Low-Cost Electronic Sensors For Environmental Research: Pitfalls and Opportunities
Low-Cost Electronic Sensors For Environmental Research: Pitfalls and Opportunities
Low-Cost Electronic Sensors For Environmental Research: Pitfalls and Opportunities
Repeat observations underpin our understanding of environmental processes, but financial constraints often
limit scientists’ ability to deploy dense networks of conventional commercial instrumentation. Rapid growth in
the Internet-Of-Things (IoT) and the maker movement is paving the way for low-cost electronic sensors to
transform global environmental monitoring. Accessible and inexpensive sensor construction is also fostering
exciting opportunities for citizen science and participatory research. Drawing on 6 years of developmental work
with Arduino-based open-source hardware and software, extensive laboratory and field testing, and incor-
poration of such technology into active research programmes, we outline a series of successes, failures and
lessons learned in designing and deploying environmental sensors. Six case studies are presented: a water table
depth probe, air and water quality sensors, multi-parameter weather stations, a time-sequencing lake sediment
trap, and a sonic anemometer for monitoring sand transport. Schematics, code and purchasing guidance to
reproduce our sensors are described in the paper, with detailed build instructions hosted on our King’s College
London Geography Environmental Sensors Github repository and the FreeStation project website. We show in
each case study that manual design and construction can produce research-grade scientific instrumentation
(mean bias error for calibrated sensors –0.04 to 23%) for a fraction of the conventional cost, provided rigorous,
sensor-specific calibration and field testing is conducted. In sharing our collective experiences with build-it-
yourself environmental monitoring, we intend for this paper to act as a catalyst for physical geographers and the
Corresponding author:
Daniel N Schillereff, Department of Geography, King’s College London, Bush House North East Wing, 30 Aldwych,
London WC2B 4BG, UK.
Emails: daniel.schillereff@kcl.ac.uk
2 Progress in Physical Geography XX(X)
wider environmental science community to begin incorporating low-cost sensor development into their
research activities. The capacity to deploy denser sensor networks should ultimately lead to superior envi-
ronmental monitoring at the local to global scales.
Arduino, build-it-yourself, data-logging, environmental monitoring, FreeStation, low-cost electronic sensors,
microcontrollers, open-source, open-source hardware
Programme, 2020) but networks of high-cost fixed black box’ and understand how programmes
sensors may lack the granularity to pinpoint emis- and equipment work. The ultimate aim of this
sion hotspots or their sources, assess the influence is customisation for specific applications. Cus-
of localised meteorology or track pollution plumes tomisability heavily depends on the degree to
(Castell et al., 2017; Morawska et al., 2018; Rai which commercial manufacturers allow their
et al., 2017; Thompson, 2016). Though modelling software and hardware be altered by external
can go some way to filling the void, models such as parties. Open-source describes an alternative
atmospheric dispersion models are computation- approach by which any interested person or
ally heavy and limited in their predictive capabil- team can contribute to software or hardware
ities (Kumar et al., 2015). development (Wu and Lin, 2001). Whilst pro-
Alternative monitoring approaches using minent freely accessible software emerged in
innovative technology are gaining momentum the 1980s (GNU) and 1990s (Linux), there has
across the environmental sciences (Bramer been a proliferation of open-source software
et al., 2018; Muller et al., 2015; Tauro et al., (OSS) and open-source hardware (OSH/
2018). The use of bioacoustic monitoring for wild- OSHW) in the last several years (Boisseau
life research and biodiversity conservation has et al., 2018). OSH consists of physical technol-
surged in popularity and is showing great promise, ogy that can be freely replicated (e.g. circuit
for example (e.g. Browning et al., 2017; Teixeira boards) or assembled using openly available
et al., 2019). Low-cost, build-it-yourself instru- drawings, schematics and/or circuit board lay-
mentation is also becoming increasingly popular outs. OSS meanwhile consists of source code or
(Kumar et al., 2015; Mao et al., 2019; Mickley code-snippets, again, publicly available.
et al., 2019), enabling much finer-scale environ- The rise of OSH has been, to a considerable
mental data to be collected both spatially and tem- extent, attributable to the rise of the Arduino and
porally (Horsburgh et al., 2019). Low-cost sensor Raspberry Pi hardware and software platforms.
networks have been shown to improve the spatial Ferdoush and Li (2014) provide an overview of
coverage of ground-truthing data for validating environmental monitoring applications using
satellite products (Tebbs et al., 2019) and some Raspberry Pi microcomputers (www.raspberry
large-scale hydrometeorological monitoring net- pi.org). Our efforts focus predominantly on
works have been launched, including the FreeSta- Arduino boards, a brand of open-source micro-
tion initiative (www.freestation.org) and the controllers that are used to assemble environ-
Trans-African HydroMeteorological Observatory mental sensors and data loggers, alongside a
(www.tahmo.org; van de Giesen et al., 2014). plethora of other applications (see www.ardui
Alongside these research avenues, open-source no.cc for a sample of practical applications).
development communities such as the Gathering Commonly referred to as I/O devices due to
for Open Science Hardware organisation (GOSH) their ability to simultaneously act as input
continue to grow in prominence (Boisseau et al., devices (i.e. receiving, detecting or measuring
2018). This paper is therefore timely and will serve electronic signals or voltage levels) and output
to further encourage the expansion of low-cost devices (i.e. sending electronic signals or vary-
monitoring into environmental research. ing output voltage levels), microcontrollers
typically consist of the components outlined in
Figure 1.
1.2 Open-source hardware and the Arduino Though the development of microcontrollers
platform started many years prior to the emergence of
The open-source movement developed in Arduino (notable precursors include PIC and
response to the desire for users to ‘break the Parallax microcontrollers), the development of
4 Progress in Physical Geography XX(X)
Dedicated Channels
Pins with additional features for connecting periphery devices
A4, A5 SDA and SCL pins for I2C communication with peripheral devices
MOSI, MISO, and CLK data pins for Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)
11, 12, 13 communication with peripheral devices such as a microSD card or
real-time clock
Transmit and receive (Tx, Rx) pins for Universal Asynchronous
0, 1
Receive/Transmit (UART) serial communication
Interrupt pins (IN0, IN1) programmable to identify if a change of
2, 3 voltage is detected, even when the microprocessor is in a low power
(‘sleeping’) state
Figure 1. Pro Mini anatomy, detailing the components and port functions common to many microcon-
trollers. Note: port numbers are specific to the ATmega328P microprocessor.
Chan et al. 5
Wiring and Arduino was pivotal in transferring impetus for each project varied: some were
microcontroller programming from the hands of geared towards research advancements while
specialised engineers to wider audiences. Prior others were initially developed as teaching
to Arduino, most microcontroller prototyping activities. In each case, numerous unforeseen
tools were prohibitively expensive and required challenges have helped us develop smooth,
steep learning curves (D’Ausilio, 2012; Kusher, effective workflows and reliable, research-
2011). Under the supervision of professors from grade data are now rapidly emerging. The fol-
the Interaction Design Institute Ivrea, Wiring lowing sections explain the core components of
(the predecessor of the Arduino programming an Arduino environmental data logger before
language) was developed as a simplified coding presenting six case studies: (a) a water table
language for programming Atmel microproces- depth probe; (b) an air quality monitor; (c) an
sors. Thus, the combination of the simplified, aquatic water quality multiprobe; (d) a customi-
OSS (the Arduino Integrated Development sable multi-parameter weather station; (e) a
Environment – hereafter, Arduino IDE) and time-sequencing sediment trap and (d) a sonic
widespread availability of low-cost hardware anemometer for monitoring wind-blown sand
(Arduino boards – based on Atmel’s ATmega dynamics. Lastly, we highlight frequently
processors – in addition to other OSH microcon- encountered pitfalls and outline best practice
trollers programmed through the Arduino IDE, methods to maximise success rates for research-
for example, the Adafruit Feather, ESP8266, ers new to build-it-yourself hardware construc-
RedBear and Particle Photons or Electrons) led tion and programming.
to the widespread adoption of microprocessors We intend this paper to act as a transformative
by hobbyists and the public (Furber, 2017). platform and the key reference for physical geo-
Through the release of tutorials, troubleshooting graphers (and environmental scientists more
forums and continual software and hardware broadly) looking to embed low-cost environmen-
development, the open-source nature of Ardu- tal monitoring into their research activities. Full
ino and other OSH microcontrollers has dimin- schematics, code, component costs and purchas-
ished the learning curve and created a growing ing guidance to reproduce our designs are avail-
user community of beginners and experts. The able on our KCL Geography Environmental
non-technical and inexpensive characteristics of Sensors Github repository (https://github.com/
OSH such as Arduino has also transformed citi- KCLGeography/environmental-monitoring) and
zen science (research conducted by amateur FreeStation project website (www.freestatio
scientists; Stevens et al., 2014) and presents n.org). Costs reported in this paper are based on
opportunities for innovative teaching and edu- purchases made by the KCL Geography Envi-
cation (e.g. Giocomassi Luciano et al., 2019; ronmental Sensor group during the 2019/20
Lim et al., 2020; Plaza et al., 2018). financial year. In our view, careful deployment
of open-source, low-cost environmental sensors
will deliver step-change improvements to global
1.3 Purpose of the paper environmental monitoring and management.
This paper aims to catalyse and accelerate the
deployment of low-cost sensors for environ- II Environmental sensors
mental research. It draws on 6 years’ experience
developing, testing and deploying a range of
2.1 Background to Arduino open-source
Arduino-based, low-cost environmental sensors hardware and software
by staff and students of the Department of Geo- Arduino is a brand of microcontroller boards
graphy at King’s College London (KCL). The with their own processor and memory that uses
6 Progress in Physical Geography XX(X)
Table 1. Key components for an environmental data logger. Unit cost ranges reflect purchases made by the
KCL Geography Environmental Sensor group during the 2019/20 financial year. Low costs are the single unit
price from bulk purchases (>5 units) from suppliers in Asia, whilst the upper range indicates UK-sourced
purchases. Note that connecting wires and other consumables (e.g. solder) are not included below.
Unit cost
Component Function Version (£ GBP)
Arduino board Microcontroller to interface sensors, Pro Mini or Nano 1.60–6.00
clock and memory
Real-time clock High-accuracy timekeeping DS3234 4.00–6.00
MicroSD card Portable data storage Class 4, 1–8 GB 0.40–3.00
MicroSD card shield To interface with the microSD card Generic SD card breakout shield 0.40–1.00
Battery holder and Power supply Safest with unidirectional 1.50–4.00
connector connector (e.g. Futaba or JST)
Breadboard or Breadboard for prototyping or 400 point 1.00–5.00
solderboard solderless circuits. Soldered
breadboards (solderboards)
recommended for improved
robustness with longer deployment
code to control and communicate with electronic 2.2 Water table depth probes
devices (Karvinen and Karvinen, 2011). The Tropical peatlands are one of the most carbon
Arduino programming language is based on
(C) dense ecosystems in the world, storing 3%
C/Cþþ that is accessed via a user-friendly IDE.
of global soil carbon on 0.25% of the total land
An enormous online community provides techni-
area. Peatlands in Southeast Asia have been
cal support as well as an extensive list of existing
widely deforested and degraded over the past
libraries (collections of code that provide bespoke
few decades, mainly by employing fire and drai-
functionality for individual sensors). Despite
nage, resulting in their conversion to a net car-
their versatility, microcontrollers are on their own
bon source (Evers et al., 2017). These
inadequate for formal scientific environmental
disturbances result in loss of vegetation struc-
monitoring. Core components required for most
sensors are described in Table 1. Peripherals such ture and enhance peat oxidative decomposition.
as microSD card shields and real-time clocks can To assess the impact of land-use change on peat-
be connected via breadboards and jumper wires land CO2 emissions (e.g. through gas chamber
(soldered or unsoldered), while bespoke printed experiments), flux measurements must be sup-
circuit boards (PCBs) can be used to simplify plemented with water table and soil temperature
construction and minimise connectivity issues monitoring. An ongoing CO2 and CH4 flux
such as loose wiring or poor soldering. Compo- monitoring site in the tropical peatlands of
nents can be easily acquired from UK or overseas Belait District, Brunei, consists of 10 sampling
sellers. Costs (Table 1) are usually lower from sites with bored water table monitoring wells.
suppliers in China, for example, at the expense Conventional water depth sensors (e.g. Van
of extended delivery times and delays due to cus- Essen Diver) are relatively expensive at approx-
toms duties. UK, European or US sources can be imately £600 (GBP) per unit (Table 2). To boost
an order of magnitude higher. monitoring capacity, our group developed a
Chan et al. 7
Table 2. Cost and accuracy comparisons between two commercial water depth loggers and the second
iteration of the low-cost sensor used in this case study. Operating conditions and technical specifications are
those reported on manufacturer datasheets. Unit costs are accurate as of April 2020.
Approx. unit
cost Range Accuracy at Resolution Stability Response
Sensor/instrument (£ GBP) (bar) 25 C (mbar) (mbar) (mbar/year) time (s)
Designed water table logger 40 (16) 0.1–1.1 +1.5 0.13 +1 0.8
(sensor: MS 5803-02ba)
Van Essen DI601 600 0–1 +1.0 0.20 NR 0.5
Hobo u20-001-04 600 0–1.45 +0.35 0.14 NR <1.0
Note: NR ¼ not reported.
Figure 3. Comparison of water head pressure measured by the Arduino-based sensor (£16; grey and black
lines) and a commercial Van Essen Diver (£600; orange line). The Arduino sensor shows strong performance
(black line; RMSE ¼ 1.88 cm; Table 3) after applying a linear calibration (y ¼ 0.7873x þ 280) to the raw
measurements (grey line). Both loggers were deployed in the same well for 2 months. Values have not been
corrected for atmospheric pressure or water temperature.
Table 3. Assessment of Arduino-based sensor performance against the commercial Van Essen Diver using
data from a 2-month deployment in a peatland monitoring well in Brunei. These estimates use the calibrated
measurements (see Figure 3).
Parameter r2 Slope RMSE (cm) MAE (cm) MBE (%)
Water head pressure 0.94 1.02 1.88 1.46 –7.11
Note: r2 ¼ coefficient of determination; RMSE ¼ root mean square error; MAE ¼ mean absolute error; MBE ¼ mean bias
coating was applied to the tube cap, fixing the of determination (r2), root mean square error
sensor and rubber tubing in place and isolating (RMSE; cm), mean absolute error – a good mea-
the exposed sensor from the Arduino micropro- sure of average performance – and mean bias
cessor and core peripherals. Exposed connec- error (MBE), which provides a useful evalua-
tions required taping to minimise the risk of tion of bias dimension (Figure 3; Table 3; Con-
electrical shorting, and fitting the direct- cas et al., 2020). As a further test, data presented
soldered wires into the tube also introduced a in Figure 3 have not been corrected for atmo-
risk of ripped wires. Thread seal tape was used spheric pressure or water temperature (how
on the screw threads for the housing to ensure comparative commercial sensors also function).
waterproofing. The Arduino-based sensor captured diurnal var-
An Arduino-based pressure sensor was iations in pressure as well as warming and cool-
deployed alongside a Van Essen Diver for a ing of the water column to a high degree
2-month period at one of the 10 wells in Brunei. of sensitivity, but with a systematic offset of
Sensor performance was assessed by coefficient 262 cm. After applying the linear calibration,
Chan et al. 9
the Arduino-based sensor showed marginal bias 5003 sensor (Table 4), an optical laser-scattering
(MBE ¼ –7.11%) and a low RMSE of 1.88 cm, sensor that achieves high accuracy (98%
well within the necessary accuracy for peat counting efficiency of PM 0.5 mm; Plantower,
GHG flux estimates (Lupascu et al., 2020) or 2016). Its rapid measurement response time
multi-year water table monitoring (Mew et al., (10 s) also allows reliable measurements to
1997). be made in transit. Tests of cheaper Sharp
GP2Y1010AU0F sensors showed inferior per-
formance and the need for continuous calibra-
2.3 Air quality loggers tion – a difficult undertaking for particulate
The pervasive threat of poor air quality in urban matter requiring equipment in the order of tens
settings and its acute physiological effects are of thousands of pounds. Electrochemical gas
becoming clear (Atkinson et al., 2016; Kelly sensors manufactured by Alphasense have been
and Fussell, 2019; Sundell et al., 2011). Gas- used to measure NO, NO2 and O3, with reported
eous and particulate emissions have been linked accuracies below 1, 0.5 and 0.5 ppm, respec-
to greater risk of child obesity (Kim et al., tively (Alphasense, 2017). We adapted two
2018), adverse effects on foetal growth (Smith designs: one incorporates a pump, air flow cir-
et al., 2017), decreased educational perfor- cuitry and filter system that keeps separate the
mance (Mendell et al., 2013; Wargocki et al., PMS-5003 inlet and outlet before removing
2020) and more frequent incidences of dementia particulates prior to entering the gas chamber
in London (Carey et al., 2018), for example. In (Figure 4). The second, simpler configuration
urban areas, the particulate component is pre- fixes the particulate matter and gas sensor inlets
dominantly derived from vehicles through com- and outlets to separate holes drilled through the
bustion emission, braking and tyre abrasion as housing (Figure 5). The Alphasense sensor out-
well as domestic wood burners, while the gas- put is between 300 and 400 mV so a 16-bit ADC
eous fraction is primarily released during fossil was used (the ADS1115 module), which has far
fuel combustion (Vicente et al., 2015). Urban superior voltage range and resolution compared
air quality is typically monitored using fixed, to ATmega328P’s 10-bit ADC (65,536 individ-
ground-based stations. Costs of such configura- ual detectable levels compared to 1024 respec-
tions run to many thousands of pounds per tively). We also ensured sampling intervals
instrument (Mead et al., 2013) and stationary were programmed to mimic the instrument’s
infrastructure is less suitable for pinpointing inhalation and exhalation cycle. We usually
emission point-sources and assessing personal mount a Bosch BME280 that measures tem-
exposure and localised risks. Low-cost air pol- perature, relative humidity and barometric
lution sensors offer valuable granularity and pressure or a BME680 (which also samples
portability with initial studies showing promise volatile organic compounds) alongside the
(Bulot et al., 2019; Mead et al., 2013; Munir PMS-5003.
et al., 2019; Piedrahita et al., 2014). We have We assessed the performance of the Arduino-
developed Arduino-based sensors to measure based air quality sensors against the LAQN flag-
particulate matter (PM1, PM2.5 and PM10) and ship kerbside monitoring station on Marylebone
trace gases (NO2, O 3 and NO) for *£410, Road, a major arterial route through west Lon-
which show good performance when tested don. Our sensors were positioned on its roof
against the London Air Quality Network (2 m above ground level) for 5 days in February
(LAQN). 2018. The Marylebone LAQN station measures
For particulate matter, we determined the PM2.5 on a Filter Dynamics Measurement Sys-
most effective sensor to be the Plantower PMS- tem and NO 2 via chemiluminescence. The
Table 4. Cost and accuracy comparisons for a range of commercial air quality loggers and low-cost sensors. Operating conditions and technical
specifications are those reported by manufacturer datasheets. Unit costs are accurate for UK online sellers as of April 2020. Unit cost prices for
the Plantower and Sharp are based on those paid by the KCL Geography Environmental Sensor group during the 2019/20 financial year.
Unit cost Temperature Reported accuracy range
PM10 & PM2.5 instrument/sensor (£ GBP) range ( C) (mg m-3) (mg m-3) Resolution Response time (s)
Plantower PMS-5003 (sensor only) 13–20 –10 to 60 +10 0–500 1 mg m <1
Sharp GP2Y1010AU0F (sensor 4–11 –10 to 65 Uncalibrated results 0–600 0.5+0.15 V per NR
only) 100 mgm-3
Sidepak AM520 3500 –40 to 85 0.2 1–100,000 1 mg m-3 1
AQMesh Combo 5500 –20 to 40 20 0–500 NR NR
Grimm 11-D 11,900 4 to 40 +3% 0–100,000 NR 6
Unit cost Temperature Typical reported accuracy Measurement Resolution Response time (s)
£ GBP)
( range ( C) range
NO2 instrument/sensor (ppb)
Alphasense NO2-A43F 300 –30 to 40 0.5 ppm (as low as 0.1 0–20,000 NR <80
(sensor only) in ideal conditions)
AQMesh Combo 5500 –20 to 40 +0.01 ppm 0–4000 NR NR
Teledyne T200 14,200 5 to 40 0.5% of readings >50ppb 0–20,000 NR <80 to 95%
Note: NR ¼ not reported.
Chan et al. 11
Figure 5. Air quality sensor array comprising a Plantower PMS-5003 and a set of Alphasense chemical gas
sensors. This second design is simpler but assumes deployment at a fixed location.
12 Progress in Physical Geography XX(X)
Figure 6. Data comparison of (a) PM2.5 and (b) NO2 measurements made by an Arduino-based sensor (black
lines) and the London Air Quality Network’s Marylebone monitoring station over a 5-day period in February
2018. The Arduino-based sensor sits on top of the station to ensure measurements are made at similar
Table 5. Assessment of low-cost sensor performance based on a 5-day deployment at the LAQN flagship
Marylebone monitoring station.
Difference in means RMSE MAE
Parameter Instrument r2 Slope (mg m-3) (mg m-3) (mg m-3) MBE (%)
PM2.5 Plantower PMS5003 0.75 0.56 þ1.23 4.29 3.14 23.00
NO2 Alphasense NO2-A42F 0.88 0.88 þ1.06 12.63 9.20 –19.69
Note: r2 ¼ coefficient of determination; RMSE ¼ root mean square error; MAE ¼ mean absolute error; MBE ¼ mean bias
et al. (2019; RMSE for PM2.5 of 6.5–7 mg m-3) concentration) on the market; these should evi-
and Sayahi et al. (2019; RMSE for PM2.5 of 5.5– dently not be clumped into a homogenous class
9.6 mg m-3). Although other researchers (e.g. of ‘low-cost sensors’. The Plantower performs
Feenstra et al., 2019; Johnson et al., 2018) report well in most studies although Kelly et al.
mixed performance between different models of (2017) showed deterioration in accuracy when
low-cost air quality sensor. There are numerous particulate concentrations exceeded 40 mg m-3.
models for measuring a specific environmental This underscores the importance of recognising
parameter (e.g. airborne particulate sensor choice should be guided by deployment
Chan et al. 13
Table 6. Cost and accuracy comparisons between a commercial DO logger and the low-cost Atlas probe
used in this case study. Operating conditions and technical specifications are those reported on manufacturer
datasheets. Unit costs are accurate as of April 2020.
Unit cost Temperature Range Reported accuracy Resolution Response time
Instrument/sensor (£ GBP) range ( C) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L/s)
Atlas Scientific DO kit 270 1 to 60 0–100 +0.05 NR 0.3
HOBO U26-001 1600 –5 to 40 0–30 0.2–0.5 0.02 NR
Note: DO ¼ dissolved oxygen; NR ¼ not reported.
setting coupled with comprehensive field testing limited availability of real-time, on-the-ground
and sensor-specific calibration. Meteorological data (Behmel et al., 2016). Alongside warnings
factors, especially temperature and relative of ‘data-rich but information-poor’ scenarios
humidity, can also have large effects on sensor around water quality monitoring networks
readings (e.g. Feenstra et al. 2019; Jayaratne (Ward et al., 1986), the temporal and spatial
et al., 2018). We posit that build-it-yourself sen- scale of water quality testing is largely deter-
sors can help overcome such limitations by mined by finance and logistics, particularly due
increasing capacity for paired deployments of air to the expense of commercially available mon-
quality and meteorological sensors rather than itoring systems. Here we present our efforts to
depending on, for example, regional weather sta- develop an Arduino-based multi-parameter
tion data (e.g. Bulot et al., 2019). probe for water quality monitoring.
Our sensors produce promising research- Following global monitoring efforts (World
grade data and are enabling important research Health Organization [WHO], 1996; WHO,
questions to be explored at the individual or 2004), we chose to focus on temperature, con-
community level. For example, one deployment ductivity, and DO due to overall cost and like-
showed the installation of an ivy green screen at lihood of producing accurate readings (Wagner
a primary school in central London decreased et al., 2006). Temperature influences most
NO2 concentrations during peak traffic conges- water quality parameters (WHO, 1996). Not
tion by 35%, whilst another confirmed that only do temperatures in water bodies vary over
choosing an optimal form of public transport 24 h, but their daily averages change throughout
to minimise personal exposure in London pre- the year (Brümmer et al., 2003). DO, an indicator
sents a predicament: particulate matter was of aquatic biological health, is related to the photo-
higher when walking, cycling, or on the Under- synthetic and metabolic activity of aquatic organ-
ground, but time inside buses and cabs isms. Given DO is affected by temperature and
increased exposure to NOX.
there are noticeable diurnal and seasonal varia-
tions, temperature and DO are monitored simul-
2.4 Water quality loggers taneously (Kannel et al., 2007). We chose the
Threats to water quality and aquatic biodiversity Atlas Scientific DO kit, as galvanic cell-type sen-
from human activities are a global issue. sors have short response times and appropriate
Despite widespread acknowledgement that pol- robustness for outdoor deployments (Wei et al.,
lution is a major threat to the sustainable man- 2019) at a cost of £270 (Atlas Scientific, 2019;
agement of aquatic environments (Rockström Table 6). The associated shield allowed more
et al., 2014; Vorosmarty et al., 2010), local- and straightforward calibration and programming
regional-scale initiatives are constrained by the because it directly calculates actual DO values
14 Progress in Physical Geography XX(X)
Figure 8. Comparison of (a) dissolved oxygen and (b) water temperature measurements at the unrestored
and restored sites. Data were measured 01–06 February 2018 by an Arduino-based sensor (£380; black and
grey lines) at both sites and a HOBO U26-001 (£1,600; orange lines) at the unrestored site to evaluate
performance. The Arduino-based DO sensor deployed at the unrestored site shows strong performance
(black line; RMSE ¼ 0.31 mg L-1; Table 7) after applying a linear calibration (y ¼ 1.184x þ 0.256) to the raw
measurements (light grey line).
Table 7. Assessment of Arduino-based sensor performance against the commercial HOBO U26-001 using
data from a 7-day deployment in an urban stream in London, UK. These estimates use the calibrated
measurements (see Figure 3).
Parameter Units r2 Slope RMSE MAE MBE (%)
Temperature C 0.97 0.98 0.29 0.26 –25.0
Calibrated DO mg L-1 0.87 0.87 0.31 0.21 –0.04
Note: r2 ¼ coefficient of determination; RMSE ¼ root mean square error; MAE ¼ mean absolute error; MBE ¼ mean bias
error; DO ¼ dissolved oxygen.
Reproducing our functional model does rep- phosphorous, nitrate, colour or chlorophyll sen-
resent an economically competitive alternative to sors to monitor eutrophication in freshwater sys-
commercial equipment, with scope for further tems (Ferreira et al., 2013). In situ water quality
improvements to the external housing. One of monitoring is complicated because a complete
the most exciting aspects is that the technology and precise assessment cannot be reached unless
allows for multiprobes to be customised for spe- several interacting parameters are measured
cific studies, such as the inclusion of nitrogen, simultaneously. While careful calibration will
16 Progress in Physical Geography XX(X)
Table 8. Cost and accuracy comparisons between two commercial weather sensors and the low-cost Bosch
BME280 used in several of our case studies. Operating conditions and technical specifications are those
reported on manufacturer datasheets. Unit costs are accurate as of April 2020.
reported reported Resolution
Approximate Temperature accuracy accuracy (T ¼ C, Drift Response
Instrument/sensor unit cost (£) range ( C) ( C) (%) RH ¼ %) (%/year) time (s)
Bosch BME280 3.70 –40 to 85 +1 +3 0.008% 0.5 1
(sensor only) 0.01 C
Kestrel 3000 145 –10 to 55 +1 +3 0.1% 0.1 C 1 1
Campbell Scientific 199 –40 to 60 +0.6 +3–7 NR NR 1
HMP60 (sensor
FreeStation Meso 120 –40 to 85 +1 +3 0.008% 0.5 1
Automatic 0.01 C
Weather Station
Davis Vantage 950 –40 to 65 +0.3 +2 1% 0.1 C <0.25 NR
Pro2 Plus
Weather Station
Note: T ¼ temperature; RH ¼ relative humidity; NR ¼ not reported.
be required for each sensor added to a multip- surface energy, water balances and horizontal
robe, low-cost, continuous water quality loggers fluxes of air. Automatic weather stations can
offer a valuable method for broadening the den- measure sub-hourly but usually aggregate data
sity of routine monitoring. These networks could to hourly or daily averages or totals. The cost of
go a long way to establishing long-term records commercial weathers stations increases with the
of baseline conditions and identifying specific number of measurable variables (Table 8). Mul-
environmental pollution sources. tivariate stations can be priced in the thousands
of pounds before specialist installation and
maintenance is factored in.
2.5 Automated weather stations Grid-connected weather stations are particu-
Meteorological data are fundamental to cli- larly sparse in low-income countries and their
matic, hydrological, ecological and geomorpho- state of maintenance can be poor (WMO, 2019).
logical research. Multivariable weather stations Climate change is likely to have disproportio-
are the standard system for monitoring meteor- nately large impacts in these regions so long-
ology, with >47,000 locations globally offi- itudinal data collection at local scales is
cially recording precipitation and >24,000 critical. The FreeStation project (http://
recording mean monthly temperature (Hijmans www.freestation.org/) is working to redress this
et al., 2005), though many more unofficial issue by expanding meteorological monitoring
(amateur) weather stations now exist. A weather capacity using open-source and low-cost
station normally measures air temperature, instrumentation. Since 2014, FreeStation has
atmospheric humidity and pressure, precipita- developed open-source designs for a range of
tion, solar radiation, and wind speed and direc- low-cost instrumentation and loggers. These
tion. These variables allow an assessment of include standalone and web-connected
Chan et al. 17
Figure 9. (a) The FreeStation Meso Automatic Weather Station (AWS) and (b) the FreeStation MesoLive
automatic weather stations (AWS) based on well as by schools, NGOs and some govern-
Arduino and Particle microprocessors. FreeSta- mental authorities.
tion AWS have a component cost 3–13% the As our most established research programme
cost of a commercial station and require 2–4 h (since 2014), FreeStation sheds valuable light
of unskilled labour to build using the detailed on long-term sensor robustness and performance.
build instructions at www.freestation.org/ Promisingly, there have been zero sensor failures
building. The stations are designed to be easily in field deployment. Occasional data loss has
built from accessible components as well as occurred due to faulty SD cards, loss of power
accurate, robust and easy to transport and install. or external interference from animals (rabbits in
The FreeStation Meso station includes precipi- the UK; crocodiles in Burkina Faso!) or extreme
tation, temperature, humidity, pressure, wind weather. This shows comparable or superior per-
speed and direction and solar radiation formance to commercial data loggers, which
(Figure 9(a)). It reads instruments every 10 min report failure rates of 7–27% (Mickley et al.,
and writes hourly summaries to an on-board 2018). Moreover, failure in a commercial device
microSD card. The Meso can use an Arduino Pro is usually permanent because they are shipped as
Mini, a Particle Photon, or RedBear micropro- a sealed product. This means one faulty internal
cessor. The MesoLive (Figure 9(b)) has the same part can render the device inoperable, whereas
instrumentation on a smaller footprint with cel- individual components can be easily and cheaply
lular connectivity and access to data via a simple replaced in low-cost designs. This is an enor-
web application programming interface (API). mous benefit for the unimpeded collection of
More than 219 stations are currently collecting long-term time-series data. This also minimises
data at 43 sites in 15 countries and the design issues around sensor drift, for example. We have
has evolved significantly over time, guided by observed sensor degradation in very humid
deployments in a range of environments. Free- environments, such as cloud forests, but swap-
Stations are currently in use by research proj- ping the meteorological sensors on an annual or
ects in deserts, temperate and tropical forests as semi-annual basis has avoided this issue.
18 Progress in Physical Geography XX(X)
Figure 10. An example of the live data stream from a UK FreeStation weather station, including forecast
data (FreeStation, 2019).
FreeStations are built around the FreeStation deployments. Data streams are managed
PCBs and FreeStation firmware, which allow through a web platform and API (Figure 10),
‘plug and play’ connectivity of a variety of sen- which is capable of quality control, combining
sors through standard RJ45 and RJ12 cables incoming data streams with forecasts, early
(commonly known as ethernet and phone warning and direct connection to web-based
cables). FreeStations are designed to be build- modelling and policy support tools such as
able by students without prior electronics WaterWorld and Eco: Actuary (www.policysup
knowledge or interest in microprocessors, and port.org). This kind of integration of real-time
we work with students, extension workers and data streams with web-based models has signif-
government technicians to develop local capac- icant potential in environmental forecasting and
ity. Shipping build materials and components management.
overseas has been a challenge, however. Most The FreeStation project has now moved
FreeStation components are sourced from the beyond weather monitoring. As part of the Path-
web and direct postage has been problematic, ways out of Poverty for Reservoir-dependent
with lengthy delays at customs. Bringing parts Communities in Burkina Faso (POP-BF) project
and stations from the UK as personal baggage (www.sites.google.com/view/pop-bf), for
during research visits is easier but is not a long- example, a range of FreeStations have been
term option. The power and programmable installed that monitor local weather, water lev-
memory of the Arduino platform has also els in reservoirs using sonar, and soil moisture.
imposed technical constraints on integrating These stations are connected to the WaterWorld
multiple meteorological sensors and managing policy support system to deliver nowcasts and
the data streams emerging from multiple short-term forecasts (communicated via on-
Chan et al. 19
trialling open-source underwater remotely oper- system. A Gill R3-50 sonic anemometer pro-
ated vehicle tricks of filling the housing with vides 3D wind vector measurements at 50 Hz,
wax. Trap recovery highlighted two further output via an RS232 serial ASCII data stream,
issues that are easily rectified by using improved while a Wenglor laser-counter detects sand
enclosures: biofouling (Figure 11(b)) and abra- grains flying through a narrow laser beam, out-
sion of bottle labels. The volumes of trapped putting a 100 ms voltage pulse for each interrup-
sediment dispelled concerns that 60 mL contain- tion (Davidson-Arnott et al., 2009). Traditional
ers are too small, at least in eutrophic, productive dataloggers struggle with these data output and
lakes. recording requirements; simple and low-cost
loggers exist for pulse signals, but typically do
not possess RS232 input capabilities and are
2.7 High-frequency measurement often restricted in temporal resolution to log-
of wind-blown sand ging at 1 Hz or less. High-end dataloggers
Research on sand transport by wind includes a (e.g. Campbell Scientific CR1000X at
rich variety of electronic sensors for measuring *£1550) on the other hand can handle RS232
and recording physical processes and flows at input, but have only a few dedicated pulse
relatively high frequencies (Hugenholtz and counter input channels and can be cumbersome
Barchyn, 2011; Sherman et al., 2013). Typical to transport. Our Arduino-based solution (*£45)
field instrumentation includes sonic anem- uses a Due microcontroller board, which operates an
ometers for recording wind vectors, electroni- 84 MHz processor and can accommodate several
cally weighing sand traps, sand-grain impact dozen count channels as well as RS232 input via
sensors, and laser interference instruments for an RS232-to-TTL (transistor-transistor logic) adap-
detecting saltating sand transport rates, and tor. The ASCII stream from the sonic anem-
additional equipment such as continuous soil- ometer is read and stored into an accruing string
moisture probes and further meteorological in the memory, one character at a time. Pulses
sensors. The acquisition and data storage of from the Wenglor are counted via an external
high-frequency time series of wind and sand interrupt routine. The anemometer sends a termi-
transport measurements are crucial to investi- nation character after each output of a wind vector
gating the relationship between turbulence in measurement stream (every 0.02 s) and receipt of
the airflow and the spatio-temporal variability this termination character at the Due triggers sev-
of sand transport, displayed particularly by the eral appendments to the memory string: the current
ubiquitous presence of streamers (also known as total pulse count, a time-stamp, and a carriage
sand snakes) in wind-blown sand (Baas, 2008; return (or ‘new line’ break), while the pulse coun-
Baas and Sherman, 2005). Sensors are posi- ter is reset to zero. After storing 200 lines (i.e. 4 s
tioned in close proximity to each other but data worth) of data, the memory is then written to a
outputs of different types are required to be microSD card attached to the Due. The temporary
stored synchronously as well as at the original on-board memory storage is crucial because the
high measurement frequencies. This poses sig- SD writing process is comparatively slow, render-
nificant challenges to traditional data loggers ing writing directly to the SD card at the ‘raw’ data
but provides opportunities for the custom-built rate of 50 Hz unfeasible. The code for the running
and low-cost Arduino-based data acquisition loop in the Arduino processor is very short and
system (DAS). efficient, minimising the processor overhead.
Our latest research combines sonic anemo- This Arduino-based DAS has been lab tested
metry with laser-counter sensors, which have using a custom-built rotating disc with a series
been integrated with an Arduino-based logger of perforations in its rim, mounted on a multi-
Chan et al. 21
compatibility with large-scale particle image wind direction sensors all draw 2 V or less. The
velocimetry equipment (Baas and Van den Berg, Alphasense NO2 sensor output, on the other
2018). The duration for which this DAS can be hand, is between 300 and 400 mV so an
deployed is only defined by the battery capacity ADS1115 module was used to improve reading
and SD card storage limit, running to several sensitivity, both through focused voltage ranges
days in the setup used here. and 16-bit resolution. This module has far
superior resolution (detecting 65,536 voltage
III Common pitfalls, lessons ‘steps’ compared to 1024) and voltage range
(with a full range as low as +0.256 V where
learned and best practice workflow one step equates to 7.81 pV, compared to 1.08
3.1 Major advances and successes mV when using the higher resolution 1.1 V ref-
Our cumulative experience has highlighted the erence voltage on the 3.3 V Pro Mini). Our
following key considerations from which we instruments that use digital sensors (tempera-
have developed a set of best practice guidelines. ture and relative humidity modules, DO, Plan-
tower PM sensors, 3D sonic anemometer) have
3.1.1 Standardised and bespoke circuit boards. inbuilt ADC convertors and communicate the
While Arduino offers near-limitless adaptabil- calibrated readings.
ity, a key aspect of our streamlined workflow is The scope to integrate multiple sensors, each
having core design frameworks. For example, measuring a different environmental parameter,
we now have a standard circuit board design is a major advantage of the build-it-yourself
for ultra-low-power loggers (important for approach but we repeatedly encountered prob-
long-term monitoring) that can be readily lems of compatibility. This was exacerbated by
adapted to most sensors. Similarly, we have sensors sourced from new manufacturers that
developed replicable methods of incorporating may draw different voltages or conflicting code
a solar panel onto designs where possible. While libraries. The increasing number of clone
we regularly use solderless breadboards for pro- microcontroller boards on the market may well
totyping and as teaching aids, soldered wires are exacerbate these issues. We therefore use hard-
near-essential to minimise the possibility of loose ware specifically designed for Arduino hard-
wires and short-circuits. Poor or incorrect wiring ware with pre-existing Arduino libraries for
is the most common malfunction, in our experi- most designs.
ence. We are increasingly making use of bespoke
PCBs, led by the FreeStation project. Designing 3.1.2 Documentation. Developing low-cost envi-
PCBs in conjunction with OSHPark is cost- ronmental sensors does not require prior exper-
effective, simplifies the electrical assembly and tise with electronics or programming, though
minimises wiring faults while maximising custo- experience in the latter is beneficial. What is
misability for multi-sensor applications. They crucial, however, is documenting every stage
can also accommodate web-integrated cellular of the design and testing process. During the
boards such as the Particle Electron and can be design stage we share build notes, schematics
designed to be swapped for the cheaper, Wi-Fi and ‘sketches’ on a shared web folder before
only Particle Photon (https://docs.particle.io/elec tidy versions are moved to our Github or Free-
tron/). Station repository. The requisition log is also
For data transfer, the suitability of the stan- shared, facilitating rapid price comparisons and
dard ADC on board the ATmega328P micro- bulk orders, minimising excess purchasing and
controller will depend on sensor and research highlighting reliable suppliers. The FreeStation
requirements. Our thermistor, conductivity and website fully documents the build steps and
Chan et al. 23
component list and displays live data, for exam- suppliers (Table 1), and there is a trade-off
ple. When writing code, best practice including between delivery time and cost, especially when
version control, and in-line commenting is ordering from China. This can be problematic
strongly recommended (Goodliffe, 2007). Shar- when a failed prototype requires one component
ing designs widely is at the core of the Arduino to be replaced.
open-source platform. This has the benefit of
effectively gaining free testing, troubleshooting 3.1.4 Workflow recommendations. Our stream-
and development of designs. lined workflow is presented in Figure 14.
Designing a reliable sensor is a highly iterative
3.1.3 Cost. Vastly reduced component costs process from sketch to successful deployment.
compared to conventional commercial instru- Log and photograph each wiring configuration
ments is a key benefit of Arduino technology. and housing assembly; it will assist in recrea-
Open-source medical technology is estimated to tion, troubleshooting and may be useful for a
provide a return on investment for funders future project. Think carefully from the outset
reaching hundreds or thousands of percent about research priorities: which components are
(Pearce, 2015). Build-it-yourself sensor net- essential? Each addition heightens risks of hard-
works have particular value in light of current ware or software issues. Testing must replicate
funding pressures in science (Tetzlaff et al., real-world deployment conditions as closely as
2017), with initiatives such FreeStation (Section possible, both in terms of environmental condi-
2.5) expanding capacity amongst government tions (sufficient solar power supply, for exam-
authorities with limited environmental monitor- ple) and length of deployment. We strongly
ing infrastructure. There are hidden costs to recommend verifying data quality after a short
acknowledge in terms of labour and failed pro- deployment phase, but keep in mind that not all
totyping, both of which are amplified when libraries are designed to automatically restart if
developing new sensors. Reproduction rather the SD card is removed.
than reinvention will reduce both of these costs.
The microprocessor and core peripheral com-
ponents in an environmental data logger are 3.2 Common pitfalls
very low (Table 1); sensors and enclosures rep- Though we outline our recommended workflow
resent the majority of expenditure for every above, it is essential to bear in mind the follow-
project. A wide variety of low-cost sensors for ing common pitfalls for successful deployment.
measuring specific environmental variables
exist on the market. Our testing of multiple par- 3.2.1 Testing and calibration. Unsurprisingly, test-
ticulate sensors, for example, showed the ing and calibration are crucial. Our experiences
importance of performing a cost-benefit analy- show that testing must follow the deployment
sis. The Sharp model is typically less than half protocol as closely as possible. This has implica-
the price of the Plantower PMS series (Table 4) tions during the build and programming phases.
but is significantly more sensitive to tempera- For example, a sensor that successfully logs at
ture fluctuations and requires manual calibra- 1-min intervals during lab testing offers no guar-
tion. In most cases, the additional outlay for antee that switching to, say, 30-min intervals
sensors that incorporate more reliable internal upon deployment will be faultless. Some Ardu-
calibration is advisable. Sensor quality versus ino libraries helpfully supply one line of code to
cost should also be guided by data-quality set measurement intervals, but we found more
requirements (Terando et al., 2017). Component substantive edits were often required when com-
costs can also vary by up to 50% between bining sensors, particularly when power-down
24 Progress in Physical Geography XX(X)
Figure 14. A schematic visualisation of our workflow for developing low-cost environmental monitoring
devices and key considerations at each stage.
commands are invoked. In some cases, elaborate conditions are highly recommended (Rai
apparatus needed to be constructed in a labora- et al., 2017) but may be logistically problematic.
tory to mimic real-world conditions (e.g. the Despite our geographical proximity, for example,
wind-blown sand laser-counter; Section 2.7). tight regulations mean testing in the River
Calibration checks under final deployment Thames is non-trivial. On the other hand, we
Chan et al. 25
are fortunate that LAQN allow our Arduino Khanfar et al., 2017; Metzger et al., 2018).
sensors to be tested and calibrated at their flag- These guides rarely comment on the time com-
ship Marylebone station. mitment, however. While this will depend on
Calibration, additionally, should not be con- the level of technical competence and experi-
sidered a one-time job. Componentry and sensor ence of the designer, the trial and error nature
materials are subject to degradation as they age, of designing new instruments exacerbates this
introducing drift in reported results and poten- issue. The water quality sensor (Section 2.4)
tially hampering accurate measurements development process illustrates this pitfall: four
(Artursson et al., 2000; Bourgeois et al., different models of the sensor were produced,
2003). Post-processing can be implemented to involving numerous field and lab tests, of which
correct for sensor drift through measuring stan- two probes were successfully deployed.
dard quantities or cross-calibration against other There is a crucial distinction to be made
more recently calibrated and/or accurate sen- between developing a new sensor and reprodu-
sors. Moreover, cross-calibration becomes cing an existing design. Labour is expensive so
increasingly powerful as a greater density of bespoke development is a serious commitment,
sensors are deployed (El-Jabi and Caissie, but reproduction vastly streamlines the time
2019). Lastly, whilst data quality from low- burden. A fully functioning FreeStation AWS
cost sensors depends on careful calibration of can be constructed in 4 h, for example, but the
individual sensors, the same practice applies FreeStation instructions, now online, are the
when deploying conventional commercial result of years of testing and refining.
instruments. Our ability to replace individual
sensors in self-build designs further mitigates 3.2.3 Sensor housing. Robust external housing is
against sensor drift (see Section 2.5). critical. The deployment environment will dic-
We recommend testing also be carried out at tate the sealing effectiveness and appropriate
the component level – that is, prior to sensor Ingress Protection rating required for a casing,
assembly – as visual and electronic inspection but preventing water ingress is a challenge that
can reveal flaws in purchased components. Wires we underestimated repeatedly. Diagnosing the
are often mounted differently to supplied sensor source of a leak is particularly challenging.
schematics, for example, potentially short- Moreover, constructing watertight enclosures
circuiting the Arduino board and, at worst, posing using materials in keeping with a ‘low-cost’
a fire hazard. Arduino components can usually be project adds an additional obstacle. Housing the
replaced – certainly more easily than commercial microprocessor and associated peripherals (SD
loggers – but early testing saves on time, expense card, clock) separately from the data-collecting
and frustration. device may minimise leak points, even if super-
ficially via sealing exposed components with
3.2.2 Time. Our experience shows clearly that epoxy, as implemented in our water depth log-
every stage in a new project takes longer than ger. Liberal application of resin, silicon sealant
pre-existing papers, instructions or even simple or silicone grease is warranted, often in con-
replication would have us believe. Repeated junction with cable glands or thread seal tape.
builds also bring an unexpected cost element. Housing dimensions also need to accommodate
Publications showcasing the ‘build-it-yourself’ appropriate battery options tailored to sensor
approach often present the methodology and power draw. Battery packs constitute up to
schematics for a functioning sensor, followed two-thirds of the space requirements for some
by a brief reflection on accuracy and future of our sensors, so a belated realisation that more
applications (e.g. Beddows and Mallon, 2018; power is necessary could necessitate a wholly
26 Progress in Physical Geography XX(X)
new housing. We increasingly manufacture Shaded deployment sites along riverbanks and
3D-printed containers to optimise protection obtaining adequate exposure in built-up areas
and streamline the design process, especially for have proved difficult. Integrating components
housing smaller components. Filling gaps in that draw 3.3 V and 5 V is another complication,
commercial casings with epoxy is extraordina- particularly when considering digital communi-
rily time-consuming, for example. Loose wires cation lines may run different voltages from
are a common malfunction; we advocate soldered sensor power voltages. Conversely, testing
wire connections, PCBs and the plug-and-play showed a 3.3 V Arduino Nano could drive the
approach of the FreeStation to maximise 5 V stepper motor on the sediment trap, which
durability. aided compatibility. There have also been nota-
Concerns around data quality have been ble developments around power saving in recent
raised regarding ad hoc housing. Terando years across the Arduino community, involving
et al. (2017), for example, identified discrepan- new hardware and scripts (Beddows and Mal-
cies of up to 3 C when testing build-it-yourself lon, 2018; Rocket Scream, 2020). Lastly,
Stevenson screens. Whilst this highlights a removing obsolete LEDs from the Arduino and
potential pitfall in the use of low-cost sensors, connected shields using a hot soldering iron or
commercial data loggers also report substantial carefully slicing tracks to superfluous compo-
variance (e.g. Whittier et al., 2020). Indeed, the nents with a sharp blade can reduce power draw
need for rigorous sensor-specific calibration substantially.
follows best practice in environmental monitor-
ing and is not a hurdle unique to build-it- 3.2.5 Sensor and library compatibility. Progressing
yourself sensors. Furthermore, the capacity to from a complete assemblage of sensors, board
deploy a higher number of sensors for equiva- and wires to an operating, reliable instrument is
lent financial outlay brings significant benefits easily underestimated. One of the biggest hur-
through detailed cross-calibration (El-Jabi and dles we repeatedly encounter is a lack of com-
Caissie, 2019). At the same time, there is clearly patibility between sensors and Arduino libraries
scope to promote reproduction rather than rein- when designing multiprobes. Each additional
vention. The open-source approach of Arduino component introduces a non-linear degree of
and Internet-of-Things technology could, in added complexity, with conflicting libraries a
fact, lead to greater methodological consistency common occurrence. For our aquatic multiprobe,
where, for example, a 3D-printer design for a individual sensors were accurately calibrated but
Stevenson shield is shared widely amongst the daily means did differ when integrated into a
research community. single instrument. We attributed these issues to
electrical interference, which requires targeted
3.2.4 Power. We have grappled at length with compensation (Siragusa and Galton, 2000) and
ensuring adequate power supply and maximis- significantly longer build and testing times.
ing longevity. Think carefully about minimum Similarly, whilst most PM sensors use laser scat-
measurement intervals, which will be guided by tering, internal differences between manufactur-
research objectives. Will a 30-min or 60-min ers produce unique biases. These are rarely clear
wake-up interval provide appropriate data? in supplied documentation.
What is the minimum period a sensor needs for
readings to stabilise? We now have a standard 3.2.6 Deployment considerations. We also empha-
core design for ultra-low-power sleeping log- sise that deployment protocol is a non-trivial
gers and increasingly incorporate solar- aspect that is rarely afforded due consideration.
powered, rechargeable lithium ion batteries. After the more arduous task of designing,
Chan et al. 27
assigned a DOI. This makes DOIs more optimal Where no specification of a licence is given,
for scientific citation than adopting the web licensed usage should not be assumed.
addresses of earlier repositories. Common Choosing a licence under which to release
archives that are explicitly geared towards DOI your own codes and schematics is also a com-
creation are the Open Science Framework, plex topic, requiring consideration of what
Zenodo and Figshare. We particularly promote exactly is being licensed (software, hardware
Zenodo, which has integration with Github to and/or schematics), permissions for future use
allow archiving of specific versions of Github of your work (e.g. non-commercial applications
repositories, thus benefitting from the vast user- only), whether attribution is required, and pro-
base and exposure that Github offers. Note addi- tection of your future rights, in addition to abid-
tionally, however, that many research councils ing by the original licensing rules of any
(UK and abroad) now require that funded proj- material that you incorporate into your designs.
ect data are uploaded to their data repositories, Hundreds of licences now exist, and the nuances
which can often be assigned a DOI. of these licences clearly exceed the scope of this
Some awareness of licences should be con- paper. We, however, recommend three particu-
sidered essential in sensor development. The larly useful resources: Software Licenses in
open hardware and software community have Plain English (tldrlegal.com), choosealicense.
grown to embrace this aspect, but navigating the com and The Legal Side of Open Source (open-
options can be puzzling. It is important devel- source.guide/legal).
opers understand that just because codes and/or
designs are available online, this does not make
them free to use. From a hardware perspective, V Summary
Arduino has adopted the Creative Commons In this paper we have showcased the ability of
Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA), in brief low-cost sensors to transform environmental
meaning anyone can recreate the hardware, monitoring of aquatic, terrestrial and atmo-
though Arduino need to be credited and deriva- spheric systems around the world. By providing
tive hardware designs must be made available full design schematics, code and guidance on
under the same licence. From a software per- purchasing the components on our Github repo-
spective, use of the standard Arduino IDE and sitory (https://github.com/KCLGeography/envi
Arduino libraries is covered by the GNU Lesser ronmental-monitoring), we intend this paper to
General Public License (LGPL), meaning firm- act as a catalyst for geographers and environmen-
ware designed with non-modified versions of tal scientists to embed low-cost, build-it-yourself
these does not require sharing if the firmware sensors into their research programmes. Deriving
is not designed to relink to newer versions of insight from six case studies, including the global
either Arduino core or libraries. Modification of FreeStation hydrometeorological network
the Arduino IDE is required to be shared under (www.freestation.org), we have demonstrated
the General Public License of the IDE, whilst the potential for low-cost sensors powered by
modification of the Arduino environment (i.e. Arduino across a wide range of disciplines
the initial firmware uploaded to the microcon- including atmospheric science, ecology, geomor-
troller) or Arduino libraries is required to be phology and hydrology. By drawing on 6 years’
shared under the LGPL. It is important to note experience, we have also highlighted potential
that third-party libraries or environments will pitfalls in design and construction, recommenda-
likely have separate licensing agreements that tions for best practice have been proposed, and a
must be individually consulted. Similarly, licen- workflow for developing new sensors and over-
sing rules differ for commercial applications. coming technical challenges has been presented.
Chan et al. 29
In this paper, we have also evaluated the perfor- particular, Alex Blair, Nicole Cowell, Abbey Wong
mance of our Arduino sensors and found strong and Harriet Wilson.
performance in each case, reporting mean bias Thanks to Dr Massimo Lupascu and Hasan Akhtar
errors below 20%. This confirms that electronic (National University of Singapore) for their assis-
sensors designed and constructed for a fraction of tance with deploying and maintaining the water table
depth probes.
the conventional commercial cost can deliver
research-grade data, particularly where greater Author contribution
granularity is required. Data quality depends on
Daniel Schillereff and Kristofer Chan contributed
careful calibration that must be carried out on a equally to leading the writing of this paper.
sensor-specific basis; this equally follows best
practice when using conventional commercial Declaration of conflicting interests
instrumentation. Given global funding pressures The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of inter-
in science, low-cost sensor networks have the est with respect to the research, authorship, and/or
potential to deliver important benefits through publication of this article.
improved representation of spatial and temporal
variability as well as customisability – that is, the Funding
opportunity to develop sensors tailored to a par- The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following
ticular research need or physical setting. Our financial support for the research, authorship, and/
experience has demonstrated that the Arduino or publication of this article: the Natural Environ-
and Internet-of-Things technology and support- mental Research Council and the Arts & Humanities
ing communities are sufficiently developed to Research Council (grant number NE/R017999/1),
allow geographers and environmental scientists the Economic and Social Research Council (grant
number ES/R002126/1), the King’s College London
with no background in electronics and limited
(KCL) Undergraduate Research Fellow programme,
coding experience to build new sensors. The
the KCL Faculty of Social Science and Public Policy
potential for sensor development is essentially for a Research Grant, a KCL Education Grant, and a
limited only by imagination, as examples of KCL Widening Participation Grant, and the London
open-source Geiger counters and Arduino- School of Economics for a Learning Technology and
based CubeSat satellites demonstrate (Geeroms Innovation Ignite! grant and a Pro-Director for Edu-
et al., 2015; SeedStudio, 2011). Our workflow, cation Vision Fund grant, AmbioTEK Community
schematics, code and tools for web integration Interest Company (www.policysupport.org), and the
(e.g. FreeStation) presented in this paper estab- Nature Insurance value: Assessment and Demonstra-
lish a framework for enhancing environmental tion (NAIAD) project of the European Commis-
monitoring and management from the local to sion’s H2020 programme (grant agreement:
global scales. 730497).
Acknowledgements Daniel N. Schillereff https://orcid.org/0000-0002-
We thank the two anonymous reviewers for their 4928-6068
careful, comprehensive and constructive reviews, Francis T. O’Shea https://orcid.org/0000-0002-
which have allowed us to greatly improve the paper. 0808-7441
We are grateful to a number of funders. Numerous Emma Tebbs https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0575-
KCL Geography and London School of Economics 1236
Department of Geography and Environment under-
graduate and postgraduate students have supported, References
inspired and made vital contributions to our low-cost Alphasense (2017) OX-A431 Oxidising Gas Sensor 4-
sensor development. For this paper we thank, in Electrode Ozone þ Nitrogen Dioxide. Available at:
30 Progress in Physical Geography XX(X)
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