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Raman Polytechnic,BBSR
C. V. Raman Polytechnic
Vision Mission
To emerge as a global  Inculcating best engineering skills, professional ethics
leader in the area of and practices.
higher education  Working collaboratively with technical Institutes /
through the pursuit of Universities/ Industries of National and International repute.
excellence with future  Providing strong foundations by adopting effective teaching
of skills and innovation learning methods.
to match the ever  Developing leadership qualities, effective soft skills,
changing global critical thinking and attitude of lifelong learning by
scenario. organizing student centric activities.

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Vision Mission
To become a leader to  To build human resource with sound theoretical and
providing quality practical knowledge in the discipline of Computer Science
education with the state- & Engineering.
of-art technologies to
 To work in teams for Research, Projects, and Co-Curricular
address Industrial and
societal problems.
activities involving modern approaches, tools and
 To interact and collaborate with professionals from industry,
academia, professional societies, community groups for
improvements of quality of education.
Program Educational Objectives (PEO)
PEO1 Apply the principles of Computer Engineering to identify and solve real
world problems.
PEO2 Excel in professional career, exhibit leadership qualities with ethics and
soft skills.
PEO3 Pursue higher education, research or entrepreneurship.
PEO4 Develop a positive attitude towards lifelong learning and succeed in
industry or higher education.

Program Outcomes (PO)

PO1 Basic and discipline specific knowledge
PO2 Problem analysis
PO3 Design/development of solutions
PO4 Engineering tools, experimentation and testing
PO5 Engineering Practices for society, sustainability and environment
PO6 Project Management
PO7 Lifelong Learning

Program specific outcomes (PSO)

The ability to understand, analyze and develop computer programs in the
PSO1 area of computer science and to solve computer software and hardware
related engineering problems.
The ability to develop software systems to allow convenient use of
PSO2 computing system and possess professional skills and knowledge of
software design process.
Editorial Board

Pranaya kumar Bisoyi

Akash Kumar Ghadei
SambhuPrasad Panda
-Srinath Panigrahi
- Marsa Batra
- Rijul S. Barik
- Chandan Nayak
Environment and Sustainable Development
A challenge for Engineers
-Ayush Ku Sahoo
From the lens of the students
Glance of programs

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