Idioms 2
Idioms 2
Idioms 2
A Busy Bee: A busy, active person who moves quickly from task to task.
A Cat Has Nine Lives: Cats seem to get away with dangerous things
A Cat in Gloves Catches No Mice: You can’t get what you need if you’re too careful.
A Day Late And A Dollar Short: Too delayed and insignificant to have much effect
A Dog in The Manger: A person who selfishly prevent others from using, enjoying or
profiting from something even though he/ she cannot use or enjoy it himself.
A Home Bird: Somebody who prefers to spend his social and free time at home.
A Hundred And Ten Percent: More than what seems to be the maximum
A Lame Duck: A person or enterprise (often a business) that is not a success and that has to
be helped.
A Little Bird Told Me: I got this information from a source I cannot reveal.
A Little from Column A, a Little from Column B: A course of action drawing on several
different ideas or possibilities
A Lone Wolf: Someone who is not very social with other people
A Plum Job: An easy and pleasant job that also pays well
A Sitting Duck: A person or object in a vulnerable position that is easy to attack or injure.
A Snowball’s Chance in Hell: Little to no likelihood of occurrence or success
A Stitch in Time Saves Nine: Fix something quickly, because if you don’t, it will just get more
difficult to fix
A Week Is A Long Time In _____: In the field mentioned, the situation may change rapidly
Above The Law: Exempt from the laws that apply to everyone else.
Acknowledge The Corn: Admit to a mistake, especially a small one; point out one’s own
shortcomings, or another’s
Acquired Taste: Something one learns to appreciate only after trying it repeatedly
Act High and Mighty: Be arrogant, presume that one is better than others
Actions Speak Louder Than Words: One’s character and intentions are shown more
accurately by one’s actions than by one’s words.
Add Insult to Injury: Humiliate someone in addition to doing damage to him or her
Against the Clock: In a very limited amount of time; with a shortage of time being the main
Against The Run Of Play: A typical of the way a game has been going
Age Before Beauty: Something said by a younger woman to an older one, for instance
allowing her to pass through a doorway
Agreement In Principle: In a negotiation, an agreement in which not all details have been
worked out
Aha Moment: Sudden realization, the point at which one suddenly understands something
Ahead Of One’s Time: Offering ideas not yet in general circulation; highly creative
Ahead Of The Curve: Offering ideas not yet in general circulation; highly creative
Ahead Of The Game: Making faster progress than anticipated; ahead of schedule
Albatross Around One’s Neck: Something from one’s past that acts as a hindrance
All Bark And No Bite: Tending to make verbal threats but not deliver on them
All Dressed Up And Nowhere To Go: Prepared (with clothing or otherwise) for an event that
does not occur
All Eyes Are On: Watching alertly or attentively. Having prominent eyes. Everyone is paying
attention to
All Fur Coat And No Knickers: Superficially attractive, physically or otherwise
All In A Day’s Work (Excl.): That’s what I’m here for; although I have accomplished
something, it is part of what I’m expected to do
All In Good Time: Eventually; at a more favourable time in the future. This phrase encourages
one to be patient.
All Over Hell’s Half Acre: All over the place; everywhere.
All Rights Reserved: Said of a published work; all reproduction rights are asserted by the
copyright holder
All Roads Lead to Rome: There is more than one effective way to do something; many
different methods will produce the same result
All Set: Ready, prepared, finished
All Things Being Equal: In the event that all aspects of a situation remain the same
Along The Lines Of: In general accordance with, in the same general direction as
American Dream (The): The belief among Americans that hard work leads to material
An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away: Eating healthy foods will keep one from getting
sick (and needing to see a doctor)
An Early Bird: A person who gets up early in the morning, or who starts work earlier than
An Eye for an Eye: Justice in which reparation or vengeance exactly matches the harm caused
to the victim
An Offer One Can’t Refuse: An extremely attractive offer
Ancient History: Something, such as a disagreement, that happened long ago and ought to
be forgotten
And Counting: And the number just mentioned is increasing (or decreasing)
And Change: And an additional amount of money that’s less than the next round number
And His Mother: An intensifier for an inclusive noun or phrase such as everyone, everybody
And Then Some: And even more than what has just been mentioned
Another Nail In One’s Coffin: Something that leads to someone’s death, literally or
Any Port in a Storm: If you’re in trouble, you’ll turn to anything that improves the situation.
Apple of One’s Eye: A favourite person or thing, a person especially valued by someone
Apple of Someone’s Eye: The person that someone loves most of all and is very proud of
Arm Candy: An attractive woman accompanying a powerful or famous man at a social event
Asleep at the Wheel (Switch): not paying attention to one’s work; not doing one’s job
At Sixes and Sevens: Someone is in a state of confusion or not very well organized.
At the End of the Day: In the final analysis; when all is said and done
At Wit’s End: Frustrated because all measures to deal with something have failed
Idioms (B)
List of English idioms that start with B.
Baby Boomer: A person born in the years following World War II, when there was a
temporary marked increase in the birth rate
Babysitter Test: An evaluation of the ease of use of household appliances, especially remote
control devices
Back And Forth: Dialogue, negotiations
Back Burner (On The): Not urgent; set aside until later
Back to the Salt Mines: It’s time for me (us) to go back to work
Backing and Filling: Delaying a decision by making small changes or arguing about small
Backseat Driver: A passenger in a car who gives unwanted advice to the driver is called a
backseat driver.
Backseat Driver: Someone who likes to give (often annoying) advice to the driver of a car, or
the leader of some other enterprise
Bad Apple: A discontented, trouble making, or dishonest person
Bad Blood: Enmity or hatred that stems from something in the past
Bad Taste In One’s Mouth: Unease, a feeling that something unspecified is wrong in a
Bail Out: To rescue someone from a bad situation, to shield someone from the consequences
of his or her actions
Ball and Chain: 1. One’s spouse (derogatory but often affectionate); 2. an ongoing burden
Bang One’s Head Against the Wall (Against a Brick Wall):Try repeatedly to do something
without making progress
Baptism by Fire: A difficult task given right after one has assumed new responsibilities
Bar Fly (or Barfly): Someone who spends much of his or her time in bars
Bark Up the Wrong Tree: Pursue a mistaken approach or belief; be wrong in a course of
Basket Case: So upset or stunned that one is unable to function; in a hopeless condition
Be An Item: Two people are an item when they are having a romantic relationship
Be Footloose and Fancy-Free: To be free of responsibilities, including romantic
Be Head Over Heels (In love): Be in love with somebody very much
Be Like Chalk and Cheese: Things or people who are very different and have nothing in
Be Lovey – Dovey: Expressing your love in public by constantly kissing and hugging
Beat Around the Bush: To speak in a roundabout way in order to avoid confronting an
unpleasant topic
Beat Someone To The Draw: To accomplish or obtain something more quickly than
someone else
Beat Someone to the Punch: Do something before or faster than someone else
Beat the Drum for (Something): Speak in favour of something to try to generate support
Beauty Is Only Skin Deep: External appearance is a superficial basis for judging someone
Bee in One’s Bonnet: Someone who has a bee in their bonnet has an idea which constantly
occupies their thoughts.
Beggar Thy Neighbour: To do something beneficial for oneself without worrying about how
it affects others
Best of Both Worlds: Combining two qualities that are usually separate
Bet One’s Bottom Dollar (On Something): Be certain that something will happen
Bet the Farm: Risk everything; spend all one’s money on something in hopes of success
Better late Than Never: It implies that a belated achievement is better than not reaching a
goal at all.
Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Caught between two undesirable options
Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea: In a difficult position
Big Brother: Government, viewed as an intrusive force in the lives of citizens; government
Bite Off More Than You Can Chew: Try to do more than one is capable of doing
Bite the Bullet: To do something even though it involves pain, discomfort, or difficulty
Bite the Hand That Feeds You: Act badly toward someone who has helped you
Black and White: A clear distinction between good and bad, positive and negative
Black Eye: A mark of shame
Black Sheep: A person who does not fit into a group, especially a family
Blind Date: When two people who have never seen each other before go on a date
Blinded by Love: When a person is so madly in love with somebody that they can’t see the
person’s faults or negative characteristics
Blow Away the Cobwebs: If something blows away the cobwebs, it makes you feel more
lively and refreshes your ideas.
Blow Hot and Cold: Shift one’s level of enthusiasm repeatedly
Blow Off Steam: To express anger and frustration in a way that does no damage
Blow the Cobwebs Away (or Out of Something): Make space for fresh ideas, encourage
something new
Blue Eyed Boy: A person who is a favourite of those in authority; someone whose mistakes
are forgiven
Blue Light Special: 1. a temporary sale at a discount store. 2. a traffic stop by the police.
Born on The Wrong Side of the Blanket: Born to parents who were not married
Boy Toy: A young man who is the lover of an older, often wealthier woman (see toyboy)
Boys will be Boys: A phrase of resignation used when boys get into trouble or are
stereotypically reckless or rowdy
Break a Leg: Good luck! This is used for a stage performer-or for anyone else who is about to
give some kind of a performance, such as an important speech
Break The Ice: To get something started, particularly by means of a social introduction or
Break up/ Split up (With Somebody): End the relationship
Burn the Candle at Both Ends: To work too hard, with possible bad consequences for one’s
Bury (Hide) One’s Head In the Sand: Ignoring something that’s obviously wrong, not facing
Busman’s Holiday: A vacation where you do the same thing you do at work, a working
Busted Flush: A failure, someone or something that seemed promising but did not develop
Butter Wouldn’t Melt in (Someone’s): Mouth This person is cool in manner, prim and
Buy Time: Cause a delay in something with the aim of improving one’s position
By a Whisker: By a very short distance
Call It a Day: Decide that one has worked enough on something for the day
Can’t See the Forest for the Trees: Is unable to maintain a wider perspective
Can’t Swing A Dead Cat In (Place): Without Hitting A (Thing) There are many examples of
[thing] in this [place].
Carrot-and-Stick (Approach): A tactic in which rewards are offered, but there is also the
threat of punishment
Carry a Torch (for): To continue to be in love with someone even after a relationship has
Carry Coals To Newcastle: Supply something that is unneeded; engage in useless labor
Carry the Can: To take the blame for something one did not do
Catch One’s Death of Cold: To become very ill (with a cold/flu etc.)
Catch-22: A difficult situation from which there is no escape because options for avoiding it
involve contradictions
Cat’s Paw: A person being used by someone else, a tool
Circle the Wagons: To prepare as a group to defend against attack, adopt a defensive
Clean Up Nicely: Look good when one is dressed up. Usually said of women
Close, But No Cigar: You are very close but not quite correct.
Cock and Bull Story: A far-fetched story, probably untrue
Cold Day in Hell: A condition for something that would be extremely unlikely to occur
Come Out of the Closet: Reveal a secret about oneself, usually that one is gay (homosexual)
Come to Terms With (Something): Feel acceptance toward something bad that has
Cool as A Cucumber: Calm and composed even in difficult or frustrating situations; self-
Cool Cat: Someone who has the respect of their peers in a young, casual way.
Crickets: Silence
Cross to Bear: A problem one must deal with over a long time, a heavy burden
Crunch Time: A period of high pressure when one has to work hard to finish something
Cry Wolf (verb): To issue a false alarm, to ask for help when none is needed
Cry Your Eyes Out: Cry hard for a very long time
Cry Your Eyes Out: Cry hard for a very long time
Curiosity Killed The Cat: Stop asking questions, don’t be too curious
Cut to the Chase: Get to the point; explain the most important part of something quickly;
skip the preliminaries
Champagne taste on a beer budget: Expensive or extravagant tastes or preferences that are
beyond one’s economic means.
Change Horses in Midstream: Change plans or leaders in the middle of a process
Cheap Shot: An unfair attack; a statement that unfairly attacks someone’s weakness
Chill Out: Do something that helps them to calm down and relax for a while.
Chin Up/ Keep Your Chin Up: Cheer up; try to be cheerful and strong
Chip off the Old Block: Someone who resembles a direct ancestor, usually the father
Chop Shop: A shop where stolen cars are disassembled for parts
Idioms (D)
List of English idioms that start with D.
Da Man (Slang): An accomplished or skilful person. Generally used in the compliment “”You
da man!””
Dark Horse: A surprise candidate or competitor, especially one who comes from behind to
make a strong showing
Deep Pockets: The new owner has deep pockets, so fans are hoping the football team will
improve next year with new players
Devil’s Advocate: Someone who argues a point not out of conviction, but in order to air
various points of view
Dog in the Manger: A person who prevents others from using something, even though the
person himself or herself does not want it
Don’t Judge a Book by Its Cover: Don’t be deceived by looks; don’t rely on looks when
judging someone or something
Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk: Don’t worry about minor things.
Don’t Look a Gift Horse in the Mouth: Do not question the value of a gift. The expression
comes from the practice of determining the age and health of a horse by looking at its teeth.
Double-Edged Sword: Something that can be helpful or harmful; something beneficial that
also has a downside
Draw a Line in the Sand: Issue an ultimatum; specify an absolute limit in a conflict
Draw a Line Under (Something): To conclude something and move on to something else
Drink the Kool-Aid: Accept a set of ideas uncritically, often dangerous ones
Dutch Courage: Alcohol drunk with the intention of working up the nerve to do something
Eager beaver: The term eager beaver refers to a person who is hardworking and enthusiastic,
sometimes considered overzealous.
Early Bird [noun or adjective]: Someone who does something prior to the usual time, or
someone who gets up early.
Elevator Music: Pleasant but boring recorded music that is played in public places.
Every Dog Has His (Its): Day Everyone has a moment of fame, power, or influence
Every Man and His Dog: Many people
Every Man for Himself: Pursue your own interests; don’t expect help from others.
Idioms (F)
List of English idioms that start with F.
Feather One’s (Own) Nest: Use one’s influence or power improperly for financial gain
Feel Like a Million Dollars: To feel great, to feel well and healthy.
Fell off a Truck: Probably stolen or illicitly obtained; said of something offered for sale to
avoid discussing its origins
Fell off the Back of a Lorry: Probably stolen or illicitly obtained; said of something offered
for sale to avoid discussing its origins
Fight Fire with Fire: Use the same measures that are being used against you, even if they’re
stronger than you would usually use
Fight Like Cat and Dog: Continually arguing with each other
Finger-Pointing: Blame; a situation within a group where each member attempts to blame
Finger-Pointing: Blame; a situation within a group where each member attempts to blame
First In, Best Dressed: The first people to do something will have an advantage
Fish or Cut Bait (usually an exclamation): Make a decision or give someone else a chance
Fly by the Seat of One’s Pants: To improvise, to make decisions without planning or
Fly Off The Handle: Lose one’s temper suddenly and unexpectedly
Fly off the Handle: To become suddenly enraged
Follow In Someone’s Footsteps (Tracks): Follow the example laid down by someone else;
Follow Your Heart: Rely on one’s deeper feelings and instincts when making a decision
For Xyz Reasons: For multiple reasons, not worth specifying individually
Foul Play: Crime, typically murder
Freudian Slip: Accidental use of an incorrect word; a revealing slip of the tongue
From Pillar to Post: From one place to another, in a forced, random way
Full of the Joys of Spring: Very happy, enthusiastic and full of energy
Idioms (G)
List of English idioms that start with G.
Game of Chicken: A conflict situation in which neither side will back down for fear of seeming
cowardly (chicken)
Get A Word In Edgewise: Be able to say something while someone else is talking a lot
Get In on the Ground Floor: Invest in or join something while it is still small
Get Off Scot Free: Be accused of wrongdoing but pay no penalty at all
Get One’s Ducks in a Row: Have everything organized; get oneself organized
Get With the Program: Figure out what everyone else already knows. Often used
sarcastically, as a command
Go Berserk: To go crazy
Go Cold Turkey: Stop using an addictive substance suddenly, without tapering off
Go Off the Deep End: To unexpectedly become very angry, especially without a good reason
Go Out on a Limb: Assert something that may not be true; put oneself in a vulnerable
Go with the Flow: To accept the way things naturally seem to be going
Grab (Take) the Bull by the Horns: To begin forthrightly to deal with a problem
Grasp (Grab) at Straws: To take desperate actions with little hope of success
Green as Grass: Lacking training, naive; often said of young people in new jobs
Grind One’s Teeth: Be very annoyed or angry about something without being able to say
anything about it.
Guilty Pleasure: Enjoying something which is not generally held in high regard, while at the
same time feeling a bit guilty about it, is called a guilty pleasure.
Guinea Pig: A test subject, a person who is used as a test to see if something will work
Give Lip Service to: Talk about supporting something without taking any concrete action
Give Lip Service: to Talk about supporting something without taking any concrete action
Give One’s Two Cents (That’s My Two Cents): Offer an opinion, suggest something
Give Someone a Piece of Your Mind: Angrily tell someone what you think
Give Someone a Run for Their Money: Compete effectively with the leader in a particular
Give Someone the Cold Shoulder: act hostile toward someone; to ignore, snub
Give Someone The Old Heave-Ho: Fire someone, remove someone from a group or team
Give Something a Whirl: Attempt something without being totally familiar with it
Idioms (H)
List of English idioms that start with H.
Hair of the Dog (That Bit You): A small amount of the alcoholic beverage that caused your
Hands are Tied: You are prevented from doing something. It is not within your power
Happy-Go-Lucky: If you are a happy-go-lucky person, you are cheerful and carefree all the
Has the Cat Got Your Tongue?: Why are you not saying anything?
Hat Trick: Scoring three goals in hockey or soccer (football), or accomplishing three of
Have (one’s) head in the clouds: Not know what is happening around you or out of touch
with reality
Have a Bone to Pick (with Someone): To want to discuss something someone has done that
has angered or annoyed you.
Have a Bone to Pick (with Someone): To want to discuss something someone has done that
has angered or annoyed you.
Have a Dog in the Hunt (Fight, Race): To support a certain person in a competition
Have a Nose for (Something): To have natural ability at something, a talent for finding
Have a Tough Row to Hoe: Be faced with a task that is difficult because of unfavorable
Have Hand of Aces/Hold All the Aces: To be in a very strong position in a competition
Have It Out with Someone: To have an argument with someone in order to settle a dispute
Have One Foot in The Grave: To be near death (usually because of old age or illness)
Have One’s Cake and Eat It, Too: To want two incompatible things (usually used in the
Have Skin in the Game: Be risking something in an undertaking
Have The Time of Your Life: If you have the time of our life, you enjoy yourself very much.
Have the Time of Your Life: To have a very fun, exciting, or enjoyable time
He Would Put Legs Under A Chicken: He will talk your head off; he is very talkative
Highways and Byways: You take large and small roads to visit every part of the country.
Hit the Ground Running: To begin a job or project with no learning or training period
Hold One’s Liquor: Be able to drink a large amount without being affected
Hold One’s Peace: Be silent
Hold the Phone: Wait a moment (whether you’re on the phone or not)
Hold the Phone: Wait a moment (whether you’re on the phone or not)
Hold Your Horses (generally excl.): Stop; restrain yourself; don’t be so excited
Home Away from Home: A habitual hangout; a place one frequents often and where one
feels welcome
Honour System: A system of payments that relies on the honesty of those paying
Idioms (I)
List of English idioms that start with I.
I Wouldn’t Put It Past (Someone): I think it’s quite possible that [this person] would do this.
If It Had Been a Snake, It Would Have Bitten Me: It was very obvious, but I missed it.
If the Shoe Fits, Wear It: If this description of you is accurate, accept it.
I’m All Ears: You have my attention, so you should talk
In For a Penny, In for a Pound: Committed to something even though the risks are
In Full Swing: When something, such as an event, gets into full swing, it is at its busiest or
liveliest time.
In Touch: In contact
In the opinion of the speaker, a person has just spent money unnecessarily and is, therefore, a
In the Red: Losing money; (of a market index) below a specified starting point
It Never Rains but It Pours: Bad luck and bad things tend to happen at the same time
It Takes Two to Tango: When something goes wrong involving two people, it’s likely that
they share the blame; cooperation is necessary
It Takes Two to Tango: You say this when you think that a difficult situation or argument
cannot be the fault of one person alone.
It’s a Wash: A positive and a negative development cancel each other out, so the situation
has neither improved nor gotten worse
It’s No Skin off My (Your) Nose (Back): The outcome will not affect me personally
It’s Not Over Till the Fat Lady Sings: Do not give up too soon; things may improve.
Jim Crow: The system of racial segregation in the American South prior to the American civil
rights movement.
Join the Club (excl.): I feel sympathy for you because I have experienced something similar.
Jump the Shark: To pass peak quality and begin to decline. Often used to describe television
programs or movie series.
Jump the Track: To shift suddenly from one activity or line of thought to another
Just What the Doctor Ordered: Exactly the thing that is or was needed to help improve
something or make one feel better
Idioms (K)
List of common English idioms that start with K.
Kangaroo Court: A court of law where proper procedures are not followed at all; a sham
judicial proceeding
Keep a Stiff Upper Lip: Control one’s emotions; not give in to fear or grief
Keep an Eye On: To keep an eye on something or someone is to watch it periodically, to keep
it under surveillance.
Keep It Under Your Hat: Don’t tell anyone; don’t reveal this secret
Keep Someone at Arm’s Length: Avoid close interaction or cooperation
Keep Your Nose Clean: Avoid trouble or situations that compromise one’e honesty
Keep Your Powder Dry: Do not attack until you are ready.
Keeping One’s Nose to the Grindstone: Working hard on something repetitive or tedious
Kick Ass, Kick Butt: 1) Defeat badly; 2) be excellent or highly effective (only kick ass would be
used for 2)
Kill a Fly With an Elephant Gun: Approach a problem with excessive measures
Kill Two Birds with One Stone: Act in such a way as to produce two desirable effects
Kill Two Birds with One Stone: Solve two problems with one move
Kill the Goose That Laid the Golden Egg: To destroy a source of ongoing profits or benefits
King of the Hill: At the top of one’s field; the most influential person in a given field or area
Knock on Wood; Touch Wood: Let’s hope I have good luck or continue to have good luck.
Knock Some Sense Into: To beat someone in order to teach him/her a lesson. May be used
Knock Up: To impregnate a woman. Often used in the form knocked up.
Know (Something) Like the Back of One’s Hand: To be very familiar with something,
especially an area
Idioms (L)
List of common English idioms that start with L.
Last But Not Least: What I have just said does not reflect a ranking in importance.
Laughter is the Best Medicine: Laughing a lot is a very effective means of recovering from
physical or mental injury
Learn the Ropes: Become more familiar with a job or field of endeavour; be trained
Let Off Steam: To express anger and frustration in a way that does no damage
Let Sleeping Dogs Lie: To avoid stirring up a problem; to leave things alone
Let the Cat Out of the Bag: Reveal a secret, usually a secret you or others are trying to keep
Let the Genie Out of the Bottle: Reveal something hitherto suppressed
Letter of the Law: The explicit meaning of a law, as opposed to the spirit of the law, the law’s
general intention
Light at the End of the Tunnel: A sign of hope after a long period of difficulties
Like a Kid in a Candy Store: To be so excited about one’s surroundings that one acts in a
childlike or silly way
Like Father, Like Son: Sons inherit their fathers’ traits and preferences, often even without
realizing it.
Like The Cat That Got The Cream: Looking particularly self-satisfied, often to the annoyance
of others
Living on Borrowed Time: Following an illness or near-death experience, may people believe
they have cheated death
Living Under a Rock: Ignorant of important events. Usually used as a question: Have you
been living under a rock?
Loaded for Bear: Prepared for problems, well prepared for a challenge
Loan Shark: A predatory lender; one who makes high-interest loans to desperate people
Look the Other Way: Take no notice of violations of laws or rules, unofficially condone
Look What the Cat Dragged In: Someone unwelcome has arrived.
Loose Cannon: Someone out of control; someone who speaks or acts recklessly
Love at First Sight: Falling in love with somebody the first time you see them
Love Someone With All of One’s Heart And Soul: To love someone completely
Mad As A Box Of (Soapy) Frogs: extremely mentally unstable; psychotic; detached from
Make a Mountain out of a Molehill: To take something too seriously; to make too much of
Make a Silk Purse out of a Sow’s Ear: Turn something ordinary or inferior into something
refined and beautiful
Make Ends Meet: Have enough money to cover basic expenses
Make Hay (While the Sun Shines): To take advantage of an opportunity at the right time.
Make Someone’s Day: Do something pleasing that puts someone in a good mood
Man Cave: A part of the house, often the basement, that is left to the man of the household,
perhaps with a workshop, a television for watching sports, etc.
March to the Beat of Your Own Drum: When someone does things the way they want to,
without taking anybody else or anything else into consideration.
Match Made in Heaven: A relationship in which the two people are great together, because
they complement each other so well
May-December (adj.): Significantly different in age. Said of couples where one member is
much older. The most common usage is May-December romance.
Me Time: Activities undertaken for one’s own enjoyment, free from responsibilities to others.
Monday Morning Quarterback: Someone who offers criticisms or comments after already
knowing the outcome of something
More Fun Than A Barrel of Monkeys: A very good time; a pleasant occasion
Move Heaven and Earth: Take all possible steps in trying to accomplish something
Mum’s the Word: This is secret; don’t talk about this. Often used as an answer to a request
not to talk about something.
Idioms (N)
List of common English idioms that start with N.
Neck and Neck: Very close in a competition, with neither of two entities clearly in the lead
Never Look a Gift Horse in the Mouth: It’s rude to examine a gift closely; accept gifts
Nickel and Dime: To negotiate over very small sums; to try to get a better financial deal, in a
negative way
Nine-to-Five Job: A routine job in an office that involves standard office hours
Nip (Something) In The Bud: Deal with a problem before it becomes large
No Holds Barred (usually adj., often hyphenated): Unrestricted, without rules
No Names, No Pack Drill: By not accusing anyone specifically, I may avoid trouble.
Not Cut Out for (Something): Not naturally skilful enough to do something well
Not Enough Room to Swing a Cat: A very small space
Not Have A Cat In Hell’s Chance: Have no possibility of succeeding, coming to pass, or
achieving something
Not Sit Well with (Someone): Be difficult to accept; make someone uncomfortable
Page-Turner: A page-turner is an exciting book that’s easy to read, a book that’s difficult to
put down.
Par for the Course: What would normally be expected. This has a negative connotation.
Pass the Buck: Transfer a problem to someone else
Pay Through the Nose (For Something): Pay a large amount of money
Peaches and Cream: A situation, process, etc., that has no trouble or problems
Pick Up the Slack: Do something that someone else is not doing; assume someone else’s
Pick Up the Tab: To pay a bill presented to a group, especially in a restaurant or bar
Play Cat And Mouse: Trying to trick someone into making a mistake so you can defeat them.
Point of No Return: A place from which it is impossible to go back to the starting point
Poison Pill: A provision or feature added to a measure or an entity to make it less attractive,
an undesirable add-on
Pot Calling the Kettle Black: Accusing someone of something of which you are also guilty;
being hypocritical
Pour (Rub) Salt into (on) the Wound (an open wound): Worsen an insult or injury; make a
bad situation worse for someone
Powder Keg: An explosive situation, a situation in which people are angry and ready to be
Powder Keg: An explosive situation, a situation in which people are angry and ready to be
Powder One’s Nose: To use the restroom (lavatory). This is used by women
Preach to the Choir, Preach to the Converted: To make an argument with which your
listeners already agree
Preaching to the Choir: Making arguments to those who already agree with you
Pretty Penny: A lot of money; too much money (when referring to the cost of something)
Price Yourself Out of the Market: Try to sell goods or services at such a high price that
nobody buys them.
Puddle Jumper: A small airplane, used on short trips
Pull Yourself Together: Control your emotions; recover from a strong emptional upset
Puppies And Rainbows: Perfect, ideal (usually used slightly sarcastically, in contrast with a
less ideal situation)
Puppy Love: Adolescent love or infatuation, especially one that is not expected to last
Pure as the Driven Snow: To be innocent and chaste (frequently used ironically)
Put a Thumb on the Scale: Try to influence a discussion in an unfair way, cheat
Put Someone on the Spot: Force someone to answer a question or make a decision
Put That in Your Pipe and Smoke It: Accept and consider what I’m saying, even if you don’t
like it!
Put the Best Face On (Something): Emphasize the positive aspects of a bad situation
Put the Cart Before The Horse: To do things in the wrong order
Put the Cart Before the Horse: To do things out of the proper order.
Put the Cat Among The Pigeons: Say or do something that causes trouble or controversy
Put the Genie Back in the Bottle: Try to suppress something that has already been revealed
or done
Put Words Into Someone’s Mouth: Attributing an opinion to someone who has never stated
that opinion
Put Your Foot Down: Use your authority to stop negative behaviour
Put Your Foot In Your Mouth: Say something that you immediately regret
Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is: Back up your opinions with a financial commitment
Idioms (Q)
List of common English idioms that start with Q.
Queer the Pitch: Interfere with someone’s plans; make something more difficult
Quote Unquote: Ironically speaking; suggesting that if a phrase were written out, it would be
in quotation marks to convey sarcasm
Idioms (R)
List of commonly used English idioms that start with R.
Race Against Time: To rush to meet a deadline, to be forced to do something very quickly
Read the Tea Leaves: Predict the future from small signs
Rear Its Ugly Head (said of a problem or something unpleasant): Appear, be revealed
Rearrange the Deck Chairs on the Titanic: Taking superficial actions while ignoring a much
larger and perhaps fatal problem
Red Meat: Political appeals designed to excite one’s core supporters; demagoguery
Reinvent the Wheel: Devise a solution to a problem for which a solution already exists
Rob Peter to Pay Paul: Pay off a debt with another loan; solve a problem in such a way that it
leads to a new problem
Rob the Cradle: To be sexually or romantically involved with someone who is very young
Rob the Cradle: To be sexually or romantically involved with someone who is very young
Rock the Boat: Cause a disruption in a group. Often used in the negative: don’t rock the boat.
Rub It In: Say something that makes someone feel even worse about a mistake
Rub Someone’s Nose in (Something): Humiliate someone by repeating and criticizing his or
her mistake
Run off at the Mouth: Talk a lot about unimportant things, talk incoherently
School Of Hard Knocks: Difficult real-life experiences from which one has learned
See Something Out of the Corner of Your Eye: Use peripheral vision
Set the Bar (Too) High: To set a high standard for something
Set the Thames on Fire: Do something amazing. Usually used in the negative.
Set the World on Fire: Do something amazing; have a brilliant stretch in one’s career
Shake the Dust off Your Shoes (Feet): Make a clean break with a relationship or situation
Shoot Oneself In The Foot: Do something that damages oneself or one’s own cause
Shoulder A Weight Off Your Shoulders: You no longer worry about something or deal with
something difficult
Show Me an X And I’ll Show You a Y: There is a consequence to X that you may not have
thought of.
Sick and Tired of: Extremely annoyed by something that occurs repeatedly
Six of One, a Half Dozen of the Other: The two choices have no significant differences.
Sleep Like a Baby: To experience a very deep and restful sleep; to sleep soundly
Slip Someone a Mickey: Add a drug to an alcoholic drink in order to knock someone out
Slippery Slope: A series of undesirable effects that, one warns, could result from a certain
Sneak Peek: A sneak peek is an opportunity to view something in advance of its official
opening or debut
Some Eggs: Achieving a major goal requires the ability to tolerate some problems
Something to Crow: About Something to be proud of, an accomplishment about which one
is justified in bragging
Son of a Gun: 1) A rogue. 2) An exclamation of surprise.
Spare The Rod And Spoil The Child: It is necessary to physically punish children in order to
raise them right.
Speak of the Devil (and He Shall Appear): The person we have just been talking about has
Speak with A Plum in (one’s) Mouth: To speak in a manner that is indicative of a high social
Spin One’s Wheels: Engaging in activity that yields no progress; getting nowhere
Start with a Clean Slate: To start (something) again with a fresh beginning; to work on a
problem without thinking about what has been done before
Stem the Tide: To stop or control the growth of something, usually something unpleasant.
Stick Your Nose into Something: Intrude into something that is not your affair
Storm in a Teacup: A commotion that dies down quickly, about something unimportant
Strain at a Gnat and Swallow a Camel: To make a fuss over something unimportant while
ignoring larger issues
Strike A Chord: Used to describe something that is familiar to you, reminds you of something
or is connected to you somehow.
Sugar Daddy: A rich man who is generous with younger women in return for sexual favours
Swan Song: This expression is used to describe a final act before dying or ending something.
Sweep Under the Carpet: Attempt to temporarily conceal a problem or error
Sweeten the Pot: Increase the amount of winnings potentially available in a game of chance,
especially poker
Swim with the Fishes: Have been killed, especially with involvement of organized crime
Swing for the Fences: Attempt to achieve the largest accomplishment possible
Swing for the Fences: Attempt to achieve the largest accomplishment possible
Idioms (T)
List of useful English idioms that start with T.
Take a Rain Check: Decline an invitation but suggest that you’ll accept it at a later time.
Take Five: To take one brief (about five minutes) rest period
Take It Easy: When you relax, or do things at a comfortable pace, you take it easy.
Take It on The Chin: Be attacked; suffer an attack
Take It or Leave It (command): You must decide now whether you will accept this proposal
Take Something with a Pinch (grain) of Salt: If you take what someone says with a pinch of
salt, you do not completely believe it.
Take the Edge Off (of Something): To slightly improve something negative
Take the Fifth: Refuse to answer because answering might incriminate or cause problems for
Take The Mickey (Piss) (Out Of Someone): Make fun of or ridicule someone
Take the Shine Off (Something): To do something that diminishes a positive event
Take the Starch out of (Someone): Make someone less confident or less arrogant
Take The Wind Out of Someone’s Sails: To reduce someone’s confidence, often by doing
something unexpected
Take Your Medicine: Accept something unpleasant, for example, punishment, without
protesting or complaining
Teach an Old Dog New Tricks: To change someone’s long-established habits. Usually used
in the negative: You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.
Tell It to the Marines: I don’t believe you; you must think I’m gullible.
To Have One For the Road: To have one last (alcoholic) drink before you go home
Too Busy Fighting Alligators to Drain the Swamp: So occupied with multiple challenges
that one can’t keep the big picture in mind
Too Many Cooks Spoil the Broth: A project works best if there is input from a limited
number of people
Too Many Chiefs and Not Enough Indians: Everyone wants to be a leader, and no one
wants to do the actual work
Too Many To Shake A Stick At: A large number
Tough Cookie: Someone who can endure hardship; especially: a strong negotiator
Tough Sledding: Difficult progress
Turn Someone Inside Out: To cause strong emotional turmoil; to completely change
Turn Something on Its Head: Reverse something, cause something to be done in a new way
Two Peas in A Pod: Two people who are very similar in appearance
Thank God It’s Friday (TGIF): Let’s be happy that the workweek is over!
That’s a Stretch: What you are suggesting is very difficult to believe; I am very skeptical
That’s All She Wrote: That was the end of the story.
The Apple Never Falls Far From the Tree: Family characteristics are usually inherited
The Cat Is Out of the Bag: The secret has been revealed.
The Cherry On the Cake: The final thing that makes something perfect
The Deck Is (The Cards Are): Stacked Against You Unfavourable conditions exist.
The Jig Is Up: A secret illicit activity has been exposed; your trickery is finished
The More Things Change, The More They Stay The Same: Although something may seem
superficially new, it has not altered the basic situation.
The Only Game in Town: The sole option for a particular service.
The Powers That Be: People in charge, often used when the speaker does not want to
identify them.
The Story Has Legs: People are continuing to pay attention to the story.
The Time is Ripe: If you say that the time is ripe, you mean that it is a suitable point for a
particular activity
The Walls Have Ears We: may be overheard; be careful what you say
The Walls Have Ears: We may be overheard; be careful what you say
The World Is Your Oyster: You have many opportunities and choices.
There But For The Grace Of God Go I: I could easily have done what that person did.
There’s More Than One Way to Skin a Cat: There’s more than one way of achieving a
certain goal.
There’s No Such Thing as a Free Lunch: Nothing is given to you without some expectation
of something in return.
Think Outside the Box: Try to solve a problem in an original way; think creatively
Think Tank: A group of experts engaged in ongoing studies of a particular subject; a policy
study group
Think Tank: A group of experts engaged in ongoing studies of a particular subject; a policy
study group
Third Rail: A topic so sensitive that it is dangerous to raise. This is especially used in political
Third Time’s a Charm: Even if you fail at something twice, you may well succeed the third
This Is Not Your Father’s ____: This item has been much updated from its earlier versions.
Throw Someone for a Loop: Deeply surprise someone; catch someone off guard
Throw Someone Under the Bus: Sacrifice someone else’s interests for your own personal
Throw the Baby Out with the Bath Water: Eliminate something good while discarding the
bad parts of something
Throw the Baby Out with the Bath Water: To discard something valuable or important
while disposing of something worthless
Throw the Fight: Intentionally lose a contest, usually in collusion with gamblers
Throw the Game: Intentionally lose a contest, usually in collusion with gamblers
Throw the Match: Intentionally lose a contest, usually in collusion with gamblers
Thumbs-Up: Approval
Ugly Duckling: An awkward child or young person who grows into a beautiful person
Under (Below) the Radar: Not generally perceived, below popular consciousness
Until You’re Blue in the Face: For a long time with no results
Up the Ante: Raise the stakes; increase the importance of something under discussion
Vale of Tears: The world in general, envisioned as a sad place; the tribulations of life
Vicious Circle: A situation in which an attempt to solve a problem makes the original problem
Virgin Territory: Something that has never been explored, physically or intellectually
Vote with One’s Feet: To physically depart from something as a way of showing disapproval
Idioms (W)
List of useful English idioms that start with W.
Waiting in the Wings: Ready to assume responsibilities but not yet active, ready to become a
Wake Up on the Wrong Side of the Bed: Be grumpy or ill-humored. Generally used in past
Walk on Eggshells: To have to act very sensitively in order to avoid offending someone
Wandering Eye: A tendency to look at and desire women or men other than one’s committed
romantic partner
Water Under the Bridge: Something in the past that’s no longer worth worrying about
Weekend Warrior: Someone who has an office job but enjoys contact sports on weekends; a
member of a military reserve force (whose exercises are typically on weekends)
We’ll Cross That Bridge: When We Come to It We’ll deal with that problem if and when it
comes up
Welsh (Welch) on a Deal: Not observe the terms of an agreement
What Goes Around Comes Around: The kind of treatment you give to others will eventually
return to you; things go in cycles
What’s Good for the Goose Is Good for the Gander: What’s OK for a man is OK for a
woman, too
When Hell Freezes Over: Never
When In Doubt, Leave It Out: When unsure about something, omit it.
When in Rome, Do as the Romans Do: When you visit a new place, follow the customs of
the people there
When the Chips Are Down: When a situation becomes urgent or difficult
Where (When) the Rubber: Meets the Road In reality; where an idea meets a real-world test
Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way: If you have a strong desire to accomplish something,
you will achieve it even in the face of considerable odds.
Where There’s Smoke, There’s Fire: If there is typical evidence of something, the most likely
explanation is that it is actually occurring.
Whisper Sweet Nothings (in Someone’s Ear): Speak meaningless romantic utterances
Who’s She, the Cat’s Mother?: Why does she have such a high opinion of herself?
Witch Hunt: An organized attempt to persecute an unpopular group of people and blame
them for a problem.
Work One’s Fingers to the Bone: Work very hard over an extended period
You Can Lead a Horse to Water, but You Can’t Make It Drink: It’s very hard to force
someone to do something against his or her will.
You Can’t Judge a Book by Its Cover: You can’t know people (or things) well by their
external appearances.
You Know the Drill: You are already familiar with the procedure.
You Snooze, You Lose: If you delay or are not alert, you will miss opportunities
Your Mileage May Vary: You may get different results. This does not necessarily refer to a
car, although it may.
Your Number Is Up: You are going to die (or suffer some bad misfortune or setback)
Idioms (Z)
List of useful English idioms that start with Z.
Zig When One Should Be Zagging: To make an error; to choose an incorrect course