Chemical Bonding & Atomic Structure Notes
Chemical Bonding & Atomic Structure Notes
Chemical Bonding & Atomic Structure Notes
The atomic structure of an element refers to the constitution of its nucleus and the arrangement
of the electrons around it. Primarily, the atomic structure of matter is made up of protons,
electrons and neutrons.
Atomic Particles
Atoms consist of three basic particles: protons, electrons, and neutrons. The nucleus (centre) of
the atom contains the protons (positively charged) and the neutrons (no charge). The outermost
regions of the atom are called electron shells and contain the electrons (negatively charged).
Atoms have different properties based on the arrangement and number of their basic particles.
The hydrogen atom (H) contains only one proton, one electron, and no neutrons. This can be
determined using the atomic number and the mass number of the element.
Atomic Mass
Protons and neutrons have approximately the same mass, about 1.67 × 10 -24 grams. Scientists
define this amount of mass as one atomic mass unit (amu) or one Dalton. Although similar in
mass, protons are positively charged, while neutrons have no charge. Therefore, the number of
neutrons in an atom contributes significantly to its mass, but not to its charge.
Electrons are much smaller in mass than protons, weighing only 9.11 × 10 -28 grams, or about
1/1800 of an atomic mass unit. Therefore, they do not contribute much to an element’s overall
atomic mass. When considering atomic mass, it is customary to ignore the mass of any electrons
and calculate the atom’s mass based on the number of protons and neutrons alone.
Electrons contribute greatly to the atom’s charge, as each electron has a negative charge equal to
the positive charge of a proton. Scientists define these charges as “+1” and “-1. ” In an
uncharged, neutral atom, the number of electrons orbiting the nucleus is equal to the number of
protons inside the nucleus. In these atoms, the positive and negative charges cancel each other
out, leading to an atom with no net charge.
The atomic number is the number of protons in an element, while the mass number is the number
of protons plus the number of neutrons.
An electron is a subatomic particle which bears charge – 1.60 × 10 –19 coulomb and has
mass 9.1 × 10– 28 g
A proton is defined as a subatomic particle which has a mass of 1 amu and
charge + 1 elementary charge unit.
A neutron is a subatomic particle which has a mass almost equal to that of a proton and
has no charge.
The controversy over the nature of light in the 1600s was partially due to the fact that
different experiments with light gave different indications about the nature of light. Energy
waveforms, such as water waves or sound waves, were found to exhibit certain
characteristics, including diffraction (the bending of waves around corners) and
interference (the adding or subtracting of energies when waves overlap).
Light as a Wave
Light also undergoes diffraction and interference. These characteristics of light can be
demonstrated with what is called a double-slit experiment. A box is sealed on all sides so
that no light can enter. On one side of the box, two very thin slits are cut. A light source
placed in front of the slits will allow light to enter the two slits and shine on the back wall of
the box.
If light behaved like particles, the light would go straight from the slits to the back of the
box and appear on the back wall as two bright spots (see the left side of the image above).
If light behaved like waves, the waves would enter the slits and diffract. On the back wall,
an interference · pattern would appear with bright spots showing areas of constructive
interference and dark spots showing areas of destructive interference (see the right side of the
image above). When this double-slit experiment was conducted, researchers saw an
interference pattern instead of two bright spots, providing reasonably conclusive evidence
that light behaves like a wave.
Light as a Particle
Although the results of the double-slit experiment strongly suggested that light is a wave, a
German physicist named Max Planck found experimental results that suggested light behaved
more like a particle when he was studying black body radiation. A black body is a theoretical
object that absorbs all light that falls on it. It reflects no radiation and appears perfectly black.
Black body radiation is the energy that would be emitted from an ideal black body. In the
year 1900, Planck published a paper on the electromagnetic radiation emitted from a black
object that had been heated. In trying to explain the black body radiation, Planck
determined that the experimental results could not be explained with the wave form of
light. Instead, Planck described the radiation emission as discrete bundles of energy, which
he called quanta. A quantum (singular form of quanta) is a small unit into which certain
forms of energy are divided. These “discrete bundles of energy” once again raised the
question of whether light was a wave or a particle – a question once thought settled by
Maxwell’s work. Planck’s work also pointed out that the energy of a quantum of light was
related only to its frequency. Planck’s equation for calculating the energy of a bundle of
light is
E = hν
whereE is the energy of the photon in joules (J), ν is the frequency in hertz (s−1 ), and h is
constant, 6:63×10−34 J s. (A photon is a particle of light. The word quantum is used for
energy in any form; when the type of energy under discussion is light, the words quantum and
photon become interchangeable.
Planck’s work became the basis for quantum theory. Quantum theory is the theory that
energy can only exist in discrete amounts (quanta).
Quantum theory can also be used to explain the result of this next experiment on light
called the photoelectric effect. The photoelectric effect is a phenomenon in which electrons
are emitted from the surface of a material after the absorption of energy. This experiment
involves having light strike a metal surface with enough force to knock electrons off the
metal surface. The results of the photoelectric effect indicated that if the experimenter used
low frequency light, such as red, no electrons were knocked off the metal. No matter how
many light waves were used and no matter how long the light was shined on the metal, red
light could not knock off any electrons. If a higher frequency light was used, such as blue
light, then many electrons were knocked off the metal. Albert Einstein used Planck’s
quantum theory to provide the explanation for the photoelectric effect. A certain amount of
energy was necessary for electrons to be knocked off a metal surface. If light were
quantized, then only particles of higher frequency light (and therefore higher energy)
would have enough energy to remove an electron. Light particles of lower frequency (and
therefore lower energy) could never remove any electrons, regardless of how many of them
were used.
Wave-Particle Duality
At this point, scientists had some experimental evidence (diffraction and interference) that
indicated light was a wave and other experimental evidence (black body radiation and the
photoelectric effect) that indicated light was a particle. The solution to this problem was to
develop a concept known as the wave-particle duality of light. The point of this concept is
that light travels as a wave and interacts with matter like a particle. Thus when light is
traveling through space, air, or other media, we speak of its wavelength and frequency, and
when the light interacts with matter, we switch to the characteristics of a particle (quantum).
In 1924, the Frenchman Louis de Broglie, suggested that if waves can have particle-like
properties as hypothesized by Planck, then perhaps particles can have some wave-like
properties. This concept received some experimental support in 1937 when investigators
demonstrated that electrons could produce diffraction patterns. (All objects, including
baseballs and automobiles could be considered to have wavep like properties, but this
concept is only measurable when dealing with extremely small particles like electrons.) De
Broglie’s “matter waves” would become very useful in attempts to describe the behavior of
electrons inside atoms.
Standing Waves
In the chapter “The Bohr Model of the Atom,” we considered a rope wave that was created
by tying one end of the rope to a tree and by jerking the other end up and down. When a
wave travels down a rope and encounters an immovable boundary, the wave reflects off the
boundary and travels back up the rope. This causes interference between the wave traveling
toward the tree and the reflected wave traveling back toward the person. If the person
moving the rope up and down adjusts the rhythm just right, the crests and troughs of the
wave moving toward the tree will coincide exactly with the crests and troughs of the reflected
wave. When this occurs, the apparent horizontal motion of the crests and troughs along the
rope will cease. This is called a standing wave. In such a case, the crests and troughs will
remain in the exact same place, while the nodes between the crests and troughs do not
appear to move at all.
In the standing wave shown above, the positions of the crests and troughs remain in the same
positions. The crests and troughs will only appear to exchange places above and below the
rope. The places where the rope does not cross the center axis line are called nodes
(positions of zero displacement). These nodal positions do not change and appear to be
frozen in place. By combining the concept of a standing wave along with de Broglie’s matter
waves, it became possible to describe an electron in an electron cloud as either a particle or a
standing wave.
hν = mc2
hc/λ = mc2
In all previous attempts to describe the electron’s behavior inside an atom, including in the
Bohr model, scientists tried to describe the path the electron would follow around the
nucleus. The theorists wanted to describe where the electron was located and how it would
move from that position to its next position.
In 1927, a German physicist named Werner Heisenberg, a German physicist stated what
is now known as the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. This principle states that it is
impossible to know both the precise location and the precise velocity of an electron at the
same time. The reason that we can’t determine both is because the act of determining the
location changes the velocity. In the process of making a measurement, we have actually
changed the measurement.
Heisenberg’s uncertainity principle is expressed as ∆x. ∆p ≥ h/4π
Schrödinger’s Equation
The Heisenberg uncertainty principle treated the electron as a particle. In effect, the
uncertainty principle stated that the exact motion of an electron in an atom could never be
determined, which also meant that the exact structure of the atom could not be determined.
Consequently, Erwin Schrödinger, an Austrian physicist, decided to treat the electron as a
wave in accordance with de Broglie’s matter waves.
Schrödinger, in considering the electron as a wave, developed an equation to describe the
electron wave behavior in three dimensions (shown below). Unfortunately, the equation is
so complex that it is actually impossible to solve exactly for atoms and ions that contain
more than one electron. High-speed computers, however, can produce very, very close
approximations, and these “solutions” have provided a great deal of information about the
possible organization of electrons within an electron cloud.
d2ψ/dx2 + 8π2m/h2 (E-V)ψ = 0- One dimensional time independent wave equation
where ψ- wave function, a function of position co-ordinates of the particle, ψ (xyz)
- h2/8π2m (∂2 /∂x2 + ∂2 /∂y2 + ∂2 /∂z2 )ψ +Vψ] = Eψ – Three dimensional form of Schrodinger
Ĥ ψ = E ψ where Ĥ is the Hamiltonian operator
Ĥ = [- h2/8π2m (∂2 /∂x2 + ∂2 /∂y2 + ∂2 /∂z2 ) +V]
Significance of ψ and ψ2
ψ is a wave function and refers to the amplitude of electron wave i.e., probability amplitude. It
has got no physical significance. The wave function ψ may be positive, negative or imaginary.
[ψ]2 is known as probability density and determines the probability of finding an electron at a
point within the atom.
1. Calculate the uncertainty in the velocity of an electron if the uncertainty in position is
determined with an accuracy of 0.5% of the radius.
2. The uncertainty in determining the position of an electron in an orbit is 0.6Å. What is the
uncertainty in its momentum?
Atomic orbitals
An atomic orbital is a mathematical function which describes the probability of finding any
electron of an atom around its nucleus. Each orbital in an atom is characterized by three sets of
quantum numbers namely principal quantum number (n), angular momentum quantum number
(l) and magnetic quantum number (m). An orbital can accommodate a maximum of two
electrons and is characterized by its spin quantum numbers.
Quantum numbers
Quantum numbers expresses the various energy levels available for an electron to reside in
an atom. They are the numbers that define completely the electrons in an atom. They are used to
i. Specify the position (or location) of an electron in an atom.
ii. Predicts the direction of spin or self-rotation of the electron
iii. Determine the energy and angular momentum of the electron.
s sub-shell: In the case of s sub-shell the l value is zero. Since l=0, m is also equal to zero. This
implies that s sub-shell of any energy level has only one space orientation. The shape of s-orbital
is depicted as a sphere, which depicts that the probability of finding an electron (i.e, electron
density) in all the direction from the nucleus is the same in s-orbital. As the n value increases the
size of s-orbital also increases. Thus the 2s sub-shell has more radius than the 1s orbital but the
1s orbital is completely within the 2s orbital. There is a vacant space between 1s and 2s orbital
where the probability of finding an electron is zero which is known as nodal plane. There are (n-
1) such nodal surfaces in s-orbital of nth main energy level.
Shape of s sub-shells
p sub-shell: p-orbital where l=1 have three m values 0, +1 and -1. Thus the subshell which starts
from the second (n=2) major energy level has three space orientations and are in three different
ways along x, y, z axes. These are designated as p x (m=0), py (m=+1) and pz (m=-1). The three p
orbitals are thus perpendicular to each other. All of them have dumb-bell shape. Thus p-orbitals
are directional which determines the geometry of the molecules. All the p-orbitals in the same
principal energy level have the same energy but increases when the n value increases. The two
lobes of the p-orbital are separated by a plane which contains the nucleus and is perpendicular to
the orbital axis. The probability of finding an electron at the nucleus as well as the plane is zero.
The nucleus is called the node and the plane is called the nodal plane.
Shape of p sub-shells
d sub-shell: Here l=2, have five m values -2, -1, 0, +1 and +2. This orbital has n value starts from
3, thus starts from the third principal energy level. These orbitals have thus five different special
orientations with same energy (degenerate). They are designated as d xy (m=-2), dyz (m=-1), dxz
(m=+1), dx2-y2 (m=+2) and dz2 (m=0). dxz, dyz and dxz orbitals have their greatest electron density
between the axes, thus their lobes are lying symmetrically between the axes. d x2-y2 and dz2 orbitals
have their electron density in the region along the axes.
Shape of d sub-shells
f sub-shell: For this sub-shell l=3, thus it has seven m values and thus seven different special
orientations. These are represented as below,
Shape of f sub-shells
3. Calculate the number of angular and radial nodes for the 3d orbital.
Trend in the periodic properties
Chemical bonding
A chemical bond is the attractive force that holds two or more atoms in a molecule or in
an ion. When atoms combine the electrons in the outermost shells of the atoms are arranged
between themselves in such a way that they achieve an octet of electrons in their valence shells.
The tendency of the atoms to have eight electrons in their outermost shell is known as octet rule.
The atom that attains octet configuration achieves the noble gas configuration and is stable. So
the atoms are combining to achieve stability. There are four types of bonds or linkages which
holds the atoms in a molecule, i) ionic bond, ii) covalent bond, iii) co-ordinate bond and
iv) metallic bond. All these are known as strong bonds. However there are some weak forces that
hold the atoms in a molecule. They are i) hydrogen bond and ii) van der Waals forces.
Thus an ionic bond is due to the electrostatic force of attraction between cation and anion.
Ionic bonding in NaCl
Sodium (2,8,1) transfers its excess one electron to chlorine (2,8,7) and thus Na attains
configuration of Ne (2,8) and Cl acquires the configuration of Ar (2,8,8). The electron lost by Na
atom is accepted by Cl, therefore Na forms its cation Na + and Cl forms the anion Cl -. The two
ions attract each other by electrostatic force of attraction which leads to the formation of an ionic
bond between them.
Bonding in MgO
Inorder to form a bond between Mg and O, two electrons were transferred from Mg to oxygen.
This leads to the formation of Mg 2+ and O2-. They attract each other by electrostatic force and
form MgO.
Electrovalency of an element is equal to the number of electrons lost by an atom of that
element in forming a positive ion or gained by it in forming a negative ion, both attaining noble
gas configuration in the outermost shell. The element that loses electrons show positive
electrovalency and the elements which gain electrons show negative electrovalency. In CaF 2,
calcium loses two electrons thus its valency is two or is a divalent element. One fluorine gains
one electron thus is a monovalent element.
Na, Li, Cl, F, Br……………….Monovalent
Mg, Ca, O, S…………………..Divalent
Al, B…………………………...Trivalent
C, Si……………………………Tetravalent
Lattice energy
Lattice energy of an ionic crystal is defined as the amount of energy released when a
mole of cations and anions combined to form an ionic crystal in its gaseous state. It is
represented as U. Generally it has a negative sign since the formation of an ionic bond is an
exothermic process. Thus in the formation energy is released and hence the energy of the system
is decreased. Greater is the value of lattice energy of an ionic compound, more stable is the ionic
A+ (g) + B- (g) A+B- (s) + Energy released (lattice energy)
Solvation energy
A few illustrative examples of covalent bond formation which satisfy the octet rule are given
Example 3: HF molecule
Number of electrons in the valance shell
of each Hydrogen atom :1 (1s1)
Example 6: O2 Molecule
Number of electrons in the valance shell of
each Oxygen atoms : 6 (1s2, 2s2, 2p4)
Number of covalent bonds between the two : 2 (i.e., one double bond between the two
Oxygen atoms in O2 molecule Oxygen atoms)
Example 7: N2 Molecule
Number of electrons in the valance shell : 5 (1s2, 2s2, 2p3)
of each Nitrogen atoms
Sigma bond
Axial overlap of half-filled atomic orbitals results in the formation of a sigma
bond. The covalent bonds in molecules such as H2, Cl2, F2, HF are examples of this type.
Pi bond
Lateral overlap of half-filled atomic orbitals lead to the formation of pi bonds.
Owing to the higher extend of effective overlap sigma bonds are stronger than pi bonds.
Theories and concepts to explain the formation and geometry of covalent molecules.
There are different theoretical approaches for predicting the formation and the
geometry of the compounds formed by covalent bonding. They are briefed here.
Octet rule
The octet rule, even though applicable to explain the covalent bond formation in
many simple molecules, this rule is broken in a significant number of cases. Owing to
varying reasons, the molecules such as BeF2, BF3, PF5, NO, ClO2 are exceptions to the octet
rule. Octet rule could not give any idea about the Para magnetism of O 2 molecule. And
also it does not give any explanation for geometrical shape of molecules.
2 180c Linear
4 109o28’ Tetrahedral
6 90o Octahedral
Even though shapes of many molecules were predicted correctly by this theory, a few
molecules, which exhibited deviations from the expected shape, exist as exceptions.
Hybridization : sp2
Hybridization :sp3
Tetrahedral CH4à
Hybridization :sp3
Number of sp3 hybrid orbitals on : 4
Orientation of the four sp3 hybrid : Tetrahedral.
orbitals around Nitrogen
Hybridization : sp3
Number of sp hybrid orbitals on : 4
Orientation of the four sp3 hybrid : Tetrahedral.
orbitals around Oxygen
Number of lone pairs in H2O : 2 (present in the other two sp3 hybrid
orbitals on Oxygen).
Hybridization :sp3d
F-P-F bond angle :120o with in the equatorial plane and 90o
between equatorial and axial planes
Hybridization : sp3d2
Polar covalent bond in HCl
Non-polar covalent bond
A bond is nonpolar if the bonded atoms have equal electronegativities. In the case of Cl 2
the bonding is nonpolar because the electronegativity difference ∆(EN), between the
chlorine atoms is zero; hence the two chlorine atoms share the bonding electrons equally
between them. The covalent bonds in all homonuclear diatomic molecules are nonpolar
covalent bonds.
The nitrogen end of the bond has become positive because the electron pair has moved
away from the nitrogen towards the boron - which has therefore become negative.
orbitals are now empty. Aluminum reorganizes (hybridizes) six of these (the 3s, three 3p,
and two 3d) to produce six new orbitals all with the same energy. These six hybrid
orbitals accept a lone pair each from six water molecules. Only one lone pair is shown on
each water molecule. The other lone pair is pointing away from the aluminum and so is
not involved in the bonding. The resulting ion looks like this:
Because of the movement of electrons towards the center of the ion, the 3+ charge is no
longer located entirely on the aluminum, but is now spread over the whole of the ion.
MO energy level diagram for H2. The up and down arrows represent electrons that are
spin up or spin down.
The molecular orbital configuration of H2 is σ (1s)2. The bond order for H-H bond
is ½ [2-0] = 1. Hence the two hydrogen atoms are bonded together by a single bond. The
bond dissociation energy has been found to be 458kJ mol-1 and bond length to 0.74 Å.
There are six valence electrons (2s 2, 2px2, 2py1 2pz1) on a neutral oxygen atom and
therefore 12 valence electrons in an O2 molecule. These electrons are added, one at a
time, starting with the lowest energy molecular orbital. As Hund's rule apply to the filling
of molecular orbitals, molecular orbital theory predicts that there should be two unpaired
electrons on this molecule one electron each in the x* and y* orbitals.
Molecular orbital energy level diagram for O2 molecule.
The electronic configuration of C and O atoms are 1s 2 2s2 2p2 and 1s2 2s2 2p4 respectively.
There are 4 electrons in the outer shell of C and 6 electrons in O. The molecular orbitals
have to be filled with 10 electrons. Due to higher electronegativity of oxygen, its AOs are
of lower energy than the corresponding AOs of C. Hence the BMOs have more
characteristics as the AOs of Oxygen and the ABMOs have more characteristics as the
AOs of Carbon.
The electronic configuration of CO molecule is KK σ(2s)2 σ*(2s)2 π(2px)2 π(2py)2 σ(2pZ)2.
Its BO is ½(8-2) = 3. There is one σ bond in which both the electrons are from the C atom
(dative bond) and two π bonds.
1. Since the electro negativity of oxygen is greater than that of C, the 2s and 2p
orbitals of oxygen have been placed lower than the 2s and 2p orbitals of C.
2. CO is isoelectronic with N2, it has the same MO configuration as N2 molecule.
Hydrogen bond
In compounds of H with highly electronegative atom such as N, O or F, the electron pair
shared between the two atoms lies far away from H atom. Thus the H atom becomes more
electropositive with respect to the other atom, and the electrostatic force of attraction between
polar molecules occurs. It is a weak force that forms a special type of dipole-dipole attraction,
but is generally stronger than ordinary dipole-dipole and dispersion forces, but weaker than true
covalent and ionic bonds.
Donors and Acceptors: In order to obtain a H bond there must be both a hydrogen donor and an
acceptor present. The donor is the atom to which the hydrogen atom participating is covalently
bonded, and is usually a strongly electronegative atom and the hydrogen acceptor is the
neighbouring electronegative ion or molecule, and must possess a lone electron pair in order to
form a hydrogen bond.
Since the hydrogen donor is strongly electronegative, it pulls the covalently bonded
electron pair closer to its nucleus, and away from the hydrogen atom. The hydrogen atom is then
left with a partial positive charge, creating a dipole-dipole attraction between the hydrogen atom
bonded to the donor, and the lone electron pair on the acceptor. This results in a hydrogen bond.
The hydrogen bond is often described as the attractive force that binds H atom with
electronegative atom of another molecule of the same substance. H bonds are always represented
by dotted line and the solid lines represent the original covalent bond. However, it also has some
features of covalent bonding like directional and strong, produces inter-atomic distances shorter
than the sum of the van der Waals radii, and usually involves a limited number of interaction
partners, which can be interpreted as a type of valence.
Consider cluster of water molecules coming close together. The positive (δ+) H is so
strongly attracted to the lone pair that it is almost as beginning to form a co-ordinate (dative
covalent) bond. It does not go that far, but the attraction is significantly stronger than an ordinary
dipole-dipole interaction. H bonds have about a tenth of the strength of an average covalent
bond, and are being constantly broken and reformed in liquid water.
Intermolecular hydrogen bond: Intermolecular hydrogen bond is formed between two different
molecules of the same or different substances. The following molecules forming inter molecular
H bonds: HF, alcohol (ethanol), water, NH 3, acid, between alcohol (ethanol) and water
molecules, between NH3 and H2O molecules.
Intramolecular hydrogen bond: Intramolecular hydrogen bond is formed between the H atom
and the highly electronegative atom present in the same molecule. This bond results in the
cyclization of the molecules and prevents their association. Intramolecular H bonds are present in
molecules such as o-nitrophenol, o-nitrobenzoic acid, and salicylaldehyde, ethylene glycol.
The extent of both intramolecular and intermolecular hydrogen bonding depends on temperature.
Consider a typical example o-nitrophenol has a lower melting and boiling point than P-
H2O, HF, and NH3 each have higher boiling points than the same compound formed
between H and the next element moving down its respective group, indicating that the former
have greater intermolecular forces, and exhibit hydrogen bonding, whereas the others do not.
Furthermore, H2O has a smaller molar mass than HF but takes part in more hydrogen bonds per
molecule, so its boiling point is consequently higher.
Many elements form compounds with hydrogen. For example following the plot of the
boiling points of the compounds of the group four elements with hydrogen, the boiling points
increase as go down the group because the molecules are getting larger with more electrons, and
so van der Waals dispersion forces become greater.
But the compounds of the elements in Groups 5, 6 and 7 with hydrogen, something odd
happen shown as following graph.
Although for the most part the trend is exactly the same as in group 4 (for same reasons),
the boiling point of the compound of hydrogen with the first element in each group is abnormally
high. In the cases of NH3, H2O and HF there must be some additional intermolecular forces of
attraction, requiring significantly more heat energy to break. These relatively powerful
intermolecular forces are described as hydrogen bonds.
On viscosity: The same effect that is seen on boiling point as a result of hydrogen bonding can
also be observed in the viscosity of certain substances have a higher viscosity than those that do
not. Substances which have the possibility for multiple hydrogen bonds exhibit even higher
viscosities. For e.g. glycol is more viscose than ethanol.
Atomic Size: The size of donors and acceptors can also affect the ability to hydrogen bond. This
can account for the relatively low ability of Cl to form hydrogen bonds. When the radii of two
atoms differ greatly or are large, their nuclei cannot achieve close proximity when they interact,
resulting in a weak interaction.
Unique properties of water: the density of solid state is greater than liquid state for most of the
substances but the density of ice is less than liquid water. In ice, the intermolecular H bond
between the water molecules is more extensive, and leads to tetrahedral orientation with respect
to another. Each O atom surrounded by four H atoms, two with covalent bond and other two with
H bond. The H bonds weaker therefore linger than covalent bond. This arrangement leads open
cage like structure with number of holes. These holes are formed because of H bonds holding the
water molecules in ice with definite angles. When ice melts, a large number of H bonds broken,
the molecule come closer results increase in density of liquid water (which is “V” shaped).
When liquid water is heated 0-4 oC, the H bonds broken and the molecules come closer,
so contraction takes place. However, there is some expansion of molecule also due to raise in
temperature in other liquids but contraction is dominant. Raise in temperature above 4 oC,
normal expansion takes place like other liquids.
Importance of H bonding: Without H bonds water will exist as a gas, like H 2S. H bonding also
exists in living organisms, animals and vegetables. It exists in various tissue, blood, skin, bone
etc. It plays important role in making wood fibres more rigid. The rigidity and tensile strength in
cotton, silk or synthetic fibres are due to H bonding. Most of the food material like
carbohydrates, sugar, honey, proteins consists of hydrogen bonds.
London force: In a neutral molecule, the negative charged electron keep on oscillating with
respect to the positive nucleus and thus the positive charge may be concentrated in one region
and negative charge in another region of the same molecule. Thus a non-polar molecule may
become self polarised and may induce a dipole movement in a neighbouring molecule with
antiparallel orientation as follows:
An attraction between original and induced dipole due to electrostatic force is termed as London
force or dispersive forces.
Factors influencing Vander Waals force
The number of electrons in a molecule: more the electrons, higher the force.
The shape of the molecule: long thin molecules have higher forces
The temperature: higher the temperature, lower the force.
The dipole-dipole attractions are fairly minor compared with dispersion forces, and their
effect of two molecules with the same number of electrons and the same size. For
example, the boiling points of ethane (CH 3CH3), and fluoromethane (CH3F), are as
Both molecules have identical numbers of electrons, and the sizes were similar. Hence the
dispersion forces in both molecules should be much the same. The higher boiling point of
fluoromethane is due to the large permanent dipole on the molecule because of the high
electronegativity of fluorine. However, even given the large permanent polarity of the molecule,
the boiling point has only been increased by some 10 °C.
The shapes of the molecules also matter. Long thin molecules can develop bigger temporary
dipoles due to electron movement than short fat ones containing the same numbers of electrons.
Long thin molecules can also lie closer together; these attractions are at their most effective if the
molecules are really close. For example, the hydrocarbon molecules butane and 2-methylpropane
both have a molecular formula C4H10, but the atoms are arranged differently. In butane the
carbon atoms are arranged in a single chain, but 2-methylpropane is a shorter chain with a
a) Explain how part of the attractions between HCl arise due to Van der Waals dipole-dipole
interactions but these are absent in chlorine gas. Instead, the attractions between chlorine
molecules consist entirely of van der Waals dispersion forces (London forces).
Ans. Cl2 is more electronegative than H and so the bond between the two is polar. The chlorine
end will be slightly negative, and the hydrogen end slightly positive. The molecules have
permanent dipoles. The positive end of one molecule will attract the negative end of another one
close to it. But chlorine-chlorine bond is non-polar obviously the atoms at either end have the
same electronegativity. The electrons moving around in the molecule will cause temporary
fluctuating dipoles. If one end of a chlorine molecule is temporarily positive, this will induce a
dipole in a nearby molecule, and these attract each other. As long as the molecules stay close
together, these fluctuating dipoles will stay synchronised with each other.
Explain the trend in boiling points of the halogens using intermolecular attraction force concept.
Ans: The boiling point of F2, Cl2, Br2, and I2 is 85, 238, 332, and 457(K) respectively. The
increasing boiling points as go down the group mean that the intermolecular attractions are
getting stronger. These attractions are Van der Waals dispersion forces, and depend on setting up
temporary fluctuating dipoles. The more number of electrons in a molecule, the bigger the
dipoles that can be formed and the stronger the attractions. As you go from fluorine to iodine,
there are more and more electrons and bigger molecules. The stronger the intermolecular
attractions, the greater the boiling point of a molecule.