Dynamics of Acoustically Forced Non-Premixed Flame

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Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 95 (2018) 81–87

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Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science

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Dynamics of acoustically forced non-premixed flames close to blow-off T

Anna-Maria Kypraiou , Andrea Giusti, Patton M. Allison, Epaminondas Mastorakos
Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB2 1PZ, UK


Keywords: The effect of forced oscillations on the behaviour of non-premixed swirling methane flames close to the lean
Non-premixed flame blow out limits was investigated using experiments in a lab-scale burner. Two different fuel injection geometries,
Blow-off non-premixed with radial -NPR- and non-premixed with axial -NPA- fuel injection, are considered. The flame
Lean blow-off limits behaviour is studied using 5 kHz OH∗ chemiluminescence and OH Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence (OH PLIF)
Acoustic oscillations
imaging. In both systems, acoustic forcing reduces the stability of the flame, and in particular, the stability was
Lift-off height
found to decrease with the increase in forcing amplitude. Flame lift-off was observed in both configurations, with
the magnitude of the effect of forcing depending on the fuel injection configuration. The results provide insight
on the effect of superimposed flow field fluctuations in systems operating close to the lean blow out limits and
offer useful data for the development and validation of numerical models for the prediction of the dynamic
behaviour of flames of industrial interest.

1. Introduction fluctuations. The flame structure of the premixed flame was found to be
less sensitive to the fluctuations of the strain rate compared to diffusion
In order to reduce the environmental impact of combustion systems, flames. Furthermore, the amplitude of the flame response was found to
and in particular to reduce NOx emissions, gas turbine manufacturers are decrease with the increase in the frequency of the oscillations. As far as
developing technologies based on the use of lean flames. However, lean extinction is concerned, the same study showed that for low forcing fre-
combustion systems are more prone to combustion instabilities [1], which quencies the extinction strain rate is independent of mean strain rate [4]
are becoming one of the main issues for the development of lean burn (the variations of the strain rate are sufficiently slow compared to the
technologies. Combustion instabilities can cause vibration and additional chemical time scale and the flame responds to the local value of the
noise [2], and in the case of large fluctuations, also flame quenching, strain). In contrast, for high frequencies, the extinction behaviour depends
flashback and damages of the combustor components [3]. on the amplitude of the fluctuations and the effective Lewis number of the
The study of the flame behaviour in the presence of flow field fluc- mixture [4]. A similar behaviour was also found in [5,6], where the effect
tuations is very important for the understanding of combustion in- of oscillations of the strain rate on diluted methane counterflow diffusion
stabilities and in general for the development of modern combustors flames was investigated. Both studies showed that at high frequencies the
based on lean burn technology. Self-excited oscillations can affect the peak strain rate can be extended further beyond the steady-state extinc-
local behaviour of the flame [4–6], possibly involving local extinction and tion limit. Furthermore, the amplitude of the strain that a flame can
re-ignition phenomena. Furthermore, as observed in Refs. [7–9], the sustain without extinguishing depends on the value of the mean strain
presence of velocity oscillations can have a strong impact on the stability rate and generally decreases with the increase in the mean strain [5].
limits (in the sense of flame existence, not in the sense of absence of Considering flame configurations much closer to real engines, lim-
pressure oscillations) of the flame. The understanding and prediction of ited literature exists on the investigation of the effect of acoustic os-
flame blow-off is of crucial importance for the design of modern com- cillations in conditions close to the lean blow out limits. Furthermore,
bustors that often operate close to the lean blow out limits. Therefore, it is the focus is usually on premixed flames only [7,8,10]. In one of these
also of great interest to study the impact of periodic motions on the local studies [8] the blow-off of bluff-body stabilised premixed flames under
and global extinction of flames of practical interest. harmonic forcing of the upstream mixture velocity was investigated.
Several fundamental studies on the effect of velocity fluctuations on The results suggest that the presence of velocity fluctuations has a
the local flame behaviour can be found in the literature. Among them, strong impact on the flame behaviour, and both the blow-off me-
Sung and Law [4] investigated the transient behaviour of counterflow chanism and stability limits of forced flames can be different from the
diffusion and premixed flames subjected to sinusoidal velocity one observed in unforced flames. These investigations have been

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (A.-M. Kypraiou).

Received 28 January 2018; Accepted 29 January 2018
Available online 31 January 2018
0894-1777/ © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/BY/4.0/).
A.-M. Kypraiou et al. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 95 (2018) 81–87

further extended to include upstream spatial mixture gradients [9,11]. outer duct (i.d. = 37 mm) housed two pressure taps (axial dis-
Results show that the behaviour of the flame and the blow-off limits are tance = 200 mm), where pressure transducers were mounted flush with
strongly affected by the spatial variation of the equivalence ratio up- the duct internal wall for acoustic pressure measurements. At the exit of
stream of the reacting region. Since many practical systems operate in the inner duct (i.d. = 6 mm), a conical bluff body of diameter 25 mm was
conditions where fuel and air are not fully premixed before entering the mounted. A 60-degree vane angle swirler, located 41.6 mm upstream of
combustion zone, it is of great interest to further extend the study of the the bluff body plane, created an azimuthal component of the velocity at
response of flames with spatial variation of the equivalence ratio to the exit. For inert conditions, the velocity measurements of Ref. [14]
configurations much closer to practical devices. In the case of imperfect showed that the tangential velocity was about 0.5 Ub , where Ub is the bulk
premixing, the time-varying velocity field may introduce time-varying axial velocity. This measurement was taken at the centre of the annular
and spatially-varying equivalence ratio distributions, or in the case of passage, between the bluff body and the outer duct, and at an axial
fully non-premixed systems, time-varying heat release rate due to the distance of 6 mm downstream of the bluff body plane. Inside the plenum
time-varying mixing rates. Hence, the study of the forced response of flow straighteners streamlined the flow. Four quartz plates of 97 mm
systems characterised by different levels of premixing could also allow width and 150 mm length enclosed the working section and provided
us to explore the impact of different mechanisms on the flame stability. optical access to the flame, preventing any possible air entrainment from
In this work, the effect of air fluctuations on the behaviour of the surroundings. In order to perturb the flame and thus induce heat
swirling flames at conditions close to the lean blow out limits has been release fluctuations, acoustic oscillations were imposed to the air mass
investigated using experiments. Two configurations, characterised by flow by means of two loudspeakers, positioned diametrically opposite
different fuel injection strategies, have been considered to include each other in a plenum, which was fitted upstream of the outer duct. The
spatial variations of the equivalence ratio up to fully non-premixed flames were forced at 160 Hz (main resonant frequency of the plenum
systems. The present investigation extends forced flame studies towards and burner assembly [15], chosen on purpose in order to achieve a high
the case of flames close to their overall stability limits and, at the same forcing amplitude), while the forcing amplitude varied to investigate its
time, extends the typical lean blow out studies to the case of forced air effect on the blow-off dynamics. The main difference between the NPR
fluctuations. The specific objectives are: (i) to understand the effect of and NPA systems is the fuel injection point. In the bluff body of the NPR
forcing amplitude on the flame characteristics and lean blow out limits system the fuel was injected radially through a 0.5 ± 0.01 mm circular
in systems characterised by different fuel injection; (ii) to give more gap located 3 mm upstream of the bluff body plane (Fig. 1). In this
insight into the flame structure and the mechanisms affecting local and system, apart from the time-varying velocity field, there was also a time-
global extinction; (iii) to measure the effect of forced fluctuations on the (the fuel flow could in principle oscillate, since the annular gap at the
lift-off height of stable flames at conditions far and close to blow-off. injection point was not choked) and space-varying equivalence ratio. In
the NPA system, the bluff body design was modified so that a central pipe
2. Materials and methods of diameter of 4 mm fed the methane, as shown in Fig. 1. Air and fuel
flow rates were controlled using Alicat mass flow controllers.
The experimental apparatus used in this study is a modified version of The operating conditions are presented in Table 1 together with the
the rig used in previous blow-off studies without forcing [12,13]. The acronyms that will be used in the remainder of this paper to indicate
main differences are the presence of a system upstream of the flame re- each condition. The air velocity was calculated as the air flow rate di-
gion to create the forced fluctuations and the fuel injection configuration vided by the open annular area between the bluff-body and the outer
(a geometry with radial fuel injection has been added). Two fuel con- duct at the exit of the burner inlet, while the fuel velocity was calcu-
figurations were studied in this work: (a) non-premixed methane flames lated as the fuel flow rate divided by the area of the fuel nozzle exit. The
with radial fuel injection (NPR) and (b) non-premixed flame with and flame behaviour for every case was characterised by means of: (i) ve-
axial fuel injection (NPA). A schematic of the experimental rig is shown locity fluctuations at the bluff-body edge (indirect measurement
in Fig. 1. The burner consisted of two long concentric circular ducts. The through the two-microphone technique), (ii) OH∗ chemiluminescence,

Fig. 1. Schematic of the burner used for the blow-off study of forced (a) NPR and (b) NPA flames.

A.-M. Kypraiou et al. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 95 (2018) 81–87

Table 1
Experimental conditions of non-premixed flames with radial (NPR) and non-premixed
flames with axial (NPA) fuel injection.

Condition Uair Ufuel Global φ Air flow rate Methane flow rate
(m/s) (m/s) (lpm) (lpm)

Blow-off visualisation
NPR-15-050 15 36.3 0.50 530 27.4
NPA-15-030 15 22.3 0.30 530 16.8

Lift-off height statistics

NPR-15-055 15 16.5 0.55 530 30
NPR-15-070 15 21.4 0.70 530 39
NPA-15-038 15 28.5 0.38 530 21.5
NPA-15-042 15 31.8 0.42 530 24

(iii) OH PLIF. These will be described next, together with the experi-
mental procedure used to evaluate the blow-off under forced conditions
and the statistics of the flame lift-off.
Two Kulite pressure transducers (Model XCQ-093) were used to
measure pressure oscillations. Time series of acoustic pressure were
analysed spectrally using the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) technique in
order to determine the complex amplitude of u′ at the forcing frequency
by means of the two-microphone technique [16]. The peak value of the
fluctuation was then normalised using the respective time averaged
value to obtain the non-dimensional forcing amplitude, A = u′ (f )/ 〈u〉.
The two-microphone technique was checked using direct measurements Fig. 2. Air blow-off velocity, Uair , as a function of fuel blow-off velocity, Uf , (calculated at
of velocity fluctuations under cold flow conditions with a Dantec hot the exit of the fuel nozzle), for various forcing amplitudes A , for (a) the non-premixed
wire anemometer (Model 55P11). with radial and (b) non-premixed with axial fuel injection configurations.
The OH∗ chemiluminescence measurements were conducted using:
(i) full planar view high-speed imaging system, and (ii) a photo-mul-
For the lift-off height estimation, the instantaneous OH PLIF images
tiplier tube (PMT) unit. In particular, the high-speed imaging system
were filtered with a Gaussian filter of a width of 3 pixels to remove high
consisted of a LaVision IRO high-speed two stage intensifier (spectral
frequency noise, and then they were converted into binary images using
range of 190–800 nm) coupled to a Photron SA1.1 monochrome high-
an intensity thresholding algorithm. Binary values were assigned to the
speed CMOS camera with a 1024 × 1024 pixel resolution up to 5.4 kHz.
progress variable, which was defined such that it took a value of 0 in
A UV bandpass filter (270–370 nm) was fitted to the Cerco 2178 UV
fresh reactants and a value of 1 in burnt gases. Also, the magnitude of
camera lens. Images were recorded at 5 kHz for 1 s within the pressure
the 2-D gradient of the progress variable was calculated and the in-
measurement period and the intensifier gated at 190 μs. The projected
stantaneous flame edge contour was obtained using a threshold on the
pixel resolution was approximately 0.14 mm/pixel. The photo-multi-
gradient. The distance of the high gradient of OH regions from the bluff
plier tube used to measure the global OH∗ chemiluminescence was a
body edge of the left and right branch of the flame was estimated for
Thorlabs PMT (Model PMM01), fitted with the UV bandpass filter
each image and was referred to as lift-off height, h . The probability
(270–370 nm). The PMT measurements were recorded simultaneously
density function (PDF) of the lift-off height was estimated and the
with the pressure measurements. Experimental data were recorded with
power spectral density (PSD) of the lift-off height was obtained. It
a National Instruments data acquisition system controlled by the
should be noted that the duration of the OH PLIF imaging was long
Labview software program at a sampling frequency of 10 kHz.
enough to capture all the temporal scales/features of the flame. Thus,
The OH PLIF system consisted of a SIRAH Credo high speed dye
the use of OH PLIF measurements for the estimation of the lift-off
laser (Model 2400), pumped by a high-repetition rate diode solid state
height statistics presented in this work is valid. In particular, the flow is
laser (532 nm, Model JDSU Q201-HD), with a power of 14 W at 5 kHz
axi-symmetric, thus the statistics are axi-symmetric, and a 2-D cut is
and a pulse length of around 18 ns. The dye laser produced a beam at
sufficient for the present application.
566 nm, which was doubled by a BBO crystal to produce a beam with
an average power of 300 mW at 5 kHz (60 μJ/pulse). The laser beam
was expanded to a 40 mm-height sheet using optics, and the laser sheet 3. Results
thickness was 0.23 mm. A LaVision IRO high-speed two stage intensifier
was used, coupled to the aforementioned high-speed camera, fitted with The lean blow out limits of the forced NPR and NPA systems were
a UV bandpass filter (300–325 nm). Images were recorded at 5 kHz for investigated for various forcing amplitudes in order to study the in-
1 s, within the pressure measurement period, and the intensifier gated fluence of air flow oscillations on the blow-off behaviour. Then, the
at 400 ns. The resolution of OH PLIF images was approximately blow-off event of forced NPR and NPA flames was studied qualitatively
0.1 mm/pixel. During processing, each instantaneous OH PLIF image with flame visualisation using OH∗ chemiluminescence and OH PLIF
was initially filtered using a 2-D median nonlinear filter for noise re- imaging, but also quantitively by recording the duration of the blow-off
duction (3 × 3 filter size). Then, the filtered images were corrected for transient. Finally, the probability density function (PDF) of the lift-off
laser sheet profile inhomogeneities with a Gaussian intensity profile. height for flames at conditions close and far from blow-off was esti-
In order to determine the blow-off point, for a constant air flow rate mated.
and a given forcing amplitude, A , the fuel flow rate was decreased
gradually in steps of 0.1 lpm every 40 s, until blow-off occurred, re-
3.1. Effect of forcing amplitude on lean blow-off limits
cording the fuel blow-off flow rate. At each air flow rate, an average
fuel blow-off flow rate of 10 individual measurements was calculated
Fig. 2 shows the lean blow out limits of the forced flames at 160 Hz,
and reported in Fig. 2.
measured using the NPR and NPA configurations. The fuel velocity at

A.-M. Kypraiou et al. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 95 (2018) 81–87

blow-off constitutes the average value of ten blow-off events, while the 15.5–26.9 m/s (the maximum variation from the Uf value at A = 0 is
standard deviation of these measurements normalised by the mean approximately 70%). In the NPR system, for Uair =15.7 m/s, between
value was approximately 0.03. It should be noted that this low value A = 0 and A = 0.25, Uf changes in the range of 15.0–16.1 m/s (the
was made possible because the step of fuel flow rate reduction was very maximum variation from the Uf value at A = 0 is approximately 7%).
small (0.1 lpm) and a large number of blow-off measurements were This implies that the operating range of the NPA system is significantly
conducted. reduced in the presence of forcing. However, considering the global
For both NPR and NPA flames, it can be deduced that forcing re- equivalence ratio at blow-off, it should be noted that the NPA system
duces the stability of the flame, which decreases with increasing forcing can be operated much leaner compared to the NPR system for all the
amplitude. In particular, for a constant Uair at blow-off, the greater the forcing amplitudes investigated in this work. Therefore, the higher
forcing amplitude A , the greater the Uf at blow-off, whereas for a sensitivity of the NPA system to changes in the amplitude of the fluc-
constant Uf , the greater the forcing amplitude, the lower the Uair at tuations could be attributed to the higher sensitivity typically asso-
blow-off. Also, for a given forcing amplitude A , as the Uf increases, the ciated to very lean conditions (small global equivalence ratio). The
Uair increases. This is consistent with the findings of previous studies on fluctuations of the air flow might have an important impact on the
the blow-off behaviour of forced premixed flames [7,17] as well as with recirculation zone, changing significantly the mixing pattern and
fundamental studies on laminar counterflow diffusion flames [4–6]. It therefore affecting the lean blow out. In contrast, in the NPR system the
was deduced that the acoustic forcing had a great influence on blow-off higher equivalence ratio at blow-off (for a given air velocity at the
equivalence ratios, which was found to depend on the modulation inlet), also in the absence of forcing, indicates that this injection con-
frequency and mixture velocity. In addition, another study on blow-off figuration is intrinsically less stable and this can be related to the in-
of forced premixed flames with spatial mixture gradients [9] reported jection location that causes the flame to be in a high strain region. The
that the blow-off equivalence ratio increased with forcing amplitude for presence of air flow oscillations only slightly changes the operating
f = 100 Hz and f = 200 Hz. This was associated with the greater un- range (already smaller compared to the NPA system). This also suggests
steadiness at the flame base, in agreement with the results of Ba- that in the NPR case, the fluctuations of the air flow have a lower effect
lachandran et al. [15]. on the mixing pattern than that in the NPA case.
The NPA system shows a greater sensitivity to changes in forcing
amplitude compared to the NPR configuration, since for a given air flow 3.2. Blow-off event visualisation
rate and forcing amplitude it exhibits larger variations of the fuel flow
rate (overall equivalence ratio) compared to the case without forcing. As far as the unforced case NPR-15-050 is concerned (Fig. 3), the
For example, considering a constant Uair = 15.7 m/s, between A = 0 OH PLIF images demonstrate that the OH fluorescence signal is rela-
and A = 0.25, for the NPA system, Uf changes in the range of tively continuous and concentrates mainly in a thin zone, located in the

Fig. 3. Instantaneous OH* chemiluminescence images of (a) unforced stable flame NPR-15-050 and (b) forced blow-off flame NPR-15-050-160-15, and (c, d) the respective OH PLIF
images. For the forced case, images correspond to 40, 20, 10 and 1 ms from blow-off.

A.-M. Kypraiou et al. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 95 (2018) 81–87

Fig. 4. Instantaneous OH* chemiluminescence images of (a) unforced stable flame NPA-15-030 and (b) forced blow-off flame NPA-15-030-160-15 and (c, d) the respective OH PLIF
images. For the forced case, images correspond to 40, 20, 10 and 1 ms from blow-off.

inner shear layer (ISL) region, suggesting that the flame branches are
anchored at the bluff body edge. For forced flame with radial injection,
NPR-15-050-160-15, a decrease in the size of the heat release zone is
observed, while the OH zone is fragmented in different regions. Com-
plete or partial absence of the flame branch in the ISL and/or wall re-
gion, and attachment and lift-off at the bluff body edge can be seen.
Concerning the unforced stable flame NPA-15-030 (Fig. 4), the OH PLIF
images reveal that the OH fluorescence signal is relatively continuous,
with occasional flame lift-off. The visualisation of the blow-off event for
flame NPA-15-030-160-15 shows a gradual decrease in the size of the
heat release zone, with the last flame fragments seen inside the inner
recirculation zone and in the vicinity of the fuel nozzle exit. On the
contrary, in the case of NPR-15-050-160-15, the last flame fragments
during blow-off are observed in the ISL region. This is associated with
the fact that in the NPA system the fuel is injected axially in the inner Fig. 5. Time series of OH* chemiluminescence signal, normalised by its maximum value,
recirculation zone, whereas in the NPR system the fuel is injected ra- for flames NPR-15-050-160-15 and NPA-15-030-160-15, used to quantify the duration of
the blow-off transient, tB .
dially upstream of the bluff body plane. As also observed in previous
studies with swirling flames without forcing [12,13], as the flame ap-
proaches the blow-off, it becomes more and more fragmented with event is significantly greater for flame NPA-15-030-160-15 compared to
holes along the flame sheet, interpreted as local extinctions of the the flame NPR-15-050-160-15 (147.2 ms vs 31.9 ms). Given that the
flame. The presence of local extinction and their evolution into a global two configurations have the same air bulk velocity, it could be sug-
blow-off has also been confirmed by advanced numerical simulations gested that this is attributed to the difference in the fuel injection
[18–20]. configuration.
After the qualitative description of the blow-off event for both NPR The blow-off event duration of flame NPA-15-030-160-15, which
and NPA flames, the duration of the blow-off transient, tB , is quantified, lasts for 23.5 cycles for the 160 Hz oscillation, is much greater than the
as shown in Fig. 5. The beginning of the transient is defined as the last average blow-off duration of unforced non-premixed flames (46.6 ms),
point in time at which the OH∗ chemiluminescence signal is at the measured in the same burner [12]. This is consistent with the results of
steady-state mean value. Sufficiently far from blow-off, a nearly peri- a previous study on the response and extinction behaviour of laminar
odic response, with small variations in amplitude is observed, followed counterflow diffusion and premixed flames [4], which reported that the
by a transition to zero OH∗ chemiluminescence signal as the complete presence of oscillation retards extinction. In addition, it was found that
extinction is approached. It is evident that the duration of the blow-off the blow-off duration increases with forcing frequency and decreases

A.-M. Kypraiou et al. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 95 (2018) 81–87

Fig. 7. Power spectral densities of the lift-off height for flames NPR-15-055 and NPR-15-
Fig. 6. Probability density function of the lift-off height, P (h) , for forced and unforced 055-160-30.
NPR and NPA flames. The average lift-off height, h , is given in the legend.

with forcing amplitude.

The evaluation of the duration of the blow-off transient is very
important for the development of control strategies to avoid the global
extinction of the flame. The results obtained in this work show that the
configuration with axial injection is characterised by a longer blow-off
transient compared to the flame with radial injection. Furthermore, the
great difference in the duration of the blow-off event in the two non-
premixed systems investigated here suggests that the injection config-
uration and the degree of premixedness are crucial in determining the
blow-off dynamics. As discussed in Ref. [20], the blow-off transient of
non-premixed gaseous flames can be explained in terms of finite-
chemistry effects that lead to local extinctions that eventually evolve in
a global blow-off. The differences in the blow-off transient observed for
Fig. 8. Power spectral densities of the lift-off height for flames NPA-15-042 and NPA-15-
the flames with axial and radial injection suggest that the two config- 042-160-30.
urations may be characterised by different interactions between the
flame and the mixing field. Therefore, these cases can be of great in-
blow-off, the PDFs of flames NPA-15-042-160-30 and NPA-15-042 are
terest for the assessment and validation of the capability of numerical
similar, with the average lift-off height being 7.28 mm and 8.32 mm
methods to capture the flame blow-off in a wide range of conditions.
respectively. In the NPA flames, the lift-off height is not periodic at the
forcing frequency, as concluded by the absence of the 160 Hz peak in
3.3. Lift-off height analysis
the PSD (Fig. 8). The lower sensitivity to the forcing of the NPA system
compared to the NPR system observed in the lift-off height is consistent
In this section, the lift-off height statistics are investigated in stable
with the heat release response analysed in a previous study [21], where
flames, farther and closer to blow-off. Fig. 6 shows the probability
it was shown that the NPR system exhibited a greater response to
density function (PDF) of the lift-off height, for both the forced and
acoustic forcing compared to the NPA system. It should be noted that in
unforced NPR and NPA flames. The average lift-off height is also in-
the NPR system the location of the flame is closer to the strong acoustic
dicated in Fig. 6. For this calculation, the lift-off heights of the left and
oscillations at the exit of the annular air passage than that of the NPA
right branch of the flame in each instantaneous snapshot were con-
system. However, as previously discussed, the NPA system seems to
sidered as two independent samples.
show a greater sensitivity to the forcing amplitude in terms of blow-off
For flames NPR-15-055-160-30 and NPR-15-055, the peaks of the
behaviour, which might be related to the very low global equivalence
PDFs reveal that 28% and 44% respectively of the samples exhibit a lift-
ratio that this configuration can reach without the presence of forcing.
off height of approximately 0.75 mm and 1.25 mm respectively, with
The data shown here can help validate turbulent combustion models
the average lift-off height being 2.2 mm and 1.3 mm respectively.
focusing on flame anchoring and stabilisation mechanisms. In parti-
Farther from blow-off, flames NPR-15-070-160-30 and NPR-15-070
cular, the fluctuations of the strain rate on the flame will need to be
have a similar average lift-off height (h = 1.9 mm and h = 1.8 mm
captured for an accurate prediction of local, and hence global extinc-
respectively), suggesting that forcing hardly affects the lift-off beha-
viour of the flame far from blow-off. The peaks reveal that 46% and
60% respectively of the samples exhibit a lift-off height approximately
at 1.75 mm. In terms of time evolution of the lift-off height, the PSDs in 4. Conclusions
Fig. 7 show that unlike the unforced case, the lift-off height of the
forced flame shows periodicity at 160 Hz. The effect of air fluctuations on the behaviour of nominally non-
The lift-off heights of NPA flames are significantly more pronounced premixed swirling flames at conditions close to blow-off has been in-
than those of NPR flames, while the PDFs of NPA system have a much vestigated using experiments with the main objective of extending
longer positive tail than those of NPR system. Unlike NPR flames, the forced flame studies towards the case of flames close to their overall
average lift-off height of forced NPA flames is lower than that of the stability limits. At the same time, typical lean blow out studies were
respective unforced conditions. Close to blow-off, for stable flames extended to the case of forced air fluctuations. Two fuel injection
NPA-15-038-160-30 and NPA-15-038, the peaks of the PDFs demon- geometries (radial and axial injection) were investigated that provide
strate that 0.09% and 0.1% of the samples respectively reveal a lift-off different mixture fraction patterns.
height below 0.25 mm. The average lift-off height is 6.57 mm and Results show that the fluctuations have a strong effect on the flame
8.55 mm for the forced and unforced flame respectively. Farther from behaviour with a noticeable effect on the lean blow out limits. In both

A.-M. Kypraiou et al. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 95 (2018) 81–87

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