Shepard Metzler 1971
Shepard Metzler 1971
Shepard Metzler 1971
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5. L. M. Bartoshuk, D. H. McBumey, C. Pfaffsolution is shown for day 1 only ( 1 6 ) , 13. We thank M. Dvorak and 0. Stark of the mann, Science 143, 967 (1964); L. M. BartoFood Sciences Laboratory at the Natick Army because, even though the intake was shuk, Percept. Psychophys. 3, 69 (1968); D. Laboratories for analyses of the atomic abH. McBun~ey, J. Exp. Psychol. 72, 869 sorption spectra of tap and distilled water relatively small (mean intake, 98 m l ) , (1966); in Olfaction and Taste, C. Pfaffmann, samples. Samples were analyzed for Na, K, the cats became ill. T w o drank sucrose Ed. (liockefeller Univ. Press, New York, Ca, Mg, and halide. Tap water checked week1969), vol. 3, p. 407. ly for 2 months remained relatively constant almost continuously up to the criterion with mean levels of 9.6 X 10-4M Na, 6.8 X 6. 0. hfaller and M. R. Kare, Anirn. Behav. 15, and subsequently vomited and devel10-W K , 7.1 X 10-4M Ca, 2.2 X 10-W Mg, 8 (1967); V. G. Dethier and M. V. Rhoades, and 1.0 X 10-W halide (predominantly Cl). .J. E x p . Zool. 126, 177 (1954); C. Duncan, oped diarrhea. The others did not Distilled water contained 8.7 X 10-1M Na, Alrzm. Belzav. 8, 54 (1960); H. L. Jacobs and vomit but developed diarrhea. The ill5.1 X 10-OM K , 2.5 X 10-V.4 Ma, and 4.1 X M. L. Scott, Poultiy Sci. 36, 8 (1957); B. P. 10-7M Mg. Halpern, Anzer. J . Physiol. 203, 541 (1962); M. ness apparently led to conditioned 14. P. Hore and M. Messer, Cornp. Biochem. R. Kare and M. S. Ficken, in Olfaction and aversion. After a week's rest, cats rePhysiol. 24, 717 (1968). Taste, Y. Zotterman, Ed. (Pergamon, New 15. S. Siegel, Nonparametric Statistics (McGrawYork, 1963), vol. 2, p. 285; J. Ganchrow and jected 0.375M sucrose (mean intake, Hill, New York, 1956). G. L. Fisher, Psychol. Rep. 22, 503 (1968); C. Pfaffmann, Amer. Psychol. 20, 21 (1965). 16. Since testing was discontinued after 1 day, 18 m l ) . This same thing happened with the position of sucrose was not counter7. J. A. Carpenter, J . Comp. Physiol. Psychol. 0.5M sucrose solution and 24-hour inbalanced. To ensure that position preference 49, 139 (i956). could not account for the results at a sucrose 8. Y. Zotterman, Skand. Archiv Physiol. 72, 73 take. concentration of 0.375M, position preference (1935): C. Pfaffmann. J . Cell. Comp. Physiol. Frings's ( 9 ) finding that sucrose in under all other conditions was tested with a 17, i43 (1941). two-tailed Walsh test (15). The results were 9. H. Frings, Experientia (Basel) 7, 424 (1951). dilute milk (one part milk to four parts not significant ( P > .I). 10. C. Pfaffmann, J. Neurophysiol. 18, 492 (1955). water) is preferred by cats fits in well 17. K. Diem, Ed., Scientific Tables (Geigy 11. The sensitivities to NaCI. OHCI. sucrose, and Pharmaceuticals, Ardsley, N.Y., ed. 6, 1962), EICI appear to be independently associated in with the result presented here. Mean accordance with the random distribution hyp. 516. sodium and chlorine content for whole pothesis of M. Frank and C. Pfaffmann [Sci18. L. H. Schneyer and C. A. Schneyer, in Handence 164, 1183 (1969)l. In addition, the four book of Physiology: Aiin~entary Cai?ul, C. F. milk so diluted would approximate contingencies producing water responses also Code, Ed. (American Physiological Society, 0.006M NaCl ( 1 7 ) . The exact whole: appear to be independently associated in acWashington, D.C., 1967), vol. 2. cordance with mouth salivary NaCl concentration for 12. The correlation this hypothesis. water-after- 19. 0. Eisenberg and W. Kauzmann. T h e Struccoefficient for ture and Properties of W a t e r (Oxford Univ. the cat is not known, but it must fall NaCl responses and NaCl responses was Press, New York, 1969). -0.83 ( P < .005). Only those fibers were in20. Electrophysiological data and preliminary bebetween 0.01M and 0.16M NaCl ( I S ) . cluded for which at least one response met havioral data were obtained at Brown Unithe criterion. Previous reports of a negative For adapting concentrations in this versity where work was supported in part by correlation between water responses and NaCl a PHS predoctoral fellowship to L.M.B. and range, electrophysiological data ( 3 ) responses [Cohen et al. (2); J. Nagaki, S. NSF grants G-14332 (to C . Pfaffmann) and Yamashita, M. Sato, Jap. J . Physiol. 14, 67 suggest that the 0.006M NaCl in the GB-2754 (to C. Pfaffmann and L.M.B.). Final (1964)I probably reflect the negative correlabehavioral data were collected at the U.S. milk used by Frings would at least tion between water-after-NaC1 and NaCl reArmy Natick Laboratories. We thank R. L. sponses since the rinse was Ringer solution. partially suppress the water-after-NaCl Gentile, J. C . Stevens, L. E. Marks, and W. The correlation coefficients for NaCl and S. Cain for valuable comments on the manuresponse. water-after-QHC1, water-after-sucrose, and script. water-after-HC1 are --0.65 ( P < .05), -0.54 The taste o f water has been widely 19 October 1970; revised 13 November 1970 (P > .05), and -0.28 ( P > .2), respectively. ignored in behavioral testing. It is now clear that water should be regarded not as a neutral solvent but rather as a taste stimulus itself. The implications Mental Rotation of Three-Dimensional Objects for receptor mechanisms are still unAbstract. The time required to recognize that two perspective drawings portray clear. Water appears to produce some objects of the same three-dimensional shape is found to be (i) a linearly increasing responses by removing other stimuli ( 2 ) , but it may also stimulate recep- function o f the angular difference in the portrayed orientatioizs o f the two objects tors directly [see ( 1 9 ) for a review o f and (ii) no shorter for differences corresponding simply to a rigid rotation o f one various structural models o f water]. o f the two-dimensional drawings in its own picture plane than for differences Nevertheless, electrophysiological stud- corresponding to a rotation of the three-dimensional object in depth. ies can suggest how water tastes can Human subjects are often able to increase linearly with the angular difbe manipulated to assess the taste o f any given substance in water. determine that two two-dimensional ference in portrayed orientation and L. M. BARTOSHUK pictures portray objects o f the same (ii) to be no longer for a rotation in John B. Pierce Foundation Laboratory, three-dimensional shape even though depth than for a rotation merely in the 290 Congress Avenue, the objects are depicted in very different picture plane. These findings appear to New Haven, Connecticut 06519 orientations. The experiment reported place rather severe constraints on posM. A. HARNED here was designed to measure the time sible explanations o f how subjects go L. H. PARKS that subjects require to determine such about determining identity o f shape o f identity o f shape as a function o f the differently oriented objects. They are, Pioneering Research Laborutory, U.S. Army Natick Laboratories, angular difference in the portrayed ori- however, consistent with an explanation entations o f the two three-dimensional suggested by the subjects themselves. Natick, Massachusetts 01 760 Although introspective reports must be objects. References and Notes interpreted with caution, all subjects This angular difference was produced 1. G. Liljestrand and Y. Zotterman, Acta Physiol.
either b y a rigid rotation o f one o f two claimed (i) that to make the required Scand. 32, 291 (1954); Y. Zotterman, ibid. 37,
identical pictures in its own picture comparison they first had to imagine 60 (1956): - and H. Diamant. Nature
183,' 191' (1959).
plane or by a much more complex, one object as rotated into the same 2. M. J. Cohen, S. Hagiwara, Y. Zottennan,
nonrigid transformation, o f one o f the orientation as the other and that they Acta Phl~siol. Scand. 33. 316 (1955).
3. L. M. ~ a r t o s h u k , thesis, Brown k v e r s i t y pictures, that corresponds to a (rigid) could carry out this "mental rotation" (1965). rotation o f the three-dimensional ob- at no greater than a certain limiting 4. -and C. Pfaffmann, Fed. Proc. 24, 207 (1965); C. Pfaffmann, in Olfaction and Taste rate; and (ii) that, since they perceived ject in depth. C. Pfaffmann, Ed. (Rockefeller Univ. P r e s ~ , This reaction time is found ( i ) to the two-dimensional pictures as objects New York, 1969), vol. 3, p. 528. 19 FEBRUARY 1971
in three-dimensional space, they could imagine the rotation around whichever axi.; was requircd with equal ease. I n the experiment each of eight adult subjects was presented with 1600 pairs of perspective line drawings. For each pair the subject was asked to pull a right-hand lever as soon as he determined that the two drawings portrayed oblects that were congruent with respect to three-dimensional shape and to pull a 1e;t-hand lever as soon as he dctermincd that the two drawings depicted objects of different three-dimensional shapes. According to a random sequcnce, in half of the pairs (the "same" pairs) the two objects could be rotated into congruence with each other ('1s in Fig. I , A and B ) , and in the other half (the "diaerent" pairs) the two objects differed by a reflection a.; well as a rotation and could not be rotated into congruence (as in Fig. 1 C ) . T h e choice of objects that were mirror images o r "isomers" of each other for the "different" pairs was intended to prevent subjects from discovering
Fig. 1. Examples of pairs of perspective line drawings presented to the subjects. (A) A "same" pair, which differs by an 80' rotation in the picture plane; ( B ) a "same" pair, which differs by an 80' rotation in depth; and (C) a "different" pair. which cannot be brought into congruence by riny rotation.
some distinctive feature possessed by only one of the two objects and thereby reachirg a decision of noncongruence without actually having to carry out any mental rotation. A s a further precaution, the ten different three-dimensional objects depicted in the various perspective drawings were chosen to be relatively unfamiliar and meaningless in overall three-dimensional shape. Each object consisted of ten solid cubes attached face-to-face to form a rigid armlike structure with exactly three right-angled "ell~ows" (see Fig. 1). The set of all ten shapes included two subsets of five: within either subset, n o shape could be transformed into itself o r any other by any reflection or rotation (short of 360"). However, each shape in either subset was the mirror image of one shape in the other subset, as required for the construction of the "different" pairs. F o r each of the ten objects, 18 different perspective projections-correspcnding to one complete turn around the vertical axis by 20" steps-were generated by digital computer and associated graphical output (I). Seven of the 18 perspective views of each object were then selected so as (i) to avoid any views in which some part of the object was wholly occluded by another part and yet (ii) to permit the construction of two pairs that differed in orientation by each possible angle, in 20" steps, from 0' to 180". These 7 0 line drawings were then reproduced by photooffset process and were attached t o cards in pairs for presentation to the subjects. Half of the "same" pairs (the "depth" pairs) represented two objects that differed by some multiple of a 20" rotation about a vertical axis (Fig. 1B). F o r each of these pairs, copies of two appropriately different perspective views were simply attached to the cards in the orientation in which they were originally generated. The other half of the "same" pairs (the "picture-plane" pairs) represented two objects that differed by some multiple of a 20" rotation in the plane of the drawings themselves (Fig. 1A). F o r each of these, one of the seven perspective views was selected for each object and two copies of this picture were attached to the card in appropriately different orientations. Altogether, the 1600 pairs presented t o each subject included 800 "same" pairs, which consisted of 400 unique pairs (20 "depth" and 2 0 "picture-plane" pairs at each of the ten angular differences from 0 " to 180), each of which was
presented twice. The remaining 800 pairs, randomly intermixed with these, consisted of 400 unique "different" pairs, each of which (again) was presented twice. Each of these "diflerent" pairs corresponded to one "same" pair (of either the "depth" o r "picture-plane" variety) in which, however, one of the three-dimensional objects had been reflected about some plane in three-dimensional space. Thus the two objects in each "different" pair differed, in general, by both .a reflection and a rotation. T h e 1600 pairs were grouped into blocks of not more than 200 and presented over eight to ten 1-hour sessions (depending upon the subject). Also, although it is only of incidental interest here, each such block of presentations was either "pure," in that all pairs involved rotations of the same type ("depth" o r "picture-plane") , o r "mixed," in that the two types of rota-
Fig. 2. Mean reaction times to two perspective line drawings pot traying objects of the same three-dimensional shape. Times are plotted as a function of angular difference in po~trayed orientation: ( A ) for pairs differing by a rotation in the pictu,e plane only; and (B) for pairs differing by a rotation in depth. (The centers of the circles indicate the means and, when they extend far enough to show outside these circles, the vertical bars around each circle indicate a conservative estimate of the standard error of that mean based on the distribution of the eight component means contr~buted by the individual subjects.)
tion were randomly intermixed within the same block. Each trial began with a warning tone, which was followed half a second later by the presentation of a stimulus pair and the simultaneous onset of a timer. The lever-pulling response stopped the timer, recorded the subject's reaction time and terminated the visual display. The line drawings, which averaged between 4 and 5 cm in maximum linear extent, appeared at a viewing distance of about 60 cm. They were positioned, with a center-to-center spacing that subtended a visual angle of go, in two circular apertures in a vertical black surface (see Fig. 1, A to C ) . The subjects were instructed to respond as quickly as possible while keeping errors to a minimum. On the average only 3.2 percent of the responses were incorrect (ranging from 0.6 to 5.7 percent for individual subjects). The reaction-time data presented below include only the 96.8 percent correct responses. However, the data for the incorrect responses exhibit a similar pattern. In Fig. 2, the overall means of the reaction times as a function of angular difference in orientation for all correct (right-hand) responses to "same" pairs are plotted separately for the pairs differing by a rotation in the picture plane (Fig. 2A) and for the pairs differing by a rotation in depth (Fig. 2B). In both cases, reaction time is a strikingly linear function of the angular difference between the two three-dimensional objects portrayed. The mean reaction times for individual subjects increased from a value of about 1 second at 0' of rotation for all subjects to values ranging from 4 to 6 seconds at 180" of rotation, depending upon the particular individual. Moreover, despite such variations in slope, the linearity of the function is clearly evident when the data are plotted separately for individual threedimensional objects or for individual subjects. Polynomial regression lines were computed separately for each subject under each type of rotation. In all 16 cases the functions were found to have a highly significant linear component (P < .001) when tested against deviations from linearity. No significant quadratic or higher-order effects were found (P > .05, in all cases). The angle through which different three-dimensional shapes must be rotated to achieve congruence is not, of course, defined. Therefore, a function like those plotted in Fig. 2 cannot be constructed in any straightforward man19 FEBRUARY 1971
ner for the "different" pairs. The overall mean reaction time for these pairs was found, however, to be 3.8 secondsnearly a second longer than the corresponding overall means for the "same" pairs. (In the postexperimental interview, the subjects typically reported that they attempted to rotate one end of one object into congruence with the corresponding end of the other object; they discovered that the two objects were different when, after this "rotation," the two free ends still remained noncongruent.) Not only are the two functions shown in Fig. 2 both linear but they are very similar to each other with respect to intercept and slope. Indeed, for the larger angular differences the reaction times were, if anything, somewhat shorter for rotation in depth than for rotation in the picture plane. However, since this small difference is either absent o r reversed in four of the eight subjects, it is of doubtful significance. The determination of identity of shape may therefore be based, in both cases, upon a urocess of the same - eneral g kind, we can describe this process as some sort of "mental rotation in threedimensional space,'' then the slope of the obtained functions indicates that the average rate at which these particular objects can be thus "rotated" is roughly 60" per second. Of course the plotted reaction times necessarily include any times taken by the subjects to decide how to process
the pictures in each presented pair as well as the time taken actually to carry out the process, once it was chosen. However, even for these highly practiced subjects, the reaction times were still linear and were no more than 20 percent lower in the "pure" blocks of presentations (in which the subjects knew both the axis and the direction of the required rotation in advance of each presentation) than in the "mixed" blocks (in which the axis of rotation was unpredictable). Tentatively, this suggests that 80 percent of a typical one of these reaction times may represent some such process as "mental rotation" itself, rather than a preliminary process of preparation or search. Nevertheless, in further research now underway, we are seeking clarification of this point and others. ROGERN. SHEPARD JACQUELINE METZLER Department o f Psychology, Starzford University, Starzford, California 94305
References and Notes
1. Mrs. JilbJie Chang of the Bell Telephone Lab-