Artigo Felipe
Artigo Felipe
Artigo Felipe
Cite: Blum, S. A.; Zahrebelnei, F.; Nagata, N.; Zucolotto, V.; Mattoso, L. H. C.; Pessoa, C. A.; Garcia, J. R.; Wohnrath, K.
Experimental Design to Enhance Dopamine Electrochemical Detection Using Carbon Paste Electrodes. Braz. J. Anal. Chem.,
2021, 8 (32), pp 178–197. doi:
Submitted 01 March 2021, Resubmitted 08 June 2021, Accepted 10 June 2021, Available online August 2021.
Braz. J. Anal. Chem., 2021, 8 (32), pp 178–197.
to be promising tools to perform quick, cheap and sensitive detection of this neurotransmitter in bioanalytical
Keywords: carbon paste electrode, carbon black, intrinsically conducting polymers, electroanalysis,
electrocatalysis, response surface, factorial design.
The use of carbonaceous materials for constructing CPEs has been enabling the production of excellent
for applications as electroconductive additive in hydrogen storage devices, and as cathode materials in
investigated due to their excellent electrical conductivity and presence of several defect sites. Those
properties contribute to faster electron transfer kinetics on the electrodic material, providing interesting
and CB nanomaterial.
DA is a biological amine that has excitatory and inhibitory activity in postsynaptic membranes, performing
The method commonly used for DA analysis is high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).
such as the need for expensive equipment, demand for trained technicians, complex sample preparation
Blum, S. A.; Zahrebelnei, F.; Nagata, N.; Zucolotto, V.; Mattoso, L. H. C.; Pessoa, C. A.; Garcia, J. R.; Wohnrath, K.
procedures and the impossibility of in situ analysis. In contrast, electrochemical methods can overcome
cost. Furthermore, the instrumentation required for electroanalytical determinations is simple and can be
in situ
stand out due to their oxidation potential being close to the DA one and to the fact that their concentrations
being hundreds of thousands of times higher than the concentration of DA in physiological environment.
Additionally, the oxidation products of these compounds can be potentially absorbed or electropolymerized
on the surface of the electrodes, reducing sensors reuse and reproducibility. Therefore, for a DA sensor to
The use of multivariate optimization tools, such as factorial design and response surface methodology
of such approaches has been leading to enhanced detection performances for several sensing devices.
made via in situ deposition of intrinsically conducting polymers. These materials have found applications
conductivity of the material and in the number of surface active sites due to the presence of alternating
sensitive, selective and feasible electrochemical sensors to perform DA determination in real samples.
ca. 1400 m2
ca. 570 m2 ) and CB 3
Braz. J. Anal. Chem., 2021, 8 (32), pp 178–197.
Electrochemical measurements
by using cyclic voltammetry, since this technique is the most suitable for a profound characterization in
relation to the kinetic aspects of electrochemical reactions occurring in the electrode/solution interface.
vs Ag/AgCl, at scan rates of
10 mV s and 90 mV s . NaCl 0.5 mol L
-1 -1 -1 -1
and pH of the
supporting electrolyte. Using these parameters, optimization based on a 3 factorial design and response
Experimental Design to Enhance Dopamine Electrochemical Detection Using Carbon Paste Electrodes
composes all electrodes. The amount of binder depends on the granulation of the carbon-based material
and this proportion can cause increment of background current. According to Malha et al., 2013, as CB
As Eeonomers®
due to
related to the binder. Trying to avoid the use of higher amounts of mineral oil, KP20
the material employed for electrode fabrication. It is interesting to observe that neither the KPPE nor the
Braz. J. Anal. Chem., 2021, 8 (32), pp 178–197.
It is interesting to notice that the capacitive current for the KPPE is 23 times higher than for its counterpart
to the former material. This can be understood considering that under acid doping PANI conductivity is
is 2.5 higher than the area for the KP20, fact that corroborate the occurrence of pseudocapacitive process
Eeonomers ®
KP0PE, KPPE and KPyPE in the presence of
is related to
separation ( Ep) ca. 83 mV and an anodic and cathodic peak current ratio for the process (Ipa/Ipc) of ca.
(Figure 2.a). The parameters obtained from the measured cyclic voltammetry for the
a b
Figure 2. a) Cyclic voltammograms for the electrodes KP0PE, KPPE and KPyPE, and b) Cyclic
voltammograms for the electrodes GRPE, KP0PE e CNTPE, in 50 µmol L-1 of DA. Supporting electrolyte:
NaCl 0.5 mol L-1, pH 4.0 and = 30 mV s-1.
Blum, S. A.; Zahrebelnei, F.; Nagata, N.; Zucolotto, V.; Mattoso, L. H. C.; Pessoa, C. A.; Garcia, J. R.; Wohnrath, K.
Table I. Electrochemical parameters obtained from the cyclic voltammograms of GRPE, KP0PE,
CNTPE, KPyPE and KPPE electrodes in the presence of 50 µmol L-1 DA
kinect for electron transfer for DA redox process are KPPE and KPyPE, even considering the presence
of a high capacitive current. This behavior can be attributed to the smaller values of Ep
respectively (criteria for reversible process: p
= 57/n mV at 25 0C n is the number of electrons
involved in the process and Ipa/Ipc =
KPy20 can be assigned to the presence of the pseudocapacitance phenomena that is caused by fast
faradaic processes occurring on the material surface as a consequence of the presence of polymeric
(Figure S4
Table II.
Linear Range of
Linear Regression Linear correlation Sensitivity
CPE Concentration
Equation factor (A mol-1 L)
(mol L-1)
GRPE 0.9930 0.051 2 – 50
CNTPE 0.04 2 – 50
Braz. J. Anal. Chem., 2021, 8 (32), pp 178–197.
containing Eeonomer®
is also important to mention that the higher sensibility of KPPE electrode is clearly indicated in Figure 3. It
is also interesting to notice that the error on the measurement of the peak current for each of the studied
a b
Figure 3. Analytical curves obtained by cyclic voltammetry in presence of DA for a) KPPE electrode and
b) CNTPE electrode, both in the concentration range of 2 to 50 µmol L-1 of DA. Supporting electrolyte:
NaCl 0.5 mol L-1, pH 4.0 and = 30 mV s-1.
In addition to the good sensitivity, a suitable reproducibility and response stability is required for an
vs plot exhibited the typical behavior of a typical
electrochemical-chemical catalytic process, as observed for the electrodes containing KP20 and KPy20.
Experimental Design to Enhance Dopamine Electrochemical Detection Using Carbon Paste Electrodes
a b
Figure 4. Plot of Ip/ 1/2 against scan rate ( ) for DA (50 µmol L-1 a) KPPE and
b) KPyPE. Supporting electrolyte: NaCl 0.5 mol L-1 and pH 4.0.
and its presence considerably decreases the sensitivity of most of the materials used in electrochemical
is highlighted as an insert in Figure 5.a due to the high capacitive current presented by this material. For
in the presence of AA. For those carbonaceous materials, it is possible to observe the same oxidation
presence of DA.
Braz. J. Anal. Chem., 2021, 8 (32), pp 178–197.
a b
Figure 5. Cyclic voltammograms of a) KP0PE, KPPE and KPyPE and b) KP0PE, GRPE and CNTPE in
presence of AA in a concentration of 50 µmol L-1. Conditions: NaCl 0.5 mol L-1, pH 4.0 and = 30 mV s-1.
The obtained results indicate that the use of KP0PE, GRPE and mainly CNTPE electrodes are not
the application in the preparation of electrochemical sensors. Aiming to produce a proof of concept for the
µmol L-1
labeled concentration of DA in the tested commercial injection solution sample (50.4 µmol L-1).
Blum, S. A.; Zahrebelnei, F.; Nagata, N.; Zucolotto, V.; Mattoso, L. H. C.; Pessoa, C. A.; Garcia, J. R.; Wohnrath, K.
Factorial Design
could enhance the
this process, a 32
due to the importance of this parameter in doping the conducting polymers present in the system.
KP20 (KPPE), KPy20
higher than 20 µmol L-1. Thus, the Eeonomers® (KP20 and KPy20) are highly selective to DA even in the
presence of its principal interferent (AA) in physiological medium.
The current results obtained in each assay of the 32 full factorial are displayed in the Table III. A central
Table III. Current results obtained in each assay of the 32 full factorial design to investigate the
2 - (KP20) 15.2
3 - (3.0)
4 9.31
9 0 (KP20/KPy20) 20.4
10 0 (5.0) 7.82
- c = -9.71 units, obtained
factorial and the mean at the center of the design)
Braz. J. Anal. Chem., 2021, 8 (32), pp 178–197.
Table IV. Analysis of Variance for the quadratic adjusted model (Ipa = 24.2 – 2.00 pH – 7.47 EPC
- 2.44 pH2 – 7.18 EPC2 + 3.94 pH x EPC)
Sum of Squares Degrees of Mean of Squares
Source F-test
(SS) Freedom (MS)
Regression (R) 5
Residual (r) 11.51 5 2.31
Total 10
F = MSR/MSr = 52.39
>>> F FLF = MSLF/MSpe F
µA) can be
obtained using the pH close to 3.0 and KP20 as EPC. Regarding the determination of DA in biological
samples (pH µ
Figure 7. Response surface of the model (Ipa = 24.2 – 2.00 pH – 7.47 EPC -
2.44 pH2 – 7.18 EPC2
Experimental Design to Enhance Dopamine Electrochemical Detection Using Carbon Paste Electrodes
Eonomers® materials, prepared by incorporation of conducting polymers (Pani (KP20) and PPy
presented good response stability in the presence of DA. The good analytical features of KP20 CPE
enabled its successful application to detect DA in a commercial formulation.
important interfering species for DA detection in physiological matrices. Both Eonomers®-based CPE
that the developed electrochemical devices can found promising applications to perform fast, cheap and
sensitive determinations of DA in real samples.
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a b
electrochemical signals of dopamine at the carbon black electrode in the presence and absence of ascorbic
faradaic currents related to the redox processes of chemical doping of polyaniline in the emerald state can
Experimental Design to Enhance Dopamine Electrochemical Detection Using Carbon Paste Electrodes
Figure S3.
mmol.L-1 of DA. Supporting electrolyte: NaCl 0.5 mol L-1, pH
S4 – We observed that oxidation of DA on a Pt electrode occurred at higher potentials (Epa = 504 mV).
a b
Figure S4. Cyclic voltammograms for the KP0PE (a), KPPE (b), KPyPE (c) in 50 mol L-1 of DA.
Supporting electrolyte: NaCl 0.5 mol L-1, pH 4.0 and = 10, 30, 50. 70 and 90 mV s-1.
Braz. J. Anal. Chem., 2021, 8 (32), pp 178–197.
a b
Blum, S. A.; Zahrebelnei, F.; Nagata, N.; Zucolotto, V.; Mattoso, L. H. C.; Pessoa, C. A.; Garcia, J. R.; Wohnrath, K.
electrochemical behavior of each one before the simultaneous addition of dopamine and ascorbic acid.
From the concentration of 1.0 mmol L-1, the KP20 electrode began to detect ascorbic acid, but at this
from the concentration of 0.1 mmol L-1 have already detected ascorbic acid.
Figure S6.
(3.0 x 10-5 to 7.0 x 10-5 mol L-1 -5
mol L-1, the
concentrations of ascorbic acid varied from 1.0 x 10-5 mol L-1 to 7.0 x 10 3 mol L-1.
Braz. J. Anal. Chem., 2021, 8 (32), pp 178–197.
Figure S6 continuation.
CNTPE in DA (3.0 x 10-5 to 7.0 x 10-5 mol L-1 -5
mol L-1, the concentrations of ascorbic acid varied from 1.0 x 10-5 mol L-1 to 7.0 x 10 3 mol L-1.