Unit 2
Unit 2
Unit 2
2A. Vocabulary
• Landscapes: features and adjectives
I. Complete the sentences with the below.
cliffs waterfalls lake mountains hill
valley cave shores forest desert
1. She was standing at the mouth of the __________, and heard a noise coming from inside.
2. The birds breed mainly on sea __________ and in sea caves.
3. They enjoyed the beautiful views of snow-capped __________
4. Very little can grow in this arid __________.
5. We were on a ridge above a green __________, with the mountains beyond it.
6. She could see __________ falling down some of the mountain sides.
7. The area we passed through was once thick __________.
8. They can go fishing in the __________.
9. Wearing a pair of trainers, he walked up the steep __________ with the energy of a young mountain
10. The fish is commonly found off the __________ of Australia.
• Extreme adjectives
VI. Match the pair of adjectives with similar meanings. Which ones are more extreme?
Complete the chart.
astonished bad big brilliant clever
delighted enormous good happy important
scared small surprised terrible terrific
tiny vital
• Sports equipment
IX. Complete the sentences with the words or phrases below.
rope boots safety harness paddles
rucksack dinghy poles life jacket
1. Don’t worry about falling off the climbing wall - you’ll be wearing a __________
2. If you go out to sea on a boat, it’s a good idea to wear a __________.
3. When I went out to the sea with my friends, I dropped my hat over the side of the __________.
4. If you go hiking in the countryside, take a __________ so that you can carry things in it.
5. When I’m walking on rocky ground, my __________ stop me from falling over.
6. In the mountains you’ll need some strong walking __________.
7. When I went kayaking, I broke my __________ and had to use my hands to get to the edge of the
8. They tied a __________ around my waist and pulled me up.
• Outdoor activities
X. Complete the sentences with the words or phrases below.
paintballing kite surfing abseiling orienteering
jet-skiing mountain biking quad biking rock climbing
1. I don’t really like __________ because it’s dangerous and too noisy.
2. __________ is a good sport to do if you like looking at maps.
3. In __________ you shoot small container of paint at people.
4. In __________ lessons, I tried to hold on to a rope which is fastened to the top of the slope and went
down a very steep slope.
5. He has a lot of courage and a sense of adventure, so he enjoys __________ and other mountain
6. His father bought him a motorbike with four large wheels so that he could rode in __________.
7. He enjoys flying a kite and he also likes surfing, so the best option for him is ____________.
8. Peter bought a bicycle with thick tyres and a lot of gears so he could rode on hills and rough ground
in a race of __________.
2B. Grammar
• Past continuous
I. Complete the sentences with the past continuous form of the verbs below.
look do wait not listen watch
1. Which programme __________ you __________ on TV?
2. __________ you __________ for us? I’m sorry we’re late.
3. They didn’t see the thief. They __________ in the shop window.
4. Could you repeat that, please? I __________.
5. __________ he __________ his homework in the library at that time?
II. Complete the text with the past continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
At 8.00 p.m., we arrived at Mike’s party. Mike 1 __________ (stand) in the kitchen. He2 __________
(eat) a pizza. We said hello, but he 3 __________ (not listen). Sue and Jane 4 __________ (dance) in
the hall. Maria 5 __________ (sit) on the stairs. She 6 __________ (hold) her head in her hands. Her
shoulders 7 __________ (shake) but she 8 __________ (not cry). She 9 __________ (laugh)!
III. Complete the dialogue with the past continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
Policeman What1 __________ (you / do) at 8 o’clock yesterday evening?
Man I2 __________ (watch) TV.
Policeman Really? What3 __________ (you / watch)?
Man A film.
Policeman What was it called?
Man Well, I can’t remember. I4 __________ (not pay) attention.
Policeman I see. And why is your jacket wet?
Man I 5 __________ (wear) it this morning when I went out.
Policeman But it6 __________ (not rain) this morning!
VII. Complete the sentences with the past simple or past continuous form of the verbs in
1. Everyone was chatting when the teacher __________ (come) in.
2. I cooked dinner while they __________ (watch) the football match on TV.
3. We didn’t play football this morning because it __________ (rain).
4. When we arrived at the canteen, Nick __________ (wait) for us outside.
5. While we were coming home, we __________ (see) an accident.
VIII. Complete the sentences with the past simple or past continuous form of the verbs below.
wait chat cook pass arrive
1. He __________ the ball to Phong and then ran down the ground.
2. When I __________ home, my mum was cooking dinner.
3. While I __________ to my sister, the phone rang.
4. I __________ for you in the park when it started to rain.
5. He __________ dinner while I was watching TV.
IX. Complete the sentences. Use the past simple or past continuous of the verbs in brackets.
Last year, Nick and his dad 1 __________ (visit) the USA. While they 2 __________ (stay) in Los
Angeles, they 3 __________ (go) to a basketball game between the Los Angeles Lakers and the
Chicago Bulls. The atmosphere inside the stadium 4 __________ (be) really exciting. Thousands of
spectators 5__________ (cheer). The Los Angeles Lakers 6 __________ (score) 30 points in the last 10
minutes, but they 7 __________ (not win). After the game, one of the players 8 __________ (throw) the
ball into the crowd and a man in front of them 9 __________ (catch) it. While they 10 __________
(leave) the stadium, the man 11 __________ (give) them the ball and 12 __________ (say): ‘Here’s a
3. My history teacher at school made a big impress on me - that’s why I did history at university.
4. The police say that the gang of shoplifters have made a full confess.
5. ‘I heard about your dad’s decide to stop you going out with Jim and David’ - ‘Yeah, he said he
wanted to protection me from their bad influence.’
6. The divide of any number by zero is actually impossible.
7. The town council has agreed to situate the new concert hall away from any housing areas.
8. What’s the connect between Winnie the Pooh and Attila the Hun? They have the same middle
2D. Reading
I. Read the text, and do the tasks that follow.
Friendly Dolphins Save Swimmers
One morning in November 2018, four people were 1 __________ in the sea about 100 metres from the
beach near Auckland, New Zealand. They were 2 __________ lifeguards on a training swim. Suddenly,
about ten dolphins appeared and started to swim around them in circles. At first, the swimmers were
worried - they 3 __________ that the dolphins were 4 __________ them. One of the swimmers, Ron
Howes, tried to swim back to the beach, but the dolphins stopped him and pushed him back to other
swimmers. Suddenly, one of the swimmers 5 __________. There was a three-metre shark and it was
swimming towards them through the 6 __________ blue water. It came very close to the swimmers. It
was only metres away, but it couldn’t attack them because the dolphins were there. The dolphins
stayed with the swimmers for 40 minutes. 7 __________, the shark swam away and the dolphins let the
swimmers return to the beach. A scientist, Rosemary Finn, who studies the behavior of dolphins,
wasn’t surprised when she heard the story. ‘Dolphins often help other animals and fish when they are
in trouble in the sea,’ she said.
Task 1. Complete the text with the words below.
attacking clear eventually professional
screamed swimming thought
Task 2. Put the events of the story in the correct order.
_____ A. One of the swimmers screamed when she saw a shark.
_____ B. The dolphins started to swim around the people.
_____ C. Ron tried to swim back to the beach.
__1__ D. The lifeguards were on a training swim.
_____ E. The shark swam away.
_____ F. Ten dolphins appeared.
_____ G. The dolphins stayed with the swimmers for 40 minutes.
_____ H. The shark tried to attack the swimmers.
_____ I. The swimmers returned to the beach.
_____ J. The dolphins pushed Ron back to other swimmers.
Task 3. Match the words in bold in the text with these definitions.
1. highly skilled at something _______________
2. to make somebody not like something _______________
3. a passage of water where boats can travel _______________
4. a good opinion of your own character and abilities _______________
5. extremely hot _______________
6. ran away from something _______________
7. taken away by force and kept prisoner _______________
8. a particular task which you feel you should do _______________
IV. Read the text, and do the tasks that follow.
Sir Ranulph Fiennes - the World’s Greatest Living Explorer
In 1984, the Guinness Book of Records described Sir Ranulph Fiennes as the world’s greatest living
explorer. Since then, he has continued to break world records and to take on and pull off some of the
most difficult challenges on the Earth. But who is Sir Ranulph, and why are people so amazed by his
breathtaking achievements?
Sir Ranulph, who is a distant cousin of Queen Elizabeth II, was bom into a wealthy, aristocratic family
in 1944. When he was nineteen, he became a soldier in the British Army and spent a lot of time in
Oman in the Middle East. During that, he became the youngest captain in the army, learned about
survival skills and took up the sports of climbing and skiing.
In the late 1960s, after almost eight years of service, Sir Ranulph left the
army. He has been an adventurer ever since, and has led expeditions all
over the world. On his two early expeditions, he went down the River
Nile in a hovercraft and crossed a huge glacier in Norway. However, it
wasn’t until 1979, when he was in his thirties, that he made one of his
first really famous journeys. With two old friends, he set out on an
amazing and risky adventure, which took over three years to complete.
They sailed south to the Antarctic, crossed the South Pole, then sailed
north to the Artic, and finally travelled to the North Pole. They didn’t
get back to Britain until 1982. It was the first time anybody went round
the world in this direction, using only surface transport. Nobody has
been able to do it again since.
Since visiting both poles, he has led an expedition to discover a lost city in the deserts of Oman and
has also walked across the Antarctic. This journey was record-breaking because it was the first time
that a man or woman went across the continent by only walking and skiing. In other words, Sir
Ranulph, who was almost fifty years old at the time, didn’t use any machines at all. He went on this
incredible journey on his own, and it took him ninety-three days. Then, in 2009, he climbed Mount
Everest - despite the fact that he was sixty-five years old, and afraid of heights.
Naturally, there has been a price to pay for his bravery. Not all of his expeditions have been successful,
and he has had some terrible experiences. In 2000, for example, he attempted to walk across the Arctic
by himself, and his sledge and all his equipment fell through a hole in the ice. Sir Ranulph had to pull
everything out with his hands, and the ice was so cold that he got severe frostbite. When he got back
home, doctors cut off the ends of some of his fingers. He has also lost toes to frostbite and has had a
heart attack.
Perhaps Sir Ranulph’s most amazing challenge was the one he completed in 2003, when he was nearly
sixty. He ran seven marathons on seven countries in seven days. He started by running a marathon in
South America, flew to Antarctica and ran another marathon in Australia, Singapore, Britain, Egypt,
and finally, the USA.
There have been some amazing explorers in history, but few have achieved as much as Sir Ranulph
Task 1. Read the article and put Sir Ranulph’s experiences in the order that they happened in
his life.
____ a. He tried to go across the Arctic alone.
____ b. He went up to the top of Mount Everest.
____ c. He was a soldier in the British Army.
____ d. He lost some of his fingers because of the cold.
____ e. He went round the world from south to north.
____ f. He ran seven marathons in a week.
____ g. He walked over a Norwegian glacier.
____ h. He discovered a lost city in 1992.
Task 2. Study the pronouns in bold in the article. What do they refer to?
1. he (paragraph 1) ____________________________________________________
2. that (paragraph 2) ____________________________________________________
3. which (paragraph 3) ____________________________________________________
4. They (paragraph 3) ____________________________________________________
5. it (paragraph 3) ____________________________________________________
6. This (journey) (paragraph 4) ____________________________________________________
7. who (paragraph 4) ____________________________________________________
8. him (paragraph 4) ____________________________________________________
IV. Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each question.
Adventure Island
Vanuatu is a nation of small islands in the South Pacific. It is one
of the smallest countries in the world. But for those interested in
adventure and sport, there is a lot to do. Some of the best swimming,
snorkeling, and sea kayaking can be found here. Vanuatu’s islands also
offer visitors two of the most exciting, and dangerous activities in the
world: volcano surfing and land diving.
On Tanna Island, Mount Yasur rises 300 metres into the sky. Yasur
is one of a few active volcanoes in the country. It erupts almost every day, sometimes several times a
day. For centuries, both island locals and visitors have climbed this mountain to visit the top. Recently,
people have also started climbing Yasur to surf the volcano. In some ways, volcano surfing is like
surfing in the sea, but in other ways, it’s very different. A volcano surfer’s goal is to escape the
erupting volcano - without being hit by flying rocks. It’s fast, fun, and dangerous - the perfect extreme
Most people are familiar with bungee jumping. But did you
know bungee jumping started on Pentecost Island in Vanuatu, and is
almost 15 centuries old? The original activity, called land diving, is
part of a religious ceremony. A man ties tree vines around his ankles.
He then jumps headfirst from a high tower. The goal is to touch the earth with the top of his head -
without breaking the vine or hitting the ground hard. Every spring, island natives (men only) still
perform this amazing test of bravery.
1. What is the purpose of the reading?
A. to encourage people not to do dangerous sports
B. to explain what volcano surfing and land surfing are
C. to talk about the world’s best volcano surfer and land surfer
D. to compare Vanuatu with other islands in the South Pacific
2. What does the word “those” in paragraph 1 refer to?
A. people B. countries C. activities D. islands
3. Which sentence about Vanuatu is NOT true?
A. It is a small nation in the South Pacific.
B. It is where bungee jumping began.
C. It has more than one active volcano.
D. It is famous for a sport called volcano diving.
4. Which sentence is true about Mount Yasur?
A. It is no longer active.
B. It is more than 1,000 metres high.
C. People have been climbing it for a long time.
D. It’s on Pentecost Island.
5. Which sentence is true about land diving?
A. It was first called “bungee jumping.”
B. It came to Vanuatu from another country.
C. It is less popular today than in the past.
D. It is a traditional activity in Vanuatu.
6. What does the phrase “the earth” in the last paragraph mean?
A. the people B. the ground C. the tower D. the world
7. Local people on Tanna Island and visitors _______.
A. have surfed the volcano for centuries
B. have recently surfed the volcano
C. come to see the volcano erupt every day
D. have never tried any extreme sport
8. How are volcano surfing and land diving similar?
A. They are both old sports.
B. Both men and women do them.
C. They are both done on Tanna Island.
D. They are both extreme activities.
VI. Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each question.
Mystery on Everest
Were Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay really the first people to
reach the top of Mount Everest? Some believe British climbers George
Mallory and Andrew Irvine reached the
summit before them in June 1924.
Unfortunately, this is hard to prove because
both men vanished on the mountain.
In 1999, a team of climbers visited Everest, hoping to solve this mystery. Near Everest First Step,
on the way to the summit, the team found Mallory’s oxygen tank - evidence that he and Irvine were
near the top. Close by, a member of the team, Conrad Anker, discovered Mallory’s body.
In addition, when the team examined Mallory’s body, they found items like a knife and matches,
but no photos. Why is this significant? Mallory carried a photo of his wife with him. He planned to
leave it at the top of Everest, if he reached the summit.
Did Mallory and Irvine achieve their goal and reach the top? Probably not, says Anker. Mallory
and Irvine were last seen near Everest’s Second Step. This is a 27-metre wall of rock. Climbing this
section of Everest is extremely difficult, even with modem climbing equipment. Without the right
tools, it is doubtful Mallory and Irvine were able to proceed to the top.
Mallory and Irvine were near the summit late in the day. Climbers
who reach the summit at this time need to camp at the top. If you do this,
it is common to suffer from frostbite. But Mallory’s body had no sign of
So what happened to Mallory and Irvine? Anker thinks they probably
turned back just after the First Step. When Mallory was going down,
perhaps he accidentally fell. Irvine’s body has never been found.
Whatever happened, they will always be remembered as early Everest
1. The reading is mainly about two climbers who _______.
A. solved a mystery about Everest B. vanished on Everest
C. recreated Hillary and Norgay’s climb D. invented new climbing tools
2. Which statement is true?
A. Mallory’s body showed signs of frostbite.
B. Conrad Anker’s team found two bodies on Everest.
C. Mallory and Irvine were near the top of Everest in the morning.
D. Anker’s team found some of Mallory’s items on the mountain.
3. The purpose of the second and third paragraphs is to give reasons why ______.
A. Mallory may have reached the top
B. Mallory probably didn’t reach the top
C. Mallory brought an oxygen tank
D. the body was not Mallory’s
4. What does the word “it” in paragraph 3 refer to?
A. the body B. the oxygen tank
C. the summit D. the picture
5. Where were Mallory and Irvine last seen?
A. at a camp near the bottom of the mountain
B. at the top of Everest
C. just below the First Step
D. just below the Second Step
6. If Mallory and Irvine “turned back” (in the last paragraph), they _______.
A. stopped and went down B. went around
C. tried to walk up D. stayed in one place on
7. All of the following are true about Mallory EXCEPT that _______.
A. he had modem climbing equipment
B. his body was found near the First Step
C. some items were found near his body
D. he carried his wife’s picture with him
8. Which statement would Conrad Anker probably agree with?
A. Mallory and Irvine definitely reached the top of Everest.
B. Mallory and Irvine never got close to the summit.
C. Mallory and Irvine got close, but didn’t reach the top.
D. Irvine probably reached the top, but not Mallory
II. Put the verbs into the correct column according to the stress pattern.
entertain recommend visualise examine motivate
imagine understand volunteer accomplish abolish
advocate recycle discover register exercise
advertise educate sacrifice encounter disappear
Stress on 1st syllable Stress on 2nd syllable Stress on 3rd syllable
2E. Speaking
• Everyday English
I. Choose the correct response.
1. A: When I was young, I used to fly the kites B: a/ Probably you felt very happy.
in the field. b/ Do you think it’s a terrible thing?
2. A: We went to a small theme park, and played B: a/ And you were feeling terrified?
paintballing. b/ And you felt very excited?
3. A: Look! In the photo, he encountered a B: a/ I expect he felt very excited.
b/ He was probably very shocked.
4. A: Here’s the photo of the man who first B: a/ I think he was very well-prepared for it.
completed the marathon. b/ Judging his expression, he was relaxed.
5. A: Here’s the photo of my hiking trip in Cat
B: a/ You looked very bored!
Tien National Park. b/ Wow! How interesting!
6. A: Your brother took part in a race yesterday,
B: a/ Really? I guess he’s very fit.
and he came first.
b/ But maybe he felt very nervous.
B: a/ I guess she enjoys challenges.
7. A: My aunt Lan likes extreme sports.
b/ It’s a bad thing to do dangerous sports.
B: a/ Yeah, I could see it on her face.
8. A: Judging by her expression, I’d say Jane
enjoyed her first experience of BASE jumping. b/ Right. She looked terrified.
9. A: You like extreme sports, don’t you? B: a/ Oh, because they’re dangerous.
b/ Of course, they’re very exciting.
10. A: Why do you practise that sport? B: a/ Its excitement makes me do it.
b/ Its excitement makes me unwilling to do it.
• Photo description
II. Complete the dialogue with the phrases below. There is one extra that you do not need.
A. feel scared
B. wearing a life jacket
C. some training and experience
D. still and blue
E. a bit dangerous
F. very excited and relaxed
G. stands on end
III. Complete the dialogue with the phrases below. There is one extra that you do not need.
A. help each other when there is an accident
B. wearing wool caps, gloves, boots and heavy backpacks
C. carry enough tools, first-aid kits, some drink and food
D. feeling very excited and delighted
E. but maybe a bit scared and shocked
F. don’t feel so cold
G. lucky to have the nice weather like that
Anna Look at the picture in the magazine. Some people are skiing in the sun.
Mai It looks very wonderful. Skiing in the sun, so we 1______________________________.
Anna That’s right. I expect they’re 2_____________________________, because the weather is
Mai They’re 3_____________________________. All of them are carrying a lot.
Anna Exactly. Besides the skis, they are
Mai I think they have to 5__________________________________________________________.
Anna Skiing is a bit risky, so people should go skiing in a group, and they can
Mai We don’t have any opportunities to go skiing in Viet Nam because there is no snow and ice.
IV. Look at the picture, and the prompts below in order to complete the dialogue.
2F. Writing
• An invitation
Read the email, and do the tasks that follow.
Dear Phong,
Thanks for your email. It’s great that you’re planning to visit us next month.
As soon as term finishes, I’m going camping in the forest with my dad and my brother. We’re planning
to be away for three or four days. I really want to go fishing a few times, and while we’re there, I’m
hoping to catch some fish to eat in the evenings. After we get back, I’ll be working in my uncle’s cafe
for a few days over Easter.
You could visit any time during the last week of the holiday. I’ll re-taking a couple of exams next
term, so I need to do some revision before I go back to school. But I reckon I’ll be able to work when
you’re here.
I’d be grateful if you could confirm the dates of your visit as soon as possible. I won’t make any more
plans until I hear from you!
All the best,
Task 1. Why is Nick writing to Phong?
Task 2. Find four different activities that Nick is planning to do during the Easter holiday? What
tenses does he use in his email?
Task 3. Find one sentence that is too formal, and rewrite it in a more informal style.