PME Unit 1
PME Unit 1
PME Unit 1
Unit 1 - Entrepreneurship
The scope of entrepreneurship is far-reaching.
● Entrepreneurship moves even beyond the closed system of an
● Entrepreneurship in its capacity stimulates the economy which
enables societal change not only for fulfilling a need but also to
generate revenue for the entrepreneur, entrepreneurship thus
provides jobs for the society and develops communities.
● Entrepreneurship instigates a lot more than the mere creation of
● Entrepreneurship promotes the new business and provides
opportunities to improve the new business sectors.
In the long back, when washing machines were not invented, women
had to spend their time washing clothes without energy resources or
water resources. This once inspired a new company to sell low energy
washing machines. This would save time which in turn utilized the extra
time to educate themselves.
Creativity Innovation
1. Creativity is the ability to bring 1. Innovation is the process of doing
something new into existence. new things or brings new ideas or
new process or new products or new
services into reality.
2. Innovation is a process that
2. Creativity is pre-requisite for
transforms creative ideas into useful
3. A creative individual may just 3. An innovator may have the right
have a vision but may not have ability to transform the ideas into
the necessary resources or the products and services, but may
drive to convert the idea into suffer from shortage of creative
action. thoughts and ideas.
A good entrepreneur combines the quality of a creative individual
and an innovator
● In many cases, a good entrepreneur adopts new ideas or services so
that he will be the first to implement them.
● The entrepreneur may not have new and creative ideas. He might
only use the creative ideas and innovative products and services to
meet the challenges of a situation. He might take advantage of the
utility of an idea or a product to create wealth.
● He uses the ideas and services only to solve the problems on the
hand to achieve the objective.
● Competency in creativity and innovation are sometimes basic traits
of certain individuals and help in achieving the goals.
Thus we can say that a good entrepreneur combines the quality of a
The following are the areas involving risk in creating and managing an
● The design of the product or service and its acceptability.
● The resources availability.
● The availability of market.
● The variance in consumer expectations.
● The speed of change in the types and patterns of the products and
● The demand-supply situation.
● The finance flow in the market.
● The performance of tools and equipment.
● The social and political climate for sustainability of the products.
While venturing into new ideas and services, the entrepreneur treads
into areas of uncertainty. Thus the entrepreneur is exposed to risk.
Hence risk taking and risk management are important aspects of
entrepreneurial competencies. There are several areas and elements
which throw potential challenge to the entrepreneur. Therefore, he has
to take crucial risk-prone decisions in the process of discharging his
However, unlike gamblers, an entrepreneur takes a calculated and
perceived decision in the light of the facts and circumstances available
at his disposal. So, we can say that, in taking and managing a risk, the
entrepreneur does not behave like a gambler.
The general practices an entrepreneur should adopt to acquire the
skills of risk management.
The following are the general practices an entrepreneur should adopt to
acquire the skills of risk management.
1. Analysis of various policies, programs and situations
2. Identification of roadblocks in the road map of the enterprise
3. Consideration of alternatives
4. Plan of action for alternatives
5. Crisis management
6. Possibility of the new ideas or services being hijacked by other
powerful individuals or systems.
The standard problem solving competencies required for an enterprise
The following are the standard problem solving competencies required
for an enterprise.
a. Acquiring the necessary mindset which will help to understand that
the problems are part of the process and start working on the
problems in the context of the process to which the problems belong
b. Basic understanding of the phenomenon that normally problems are
always caused.
c. Clear understanding of the fact that every problem has a solution
and one must seek for the solution.
d. Decision making capability to choose the relevant, contextual and
pragmatic solution, among the available multiple solutions for a
e. Explore the alternate strategies till the solutions for the imminent
problems are found.
f. Find or look for resources that would help to solve the problems in
an amiable way.
g. Generating new ideas, products, services, visions so that the
problems of the similar type do not occur in future.
Decision-making skills are crucial for a successful entrepreneur
The following are the decision-making skills that are crucial for a
successful entrepreneur.
a. Absolutely complete knowledge of the entire system of the
b. Broad understanding of the software, hardware and human-ware of
the system.
c. Complete knowledge of the types of resources involved and their
flow and mobility.
d. Different types of speed breakers in the flow of the operations, their
magnitude and direction.
e. Expert leave understanding of the urgency, the time and the impact
of the decisions.
f. Futuristic of the decision.
g. General impact of the decisions taken on the clients and the society
in which the enterprise survives.
Persistence important for an entrepreneur
In general, entrepreneur pursuits are new and need very close
attention. So, it calls for appropriate climate building and acceptability
and required intense perseverance on the part of the entrepreneur.
The entrepreneurship is a complex activity covering various parameters
of the society. So, it is very difficult for any enterprise to be successful in
the first attempt. Therefore, the failures or roadblocks to success and
achievement should not deter the entrepreneur. He needs to have the
quality of perseverance. Behavioral skills to persist even when the
failure is visible are one of the qualities of a successful entrepreneur.
The ability of persistence is indicative of the confidence of the
entrepreneur in his system, tools and techniques.
Thus we can say that persistence is important for an entrepreneur.
Characteristics of This Person
Definition of Entrepreneur
Definition of Intrapreneur
The intrapreneurs believe in change and do not fear failure, they discover
new ideas, looks for such opportunities that can benefit the whole
organization takes risks, promotes innovation to improve the performance
and profitability, resources are provided by the organization. The job of an
intrapreneur is extremely challenging; hence they are appreciated and
rewarded by the organization accordingly.
From last few years, it has become a trend that large corporations appoint
intrapreneur within the organization, to bring operational excellence and
gain competitive advantage.
Comparison Chart
Classification of entrepreneurs
2. Trading Entrepreneur
Trading entrepreneurs are those who restrict themselves to buying and
selling finished goods. They may be engaged in domestic and
international trade. Their core strength lies in distribution and
marketing. They get their income by way of commission and marketing.
3. Industrial Entrepreneur
These are entrepreneurs who manufacture products to cater to the
needs of consuming public after identifying the need left unfulfilled by
the manufacturer hitherto. They may be small, medium and large
entrepreneurs. Industrial entrepreneurs mobilize the resources of
various types and create an entity to manufacture the products or
service. They add utility to products rolled out by them which is termed
as value addition.
4. Corporate Entrepreneur
Corporate entrepreneur is called promoter. He/she takes initiative
necessary to start an entity under corporate format. He/she arranges to
fulfill the formalities to start a corporate entity under Company law.
Corporate entrepreneur assembles all the resources and put in place
organization to run the business on a day-to-day basis. In corporate
form of organization, ownership and management are separated.
Corporate entities are registered under the Companies Act or under the
Trust Act. Corporate entrepreneurs install a team of experts to manage
the entity on a day to day basis.
5. Agricultural Entrepreneur
Agricultural entrepreneurs are those entrepreneurs who raise farm
products and market them. They use the various inputs like labor,
fertilizer, insecticide, water technology etc. to raise the products and
market their products either directly or through co-operative entities or
through brokers or through tie up with large retailers. Those who raise
allied products like poultry, meat, fish, honey, skin, agricultural
implements, flower, silk, fruits, prawn etc., are called agricultural
entrepreneur. In short these entrepreneurs pursue their venture in
agriculture and allied sector.
6. Retail Entrepreneurs
Retail entrepreneurs are those who enter into venture of distributing
the end-product to final consumer while wholesale entrepreneurs take
up the venture of distributing the product to retailer. They used to buy
the goods in small quantities from numerous wholesalers and make it
available different products of different brands under one roof to end
7. Service Entrepreneurs
Service entrepreneurs enter into the venture of supplying service
products to end consumers. Hoteliers, airlines, banking, insurance and
financial service providers, repair service organization, bus operators,
train service, advisory organization, advertising firms, manpower
supplier etc., come under service entrepreneur’s category.
Entrepreneurial Development Programme
Entrepreneurship Skill Development Programmed (ESDP) Description.
Entrepreneurship promotion and development Programs are
being organized regularly to nurture the talent of youth by
enlightening them on various aspects of industrial/business activity
required for setting up MSEs.
Program Structure