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Volume 6, Number 1, June 2022 E-ISSN: 2580-4499

Pages: 32-40 DOI: 10.13057/cellbioldev/v060105

Effect of the media type and auxin concentration on the growth of

cuttings seedlings of pepper (Piper nigrum)


Program of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sebelas Maret. Jl. Ir. Sutami 36A Surakarta 57126, Central Java, Indonesia.
Tel.: +62-271-637457, email: [email protected]

Manuscript received: 4 March 2022. Revision accepted: 30 May 2022.

Abstract. Amanah S, Budiastuti MTHS, Sulistyo A. 2022. Effect of the media type and auxin concentration on the growth of cuttings
seedlings of pepper (Piper nigrum). Cell Biol Dev 6: 32-40. Pepper (Piper nigrum L.) is an export commodity and has become one of
the Indonesian sources of income. It is necessary to develop the best cultivation for increasing pepper production. Vegetative
propagation has been chosen in this research, using manure as part of the media and auxin as a growth hormone. The research aims to
find the best media and auxin concentration for the ideal growth of pepper grafting. The research conducted in Manyaran Wonogiri,
Indonesia, with RCB design consists of two factors arranged in the factorial method. The first factor is the kind of media (soil, soil +
manure, soil + manure + husk), and the second is auxin's concentration (0 g/L, 12.5 g/L, 25 g/L, 37.5 g/L; 50 g/L). Observation variables
are bud growth time, number of buds, length of bud, number of leaves, leaf width, number of roots, length of root, and life percentage of
cuttings. Data were analyzed by F test at 1% and 5% and continued with DMRT at 5% if the treatment had a significant effect. It is also
continued with regression if there was an interaction between treatments. The longest bud was found on soil + manure + husk (12.28
cm) and followed by soil + manure (10.57 cm) and soil (6.15 cm) in the low level, respectively. The study revealed that the bud length
and the number of roots were influenced by auxin concentration. The longest bud was found using 12.5 g/L of auxin (15.14 cm),
followed by 50 g/L, 25 g/L, 0 g/L, and 37.5 g/L in the low level, respectively (12.05 cm, 7.72 cm, 7.67 cm, 5.75 cm). The highest
number of roots was found on 0 g/L and 12.5 g/L of auxin (7.78), followed by 50 g/L, 25 g/L, and 37.5 g/L in the low level, respectively
(4, 3.43, 2.33). The number of roots and percentage of life cuttings showed an interaction between the two factors. The number of roots
on the soil shows a parabolic response with auxin. In the beginning, the number of roots decreased and then increased with increasing
auxin concentration. The number of roots on soil + manure and soil + manure + husk showed the same pattern with auxin concentration.
Almost 100% of life cuttings have been found on all media and auxin concentrations. Soil + manure with 25 g/L auxins and soil +
manure + husk with 50 g/L auxins caused 33.33% and 66.67% life cuttings, respectively.

Keywords: Auxin, growth, media type, pepper, Piper nigrum

INTRODUCTION Nurseries are indispensable as a way to provide

planting material in large quantities. It is known that pepper
Pepper (Piper nigrum L.) is an important crop in plants can be planted directly vegetatively with the planting
Indonesia because the yield of this commodity (pepper material in the form of stems with 7-9 segments. It is an
drupes) is a source of foreign exchange (Sopialena et al. obstacle to increasing crop production because planting
2018). Pepper is an export commodity that in 2000 had material is limited, which is different if pepper plants are
reached 68,727 tons and was valued at 221 million US$. propagated vegetatively by seedlings in the form of stems
Pepper exports rank sixth after rubber, oil palm, coffee, with only 2-3 segments. Therefore, it becomes an
cocoa, and coconut. However, pepper productivity in opportunity for the availability of planting material quickly
Indonesia is still low compared to India and Malaysia to support increased production.
(Azahari et al. 2021). The availability of healthy seedlings in large quantities
Given the very good prospects for this plant, pepper is the key to the success of pepper production. Therefore, it
production needs to be developed with good cultivation is necessary to make nursery efforts that support the
efforts. It allows pepper farmers to increase their income formation of healthy roots. The trick is to use a good
and ultimately support the country's foreign exchange planting medium for roots, which can provide nutrients and
earnings. However, the reality is that farmers cultivate support root development (porous soil structure). Planting
pepper plants very simply, as was done by pepper farmers media with such conditions can be made by adding organic
in Manyaran Wonogiri. Pepper farmers in Manyaran only fertilizer (cow manure, husk) and a concrete step to utilize
use soil media without adding manure (if manure is used, the available organic waste. Using mixed media of manure
the dosage is not clear) or use PGR (growth regulators) in and husk can increase plant growth and yield (Zulia and
the nursery process, which results in poor plant growth Batubara 2020) because manure can provide organic matter
because even though there are enough leaves, the roots and nutrients, improve soil's physical properties, and
have not grown perfectly (weak roots), so that when prevent water loss in the soil (Adugna 2016). In addition,
planted in the field, the opportunity to grow is very low. husk plays a role in improving soil structure (better
AMANAH et al. – Effect of the media and auxin on the growth of Piper nigrum 33

drainage system), binding water, not easy to rot, K source, Preparation of auxin treatment
and not easy to compact. (i) Dissolving auxin in water according to treatment. (ii)
In addition, the provision of auxin as a growth regulator Stir the mixture first before dipping the cuttings. (iii)
(PGR), which can stimulate root growth, also could be Dipping the cutting samples into the auxin mixture for 2
applied. There is a lot of evidence that auxins affect stem minutes before planting.
growth and root formation. People know PGR (auxin) by
Biooton and Rootone F (Artanti 2007). Jayusman's Planting
research (2005) showed that the concentration of Rootone After taking the cutting samples, planting was carried
F 1.5 g/40 mL gave the best results on the experimental out at 05.00 pm by inserting the cuttings into the media that
parameters, namely the percentage of cuttings, the number had been prepared according to the treatment. The planting
of leaves, and the robustness of the seedlings. This study method is as follows: (i) Some of the media in the polybag
was used at 0 g/40 mL; 0.5 g/40 mL; 1 g/40 mL; 1.5 g/40 is taken to be used as a place to insert cuttings that have
mL; and 2 g/40 mL concentrations. been treated with auxin. (ii) The media is returned to the
The objectives of this study were: (i) to find a good polybag carefully so that the position of the cuttings is right
planting medium for the growth of pepper cuttings in the middle. (iii) The cuttings in polybags are watered
seedlings, (ii) to obtain the administration of auxin that sufficiently so that the media is tighter. (iv) The cutting
affected the growth of pepper cuttings, (iii) to reveal the samples are immediately placed in a nursery (concrete pipe
relationship between planting media and auxin culvert) with an air humidity of 70% and a temperature of
administration on the growth of pepper cuttings seedlings. 31°C. (iv) The concrete pipe culvert is covered with plastic
trimmed with rubber tires, then given with dry coconut
Research place The upkeep includes watering with watering intensity
This research was conducted in Demangan Village, according to media conditions and removing weeds or
Manyaran Sub-district, Wonogiri District, Central Java, others that interfere with the growth of these pepper
Indonesia, at an altitude of 310 m above sea level. cuttings.

Research design Observation variable

This research was carried out in a factorial manner Sprouting time
using a completely randomized design, with 2 treatment The sprouting period is calculated when new shoots
factors as follows: grow dark red (purple-red), then the shoots were observed
Planting media consists of 3 kinds, namely: every 2 weeks, beginning from 2 Weeks After Planting
M0: soil (control) (WAP) to 12 WAP.
M1 : soil + manure (1:1)
M2 : soil + manure + husk (1:1:1) Number of shoots
Auxin concentration consists of 4 levels, namely: R0: The number of shoots was observed every 2 weeks, and
control; R1 : 12.5 g/L; R2: 25 g/L; R3: 37.5 g/L; R4 : 50 g/L. the number of new shoots was counted on-site.
Thus, there are 15 treatment combinations. Each
treatment was repeated 3 times so that there would be 45 Shoot length
treatment combinations. Shoot length was measured every 2 weeks from the
stem where the shoots grew to the tip of the highest shoot.
Research procedure
Media and venue preparation Number of leaves
(i) Install paranet before starting the nursery to reduce The number of leaves was calculated every 2 weeks,
sunlight, accelerating evaporation. (ii) Prepare and mix the namely the leaves that have opened completely.
media according to the treatment, then put it in a polybag
measuring 14 x 20 cm. (iii) Prepare plastic and dry coconut Leaf width
leaves to cover the nursery. Leaf width was measured at the end of the study using
millimeter paper. The procedure is that the leaves are
Picking up the cutting material drawn on millimeter paper which can be done by placing
(i) The cutting material was taken from the pepper plant the leaves on millimeter paper, and the leaf pattern is
in the Manyaran Wonogiri area in the afternoon. (ii) A followed. Leaf width is estimated based on the number of
sharp cutter was used to cut the cutting material so as not to squares contained in the leaf pattern with the formula:
be damaged. (iv) The cuttings used are taken from healthy
and growing plants but not in flowering or fruiting LD = n x Lk (1)
conditions. (v) Cutting samples are taken from primary or
climbing stems (not fruit branches). Where: LD: leaf width, n: number of squares; Lk: box
width (cm2)
34 CE LL B I O LOG Y & D E V E L OP M E NT 6 (1): 32-40, June 2022

Moreover, boxes with a size greater than or equal to the faster the shoot grows, the faster the time is needed for
half the reference size (cm2) are selected to be considered the plant to grow and develop. Shoots are formed from
in the above formula (Sitompul and Guritno 1995). meristem cells that divide and form a bump/swelling at the
end of the stem. The bump/swelling extends and encircles
Number of roots the tip (Gardner et al. 2017).
The number of roots calculated at the end of the study The type of media, the concentration of auxin, and their
was the total number of roots per plant. The calculated combination had no significant effect on shoot growth,
roots are roots that emerge from the root neck and have which is one form of plant growth. Salisbury and Ross
root fibers that absorb nutrients in the soil. (2006) stated that growth in plants is limited to certain
parts, which consist of several cells that have just been
Root length produced through the process of meristem cell division. It
Root length was measured at the end of the study from is the product of cell division that grows and causes
the root neck to the longest root tip. growth. For example, the tip of the canopy has meristems
that could form shoots. So when growing, shoots are more
Percentage of live cuttings influenced by meristems.
The percentage of live cuttings was calculated at the The fastest shoot growth was in soil media with an
end of the study with the formula: auxin concentration of 50 g/L, and the longest shoot growth
was in soil media with 12.5 g/L (Figure 1). Different types
X  100% of growing media with different auxin concentrations did
PSH  not significantly affect shoot growth, except for a slightly
T prominent auxin concentration of 12.5 g/L. Maybe auxin is
a growth hormone inseparable from plant growth and
Where: PSH: percentage of live cuttings (%), X: development, and one of the roles of auxin is stimulating
number of live cuttings per treatment, T: number of cell elongation in shoots (Artanti 2007). Gardner et al.
replications in treatment (3) (2017) also stated that added auxin could significantly
affect shoot growth.
Data analysis
Data were analyzed by analysis of variance based on Number of shoots
the F test of 5% and 1%. It was continued with the 5% Pepper plants have nodes as a place for roots or shoots
DMRT test if it had a significant effect. In addition, a to come out and internodes that separate one node from
regression analysis was performed to determine if there another. The type of media, the concentration of auxin, and
was an interaction. the combination of the two had no significant effect on the
number of shoots. It is because the number of shoots that
are part of plant growth is more influenced by the
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION meristems present in the cutting material used. Plant
development could be explained in that the meristem cells
Seedling is one of the important stages in pepper will divide to produce new cells, and then new cells will
cultivation, although pepper plants can be planted directly grow and develop, which causes growth (Salisbury and
without going through the nursery process. The rate of Ross 2006).
photosynthesis will increase as the plant ages. The results The highest number of shoots was in the treatment of
of photosynthesis (photosynthate) are used for plant growth media of soil + manure + husk with an auxin concentration
processes. Although growth occurs due to cell division and of 25 g/L (Figure 2). The combination of soil media gave
elongation processes, these processes require large amounts the highest number of shoots at an auxin concentration of
of carbohydrates. 37.5 g/L, while the combination of soil + manure media
The results showed that the media type significantly gave the highest number of shoots in the treatment without
affected shoot length, while auxin concentration auxin.
significantly affected shoot length and root number. The number of shoots in soil + manure + husk was
Furthermore, the number of roots, media type, and auxin more than in other media. Moreover, media is also more
concentration showed a very significant interaction, and the profitable because it is lighter and is one way of utilizing
percentage of live cuttings had significant interaction, too. agricultural waste. Soil + manure + husk was the best-
In detail, the discussion of each observation variable is growing medium for the number of shoots because the
as follows: growing media composition was complete by adding
manure and husks. In addition, manures can provide
Time of shoot growing additional organic matter in the growing media.
One of the reasons for using cuttings to propagate Meanwhile, besides being an organic material, the husk can
plants vegetatively is that the time required to grow is also improve the drainage of the growing media.
faster. When shoot growth is an indicator of plant growth,
Time of shoot growing (WAP) AMANAH et al. – Effect of the media and auxin on the growth of Piper nigrum 35

Number of shoots (units)

0 12.5 25 37.5 50
0 12.5 25 37.5 50
Auxin concentration (g/L)
Auxin concentration (g/L)
Soil Soil + Manure Soil + Manure + Husk Soil Soil + Manure Soil + Manure + Husk

Figure 1. Average growth of pepper shoots on various media and Figure 2. The average number of pepper shoots on various media
auxin concentrations and auxin concentration

According to Adnan et al. (2021), providing organic The longest shoot length produced was from a
matter increases soil humus, reduces environmental combination of soil + manure + husk treatment with an
pollution, and reduces nutrient depletion. Thus, applying auxin concentration of 50 g/L, which was 24 cm. Thus it
organic matter can improve the physical properties and can be said that the right medium has a good effect on
health of the soil. Meanwhile, husks play a very important administering auxin. That is because the media supports
role in improving soil structure so that the drainage system plant growth outside (environment), while auxin is a
for planting media becomes better. Therefore, using mixed growth regulator from within. So if these treatments are
media of manure and husk can increase plant growth and combined, it will have a better effect on plant growth.
yield (Zulia and Batubara 2020). The best planting media to maximize shoot length are
Shoots will grow if the concentration of cytokinin soil media + manure + husk, soil media + manure, and soil
hormones is higher than auxin (Rineksane 2005). Auxin media. It is because the more diverse the composition of
concentrations in plants can be high due to the the media, the better the growth. Soil media is the primary
accumulation of endogenous and exogenous auxins medium and is a control treatment. However, adding
(Sairanen et al. 2012; Tian et al. 2013; Olatunji et al. 2017). manure can give better yields on shoot length because
It is suspected to be the cause of the best concentration of manure is very good for supplying nutrients and improving
auxin in the number of shoots with soil + manure + husk soil quality. Manure is an organic fertilizer that can provide
media was 25 g/L. The administration of auxin at more organic matter and nutrients, improve soil physical
than 25 g/L caused the accumulation of endogenous and properties and restore lost nutrients. In addition, it can
exogenous auxin to be higher than the concentration of prevent water loss in the soil and the rate of water
cytokinins, which could inhibit the shoot growth. infiltration into the soil (Adugna 2016).
Moreover, adding husks to the planting media can also
Shoot length give better results because the husks can improve the
Planting media is a place to live for seedlings and find drainage system by being easy to bind water, not easy to
food that a suitable planting medium will improve plant rot, and not easy to compact. It follows Dewi et al. (2007),
growth and development. The growth that can be seen who state that pepper plants require soil conditions that
directly from the plant is the growth of shoot length. have good aeration and drainage.
Growth in stem height occurs in the intercalary
meristems of the internodes. The internodes lengthen due
to the increase in the number of cells and mainly due to the
expansion of the cells. Growth due to cell division occurs Table 1. Average shoot length of pepper (cm) on various media
at the base of the internode (intercalary), not the tip and concentration of auxin (12 WAP)
meristem. The amount of hormone in the intercalary
meristem is limited because it is not produced by itself as Auksin concentration (g/L)
Media type
0 12.5 25 37.5 50 Average
occurs in the tip meristem, so growth regulators must be
Soil 6.5 12.83 3 2.08 6.33 6.15a
supplied from outside (Gardner et al. 2017). Soil + manure 6.33 18.67 16 6 5.83 10.57ab
The results of the data analysis showed that the type of Soil + manure + husk 10.17 13.91 4.17 9.17 24 12.28b
media treatment and auxin concentration significantly Average 7.67a 15.14b 7.72a 5.75a 12.05ab
affected shoot length (Table 1). However, these two Note: Numbers followed by the same letter in one row or column
treatments did not show any interaction with shoot length. are not significantly different in the Duncan test at the 5% level
36 CE LL B I O LOG Y & D E V E L OP M E NT 6 (1): 32-40, June 2022

In soil media, the longest shoot was 12.83 cm. In soil + of leaves on the planting medium of soil + manure + husk
manure media was 18.67 cm, while in soil + manure + husk was with an auxin concentration of 50 g/L. In comparison,
medium, it was 24 cm (Table 1). So it can be said that the with auxin concentrations of 25 g/L and 37.5 g/L, the
media treatment affected shoot length (the treatment was number of leaves was less than that of 12.5 g/L. It shows
better than the control). Therefore, per the results of the F that the effect of auxin absorption is observed from the
test, the media had a significant effect on shoot length. concentration of auxin and the sensitivity of the recipient
The best auxin concentration at shoot length was 12.5 tissue (plant protein) (Salisbury and Ross 2006).
g/L (15.14 cm), then 50 g/L (12.05 cm). It follows Gardner
Leaf width
et al. (2017), who stated that stems respond to auxin
Leaves are generally considered the main
concentrations in a fairly wide range. Meanwhile, the auxin
photosynthetic-producing organs, so leaf observations are
concentration of 37.5 g/L caused the shoot length to be
necessary to explain the growth processes that occur in the
lower than the control. It indicates that the growth of
formation of plants. In addition, observation of leaves can
pepper-cutting seedlings requires the right concentration of
be based on their function as light receivers and
auxin. Improper concentration will not stimulate the growth
photosynthetic tools (Ren et al. 2018). On this basis, leaf
of pepper cuttings seedlings but will inhibit their growth.
width is the preferred parameter because the rate of
The appropriate concentration of auxin for pepper-
photosynthesis per unit plant, in most cases, is determined
cutting seedlings on shoot length is 12.5 g/L. It follows the
largely by leaf width (Sitompul and Guritno 1995).
research of Olatunji et al. (2017) that plants require an
Large leaf width affects the growth of other plant
appropriate concentration of auxin for their growth. An
organs. Increased leaf width is a form of plant growth
inappropriate concentration will not promote growth; on
resulting from cell division and elongation activity
the contrary, it can even inhibit it. Artanti (2007) also
influenced by the availability of nutrients. Nitrogen is a
stated that auxin was very influential on stem growth, but
nutrient that strongly supports the vegetative growth of
Dewi and Sabhara (2022) stated that the proper use of PGR
plants, especially leaves.
would positively affect growth.
Leaves are vegetative organs. Therefore, the N content
Number of leaves influences their growth in the media. Soil analysis showed
The function of the leaves is to produce photosynthate, that the soil contained N (0.21%), and the manure
which plants need as a source of energy in growth and contained N (1.44%), so combining these two growing
development (Dewi and Sabhara, 2022). Therefore, the media could increase the N content in the growing media
highest number of leaves produced indicates the plant is used; thus, leaf growth can be increased.
experiencing better growth and development. The media type, the auxin concentration, and the
The type of media, the concentration of auxin, and the combination of the two had no significant effect on leaf
combination of the two had no significant effect on the width. Because the leaves are part of the plant whose
number of shoots. According to Gardner et al. (2017), the growth structure is certain (it will be dead to some extent),
number of nodes and internodes is the same as the number therefore media type and the concentration of auxin have
of leaves. All three have the same origin in the phytomer. no significant effect on the growth of leaf width (Salisbury
The cutting material used in this study had the same nodes and Ross 2006).
and internodes. The best-growing media for leaf width is soil + manure
However, there were differences in the effect of the + husk (Figure 4) because the planting medium has a
media type and auxin concentration on the number of complete composition. Manure adds organic matter, which
leaves (Figure 3) because, according to Gardner et al. means adding nutrients (especially N). Meanwhile, the
(2017), the number of leaves is also influenced by genetic husk improves the condition of the growing media by
and environmental factors. For example, leaf growth will providing more air and water space (aeration and drainage).
be encouraged if sufficient water is available in the The soil + manure media gave a smaller leaf width than
growing media. the soil media. It is due to the addition of manure; even
The highest number of leaves produced was on soil + though it increased the N content needed for leaf growth,
manure + husk with an auxin concentration of 50 g/L, manure made water absorption greater than the soil media,
while the second-highest number of leaves was in the same so the planting medium was too much watering. This
medium with an auxin concentration of 12.5 g/L. planting medium is also not accompanied by adding air
Therefore, it shows that soil + manure + husk with auxin space, while pepper plants require good aeration and
was the proper medium with the ability to give the highest drainage conditions (Dewi et al. 2007).
number of leaves for pepper cuttings. Leaf width on pepper cuttings seedlings with auxin
Soil analysis showed that the exchanged K content of treatment gave better leaf width than pepper cuttings
the soil was 0.23%. According to Sutedjo (1990), a fairly without auxin treatment (control) (Figure 5). It is not
high K (no need to fertilize) is 0.3%, so adding husks in following Rineksane's (2005) research that auxin could not
this medium can meet the K needs because husks are a increase leaf width. According to Marlin (2005), plants'
source of K needed by plants. growth and development (morphogenesis) treated with
Especially on soil + manure + husk treatment, adding PGR are controlled by the balance and interaction of
auxin has a good effect on the number of leaves. However, endogenous and exogenous PGR. So giving PGR (auxin)
the auxin concentration must be appropriate to obtain the can affect the growth of pepper cuttings seedlings,
optimal number of leaves; in this study, the highest number especially leaf width.
AMANAH et al. – Effect of the media and auxin on the growth of Piper nigrum 37

Number of roots
Gardner et al. (2017) stated that roots are the main
vegetative organs that supply water, minerals, and
Number of leaves (strand)

materials important for plant growth and development.

Strong root growth is necessary for shoot strength and
growth. Shoot growth will be disrupted if the roots are
damaged due to biological, physical, or mechanical
Filipović (2020) states that roots function in sucking
water and salt-loaded liquids. Another function is to absorb
plant nutrients and circulate them to all parts of the plant
0 12.5 25 37.5 50 through the wood network. In addition, it also functions as
Auxin concentration (g/L)
a plant reinforcement so that its growth is strong. That is
Soil Soil + Manure Soil + Manure + Husk why it needs to observe the number of roots in this study.
The media type had no significant effect on the number
Figure 3. The average number of pepper leaves on various media of roots because the periclinal division determines the
and auxin concentrations number of roots. As stated by Salisbury and Ross (2006),
periclinal division, followed by the growth of offspring
cells, causes protrusions, namely root primordia.
The data analysis showed that the auxin concentration
significantly affected the number of roots (Table 2) because
auxin is a growth regulator that stimulates root growth.
Although the plant produces natural auxin, providing
synthetic auxin from outside can stimulate root growth.
The interaction of media type and auxin concentration
based on the results of data analysis showed a very
significant effect on the number of roots (Table 2 and
Figure 6). Because a planting medium is a place for roots to
grow and auxin is a root growth regulator, the combination
of the two greatly affects the number of roots. According to
Wasito and Nuryani (2005), planting media in soil and
Figure 4. Average pepper leaf width on various media organic matter combination provides two advantages: a
root growth medium and a source of nutrients and water for
root growth.
The highest number of roots was found in soil media
treatment with an auxin concentration of 0 g/L (17.67)
(Table 3). The second-highest number of roots was found
in soil + manure + husk treatment with an auxin
concentration of 12.5 g/L (11). The third-highest number of
roots was found in soil + manure treatment with an auxin
concentration of 12.5 g/L (9). The smallest number of roots
was found in the treatment of soil media + manure + husk
with an auxin concentration of 25 g/L and soil + manure
media with an auxin concentration of 37.5 g/L.

Figure 5. Average pepper leaf width at various concentrations of


Table 2. The average number of pepper roots at various Table 3. The average number of pepper roots on various media
concentrations of auxin (3 months) and auxin concentrations (3 months)

Auxin concentration treatment Number of roots Auxin concentration (g/L)

Media treatment
0 12.5 25 37.5 50
Without auxin 7.78b
Soil 17.67c 3.33ab 5.67ab 2.33a 4.67ab
Auxin 12.5 g/L 7.78b
Soil+manure 1.67a 9ab 4ab 1a 1.33a
Auxin 25 g/L 3.43ab
Soil+manure+husk 4ab 11bc 1a 3.67ab 7ab
Auxin 37.5 g/L 2.33a
Note: Numbers followed by the same letter are not significantly
Auxin 50 g/L 4ab
different on Duncan's test level of 5%
Note: Numbers followed by the same letter in one row or column
are not significantly different in the Duncan test at the 5% level
38 CE LL B I O LOG Y & D E V E L OP M E NT 6 (1): 32-40, June 2022

Adding auxin increases the number of roots optimally if

the concentration is appropriate. Rineksane (2005) stated
that using Rootone F (auxin) increases the number of roots.
Marlin (2005) states that auxin plays an important role in
activating enzymes that make cell components so that once
cell division begins, auxin will stimulate the formation of
cells quickly. Artanti (2007) stated that auxin has several
roles in supporting plant life, one of which is to encourage
root primordial.

Root length
Root length results from the elongation of the cells
behind the tip meristem. Strong root growth is commonly
required for strength and growth (Gardner et al. 2017),
while root length is a form of root growth. Genetically,
Figure 6. Relationship of the media type and auxin concentration rather than environmentally, mechanisms mainly control
on the number of pepper roots the overall shape of the root system, and soil affects it as
well (Salisbury and Ross 2006).
The results of the F test showed that the type of media,
the concentration of auxin, and the combination of the two
The number of roots in soil media with auxin had no significant effect on root length. It is because the
concentration of more than 37.5 g/L tends to increase. The root is a part of the plant where cell growth and
determinant coefficient (R2) value is 0.82, meaning that development stages are mostly cell enlargement. In the
adding auxin affects the number of roots. In soil + manure enlargement of these cells, most water absorption can
media, the highest number of roots was found in the stretch the walls. The material for the new walls is
treatment with an auxin concentration of 25 g/L. The synthesized so that the walls are not thin. As a result, the
determinant coefficient (R2) value is 0.40, which means wall is widened at the tip at the root, so root growth is more
that the effect of giving auxin is weak. On the other hand, elongated. The supply of external hormones with low
in soil + manure + husk media, the least number of roots concentrations stimulates plant physiological processes, but
was found in the treatment with an auxin concentration of the response depends on the endogenous hormone level
25 g/L. The determinant coefficient (R2) value is 0.04, (Salisbury and Ross 2006). So the root length is influenced
which means the effect of giving auxin is very weak. by the nature of the root, which is more dominant for the
The media type and auxin provision affect the number increase in root length.
of roots. In soil media, adding auxin will again increase the The best root length was found in soil + manure + husk
number of roots at a concentration of 37.5 g/L (after treatment with an auxin concentration of 50 g/L, followed
previously decreasing with the administration of auxin). In by the same medium with an auxin concentration of 37.5
soil + manure media, auxin with 12.5 g/L and 25 g/L g/L (Figure 7). It shows that soil + manure + husk media
concentrations will increase the number of roots. However, had the best effect on root length because the mixed media
the higher the auxin concentration applied, the number of of manure and husk can increase plant growth and yield
roots will decrease. In the medium of soil + manure + husk, (Zulia and Batubara 2020).
adding auxin 25 g/L will increase the number of roots. It Gardner et al. (2017) also stated that better water
indicates an interaction between the type of media and the availability and nutrients could stimulate plants to make
concentration of auxin on the number of leaves of pepper photosynthesis more quickly, producing more
cuttings seedlings. photosynthate for roots. Media affects root length because
The number of roots in soil media showed a parabolic the media is a place where roots grow. Media soil + manure
response to the auxin concentration. The number of roots + husk can meet the nutrient needs of plants and provide
decreased and increased again with increasing auxin sufficient space for good root growth. Soil is a natural
concentration. The number of roots in soil + manure and medium (general), manure provides additional nutrients, and
soil + manure + husk with auxin concentration gave the husks provide sufficient space for roots and can bind water.
same pattern (close to linear). Salisbury and Ross (2006) added that temperature,
The planting medium is an external factor that aeration, and availability of water and minerals are
determines plant growth. For example, the media in the important factors in root growth. These factors were
cutting technique functions as a support for cuttings during available in soil + manure + husk media, so this planting
the root growth period, maintains moisture, and facilitates medium gave the best results on the growth of pepper
air penetration. In addition, media with better availability cuttings, especially root length. The addition of manures
of water and nutrients can stimulate plants to carry out can add nutrients to the growing media while adding husks
photosynthesis more quickly, producing more can improve the structure of the media to make it better
photosynthesis, such as increasing the number of roots (aeration and drainage).
(Gardner et al. 2017).
AMANAH et al. – Effect of the media and auxin on the growth of Piper nigrum 39

The type of media treatment and auxin concentration

interacted with the percentage of live cuttings (Table 4).
The success of pepper seedlings is quite high, as seen from
the number of cuttings that live at the end of the
observation. Overall there were 93.33% live cuttings,
namely 42 of 45 seedlings.
Control media gave better results in the percentage of
live cuttings than other media. The use of soil media was
able to produce an average percentage of live cuttings of
100% at all auxin concentrations. Soil media + manure +
husk at a concentration of 50 g/L auxins gave the
percentage of live cuttings of 66.67%. Soil media + manure
at a concentration of auxin 25 g/L gave the percentage of
live cuttings of 33.33%. This result shows that soil media
Figure 7. Average root length of pepper on various media and has the highest percentage of live cuttings.
concentration of auxin Soil media-only is better than other combined media,
such as soil media + manure or soil media + manure +
husk. It is presumably due to the influence of the
external/surrounding environment that affects the media
Giving auxin can provide better root length because and ultimately affects the pepper-cutting seedlings.
auxin is a growth regulator that stimulates root growth. However, this external environment can also directly affect
Especially in soil media, the application of auxin, which the pepper cuttings seedlings' condition. So the pepper
increased the number of roots, was a concentration of 50 cuttings get two influences, namely from the outside
g/L. In soil + manure media, the addition of auxin was able environment and the planting medium.
to increase the number of roots. It is in accordance with Soil media is a commonly used and natural medium for
Rineksane's study (2005), which states that auxin plays a all plants. However, if this media is exposed to
role in promoting root growth because auxin is a hormone continuous/large-intensity rainwater, it will cause the
that plays an important role in stimulating root growth. The media to become saturated with water. Meanwhile, the soil
Rootone F auxin used was formulated by several root + manure, which contains a lot of organic matter, will
growth hormones, so its use is more effective in stimulating become very humid if continuously exposed to rainwater
roots (Puspitorini 2016). and can grow unexpected things such as pathogens. The
same applies to soil + manure + husk, but there is also a
Percentage of live cuttings husk with less manure. Therefore, it causes the percentage
The results of the F test showed that the percentage of of live cuttings in soil + manure + husk media to be higher
live cuttings on several types of media and the than soil + manure media, although it is still lower than soil
concentration of auxin had no significant effect because media.
these seedlings die due to unfavorable weather changes. At The percentage of live cuttings reached 93.33%,
the beginning of the nursery, the seedlings experienced indicating that the ability of the cutting material to grow
good growth (70% humidity). Pepper plants require air and develop is high. It means that the cutting material
humidity between 60-80% (Dewi et al. 2007). In the contains meristematic tissue that is actively dividing.
middle of the study, there were frequent rains, so the Marlin (2005) stated that meristematic tissue that is
humidity of the nursery increased (presumed to be more actively dividing could grow and develop quite high
than 90%) because, in the rainy season, air humidity can (83.33-100%). So even though the percentage of auxin in
reach more than 90%. this study did not reach 100%, it could be said to be quite
In addition, this simple tool in the nursery is a bit high. Although the percentage of live cuttings was more
annoying during the rainy season. The rainwater that fell influenced by the external environment than the effect of
wet the paranet, then hit the dried coconut leaves used to auxin administration, the analysis showed an interaction
cover the plastic which covered the seedlings. As a result, between the media and auxin treatment.
coconut leaves as a cover become heavier, and a lot of
water is poured on the plastic, which causes the surface of
the plastic to lower and touch the already tall seedlings. Table 4. The average percentage of live pepper cuttings on
Then the pepper cuttings are left exposed but still in various media and auxin concentration (%)
paranet shade to reduce moisture and further damage.
However, after the seedlings are left open, environmental Type of media Auxin concentration (g/L)
influences also affect the growth of the seedlings, including Soil 0 12.5 25 37.5 50
disease. Plants that had been disturbed due to the disruption Soil+manure 100a 100a 33.33b 100a 100a
of the covering apparatus slowly began to improve with the Soil+manure+husk 100a 100a 100a 100a 66.67ab
emergence of new shoots. However, some still cannot Note: Numbers followed by the same letter in one row or column
improve because of the damages that cause the stems to rot. are not significantly different in the Duncan test at the 5% level
40 CE LL B I O LOG Y & D E V E L OP M E NT 6 (1): 32-40, June 2022

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