Literature - 2022 2
Literature - 2022 2
Literature - 2022 2
• 1. Simile
• In a simile, two things which
are completely unlocked are
compared with each other.
• A simile is introduced by
words such as like, so or as.
The flower is as pretty as a picture.
• Examples
• He is sober like a judge.
Another example
Ocean’s sound is music to my ear.
• Example-
- Earth was thirsty for water.
- The river gave me a fish.
1. Title
- The name which is given to the poem by the author.
- That’s to say the who writes poetry or simply a maker of
2. Verse/line 3. Stanza
➢ A “paragraph” in a poem
➔ at least one word long
➢ a group of two or more
➔ the title is not a verse/line verses/lines
➢ does not include the title
➢ a poem has at least 1 stanza
• The usage of words producing similar sounds or letters is
manifest in this poem…see ‘here and there’ line 5 as
well as
• ‘In the din of whirling wind’ in line 17
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❑Sound devices
• This poem uses sound effectively. Much use is made of
onomatopoeia as the wind is ‘whirling’ (lines 7 and 19) and it
‘whistles’ (lines 14 and 25).
• The noise in the village has the screams of children competing with
‘the din of whirling wind’ (line 19). As the storm gets closer, its
imminent arrival is heralded by the onomatopoeia of the ‘Rumble,
tremble, and crack’ (line 31) of the thunder, and the impact of
lightning striking the earth.
• Theme – colonialism
• Stanzas: 2
• 1st focuses on the storm
• 2nd focuses on the impact of the storm
• Grammar - free verse ( few grammatical/structure)sense of
confusion, chaos related to war
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Six steps to help learners
get the most out of poetry ➢Have learners read the poem
once to themselves and then
Step One: Read aloud, all the way through, at
LEAST twice.
➢Talk to class about their first
impression and immediate
responses, both positive and
➢Also, discuss the poem's
structure and rhythm.
➢For example:
➢Are the lines short and meant
to be read slow?
➢Or, does the poem move fast,
and if so, why?
❑ Ask them to study the cover of the book or the image on the title
page. What do they notice? To get the conversation started, try
asking the following kinds of questions:
➢ What is happening?
➢ Does it look like the story will be fiction or non-fiction?
➢ When have you seen something like this before?
➢ Explain what the picture looks like.
➢ Does the illustration or picture seem to match the title of the
story? Why or why not?
➢ What does the title tell us about the story?
➢ Does the image and title remind you of anything you have
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2. Analyze the Pictures
• The illustrations or pictures included in a story, whether
fiction or non-fiction, are incredibly important.
Juana prays that her husband finds a big pearl. Kino and Juana decide to leave the village but
they met some disaster.
In the town of La Paz, there lived a young family of They emerged from the mountains carrying their
three. dead child.
❑ Ask them to study the cover of the book or the image on the title page. What do
they notice? To get the conversation started, try asking the following kinds of
➢ What is happening?
➢ What does the title tell us about the drama?
➢ Does the title remind you of anything you have experienced?
➢ Identify characters and how they are related to each others
➢ Find unfamiliar words (and use dictionaries to) write down their meanings
➢ Also write down the figure of speech and kick-start discussion of what they mean
➢ Then read the drama aloud (discuss as they read)
➢ Watch the drama and dramatize it as well (we made costumes)
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Practice 5: Characters description exercise (Matching)
Character/s Description
Msala first wife of the chief