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Proceedings of the International Conference on Inventive Computing and Informatics (ICICI 2017)

IEEE Xplore Compliant - Part Number: CFP17L34-ART, ISBN: 978-1-5386-4031-9

A Compact CPW Fed Broadband Antenna

with Modified Ground Plane and Split Ring
R. Pandeeswari
National Institute of Technology,
Tiruchirappalli - 620015, India,
[email protected]

Abstract - In this paper, a new broadband CPW fed of sunken ground plane, SRR as a radiating
antenna with Split Ring Resonator (SRR) and element and modified feed shape. The proposed
modified ground plane is presented. To achieve a antenna structure in this paper is simulated using
broadband, modified ground plane is employed. The Ansoft HFSS software.
antenna radiating element consists of split ring
resonator and closed ring. The optimal dimensions
are determined by parametric analysis. The proposed 2. ANTENNA DESIGN AND SIMULATION
antenna operates over broad bandwidth of 6.06 GHz RESULTS
with frequency range from 3.42GHz to 9.48GHz.
The design starts with CPW fed SRR monopole
1. INTRODUCTION and conventional ground plane (stage A).The
evolution stages of proposed antenna are shown in
In recent years, the broadband antenna has become figure1. The simulated return loss of evolution
inevitable element for the modern wireless stages are shown in figure 2. CPW fed SRR
communication applications. Various research have monopole is to generate one resonance frequency.
been examined to enhance the bandwidth of planar Then closed ring is added with SRR (stage B) .
antennas. The antenna with T shape ground plane SRR and closed ring combination is used to
was studied for broadening of bandwidth [1]. The generate triple band with good return loss. In order
monopole antenna bandwidth was enhanced by to get broadband width, conventional ground plane
using slots and mushroom type electromagnetic is replaced by a sunken ground plane (stage C).
band-gap (EBG) structures [2]. Antenna with broad Wider bandwidth is observed for sunken ground
bandwidth was attained by printing SRR on the plane. The sunken ground plane covers the
back side of the substrate [3]. SRR loaded antenna frequency from 3.42 - 9.48 GHz, with the
has twice the bandwidth than original antenna. impedance bandwidth of (S11 < -10dB) 6.06 GHz.
Transmission line model of metamaterial was This shows that the sunken ground plane is used for
deployed in the prototype antenna for bandwidth good impedance matching. The impedance
enhancement [4]. The bandwidth of microstrip bandwidth is greatly increased by a optimized
antenna was increased by using Complementary sunken ground plane. The interested readers can
Split Ring Resonator (CSRR) slots on the ground refer [10-11] for resonance frequency calculation
plane [5]. The UWB antenna was designed by of SRR and closed ring.
sunken ground plane and thin feeding strips [6].
The size of the radiating element of the antenna can
be greatly reduced by using metamaterial inspired
structures. The compact radiating element was
designed using hexagonal SRR [7], triangular SRR
[8] and circular SRR [9].

SRR is subwavelength, narrow band, resonant

structure. Due to the high quality factor and
narrowband resonant nature of SRR structure,
obtaining broadband width is tedious task. Hence,
the ground plane is modified. The length of the one
end of the ground plane is kept as constant and
another end of the length is varied for both ground
plane. The optimized length is obtained by
performing parametric analysis. In this paper, we
propose a new technique, based on the combination Figure 1. Evolution stages of proposed antenna.

978-1-5386-4031-9/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE 131

Proceedings of the International Conference on Inventive Computing and Informatics (ICICI 2017)
IEEE Xplore Compliant - Part Number: CFP17L34-ART, ISBN: 978-1-5386-4031-9

of the of SRR is 0.5mm. The gap between outer

and inner ring is 0.5mm. The split gap width is
1mm. The dimensions of ground plane are as
follows: WLg = 11.4mm, WRg = 11.35mm, L1 =
9.8mm, L2 = 8.7mm.



The parametric study is performed on

various dimensions of the antenna. The metal width
of the closed ring (Wc) is varied from 2.2mm to
2.4mm. As the width of the closed ring decreases,
the bandwidth is increased. The simulated return
Figure 2. S11(dB) of the antenna evolution stages loss of the proposed antenna for various metal
width of the closed ring (Wc), radius of the outer
ring (r1), split gaps Sg1, Sg2 and length l2 of the
sunken ground plane are shown in figure 4,5,6,7
and 8 respectively. Figure 4 shows that good
impedance bandwidth of 6.06 GHz is observed for
Wc = 2.2mm. Hence, metal width of the closed
ring is finalised as 2.2mm. The radius of the closed
ring is varied from 7.4mm to 7.6mm. From figure
5, it is clear that the bandwidth is good for r1 =
7.5mm. The outer ring of SRR split gap (Sg1) is
varied from 0.6mm to 1.2 mm with the step of
0.2mm and the return loss plot is shown in figure 6.
As split gap Sg1 increases, bandwidth also
increases. Broadband width of 6.06 GHz is
observed for Sg1 = 1mm. Dual band is observed for
Sg1 = 1.2mm. Hence, Split gap (Sg1) is assigned
as 1 mm.
The inner ring of SRR split width (Sg2) is
varied from 0.3mm to 0.9 mm. As split gap (Sg2)
increases, the band width of the antenna also
increases and the corresponding return loss plot is
depicted in figure 7. Broadband of 6.06 GHz is
observed for Sg2 = 0.7 mm, and dual band is
observed for Sg2 = 0.9mm. Our objective is to
design broad band antenna, hence, split gap Sg2 is
Figure 3. Geometry of the proposed antenna. finalised as 0.7mm. Next, parametric study is done
The geometry of the proposed antenna is on sunken ground plane parameter L2 and the
shown in figure 3. The antenna is fed by CPW feed return loss plot is shown in figure 8. The ground
with a feed length LF = 11.604mm, width WF = plane length L1 is kept as constant of 9.8mm, and
2.5mm and gaps of width g1 = 0.35mm, g2 = the length L2 is varied from 3.7 mm to 8.7mm with
0.40mm. The antenna radiating part and sunken the step of 1mm. Broadband is observed for L2 =
ground plane is printed on a FR4 substrate with a 8.7mm, triple band is observed for L2 = 7.7mm,
thickness of 1.6mm and dielectric constant of dual band is observed for L2 = 6.7mm, 5.7mm,
1.6mm. The overall dimensions of the antenna is 4.7mm and 3.7mm. It is worth to mention that by
30 x 31 x 1.6 mm3. The antenna radiating element varying L2, the proposed antenna can be tuned to
consists of circular closed ring and split ring the lower resonance frequency of 2.8GHz. Our
resonator and they are tied together through feed objective is to design broad band antenna, hence
line. The radius of the closed ring is 7.5mm and the the ground plane dimension L1=9.8mm,
width of the closed ring (Wc) is 2.2mm. The L2=8.7mm are finalised for the proposed antenna.
distance between closed ring and SRR is 0.8mm. In
order to couple electromagnetic energy effectively
to tiny SRR, CPW feed width strip is gradually
reduced. The width of the narrow CPW feed strips
are t1 = 0.75 mm and t2 = 0.5mm. The metal width

978-1-5386-4031-9/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE 132

Proceedings of the International Conference on Inventive Computing and Informatics (ICICI 2017)
IEEE Xplore Compliant - Part Number: CFP17L34-ART, ISBN: 978-1-5386-4031-9

Figure 7. S11(dB) of the antenna for various split

Figure 4. S11(dB) of the antenna for various metal gap (Sg2)
width of closed ring

Figure 5. S11(dB) of the antenna for various radius

of closed ring
Figure 8. S11(dB) of the antenna for various length
(L2) of the sunken ground plane


A new design of broadband antenna using

SRR and sunken ground plane has been proposed.
This is achieved by selecting optimum dimensions
of the sunken ground plane... The simulated
impedance bandwidth shows that the designed
antenna can cover WIMAX,WLAN,RFID
applications. Parametric studies are shown for
broad band operation.

Figure 6. S11(dB) of the antenna for various split

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978-1-5386-4031-9/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE 133

Proceedings of the International Conference on Inventive Computing and Informatics (ICICI 2017)
IEEE Xplore Compliant - Part Number: CFP17L34-ART, ISBN: 978-1-5386-4031-9


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