E-Mail and Letter For SSC

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Important E-mail and Letter for SSC

1. Prize giving ceremony was held in your school. You You should believe confidently that Allah is almighty,
won two prizes. The prize gave you much charm. Now, the only is born of life and death and no human being
write a letter to your friend giving a short account of will be helpless there. As Muslims, we ought to exercise
the annual prize giving ceremony of your school. our religious faith. Try to avoid sad feelings, wish peace
for the departed soul of your father, and move onto
25 January, 2022 your daily work.
Dinajpur, Rangpur. No more words today. With ardent sympathy to you
My dear Meena, and your family.
At first you take my love. I hope you are well. I am also Yours ever,
well. You have wanted to know about the prize giving Anamika.
ceremony our school. Now I am giving you a short
description about it. 3. Suppose, you are Ayesha. Your younger sister Mim
The day of prize giving ceremony was a day of joy for all does not know the importance of physical exercise.
the students of our school. The function started at 4 Now, write an email to her describing the importance
p.m. on Monday last. We decorated our school campus of physical exercise.
nicely with coloured paper. In the function, the TNO
was the chief guest. The Headmaster of the school read To : [email protected]
out the annual report of the school. After the reports From : [email protected]
the winners were given prizes by the chief guest. I also Sent : Sunday, September 19, 2022; 6:00pm
got a prize for good result in the examination. After the Subject : Describing the importance of physical
speech of chief guest the Headmaster made a exercise.
concluding speech. Then the programme came to an My dear Mim,
end. I enjoyed the programme so much that the My love to you. Hope you are going on well with your
memory of the programme will remain ever fresh in my studies. I came to learn that you could not spend much
heart. time in studies for the weakness of your health. I fear
No more today. More when we shall meet. Convey my that your health may disturb once and again if you do
best regards to your parents and love for the youngers. not take regular exercise. Progress of studies needs lot
Your loving friend, of rain works. Without a sound health and a sound
Raju. mind you cannot keep up your study well.
I suggest you to take physical exercise regularly.
2. Write an email to your friend Rahat/ Ruhi condoling Regular morning walk and swimming will help you a lot
him on his/ her father's death. to regain energy. Besides this, you can play games and
sports. You can play badminton in the evening.
Beraid, Badda, Dhaka -1212 Enjoying drama and songs both will revitalize your
5 July 2022 mental energy. But you have to take regular physical
Dear Rahat, exercise not only for your health but also for your mind.
I have just received your letter. Through the letter, I Without any delay begin it from tomorrow.
have come to know that you have recently lost your Yours elder sister,
father by a road accident. It is very sad to me. I am sure Ayesha
that you are now broken-hearted. l have also got very
upset. My heart has been filled with sorrows hearing 4. Suppose, you are Nihal living in Bogura. Your friend
this news. I don’t find any view to console you. It is no Dhrubo lives in Rajshahi. Write a letter to Dhrubo
doubt very pathetic. I am sharing the utmost pains with describing how you celebrated the Pahela Boishakh
you. But I suggest you not to be very upset. You know last week
that man is born to die. Like other creatures, man is also
mortal. No one lives forever. Each of us has to go back August 12, 2022
to the eternal Creator. 3/ A. Tikatuli, Dhaka
My dear Sumona, 6. Imagine, you are Salam/ Salma of Bhola Govt High
At the beginning of the letter, take my cordial love. School, Bhola. Your friend Fahim/ Fahima lives in 10,
Hope you are hale and hearty by the grace of Almighty Court Road, Feni. Now, write a letter to your friend
Allah. I am also well by His grace. Recently we have congratulating him on his brilliant result.
celebrated Pahela Baishakh, the Bangla New year's day
at our school premises in a befitting manner. The day is 5 July 2022
a symbol of our Bangla culture It is celebrated with Charfason, Bhola
traditional festivities all over the country As the day is My dear Fahima,
a public holiday .On this day early in the morning I am happy to know that you have got GPA-5 in the SSC
people of all ages and religions assemble at a particular examination. Take my heartiest congratulation on your
place wearing traditional dress and welcome the brilliant success. Really you deserve this result because
Bangla New year through songs and music. We, the you are brilliant, punctual and hard working. I hope you
students and the teachers also went to our campus will do such a result in future. We are proud of you. I
wearing traditional dress and sang song in chorus told everyone about your success. They praised you
welcoming the New Year. Then artists sang folk song highly. But don't be boastful of your success. My
and bawool songs. After that we enjoyed batasha (cake parents want to see you. May Allah bless you.
of molasses ) and Khoi(parched rice)I ate panta- Illish No more today. Write to me. With best regards to your
with great pleasure I wore new clothes in the morning parents.
I went various places like public squares .It was a special Yours ever,
day to be remembered for life That is all for today. Salam.
No more today. More when we shall meet each other.
And write to me whenever you have time. With love 7. Suppose, you are Rana/Runa. Now, write an e-mail to
and good wishes. your foreign friend named John/Julia telling him/her
Your loving, about Bangladesh and her people.
To : [email protected]
5. Suppose, your father is a govt. service holder who From : [email protected]
works in Dhaka. Suddenly your mother fell into illness. Sent : 10th January, 2022. 03:00 PM
Now, write a letter to your father informing him of Subject : About my country and her people
your mother's illness. Dear John,
Take my love. Hope you are keeping well. This is to say
30 July, 2022 thanks for your last e-mail. You have wanted to know
Halishahar Housing Estate, Dhaka. about my country and about her people. Thanks for this
My dear Father, kind of curiosity.
In your letter you have wanted to know about Bangladesh is an independent country. It became
condition of mother’s health. After you went off, her independent in 1971. Dhaka is its capital. It is a small
condition was better. But recently she has again been country. But it has a large population. It is mainly an
affected by high blood pressure. agricultural country. About 80 percent of people live in
We took her to our community clinic. The doctor the villages. Its main crops are rice, jute, sugar- cane
advised her to be in quite rest and under proper nursing and tea. We export tea and jute and earn a lot of
and prescribed some medicine. We attended to her foreign exchange. Many kinds of fruits also grow here.
very carefully and in a few days, she got cured. Now, Jack fruits, mangoes, pine apples and water melons are
she is very weak. She needs proper rest and nutritious the most common. Bangladesh is a riverine country.
food. But don’t worry, father. My grandmother is also The main rivers are the Padma, the Meghna, and the
at our home as attendant for her. Jamuna. We have many interesting places. The
The money you left for her treatment has already run Sundarbans, Rangamati and Cox's Bazar are very
out. Please send some money as early as possible. attractive. The Royal Bengal Tiger lives in the
With hope of your good health. sundarbans. The Cox's Bazar beach is the longest sea
Affectionately yours, beach in the world. We have also many festivals. Pahela
Nova. Baishakh is the biggest celebration in which all the
people join. People from different communities live You know that I am weak in Mathematics. I am trying
here in peace. to make up my weakness with the help of our
No more today. Please let me know about your country Mathematics teacher. I have already completed my
in details. I am looking forward to hearing from you. course entirely and now have been trying to revise
Have a nice time. them. I am confident that I shall obtain GPA- 5 by the
Your loving friend, grace of Allah.
Rana. No more today. Please write me about your
preparation. Convey my regard to your parents and
8. Suppose you are Rana. Yesterday Interschool Sports love to the youngers.
Competition was held in your school ground. Now, Your loving friend,
write an e-mail to your friend about the importance of Rina.
games and sports.
10. Suppose, you are Arif/ Arifa living at 3/ A. Tikatuli,
To : [email protected] Dhaka. Your friend Sumon/ Sumona lives at 13/ 3,
From : [email protected] Ibrahimpur, Jashore. Now, write a letter to your friend
Sent : 16th Fanuary, 2022. 01:25 PM telling him/ her about the importance of reading
Subject : Importance of games and sports. newspaper.
My dear Ameet,
Yesterday I received a letter from father that you are 11 March 2022,
not keeping good health these days. I am much worried 3/ A. Tikatuli, Dhaka
about you. It is very good that you work hard and are My dear Sumona,
good in studies but nothing should be achieved at the I hope you are quite well by the grace of Almighty. I am
cost of health. Good health is precious treasure which writing this letter to you urging on an important issue.
one should not lose. You must take interest in school I have told you several times to read the newspaper
games and participate in the sports. Games will keep regularly. This letter goes to you informing the
you fresh, smart and fit. If you can spare time, you must importance of reading the newspaper. Actually, the
go for evening walk also. It is a light exercise and gives newspaper is called the storehouse of knowledge. Day
you energy to do more work. Always remember all today’s news is found in the newspapers. There are
work no play makes jack a dull boy. Sound mind lives in many topics about which a newspaper highlights-like
a sound body. business, sports, share market, science, and
I hope you will surely try to improve your health, so that technology, entertainment, etc.
father and mother are not worried about you. So, if you read the newspaper regularly, you can have a
Yours lovingly, vast knowledge about these topics. As I know, you are
Rana. very much interested in science; you can explore the
world of science through reading newspapers regularly.
9. Imagine, you are Runa. Your bosom friend Ratna As a student, this can help you a lot to enrich your
wants to know about your preparation for the coming boundary of knowledge. I would also suggest you to
SSC examination. Now, write a letter to your friend read at least an English newspaper daily.
about your preparation for the coming SSC You know in this age of globalization English is the
examination. gateway to enter into the world of trade, commerce,
and technology.
115, Kalshi, Mirpur 11 No more today. My best regards to you and give my
March 15, 2012 Salam to parents.
Dear Ratna, Your ever
I hope you are well. I received your letter on the 10th Arif.
instant. I hope, you will write to me from time to time.
In your letter, you wanted to know about my
preparation for the coming SSC examination.
You know that my SSC examination is knocking at the
door. I am trying my best to do well in all the subjects.

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