity of
cut-back bitumen Flame Photometer used to determine
this is also one of System general-purpose
and road oil. the alkali content
the tests to testing machine
of cement
determine the developed to carry
durability of out a range of
concrete tests on asphalt. Length Comparator used to measure
Duriez Test Set used to determine the length
Automatic Binder used to perform the mechanical variations of
Extraction Unit reliable analysis on Universal Testing allows asphalt to and physical cement specimens
bituminous Machine be tested for its properties of in autoclave
mixture utilizing ability to simulate bituminous soundness test.
nonflammable, repeated axial mixtures.
non-explosion loading conditions, Thermostatic Bench for curing cement,
solvents, for replicating traffic Tar Viscometer use in determining Cabinet mortar, concrete
quantitative conditions. viscosity of cut specimens
determination of back bitumen and
binder or bitumen road oil
contained in
pavement samples Fatigue Tester of is a stand-alone
and hot mixed Asphalt Beams system for fatigue
mixture. life testing of Bulk Density of measurement of Automatic Mortar expressly designed
Air Bath use for softening asphalt beams Cement the apparent Mixer for the efficient
bitumen before subjected to density (bulk mixing of cement
performing a range repeated flexural density) of powder pastes and mortar,
of test including bending and non -cohesive with two
ductility, flash materials. automatic
point, penetration,
sequences of
loss on heating.
mixing cycle

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