CassiopaeanLogs - Vol 7 (264 Pages)

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Session Date: December 29th 2018

Laura, Andromeda, and Artemis at the board

Pierre, Joe, Chu, Ark, PoB, Scottie, Niall, The Lunar Module, Princess Leia, Pikabu
There was some discussion of the need for a bit of talcum powder on the glass cover of the board since
it was getting a bit “tight”. A search was made for talcum powder and Andromeda arrived with Laura’s
favorite scented powder among the selections. After some discussion, it was used.
Q: (L) Today is December 29th 2018. We have the usual guilty suspects. [Review of those present]
A: Nice scent ladies!
Q: (L) And who do we have with us this evening?
A: Honoerria of Cassiopaea. Good evening!
Q: (L) Yes, I'm glad you like my talcum powder. It is my favorite. I guess we have quite a few questions
and quite a few things going on. I'm going to give the floor to Pierre because I'm sure he has a couple.
You can't ask 10 questions. You can ask only the most important ones.
(Pierre) Now I'm limited in the number of questions!
(Artemis) You can't limit him! It stunts creativity!
(Pierre) Exactly.
(L) Well, I want to have time for my questions! [laughter]
Q: (Pierre) It was mentioned in previous sessions how molecules had intrinsic properties due to their
geometric conformation in relation to the information field. Does it apply to any shape? Does any shape
have an intrinsic meaning relating to the information field?
A: No
Q: (Joe) What caused the 50 cows to drop dead in coastal India around December 22nd? According to
first reports, five cowmen of the village were looking after hundreds of grazing cows in the morning. All of
a sudden, their behavior changed and about 50 unexpectedly and instantly dropped dead.
(Andromeda) All at the same time.
A: Virus.
Q: (Pierre) That quick?
(Joe) That's a pretty serious virus.
(Artemis) How long did they have the virus for?
A: 3 days.
Q: (Joe) Aggressive virus! All at the same time?
(L) If they all contracted it at the same time, that would make sense.
(Joe) 50 just fall over? Weird.
(L) Think about it. You’ve got a bunch of cows. They're all probably pretty close to genetically identical in
a herd. They're using the same bull and probably the same two or three female cows to produce them.
So, they're not gonna be that different genetically. If you think about viruses and probably something
coming from outer space...
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) So it wasn't your common garden variety virus, then. There was something unusual about it?
(L) Yeah, and especially if you have something that is newly introduced to a biosphere and to which there
is no immunity...
A: Yes, exactly!
Q: (Artemis) Is this only the beginning?
A: Yes
Q: (Artemis) Is this kind of thing gonna start hitting people?
A: Possibly. It should certainly make people take notice.
Q: (L) But it won't. They'll just blow it off. They won't think about the implications of it.
(Artemis) The Russians did it! [laughter]
(L) Yeah, Putin did it.
(Joe) What were the drones that were reported around Gatwick airport about a week ago. They caused
the airport to shut down. Were they drones?
A: No
Q: (Joe) Were they UFOs?
A: Yes
Q: (Niall) And then a few days later at the Birmingham airport?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) What were they doing, just freaking people out?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Just for fun, eh?
A: Yes
Q: (Artemis) For the kicks!
(Joe) It certainly caused the Brits to freak out. Was the area of the Aegean Sea where all the Greek
islands are, was that all a single land mass before the eruption of Santorini?
A: A lot more but not all.
Q: (Joe) What about the transformer fire in Queens a couple of days ago... Was that just a transformer
fire? Well, okay, it WAS a transformer fire, but...
A: Expect more due to charge buildup on the planet.
Q: (Joe) There was one a day later in New Orleans, too.
A: Yes. Will be blamed on handy Russians.
Q: (Joe) Electrical fires, fires in places that don't usually happen.
(Artemis) They're blaming everything on the Russians!
(L) The Russians are practicing with their beam weapons or something.
(Artemis) My lemonade is too sour. Must have been Putin!
(Joe) Putin ate my lunch! Is the promotion in Western society of a hostile attitude towards traditional
masculine qualities part of a broader nefarious plan?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Is part of that to try and make a generation of weak men?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Is that with a view to some kind of post 4D transition scenario or something like that, or is it
more of a takeover on 3D?
A: More a reflection of desired relationship between 4D STS and humanity.
Q: (L) So in other words, they want to get into doing anal probes. [laughter]
A: Not far off! Dominance over the normal male.
Q: (L) Remember that book I wrote a review on years and years and years ago about this guy who wrote
about the Ultimate Alien Agenda, and how loving the reptilians were, and... I'll never forget that. Jesus
Christ... Go on Amazon, look up that book, and read my review. It was... That book was... Oh my god.
(Andromeda) In that direction?
(L) Oh yeah! I mean, maybe that book IS telling us the ultimate alien agenda.
(Artemis) They want the man booty!
(L) Apparently so! It's a dominance thing. It's not about sex, it's about dominance.
(Pierre) They want slaves - submission.
{Here is the review: 1.0 out of 5 stars A "Clintonized Version" of Reptiod Abductions
January 2, 1999
Format: Paperback
Perhaps it is fitting that Dr. Walden suggests that our "Fearless Leader," appropriately nick-named "Slick
Willie," (an appropriateness that is particularly evident in this book) is a "fellow alien hybrid" of the
Serpentine ilk. Dr. Weldon, having attended the same church frequented by Dr. Rich Boylan, "just knows
that the energy of Reptilian intelligence is similar to human sexual energy. It feels the same." Gosh! Why
didn't we all realize that Monica and Bill were just intellectualizing?
The "source" of this naive "Treatise" reveals itself over and over in the ego-centered "self-reference" of
"Old Big Head," and in such passages as: "He helped me discover my true identity [...] Then, something
unexpected happened. My physical tongue swelled up, as if it was being inflated. I could barely speak.
'My tongue... it's quite large! [...] My enormous tongue was darting in and out...'" And we thought Ken
Starr's transcripts were explicit!
All kidding aside, it is hard to believe that Barbara Bartholic allowed herself to be taken in by this
prepubescent, ego-drivel which would be pathetic enough if one considered just the style and
presentation which is somewhat akin to "What did I do last summer between 5th and 6th grade? I got
abducted and raped! By Reptoid Aliens! OOooh! I was scared at first... but after I knew how GOOD it
was! Now I just can't wait for them to come again!" You would think that Barbara would have learned
something from her association with "Karla" i.e. those who DON'T adopt the "party line" don't survive.
But, on the other hand, maybe she DID learn...
Spend your time and money on Dr. David Jacob's book, "The Threat." Unless you just want to see how
easy it is to swallow lies when they are sandwiched between sweet and sticky truths...}
(Joe) At present, kind of the whole radical feminist agenda is simply a means to that end?
A: Yes
Q: (L) And I would say it has been from the beginning. We're talking about long, slow, patient
manipulation. The C's said it years ago. It's to get everybody programmed to be the way they want them
to be when they come to take over so that we'll all be "worthy" subjects. It's creepy.
(Joe) Is that in any way connected to homosexuality?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Is homosexuality a deliberate tinkering with humanity that is a reflection of a 4D STS mindset?
A: Yes
Q: (Niall) Is 4D STS gay?
A: No. It is about power not sex.
Q: (Pierre) We see this in the human world in pedophile rings. It's not about sex at all, it's not about love
pleasure at all. It's about power.
(Joe) And domination.
A: There is a small percentage of "normal" homosexuality.
Q: (L) So it is a normal variation like other variations in different human traits, most often due to things
like karma or a difference in the order of imprinting, delivery of hormones, or whatever.
(Joe) One more question. On December 12th, there was a radar anomaly moving across the sky that was
seen over the Midwest - Illinois and Kentucky. They said it was just chaff, but according to the military,
none of their aircraft were in the area at the time. So, they don't know what it was...
A: There is a lot of bleedthrough.
Q: (L) Bleedthrough of 4D activities into our reality. Things are really getting weird, and people just aren't
collecting the signs. 50 cows dropping dead, radar anomalies, transformer fires...
(Joe) Observatories being evacuated...
(L) There's weird stuff going on, and people are just not paying attention.
(Joe) When you asked years ago about the Clovis people being wiped out and stuff, you asked a few
questions about it. Last month they discovered this Greenland crater that they're dating to roughly
12,000 BC that wiped out the mammoths. I didn't find anything in the sessions where you asked how
many space rocks or chunks actually impacted the planet? Do you know?
(L) Oh yeah, but if you read about that, you know that there were several big ones. And there were lots
and lots of small ones, like the Carolina Bays. Those were overhead explosions.
(Joe) But it's not accepted that that's what it is.
(L) Not by mainstream science.
(Joe) They're gonna have to start looking at it now with the discovery of this crater.
(L) And the people who've theorized about it, they say that a really big chunk hit the Greenland ice sheet
and went into the Hudson Bay or something. Another one went into Lake Superior or Lake Michigan... I
forgot which one. So, it seems that there were at least three big ones.
(Pierre) A few of the big ones were so big that they tilted the Earth according to some of the research. It
was big.
(Joe) The thing that makes the Greenland crater significant is that up until now, science has rejected the
idea that the Clovis civilization was wiped out by space rocks because there was no evident crater. And
now there's a crater! So, that's pretty significant that this discovery happened right now. They're going to
have to accept that 12,000 years ago or whatever, almost all life was wiped out by space rocks.
A: And what have we been saying?
Q: (L) Yes. Speaking of space rocks... [laughter]
(Andromeda) Segue!
(L) Yes... I guess I'm gonna put the cat among the pigeons. I've got two topics in my mind. The first one
is the black hole of Mecca. Now, this guy Peter Townsend - which is probably a pseudonym because he
probably won't write under his own name since he fears for his life - says that Mecca didn't exist and
that Islam as a religion started out in very strange ways. Basically, he says that Islam is not a very
friendly religion according to his way of thinking. Now, I don't think we need to ask any questions about
the research he did, because that's all pretty plain and clear. But his conclusions are that Islam needs to
be reformed or something needs to be done about it because it's not a very friendly bunch of people at
present due to the beliefs that are inculcated into them from birth. Aside from the teachings in Islam that
all other religions are wrong and only Muslims are right, and Muslims are entitled to kill non-believers,
he's basically suggesting that inherent in Islam is a corruption, that the religion itself is inherently bad.
But we've been discussing it, and we don't see that there is that much difference between one
fraudulent religion and another. I mean, Christianity and Judaism are both pretty bad in some ways. So, I
don't see... Is Islam inherently corrupt and a bad influence in general?
A: Consider carefully the developmental pathways of the three test cases. First you have Judaism. It
began as a widespread cult of comet/storm god worship. It was reformulated to meet the needs of a
dispossessed people and encourage solidarity among them. Christianity had a dual beginning. First was
an apocalyptic cult of intolerance and violence. Second was a message of spiritual transformation based
on the life of an extraordinary man full of mercy. Islam is the miscegenation of the worst of both. How
can there be any positive elements out of complete falsehood?
Q: (L) So, you're saying that Islam is a mix of the worst parts of Judaism and Christianity? [Review of last
answer] Is it possible that there was a strong influence of the Dead Sea Scroll people on the formulation
of Islam?
A: Indeed!
Q: (L) And based on the studies of the Dead Sea Scrolls people, that was a bunch of schizoid
(Joe) Were they Jews?
(L) Yeah. They were Jews that thought all other Jews were corrupt and only they had the truth, and they
were all itching to go out and kill everybody who didn’t believe the way they did. There is a whole field of
studies devoted to the Dead Sea Scrolls and related texts such as the Books of Enoch and Enochian
apocalypticism. I’ve got quite a bit of it covered in my text on Paul, Josephus and Jesus.
(Joe) So they were the origin of the first wave of Christianity. And then Caesar came along.
(L) Well, actually, Paul came along with his vision of the merciful savior, Caesar. This was the background
to the several puzzling references in the New Testament to a conflict between Paul and the “Jerusalem
Christians”. There was the Dead Sea Scrolls types, Zealots, etc, and then Paul. Again, I’ve covered this
pretty well in my yet-to-be-published book on the topic. And don’t forget that the creators of Islam
borrowed heavily from the stories of Abraham and Moses which the Jews invented with models of real
historical figures of Greek and Egyptian history back when the OT was written in about 272 BC. All of
that is discussed by Gmirkin and Wajdenbaum. (Argonauts of the Desert etc.} The inventors of Islam
didn't know that they were creating stories based on already invented stories, etc.
(Joe) So the worst of both Judaism and early Christianity would be intolerance and violence and storm
god worship. Islam more than any of the religions is influenced by cataclysms in that sense, no?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) At the time that it appeared, was there stuff going on? It was the Dark Ages, right?
A: Yes
Q: (L) So that would give a perfect explanation for why they were attracted to that apocalyptic literature.
It was a time when it had the most meaning.
(Joe) And it's relatively recent.
(L) And also if some of these people like Heinsohn and Fomenko are right about years being inserted into
the historical timeline, it could have been even more recent and more close together than we think.
History is such a muddle because of all the manipulations.
(Andromeda) So Islam is based mostly on fear and avoidance, whereas even Judaism had the idea of
solidarity behind it. And Christianity had spiritual development. Islam has none of that.
(L) No, there doesn’t appear to be anything about real spiritual development in Islam other than trying to
model oneself on Muhammed and “submitting” to his alleged declarations; that’s a bit problematical
when you find out that the original model of Muhammed was probably a Dead Sea Scrolls inspired
apocalypticist, likely a schizoid psychopathic fanatic. Go out and kill some people and you get grapes in
the afterlife, not naked women. You get grapes.
(Andromeda) How many grapes? [laughter]
(L) 72!! Well, that was one of things that was really surprising. Apparently, there was a mistranslation or
misunderstanding of the word somehow, and so you only get 72 grapes. [laughter]
(Andromeda) A lot of people are gonna be very disappointed! [laughter]
(L) Alright. Next question: I've been reading this book called Darwin's Black Box by Behe - and then The
Edge of Evolution. I read them one after the other. Great books! He basically uses a sharp razor and
clinically and efficiently eviscerates Darwin's theory of evolution by random mutation and natural
selection. He talks about Intelligent Design, but he doesn't say much about a designer. Well, that is, he
says plenty about the designer, but not like in specifying the kind or what or who. He stays strictly
scientific right to the very end. But what I was thinking as I was reading through this was that it makes an
awful lot of sense particularly in view of the Cassiopaean cosmological perspective, which is that of
dimensions, densities, 4D (STO and STS), etc. You've talked many times about genetic manipulations
that have been ongoing and about the fact that traveling back and forth in time to do these genetic
manipulations has been one of the tricks that is used on the human race by 4D STS types. You said that
there are 4D labs where these genetic manipulations take place. You've talked about how an abduction
is done, that it happens like soul extraction: the soul is taken to 4th density, a body is molecularly
reassembled in 4D “matter”, the work is done on the reassembled body there in 4D and then that body is
disassembled and the soul or consciousness is sent back through the realm curtain. It then carries with it
the pattern of the manipulation which then causes those changes or manipulations to come into effect
within the body on 3D Earth. So, I have some idea of how that works, but maybe this isn't a question I
should ask, but... I really have to ask it: How does that happen? How do they do that?!
A: Recall that 4D is a realm where thought has the power to create. If a mind, and here we mean much
more than you understand as mind, thinks about a structure or something that needs to be
accomplished, it assembles itself, more or less. Then when the structure is sent back through the realm
curtain, the "idea" is the attractor blueprint that draws to itself the matching elements from your reality
and they proceed through the process of organic assembly. This occurs because even inanimate matter
has a minimal level of matching consciousness.
Q: (Andromeda) I think I'm gonna have to read that a few times...
(Artemis) Could that same method be used to get rid of a cold?
A: You are not in 4D yet.
Q: (L) So, let me repeat this back and see if I understand it. So you're saying that, say, some 4D
geneticist gets somebody and they do what in abduction accounts appear to be nonsensical activities.
But yet, in 4D reality, they are possibly doing something that has a certain thought and intent behind it
that may not be apparent to us. Whatever minor thing they may be doing that makes no sense to us, is
actually causing something to happen according to what they're thinking. If they want to change
somebody's DNA, they think it, and it kinda changes. And then they do a molecular disassembly from
the molecules of 4D, which are different. They behave differently, they ARE different. Then the body
comes back and...
(Andromeda) This is a full abduction, body and consciousness?
(L) Well, I think it doesn't have to be. They've said that rarely are there full abductions where they take
the body, too. They put a timelock on, they take out the consciousness, and the 3D body's left there
frozen. So then they send the consciousness back through, and then because there is a certain amount
of consciousness in inanimate matter - that is, in chemicals of all sorts - somehow these chemicals
frequency match themselves to the idea structures?
(Joe) It's a blueprint.
(Pierre) The way I understand it, the directing thing is the idea in 4D. The blueprint. For some reason,
since in 3D molecules or elements have a bit of consciousness, there is a kind of resonance between the
blueprint (the mind of 4D) and the elements in 3D. So they coalesce and finally the 4D idea materializes
within the 3D world.
(Joe) Well, it doesn't necessarily materialize. It can change the structure of something material.
(L) Yeah. The idea materializes itself by just activating laws of physics and chemistry.
(Joe) So that idea can basically impress itself on matter in 3D, and change the structure of it.
(L) I suppose there are no limits to the applications. But of course I'm thinking particularly about living
(Andromeda) It's kind of like the experiments with water where it changes structure when you focus on it.
It's like that, but the next level up.
(L) But we're not able to do much more than change a bit of water. They're talking about literally
changing DNA and possibly more.
(Joe) But they said that in 4D, thoughts are things, basically. Thought has the power to create. So they
said that when someone there thinks about a structure or something that needs to be accomplished, it
assembles itself more or less. Does that mean it's assembled in a material, physical way?
(L) In a 4D material way, which is semi-material in comparison to our 3D material world.
(Joe) There's no physical thing that's sent through the realm curtain, right?
(L) No.
(Chu) It's almost like the way receptors work on cells. You need a minimal level of consciousness, and
that matches the thing from 4D the way a receptor binds to a biochemical - things just "fit".
(Andromeda) But then does the consciousness have to be removed for that to happen, or is it
restructured in the body?
(L) I think it's easier for them to do it in 4D. They take the consciousness into 4D SO they can do that!
Because they have reassembled a body around a consciousness that is a 4D body that's made out of
4D matter which behaves apparently quite differently from our matter. It's much more malleable. And
then those changes get kind of "imprinted" into the consciousness. Then they dissolve that 4D body,
send the consciousness back into its 3D body which then, because it has been changed... And that tells
you a little bit about how powerful your own consciousness is! If you could effectively change your own
consciousness at those same deep levels, you could probably effect changes in matter! And of course
they're working with things that we don't have. They've got toys we don't have.
(Pierre) And the mind as well.
(L) Yeah, that was the one thing that impressed me the most reading about the nature of the cell and the
little mini machines that exist in it in Behe's book. I mean, just think about the mind that has to think up
all that stuff!
(Pierre) Yeah, there's a level of complexity that's mind-boggling!
(L) We're talking about SCARY intelligence! Especially if it is STS intelligence.
(Pierre) And it's fascinating, too. It's not necessary to have nefarious purposes to create something like
(Joe) Well, you can extrapolate I suppose if you look at modern technology and the detail involved, like
with microprocessors. That's made by humans, right?
(L) Exactly. And look at some of the genetic engineering our scientists can do. But regarding 4D minds, I
mean, come on, if 4D battles manifest in our reality as Earth changes and cosmic changes and
volcanoes and weather and giant storms and so forth, what the hell kind of reality is that? What kind of
intelligences are those?
(Joe) You make reference to that quite a lot lately...
(L) Because I think about it a lot lately! Years and years ago the Cs talked about 4D battles as weather,
and darned if we are not seeing it now in spades!
(Joe) I know, but... When they say 4D battles, what do they mean?
(L) What do you mean by "4D battles?"
A: As above, so below.
Q: (L) Well, since you brought that up, there has been a discussion on the forum where people are saying
things like, "Well, I don't want to have a gun because it's a dirty thing, it’s just about death" and so on
and so forth. Or, "I just couldn't kill anybody even to protect myself, or if I had to I'd feel like I failed as a
human being." Yet you're saying that there are battles in 4D and it's reflected in 3D. So, what's going on
right here in 3D is basically a reflection of this battle that's taking place in this higher...
(Joe) Are there wars in 4D?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Their version of war.
A: STS seeks to impose domination which must be resisted. You wrote about this yourself!!
Q: (L) Yeah, I did. Wasn't it that Michael Topper article? I wrote about it somewhere else, too. I think in
the article I wrote something about the psychopathic state of America, that we're almost required to
resist that domination for the sake of the future, for the sake of the STO position itself. Well, so in other
A: One thing you should consider is that the so-called "rules" that dictate that it is being less than human
to defend oneself and what is right and true just may have been programmed to make one weak.
Q: (Artemis) Well, yeah, I mean if you look at Western society and values and TV, they're all about not
killing people at all even if you're a good guy and even if you need to.
(L) At the same time, they promote killing with all their shoot-em-ups and blow-em-ups. There's
something about that, because... It's like Jonathan Haidt who talks about the different moral systems
and that the liberal snowflake moral system foundation is mainly just about not harming anybody, and
nobody should ever get hurt, nobody should have hurt feelings... And that's kinda bizarre because it
doesn't accommodate the fact that...
(Andromeda) In the wrong situation, it leads to hurt!
(L) Yeah. Not to mention reality itself. Well, anybody got any more questions? I'm getting tired.
(Chu) The thing about the 4D labs... We were talking earlier about free will and all that. So, how would it
work at a practical level? Are there Good Guys Labs, Bad Guys Labs, and the bad guys interfere as
much as they can, while the good guys are not allowed to interfere, but just to protect? Or because the
person asks?
A: When asked and when it will not cause a disturbance in life lesson plans.
Q: (L) So in a certain sense...
(Joe) It's dependent on the person's life lesson plan. If their plan is to experience something nasty, then
they're probably not gonna get any help. If it's part of some maneuver by some other forces trying to
subvert that life plan, then you get help.
A: Yes exactly.
Q: (L) So, basically from what I've been putting together from our discussions over the past few years, it
seems that there are beings in 5D who can share their lessons and energy with us if we're connected in
some way like genetically or some spiritual connection or whatever – really, almost like ancient ancestor
worship. Then there are beings in 4D who are basically like angels and demons who can help or harm.
So, some of the ancient depictions of life and spiritual realities aren't that far off. Is that what we're
saying here?
A: Yes
Q: (L) And, it's just some of the details that are muddled up.
(Andromeda) Caricatured.
(L) Most, most interesting. I was thinking recently that it doesn't really matter if the masses of people
know for sure that the character of Jesus was modeled on Paul and Caesar because the thing is that it's
the idea of a type of person and the idea of the person being anointed or Christed to bring new concepts
to humanity, to act as an “ancestor connection” so to say for the purposes of inspiration and help.
Pauline Christianity if it's understood and followed correctly, is probably a good thing. We're
Paleochristians. We believe in the original way that was taught by Paul based on Caesar and his own
visions, but there are other Christians who have variations which can be better or worse depending on
the interpreters. What Paul did to oppose those murdering apocalyptic Dead Sea Scrolls types, and to
change Roman and Greek perceptions, was nothing short of a miracle in and of itself. He must have had
help. So anyway, that was just my musing. Time to say good night.
A: Blessings in Christ! Good bye.
End of Session
Session Date: March 23rd 2019
Laura, Andromeda, and Artemis at the board
Pierre, Joe, Chu, Ark, Gaby, PoB, Scottie, Niall, Princess Leia
Q: (L) Let us tomato! Today is March 23, 2019. [Review of those present] Alright...
A: Good evening children. Cassiopaea calling.
Q: (L) And do we have a name for vibratory frequency this evening?
A: Xyneaea.
Q: (L) I have some questions about shapes. The shapes that I have in mind are folded proteins. I was
reading that proteins fold because of the order of the amino acids and how they're attached. These
amino acid molecules or bits have little appendages on them. They are either water-loving or
water-hating, oil-loving or oil-hating, positive charge or negative charge, and various combinations of
those options. It's those qualities of these appendages that cause the protein to naturally fold into the
shape that it needs to be in order to do the job that it does. That in itself is pretty fascinating: for DNA to
give the instructions, to attach different amino acid molecules one after the other in specific order for it to
fold to make a very, very specific shape. The shape is quite important because it's the shape of the
folded protein that then enables it to interact with other molecules within the living system in order to do
its work. A certain shape that still has a few hanging appendages in a very specific configuration can
then pick up other molecules and transport them or combine with them or any of various activities... Ya
know, it's just a mind-boggling complicated thing! That's one thing about proteins. The other thing I was
reading was about photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is like the foundational event of life: that is, taking
light or photons, and transforming light into sugar, oxygen, and water. To me, that is like an astonishing
event: to transform ephemeral light into matter! I was reading about the ways this is done. The proteins
that are involved in photosynthesis once again have appendages. These little things that stick out have a
very particular configuration. They can literally capture and channel and move things. The work is so
precise that proteins can move a single electron along very complicated pathways and make it do what
they want it to do. So, this is all leading up to a question because if at the foundation of life there is light,
photosynthesis, and proteins, and proteins are what do EVERYTHING, and they do it because they have
certain shapes, is it possible as part of the natural law of how things are done that larger structures take
the shapes that they do because it's more conducive to their functioning? For example, a heart... That's
the first question. Is it possible that these larger structures that are formed by different kinds of proteins
take their shapes because it follows a certain natural law in the same way that the folding of proteins
follows the laws of the different molecules that naturally induce the folding?
A: Indeed. And notice that it can appear as if "life" exists in the individual organs when in fact it is merely
the antenna-like function of the protein.
Q: (L) Okay, so there are some proteins that can fold and jiggle, let's call it. They fold and then part of
their function is to move in a certain way regularly or rhythmically. Does that relate to the idea that a
heart can continue beating after it's been removed from the body, that it's a function of the ensemble of
proteins that are making up the organ? It can continue to function as long as there is some... Some
ability to receive some information?
A: Exactly.
Q: (L) If it was just the action of the raw materials, the amino acids or whatever, why couldn't it function
forever? Why does it stop?
A: Antenna! Attracts more than light! Life energy or what you might call "soul" is bound by antenna of a
Q: (L) So if the soul so to speak leaves the body, there is some residual function that can continue kind
of like a battery that's been charged, and then when that energy runs out, there's no more incoming? Is
that it?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) In other words, the trillions of these little appendages or little antennae on proteins are sort of like
the anchors for the soul? Like the little antenna that collect photons?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Does that also go for all parts of the human body? Every cell of your body?
A: Yes
Q: (Gaby) So then how is there terminal lucidity when the brain is not working anymore? Like when a
person is dying and they have brain damage, but then they wake up and say goodbye as if nothing is
wrong right before they die?
A: When the soul or life force is in the process of separating, it is in a position to escape the restrictions
of damaged physiology.
Q: (Joe) Pierre asked about that in a previous session not too long ago. How people have a burst of
energy before they die...
(L) What did they say?
(Joe) Pierre threw out the idea and they agreed. Something about information. Do you
remember?Artemis(Pierre) Yeah...
(L) Here I think they're saying that when it releases, it can override the restrictions. In fact, probably what
the person is experiencing is NOT a revival of the brain, but the manifestation of...
(Joe) There are some crazy examples of that. People who are old and ill and didn't speak for a period of
time before they died. And then suddenly they woke up and spoke. But there are other cases of young
people who died relatively young who'd never spoken a word in their lives who are more or less in a
coma or severely handicapped. They never spoke a coherent word, and then just before they die they
speak for the first time in their lives in full, proper language that they never used from the day they were
(Pierre) The human being is the marriage of the soul and the physical. Especially people dying, the
physiology is impaired. But they're married together, so the physical restricts the soul. But just before
death, the soul gets freed from the body. It's not restricted anymore.
(L) And it can turn around and control the body that it wasn't able to do before because it was so tied to
it, embedded in it, so to say.
(Pierre) So when you hear someone saying unexpected words, it's not a revival of the body or brain. It's
the death of the body and the free soul that finally expresses itself.
(L) And still using the instrument in the same way that, say, mediums do. Only you're using your own
body in the way a spirit would use it.
(Joe) While that person was in the body, their brain might have been damaged where they couldn't
speak at all.
(L) It's mediumistic use of your own body.
(Andromeda) You're self-possessed! [laughter]
(Pierre) It's a shift from symbiosis of soul and body to channeling.
(L) You're channeling your own soul.
(Chu) It's also more proof that the brain is just an antenna. If you can produce actual speech and your
brain is damaged?
(L) It's not all there is. There's something else happening.
(Chu) And the brain is not essential for stuff like speech.
A: You are all on a good way to exploring with faith.
Q: (L) Well, I have to say that for 20 years I always held the C's suspect.
(Artemis) Poor C's!
(L) You think I didn't? I couldn't quite get over that gap where you question whether all we experience is
matter-based and we are just a byproduct of the left half of the brain talking to the right half, or whether
there truly is something beyond. I mean, I could have psychic experiences, but I could also explain them
as something created by my mind. If I hear something or see something, did I not manifest that? Is that
not some normal physical law of energy, action at a distance? But it could all be explained by physics...
(Joe) It's the old question of subjectivity vs. objectivity. IS there anything objective?
(Artemis) Well, it's good to be skeptical.
(L) The thing is, all of the research into genetics and cellular biology and all of that stuff...
A: How do you think we feel?!
Q: [laughter] (L) I'm SORRY! I'm sorry, but I'm just made that way.
A: It is actually good. Coming to knowledge that is sure by your own efforts locks it in at the belief
center, and thus gives added power. All who seek to graduate to 4th density must seek knowledge. In
4D, eventually it will be your job to engineer lifeforms on new worlds.
Q: (L) Well, from what I've been reading about the engineering of the lifeforms on this world, that gives
me the idea that 4th density intelligence and abilities are so...
A: Stupendous is the term.
Q: (L) Yeah, stupendous. Reading these books has just blown me away.
(Pierre) You mean the level of engineering?
(L) The level of engineering, the level of intelligence, I mean... Obviously, there have been experiments.
Look at the book, Prehistoric Life. You can SEE minds working on engineering creatures. Then they
decide, oh, we don't like that one. They wipe out the whole planet and then a whole new bunch appear.
That's engineering. They didn't like the old design. There were some of the old designs that REALLY
were bad, I'm tellin' you! [laughter] I swear, you can see in that book. There were some really BAD ideas!
Serious design flaws.
(Joe) You said in the forum that every single species was individually engineered out of the experimental
parts that were previously engineered through billions of years of Earth's history. So, I was wondering...
They said in a previous session that life here was seeded. First, primitive life was given. But to what
extent was the progress of all the species on Earth directly created?
A: As Behe suggests, at the family level.
Q: (L) Like family Canis. You can get wolves, dogs, etc.
(Joe) So all of the constituent parts of dogs were directly created somewhere else, and then...
(L) Look at the book. You can see where they started. It shows you how they started with the most basic
organisms. They played around with those, and then they built on it. It's just like amazing to look at those
pictures and see what they've uncovered in the fossil record. You can see they tried doing this, then they
added that to it, then they used a part from this and part from that, engineered a new part or two, and so
on. Every species has a certain number of genes or parts of them that no other species has.
(Joe) In the previous session they said it was more or less like a thought in 4th density of a dog. Then
that's transferred to 3D and matter accretes to that.
(L) Well, I'm sure that happens the same way they were describing abductions.
(Joe) No, but is that... So there is an evolutionary process where the component parts of a dog...
(L) I don't think they were talking about the dog.
(Joe) So some evolution happens naturally? Ya know what I mean?
(Pierre) I think what Joe means is that... Joe is reconciling intelligent design and evolution somehow by
saying that yes, at our level...
(L) There is no evolution.
(Pierre) But the ideas in the mind of the engineer of the mind in 4D DOES evolve...
(Joe) Like you send a blueprint down, and the matter accretes around that blueprint and produces a dog
quite quickly.
(Pierre) And then you learn from it, your thinking gets better, and you design a Dog 2.0.
(Joe) No, a dog evolves from something.
(L) No, a dog doesn't evolve from anything. A dog is created.
(Joe) And it appears out of thin air?
(L) No, it doesn't appear out of thin air. It gets... I think what they were saying was that the idea of the
different small like proteins or other building blocks. But how do they get put together? And I don’t think
it was exactly like the thought of a “dog” but they were talking more about basic life forms to begin with,
and the engineering via DNA. If there is a “thought” that is transferred to 3D, it would be in the DNA. If
you look at the book, you see how it starts off with very basic structures, like slime molds.
Cyanobacteria. Then, you get things where groups of different kinds of organisms form tubes. Then they
form stalks. Then they learn how to do photosynthesis. Then they make leaves. Then, somewhere along
the way, sexual reproduction comes into the picture. Once sexual reproduction has entered the picture,
then the door is open for seeding other things via sexual reproduction. Then, what you can do is make a
code and plant it in literally by sending viruses or something through the realm curtain or even just
thoughts, or something like abductions. You can plant it in an egg and it's born. It's not like something
just accretes out of the air. It happens in a very practical way...
A: Following the idea there is a certain amount of experimentation and even gestation of some "parts" in
other lifeforms or in other realities before transference to this one.
Q: (Joe) What I was trying to say was it's kinda like a blueprint is transferred to these lifeforms, and they
follow a preprogrammed blueprint...
A: No. There is no evolution as you are thinking.
Q: (Joe) I thought you were saying that basically there IS evolution, but then these small organisms...
(L) No, that's not what I'm saying! I'm saying if you look, you can see where they created parts. And
every time you can see where they did something and then it went along. If you look at the book, you
see each world of... There was the Slime World. It came to an end. When the slime world ended, then
there was another world. Okay, still some slime survived, but the new world had tube creatures. Then
that world ended, and another one started that was plant creatures.
(Joe) Okay, so there's no development from one to the next.
(Pierre) I have an analogy, and I'd like to know if it's correct. You see in the history of the planet these
cycles of mass extinctions, and bursts of life. Recurring. An analogy between those cosmic cycles and
engineering at a human level is toss the old blueprint, and start a new one.
(Joe) So each stage is discrete.
(Pierre) Is it a correct analogy?
A: Yes but that does not mean that all designs are useless.
Q: (L) It's like...
(Pierre) You have some parts that go through a lot of different animals that are more and more evolved,
but the part stays more or less the same.
A: Here is an analogy: You could use a horse drawn wagon as a chassis for an automobile.
(Pierre) Ah, okay...
A: It isn't perfect, but it is a step.
(Pierre) Yes.
A: Human souls were put into Neanderthal to incubate and induce direct DNA changes. There is so
much to this topic that it could take a very long time to explain it all. Best to continue to study and think
and network. Look at the book. It is all there for those with eyes to see. Love is the human manifestation
of creative energy.
Q: (L) Okay, take a break!
(Artemis) Wait, I'm alone!
(L) Take your hand off! [laughter]
(Artemis) They're like, "No, we're not done talking!"
(Scottie) [Review of previous answer] So, what that means is that it's not like dogs evolved from wolves.
It's like they designed wolves, and then they said, "Hmm, let's design dogs!" And then they designed
(L) And they put it into somebody's mind to start breeding certain traits...
(Scottie) Yeah, and that could happen in various ways.
(L) Or the natural variation of the wolves produced a dog one day.
(Chu) Well, if you have all the parts and you just adapt them like a bicycle... To the human eye, it looks
like an improved bicycle, but you did two projects at once. Behe says that microevolution can be
justified, and I'm not even sure about that. Like a color that changes in the species could be another...
(L) Yeah, there's not too much that can be done even by microevolution. It can refine something, but it
usually just breaks things. In order to give it a little more clarity, my thought was that in the beginning,
somebody was experimenting on this planet. And if you look there are these vast ages of one thing, or
just one type of thing, and then the next age of something a little more advanced... For a period of time,
the whole planet was covered with whatever it was, and then, BOOM! Extinction. Then for a period, it
was covered with another thing then BOOM! Extinction. At each level, you can see that everything is
increasing in complexity and variety. So yes, it gives the impression of evolution, and in a way, it is: it is
evolving in the minds of the 4D creators/engineers and they keep trying new things. And yes, there is the
appearance of common descent because, in fact, there is “common descent” in that when the engineers
find something that works, they use the template, even the DNA, again and again. So, somebody was
learning how to build things. Somebody was freakin' practicing! Then they say, "Oh, that was handy!
Let's use that for this!" Remember, the Cs said that human beings lead the DNA smorgasbord parade of
all that exists on this planet. We've got genes that are in worms and flies and fish and apes and
whatever. That used to really upset me when they would say stuff like that. It would really gross me out.
But it's true. We share many genes with so many other families and species. That's because those parts
worked in a certain way and did certain things that were wanted, and the 4D engineers used them again
and again, modifying this or that, but basically, the DNA instructions have to be the same because it’s an
information code.
(Joe) We're the most complex organism on the planet that is a product of many attempts... many
iterations of life.
(L) Because the same control genes that make a leg in a frog make a leg in a human. But there are other
things that make a human leg different from a frog leg – that’s the engineering, the tweaking of the
(Chu) Ew!! [laughter]
(L) Sorry, Chu, but it's true: You have frog legs! [laughter]
(Joe) There's a comment there about how human souls were put into Neanderthals to incubate and
induce direct DNA changes. That's different.
(L) That's a bit different because here you're talking about something that's more conscious and you're
talking about an organism that's already developed to a very advanced stage. So that particular kind of
inducing changes could possibly work. The Cs said that STS took over about 300KYA, and by then, all
the major creating and engineering of life forms as we know them now was a done deal. If Love is the
power of creation, that’s why 4D STS can’t create; they can only modify or interfere, suppress, etc. So in
a real sense, our world was created by Love and is truly, jaw-droppingly amazing.
(Scottie) That's still a type of engineering. If you take a "super doggie-type soul" and put it in a wolf,
maybe you get a dog.
(Joe) Well, that's the question. Is that only for human beings? There's no soul or essence that can go into
animals that can change them?
(L) Does that thing about the Neanderthals only work for humans, or is that something that also could
work for animals?
A: In some cases, yes.
Q: (Artemis) What did they want to say before when we stopped them? They wanted to say something.
So, continue.
A: Learning how to think has been a big part of the destiny. Now, it must be combined with belief of a
particular kind. Belief that is based on subjective wishful thinking is entropic. Belief that is based on firm
knowledge of nature is empowering. This is what your grouping has lacked. You now have the
opportunity and tools to change that.
Q: (Pierre) Yeah, that's a big change. If I correctly remembered, we were about knowledge is good, belief
is bad. Now, they introduce a distinction: there is bad belief based on wishful thinking, and there is good
belief based on objective assessment of reality and knowledge. They already mentioned Belief Center
earlier, and I was thinking, "Belief Center? Power?" I think they allude to the fact that when knowledge is
taken a step further and used to fuel a strong belief in this truth, it has a different effect on you. Not only
you know, but...
(L) It unlocks something. Years ago, the Cs talked about needing to have the wrong locks removed. They
also said something about faith… “When you have found something of truth you will receive
demonstrations which locks in your faith. “
(Pierre) You KNOW in your belief center, and that's empowering. I think they even allude to some of the
steps in 4th density where this creative thinking is due to the fact of a knowledge-based belief center.
(L) Well, what did they say? Life is Religion. Paying close and careful attention to objective reality... I
don't think there is anything in the world that is more akin to paying close and careful attention to
objective reality than studying how DNA works, cell biology, the machines of the cell, how bodies are
built, how bodies work... that is the most intensive act of studying Nature possible, I think... For me, it's
been the most powerful... This is stuff that has come up since I was in science classes; we didn’t have
this information then though I strongly suspected something was up when I read what was then known
about ribosomes!
(Pierre) And actually you described it. This process of accumulating knowledge to absorb it in your belief
center. You described the process of learning about Intelligent Design a month ago. You said something
like you learned so much about it, you were intimately convinced about it.
(L) For me, it was like being reborn. Like having locks on my mind just blown off.
(Pierre) What I say, is it correct, or is it off?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) To be fair to them, the Cs said years ago that all the power to change reality is contained in the
belief center of the mind.
(L) Yeah. For 20 years, I couldn't BELIEVE in anything!
(Pierre) You wanted to know. It's not mutually exclusive what the Cs said. You can believe AND know.
You can believe BECAUSE you know. That's a big step.
(L) Well, it's what the Apostle Paul said: Faith is confidence in things not seen, and he also said that we
can KNOW all about God by observing what has been created, that is, things that CAN be seen. If I can
see the freakin' images of the images of the microscopic machines in the cell, and we're talking about...
These are machines that convert light into sugar, water, and oxygen. 15 MILLION of them can fit on an
area the size of an I-phone pixel!! [laughter]
(Andromeda) That's crazy!
(L) That... That is the most astonishing engineering...
(Joe) It's so obtuse of human beings to not accept that. Human beings' conscious experience of the
development of technology has been precisely that: being able to engineer things at a smaller and
smaller level. So if you see the same thing in nature, how can you not say it was designed? If I designed
it, how could it not be in another mind to design that? It's massively more complex, and it takes a lot of
engineering and thought and design to make a microchip. Then you look at the body and you see things
that are massively more complex, and you go, "No! That happened by accident!" Did the microchip
happen by accident? Why would you even think it happened by accident?
(Ark) Something occurred to me when I was on my bike today. So, I am riding, right? And there is a
butterfly in front of me. I ride, and the butterfly just flies in front of me. Probably it has some fun for doing
that. Now, there is this road, and there is this butterfly flying. And we were both going against the wind.
And then I am thinking: Okay, we have these Boeings with AI that are crashing. I've never seen a
butterfly that crashed! [laughter] And then it goes against the wind! There is a software somewhere in the
butterfly which is SO ADVANCED that it is... It cannot consciously compute anything, but something is
doing it! So, how it can fly against the wind with almost no power?
(L) And that tiny little butterfly has a tiny little brain... it's so small!
(Ark) What I want to know is: Where is the software which is SO powerful and so universal?! It's
crash-proof! Where does it come from? Is it in the genes? Or after the butterfly is born, it downloads
from somewhere this software? Where is it?
(Pierre) It's the information field [makes patented Pierre Information Field Gesture].
(L) Information field. So, your question is: Where does the butterfly's software come from?
(Ark) Yes.
A: As Pierre said, it is information fully and freely given/received via the antenna of the proteins.
Q: (Scottie) So, can I fly like a butterfly if I have a different antenna? I've always wanted to fly, so...
(PoB) Why we cannot fly?
(L) Because we don't have the right antenna!
(Ark) We don't have the hardware for flying.
A: When you get enough knowledge, sure!
Q: (L) In other words, what they're saying is that when you get enough knowledge that you can engineer
a living creature, then you can engineer yourself to fly. But first you need the knowledge to engineer a
butterfly - at least! And based on what I’ve been studying, we have a ways to go yet!
(Scottie) At the moment, we can't even engineer a robot that flies like a butterfly.
(L) Other questions?
(Artemis) Yes, everybody has many questions. Pierre's getting out his questions.
(Andromeda) Uh-oh!
(Joe) I wanted to ask about Sebastian's health issues. He wanted us to ask about his health.
(Pierre) He had this problem where he lost taste, smell, and some hearing, and some eyesight. He also
had some memory problems. He would like to have some advice for his health.
A: Sebastian needs to lighten up in more ways than one! Knowledge protects.
Q: (L) Other questions?
(Joe) Ya know the Seneca guns?
(L) Yeah...
(Artemis) Are they trying to say something else?
A: He is too rigid and afraid.
Q: (Artemis) Of what?
A: Death.
Q: (Joe) So, the Seneca Guns are heard off Seneca Lake area in New York. It's been going regularly for
like decades. (L) I heard that they were offshore of North Carolina or South Carolina.
A: Tectonic movements exciting EM profile of the region.
Q: (L) Well, they didn't have earthquakes.
A: Undetectable usually.
{Online finding about Seneca Guns: The name originated in a short story that James Fennimore Cooper
wrote during the 1800’s. The name refers to booms that have been heard on the shores of Lake Seneca
and Lake Cayuga in New York State. The name has been applied to similar noises along the coasts of
North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia. Similar booms are called Barisol guns in coastal India.
These phenomena have also occurred in three widely separated places around the world. That’s about
all we know about the Seneca guns. Mystery Booms: Seneca guns and earthquake booms - Strange
Q: (Pierre) About Earth Changes... A few months ago, there was this super-straight cloud that was 50
meters wide and connecting the North Pole and South Pole.
(L) Are we sure that wasn't just an artifact of the photography?
(Pierre) It even appeared on satellite pictures.
(L) Stitching satellite photos together often produces artefacts. Was it an artifact?
A: It was.
Q: (Pierre) Oh... Next question: The Cathars, just before surrendering in Montsegur, they negotiated this
truce for a few days to realize a secret celebration. We don't know what it was about. It was around the
14th of March. Was it related to a celebration of Caesar's death?
A: Yes. The Last Supper is a commemoration of Caesar.
Q: (Joe) Why do starlings flock and move in the way they do in apparent instantaneous communication?
A: Love. Flowing and fluid movements are an expression of delight in life.
Q: (L) I would say that that doesn't mean in general, but...
A: Not always, but generally, yes.
Q: (L) Next question?
(Pierre) About the French Revolution: Behind it, was the main ideological force Frankish Cabalism?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) Oh, Jesus. Did Frankish Cabalists infiltrate Weishaupt Illuminati and some Freemason lodges?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Alright, we'll say goodnight. I'm tired. Kissy kissy!
(Artemis) Alright, if you have anything to say... and if not, then goodnight and thank you!
A: Be aware that a new world will dawn! Be not oppressed by the death throes of the old world.
End of Session
Session Date: May 18th 2019
Laura, Andromeda, and Artemis at the board
Pierre, Joe, Chu, Ark, PoB, Scottie, Niall, Pikabu zee Cat, Noko the Wonderdog, Princess Leia, The Lunar
Q: (L) It is May the 18th, 2019. [Review of those present]
A: Good evening children! Joyeaeia of Cassiopaea here with you in love of the infinite creation.
Q: (Andromeda) That was an introduction!
(Artemis) That's very auspicious.
(L) Well, we hope so because the world itself is... kind of interesting. Okay, so do we have any quick
questions from anyone first before we launch into the more involved stuff?
(Ark) Question about anti-gravity. It would be quick or not?
(L) Go ahead, ask your anti-gravity question. You get to be first. [laughter]
(Ark) So, I've got a little Möbius strip here, which is one side. But in principle, there are two sides. On this
one side I have written "A", and on the other side (which is the same side) I have written May 27, 1995. I
can kind of see the other side from this side, so they communicate. My question is essentially whether
our universe is similar to that, and the date refers to the session with Roger Santilli with this question:
Session 27 May 1995:
Q: (RS) Is the gravity experienced by an anti-particle in the field of matter attractive or repulsive?
A: Repulsive when thought of in the way that is parallel to your studies, but, as we alluded to in the
previous answer, there are more realms involved besides the one with which you are most familiar.
(Ark) So question is whether anti-particles fall down or go up. The answer is that they are repulsive, but
it's not a complete answer. But what I want to ask... because if this is the case, we have to do something
with Einstein's theory of gravitation because according to his theory, everything would follow the same
trajectory; but here, we have to do something with Einstein's theory and the idea which was recently put
forward is so-called bi-metric theory of gravitation. There are like two geometries...
A: Ohoalo dufile of board.
Q: (L) What was that?
(Ark) What?
(L) I dunno, I think you better make your question concise.
(Ark) So my question is: Is this paper which I have here about anti-gravity by Sabine Hossenfelder and
another paper by our friend Jean-Pierre Petit more or less on the same subject, are these ideas more or
less correct?
A: Going in the right "direction".
Q: (L) Very funny.
(Ark) Okay, so I didn't get answer. And I'm supposed to be concise, so I quit.
(L) Ask your next question! Break your question down into parts.
(Ark) Parts.
(L) Be specific.
(Ark) Is the bi-metric theory of gravity correct?
A: Close enough, but you can expand and improve it.
Q: (Ark) That's what I expected. It's essentially correct, but I need to improve it. Thank you. I'm done.
(L) Okay, a burning question we have is about Ark's cap. We recently had a very strange incident with
Ark's favorite baseball cap. Do we still have the two caps?
(Ark) I think so. I didn't check today.
(L) Anyhow, there was a second cap all of a sudden. The story is, about 21 years ago, we wanted to
know what our blood type was so we could play with the blood type diet. So, Ark and I went to the local
blood bank in FL to give blood because they will type your blood. We did that, Ark nearly fainted, so he’s
never done it again, and I’ve only done it since we’ve been in France. At the end of the event, they had
little gifts for men or ladies: Ark was given a baseball cap that said “FBS” and underneath, “Florida
Blood Services”. I think I got something like a wallet you put around your waist.
Years go by; the cap is Ark’s favorite because it is exactly the right weight and light color. Everywhere he
goes, he takes this cap. He took it when we went to Italy a few years ago and it blew off his head when
we were riding on a tour bus and Joe asked the driver to stop the bus and ran into the street after the
cap. A stranger caught it and ran to Joe with it, and Ark got his cap back. He’s been very protective of it
ever since.
Close to three weeks ago, Ark went with PoB in her car to the store and bank. When he was getting
ready to go, he couldn’t find his cap so he went to the closet and there it was on the shelf. On the way
back from the store, he left the cap on the seat in PoB’s car. A little later, he decided to go for a bike ride
and while getting his backpack ready, he took his cap out of it and put it on his head. He went for the
bike ride, came back, put the cap on his desk. A bit later, PoB brought his cap to him from her car. And
there they were, two FBS caps. Identical except that one was a bit cleaner than the other and the dirtier
one had a little bloodstain on the inside band from when he hit his head on a beam some time ago.
Now, the thing that needs to be made absolutely clear is this: there was only ever ONE cap. That is
absolutely and utterly certain; no doubts, no question. He only ever received one; I’ve kept track of his
hats and such for over 20 years and I can assure you, there was only one FBS cap. He knows there’s
only one and Joe went to extremes to rescue the darn thing in Rome because it was Ark’s favorite, and
he could never get another.
A couple of us here are “super smellers” and we smelled the caps and both smell like Ark. The only
identifiable difference is that the rivet at the crown on one of them is slightly offset from center. They are
absolutely identical in every other way.
But now there are two caps.
(L) So, I want to ask: How did he get two caps?!
A: Timeline merge.
Q: (L) So, when you have a timeline merge, it's like two different timelines that were going along... Is it
like a timeline merge from this timeline to sometime in the past?
A: Partly.
Q: (L) When you have a timeline merge, does that mean that the timeline that has merged is now a
stronger timeline than the two separate timelines?
A: Yes!
Q: (Ark) So it's good?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Get another one! [laughter]
(Ark) I want to ask if this timeline merge was the result of something?
A: Current events of a positive nature.
Q: (L) So in other words, well... I just kind of had the feeling... I hate to say this, but cutting certain
draining family ties seems to have been connected.
A: Yes
Q: (L) I was just spiraling down into poor health for the past few years because I was giving all my energy
to shore up people I cared about. And then I realized I can’t do this anymore; I just can’t. I knew that if I
continued, I would die before my work was finished. But it’s so hard to do that; it’s like tearing your heart
out to just say “No more”. Only afterward did I realize that I was giving all this energy because I was
being manipulated by the pity trips.
(Joe) And on the very day the second cap appeared, there was news that brought closure to that
(L) Yeah, on that same day, the cap appeared.
A: Yes
Q: (L) So it's almost like we were being shown the symbolism.
(Joe) And that was a positive thing for everybody.
(L) So Arky got a second cap. A cap is kind of like a crown, yes? [laughter]
(Artemis) They want to say something…
A: We once pointed out that mass human behavior was a reflection of cosmic conditions. Now is the
time when all must be extra vigilant. We also pointed out that STS forces are fully aware of prophetic
patterns and will change and twist in order to discourage and put those to sleep who are slack in
vigilance. Note the human environment and try to imagine what it represents above!!!
Q: (Joe) Well, what's the human environment doing?
(L) It's just going nuts!
(Joe) And what does that represent above?
(Pierre) Chaos.
(Andromeda) Nuts! BIG nuts!
(PoB) Cosmic nuts!
(L) Well, at the present time, it's like...
(Artemis) I think they want to say more.
A: It is like the story of the wise and foolish virgins which we have mentioned. Another parallel would be
the story of Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane. Who will be found sleeping?
Q: (L) Well... So what is the important take home message here?
A: Consider the relationship between the previously discussed protein antennae and your reality. That
determines who you are and what you see.
Q: (Pierre) Does it mean that in those times of chaos, higher density STS beings are busy beaming
human beings and...
A: No. It means that one should be concerned with aligning the antennae to cosmic purposes.
Q: (L) So...
(Joe) The previous answer was that twisting and distorting prophetic...
A: There is a match between future and present frequency.
Q: (L) So, you're saying that we should be concerned about our antennae and stuff now because that is
our present frequency, and that is what determines our future. We should be aligning that present
frequency with cosmic purposes in order for that future outcome to be desirable?
A: Yes
Q: (Artemis) In a way, we are what we will be. So that means we must be now what we will be then.
(L) Okay, so that leads to my question.
(Andromeda) All roads... [laughter] ...lead to the question!
(L) What kinds of practices, thinking, behavior, or whatever actually assist us in our lives to stay safe from
hyperdimensional manipulation or harm that can hurt our frequency or muddy things up? For example, I
wrote down here what the Catholics do: prayer, confession, sacraments, therapeutic rituals, blessing of
objects, occasional exorcisms, that sort of thing. That's what they do to keep their flock safe. They
prescribe seven sacraments and all that kind of stuff. We know that's not necessarily the precise cup of
tea that does the entire job, but it’s not bad, and certainly they were onto something with some of that.
I'm not going to throw the baby out with the bath water here. So, what I want to know is what are good,
beneficial, protective practices?
A: You have made a thoughtful list so please read it!
Q: (L) Well, alright... I've made a list. To protect oneself against hyperdimensional manipulations and
harm, I'd say one of the primary things is to avoid dissociating.
A: Yes.
Q: (Artemis) And don't feed negative thought loops.
(L) Yeah, if you're dissociating, number one is you're in a fantasy, which is not paying attention to reality.
Number two, you're having negative thoughts and getting into negative thought loops. That seems to me
to be one of the most important. Am I right on that?
A: Indeed!
Q: (L) Okay. The next one is diet. If your diet is crappy and you're taking in all those chemicals that the
STS forces have manipulated their Earthly representatives to put in and on our food to poison us, that
can get in there and mess up our proteins and mess up our antennae. So, diet would be a second thing,
A: Yes!
Q: (L) Okay. In relation to diet, I've put down keeping regular hours as much as possible, having a
balanced colon biota... that sort of thing. Okay, the next item on my list is: sharing impressions and
A: Big one! So many are reluctant to share thoughts, impressions, worries, fears, etc. This dramatically
changes the inner landscape and can even shut down the receptors so that you are more subject to STS
manipulation of thoughts and feelings via mechanical means!!
Q: (Artemis) Sharing is VERY important.
(Joe) By mechanical means?
(L) Mechanical would be chemicals, beaming, etc... So, are you saying on the other side of this that the
act of communicating or communion with others or sharing can actually help to overcome some of those
mechanical means of interference?
A: Yes
Q: (Artemis) If you're not sharing, you're basically having an inner dialog with an echo chamber. You're
not getting any real feedback or information or perspectives. And then it is easy to spiral down into
wrong thinking.
(L) Yeah, that's a good point: If you're not sharing, you're just in an echo chamber! If you're keeping
yourself to yourself and closing up, you're in an echo chamber. Then you are more susceptible to the
STS manipulations and maneuvers.
(Andromeda) And nothing can help correct it.
(L) Yeah. So the next one on my list is: making amends when possible to the wronged person, and when
not possible making those amends to the world at large. I'm aware that there are situations where you
may have great, great regrets where it's just not practical, or it would just make things worse to try to
make amends. Therefore, my thought is that the thing to do under those circumstances is to...
(Artemis) redemption by helping others.
(L) Yeah, achieve redemption by giving to the universe and others in need. I mean that in terms of
thoughts, time, energy, whatever.
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Okay, so that's not a big hot one, but it's good. The next one I have is conserving energy and not
feeding STS dynamics.
A: Big one again and one of the most difficult because STS uses many tricks and traps to suck people
into negative dynamics so that they become food.
Q: (L) Of course, when you become food, you're feeding the STS side and empowering it against not
only your own best interests, but also against the best interests of STO itself. It seems to me that it's
kinda like psychopathy. They try all kinds of bluffs and meanness and nastiness and so forth. When
you're strong, strong, strong through all kinds of terrible actions or treatments on the part of, say, a
psychopath, the last-ditch maneuver, when they know they can't get you any other way, is the pity trip.
They induce you to feel guilty. Feeling guilty or feeling sorry for them is like... it becomes basically food.
A: Guilt is basically an ego thing of a very covert nature.
Q: (L) What does that mean? Does that mean that...
(Pierre) It means that the victim seems all weak and miserable and...
(L) And it makes YOUR ego feel good to feel like you can fulfill their wants and needs.
(Artemis) Or you feel like you're being compassionate. It's like false empathy, almost.
(Pierre) And often the one who generates this pity around himself, at the core, there's an ego trip. There's
a feeding on it.
(L) For them it's an ego trip, and when you give in to their guilt trip, you're feeding the STS part of them
first of all. And then I guess secondly, you're feeding your own ego inside yourself because you feel like
a savior or needed or like you'll get something. It's that dynamic of the feminine vampire! The waif. "If I
can save this person or do what they want or need or whatever, then there'll be something for ME!"
(Pierre) And this discussion suggests that for a long time we talked about how important to see reality as
it is. But from this exchange, it suggests to me that beyond the thoughts, very important is also to have
the right feelings towards the right person in the right context. Is that right?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Alright, let's move on to the next item on my list. The next one is... I put this on the list, but I dunno
if it should be there. I thought it was something that would be useful: to connect with ancestors and
honored saintly type people in 5D for protection. I thought that that would be kind of a useful thing. I
think people should find out if they have any ancestors or deceased relatives or somebody who were
good and decent people who one can talk to mentally or communicate with by writing letters to them, or
dream communication, and ask them for protection.
A: Yes
Q: (Ark) And if you can't find your ancestors, you have to find someone else's ancestors!
(L) Well, that's true. You can hook up with somebody who has good ancestors, and their ancestors
become your ancestors by you having shared realities. You're opening up and sharing your worries and
troubles. The good ancestors of any group or any one person in a group kind of become the good
ancestors of other members of the group.
(Pierre) And here you mentioned not ALL your ancestors - just the good ones. The same is true for the
saintly figures. I think people should be aware that there are many saints who were not saints and other
people who were vilified who were actually good.
(L) There are saints who were made saints, but they weren't actually very good people. And then there
are other saints who deserved that title. That's a good topic for discussion... not a C’s discussion, but
rather a discussion amongst people. Another thing I thought it would be useful for people to do would be
to guide the newly deceased. If there is somebody in your circle of acquaintances or group or whatever
who is in the process of passing over or recently did pass over, you could in some way help guide them
in the reality to which they may not be accustomed (obviously), but mainly because of their thought
patterns during life. So many people in this materialist-driven world do not think that there is an afterlife
or another world. When they get there, they don't know what to do! They don't even realize who or what
they are or which way to go. Is that a good one?
A: Yes but for certain people obviously.
Q: (L) That's not something that everybody should do. But if you have a loved one who's dying, it's
certainly not going to hurt to talk to them frankly about the process they're going through and what to
expect. Another thing I put on my list was when you are in a group situation or in our particular kind of
group, one of the things we've always tried to use to bring people to full awareness of their reality is what
we call the mirror. In some cases, it's a very delicate process. In other cases, it's somewhat unpleasant.
Well, it's NEVER pleasant. Unless you've gotten to the point where when someone tells you you've
screwed up, and you can genuinely respond, "Oh, thank you for telling me!" Hardly anybody does that
sincerely though, because it's not as simple or as easy as just saying those words. So, it seems to me
that this process that we undertake is kind of an initiation. Is that one way...
A: Yes but should be handled carefully as many are not ready for that advanced work.
Q: (L) Oh, and there was one thing I had at the bottom of the list. I guess it goes with diet. I thought it
was a good idea to fast one day a week.
A: Intermittent fasting will do.
Q: (L) Okay, so obviously prayer is a good thing. Is there something else I missed?
(Chu) Singing together.
A: Yes! Something you realized lately as Chu just said!!
Q: (L) Singing together - and it has to be singing the right songs. I was experimenting with this the other
night when we were doing karaoke just seeing how people did when you start them out with certain
songs and then move on to different levels. Everybody did pretty well, I think. They were pretty
comfortable with it. I think getting an order of songs to sing in a certain order of a certain type might be
useful. Then if everybody was singing the same songs around the world, would that be kind of like a
limbic link up?
A: Yes!!
Q: (L) So, I guess I've covered everything. Well, I have Divination on the list... For everyday use, we use I
Ching, and I think a lot of group members do the same. I think we've got that covered. One thing that I
was noting down on my little list here was that the Apostle Paul listed things to avoid, and then things to
enhance. The vices that he listed, things that one should avoid, were: fornication, licentiousness, enmity,
strife, jealousy, anger, selfishness, dissension, envy, drunkenness. Well, that's all pretty standard. I think
it's a good basic list and you can apply it in different ways depending on your circumstances. Then he
listed the virtues: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.
Self-control was kind of an interesting one for him to have on that list. And: no self-conceit, no provoking
one another, and no envy. Then he said at the end of his list, "Whatsoever a man sows, that will he also
reap”, and “let us not grow weary or lose heart." So, I thought that those were rather positive things to
think about.
A: Most important to remember the "sowing" part in the context of this discussion.
Q: (L) Oh, you mean about your antennae and how your antennae determines your future. What you sow,
you reap. So, if you're not taking care of your inner landscape and the immediate world around you in
terms of your group and your associations and so forth, you're screwing up your antenna and then
you're going to have a bad future because your antenna will attract the wrong things. Is that what you
A: Yes
Q: (Artemis) Basically foresight is very important.
(L) Yes. Okay, let's take a short break.
(L) Well, has anybody thought of any questions now?
(Chu) The other thing is doing Eiriu Eolas together and crystals and stuff. But those are already being
(L) Yeah, I was thinking of what to add on. Well, let's ask...
A: Indeed those are an important part of the self-tuning process.
Q: (L) Okay. So, is there anything that I didn't have on my list that should be on the list?
A: Not as such.
Q: (L) I guess we can expand it as we see fit. Anyway, it's become apparent that the long drawn-out
process of this passing through the Wave... I mean, yes, we see the weather going nuts, we see
humanity going nuts, fireballs increasing, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and all of those things. But it
seems to me that because these things come upon us gradually and then become commonplace,
people tend to start thinking nothing is really going on. They may think this is the worst it's going to get,
nothing is really going to happen. I see that all around. But the ancient prophecies said that the transition
to a new reality is like a woman in child birth. You start out having smaller pains, and then finally you get
to the point where there's the whole birthing process which is somewhat wildly messy and climactic.
Right now, it seems like we're in that long period where people become acclimated to chaos. And they
think, "Oh, well! This isn't so bad. If this is the worst it can be, I'm just going to have a normal life."
(Pierre) Another thing that helps this normalization of chaos is that the evolution is not linear. It's not like
you have 10 tornadoes, then 15, then 20. Sometimes there are periods of calm. So it helps the wishful
thinking part.
(L) Yeah. That's the way it works. I guess that's why people are easily led astray or they're led to think
that this is the worst it's going to get and so they can go along and live a normal life. I suppose in some
ways, you COULD live a normal life... and we do encourage people to do what they can in the world as
long as it doesn’t beat them down or suck them into complacence or sleep.
A: One thing to consider is this: Is the so-called "normal life" one of expansion of STO or is it one of
contraction to STS?
Q: (Artemis) That depends on the perspective of the person. A normal life for a normal person I guess is
more STS.
(L) Well, I think the biggest problem for some people trying to just live a normal life is that when they do
that, they're surrounded by other people just trying to live a normal life according to the materialist
paradigm. That tends to make it impossible for them to open up, communicate, share, and do all the
things on this list we've made. They can't really do it with most people out there because most people
are not attuned that way. Therefore, they fall into confluence like Mouravieff said. They become less and
less awake and aware, and their antennae shut down. They spiral down into kind of an STS black hole.
(Joe) Of course, they tell themselves that that won't be the case.
(Ark) I would like to make a comment. I think to a large extent, we don't really know what's going on
around us. Whenever I go out and see what people are doing, all these young people are just like this
[mimics walking around staring at smartphone in their hand]. This is their normal life!
(L) With their phone in their hand. Or earbuds in their ears, shutting out interactions with others.
(Ark) And this is normal life. There is no normal life at all!
(Joe) That's it.
(L) So going to so-called normal life is really going to abnormal life. The only place you can have a truly
normal life is with a group of people sincerely seeking to grow and change...
(Chu) That's the question people need to ask. There are people who are being tempted by these ideas of
a normal life. They need to remember and ask themselves is the world they want to live in normal? It's
NOT normal. Anything they're imagining now is a romantic idea of what the world is really like, but it's
(Joe) It's the Grass is Greener syndrome. All they have to do is look at the world around them, and then
think back to the life they had before they were involved with trying to grow and develop and tune the
(Scottie) I don't remember if it was Gurdjieff or whoever, but there's that saying that once you "wake up",
going back to that previous "normal" life is not possible. It's not that you can't do it. You can! But at what
cost? There is always a price to pay. So it's even worse than just romanticizing, at least in some cases.
(Joe) The longer it is that people are involved in working to become real, and realizing what work it really
is, the less they remember and the more they romanticize the life they had before.
(Chu) The pull is so strong.
(Pierre) And about what Ark said: that's their life. The face stuck to the screen. It's interesting in
conjunction in what we said about how to conduct a healthy life and remove ourselves from STS
influences. Imagine the antennas of people doing that and eating crap...
A: We warned strongly about electronic devices years ago!
Q: (Pierre) It has reached epidemic proportions. Most of who we are and what we see and what we think
is defined by our receivership capability that is defined basically by protein structures, we are receivers
basically. Imagine when you saturate a receiver with destructive radiations from devices? It must be a
feast for STS.
(L) And if you don't have a group with whom you can talk about everything to try to counteract that and
bring things to the surface... If you're not in a position where you can manage some things about your
diet and regular hours and demands made on you and so forth, in this reality we're in right now you're
freaking toast! Anybody got any other questions?
(Pierre) I wanted to ask about Notre Dame de Paris. Was it an accident?
A: No
Q: (Pierre) Now, a lot of conspiracy theories are about this massive real estate project, making money,
etc. What was the fundamental motive of this arson at Notre Dame?
A: Destruction of symbol: Our Lady Mother, i.e. Earth.
Q: (Pierre) I noticed often in those false flag operations they have prepared in advance a conspiracy
theory for the mass audience. Here the conspiracy theory is money. It's about getting oil, getting fancy
buildings. But really, behind that, the real perpetrators are working on deeper things like symbols,
ideologies, feelings.
(L) Symbols are so important. It's like the movie V for Vendetta. He was talking about Parliament as a
(Chu) It's the collective unconscious. And how did they do it? Was it thermite or what?
A: Normal fire elements. It didn't take more than that.
Q: (L) Accelerant of some sort. And then it's in such a place that it's hard to get any firefighters in there,
and there were delays. So, is it possible that STS forces were controlling the minds and hearts of the
people involved setting the fire and dealing with the fire?
A: Yes!!
Q: (L) Okay, any other questions?
(Pierre) But it was not a normal citizen thinking...
(L) No, it was controlled individuals.
(Pierre) Isolated individuals, or intelligence group organized?
(L) I would say it's probably what we call the crypto-geographic thing working on a lot of people.
(Pierre) Not Mossad?
(L) I don't think it has to be Mossad all the time.
(Pierre) It feels very cabalistic here. Christianity is the old time enemy.
(Joe) If it's social engineering, if it's an attempt to affect the mass mind by destroying one of the
symbols, that would play into the...
(Pierre) Let's ask: Who did it?
A: Not one entity. Fire was set by manipulated Muslim group.
Q: (L) And who was manipulating the group?
A: Your favorite STS intel agency.
Q: (Joe) Mossad?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) Yeah.
(Joe) It was basically a terror attack.
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) It's the same modus operandi: a bunch of manipulated Muslims.
(Pierre) But this time, unlike similar scenarios, the media didn't point the finger immediately to some
Muslim terrorists. It would have been a perfect opportunity to further demonize the Muslims and push up
the clash of civilizations. Why didn't they offer to the public audience a Muslim patsy?
(L) Well, in case you haven't noticed, they haven't been doing that so much lately After the last couple of
Muslim incidents like the Charlie Hebdo and Muhammed Merah, everything got turned around! Now
Muslims are the oppressed! They are a protected species!
(Joe) The agenda over the past number of years has been to create in the minds of Western Christians
the idea that Muslims are evil terrorists. And then whenever the programmed people rise up and say,
"Muslims are evil! We don't want them here!" the manipulators tell them that they're evil racists and they
should shut up. So, people have already kind of assumed that it was Muslims...
(L) They put them in this situation because it's cognitive dissonance.
(Pierre) So they are so programmed into thinking these thought patterns that you don't have to give the
(Joe) There were so many other events around the ND fire about other Christian churches with fires or
attacks. There was a lot of suggestion that Muslims were doing it.
(L) They have manipulated things around now to the point where Christianity can be basically demonized
and destroyed after they'd already manipulated Christians to think that Muslims are terrorists. So now,
they're the bad guys for thinking what they've been manipulated to think. They've essentially put
themselves in the position of being subject to destruction.
(Chu) It's like a super-evil way of gaslighting people.
(L) It's insidious. As far as I can see, Islam and Judaism as they are practiced today based on what Israel
Shahak wrote, those are the closest things to materialistic Satanism that I've ever seen. And I'm not
whitewashing Christianity either, but there are some foundational things about it that were truly good and
A: Yes
Q: (L) If people could get back to the original Paleochristianity then the world would be a different place.
But you're certainly not going to get there by materialistic Darwinism.
(Pierre) But when you look at history with a lot of distance, the feeling I get is that the most fundamental
dynamic is that: the destruction of Christianity. And all we see today is...
A: How do you propose that they could make it possible to destroy Christianity?
Q: (L) Well, exactly what they're doing. Set up an opposition and then defend the opponent as a
downtrodden minority.
(Joe) The point is that... I mean, you have in your head that there's going to be some kind of clash of
civilizations, but that doesn't seem to be the point. If you look at social media today, they've gotten to
the point where Christians are denounced as basically atavistic racist backward nutjobs. When they...
(Artemis) I think they want to speak...
A: It was the plan all along. Beware! It is coming to fruition and only those who stay awake and aware
can navigate. The STS forces are determined to quash awareness and the possibility of seeding a new
Q: (L) So you're saying that - and I guess you've said it before - that the importance of tuning the
antennae of a group of people, the importance of staying awake and aware, is because you then
become a receiver for creative energies?
A: Yes yes yes!!!
Q: (Joe) Is it that people who have a certain awareness which is equivalent to information or ideas or
conception of the world in their mind, that this contributes building blocks for a new reality?
A: It is not that those who endure to the end will be saved, but that those who endure to the end shall
save others. It is your choice to be among those who choose to be a part of the vanguard of the new
(L) So that is basically being addressed to anybody who reads this session.
(Andromeda) It's not just surviving or enduring that's the point.
(L) It's to survive and serve others!
End of Session
Session Date: Aug 10 2019
Laura, Andromeda, and Artemis at the board
Pierre, Joe, Chu, Ark, PoB, Scottie, Niall, Noko the Wonderdog, The Lunar Module, Pikabu zee Cat
Q: (L) Are we ready? Today is August the 10th, 2019. [Review of those present]
A: Elaleia of Cassiopaea here. Be helpful to one another.
Q: (L) Is that a general statement of your orientation or a specific characteristic of tonight's session?
A: Close.
Q: (L) So, back in July we went to Paris to this paranormal conference. Ark met this fellow who has put
together this healing method, for lack of a better term. But he doesn't say that he does any healing. He
says he just helps tune your body so that you do your own healing. He says it connects you to the
information field so that you can acquire the information you need into your energy field so that healing
takes place. He had some kind of strange name for the method... What was it?
(Chu) "Original Bioquantics"
(L) That's really weird. Anyhow, he admitted that it had nothing to do with quantum physics or quantum
anything, but he didn't know what else to call it because it was so strange. So, since the guy is in Spain
and his workshops are in Spanish, Chu went off to learn the technique. She came back with the
information and some gadgets and walked us through the procedure, that is, me and Andromeda, so we
could get a feel for what it is. After we witnessed it and played around with it a little bit, we came up with
the idea that it should be renamed to something like Hyperdimensional Harmonic Optimization (H2O)
because that seems to be what is really taking place. Obviously something is happening; the
testimonials from practitioners were amazing and Chu witnessed some interesting results during her
week there. Without going into more details about it now, we want to ask some questions. So, first of all,
is this is a therapy that is worthwhile for us to pursue in terms of learning, practicing, experimenting,
A: Indeed, as you have felt some benefits already.
Q: (Andromeda) Is the form that it's in right now good enough, or should we look to improve it?
A: Good idea!
Q: (L) Okay, so there are these little devices that are being used. First, the inventor was calling them
filters because they're kind of like little round filters for a camera. They involve the use of little bits of gel
film as used to be used in the early days of color photography. Then he decided that filters might not fit,
and that he wanted to call them “tuners”.
(Chu) Harmonizers.
(L) Harmonizers, okay. So what is it about these "filters" that makes them respond - that is, harmonize
and detect or whatever they are doing?
A: It is not the "filters" it is the practitioner.
Q: (Andromeda) So theoretically the person could just use their hand, or does there need to be a device
of some sort?
A: The "tuners" tune the practitioner.
Q: (L) Well, let's go through some of these questions that we have written down here. Then we'll come
back to some other things. During the process of this procedure, does it in any way open the person up
to any kind of negative influences hanging around or whatever?
A: Not really unless the person is a psycho with attached entities.
Q: (L) Okay.
(L) Okay, so the theory is that the process helps the person to connect to the information field so that
some part of them can make choices to heal or improve or somehow change their life or whatever. The
question is: At what level is the person's choice made at? Is it the subconscious taking over here, or is it
the higher self, or what?
A: Not the subconscious which is more or less bound to and driven by the genetic body. In this process,
it is at the interface between the spirit body and the hyperdimensional body as you have been calling it.
Otherwise known as the 4D body in the process of growing.
Q: (Andromeda) So that's the part that makes the choice of what to work on.
(L) Okay. Now, part of the procedure, according to the inventor, involves feeding information into the field
of the person at some distance from the body, which is kind of like what made me think of it as
hyperdimensional. Having read Lethbridge's work on dowsing and how he had to increase distances to
dowse into other dimensions... he kind of discovered this accidentally and it’s a cool story. So, there are
these images that are more or less waved around in the person’s energy field at various distances, and
he says that this consists of information being fed in, and there's a whole stack of them of the images.
The practitioner uses a combination and dowsing and kinesiology to select the one that is appropriate
for the individual to give them the information that they need. Then you apply it into the field with certain
gestures. We looked at all of these pictures. They're just small photographs, most of them very ordinary,
or even like nothing at all. We looked at a lot of them, and they seem to be almost random places all
around the planet. In general, are these images and the information they contain safe?
A: The dowsing process insures the proper selection.
Q: (Joe) What's special about the pictures?
A: About any place on the planet has an energy signature that can be captured by photographs. Any
person with a multiple incarnational history can respond to any number of such photos. In a large
enough collection you are bound to get some hits. You can expand the photo collection yourselves.
Q: (Chu) So it's an energy signature that the hyperdimensional/spirit body is taking in. But why does that
make you make different choices?
A: You can tune in to yourself in the past or future thus gaining insight or strength. Or it can simply be a
"thought" of the cosmos.
Q: (L) So that's why you mentioned the multi-incarnational thing. If there's a photo of a place on the
planet where you may have had some past life or future life or some energy signature that in some
hyperdimensional way is somehow... relevant to you. Then that information can be given to you. So, for
example if there's a picture of a place where you were or that was known to you in a past life or in a
future life, the experiences of that life or whatever could be transmitted to you in a more dynamic way
across the dimensional fields. Or what they were saying: It could be a thought of the cosmos. Maybe
that place is just for... I mean, you've got neurons in your brain firing all the time. How do we know that
the whole planet and all the biosphere and solar system... It may be some kind of big brain or something.
Maybe that's just a little snippet of the brain of the cosmos.
A: Yes
Q: (L) So I'm on the right track there.
(Joe) That would suggest that it might be traumatic or unsettling for some people if they're tapping into
dynamics or energies from a past life. It's not always going to be a pleasant experience.
A: Sometimes there are things that need resolution.
Q: (L) So sometimes you open up something that needs to be dealt with. It's not all sweetness and light.
(Chu) What about our question about how to make sure that you're not interfering as the practitioner?
(Andromeda) Yeah, how do you not influence the choosing of the spots or filters or the pictures?
A: That is possible. One way to train is by practicing with dowsing lost objects to sharpen your
Q: (L) Somebody who's not real sensitive could tend to overlay their imagining onto what they're doing.
But a person who is sensitive and who has trained their sensitivity will be feeling what the body that they
are working with is communicating to them and it will create a correct feedback.
A: Yes
Q: (L) You have to practice separating yourself from it. And that's why I guess it's better to practice
searching for lost objects because you get feedback from more or less neutral objects. Anything else?
(Joe) Where did this guy get the idea from?
A: Putting flashes of inspiration with knowledge acquired.
Q: (L) Well, I just have a problem with him being a vegetarian and stuff. [laughter] I mean, did he ever
apply the method to himself and inquire what's the best thing for him to eat?
A: An example of a "physician" who does not take his own medicine.
Q: (Artemis) Didn't we get the inspiration for Éiriú Eolas from a guy who was a vegan?
(L) Yeah, that's true. So you can be a vegan and come up with ideas. Maybe it's because vegetables are
more attuned to the Earth and its vibrations? I dunno.
(Pierre) We didn't ask where the flashes of inspiration came from.
(L) Why would we ask that? I mean, are we gonna try to narrow this down to STS or STO? Is that what
we're going after?
(Pierre) Well, yeah.
(L) Why can't you just ask that question?
(Pierre) Well, there might be other forces. Is his inspiration STO and/or STS?
A: In Marcel's case, STO dominates his "flashes".
Q: (Andromeda) Okay, so I just want to make this clear. So what they said so far is that it's pretty safe to
do, it can be improved upon a little bit, we can take new pictures, and the filters are okay to use as they
A: Yes, and eventually you won't need either filters or pictures. They are, in a sense, training wheels.
Q: (Chu) Would it be worth it to get the other filters and protocols?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Is that true for anybody? Anybody can just do this procedure?
A: Like playing music or singing, some are more gifted than others.
Q: (PoB) Should the pictures be taken by us, or they can be found on the internet?
A: Take them yourselves. Some unusual photos that attract you strongly can be downloaded.
Q: (Joe) Leclerc parking lot! [laughter]
(Chu) Arky has to go take pictures when he rides his bike to the store!
(Pierre) Well, Arky already has thousands of pictures.
(Andromeda) Meteor showers. Or crystals. Lots of cool photos we could try.
(L) We might even come up with better pictures.
(Chu) What about pictures taken of the crystals that we charged?
(Artemis) That reminds me, we wanted to ask if playing recordings of our voices singing will charge the
(L) If we want to charge up another batch of crystals, can we record ourselves and then play the
recording on a repeating loop on the crystals and make them supercharged that way?
A: Yes!!!
Q: (Artemis) So we can just leave it on repeat for like DAYS! [laughter]
(L) Well, we could just make the recording and people could download it or something and play it.
(Artemis) Do It Yourselves! Geez! [laughter]
(PoB) The first crystals in the world charged by YouTube videos.
(L) Oh... Our singing is just not that great.
(Andromeda) Only the crystals like it.
(L) We'd have to practice and sound good.
(Ark) We also want to know if the place where this procedure is being applied needs to be chosen with
certain selection in mind because there are some places that are good and some places that have wrong
vibration. Even inside the house, one place is good, and another is not. So, is it important, and if so,
(L) In other words, is it important to pick the place where you apply the therapy?
A: Moderately, but most calm places will do.
Q: (Andromeda) What about the orientation of the person's body? North and South?
A: Head to North is always good for such things.
Q: (L) Alright. You say that these little tuner things are like training wheels. In what sense are they like
training wheels?
A: They manifest and/or connect to energies of a very subtle nature. Recall the experience of Lethbridge
and the pentagram/triangle.
Q: (L) We'll have to look that up, but I remember it was weird. I think it's in Secret History or The Wave
(Andromeda) So there really is something to the filters... A clear plastic disk with little jellies inside?
A: Color and composition.
Q: (Ark) Are there other known practices that so to say achieve similar results? Do people somewhere in
the world practice something in a different way but essentially producing similar results to this
A: Traditional magnetizing by a gifted individual.
Q: (L) But it has to be a gifted one. It can't be just any old body!
(L) How does it work?
A: The main element is the use of the practitioner's system to help balance the patient. Done properly,
the practitioner is a conduit. This energy engages with the information in the tuners and images.
Q: (L) The energy engages with the information in the tuners and images to do exactly what?
A: Transmit that information to the patient.
Q: (L) And what does that information...
(Pierre) It's a kind of rebalancing?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) What information is in the tuner?
(L) Didn't they just say it was kinda like that business with Lethbridge? Does it matter that the pieces of
gel move around in the filter tuners?
A: Yes important. The arrangement morphs!
Q: (Chu) Well, I guess we're gonna have to...
(L) I can't think of any other way to get to it. We're trying to talk about something that's
hyperdimensional, and we don't even know how to go there.
(Joe) For some reason, the material in the tuners and the color acts as a receiver or conduit or something
for information.
(L) Is it kind of like a sieve?
A: Yes!
Q: (L) So when you're moving it through the person's energy field, the configuration of the elements and
the motion sieves out or combs the energy?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) So it aligns the fibers of the energy field...
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) a specific way so that...
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) ...they can receive information... I'm just pulling this out of my...
(L) You're channeling!
(Joe) Carry on. [laughter]
(L) So it's actually like when you put a magnet under a piece of paper with iron filings on it.
(Chu) That's how Marcel explained it. He had a box with screws in it.
(L) I guess when it's better aligned it's better able to pull in and pack more information.
(Pierre) It holds more by definition.
A: Yes
Q: (L) It helps organize. Okay...
(Joe) It's like having a bunch of receivers that are all aligned or pointed in the same direction. Whatever!
(Chu) Well, in the quantum body protocol, you have those tuners that are for organizing information that
you supposedly have already. And the other ones - the clear ones - for receiving new information.
(Joe) You see, it's important. We're not just being nitpickers here. It's important for people involved in it
to at least have a conceptual idea of what's happening - even if it's only very vague. Then you can kind
of engage with it yourself and help it along.
(L) Well, that's kind of puzzled me. These little bits of gel in these tuners are just like floating around in
there. They move around. So I guess the energy of the practitioner and the energy of the patient
somehow interact to arrange them...
(Andromeda) And some of them are even shaped like triangles or rectangles in addition to being different
(L) I remember, it was triangles that Lethbridge either drew or saw... I think he drew a pentagram or
something to keep this witch away from his house. And then he woke up and there were triangles of fire
at the foot of his bed; or maybe it was vice versa. It bounced back on her. Anyhow, there were triangles
of fire involved somehow. So, the hyperdimensional view of this pentagram was a triangle of fire. It was
something very different in another reality than what he could see. And I know that on a couple of
occasions when I've had these visionary spells, it's like everything in this reality becomes living, moving
light. You have no idea when you look at ordinary reality what a hyperdimensional view of that reality is.
(Chu) You saw the picture on the web site of the quantum body?
(L) Yeah.
(Chu) He showed a picture of a man standing, and it was all a bunch of little dots all around the body...
(Ark) This is something that we somehow neglected because he draws these pictures and he talks about
these pictures. But what you learned until now has nothing to do with his getting pictures. So what about
this getting pictures? It is higher level or something?
(Chu) You mean the images he got?
(Ark) How did he take these pictures? Will you be able to learn next time?
(L) Probably not.
(Chu) The only way would be to get him here and get him to explain it to you or something. Is he using
the filters, or...
(Ark) The way that he talked to me and the way he puts it in his books... he is able to SEE somehow?
(L) So he has flashes of inspiration and he sees things.
(Ark) These things like Castaneda or whoever was seeing the...
(L) The flyers. Or the energetic body, the ball of light.
(Chu) He said he was using the filters and testing thousands of times.
(Scottie) Maybe he just kind of dowsed for the pictures in a sense.
(L) Okay, I'm getting tired. We're gonna have to wrap it up soon. Next question?
(Ark) Yes, is the moon partly hollow?
A: Yes
Q: (Ark) Is this theory of this Polish geologist about how the moon formed true?
A: Close.
Q: (Ark) Is his idea about earthquakes also partly true?
A: Yes
Q: (Ark) Okay. Can quantum theory be derived from General Relativity?
A: No
Q: (Ark) Oh my goodness! I'm done. I'm depressed. [laughter] So what should I do? I was working for
four years on doing that?! And now you say it cannot be done? What should I do?
(Artemis) He's lost. Help him!
(Ark) Please?
A: Keep trying. It will lead to unexpected discoveries.
Q: (Ark) I'm done.
(L) Can we get a fan that blows over here? I'm getting REAL hot...
(Artemis) Oh yeah, that's great...
(Scottie) Aaaah!
(L) Now... What was it that you wanted to ask, Niall?
(Niall) Current events questions. What caused the blackout in the UK?
A: Sabotage.
Q: (Niall) Is that the same people who did the sabotage in Argentina?
A: Yes
Q: (Niall) Geez. Why would they want to target the UK?
A: Create chaos.
Q: (Niall) They're nuts. Was there more than one shooter involved in the Texas shooting?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Standard operating procedure.
A: Yes Greenbaum type programming. We have discussed this before and are surprised that you have
Q: (Joe) We haven't forgotten. I guess we don't need to ask questions like that anymore.
(Niall) What happened to the Russian navy submarine that blew up in July?
A: Sabotage.
Q: (Scottie) I think the answer to all those is: sabotage.
(L) We want to know what happened to Pierre the other day when he fainted?
A: In case you did not notice, a great wave of negative energy circled the planet over the past few days,
affecting those who are vulnerable due to lack of awareness.
Q: (Artemis) What happened?
(Andromeda) There was all kinds of stuff like multiple shootings and...
(Artemis) Yeah, but why and from who?
A: General chaos generated from 4D STS sources.
Q: (L) Okay, are we done?
(Artemis) Wait, wait, wait! I have a question! On the subject of past lives, is it possible for a person to
remember past lives that belong to family members and to think of them as their own?
A: Yes
Q: (Artemis) Is it due to like genetic memory maybe?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Also could be like psychic closeness... tuning in.
A: Yes
Q: (Artemis) Is there an optimal time for people to pray?
A: Early morning before dawn.
Q: (L) Just before, or as the sun rises?
A: Yes
Q: (Artemis) Why is that time preferable?
A: Energy of Earth has quieted and there is a gap just before the energy of the sun returns.
Q: (L) So there's like a gap that you can escape through into the cosmos.
(Artemis) So it's kind of like the internet. When everyone's sleeping, the internet is faster!
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) Is there such a thing as the Ashkenazi genetic profile?
A: Yes, but it isn't Semitic.
Q: (Pierre) Yes! What are the origins of this genetic profile?
A: Ask another time after doing homework. Goodbye.
End of Session
Laura, Andromeda, and Artemis at the board
Pierre, PoB, Joe, Chu, Ark, Scottie, Gaby, Niall, The Lunar Module
Q: (L) Today is Saturday December 28, 2019.
(Andromeda) St. Innocent's Day.
(L) [Review of those present]
(Artemis) And puppies.
(L) So, hello!
A: Hello to beloved ones. Cassiopaea calling. Fear not; All will be well! Wave effects produce many
unusual manifestations and chaos.
Q: (L) So, you're saying that the recent events with which we've had to deal and news we've become
aware of is all part of chaos caused by the Wave?
A: Yes
Q: (L) And why does it manifest in this way?
[Personal questions redacted.]
(L) Okay. I guess we should ask some general questions. Maybe I'll ask about this book I just finished
about Paul and the Gospel of Mark. Have I pretty much laid things out as accurately as possible?
A: And more than that!
Q: (L) In this recent book I read about Paul, it basically exhibits what Paul was seeing or perceiving in his
visions, or his conversations, or his channelings with Jesus I guess you'd call it. It's pretty much what we
have received via this communication. Now, this guy interprets righteousness as absolution. I would like
to ask about this absolution/righteousness issue. What did Paul actually mean?
A: Something rather like what you and others have experienced as "cleansing" or "opening" of the
conscience as Gurdjieff described it.
Q: (L) So in other words, this getting "saved" or "made righteous" or having absolution or whatever is not
necessarily an instantaneous thing?
A: Exactly. But it can be in rare instances.
Q: (L) But for most people, it would be more like what Jeanne De Salzmann describes in the First
Initiation. First, you have to get to the point where you can really see yourself, see your lies, see how you
have identified with your false personality, and grow that spiritual part of yourself which is the "spirit self"
as Paul describes it - as opposed to the fleshly self. Paul says that flesh and blood cannot inherit the
Kingdom of God. What he means is not necessarily that you have to die, but that it is that inner self, that
awareness, that conscience, that spirit self that has to be brought to awareness and then grown and
solidified, more or less. That is being "saved", so to say.
A: Yes
Q: (L) And that's pretty much what Paul says because he doesn't describe it as an instant process. He
says you need to work out your salvation with fear and trembling. So it's something that requires work
and time. And yet Christianity as it exists today has distorted this to where they say, "Oh, all you have to
do is come down to the altar and say you believe" and that's it. That's just not the way it works.
A: Consider that much editing and confusion has entered the texts for impure purposes.
Q: (L) Impure purposes... You mean like people seeking power and control?
A: Yes
Q: (L) So am I right that the Book of Mark was an amalgamation of elements of Paul's Christ overlaid on
Judas the Galilean, and the Judas the Galilean figure was completely stripped of his revolutionary
character and that sort of thing?
A: Yes
Q: (L) So there was a Jewish Christ, and there was Paul's Christ. They were combined to make Jesus of
Nazareth, the hippy who went around in sandals doing miracles?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Any other questions?
(Joe) Who was Paul's Christ?
A: Caesar!
Q: (Joe) Did Paul know that?
A: Yes
Q: (Niall) Ave Caesar!
(Scottie) BOOM!
(Andromeda) Did we want to ask about Betelgeuse or any of these disappearing stars and changing
galaxies and stuff?
(L) Yeah, there's been a lot of REALLY weird stuff going on in the whole universe! It's not just global
warming anymore.
(Artemis) The stars are burning! We're killing the stars! [laughter]
(L) I mean, it's... Betelgeuse looks like it wants to blow up, galaxies are acting weird... Can ya'll
remember all the different things have come up in the news lately? Stars dimming or getting brighter...
(Chu) A lot more comets.
(L) More comets than ever before.
(Niall) Auroras on Mars.
(L) It's just...
(Niall) Jupiter has this hexagon-shaped thing on it...
A: The wave has many manifestations!!!
Q: (L) So we're basically... Yeah, we need some rejuvenation. We need some real healing so we can last
long enough to finish this thing out!
A: Yes exactly, and there is more work to do!
Q: (L) So is Ark gonna come out the other side of this treatment plan with all the ideas to finish off what
he's been working on all these years?
A: Very likely!!
Q: (L) Well that's all very positive. I just hope you guys aren't playing us along.
(Pierre) When Venus was a comet in the solar system thousands of years ago, was the orbital period of
Venus constant?
A: Became so gradually.
Q: (Pierre) Okay, that's what I suspected. So my next question is: Remember there were five passes of
the cometary Venus near Earth. How many years ago each of these five passes occurred?
A: You can work that out! No shortcuts! Ask Laura!
Q: [laughter]
A: Now, we would like to say something of interest to all: Soon things in your realm will become very
chaotic and strange. It will give chills to many. Be not alarmed! It will pass and there will be a new reality
to explore. Cosmic forces will be displayed and there will be many searching for answers. Be prepared to
give the help that is needed. Be together in love and peace. Goodbye.
End of Session
(Joe) Amen. This is the Word of the Lord.
(L) I reckon! This time they're saying "soon".
(Joe) They've said that many times. But maybe this time means soon.
(Scottie) Well, when there's all this crazy stuff going down on other planets and in the universe, maybe
you're slightly more inclined to go, "Maybe 'soon' IS actually soon now!"
(L) I think they've already said that the Wave is already here. We're already in the middle of it. That's why
everything is so crazy.
(Artemis) There's probably gonna be more weird stuff like crafts and bleedthrough and stuff. People are
gonna freak out.
(Joe) And they'll be on Twitter saying, "I just saw this thing running past my window!" That's when we
have to say something amongst all the other 15 million answers.
(L) I guess we'll see. It NEVER is the way we expect it to be! I mean...
(Chu) It could be politically weird.
(L) Everything went to hell starting with that business in Ukraine when the Deep State came out in the
open. What's-her-name was giving cookies out. Snipers were shooting people to create a revolution
there. That was like... The whole LGBTQ-blah-blah every letter of the alphabet started coming out... I
mean, have you SEEN some of the shit going on?
(Joe) I know, but how many people on this planet find that those kinds of events are strange or give them
chills? It has to be something that enters people's reality that they can't ignore or deny.
(L) Remember way back when, when we were talking about the disappearing frogs? They said it was an
effect of the Wave. Then we see all this craziness. Now they're saying environmentally things are gonna
be crazy.
(Joe) That's the only thing that will get people's attention.
(L) Well, they did once say that people need a lot more suffering before the masses wake up, didn't
(Joe) The main thing in their thesis is fireballs or space rocks.
(Chu) It could be something like what Niall was saying the other day about Trump getting sick or
whatever. Something at a national level.
(Joe) That's chaotic, but not strange.
(L) Well, it is really bizarre that they're having so many reports of strange universal changes and stars
acting up and that kind of thing.
(Andromeda) Stars disappearing, others appearing where they weren't before.
(L) It's weird...
(Artemis) Maybe people will be traveling to other realities or something.
(Chu) Things also may backfire, and this year was the stupidities with Greta and that kind of stuff...
(L) I would say that maybe part of the chaos would be the snapback from the masses of ordinary people
against the whole postmodernist, deconstructionist, liberalist, Marxist stuff... Like the French Revolution
or something. And then we've got climate chaos for sure.
Session Date: February 22nd 2020
Laura, Andromeda, and Artemis at the board
Pierre, Joe, Chu, Ark, PoB, Scottie, Gaby, Niall, The Lunar Module, Princess Leia, Pikabu zee Cat
Q: (L) This is the 22nd of February 2020. So that's a 2-2-0-2-2-0-2-0. Those are good numbers. We have
the usual crew here. [Review of those present]
A: Hello to children of future.
Q: (L) And who do we have with us this evening?
A: Roialiaea for your understanding.
[Personal questions redacted.]
Q: (L) Alright. General questions? OH! I do want to make a comment. Last session, we were told that
things were gonna get really wild and hairy in the new year. And boy did things just kinda blow up in the
first couple of weeks! There was the assassination of Soleimani and then the appearance of this new
coronavirus and the shoot-down on a plane after the assassination of Soleimani. It's really bizarre that
they used the word "chills" with all these people coming down with this virus and getting really severe
fevers and chills...
A: More to come!
Q: (L) You mean there's more craziness to come this year?
(Artemis) It's gonna get way weirder!
A: Oh indeed! You ain't seen nothing yet!
Q: (L) Oh boy. [laughter]
(Joe) Give us a percentage of the coronavirus becoming a REAL pandemic in the sense of global and
LOTS of people dying.
A: Low.
Q: (Joe) That's what I thought. It's something else.
(L) But that doesn't mean that there's not another one waiting in the wings that's really serious.
A: Yes
Q: (Artemis) It's just a precursor to the plague.
(L) It's just getting us warmed up.
(Andromeda) It's the movie trailer! [laughter]
(L) I have some questions about this Soleimani thing. I was really, REALLY upset with Trump about this
Soleimani assassination. I mean, that guy seemed like such a nice guy! He looked like a nice guy!
(Joe) He had a funny eye.
(L) Didn't he?
(Joe) But was he?
(L) Well, the question is was he a really nice guy? I guess that's not a question I should ask. That's a
value judgment. Uh...
(PoB) Nice for friends, not nice for enemies.
A: Yes
Q: (L) Okay. So, the thing that I thought about it because of Iran's really lukewarm response to the whole
thing... I mean, that's the kind of thing that starts freaking wars! Archduke Franz Ferdinand's
assassination started World War I!! Anyway... So here we get this guy assassinated and we didn't get
WW III already. So, that made me suspicious. And then they had this little response that was like
(Pierre) It was scripted all along.
(L) Yeah, like it was scripted...
A: Back room deal.
Q: (L) So are you saying that Trump and the Iranians had a backroom deal to take out this guy Soleimani
because the Iranians may have actually wanted him gone?
A: Yes
Q: (PoB) Which Iranians?
(Joe) Rouhani and the Ayatollah.
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) So was it decided upon from Trump's perspective as a kind of gift to keep the Israelis happy?
(L) He got to make a grand gesture for his warmongering Deep State and appease Israel, and Iran got rid
of somebody that they were getting more and more afraid of.
A: Yes
Q: (L) But still, I don't think the Ayatollahs were the good guys. So maybe he was a good guy. I mean,
come on! Those people (Muslims) make women wear...
(Joe) Well... Not the ayatollahs, but...
A: Now now! Don't judge a book...
Q: [laughter] (Joe) Why was the Ukrainian plane shot down? Was it actually a mistake?
A: No
Q: (Joe) Was it something along the lines that we theorized? The missile system was fooled?
A: The systems were co-opted by nefarious agents.
Q: (Joe) And would that be Mossad?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Our favorite spy group.
(Niall) Does that mean then that the same elements in the Iranian regime that made a deal to take out
Soleimani helped to cover it up?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Right. They didn't want a big to-do about it. The point wasn't to start any kind of conflict.
(L) Was anybody important on that plane?
(Joe) Not really.
(PoB) Was there anything hiding behind the plane?
A: No
Q: (L) Okay, next topic? Is the new coronavirus:
A) an American or Chinese-engineered virus, like an ethnic-specific weapon
B) from outer space
C) just a natural progression of viral evolution and/or mutation
(Andromeda) Or:
D) a combination because of this vaccine that got out of control and it mutated on its own
A: D
Q: (L) So they were messing around making vaccines, and something got loose...
(Artemis) IT GOT OUT! [laughter]
(Gaby) It's like the start of a bad movie.
(Andromeda) And then once it got out, it mutated.
(L) And there ya go.
(Niall) Does that then explain the Chinese response to it?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) They're worried about it, but it's not gonna go anywhere.
(L) They're worried that it could further mutate and cause a real pandemic, but the odds are low.
A: Yes
Q: (L) Okay. Next topic. Oh, there was this weird video that Niall found. It was really weird.
(Niall) It's a video shown a couple of weeks ago supposedly somewhere south of Aleppo. That's near the
big war zone in Idlib. It's looking up in the sky fixed on a cloud and there are like waves rippling up
through the cloud.
A: We told you long ago that there is a large portal over the Middle East. This was a breaching of the
realm curtain.
Q: (L) So... Was something coming in, or getting out of here?
A: Coming in!
Q: (Artemis) Something came in... Prepare for the worst!
(Chu) Something like what?
A: We told you that there would be strange cosmic phenomena!
Q: (Pierre) They didn't say what was coming in.
(L) I guess we have to wait and see.
(Joe) It was the Kraken. Godzilla!
A: Paying close attention helped you spot this. Wait for more and observe results and effects.
Q: (Artemis) So let's see what happens next.
(L) Things are getting nutty, ya know? It's getting really weird. So, just as a little reminder to myself about
what it is that we're supposed to be doing... [laughter]
A: FRV modulation and synching!
Q: (L) So in other words, we're supposed to be modulating our FRV - i.e. our receivership capability - by
work on the self, and synchronizing with all of the members of the group in order to... what?
A: Anchor the frequency of the new reality.
Q: (L) So in other words, there are a number of possible new realities and it depends on either... Okay, is
it that a group can anchor a frequency and thereby determine the template of the new reality for all?
A: Not exactly. Determines which branch you will move to.
Q: (L) So anchoring a frequency as a group in a sense is not exactly like creating the new reality... It's
more like choosing. Is that it?
A: Yes yes yes
Q: (L) So it's all a question of choice. What reality do you want to experience? And therefore you modify
your FRV or you get into association with others of the FRV you think is the right one or desirable or
whatever. And then you all start vibrating together. Well, in this Reality Transfer book we just read, he
talks about these pendulums and what you are saying sounds sort of like what he describes as a
pendulum. He doesn't talk about what they are, but he thinks that all pendulums are bad or evil .
A: He is wrong. Dead wrong.
Q: (L) So some of these pendulum-type attractors can be good?
A: Essential in fact. One must choose.
Q: (L) Well, choosing makes me think of what the Apostle Paul was saying when he talked about
making... I mean, basically what it amounted to was making your choices based on the unseen world or
on unseen realities. In a funny sort of way, today I had like a little realization because I was trying to
understand why for Paul, the death of his Christ or the crucifixion was THE most important thing. For him
it was the death, not the resurrection. It finally occurred to me that the reason it was so important was
because - and this is according to Paul - his Christ went to his death with absolute faith even in the face
of everything being wrong and against him. The way it's depicted in the Gospel of Mark, not only did the
disciples not understand, not only is he abused, tortured, and rejected by literally everybody... I mean,
everybody flees from him in the Gospel of Mark, which is the first gospel. Everybody. There are no
women at the cross. There are no supporters. There's nobody. He did that willingly - the way it's
depicted, and it's an allegory - because his faith in the unseen necessity and the other world and what
would happen after the death was so strong he could and would do it. It was a matter of this faith that
what was unseen was more real and lasting that the seen reality. Am I right? Seeing the unseen is the
A: Yes
Q: (L) So Paul was concerned with restoring humanity to the Edenic state. He uses the symbol as one
man, the First Adam, and death came to all. And then by one man life came to all. It struck me that the
possibility... Well, what the C's have said is that when the Fall happened, it happened to everyone. It
wasn't just like one person. It happened to everyone. So it seems to me that this primal man that is
Adam is a representation of all. It's not just one man that caused everybody to go kaflooey. And they've
said that it was the female energy consorted with the STS reality. Is that what we're looking at here, only
the reversal of the process? In other words, a group of people that have that kind of faith that in the face
of everything being literally awful as it is in our world today, that they still have faith in the other reality,
they still have faith in doing good, doing right, being loving, that they do not buy into the whole
Darwinian materialistic thing, and basically they don’t believe those lies and by those means they are
able to, at a certain point in time that Paul called the culmination of the ages, be restored to this Edenic
state... in other words a 4D STO reality. Am I interpreting that correctly?
A: Oh that was beautiful!! We are impressed!
Q: (L) Well la-dee-da! So that's basically what the anchoring of the frequency is about. And that's part of
the interior state that people have to be in in order to anchor that frequency - to have that kind of faith.
It’s not where you are, but who you are and what you see? Even in the face of everything being against
your ideas, against what you think, against what you've figured out...
(Joe) Even things inside you being against you. The internal fight. You have faith that doing what it
doesn't like that you will kind of achieve something worth having.
(Andromeda) Right.
(Joe) It's internally and externally at the same time.
(L) So it's not faith IN Jesus as Ashworth points out. It's faith OF Jesus that sets the example. And the
example was put in a metaphor of the story of this crucifixion or death, but the metaphor represents
basically the crucifixion of every person. They're crucified inside and outside because they are faced
with this reality that rejects their consciousness, their more or less divine connection, their spiritual
connection. They say that everything is just random mutations and random evolution, and that's wrong.
That's the Big Lie.
A: Yes. We can retire now!
Q: [laughter] (Niall) That's something Laura would say. Hmm...
(Artemis) That was YOU speaking! [laughter]
A: We are you at another level.
Q: (L) Anybody have any other questions?
(Artemis) Do you guys want to ask about Jordan Peterson? Do you even care about him anymore?
(L) Yes we do. We're very sorry, but...
(Niall) He made a mistake.
(Joe) And they mentioned suffering before. I think he's learned a lot.
(Joe) In line with your analogy of Adam and the original Fall and stuff, how many souls fell?
(L) With that event?
(Joe) Yeah, was it a finite number?
A: No.
Q: (L) I would say it was more like a group of them created a situation that set a trap and then began
reproducing and attracting more and more into the trap. It just became like... a black hole.
(Joe) Yeah, that's what I mean, but like an original...
(L) An original group?
(Joe) Yeah. In a certain sense, flipping it around like you have a group now being a vanguard of the new
reality and leading in a certain sense, or like they said in the last session about saving other people...
Spreading information...
(L) So in other words, how many souls were existing at 4D STO reality who at that moment... I think
they... No, they didn't. We never asked that question.
(Joe) It's probably a lot more complicated than that. I was thinking that it doesn't change, ya know what I
mean? That it's...
(L) The thing is, it could actually literally have been a couple who created the...
(Joe) Started the ball rolling...
(L) Just as it could be one person who could set an example who could start the ball rolling the other
way. So, even though we understand these things as metaphors, there can certainly be a very concrete
reality to all of it, ya know?
(Joe) Yeah.
(L) Alright then. We'll say goodnight unless you have anything to add.
A: Keep the faith all! Goodbye.
End of Session
Session Date: March 21st 2020
Laura, Andromeda, and Artemis at the board
Pierre, Joe, Chu, Ark, PoB, Scottie, Gaby, Niall, The Lunar Module, Noko the Wonderdog, Princess Leia,
Pikabu zee Cat
Q: (L) Today is March the 21st, 2020.
(Andromeda) 3-2-1!
(L) [Review of those present] Alright, so I guess we're gonna go to work here. We've got a lot to cover.
A: Hello. Epikniaea here of Cassiopaea.
Q: (L) Okay. As you know, we are very much interested in the situation on the planet. You kinda left us
hanging last time. Peoples need answers! So, what questions...?
(Joe) In the last session, they said that soon things will become very chaotic and strange and that it
would give many people chills. Was this situation that we're in now what they were talking about?
A: Partly. There are chills of different kinds.
Q: (L) So there can be chills that are caused because you're sick, and others that can be caused
because you're freaked out! AAAAH! Next?
(Joe) So these aren't the chills then of the non-physical kind. These are the chills of the sick kind.
(L) Well, I guess sometimes you can get both at the same time.
(Chu) It could also be the planet chilling.
(L) Yup. Ice Age. Also, what happens if the planet gets the chills and starts shaking?
(Niall) And sneezing.
A: It is possible.
Q: (Joe) Is there any truth to the claim that the reason for the measures being imposed on Western
nations is to prevent them getting infected all at once, or to avoid them infecting those who are weak or
elderly as per the official mainstream narrative? They talk of “flattening the curve.”
A: No.
Q: (Pierre) So what is the agenda...
(Joe) Well, what reason then are the leaders of Western nations being given that is making them agree to
shut down large parts of their countries?
A: There are several complexes of agendas in play, as well conflicts.
Q: (L) Well... We've got some questions from forum members, and maybe if I just kinda go through them
it'll get things sorted out. Or do you have something really specific to ask?
(Pierre) I wanted to ask about, "several complex factors in play". It made me think that two factors were
mentioned several times: the economic factor, and on the political level a way to increase the power of
the authorities.
(L) Okay, so is one of these factors that it was seen that this was a good opportunity to reset the
A: Yes
Q: (L) And they think that they're going to reset the economy and just put everything back together when
they decide to?
A: Yes. Wishful thinking.
Q: (L) Is another factor to reinforce their power to be able to lock down, impose restrictions, control
people... Is that another part of it?
A: Yes but that too will backfire due to exposure.
Q: (Pierre) About the financial markets or reset: They comment, "wishful thinking". So the idea is to burst
the bubble now and then to regrow the markets and make a lot of profit down and up - both ways. Is it
an allusion to the previous session where it was said that the next crash will be engineered in the
beginning, but then an unexpected factor will enter in and the downward spiral will get out of control?
A: Possible, but the exposure factor will also enter in.
Q: (L) Okay, we've got many pages of questions here. I'm gonna try to get through some of them. This
one person asks:
I think it would be important to get confirmation (or rebuttal) from the Cs, that over-consumption of
Vitamin A (from retinol and beta-carotene containing foods) has negative health effect on large numbers
of people and made them prone to get sick from coronavirus.
(L) Okay, this person is asking if this is one of the aspects?
A: Overconsumption of vitamin A is easily detected by yellow color and easily corrected and is not a
significant factor.
Q: (L) Okay, moving along. Next question:
Has this whole situation/reaction/measures in so many countries been planned?
(L) In other words, I think they are asking was it all planned in advance?
A: No, but plans along similar lines were activated to take advantage of opportunity.
Q: (Joe) Was this at the level of the World Health Organization? Or... What body was involved in
implementing these plans?
A: Secret consortium of which the WHO is just a tool.
Q: (L) Okay. Another person asks:
Where is the safest place for us to be during the existing and upcoming turmoil?
A: Any place is safe to the knowledgeable person. Do you have the energy and resources to change?
Q: (L) And I guess it also comes down to if you have knowledge and you're in a high-stress environment,
you can be safe but it takes a lot of energy for that, too. If you would like to reduce your stress and
energy expenditure or if you NEED to reduce them, then you should make changes?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Okay, so...
(Joe) The most obvious effect of these measures that they're putting in place is a kind of
pseudo-totalitarian lock down essentially. Can we assume that that was one of the agendas: to impose
those lock downs on people?
A: Yes, total control. But it was not necessarily envisioned as lock down in this way.
Q: (Joe) It kinda got beyond their...
(L) What changed their...
(Andromeda) Approach?
(Joe) "But it was not necessarily envisioned as lock down in this way."
(Pierre) How was it envisioned initially?
A: Control. But a special factor entered. We are aware of your earlier discussions and questions, so
perhaps we can explain.
Q: (L) I think this is gonna be a long one... Okay, let me light a cigarette before this starts.
(Scottie) Do special arm stretches. We need squirty water bottles for you three.
(L) We need trainers to come put towels around us and spray us with water bottles. [laughter]
(Scottie) Jack your chairs up, replace the tires, and then... VROOM!
(L) Alright, here we go. We're ready!
A: The virus did not appear first in China. There were experiments at Fort Detrick regarding the creation
of a vaccine that would make humans more controllable. This vaccine had unexpected effects and in
some cases did the opposite of what was intended. The strain escaped into a population and further
mutated. Indeed it was carried to China by US soldiers. China soon knew the type and origin and
launched a massive campaign to control the situation. This was seen by Western powers as a good
model to follow with additional add-on factors. In the meantime further mutations have occurred, some
engineered via STO forces by virtue of the virus taking hold in certain persons whose spiritual force was
able to direct the progression. At this point, there are two major strains. The elite need to stop the spread
of that which they "created".
[The above answer took 12 minutes and 38 seconds with 2 short arm-resting breaks!]
Q: (L) So they need to stop that which they have created because in some cases, it does the opposite of
what they wanted it to do?
A: Yes and this is the interesting factor: The virus can change DNA making individuals more susceptible
to cosmic information of the STO variety. It can also enhance and activate long suppressed codons of a
beneficial nature. So you can see why they are so desperate to halt the spread.
Q: (L) If they're so desperate to halt the spread, they’re not testing anyone! They're assuming everyone is
infected... Well, I guess that's why they're locking everyone down. That's why it's a lock down.
(Andromeda) They really don't want people to spread it. They're really afraid.
(L) And it's not because people may die. People are not dying anywhere near the numbers that they die
from regular flu. They have manipulated the system so that emergency rooms and ICUs are stacked with
apparent CV patients, but that may not be so.
(Pierre) And lock down and quarantine are very effective methods to contain epidemics – witness the
Black Death.
(Joe) The reason they're telling everyone it's deadly and imposing the lock down is to stop the spread of
the virus because it has kind of positive effects. And they are attaching other agendas to it, including
financial melt-down, money controls, and so forth.
(Gaby) But that means this virus has been out there in the world for awhile now...
(Andromeda) How long has it been circulating?
A: More than two years.
Q: (L) But it took awhile to mutate and do other things.
(Pierre) Did some people here have the virus?
A: Nearly all of you!
Q: (L) Did anybody NOT have the virus?
(Artemis) Remember last year when we all had fevers and aches?
(L) Was this what happened when Ark got sick in November?
A: Yes
Q: (Artemis) So it was last year when we were all sick I guess.
(Andromeda) Late October, early November.
(L) Who didn't have it?
(Artemis) I had it. I have cosmic energy, thank you! [laughter]
(Niall) I dunno if I had it.
(L) Well, you have to remember it's very mild for many people.
(Gaby) I was sick, but I dunno if it was that.
A: Not everyone will notice it.
Q: (Artemis) How come some people don't notice it then?
(L) Because it's very mild.
(Joe) They said nearly all of us. So at least one person didn't have it according to the C's. But which
strain was it, the good one or the bad one? [laughter]
A: You can't divide it that way.
Q: (L) Are you suggesting that, depending on the individual, one strain could have the same effect as the
other strain on another individual?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) Did we induce positive mutations in the virus?
(L) You know what they're gonna say...
A: Wait and see!
Q: (Scottie) If everyone who has the virus ends up with white hair like Ark, then we'll know. [laughter]
(Artemis) Can animals be affected by it?
A: Yes
Q: (Andromeda) Is that what Noko has?
A: No
Q: (Andromeda) What does Noko have?
A: Inflammation due to mold.
Q: (Andromeda) It's an allergy. Poor little thing!
(L) Okay, so read back the last part of the earlier long answer to me. [Review of earlier answer]
(L) Okay, now I know what I was going to ask. Why is it that it is so deadly amongst old people? I mean,
Ark almost didn't survive. My lungs still haven't cleared up completely. So, why is it so deadly to older
A: For those who choose to leave, it is not so "deadly".
Q: (L) So you're saying that it's a facilitator for groups of people who want to leave the planet now?
"Deadly" is in the eye of the beholder.
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Are they inflating the numbers?
A: Yes a lot!
Q: (L) They're inflating the numbers of people who are dying from it, but not necessarily people who have
it. Are they inflating the numbers of people who HAVE it?
A: No
Q: (L) But they are inflating the numbers of people who are dying because of it?
A: Yes
Q: (Chu) But they don't really know how many people have it.
A: Exactly!
Q: (L) Okay, so, they are guesstimating the numbers who have it and maybe more have it than they even
suspect since it is so mild for some people... Now where are our questions?
(Joe) I have a question about the vaccine they created at Fort Detrick. How do you tinker or create a
vaccine that would make humans more controllable? Is that through the virus or what's in the vaccine
like adjuvants?
(L) It could be both, but I think they know what personality traits are linked to what DNA factors.
(Joe) They have enough detail to know that a virus can change DNA? Do they know that?
A: Of course!
Q: (Joe) In a way that would make people more easily controllable? That's pretty fine...
(L) They use viruses to go in and replace very specific segments of DNA to cure diseases. They can...
(Joe) But that's in very general terms: we want to make people more controllable. How are you gonna do
that with a virus?
(L) Well if there are certain sets of genes that make people less controllable, they go in and they have the
virus that'll cut 'em out. There are personality characteristics that people have that make them open to
experience. Read your 23andMe analysis. You're open to experience, you're creative, you don't follow
the crowd, or you like coffee. They know all that stuff.
(Artemis) And that's just what they share with the public. They probably know a LOT more.
(Pierre) One question about DNA: The fall and previous STO state, the flesh, burning DNA segments. Are
we talking about re-activation of DNA segments...
(L) ...that we lost in the fall?
A: Some!
Q: (L) Okay, let me look at the questions...
This collective hysteria shows us that the point of contact with death transforms a bunch of people into
little Nazis from the top of their watchtower ready to denounce their neighbour at the slightest deviation.
So there's a double pressure. Fear of the virus, fear of others.
The question for the C's would be whether the promotion of the vaccination solution put forward is
doomed to prevent certain signals from being able to activate certain genes? For this would risk
broadening perceptions and thus raising awareness.
(L) And they were planning on doing exactly that, or something related, but we learn now that it
backfired. So the question is: They are now working rapidly on a new vaccine that's supposed to
counteract the screwup that they made. And they want to impose this new vaccine on everybody?
A: Yes
Q: (Artemis) Lemme guess: That one's gonna backfire too?
A: Likely. Hubris!
Q: [laughter] (L) However, the question has been asked: If people are forced to be vaccinated, and it
seems that it's not a good idea - because obviously if they get a vaccine that the PTB really want to
spread around, one they've tested and does what they want it to, we certainly don't want the vaccine
they push on us - are there ways we can counteract this? There are going to be situations where people
can't refuse a vaccine.
A: Yes. You have done the research!
Q: (L) So what research have we done about healing DNA? Um... Melatonin heals DNA.
(Niall) Dietary changes.
(L) Being in a proper dietary state if you have to get a vaccine is going to be beneficial and maybe it is for
just this type of situation that we were so motivated to do health research and experiments for so long; it
was preparation and we didn’t even know it.
(Artemis) Being in ketosis heals you.
(Gaby) Vitamin C.
(Niall) Detoxification.
(L) Detox would be NAC and other things...
(Andromeda) Infrared sauna.
(Chu) Constant knowledge input.
(L) Willpower even. And they just mentioned that there are certain people with spiritual force who were
able to modify the virus by their own inner powers in a positive way. I would imagine that having inner
force or inner spiritual power would all be beneficial. Are we on the right track?
A: Yes yes yes!
Q: (L) Okay.
[Short Intermission - Everyone goes out to the lobby to get a snack (while maintaining a 1.5m safe
distance from each other)]
Q: (L) Okay, I had a thought. Is it possible that this virus can infect some people and make them worse,
as in make them bad people?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Why is that?
A: It depends on the inner makeup.
Q: (L) So it really depends on what's inside the person as to what transpires after they've experienced
the virus. Is that it?
A: Yes
Q: (L) So, the virus may enhance connections to Cosmic Information, but it depends on who you are,
how that works out. That reminds me of the answer, given a long time ago: "It's not where you are, but
who you are and what you see." I guess this thing is going to enhance "seeing" for some people? Next
question from our list:
At this final stage that we are now, should we stand up to things that we don't agree with, jeopardizing
ourselves and our love ones well-being, or should just give up fighting for this world and concentrate on
this "internal light" only? In other words: does it make sense to risk ...(put here whatever horrible you can
think about) just for the sake of rebellion in a world that is over anyway? Or should we rather tune into
and maintain frequency of a pendulum that lights our light, making choices that are less painful in this
last drama of our realm?
A: The second option is the better one. But one can continue to share truth in a careful way.
Q: (L) So sitting back and enjoying the show, to some extent, is the proper response. Nobody needs to
get out there and make a target of themselves. Another question:
Are they going to haul out those soldiers from all eras in storage underground, since they wouldn’t have
to arrive from the sky, but from under our feet?
(L) That was from an old session when they were talking about underground bases and so forth.
A: That is for fourth density, assuming they survive!
Q: (L) So in other words, there's a chance that all of those soldiers they've been creating and storing up
could be wiped out, too?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Would that be by virus?
A: Some.
Q: (L) How about earth changes?
A: Some.
Q: (Pierre) Cometary impact?
(L) Well, that goes with earth changes.
A: Some.
Q: (L) Next question:
Is there an actual virus going round that makes people go crazy and think there is a respiratory virus?
Was some kind of ultra-new special beaming technology employed in the past 10 days (or something
very shiny and special that they only bring out for 9/11 type events)?
(L) In other words, we'd like to know about the beaming...
A: Both beaming and 4D bleedthrough.
Q: (L) [Reviewing question list] Okay, that question has already been answered... Next:
Is it likely that this is just a headfake before we go back into "good times" for a bit longer, or does this
mark the beginning of the acceleration down, down, down into famine, war, real plague and eventually
the ice age etc.?
A: Some of those exciting possibilities may come into play.
Q: (L) That’s too cheerful! Okay, here's a question:
Something I am curious about - having read so many news stories recently is, what was revealed in
these closed session government meetings that seems to have terrified these officials so badly? Or is it
an act? One reference was an observation about Trump sounding like he had been crying before a public
address while aides in the background looked terrified. Another reference regarding Boris Johnson
claiming events as 'no big deal's before a meeting, then emerging turning completely around saying this
is a huge deal and sweating.
A: Self-explanatory. See earlier explanation.
Q: (L) And I guess Trump was upset about it because I think he is a sincere guy even if he's a rough
diamond, and...
(Joe) That means they were told?
(L) Probably they were taken into a meeting and told that this virus got out and it's going do things that
are going to cause you lots of problems if you don't do things now.
(Joe) Were they told that?
(L) Is that what they were told?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) They were not told it was deadly. They were told it would cause social chaos. To keep their
positions, they implemented total lock down.
(L) Yeah.
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) That conflicts with what Laura just said. You just said Trump is a good guy and stuff. So
basically what they're saying is that Trump and Boris Johnson were told what the consortium is doing?
That doesn't really make any sense. They're brought into...
(L) It probably upset Trump because he's a fairly decent guy. It probably scared Boris Johnson because
he's a psychopath. Trump has no choice but to go along and constantly try to outmaneuver them.
(Joe) I just thought there would be a compartmentalization of information.
(L) Well, I guess they told them... They told them SOMETHING.
(Joe) Yeah, exactly. But I'm wondering what exactly.
(L) They must have told them this virus got out and it's a horrible thing and something really terrible is
gonna happen. They may not have told them...
(Pierre) At this level of Johnson and Trump, were they told it's a dangerous virus that will kill people, or
that it's gonna change the attitude of people create social chaos?
(L) Well, I don't see how they could tell them that it's a deadly virus that's gonna kill everybody because
every one of these elites is capable of reading statistics. They wouldn't be doing what they're doing if
they weren't intelligent enough to do that and see that it clearly isn't true.
(Joe) I dunno...
(L) I mean, Trump started out saying that's a hoax pandemic. And then he gets onboard.
(Joe) Maybe it was just along the lines of, "It's gonna get worse." That would keep him on board with the
narrative that it's straight up bad and we want to protect the population. That seems more likely than
telling them that they created it to control people and it got out of control...
(L) They could have told him it was genetic engineering by the Chinese. Any kind of narrative, but they
told them something.
(Joe) Yeah, some kind of narrative. But it's important what they told them.
(Pierre) At the same time, you see the amplitude of the lock down. It suggests that the politicians are
very much motivated, which suggests that the threat for them is that they lose their position. Most of
them don't give a damn about...
(L) Remember what Łobaczewski wrote about the fear that psychopaths have about losing their
positions because they're not able to go to work and get a job or do anything other than what they do?
They're TERRIFIED of that. For them it's an existential problem.
(Pierre) It's worse than death for them.
(Joe) But that's not Trump, right?
(Andromeda) Or Putin. But he was very light on the whole thing. He wasn't extremist at all.
(L) And Trump is trying to push a therapy that will work and getting a lot of flak for it. Well, a lot of these
questions here on our list kinda become irrelevant after the C's explanation already... Here's one:
Should one just passively accept the chip and wait out the NWO/4D STS invasion until it falls on its own
A: Avoid if possible. And more twists and turns ahead!
Q: (L) So, if you are in a situation where you have to accept, you just do it and do all you can to
counteract quietly, same as with vaccine. Um... Here's one:
What should one do with one's money in these "last days?"
(L) I can answer that: What we've always been saying you should do. Make sure you're stocked up and
supplied. If you can get with a community, get with a community. If you can't, ya know... Hunker down in
place. Okay, next question:
Is the sudden overt activation of all of these authoritarian followers the main offensive of the alien
invasion, or is it going to get even more bizarre?
A: More bizarre!
Q: (L) And I guess we should remember what they said once before: Frequency Resonance Vibration.
Some of these people are being prepared to be downloaded by 4D STS entities. Well...
(Pierre) We have a hint here about splitting reality. When we see the virus makes the bad guys worse and
the good guys better.
(L) Yeah.
(Joe) How long is this lock down situation likely to last?
A: 2 months in some places. Longer or shorter other places.
Q: (Niall) That's a long time...
(L) Next question:
Is there actually a war between some circle of power/lobbies?
A: Yes
Q: (L) He says:
I ask because it's not normal for instance that Bloomberg started to minimize the fear with their recent
article, or the attack from the former French health minister against the French government.
A: Not everyone is in on the truth.
Q: (L) So some people know more than others. The fact is that they're going to find out that they're going
to have to reveal stuff to more and more people to get them in line, which means more and more
possibilities of leaks. The more people that know, the more chances for leaks. If Bloomberg was going
down, they'll have to go over and have a talk with them. Well... I think most of the remaining questions
are kind of irrelevant now and I’m getting tired. What have ya'll got to ask? Anything else?
(Ark) I was recently interested in biofeedback machine that is supposed to monitor your brain waves and
teach you how to achieve alpha state or delta state. I notice that these machines that were widely
available 40 years ago disappeared from the market. Are they so beneficial that they were suppressed?
A: Yes
Q: (Ark) Should we get one?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Where do you get them?
(L) Have to find one.
(Ark) Impossible to find. But I'm sure they must exist but just secret. I mean, it's stupid! Now they are
selling headsets which are supposed to monitor brain waves communicating with Bluetooth with your
(L) That reminds me: Several people have talked about having hot flashes or waves of heat or sudden
sharp pains and all kinds of weird sensations over the past few months. Is that because of the virus,
A: 4D bleedthrough.
Q: (Joe) Hang on a minute. 4D bleedthrough is meant to be going around a corner and driving into
(L) There are a LOT of effects of 4D bleedthrough.
(Joe) Well, that's what we want. Hot flashes doesn't do it, I'm sorry. I'm expecting a lot more than that.
A: Expect more later. Things do take "time" in your realm.
Q: (L) So in other words, this may be a protracted process just like everything else?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) I have a question about viruses. Most of those mass extinctions happen because of cometary
bombardments. The same cometary bombardments that end life, I think maybe they introduce new life
through the viruses they carry. If you study mass extinctions, right after you have a boom of life….
dinosaurs disappeared, and then BOOM! Are viruses from comets the main driver of evolution?
A: Yes
Q: (L) I'm getting tired now.
(Artemis) Any other questions?
(Joe) How long is the lock down gonna last in France?
A: 2 months.
Q: (Andromeda) Is it gonna get worse?
A: Yes
Q: (Chu) Is it likely there will be food shortages, too?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Is it likely that there is going to be at some point a REAL plague or pandemic?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) In the next 2 months?
A: No
Q: (Andromeda) In the next 2 years?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Something like the Black Death would really do a number on the elite, wouldn't it?
(Chu) But it's likely that after this, people are going to think that everything is going back to normal and
their systems will be very weak. And then the real deal hits.
A: No
Q: (Artemis) Are people being prepared to deal with the plague?
A: Yes
Q: (Artemis) SOME people!
(L) If there's nothing else... tired…
(Artemis) Do you have anything else to tell us? If not, then good night.
A: Goodbye.
End of Session
Session Date: May 9th 2020
Laura, Andromeda, and Artemis at the board
Pierre, Joe, Chu, Ark, PoB, Scottie, Gaby, Niall, The Lunar Module, Noko the Wonderdog, Princess Leia
Q: (L) This is May the 9th 2020. [Review of those present] So, who do we have with us this evening?
A: Oleakmaea of Cassiopaea. And you are most welcome!!
Q: (L) Are you saying, "most welcome" because I was thinking just before we started how thankful I was
that we have the C's to talk to, and that they give us all the good advice they give? And because they
warn us in advance of things that are gonna happen and keep us at least in a state of mind where we
can function amidst all this madness? Is that what you were responding to?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Alright. So, we didn't have a session in April because I swear... It was just too fascinating to watch
what was going on in the world. Just unbelievable! To watch people going completely insane and... And
the lies! Oh my god, the LIES! It's like we are swimming in a sea of lies. All the media, all the governing
bodies... I don't think there are any exceptions for any of them. We used to - and possibly still do -
admire Putin and Russia, but he's joined the whole gang, too. There are just very few that have not been
completely taken in by the lies. It's been a roller coaster of a month.
A: Indeed, but it will get even more interesting before it is all over.
Q: (Artemis) "Over" as in the planet explodes, or what kind of "over" do you mean here?
A: Weather will play a more prominent role next.
Q: (L) So, it's going to be weather playing a more prominent role... What about a second wave of
coronavirus in the fall? Is that a problem?
A: Not really, though what does come may be called by that name!
Q: (L) So there could be some other thing that comes as a wave of infection and they'll call it...
(Andromeda) ...the second wave of corona...
(L) But it will be something else. Is that it?
A: Yes
Q: (Artemis) Full on plague or something?
A: Not yet!
Q: (L) Not yet! [laughter]
(Artemis) Covid 1, Covid 2, Covid 3, the Return of Covid... [laughter]
(Joe) Son of Covid.
(Niall) Covid Strikes Back! [laughter]
(L) Covid: The Prequel
(Artemis) Covid: Origins [laughter]
(Joe) They could do that pretty easily because given that this coronavirus is doing something very similar
to the flu, they could have done exactly this - what they're doing now - in any flu season because they
had the numbers. If they could mask that it was a flu in some way by messing with tests, they could call
any infection "corona". Ya know what I mean? They can call it whatever they want.
(Andromeda) Right.
(Joe) Doctored or tweaked tests somehow...
(L) Does anybody want to start off on some questions?
(Joe) I was wondering if people like the overt leaders of major countries - like Trump, Boris Johnson,
Putin, and Macron - were lied to about this virus and just told it was a horrible strain that really could kill
lots of people...
A: Of course.
Q: (Joe) How did Bill Gates get into all of this? How does a computer nerd become a maniacal
world-saver through vaccines?
A: Greenbaum victim.
Q: (Andromeda) I didn't expect that.
(L) So he has been set up to play his role, but he's really just a throw-away pawn?
A: Yes. He does not realize how expendable he is.
Q: (L) So he's out there like being a lightning rod, attracting all the hatred and all the opprobrium...
(Joe) And he genuinely believes that he's doing a good thing for the planet because he's deluded.
(L) And when the new boss comes in, he'll be tossed aside.
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Back on the last question about how the governments of the world were lied to... At this point,
after seven or eight weeks, surely most of them have some doubts about it?
A: At this point, yes indeed. But the populace is programmed to panic, so what can they do?
Q: (L) In other words, if they start to try to say something against the panic that's been programmed into
everyone, then THEY will be targeted as...
(Joe) From both sides. One, for endangering the population and lifting the lock down so quickly, and two,
for the other group who've been suspicious of the lock down in the first place.
(Andromeda) Yeah, and from those people who have been hurt because of the lock downs.
(L) So they're really between a rock and hard place. I just don't see how they're going to fix things.
They're printing money like they were manufacturing Monopoly games. The only thing that that's going
to do is the same thing that happened in the Weimar Republic when they did that. At some point, a
whole truckload of money won't buy a loaf of bread. It'll be worthless. They're making money absolutely
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) They said that weather will play a more prominent role next... Does that mean food shortages?
A: Yes
Q: (L) So there'll be food shortages. Right now, we already see that's coming. So along with bad weather
and food shortages, you end up with a population that is ideally susceptible to diseases.
(Ark) But I don't understand because they have supercomputers able to do simulations of everything. So
they probably did the simulation. And the simulation did not show probably that this policy will fail. And
we think it will fail...
(Joe) Which policy?
(Ark) I mean this printing of money.
A: Wishful thinking, the Achilles heel of STS.
Q: (Andromeda) Do we want to ask what the nature of this sickness will be next season? Will it be a
mutation of the coronavirus, a natural one that it occurs and they call it coronavirus, or something that is
the result of vaccinations?
A: Uncertain as yet. But corona has useful architectural features they are attempting to enhance.
Q: (Andromeda) So they didn't learn the first time.
(Joe) That's what you were saying, Gaby.
(Gaby) Did they intend on using the coronavirus the first time, or was it a cross-contamination accident?
A: Yes to first and to second!
Q: (Andromeda) So they were intending to use the coronavirus, and it...
(L) ...AND it was a cross-contamination.
(Joe) That's more or less what they said last time. They were intending to use it to dumb down people...
(L) Well coronavirus is so common. It's the common cold.
(Joe) Gaby was looking at it, and what were you saying, Gaby?
(Gaby) It was like a normal flu, but now it creates a systemic disease - it goes everywhere in your body. It
has the potential to unzip the genome. It's fascinating from a molecular level. Why would they play with
that in the beginning?
(Joe) In short it's a very interesting virus, basically.
A: They were attempting to modify human genetics.
Q: (Joe) Yeah. The last time they said that they took the coronavirus and modified it to make people
more controllable.
(Artemis) To what end? To dumb people down?
A: Yes
Q: (L) So...
(Artemis) Have they tried this same thing for other reasons?
A: Yes
Q: (Artemis) Successfully?
A: Not yet on a wide scale. What they forget is devolution.
Q: (L) In other words, the tendency whenever you hybridize something and then it gets turned loose, it
always goes back to ground? Returns to its original state. Even small random mutations that persist for a
while, end up being extinct.
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) You can create a virus and modify it or whatever so it does some job. When it's released, it
mutates and all the mutations are deleterious.
(L) It devolves!
(Joe) It becomes less and less effective.
(L) Look at the Black Death. It was a virus even though some people still think it wasn't. Some
researchers now think that what we know as smallpox is what remains of it. That's something that was
SO... I mean, smallpox is not a friendly sickness to say the least, but it's nothing like the Black Death.
(Joe) This virus that got out of Fort Detrick or Wuhan or whatever, they said it underwent some positive
mutations. Is it true to say that depending on the person, some mutations of a virus are NOT deleterious,
that they're actually positive?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) But in most people, those mutations are deleterious?
A: Yes
Q: (L) But in different ways for each person...
(Joe) So the mutations aren't random in everybody. They're basically intelligent.
(L) I'm just mind-boggled by all of the measures they're taking that are obviously NOT designed to really
help prevent infection. People wearing face masks all day will do nothing but increase their viral load,
reduce their oxygen load because they'll be re-breathing carbon dioxide... They just amplify their own
germ load and diminish their body’s immune system. And if the virus is already attacking the oxygen
carrying capacity, it's just going to make them sicker. And then locking people up like they are, causing
all the stress they're causing, suicides, spousal and child abuse increasing, depression, people going
hungry, people not going to their jobs and keeping factories open which will lead to a complete
breakdown in the supply chain for all kinds of goods and services... It’s just staggering the death dealing
damage that is being done. And it seems deliberate. All the while, people are buying it. Unbelievable.
Darwin Awards to the human species.
(Pierre) Plus the refusal to use chloroquine, plus the absence of mass tests led to the illusion of increased
mortality... From the beginning, their objective was not to minimize mortality; it was to minimize the
spread of the virus even to the extent of maximizing mortality in other ways.
(L) The only thing I can see is that it's their wishful thinking again. They thought they could do this...
(Joe) In a sense they have. There's a lot of resistance to these lock downs because they make no sense.
More and more voices are coming out saying that they are doing the opposite of what is claimed: they're
NOT saving people, they're probably causing MORE deaths... So how can you be so wrong if your intent
is to save people? But that suggests that the directives came from people who knew what they were
doing, but NOT to save lives.
(L) It was to stop the spread of the virus so people WOULDN'T get it because it was beneficial, and if
they did get it they'd be in danger because they'd be putting them on respirators and killing them in
various other ways, or forcing them to wear masks to make them more sick, not giving them
(Chu) But if the virus is still around, they're not MORE susceptible to it.
(L) Well, that's why they're pushing the whole vaccine thing. That's where Bill Gates is coming in the
picture. They're just using him.
(Pierre) And the question is: Since the main motivation is to minimize the spread of the potentially
beneficial mutated virus, what's going to be in the vaccine? Probably something to cancel the beneficial
mutation or to increase controllability. Is that the case?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) It's kind of funny, because I was thinking they're not likely to do this again. Originally, according
to the last session, what they were trying to do is create a vaccine that would control or dumb down
people. It went totally wrong and had almost the opposite effect. So, have they learned their lesson?
A: No.
(L) They have NOT learned their lesson...
A: Nature will also intervene. Watch for it!
Q: (Ark) I have a question. I have a certain vision and I would like to know if this is my wishful thinking, or
a good thing that I have envisioned. My vision is the following: As a response to pollution and
industrialization and so on, we have this emergence of the "Green Parties". Now, my vision is that there
will be very soon the beginning of a social movement like Green Peace but AGAINST all these lies. This
will explode. People will go into parties fighting against these lies, okay? And it will lead even to social
unrest and I see it not in the distant future. Now, is it my wishful thinking, or something like this is going
to happen?
A: Expect it.
Q: (L) So in other words, it's like Łobaczewski said: psychopaths always think that they can impose their
distorted way of thinking on normal human beings, and it may work under tactics of terror for a period of
time. But eventually the terror will wear off, and the anger will replace it. It's going to be basically the
villagers with the pitchforks and firebrands.
(Pierre) The trigger of the Yellow Vest movement was a "green" measure. So we already have a taste of
(Joe) In terms of populations' reactions to this, it seems to be kinda split. You have a lot of the
authoritarian follower types who say to wear your mask and they call the police on people they see
walking outside twice a day. And then there are quite a number of other people who maybe normally
would be "authoritarian follower" types who seem to be calling BS on this situation because it's SO
blatant. So, I was just wondering if a majority of people can actually see through the lies?
A: Not yet. Wait for it!
Q: (Andromeda) Any minute...
(L) So in others words, they really do have to suffer more before they wake up?
A: Yes
Q: (L) And there has to be a lot more death before they wake up?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Any other questions? There's hardly any political news to talk about because everything is just
dead. The whole planet is shut down!
(Artemis) What about those people being told to sign Do Not Resuscitate papers? They're just letting
people die.
(Gaby) Death by lockdown.
(L) Yeah. Death by lockdown.
(Artemis) They were so pro-life, and now they're like, "Just let those people die! We don't care
(PoB) I have a political question. Is Ukraine going to be the first country to get injected chips? They're
very close to it.
A: Among those that try.
Q: (L) Well... Any other questions?
(Niall) There was a major mass shooting in Canada two weeks ago in the middle of all of this. Mass
shooting in Nova Scotia, officially it's one guy who killed 23 people, burned down 16 structures, 5 cars,
killed two cops, and did it all in the space of 13 hours before finally being killed. I suppose the question
is: Did he really do all of that alone?
A: No.
Q: (Joe) Well, the effect of that was that the Canadian government banned 1500 types of guns.
(L) It was set up just to do that.
(Joe) And it happened at a time when everybody was looking in the opposite direction because of
(Pierre) Why do most flu virus epidemics happen during the winter?
A: Heat and sun kill or deactivate many viruses.
Q: (L) I think you could have figured that out yourself.
(Artemis) Yeah, and people tend to be more depressed in winter, and they get less sunlight and their
immune systems are weaker.
(Pierre) Black Death spikes during summer.
(Gaby) It's "many" viruses, not all. Gastroenteritis is in the summer too, and it’s a virus.
(Joe) They've been saying that during this whole thing. Doctors have been saying to let people outside
because sunlight and warmth are two of the best cures.
(Gaby) Can we get a percentage rate of true infection in the global population of the beneficial virus?
A: 37 percent.
Q: (Joe) So in that sense, they limited it to 37 percent.
(L) That's 37 percent of the people who've actually gotten the virus?
A: Yes
Q: (Artemis) How many people globally minus children have died this year? Can you give us a
(L) You can look that up on the internet.
(Artemis) Well, some things might not be mentioned.
(L) They do those stats all the time. They're published.
(Artemis) Well can I just ask them?
(L) Okay, how many people have died so far this year?
A: 7 to 10 million.
Q: (Joe) That's in line with the annual average global death rate of something like 27 million.
(L) Alright. Is there anything that we need to ask that we didn't ask? I know this is short, but we just
wanted to check in on this topic.
(Andromeda) Did we miss anything? Coronavirus, vaccinations, Bill Gates...I was going to ask about
Noko. What was it that happened to Noko the other night? Did she actually have an aneurysm, was it her
inner ear, or something else?
A: Infection in brain.
Q: (Andromeda) So is it the infection in her upper throat that has spread to the brain?
A: Opposite.
Q: (Andromeda) And what kind of infection is it?
A: From rabbits.
Q: (Andromeda) From rabbits.
(L) From eating rabbits?
A: Yes
Q: (Andromeda) Is that parasitic... or bacterial?
A: Yes
Q: (Andromeda) Parasitic.
(Gaby) So iodine will help.
A: Yes
Q: (Andromeda) Is there anything else we can do to help? Anything else she should be taking?
A: Research, doxy to start.
Q: (L) Does doxycycline cross the blood-brain barrier?
(Gaby) I think so, yeah.
(Joe) Is she going to be okay?
A: Most likely.
Q: (Andromeda) Elvis. Well, what do we want to know?
(Chu) Anything else we can do for him?
A: Not much.
Q: (Gaby) Is he in pain?
A: Little.
Q: (L) Why Elvie? He's so sweet.
A: EM pollution and genetic susceptibility.
Q: (Pierre) But there's not much EM pollution around here.
(Scottie) Well, there's plenty. We have less than most people, but we've got a tower back there, and
tower in front. You can get a 4G connection if you stand in the front yard. If you stand in the right spot in
the yard, you can pick up a weak WiFi signal from some of the neighbors. Fortunately, inside the house
it's good, but outside in the yard... You never get away from it entirely.
(L) Anything else that needs to be covered?
(Artemis) What about Penelope? Why is she acting so different? Is it just old age?
A: Yes
Q: (Artemis) She's just an old lady. Her hunger goes on and off and I'm wondering if that's normal for an
old kitty.
A: Yes
Q: (Artemis) I did look on the internet, but I don't trust the internet.
(L) Now, can I ask my final question? [laughter] I'm going to ask if there's anything that we need to know
that we haven't asked?
A: Be calm! Things will change! Love and Goodbye.
End of Session
Session Date: May 23rd 2020
Laura, Andromeda, and Artemis at the board
Pierre, Joe, Chu, Ark, PoB, Scottie, Niall, Noko the Wonderdog, Princess Leia
Q: (L) Today is May 23, 2020. [Review of those present] So I guess we begin. Hello, is anybody out
there? I feel a Pink Floyd moment coming on...
A: Hello children. Hinokiaea of Cassiopaea. It has been an interesting five months has it not? More to
Q: (L) Before we get off on asking questions about any of that, Ark has questions to ask. He is ALWAYS
getting left out, so today he gets to be first!
(Ark) I have forgotten how to ask questions! [laughter]
(L) Come sit right here next to me.
(Ark) Oh my goodness... [Ark moves close to the board next to Laura] So, I start with light questions.
(Artemis) About light?
(Ark) Well, yes and no. Yes. The first question is that at the end of June there is a conference in Belgium.
I hesitate if I should go or not to go. At present, I prefer not to go. But perhaps there are reasons for me
to go. What would be the advice?
A: Not much there for you.
Q: (Ark) Okay. To continue this question... Even if I don't go there, I can still publish some kind of a junk
paper in their proceedings and people will read and I can communicate something important to people.
Should I think of it?
A: Yes
Q: (Ark) Oh! Thank you. Good. In fact, it was not necessary for me to ask because anyhow that was my
inclination. It was a check. Now, I want to go back to the session from 8 October 2001 when I was
asking certain questions. I was asking what should I do if I want to make a real breakthrough. And the
answer was: Riemann and Pauli. That kind of surprised me. Riemann was a mathematician and Pauli
was a physicist. They suggested to connect Riemann and Pauli. Riemann was a mathematician of
geometry, and Pauli was a physicist of quantum theory. So I thought perhaps Pauli has to do with spin
because Pauli was famous for inventing spin. But he was also famous for other things. So my question
is: Is it really spin that is here about Pauli?
A: Only got a narrow definition. There is more to Pauli.
Q: (Ark) There is more to Pauli... What more? Any hint?
(L) Well, I dunno. What else did Pauli do?
(Ark) What did he do? Well, he introduced spin. He introduced so-called Exclusion Principle which
means that fermions cannot be in the same state, but bosons can come together in being in the same
A: Add that to geometry.
Q: (Ark) I see. Next... There was also in this session something like, "operators link Riemann to Pauli". I
was thinking what that means... One famous known operator is called the Dirac operator, and the other
is Pauli operator. So, is it the Dirac operator, Pauli operator, or some other operator that links Pauli to
A: Dirac.
Q: (Ark) Dirac? Dirac! Okay... Then, in this same session, I was asking about signs in geometry: signs
plus and signs minus. Space has three pluses because there are 3 dimensions. Time is different than
space and has a minus dimension. I was asking about these dimensions and whether I should perhaps
consider some unified field theory with neither pluses nor minuses, but instead with zeros. And the
answer was that I should drop off some of these dimensions - not just put zeros. That was the answer. I
was surprised, but now I'm thinking... Is dropping off meaning giving nothing - no plus or no minus?
A: Yes
Q: (Ark) Does it mean what I call sub-Riemannian geometry?
A: Yes
Q: (Ark) Alright then. Now, another question: There was a guy by the name Mendel Sachs and he
invented a kind of a way as to how gravity can be built out of spinors and spin. It didn't work, but I think
it can be made to work. Should I continue thinking like that?
A: Spinning and unstable gravity waves?
Q: (Ark) With a question mark, which means I have to think about it. I have another question about these
spinors. Are these spinors just the spinors that physicists are playing with, or should they be algebraic
spinors like those that Keller - whom I adore - was working with? Algebraic or normal?
A: Yes
Q: [laughter] (Artemis) Blue or green? Yes!
A: Algebraic.
Q: (Ark) Okay, good. Probably the last question for today: On Tuesday I will have a seminar, my first talk
in several years. I will be talking about time in quantum theory. Is there anything particular that I should
convey to people in this seminar?
A: Whatever you know!
Q: (Ark) Okay. One more question: So, there is the option of building gravity out of electromagnetism.
Another option is to build electromagnetism out of gravity. And another option is to build a unified field
theory. Another option is to... Yeah, okay I know the answer.
(L) I just got it in my head!
(Ark) Unified field theory, of course.
(L) If you build gravity, you will have it...
(Ark) Okay.
A: Yes
Q: (L) In other words, if you build gravity, you'll have UFT.
(Joe) To build gravity, you need a scaffold.
(Niall) We have a cement spinner as well if you need that.
(L) You need some concrete for that gravity?
(Pierre) A lot!
(L) Alright... Now let's go back to our intro. You said there were lots of interesting things in the last five
months, and there's more to come. Last time, you said there are going to be weather issues.
A: Soon astronomical phenomena.
Q: (L) Hmm.
(Artemis) Astronomical phenomena... Didn't they recently broadcast that aliens or UFOs are now real or
something like that? Is that related?
A: Yes. Clever you are!
Q: (Joe) Artemis, you just referred to those recent reports about UFOs - the Pentagon stuff. You asked if
that was related to the astronomical phenomena?
(Artemis) Yeah.
(Joe) In what way do you think they were related?
(Artemis) Well, you have a pandemic, and then on the side, "Hey! UFOs are real! LOL!" But then let's just
sweep that under the rug. Like they got it out of the way because they have to. It's kind of suspicious.
(L) It's extremely suspicious. And meanwhile, they're pushing these investigations into Obama and his
gang in a fairly determined way. With the pandemic thing going on, that's kind of... I mean, they can
erase that from the front page with pandemic news.
(Artemis) It's almost like they HAVE to reveal the real existence of UFOs because of some reason, but
they don't really want anybody to be paying attention.
(L) Yeah. Next questions?
(Pierre) I have a few. They're along the theme of cometary bombardments, mass extinctions, and viruses.
First question: How during those cometary induced mass extinctions did new viruses get injected? Three
hypotheses, not mutually exclusive: Carried by the comet, materialized by the radiation caused by the
comet, and upper atmosphere viruses carried down to the surface by the comet?
A: Realm curtain breaches by EM pulses.
Q: (Pierre) We have injection of new information via those materialized viruses. How do new lifeforms
evolve? Example: Dinosaurs demise, mammals appear. This new form, mammals, did it evolve from
scratch, did it evolve from pre-mammals, or did it evolve from surviving dinosaurs? Where did it come
from? There were these new viruses, but where did the viruses anchor and develop these new forms of
(L) Well I can answer that.
(Pierre) What is it?
(L) Well, by the time the dinosaurs were on the eve of extinction, there were already pre-mammalian
lifeforms. Proto-mammals. And that would be where they would anchor...
(Andromeda) Anchor and cause mutations.
(L) Yeah.
(Pierre) Another question is, during a viral epidemic there are deaths. Do those deaths mean that the
victims are essentially incompatible with the upgrade brought by the virus?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) And last question: In a previous session, it was mentioned that extra strands of non-material
DNA... Can you give us more information about those extra strands of DNA?
(L) What was the exact...
(Pierre) Most recent example of Joe who asked how many strands of DNA he has.
(Joe) No, Artemis asked.
(Pierre) Oh. Artemis asked, and the answer was 13.
(Joe) She asked about a few different people. And then I asked but we only have 2 strands... And Laura
said that their definition of "DNA strands" is not what we think of.
(L) I think when they talk about strands, they're talking about parts of the genetic code that are shut off
by stop codons so that if you have something that all of a sudden opens up, you have another "strand"
or string of code that is opened up operationally.
(Andromeda) They're already there for potential activation...
(L) It's not like you increase the number of chromosomes or whatever you call those...
(Pierre) 46 chromosomes.
(L) 46 chromosomes, and each chromosome has 2 strands. So, it's not like you're doubling that or
anything. It's just that there are parts of the DNA that are shut down.
(Joe) They're active or inactive.
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) Thank you.
(Joe) Do you remember that video of a shimmering wave that went up through a cloud that was over the
Middle East? How long ago was that?
(Niall) February.
(Joe) We asked about that, and they said something was coming through. I think they said it was some
kind of a breach in the realm curtain or whatever. Did that have anything to do with this pandemic
A: Only partly.
Q: (Ark) I have one more question about gravity. Should gravity respect the speed of light, or it's
instantaneous or something?
A: Supersedes.
Q: (Ark) Okay.
(Andromeda) Do you want to ask about that smell?
(L) Several places: Los Angeles...
(Andromeda) North of France.
(Niall) Paris
(Joe) A lot of places in France, actually.
(Andromeda) That was about 2 or 3 weeks ago?
(Joe) Yeah.
A: Realm curtain breached.
Q: (L) Remember that the devil is supposed to be accompanied by the smell of sulfur... and Bigfoot!
(Niall) And window fallers.
(Joe) It's a chemical byproduct of trans-density movement?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Well, that's actually something interesting that should be looked into. What are the properties of
sulfur? Why would that be involved in a realm curtain breach?
(Andromeda) Yeah.
(Joe) So what was breaching the realm curtain? What was coming through in Los Angeles and France
and wherever else at the same time?
A: Invisible to you as yet, but 4D STS energy beings.
Q: (Artemis) Yeah, so you can kind of see what's going to happen. Pandemic, aliens are real, celestial
stuff, 4D STS beings... Put it all together and you know what's gonna happen.
(L) We're in deep doodoo!
(Niall) They're preparing for the eventuality that people will see them.
(Joe) Well, hang on. They said soon astronomical phenomena... Can we know what kind of phenomena?
(L) Wait and see!
(Joe) Is it two arms and two legs, or rocky?
(L) Astronomical. Sky, stars, planets, comets.
(Joe) Supernova!
(Artemis) Didn't something zoom by Earth recently?
(L) Asteroids and stuff. Several came pretty close recently. That would be astronomical.
(Ark) But when is a supernova going to come out... Any moment now.
(L) We should have a supernova. Any other questions?
(Artemis) There was the sulfur smell. Then there was also a glow in the sky that people are reporting.
What about this glow in the sky?
A: EM energies stirring comet dust.
Q: (L) Well, I was just reading that the Earth's magnetic shield has dropped even lower, and it's causing
problems with satellites. Is that going to be a big issue in the days to come?
A: Oh indeed. Best laid plans fail?
Q: (L) So in other words, the powers that be that are running the show aren't really as smart as they think
they are...
A: Exactly.
Q: (L) They never counted on their satellites getting fried.
(Pierre) And other electronic equipment through which they monitor, control, and influence populations.
It's a failing of the electronic control system.
A: Level playing field eventually. Just wait for the current to begin to flow!
Q: (L) So in other words, we're all going to get electrocuted!
(Pierre) That might be due to the fact that the magnetosphere protects the planet from most high-energy
cosmic rays and other radiations. If you have no magnetic shield, the planet is open to any such
(Joe) Does that refer back to astronomical phenomena and the close passage of a large body that will
cause the current to flow?
(Chu) Well, they said phenomena...
A: Close! Think of the grooves on Malta.
Q: (Pierre) They're talking of electromachining of the surface of the planet...
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) Electromachining means basically arcing...
(Joe) Moving lightning along the ground.
(Pierre) Long-lasting moving lightning.
(Joe) Chasing people!
(Andromeda) That's coming soon?
A: Soon enough.
Q: (L) Soon enough, but not right away.
(Pierre) Usually this electromachining occurs between our planet and a highly charge body like a comet.
Will a comet be the source of these discharges?
(Joe) That's what I just asked.
A: Wait and see. That is not the only source of such phenomena!
Q: (Andromeda) So with all that stuff going on up in the sky it's probably a good thing there aren't so
many people up in airplanes.
(Pierre) For all we know, the source might be even a craft. A big craft.
(Joe) In the last session when they said the lock downs would end after two months because of
exposure, has that exposure already happened?
(L) I don't think they said it would end with exposure. They said lock down for 2 months, and ultimately
there would be exposure. I don't think they linked them together as cause-effect.
(Joe) I think they linked them together.
(L) No, it wasn't linked together.
[Review of previous session notes]
(Chu) I have it here: "Yes, but that too will backfire due to exposure." No timing...
A: Bigger exposure coming.
Q: (Artemis) Laura asked in a previous session if the virus could manifest in a negative way in some
people. Are we talking about an Invasion of the Body Snatchers kind of thing happening here?
A: In some cases it may seem that way.
Q: (Chu) Last time, they gave the percentage of people who had the positive version of Covid-19. But
how many people total have caught the virus?
A: 24 percent.
Q: (Andromeda) So 37% of 24% of population had the positive one.
(Chu) And a quarter of humanity had it, so it's not even as virulent as they claimed.
(Joe) So have their attempts to stop people from contracting it worked to some extent?
A: No
Q: (Pierre) So they were REALLY desperate.
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) And even now, despite the lock down and the desperate measures, no improvement was
attained. No reduction in contamination.
A: None of what they thought has transpired due to wishful thinking. Just keep eyes and ears open! Lot
of surprising twists and turns. Better than a roller coaster.
Q: (Joe) What if you don't like roller coasters? What if you vomit on roller coasters? (Artemis) Any more
questions from anybody?
A: Worry not! Goodbye.
End of Session
Session Date: July 4th 2020
Laura, Andromeda, and Artemis at the board
Pierre, Joe, Chu, Ark, Scottie, Gaby, Niall, the Lunar Module, Noko the Wonderdog
Q: (L) Today is the 4th of July 2020. [Review of those present] So, hello.
A: Hello good people. Much turmoil ahead yet. Dark forces do not give up so easily.
Q: (L) And who do we have with us this evening?
A: Paikiaea!
Q: (L) Is that turmoil going to affect us directly here?
A: Very little as you are. But do not let your guard down. Strategic enclosure to the max.
Q: (Joe) In what way?
(Artemis) Don't kick the hornet's nest.
A: Yes
Q: (Artemis) Do things calmly, serenely, or just walk away. Be very gentle, because crazy forces are
acting through people.
A: Reduce agitation. It is mostly useless at this point.
Q: (Andromeda) So, they're talking about... our political activism?
A: Yes
Q: (Andromeda) Like, uh, Twitter?
(Chu) Facebook.
A: Yes
Q: (Artemis) Are you guys doing something that's gonna make them break down the door and then say
you have coronavirus?
(L) No.
(Andromeda) What about SOTT? Should we be more toned down on SOTT, or is it alright as it is?
A: Tone down slightly.
Q: (Artemis) Well, what do they mean? We're so used to SOTT being SOTT...
(Joe) Is that specifically in reference to the coronavirus business and stuff that's come from that?
A: Yes. The virus is the stick at the moment.
Q: (L) As in “stick and carrot”.
(Andromeda) Okay, that's the hornet's nest, not the kick.
(L) So, if we keep calling them all liars, that’s not good. We can publish studies and stuff that point out
that they're liars, but us coming out and directly antagonizing them might not be such a good idea.
A: Yes
Q: (L) Well... One thing I was wondering about: It bothers me because I see Putin going along with the
whole coronavirus thing, and it just really bugs me.
A: Imagine if he didn't!
Q: (Artemis) Yeah, I was thinking that it's a mask.
(Andromeda) It's strategic.
(L) So, if he claimed it was all a lie, there are people in his own country that would say he doesn't care
about people. The way they've got this virus worked up as such a bugaboo, I mean... It would make him
look bad. That's probably why Trump's going along with it. It would make him look bad, too. It would
give their enemies leverage against them, and they'd look bad in the eyes of all the brainwashed people
who are under the control of the media and terrified by a microbe.
A: Remember the secret correspondence between Kennedy and Kruschev.
Q: (L) So in other words, the leader of Russia and the leader of the USA still have a lot of forces arrayed
against them within their own countries.
(Niall) They have to act a certain strategic way.
(Artemis) There are a lot of people that don't actually believe what's going on, but they're just putting on
a show because they have to do what they have to do. They're trying to accomplish something.
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) When they say that dark forces do not give up so easily, does that mean they're not about to
give up the control measures that have been implemented and the power that they've accrued to
themselves as a result of the virus?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) And anybody who complains too much about it would get in trouble?
A: Close
Q: (Pierre) Not giving up so easily, it suggests as well that they're going to lose this power.
(Artemis) Yeah, it's about their wishful thinking. It's kind of inevitable what's going to happen, but they
just refuse to see it.
A: They will go too far as usual and all will come crashing down. But it will take some time. Be patient
and circumspect.
Q: (Andromeda) In the meantime, we just kinda gotta...
(L) Live through it! Because boy, it's just terrible. Okay. Um... Let me ask about my book. I finished my
book. Following the clues and the guidance and doing 10 years worth of research - even more than that
actually, but probably concentrated it would probably be 10 years of constant work - did I draw the right
A: Yes
Q: (L) I mean, I made the best argument I could make, but there wasn't a whole helluva lot to work with.
A: History has been rewritten so many times, it is a wonder you were able to pick out the right pieces
and put them together! But that was your destiny and task.
Q: (L) Well, I feel a huge relief having done it. There's more work to do, but that's like a major piece of it.
Alright, anybody else got questions?
(Artemis) I have a question about something strange. I dunno if you guys saw it, but in 2012 there was
video footage captured of something approaching the sun and sucking something out of it. It was like
something made of pure darkness, and then it just flew away. Was that like real footage of something
real that approached the sun and sucked something out of it?
A: Misinterpreted. Any charged body that approaches the sun will encounter a reaction.
Q: (Pierre) I have a question about charges and discharges. The Malta Ruts suggest material removal.
Were they caused by upward electric discharges?
A: Downward. Conducted.
Q: (L) Anything else? Honey, you've got questions?
(Ark) Yes. Two questions. First question is goes back to December 1998. Twenty-two years ago, I was
asking about gravity and Kaluza-Klein theory and multidimensional universes. I was told I was on the
right track. I asked whether I missed something, and the answer was, "You did not miss anything. You
have not yet found something." And then I asked what was it, and the answer was: tetrahedron. And it
didn't fit any of my ideas. Tetrahedron is a geometric figure, a solid body in 3 dimensions. And I didn't
ask then what the meaning of the tetrahedron was related to gravity. But now I really would like to know
whether it is really a tetrahedron in our space, or a symbolic expression that there are four of something -
but of what? Can I have some explanation after 22 years? I'm slow, yeah?
(Joe) Well, you waited long enough, so you should get an answer!
A: Tetrahedron in 3D is what in 4D?
Q: (Ark) Tetrahedron in 3D is what in 4D...
A: Lethbridge.
Q: (Pierre) Coral castle.
(Joe) No, pendulums.
(Ark) The magnetic something?
(Joe) He adjusted the length of pendulums to dowse into different dimensions.
(Andromeda) He was drawing pentagrams and they were triangles in another dimension.
(Gaby) I think it was pentagons that he drew in 3rd density, and that was triangles in 4th density.
A: Yes
Q: (Ark) What is this Lethbridge? It's a book that I should look at?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) We have it. It's a short book.
(Ark) Alright, I will look and try to figure it out. Second question of a similar kind... It goes back to 24th of
July 1999. I was again asking about theories of gravity and how to expand the theory of gravity because
gravity is so important. Then, there was a unexpected combination of words which was, "octagonal
complexigram". That was the answer. And I have no idea... I mean, complexigram, I have an idea. There
are complex numbers, right? So complex numbers, it probably has to do with...
A: Double tetrahedron in 3D is hexagon in 4D.
Q: (Ark) But here it was octagonal, and not hexagonal.
(Artemis) I have a question. Other than things that we can assume like old age and weather, what's
wrong with our doggies? Why are they all getting sick one after another?
A: Age mostly. Plus changes in Earth frequency. Keep close watch.
Q: (Ark) I want to ask an additional question because you mentioned 4D. Is this 4D space plus time, or is
it space plus extra space dimension that has nothing to do with time?
A: Latter.
Q: (Pierre) An extra question about the Malta Ruts. The downward discharge was electrons?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Would it be fair to say that the turmoil ahead will be mostly centered in the USA and UK?
A: Yes
Q: (Andromeda) How's France going to fare?
A: Moderate.
Q: (L) So, the US and the UK are in their...
(Joe) The UK are mostly...
(L) They're basically in their hysterical cycle.
(Joe) The UK is a particular center of evil the way they're dragging out the lockdown.
(L) Europe already had its cycle of hysteria before the war.
(Joe) Yeah, but the UK was involved in that.
(L) It was involved in that, but it wasn't the trigger of it. It was the European actions and activities that
caused all that stuff and then dragged them in.
(Joe) There's a particularly evil clique in the UK.
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) They like to persecute people. They're a bunch of sadists, basically. When mostly everybody
else in Europe has kinda let it go to a large extent, somebody in the UK is really...
(L) They're just hammering it!
(Joe) Pin those people down. Stick the knife in. They're desperate to keep control.
(L) Seems so.
(Artemis) Do you want to ask about the phenomenon you heard when we were charging the crystals?
(L) Oh yeah! We finished charging a whole new batch of crystals. When we started out, we were all in a
very bad voice. Andromeda and I were still recovering from all that virus business that affected our lungs
and throats, and it took us a number of days to even start to be able to breathe properly and sound
normal. But then at certain points once we had gotten our mojo back, there were times when we were
singing and I would hear other voices joining in. Was I actually hearing other voices?
A: Yes
Q: (L) What were those voices?
A: 4D STO support for charging magnification.
Q: (L) Were those voices that I was hearing coming from our throats, or from the air around us?
A: Your voices enhanced.
Q: (Chu) That's like what they said about your voice when you were doing EE, remember?
(L) What about it?
(Chu) That your voice carried more than what could be heard.
(L) Well, this went to the point that we could actually hear it.
(Andromeda) And I could feel it. Is this the same thing that was causing the sensation I was having of
vibration like we were singing inside a bell?
A: Yes
Q: (Andromeda) I could physically feel it. It was like a vibration almost. You could feel an echo.
(Chu) And you didn't record any?
(L) No, we did it live every time.
(Joe) Maybe you should ask if you can get that kind of help for karaoke? [laughter]
(Artemis) I'm sure they've helped with karaoke sometimes. Have you helped with karaoke sometimes?
A: If you would go about karaoke in the proper manner, you would indeed have connections forming and
"celestial" voices would join in!!
Q: (Joe) What is the proper manner?
A: Right music, warm up, leave aside ego and sing for unification and simple beauty and emotion.
Q: (Andromeda) Would we even need the karaoke machine? Well, I suppose it's helpful. We could just
sing hymns together...
(L) So we need to more carefully select songs and begin with warm-up songs.
(Chu) And songs that EVERYBODY can sing.
(L) Yeah, songs that people can all sing together.
(Artemis) Would you like to suggest to us songs that we can sing?
A: You all can sort that out.
Q: (Ark) There are too many songs.
A: Simple melodies.
Q: (Joe) I think we should stop calling it karaoke and start calling it choir practice. Or singing practice.
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Karaoke carries with it the wrong connotation. Standing in a bar, cranking out a crappy 80's hit
or something... It should be more like a choir practice. Singing practice.
(Andromeda) Everybody in together, the songs should have simple melodies, and they should be about
simple beauty and emotion.
(Chu) “Country Roads”. Everybody sings that one.
(Andromeda) “Amazing Grace”.
(Joe) Any song where everyone can sing in harmony.
(L) Alright.
(Andromeda) We can pick some.
(Ark) And after all this time, we should have a standard set of songs. And then we can add, but there
should be... I mean, we should not make experiments with songs that are unlikely to be appropriate.
(Joe) Well, we already know some songs that fit.
(L) Songs that people like, that they can all sing... And I think that we know of enough of them so that
you don't have to repeat the same songs every time we do it.
(Joe) We did one of those that they do in the Crystal Meetings... We did it pretty well last time. Which
one was it? “Will the Circle be Unbroken”.
(Andromeda) Yeah. And “Wayfaring Stranger”.
(L) Yeah, that one's good.
(Joe) And everyone can just be aware when they're singing to try to help others and try to make a unified
(L) So, we need to have another karaoke session soon and put this into practice. And at least a day in
advance, we need to select the right songs and not try to go for exotic or non-melodic hardcore
rock-n-roll or whatever...
(Joe) It's Singing Practice!
(Artemis) Joe's trying to hammer in that it's NOT karaoke.
(Joe) We can keep karaoke. That can be a separate type of event. But this can be called Singing
(L) Alright, we'll do that. Any other questions?
(Ark) Yes. I want to know if having dreams is important?
A: Depends on the dream.
Q: (Ark) I'm worrying that there were times where I was having dreams. Now I almost never remember
any dream and I don't have any. Is it something bad?
A: No.
Q: (Artemis) Why is he not dreaming as much anymore?
A: Sleeping more deeply and not remembering.
Q: (Artemis) So I think you could practice asking yourself to remember your dreams.
(L) I also think that you can have dreams that you don't remember, but still you remember them in a way,
(Artemis) Yeah.
(Joe) They still affect you.
(L) Anything else?
(Artemis) How is Penelope doing? [Penelope the cat passed away last month]
A: Still around and playing. She communicates with Pikabu.
Q: (Artemis) So it's true that cats see ghosts and spirits and otherworldly things?
A: Yes
(Joe) And what about Elvis? [Elvis the dog also passed away last month]
A: Elvis will soon return as he feels it is his job to guard his flock.
Q: (Andromeda) I really felt like I saw Penelope yesterday when I was changing her water dish.
(Artemis) I've been seeing her.
(L) Pikabu lays down in the center of the upstairs hall and watches the trunk where Penelope used to
sleep all the time.
(Artemis) Didn't you want to ask about the elephants, Joe?
(L) What happened to the dead elephants in Botswana?
A: Target practice by dark forces.
Q: (Pierre) 3D or 4D?
A: 3D satellites. Induced heart attacks.
Q: (Niall) From space!
(Joe) Was that practicing for humans?
A: Yes
Q: (L) I guess they start on elephants using the satellites and then they refine their system.
(Artemis) That was making me think about all those spontaneous death stories that I was reading about
in the news. They don't know what the cause is, but all these people just die.
(Niall) Around the same time as these elephants, the prime minister of Burundi dropped dead of a heart
attack. It was very suspicious...
A: Yes
Q: (Niall) An induced heart attack?
A: Yes
Q: (Artemis) By this satellite technology?
A: Yes
Q: (Niall) Was that the same attack?
(L) Was that the same source, but maybe not intentional?
A: Yes
Q: (L) I'm tired. Anybody got a last question?
(Ark) Yes. Unstable gravity waves. Do they have something to do with fluctuations in super-fluid ether?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) I want some super-fluid ether.
A: Keep eyes and ears open so that you can enjoy the show. But also pay close and careful attention to
those around you in love and harmony. Balance is key. Goodbye.
End of Session
Post session Discussion:
(L) Yeah, I was telling Andromeda the other day... Ya know, the Cs once said that the effects of the Wave
would be felt as "hyperkinetic sensate". That means whatever you focus on, whatever emotions get
elicited from you or arise within you, can be highly intensified in these times. That's why these people are
crazy. They've got all of these wicked dreadful emotions like hate and resentment and self-hatred and all
of that sort of thing. They're turning it outward to hate others. I think it's important for us to pay attention
to those close to us and to feel positive emotions so that THOSE can be hyperkinetically amplified in
some way.
(Artemis) You shouldn't bring what's outside inside...
(Andromeda) It's not about blocking anything out, but choosing what to focus on.
(L) In other words, you can pay enough attention to the outside world to know what's going on and to
know if you need to do something, make a maneuver, or whatever... But as Artemis just said, don't bring
the outside inside. In a funny way, it's one of the reasons that I was drawn to read this series of novels
was that it elicits ideas of a different world. It wasn't conscious, but it elicits ideas of romance, harmony
between men and women, and so on. You guys laugh at me about them, but they really depict
relationships in a most interesting way. They're just... And yeah, they talk about physical relationships,
but they also talk about mental and emotional relationships. Very often, it's expressed in a physical way.
Back me up here, Gaby!
(Gaby) It's true.
(Andromeda) And I think this is part of the reason that I had this major gardening bug recently. The focus
is on this kind of... creating good impressions.
(L) What's an apocalypse without flowers?!
(Andromeda) Exactly! It's focusing a little bit on the BEAUTY of something instead of just all of the darker
(L) Gardening is a very cleansing activity. Bringing order and beauty to the Earth is really just... it's
extremely satisfying.
(Andromeda) It's kinda making that more the focus than the chaos.
(Ark) I think that Pierre's engineering is as important as gardening.
(L) Engineering, yes. Building things. Renovating that room and making a beautiful place. All the mowing
and trimming and borders around trees and border around the parking area, straightening things out,
fixing little things that have been hanging around bugging everybody for a long time, and so on. It's like
creating by...
(Andromeda) It's helping to manifest goodness, I suppose.
(L) And we created and added a prayer to our crystal charging this time that is basically an effort to help
to manifest or to draw ourselves into a reality that's more peaceful, beautiful, or whatever. So if you're
going to have a hyperkinetic sensate, if your emotions are going to be amplified by the very nature of the
environment and the frequencies of the Earth or solar system or cosmos, be DAMN careful as to what
you focus on or think about!!!
(Pierre) In the way those Lefties materialize or amplify their anger or whatever negative emotions, in the
same way you can amplify the positive emotions as well. It can lead to more than just emotions.
(L) It doesn't mean you're ignoring anything. You're not ignoring what's going on.
(Pierre) But you don't focus on it. It's not yours. You know it’s not yours.
(L) Balance, like the C's said... You give it the attention it needs and the amount of behavior modification
it needs. Whatever you need to do to deal with it. I get up and read the news every morning and go
through all of that, and then I close the door. I know what's going on. Even if I don't see something today
that I need to react to, I know what's going on. Now let me turn my attention to what is beautiful... And
then I turn my attention to it. And for the most part, it's Ark and you kids. So, that's what I wanted to say.
(Pierre) Lately, when I've been reading the news, I feel more distant... not dissociation, but...
(L) I feel more distant from it too.
(Andromeda) Yeah.
(Pierre) More accuracy, but more distance. It's almost paradoxical, but...
(L) The splitting of realities. That's the reality they have created, and I do NOT wish to participate in it! Or
at least participate as little as possible. I can move through it carefully if I must, but then, my mind is
focused on love and beauty.
(Chu) We were talking about it earlier. Are realities literally splitting, or are we in it? Some people who've
been part of our lives in the past, now they're just believing the lies more and more. We share something,
but it's almost like we share an environment with them in a limited way since they perceive reality so
differently. But then you can't get angry...
(L) And we also notice that because of the way that they've shut things down, there are a lot of people
that will not be sharing our reality. We don't know where and how that's going to change, but the C's
said they're not going to give up their power so easily. They may allow some things to go along, but... It's
going to be weird!
(Pierre) If negative emotions are about to be amplified, knowing how much anger there is right now on
the planet, I'm wondering what it will lead to? I think there's a lot of anger and frustration.
(L) Well, remember what happens. If you can't create without, you create within. There's going to be
Earth changes. The Cs said the human cycle mirrors the cycle of cosmic catastrophe. As above, so
below. The crazier they get on the planet, the crazier the cosmic events become. It's a feedback loop.
(Pierre) They are already crazy without major cosmic catastrophes. Imagine a major one!
(L) And they feel it even if they aren't aware of it.
(Pierre) They feel it coming, at least unconsciously.
(L) And their blindness in not understanding the reality of other worlds or other realms... They're so
focused on their Darwinian materialism, they're going to get a snapback that's going to just destroy
them, I'm afraid. So, we can BE different! We can DO different, and we can CHOOSE. We have a certain
level of choice left to us, so let's use it!
End of post session discussion.
ession Date: August 15th 2020
Laura and Andromeda at the board
Q: (L) Today is 15 August 2020. The usual suspects are here. [Review of those present] Artemis is
A: Hello. Quinnilln of Cassiopaea here to serve tonight.
Q: (L) Which question should we start with? Let's ask about these horse mutilations in France. The article
'Barbaric' horse killings put French countryside on alert
French police are investigating a spate of killings of horses involving mutilation of the animals' bodies.
The latest in Cortambert, a village in the Saone-et-Loire region, occurred overnight on Friday.
The horse's right ear was cut off, one of its eyes was gouged out and its genitals had been cut away.
"This is absolutely barbaric," a local official said.
A Paris police spokeswoman said there had been about 10 similar cases across France since the start of
the year, most in the north and many taking place in secluded meadows.
She said there were also cases between 2014 and 2016 and that similar killings and mutilations of
horses had been reported in the past in Belgium and Germany.
But the high number in France was unprecedented over such a short period. [...]
She said all types of horses had fallen victim, as well as one donkey, and that mutilation of an ear was a
common factor. No meat had been taken from the carcasses.
(L) Well, I guess inquiring minds want to know: What's going on here?
A: Satanists are widely active in these times.
Q: (L) so you're saying this is the work of some kind of Satanic cult?
A: Yes
Q: (L) And it's not like cattle mutilations done by aliens?
A: No
Q: (L) Alright then. Next question: Was the Beirut explosion an accident?
A: No
Q: (L) Is there any connection to other fires and explosions in the Middle East within a few days of that
A: Yes, all connected in terrorism of populations.
Q: (Joe) So how did the ammonium nitrate explode in the hangar in the port of Beirut? How was it
detonated? Well... What was the cause of the explosion?
A: Sabotage.
Q: (Joe) By Israel?
A: Your favorite!
Q: (Joe) They have a monopoly on it.
(L) Why are people protesting in Belarus?
A: Color revolution signature.
Q: (Andromeda) So the next question was... (L) Was it foreign interference?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Which is basically what a color revolution is...
(Andromeda) Exactly.
(L) Is Poroshenko planning a coup for this month? Who heard that?
(Joe) PoB heard a rumor.
A: No
Q: (L) Okay. Is the Russian Covid-19 vaccine safe as they say?
A: Safe enough. Safer than what Gates is planning.
Q: (L) Is it effective against corona or corona-type viruses?
A: Not much will be as it constantly mutates.
Q: (Andromeda) Good job, Russians!
(L) Is there going to be a 2nd wave with more lockdowns?
A: They will create the illusion.
Q: (L) So there will be not really a 2nd wave, but they will... Well, they created the whole first wave, so...
(Joe) They just keep going.
(L) Now one thing that's really been bugging me is this thing about masks. For years, they put all this
money and effort into creating facial recognition software. They put cameras everywhere. Now all of a
sudden they're putting masks on everybody which makes facial recognition software just completely
obsolete - after all that money and time and effort! So, what's the real deal with the masks?
A: Facial recognition was never the full plan as it can be easily thwarted. It was used to accustom
populace to tracking and surveillance. The ultimate surveillance is chipping. The fake pandemic justifies
the vaccine with chip and wider tracking mandate. The mask is similar to antismoking. It induces
obedience and allows identification of dissidence. Masks have the additional advantage of inducing
brain damage and lowering of intelligence and general health.
Q: (Joe) Masks induce brain damage...
(Andromeda) Low oxygen?
(L) Lemme ask: Is the brain damage from low oxygen causing the death of neurons?
A: Yes
Q: (L) And the lowering of health is because of the accumulation of viral and other pathogen loads in the
masks themselves?
A: Yes
Q: (Gaby) Could they also reactivate latent or stealth infections?
A: Yes
Q: (Andromeda) There's nothing good about them.
(Joe) So, are they planning to surreptitiously chip people with the vaccine without telling them?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) And that's Gates' chip.
(L) And I expect there'll be some overt chipping for those who agree to it, and covert chipping by a
A: Yes
Q: (Chu) And it means that 100% or most of the medical staff will be pretty sick and retarded if there was
a REAL pandemic.
A: Yes
Q: (Chu) Great!
(Joe) That's why doctors are so stupid. They wear masks all the time. No offense, Gaby! You're an
(L) I have started this thread "Using Books to Imagine a New Reality" (Using Books to Imagine a New
Reality) about my reading materials. I hesitated to even bring it up because it's something that can so
easily be misunderstood - and apparently it WAS misunderstood almost immediately by some people.
However, I have speculated a little bit on the thread about the effects of reading particular literature. Am I
on the right track with this?
A: Yes indeed!
Q: (L) Okay. Is there anything you would suggest further about this thread?
A: The books you suggest ought to be priority.
Q: (L) Any other questions about that topic? I mean, I've read bunches of them and there's a lot of them
that I would not recommend or suggest to anybody.
(Andromeda) Yeah, it's not just any book in that category.
(L) Some are just not appropriate. But there are some that have a specific dynamic and plot line and so
forth. I finished one today that's absolutely EXCELLENT! Absolutely excellent. It's called, "Dancing with
Clara". Well, it's just a really interesting book.
(Andromeda) I want the synopsis later!
(L) And Joe has questions about my new book?
(Joe) I do? I don't remember...
(L) Okay Honey, you have to come up close so I can hear your questions.
(Ark) It's my time already?
(Joe) Niall wants to ask about Belarus if you want to keep it on topic.
(Niall) Did they start this color revolution against Lukashenko because of his stance on the pandemic?
A: Yes and related resistance to domination.
Q: (Joe) Just a quick question about Beirut... Was it an incendiary device that set off the ammonium
A: Close.
Q: (Joe) What are the odds of Trump winning the US election?
A: Good.
Q: (L) Okay, Honey. Come up close.
(Ark) But my questions are other worldly...
(Andromeda) That's why we had to get the other ones out of the way first.
(Ark) So the first question is about the idea of multiverse. There is such a thing that is called multiverse.
It's supposed to be like a soup that is boiling, and that produces bubbles. These bubbles are universes.
Some bubbles are small and they die very soon, and some bubbles are big and have enough energy and
organization like our universe. We are one of the big bubbles. Is it an approximately correct idea?
A: No.
Q: (Joe) No bubbles.
(Andromeda) No soup.
A: Based on Darwinism.
Q: (L) In other words, random selection.
(Ark) This eliminates a number of planned questions. [laughter] Alright... Like a year ago...
A: Consciousness and information are foundational. There is no place for either in "boiling" and random
Q: (Ark) Yeah, alright. Now I want to ask: A year or two ago there was a Nobel Prize given for the
detection of a gravitational wave. Since then, most of the people accept it, but there are some dissidents
that call it a big fraud...
A: Yes
Q: (Ark) Oh, okay. Now, one of the guys who called it a big fraud is my old kind of friend by the name of
Dimi Chakalov.
(L) I remember Dimi.
(Ark) We were discussing things years ago. Now, he is of course he doesn't spare words, calling it a
fraud and blah blah blah. He gives arguments. But on the other hand, recently I downloaded a bunch of
his recent papers. He is working on his idea of a platonic world. His platonic world is where all these
ideas are being formed. Should I really study his ideas because he's onto something? Can I gain
something from studying his crazy papers?
A: Briefly and selectively.
Q: (Ark) That was about Dimi. Last question: I would like to know if there is some most important law that
governs all of the creation. We know conservation of energy is an important law. You can think about
conservation of information. Maybe there is such a law? This John Archibald Wheeler who we quoted
several times, he added his own law which is kind of timeless which says that it's pure geometric
boundary which says boundary is zero. Another possible law is: As above, so below. Okay. Is there any
kind of a fundamental physical law? Well, not physical... Some fundamental law of creation?
A: Free will.
Q: (Pierre) For the information field, does all information already exist or is information added through the
experience of creatures?
(L) I didn't understand that.
(Joe) His question is does all information already exist, or is new information created and added by
individuals through their experiences?
(Ark) Well, for me, time does not apply. So things like conservation of information doesn't make much
sense in the information world. It may make sense when the information starts to interact with matter,
but only then.
(Pierre) Would you say then that the information field contains already ALL possible information?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Okay.
(Joe) I just thought of one question about your book. I was wondering if Paul ever explicitly spoke about
Caesar at the time?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) Or maybe only to initiates.
(L) I dunno... It could have been to initiates, or it could have been public. It could have been widely
understood. So much has been destroyed and changed.
(Joe) But Mark never did that, right?
(L) I think Mark embedded it in the story: the dove, symbol of Venus at the baptism... There are plenty of
allusions to it. What he was doing was he was amalgamating Paul's theology with the Jewish messiah
who was basically a radical zealot.
(Andromeda) Oh, the submarine...
(L) What happened with the two explosions on the Kursk submarine twenty years ago?
A: Sabotage.
[Private questions and discussion redacted.]
End of Session
Session Date: October 10th 2020
Laura, Andromeda, and Artemis at the board
Pierre, Joe, Chu, Ark, PoB, Scottie, Niall, Noko the Wonderdog, the Lunar Module, Princess Leia
Q: (L) Alright...
A: Hello children of Cassiopaea.
Q: (L) And who do we have with us this evening?
A: Nighhillaea of Cassiopaea.
Q: (L) Well, I forgot to enumerate our people. Today is 10-10-2020, and we have all the usual suspects
[review of those present]. Alright. It's been awhile, and we've been very very busy as you know.
(Artemis) They want to speak...
A: It will turn out well. Worry not. All major transitions are fraught and chaotic.
Q: (L) Well, as long as you don't mean transitions off the planet...
A: No!
Q: (L) So, that I'm assuming is referring to Ark and his condition?
A: Yes and so much more yet to come yet on your plane.
Q: (L) Does anybody want to ask any specific questions?
(Pierre) I would like to ask about Arky. Is his current condition a consequence of the viral infection that
was alluded to back in December last year?
A: Partly as a trigger.
Q: (L) Is he going to achieve complete remission?
A: Yes
Q: (L) When we asked earlier in the year if he had cancer, the answer was no. Then apparently something
happened between then and now. Were there any other factors involved in that?
A: Development and trigger.
Q: (L) Are you saying that it developed AFTER that question was asked?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Are you also saying that that's the trigger you were referring to - that the trigger of the Covid
operated over that period of time?
A: Close.
Q: (L) Was there anything else that happened during that period of time?
A: Recall our previous remarks about weapons that can cause heart attacks? Consider failure of same
on some occasions that included dispersal of energies. There were numerous cardiac events on that
date due to this factor.
Q: (L) Are you saying that somebody was playing around with one of these satellite beam-type weapons
and it sort of like misfired?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Is that what happened the night Ark had that attack when he felt something popping in his heart?
A: Yes
Q: (L) And that there were other people at the same time who were having cardiac events as a result of
the same energy?
A: Yes
Q: (Artemis) How come Arky was particularly vulnerable to it?
A: He was a lot less susceptible than others!!!
Q: (Chu) Were you referring to the recent episode? By then, the lymphoma was already there. I don't
(L) We don't know that it was.
(Chu) Well, that would have been only 10 or 12 days...
A: Yes
Q: (Chu) What about the mass they discovered three days later in the heart? That would have been
A: Yes
Q: (L) He said he felt a popping sensation, and Gaby said the interior of the mass was already necrotic.
(Andromeda) He had started having symptoms a couple of days before he felt the pop, and that's when
he went down to get his blood work done.
(Chu) Blood work was before. The pop was 24 hours later.
(Andromeda) Well, remember that before he had it done and his BNP was high but his troponins were
fine. Then after he felt the pop, he went back in and that's when his troponins had shot up and we
figured that was the result of the pop. That was just a couple of days later, and that's when we took him
to the hospital.
(L) And the end result was that despite all of that crazy stuff, they still say that he didn't have a heart
attack and that he has not sustained any cardiac damage.
(Pierre) If I understand correctly, the growth was the result of this...
(L) Was the growth the result of this energy dispersal like triggering the Covid business?
A: Yes
Q: (Ark) Mineral oil canister! I want this canister of mineral oil. I'm asking for it already two weeks and no
one cares.
(Chu) Niall had to order it. It'll be coming soon.
(Niall) It's coming tomorrow.
(Andromeda) So basically this weapon that was beaming acted on him. But instead of just acting on the
heart, it dispersed and created different growths in different parts of him.
A: Yes
Q: (L) You know something? Didn't Pierre-Paul have a heart attack on the same day?
(Andromeda) It was about the same time.
(Joe) What day are we talking about here?
(Andromeda) It wasn't a heart attack...
(Joe) An aortic dissection. But we don't know the date that he had that. He didn't say the date.
(Andromeda) But when you saw his thingy, he said it had been a couple of weeks.
(Joe) What do they mean that he was a lot less susceptible than others?
(Artemis) Yeah, that's what I was wondering.
A: His intrinsic nature and makeup is a powerful shield.
Q: (L) You mean like his DNA and...?
A: Yes and psychic.
Q: (Artemis) Was this 'heart attack ray' configured to target a specific type of person?
A: Yes
Q: (Artemis) And Arky just happened to fit the bill? He had a similar energetic frequency or something?
A: Close
Q: (Pierre) What kind of person is this ray supposed to attack?
A: With higher abilities.
Q: (Artemis) So they're targeting people with potential to...
(Joe) But they didn't say that it was... It was specifically targeted then at Arky.
(Chu) Not at Arky.
(Joe) So, some kind of blanket...
(L) Was it specifically targeted at him?
A: No
Q: (L) But it was specifically targeted at someone?
A: Yes
Q: (Artemis) Someone who had some vague similarities to Arky.
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) So it was a blanket... a wide ray.
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) The target was in France?
A: Yes
Q: (Artemis) Was it somewhere near where we live?
A: Not so much.
Q: (Joe) A wide area.
(Pierre) We cannot ask who was the target, right?
A: No
Q: (Artemis) Can we ask if we keep it a secret? [laughter]
(L) They know we don't keep secrets!
(Artemis) They don't tell us the good stuff because of that.
(L) When they say, "higher abilities", it could mean academic... Could it be academic, which would mean
doctors and so forth?
A: Yes
Q: (L) And that's because those are the ones that are more likely to say things against the whole Covid
A: Yes!!
Q: (Pierre) Is it Didier Raoult?
(Joe) The long-haired Marseille doctor who was speaking out.
A: Among others. But like Ark, many of them have defense mechanisms.
Q: (L) Anything else about that?
(Andromeda) Did they get the person they were after?
A: No
Q: (Artemis) YAY!
(L) Okay, this chemo... I mean, it seems to me that the chemo is like what the I Ching said: it's the
outside intervention that we would not be particularly happy about, but that would help a lot. Is that what
was meant?
A: Yes
Q: (L) It obviously has unpleasant side effects, and are we going to be able to manage those effectively?
A: With current adjunct therapies and future methods, yes.
Q: (L) So, things like the Revici protocol, the infrared sauna, ozone therapy...?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) This mass in Arky's heart, is it cancerous?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) It better be, because the therapy won't work against it if it isn't!
(Joe) They're all lymphomas, right?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Maybe I shouldn't ask this, but is chemotherapy the only effective treatment for lymphoma like
Arky has?
A: Under the circumstances prevailing, yes.
Q: (Joe) As in, it's a bit late to be looking at something else...
(L) Yeah, you don't have time. Alright. Shall we move on to other topics, or do you have something to
ask, Honey?
(Artemis) Well, we have our paper with questions.
(L) Okay, what do we want to ask about the pandemic?
(Joe) Why did Sweden not act in lockstep with pretty much everyone else in terms of lockdown and the
fear mongering and controls? Why did they get a pass? Why were they ABLE to not follow the mandate?
A: Just wait!
Q: (Joe) Really?!
(L) Oh dear...
(Pierre) I would like to get a feel of what the population thinks about those lies. For example, in France,
what percentage of people do NOT believe the Covid lies and narratives?
A: 62
Q: (L) 62 percent do not believe it.
(Joe) That doesn't mean they're gonna do something about it.
(L) I'd say it's probably about the same in a lot of places. That's more than half, but there's still a BIG
chunk of people that buy into it.
(Artemis) Has there ever been a virus released that had a similar effect to Covid-19 in the past?
(L) You mean created and released by humans? Covid is not a really spectacular virus.
(Artemis) Yeah, I know, but it can also cause DNA changes.
A: No
Q: (L) Are there viruses that have effects on DNA?
A: Yes
Q: (Artemis) Yeah, that's obvious. Of course.
(L) Did Trump actually have Covid?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Is Joe Biden suffering from senile dementia?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Okay, here's the $64,000 question: Is Trump going to win the election?
(Joe) We asked that last time!
(Andromeda) They said yes.
(Joe) They said there's a very good chance.
(L) Are his chances getting better?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) How likely is it that there will be some major public chaos or civil chaos if Trump wins?
A: Very likely and will lead to martial law.
Q: (Joe) Imposed by Trump.
(Pierre) Yeah.
(Joe) So he's going to fulfill the role that they have given him of dictator! But is a lot of the chaos...
(L) One suspects that it may have been planned that way: he's being driven into the corner by all of the
events in order to do what they want him to do.
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Will a lot of the chaos in a certain sense be artificially induced?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Like paid groups out in the streets wrecking the place...
(L) But they're working people up. They're making people completely helpless and unhappy with the
lockdowns. Then all of those people are having all of that anger and frustration building up inside of
them. They're just powder kegs waiting to be ignited.
(Joe) We've seen that already with the Black Lives Matter protests not just in the USA but also in the UK.
There were massive protests during lockdown that were allowed! It was like, "No lockdown for you
guys." And they went into the streets partially because of the lockdown.
(L) He's the perfect fall guy. Honey, you have questions.
(Ark) Yes. This is science. Two questions of the same kind. Here I have a little book. It's letters about
absolute parallelism, 1929 to 1932, letters between Elie Cartan and Albert Einstein. The key word is
absolute parallelism. This book has 232 pages. Letters, exchanges... Is there any particular page that I
should pay special attention to?
A: 132
Q: (Ark) Second question: This sheet of paper is from a little book. The title is Geometry of Absolute
Parallelism. This book has 132 pages. Is there any particular page in this 132 pages that I should pay
particular attention to?
A: 71
Q: (Ark) I'm done.
(Joe) You have 2 pages to read.
(Pierre) Instead of 300!
(Scottie) I'm gonna read romance novels that way!
(Joe) Can we have that for every important book? [laughter]
A: No
Q: (L) They're only helping Ark because he's weak.
(Joe) Yeah.
(Pierre) And then he's gonna read the whole book anyway, but he'll pay special attention to those pages
I suppose.
(L) What's on page 132?
(Chu) I was just checking to make sure it wasn't a blank page. [laughter] It's full of equations!
(Ark) Elie Cartan is writing in French. Einstein is either replying in German or in English. I'm not sure
because it may be translation from German. I'm not sure Elie Cartan knew German.
(Joe) There's a new UFO documentary that Tucker Carlson was talking about on his show. It has a bunch
of current and previous senators, bipartisan, who are interviewed in it about the UFO phenomenon.
They're all straight up about how yes, there's something real to this and things are being hidden. It
follows on the heels of those military tic-tac videos that were released. Is this building up to some kind of
disclosure in the near future?
A: Near enough. But other events may intervene.
Q: (L) So, that doesn't mean immediately near, but...
(Joe) Other events will push that off the front pages.
(Andromeda) Wow. Gotta be something pretty major!
(Joe) So, martial law in the USA will be short-lived, right?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) Why do you think that?
(Joe) Just to put the National Guard out to quell the riots...
(L) I don't think Trump is inclined to be a dictator, but he'd do what needs to be done to restore order.
(Joe) He threatened it once already during the Black Lives Matter protests. He's already set the scene.
(L) But think that whatever he does, he's not gonna get the USA out of the karmic hole it's already in.
(Pierre) Too far gone.
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) What is flabbergasting to me is that the polls and the mainstream media claimed four years
ago all the same numbers in terms of Clinton vs Trump. Now, they say Biden is leading, Trump is gonna
lose. They didn't learn ANYTHING. They keep using the same lies and propaganda. They're gonna look
ridiculous once again.
(Joe) Since this Covid thing has progressed, the lockdowns have continued, businesses are being
destroyed, and governments are continuing to push ahead with it despite all evidence that there's no
reason for it, have a lot of them kinda been told that... What I'm thinking about here is way back in 2003,
Tony Blair got on board with the Iraq thing for no good reason. They said the reason was that he was
promised a seat on the Rapture Train. It suggests he was given some inside info about future events. So,
a lot of them have been brought in...
(L) They know that this is all going on and there'll be a lot of death and destruction. They're padding their
(Joe) Yeah, so my question is: Have a lot of government leaders been given information about upcoming
events that...?
A: Yes
Q: (L) So they know that there probably is more likely to be an Ice Age, cometary impacts, earth
changes, death, destruction, disease...
(Joe) Food shortages, mass immigration, chaos... Otherwise, how can you keep those people on board
to destroy their own reputations, countries, and economies? There has to be a compelling reason for
them to continue to do that.
(Andromeda) But they're not even afraid of repercussions...
(L) They KNOW something's coming.
A: Yes and so do you and some few others. Enjoy the show!
Q: (L) Well, we're trying really hard to enjoy the show. People are enjoying their romantic fiction and
getting their emotional centers sorted out - at least some of them are, not everybody. But I think with
persistence, that little reading exercise is going to help a lot of people. Is there anything else that we can
do for our group in these trying times??
A: Consider crystal protection for travel and supplementary spaces.
Q: (L) You mean like the crystals we charged to put in all of our vehicles?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) What's a supplementary space?
(L) Any special places in the house, like a home office or somewhere you spend a lot of time. Something
like that?
A: Yes
Q: (L) So we have these crystals that we already charged for travel protection. I guess we could offer
them to group members to have a crystal in their vehicle, attach it to their bicycle, in their offices... Is that
what you mean?
A: Yes. The more the better.
Q: (L) Do we need to select each one personally?
A: No. The batch you have prepared is ideal for the purpose, as they are, indiscriminately.
Q: (L) So people could take them and even make jewelry out of them.
(Andromeda) Wherever they spend a lot of time.
(L) Yeah, wherever they spend a lot of time: in the kitchen, or...
A: Yes. Create a network of psychic light now that all those who asked have been served with the basic
Q: (L) What is psychic light?
A: Connected directly at higher level where space and time are variable and selective.
Q: (L) So, people who have more crystals are more connected. They're connected at another level where
there's really not the space or time distance between them. So everybody who has the charged crystals
is more or less connected directly at some level. Is that it?
A: Close
Q: (L) Close enough. Alright, any other questions? We covered the list. Alright, we'll just thank you for
being with us. Is there anything you need to warn us about or something we haven't asked?
A: Just stay calm and patient. Goodbye.
End of Session
(L) Calm and patient. Yeah...
(Andromeda) Yeah, sounds so easy!
(Joe) One thing I was thinking of was that we don't KNOW how bad it can get, but us and a lot of group
members have a lot of family members spread out.
(L) They could be connected to their family members with crystals.
(Joe) I'm just thinking because that's one thing that would...
(L) You don't even have to tell the family anything about it. Just tell them it's a protection crystal, and put
it on top of the TV or something.
(Joe) Group members could get themselves in trouble or in danger if they traveled somewhere to try to
lend support to family and friends that were in trouble.
(L) Yeah, I think it's just gonna be a rough time. There's just no getting around it, so... We were warned
about it YEARS in advance. We've had all this time to prepare for it. Here it is now. We've gotta look at it,
deal with, and live through it as peacefully and calmly as possible. The C's said that things will change.
So they were right about it coming... Let's hope they're also right about the change part!!
Session Date: December 31st 2020
Laura, Andromeda, and Artemis at the board
Pierre, Joe, dugdeep, Gaby, Ark, Alana, itellsya, PoB, Ollie, fabric, Scottie, Chu, Niall, Noko the
Wonderdog, the Lunar Module, Princess Leia
Q: (L) Today is December 31st, 2020. It's New Year's Eve. We have the usual suspects plus the Farmies.
[Review of those present]
A: Hello children! Tironiaea of Cassiopaea here tonight. Energy waves abound in your realm. Strange
phenomena increasing.
Q: (L) Alright. I guess we'll understand what that's all about as we go along. When you say, 'Energy
waves abound' and 'strange phenomena', is that possibly the cause of Ark's experience in the hospital
in room 666?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Are those energy waves natural or are they artificial?
A: Both.
Q: (L) Is that also related to the dream he had last night which was the dream of the zombie coming and
pounding on our house and coming in? He was shouting and woke me up.
A: Yes
Q: (L) So, when you say natural, are we talking about from the Earth itself?
A: And planets and sun.
Q: (L) Is it related in any way to this recent conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn?
A: Somewhat, yes.
Q: (L) Okay. When you say some that is artificial, is that something like beaming, or programmed things
inside people's heads like the recent report from the Israelis that they could put music inside people's
heads directly? And of course we've known they could do that for a long time because I wrote about it in
Secret History. If you can put thoughts into people's heads, you can trigger all kinds of dream images. Is
that what we're talking about?
A: Close
Q: (L) So, is there any protection that a person can engineer against that sort of thing invading their
A: Diet helps. Also strong mental and psychic hygiene. A "cleansing" is in order due to time spent in
places where such energies collect.
Q: (L) So in other words, having spent time in these hospitals, you can pick up all kinds of funny little
energy pockets. Alright... Do you want to ask anything about it, Honey?
(Ark) No.
(L) Okay, that took care of that. Niall, did you get some questions lined up?
(Niall) Just a few I wrote down this morning... Is Trump toast? [laughter]
A: Aha! An interesting question! He is still president and was overwhelmingly elected. He has the support
of the majority of Americans. But does he have the boldness to do what must be done? In any event, a
titanic struggle is taking place behind the scenes and at 4th density! Whether or not he saves the rights
of Americans to elect their president, the USA is still in the soup thanks to global factors.
Q: (L) In other words, it's still open as to whether...
(Joe) Well, hang on... It's a pretty short time frame.
(L) It's a very short time, but we'll know whether he has the boldness or not. And even if he has the
boldness, would he survive bold moves?
(Andromeda) Right.
A: Good question. He is almost damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. One thing is certain, the
Biden presidency represents an almost immediate slide into totalitarianism.
Q: (L) So, Trump is damned if he does, and damned if he doesn't. And the USA is damned if Trump
doesn't. So, they're all between a rock and hard place. Alright. Next topic?
(Joe) Can we have some odds on Trump doing what's necessary to save the right of Americans to elect
their president?
A: Right now it is about 52 to 48.
Q: (L) 52 for him doing it, 48 against. In other words, it's still open.
(Joe) That's going down to the wire!
(L) Yeah, it is. This is not Secretariat running. [laughter]
(Andromeda) We've got one week.
(Joe) A lot of it will be determined on the 6th of January.
(L) Okay, Niall has the next topic?
(Niall) What happened in Nashville Christmas morning?
A: Boom!
Q: (Joe) That's what you get for asking that kind of question.
(L) Garbage in, garbage out.
(Niall) That's what the question said. I just wrote it down.
(Joe) Was the bombing in Nashville on Christmas morning carried out by the guy they claim it was
carried out by?
A: Yes. We have already told you much about programmed violence designed to terrify populations.
Q: (L) So it's one of those... Did they ever find out what the bomb was made of? Did they say?
(Joe) I don't think they said. It was a typical Unabomber type of scenario.
(L) Alright. Gaby was saying something about the Covid business...
(Gaby) So it seems to have changed a bit. There seems to be The Return of Covid. There were a few
cases like those reported back in March, people with masses in the lungs, a sort of interstitial
pneumonia, but they're happening to young people now. So I was wondering if this is the result of the
new vaccination program? Even though it hasn’t started officially, there have been thousands already
vaccinated; something like 40 thousand during the experimental phase.
(L) So, you're saying that there are some really bad cases of Covid, and you're wondering if that's due to
those who have been vaccinated?
A: Most likely. But do not forget what is being done to the population in terms of terror and predisposed
belief. Further, wearing masks creates a perfect breeding ground for mutations and intensification of the
Q: (L) So people are being programmed to believe that they're gonna die. Also, their bodies are being
poisoned by their own effluvia from wearing masks and by being turned into walking talking garbage
dumps by re-breathing their own waste... It's like rats breed in garbage dumps, and viruses breed in
physical-body garbage dumps. If you don’t take the trash out of your body properly, you become a
contaminated dump ripe for all kinds of pathogens to move in and take over.
(Joe) There are several vaccines. Two of them are messenger RNA vaccines that have never been used
on humans before. We know more or less what they do. I was just wondering if those mRNA vaccines
are particularly dangerous for people as compared to the standard type?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Dangerous in terms of increasing the chances that people will get sick, or have some kind of...
What's the danger from that kind of vaccine?
A: Messing around with DNA is iffy at best. Because of genetic recombination, each individual is unique.
The purveyors of vaccines such as this have not well considered that some individuals might be
transformed into mutation and amplification and mass production factories of something way worse than
Q: (Joe) So is that the best bet then for a real plague? A real pandemic might come from the vaccine for
(L) A real, horrible pandemic might come from this vaccine interacting with the DNA of specific
individuals. There may be a small percentage of them, but all it takes is one.
(Gaby) Or could it be more like... Ya know, it's the spike protein that is produced that is like HIV and also
endogenous retroviruses that are already resident in our DNA that could be activated and behave like a
Black Death. Or could it be something more like we'll be seeing a lot more cancer, for example?
A: Think something more like Black Death.
Q: (Gaby) Though certainly, we’ve already seen that COVID can amplify and accelerate already existing
conditions. In another direction, we've been discussing on the forum about things we could take to
protect us in case we have to be vaccinated. Will other people being vaccinated be a source of potential
Black Death even if you don't get vaccinated?
(Joe) That was the idea. This mRNA vaccine causes your body to produce the spike protein from this
coronavirus. Is it possible that within your body, that protein could be combined with some other more
benign virus?
(Gaby) From what I understand, components of the spike protein are homologous to some of our
endogenous retroviruses. They've found in our endogenous retroviruses even stuff that's similar to
(L) In other words, sticking messenger RNA in a vaccine is a really, REALLY bad idea.
(Chu) And we wouldn't even need a cometary event to cause mass death on the planet?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) This is a spike protein from an outside pathogen that your body doesn't make. Obviously your
body defends against it.
(L) But your body could be retooled to make it in mass quantities and make it particularly virulent.
(Joe) Or to make some hybrid with some other virus in your body.
(L) That leads us to this other question. Pierre and I were having conversations driving back and forth to
the hospital, and he said something to me about something he'd thought of. I asked him to write it down.
He wrote:
While thinking about mass extinction, the removal of obsolete life and the introduction of new more
evolved life forms via comets and the viruses they introduced, I drew an analogy on a human scale: the
dynastic cycles, the rise and fall of civilizations, I was wondering if a necessary step before the final
harvest [or the closing of the 309,000 year cycle the C's have been telling us about for a long time], was
a grand act of mercy of the Universe giving each of us a last chance, a final opportunity to discriminate
truth from lies.
Does the COVID epidemic, this global event that deeply affects every one of us, where the lies have
never been so blatant, the manipulations so transparent, the narrative so estranged from reality,
represent our final opportunity to choose truth over lies?
Are we in front of what might be our most fundamental and maybe last act of free will, the ultimate
choice between truth and lies, where every single fact screams, "It's all damn lies!" And, let's face it, if an
individual can't see the lies in this surreal COVID scam, that person’s ability to transduce the energy of
truth into our world - or just acknowledge truth - is broken beyond repair.
From this perspective, it seems that elimination of individuals who embrace these lies persistently could
be perceived as a necessary cleansing on a planetary scale.
If that is the case, how does it work? The scenario that appears to be likely, assuming that the above is
going in the right direction, is that the people who believe the big lie will accept the vaccine and will not
take measures to counteract its adverse effects. We know that the previous RNA vaccine candidates
against MERS and SARS were stopped because they increased the vulnerability to other viruses. What
if, likewise, the COVID vaccine increases vulnerability to new, real, and deadly viruses? It would be one
way to remove those who believed the ultimate lie.
Another solution is related to the correlation between times of oppression, lies, and suffering, and
cometary events (human-cosmic connection).
But the two mechanisms (real pandemics and cometary events) are not mutually exclusive. We know
about the Justinian plague that appeared soon after a major cometary bombardment that wiped out
most of the decadent oppressive late Roman Empire.
Cometary bodies enable the introduction of new viruses. For all we know the new plague might be
already here, maybe carried by the giant fireball observed in China recently.
Is it so that what we are seeing here is a playing out of the maxim that those who pay attention to reality
right and left will be the reality of the future; and those who ignore reality or attempt to shut it out or deny
it, will become a dream in the past?
(L) And that is basically the opposition between those who believe the truth and those who buy into the
lies. So, is something like this scam pandemic - this scamdemic, this faux pandemic - where it is SO
clear to such a large number of people that it IS a scam and a complete fraud, is this something like an
act of mercy where people are actually being given one last chance to really make a choice between
believing the lies or standing up for the truth? Is it something like that?
A: Very close. The same could be said about the USA elections vis-a-vis the outcome for the USA as a
Q: (L) So you're saying that it doesn't really matter that Trump is a flawed person. He is the person who
was elected. If that is not acknowledged, then people are believing lies and that can have an effect on
the future of the USA in a cosmic sense? Is that it?
A: Yes
Q: (L) In other words, the 5D City on a Hill thing?
A: Yes
Q: (L) But globally, we've got... how do you fight against something like that? I mean, for crying all night!
The media is SO locked down. Doctors and nurses and scientists and people who are speaking out and
who have valid points, pointing out the truth... They're being harassed, maybe even murdered, put in
prison, having their licenses pulled, they're being put on some kind of blacklist or database that says,
"You've been bad!"
(Pierre) That's the negative aspect of it. But the positive aspect is that the harassment or persecution of
those doctors that speak truth is one more proof of the lies and the violence used by the authorities. So,
all the facts are there for all to see the global lie that is the COVID Pandemic.
(Joe) That kind of testing of people to distinguish between truth and lies has been going on in earnest
since 9/11.
(L) Well, since JFK and even, throughout history!
(Joe) Yeah, but since 9/11 there have been so many things that are tied to that. We keep saying 9/11 was
a turning point. There are so many things that happened since then where each was an opportunity for
people to go, "Hang on a minute, that doesn't sound right..." And sure, this COVID thing is in your face,
but I'm not at all sure that it's a last chance...
A: Humanity has one last chance. Will they take it?
Q: (L) I dunno... I have a very grim view of it. I don't...
(Chu) And the problem is that we know that in order to grow, you must suffer, right? But in this case, it's
not real suffering yet. Especially in the West, it's more like fear. The people who believe lies are just afraid
to die. It's not real suffering caused by life experience. So, it's even harder to make a choice or grow
from it.
(Joe) Yeah, but I think they're saying that humanity has one last chance to learn the truth and accept
reality WITHOUT the mass suffering. If they don't take that one...
(L) Then they get the mass suffering, in spades most likely.
A: Yes
Q: (L) If they buy into this, the suffering is gonna intensify exponentially and failure and collapse will be
reached rapidly.
A: Yes
Q: (L) Alright... Well, I think that covers pretty much what we've been concerned about. One thing I
would like to know about is that this is New Year's Eve - the last day of this annus horribilis. There have
been good things that came out of this year. Despite the fact that Ark was sick, there was a cure, and he
was able to get it. It was long and stressful for everybody. At the same time, it was there, and that was a
HUGE light at the end of the tunnel. We're almost at the end of it. He's done really, really, really well and
I'm REALLY thankful for that. It's also highly likely that he had something slowly growing for a long time,
and maybe it was accelerated after he got sick. As a result, it was brought to our attention because of all
the medical work that was being done. So, you know... I'm just looking at the silver lining behind the
dark cloud, or making lemonade out of the lemons we were handed this year. It's been really horrible.
And of course part of the problem of what we've been through in the last year is that people are suffering
and donations to our organization are down which has added to my stress. It's very difficult for us to
function on HALF of what we normally receive. We don't know if in the coming year we're going to be
able to keep the lighthouse lit. Are we going be able to keep the sessions coming? Will we even have the
peace of mind to do it? How can you do anything when you don't have a little peace of mind... Although
god knows, nobody really has any nowadays. So, do you have any last words for us for the last of 2020
before we enter 2021?
A: Those who can give more should do so now more than ever. As we have said before, money equals
energy. That energy helps all of you to carry on and strengthen the center. If the center holds, so will the
spokes and satellites. The PTB are trying to make it difficult or impossible. But the center must hold for
all. We here urge all your members to do all they can. There is much more turmoil to come. The hope of
your realm rests on your network. It would be a shame to waste that hope. Goodbye.
End of Session
(L) So there are a lot of people who CAN'T do anything, but there are some who still can and there are
others who can do more. So I hope they will because things look pretty grim otherwise.
(Andromeda) We're completely reliant on them for that.
(L) We work for all of them, and we rely on them to help us stay afloat and to be able to work.
(Andromeda) A few sessions ago, didn't they give a time frame as to when the real pandemic was
supposed to start?
(Gaby) Two years.
(Chu) And it was March of this year or whenever we asked the first time about the first lockdown.
(Pierre) 15 months left.
(L) Yeah, well... With what Gaby's seeing and these strange cases coming up, things are getting weird.
With the dreams Ark's been having... Things are getting WEIRDER. There was that session a long time
ago where they told us to log dreams, remember? That was back in 1997 or 1998. They were talking to
Ark specifically I think about dreams. They said he'd have some dreams that would tell us or warn us
that something was afoot. I think dreaming about a zombie and a black blobby ghost trying to get in is
basically telling us that there's stuff out there that's not very pleasant.
{The reference is to session 4 July 1998 which was mainly a discussion of future earth changes type
events such as cometary bombardment, etc. That session was also the first mention of the human
cosmic connection, that “Disasters involve cycles in the human experiential cycle which corresponds to
the passage of comet cluster. “ and “ Human cycle mirrors cycle of catastrophe. Earth benefits in form of
periodic cleansing. Time to start paying attention to the signs. They are escalating. They can even be
"felt" by you and others, if you pay attention.” A most interesting session with some echoes of this
current one. In any event, the specific reference about dreams was as follows:
A: You may do as you wish, just keep one eye and one ear tuned to current events. And, very important,
log dreams. Arkadiusz too!
Q: (L) Is there going to be some communication to us through our dreams?
A: Visions.
Q: (L) Where will these visions originate from?
A: Ether. }
(Joe) They were saying as well after his stays in the hospital that he needs to do some cleansing.
(Chu) What did they mean by cleansing?
(L) What we did before. We know what to do. Of course, maybe it wouldn't hurt to put some salt around
our room.
(Andromeda) It never hurts to salt! We can also burn some sage and Palo Santo.
(L) Well, I'm going to go up and salt right now. I'll do the smelly stuff tomorrow.
(Chu) So we'll be avoiding the vaccine and other people who've taken it, while other people will be
avoiding us! [laughter]
Session Date: January 30th 2021
Laura, Andromeda, and Artemis at the board
Pierre, Joe, Chu, Ark, Gaby, Scottie, Niall, Princess Leia
Q: (L) Today is January 30th, 2021. We have the usual suspects. [Review of those present]
A: Hello children of Cassiopaea. Honorreiae here tonight.
Q: (Artemis) I think we already had someone with a similar name to that.
(Andromeda) Yeah.
(Artemis) Are you the same person?
(L) They're not persons.
(Artemis) Well, you know what I mean! The same Cassiopaean...
A: Close
Q: (Joe) It's a slightly different spelling.
(Artemis) Honoria's sister.
(Scottie) Yeah, that was Honoriaea, and this is Honorreiae.
(L) Alright. How do we want to start? Do we want to have Ark ask his question first?
(Ark) Nah. They have to warm up first.
(L) So, clearly Trump didn't have the courage to do anything big and bold. Now the Deep State is in
power via Biden and... Camel Harris. So, what does that mean for the world at large?
A: Chaos.
Q: (L) What is the reason for the chaos?
A: Fear of losing control.
Q: (L) Well, I don't understand. Exactly what do you mean?
(Joe) I was going to say that their fear of losing control has increased in recent years, obviously. But it's
been as a result of their own actions, not as a result of anything the people are doing. The people are
getting agitated and thrown into chaos because of what's being done to them.
(Artemis) They're shooting themselves in the foot over and over and over again.
A: Greed is a sickness.
Q: (L) And I guess you mean not just greed for money, but greed for power?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Can you tell us any particular way that this chaos is going to manifest?
A: Increased military intervention at all levels.
Q: (L) So despite the fact that Trump was so friendly and always playing up to the military, they really still
didn't want or like him because he wasn't a war monger. Is that correct?
A: Yes
Q: (L) And high mucky-muck military guys are basically war mongers.
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) When they increase military intervention at all levels, is that a reference to it being not just
foreign, but domestic?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Okay. We've already pointed out that they're shooting themselves in the foot again and again. The
very chaos that they're trying to control is the chaos that they have created by their actions. Well, it's like
in the book Political Ponerology: they don't believe that they can't do what they decide that they want to
do, and they can't believe that they get the resistance that they get. They're like somebody in a house
with 500 holes in the roof in a rainstorm, rushing one bucket all around trying to catch all the leaks.
They're unable to read history or historical analyses and derive any benefit from it.
(Joe) The COVID thing is obviously directly related to losing control.
(L) COVID is all about losing control.
A: Yes
Q: (L) And they use COVID for just about anything they want to.
A: Yes
Q: (L) Well, before we jump off the topic of Trump, these people wrote to us. They call themselves the
Leo Network. They were saying something about Donald Trump being the ruler of the "lower world" or in
other words this world, and referred to him as some sort of trumpet…
(Joe) Trump-ets of the apocalypse. Trump, Trumpets… of the apocalypse...
A: Well, that is a bit imaginative, yes? However, we do find some humor in the expression: The last
Trump shall sound!
Q: (L) The last Trump shall sound... And then what?
A: Wait and see! But wouldn't you say that the universal retrieval system has a sense of humor?
Q: (Artemis) Didn't some states want to secede from the USA?
A: They may get serious about that leading to some turmoil.
Q: (Artemis) Then Trump will become president of the new USA or something...
A: No.
Q: (Andromeda) Nice try, though.
(L) Here's another question: Were Trump and his team able to assemble any credible evidence for
election fraud?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Was the election rigged in such a way that there was no presentable evidence?
A: No
Q: (L) So why didn't this evidence prevail?
(Joe) It didn't get a hearing. We know that part. No one would go near it.
A: Yes
Q: (L) So it couldn't get a hearing. Despite the fact that Trump stacked the courts, they still couldn't get a
hearing. The Deep State had tentacles reaching that far. What happened to all of these judges and so
forth that Trump put in place who SHOULD have helped deal with this election fraud...
A: Deep State visits.
Q: (L) So in other words, it was kinda like Men In Black who visit you and say, "This is the way it's going
to be."
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) The claim was that those Supreme Court justices were talking and someone overheard them.
Apparently, they were getting quite worked up, and one of them who was in favor of looking at the
evidence mentioned Bush and Gore and that this has happened before. But the others said yes, but
Bush and Gore didn't have the prospect of riots. So I'm wondering if those guys weren't warned off
taking that case because of dire predictions of mass unrest as a result of Trump overturning the election.
They didn't want to have that on their conscience.
(Ark) But I don't understand. What prevented Trump from publishing this evidence?
A: Deep State controls.
Q: (L) Quite a bit of the evidence WAS getting published, but then they cut him off from Twitter,
(Joe) They had hearings of their own where they had testimony from witnesses.
(Ark) I mean, there are thousands of ways to publish it!
(L) Not when you've got complete control of the media.
(Joe) The nature of the evidence was like testimony of eyewitnesses, but also forensic data from voting
machines. They would have needed to get full access to all the data.
(L) And they were blocked from access to the machines.
(Joe) Yes, they were stopped from getting full access. And no one would actually rule on it - no one with
authority, anyway.
(L) It was stonewalling every which way he turned. It was the most unbelievable display of blatant fraud...
It was shocking.
(Joe) Basically, the fraud was to do with the way states counted the ballots...
A: It is very bad juju for the forces of darkness to take over against the free will of the majority.
Q: (L) So in other words, the fact that the majority voted FOR Trump and he was not allowed to become
the president and they took over means that they took over against the will of the people. I think that has
some kind of energetic implication. There was some stuff about that in the Ra material.
(Pierre) You once asked what is the main universal rule. The C's said Free Will. At some level, energetic
or informational, respect of free will of life forms is a rule. If you infringe on the rule, you expose yourself
to some consequences even if you are high up 4D STS.
(L) In other words, cosmically speaking, they just painted targets on their own heads!
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Or is it going to manifest as earthquakes and tornadoes and kill a bunch of people?
(L) People will be objecting to this takeover inside themselves, so it'll manifest in some way externally,
we just don’t yet know how. Well, that's interesting.
(Andromeda) You don't mess with universal rules.
(L) What are the chances that there will be open efforts to target and potentially imprison people who
publicly dissent on major issues like COVID and lockdowns?
A: Very good.
Q: (L) They're already deplatforming them from Twitter, Facebook, and other social media. There's like an
iron curtain coming down within the USA. It's a curtain against any truth or information getting out. The
Bar Association demanded that Lin Wood submit himself to psychiatric examination. So, if you dissent,
you lose your job, you get 'examined' by psychiatrists paid by the Deep State to say you're crazy, you
get medicated, you lose your medical license if you're a doctor and you say anything contrary to their
narrative about COVID... We're talking about the heaviest crackdown that's ever been since it is
practically global! This is like Stalin, isn't it?
(Chu) And it's not just the USA. Europe is the same.
(L) It's the whole planet practically.
(Joe) It's mostly in the West. That's a good question. Why are so many of the strongest control measures
being imposed in Europe and America and other Western countries?
A: They were weakened by "good times" and "freedom" that permits the flourishing of pathology.
Q: (L) So in other words, when you have real freedom...
(Joe) It weakens the people and it also creates a climate where the greediest have a free lunch so to
speak. Those in power become greedier and greedier.
(Niall) Does that mean people in places like East Asia may escape much of this?
A: Partly.
Q: (L) I'd say they're a little bit overbalanced in the other direction. It's a real problem. It's a thorny issue
that always returns, again and again and again. It's cyclical.
A: How true that is you have yet to see fully.
Q: (Pierre) You said it's cyclical. The two last occurrences of this cycle - I'm talking about plagues - was
it the Black Death and before the Justinian Plague?
A: No.
Q: (L) Look at World War I and World War II. It moves from place to place to place. You're trying to think
of it in totally global terms. It moves around. I think that only now is it truly global, and that's because of
our global communications and transport. But even in Justinian times, we can't say that everything was
subjected to...
A: Not all places were hit in those times.
Q: (Andromeda) But they will be this time?
A: Close
Q: (L) Alright. Honey, what was your question?
(Ark) My question is that in my research, related to the paper I've been writing for a year now, there
appears a mathematical structure, an antisymmetric matrix or something like that. I believe it's
important, but I don't know whether it's related to action of electromagnetic field, or gravitational field, or
some kind of informational field. I have no clue and I would like to have a hint what it is doing this thing
that is there and I don't know what kind of job it is doing?
(L) So, you're asking if it's informational, gravitational, or electromagnetic?
(Ark) Or something else.
A: Electromagnetism structured by information emitted by gravity.
Q: (Ark) Alright. [laughs]
A: Go deeper to find the structuring forces.
Q: (Ark) Meow.
(Joe) In all the vaccines they're releasing for Covid, is there any chipping, or...?
(Niall) They answered that. They suggested it themselves without us asking.
(Joe) Well, that was back then. Are there chips in any of the vaccines they're administering?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Which ones? Pfizer?
A: Selective and specific.
Q: (Joe) And what is the purpose of these chips that are administered selectively?
A: Control.
Q: (Joe) Control of individuals?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) What kind of control can they affect with those?
A: Tracking and other.
Q: (Joe) Can they have an influence on people's thoughts and behavior?
A: Not thoughts, but physiology.
Q: (L) So they don't need something like that for controlling thoughts. They've got other things for that.
But they could probably put something in there that could trigger something that would go off in your
body and like create an illness, or...
(Joe) Is that being done for experimentation purposes to do it on more people at a later point?
A: No. Raw control.
Q: (L) No experimenting necessary. They've already done that.
(Andromeda) Are they chips like we think of them, like computer chips? Or is it a higher technology?
A: Nano.
Q: (Joe) Is there anything specific about the people they select, or is it random?
A: Difficult to control.
Q: (L) Obviously, somebody who's easy to control would just, ya know...
(Joe) But then my next question is how do they decide who needs it...
(Niall) Maybe it depends on what they say on Facebook? Those who are dissident get targeted for a
A: Knowledge protects. Review what you have learned about "alien" implants.
Q: (Pierre) But then the most uncontrollable ones won't get the vaccine. They'll refuse it.
A: True. Wishful thinking.
Q: (L) So it's wishful thinking on their part that they think they can get any uncontrollable people
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) They will control the individuals that are already sheep.
A: Yes
Q: (L) Okay. Any other questions?
(Artemis) Who created this nanotech? Humans or aliens or inspired by aliens?
A: Both.
Q: (Niall) Is this GameStop business more or less a popular movement or action being done by regular
A: Mostly.
Q: (Joe) Another question from the forum about Kantek: There's a generally held view by most people
that the asteroid belt is a planet that exploded. The problem is that there isn't enough material in the
asteroid belt to explain the mass of the planet. It's like only 2 or 3% of the planet. So people on the
forum have been discussing how there could be so little material left. Where did the other 97% of the
material go?
A: Much of it was disintegrated into dust and ejected from the solar system.
Q: (Joe) Somebody also did calculations on the amount of energy released from the explosion of a
planet and it should have had catastrophic effects on most of the other planets in the solar system...
A: It did.
Q: (Joe) Okay.
(Artemis) What about on Earth? Is there anything that we can see nowadays from Kantek's explosion?
A: Yes
Q: (Artemis) What?
(L) I don't want to go through a list of that! It's going to take a long time. There are many craters. If you
study the evidence... There's lot of evidence - even genetic evidence. The problem with craters on Earth
is that they tend to get healed over because of tectonic plate movement, weather, erosion, etc.
(Joe) Anyway, this would be an energetic effect - more like a blast wave. If most of it was turned to dust,
it wouldn't have bombarded the Earth with physical stuff. It would have been more of an energy blast
A: It was also directional due to velocity and direction of planet's orbit and rotation.
Q: (L) So you can't just calculate something for an object that's sitting still. There also had to have been
effects caused by the other planets like the gas giants. They would have had gravitational effects on
whatever was going on. It's such a complex system that it's hard to do any calculations for it.
(Pierre) Especially a planet we don't know much about. About a related topic: Were the Malta ruts
caused by ground-to-ground discharge?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) About the interaction between us and the information field... I wanted to know if basically the
DNA because of its spiral shape acts as an amplifier and universal antenna, while the proteins act as a
specifier of the information received due to their geometric conformation? DNA amplifier, protein says
what FM station you're tuning into?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) When we asked months ago about the next big economic crisis, they said that it will start as
usual with a manufactured crisis, but it will get out of hand. I was wondering if this pattern will be
synchronous with the current sanitary situation? Fake pandemic, fake economic crisis, and then real
pandemic and real economic crisis?
A: Sure. That's elementary dear Pierre!
Q: (Pierre) It's not to me. Last one...
(L) I'm here to serve! [laughter]
(Pierre) In a previous session, you said that in homeopathic remedies, the higher the dilution the more
potent the effect is. Could you explain why the higher dilution makes it more potent?
(L) Couldn't you ask a question with a Yes or No answer? [laughter]
A: Structuring of water is good enough.
Q: (Niall) Will the Powers That Be shut down the internet?
A: They will try to restrict, but they depend on it too much themselves.
Q: (L) They use it too much FOR control. They can't shut it down!
(Chu) People might actually get together in person instead of staring at their screens all day.
(Artemis) Oxajil wanted me to ask about her kitty. I was going to ask if there's anything you can say
about her kitty that might help Oxajil?
A: Kitty is now a guard.
Q: (L) So her kitty has become a guard in the astral realms?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) I did want to ask about our little missing time episode today. Was there any significance to this
missing time episode we had earlier this evening?
A: Glitch in the matrix.
Q: (L) So a glitch in the matrix... Does that mean there was something of a program change?
A: Yes
Q: (L) And what caused this program change?
A: You.
Q: (Artemis) Oh god! What did you do, Mom?! What have you DONE?! You messed up the timeline again!
(Chu) Stop organizing your room!! [laughter]
(L) Is the new program better? Will I like it more?
A: Yes.
Q: (Joe) I have one last question. Several months ago, we talked about speaking out against things
going on. They said strategic enclosure to the max. And we just... didn't pay any attention to that
whatsoever. [laughter] I'm just wondering if there's any danger to us specifically due to the way we're
pointing out things going on? Or are we in danger? One benefit I always thought is that we're in France,
but we're writing in English for the Anglosphere. We're not really talking in French about what's going on
in France.
(Chu) Well, we do have French SOTT and they do bash...
A: Tone things a bit and use allusions more.
Q: (Joe) So, I should write something like: “Isn't this strange the way things happen like this? Kinda
weird! I think there might be something strange about what governments are doing. Maybe they're
making a big mistake. What do you think?” [laughter]
(L) Alright. Is there anything upcoming that we need to know about? Or any closing statement?
(Andromeda) Words of wisdom?
A: At this point you should better understand "enjoy the show." So do it. Goodbye.
End of Session
(Joe) There's not much to enjoy. It's painful.
(Chu) The problem is that shows are short. You watch for an hour or two, turn the TV off, and it's over.
This show is going to go on for YEARS!
(Pierre) And there are Dukes and Duchesses in those shows. More entertaining. The real show doesn’t
seem to have any Dukes…
(L) The only thing I can say about it is that we learn from it. At a certain point, you get to where... I dunno,
you get more detached because you can only endure so much pain. It's like physical pain: at a certain
point, something shuts down when you're having physical pain, and it stops. Either you stop feeling it
because your brain stops carrying the signals, or you pass out, or SOMETHING happens. [laughter]
(Joe) It's like watching a slow train wreck. For a long time, you might think you'll sound the alarm and
prevent the worst that's going to happen. But at some point you realize nobody's listening and it'll
happen anyway. At that point, you have to realize it's simply out of your hands. And you see it happening
over a long period of time, so you do get a bit anesthetized against it in a certain sense. You can't keep
being stressed about it and survive.
(Andromeda) Or even shocked about it.
(L) When you take it all in perspective, all the pain and suffering on each and every side of all the different
groups of people throughout history, and then about recompense coming to this or that group... And of
course the average person would think, "Well, those people that committed those acts are not the ones
who are suffering because they died and it's their children that are suffering." Well, that completely
leaves out the idea of reincarnation, that people come back again and pay. I remember when we asked
something about Atlantis and the C's said the Atlanteans were doing a replay of their attempt to control
the whole world.
(Pierre) The motive is similar. The last destruction of Atlantis was...
(L) It was about power. We asked once about if black people in Africa ever had a high civilization. They
said yes. I asked what happened to it, and they said they were cruel overlords and their civilization was
destroyed and they were reduced to bare survival in the jungles or savanna or whatever as a result. So...
Power comes to one and then it's taken away. It goes to another, and it's taken away. Over and over
again. We just happen to be here in a place and time where a whole lot of things are culminating in one
point in our history. And the C's have said that this is because it's the closing of a Grand Cycle of
309,000 years or something like that. So ALL the little threads that were left dangling and all the different
groups that are deserving of punishment... And I guess the Brits are REALLY going to get it because of
their whole empire thing... oh my god. And I should talk about it! My DNA says I'm 85% British, Scottish,
and Irish. So... How do I know that I wasn't one of those empire-building nabobs over in India or
Malaysia or the colonies in America. And of course you can't even really get all soft and syrupy about the
Native Americans. What did they do? They were probably the Atlanteans. That's what their punishment
was: to be overwhelmed by the European invaders.
(Niall) What did the Irish ever do to anyone? [laughter]
(L) We don't know.
(Joe) The current ones have been infiltrated. They're all half-castes in power. Laura, you were the Duke or
Duchess of Tinklebottom... The Duke of Whibblesworth... Some funny English name. You will pay!
(Pierre) Taking this historic distance, you don't identify as much.
(Joe) You should take that French flag down in the workshop, then. [laughter]
(L) Well, all joking aside, I think the bottom line is that we're being challenged to take a more cosmic
perspective on the whole thing. What did the Cs say once? No body-centric persons need apply. If
you're body-centric, that means you're stuck in your 3D thinking. We're being invited to rise above that
and basically enjoy the show because we're seeing a BIG historical set of events transpiring right before
our eyes.
(PoB) Can we change the channel?
(Niall) Only if you change your proteins!
(Joe) A very good way to stop identifying with 3d reality is for it ALL to go to hell! Who wants to identify
with something that's a clown show, ya know?
(Andromeda) Which it is!
(L) It IS fascinating, I gotta admit!
Session Date: March 13th 2021
Laura, Andromeda, and Artemis at the board
Pierre, Joe, Chu, Ark, PoB, Scottie, Niall
Q: (L) Hello. We're here.
A: Lovely to be with you again. Gossuriah of Cassiopaea here now.
Q: (L) Okay. What do we want to start off with? Do we want to start off with these crazy jars?
(Artemis) Did you announce everybody here and the date?
(L) Oh! Yeah... Today is... What is today? Today is March 13, 2021. [Review of those present]
(Artemis) Any pets?
(Joe) No.
(L) Joe, you wanna start off?
(Joe) So, when you asked in a previous session about your suffering...
(L) What suffering?
(Joe) In general at different times when you were suffering from different ailments or things... The
response was that suffering was necessary to balance the knowledge that was given to the world, or
words to that effect. The suffering was necessary as a result of spreading knowledge. I was wondering
why that's necessary?
A: Balance.
Q: (Joe) Yeah, right. That's what they said last time. But... When someone works a lot to discover
information and share it with the world, they've already suffered to acquire that knowledge. When they
spread it, then they're in for another dose it seems.
(L) Is it the spreading that brings the additional suffering?
A: Yes. Think of something like Mouravieff's "General Law".
Q: (L) So in other words, if I just kept it to myself and I didn't create a stir, inciting others to struggle
against the General Law, I wouldn't suffer so much?
A: Yes
Q: (Artemis) If you think about it, knowledge and information is like light and truth. Darkness hates light
and truth...
(L) Well, my sorrow for the lack of knowledge that others labor under exceeds my concern for my
suffering, I think. I would rather do the suffering than to have others suffer. Perhaps I bite off more than I
can chew, but so far, I have always thought it was worth it. Okay, anything else?
(Joe) That'll do. I'd like to know why the Loch Ness Monster... [laughter] We're going old school! Why is it
that the Loch Ness monster and other similar creatures that are said to exist - and which the Cs said
exist - have never been seen and documented like other animals that live on this planet?
(Artemis) Didn't they say like they're out of phase with our reality or something?
A: Transdimensional.
Q: (Artemis) They're here but they're not here.
(L) Is it something about the creatures own frequency that causes it to blink in and out of our reality?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Is it living in kind of like a time warp or something like that?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Does it have to do with the belief of the observer as well?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Kind of like Flight 19, I guess.
(Joe) Well, they said before about the Loch Ness monster that they were like plesiosaurs left over from
the last ice age.
(L) And the last ice age was most likely a different cosmic environment, you know?
(Artemis) Is there a way to free the poor Loch Ness monster?
A: No
Q: (Andromeda) Is he eating well? [laughter]
A: Yes
Q: (Andromeda) What does he eat?
A: Whatever it wants!
Q: (Joe) It eats whatever it wants, including people!
(Andromeda) That's what I was wondering. Does it eat people? [laughter]
(Niall) Andromeda, does he have someone to take him to the vet? [laughter]
A: Mouth too small. Vegetarian for the most part, but not exclusively.
Q: (L) Okay. Do we have anymore cryptomundo questions?
(Joe) That's the end of crypto hour.
(L) What about those huge jars we were talking about earlier?
(Joe) Oh yeah! Who made the stone jars that litter the landscape in Laos? [See:
A: Race of hominids no longer extant.
Q: (Joe) What was the purpose of the jars?
A: Storage.
Q: (Artemis) Were they big people or normal sized?
A: Giants.
Q: (Andromeda) How did they transport them?
A: Technology. Think "Coral Castle".
Q: (Andromeda) Technological giants.
(Joe) Did they store grain in them to make beer?
(L) To make BEER?! [laughter]
(Andromeda) That was one of the theories.
A: Some.
Q: (Joe) They were big drinkers, I see... [laughter]
(L) So I guess we should just think about the fact that there's so much evidence of higher technologies,
races of giants on the planet, I mean... It's also covered up. Look at that Smithsonian business. If I
remember correctly, even within recorded history, there were giants discovered living on some - like
Patagonia or something - that have died out. Of course, there's some evidence that there were some
gigantic types still on the Canary Islands and in the Americas that had double rows of teeth.
(Joe) They found giant axes in various places too.
A: Indeed. The true history of your planet is little known. Refer to collections made by your Mr. Hancock.
Q: (L) I think that must mean Graham Hancock?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Yeah, he's a pretty good researcher as long as he doesn’t try to figure out esoteric things on his
(Pierre) In his last book, the second part is dedicated to giants in America.
(L) What's the title?
(Andromeda) 'Giants in America', I think.
(Niall) His most recent book is called 'America Before' or something. We have it upstairs.
(Pierre) He's documented that a lot. And the Mound people and...
(L) Okay. The 'Giants in America' or some such title, must be the other book I have. It has images of all
the many articles about finds in America that were sent to the Smithsonian where they disappeared and
then denials of their existence were made afterward. It’s obviously a huge coverup.
(Joe) Is it true that the really tall giants - like 13 or 15 feet - were they alive under the same gravitational
conditions as we have today?
A: Not exactly. Conditions on your planet changed significantly at the time of the destruction of the
Roman Empire. Giants from that time forward faced increasingly difficult conditions and survival became
Q: (L) So there were some still left in pockets, is that it?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Those were the ones discovered by explorers after the Dark Ages.
(Chu) Did they have a language we might be familiar with if they lived that recently?
A: Yes
Q: (Chu) Which language?
A: Similar to Basque.
Q: (Andromeda) Like Atlantean.
(Scottie) I think 'hello' was, "Fee-fi-fo-fum"... [laughter]
(L) And their favorite thing to say was, "I smell the blood of an Englishman!"
(Joe) So, gravity was less, let's say, to make it easy for them to...
A: Yes. Also electrical charge of planet.
Q: (L) That reminds me of all the really peculiar electrical phenomena recorded in the ancient
Greco-Roman records that seemed to sort of stop when records picked up again after the destruction of
the ancient world. But, of course, there were periods when things were really weird even after that. So
the people before the end of the Roman Empire were seeing a lot more of our plasma men than we
would see nowadays?
A: Yes
Q: (Andromeda) But the giants lived alongside little people then?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) And was life easier for normal people then, as well?
A: Yes
Q: (L) It had probably been in decline beginning from even earlier periods...
A: Yes
Q: (L) So that was the last big change I guess, something like 540 AD.
(Joe) In the reports of explorers after the Roman Empire going and finding giants and stuff, if they fought
with the giants it seems they were relatively easily defeated as they were big and slow.
(L) They probably weren't able to deal with the environmental conditions.
(Andromeda) Were they stupid?
A: Not at first.
Q: (L) But they became stupid as their health declined in the environmental changes?
A: Yes
Q: (Chu) They had to be pretty smart if they had the technology to move stones.
(L) Yeah, but that would have been earlier. Well, didn't the Denisovans have extremely large teeth? Were
they connected in some way to the giants?
A: Yes. Connected but not identical.
Q: (Artemis) Is anybody here distantly related to a giant?
(Andromeda) [whispers] Scottie! [laughter]
(L) In other words, do any of us have any genetic leftovers from that?
A: No
Q: (Chu) Not even Beau?! [laughter]
A: No
Q: (L) Alright... Now what? Pierre has his questions. Pierre, come sit here next to me or I won't be able to
hear you since you'll start trailing off and getting quieter and quieter. [Pierre relocates]
(Pierre) Okay. I read a paper that shows that DNA in an electromagnetic field behaves like a fractal
antenna. I would like to ask: the electromagnetic signal connecting us to the information field, does it
contain fractal components?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) Now... [Pierre gets up to return to his normal seat]
(Joe) Where are you going?
(Pierre) I'm uncomfortable sitting in the middle of everyone... [laughter]
[Pierre returns to the 'Hot Seat']
(Pierre) Second question: dugdeep and I have a theory to explain why homeopathy gains potency while
the dilution increases. It's counterintuitive, but we think that in light of the fractal component dimension
of the electromagnetic... [laughter]
[Laura bursts out laughing because in the background, several people are making the same patented
'Information Field hand gesture' made famous by Pierre whenever he talks about the information field...
We'll have to post a video of it! Perhaps even an animated GIF...]
(Pierre) Oh gosh... It was a complex sentence. I won't be able to repeat it... Okay: Given the fractal...
(Chu) You talk, and we'll do the gesture! [laughter]
(Pierre) Given the fractal components of... [laughter]
(Joe) We're trying to help you!!
(L) Would you guys stop doing that! Let him ask the question. [laughter]
(Joe) It increases the signal! [laughter]
(Andromeda) What's your theory about the homeopathic dilution?
(Pierre) Given the fractal dimension of the electromagnetic connection between informational field and
human beings, we think that homeopathic solutions gain potency when the succussion and dilution
increase because each time you do succussion and dilution, you replicate at a different scale the same
geometric signature that IS the connection to this or that part of the information field, hence increasing
the potency that is fundamentally just an informational signature that you replicate and amplify at a
different scale. You see what I mean? (“Succussion” is when you hit the vial. The energy provided helps
to replicate the geometric signature at a different scale.)
(Joe) So start with little... Say they're like hexagons. When you succuss it, you break that one hexagon
into five or six smaller versions. And you do it again and again, and eventually you saturate it with the
signature of the information…
(Pierre) And since it's a fractal antenna, you receive at each frequency range, you see?
A: Not only that, but also the division is less material and more pure information field "friendly".
Q: (Pierre) I had an analogy about that... Like when you throw a rock in the pond, if there are islands in
the pond, the frequency or information doesn't spread as harmoniously as compared to when the pond
is with no islands. I have another question. It's a Watson moment, before they say that... Years ago, you
referred to a triple bad day for the Rockefellers. In light of the recent revelation about pandemics and the
real plague, that for those like the Rockefellers it will be a triple bad day: health-wise (real plague),
finance-wise (real crisis), and social-wise (because they'll be hunted by the people when they finally
figure out what is being done to them). Is it the meaning of Triple Bad Day?
A: Close. But, not only. Frequency mismatch will lead to many "smashing" events.
Q: (L) In other words, the frequency, the cosmic ray environment, or the frequency of the planet and our
area of space-time is changing and they'll have like soul smashing events because they no longer fit?
A: Close.
Q: (Joe) Could that also mean that some particularly nasty people will attract smashing from space
A: Also possible!
Q: (Artemis) That reminds me of that thread where somebody reported things smashing and people were
reporting things falling and breaking all over the place for them, too. Like the change in energies is
activating a lot of psychic phenomena, or enhancing it.
(L) Well, this could also be kind of like that poor guy who got struck by lightning seven times. His DNA
must have been his antenna that made him an attractor to lightning. Similar to that, some of these evil
people may have DNA modifications because of their natures that make them also attractors to some as
yet unknown energies or things.
A: Yes
Q: (Andromeda) So they've really got space rocks out there with their names on them?
A: Close
Q: (Pierre) About the lightning... An electromagnetic link that connects us to the information field... I'm
wondering... Could the C's tell us... We know there's a fractal component to these electromagnetic links.
Could the C's tell us more about this electromagnetic connection? The nature or frequency...
(L) I think you're asking a question that would require a couple of hours longer than our arms can survive!
You'd have to get your questions boiled down and save it for another session. I want to ask about
(Joe) Yeah!
(L) Let's move on because viruses are kinda interconnected to this. I understand that there are people
who are writing that there are no such things as viruses - that viruses don't exist. Is that true?
A: No. We have already pointed out that viruses are information packets that can be easily sent between
4D and 3D.
Q: (L) So in other words, if I remember correctly, they said something along the lines that viruses were
one of the generators of certain evolutionary changes - if you want to call them that - but they're like
directed evolution. It's like Intelligent Design via viruses.
A: Yes
Q: (L) That being the case, these people who make these claims, they insist that the whole thing is all
about the terrain that viruses have never actually been seen. But... So, what's the deal here?
A: Terrain is important, but that is intermarried with FRV. FRV can be changed in a number of ways both
internal and external. This is one of the reasons that knowledge protects. If you have knowledge of the
ways and means of external modification, you can counter it.
Q: (L) And obviously if you have knowledge of the ways and means of internal modification, you can
consciously modify your internal control over your FRV. So, you can deliberately expose yourself to
certain things in order to build up your will, your strength, whatever. Choose the activities you engage in
to strengthen a certain FRV or refuse other activities. Interact with certain people. It's kinda like that book
about where they were talking about the pendulums... Getting involved with a group or getting certain
things going on will increase or enhance your FRV and the strength of it. So, the terrain is important, and
it can be modified internally or externally. If there are external modifications, then...
(Andromeda) External or internal modifications might determine how you DEAL with the virus.
(Chu) Or which viruses you attract.
(Andromeda) Right. Or if you get one like Corona that's supposed to be an upgrade in some way,
whether or not you have extreme symptoms or whether you're susceptible to certain ones.
(L) It’s like we were talking about the other day: a body, “the terrain”, is like a city, a complex organism,
and a single thing wrong – even if small – can lead to a cascade of events that make that terrain no
longer healthy. If the garbage men go on strike, the city fills with garbage which causes rats and other
vermin to multiply, and if something isn’t done, that can lead to an epidemic. And garbage men can go
on strike because of graft and corruption at higher levels. Also, in ancient times, there were city-states
and they would make war with each other. That would be an analogy of another type of external
influence to the breakdown of the terrain. But still, the breaking down of the terrain alone isn’t all there is
to it.
(L) So why are people going off on this thing about there being no viruses?
A: They have the virus!!
Q: (L) Are you being facetious there?
A: Only a little.
Q: (Joe) It’s a very materialistic viewpoint. It's similar to the people who have decided that in terrorist
attacks, it was all actors. Confronted with this idea that the government might actually harm them,
willingly kill innocent people for their political agendas, they just shut down and cannot accept it. ...
A: Knowledge truly protects.
Q: (Chu) From viruses?
A: It can.
Q: (L) It's like we were talking about the other day... It's like Pavlov's experiments in transmarginal
inhibition. You can bombard a creature with confusing or torturous signals or whatever to the point that it
breaks something down in them. Then they can be altered mentally or emotionally. At the same time,
many methods can be used to do this, including deliberately breaking down their health. These kinds of
things are being directed at human beings continuously. The stresses of ordinary life, the propaganda,
the contradictions... Those things are a constant. Another thing is that they're using various means like
waves – a frequency fence, it was called once - and so forth like cell phone towers. And the Cs already
said YEARS ago that those things turn your brain to Jello. And then you start believing things that are
false. If you start believing things that are false or thinking a certain way, then your terrain is gonna be
completely messed up and then you'll be more susceptible.
(Pierre) Yes, there is this beaming and this influence, but some people embrace those lies and some
don't. There's a free will component which we discussed previously. But there's also from the recent
session the fact that our connection to the information - to our thoughts basically - is connected to our
proteins which are coded by our DNA which is composed in great part from viruses. When you see the
No Plane theory, or the No Deaths at Boston Bombings theory, you see the same pattern of mass denial
and SOME people embracing it. So it suggests that behind the virus thing, there might be a specific viral
sequence that makes people prone to perceiving this kind of information again and again.
(Joe) Yeah. I don't know if you have to go that far with it, though. They've said before about the Actors
theory that it's basically pattern recognition run amok.
(Andromeda) Or the Flat Earthers. They just don't have what it takes to comprehend the concept.
(Joe) They take it to an extreme. Black and white thinking. It's ALL a conspiracy - everything! Most
people in the Western world today live in a materialistic paradigm. We can take a step back and see the
bigger picture because we have a bigger cosmological or philosophical understanding behind it. But
people who are focused only in the material world and they SEE correctly that there's something not
right about this pandemic thing, they ascribe it ALL to material or worldly powers. Then they naturally
decide that then everything is false - even viruses.
A: As we have said, it is not where you are, but who you are and what you see.
Q: (L) When you say, "what you see", you mean seeing the unseen, the truth underneath the lies?
A: Yes
Q: (L) And yet is it also true sometimes that where you are can make you more subject to being
bombarded by external elements that are trying to change your FRV?
A: Yes
Q: (L) And in those cases you need to take extra precautions in order to maintain who you are and what
you see with greater accuracy?
A: Yes
Q: (L) So, there are many components to that little statement.
(PoB) These people have no respect for truth and reality and they prefer to be kind of exceptional or
unique or whatever they think they are over what is real.
(L) Yeah, that's true. I've found myself to be wrong in my own thinking so many times that I came to rely
on not just the Cs but on networking and kind of being ruthless about trying to peel away what's going
on even in my own head. While it is true that when you hear something promoted by the media or even
alternative sources that have not done any work on themselves, you can almost assume that the truth is
exactly the opposite of what they are saying. But that isn’t always true. They are tricky. Think about
“Protocol 17” – there’s a program for everyone.
(Joe) Yeah.
(Andromeda) People fixated on ideas like that don't have any ability to question, especially not their own
(L) At this point with their track record, I tend to give the Cs quite a bit more credibility - even more than
my own ideas if I come up with something that's contrary or contradictory. The Cs have said that yes,
viruses exist and are agents of change. I think I’ll stick with that.
(Joe) Going in another direction, it seems that, apparently the flu has mostly disappeared at least from
Western countries this winter. Has it? And if so, why?
A: Partly. Lockdowns have closed off main transmission vectors.
Q: (Andromeda) Is there anything to the idea that the Coronavirus sort of displaces the flu in the sense
that if you get it, it's harder to catch the flu?
A: No.
Q: (L) In other words, not so many people are getting sick as they're claiming. Is that it?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) It suggests as well that a lot of flu cases are shifted...
(L) Into the Covid list.
A: Yes
Q: (Chu) But the same is said about the stomach bugs for children because of schools being under
lockdown. But what does that mean later for general immunity. If you keep people locked down, they're
gonna be more vulnerable when the lockdown ends.
A: General immunity will fail.
Q: (L) In other words, people really need to get herd immunity by interacting with one another on an
ongoing basis?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) And we have herd immunity that fails soon before a real pandemic...
(L) So if we have failed herd immunity to what's already out there and developing and mutating all the
time, then something could come along and REALLY do a job...
A: Yes. Especially if the pathogen comes from outer space and is distributed globally in the very air
everyone breathes.
Q: (L) Okay, so in other words... Now that makes me wonder... Is it possible that that's a planned effect?
Weakening humanity by all of this virus pandemic nonsense is setting them up for a major decimation or
wipeout event by a virus sent from outer space in some manner?
A: Yes
Q: (L) So... That's ugly.
A: Yes it is "evolution".
Q: (Pierre) That's what I was going to say. The main features are very similar to a mass extinction.
A: Yes
Q: (L) Well, okay. Has everybody got their favorite questions done?
(Niall) Is the Chinese government falsely imprisoning hundreds of thousands of Muslims in Xinjiang
A: No.
Q: (Joe) It's probably happening, but not on a huge scale.
A: Only in cases of extreme radicalization.
Q: (Niall) Which is what the Chinese government is saying, so what they're saying is the truth. So that
throws out the whole 'pathocracy' thing right there.
(L) Wait a minute, I want to know more about this Chinese business. Where is all the stuff about this
“mass incarceration” coming from?
(Joe) Well, there is constant repetition of the term “China Virus” and repeated claims about “China’s
takeover of US corporations” and “Chinese communist ideology being behind the radical left in the US.
Many people think that China is still a communist country. The only thing you hear from the mainstream
media are references to China overtaking the US as the world’s superpower. The conspiracy ideas come
mainly from alternative conservative sources.
(L) Are any of those sources generally reliable with a track record?
(Joe) Nope. It’s all hysterical nonsense like most of what passes for “news” these days.
(L) Well, conservative sources brought us the Iraq War by way of WMDs and dead premature babies
killed by the evil Saddam. He was no Boy Scout, but he was definitely not as evil as he was depicted
and was defamed in order to justify invasion. So, again, it sounds like “Protocol 17” – there is a program
for everyone.
(Joe) You would not believe what some people are believing these days! Mush for brains! No real
thinking; no careful analysis and considering all the implications and permutations!
(L) Maybe that’s what the Cs mean when they say “it’s the virus”?
(Joe) Maybe partly, for some. Seems to me that the process of cultural, social and
psychological/emotional disintegration is accelerating, especially in the USA. Going back to the virus
issues: A larger than normal number of people died as a result of Covid-19 vaccines as compared to the
flu vaccine, for example...
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Is there anything wrong with the non-mRNA vaccines? Is there anything bad about them?
A: Safer.
Q: (Pierre) Is the reason why the Western powers want to enforce the mRNA vaccines because they
contain obedience sequences?
A: Yes
Q: (Artemis) Didn't we want to ask about Deckard?
(L) Deckard wants to know why he got cancer.
Q: (Pierre) Entropic FRV?
A: Not "entropic" so much as negative internalizations.
Q: (L) So, he really needs to work on his FRV. Is that it?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Is it as we were saying earlier in our discussion that dealing with karmic and simple
understandings is the key? I wrote a post about it on the romance novel thread today [New title:
Romantic Fiction, Reality Shaping and The Work] Is this one of the ways that can really help with that? It
can take you through multiple processes by engaging in this reading project, thinking about it, and
sharing with others what you are experiencing and learning?
A: Yes. True for nearly everyone.
Q: (L) Some of the people in the project thought that they could read 2 or 3 books and that'd do the job.
My view of it is that it could take 100 books.
A: Yes
Q: (L) And that's because you can't find everything about your particular situation, plus you're dealing
with processing out past life stuff too. So, it takes a lot of reading and going through different scenarios
in order to learn these things.
A: Yes
Q: (L) Alright then... If nobody has any other questions.
(Joe) What about Revici?
(L) What's the question?
(Joe) Is there any merit in Revici's philosophy and treatments?
A: Yes, but August is not as intuitive and has to work things sometimes by trial and error. But she usually
Q: (L) So in other words, she doesn't have Revici's insight, but she knows the system and she works her
way through it?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Anything else major?
(Chu) Anything for group members?
(L) Yeah, do we have any message for us here or our group?
A: Yes, you have a period of time in which to work while the reality is disintegrating around you, do not
waste it!!! Goodbye.
(L) So that means they need to get on board with the romance reading project!
(Andromeda) Absolutely. No lazing about! Get to that romance novel! [laughter]
(L) Well... It's a crazy way to do it, but dammit it seems to work! I mean, reading through that thread,
people were having insights all over the place. Many are really seeing themselves for the first time. We've
tried every other method... And NOW, people are actually having insights into their own thinking, their
own behavior, seeing themselves as others see them. It's QUITE remarkable.
[New title: Romantic Fiction, Reality Shaping and The Work]
End of Session
Session Date: 29 May 2021
Laura, Andromeda, and Artemis at the board
Pierre, Joe, Gaby, Ark, Possibility of Being, Chu, Scottie, Niall...
Q: (L) Alright. I think I've seen everybody's face. Chu scrolled by everybody for me. Can everybody hear
me? Wave your hand if you can hear me. Am I relatively clear? Okay. I just want y’all to know that I have
resisted doing this for 20 years or longer - or however long we've had the capacity to do it. I'll tell you
why: I don't like being on camera. I manage to do it in spite of the fact that I don't like it. Tonight is going
to be kind of different because not only do I not like it, but I'm doing something that I never wanted to do
on camera. We've got a double whammy against me. Now, everybody's heard about it and seen brief
demonstrations, but tonight we're going to try to do it tonight with everybody looking on. We've got this
sheet full of questions. Where's my sheet? [Gets sheet from Joe] These are questions left over from last
time. We went through some of the questions and I pointed out that there were quite a few of them that
could be answered simply by reading the sessions. The thing is that last time when I went over the
questions, I didn't know there were questions on the back of the page. I didn't turn the page over. But
tonight at dinner I discovered there were other questions. However, some of these questions are going to
be interesting, but there were several of them asked that are clearly answered in the sessions. For
example: "What density are angels? What density are demons?" If you've read the sessions and The
Wave, then you'd know those questions were answered. Is that person here with us tonight? Ninas? I
don't see this person. Anyway, then there's something about tarot readers who would like to tune in to
Cassiopaea. You know that's a no-no. Or something about moon phases and getting in touch with the
Cs... Obviously, this person has not read either The Wave or the sessions. I think most of you know that,
so nothing further will be said about that. Then there was the question: "Would it be beneficial to
combine the Robert Monroe gateway hemi-sync meditations with Eiriu Eolas breathing program for
faster "astro" projection?" I don't know what 'astro projection' is... However, it made me think of football
fields with plastic grass. Nevertheless... We're not going to be asking any of those questions. I think Joe
knows which ones we're supposed to be asking, so I'm going to give the sheet back to him now that I've
taken care of that mess. So anyhow, y’all know I don't like to be on camera and I don't want to do this
on camera, but we're going to do it anyway. So, y’all just bear with us. [Brief explanation of board setup
and channeling process] Okay... I'm not even sure if it'll work with all you people here...
A: Hello
Q: (L) Who do we have with us? We've got some energy winding up here... I can see this is going to be
(Andromeda) Did we review who's present?
(L) Oh, hold everything! [Review of those present] Okay, so, here we go: Who do we have with us?
A: Quillinupaeia of Cassiopaea. Good evening to all!!! It is good to combine energies for the benefit of all!
Q: (L) Alright, I guess we better get started with questions.
(Joe) Arky has some.
(L) Honey, do you have some questions?
(Ark) Mine are for later.
(L) Why don't we start with your questions because you always get left out?
(Ark) Uh... They are too hot.
(L) They're too hot! [laughter] Alright Joe, get us started. I can't think of anything that...
A: Stage fright!
Q: (L) Yeah, I have stage fright.
(Joe) Are the videos of magnets sticking to vaccinated people's arms real?
A: Some. Some places and selected batches of vaccine.
Q: (Joe) So what are these magnets being attracted to?
A: Will be used at later time.
Q: (L) Creepy! Used for what?? [laughter]
A: Directed beam applications.
Q: (L) Well that's creepy, too. Do any of those directed beam applications involve the zombie
A: Close
Q: (L) Ooo, creepy! [laughter]
(Joe) Is that what they were referring to in a previous session when they said some vaccines would be
used to control people?
A: Yes
Q: (Andromeda) And what percentage of these vaccine batches have this technology?
(Joe) Or how many people?
(Andromeda) Yeah, how many people?
A: 12 percent.
Q: (Joe) That's a LOT of people.
(Niall) They're all Pfizer recipients I guess.
(L) That's a lot of people, but it's still small enough number of people that they can say that it's...
(Gaby) It's mostly in North America?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Because Gaby has been testing her patients, and none of them have shown any evidence of being
(Joe) She was doing it surreptitiously.
(Artemis) Yeah, she was like, "Hey, how are you feeling? Does this stick to you??" [laughter]
(L) Can I put a refrigerator magnet on your arm there? [laughter] Alright, next question.
(Joe) Are people vaccinated with some of the COVID-19 vaccines transmitting anything to
non-vaccinated people?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) They're transmitting COVID?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Anything else?
A: Not really.
Q: (Joe) That's one way that they can then keep the whole thing going.
(L) They vaccinate people and then more people keep getting infected since the people being vaccinated
are shedding the virus.
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Would it be true to say that the main goal of governments in doing this and perpetuating the
pandemic is simply to control people, to herd people to a finer order of control?
A: Yes
Q: (L) So that leads to the other question we were talking about: all of the UFO rumblings in the
background lately.
(Joe) So, there have been a lot of legitimate-looking reports of UFO sightings by the US military. What
are the odds of an official 'disclosure' in this respect in the near future?
A: Not too near, but soon enough.
Q: (L) Yeah, you have to recall what they said about exposure years ago. First it'll be life on Mars, then
they slowly move it along. And you said that they were probably pushing it because it was going to
become evident anyway at some point soon and they wouldn't be able to hide it...
A: Yes
Q: (L) Hmm.
(Niall) Drip-drip disclosure.
(Chu) Well, nobody's caring anyway. It's on the front page of papers and nobody notices.
(L) People are just... Their brains are just so freakin' FRIED! If there's anything to be scared of, you should
be scared of the damn weather! That's what's going to kill us all. [laughter] Alright.
(Joe) What is the cause of the so-called Havana Syndrome?
A: Directed beam weapons.
Q: (Joe) Is this just practicing on people?
A: More or less. But think false flag.
Q: (L) So they're going to make it look like certain people are targeted, which will then designate a
certain guilty party...
(Joe) Yeah, because the official Western narrative is that Russia is doing it.
(L) Oh, Russia did it! Well, Russia does everything according to those people. Next?
(Joe) There has been evidence of GHB (gamma-hydroxybutyric acid) in the bodies of people who have
gone missing and been found dead often in bodies of water, à la Missing 411. Humans produce minute
quantities of GHB. Is this substances introduced externally in these cases or is produced internally but
from without?
A: Internal and natural production, but induced externally.
Q: (L) So they have a method of somehow changing the brain chemistry and ramping up the production
of this chemical, which is basically a date rape type of chemical. Which brings up the other thing we
were talking about earlier... All the technology that's being exhibited today is...
(Joe) Part of UFO lore, basically.
(L) Yeah. The effects that they produce are the things that people who claim to have been abducted were
talking about 25 or 30 years ago. I mean, being paralyzed and worked on by aliens, having needles stuck
in their stomachs...
(Joe) Feeling a 'wall' of terror or fear...
(L) Yeah, beam weapons that act on people from a distance. It's almost like 4D technology has been
deployed and is being used in 3D now. Next question?
(Joe) What happened with the 'drones' which swarmed the USS Kidd, USS Rafael Peralta, and the USS
Russel on July 14th and 15th 2019? Who made them and why were they there? Why was this
information leaked to the public?
A: False flag.
Q: (Joe) By another...
(L) In other words, the US was doing it to itself, then leaked it as though somebody else had done it. We
know pretty well that the US is not going to let somebody else do something like that, but they acted like
they did so they could blame somebody. They're ramping up the...
(Joe) Like a high-tech...
(L) High tech false flag.
(Joe) Exotic weaponry, exotic drones. They're using it on themselves and then releasing the information
so that they can say Russia is attacking with their fancy weaponry.
(Ark) Or China.
(L) Next question?
(Chu) There's some on the chat here...
(Madara Horseman) Is NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) vibrational or any other type of spectroscopy
a good way to study soul imprints of 1D and 2D and possibly communicate with them? Any clues?
A: Not even close. Soul is consciousness.
Q: (L) So I guess what that would mean is that if you were seeing any reaction via this imaging process,
you would be seeing a physical action and you would not necessarily be able to tell whether it was
generated physically or via consciousness.
A: Yes
Q: (Ark) It's not like this aura imaging.
(Mexicans) If COVID-19 vaccines have a metallic component, what percentage of people may die when
they get the shot?
(L) How does that follow?
(Joe) We already have data on how many people are dying.
(L) You're making the assumption that a metallic component is going to kill somebody. That's not
necessarily the case. Reformulate your question.
(Joe) People are dying from the vaccination because it's overwhelming their immune systems.
(Chu) There's another question from the Mexicans, but it's too long to copy... Can you read it? [Question
is viewed on Zoom Chat]
(L) Wait a minute... Okay: [Laura reads Mexicans' question and responds, but it was confusing to
"After the fall, there were some attempts to recover the Edenic state or change reality back to what it
was, so to speak."
Do we know that for a fact? That's another assumption.
"We have the Tower of Babel, the [something]."
We don't know that those were designed to change the reality back to what it was, however we do
suspect that those were attempts to control large numbers of people. So, you're question's already
"From Laura's research we can understand a spiritual unification, colinearity, the true understanding of
shared principles, the correct use of sexual energy, the correct use of a clean emotional center in a
networking context are part of the whole deal. Is this part of what we're doing with the romance novel
(L) I think you've got things mixed up there that don't belong together. Tower of Babel and trying to
return to a 4D STO state, or whatever... conflated with spiritual unification as colinearity. Spiritual
unification of masses doesn't necessarily have to be a positive thing. It can be a negative thing.
"Colinearity, the true understanding of shared principles, the correct use of sexual energy, the correct
use of a clean emotional center in a networking context are part of the whole deal." Well, separate that
out, and have that belong to your question. So then: "Is this part of what we're doing with the romance
novel project?" And... SURVEY SAYS?!
A: Yes
Q: (L) Geez, how hard was that?
(Seek10) How widespread are black fungus deaths from COVID vaccine deaths in India?
(L) Do we know that black fungus deaths come from COVID vaccines? Do black fungus deaths come
from COVID vaccines?
A: No
Q: (Joe) A lot of the stuff that's coming up like black fungus in India and stuff... When you mass
vaccinate people with a strong vaccination that is basically a part of the virus, you immediately suppress
the immune systems of lots of people.
(L) Is that what's happening? The COVID vaccine is messing up the immune system and people are
being made susceptible to other invasive pathogens?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Alright.
[Microphone for Zoom keeps cutting out... Pause for resolving technical issues]
(L) Can everybody hear us?
(Chu) Okay, a reformulated question from the Mexicans: "What percentage of people may die after
getting the COVID-19 vaccine?"
A: Impossible to calculate; too many variables.
Q: (Joe) Like Possibility of Being just said, 100% of the people who get the COVID vaccine will die -
eventually. [laughter]
(L) Well, yeah, eventually! The thing is, I think that there's a lot of free will that's going to be involved in
that. People who get a vaccine, will they or will they not take any protective measures? Do they or do
they not have certain genetic factors that make them stronger or weaker than other people? Do they or
do they not have pre-existing conditions? Will they or will they not take care of themselves if they do get
sick? I mean, there are so many factors for each individual person that I don't think you could possibly
get any kind of percentage on even at this point.
(Ark) And moreover, it's not easy to blame deaths JUST on this because there are so many factors.
(L) Yeah, you don't want to do the reverse of what they're doing. They blame every death that's
happening on COVID, and y’all are trying to blame every death that happens on the COVID vaccine. It's
two sides of the same coin. Let's talk about cases. Let's look at things. Let's not get into some kind of
knee-jerk reaction.
(Chu) Next question: "What is the percentage that we might see the big financial collapse of the
economy in the next 24 months?"
A: High!
Q: (L) That's good enough. Yeah, we already got the news in our newspaper today that starting in July,
all the prices are going to be up, taxes on imported products, all the businesses and manufacturing jobs
that are small businesses are all going to be just completely done in. And they HAVE to know that it's
going to happen! I know Lobaczewski says that when psychopaths are in charge, they make stupid
decisions and put stupid people in power who make further stupid decisions. They don't think things
through. They have NO concept of consequences. That alone, one might think, could explain the
stupidity of the actions that are going on today. However, surely, SURELY they must have a rational two
or three advisors who will tell them that if you do that, this is going to happen and you're basically killing
the goose that laid the golden egg, shooting off your foot, and cutting off your nose to spite your face -
sorry for mixing metaphors, but that's what they're doing!
(Joe) That's been happening, and those advisors have been brushed off.
(L) Lobaczewski described what a country under a pathocratic... I mean, everything goes downhill. There
are no supplies, long lines for toilet paper, all kinds of things like that. That could be just what we're
(Joe) At some point in the past few sessions, we asked a question about COVID and the lockdowns and
stuff. They said that, as usual, the powers that be will push it too far and all will come crashing down. Is
the 'all' that will come crashing down at least partly economic?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Are they going to continue these lockdowns with the talk of new variants, travel restrictions, no
hugging your neighbor...?
A: Yes
Q: (L) I tell ya, people: it's all really depressing out there. The thing is, we had all of this predicted to us
25 years ago. We knew it was coming; we just didn't know how.
(Andromeda) It's surreal to see it actually happening.
(L) It's Bizarro World.
(Joe) At this point, we're just waiting for it to happen because we can see where it's going to go if they
continue on this course.
(L) We're in the middle of it now. Okay, let's take a break for a minute in case we might want to come
back. Does everybody now have a pretty good idea about how these sessions go? Yeah? That's pretty
much it. It can go on longer or shorter, the subject can be painful or miserable or heart-rending. We also
try to make it a little bit funny because let's face it, it's creepy! (Meaning that many topics are creepy.)
(Ark) Usually, answers are longer.
(L) Well, we haven't been asking questions that require long answers.
(Joe) Ark has some!
(L) Oh yes, I knew that was coming. I told you to ask your questions earlier, honey! Okay, so we're going
to ask Ark's questions.
(Ark) So my questions will be more optimistic. We have now the age where quantum computers are
being constructed and very soon they will be on sale in supermarkets. Using quantum computers,
everybody will be able to break any code. It will come soon, but is it true?
A: It will get close to that point.
Q: (Ark) But that's not my main point. My main point is that I developed this theory that is behind
quantum computers like many years ago. Now they are testing quantum computers. Recently there was
publication about benchmarks of quantum computers. They tested 21 quantum computers from IBM
and others. They were using one of my programs that is put in the book on quantum fractals. My code is
now running on quantum computers. It's not just something abstract, but it's used for benchmarks.
Now, what I want to know is... because this quantum theory is now real, that's for sure. It will be soon in
supermarkets but nobody understands quantum theory. And I have a theory but I don't really
understand. Einstein wanted such a theory. What is needed in order to understand quantum theory
which I FAILED? I know how to run quantum computers, but I don't understand it. What is needed to
understand? Like Einstein wanted?
A: Consciousness interaction needs to be formulated. You are on the way. Get back to work!!
Q: (Ark) About consciousness... Some minutes ago we were reminded that consciousness is related to
the soul. And now consciousness is related to quantum theory. So consciousness is in the middle of
everything. Where consciousness is located?
A: Where is it not?
Q: (Ark) What kind of mathematics is needed to describe consciousness?
A: Algebra.
Q: (Ark) Consciousness is related to information. What really happens when things happen is that
information is recorded. Where is information recorded?
A: By consciousness. [laughter] Information recorded equals time.
Q: (Ark) Is quantum theory related to time loops? That there are time loops and there are many of them?
It's in my head...
A: Yes
Q: (Ark) Oh... That's good! Well, I am done. I don't understand, but algebra is one thing that I understand.
A: Okay, work!
Q: (Joe) If information recorded equals time, and time only exists for us, does that mean that at higher
levels information is recorded?
A: No
Q: (Joe) It just...
(L) I think they've said that time is different at other densities.
(Joe) They said time is an illusion for us.
(L) Time as we perceive it.
(Ark) Oh, oh, oh! Do we need second time dimension?
A: Yes
Q: (Ark) Do we need third time dimension?
A: No
Q: (Ark) Aha! THAT'S an information!
(Pierre) You recorded it?
(Ark) Alright. I'm done.
(Pierre) During a previous session, they talked about a "triple-bad day" for Rockefellers, health-related,
and economy-related, and socially-related. The Cs said that there was FRV in the question as well. So
my question is: Are the current geomagnetic changes going to affect the way those people (Rockefeller
types for example) connect with the information field?
A: Yes!!
Q: (Ark) We have a another participant. [Pikabu the Cat enters!]
(Pierre) Okay. The background electromagnetic field with which resonates DNA, proteins, etc... Is this
field the Schumann resonance?
A: No
Q: (Chu) There are a bunch of questions on the chat again. And Pikabu just joined us.
(L) Y’all want to see my Pikabu?
[Pikabu poses for the camera with Ark]
(Ark) Meow!
(L) Okay, let me see the questions. [Scrolling through chat to find questions...] "Observing the weather
around the world, are we about to enter the next ice age?"
A: On the threshold.
Q: (L) "When is this new world supposed to manifest?" I think it's already doing it.
(Chu) Okay, moving along... Let's see...
(L) "NMR and other types of spectroscopy because of the Cs remarks on neutrino vibrations." Okay,
yeah. It's still in the physical realm.
(L) "Is hay fever due to vaccination?" No, of course not. Hay fever's been around long before
(L) "There is a trend in North America of what appears to be a revival of the pre-Roman ancestor and fire
cult described by Fustel." I don't know that I necessarily agree with that. I read your post about it,
iamthatis, and it would have taken me a long time to write a response about it. I would have had to go
and dig out my Fustel and get into searching the text and everything (and my brain is focused on other
things). I don't think that that's necessarily what's going on. I'm not too sure that an ancestor and fire
cult is necessarily a bad thing. I guess it depends on how it's... find me this guy. I want to see him while
I'm talking to him. [Technical mojinations ensue...] Okay, there he is... Okay, I don't know that I
necessarily agree with that view of it that it's a bad thing. And I think that you missed something in your
analysis even though it sounded logical. I read it and I thought what you were saying sounded about
right, except I had this deep internal reaction that maybe what Fustel was talking about is not quite the
same thing. I mean, consider the fact that when we talk about hyperdimensional beings or we talk about
the Cs or we talk about communicating or respecting or honoring our own ancestors, those are many of
the things they were doing in earlier Christianity. People were concerned about their loved ones who had
gone on before. Paul dealt with that several times. The interesting thing about the fire cult - I don’t know
how much you've read about Zoroastrianism - but there's a lot of similarities between the ideas of
Zoroaster and some of the ancient Roman fire cult ideas. Remember also that Fustel didn't have the
whole banana since he wasn't relating this to things such as Zoroaster. But I think the general idea for
the Zoroastrians was that the fire... Well, some of them. I can't swear this was true for the Zoroastrians.
But the fire was a god itself. Agni or whatever to the Indo-europeans. It was kind of the mediator
between human beings and the other gods. It consumed the sacrifice, which meant that it transformed it
into something that they could consume. The idea was that the gods couldn't maintain the creation or
the order of the world if they were not strengthened or fed or had an interaction with human beings. So,
that very well may be true. We know that 4th density consumes energy from human beings. So, whether
or not it's necessary for humans to exist in order for the gods to exist (and I use 'gods' loosely), and
whether it's necessary for gods to exist for humans to exist... Those things are kind of uncertain. We get
things like that from inference. So, I don't know that there is evidence for an ancestor cult being revived
in North America. I think most of them are too damn materialistic. I think materialism is their god. And I
think it would probably be a good thing if they did start thinking about their ancestors. It might scare
them into good behavior once in awhile. Okay, iamthatis, you're off the hot seat now. [laughter] I think
you need to study those things just a little bit more to get some clarity on that.
(L) Okay, let's see... This is Madara Horseman. So anyhow, you're onto this neutrinos business, and then
you added, "as well as spins, orientation, and encoding of experiences." Well that can very well be the
(Madara Horseman) The thing is that they in the past, they had a session where they mentioned
neutrinos and their oscillations - and I think orientation or something like this - being related to
experiences and memories that's encoded into the soul. And that's why I asked. Of course, this is only
the physical manifestation of it, but I was thinking if it's possible to study those particles or parts of the
nervous systems of some animals or 1D or 2D creations. I was thinking it could be a clue...
(L) Hold everything!
A: How are you going to study neutrinos?
Q: (Madara Horseman) Uh, yeah, that's a really good question. Usually the installations for the ability to
catch them in the act are really difficult to pull off even in Japan and other countries. Yeah, that's a really
good question. That's the reason I was asking about other possibilities that would be easier to pull off,
so to say. To try to somehow possibly study the memory systems or the interface and the physical
organs of different creatures. I had a post about that I think, or a few of them. That would made me think
that if there's a possibility of some sort to study them by having changes here and there and to be able
to find the interface exactly between the soul and consciousness and the physical parts of the nervous
system... In relation to what Ark asked about consciousness. But yeah, that was my question about if it's
actually possible study the interfaces somehow.
(L) Well, okay...
(Ark) I have a comment. I want to know why you choose neutrinos rather than photons which are easy to
(Madara Horseman) Well, the thing is that they had it in a session that actually neutrinos are the ones
that are related to the soul, memories, etc. Maybe I'm wrong here, of course.
(L) Yeah, we'd have to re-read that session.
(Ark) Honey, question to Cs: Do we know if neutrinos are massless, or do they have mass?
A: Minimal mass.
Q: (Ark) Ah! So they are massive.
(L) Well, I think it's an interesting problem. I think it's something we have to come at from several
different angles. Being able to study consciousness where you can use some kind of device... I mean,
already you know you can do certain kinds of scans and see things going on and you know there's
activity, but I'm not sure that that's going to be something that's going to be THAT easy. I think we're
going to have a great deal of difficulty coming at something like that. Okay, next question:
(Ryan) Do the crystals help us to connect a specific chakra aspect of our being or all the chakras
(L) Well, how do you know that crystals help connect chakras at all? I think the idea is to help people to
connect their individual chakras to each other, not within a single individual although that could help. You
have to do the work on the self to straighten out your chakras. Then if you've done that, hopefully you'll
be able to connect with other people. Next one:
Q: "If gravity was different - lesser in the past - how did it change and will it again soon?"
(L) Isn't that in the transcripts? I think we've talked about that.
(Pierre) Roman Empire.
(L) Yeah, it's already been asked and it's in the transcripts.
(Joe) Giants and all that.
(L) Okay, keep going (reading comments online)... Somebody likes kitty. Everybody likes kitty!
Yellowstone question... What was the Yellowstone question in 2010? Anybody remember?
(Joe) Usually it was, "When's it going to blow?"
(L) I read something about it recently, so I think it must be doing something. I tell you what, all you
people in the USA, if that thing goes, you're screwed. [laughter]
(Niall) Now the question is: "When's it going to blow, and what percentage of magma is going to be
released?" [laughter]
(L) What?!
(Niall) That was the follow-up question.
(L) What percentage of magma that's in the chamber...
(Joe) Unknowable!
(Chu) Alright, next...
Q: "What is the group's primary weakness that we need to focus on? Better yet, the groups main
strength and its weakness that we should focus on to improve our future?"
(L) Well, right away you've got an issue there which is that you want something... to have something.
(Chu) Do we want to ask about the weakness though?
(L) What is the group's main weakness?
A: Lack of true colinearity.
Q: (L) You know, when you think about colinearity, just go back and re-read what Gurdjieff wrote about
the circles. Does everybody know what I'm talking about? The outer circle, the mesoteric circle, and so
on. Perhaps somebody will post that in the thread that discusses this meeting and we'll talk about it a
bit. It immediately occurs to me that there are a number of things about lack of colinearity that manifest
in many ways. Getting to that point of true colinearity is obviously very desirable. At the same time, it's
not so easy! It takes a LOT of discussion, a lot of talking, a lot of interaction. Oh, they want to say
something... Sorry, I'm being interrupted:
A: Singing helps a bit. Reading exercises that are undertaken from the correct perspective also.
Q: (L) Well... Yeah. I mean, our reading exercise is very interesting because there are quite a number of
people engaged in it now in such a way that they are actually getting what is supposed to be gotten out
of it. But there are others who are NOT getting what is supposed to be gotten out of it because... I don't
know why (too much intellectualizing, perhaps). They’re just not at the place where they can yet have
that perspective on it. Nevertheless... You know folks, I'm getting tired.
(Chu) So maybe just the last one that we saw earlier?
Q: Is consciousness stored in the universal information field similar to how information is stored in water?
Is the universe an information field as the medium in which consciousness resides?
(L) Information field... The medium in which consciousness resides...
A: Vice versa.
Q: (Chu) The other way around.
(L) So consciousness is the medium in which information resides.
Q: What is the proper algebra type to describe consciousness then?
(L) Honey?
(Ark) Yeah... I am interested in this question. [laughter]
(L) Oh! [laughter] He doesn't have the answer, but he's interested.
A: Complex for sure!
Q: (L) Is it Clifford Algebra?
A: Close
Q: (Ark) Okay.
(L) Alright, last question:
Q: Somebody wants a message for the group. That is to say, is there anything we should have asked
that we didn't ask, or anything we need to know that you can tell us? Consider it asked, and just... clue
us in, please!
A: Again things may heat up a bit and create unpleasant frissons in many. Do not be dismayed or
alarmed. Continue to work and build your network and connections. As we have said before, all this is
evidence of the anxiety as the big changes approach. This will pass. Have faith and love. Goodbye.
End of Session
(L) Last time they said something was coming up, we got COVID! [laughter] So I don't know what's
coming up, but... Does anybody here feel unable to keep your wits about you in the coming months or
year or two? I mean, we've got to do it. What other choice do we have? Run out in the street and start
screaming and run in front of a truck or something? There aren't many options. Let's face it: the zombie
apocalypse is coming.
(Andromeda) Take it gracefully!
(L) Yeah. Get your official Zombie Apocalypse coffee mug. Keep Calm and Kill Zombies! I don’t know, it's
been SO crazy that I don't even want to go outside anymore to tell you the truth. I don't want to go
anywhere, I don't want to go to the store, I don't want to see people wearing masks. Look what they've
done to my world! And it's just really pissing me off. So... I hope it pisses all of y’all off, too. If it does,
then maybe you'll have the strength to hang in there through it all with your network. Boy, I sure would
like to see every single one of you here - all in one big group. BOY would that be nice. I look at all those
lovely faces... Chu is scrolling so I can see everybody.
(Chu) Some people were saying in the French group that the news is getting to them more and more.
(L) Oh, it's just to the point that thank GOD for our little reading project. I would have gone completely
bonkers without it, I swear to god. I can read the news a little bit and share a little bit on Facebook or
MeWe, but I don't even look at Twitter anymore. Twitter's a food fight. Just forget about it. I don't see
any point in anybody really doing too much at this point. We're preaching to the choir, or we're being
suppressed. I got really sick of seeing my posts on Facebook being deleted or have some kind of
'disputed warning' or whatever. I got sick of it. I don't want to be censored. So I hardly bother with it
anymore. I put up weather news most of the time. I'll put up some weather stuff, and they can't deny the
weather or “fact check” it.
(Artemis) Not yet!
(L) And the truth is that the weather is more important than anything else. The weather is going to kill us.
Did you see all those people in China the other day in some kind of marathon, who were killed by
freezing cold, high winds and hail or whatever?
(Pierre) Minus 25 degrees!
(L) 21 runners... It dropped to -25 degrees! Did everybody hear that? It dropped unexpectedly and killed
21 people!!
(Joe) They were running a 60-mile marathon over a couple of days.
(Scottie) And there was a shepherd who took a bunch of people inside a cave and saved them, but
others caught out in the elements just died. It was crazy.
(L) So anyway people, it's beyond crazy. Y’all know it, I know it. There are some other people who just
don't happen to be members of our group that know it too, but I don't see that there are that many. The
only thing I know to do is to keep yourself in an emotionally stable state in the best way you can while at
the same time continuing to interact with all your peeps - the forum, questions, discussions, etc. Years
ago I once asked the Cs... because one of the things that was going on behind the scenes of the early
sessions were endless - ENDLESS - minute discussions of every aspect of reality. Everything I thought,
everything other people thought - among our small group that was there meeting at my house in Florida.
At one point, I asked the Cs if all this endless discussion is supposed to be helpful. And they said yes,
you bet it is! That's the essence of networking. The thing about it is, when you get into a discussion in a
network situation, you've got to be open to what other people say. You can't go into it with an
assumption that you already know something. You can't think that the way you think is necessarily what
is correct or accurate or objective - mainly objective. I knew years ago that I couldn't possibly be
objective because I kept screwing up so bad. It took me awhile to figure that out, but I did finally get it. If
you have all kinds of issues and problems in your life, it's because you're not talking enough, sharing
enough, and you're not sharing SINCERELY. If you're going to talk to somebody about your problems
and you lie to them, how are they going to help you? Or if you leave something out? So, all I can say is
that we just got to get through this because I don't see any other way to deal with it and it's extremely
unpleasant. It probably wouldn't hurt for everyone to re-read Castaneda's The Fire From Within where he
talks about stalking and petty tyrants. That was one that really stuck in my mind where he sets the guy
up and he ends up in the stall with the horse and the horse goes after him. We have got to figure out
ways to stalk this thing... We have a WONDERFUL opportunity to learn the art of stalking with that world
and environment out there. Maybe we should start a thread about it and discuss it some more. How are
we dealing with it? How are we surviving it? So, anyway people... Is anybody totally awesomely inspired
and awe-struck and everything by this whole process? Do you finally get it that it's just really... work. It's
just work. Is everybody happy you finally got to be in on a session?
(Joe) Super happy! Stoked! And y’all want to do it again I suppose?
(L) Raise your hands if you do! Everybody seems to be excited about it.
(Chu) The chat is going at a hundred miles an hour: Yes! Yes! Yes!
(Andromeda) Well, you have some time to think of some good questions.
(L) Yeah, and now you have an idea about how to formulate questions. I went through some of these
badly formulated ones to try to show you how to do it. It's got to be an open question, a sincere
question, and one you can't answer yourself. There are a lot that are just pure laziness. Don't ask
questions you can answer yourself! Do some research! Once you've done all the research you can
possibly do and you STILL have no freakin' clue, drop me a line and we'll talk about it.
(Joe) Assuming your question makes sense from the beginning - and is useful.
(L) Yeah, useful is always helpful. How many of y’all have read my book? Raise your hand.
(Joe) All 600 pages? No chance!! Give it some time.
(L) I just want y’all to know that that book should be on the bookshelf of every member of FOTCM.
(Chu) They JUST got it!
(L) So everybody should have it on their bookshelf. FOTCM is called Paleochristianity because we had
some ideas about it back in the early days. Then of course I decided to find out exactly what
paleochristianity was... [laughter] So, uh... Cart before the horse and all that.
(Joe) And now you wrote the book on it.
(L) And now you know what your religion is all about. What really was gratifying was that my intuition as
well as a few of the Cs hints turned out to be correct. When you understand Paul correctly and you can
understand it from a comparative reading between his letters and the gospel of Mark, it really is very
similar to what the Cs have said. The Cs have said that the original sin was what, covetousness? That's
kind of what Paul says.
(Joe) Attachment.
(L) Attachment. Separation. So when you read it as I've laid it out for you, think about how it relates to
what the Cs have said. I didn't put anything really esoteric in there because it's mostly intended for a
general audience that knows nothing about the Cs or general esoteric subjects. It's an academic book
written for the lay person with no weirdness, okay? But as you're reading it, imagine how many of the Cs
concepts come into play there in Paul's theology. You have to get a physical copy on your shelf because
if the internet goes down or if there's an EMP and your Kindle is fried, you'll be sorry!! [laughter] When I
finish the book on Caesar that's going to be kind of like a biography, I think I'm going to do a final small
volume - and I think Harrison and I already have some text ready for that volume - where we're going to
show how it all meshes together: Cs, Paul, Caesar, the whole nine yards. But that'll be for internal
consumption only. My new book and the one on Caesar will be general consumption and anybody can
read it.
(Chu) And as hlat posted on the forum the other day, your book actually helps to explain to other people
what we do and how we live and stuff. We've had several opportunities here to test it. If you mention the
Cs, people think you're crazy. But if you mention Paul, you're just another Christian. And there are many
things you can convey that way. It's not just for our own knowledge, but also for spreading good ideas.
(L) I just love Paul. You know? I just really love him. I love Caesar too. Really great guys that lived, what,
2000 or 1500 years ago? They brought some really great ideas and they haven't been improved on
since. The Cs even talk that way.
(Chu) They don't believe you that it's going to be a small book. [laughter]
(L) Oh... well... Stop it! [laughter] Stop it!
(Joe) A doorstop.
(L) I couldn't make it any shorter! I'm sorry!
(Joe) No, they mean the next one.
(Chu) The Caesar one.
(L) Oh, well... We'll see. I mean, I'm almost 70 years old! Y’all have to take care of me so I can get these
books written before I go all to pieces. So, let's keep me operating, and I'll do it. I still have a lot to say.
[laughter] I really do! So, we're going to say goodnight. I always hate to say goodnight because I like to
look at your faces. I wish everybody could come here. And maybe that's something we could add to our
visualizing or shaping the future thing... So we could all finally be together. Alright kids, I'm really tired
and it's getting late. And we have to go feed our cat because we don't want her to shrink! [Lots of
Session Date: July 17th 2021
Laura, Andromeda, and Artemis at the board
Pierre, Joe, Chu, Ark, PoB, Scottie, Gaby, Niall, Noko the Wonderdog, Princess Leia
Q: (L) This is Saturday, July 17th, 2021. The usual suspects: [Review of those present] Here we go...
A: Hello to all from Cassiopaea.
Q: (L) And who do we have with us?
A: Prioeiae will do.
Q: (L) Alright. Do you have questions, Joe?
(Joe) I've got a few. First one is about Jordan Peterson. Was his illness last year a result of some kind of
direct attack?
A: Of course. He is not fully aware.
Q: (Artemis) Did whatever attack him get ahold of him in some way?
A: As usual.
Q: (L) Well, 4th density. They beam them, make them weak and sick and break them down. They activate
attackers to come against you. Wear you out...
(Joe) What is actually happening in the arms of these people who become magnetic after an mRNA
A: Hematies.
Q: (Pierre) The cells containing iron.
A: Yes
Q: (L) So it causes something in the body's own iron to collect?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Is something sequestering the iron?
(Pierre) Because iron sticks to the vaccines, and if you have iron in your body it won't stick to iron. How
is this hematie magnetized?
A: Magnetite.
Q: (Pierre) Magnetite is a rock that's naturally magnetic, but...
(Joe) Does that mean it's in the vaccine?
(L) Is it in the vaccine, or is it something that accumulates from within the body itself?
A: Body.
Q: (L) Is there something psychic about it?
A: Yes
Q: (L) So it's not purely a physiological reaction?
A: No. Nano particles act as antennae for strange waves which then send signals to the body inducing
modification on the next level of physicality.
Q: (PoB) What are strange waves?
(Pierre) We have to assume that in the next level of physicality, entities are magnetic.
(L) Now, what?
(Joe) What do they mean by 'next level of physicality'?
A: So that 3D tech can then operate more efficiently. It does not work as well with everyone it is used on.
Q: (Joe) Strange waves... I dunno.
(L) What do you mean by 'strange waves'?
A: Nothing in 3D is relatable.
Q: (L) So it's like a 4D wave... Are you saying this is like a 4D wave that, by way of these nanoparticles, is
able to cross the border between 4D and 3D?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) So are they saying that the magnetism is ultimately like paraphysical in a sense? The weird thing
is how any function in your body can produce such a strong magnetism from a tiny little... 1 mL of
A: There is much about the body that is still unknown.
Q: (Joe) So there are things that the body can do or produce that can be switched on by these strange
waves that are received by nanoparticles in the vaccine.
A: DNA can be upregulated in specific regions and perform specialized functions.
Q: (Andromeda) What's the difference between the people this works on and the people that it doesn't?
A: Usually DNA damage.
Q: (L) But not always.
(Joe) That's weird.
(Andromeda) So it's kinda paraphysical. It changes the DNA for us, but...
(Joe) It's creating superpowers in a certain sense in individuals. Not very cool superpowers, but...
(L) Well, I guess it's like some of those people you've read about. They have spoons stick to them all
over their body and so on. It's probably because of their DNA. It's active in them for some reason just
(Chu) But that would assume that the pharmaceutical companies producing them are aware of this
technology? Or is it a byproduct?
A: Byproduct partly.
Q: (Andromeda) So maybe they were intending to cause some change in the DNA for control, and it just
so happens that it's the same function that does this magnetic thing.
(L) They may have intended one thing, but it's actually being used in another way by 4D critters. Maybe
they were induced to construct the vaccine the way they did for these other reasons without necessarily
knowing the full implications of what they were doing.
(Pierre) Like a back door.
A: Yes
Q: (L) A back door, exactly.
(Joe) The nanoparticles that are used in the vaccine, there's been talk of graphene oxide. Is that one of
the types of nanoparticles that are used?
A: One but not all.
Q: (Gaby) Will the group members that will be or have been vaccinated with this technology, can they do
something else to protect themselves?
A: Your program is good if combined with knowledge and awareness. Knowledge itself changes DNA.
Q: (Joe) So if the ultimate reason for this technology being used in 12% of the vaccines is to influence
people at some point in the future, it's only people who would be inclined to act in that way anyway who
would be susceptible to it. It won't work in people who aren't of that nature.
A: Yes
Q: (L) Is it possible that one of the reasons human beings have been deliberately dumbed down is to
prevent positive DNA changes?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) And the culture?
(Ark) But I don't understand. Are these effects for just one vaccine, or for every vaccine?
(Joe) The mRNA ones.
A: Yes
Q: (PoB) Some of these videos look obviously fake. What percentage of the videos of these magnetic
effects are fake?
A: 70%
Q: (L) Well, there are a lot of people out there spreading disinformation and stirring things up.
(Joe) Yeah, and people on social media just used it to get attention.
(L) Every time something like that comes up, there are so many copycats. They just HAVE to jump on the
bandwagon so they can get views on their videos.
(Andromeda) Exactly. They don't have anything better to do!
(Pierre) I have another question about DNA. In previous sessions, it was mentioned that you Laura and
Joe for example had a dozen or more DNA strands. Are these extra DNA strands of a material nature?
(Joe) No.
(Pierre) Do these extra DNA strands have electromagnetic properties?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) Do they act in a fractal way?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) Do they enable a 'deeper' access to the information field?
A: Yes
Q: (L) You could have answered those questions yourself.
(Joe) Yeah. In the last session when we mentioned it, they talked about that.
(L) I swear, Pierre, sometimes you look just like Gurdjieff. You need to use mascara on your mustache.
(Joe) That's your extra DNA strands making you look like Gurdjieff. [laughter]
(Pierre) Well, it was not obvious to me. It took me years to think about it.
(Joe) Well, it was said in one of those sessions that they weren't of a physical nature.
(Ark) Can I ask a question? Are eyebrows antennas?
A: Yes
Q: (Ark) Antennas for what?
A: Information.
Q: (Artemis) So is the hair on your head.
(Pierre) Any protein.
(Chu) All proteins are antenna for information.
(L) I knew there was a reason I liked big hair! [laughter]
(Andromeda) And gentlemen get more hairy as they become older and wiser.
(L) Well, they replace the hair on their head with hair in their nose and ears. [laughter]
(Joe) If it's all proteins, that means all proteins in your body as well.
(Pierre) I have another question. Officially, 44% of the French population got 2 jabs of the Covid vaccine.
What is the real number?
A: Close enough.
Q: (Joe) That doesn't surprise me.
(Pierre) Probably the difficult thing is to reach above 50%.
(L) And we know about half the people are zombies.
(Joe) They're terrified.
(L) I'm surprised it's not 54%.
(Pierre) 54% is for one jab.
(Joe) Macron's statement the other day basically about segregating the population and discriminating
between the vaccinated and unvaccinated people, he was the first leader in the 'free world' to say that.
It's quite a draconian move. I wanna know what is the deal with France leading the charge into this overt
tyranny. Why does the French government appear to be leading the charge of instituting a tyrannical
society? I'll offer an answer: Is it because the French people are perhaps a bit more inclined towards
resistance to vaccines?
A: Close
Q: (L) So they want to get them subdued as quickly as possible.
(Joe) Does it have anything to do with us being here?
A: Partly.
Q: (Joe) What are the chances of this segregation of society between vaccinated and unvaccinated
people being successful in France?
A: Not high. Other events may intervene.
Q: (Joe) The other day, he said that if you're not vaccinated, you can't go to a restaurant or bar or café.
You can't even sit outside.
(Niall) Or go and buy food.
(Joe) You're not allowed IN to big supermarkets.
(Andromeda) Wherever 50 or more people gather, you must have a vaccine passport to enter. So
basically if you're not vaccinated, you wouldn't even be able to go grocery shopping.
(Chu) And the vaccine passport can't be faked. If you're not vaccinated, you have to have a PCR test
and upload it to a site that gives you a QR code. No more paper forms.
(Niall) And you pay for it now. Every time you want to see a doctor, you pay 200€ for the test first.
(Andromeda) You can't go to a hospital, no eating outside at a restaurant anymore...
(Joe) Macron declared it the other day.
(Chu) He announced it, and the social security web site has it up as if it's a done deal. They vote on July
19th, and then it'll be approved in August.
(Gaby) Children above 12 years old must have the Pfizer vaccine.
(Niall) No returns to school without an mRNA vaccine this September.
(Chu) If you don't have a smartphone, you go to a pharmacy and they'll print the QR code for you.
A: The changes are near as witnessed by this desperate push for control.
Q: (Andromeda) After Macron's speech, even Merkel said, "That's not the way to do it. That's not the
way to engender trust in your population!" Like: What are you, Nazis?! [laughter]
(Pierre) Events to come that might intervene, is it the Triple Bad Day?
A: Wait and see!
Q: (Scottie) Well, we can make a pretty educated guess at this point.
(L) So the crisis is going to spin out of control?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) Because of natural events?
A: Yes
Q: (Chu) Not because of people revolting.
A: Possible also.
Q: (Scottie) It's gonna be the Greatest Show on Earth. I'm tellin' ya, it's gonna be NUTS.
(L) A really big show!
(Pierre) I have a question about FRV. In reference to the Triple Bad Day, the C's added FRV also on top of
pandemics, social unrest, and financial crisis. Is it because these people resonate only at low
frequencies with the information field and because of the geomagnetic field weakening, their connection
will be altered or severed?
A: Close.
Q: (L) So, next topic?
(Niall) What caused the apartment building in Miami to collapse?
A: Cheap construction.
Q: (Scottie) BO-RING!
(Chu) How anticlimactic...
(Pierre) They said the building was crap. It failed inspections.
(L) Anybody else have questions? Honey?
(Ark) No.
(L) Okay, I have a question. As you must know, I have expanded my reading experience into some
different types of books. [laughter]
(Artemis) Why are they laughing?
(L) Okay, well, the reason I expanded was because it came up in the suggestions of books on Amazon. It
was called The Russian Billionaire. I had seen all these other ones, I was never interested in any of that
sort of thing. Modern day romance novels didn't really attract me. The question in my mind was WHY
was the title The Russian Billionaire? Is it promoting something about Russia or Russians? How is this
going to be treated in this book? What's going on here? Why is somebody writing about a Russian
billionaire in a political climate where Russia is the evildoer of all deeds? So, I got this book on Kindle
and I read it. I was really shocked that the author referenced Putin in a positive way. What was even
more shocking was that the book started talking about transhumanism and the singularity and different
things like that in such a clear way. Even though it wasn't explicit, it was implicit that the USA was kind
of like the guilty party in this whole plot to take over humanity. So I was really surprised. But then when I
got to the end, I realized there were other books that were connected to this book since it makes
reference to those. There were people in this book that were made reference to that obviously appeared
in other books. I wanted the complete picture, so I got the previous books and the subsequent books
and read the whole set. I started thinking that this was really bizarre. Here's this author basically telling
things like they are. But it's scattered through the story. I read a few others of that ilk and I realized that
most of them are just pornography. They might not be hardcore, but they’re kind of pornographic
because mainly they arrange some sort of story that is supposed to support the sexual episodes that are
described in loving detail. In any event, I spread my net a little wider, and there are many that I'd never
recommend to anybody. So, I want to know: Is this some kind of propaganda effort by somebody? Is
Russia behind this propaganda effort to...?
(Joe) Don't say that on social media, Laura! They'll all believe you!
(Pierre) Russia or someone who wants to promote the truth.
(L) Well, I mean... Is this some kind of effort to... I dunno. What IS going on here?
A: Personal mission by a number of enlightened individuals.
Q: (L) So there are some people who know the score... Didn't you find out that this Georgia Le Carre
woman only started writing these books in 2014? And she's written so many of them.
(Joe) Well, you know people churn them out. But that's what I said: I said those books that you're
reading is the kind of stuff YOU would put in a romance novel if you were writing one.
(L) Yes, if I wrote a romance novel, I would try to put that in.
(Joe) Yeah. You're an enlightened individual, and there are others out there who...
(L) So, somebody's on a mission to try to... Well, the thing is now... Some of these other books that were
not really directly related to this topic. They bring up social issues, and they bring up all kinds of
situations that really, really need attention. But what I noticed about some of them... This Georgia Le
Carre, she's not too bad. But there's so many that have such HORRIBLE grammar and syntax. They use
malapropisms just repeatedly and continuously. They don't have control of their verbs in particular. Like
sit, sat, sitting, stands, standing, stood. That sort of thing. They'll say, "He was stood by the door" when
it should be, "He was STANDING by the door."
(Artemis) He was stood-standing! [laughter]
(Joe) That's British English.
(Niall) Northern England.
(L) So that could just be an artifact of there…
(Joe) Yeah!
(L) Okay, so that would explain that, but then there are malapropisms that are really outrageous... Like
using the word 'abstruse' instead of 'obtuse'. That just absolutely does not fit. So it's as though they've
heard a word, and they think they know what the word is, but they don't really know what the word is,
but they write it anyway because it sounds fancy. It's like the way Violette used to write. And I said to her
that if you don't know what the word means... And she would say, "Well, people will know what I'm
saying!" That was her answer to me, and it just kinda blew my mind. The educational level of some of the
authors of these novels is just deplorably low...
(Joe) But to have that imagination...
(L) Yes, they have the imagination to tell a story. If you can edit out in your head as you're reading, you
can actually enjoy the story if you don't let it bother you too much. But I'm just flabbergasted at all the
books being put out there in this genre that exhibit the authors’ ignorance so blatantly. Most of them
don’t even appear to do any research at all.
(Artemis) It's the price you pay: You're really good at one thing, or you're really good at another.
(L) But I started wondering if they were using some kind of software to write these stories... Except the
stories have creative elements.
(Joe) I'm familiar with those colloquialisms of different dialects of British English. That's common! There
are millions of people who talk like that every day to each other.
(Pierre) Do you know more about this Georgia author?
(L) No, I don't know anything more. I just know Joe looked into her and she started writing and wrote like
50 books since then. 2014 remember is when that blow-up happened over there in Ukraine, and I said
that was the beginning of the end.
(Andromeda) Maybe she just saw what was going on and she also had this thing for writing romances.
(L) Well, the thing is that what they're doing is they're using this romance novel thing to get under the
(Pierre) Oh yeah, it's a perfect cover.
(Joe) If that's your way of communicating your thoughts and ideas, then you're gonna put it in. Like I
said, in the same way you would if you wrote a romance novel.
(L) Well, lemme ask this: Despite the fact that these books are a little more than slightly racy (to me
they're EXTREMELY racy), is it still okay for people to read them? I felt a little iffy about even
recommending it except for the fact that it had all this stuff about computers, transhumanism, the evil
empire, the secret rulers of the world and so forth.
A: Those with good mental and spiritual hygiene will be fine and even benefited by this reading.
Q: (Joe) The problem is that people who aren't like that, it might give them ideas and they'll go out and
look for a Russian don...
A: Warnings to the wise.
Q: (L) In other words, give warnings and the wise will take the warnings. Those who don't take the
warnings, well... What can you do?
(Artemis) Something to remember is that romance and sex is how you give people information.
A: Note how similar in dynamics the books in question are to your beloved regency stories!
Q: (L) Well, that's a good point. Some of these stories, I mean... In the Regency stories, the bad guy gets
killed in a duel or sword fight. There's almost like vigilante justice effected by the hero of the story. In
these more modern ones, they set it as mafia dons or something and they just blow the evil doers away!
It's just the modern version of it.
(Joe) A modern more graphic twist on the Regency Romance novels.
(L) Except for a few that were really excessive, they all seem to be about true love, everlasting love,
faithfulness, and fidelity. In the modern books, they're ALL rakes. In the Regency ones, they're rakes too.
So, I guess six of one, half a dozen of the other. Okay, so I'm okay.
(Joe) In the US, there are certain states - notably Florida and Texas - which have been exemplary in their
pushback against this Covid nonsense. They didn't lock down, they opened and returned to normal
more quickly, etc. That's kind of strange in a sense because you wouldn't expect that to come from the
US - or at least we wouldn't. My point is that right now and over the past year, Florida and Texas were
good places to live given what people in most places in the Western world were subjected to. So my
question is: What's the prognosis for places like Florida and Texas?
A: Suppression will be attempted...
Q: (L) Alright, I think we've covered what we had to cover, right?
(Joe) "Suppression will be attempted..."
(Andromeda) But not necessarily successful.
(Joe) Revolution?
A: Exactly. Remember the Alamo!!
Q: (Joe) I hope so. I wanna see SOMEBODY do something. If it's gonna happen anywhere, it's gonna
happen in America.
(Niall) Trump's coming back!
(Joe) 1776 will rise again!... [laughter]
(L) Is there anything we need to know or ask? Consider it asked to help us out through this turmoil...
A: Things will get worse before they get better. Stay alert and use knowledge!!! Goodbye.
End of Session
Session Date: September 18th 2021
Laura, Andromeda, and Artemis at the board
Pierre, Joe, Chu, Ark, PoB, Scottie, Niall, Gaby, Noko the Wonderdog, Princess Leia, Pikabu the Cat
Q: (L) Today is September 18, 2021. The usual suspects: [Review of those present] Okay, let's begin.
Hello. Is anybody out there?
A: Gloriaea in excelsis!
Q: (L) Is that your name?
A: First part will serve.
Q: (L) So, Gloriaea. And you just added the 'in excelsis' to that?
A: Yes
Q: (Artemis) We already had a Gloriaea at the board.
(L) It's from a song.
(Chu) It's a latin thing.
["Gloria in excelsis Deo" is Latin for "Glory to God in the highest"]
(L) So, as Gaby pointed out, what I said before the session is a question. I can't think of a specific
question that I want to ask, except for the fact that I feel the need for a session because things are so
strange. I feel this building sensation of inner stress - like a tension. Waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Something like that. So, what's going on?
A: Now would be a good time to ponder the lessons contained in the Parable of the Sower.
The Parable of the Sower (sometimes called the Parable of the Soils) is a parable of Jesus found in
Matthew 13:1–23, Mark 4:1–20, Luke 8:4–15 and the extra-canonical Gospel of Thomas.[1]
Again Jesus began to teach by the lake. The crowd that gathered around him was so large that he got
into a boat and sat in it out on the lake, while all the people were along the shore at the water’s edge. He
taught them many things by parables, and in his teaching said: “Listen! A farmer went out to sow his
seed. As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up. Some
fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow.
But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root.
Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants, so that they did not bear grain. Still
other seed fell on good soil. It came up, grew and produced a crop, some multiplying thirty, some sixty,
some a hundred times.”
Then Jesus said, “Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear.”
When he was alone, the Twelve and the others around him asked him about the parables. He told them,
“The secret of the kingdom of God has been given to you. But to those on the outside everything is said
in parables so that,“‘they may be ever seeing but never perceiving, and ever hearing but never
understanding; otherwise they might turn and be forgiven!’”
Then Jesus said to them, “Don’t you understand this parable? How then will you understand any
parable? The farmer sows the word. Some people are like seed along the path, where the word is sown.
As soon as they hear it, Satan comes and takes away the word that was sown in them. Others, like seed
sown on rocky places, hear the word and at once receive it with joy. But since they have no root, they
last only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, they quickly fall away.
Still others, like seed sown among thorns, hear the word; but the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of
wealth and the desires for other things come in and choke the word, making it unfruitful. Others, like
seed sown on good soil, hear the word, accept it, and produce a crop—some thirty, some sixty, some a
hundred times what was sown.”
Q: (L) Well, I wrote about it in From Paul to Mark. There was somebody who was giving a really
interesting interpretation whose work I cited. It was his deduction from his analysis of the text that the
Parable of the Sower was one of the secrets of the Kingdom of God which was that there were different
types of human beings and that they simply were that way by their very nature. But at the same time, the
wiles of the devil were always working, too. So there are people of different types. Any further comment
on that? We can discuss it on the forum.
A: These are the times that try men's souls. And perhaps now you can understand the full meaning of
that statement. Some souls do not do well under stress and pressure and the human system is
constructed to alleviate stress by whatever means necessary.
Q: (L) Well, I guess that's pretty much a description of what we see around us.
(Andromeda) That's something I've been thinking a lot about lately, actually.
(L) Most people simply can't handle the stress or pressure, and they make whatever rationalizations they
need to themselves to give up or change their course or to justify whatever... Anything to get rid of their
stress, any kind of feeling bad.
(Joe) Is getting vaccinated one way that people are alleviating that stress?
A: Indeed.
Q: (Pierre) And this tension I think is this divide between those kinds of souls and the other ones. The
chasm is widening because I think the vaccine reinforces this way of wishfully thinking.
(Joe) Just believing a lie does that.
(L) There are other ways, I mean... People who think that resisting the vaccine to the death is the only
way to go, for example.
(Andromeda) That's not the only way to resist.
(L) And becoming wild radicals is not a good idea. Well, certainly there are people who are suited to
being radical and doing things that may end up being violent or something. That's not our way. I think
that for us, it's not the right way. So, I dunno... Just a lot to think about. How do different souls fit into
different categories on both sides of the equation: pro-vaccine AND anti-vaccine? Alright, any further
questions on that?
(Gaby) Is there any reason why they have this deadline of the 15th of October to get everyone
vaccinated? Is there a reason?
A: Changes are coming and they know it.
Q: (L) As in climate changes, or planetary changes, or Earth changes, or somewhere in that category?
A: Yes. Close.
Q: (Artemis) What about aliens?
A: Close
Q: (Artemis) Close to aliens and close to Earth changes, okay! Earth-changing aliens!
(L) I have to say that people who have been willingly vaccinated are probably gonna be the aliens!
(Andromeda) Alien zombies!
(L) But for those who believe the vaccine is the solution...
(Joe) Yeah, but not for those who know what it is and took steps to protect themselves.
(Artemis) Is Cthulhu coming to smite people for their insolence?
A: Close
Q: (L) Close! Jesus... [laughter] Okay, questions?
(Joe) A year and a half ago, they gave a time frame of about 2 years for some kind of a REAL pandemic
or viral outbreak. There's a lot of evidence that the mRNA vaccinations especially are actually
suppressing people's immune systems. Is the C's time frame still correct? Those who are weakened
would be very vulnerable to a real virus. Are we still on track maybe next spring for that kind of thing?
A: Close enough. Things are soon to get more dramatic. Be glad of the period of relatively controlled
Q: (L) In other words, what we've been going through where it seems like we're just waiting, waiting,
waiting to see what's gonna happen, we're gonna look back on this as a rest period?!
A: Close
Q: (Andromeda) It seems like we're waiting, waiting, waiting for something bad to happen. Well, that's
what you're doing... [laughter]
(L) Next question?
(Pierre) How many people on the planet were killed by the Covid vaccines?
(Chu) Well, you can't even get a proper answer to that because what if there are other factors?
(L) Yeah, I don't think I'd ask those kinds of questions.
(Niall) Which vaccines? How sick were they before getting them?
(L) Too many variables. You'd have to break it down.
(Joe) Well, I dunno... It could be pretty clear cut. You might have people who would have lived this many
times longer, except they didn't because of the vaccine...
(L) Okay, rephrase the question.
(Joe) How many people globally died so far where the vaccine was the main contributing factor to their
A: 200k or thereabouts.
Q: (Niall) Somebody out there came up with that figure.
(Andromeda) It's almost 7 times what they reported officially.
(Pierre) They said 37,000 in the West.
(Andromeda) But with a margin of error where it could be 10 times higher.
(Joe) There's a lot of articles in the past two weeks about rumors of food shortages this winter due to
various reasons. It's not just high food prices, but food shortages. Lots of reasons are given: the Covid
thing, destruction of business, fuel shortages, etc. Is that something that's likely to...?
A: Weather destruction of food sources has been covered up by fake news.
Q: (L) So it's worse than they let on?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) They're just holding back a flood, ya know? But it's gonna reach a breaking point.
(L) So, it's time for the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse!
A: You can hear the hoof beats in the distance.
Q: (L) Oooh! [laughter]
(Andromeda) That's dramatic!
(L) What about the creature you mentioned earlier?
(Artemis) Cthulhu?
(L) Does he ride a horse?
(Pierre) He's from H.P. Lovecraft novels.
(Artemis) Next they're gonna say Satan's gonna rise up from the Earth! [laughter]
(Andromeda) With fire shooting out of his eyes! Creepy!
(L) We're just batting a thousand tonight! [laughter] Next question?
(Pierre) The organ where scientists found the highest concentration of the COVID vaccine is the ovaries.
Is that by design?
A: Not human intent, but influences from other realms have that as a goal.
Q: (Artemis) So why the ovaries?
(Chu) Because it reduces fertility.
(L) And creates mutations. A new race.
(Pierre) Is one of the objectives to create a new race?
A: Close
Q: (L) Another experiment on the human race...
A: Yes
Q: (L) That reminds me: A long time ago, we asked a question about how all of humanity fell or became
entrapped in 3d... They said something about how DNA became modified and certain factors being
canceled in the DNA. It was all being done simultaneously. It was something about light doing it. We'll
have to find the exact excerpt. But the thing is that, in a certain sense, technically speaking that's almost
what they're doing right now. And when you figure out that alien technology is still somewhat material,
then you wonder what happened back then. Was there some kind of vaccine that they gave everybody
back then?
(Artemis) I've also noticed that people who have taken vaccines think that vaccines are good. So I think
vaccines make people think that vaccines are good.
(L) Well, they have to think they're good because they invest themselves in them.
(Andromeda) Yeah, they have to justify their decisions.
(L) Alright. Next question?
(Joe) Is Michelle Obama a man? [laughter]
A: No
Q: (L) Oh rats! I was SO sure! I was so sure she was! [laughter] Michael Obama. Next question? Anybody
brave enough?
(Artemis) So they said the vaccine affects the ovaries. Hasn't it already been found before that it affects
the pineal or pituitary glands? And isn't the pineal or pituitary used for picking up channeling
(L) Probably both.
(Artemis) So does that mean that vaccines make it so people pick up negative frequencies?
A: Yes
Q: (Artemis) So that means people who've been vaccinated are channeling Satan. [laughter] Okay, that's
extreme, but...
(L) They can definitely download some weird stuff. But only those susceptible, I think.
(Pierre) On this line, the RNA in the vaccine code is for a protein very similar to syncytin. Mis-expression
of this protein syncytin leads to disorders like schizophrenia that are considered by some researchers as
possession. So my question is: Can the vaccine in some cases increase the incidence of actual
A: Oh indeed!!
Q: (Artemis) [in a demonic voice] 'The vaccine is preparing the vessels!' [laughter]
(L) This is just getting creepier by the minute!
(Pierre) Remember the session where the C's said they're preparing to control you in 4th density?
(L) That's their goal.
(Joe) They also said that Hitler's goal of creating a Master Race was just a trial run...
(L) Oh Jesus... I never thought about that.
(Joe) He didn't have vaccines mind you, but... If you want to create a new race or to change people by
the billions, you have to inject them with DNA. They're basically being injected with DNA.
(Pierre) But is it working exactly according to their plan?
(Joe) Well, they said already about mutations and stuff.
(Pierre) I would like to know why the 3rd dose, 4th dose, 5th dose... Is it only to...
(Joe) That's to cover up the fact that it's not working.
A: They keep hitting snags. It's not nice to try to control Mother Nature.
Q: (L) So Mother Nature... Nature is getting in the way.
(Artemis) Are there some kind of ignorant innocent people who can be spared this if they're forced to get
the vaccine? Can they be protected in some way just simply by their soul essence?
A: Yes
Q: (Artemis) Well, that's good. Some people are just kind and sweet, and they're just doing it because
they have to.
(L) Yeah.
(Joe) What percentage of the global population can see this more or less for what it is: something evil or
A: 12 percent.
Q: (Niall) We said 10%.
(Pierre) It's interesting because it's the exact number, 12%, of health workers in France that preferred to
be fired than to be injected.
(L) 12 percent. Interesting.
(Artemis) It's also forcing the smart people to make themselves known. You notice how they want your
ID more and more on web sites. They want to know who everybody is and where they are.
(L) Anybody got any more questions?
(Ark) Me. I was playing with my model of superluminal communication. I would like to know about this
'We are you in the future'. Can it be said that it's like 100-200 years in the future, or 1000-2000 years,
or... Can I have an estimation of how far in the future in numbers? If it can be said. Not exact, but a
A: It can vary, but usually under 1k years or too much signal corruption.
Q: (L) Less than 1000 years.
(Pierre) I'm trying to reconcile the AD timeline of history and the BP timeline, ice cores and
dendrochronology. There seems to be one matching marker at 536 AD - a year without summer, very
cold, very bad weather - seemingly matching the 1500 BP mark with a converging cooling all over the
planet revealed by ice cores and tree rings. So my question is: Is it a real match?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) In a previous session you mentioned about 470 years added between us and Julius Caesar. If
it matches, it means these 470 years were added before 536 AD?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) It means Caesar died about 70 years before this 536 event?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) Wow. It means there's no late or middle Roman Empire!
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) Everything is collapsing. Yes, yes, yes. It's all gone. That's what we thought.
(L) And documents were faked to fill in the gap.
(Niall) Fake emperors and stuff.
(Joe) If there's a kind of rough mirror in this go-round, first Caesar and then a Dark Ages and collapse...
And then in our era, a close match might be JFK as this era's Caesar. 1963. Plus 70 years is 2033.
(Pierre) Oh, I see what you mean.
(Niall) So 70 years after Caesar's death. So it's 44 BC. What's 44 + 70? So it's right after the fall,
kaboom, it's gone. In fact, Paul didn't live very long.
(Pierre) Kaboom, and you transition to the Justinian plague.
(L) So in other words, Paul was right: the end of the world WAS coming?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) And the 2 or 3 missing centuries after the Justinian plague, they were not made up. They were
there, but there was nothing going on because everybody was dead!
(L) Yeah, 90% death rate in the archaeology around Rome.
(Joe) Does that mean that JFK and Laura are this era's Caesar and Paul? [laughter]
(L) Oh, stop it! [laughter]
(Joe) Well, answer the question!
A: Silly!
Q: (Joe) Silly? That means yes.
(Niall) But when was the Jewish War then? And Josephus? That would have to be AFTER the collapse...
(Joe) Where's your Jewish War, Laura?
(L) I don't think there was a Jewish War.
(Joe) Somebody could have just been writing a fairytale...
(L) There was stuff going on at that time, like rebellion, but... Sorting out that MESS would be a labor of
Hercules. I mean, Hercules was asked to clean the Augean stables. He was not asked to refill them.
(Joe) All those events can be... I mean, you take events that happened in our recent history and you
imagine someone chronicling that, you could expand that out over a long period of time. The amount of
stuff that has happened if you took discrete events over the past 20 years, you could expand those out
over a long period of time if you want.
(L) Sure. You could just write stuff and make some editorial changes, add stuff, re-use stories, and... I
mean, look what I found that happened with Gregory of Tours vs. the Eastern Empire records. The whole
history of Gregory of Tours fits into a slot that is completely blank in the records of the Eastern Empire.
It's as though they stole that material and used it to write his history. God, how many times did they do
that... Alright, anybody else have any questions? I'm getting depressed. [laughter]
(Chu) I have a related one. With all this fudging of history, is it true that there was never any vulgar Latin,
and the chronology as it's depicted is wrong?
A: Yes
Q: (L) It affects everything - EVERYTHING. It's like a falling domino. It's enough to make you want to run
out of the house screaming!
(PoB) I have a question. Was seeding Communism at the beginning of the 19th century more or less a
rehearsal to what seems to be developing now?
A: Partly. It is all part of the bigger picture.
Q: (L) Anything else?
(Artemis) Do you remember that link that you sent me about the 'Well to Hell' or whatever in the Middle
(Joe) It's in... Yemen.
(Artemis) Is there anything strange down there?
A: Not really.
Q: (Artemis) So people there are just paranoid for no reason.
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) I have a question for you, Laura. Where's Caesar buried?
(L) Caesar was burned.
(Joe) Doesn't he have a little urn somewhere?
(L) Maybe, but if so, it was probably put in the same tomb that Augustus built. But then that was
ransacked at the time of the barbarian invasions.
(Joe) And destroyed? So there's no reference and nobody knows of any particular place?
(L) We can't go find any pieces of Caesar, no.
(Joe) No, but a rough area where he was buried.
(L) Probably people gathered his ashes or took pieces home or whatever. He was burned in the center of
Rome in that place that we saw when we were there. That was supposedly the place where he was
(Joe) So that's pretty much his burial site.
(L) Yeah.
(Artemis) Do the potential supernatural negative effects of human vaccines also apply to animal
A: Not so much since animal vaccines are not so loaded with negative elements.
Q: (L) So they're just trying to make a vaccine for animals without...
(Artemis) Without possessing the animals!
(L) Yeah, without piggybacking control elements onto it. Alright... If there's anything we failed to ask that
we should have asked but were too shell-shocked to ask, please let us know!
A: Just keep eyes and ears open and SEE! Goodbye.
(L) Well, I guess things are about to get real... SHOWTIME!!
End of Session
Session Date: October 30th 2021
Laura, Andromeda, and Artemis at the board
Q: (L) Okay, let's get going here. Here we go...
A: Hello spooky ones!! Fiooniaea of Cassiopaea here for the end of the world party!!!
Q: (Andromeda) Well alright! [laughter]
(Artemis) I feel like we should be having a DJ as well, or something.
(Laura) A DJ? Alright. You see how things get going around here? It just gets crazy sometimes. [laughter]
Okay, who's got questions? [silence] Oh! We're having a session and nobody has any questions?
Q: (Pierre) I have a question: Were the genetic modifications induced by the Black Death virus the main
cause of the Renaissance?
A: Not main, but contributory.
Q:(Laura) Well, what was the main cause?
A: 4D influences of a psychic nature.
Q: (Joe) What is driving global governments to officially pursue a transformation to green energy,
dropping fossil fuels, and investing in renewables?
A: Destruction of lives.
Q: (L) You know, that's interesting... I was reading something on the forum today. It was on that thread of
alternative 3, for anybody who has read it. Oh no, no no! It was that video, "The Dinosaur". And the
Dinosaur said, "Evil governments are investing in fossil fuels". And then it turns around and says, "you
need green, sustainable blah blah blah". And it just occurred to me it would take a long period of time to
get other forms of energy going. But fossil fuels are the most efficient thing right now, to help in poverty
stricken countries. By forcing them to wait on alternative green sources of energy, you're just extending
their dying time! So, it's a complete contradiction.
(Joe) Well, not only that, windmills, wind turbines and solar power, they can't replace the world's energy
needs. They simply can't. And no government can possibly be sincere in their belief that they can. So
that's why I'm asking the question. Do they really believe it?
(L) No, I think it's...
(Niall) They don't, so the follow-up question is, are governments consciously trying to destroy lives?
A: Yes.
Q: (Niall) Crikey!
(L) Yeah, I think they are becoming quite conscious at this point.
(Niall) It's funny, because Bill Gates came out today and said, "In the short term, we need to keep
nuclear power going, because the backlash from the public during this transition to renewables is
(Joe) They're going to destroy the global economy. You can't transition in the period of time they're
talking about.
(Niall) But at least he was astute enough to say it.
(Laura) If they were really going to transition, they should have started back in the 70s when people
started talking about this sort of thing.
(Joe) Do you know the UK had an energy shortage this year? Do you know why?
(Laura) Why?
(Joe) Because they didn't get any, or very little power from the windmills because this year the wind
didn't blow strong enough. That's the energy they're investing in. They're going to fuel the world with
windmills. That suggests they are kind of on board with a population reduction idea, this big "conspiracy
theory" of depopulation... that governments are on board with that, and that they're saying, "OK, let's
basically switch over to this crazy new energy source that will only be able to sustain a limited amount of
people on the planet, and the rest of them will die.
(Andromeda) Yeah, in the beginning we could have thought that maybe it was greed, that they were
trying to make money, but at this point it's so obvious that that is not going to work.
(Joe) You can try to make money with a little bit here and there... But it's not even going to work. 60
percent of China's energy comes from coal right now. Do you think they're ever going to be able to build
enough windmills that will actually work... with volcanoes going off, and reduced sunlight and that kind
of stuff... it's just not possible.
(Niall) Are China and Russia on board with this?
(Joe) They are, officially.
A: Not deeply.
Q: (Laura) I notice China and Russia aren't going to this Climate conference...
(Joe) Scotland.
(L) So they're giving it a pass, so maybe they are starting to feel comfortable with giving a pass to other
things, I don't know. Okay, next question.
(Joe) About 10 years ago, at around the time of the global banking crisis/crash, some time after that, in
2010 maybe... For some reason we were asking, thinking that the economy was going to implode, or
something... And we asked that question, and it was right at this time of the year. "Are they going to
crash the economy soon?" And the C's said, "They might wait till after Christmas". And of course,
nothing happened in the 10 years since then. So I was just wondering if that idea of "after Christmas"
applies to...
(Andromeda) ...this Christmas? [laughter].
A: Possible.
Q: (Scottie) Just wait 10 years and we'll find out.
(Chu) People have started posting questions on the Zoom chat.
(Laura) Oh good job! Hold on people, let's see:
(eboard10) Someone on Twitter (Canadian earthquake researcher) predicts that a 10+ earthquake with
the epicenter around the Philippines will hit between now and mid-2023 due to the release of an existing
blocking of tectonic plates. How likely is that to happen?
A: 26%
Q: (Joe) We like those odds.
(Laura) Now, of course you could start going and naming other places and other date frames, and all that
sort of thing, and we could take hours and hours going through all of that sort of thing, but I don't like
doing that. That's why I don't like this kind of question.
(Joe) You could just ask what area of the globe has a higher chance of having a major earthquake in the
next six months.
(Abats) What about the famous April Drop Dead date?
A: Coming!
Q: (Laura) [reading Zoom chat] Some people can't hear Joe. All you people are really going to have to
speak up for the microphone. Can everybody hear me? Wave your hand if you can. Okay, that's
probably because I'm close to the microphone.
(Scottie) That was a microphone problem, but we fixed it.
(genero81) Should we ask about Gary?
(Laura) No, I don't think so.
(Drea) Let's hope that someone releases free energy technology.
(Laura) That's assuming that something like that even exists. I don't think you get anything for free in this
(Mexican House) What is the real percentage of vaccination in the world? Did they reach their numbers in
(Laura) I think we already asked that question at a previous session.
(Niall) We did. We took the example of France and asked if the official numbers were close to reality, and
they said yes.
(Lainey) It would be lovely to know if Gary is well.
(Laura) Okay, other people want to know, so we'll ask about Gary.
(Artemis) Maybe we can ask if Gary wants to share anything with us.
(Laura) Well, that's a bit too much.
(Artemis) Okay, never mind.
(Laura) You have to go through this whole song and dance to do that. They have to re-route the channel,
sign off and sign on. It's a switching problem!
(Artemis) They can relay the message themselves.
(Laura) Okay, we want to know if Gary is okay.
A: Yes, thanks to knowledge and prayers.
Q: (nicklebleu and his wife): It has been said that wind has decreased in recent times. Is that true?
A: In some places. Has increased in others. Also it is more compacted.
Q: (Laura) Well, I would imagine that if the climate is changing, you know, moving towards an Ice Age, or
whatever it has to go through in order to get there, it's going to change. Climate change in the past, as
they've been able to determine by retrospective studies... Places that formerly had rain, no longer have
rain, and places that didn't have rain start getting rain. And I guess, places that didn't have wind start
getting wind, and places that used to have wind don't get wind... So it's all about the changes going on.
(Joe) Which is useless for windmills.
(Andromeda) Pretty much, yeah.
(Laura) Yeah, they're basing a lot of their so-called "green" activities on situations that existed in the
past, and that are no longer going to be existing.
(Madara Horseman) Speaking about energy news, we are bombarded with nuclear fusion. Are the
different countries really looking for a solution there, or are they mostly hyping and diverting money? Are
we close to nuclear fusion in a practical sense, or...?
(Laura) Hmm, that's not a well formed question. It's hard to break that down. Okay, let me see. Nuclear
fusion: Are different countries really looking for a solution, or are they mostly hyping and diverting?
A: Both.
Q: (Laura) Are we close to nuclear fusion in a practical sense?
A: Could be.
Q: (Laura) Could be - if they really put their minds to it. Okay, here is a question on another topic:
(Ryu) Why are some countries (India, Japan, many African countries) "allowed" to use Ivermectin?
A: Not allowed, but conducting experiments.
Q: (Ant22) What are the real vaccination levels in the UK, EU and US?
(Laura) I don't want to ask any more questions about vaccination levels. Don't we have figures on that,
and don't we know that it's going to be less than what they are telling us?
(Joe) Or roughly what they say. That's the depressing part.
(MK Scarlett) In 1972, the Club of Rome wrote a book known as Report Meadows that was about green
development and sustainable future, but it was all about depopulation. See the article: What is the
“Global Public-Private Partnership”?
A: Exactly. That is the hidden agenda.
Q: (Ellipse) Does the DNA vaccine lower the immune system? If yes, how much [he wrote: "If yes, until
which point"]?
(Laura) Hmm, I'd say all of the vaccines damage the immune system.
(Joe) So, on that other point, Laura, overt governments that are pushing this green agenda, are they
aware that the agenda is population reduction? Is that it, they don't have any other rationale for it? Do
they have any other reason for it, or is it just the destructive principle, and they want to kill people?
A: They are operating on the premise that there is a real threat to the planet and that the cause is
Q: (L) Well, I would say that overpopulation only threatens the population, not the planet. The planet can
and will recover, but it's like any of the population studies: when there are too many rabbits...
(Andromeda) Disease comes along.
(L) Foxes come along to eat them.
(Joe) Maybe they think that overpopulation is a threat to society in the sense that it's unsustainable in the
long term. If you don't do anything about it, people will die because there's not enough...
(L) I don't think they're worried about people dying.
(Niall) It's a threat to psychopathic rule.
(L) Yeah. Oh boy... We're in a helluva mess, people.
(Pierre) By enforcing those measures aimed at reducing population, they create oppression that triggers
natural catastrophes before their plan is put in place.
(L) So you're saying that by...
(Pierre) Depopulation agenda entails a lot of lies. By those lies aiming to reduce population, they actually
induce cosmically this population reduction.
(L) Yeah. Well, the thing is that then they've lost control of the narrative and they've lost control of who
gets depopulated and who doesn't. They bring the very thing that they wished on other people on
themselves. I mean, the C's did say it was a triple-bad day for John D. Rockefeller and his type.
(Pierre) Economically, biologically, socially, and also FRV. But is it true what we say? That they
precipitate the cosmic reaction for manufacturing human suffering. Is it true?
(L) Yeah.
(Pierre) Okay.
(L) Okay...
(Redrock12) Will I eventually be cured of my prostate cancer?
(L) Ya know Redrock, that's a personal question. But guess what? I'm gonna give it to you.
A: Control!!!
Q: (L) Okay, they say, "control". You'll be able to control it. You may yet get it so controlled that it's
almost like not even there, especially if you take care of your diet and supplements.
(Soluna) If you catch Covid via shedding from a vaccinated person, are you more or less likely to have
the possible positive changes?
(L) Okay, so... That's assuming that a vaccinated person will have positive mutations. So let's break this
(Gaby) Is it possible to have a positive mutation from the vaccines?
A: Efforts were made to prevent that, so it would be rare.
Q: (L) So efforts were made to prevent the possibility of a vaccine producing a positive mutation.
(Andromeda) So then, if you caught the virus from somebody who was shedding after being vaccinated,
it would probably be difficult as well.
(Joe) Which is the whole point of the vaccines, right? Originally in previous sessions, they said the virus
got out and they expected it to have this effect on people but it had positive mutations. So then they
rolled out the vaccination campaign to prevent the positive mutations from the lab-created virus.
(L) Didn't we read that book [Genetic Entropy, by John C. Sanford] that said the only real mutations that
are observed in a laboratory are negative? They're like entropic... Well, anyway.
(Deckard) Is Nano soma really capable of balancing the whole body?
A: No
Q: (L) That was short.
(Regulattor) What % of death rate are we to expect next spring due to corona virus
A: Impossible to estimate at this point.
Q: (L) Okay.
(Mrs. Peel) How much longer before, or will they declare Joe Biden incapable of holding the office?
A: Never! But fate may intervene!
Q: (L) I mean, think about it: The guy is a dithering idiot, which leaves all the bureaucrats and hidden
agenda people in the secret services and whatever TOTALLY in charge. He's nothing but their puppet.
That's why they hated Trump so much. He wasn't their puppet and he was really trying to do something.
He didn't realize what he was up against when he got in there, and they sure did block him off every way
they could. But boy, they got Joe Biden now, and he's their honey!
(hesperides) Is the La Palma volcano activity going to increase a lot more?
A: Eventually.
Q: (L) Eventually, but we don't know when!
(Arwenn) What is the real purpose of all the Quarantine camps being built in Australia?
(L) Well, that's when people start getting real rowdy from the lack of food. So, that's pretty simple. We
can answer that one.
(seeker2seer) Will the soon to hit solar flare tonight or tomorrow cause more problems for the electrical
grid than normal due to the decrease of Earth's magnetic field?
A: Not terribly.
Q: (L) Does anybody know what class it is?
(Pierre) X-class. X1.
(L) So, it's not much. We've already had a few.
(Madara Horseman) Can the Pfizer shot affect any part of our consciousness?
A: Indirectly if susceptible.
Q: (L) And the second part of the question:
(Madara Horseman) And if yes, can any meditation, chant, or any technospirituality method allow us to
use the influences?
(L) We've already got a thread on how to counteract that, and we already know that knowledge and all
that kind of stuff works.
(logos5x5) Is the prediction of "Mexico Falls" related to a major earthquake, a series of significant earth
changes events, or something else entirely?
A: Earthquake.
Q: (Tristan) What about the volcanoes around the world, especially on the island of La Palma where
explosive activity continues? Are more eruptions expected?
(L) We kinda covered that.
(Mark7) Was Mark a woman?
(L) Oh! Yeah, so you read the book, huh? You read my speculations.
A: No. But the author of the first passion play honoring Caesar was.
Q: (Andrian) I would like to ask a question regarding the accuracy of the Russian astrologer Svetlana
A: About the same as any good astrologer. It is a gift of interpreting symbols.
Q: (L) So that's kind of a left-handed way of saying she's a good astrologer.
(Altair, Cosmos, Gawan) Does Putin believe the official corona narrative?
A: No
Q: (Altair, Cosmos, Gawan) If not, has he caved in or is he attempting a long-term strategy behind the
scenes in terms of corona?
A: Latter.
Q: (Keit) So far Russia, despite various restrictions, has lower levels of corona craziness in comparison to
other countries. Should we expect Russia to catch up also because of low vaccination rates?
(L) Are you asking if Russia is going to have more coronavirus cases because they're not...
(Keit) More corona craziness.
(L) Oh, so are they gonna become more like Western countries because they've been slack so far...
A: No.
Q: (Keit) Will mandatory vaccination bill pass?
A: Yes
Q: (Keit) And will there be protests?
A: Yes
Q: (Ryu) Did Paul believe Yahweh was the same god as Caesar's or did he use the Jewish religion as a
template for his message?
A: Latter.
Q: (L) I think he was just using the Jewish god as a stand-in. He didn't really have much in the way of
anything to reference. At the time, there were all these different gods. Then of course the Jewish god
was claiming to be the only high creator god. That's what Paul was working with.
(Ryu) And did he come back after his life in the Roman Empire?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Who did he come back as? Anybody notable?
A: No
Q: (Joe) He was just hanging out being a farmer or something.
(Alejo) Is overpopulation a myth, or are we really overpopulated?
A: Overpopulated.
Q: (Alejo) By trying to depopulate, they'll generate the chaos that will cause catastrophe... is what Pierre
is saying?
A: Yes
Q: (whitecoast) If 4D STS rely on people for food, wouldn't they want as large (and sick/diminished) a
population as possible? Or is the depopulation agenda just about spreading mass misery on the heels of
earth changes that may reduce the population sharply anyway?
(L) Well, well remember that a large part of 4D STS food is the energy of pain and suffering. That gives
them a huge psychic boost and advantage. So, that right there is a feeding mechanism. But we realize of
course that they don't need the numbers of people that we have on the Earth for their feeding purposes.
I don't think it's quite that bad. We know there are a LOT of people missing, unexplained things... Look at
this 411 business. But also remember that the C's pointed out at one point that they had a fallback diet
of... what was it? Bovine serum extracted from cows or something so they didn't have to take so much
from humans.
(Altair, Cosmos, Gawan) Are the PTB priming the public to expect earth changes and their effects?
A: Somewhat.
Q: (L) Just not the way they're really gonna happen...
(Altair, Cosmos, Gawan) If so, are they attempting to make it look like humans are doing it?
A: Yes
Q: (Ant22) They said a positive mutation from the vaccine/shedding from a vaccinated person would be
rare. What conditions would need to be met for it to happen?
(L) Oh, geez! What are you trying to DO to me?! [laughter] Well, lemme see... What conditions would
need to be met for a positive mutation?
A: Elevated consciousness and knowledge/being.
Q: (L) Well, that's fairly rare. [laughter]
(Bo) In China, several people are already reported to have gotten the H5N6 bird flu. Would H5N6 be
considered the true pandemic/plague to engulf the planet?
A: No
Q: (Juba) Is Paul the real name of "our" Paul?
A: No
Q: (Juba) If not, what was it?
A: Zacaria.
Q: (Juba) Are Mark, Matthew, and Luke real names, or behind them were some obscure groups of
(L) I suspect Mark might have been a real name. Matthew might have been a real name of somebody
who was involved with the writing of Matthew. Then Luke may have been too, but there were also
obscure groups of people about them. Read my book and that should become clear.
(Obi) What will be the death rate of the new space virus globally?
(L) In other words, if we get a new real genuine plague/pandemic/Black Death type of situation, what
would the global death rate be?
A: 79%
Q: (Joe) That's IF we get one.
(L) I hope ya'll know how to drive bulldozers and operating excavators. That's a lot of bodies to get rid of!
Don't wanna burn 'em and waste your fossil fuels! You might run out. [laughter] Bulldoze them and put
the lime on them. That's what they did in the old days.
(Learner) In which places of Europe and the rest of the Western world is it most likely that people will
wake up, network and help each other while facing ever tightening screws of Covid and other tyranny,
black-outs, earth changes, etc.?
A: Pockets in many places.
Q: (L) There will be pockets in many places.
(Chu) 54 new messages.
(L) 54!!
(Joe) Laura? When the C's kind of advised you to move to France, did they not know that Florida was
gonna be the last bastion of freedom 20 years later?
(L) I think they knew that other things were coming.
(Joe) Can we at least have some confirmation of that to make ourselves feel better? [laughter] We could
have stayed in Florida and all be on the beach now... [laughter]
A: This work would not have survived and thrived there.
Q: (hlat) Why has Carson been hit by 2 earthquakes and an unexplainable terrible smell that is still going
on for a month?
A: Fault.
Q: (L) Fault line.
(Joe) What's the probability of a big one in California in the next year?
A: 53%
Q: (L) So, that's almost half and half. That's nothing.
(Aragorn) Various investigators have found very weird stuff in the Covid vaccines, like parasite-like
organisms. Is this by accident/contamination or have they inserted these on purpose? Or are these
findings just disinformation?
(L) Let's break that down... Is it by accident, or have they inserted these things on purpose?
A: Purpose when present, but rare in fact.
(L) You guys are killin' me here tonight.
Q: (JEEP) Will mask mandates in blue cities/states ever go away?
A: Sure. Eventually...
Q: (Andromeda) Like when everybody's dead?
(Artemis) Maybe in 100 or 200 years. Nothing can last forever, right?
(Temperance) Do the NYC protests have any viable and realistic chance of reversing local mandates and
starting a chain reaction (since some areas follow suit on NYC and are waiting to see what happens) or
has that ship sailed?
A: Not unless they get a lot bigger.
Q: (L) Alright people... We're never gonna get through all these questions. I thought I was gonna answer
everybody's questions but now there are 58 more! I mean nobody could think of anything when we
started, and now we've got 58. Okay, hold on... [laughter]
(Mexican house) Could you give us some advice for small FOTCM Communities that are starting to
develop around the world? Something important to keep in mind?
(Laura) We'll discuss that on the forum. Discuss it on the forum.
(Pophistorian) Some percentage of vaccine doses are suspected to be placebo. If true, what
(L) Are any of the vaccine doses placebo?
A: No.
(L) No, if you let 'em stick it in you, they wanna get ya. [laughter]
Q: (Vulcan59) Question by luigi rovatti in the forum: What happened to the Dutch girls Kris Kremers and
Lisanne Froon who disappeared while hiking the El Pianista trail in Panama on 1st April 2014?
(L) Did they ever find the bodies, or did they just disappear? (Artemis) Hold on, they want to say
A: Gone to 5D.
Q: (Abats) Is the Sinopharm vaccine less harmful than the Sputnik one?
(Joe) They're about equal. Next. They're both attenuated viruses.
(Tomek) Is Macron gonna be re-elected in 2022?
(L) No. Next one. (Niall) Wait and see.
(SummerLite) Will the USA people correct the election process enough to kick out Democrats in 2022?
(Niall) No chance.
(L) No chance!
(Tristan) From which language do the Romance languages originate?
(Niall) The Rome. [laughter]
(L) Answer that, Chu.
(Chu) I dunno, I have the same question! It's not Iberian. It can't be.
(Niall) There's an assumption that they all come from one language.
(Chu) That's what I'm wondering: Is it one, or several?
(L) Skip that one. That needs a discussion, I mean, that one actually needs research.
(Josi) Will airlines have to back down from mandating vaccines for pilots and other employees, or will
they actually be terminated?
A: There is going to be a lot of backing down, or there will be no one to run things.
Q: (Ryu) You said that around 12% of the world was seeing the Covid scam for what it was. Are those
people 4D candidates?
A: Not necessarily.
Q: (Deckard) Is Nano soma beneficial in any significant way?
(L) I would say that it's probably beneficial in some way, but you need to do the research on it.
(Madara Horseman) How did the Atlanteans design crystals for different purposes?
(Laura) Jezus Christ! That would take hours.
(Mexican House) Who was the last Roman Emperor before the fall of the empire?
(Pierre) Justinian?
(L) Probably. Was it Justinian?
A: Yes
(Pierre) So the link between the oppression committed by Justinian and the cataclysm, including the
plague, would hold up.
Q: (L) Bye, Vulcan! He's off to work. He works on Sundays. Skim through and see if there are any really
good ones.
(cinnamon) Is it likely that the cold civil war in the US becomes a hot civil war in the next two years? If it
is likely, who or what starts the shooting? Or ignore this, I feel bad for Laura's arm.
(L) Yeah, thank you! I wanna see who feels bad for my arm. Oh, cinnamon! Thank you, sweetheart!
Somebody loves me! [laughter] I don't think it's likely, but we'll ask.
A: No
Q: (L) No to the hot civil war. I would say it's more likely to become a war between the people and the
A: Yes
Q: (L) Alright. There we go.
(Ant22) Poland recently passed a law stating that Polish laws are above EU laws. This was followed by
voices being heard about the need for the people to hit the streets. Donald Tusk, who recently returned
to Polish politics, was pushing for it. Is some sort of a colour revolution likely in Poland?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Well, what did you expect?
(rrraven) Is the expanding planet theory correct?
(L) I think we asked that question in the sessions already. We asked that question in 1997, I believe. Next
(Chu) That's it.
(L) Alright, then! Hallelujah! If anybody has anybody really, really pressing...
(Chu) Oh, you skipped Mike's question.
(Mike) If the earth's environment was different prior to approximately 500 AD (i.e. Giants) and about 500
years were added to the historic timeline...
(L) Wait a minute... What's going on here?
A: Let's all do more research on many of the pressing issues. Knowledge gained by effort builds being.
[planchette keeps spinning.]
Q: (L) Well... I wanna read Mike's question before you sign off! I know that's what you're trying to do!
Hold on, just hold on! [laughter]
(Artemis) Yeah, yell at the board, why don't you?? [laughter]
(Mike) ...soon after Caesar, then did the change in the earth's environment that seems to have coincided
with overhead cometary bombardment allow some people, such as some of the followers of Paul and/or
Paul, to transition to 4D as part of the process of the Wave?
(L) Well, you know the answer to that is yes, Mike. I mean, come on! Okay, now you guys can sign off if
you want to.
A: Please be very aware that these times are crucial not only to the development of your souls, but also
to the future of your realm and your place within it. Be AWARE, support each other, and most important,
NETWORK!!! Goodbye.
End of Session
Session Date: December 18th 2021
Laura, Andromeda, and Artemis at the board
Q: (L) Alright. Here we go!
A: Hello to all beautiful people. Cassiopaea on board!
Q: (L) Do we have a name?
A: Follinniaea!
Q: (L) Okay. We have a lot of questions here, so I guess we might as well get to the first one. Mike has
some questions about Bitcoin.
(Mike) In general, who is the person (or people) that created Bitcoin?
Q: (L) Well, alright.
(Mike) For what purpose did they initially create Bitcoin?
A: Bridge to nowhere.
Q: (L) What do you mean, "Bridge to nowhere"?
A: Digitize, and then deprive common man of resource.
Q: (Joe) The kind of obvious idea about any digital currency despite what they say about them is that it's
a transition away from physical money.
(Niall) Cashless society.
(Joe) And more control of people. If anybody thinks that that's not what it's about, you're naive. That
doesn't mean you can't make money off it in the interim. But eventually, it's a bridge to, yeah...
(Niall) When the music stops...
(L) Yeah, it's a game of musical chairs.
(Mike) There are currently a lot of interests involved in cryptocurrencies, and cryptocurrencies seem to be
heading toward ‘main street’ adoption at some point with ‘Web 3.0’ being worked on, created, and built.
Whether or not TPTB (or elements of it) were initially involved in the creation of Bitcoin, what are TPTB’s
current plans in relation to cryptocurrencies?
(L) Well, I think we just got the answer to that.
(Joe) The plan is to destroy the current global economy - for all sorts of beneficial reasons for the elite.
And obviously when you destroy the economy, you rebuild it on what? A digital currency.
(L) Absolute control!
(Joe) They can shut you off at any time.
(L) Just remember that session where we talked about the Mark of the Beast and 666 and all that stuff.
They were moving towards absolute control. You won't be able to eat without being a member under
their control.
(Andromeda) My money collection is gonna be worth a lot historically speaking! [Andromeda collects
foreign money.]
(L) Okay, dugdeep wants to ask a question about homeopathy.
(dugdeep) Does homeopathy work by replacing the disease pattern within the Vital Force (Vital Force is
passive), or does it induce a hormetic response, spurring the Vital Force to act (Vital Force is active)? Or
is it something else? (If the latter, how does it work?)
(L) Oh boy. I HATE compound questions! Where is dugdeep? Let me hit him! [laughter] God... Okay, let's
bring it down: Does homeopathy work by replacing the disease pattern within the Vital Force?
A: No.
Q: (L) Okay. Does it induce a hormetic response, spurring the Vital Force to act - that is, the Vital Force is
A: Yes
Q: (L) That's all you're gonna get. [laughter]
(Joe) Good enough.
(L) Such a sloppy question. Alright... Here is Mr. Cyan:
(Mr. Cyan) To my understanding the Chinese Sinovac and Sinopharm vaccines and Russia’s Sputnik V
are actually "normal/traditional" vaccines and are non mRNA. To date more than 2 Billion doses of
Sinovac vaccines have been administered (mostly in China) making it the most extensive vaccine in use
globally. In China they have no choice in taking this vaccine, but in other countries where these vaccines
are available, it is partially a personal choice depending on the circumstances. Considering the plans 4D
STS have in creating a new race utilizing mRNA vaccines...
(L) Do we know that?
(Niall) No.
(L) That's an assumption right there. Okay, so we can't ask that question that way. How about: Is it the
plan of 4D STS to create a new race utilizing mRNA vaccines?
A: No.
Q: (L) Okay, so the rest of his question:
(Mr. Cyan) Why were China and Russia "allowed" to use non mRNA vaccines?
(L) So that one we won't ask because he made an assumption. The last part is:
(Mr. Cyan) Is this related to the "final choice" available to humanity as asked by Pierre in a previous
session where the whole Covid pandemic scam on one level is basically the final choice offered to
humanity to wake up from the matrix?
(L) Well, I think we can think about that question in some different ways. Mr. Cyan wants to ask another
question: He read an article about a jogger who got murdered.
Man dies after being stabbed along Punggol Field in suspected murder
A resident who lives near the incident scene said he heard a cry for help on Sunday night. . Read more at
Humanoid shadow pic is at the bottom of the article here:
Police investigating murder at Punggol Field after man dies of injuries
SINGAPORE: The police have launched a murder investigation after a 38-year-old man who was found
injured along Punggol Field died.In response to CNA's queries, police said on Monday (May 11) that they
received a call for assistance along Punggol Field at about 11pm on Sunday. Th
(Mr. Cyan) With reference to the death of the jogger in Punggol, Singapore referenced in the URL below;
from the grapevine – when paramedics responded to the emergency call: he had multiple deep slash
wounds, and could never really identify who or what attacked him. He was having difficulty describing
the attacker. He later died in hospital, despite still being conscious and communicating clearly with
paramedics during his journey to hospital. Further, his slash wounds were actually very deep, precise
and large in multiple locations on his arms and upper torso. Not exactly consistent with a knife attack,
but more similar to deep surgical incisions. Later there was a picture taken from a distance of the
crime/attack scene – where there appeared to be a large humanoid shadow in the middle of the road
near the policemen and emergency services. Was he attacked by a human? Or dimensional window
faller? If it is the latter, is the shadow in the picture related to the being that attacked him?
(L), Well, was he attacked by a human?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So it was not a dimensional window faller?
A: No.
Q: (L) What was the shadow being related to?
A: Aroused by negative imprint of attack. Check the history of the location.
Q: (L) Okay, next question:
(LQB) VAERS vax injury database indicates that some vaccine batches are much more toxic than others
from the same manufacturer. Is this intentional?
A: Partly, but mainly due to gross incompetence and negligence.
Q: (L) Okay, that answers his second question, which is: "If not, why the great variation in apparent
toxicity?" Okay, Aragorn's question:
(Aragorn) After being jabbed by the Pfizer or Moderna Covid vaccine, would immediate heating of the
injection site with a far infrared heating pad dialed up to 60°C reduce the possibility of the mRNA
packages to enter the cells?
A: Somewhat, yes.
Q: (L) Hmm. Okay, his follow-up question is then: "How much?"
A: 30 percent.
Q: (L) Well, that's interesting. Yes, indeed. That's useful to know, people. Take note of that! Okay, next
(Alejo) Is the omicron variant and its deformed protein, which degrades its capacity to attach to cells
(according to Dr. McCollough), a result of what the C's mentioned as an intervention of nature, i.e. the
nature of mutations?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So, they degrade. Next:
(primeaddict) Which nation will be the first to rise up against the government and attack the politicians
and health advisers?
(L) You should know better than to ask that question!
(Andromeda) That's a good one! [laughter]
(Niall) The nation of Texas!
A: Might be spontaneous in several places at once. But not yet imminent in any serious way.
Q: (L) Next one:
(primeaddict) Will there be a large number of deaths, due to the vax, that the media cannot hide? Like on
live TV or public event?
A: It's relative. More deaths from vax than virus, but easily distracted for most.
Q: (L) The second part of that question is:
(primeaddict) Will there be sudden deaths of the pretty people, politicians and/or celebs that will shock
the nation?
A: A few, for sure. And some celebs will get clued in.
Q: (L) And of course if some of these celebrities get clued in and start talking, they're gonna be
celebrities no longer!
(Joe) There have been a few already. The meme is that they "died after a short illness". That's what the
media is saying.
(L) I see...
(Andromeda) A short illness that was preceded by a vaccine...
(Niall) No, no, no!
(Joe) Don't say that!
(L) Okay, next question... Oh, we'll come back to your question, Jar. I want to come back to it at the end
of the session. So:
(Gottathink) What do countries' leading politicians believe about how the SARS-CoV2 virus will affect
A: They are mostly in the know and pushing the agenda.
Q: (L) Next question:
(Alejo) How significant, in terms of increased cometary activity in the inner solar system in the short term,
was the recent visit of comet Leonard?
A: It's a long term body, thus not particularly significant.
Q: (L) Next:
(Maat) Where are the good guys, if any?
A: Waiting for major change of choices.
Q: (L) So in other words, as long as the majority of humanity is not choosing to wake up, there's not
much they can do. Free will. And we have to live in a miniscule bubble-like alternate reality. Alright...
(Altair) What additions can be made to our vaccination protocol to better handle mRNA vaccines?
(L) Well, we just got one suggestion: heat would be very useful. I suppose there are other ways to apply
heat than far infrared. Is heat in general beneficial?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So it's not just infrared. Okay. We can do some research on that. That's...
A: Take more melatonin.
Q: (L) Take more melatonin?
(Gaby) It's an antiviral.
(L) Don't take too much, but you can take more. Okay, now Sid has a series of questions:
(Sid) During 'the seven passes of Venus' as described in Pierre’s book, were there any direct and visible
lightning discharges between Venus and Earth?
A: Oh indeed!!!
Q: (Joe) Visible by whom?
(L) What do you mean?
(Joe) Were there people on the planet at that time?
(L) Well, yeah. Ask Pierre.
(Joe) He doesn't know either.
(L) Read the book!
(Pierre) 5000 years ago.
(L) So, I guess some of those discharges may have looked like the z-pinch plasma figures that gave rise
to some of the depictions of humanoid-looking pictures on rock paintings and carvings. Okay:
(Sid) Do the Quorum or the PTB know the exact location and timings of "the big one"?
A: No.
Q: (Sid) Or are they a bit clueless too?
A: More than a bit.
Q: (L) Okay, next:
(Sid) Which part or region of our sun is the coldest and what temperature?
(L) Is there a reason for that question?
(Niall) Well, if you ever fly into the sun...
(L) Well, let's see. What IS the coolest part of the sun?
A: Surface actually.
Q: (L) Why is that?
A: Radiation cooling.
Q: (Joe) Isn't the coolest part of your body the surface?
(L) I guess. Well, there you go. I'm a star!!
(Joe) Coolest part of the wood burning stove? The outside.
(L) What's the usual temperature of the sun? Does anybody know?
(Joe) A bunch of degrees.
(L) mkrnhr, what's the temperature of the sun?
(Joe) Which part, Laura?
[Consultation via Zoom chat]
(Scottie) He says: 6400 degrees at the surface. [Later corrected to 6600 K at surface]
(L) What's wrong with Wikipedia? Next question:
(Sid) What was the real motivation behind the mythological Indian texts of Mahabharata and Ramayana?
A: Record events of great significance.
Q: (L) Okay. And the second part of the question:
(sid) Are there any factual events or just adaptations of Odyssey, etc?
A: Odyssey was part of the same phenomenon.
Q: (L) So the Odyssey was another group of people recording the same sort of events?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) But recording it in their particular way?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So, you don't have to say that one was the derivation of the other - just that there was something
significant enough going on for people to get upset about it and write about it in the only way they could.
They didn't have the scientific language that we have. They had to write about things in the way that they
were able. Now, Aeneas - speaking of The Odyssey and all those Greek stories:
(Aeneas) Using the 'as above so below' approach, could the 'storing' of information in quartz crystals be
similar to the 'storing' of information in the DNA?
A: Yes.
Q: (Aeneas) Is it a storing of information or is it really more like a link-up to the information field?
A: Storing of information that allows link to information field.
Q: (L) It's like a codebreaker or something - I dunno.
(Aeneas) Pierre mentioned in the link below that protein in keratin is spiral shaped in connection with hair
as antennas. Session 17 July 2021
Is it the geometric shape (spiral) which the protein antennas use?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Next part:
(Aeneas) Is it also how it operates in the quartz crystals but with crystalline geometric structures (also
spiral) in the silicates which makes up the crystals?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) You're batting a thousand!
(Aeneas) Connected to the above is what the C's have said about even computers slowly gathering
consciousness. If so, would that be partly due to the silica from which the chips are made which holds
massive amounts of information?
A: Partly, indeed.
Q: (L) So, we did those... Oh! Before I come back to Jar's question, I want to ask something for
[Redacted]. [Redacted] has got a whole lot of issues. She's got a whole thread about it, and I'm sure
members are aware of all that. So, you'll know why I'm asking this question for her even though it's a
personal one. What I'd like to know is: Is there any general guidance that can be given for [Redacted]?
A: [Redacted] was given the key to solve her many inner conflicts years ago. The conflict is between her
inner true being and her false personality that always seeks the least painful solution.
Q: (L) So, by seeking the least painful solutions in the short term, she ends up with longer term, more
painful situations?
A: Exactly.
Q: (L) Anything else?
([Redacted]) And I haven't a clue.
A: All that glitters is not gold.
Q: (Artemis) Do you meditate?
([Redacted]) Um... Can I ask... How can I get rid of the anxiety?
A: Stop the energy drain.
Q: ([Redacted]) Can I ask if I need to take something to help me before I do that, what could it be?
A: There is no physical solution. What do you fear most?
Q: ([Redacted]) I guess I'd have to say what I fear most.
(Joe) It was a question.
([Redacted]) What do I fear most? I fear that I'm going to feel this way forever.
(L) So that's your greatest fear?
([Redacted]l) No, it's not... My greatest fear is that I'm not gonna have done the Work on myself.
A: That is the conflict. You are not doing the Work.
Q: ([Redacted]) Oh.
A: Where is most of your energy going?
Q: ([Redacted]) All my energy is going into what's going on with my health right now.
(L) I think you missed a stage there.
([Redacted]) Yeah, I didn't quite get everything that they said.
A: Your energy was drained in order to get you in this state.
Q: ([Redacted]) Okay... By who? Or what?
A: Who? What? Illusions is the usual answer.
Q: ([Redacted]) Okay.
A: Who???
Q: ([Redacted]) Could it be, um, the person I live with?
A: Up to you to recognize and ponder.
Q: (L) Alright. Is that enough? I feel...
([Redacted]) I'm sorry I wasted too much time on this.
(L) I don't think it's a waste, but I think it's pushing the limit.
([Redacted]) Right, I'm sorry.
(L) It's okay. Jar wants to know...
(Andromeda) Do we wanna ask Niall's questions?
(L) Oh, Niall's questions.
(Niall), Nah, they're so trivial...
(L) Oh dear god... [laughter] Hold on, Jar. I'll get back to your question.
(Chu) If we don't ask your question, we'll ask next time. Put them on the spreadsheet!
(Niall) Does the Swiss referendum result of 28 November, in which two thirds of those who voted
supported the government's Covid control measures, broadly reflect the people's wishes?
A: The usual election tactics were used.
Q: (Niall) Has any vaccine ever actually eradicated a disease, or at least positively affected its severity or
A: Yes.
Q: (Niall) Was Gabby Petito murdered by her boyfriend, Brian Laundrie?
A: Yes.
Q: (Niall) Were government agents involved in Charles Manson programming his followers (into
murdering their victims in 1969)?
A: Yes.
Q: (Niall) Is the 'Eye of the Sahara', aka Richat, natural in origin? What caused it? [Notes: It's a peculiar
geological formation of multiple concentric circles in the remote western Sahara, in northern Mauritania.
From space, it looks like an eye. There are apparent 'current ripples' in the land to the south of it. Picture
here: The 'Eye of the Sahara' from space]
A: Yes. Comet explosion shock waves.
Q: (L) Must have been a doozy!
(Niall) One theory about the JFK assassination is that there was a 'plot within the plot' – essentially, one
faction planned to stage a 'near-miss' or pretend assassination, but then another faction used that plot
to actually kill the US president. Is this what happened?
A: No.
Q: (Niall) Was JFK Jr's death caused by pilot error, as officially claimed?
A: No.
Q: (Niall) Was foul play involved in JFK Jr's death?
A: Yes.
Q: (Niall) Was Rasputin's assassination the work of a foreign intelligence operation?
A: No.
Q: (Niall) Did young tech entrepreneur Aaron Schwartz commit suicide, as officially reported?
A: No.
Q: (Niall) What happened to Noah Donohoe? [14-year-old who disappeared in Belfast in June 2020
under strange circumstances. His naked body was found in a storm drain although it's a mystery how it
got there...]
A: Underworld elements.
Q: (Andromeda) That was a really strange case.
(Niall) 'Underworld' as in organized crime?
A: Yes.
Q: (Joe) Why?
A: Grooming gone wrong.
Q: (L) So... Since this is our last session of the year, and Jar and all inquiring minds want to know: Is
there any general statement that we can take with us tonight into the new year? I mean, I realize the last
time you gave us an end of the year statement, things really went kaflooey. So, maybe I should hesitate
about this, but anyway... Anything to hold on to?
A: Times will get increasingly chaotic because the forces at play are becoming even more desperate for
control as the changes draw nigh. It will be more important than ever to hold together during this
transitional period. Do not get tired or discouraged. You have learned enough of lasting value to
recognize this source as positive and valid. Please hold to that knowledge in darker times. Remember:
Change IS coming!!!! Goodbye.
End of Session
Session Date: February 26th 2022
Laura, Andromeda, and Artemis at the board
Q: (L) Today is February 26th, 2022. Okay, here we go. I'm so wound up...
A: Exciting times no doubt! Hollenoaea of Cassiopaea here! Ukraine is ancient site of landing of
Kantekkians. It is highly coveted by 4D STS! Putin is doing service to all by attempting to remove
psychopathic elements there. Unfortunately, the resistance of the power elite may lead to deaths of
many innocent people.
Q: (Artemis) What is it about it that's so coveted?
(Joe) Because it's an ancient site of the landing of the Kantekkians? Why does that make it highly
coveted? Some element of the population? But...
A: The geological profile complemented the energy profile making it ideal for transference.
Q: (L) Is that suggesting that the landing happened via some means other than just getting on a
spaceship and flying and plopping down?
A: Yes
Q: (L) So, it was some kind of transference that involved some kind of technology that we may not
A: Yes
Q: (Andromeda) Like a portal?
A: Yes
Q: (L) So, there's a portal in Ukraine?
A: Yes
Q: (L) And you once said there's a portal in the Middle East, didn't you?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Okay.
(Joe) So, they said that unfortunately the resistance of power elite may lead to the deaths of many
innocent people. Does that refer to the fact that the Ukrainian elites will essentially sacrifice the people of
Kiev in particular? In a sense, they'll create conditions where people are killed because of the Russian
military advance on that city?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) They gave out 18,000 assault rifles to the people in Kiev and told them to go at it against
advancing Russian troops.
(Andromeda) That is SO stupid.
(Joe) Imagine doing that to your population.
(Niall) That's just the small guns. They've moved their big guns into residential areas to use the
population as human shields.
A: Psychopaths in action.
Q: (L) Since you brought up this thing about the landing of Kantekkians, I was reading on Facebook and
Twitter today, something posted by a Ukrainian in the United States who was declaring that Ukrainians
are entitled to their own country, their own language, customs, etc. and that the Russians are nothing
and nobody, and the Ukrainians are the oldest people on Earth... that even their DNA was different than
Russian DNA. And... what?
(Pierre) There's a coincidence maybe, but in the Caucasian population, the protein ACE2 is
overexpressed. It suggests that the vaccine is an ethnic-specific weapon.
(Joe) We're talking about Ukrainians though.
(Pierre) Yes.
(L) So...
(Joe) The Ukrainians have always made that claim and see themselves as a people apart. They see
themselves as being unique and different. It's an ideology. Not ALL Ukrainians, but a lot of them. It's
really strange because you'd think they're genetically no different than other Slavs, Russians, etc. They
do of course have this Nazi tendency towards being a 'master race' in a certain sense. It's very strange.
A: The Ukrainians of today are not the original population. Many waves of conquest and migration have
come and gone.
Q: (Joe) Yeah. But the gang there now...
A: Russians of Belarus are closer to the original Ukrainians. And they were originally Kantekkians and
had recently destroyed their own planet.
Q: (L) Alright. Let's open the floor to any particular member questions. [Scanning of member questions
on Zoom chat...] Okay, here's one:
(Ryu) Does Putin knows about Ukraine having a portal? And does he know about Kantekkians?
A: No
Q: (SummerLite) It's said Putin is bombing US bioweapons sites.
A: Yes
Q: (Keit) I have a question about Russia. We have vocal anti-war sentiments within Russia. Will they lead
to a change in power? Will it lead to Russia's destruction?
A: No
Q: (Niall) Can I do a follow-up about the bioweapons sites? There's a theory that these bioweapons sites
were built there with a view to creating something like an ethnic-specific weapon to use against
Russians. Is that what they were for?
A: Partly, indeed.
Q: (Andrian) Is it possible to know where the portal is located exactly? Western or Eastern, North, South
A: Near Kiev.
Q: (Juba) Is that the reason why Khazaria was the same as today's Ukraine. Portal, STS energy...
A: Partly.
Q: (Altair, Cosmos, Gawan) Is “an explosion in Ukraine, chemical or nuclear”, still on the table?
A: Yes. You could say that it has been happening since 2014.
Q: (Niall) This IS the explosion.
(L) Yeah.
(cinnamon) So, speculation about bombing the bioweapons sites... Is this how we get the supposed 'real
A: One possibility for sickness but not real pandemic. Putin has containment options in operation.
Q: (Niall) Is that why they took the Chernobyl nuclear plant?
A: Caution.
Q: (Joe) In a session in 2009, it said, '5 years to go'. Then, in 2014, they called that Year Zero. That was
around the time of the Ukraine coup. Did they mean that 2014 and what the USA did in Ukraine then up
until this situation right now, is that what they meant by Year Zero in 2014?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) So then what's happening right now is directly implicated in major change, but it's going to
continue. There'll be further changes, let's say...
A: Yes
Q: (L) 2014 is Year Zero of our new reality.
(Niall) In a future chronology, is it going to be 0?
(L) Yeah.
(Pierre) And the struggle for the portal is indicative of 4D STS wanting to use this portal?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Why do they want to use the portal?
A: Downloading is taking place there.
Q: (L) Downloading of what?
(Joe) Information.
(L) Do I really want to know? [laughter]
(Pierre) The naughty side of the information field is being downloaded there.
(L) So the STS bad guys download themselves via a portal into the people there?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) Wow.
(Niall) But there are psychopaths all over the world.
(Joe) Maybe it's easier that way.
(Pierre) But psychopath doesn't mean possessed. To be downloaded into means to be possessed.
(Niall) Oh, right. So there's a particular type that's concentrated in Ukraine that is more susceptible to
possession by 4D STS.
(Andromeda) Wow.
(L) Okay, next question:
(Seeker) Will the war expand into surrounding countries?
A: Not yet...
Q: (Andromeda) Oh boy.
(Niall) Oh boy.
(Ryu) To go back to Pierre's comment, are Covid vaccines used as ethnic weapons?
A: Can be. Docking elements included.
Q: (L) So the vaccine has things in it that are docking elements for later propagation of some kind of
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) And the targeted population is Kantekkians, i.e. true Semites, i.e. Caucasians (in the sense of
peoples from the area of the Caucasus).
(L) Targeted in what way? For download, or for the ethnic-specific weapons?
(Pierre) For both. Well, the vaccine. They have a mutation that over-expresses the ACE2 protein. They're
more likely to get the effects of the vaccine.
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Pierre's on an obvious train of thought that Kantekkians are awesome people - that they're the
True Semites and stuff. But the Cs just said in this session that people were transferred to that part of
Ukraine and they had just destroyed their own planet! [laughter] So, they're not awesome people.
(L) Yeah. The C's also said something about that Nordic Covenant business... That peoples of Nordic
descent, i.e. Kantekkian, could be of positive or negative orientation. It's representative of a power
center in their genetics...
(Pierre) 'Intensity' was the word used. Kantekkians had more intensity of a certain type of power.
(L) Yeah, intensity. So, yeah.
(Pierre) Intensity for the good, intensity for the bad.
(L) Very interesting. Okay, hold on...
(Regulattor) What about vaccines virus recombinations/mutations, how is that developing? Is it still too
early to say how lethal it is going to be?
A: Not the biggest problem.
Q: (L) What IS the biggest problem?
A: Virus from space/4D STS.
Q: (irjO) Did Putin's actions take the secret government by surprise again or did they really expect
Putin-Russia to act quick and fast?
A: Some surprise certainly. They were trying to forestall Putin with accusatory rhetoric.
Q: (L) So they had some idea or intelligence that he was getting ready to move, and they were trying to
forestall and probably also create the initial stages of the propaganda barrage - "He's gonna invade!"
(Joe) Exactly. But the people in Western countries at least have been primed with propaganda to see
Putin as evil for the last 10 years! That's all being switched on right now.
(Andromeda) And now Ukrainians are gonna be sacrificed to make him look even worse.
(Joe) Right.
(L) Okay, let's see...
(Mr.Cyan) Are they going to kick Russia out of SWIFT ?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Will it matter?
A: No
Q: (Tomek) What about April Drop Dead Date? Is this "the" April?
A: Very possible... But who is going to "drop dead"?
Q: (L) Maybe it'll be Biden.
(Niall) I'm worried, so I want to ask this and get it out of the way. Are they gonna try to assassinate Putin?
A: It has been tried and they will try again.
Q: (gottathink) Are they intending to download nanotech in the vaccines?
A: Yes
Q: (Juba) Is Chernobyl a target for the false flag operation?
A: Yes
Q: (L) But it seems that it's well-guarded now.
A: Yes
Q: (L) Okay.
Is this an attack on the food supply also?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Russia has stopped exporting fertilizer - 65 percent of the world's supply. So, I think we can look
forward to some serious food shortages. And that of course will lead to famine and make populations
even weaker and sicker and more susceptible to pathogens.
(Lukasz) How many percent of people in Ukraine are affected by downloading by STS in percent?
A: 17%
Q: (L) That's close to your standard figure for psychopaths and their hangers-on.
(Alejo) Are there any other such download portals on the planet?
(L) Yes, we already discussed that. There's one in Israel. Are there any others besides Israel and Ukraine?
A: China, North America, South America.
Q: (Artemis) Is the North America one in Canada or…?
A: Canada.
Q: (Artemis) I knew it!
(L) You knew it? Yes! [laughter]
(Artemis) Yukon.
(L) Oooh, you're right! The Yukon! CREEPY stuff happens in the Yukon. [laughter] It's true.
(Andromeda) Oh, yeah!
(L) Look it up. Look up "The Valley of the Headless Men"!! I read about it years ago, and it gave me the
absolute total creeps!
A: Yes
Q: (L) Ooo! And what about in South America?
A: Desert.
Q: (L) The desert where they have all those figures?
A: Yes
Q: (L) What is it called?
(Niall) Atacama.
A: Yes
Q: (L) What about China?
A: Northeast region. Study map and myths.
Q: (Laura scans through questions on Zoom meeting) (Chu) Be selective because there are 70 new
messages after this!
(Luis) So the Middle East portal is the same? For downloading? And also, if 4D STS do not have total
control of the Ukrainian portal, they can only download within certain limits or constrictions?
A: Yes
Q: Is Putin one of Schwab's world leaders?
A: No
Q: (Chu) aimarok says: "Come on, SummerLite." [laughter]
(Ryu) Is it likely that it will degenerate into a nuclear war?
A: Not likely or necessary.
Q: (Joe) What are the chances of China invading Taiwan in the near future?
A: High.
Q: (Felipe) I had a side question about the vaccines: Can BHT interfere with the lipid capsid that
envelopes the mRNA? If so, can it render the vaccine ineffective?
A: No
Q: (SummerLite) For clarity, Schwab is lying about Putin then?
A: Yes
Q: (Toronto Group) Did the effect of the trucker convoy and its spread become part of the exposure the
C's talked about?
A: Yes
Q: (L) I tell you what: Trudeau sure exposed himself!!
(aimarok) Putin knows Schwab from the 90s, but it doesn't make him his puppet.
(L) Exactly right.
(Felipe) Question about Russia: Will Anonymous hack Russian infrastructure and escalate things through
those means?
A: Will try but little success.
Q: (Joe) Just for reference: Anonymous is the CIA.
And the Ukrainian wheat probably isn't getting planted.
(L) Good point!
(Joe) For sure. Expect higher prices.
(L) Expect REALLY high prices.
(Niall) Ukraine is the 3rd biggest supplier of wheat on Earth.
(Joe) Between Ukraine and Russia, they produce 80% of the world's sunflower oil too.
[C's move to 'listen' on the board...]
A: How is it going to go down? Many variables, but Putin has higher level help.
Q: Is what's happening now in Ukraine a karmic repetition of the battle between Atlanteans and
A: No
Q: (Aragorn) On a scale from 1–10, how well are the plans of TPTB succeeding right now?
A: 4
Q: [laughter]
(Pophistorian) Schwab, on video, CLAIMED Putin was one of his Young Global Leaders.
(Joe) Dude! Do you know how many people like him around the world name drop and say, "I know these
He wants you to think he's powerful.
They like to lie - A LOT!
(L) When did we start believing things that psychopaths say?
(Ant22) Does Putin suspect any extraterrestrial influences behind the USA and their allies?
A: Yes
Q: (SummerLite) Are people in this group a part of a specific reincarnated group from Atlantis?
A: Yes
Q: (OBI) Will Turkey attack Russia and spread this war to the Middle East?
A: No
Q: (Niall) Remember: Putin saved Erdogan from certain death in 2016.
Q: (Chu) 86 new messages.
(L) 86?! I am NOT catching up, people.
(Niall) Has Putin been planning for this day for 20 years?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Are ya happy?? [laughter]
(Niall) Yes! [laughter]
(Jeep) Will the DC convoy have positive outcome?
A: Yes but not the way you think!
Q: (L) So that's another one where we have to wait and see?
A: Yes
Q: (Julian) Will elements of the Ukraine military attempt to oust Zelensky?
A: Zelensky is more likely to be subject of a permanent hit.
Q: (Ant22) Question about canning: Does iodine kill botulin spores that temperatures of up to 100C
A: Can but then food is inedible.
Q: Are food shortages going to be widespread across Europe soon, or more localised?
A: Widespread eventually.
Q: (Bo) Can we expect more Tonga-like (volcano) explosions this year?
A: Not likely.
Q: What do the C's mean that Putin has higher help? From whom?
A: Ancestors and himself in the future and a lot lot LOT of knowledge and awareness.
Q: (L) Let's save these canning questions for the forum. They can be discussed and researched. We
don't need to ask the C's stuff like that. Okay... Scroll, scroll, scroll...
[Pause for mouse technical issue...]
(Niall) Maybe we just reached the limit of the number of messages in the chat.
(L) I think you guys broke it!
(Chu) Now it's working.
(Alejo) Years ago the C's said that the different races were planted on Earth. Does there need to be a
match between genetic profile and geological location, and is part of that relation related to the language
spoken by a given people?
A: Not so much.
Q: (Tomek) You mentioned something about France getting nuked in a previous session. Is this still on
the table?
A: No
Q: (Regulattor) Are the PTB going to fire up the Balkans again?
A: That may happen naturally.
Q: (Toronto Group) With people getting fed up with Covid, are the PTB going to rollback on the vaccine
A: Yes
Q: (Tristan) In the previous session it was mentioned that more people needed to be awakened, so that
more opportunities could be created for the good guys to help. Are enough people being awakened on
the planet?
A: Not nearly enough. More suffering needed unfortunately.
Q: (Ant22) What's the reason behind all covid restrictions being suddenly lifted in the UK while other
countries still push them?
A: Assessment that the natives are getting way too restless.
Q: (MK Scarlett) Did the timeline change since recent actions from Russia in Ukraine?
A: No
Q: (Ryan) Will the economy remain fairly stable this year?
A: No
Q: (SAO) Wait, one more question on canning.
(L) Oh, stop it! [laughter] Funny... [laughter]
(Chu) That's it.
(L) No other questions? I'm really exhausted. Geez... Alright. Does anything need to be said to us that we
didn't ask but should have asked? Consider it asked via our subconscious minds... And give us the
answer! [laughter] Any messages? We're really asking - we just don't know WHAT we're asking.
A: Carry on as you have been. Connections are getting stronger as a result of your exercises. And don't
wait too long for attention to yourself and Ark. You are needed!! Goodbye.
End of Session
Session Date: April 23rd 2022
Laura, Andromeda, and Artemis at the board
Pierre, Joe, Chu, PoB, Ark, Scottie, Gaby, Niall, Pikabu the Cat
Q: (L) Today is April the 23rd, 2022. The usual suspects: [Review of those present] Alright. Hello?
Anybody there?
A: Moiloiaea of Cassiopaea and good evening to all.
Q: (L) Alright. I guess we'll start with questions. Honey, you can start.
(Ark) Yes?
(L) Yes.
(Ark) What are densities?
A: States of awareness in interaction with information.
Q: (L) Does that mean the state of awareness interacting with the information somehow affects what is
"real" to use a loose term?
A: More or less.
Q: (Ark) Awareness of whom?
A: Consciousness that is capable.
Q: (Ark) I don't understand. Which consciousness? Whose consciousness? I don't understand.
A: Wave reading consciousness units.
Q: (Ark) Where is this wave reading consciousness unit? Where is it?
A: You are one.
Q: (Ark) It means densities are totally subjective, or is it objective?
A: Both.
Q: (Ark) How is it objective? In which sense? How is it objective if it is related to wave reading
consciousness unit. Wave reading consciousness unit is subjective, so how can densities be objective?
Physics needs objectivity.
A: If the wave reading consciousness unit aligns with the consciousness of the field, then the perception
is more objective than subjective.
Q: (Ark) What is consciousness?
A: Life.
Q: (Ark) What is life?
A: Consciousness.
Q: (Pierre) It's getting circular.
(Ark) What is information?
A: All.
Q: (Ark) Can physics describe densities?
A: Yes
Q: (Ark) How?
A: Algebra.
Q: (Ark) What kind of algebra?
A: Simple.
Q: (Ark) What is the relation between densities and dimensions?
(L) They've already answered that question. That's in the transcripts.
(Ark) Yeah but there is no answer for that.
A: Dimensions are a human construct we have used as there are no better available terms.
Q: (Ark) But algebra is also a human concept, yes?
A: Yes
Q: (Ark) Everything we use in physics is a human concept, yes?
A: Which is why you are having so much confusion.
Q: (Ark) But algebra is using dimensions. It's not a human concept. It's an algebraic concept. And we
need dimensions if we want to use algebra.
A: Yes
Q: (Ark) How many dimensions?
A: Infinite.
Q: (Ark) Are these dimensions related to space and time?
A: Yes
Q: (Ark) But space is 3-dimensional. Where is the rest of the infinite dimensions?
A: Many iterations.
Q: (Ark) Many iterations... Iterations of what?
A: Space and time.
Q: (Ark) Does it have anything to do with quantum theory or not?
A: Very little, actually.
Q: (Ark) Does it have anything to do with Einstein's theory of gravity?
A: Even less.
Q: (Ark) So, with which part of physics it has to do?
A: Modern concepts do not define as such.
Q: (Ark) Can you please explain it, this sentence?
A: There is no relevant construct that you can name or mention from your modern terminology.
Q: (Ark) What about ancient terminology? Were there such concepts that have been forgotten?
A: Possibly.
Q: (Arky) No clue? What concepts would do? If not ancient, if not modern, then what? No hope? Hmm.
Okay, I am done.
(L) Next?
(Joe) On March 21st, the China Eastern Airline that flew straight into the ground... What was the cause?
A: Guidance system run amok after air burst.
Q: (Pierre) And what was the cause of the air burst?
A: Meteoric object breaching realm barrier.
Q: (Andromeda) That was my first guess.
(Pierre) Yeah, me too. We agreed on that. Breaching the realm barrier...
(Niall) The meteor wasn't coming through space. It merged...
(Andromeda) It came through a portal, pretty much.
(Niall) Was it a merging of...
(Pierre) From 4D?
A: Every object entering your realm does not have to come from 4D. Refer back to Ark's questions about
dimensions. Also consider what has been said about window fallers and Flight 19.
Q: (Pierre) I have a stupid question.
(L) You wanna ask a stupid question?
(Pierre) Yes.
(L) It seems to be the night for it. [laughter]
(Pierre) At the time on Kantek was there more oxygen than on Earth nowadays?
A: Yes
Q: (Andromeda) That was a good question.
(Pierre) Does it explain partly...
A: There was also more oxygen on Earth at times in the past.
[ ...SHORT BREAK... ]
Q: (Pierre) Did the Ukrainian witches perform a ritual against Putin?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Was their ritual efficacious?
A: Not much.
Q: (L) And why was it not efficacious?
A: Many more were acting as guardians and protectors.
Q: (L) So there were more people protecting and guarding Putin than there were people trying to send
bad vibes at him. Is that it?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) Did it bounce back?
A: In process. Hubris.
Q: (Joe) Does Putin have any kind of significant chronic illness?
A: No. Just stress. He would also benefit from hyperbaric treatments!
Q: (L) Speaking of which, Ark wants to know how many treatments he has to take before he gets smart?
A: 27 will get you out of the current muddy rut.
Q: (Ark) Okay, I'm already getting out. What about quaternion algebra? Is it relevant to wave reading
A: Absolutely.
Q: (Ark) Yes? What about octonions? Are they better or worse? They are non-associative. Ooo!
A: Better.
Q: (Ark) Better! Oh my goodness. Better!
(Scottie) Just talking about the hyperbaric chamber is helping!
(Artemis) How many hyperbaric chamber sessions would I need to cure me of anything I need curing of?
A: 35
Q: (Andromeda) A little over a month.
(Pierre) When Joe asked about me recovering motricity the C's answer was: "Vitamin C plus..." Were
they referring to the hyperbaric chamber?
A: Very likely.
Q: (L) Yeah, how come I thought of the hyperbaric chamber all of a sudden out of the blue? I still cannot
trace a single thing that triggered it. I read nothing, I saw nothing, I heard nothing... It just emerged as
A: You were channeling as you often do spontaneously.
Q: (L) Alright.
(Pierre) Our meditations... To me, it seemed like it's raising the FRV of planet Earth.
(Joe) Things are getting better, yeah. [laughter]
A: Needs more application.
Q: (L) Well, going along with that question: Is our current interaction with the coronavirus gonna provide
us with any upgrades?
A: In some respects. But remember what was said about parasites at times of major change and remain
vigilant and proactive.
Q: (L) In other words, don't just assume that things can go a positive way without taking action yourself.
Like hyperbaric chambers or vitamin C or ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, and all of that.
(Pierre) Previously, the C's said that, triple bad day for Rockefeller and the like. Social, economic, and
health wise. And they added in a subsequent session: FRV alteration. So, we might contribute to their
fall. Now, is there any relation between the triple bad day remark and the April Drop Dead date remark?
A: Weak relationship.
Q: (Joe) Why is the Chinese government imposing very harsh lockdowns in Shanghai?
A: They know things about US experiments.
Q: (L) So there could be some kind of thing going around there that the US was messing around with
that they aren't making any announcement about.
(Joe) Does that mean they're picking up on a more recent or newer dispersement of some kind of germ
or something?
(L) Yeah.
(Joe) That's limited to China obviously.
(L) At this point.
(Andromeda) Unless that's what we have, too.
(Niall) Russia and China are both surrounded by American biolabs doing things.
(Gaby) In a prior session, they were saying it was not mostly the US experiments that were a threat to
humanity, but instead a space virus. So, if that's the case, in theory if there's a 4th density STS virus
coming up, will it be a DNA or an RNA virus?
Q: (Gaby) And what kind of disease will it produce?
A: Most likely to be similar to primitive smallpox.
Q: (Pierre) Primitive smallpox is nasty. It's a descendant of the Black Death.
(L) I think we decided that primitive smallpox was the Black Death.
(Gaby) Smallpox is a DNA virus. So if this is an RNA virus, it could be nastier I suppose.
(Pierre) With 79% death rate, it's nasty.
(Joe) What kind of treatments would be effective against such a critter?
A: Vit C and oxygen.
Q: (Artemis) Speaking of healing therapies, I recently came across tuning fork sound therapy. Have you
ever heard of that?
(Chu) Yeah.
(Artemis) Have you ever tried it before?
(Pierre) Yes.
(Artemis) You have? And?
(Joe) It was noisy.
(L) Nothing to write home about.
(Artemis) I wanted to ask them because I saw some videos about this woman who was doing it and they
were actually having a lot of energetic releases. So I wanted to know if it's something we could do here
to help us with anything. Is there anything good about it?
A: Gently helpful mainly at the emotional level.
Q: (Artemis) Okay, so if you have emotional issues that contribute to physical issues, then it could help in
that way.
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Was the Russian flagship Moskva hit by a missile?
A: Yes.
Q: (Joe) Was it the Ukies or did the US and allies have a direct hand in it?
A: US direct hand. CIA.
Q: (Joe) Ukies wouldn't be up to that.
(L) Alright. No more questions?
(Ark) I have a question. Should theory of gravity be formulated rather as electromagnetism instead of
what Einstein did where he created like a metric or whatever?
A: Yes
Q: (Ark) Yes it should, yes?
A: Yes
Q: (Ark) Should electromagnetic theory be extended to take into account magnetic monopoles?
A: Yes
(Ark) I think they are a clue to this chirality.
(Pierre) Yes. It's an enigma.
(L) Anything else from anybody?
A: Be aware that you are currently under attack by forces that wish to silence you and end your exertions
on behalf of your group in specific and the planet in general. These forces are getting desperate and will
attempt to use any inroad possible. Be awake and alert at all times. Any disputes or disagreements can
be easily blown out of proportion to your destruction. And then, when the negative energy is withdrawn,
the devastation left will be amplified by the knowledge that it was all a deception. [Planchette swirls
around and around for about 45 seconds] You have been warned. Do not take this lightly. Communicate
and listen. It will take all of you together to navigate these dangers!!! Goodbye.
End of Session
Session Date: June 24th 2022
Laura, Andromeda, and Artemis at the board
Scottie, Chu, Joe, Barb, PoB, Ark, Pierre, Gaby, Niall
Q: (L) Today is 24 June 2022. [Review of those present] And boy do I feel dopey. Is there anybody out
there? I feel a Pink Floyd moment coming on...
A: The Floyd Void hits again! Glonfikla here. Cassiopaea calling.
Q: (L) Okay, what have we got on the list of questions for today? There was something I had on my mind
that I wanted to ask... Any questions of international import first?
(Pierre) I have a question. Proteins absorb and generate photons - biophotons. Are the photons different
depending on the conformation and/or composition of the protein?
A: No.
Q: (L) I guess a photon is a photon is a photon.
(Pierre) But photons have different wavelengths. Um... okay.
(Gaby) The crop circle...
(L) Oh yeah! I wanted to ask about that crop circle that appeared on Chu's wedding! Did you like the
wedding by the way?
A: Yes!
Q: (L) Okay, so was this crop circle that appeared that looked like it was shaped kind of like the
Cassiopaea star formation, was it genuine or was it man-made?
A: Genuine! It was us sending message. Playing field will be leveled soon.
Q: (L) Well, I dunno if that's a good thing or a bad thing!
(Chu) Well, it's very uneven right now, no?
(Artemis) Do what you've gotta do before it's too late!
A: Nothing lasts forever.
Q: (L) Hmm.
(Joe) Why was it not the proper Cassiopaea symbol? What did 'W' mean? It was a straight up W, not the
Cassiopaea symbol.
(L) It was very close. I looked at it.
(Joe) All the lines were of equal length.
(L) No, they weren't. I even counted the number of circles.
(Joe) So did I.
(L) And they were different. Yes they were! Betcha! [laughter]
(Barb) Ask them!
(Joe) It didn't look to me like a Cassiopaea symbol, so was it the 'W' representative of something else?
(L) Somebody go get the image and print it!
(Scottie) Well, the real Cassiopaea is a wide 'V' and a narrow 'V'. This one WAS more symmetrical, but...
It wasn't 'perfect', which is kind of odd...
A: It depends on your perspective and purpose.
Q: (Pierre) Yes.
(Scottie) OH! [Makes 2 V's with fingers, shifts head to one side while looking at them] It does! That's
(Pierre) It depends on...
(Chu) Where you look at it from.
(Pierre) Depending on your vantage point, you get a different geometry.
(Andromeda) Right.
(Pierre) It looks like a Cassiopaea W to us because we are on Earth.
(Scottie) So we could calculate where they were when they saw it! [laughter]
(Andromeda) Was there anything to the idea of the coded message?
A: Close
Q: (Andromeda) In what language?
(Scottie) It said 'love' in ASCII.
(Andromeda) What's that?
(Scottie) It's like numbers and letters and punctuation in 8-bit chunks.
A: Compare to DNA.
Q: (L) The coding in DNA.
(Scottie) Oh!
(Joe) Lavrov said today, I think, that the EU and NATO were planning to wage a war against Russia. I
know we asked already and they said it would expand beyond Ukraine, but is that something that is
gonna happen this year?
A: Not yet... if ever.
(Joe) They said not yet if ever... But I think in one session, they said that the war would expand outside
(L) Is it still going to expand outside Ukraine?
A: Indeed. But many belligerants will fold rapidly.
Q: (Joe) No doubt. Is it likely to be one of the Baltic states?
A: Possible. Think real shock and awe.
Q: (L) Well, that was the whole thing that the Bush people called it... Shock and awe. But it kind of fell flat
if you ask me because it was all fake. I mean, that whole picture they had of Saddam Hussein's statue
being toppled and they had it all close up with what looked like a lot of people around. But if you get a
real picture of it from a distance, you find out there were like only 25 people there. They put it in the
newspaper trying to make it look like a revolution or something.
(Joe) But the shock and awe was a reference to the first night of the attack on Baghdad where they fired
500 cruise missiles in one night.
(L) I don't think there was much shock and awe. I think there was 'awe', but not a shock.
(Joe) It suggests a sudden unexpected bombardment of some sort... (Maybe Russia will do something
(L) So, are we on track with our hyperbaric oxygen chamber therapy (HBOT) treatments? Is this taking us
in a positive direction?
A: Yes!!!
Q: (L) Well, how come it makes me so tired??
(Artemis) It's using up all your resources to heal.
A: Healing takes energy. Remember your tiredness after stem cells?
Q: (L) Oh god! Geez... I could hardly keep my eyes open for an hour at a time. I'm tired now and I didn't
even do an HBOT session today.
(Andromeda) How many sessions am I gonna need?
A: 48 plus.
Q: (L) Well, you said Artemis would be cured after 35.
(Pierre) And she's at 35.
A: Killing a pathogen does not mean that the process is complete.
Q: (L) So, 35 to kill a pathogen and more to...
(Artemis) ...heal from the damage of the pathogen.
(L) How many more will she need to heal from the damages?
A: 35 plus.
Q: (L) So, take a short break and come back and do 35 more.
(Artemis) So, how many does mom need?
A: More than 60 for sure!
Q: (L) I've done 31 so far. Half way. So maybe I'll do 62. That's an 8. [laughter] How about Barb? How
many is she gonna take?
A: Similar to you.
Q: (L) It'll take awhile.
(Pierre) You know, after your stem cell therapy, you felt very tired.
(Pierre) And HBOT theoretically generates stem cells. It suggests it's not so much the creation of stem
cells that is getting us tired, but the differentiation of stem cells...
(Andromeda) The use of the stem cells.
A: Yes
Q: (L) Alright, so...
(Joe) Barb has a question about HBOT.
(Barb) As you know, I'm working on making this happen at home. What are the chances of that coming
to fruition?
A: If you assert your needs it will. Very important it is too.
Q: (L) Anybody got any other questions?
(Pierre) Yes, about photons. [laughter] Photons are all the same. Is the coherence pattern exhibited by
those photons the same depending on the conformation of the protein?
A: Yes
Q: (Andromeda) Coherence pattern?
(Pierre) They dance in an organized way. In a previous session, the C's said no need for a space virus for
Plague 2.0 - recombination will do the job. I'm paraphrasing. In a subsequent session, they said 'space
virus'. So, it's not mutually exclusive.
(L) No need - recombination will do it, but...
(Joe) Recombination WITH the space virus?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) Oh yeah.
(Joe) So a space virus that isn't necessarily that bad, but because of the recombination as a result of the
mass vaccination program, it makes it worse basically.
(Pierre) Are the photons the link between the information field and our antenna proteins?
A: Yes
Q: (L) What about you, honey? Any questions?
(Ark) Yes. Suppose we can build a time machine. What would be the beneficial uses of such a device?
A: Not many. STS uses tech to control and manipulate, but each use causes negative impact cascades.
Q: (Ark) The logical 'not many' that there may be some beneficial uses. I would like to know examples.
A: Changing trajectories of history on many scales so as to eliminate extreme suffering.
Q: (L) So when you say, "many scales", you mean like in an individual life, in the lives of a family would
be another scale, and the life of a town or community, a city, a country, and the planet. Those are
different scales?
A: Yes and cosmic as well in rare cases. For example, we are time travelling right now.
Q: (Joe) That suggests that time travelling can be described as being able to communicate with the past
or future... but only communication.
(Ark) Does such a machine need a human special operator, or is it just a machine?
A: First option.
Q: (Ark) Is it the case that if this machine would be operated by STS, it would kill the operator?
A: No.
Q: (Ark) Can one prevent somehow STS to misuse or to use such technology?
A: No.
Q: (Pierre) But they already time travel at will, messing up our timeline...
(Ark) But if we can also do this, we can mess up their messing up, no?
A: Intent must be pure STO for best results.
Q: (Chu) But no human is pure STO, so a human shouldn't be the operator.
(L) Well, a human can have a pure intent. They just can't hold it for very long.
(Ark) Next question: Such a device, is it just a technology, or do you need some physics and theory to
understand and to operate it?
A: Best results come with knowledge.
Q: (Ark) Is this knowledge some kind of esoteric knowledge, or...
A: No.
Q: (Ark) Does it include mathematics?
A: Yes
Q: (Ark) I'm done. Thank you.
(Barb) I have a question about that. When? When will such a machine be invented?
(Artemis) It already has.
A: That ship has sailed.
(Joe) There are people that have it, but we don't have it.
Q: (Barb) Okay, let me ask that differently. When will the human race have access to that technology?
A: 4D.
Q: (Joe) Here's the problem: In 4D or some other reality there are some that might have that kind of
intent or a more pure STO intent who could use it, but like they said at the beginning, the reason that
you'd use it would be to change the trajectory of history on many scales so as to eliminate extreme
suffering. But then you've got a problem: how are you going to decide that you should eliminate the
suffering of people on a planet or anywhere when that suffering might have been necessary? So who's
gonna make the decision to stop someone from experiencing something? How much knowledge would
you have to have about the broad implications of stopping someone from having an experience? What
would that lead to? What are the knock-on effects?
(Chu) And that might be abridging their free will.
(Joe) So, it seems like it's the kind of thing that only an STS manipulative mindset would want to use.
(Andromeda) Unless you had a LOT more knowledge that we don't have right now. You'd have to have
an understanding of other people's free will to subject somebody else to that.
(L) Well, it's fascinating. I'd like to be able to go back and tell myself something. And that's what I'm
doing here: I'm coming back and telling myself something.
(Joe) But that's a paradox. You might think that if I had a time travel machine, I wouldn't be abridging
anybody's free will if I just limited it to talking to myself in the past and telling myself in the past stuff. But
the problem is that the person you are today is dependent on all of the experiences that you had in the
past. If you messed up...
(L) If you messed up, you messed up for a reason.
(Joe) You in the present talking to yourself in the past wouldn't exist because you'd have changed who
you were in the past and therefore who you are now.
(L) That's why they won't tell us some things.
(Joe) It's the time travel paradox.
(L) Can you imagine if that technology was available to human beings and everybody could get access?
(Joe) They'd wreck the place.
(L) There would be chaos.
(Niall) Look what happened when people got the ability to talk to anyone they want to. Social media. The
internet. It's MADNESS!
(Ark) You can imagine a completely passive time machine. When you go, and see the past, see the
history. You want to go to Jesus' time or whatever. Another thing completely is a different scale to be
able to change something without killing yourself.
(Joe) But the next is: Do you need a time machine say in 4D to view past events? Or is that available to
you as a function of that reality?
(Ark) But just to travel into the past just to see...
(L) A psychomantium would be a passive time machine.
(Joe) Could someone with a time machine go back and actually be present at a certain point in the past?
(Andromeda) Like Bill and Ted?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) And then they get stuck there.
(Ark) Is there just one main history that you can view, or there are many alternative histories?
A: Latter.
Q: (Joe) So then the past you've viewed, is that what happened or just a possibility?
(Ark) I mean, how can there be a past that's an alternative to me being born in 1943??
A: You are here now as the result of following specific branching events that manifest as a result of
Q: (Andromeda) So if you tried to go back physically or even to just communicate with yourself in the
(Ark) What prevented us from successfully using of psychomantium?
A: Lack of application.
Q: (Andromeda) Didn't practice.
(Artemis) It didn't get used - that's what happened! [laughter]
(Pierre) The warning at the end of the last session two months ago, is it still going on?
A: Yes. Beware of quiet spells!
Q: (Barb) Why did it take so long for me and Laura to find each other? Why now?
A: You took that long to make the decision. Due to your tendency to want to appease everyone.
Q: (Barb) Yup. I get that. That is... yeah.
(Gaby) When the next plague arrives, will it be preceded by obvious cometary explosions?
A: Small ones.
Q: (Andromeda) And then the big ones come after.
(Pierre) Small comets, uh... It's something, eh? It's not meteorites.
(L) Alright, I think I'm done. I can't think of anything I want to ask in particular. Anything that we need to
ask that we didn't ask? Consider it asked.
A: Carry on as usual!! Goodbye.
End of Session
Session Date: July 17th 2022
Laura and Andromeda at the board
Q: (L) I think we're all kinda synched here, so let's get started. Oh, by the way, Artemis is out of town
visiting a friend so it's just me and Andromeda here tonight. This is Sunday, July 17th, 2022. [Review of
those present]
(Chu) (To Zoom audience) If you have any questions, use the chat or the 'raising hand' tool.
(L) Okay...
A: Hello children of the Divine Cosmic Mind. Cassiopaea at your service. Linoghilaea here.
Q: (L) I swear they just put letters together to make those names...
(Andromeda) Do we need powder?
(L) Yeah, I think we could use some powder. We're getting a bit staticky.
[Break to get talc for the board...]
(L) Smells really good! Alrighty, we've got questions coming up fast and furious already. Scroll back to
the top and let me start at the beginning.
Q: (Jefferson/Breton) What happened to the Guidestones?
A: Blown up by unhappy patriot.
Q: (eboard10) The Tunu13 ice core record shows a spike in acid followed by a huge spike in H2O2
around 1100 AD. Was this caused by electric discharges from the comet that was observed around 1106
AD both in Europe and Asia?
A: Yes
Q: (Ze Germanz) What kind of weapons "based on new physical principles" does Russia possess?
A: Serious bunker busting hypersonic missiles. Also some really cool antigravity techniques combined
with regular propulsion systems.
Q: (L) Hmm...
(Ze Germanz) Who killed Rasputin and why?
A: The equivalent of Mossad for those times.
Q: (L) And why?
A: Too much influence on royal family plus the ability to foresee danger.
Q: (Ryan) To what extent are 4D STS expecting the removal of infrastructure on the surface of the planet
during the present Cosmic changes?
A: Impossible to determine as they live in wishful thinking.
Q: (Ursus Minor) Did Eisenhower make a deal/treaty with the Nazis in the 1950's?
A: No.
Q: (Ryu) SRT question: Will we / can we become able to actually cure disease with the SRT sessions?
A: Close as long as it respects free will.
Q: (Lainey) What happened to Madeleine McCann?
A: Murdered by pervert known to parents.
Q: (Joe) The parents are definitely dodgy.
(Ryan) Who Greenbaumed Bill Gates?
A: US military / CIA consortium.
Q: (Ryu) SRT sessions: For those who zone out, where do they "go" and what do they do?
A: They go nowhere except into a very deep state.
Q: (L) Yeah, they call it a somnambulistic state when you achieve a really deep state of hypnosis. Not
everybody can do it. There's nothing wrong with it. Does that mean that they're not hearing or doing the
A: No, they are.
Q: (Temperance) NYC government put out a video with instructions on what to do in case of a nuclear
attack. Is this baseless fear mongering, foreboding an actual threat, a false flag attack, something
coming from space, or another possibility?
A: Mostly fear mongering. But be aware that there are many surprises in store. Remember "celestial
intentions" and all that.
Q: (Nathan) Will Dmitry Medvedev be the next Russian President?
A: Most likely.
Q: (Ursus Minor) Has the Military-Industrial Complex built a 'Secret Space Fleet'?
A: They wish.
Q: (Lainey) Would a distance reiki attunement work?
A: Unlikely.
Q: (Alejo) Why are all these world leaders suddenly quitting their jobs?
(L) Who's quitting their jobs?
(Joe) They're not.
(L) Who do you mean? I haven't heard of any such thing.
(Joe) Boris Johnson was booted. There are a few others, but it's not anything that couldn't be construed
as normal.
(L) Yeah, sounds normal to me.
(Ryan) Is money used in any form within the realm of 4D STO?
A: No.
Q: (Eboard10) Do the PTB have the means to detect and stop the small comets that will precede the
plague which the C's mentioned in the last session?
A: No.
Q: (The Farmies) What is the "vital force" described by homeopathy? Is the vital force the same as chi? Is
chi the flow of electricity?
A: Very close. But mainly the organizing of molecules within the information field.
Q: (cinnamon) We need a FOTCM 'swear jar' for malformed questions.
(L) Good idea! [laughter] If you come up with a crappy question or poorly phrased, you gotta put money
in the jar!
(irjo) What are the chances that Trump will be re-elected as president of the USA in the coming
A: Remote.
Q: (L) Does that mean that other weird things might happen?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Does that mean there won't be a presidential election in 2024?
A: Not exactly. Wait and see!
Q: (Niall) Biden will become dictator for life - and last 3 weeks. [laughter]
(Ze Germanz) The American embassy was closed 2 days ago in Kiev and Odessa. Why?
A: They know they are meddling and Russia knows it and is losing patience.
(Joe) They know that Russia's gonna bring out the big guns soon. Gonna take the gloves off pretty soon
if they don't stop messing around.
Q: (Bluegazer) Does the grail have the capacity to restore the biosphere on a large scale? Is it actually a
time (crystal) machine?
A: What?!
Q: (Joe) That's a big tip in the jar for that.
(L) Yeah, a big chunk of bucks in the jar for that one. There are a lot of assumptions in that question.
(Ellipse) Are 4D STS leaving the moon?
A: No.
Q: (Ze Germanz) What is the monkey pox hype about?
A: Fear.
Q: (Aiming) Question from my husband Mimmo due to his recent dream: Could the new virus that brings
about the real plague be some sort of an Ebola type Virus?
A: Close enough to be awful.
Q: (L) Okay, the leaders who 'quit' were Bojo and Mario Draghi... Why are they 'quitting'?
A: Infighting as usual.
Q: (Joe) Also known as politics.
(logos5x5) There seem to be stronger flu bugs and other viruses going around lately. Could there also be
a space bug going around in the mix now? Or maybe COVID recombination?
A: All of the options on the table.
Q: (L) I would like to add one other option. Is it because people have been weakened by the Covid
vaccines or having had Covid themselves, and therefore the flu is more severe?
A: Yes
Q: (LQB) What are the worm-like structures that are pulled from the vaxxed by embalmers?
A: Blood clots of unusual type.
Q: (Puma) There is talk on the Internet that there are several people impersonating President Biden or
even generating deep fake images. Is it true?
A: No.
Q: (Puma) Is President Biden completely insane to lead the country?
A: Dementia.
Q: (Ryu) The C's said that level playing field would happen soon. Is it possible to give a time frame?
A: No.
Q: (L) Money in the jar!
(Kari Baba) Can the use of ionized oxygen be beneficial and possibly an alternative to the hyperbaric
A: It is beneficial but not as effective.
Q: (Josi) Why was Shinzo Abe assassinated?
A: Revenge and a message.
Q: (Niall) That question assumes it was one guy. Is there a conspiracy behind the assassination of Shinzo
A: Certainly connected to individuals involved with other conspiracies.
Q: (Joe) I think the question should be: Was the guy who shot him a patsy?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Was he a patsy for someone within the Japanese government?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) So it was an internal thing.
(maxwell1110) How long in 3D Earth years does a lizzie desire to "possess" a human body in 3D before
they would want to move back to 4DSTS realm?
(Chu) Huh?
(Joe) 50 dollars!
(L) Yeah, we need 50 bucks on that one. Okay, forget that one...
(Rancho Relaxo) Is Google AI really sentient?
A: Getting there.
Q: (Joe) Does 'sentient' in that sense mean that it develops some kind of a rudimentary soul imprint for
something else to use it?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Something with a rudimentary soul imprint isn't gonna be able to do very much.
(L) But it can be used by something else.
(Ze Germanz) How many Ukrainian and Russian servicemen respectively died since the begin of the
special military operation in Ukraine?
(L) I think you ought to read the Ukraine thread about that. There are some pretty good estimates already
on there.
(vulcan59) Have humans flown past the Van Allen radiation belts?
A: Yes. More than once too!
Q: (maxwell1110) Back April 3, 2018 there was a shooting at YouTube. Was this staged in any way by a
faction/group within Google/YT?
A: No.
Q: (Niall) It was a personal vendetta.
(L) I think you could have researched that one.
(Niall) Somebody was censored and they were angry.
(Joe) $10
(Tristan) Will the revolts that are taking place in the world continue to rise?
A: Yes
Q: (Tristan) And what happened in Sri Lanka was genuine?
A: Yes
Q: (Fallen_735) Why does the US in recent years let Mexico get away with certain things/make
compromises that strengthens Mexico's international position (water treaty in the rio grande, deer park
oil refinery, attempts to include Cuba and Venezuela in international summits)?
A: Mexico is in kahoots!
Q: (irjo) Is there a pyramid structure of power within the top level of the consortium? Meaning, if its a
"world government" is there a person in charge acting as a "president"?
A: Not exactly. 4d STS is at the pinnacle and a group just below.
Q: (Ursus Minor) If there's a 'World Government' - is Putin still on board?
A: No.
Q: (Gandalf) Is PEMF (Pulsed electromagnetic field) a good way to help the body?
A: Yes.
Q: (thorbiorn) Do new viruses come into earth from outer space on a regular basis without us knowing it?
A: Yes
Q: (Zar) I noticed how reiki doesn't emphasize/practice grounding, so I'm wondering if a deeper
grounding practice should be utilized during reiki? And would daily grounding be beneficial for
some/most people?
A: Yes to all.
Q: (Chu) There's a discussion on the "No Virus" thread and Mandatory Intellectomy wanted to ask
questions about it.
(Joe) How correct are scientists' ideas about viruses?
A: Close enough though there is a lot they do not know including the fact that a virus is a transdensity
Q: (Joe) Do viruses come from outside of the human body or from inside?
A: Both.
Q: (Joe) So the body can also make them?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Are they infectious?
A: Depending on the specific virus. Mostly, yes.
Q: (L) Is that it?
(Niall) We suspect that the gunman who shot elementary school kids in Uvalde, Texas had help from
others. Is this the case?
A: Yes
Q: (Niall) We think that there was some kind of order for the police to stand down. Is that what
A: Yes
Q: (Niall) Did they also disable the door locks?
A: Yes
Q: (Niall) Bingo, okay. We suspect that more than one gunman was at the Highland Park shooting near
Chicago on July 4th. Is that the case?
A: Yes
Q: (Niall) Was there a second shooter on the roof overlooking the street junction?
A: Yes
Q: (Niall) Are major food distribution centers in the West being deliberately destroyed?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) By whom?
A: Elements of the secret government.
Q: (Alejo) Connected to the google question, is sentient technology the basis for the greys as probes...
that is, machines with the capacity to house a form of soul?
A: Yes close.
Q: (cinnamon) Mathematically, how does a neural network generate a soul imprint? Is it a function of the
number of 'layers'? Is it a function of 'symbolism' being 'learned' by the network?
A: Both and more including addition of firing "synapses."
Q: (L) Does that make sense?
(Joe) The idea of AI is that the more complex the structure of the technology or whatever, the more it
gets to the level of complexity of a human brain or a human being. The closer it gets to that, at a certain
point I suppose it's able to 'house' some kind of rudimentary consciousness. But it has to be complex
(L) Well, one of the things we've seen with our SRT sessions is that a pattern of energy can be repeated
and strengthened and added to and utilized by other attachments. That's what we saw on the last one.
There was an initial pattern that then began to be utilized by something else.
(Ursus Minor) What happened to the Ukrainian witches that threatened Putin?
A: Not much.
Q: (Bo) Is Thierry Baudet, a Dutch politician, leader of FVD, one of the good guys?
A: Not exactly. Controlled opposition.
Q: (Ze Germanz) Does Putin think there is a good likelihood of an ice age coming fairly soon?
A: He is aware of the research, yes.
Q: (Ze Germanz) Is he aware of a possible comet swarm or objects with greater effect coming in towards
A: Yes
Q: (whitecoast) Was the observed cooling on Pluto and Neptune this year caused by passing through a
galactic current sheet (as Suspicious Observers claims), the approach of Sol's companion star, or
another material cause?
A: Grounding the current.
Q: (L) So that would be related to the sun's twin, is that it?
A: Yes
(L) Which is related to the approach of Sol's companion.
(loreta) Are the fires in Portugal and Spain provoked by human hands?
A: Not much, but some.
Q: (nicklebleu) Covid hasn't been isolated formally according to Koch postulates. Is this because it
cannot be done, or scientific lazyness?
(Joe) They haven't read the thread. Read the thread on the forum.
(Josi) How did Ivana Trump die?
A: Thrombosis leading to cardiac arrest.
Q: (MK Scarlett) Are pictures of viruses showed by mainstream science actually viruses? If not, what are
they showing?
(L) What are they, Gaby? I think they're depictions of some kind of electron microscopy. So they can't
really get a 'picture', but they get...
(Pierre) Reconstitution.
(L) Yeah.
(anartist / bluefyre) Is the corona RNA virus, or jab RNA virus being incorporated into our genome?
A: Yes
Q: (Ze Germanz) Had Stalin had any mental disturbances that resulted in reduced empathy?
A: Yes
Q: (L) I think Lobaczewski discusses that in Ponerology.
A: Yes
Q: (Niall) Was Stalin poisoned?
A: Yes
Q: (Niall) By who?
A: Agents.
Q: (L) Joe, you think it was Britain?
(Niall) Officially, he just died.
(Joe) I think it was English people.
(Niall) There is a conspiracy theory in Russia that it was MI6.
(L) Okay, are they close to the truth?
A: Close
Q: (L) That's all you're gonna get!
(irjo) Is there any update regarding New Mexico moving to 4D as effect of the underground bases?
A: No.
Q: (L) Garbage in, garbage out.
(hlat) Silly question. My daughter had an unusual experience and would like to know what happened.
One morning she woke up in bed and saw my son standing in her doorway. Son said to Daughter
something about cooking chicken tenders, and then Son ran off. Daughter got out of bed after a few
seconds, walked down the hallway, and saw Son and Second Daughter in the living room. Daughter
asked if Son had asked her about chicken tenders, and he said he didn't. Second Daughter said Son
had been sitting with her the whole time and couldn't have gone to Daughter's room. What happened?
A: Bilocation. Did he get his tenders?
Q: [laughter]
Q: (L) Oh, no, he didn't get his tenders that morning. Darn!
(Niall) He earned some, no?
(L) Yeah, he earned it! Bilocation takes energy!
(Nathan) Was Ivan the Third poisoned?
A: Yes
(Pophistorian) Is the consortium planning to reinstate lockdowns before November?
A: No
Q: (L) That doesn't mean they're not planning to reinstate lockdowns. It's just not before November.
Alright, I'm really getting stiff back here. We're caving in on ourselves. Does anybody here have any last
questions? Is there anything we need to ask about that we haven't asked that we should have asked,
consider it asked and give us an answer please!
A: Stay the course and network more! Some of you are slackers! Goodbye.
(Joe) It's not a joke, people, even though it's fun.
(L) It's not a joke. It's necessary.
(Chu) Being at the meetings doesn't count as networking.
(L) Yeah, remember that it's in the fact of working through stuff that you get kind of frequency matched
with everybody. You bring somebody up or you stabilize your vibes or whatever. They used to call it
"vibes" back in my day. He's got good vibes! She's got bad vibes... You were "vibing" together! I'm in
tune with his vibes... Well, ya know, that's not crazy talk. It's probably pretty accurate. So you need to
get vibing with each other because that is part of your frequency fence.
(Joe) And there's no free lunch.
End of Session
Session Date: August 27th 2022
Laura, Andromeda and Artemis at the board
Q: (L) 15 questions already!
(Joe) Do the people who've asked them realize there may be financial penalties (for badly formed
questions)? [laughter]
(L) Well, we'll try to go through as many as we can.
(Gaby) Do you want to talk with jar?
(L) No, we're not gonna talk with him. We'll ask a couple of questions about him, maybe. So, I'll let Ark
do his questions first and then I'll ask about jar. Then we'll get to ya'll's questions. Make these questions
real good and give enough background. Alright...
A: Dear people of Cassiopaea hello!
Q: (L) And who do we have with us?
A: Keleeinaea of Cassiopaea! Names signify energy flow.
Q: (L) Alright, dear.
(Ark) I have question. It's not about hyperdimensional being, but about hyperdimensional physics. I am
coming to the session of 14 November 1998 where I was asking about the relation between 4th density
and 4th dimension. And the answer was that yes indeed, 4th density is experienced in 4-dimensional
reality. So, I got curious about this 4-dimensional reality. I was asking if it was any kind known in physics
under the name of Kaluza-Klein theory. But the answer was that no, it's related to visual spectrum. And
then there came the term this is related to a prism. Now, visual spectrum, I am associating with the
frequency of light. And so, my question - which I should have asked then, but didn't - is: Is 4th
dimension indeed a frequency?
A: Yes
Q: (Ark) If it is a frequency, I would like to know what kind of geometry has this 4th-dimensional reality?
Is there such a concept of a distance there, for instance?
A: No
Q: (Ark) Well, there is something more general than distance. For instance, there is a degenerate metric.
Is there a metric there? Metric tensor?
A: Yes
Q: (Ark) Well, if it is not a distance but it is a metric tensor, does it mean it is degenerate so that there is
zero distance between two different points?
A: Yes
Q: (Ark) Okay, that's what I was suspecting. But the next question is whether 5th density requires
5-dimensional reality?
A: No
Q: (Ark) So 5th density requires what?
A: No space, no time.
Q: (Ark) If there is no space and no time, what is there?
A: Pure information in units.
Q: (Ark) Alright. Next question: Is the speed of light constant?
A: No
Q: (Ark) Does it vary with frequency?
A: Yes
Q: (Ark) Are there discrete dimensions rather than continuous?
A: Somewhat.
Q: (Ark) Somewhat. Okay. Is Planck's constant a constant?
A: No
Q: (Ark) Aha.
(L) Oh geez. That's a can of worms.
(Ark) I am done. I have no more questions.
(Pierre) I have a question related to Ark's question. Imagine you have two different proteins, okay? And
two different emissions of biophotons, okay? My question is: For two emissions, do they behave
differently or not?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) Aha! But it's not the coherence that is differing.
A: Correct.
Q: (Pierre) Is it a fractal pattern?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) THANK YOU! You made my day.
(L) Alright. Okay, we want to ask if our brother jar had a smooth passing?
A: More or less as such things go.
Q: (L) Does that mean that there was difficulty in his passing?
A: Some
Q: (L) Why was there difficulty?
A: Drugs always cause such.
Q: (L) But in his situation and that of many other people, ya know, it's just too much suffering for them to
endure without drugs.
A: Yes
Q: (L) So, it's damned if you do, and damned if you don't. What is he doing now?
A: Resting and recovering.
Q: (L) Did he in fact come to my house and move those objects on the mantel in my bedroom?
A: Yes
Q: (L) I wanted him to give me a sign that he was here.
(Andromeda) On the same day?
(L) Yeah. And it was kinda weird. Anyway... Is it appropriate for us to ask why he chose to check out?
A: He had little choice under the circumstances.
Q: (L) What circumstances?
A: His environment.
Q: (L) You mean like his... Well, maybe we should ask jar. Will we be able at some point to speak with
A: Yes
Q: (L) Well, I don't want to pry into that too much without asking jar directly. That would be a little bit of a
violation. I'm not trying to be nosy. So is he alright and are our prayers helping him?
A: Yes yes yes!
Q: (L) Alright, so we shall continue to pray for him, that he will rest and recover and be able to speak with
us at some point in the future.
A: Yes
Q: (L) Alright, I guess that's all for what I wanted to ask. And I guess now it's time to turn to...
(Scottie) Can I ask about our fiber cut?
(L) Our who?
(Scottie) Our fiber cut?
(L) What fiber cut? We had a fiber cut?
(Artemis) We had a fiber cut? [laughter]
(Scottie) Remember when our fiber was cut for 5 months?
(L) It was? [laughter]
(Joe) We didn't lose our internet connection. That's why you didn't notice. We have 2 fibers. One of them
was cut.
(Scottie) Okay, lemme just ask the question then... On February 24th, the day that Russia went into
Ukraine, we lost our satellite internet connection (which is a backup). Also, one of our two fibers was cut
at the pole across the street. It took them over 5 months to fix it. While they were fixing it, they
discovered that the same fiber was cut a second time down the road in Castelsarrasin. So my first
question is: What the HECK happened to our fiber?
A: Sabotage energies.
Q: (L) Sabotage energies... Is a sabotage energy different than a sabotage person?
A: Yes
Q: (L) And what was the reason for it?
A: Similar things happened in other places, usually at points of conflicting realities.
Q: (L) Conflicting realities...
(Joe) Was there any relation to the Russian invasion?
A: What we just said.
Q: (Andromeda) What about our electrical problems, as well?
[We have had 3 events where there is an overvoltage on multiple and varied phases of our 3-phase
connection from the power grid, resulting in countless gizmos in the house getting fried, exploding,
popping, and so on. We run successfully on generator power until EDF arrives. Each time, the power
company comes, we think we find something that could be the issue, but then it happens again some
weeks or months later. These 3 events happened on:
1. January 23, 2022 at 6:20
2. June 12, 2022 at 11:00
3. August 10, 2022 at 7:45
It's really NOT very much fun... Getting insurance to pay for things has been a nightmare, and is still an
ongoing process with no results thus far.]
A: That was due to other, but similar, energies of conflict.
Q: (L) So what I'm getting is that maybe we had kinda like a bubble of energy around us and when those
other energies start really acting up and they can't penetrate our bubble completely, they just wreak
havoc in our electronics or whatever. Is that what we're talking about here?
A: Yes close enough.
Q: (Artemis) It's wild and crazy out there.
(L) Yeah, stay home!
(Niall) Well, stay home and get power surges. BZZZT!! [laughter] If you stay home, you still get it!
(L) So, we covered all of our little thingies. Are you happy Scottie, or you wanna follow up?
(Scottie) Just for the power surge thing, are we on the right track towards solving the problems?
A: Yes
Q: (Scottie) Good. I'm happy.
(L) Okay, now... Go to the top of group members' questions.
(Mr. Cyan) How accurate in % is the Deagel 2025 population forecasts?
(L) Okay put that over to the side and let me talk to Mr. Cyan. Gee, I saw you at my kitchen table not too
long ago!
(Mr. Cyan) Yeah, I know. A month ago!
(L) What is the Deagel Forecast?
(Mr. Cyan) It's a population forecast done by this company called Deagel. No one really knows much
about them, but they predicted... I think, ya know, in Western countries somewhere between 50-60%
reduction. I can't remember the details, but it was like in the USA there would be 80 million people less
by 2025 - something like that.
(L) I remember! Ya'll were talking about it on...
(Joe) It was there a long time ago, like maybe 10-12 years ago. It kinda like got mothballed. Then they
came back with an explanation of who they are and what they do and why they gave that prediction. It's
not really that mysterious. Their explanation anyway was to do with climate change and all the usual
stuff. That's what they said. But it was there a long time ago - 2010 maybe?
(L) 2010?
(Joe) It's been there a long time.
(Mr. Cyan) It kinda pinged in my mind because you mentioned in a forum post that you had a dream that
we had 2 years left before everything goes kaflooey. So I thought, "Ah! This coincides with the Deagel
(L) Alright. So, what is the percentage of accuracy of the Deagel forecast?
A: Not even close. There will of course be population reductions and catastrophic events, and things will
certainly be falling apart, but not as they describe or predict.
Q: (L) So... They said something like 70% of the population?? Something crazy like that, wasn't it?
(Joe) They had different reductions for different countries. But in a lot of places, it was like either a 3rd or
half reduced. Maybe 2/3 in some places.
A: Human beings are far more resilient than those types factor in to their calculations.
Q: (L) I should hope so. Alright, now...
(Luc) Iain McGilchrist's work had a big impact on me, so I was wondering: What, if anything, have the left
and right brain hemispheres to do with our uplink to the information field and the higher realms?
A: They interpret in tandem the information received by full body sensing.
Q: (L) Left and right brain interpret the information sensed by the full body sensing system...
(Joe) Proteins.
(L) Yeah, all your proteins and your antennas...
(Joe) And your left hemisphere and your right hemisphere fight over it.
(Andromeda) Probably overinterpreting it.
(L) And the uplink to the whole thing is, what, your pituitary?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Alright. Okay:
(Eboard10) Is Elon Musk a Greenbaum victim?
A: No
Q: (MK Scarlett) Who killed Darya Dugina and why?
A: Several individuals involved in planning and support including from within Russia. The accused
woman is the primary executor.
Q: (Joe) The people from within Russia would have been a fifth element, right? They're not actually part
of the Russian government...
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Was it more or less as a propaganda ploy to just show that they can get to people inside
A: Darya's death was partly revenge and partly statement to inspire fear. Plus she was a "burr under the
Q: (L) Alright.
(NewEngland Seeker) My question is taking Laura's commentary on the Secret of the Kingdom of God
and linking that to the C's April drop dead date. Since Aries is the zodiac sign for April would the drop
dead be a reference to a hyperdimensional being, i.e., Aries?
(L) $25 in the jar! [laughter]
(Joe) Aries is gonna kill us all.
(L) No, it's just kind of a... Where is this person? Lemme see him. Move that camera down so I can see
you. That's pretty stretching it, dontcha think? You don't think so?
(NewEngland Seeker) [something about it being a hyperdimensional or a 3d related event]
(L) Well, I don't see how that relates to Paul's Kingdom of God except that you're talking about it the
broad sense of it being a hyperdimensional thing. My emphasis was on the fact that the Kingdom of God
was, as far as Paul could see, inclusive of individuals who were basically inclined in that direction while
there were other individuals who were not so inclined. They were inclined in the STS direction. And
basically, in Paul's Kingdom of God, you could only be inclined in the proper direction. Those who
believed the lies or couldn't see or understand were not yet able to perceive the unseen. So, you're
asking about Aries in terms of Aries being something like the war god, is that...?
(NewEngland Seeker) Correct. Something like a dark hyperdimensional being.
(L) So, let's ask: Is the April Drop Dead Date a reference to a hyperdimensional being such as Aries, i.e.
the God of War?
A: Not exactly.
Q: (L) Is it more a reference to something that will manifest on Earth in our 3d reality at some future April
A: Yes
Q: (L) Um... Since he's asked the question, are there indications that we could notice if we were paying
attention and had a clue what we were supposed to be looking for, that would indicate to us the death or
termination or something of any 4D beings that were engaged in this battle in the sky, so to speak?
A: Not that you would think of as different. That is, a volcanic eruption could represent the degaussing of
a 4D STS being... or just a volcanic eruption.
Q: (L) So you're saying that some natural phenomena such as floods, fires, earthquakes, gigantic
thunderbolts and all that kind of stuff, could represent this kind of conflict, and it could represent a
degaussing event, but it doesn't always have to. Is that it?
A: Yes
Q: (L) And so because of that, we would not necessarily be able to tell. Is that it?
A: Yes
Q: (L) And you say "degaussing"...
A: Not "death".
Q: (L) Hmm.
(Andromeda) Interesting.
(L) Well, I don't know where to go with that. Alright...
(Ryan) What were the mysterious red lights seen over the Atlantic ocean in late July 2022?
(Joe) Can I answer that? Fishing vessels.
(L) Joe says fishing vessels.
(Artemis) You wanna make sure, or no?
(L) Was it fishing vessels?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) $5! All you had to do was look up large-scale fishing vessels. In the past, like maybe 10 years
ago, they started putting on lots of LED lights all along these ships because they attract squid and other
kinds of fish. When there's cloud cover and someone flying in a commercial jet above that is looking
down, they see this big red glowing area as the light from the boats is reflected off the bottom of the
clouds. So, anyway.
(Andromeda) There ya go.
(Joe) I just looked it up on the internet.
(L) Okay:
(Keit) Some analysts in Russia are saying that there is something in the Zaparozhskaya power plant that
either Ukraine or the West don't want to become public knowledge. That's why Russians want official
representatives to visit and record what's in there. Is there something they don't want others to know?
A: Yes
Q: (Keit) What is it?
A: Weapons grade uranium.
Q: (Joe) A month before Russia went in to Ukraine, Zelensky mentioned that Ukraine would possibly be
looking at developing a nuclear weapon. That kinda sealed the deal for the Russians.
(L) So basically, Vladimir Putin has gone looking for those infamous weapons of mass destruction - and
they ARE there!
(Ze Germanz) Why has the rotation speed of the Earth recently increased by almost 1.6 milliseconds?
A: Grounding the current!
Q: (L) Does that mean that something out there is grounding the current?
A: Yes
Q: (L) What?
A: Wait and see!
Q: (L) Does that mean we will be able to see something at some point?
A: Oh indeed!
Q: (Niall) It's the Death Star!
(Joe) A nice shiny comet.
(Keit) What was the wave that people in Donetsk area (Volnovakha) saw in the sky today?
[See: Videos in Session 22 February 2020 thread]
A: A portal activated!
Q: (Joe) Was something coming through it?
A: Preparing.
Q: (Gaby) It looked like the same thing as in Aleppo.
(Artemis) Well, what's gonna come through when it opens? Can we have a hint?
A: Energies!
Q: (L) Okay.
(seek10) C's mentioned that the Hindu epics Ramayan and Mahabharat are representations of cosmic
events. Are they the same event or different events?
A: Multiple events!
Q: (seek10) Is Mahabharat event happened at 1100BC end of bronze age event? If no, what is the event
date? If yes, is it related to Victor clube's Enke disintegration event ( 1000 =/- 300 BC )?
A: Close enough. But the main event was the 12900 event.
Q: (seek10) What is the Ramayan's originating cosmic event date?
(L) Well, since they said multiple events, I'm not sure you can divide it up that way. So, next question:
(seek10) Is it the 2300 BC event hypothesised by M.M. Mendelkher?
A: Close enough.
Q: (seek10) The C's mentioned Anghor Wat was created by 4D STS around 1100 BC. Did 4D STS etch
Hindu epics on Anghor Wat?
A: No
Q: (seek10) Did these etchings contribute to the creation of Hindu epics or later representations?
A: Later.
Q: (seek10) The C's said there were Prototype 3 (Neanderthal) before aryans invaded India 8000 years
ago. They also mentioned that Neanderthals were also airlifted when the Kantekanians arrived 80,000
year ago. Does it mean some versions of Neandarthals still existed until 8,000 years ago.
A: Yes
Q: (L) Alright, you got more than one question in there! Okay, Ryan:
(Ryan) Was the Roman historian Cornelius Tacitus alive at the time of the cometary event of 536-540
A: No
Q: (NewEngland Seeker) Does the hyperbaric therapy increase our resistance to hyperdimensional
A: Funnily, yes!
Q: (Artemis) If you're strong all over, you're strong all over.
(L) I don't think that's so funny! [laughter]
(Pierre) I have a question related to that. Does the 2.0 bar HBOT induce some qualitative benefits versus
the 1.5 bar version?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) You were right!
(L) What are those qualitative... God. No, I don't want to ask that question be then we'll open a can of
(Joe) Supercharged.
(KS) Is the "space virus" already present on the surface of 3D Earth?
(L) You have to be specific there. You mean the one they were talking about that might be coming that
would cause a serious plague? Is that what you're asking?
(KS) Yes
A: No
Q: (L) We have SO much to look forward to!
(KS) What kind of intended upgrades or downgrades does the "space virus" contain?
(Joe) In the last session, they said there's a chance that a space virus would recombine with any number
of existing viruses on the planet, and it would cause the plague and kill everybody.
(L) I don't think you can ask that. Viruses are so...
(Artemis) And everybody's different.
(L) There are a million answers to that question. Oh, wait... What kind of intended upgrades or
downgrades? INTENDED... That makes the question a little more specific. What kind of INTENDED
upgrades or downgrades?
A: Mainly a filtering system.
Q: (L) Like filtering human beings?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) Selection. Darwin.
(Joe) I applaud whoever that was for taking what the C's said before which was that there's a plague
coming that will kill up to 80% of the population, and spinning it into a positive. "So what kind of
superpowers are we gonna get from this plague?" [laughter]
(Chu) Well, they said that about COVID: That it was intended to do one thing, but it mutated in some
(L) And that tells us that you can't intend a virus to do anything because you don't know what it's gonna
do when you turn it loose.
(Ryan) Is our Cassiopaean Crystal Network influencing and/or activating the subsurface Atlantean
crystals described in earlier sessions?
A: No!
Q: (L) I don't think we WANT to activate those crystals! Weren't they used for control?
(JEEP) My question - July 18 Flyover Conservatives (FOC) interview with Dr. Buttar - he states the mRNA
shots have hydrogel containing stabilized e-coli, Marburg, and ebola that possibly with an 18 gigahertz
trigger, will dissolve the hydrogel and release the pathogens. True?
A: No
Q: (L) Alright, next:
(bluefyre) Mike Adams analyzed the clots from the embalmers and says they seem to be amyloid
plaques. Are they amyloid plaques?
A: Yes.
Q: (bluefyre) How are the jabs creating these?
A: The jabs don't, the body tries to defend itself from invasion.
Q: (irjO) We now know that the enforcers for the STS 4D beings in our realm are psychopaths...
(L) Do we?
(Joe) It was from a session years ago when you asked about alien invasion and enforcers and stuff. And
it was basically who needs aliens when there are psychopaths.
(L) Okay. So:
Q: (irjO) We now know that the enforces for the STS 4D beings in our realm are psychopaths and other
pathological individuals. But is it still true that there are 3 ships with Nephilim coming this way as stated
before in one of the early sessions?
A: Yes
Q: (Puma) In early August of this year a photograph of a UFO that the UK Ministry of Defense kept for 32
years was released. This photo was labeled by many as "the best image in the world". The Calvine UFO
caused a sensation on social networks when it was digitally processed. This UAP/UFO had very different
characteristics than is usual. No bright lights. It looks organic, rocky, one person wrote "almost like the
underwater side of an old rusty boat with algae and shit growing on the fuselage."
In the image, we can see an angular, diamond-shaped object, estimated to be about 30 meters long,
flying a short distance away from what appears to be a Harrier jet.
[See: UFOs, Aliens, and the Question of Contact - video]
Is it a real UFO or was the photo fabricated to further support the Pentagon's UFO agenda?
A: Yes
Q: (Puma) If it is a real UFO was it manned or was it a probe?
A: Manned.
Q: (Puma) What are the organic, worn characteristics of this UAP due to?
A: Structural specifications for camouflage.
Q: (Ze Germanz) Was Roman Mithraism created to distort ideas and principles taught by Caesar?
A: Not precisely, but it came to be used that way.
Q: (Rancho Relaxo) What happened to Pompey in 51 to 49, that he did an 180 degree on Caesar?
A: He was manipulated via ego.
Q: (aimarok) Were any of the explosions in Crimea this month caused by space based weapons?
A: No
Q: (Toronto group) Canada is still punishing the unvaxxed with unemployment, travel bans, even denying
medical transplants. Why is Canada the outlier compared to the other countries, and will this end soon?
A: It will end when Canadians say so.
Q: (L) Well, why is Canada doing this?
A: Experiment on "tough" people.
Q: (L) So they're trying to see how far they can push people who are reputed to be tough and not
(LQB) Does our Sun micronova about every 12,000 years as suggested by Ben Davidson?
A: No
Q: (LQB) If not, how did fission tracks appear in the glass beads brought back from the moon?
A: Other events can cause this.
Q: (Ze Germanz) Why were the images on tauroctony reversed as seen from the cosmos?
(L) No, they were correct as seen from the cosmos, but they were reversed if you were looking at them
from the Earth.
(Andromeda) Maybe "as if" seen from the cosmos.
A: Artist confused by concept.
Q: (L) So it's like I thought. The artist was just using something like the globe...
(Andromeda) Where it was already reserved for an...
(L) For an artistic reason, and didn't... Yeah, so... Well, we're gonna have to shut down here because
Artemis is getting tired.
(Joe) Can I ask a question? Ya know the 480 years that we assume were added to the timeline? Were
they all added after Caesar's death?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Were they all added after Caesar's death up until the 540 AD cataclysm, or were some added
afterwards in the Dark Ages?
A: 2 major chunks. They can be identified by duplicate histories.
Q: (L) Okay, we're gonna have to say goodnight because Artemis’s getting really exhausted and I can
feel it. Anything we should have asked that we didn't ask?
A: No. Goodbye.
End of Session
Session Date: October 22nd 2022
Laura and Andromeda at the board
Q: (L) Is everybody feeling the torture of the external world going to hell in a handbasket and nothing we
can do about it? Do ya'll feel tortured, horrified, disgusted, amazed, revolted, helpless... Just oh my god!
And do you realize how FAST it happened? I mean, things were a little wonky since 9/11, but up until
they started that color revolution in Ukraine, things were still kinda... normal. From then on, it just
snowballed. That was 2014, and this is 2022. 8 years. It's CRAZY! I can't believe it. The insanity...
They're letting transvestites or transgenders or whatever have drag queen shows for 3, 4, 5, 6-year-old
kids. They're teaching them about sex, telling them about masturbating at 7 in front of the class is
normal, states passing laws that allow minors to come to their state to have sex changing surgery,
permanently defacing and deforming their bodies without permission from their parents... Do you realize
how absolutely utterly freaking INSANE all of that is?? And the whole gender pronouns business: Oh my
god... It's just... It's Sodom and Gomorrah, people - I mean really and truly. It's insane.
Ready? Now that I've worked myself up into a frenzy, let's go.
A: Hello people of Cassiopaea. Good evening from Lourtia of Cassiopaea.
Q: (L) Well, you're a little slow tonight. Is that because my energy is a little scattered?
A: Yes. Will settle soon.
Q: (L) So, I want to start out and ask a few questions, guys. Just let me have a few minutes here and
then ya'll be thinking of questions. I had a dream the other night about jar. I wondered if that indicated
that he has now kind of emerged from his hibernation or sleep state after passing?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Is there any way you could communicate with him?
A: Yes
Q: (L) That is, I'll ask you to ask him the questions, and you can convey his answers?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Okay. I think we'll... What was the symbology of this "meeting" I had? In my dream, we were at a
meeting in a hall where there was going to be a lecture. He came in and smiled really big and waved his
hand and he sat down three rows ahead of us. That's really kinda all there was to the dream. Was that
symbolic of anything?
A: Yes. Jar was finally able to enjoy what he most loved without guilt or distraction.
Q: (L) Okay. What was this talk we were going to enjoy in this lecture hall?
A: Knowledge dispensation and soul family fellowship.
Q: (L) Is jar feeling better now?
A: Yes very much so.
Q: (L) Anything else I should ask about jar?
(Andromeda) Is there anything he would like to tell us?
(L) Yeah, is there any message jar would like to convey?
A: Not yet. He is still adjusting. But he would like for {jar's wife} to know that it is all true and she should
have more faith.
Q: (L) Anything else?
A: No.
Q: (L) Well, I'm sure that she will know what, "It's all true" refers to. That was the first thing on my mind.
The second thing on my mind is that obviously my feeling of being a little scattered and feeling a little... I
dunno, it's like... Well, like everybody else I just get really disturbed by what's going on. Sometimes I feel
like if I don't have support, I can't keep going. I can't keep doing. I feel something like... I can't even
begin to describe it. It's like there's something amiss. Well, let me ask this because this is something that
did concern me: We had the Two Hats episode. I think we asked about the appearance of the two hats.
Pierre, do you remember?
(Pierre) It was about splitting of realities. And I asked recently, and... I don't remember the answer.
(L) Well anyhow, the two hats have now disappeared - both of them.
(Andromeda) BOTH of them?
(L) Yes. I don't know how that happened. One day they were there, and now they're gone. During the
time the two hats were in existence in our possession, it was a very, VERY trying time. That was when
Ark got sick, he had chemotherapy, and there were all kinds of other things going on. So, I want to know
just what the heck was going on?
A: Attempt on the part of 4D STS to split and then totally divert the reality of your mission.
Q: (Pierre) So, the two hats having disappeared, it means they failed to split the reality?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Well, they failed to split it, but they had a temporary loop.
(Pierre) But it's gone now.
A: Yes
Q: (L) Um... Well that's weird. So just exactly how does something like that work?
A: Alternate reality is created for manipulation purposes and then elements sent through the realm
curtain which bleed into current reality with intent to overwhelm and replace. That was the hat.
Q: (L) So the hat was one of the elements that was sent. Is that because when this attempt to send
things through the realm curtain was made, Ark was actually wearing the hat?
A: Yes
Q: (L) So the hat got involved. Well, how come he didn't get a second shirt, second pair of pants, second
bicycle? I mean... Geez! [laughter]
A: Hat was sent as sign. 4D STS are required to declare themselves in some way.
Q: (Joe) Is that why in exorcisms the priest demands to know the name of the demon?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) They don't like declaring themselves. They're required to; like it's some kind of law?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Mm-kay. Um... So the hat was a sign, a declaration, and it came through the realm curtain...
Obviously, if this is anything like the abduction scenario that was described for us where they say that in
another realm or something they create a replica of a person's physical body and then they go and have
like a virtual abduction. They abduct like the soul essence or whatever and then take it in and put it into
(Joe) They put it in the copy, then work on the copy, and then merge it back into the original.
(L) Yeah, is that what was happening here?
A: Yes
Q: (L) And I assume that... Well, Ark was the one that got sick and all the things happened to him, so I
assume he was the target?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Hmm. Can anybody think of anything else?
(Niall) Can this happen again?
A: Vigilance and unity!!
Q: (L) Alright.
(Pierre) As a group today, what percentage of knowledge do we hold compared to the average
entry-level 4D entity?
(L) The average entry-level 4D entity? [laughter]
(Pierre) It's specific! [laughter]
A: 63 percent.
Q: (L) And that's as a group.
(Pierre) And it's not bad! Do you remember you asked years ago what knowledge do you hold compared
to the illuminati. And it was 2 percent.
(L) Yeah, but that was individual - I wasn't asking for the group.
(Pierre) Yeah, but I'm pleased with this answer.
(L) Obviously, working as a group is highly desirable. What one doesn't see, the other one sees. What
one doesn't think of, the other one thinks of.
(Chu) But obviously we're not done yet.
(L) Yeah, we're certainly not ready for entry-level 4D. [laughter] Okay, well, I guess we can move on now
to group questions unless ya'll have some political questions you want to get out of the way?
(Joe) They'll probably ask them.
(L) Okay, we'll rely on ya'll to ask all the relevant questions that everybody wants to know. When you ask
your question, think about it: Does everybody else in the group want to know it?
(Joe) Or would it be useful for everybody else?
(L) Yeah, will it be useful, or are you just satisfying your own jones?
(Niall) It's too late now - they've already asked!
(L) Okay, Chu is scrolling for me. (Referring to questions appearing onscreen.)
(Chu) Better be selective because as usual, there are a TON of questions...
(Ze Germans) What percentage of the inhabitants of Roman Italy had Latin as their mother tongue on the
day of the Caesar’s assassination?
A: 3 percent.
Q: (L) So not that many.
(Ze Germans) Who are the "architects of human languages"?
A: The builders of genes!
Q: (Ze Germans) How many years after Caesar's assassination happened did the eruption of Vesuvius
occur which obliterated Pompeii?
A: About 100
Q: (L) So what would that make it?
(Pierre) 60
(Niall) Officially 79.
(L) So that would make it 60 AD, and the official date is 79 or something. So, it's close. And they said
(Ursus Minor) Who blew up Nord Stream?
(L) Do you really need to ask that question? [laughter]
A: You know who!
Q: (L) Well we're just asking!
(Joe) They admitted it.
A: Your favorite alphabet soup.
Q: (L) CIA?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Alone?
A: No
Q: (L) So they had help from military...
A: Yes
Q: (L) Brits?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Mossad?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Germany?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Poland?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) NATO did it. That's good enough.
A: Close enough. Best to have all guilty together.
Q: (L) In other words, if they're all guilty together, nobody's gonna snitch.
(Niall) It's what they've been doing since Caesar's assassination.
(Eboard10) Will Western governments enforce COVID restrictions this winter?
A: Will try.
Q: (Eboard10) Was Queen Elizabeth's death assisted in some way?
A: No.
Q: (L) I think she was ready to go.
(Eboard10) Astrologer Svetlana Dragan sees some rather dire economic and natural events transpire in
the next 6 months. Is she onto something?
A: Close!
Q: (LQB) The IRAS-B satellite IR payload made a significant discovery (in the 1980s) that was promptly
suppressed. What was detected?
A: Mothership in orbit.
Q: (L) Well, that's scary enough.
A: It is usually cloaked but occasionally is exposed due to EM anomalies around planet.
Q: (L) So it was uncloaked at some moment when this satellite caught a glimpse, is that it?
A: Yes
Q: (L) And of course obviously if it was re-cloaked and they couldn't find it again, hmm... That would
have been embarrassing.
(Rancho Relaxo) In the session of December 3rd of 1994 the C's gave a list of marker events connected
to the Wave, including: Ukraine explosion; chemical or nuclear. Is this still on the menu, so to speak?
A: With minor modifications. Note floods in Africa.
Q: (L) I don't think floods in Africa were a part of that sequence. That was mentioned at another time.
A: Yes
Q: (L) They did give "floods in Africa" though as some kind of marker. There are some major ones now -
worse than we've seen.
(Rancho Relaxo) We have seen very strange videos of people having fits, as if taken by a sudden attack.
They turn around on their feet and then fall to the ground, raising their hands and sometimes shaking
while on the floor. It has been said it is because of the vaccines, is this so? And if so, what type of
reaction is this?
A: Brain seizures similar to epilepsy.
Q: (Joe) The problem with that is that people who have epilepsy and who have regular seizures could
just be filmed and put up there...
(L) Yeah, so are these filmed events due to the vaccine?
A: Some.
Q: (L) And are some of them just people who have epilepsy?
A: Yes
Q: (L) I think epilepsy has a very characteristic onset.
(Gaby) I watched those videos, and they looked like partial epileptic seizures to me.
(L) I've witnessed full bore grand mal epileptic seizures.
(Pierre) Remember when I had that seizure and I was chasing an imaginary fly? It was like in those
(Gaby) It was a partial seizure, yeah.
(Joe) It's the internet.
(L) Well, there are two factors: First of all, there is an extreme abundance of video cameras now in all
kinds of places. Naturally, a lot more people who do have seizures are going to be caught on film simply
because they happen.
(Joe) And also because people are claiming that vaccines are causing seizures, everybody who records
a seizure puts it up as a "vaccine seizure".
(L) Right.
(Pierre) And there's a rise, maybe, in seizures because of the vaccine.
(L) There could be. There's certainly an increase in just about everything else because of the vaccine.
(Ze Germans) How does Putin deal with all the stress and pressure he is subjected to? Are there special
methods he uses? If so, which ones?
A: Ask him!
Q: (Joe) Send him an e-mail.
(Andromeda) Is he gonna be visiting soon?
(Joe) Yes. Absolutely. [laughter]
A: Wait and see.
Q: (L) I don't think... Maybe we'll visit him, I dunno...
(Ze Germans) What is the true origin of Russophobia? Is there a hyperdimensional aspect to it?
A: Absolutely!!!
Q: (L) Hmm.
(Joe) There's a book on it.
(Niall) There's a whole book on it. It's as old as the West. It's built in to our entire Western system.
(L) Why?
(Joe) Because of today.
A: Purity of soul genes.
Q: (L) Why do you say "soul genes"?
A: Because it is not connected to physical manifestations. It has a great deal to do with locator and
resonance of same.
Q: (Pierre) Didn't the C's say once that the true Semites were more difficult to control by 4D?
A: Yes
Q: (L) So, are many of the peoples of the Russian area or whatever their physical manifestation, are they
because of their proximity and the probability that they have intermarried throughout centuries and
centuries, that they carry some sort of partial human and partial... um, "angelic" (we're gonna call it
"angelic" but we really mean some kind of 4D from other planets or whatever) that type of thing? Is that
A: Yes close enough.
Q: (L) So that can apply to the different types because there are so many different types of Russians...
(Andromeda) It might have more to do with their location and culture and that kind of thing...
(Niall) Is this in part why Genghis Khan built such a large empire? Is it to do with locator as well?
A: That is stretching a bit.
Q: (L) I would say Genghis Khan was interested in building an empire because he was interested in
building an empire.
(Niall) Yeah, but the largest ever known, and with horses.
(L) Yeah, but we don't know... Was that an STS or an STO-inspired campaign?
Q: (L) So they may have been trying to kill off some of the good guys - I dunno.
(Ellipse) Are modified mosquitoes used to vaccinate people with the COVID19 vaccine?
A: Not yet.
Q: (Ursus Minor) What did the Queen die of?
A: Broken heart helped along by vaccine.
Q: (Mike) Is antimatter consciousness, specifically 7D consciousness, that is aggregated from the
Universal Information Field (UIF), and thus materialized to match matter, as energy is added in
experiments or via energy from cosmic rays?
Q: (Andromeda) Nota?
(L) What does that mean?
A: None of the above.
Q: (loreta) Can a portal be closed?
A: Yes
Q: (Andromeda) How?
(L) How do you close a portal?
(Ark) Withdrawing energy.
A: Yes
Q: (L) Take the energy away from it.
(Joe) So you'd have to do battle. Can we close portals with an electromagnetic beam weapon?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) How do we get one of those? [laughter]
A: Build one!
Q: (Ze Germans) In previous sessions it was alluded to that Putin has maybe something like a good team
working with and/or for him. Are there members of that team that are not publicly well known and/or
A: Yes
Q: (Ze Germans) Is Shoigu part of that team?
A: Yes
Q: (Ze Germans) If so, is he one of Putin's most trusted and aligned members of that team compared to
A: Yes
Q: (L) What about our good guy Lavrov?
A: Yes
Q: (L) I just LOVE Lavrov! He's so CUTE, he's like a teddy bear! [laughter]
(Chu) And Zakharova, too.
(irjO) Archeology related question: Teotihuacan, is known as "The city of the gods", is an ancient
Mesoamerican city located in the valley area of Mexico, with pyramids and all that. It's impressive and
nobody knows who built it. The Mayans occupied the city when it was already abandoned. There is the
theory of the Olmecs, who were an ancient civilization, being the original builders. Were the Olmecs the
original builders? If yes, what happened to them and the city?
A: Close enough. Died out due to famine and disease.
Q: (MK Scarlett) In the last session, the C's said about Joe's question "How correct are scientists' ideas
about viruses?": "Close enough though there is a lot they do not know including the fact that a virus is a
transdensity structure." What are the mechanisms/structures or other things they do not know about?
A: Ethereal for example. Do you know about such structures?
Q: (L) MK Scarlett?
(MK Scarlett) I didn't understand the question, sorry.
(L) They asked if you know about such structures.
(MK Scarlett) No, I asked about what they said: "They do not know." What don't we know? And: What
do the scientists not know?
A: More than that would be highly technical and lengthy.
Q: (Joe) I think the idea is that when you ask a question like that, it obviously implies complicated details
about the nature of viruses that unless you are already acquainted with that, the answer wouldn't really
mean much to you. It's technical.
(L) You probably need a virologist to ask the right questions because they would know where to go.
(MK Scarlett) How accurate is Maurice Paléologue's book: Le crépuscule des Dieux (his diary about the
three last years of Romanovs, as he was the French ambassador in Russia from 1914 to 1917)?
(L) Anybody know anything about this book?
(Pierre) I heard about it.
(L) Okay, she wants to know how accurate it is?
A: Close.
Q: (Rancho Relaxo) What happened to Jacobo Grinberg, the Mexican researcher that wrote The
Syntergic Theory? He disappeared on December 8, 1994 just before making a research trip to Nepal.
Was he onto something with his Syntergic Theory?
(L) What is this Syntergic Theory?
(logos5x5) He was a psychologist and he was very interested in consciousness. Many of his propositions
are very new agey kind of things. He tried to do more research about it. He went to visit some so-called
shamans around Mexico and in other countries to try to find out about phenomena like high strangeness
kinds of things. One of those shamans here in Mexico became kind of famous because she made this
kind of like miracle surgeries. But then he wrote about consciousness and how information is the basis
for reality, basically. He termed a concept that is called a "lattice". He said all the information of the
universe is contained in more minuscule spaces, so to speak. Just like this fractal idea, you know? The
most basic point in space has the whole information that exists in the universe. And then consciousness
interacts with that lattice to kind of manifest reality. So he says that it's a little bit like the idea that you
proposed in Secret History and The Wave that the observer helps to shape reality, so to speak.
(L) Okay, so... That's good enough. Was he onto something with his Syntergic Theory?
A: Yes, but he missed a lot. His understanding of information as fractal did not take into account the field
nature of the phenomenon.
Q: (L) So it's the field that contains all the information and not a tiny point?
A: Yes
Q: (L) And a fractal is... You get smaller and smaller and smaller, but...
(Pierre) I think true fractals like biophoton fractal patterns that you reach a deeper and deeper
(L) From our 3D reality you reach deeper and deeper into the information field. But...
(Pierre) It's just a hypothesis on my part.
(L) Okay, phrase the question.
(Pierre) Do the fractal patterns emitted by biophotons, emitted by proteins, enable a deeper access to
the information field?
A: Yes
Q: (L) And is a fractal as we see and understand one in our reality... Ya know, we see it as a shape or
pattern. Is that only representative of something that can't actually be otherwise represented in our
reality in any other way - that it's far more complex?
A: Yes
Q: (L) What happened to Jacobo Grinberg who disappeared on December 8, 1994?
A: He was involved in iffy financial dealings to fund his work and fell afoul of money men.
Q: (Joe) Narcotraficantes!
(PoB) Was his wife involved in his disappearance?
A: No.
Q: (lainey) I was wondering what happened to the missing Scottish hiker Finn Creaney? Can we know
where he can be found?
(L) Who is this hiker, and is that a really important question right now? I know it's important to Finn, but...
A: Fell.
Q: (Josi) Is Trump about to be arrested?
A: They may try but reaction will reverse that idea.
Q: (Ze Germans) Was Kievan Rus and the Rurik dynasty founded by Scandinavian Vikings?
A: Close enough.
Q: (Ryu) Enoch book question: why was it so bad of the "angels" to teach their wives about science,
botanics, cosmetics?
A: It was an allusion to corrupting influences and behaviors.
Q: (JEEP) Will the US midterm elections be corrupted and rigged again with the significant losers actually
declared the winners?
A: In some places.
Q: (Joe) Remember you asked years ago about who burned the library at Alexandria? And they said
Greek Enforcers. They said they were like our FBI. Who did they work for or pay allegiance to?
A: Secret society with allegiance to 4D STS.
Q: (Alejo) Is the announcement that 4D STS are required to make because of free will? The reality shift
they're attempting requires a choice?
A: Yes
Q: (Alejo) Was Ark's sickness because of his resistance or refusal?
A: It was more an effort to lower his resistance.
Q: (L) Kinda like transmarginal inhibition.
(Andrian) As regarding the answer given by the C's relative to the attempt by 4D STS forces in splitting
the reality in order to attempt to sabotage our group's mission: What can we do to protect our group
unity individually and as a group?
A: Your weekly performance of meditation for protection helps a lot. Also alertness, awareness, and
networking. Networking helps you to know when application of extra effort is required.
Q: (Adobe) What percentage of the Russian elites are not with Putin and waiting for a time to cause
problems or change Russia's direction?
A: 37 percent
Q: (Niall) That's not bad.
(Toronto Group) Are the nano operating systems in the jab transferable through shedding?
A: Yes
Q: (thorbiorn) Is it possible that souls exit some humans after the COVID vaccination, but their body
continues and what remains is an OP?
A: No
Q: (thorbiorn) If an OP is vaccinated does it happen that some get damaged and become psychopaths?
A: Anything is possible, but not as a rule.
Q: (Niall) Is the war against Ukraine going to pull in Belarus anytime soon?
A: It already is.
Q: (Ryu) To go back to the genetics of Russian people: Does that mean that a greater proportion of their
population have it in them to be 4D candidates?
A: Not necessarily the correct way to put the question.
Q: (L) Okay, well... Lemme think.
(Chu) Does she mean 4D STS?
(L) Well, the thing is that everybody in a sense is ultimately a 4D candidate - either STS or STO. But it
doesn't necessarily mean they are 4D candidates in this lifetime or cycle. Even OPs have the potential for
acquiring soul essences and ultimately after however many incarnations or whatever, to become 4D
(Joe) Is it more like a 3D thing with the Russians? They just tend to have a better functioning bullshit
A: Yes. Also due to suffering.
Q: (Joe) Look at the history of the Russian people. It's gonna attract certain souls that have a certain
profile to reincarnate into bodies in Russia. It's like a counterbalance to Americans who have had too
much "good times".
(Michał) Was the flood of Ghengis Khan army on West inspired by Venice?
(L) So, is the question: Did Venice interact with Ghengis Khan and cause him to attack the West? Is that
what you're asking?
(Michał) Yes.
(L) So you're asking if they were really after Venice because Venice was trading and messing around... I
mean, come on! They stole noodles from China! What's up with that? [laughter]
A: No. But the Venetians did bring awareness to the Orient of what was on offer in the West.
Q: (Niall) Yeah. Marco Polo. There were lots of traders in the West.
(Aragorn) I believe you have said that the system of 7 densities, in other words all that is, has existed
forever. That would mean that we have done an infinite number of Grand Cycles in the past and will do
so also in the future. Is this correct?
A: Yes
Q: (hesperides) When psychopaths die, do they reincarnate again?
A: No
Q: (hesperides) Do psychopaths automatically disintegrate through the 2nd death process?
A: Not exactly. A crystallized psychopath can become something akin to a demon.
Q: (Tristan) In the event that Russia and its allies win this war, will humanity have more chance for a
better outcome? A splitting reality will manifest perhaps?
A: Wishful thinking.
Q: (Joe) Is it more likely that this war is not going to be won one way or the other, but other events will
A: Yes
Q: (L) Other events may intervene.
(Mark7) Did Julius Caesar do something in a higher density to help mankind which did indeed help
A: Yes. See previous sessions discussing Jesus.
Q: (Madara Horseman) The C's have indicated that the HAARP system is trying to impose certain
thought patterns that push towards violence. The C's have also indicated that there are links between
thoughts and electromagnetism. So the question is: Are the PTB somehow recording a thought or just
repeatedly amplifying someone's thought somehow by electromagnetism?
A: Projecting.
Q: (will01) Is the reason my cat lost her eyesight due to high blood pressure and is this more
common/preventable than we know?
A: No.
Q: (L) Probably due to cataracts.
(Glenn) Is the coalition of countries that Putin is forming around the Ukranian SMO, countries that
support him, and the idea of freedom and self determination, causing much hand wringing among the
A: They are too deep in denial to wring hands.
Q: (Glenn) Is this [their hand wringing] behind a lot of their actions right now?
A: No. They are driven by forces they do not understand for the most part.
Q: (Joe) What did the Mithraic tauroctony symbolize?
A: Murder of the primal bull that then gave itself for humanity.
Q: (Andromeda) Murder, not sacrifice?
(L) Yeah. You could say that when Caesar was murdered, he gave his life for humanity. Jesus was
murdered - being Caesar. He gave his life for humanity.
(Joe) Is it meant to represent an ethos that was against sacrificing for humanity? That whoever came up
with the tauroctony didn't agree with or didn't like that idea of...
A: Yes
Q: (JEEP) Will energy and food shortages be extreme for US and Europe thanks to bad guy
manipulations already done and continuing to happen including rail strike in US?
A: Yes
Q: (L) It's gonna be bad. It's gonna be bad... Alright people, I gotta quit. Let me see if there's anything
that I really can't resist...
(seeker2seer) On Oct. 9, 2022 Earth-orbiting satellites detected the strongest gamma-ray burst (GRB) in
modern history: GRB221009A. It caused electrical currents to flow through the surface of our planet. Is
this event related to what the Cs mean when the "current begins to flow" disrupting TPTB electronic
control system?
A: Yes part of it.
Q: (L) Alright, I gotta quit. Is there anything that we should have asked that we didn't ask, consider it
A: No. You are exhausted. Goodbye.
End of Session
Session Date: December 10th 2022
Laura and Andromeda at the board
Q: (L) I think we may have a few questions here. So, let's get our questions out of the way, and ya'll be
thinking about your questions and maybe you'll jump off of some of our questions. We'll see what
happens. We'll just do the thing here. Artemis is not here tonight. She's not feeling well, so it's just me
and Andromeda. We're gonna fumble along on our own.
A: Push to get a machine translator.
Q: (L) Um, okay we'll come back to that. Hello. Who do we have with us this evening?
A: Rilniaea of Cassiopaea and hello to all.
Q: (L) Back to what you said... Okay, who should push to get a machine translator?
A: What elite are doing in preparation. Part of AI initiative.
Q: (L) So they want AI to build a machine translator that can translate alien speech?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Where are they getting alien speech from?
A: Interactions with "aliens".
Q: (L) So they have interactions with aliens now?
A: Yes and are at disadvantage.
Q: (Joe) According to the C's and other sources, they've been talking to aliens for quite a long time.
A: Yes but aliens can talk to each other and exclude humans thereby concealing intentions and plans.
Q: (Pierre) Yeah, they disclose only what they want, not the whole plan.
A: Yes
Q: (L) So, humans are trying to get some kind of a... So, does that mean that some humans are
suspicious of the aliens?
A: Oh yes. But clearly others are exactly as described: hosts of "walk-ins".
Q: (Joe) So it's like they go to meetings with aliens. The aliens talk to them in English or whatever human
language, and then they break off and discuss in their alien language? It's like being at a meeting with
people you don't understand.
A: Something like that.
Q: (L) But don't aliens have the ability to read minds? Suppose they had this AI translator.. Then they
wouldn't be thinking about.. Oh, I just answered my own question - Somebody would still be thinking
about it.
A: Some are trained to block thoughts.
Q: (Joe) So when we talk about aliens having discussions with humans, is that in a physical way in a
room with humans and "aliens"?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) And what form do the aliens take from the perspective of the humans?
A: Usually Nordic types.
Q: (Joe) Because alligators would be too scary.
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) We're beautiful long-haired Nordic people! Look at us shine! And high cheek bones.
*Growls/hisses* [laughter]
(L) Creepy! Anything more we need to know on that topic?
A: Up to you.
Q: (L) Well, on that topic, sort of, as I just kind of recited what I remember from the session... though I
think I'd need to search... You know, you said that when the time for the change gets closer, they will
become more desperate to increase their power over every single aspect of human life. We see that
happening. And then you said change would follow. Is that "change" a good thing?
A: Yes
Q: (L) I just... Just wanted to know. Okay, is it gonna happen fairly expeditiously? Like within one
person's lifetime?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Um, can I narrow it down? [laughter] Do I dare? Is it gonna happen, say, like within my lifetime?
A: Yes
Q: (L) PHEW! You also said there was gonna be a level playing field. Now, level in what sense?
A: Transitioning will give those humans with receivership capability "abilities." Also, as you noted the
planet is being reduced to a rather primitive condition in many areas. The elite do not realize that this
process has a domino effect and their money and "power" will be essentially worthless.
Q: (L) Hmm.
(Joe) Would it be true to say that at these meetings, the aliens are presenting themselves and their
agenda as benevolent to the humans involved?
A: More or less, yes.
Q: (L) So, all the things that they're talking about: needing to save the planet, something dreadful... I
mean, maybe Bill Gates actually believes that you need to put stuff in the atmosphere to shield us from
the sun because we really are gonna fry because... Maybe some of them REALLY believe that! Maybe
they've been told...
(Joe) Or is the basic premise of these meetings between humans and aliens that the planet is going to go
through a transition? Cataclysms coming up, planet's gonna be destroyed...?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) And we need to prepare, and here's what you have to do. And they're attempting to guide the
elite at these meetings...
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) In a particular direction. But it's all...
(L) So some of them actually believe that what they're doing is for THEIR survival, naturally, because they
don't give a hoot about anybody else.
(Joe) Remember them talking about Tony Blair being promised a seat on the Rapture Train?
(L) Yeah. But they don't realize that it's gonna...
(Joe) That it's not something under the aliens' control, basically. They don't have the ability to dictate or
help or control the outcome of the situation.
A: Yes
Q: (L) Wishful thinking. Gets you every time. Okay. Honey, what were your questions?
(Ark) Gravity. I was wondering again and again how to include consciousness... how to extend
mathematics and physics to deal with consciousness. And the answer was that it's necessary to invert
mathematical representation of gravity. And I have no idea how to invert equations for gravity. But it
occurred to me today that maybe I know. And so, I wanted to ask whether my ideas that it's something
similar to what is called conformal inversion in mathematics, whether this idea that occurred to me today
may be the right one. Invert like conformal inversion inverts, like, here into infinity.
A: Close enough!
Q: (L) IOW, you'll get there following that path?
A: Yes
Q: (Ark) But I would also like to know if my intuition that it has something to do with my strange
adventures that I had many years ago in Hamburg is on the same path?
A: Yes
Q: (Ark) Okay, I'm done for today.
(L) Anybody else? I've got one. Is Victor Bout the evil merchant of death that he's presented to be by the
American media, deep state, etc.?
A: He is not absolutely clean but he is nowhere the "Lord of War" as depicted.
Q: (L) So he did sell arms to people, and made money doing it, but he is one of many people who do
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) And the real Lord of War is the CIA.
A: Yes
Q: (L) They sell more arms than anybody else, I expect.
A: Yes
Q: (L) Alright.
(Joe) Ya know the maps... What was that book called? Laurasia and Gondwana? So, the maps that show
(L) You mean in Witzel's book, Origins of the World's Mythology?
(Joe) Yeah. So, that make-up of the land masses are said to be from the Triassic and Jurassic eras, 200
to 150 million years ago. They put these dates on them. But are those depictions of the land masses
actually closer to how the land masses were in more recent times?
A: Yes. Also some landmasses sink and others rise. But for general understanding, those maps work well
Q: (Joe) So we're talking about possibly that's the way the land masses were - close enough -
pre-Younger Dryas? Pre the end of the last Ice Age?
A: Earlier. More like 70k years ago more or less. But with ongoing modifications between then and now.
Also ongoing.
Q: (L) Anybody else before we open the floor?
(Joe) Is Joe Biden a practicing pedophile?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Was there any sabotage involved in the shutdown of 50% of France's nuclear reactors earlier
this year?
A: No. Part of the plan.
Q: (Joe) Okay, so shut down unnecessarily.
A: Yes
Q: (L) They're really trying to freeze and starve us out! Ya got it, people? They're really trying to do it. It's
(Joe) Oh yeah... Just this past September, there was a very prestigious and well-thought-of English
astronomer from Oxford. He was a quiet guy who was at the observatory in Chile. He'd gone there many
times. This September he went there and they were gonna do their usual tour or whatever. After the first
night I think, basically one or two nights after he was there, he went missing. He was missing for 50
days. He was only found in November a few kilometers away. It's like a desert in Chile. That's why they
have these telescopes there. But according to the PhD student that was with him, he reportedly said to
the police that the professor guy said something very bizarre to him. Then he criticized him for not being
as dedicated to the cause as he should be. That was the day before he went missing. So, he just
disappeared. And he was found 50 days later partly clothed and dead in the desert. It was talked about
by David Paulides as a Missing 411 case. I was wondering if that's what it was, or...?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Was it just random?
A: No
Q: (Joe) It had something to do with the research he was involved in?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) He focused specifically on binary star systems.
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) I was wondering if he maybe had come up with some theory about a twin sun being...?
A: Yes
Q: (Niall) Did he observe something?
A: Yes!!
Q: (Joe) And that was the "bizarre" thing that the student said to him?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) So he was basically silenced by...
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Does that mean we're gonna see some stuff soon?
A: Yes. Oh yes!
Q: (Ark) I have a similar question. I came across three mathematicians: Russian Felix Berezin [???] who I
met in Moscow. Then Steven Pinetz [???] from MIT of German origin who is very close in his research to
my interests. And then Pertigoon Unesto [???] who we met in the USA. And all of these three
mathematicians with whom I was close, they all drowned!
(L) At different times.
(Ark) Different times, yes.
(L) We met Purty the same year we started SOTT... What, in 2002? It was in Cookville we met him. I
came home and started SOTT. I think it was just a few weeks after. We were there and he was in, what,
the Greek Islands? He went swimming and drowned. The other two guys I think drowned in lakes.
(Ark) Berezin drowned in the Black Sea. And Steven Pinetz in the lake near the conference where he was
participating - just after his talk.
(L) And I'll tell ya, we met one, and I can't understand how he could possibly drown. He was big and tall
and strong. How could...
(Ark) So, my question is, all these three were natural deaths?
A: No. You have already figured that out. Also consider all the deaths of other scientists and medical
types over the past 20 years prior to the recent "pandemic".
Q: (L) Anybody who can figure stuff out, they take them out!
(Joe) But WHO takes them out?
A: Mostly human agents of chaos.
Q: (Joe) Was that the case with the astronomer?
A: No. Others are targeted for special operations.
Q: (L) Does it depend in some respects or in some cases on their vulnerability? Like, that they go off
A: Yes
Q: (L) Are the ones who go off alone the ones that are targeted for special operations?
A: Yes
Q: (L) But many of these others, they die in so-called accidents, or fall off a bridge, car accident, fall out
of a window, whatever... So, I mean, it could either be a human action, it could be a mind control action,
or it could be beaming.
(Pierre) Induced heart attacks.
(L) Driving them crazy...
(Pierre) Where the weakness of the individual lies, they attack this weakness.
(L) Yeah.
(Joe) If our twin sun is relatively soon to be visible, what's it gonna... be called? [laughter]
(L) You're worried about what it's going to be CALLED?! [laughter]
(Joe) No, I mean what are they gonna say about it? What would be the explanation for it? Are they gonna
say it's a twin sun, or a comet, or... Maybe that's asking too much.
A: Probably will call it a giant comet or the flaring of same.
Q: (Andromeda) So what's it gonna look like?
A: Won't look like much to anyone but astronomers.
Q: (Pierre) I thought Nemesis was a brown dwarf? If it's a brown dwarf, it's unlike a giant comet... It's
way dimmer.
A: Can ignite when connected to the circuit.
Q: (Niall) So there could be flaring. They won't be lying about that part.
(Pierre) And it'll look like a comet. A biggy.
(L) Let's see what we've got here for questions.
(Chu) Wait, what is this alien language like that needs to be translated?
A: Similar to Basque.
Q: (Chu) REALLY?! I KNEW IT! [laughter]
(L) You knew it?
(Chu) Well, they may not have fancy telepathy; they just speak an ancient language, like Basque.
(L) Alright, let's scroll up and see what questions people have. Oh geez, you guys are gonna kill me
tonight. I can tell already. Okay...
(Caesarea) Who called the cops to check on Caesarea?
A: Gov official alerted by IRS and local agent. Just harassment.
Q: (L) Okay, let's see...
Session November 19, 1994:
Q: (T) What power did these crystals gather?
A: Sun.
Q: (T) Was it necessary for them to have power gathering stations on Mars and the Moon. Did this
increase their power?
A: Not necessary but it is not necessary for you to have a million dollars either. Get the correlation?
Atlanteans were power hungry the way your society is money hungry.
Q: (T) Was the accumulation of this power what brought about their downfall?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) Did they lose control of this power?
A: It overpowered them the same way your computers will overpower you.
Q: (V) Is it similar to them gaining a life and intelligence of their own?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) You mean these crystalline structures came to life, so to speak?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And then what did they do?
A: Destroyed Atlantis.
(irjO) Lately, a lot of videos of different type of animals around the world walking in circles are appearing
online. Why is that happening?
A: Same types of wave manipulation that is affecting humans. When such things happen, pay attention.
Q: (RedFox) Is the Ukraine portal, and war part of the elites plan for better communication?
A: No.
Q: (Kinyash) Is the collapse of the Crypto Firm FTX somewhat engineered to further regulate and control
the alternative financial markets in preparation for a financial reset? Is Sam Bankman Fried (FTX CEO)
genuinely sorry for what he did in the name of greed, or is he just a well-tuned psychopath?
(L) Let's break that down: Was it part of a plan?
A: No.
Q: (L) Well, if it wasn't a plan, was it just greed and he made mistakes?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Is he genuinely sorry for what he did in the name of greed?
A: No
Q: (L) Or is he just a well-tuned psychopath?
(Joe) Something like that.
A: Yes
Q: (Puma) Solar System Geometry Survey among other researchers have talked about the influence of
the planet Uranus on the recurrence of large earthquakes. SSGEOS mentions: "Uranus seems to play a
decisive role in the occurrence of the largest earthquakes all of which occurred in the last 600 years
when the outer planet was in or near one of the fire constellations Aries (25%), Leo (55%) and Sagittarius
(20%). Based on the Uranus cycle, there is a higher probability in 2022-2023 for a M 8.7+ earthquake".
How accurate is the relationship between the so-called Uranus cycle and the recurrence of large
A: 75 percent.
Q: (Toronto Group) Is Elon Musk Neuralink part of planned AI and is Musk aware hyperdimensional
(L) Okay, first part: Planned AI?
A: No. Musk sees it as human defense. But he is wrong because it can be easily hacked.
Q: (Rao) Is there a conspiracy in raising people of Indian origin or heritage to the top posts of Western
world - Kamala Harris (Tamil Brahmin), Sunak (Sikh married to Kannada Brahmin), Sundar Pichai (Orissa
Brahmin) and so on?
A: Not exactly, but they tend to be susceptible to control structure.
Q: (L) But that can be said about any group of people in any ethnic grouping.
A: Yes
Q: (L) And I think the reason... Well, maybe they're just more ambitious.
A: In some cases, yes. But ambition/greed does not always come with superior intellect.
Q: (L) Yeah, you can say that about Kamala Harris. Geez!
(Rao) If there is a conspiracy, is it like a preparation committee for the eventual introduction of
subterranean Aryan "types" as Martians?
A: No.
Q: (Saman) Saw an article on SOTT today that Jordan Peterson has become on the surface a seemingly
Zionist supporter? Is this due to perhaps threats to his family and livelihood?
A: No
Q: (Saman) Or is it something else?
A: Jordan is much driven by emotion. He is having a difficult time coping with objective reality.
Q: (L) We were talking about that earlier. I watched a video with Peterson and he was talking about all of
the attacks that had fallen on him and how people had said really bad things about him and so forth. He
actually began to cry in the interview. Ya know, I know exactly how it feels. We've been there, done that.
At a certain point, I really... I had to spend several years buried in the research of psychopathy in order to
get a full grip on understanding the fact that there are human-looking beings on this planet that are not
like most normal human beings. Only when you really come to that understanding and get a grip on it do
you find a space that you can distance yourself from it. As long as you think that everybody is basically
the same, then you will have a GREAT deal of trouble coping with that kind of mentality. You just won't
be able to cope with it because you'll keep asking, "Why? What did I do wrong?! What is wrong with
them? How can I fix them??" They can't be fixed. They don't want to be fixed. They are an interspecies
predator. And that's the only way you can deal with it. If you don't do that, your feelings will always be...
How can your feelings be hurt if a machine calls you a name? See? As long as you think that is not a
machine, it's a human that could... Maybe they were just abused as children, misunderstood, or
whatever... You can't cope with it.
(Saman) I recall you stating that he is a great soul, but it seems that his will power has been
compromised in some way, perhaps due to this own blinds spots due to his recent health problems?
(L) Well, I would say his recent health problems are a result of his extreme emotional reactivity to what's
going on in his world and around him. That is how he got into trusting doctors and not doing his research
about the medications they were giving him. The whole situation... So, yeah. Anyway, it's sad. Several
people have given him copies of Ponerology. I don't think he's ever talked about it. He's talked about
receiving it, but not about reading it. Well, ya know what? If he'd read it and get into that kind of research
and get a little comprehension about hyperdimensional realities... He's all about the religious aspect. It
would help him a whole HELLUVA lot! If anybody every runs into him, convey that to him.
(Joe) The problem is that, like a lot of people, he wants to save and help the world by extension. He's
very motivated to push back against anything that's destructive. He's looking for some kind of meaning:
the Bible, Exodus, and that kind of thing. That's why he ended up talking with Netanyahu and
entertaining the idea that Israel was set up and all that. He doesn't have that thing that we have that
there's no "saving" this planet. Anybody who's stuck on that, it's gonna be a very bad time for them.
They're gonna see it's all going down the tubes, and there's no stopping it. Unless you're detached from
it, you're gonna get emotionally drained.
(Alejo) In the last session the C's said that Russophobia had a hyperdimensional origin, was the phobia
against the Spanish empire of the 18 and 19th Century of similar origin?
A: No
Q: (Alejo) If so, was it related to their spread of Catholicism?
A: No
Q: (L) I would say it was probably due to their rapaciousness and taking over other countries.
(Chu) Well, that's what's being put into question by another theory: that they were LESS savage than
what is taught.
(L) I dunno, I've read some of the early accounts by some of those friars that were over there, and it
sounded pretty heinous to me from contemporary descriptions.
The problem is that colonialism has good sides and bad sides. It's a sharing of culture and so forth and
advances. You see it in the archeological record throughout history where this sort of thing happens. It's
just part of the nature of things in a certain sense. The thing is, we're here now and we can see and talk
about such things. It's like they were saying the other day: the governor of California who never owned
slaves has to pay reparations to a lot of other people who never were slaves because of what their
respective ancestors did. If you start going down that route, there is NO WAY you can ever stop! IF you
go back a little further, then the shoe was on the other foot... this group, that group, the other group.
Slavery, enslaving other people, taking advantage of other people has been the modus operandi for evil
dominators for all of history. And we're experiencing it now because we're all becoming slaves ourselves
- each and every one of us - to this rapacious elite system that's dominating our planet. So, get real.
(RedFox) The C's said HBOT was protective against 4D STS. A few questions: Does HBOT re-integrate a
persons dislocated energy? Does it also remove spirit attachments? Anything else?
A: Oxygen strengthens in many ways and upregulates genes. And eliminates parasites and bacteria and
virii thus eliminating attachment sites.
Q: (L) I don't think it removes spirit attachments, it eliminates vulnerabilities. Helps to close the holes in
your armor.
(Mrs. Peel) A while back the Powerball lottery in the US was up to a few BILLION dollars. Does/can STS
make sure nobody who would make a huge donation to FOTCM would win any substantial amount of
money? [laughter]
A: Yes
Q: (Pophistorian) Three prominent men in the cryptocurrency industry have died in recent weeks. Is there
a connection among these (Nikolai Mushegian, age 29, Tiantian Kullander, 30, and Vyacheslav Taran,
age 53)?
A: Ask if they were vaxxed! 3 is not a significant number in this community.
Q: (L) So if you lose 3 cryptocurrency people, and there are so many more... That's probably par for the
course considering all the people getting vaxxed and the way people are dropping like flies.
(Josi) Did Nikola Tesla reincarnate?
A: No
Q: (Ellipse) Does the oxygen serve as an interface with the information field for the neurons in the human
A: Yes
Q: (Kinyash) In a recent interview of Joseph Asize by Mind Matters, he described some Gurdjieff
exercises which can help those who have passed on. Can these exercises (as modified by Joseph) help
us and especially our loved ones who have passed on?
A: Not really.
Q: (whitecoast) The 70k years ago time for the continental shift of Laurasia/Gondwana coincides with the
population collapse postulated to have been caused by the Lake Toba supervolcano eruption mentioned
in the book Into Africa by Bruce R. Fenton. Were these continental shifts at least in part precipitated by
the destruction of Kantek...?
A: Yes
Q: (whitecoast) ...or by the wider solar system's electrical environment?
A: Both!
Q: (Gottathink) Will Earth's environment become more oxygen rich in our lifetime?
A: Yes after a brief spell of poor saturation.
Q: (Pierre) Anoxia is the result of cometary bombardments.
Q: (nicklebleu) Is the key to longterm survival and ability to feed ourselves in the current climate a return
to non-mechanical farming and old concepts as grassfed livestock, organic home gardens, and
regenerative farming techniques?
A: Yes
Q: (L) I think it also has to do with the raising of animals. If you have animals and they're eating some
grass and producing stuff you can turn into fertilizer and then you can grow more stuff. The old ways are
really good.
(Ellipse) Does something like the "axial sun" exist?
(L) What's an axial sun?
(Pierre) That's the first time I've heard about it.
(L) You've gotta define your terms if you're gonna ask a question. Okay...
(Rancho Relaxo) In September 11, 1997, the radio host Art Bell took a call from a "frantic man" claimed
to be an ex-Area 51 employee, was it real or a hoax?
Caller [voice breaking up with apparent suppressed crying]: OK, um, um, OK, what we're thinking of as
aliens, Art, they're extra-dimensional beings, that, an earlier precursor of the space program they made
contact with. They are not what they claim to be. They've infiltrated a lot of aspects of, of, of the military
establishment, particularly the Area 51.
The disasters that are coming, they, the military, [long pause] I'm sorry, the government knows about
them. And there's a lot of safe areas in this world that they could begin moving the population to now,
Art: So they're not doing, not doing anything.
Caller: They are not. They want those major population centers wiped out so that the few that are left will
be more easily controllable...."
A: Real.
Q: (L) Slaves, people! Okay, carry on. So, probably what he's saying is pretty accurate.
(Ellipse) Would there be an advantage to visiting Carnac here in France for the energy of the place?
A: Minimal.
Q: (Joe) We've been there and didn't notice anything.
(Andromeda) You'd have to fix a lot of the stones, first.
(L) Yeah, it's all in a wrecked state, so it's not gonna be transmitting in the way it ought to.
(Rancho Relaxo) There were 3 meteorites in the span on 3 weeks in November, one in northern
California, another in Canada, near Lake Erie, and in Canary Islands shore. The one in northern California
allegedly destroyed a house. If I remember correctly this is the first time we have had such a series of
events in such a short time. Were these rocks from the Taurids?
A: Yes
Q: (Rancho Relaxo) And also, could we expect an increase in meteorites, and even bigger ones falling in
populated areas?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Well, you KNOW the answer to that! Come on!
(Andromeda) He's getting discouraged... [laughter]
(L) He wants more meteorites so he can put them in the Earth Changes Summary videos.
(Aiming/Theodor) What is the soul of John F. Kennedy currently doing and/or "where" is "he" currently?
A: Reincarnated.
Q: (L) As...?
A: Male.
Q: (Joe) Some guy?
A: None of your business!
Q: (L) Well, I mean if he's supposed to come into any kind of prominence, he'll do it. But if people know
about him in advance, it'll cause him problems.
(Joe) We'd look him up and start tellin' the poor guy he's the reincarnation of JFK! [laughter] "Leave me
(Ryan) Can major catastrophic events shift areas temporarily to fourth density?
A: Yes
Q: (Ryan) Would such shifts make the lithosphere more "plastic" and easily "reshape-able"?
A: Yes
Q: (Ellipse) Is a portal existing at the Vatican?
A: No
Q: (whitecoast) I have a follow-up question about continental rearrangement from Kantek's destruction.
Did more lands split apart to make more divergent human cultures to compensate for the loss of "real
estate" caused by losing an entire planet?
A: Happened, compensated, but was natural effect.
Q: (L) Okay, go on.
(Chu) That's it. Except for the history ones you skipped.
(L) Okay, good, because I'm tired! Yeah, let's put the history questions in a thread and discuss them.
Then if we find that we can't come to any conclusions about something, if we REALLY get blocked, then
we can ask questions. But very often, with a little research and digging around...
(Joe) It's a distillation process. You have to distill out the 'pure' questions.
(L) Yes. You heard him? Alright. He has spoken, and I agree. Okay... I guess we better say goodbye
because I'm tired. Is there anything we should have asked that we didn't ask, and if so consider it asked,
and please give us an answer because this is our last session probably for this year...?
A: Again we urge all to continuously stay in contact and exert energy on behalf of others in your group so
as to refine frequency for receiving. Things are about to get rather "rocky". Help to keep the lighthouse lit
at all costs as soon will be vital to all. And finally, be excellent to each other! Goodbye.
(L) They must be fans of Bill & Ted!!
(Niall) Which we're watching this Christmas!
End of Session
Session Date: January 14th 2023
Laura and Andromeda at the board
Q: (L) We decided we ought to have another session. That's what we're gonna do tonight. Does anybody
have anything in particular on their mind that they want to talk about? Other than the political situation,
or Covid, or... What the heck else is going on? Anybody here have specific questions?
(Joe) One or two.
(Chu) Okay, FOTCM people have some questions now.
(L) Okay... [Reads questions/comments on Zoom] Well, okay: They're cookin'! I guess we better get
started so we can keep up. Otherwise we're gonna get left behind here...
A: Folloriaea of Cassiopaea here at your service. Good people, greetings.
Q: (L) Well, do we have any particular questions we want to ask before we open the floor? You don't
have any, Joe?
(Joe) Nah, nothing that would...
(L) What about you, honey?
(Ark) Maybe later.
(L) Once we get started with these people, there's not gonna be a later!
(Niall) I have questions. Many high-profile Russians have died under mysterious circumstances recently.
Are some or even most of them victims of deliberate targeting?
A: Some.
Q: (Niall) Who or what is behind this?
A: Your favorite alphabet agency.
Q: (L) CIA?
A: Yes
Q: (Niall) How come?
A: Confusion in some cases. Removing potential threats or influence. This is spy craft 101!
Q: (L) You could have figured that out, Niall. Next question?
(Niall) Well, it's 24 seriously VIP people. The main conspiracy theory or explanation of any kind in any
media is that Putin is doing it to traitors within. No one has suggested that it's...
A: Not Putin!
Q: (Niall) Okay.
(Joe) They wouldn't suggest it anyway, but historically, that kind of stuff goes on all the time. They take
out each other's assets. Everybody does it.
(L) I think people are...
(Joe) It ramped up now because of the conflict and there's more at stake.
(Niall) It's like two dozen CEOs or similarly high-level people falling off balconies and stuff. Down
staircases... Some are murdered or in murder-suicide pacts. Whole families killed.
(L) That's crazy.
(PoB) Most of them were connected to the energy industry: gas, oil, and so on.
(Joe) Strategic industries, yeah.
(L) Alright, next?
(Niall) There was a gas explosion in Ireland on October 7th that killed about a dozen people. What
caused this gas explosion?
(L) What kind of gas explosion was it?
(Niall) They don't know. It was at a petrol station, but it wasn't the actual gas tanks that blew.
(Joe) It was natural gas in the row of houses behind the station.
(L) And you guys didn't find any suspicious people who were killed by it?
(Niall) No.
(L) So, you're asking what caused it?
(Niall) Yeah.
A: Sparks.
Q: (L) Garbage in, garbage out.
(Joe) I have one question: Is there anything to the so-called Mandela Effect other than people's tendency
to confuse and conflate information?
A: In some cases it can indicate a change in the "program".
Q: (L) Like déjà-vu?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Next?
(Joe) Is there anything significant about the salt mines in Soledar that the Russians just captured other
than being deep salt mine tunnels?
A: Not especially. Though some have been used for hiding. Not useful for occult practices due to the salt
which is cleansing.
Q: (Joe) So no aliens?
A: No
Q: (Joe) No chupacabras?
A: No
Q: (Joe) For the same reason: they don't like salt.
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) We need a salt mine as a place of refuge from weird stuff. Let's build one out back.
(L) Alright. As you can see, we can't think of much to ask, so... Let's go!
(Summerlite) The C’s said we should get prepared for an alien invasion. What will that look like and how
to prepare?
(L) I think that's already covered in the transcripts, isn't it? Does anybody remember? Yes? No? Nobody
remembers. Didn't they say we already had an alien invasion?
(Gaby) Recently in the news it was reported that there have been over 350 reports mostly coming from
military personnel, mostly within the past 2 years or so.
(Andromeda) UFO reports.
(Joe) Like an increase - a flap.
(Niall) Just in the last 2 years - since March 2021.
(L) A military UFO flap...
A: Main prep should be psychological and spiritual. As to appearance, nothing like what you would
expect. Most will be done via proxies as invaders do not fit earth's FRV. [Review of answer] Some
dramatic displays of power and control are possible.
Q: (Joe) Who are the proxies most likely to be from our perspective?
A: Heads of government who are "plugged in" or replacements.
Q: (Joe) The dramatic displays of power and control that are possible, who would they come from? I
mean, who would be giving these dramatic displays of power and control?
(L) Dramatic displays coming from UFOs?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) They said most of it will be done by proxies, i.e. human beings, and there'll be dramatic displays
of power and control.
(L) Yeah, but then we read the answer and then they threw that last part in afterwards. So, it was like an
additional note on the topic. Well, people who've researched it know that they've turned off all the
missiles at some place in Montana or somewhere years and years ago.
(Joe) Does that imply a generalized awareness of aliens among the human population at some point?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Can you imagine what that's gonna be like? Even all of us sitting here, we've all been reading
about it, thinking about it, and talking about it for 25-30 years. And yet, if and when they ever actually
came out and said, "Hi guys! Here we are!" We'd probably all go into some kind of panic attack.
(Joe) I'd be gettin' my gun!
(L) Well, I mean, c'mon! We've been programmed all our lives to think such things don't exist. It's all just
a conspiracy theory. But all the conspiracy theories have been coming true! OMG!
(Andromeda) I know. And even when you know about them, it's still jaw-dropping.
(Joe) But they said as well that it would be nothing like what you would expect. So, what we're expecting
is like Hollywood: Independence Day, the mothership in the sky, that kind of thing. Probably it's not
going to be like that. So, how would it manifest?
(L) Why would it not be like that?
A: Overt violation of free will thus generating sharp and inclusive opposition.
Q: (L) So in other words, if they came out and announced they were invading, all the people would be
upset and they'd unite together. Their unification would be sufficient to fend off or reject or otherwise
negate the aliens' ability to enter our reality? Is that what you're saying?
A: Close.
Q: (Joe) People wouldn't be receptive to them.
(L) So it's all gotta be done by stealth.
(Joe) How do you get around it then? How do you introduce the idea of the existence of aliens without
presenting yourself...?
(Chu) By not making it look like an invasion.
(L) Here to help. Displays of power by stopping warlike activity, being the saviors of humankind or
something like that...
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) They'll present themselves as benevolent. It wasn't even that they were gonna be aggressive...
It's more like how do they present themselves? Is it a ship?
(L) Well they can present themselves without presenting an invasion.
(Chu) Like miracles in the past or something like that? Angels?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) We'll just have to wait and see.
A: Weather and geological activity also involved.
Q: (Chu) That one wouldn't grow awareness in aliens. People would just think it's a weather event.
(Scottie) Unless they come and save us from weather or geological events...
(L) So we have no idea what we're facing. And you can't help us out any more there?
A: To do so would violate learning directive. It is good that you know that prominent figures are already
preparing the ground. Such as Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab.
Q: (L) So, it's up to us to exercise our brains and our networking to put the picture together and to be
aware that these people are not acting in our best interests. They may be hooked up with evil aliens who
plan to take over our planet and who definitely want to reduce the population by a large number, they
want to starve us, freeze us... All the things that we've been seeing that they're doing: they're just
sweeping ahead with no concern whatsoever for what the human population wants or thinks. That in
itself is peculiar.
(Andromeda) Well, they feed on misery, right?
(L) Oh yeah, you're right: The more miserable, the more they get fed. And that's... *SIGH* Well, the only
thing about that the more miserable people get, hopefully many of them will begin waking up and wish to
find out how to stop the misery. So... That's a depressing topic! Who asked that?! You had to do that,
right? Ruin my day! [laughter] Okay, let's see...
(Ze Germans) Why do so many Missing 411 cases involve people of German heritage?
A: They are used for genes.
Q: (L) So they want their genes?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) Why do they want German genes?
A: Close to Aryan.
Q: (L) Are they using them to build new bodies?
A: In some cases and also for growing spare parts for repairs.
Q: (Andromeda) Lovely!
(Joe) My arm fell off! [laughter]
(Pierre) Not a problem!
(Joe) Which model would you like? We have a good deal on Aryan arms this week!
(L) Are they using genetic samples to grow like clones and stuff?
A: Some.
Q: (L) Do they grow organs?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Do they grow babies?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Can it get any worse than that??
A: Yes
Q: (L) What do you mean?
A: Consumed.
Q: (L) The alien version of the veggie burger! Artificial meat.
(Andromeda) You are what you eat.
(Joe) It's not artificial meat.
(L) Yeah, it's real meat. You HAD to ask that question, didn't you? Okay...
(Ze Germans) How many years before Caesar's death was Rome founded and by whom?
A: 700 years approximately. By group of steppe warriors mixed with local groups.
Q: (Pierre) So the official history is not wrong so much about the timing of the founding of Rome?
A: Yes
Q: (Ze Germans) How much less in percent was gravity in Italy during the life of Caesar compared to
A: 4.6
Q: (Pierre) But it might have been less further back in time.
(Andromeda) It was already by that time that the giants were dying out, right?
(L) Yeah.
(Ze Germans) Did the Romance languages originate from the same language? If so, was it ancient
(L) Okay, first question: Did the Romance languages originate from the same language?
A: Further back in time than your question allows, yes.
Q: (Chu) Was it Iberian?
A: Close. Landing place of ancient Atlantean survivors.
Q: (T.C.) The C's once said that 'all is one' regarding world governments. Is this still the case?
A: Less now than then. Recall the control that the USA had over Russia until Putin began to make moves
to change this.
Q: (Mrs. Peel) There have been a lot of famous people and musicians in the US dying lately or having
heart attacks. Are they vaccine-related?
A: Most!
Q: (L) And we notice, by the way, that nobody in Congress and nobody in the EU Parliament is dropping
dead from Covid vaccine-related effects, which suggests very strongly that none of them took the
vaccine. If they got on TV demonstrating that they were, it was probably salt water. They weren't taking
(Pierre) Some of them took the vaccine, but a minority.
(L) Probably the people that they wanted to get rid of!
(irjO) Is this coming "comet" called C/2022 E3 (ZTF), which apparently is reported as appearing every
50.000 years, our twin sun Nemesis?
A: No!
Q: (irjO) If not, as you mentioned in the previous sessions, will Nemesis be reported in a similar way?
A: No!
Q: (Adobe) What if anything was shot down over the Rostov region in Russia (UFO?)
(L) When?
(Niall) Last week. They said it was a drone, but there were rumors on the ground that there was a strange
A: UFO was not shot down but was observing.
Q: (Ze Germans) What was the first Indo-European language created by the gene builders?
A: Indo-European was not "created". Language emerged into your reality.
Q: (L) It "emerged"...
A: Indo-European was a misnomer for the remnants of the Kantekkian language.
Q: (Toronto Group) Is Elon Musk aware of hyperdimensional beings/reality?
A: Not much.
Q: (Adobe) Do quantum or super computers communicate with other dimensions or densities?
A: Will be able to do so soon.
Q: (seek10) B.R Ambedkar hypothesized that Brahmanical switch from obsessive beef eating to cow
worship is part of the counter revolution against Buddhists (100 BC - 400 AD). Is this close to the reality
of what happened?
A: Close, yes.
Q: (seek10) If so, are there any contribution of cosmic events that caused the Black Death in the West
and was responsible for this cow scarcity that Brahmins used against Buddhists?
A: Yes. Very insightful. Roman Empire also fell and Europe burned at that time also.
Q: (Summerlite) Did the people who have passed from the shots make a pre-life soul agreement to do
A: Not really. Remember, this is a campaign for control and death. Those who have died did so as a
result of ignorance. In many cases, it is OPs that are unable to achieve insight. OPs do not make
"pre-incarnational agreements".
Q: (L) So OPs don't make pre-incarnational agreements because they do not have crystallized souls that
are capable of doing that. Is that it?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) It's not much different from being run over by a bus. Both are making a wrong choice. There's
nothing special about dying from vaccine injury compared to any other way.
(seek10) The C’s mentioned that the Aryan invasion of India was around 6000 BC, but recent genetic
analysis of bone samples from the Indus Valley civilization suggests that the Aryans from 6000 BC
(Iranian farmers) are different from Kurgon Hypothesis Indo-Aryans. Is this true?
A: Note that Iranian farmers are also Indo-Aryans.
Q: (L) How are they different?
A: Genetic admixture over time.
Q: (Ellipse) Would the Cayce Wet Cell be beneficial for Pierre?
A: Not at this juncture.
Q: (Alana / Timotheos) Does it make any difference to the soul whether the body it inhabited is buried or
cremated after death?
A: No
Q: (Regulattor) How possible is a direct confrontation between the U.S. and China in the event of a
Chinese invasion of Taiwan?
A: There might be a kerfuffle, but it will be quickly quelled.
Q: (irjO) The C's mentioned that Atlantis was a civilization rather than just a city, but what are the
coordinates of the specific city mentioned by Plato, which may be sunk? Also, did the overall design of
that city look how it was mentioned in the story?
(L) Ya know, we kinda really covered that a long time ago. It's in the sessions.
(Fallen_735) My aunt passed away pretty recently and I was wondering if she made it ok to the other
A: Yes
Q: (Alejo) Is Lula, from Brazil, a useful idiot? Or is he in on the globalist agenda?
A: He is now initiated.
Q: (Juba) In case of significant Russian victories, will PTB try to create a global smoke screen in order to
divert the public's focus to something else, something that will make Ukraine completely unimportant?
A: Close. But many unexpected events yet to unfold in that arena.
Q: (JEEP) Is Biden being set up for ouster by the deep state?
A: Somewhat. The threat of extreme exposure and action by legislature necessitate preemptive damage
Q: (goyacobol) How likely is the “alien” invasion real or fake to be used soon?
A: Soon enough! No dice baby!
Q: (goyacobol) I meant in the order of things - versus war and famine.
(L) Oh, well that wasn't...
A: Most likely to be associated with catastrophe.
Q: (Joe) Some kind of sh1t was to hit the fan before anyone can come and be a savior, right?
(Alix) What group is the closest genetically to the Denisovans in today's world?
A: Abos.
Q: (JEEP) US budget debt crisis coming up on Thursday I believe - will it set in motion a financial crash
in US and/or globally?
A: Will definitely set up a conflict!
Q: (L) So there will be a conflict between the Dems and the Republicans. I think that's what they're
gonna try doin': They're gonna try to control things through financials.
(Renaissance) Are beliefs, thoughts and emotions stored in the physical body?
A: Shadows and echoes.
Q: (L) So you're saying they're mainly stored in the non-physical body?
A: Yes
Q: (Renaissance) Do our false beliefs, thoughts, negative emotions, create an imaginal body that we
understand as the false personality?
A: Close.
Q: (ryu) You said in a previous session that our group’s greatest weakness was the lack of true
collinearity. Have we gotten better on that front?
A: Yes.
Q: (Z...) Was Acupuncture Balance Method as thought today indeed given to humanity by "gods" as
Chinese ancient texts claim?
A: No.
Q: (Ryan) Does Eastern Orthodox Christianity represent a more preserved form of Paleochristianity out of
all denominations, relatively speaking?
A: Heavy on the "relatively".
Q: (L) So I guess that's a yes, but with emphasis on the "relatively"?
A: Yes
Q: (Mark7) Are the PTB planning some soul-crushing for Christians?
A: Not as such.
Q: (seeker2seer) Would the alien invasion appear as a false second coming of Christ with angels?
A: Might be spun that way.
Q: (Neema) Is it possible to make an electric generator that is more than 100% efficient?
A: No
Q: (JEEP) Will Bill Gates be prevented from GMO-ing our livestock and other nefarious plans perhaps by
bulk awareness of public to death/injury from Covid vax?
A: Not entirely.
Q: (cassandra) At what stage will aliens introduce themselves? E.g. after Western civilization has
(L) I don't think they're gonna give you that. I think it's more than just a free will violation about giving
some answers... I think that if they give answers, our thinking about something in one way or another in
specific can actually throw it off, cancel it, or... Ya know, influence it. It's like observing the electron.
Before it's a wave, and then you observe it and it's a particle. I think we have to be very careful about
some of these things because we could make things worse.
(whitecoast) What is the overall toxicological and carcinogenic burden of additive-free nicotine vaporizers
versus organically sourced additive-free tobacco?
A: Slightly less.
Q: (Joe) The vaporizers are slightly less?
(L) I think so... The vaporizers are less?
A: Yes
Q: (Ze Germans) Did [name redacted] husband [name redacted] have a safe transition to 5D?
A: Oh indeed. A shining soul protecting from the other side.
Q: (Ryan) Are the majority of US Christians sympathetic to Russia?
A: Not majority, no. Many are as brainwashed as the "woke" people and the Neodarwinists.
Q: (Anamarija) Is there anything the rest of us can do to make things easier for Laura and Andromeda?
(L) Just send good vibrations to this arm here! That's it.
(Elohir) After having read your excellent book about Paul, we can easily understand that Mark was
inspired by him and then Matthew and Luke made their own histories inspired by Mark, changing some
important things to fit in their own agenda. Everything could have been perfect for some people if we
had never retrieved the letters of Paul or if Mark had been completely erased/lost. Could we say that a
well-intentioned person saved the letters of Paul and then Mark against all odds, especially against STS
A: Yes!!
Q: (L) So, some well-intentioned person. I think that Paul and Mark survived in very small communities
that were Pauline communities. There was not a vast proliferation of copies, which is why there's so little
(Neema) The SAFIRE project claims to have created an artificial sun. I just wanted to know if it's a fraud
or they have actually achieved what they claim.
(L) Well, what do they mean by they've created an artificial sun? I mean, you can go buy grow lights that
reproduce the spectrum of sunlight to grow plants. So, is that what they're doing?
(Pierre) You need to recreate nuclear fusion - according to mainstream science.
(L) Anyway, the question is: Is it a fraud, or have they achieved what they claim?
A: If you have not seen it, then it would be wise to doubt it.
Q: (rrraven) The C's said there will be some crustal movement and perpendicularity will be restored. Ben
Davidson (SuspiciousObserver) says 90 degree shift of equator caused by galactic current sheet
energizing the sun which then micro novas... Is the galactic current sheet the "wave"?
(L) 90 degree shift of equator? A 90 degree shift of the equator would be like pointing the equator up.
(Pierre) It won't restore perpendicularity of the earth.
(L) There's only a 23 degree tilt. So, there only needs to be a 23 degree shift. Is there going to be a 90
degree shift of the equator?
A: No
Q: (L) But perpendicularity is going to be restored?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) After the whole planet gets smacked by comets? [laughter]
(L) It'll be awhile before we get there. Next part of the question: Is the galactic current sheet the "wave"?
A: No
Q: (L) Is the sun going to go micro-nova?
A: No
Q: (Joe) That Suspicious0bserver guy is a bit whacky.
(Niall) And he speaks in a tone that's VERY self-assured. Always a red flag...
(Toronto Group) Does the strobe lighting on the Chateau Christmas tree have any effect on its
(L) It's not strobing! It's blinking. All kinds of blinkies.
(Chu) We only use it like 1 hour a week.
(Joe) We only turned it on for you guys.
(L) Yeah. So you could enjoy seeing it and feel some Christmas cheer.
(Joe) And get the strobe effects.
(L) Yeah, it's for strobing YOU guys! Muhaha!
(Niall) It's entraining your brains. Brainwashing you. [laughter]
(L) Okay... Yes, it is a real miracle that Mark and Paul's letters were actually saved. Absolutely.
(Chu) That's it for questions.
(L) Alright then.
(Chu) One more question.
(Elohir) Has Marcion been considered good or smart enough to be provided with the letters of Paul? Has
he been part of a group that wanted to save the truth against the Church of Jerusalem?
(L) Yeah, I'm convinced that it was Marcion who got it through that particular dark time and collected as
many as he could find and put it together. Alrighty, I'm kind of exhausted here. Are there any questions
we should have asked that we didn't ask? Please consider them asked and give us any advice that's
available at the present time.
A: You are all doing well. We know it is difficult, but a bit more humor might help. Also do have some fun
together! Goodbye.
(Pierre) We work too much.
(L) How are we supposed to have fun when we're all so DEPRESSED?! Aaaaaah! [laughter]
End of Session
Session Date: February 25th 2023
Laura and Andromeda at the board
Q: (L) Alright. Let's get this show on the road. This is Saturday, the 25th of February 2023. We have the
usual suspects here, except Gaby. Gaby had to work tonight. [Review of those present]
A: Mroillonia of Cassiopaea here to serve you.
Q: (L) Does anybody have any burning questions?
(Joe) Were the Turkey earthquakes natural, in the sense of not being induced by human technology?
A: Yes. Human tech can produce smaller quakes but this one was natural and part of a sequence. The
powers handling this technology are well aware of the dangers of trying to generate quakes.
Q: (L) And what are the dangers?
(Pierre) Further quakes.
A: Yes
Q: (Andromeda) Chain reaction...
A: Yes
Q: (L) Well then how come these people aren't aware that putting dust in the atmosphere to shield us
from the sun is not a really good idea?
A: They know that also but propose such nonsense as a fear-mongering tactic.
Q: (Joe) Just to promote global warming and climate change. So, they said the Turkey one was part of a
A: Yes. This year there will be more.
Q: (Joe) When you say "sequence", you don't necessarily mean in the same geographic region then?
A: No.
Q: (Joe) On the...
A: However, watch Africa.
Q: (Joe) Africa doesn't usually have quakes.
(Niall) The Great Rift? Somalia and the Horn of Africa...
A: Recall the strange events off the coast several years ago.
Q: (Joe) The outgassings?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) So it could be Africa as in off the coast of Africa.
(L) Was there some strange noise off the coast…?
(Tuatha de Danaan) Madagascar.
(L) Yeah.
(Breton) There was a very deep underground subterranean cavern that collapsed, and it was huge and
deep... Off of Africa. That's what I remember.
Session 1 December 2018
(Pierre) What was the cause of this monochromatic earthquake that lasted 20 minutes last month off the
coast of Madagascar?
A: Grand chamber collapse deep underground. Like a deep sinkhole. And extremely large!!!
Q: (Joe) They were saying they thought it was an undersea volcanic eruption.
(L) So what caused it?
A: Combination of factors including crustal slippage and magnetic field anomaly. Check gravity graphic
for the region for clues.
Q: (L) That must mean that globey thing they made that shows the shape of the Earth according to its
(Pierre) I would guess the anomaly shows a weak gravity so there'd be less binding force there.
(L) So it doesn't have anything to do with the sun...
(Andromeda) That trembling was on the 18th, and a week later the sun did the singing.
(L) The sun was singing.
Click to expand...
(Joe) You could have more of those with gasses bubbling up...
(Chu) And an earthquake.
A: Yes. Close enough.
Q: (Joe) Was our assessment of the Original and Best Chinese Spy Balloon event accurate, that it was a
normal balloon? A normal spy balloon? I suppose the first question is: Did the Chinese deliberately direct
the balloon across the USA, or was it accidental?
A: Accidental.
Q: (Joe) And so somebody decided to deliberately make a big deal of it to sour relations with China?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) And the other four supposed events where they shot things down, they were just innocuous
weather balloons?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) They were just big uppin' their prowess. Okay, so that's all about the balloons then. Are the
official Russian stats about the number of Ukrainian soldiers who've been killed or injured so far
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Have there been any abduction-type events going on in this conflict like they talked about in
A: Yes
Q: (L) So they're abducting soldiers off the battlefield?
A: Yes
Q: (L) That's creepy.
(Joe) They talked about abducting them from Vietnam, reanimating them, and putting them back in
different places. The train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio. That was an accident?
A: No
Q: (Joe) So... The train was tampered with?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) And it was kind of allowed to happen in that respect…?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) And how bad is the contamination?
A: Deadly, but will ameliorate.
Q: (Joe) So no long-term...?
A: No
Q: (Joe) The fires at egg farms: They're all deliberate?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Why eggs?
A: Eggs are major source of protein for poor people.
Q: (L) So they're just going at this whole genocide thing from all kinds of directions.
(Joe) At a very practical and crude level, as well.
A: Yes
Q: (L) I mean, there's the monkey lady... Jane Goodall. She's saying the population should be reduced to
what it was 500 years ago. What was it back then?
(Pierre) 500 million.
(Niall) Which is what the Georgia Guidestones recommended. And someone blew it up.
(L) So, do a quick calculation here somebody. We have 8 billion people on the planet, and they want to
reduce it to 500 million.
(Pierre) Times 16. They want to reduce the world's population by a factor of 16.
(L) How many corpses is that?
(Joe) 7.5 billion.
(L) I'm thinking about practical things like where... Where do you put the bodies?!
(Pierre) Nowhere.
(Joe) Put 'em in the hole in the seabed in Africa.
(Chu) It's a 94% reduction.
(Joe) They're not gonna get that, obviously.
(L) But ya know, that's a strange number considering that's the number the C's used in the very first
session about 94% will be used. Does everybody remember that? Is there a relationship to that first
session where 94% was mentioned?
A: Yes
Q: (L) So, you're saying that in the very beginning, there was kind of a prediction of a 94% reduction in
the human population, that they are apparently endeavoring to effect as we sit here and speak?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Except they're not gonna be able to do that by their own machinations...
A: No but there is more to come as you well know.
Q: (L) So we're talking about possible viruses/pandemics?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Earth changes as in catastrophes of various kinds? Earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis...?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Possibly some little cometary bombardment here and there?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Weather issues?
A: Yes
Q: (L) War.
A: Yes Yes Yes
Q: (L) Sooo...
(Andromeda) What did they mean by 94% would be used as containers?
(L) They would be used as parts - that they were containers...
(seek10) How would they extract that many bodies to use for parts?
A: Not the issue.
Q: (L) So, they were saying... The issue about containers... Containers means a holder for a soul, or
something. So maybe in that very early session, everything was really uneven. Very jagged. So they're
talking about 94% will be used to create a new race. Did they say that? And maybe what they're looking
for is out of the ones that remain, they want containers for their own downloading of their evil devious
lords and masters... Is that it?
A: Close.
Q: (Joe) What did they mean originally in that very old session? What did they mean by 94% used as
(L) They didn't say, "used AS containers". Does somebody have that session handy?
Session 16 July 1994
Q: (L) Bob Lazar referred to the fact that aliens supposedly refer to humans as containers. What does
this mean?
A: Later use.
Q: (L) Use by who? How many:
A: 94 per cent.
Q: (L) 94 per cent of what?
A: Of all population.
Q: (L) What do you mean?
A: All are containers; 94 per cent use.
Q: I don't understand.
A: Will be used. 94 percent.
Q: (L) Used for what? You mean eaten?
A: Total consumption.
Q: (L) What do you mean by consumption? Ingested?
A: Consumed for ingredients.
Q: (L) Why?
A: New race. Important. 13 years about when happens.
Q: (L) Why are humans consumed?
A: They are used for parts.
Q: (L) We don't understand. How can humans be used for parts?
A: Reprototype. Vats exist. Missing persons often go there and especially missing children.
Click to expand...
(L) ALL are containers. 94% are used. And of course we know they feed on pain and suffering.
(Joe) Maybe the other 6% are pathologicals - psychopaths - that aren't really used in that sense.
(L) No, I don't think that's it.
(Joe) But the 94% are used to create a new race for...
(L) Don't try to get too much sequentiality onto that because it was very choppy and it came through in
sharp little bits. I can remember at the time, it was very...
(Joe) Ask them to clarify.
(L) What do you want to ask?
(Joe) Can they clarify what they meant? It's a bit late, 29 years later... What's the significance of 94% of
the population being 'used'?
A: Energy consumed and parts being used for new race. But we do not mean that physical bodies are
used for parts, but rather that genetics of humanity will be modified.
Q: (Ark) Will this be a hybrid: artificial intelligence with human DNA?
A: Humans wish to do that, but that will not be the outcome since the necessary technological
infrastructure will collapse.
Q: (L) So, they're trying to go for these super-humans that they're gonna put electrodes in their brains
and all this kinda stuff. But even if they do that, that will fail because...
(Joe) They won't have long enough to implement it before collapse.
(L) Yeah, because remember that other session when they said that all of these big moves were being
made for people to be totally, completely controlled... and I mean, ya know, when they said that back... I
don't remember when that session was. There was the session about the mark of the beast if anybody
wants to pull that up. It was about 666 and "visa". I was complaining at the time, saying, "Oh my god!"
And they said, "Why? Change will follow." I think that, put together with the idea that the technological
infrastructure will collapse, will mean that the change that will follow will be kind of like a reversion to a
more primitive state of existence. Is that...?
A: Somewhat, yes. But it will depend on location. Plus, remember that all these plans of 4D STS are
much wishful thinking.
Q: (L) So you're saying that the plan to reduce the population by 94% is not necessarily what's going to
A: Yes
Q: (L) But that is their plan.
A: Yes
Q: (L) That's what they would WISH to happen.
(Pierre) And then during a previous session, the figure 78% was given for a virus.
(L) But that doesn't account for other kinds of events...
(Pierre) It means it's gonna be high.
(L) It's gonna be high, but it's not gonna be...
(Andromeda) By the means that they're going for, maybe.
(Chu) And if they're talking about genetics, people don't have to be dead. You can still download stuff
and change the antennas and all that stuff. It doesn't mean the death of 94%.
(L) You can change DNA with viruses and all kinds of things. Are we done with this? It's depressing.
(Joe) Just a follow-up on the East Palestine train accident: Was the reason that train was derailed on
purpose to cause a toxic spill, was that in order to further left-right divisions in America?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) That was the primary goal?
A: Not necessarily. If you are going for terror, depopulation, and general mayhem, you gotta start
Q: (Joe) It had Biden not going there or paying any attention, but Trump went though. It's a Republican
area, so commentators were saying, "Well, you voted Republican, so you don't get any help from the
(Pierre) You know the difference between the 94% and roughly the same number implemented by nature
is the "triple-bad day". They're gonna be included amongst the casualties...
A: Yes Yes Yes
Q: (Pierre) Well, it was obvious to you, but not to me.
(L) Well, it's like in any kind of confrontational warfare-type situation: If there's a traitor who sells out his
side to the other side, the side that he sells out to is never gonna trust him. They see he's been a traitor
once. So, those elites who have sold out humanity to the hyperdimensional overlords or whatever, they
can't be trusted. That's just my point of view, but maybe people who are like that by nature see it
differently. I dunno.
(Joe) Post-hypothetical transition to 4D, is there any 3D infrastructure remaining?
A: Semi sort of, yes.
Q: (Joe) What happened to Nicola Bulley, the woman in the UK who disappeared from a river bank in
Northwest England several weeks ago? They finally found her body in an area they had already searched
several times. I was just wondering because it bears some of the hallmarks of a "Missing 411" case. So I
was wondering if it was that, or something more mundane?
A: Mundane. There may be an arrest.
Q: (Ark) Mathematical question for a change. Long ago I was interested in Swiss mathematician Armand
Wyler. He derived a formula for what we call fine structure constant. It's not really a constant like the
speed of light is not really a constant, but nevertheless it has a value. So, he derived this and then was
put into an insane asylum. Now, I'm not going to an insane asylum, but I am interested in his derivation. I
want to go back. No one understood this derivation. I hope I will understand. What should I pay attention
to while reading his papers?
(L) What kind of question is that??
(Ark) What did he do wrong?
A: Made assumptions.
Q: (Ark) Which of his assumptions was wrong?
(L) You're not gonna get anything out of these questions. You're not asking very precise questions.
(Joe) You have to reference some of his ideas and ask if they're right or wrong.
(Ark) Alright, thank you very much. I will find it myself. Yes.
(L) When you ask it that way, I feel like a... a compression.
(PoB) Will there be any next president of the Russian Federation as we know it after Putin?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Let's open the floor. People, go for it!
(Ze Germans) Did [forum member’s] mother make it to the other side?
A: She is fine. No worries.
Q: (seek10) Forum member Boza48 wants to ask about his son's condition: "My son has cancer and I
would like to know is it his decision or a consequence of some early trauma? Thank you all, in advance."
A: His decision. Many are leaving the body at this time.
Q: (L) Why are many leaving the body at this time?
A: To act as support for those who will go through trauma in the coming years.
Q: (L) So is that generally the case prior to very traumatic periods?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Well, naturally you'd think they're checking out because they don't want to go through it.
(Andromeda) Maybe that's the case for some people, for others they'd go ahead of time to blaze a trail.
(seek10) The C's mentioned that Hindu god Rama was a high priest influenced by the Confederation.
What is his time period?
A: 50k years ago
Q: (seek10) What is the evil he fought against?
A: Lizards.
Q: (seek10) Is "Ravana" a fictional character based on cometary activity?
A: Yes
Q: (seek10) The C's mentioned that the Vedas are written by "descendants" of Paranthas. Where were
those "descendants" of Paranthas from? Inside the Indian region (archaic ancestors of
Tamilians/Dravidians) or outside the Indian region?
A: The former.
Q: (L) And they are also most strongly represented in the Australian Aborigines, is that correct?
A: Yes
Q: (seek10) What is the language of Iranian farmer migrants into India around 6000 BC? Is it Sanskrit or
something else?
A: Close to Sanskrit. But more archaic.
Q: (seek10) Forum member Aragorn wants to ask: "You've said that the Secret Government has
technology that is thousands of years ahead of what exists publicly. If Russia is such a threat to the
plans of the PTB, why don't they use this superior technology to destroy Russia?"
A: Who said that the "secret government" was aligned with that goal?
Q: (L) So I guess they're not necessarily aligned with that goal. And is the secret government human?
A: No
Q: (Joe) If they destroy Russia, how are they gonna have a war? Look at the nice war they're having as a
result of provoking Russia!
(L) You couldn't get all the suffering out of it. You've gotta wring it dry! Misery, suffering, torment...
(seek10) The C's said that 50k years back, there was a war between Kantekkians and the Paranthas.
Does the Rama play into that picture? Was it before or after the war?
A: After.
Q: (Ursus Minor) When did the Atlanteans start building pyramids on Mars?
A: Also about 50k years ago.
Q: (Eboard10) In a recent session the C’s said that things are about to get rather "rocky". Is there
anything we can do to prepare for what's to come?
A: All instructions given up to present may be reviewed.
Q: (irjO) Can a crystal be charged and utilized just to cure or treat a specific disease or part of the body?
A: Not generally, no.
Q: (L) I think you have to have a crystal charged with a certain energy or whatever, and then you use your
own mental focus and maybe even place the crystal on the location to direct its energy.
(MK Scarlett) There is a theory that connects the formation of cloud anomaly with future earthquakes,
and a study published in 2022 says, "The physical mechanism of cloud anomaly was likely caused by
electric field, which linked active fault, atmosphere circuit conduction current, and cloud anomaly, and
thus provides a reasonable hypothesis of cloud anomaly." Does this connection exist?
A: Yes
Q: (MK Scarlett) Can so-called "orographic" clouds, such as lenticular ones, in some cases, be
precursors of earthquakes?
A: Yes
Q: (MK Scarlett) What is the average period (in days) between the atmospheric fluctuation that forms
these cloud anomalies and a potential earthquake?
A: 3 to 7.
Q: (Joe) Some of those clouds were seen in Turkey - strange clouds. They were kinda like domes with a
hole in the middle, almost like a hat.
(Andromeda) How long before?
(Joe) A few days, I think.
(T.C.) Was Paul familiar with Plato's "Apology" (about the death of Socrates)?
A: Yes
Q: (T.C.) Did it influence his ideas about Christ?
A: No.
Q: (Adobe): Can you recommend writings on karmic understanding?
(L) I think there is some of that in our recommended reading list. But you know, one of the books that
really kind of opened my mind to some of the ways that things can work was the book "Life Between
Life" by that Canadian psychologist or psychiatrist... I think his name is Whitton.
(Joe) We have a thread on the forum about life after death.
(L) Yeah, well "Life Between Life" was the title of the book, but there are quite a number of books about
hypnotic regressions, or past life stories and current life events that kind of make it fairly clear how...
(Andromeda) …it all works.
(L) Yeah. And there's another one called "Heading Toward Omega". I forget who that one is by. But it's
where people have near death experiences and they recount, when they come back, what they
experienced and what was pointed out to them as being important, and what was not important in life.
So, those can get you started.
Q: (Adobe) Is it possible for a 3D STO candidate to find themselves in 4D and be little aware of it or not
aware of it at all?
A: Yes Yes Yes
(L) That's a big 10-4.
Q: (Anartist) What is the level of David R. Hawkins, and is his kinesiology technique for truth useful?
(L) What do you mean by "what is the level"? Are you trying to be nosey about somebody? Hmmm?
Who is David R. Hawkins?
(Chu) Can you turn your mic on?
(Anartist) Yes, David R. Hawkins is a spiritual guy, healer, and psychiatrist who wrote Orthomolecular
Psychiatry with Linus Pauling. He co-authored it. And he's done a technique called kinesiology, which is
muscle testing, for determining the truth or the falseness of something. And I'm just wondering if that
technique would be useful for us, for anybody?
A: Yes
(Anartist) OK, that's it. It's an interesting technique used to determine the truth of people, at a spiritual
level and the falseness of information as well.
(Joe) We use muscle testing.
(L) We do it.
Q: (Sid) Has "the War of 10 Kings" been used as a prototype for the Mahabharata war?
A: Same thing, like Atlantis.
Q: (Puma) On December 20, 2022, scientist Zesheng Yang reported an unusual object in the LASCO C2
and C3 fields of view and he reported it because he knew that this was something different, not a comet.
In the image, on the east side, we can see an object that seems to go directly towards the sun as if it
were a sundiving comet, however, a second later it describes a curve moving away. (Thread: Sol (Sun)
and its phenomena, post #551) SOHO stated that this object was actually a speck of dust from a
micrometeorite near the spacecraft/satellite. Is SOHO correct?
A: No
Q: (Puma) If not, what was that object?
(Joe) A weather balloon. [Laughter]
Q: (MK Scarlett) A teenager fatally stabbed his teacher on February 22 in France with a single "quick,
fluid and unhesitating" stab. According to the prosecutor, the 16-year-old student, described as
"intelligent and hard-working" as well as "solitary and clumsy", said he was possessed and evoked "a
small voice that spoke to him, a being he described as selfish, manipulative, egocentric, who incited him
to do evil and who would have suggested to him the day before to murder his Spanish teacher". Is this
voice real?
A: Yes
Q: (MK Scarlett) And is the teenager under the influence of a malevolent psychic entity?
A: Yes
Q: (MK Scarlett) If yes: The young man had tried to kill himself with drugs in October 2022 (he had been
hearing the voice for several years and had told his mother about it) before being followed by a
psychiatrist who had placed him on antidepressants. Did this suicide attempt cause the entity to punish
the teenager by having him commit a murder, which could send him to prison/a psychiatric hospital for a
long time leaving him under the domination of this entity?
A: Yes
Q: (irjO) Can a soul or being, be still at 5th density contemplating, while at the same "time" part of its
consciousness reincarnates and lives in one life or multiple ones?
A: Yes
Q: (Summerlite) What percentage of the World Economic Forum plans will come to fruition in the USA?
A: 80 or thereabouts.
Q: (Summerlite) Is resistance and exposure foiling their plans?
A: Largely, but people need to suffer enough to lose their fear of action.
Q: (Andrian) Do the baoding balls...
(L) What the hell are baoding balls? [Laughter]
(Andrian) ...have health benefits?
A: Yes
Q: (Andrian) If so, what would be the optimal material of which the baoding balls are to be made?
A: Jade.
Q: (thorbiorn) In a previous session you said the Earth was overpopulated. What determines the carrying
capacity of the planet?
(Joe) Food... food production and conditions... Environmental, weather conditions, suitable for producing
enough food...
(L) That's an interesting question.
(Andromeda) The resources? Energy?
A: Psychic health.
(Pierre) So it means...
(L) that it could carry more if people were very psychically healthy.
(Pierre) Exactly.
(Joe) But that's because they would do different things, so the actual carrying capacity on the planet on
a practical level is sane human beings acting in sane ways, that produces enough of the basic essentials
for people to survive.
(L) Right.
(Joe) If crazy people start doing crazy things, and messing up, for example, the food supply, or the food
production, then people are going to die and it's no longer viable.
A: Yes
(L) Well, I'm glad you figured that out.
Q: (thorbjorn) In the Earth's current condition, what is the optimal carrying capacity?
A: S.P.A. [See previous answer.]
Q: (Alejo) Did they use the whole balloon/UFO hype to gauge an eventual introduction of "extraterrestrial"
overlords that will "save" the planet?
A: In process, yes.
Q: (JEEP) Back to the train derailment, was the name of the town a factor?
A: Not really.
Q: (Regulattor) In a session about 9/11, it was said that Russians have knowledge and evidence of who
or what struck the Pentagon and other related places. Would Russians in the not-too-distant future make
this knowledge available to the wider public, thus making the deep state more visible to Western
A: When they are sure they will be believed.
(L) Yeah. There is no point in them releasing it if it's going to be used against them.
Q: (Joe) Can I ask a question, Laura?
(L) Yes.
(Joe) I think it was brought up on the forum. The Cs have said that all souls were already created from
the beginning. But we have this idea that OPs and stuff can develop souls. So they are kind of mutually
... they are not compatible ideas, right? And the idea that OPs come back to the soul pool, and keep
coming back and forth, so, what is the deal there? If all souls are already created, is there no progression
from an OP point of view into... or is it a group soul type of thing?
A: No. A group soul can differentiate. Same "amount" of soul "stuff".
Q:(Joe) OK. So, it's just levels of souls, then, right?
A: Yes
Q: (Ryan) Do some incarnated souls actually accomplish more in their incarnated lives than they
originally planned in 5D?
A: Yes. But not many!
Q: (irjO) Are we part of that 6% left?
(L) Oh God, I can see it coming...
A: Up to you!
Q: (Ryan) In the same way that Christ was based on Caesar, was the mythical Perseus originally based
on a specific, real person?
A: No.
(L): Behind that answer, there is a whole thought thing, by the way, and I'd better tell it to you now: The
answer "no" referenced the idea of battles in the sky that took on mythical proportions, so that there was
more cometary imagery to Perseus than an actual person imagery.
Q: (Breton) When I answered the question of what big thing happened near Africa, I was remembering
from 2018:
Session 1 December 2018
(Pierre) What was the cause of this monochromatic earthquake that lasted 20 minutes last month off the
coast of Madagascar?
A: Grand chamber collapse deep underground. Like a deep sinkhole. And extremely large!!!
Q: (Joe) They were saying they thought it was an undersea volcanic eruption.
(L) So what caused it?
A: Combination of factors including crustal slippage and magnetic field anomaly. Check gravity graphic
for the region for clues.
Q: (L) That must mean that globey thing they made that shows the shape of the Earth according to its
(Pierre) I would guess the anomaly shows a weak gravity so there'd be less binding force there.
(L) So it doesn't have anything to do with the sun...
(Andromeda) That trembling was on the 18th, and a week later the sun did the singing.
(L) The sun was singing.
A: Loosely connected by effects of the same general influences in the solar system at present.
Q: (L) And what are those general influences?
A: External and internal.
Q: (L) Well that doesn't help.
(Pierre) Is the external Nemesis?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) Internal is the state of humanity?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Is internal also streams of comet dust?
A: Yes
Q: (L) So, it's basically the same mechanism. And external could also be the wave?
A: Yes
Q: (L) So just the same general malady is affecting everything.
(Andromeda) And that's the same reason we had this big earthquake yesterday.
Click to expand...
(Andromeda) Yeah, I remember that!
(L) Yes, that whole incident was really weird. So could we say that the Turkey earthquake, that it was also
under the influence of these influences in the solar system at present?
A: Yes
Q: (Anartist) Would medium to high intensity PEMF be useful for Laura and others for healing?
(L) We have one, and I use it. Yes, thank you. I'm going to put it on my knee tonight.
Q: (Ryu) With all the earth changes going on, blackouts, censorship, etc., may there come a time when
we will be cut out from networking and the forum?
A: Yes
(L) So let's take advantage of it while we got it.
Q: (Fallen_735) Who is Elon Musk? On one side he releases controversial twitter files for the whole
internet to see and makes fun of the "branch covidians" but on the other side his starlink tech is being
used by Ukraine in the war… is he a man of the people but greedy? Or is he part of the PTB and just
distracting the masses?
A: More complex than that. Good intentions but blinkered by beliefs like everyone.
(Joe) Like, he's gonna save the planet with green energy, and we're all going to live on Mars...
(L) Electric cars...good AI... And of course, I think the more he's thinking about it, the more he is seeing
that AI is not so good at all.
(Joe) Yeah, he's worried about AI. He thinks he's going to combat AI with AI. [Laughter] Dude, it's a bad
idea! Don't let computers take control!
Q: (Brandon) "A: Just because 94 percent may "die" does not necessarily mean success for STS forces.
The energy of "containers" can be utilized positively or negatively. Also, notice that the plans were
revealed prior to the efforts of the present company. Remember the flapping butterfly wings." (Session
from Oct 20, 2005.)
(L) So that was something the Cs said before. Yes, that goes in with what we've got tonight.
Q: (Ryan) With regards to the 'covert ops' squads of the deep state who are causing factory fires etc, is
there anything ordinary people could do or be aware of to stymie or prevent such criminal activity?
(L) I don't think it's a good idea for you to go lurking about dressed like Rambo, guarding your local
factory or chicken farm, or anything like that.
(Joe) Raise some chickens.
(L) Yeah. Just raise your own chickens and take care of them.
(Tristan) As for the great exposure referred to in previous sessions, it has something to do with what Elon
Musk said on Twitter recently about the Covid scam.
(L) Yeah, you know? That's possible.
(Andromeda) I think they are trying to say something...
A: Time to say goodnight, energy waning. Goodbye.
End of Session
Session Date: April 8th 2023
Laura and Andromeda at the board
Joe, Pierre, Gaby, Possibility of Being, Ark, Scottie, Chu, Niall, Pikabu the Cat
FOTCM Members participating via Zoom:
3DStudent, A Jay, Abats, Adobe, Aeneas, Aiming, Alana, Alejo, Altair, Anamarija, Anartist, AndrewMn,
Andrian, annp, Anthony, Approaching Infinity, Aragorn, Beorn , Bluefyre, Bobo08, brandon, Breton,
cassandra, Chad, cinnamon, Cosmos, Deliverance, dirgni, dugdeep, Ellipse , fabric, Fallen_735,
finduilas495, Gandalf, Gawan, genero81, Glenn, goyacobol, herondancer, Hesper, hesperides, IrjO,
JeanneT, JEEP, Jefferson, jess, Jono, Josi, Juba, Keit, kenlee, KJN, korzik18, KS, Lainey, Lilou,
logos5x5, Loreta, LQB, Lucius, Manitoban, marek760 , Mari, Mariama, Mark, MARTINA, Matt, Mililea,
mimimari, mkrnhr, Msante, Navigator, NewEngland Seeker, Nicholas, Nienna, Obi, Ollie, Oxajil, Pecha,
PERLOU, Pophistorian, Puma, Redfox, Redrock12, Regulattor, rrraven, Ryan, rylek , ryu, Saman,
Scotseeker, Seamus, seek10, seeker2seer, Sinapi, Stoneboss, sToRmR1dR, SummerLite, T.C., Terran,
Theodor, thorbjorn, Tristan, Turgon, Ursus Minor, Voyageur, whitecoast, will01, williamsj, Windmill Knight,
Yas, Ysus, Zar
Q: (L) I'm hoping everybody has questions tonight. What's going on in the world besides...
(Joe) Nonsense?
(L) I mean, it's just the usual horrible things. When the C's said it was gonna be rocky ahead, they
weren't kidding. I don't think they were necessarily at all talking about earthquakes or comets or rocks in
space or anything. Rocky is, you know, a pretty rocky road. And that poor guy Trump. He's having it
pretty rocky for sure. Yeah. US, I mean come on... De-dollarization, everything's going to, go down the
tubes in no time flat. There's gonna be hyperinflation, people are gonna be pushing wheelbarrows full of
money, just to go buy a candy bar, a cup of coffee and... I wouldn't like to be in the middle of that. But
here we are!
(Joe) No, CBDCs are gonna save the day.
(L) What?
(Joe) Central Bank Digital Currencies? Ya know the way the dollar's kind of collapsing and....
(Andromeda) Kind of fake?
(Joe) It's kinda paper money. That was so 20th century. Let's just do digital currencies and wipe the slate
(L) You think that's what they're gonna do?
(Joe) They're gonna try.
(L) Oh brother.
(Niall) Financial reset.
(L) Well, my little social security check is gonna be worth absolutely zero by the time they're done with
that. And it's already close enough. [laughter] So, okay, let's get ready. I don't have any questions.
(Joe) Comets.
(L) Comets?
A: Morebuntk of Cassiopaea here.
Q: (L) And I guess I better say it was what, the...
(Joe) Eighth.
(L) The 8th of April, 2023. God, how did we get to April so fast? Yeah, 2023 and everybody's here.
(Scottie) What's with that name? Morebutnk.
(L) [Review of those present]
(Joe) How do you spell Morebuntk?
(Chu) M o r e b u n t k.
(Joe) That's because of the German influence. [laughter]
A: Not horor soon.
Q: (L) Did you say, "Not horror soon"?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Not horror soon. Hmm...
(Joe) What's that mean?
A: Endings and beginnings.
Q: (L) Did you mean to say horror like H O R R O R?
A: Yes
Q: (L) But I suppose, I guess just from the way I feel, energy is low.
A: Yes
Q: (Andromeda) So not horror soon?
A: Yes
Q: (L) So there is not going to be horror soon?
A: Not sooner than you think.
Q: (Joe) In other words, there's nothing imminent.
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Which is, was in response to you saying dollar deflation or de-dollarization, wheelbarrows full of
money, that kind of stuff.
(L) So it's not gonna be that bad that soon.
A: Yes
Q: (L) Okay. Well then y'all calm down and just ignore me. Okay, questions?
A: Long time before the complete collapse.
Q: (L) Well, when you say "long time", I'm wondering if you're just… time is as distorted as when you say
"short time"?
A: Probably.
Q: (Joe) What did you mean by that? What did you mean by what you said? You're wondering if...
(L) Well, I mean sometimes they say help is coming soon and "help is coming soon" can go on for years
and years. You know, "soon" can be years and years. So maybe a long time can be either a very short
time or...
A: Yes. We do not want any of you to worry as it can change outcome.
Q: (L) Worry changes outcome?
A: Often, yes.
Q: (L) All right. You got a question, Joe?
(Joe) What's that one? The one I showed you the... "bright new comet discovered zooming towards the
sun could outshine the stars next year. The newly discovered comet, C2023A3, is making a close
approach around the sun for the first time in 80,000 years and might be as bright as a star in the fall of
(L) Yeah?
(Joe) And we were... the 80,000 years thing - date - made people think of Kantek maybe?
A: Associated but not directly.
Q: (Joe) Right.
(L) It's not a part of Kantek that was flung off and became a comet?
A: No
Q: (L) Is it part of a giant comet that came into the solar system and interacted with Kantek, causing it to
A: Close, but not exactly. At the time there were numerous disturbances.
Q: (Joe) No doubt. I have a question about blood clots. Are they good? No, I'm just kidding. Dugdeep,
Pierre, Mike, and Laura: four people in a short period of time had clotty issues. What's the question…?
A: All part of the COVID operation. But depends on the individual state how will manifest. For example,
Laura had slight occlusions in small veins and they broke loose and collected in vein next size up.
Q: (L) So you're saying that, even individuals who just had COVID itself, not the vaccines, that there can
be clotting issues?
A: Yes
Q: (Niall) Right, because COVID was the vaccine.
(Joe) I mean the modification of the actual virus. So the whaddaya call it....
A: The vaccine produces massive clots due to concentration of spike protein as well as shock to the
Q: (Niall) They didn't have the vaccine.
(Joe) Huh? It, no, it doesn't matter. I mean, the original vaccine, i.e. the original SARS-CoV-2 two was a
vaccine that became a virus that got released in China or whatever. And it was modified already. The
spike protein was modified to have that effect on the body, basically. And then they went ahead and
made a vaccine that actually reproduced that spike protein.
(L) So in other words, when you get the COVID, you get some, the spike protein business going on, and
you can have any number of these effects that people have from the vaccine. But they would be, how to
say it, they're ameliorated in some way if it's just the sickness and not the vaccine?
A: Yes
Q: (L) And why are they ameliorated?
A: Immune system has time to gear up and the overall shock is lessened.
Q: (Joe) Well, the original vaccine/virus that they made in the lab or modified in the lab - modified and
released in China, that didn't instruct people's bodies to make the spike protein. The mRNA vaccine that
they produced afterwards actually instructed your body and a lot of your cells...
(L) Yeah, that's what they're saying.
(Joe) But there's a big difference between those. They're talking about when you instruct your cells to
make the spike protein, which is an antigen, it's like an invader in any and every cell of your body. I
mean, you immediately have autoimmune issues...
(L) It's genetic manipulation of your cells.
(Joe) You're instructing your body to attack your own cells, basically.
(L) Right.
(Joe) That didn't happen with the virus itself.
(L) Right. Is that correct?
A: Yes
Q: (Gaby) Will a fecal transplant be helpful to fight infections in general? Viral infections?
A: Yes. Choose donors carefully.
Q: (L) Gaby was asking about fecal transplants because there is a woman who gave a talk and she says
that all these people who had, was it the vaccine or just those who had COVID?
(Gaby) Both.
(L) Both vaccinated and people who just had COVID that they were… lacking.
(Gaby) Bifidobacteria.
(L) Bifidobacteria in their intestines that somehow COVID killed it all off.
(Gaby) And that creates a folic acid deficiency that I've been seeing since the COVID. You know,
everybody's deficient in folic acid...
(L) Folic acid deficiency.
(Joe) As a result of good bacterial die-off.
(Andromeda) It helps produce the folic acid. And that's hard to replace with just regular probiotics.
(L) Yeah, but if the COVID causes it and practically everybody's had it, are there people who can have it
and it doesn't destroy all their bifidobacteria?
A: Yes but it is largely destructive in that way.
Q: (L) So there are people where it doesn't destroy everything, but it can mess 'em up to some extent
until they recoup.
(Joe) And obviously they are, with proper good gut bacteria, balance is very important for immune
(L) Can you also replace it with using probiotics or...?
(Gaby) Fermented foods.
(L) Fermented foods or something?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) People should take folic acid then?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Y'all take folic acid. Go and get some right now on Amazon! [laughter]
A: Yes
Q: (L) All right, next? Are we done with that subject? Let's see if anybody on Zoom has questions... I'm
just going to pick some of these at random, but then you're gonna see how this affects the sessions
when you start picking just random questions because then you have all kinds of questions scattered all
through the sessions that don't have follow up.
(Caesarea) In the previous session, you said the World Economic Forum would achieve 80% of their
plans in the USA. What percentage have they currently achieved?
A: 60
Q: (Pierre) I have a question. It was reported that the speed of light was having variation between the
twenties and the forties.
(Andromeda) 1929 and 1945.
(Pierre) And what is the cause of this variation?
A: Variations in density subjugation.
Q: (Joe) So does that mean the extent to which planet Earth 3D was subjugated to the influence of
higher densities?
A: Density.
Q: (Pierre) And does density have something to do with gravity?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) Does this variation in the speed of light affect our connection to the information field?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) So it suggests that in 1929, there was a variation in the density subjugation. Does that imply an
increased control of...?
A: Gravity wave.
Q: (Joe) Does it have anything to do with the 1929 Great Depression? That's the question.
A: More or less, yes.
Q: (Joe) And you were saying that was about 20 years, and what did you compare? The Great
Depression and today?
(L) Yeah, but, and not necessarily because I thought anything was, because I don't know anything about
any speed of light variations now or anything like that. I just noticed that there was a period that was the
Great Depression. It started right before the war. Yeah. I mean, 1928 would be very similar to now. We
haven't quite reached hyperinflation, all that sort of thing, but we're really getting very close to that
breaking point. And then 1945 was at the end of World War II and it just struck me that that period was
just so dramatic in terms of the stuff that was going on economically and globally. The war... I mean,
millions of people dying and that sort of thing. So we know that now we're having this economic crisis. I
don't know if it's gonna be as serious or severe as that one was, at least not for the entire world. But we
are also having the rumbling of all this war business going on in the background. Now, does that mean
that there's also going to be a concomitant change in the speed of light? Is something gonna happen
about gravity? Are the two correlated? I don't know. No, I don't know any of those things, but it just
struck me that that was an interesting phenomenon.
(Joe) Are variations in the density subjugation a natural phenomenon?
A: Yes
Q: (Gaby) They said gravity wave. So it was something cosmological?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) How do variations in the speed of light affect/modulate the connection between us and the
information field?
A: Gravity is the key.
Q: (L) So once you said that gravity is a binder. And you said that gravity is collecting information - or
collecting knowledge is like collecting gravity.
A: Yes
Q: (L) Is sharing it like dispersing it?
A: Yes
Q: (L) So...
A: No more on this!
Q: (Joe) It's a very sensitive topic. We might get in trouble. [laughter]
(Aragorn) Finland has now become a NATO member, and it has one of the more capable armies in
Europe. Will the PTB try to turn Finland into a battleground against Russia?
A: Yes. Not with great success, however.
Q: (LQB) The World's Fair expositions in the US in the late 18 hundreds and early 19 hundreds are very
anomalous. Did some of these massive structures exist prior to the expositions? Was some form of
alternate energy used in their construction? Were these expositions used to program the masses and
impose false history?
(L) Now, wait a minute. Let's back up here. These World Fair expositions are very anomalous. Why are
they very anomalous? Where's LQB? I wanna understand this. LQB, where are you?
(LQB) They were built in very short periods of time. Very large structures and current contractors don't
believe they could ever do that today.
(L) Wow. Okay. Did some of these massive structures exist prior to the expositions?
A: Partly and expanded.
Q: (LQB) Was some form of alternative energy used in their construction?
A: No.
Q: (LQB) Were these expositions used to program the masses and impose false history?
A: Not exactly as the question is composed, but yes, there were nefarious systems involved. This topic
could be more carefully analyzed for clues.
Q: (L) Huh. Well, I never heard of that, so I guess we'll have to start a thread on it. Okay...
(Ursus Minor) Whose technology is depicted on the Abydos Temple hieroglyphic panel?
A: Alien.
Q: (annp) Are the countries recently joining BRICS and BRICS plus less afraid of the CIA now?
A: Yes
Q: (annp) Have Russia slash China given them some anti-CIA pesticides? [laughter]
A: Not exactly, but have given tech and intel assurance of backup if needed.
Q: (L) So they let 'em know that they would help them with tech and intel if they need it.
(Ursus Minor) What made the Subterraneans and Atlanteans develop bi-density, and will the newbies in
4D be bi-density at first?
A: Bad question. Rethink and separate.
Q: (L) So you need to divide that question up. I mean, do we know that the Atlanteans developed
bi-density or that the subterraneans developed bi-density? That's an assumption. And will the newbies
in 4D be bi-density at first? Yeah. You need to re-form that. Okay...
(Toronto Group) Do any of the 3D elite known to the general population visit the subterranean civilizations
talked about in previous sessions?
A: Not well thought out question.
Q: (T.C.) On February 22, 1950, a Baptist church in Beatrice, Nebraska exploded at 7:27pm. Choir
practice was supposed to start at 7:15pm. Every member of the choir was late for a different,
independent reason and all turned up minutes after the explosion thinking everyone else would be in the
church. How were they saved, and did it have anything to do with the fact that they all sang together
every week?
A: Limbic resonance and yes.
Q: (Toronto Group) What kind of impact, if any, will the National Citizens Inquiry in Canada have?
(L) What is the National Citizens Inquiry? We should have some background in the session so that the
reader will be able to know what we're talking about.
(Toronto Group) It's a grassroot cell movement that's been started to gather information from all sectors
on how the the COVID tyranny happened. And there's people involved, like Bruce Party who was
involved with the truckers, has been questioned. They're questioning all different… just ordinary people
that have been affected by the jabs and people that have been affected by all the lockdowns. So the
ostracization… and it's multi-level. It's just started and they're going to be going all the way across
(L) And who's in charge of doing this National Citizens Inquiry?
(Toronto Group) There's no one person in charge. Several people have started it.
(L) So it's like a grassroots thing? It's not like of a formal government...
(Toronto Group) No, it's like the trucker's movement. There's no person leading it and there's no funding
except from people's donations. So, it feels very similar to the trucker convoy thing.
(L) So you wanna know what kind of impact it will have?
(Toronto Group) Will it only be preaching to the choir or will it reach more people like internationally as
well as just in Canada?
A: It will help to connect people, but not much movement against the power structure.
Q: (JEEP) Will the turmoil surrounding the Trump persecution lead to civil war / revolution?
A: It is certainly heading in that direction.
Q: (Toronto Group) Follow up to the C's response about amyloid plaque that embalmers are finding: The
C's said it was the body's defense system that creates the plaque. What is the body defending itself
(L) Spike proteins, right?
A: Yes
Q: (Ursus Minor) Was life on Mars annihilated by a nuclear event or was it the Mars-Earth calamity?
A: Latter and other factors.
Q: (Ellipse) Did blood types appear naturally or was there some engineering done?
A: Engineering.
Q: (Farmies) What adjustments can be made in HBOT treatment to maximize production of stem cells?
A: It takes longer with lower pressure as you have already discussed. But a regular program of high
intensity training can help.
Q: (L) So by that you mean like weight lifting?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Crossfit is not high-intensity training. Not only Crossfit. Lifting weights.
(Joe) That's part of it.
(L) But there's some parts of Crossfit that SOME people can't do.
(Joe) They said there was less gravity on earth in the past, right? Did that change the atmospheric
pressure on the earth?
A: Not by much. Atmospheric pressure depends more on thickness and density of atmosphere.
Greenhouse gases can stimulate densification of atmosphere.
Q: (L) Is it better to have a more dense atmosphere?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) When there was less gravity, was there any difference in the oxygen concentration of the
A: Slight, yes.
Q: (Joe) I was just thinking that when there's less gravity, there might have been more atmosphere and
more oxygen, meaning that everybody would be walking around in an HBOT while living on the planet.
(Ryan) Why, at the end of the previous session, did Laura feel so tired, when many other group members
felt energised, or felt a strong energy regarding the session? If this is purely due to psychic exertion on
Laura’s part, is there any way group members can bolster her energy levels so she feels more refreshed
after a session?
A: Ask better questions. A lot depends on the aim, goal, and intent of the question.
Q: (Joe) Yeah. It's like if you've thought about the question and thought about it as not just something
you personally would like to know, but something that has more universal importance or would be
universally helpful to more people, that probably takes more effort to actually formulate a question like
that. Think about it beforehand. And that's inputting positive energy into the actual question and into
your intent. And maybe that produces a positive energy transfer to the person who's answering the
question. It's the same with a normal conversation in real life, you know? The more open and sincere
and honest and well thought out your discussion is with someone else, the more the other person can
benefit from it and receive. And there can be a mutual...
(L) I think there's something else. Something else. And that is how much effort has the person put
forward to get the answer for themself before they ask the question? Because if they are just asking it
because they're merely curious and haven't done any work on it, it's almost like there's a big empty
space where their own effort should have been. And my energy goes and fills that space.
(Joe) And it creates a possibility for a very open-ended answer. You know what I mean? An open-ended
question is an open-ended answer. But if you put effort into it and think about it and refine it down to a
very specific question that you have thought about and...
(Andromeda) Put effort into.
(Joe) Yeah.
(Ryan) The abilities of a new AI language model, GPT-4, seem very impressive. Some years ago, Putin
emphasized the importance of AI in the development of societies. What is the level of Russia and
China's AI capability compared to the west?
A: About equal but different philosophy and approach.
Q: (Ryan) Can cryptography be used as a "defence" against AI, as some, notably Chelsea Manning, have
A: Yes
Q: (Ryan) Decentralised cryptocurrency markets were recently declared a "national security threat" by
the US govt. Has Bitcoin or crypto "backfired" on the US deep state and become something
counterproductive to their agenda?
A: Not exactly.
Q: (Ryan) Can we as a group leverage the capabilities of AI for our research, and if so what might be the
best direction to proceed in this regard?
A: Not much you can do that is beneficial. No pain no gain.
Q: (Lainey) In reflexology, do different points on the feet really correspond with parts of the body?
A: Yes
Q: (Lainey) If so, how does manipulating the points on the feet affect the corresponding part of the
A: Lines of energy connect.
Q: (L) So I guess if you stimulate the point, it stimulates the energy.
A: Yes
Q: (Navigator) The ruler of the Aztecs was oddly welcoming to the Spanish Conquistadors when they
arrived, why was that?
A: Prophecy.
Q: (L) They expected somebody to arrive?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) And the prophecy was from their previous alien overlords?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) And they did that on purpose to set them up to be conquered and destroyed?
(L) Yes. Just like people are saying that the aliens are coming to save people now.
A: Yes
Q: (Farmies) What does a supernova explosion represent in hyperdimensional sense?
A: Opening of portal.
Q: (Ursus Minor) How many Bigfoot or Sasquatch are there in the US and Canada as of today?
A: They are transdensity and some come and go. But close to 1000.
Q: (PERLOU) Did the Templar treasury exist?
A: Yes.
Q: (PERLOU) If so, has it been found?
A: Yes.
Q: (PERLOU) By whom, the Vatican?
A: No.
Q: (L) By whom?
A: French got a big chunk at the time of the arrests, but it was covered up.
Q: (Josi) Is Bill Gates (and company) really wanting to not block the sun, but the light from the
A: No, they really believed their own lies.
Q: (Alejo) A recent study discovered that plants' do have a spoken language that sits beyond hearable
frequencies for humans. Was that language the source of humans learning about plant's specific
medicinal properties?
A: No
Q: (L) What IS the source of humans learning about plants' medicinal properties?
A: Alien teachers in some cases. In others it was information transfer on higher level.
Q: (L) So alien teachers, in some cases information transfer on a higher level. It's kind of the same thing,
isn't it? Well, okay. Information transfer is intuition or....
(Joe) It had to be intuition cuz can you imagine trial and error?!
(L) Yeah, there's some things trial and error wouldn't work. Here, have this mushroom, we'll see what it
does next... Oops!
(Regulattor) - How effective is Samozdrav breathing device compared to HBOT softshell 1.5 ATA
(Niall) Apples and oranges.
(L) Apples and oranges?
A: Yes
Q: (Voyageur) Was the Siberian Lake El'gygytgyn meteor impact much closer to the Younger Dryas time
than suggested (3.6 million years ago)?
A: No
Q: (Voyageur) How large were the communities in Siberia prior to the Younger Dryas?
A: Varied but smallish with a few exceptions.
Q: (Voyageur) Was their influence to the south significant?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Why?
A: Tech. Pain can drive innovation.
Q: (L) Pain?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Yeah, I guess if you're cold all the time, you're gonna learn how to stop being cold. [laughter]
(irjO) Does olive oil have the same "protection" properties as the salt?
A: No
Q: (rrraven) Earth is expanding, does it do it smoothly or is there periods when it does it rapidly?
A: Who said earth was expanding?
Q: (Pierre) At the time, it was "opening up", but that's not the same as "expanding".
(L) Yeah. Show Pikabu to the people. [Ark brings Pikabu the cat to say hi to everyone...]
(rrraven) What was gravity in the Younger Dryas?
A: Less.
Q: (Obi) How close are we to the rebound of the Ice Age?
A: Soon. Wait and see.
Q: (Farmies) How much is ChatGPT being influenced by 4D STS at this stage?
A: A lot.
Q: (Niall) Because it's on earth.
(Joe) Are all those people, the fact that an increasing number of ordinary people are interacting with
ChatGPT asking questions and having conversations, is that going to lead to it evolving some kind of a
semblance of consciousness?
A: Not exactly, but it will lead to a STS-ification of AI.
Q: (Joe) Well, the previous question was is ChatGPT and those kind of AI programs being influenced by
4D STS? And they said a lot, but is that by human beings, all of whom are STS?
A: Yes
Q: (ryu) When Kantek was still whole, could souls "travel" between the planets and have one life on Earth
and another on Kantek?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Okay, JEEP asks:
(JEEP) There was a post in the COVID thread that talked about anti-antibodies that would make
removing spike proteins impossible, I presume for those who had the vax. Comment please.
(JEEP via Zoom) I'd like to amend that. I posted later down in the chat the material that was in the thread
and it was Florian Schilling who talked about that there was a creation of a mirror image antibody type of
entity that's like a copy of the spike protein. And apparently you can have this copy your entire life and it
has the same toxic effect as the real spike proteins and it sounds like you can't really get rid of it.
(L) Huh.
(Joe) We'll have to discuss that.
A: Never say never.
Q: (L) That doesn't mean it wouldn't be difficult. You might have to figure it out, but...
(Loreta) Latvia re-established compulsory military service (in connection with the war in Ukraine). Will the
other NATO countries do the same?
A: Some.
Q: (Adobe) How accurate are David DuByne of ADAPT 2030 most recent estimates of our future earth
(L) What are his estimates of our future Earth changes? And have you talked about it on the forum?
Where is Adobe?
(Adobe) Well, one is that in August of this year, there is a change of the ozone that will cause the sun to
be more intense. I believe the next one is in, I forget the month, of 2024 where there's electromagnetic
changes. And then he says in 2025, and I believe it's March, April and May of 2025 - he uses the solar
system and he shows it opened up to bolide bombardment. So we've got sun change, electromagnetic
change, and bolide bombardment. And he pretty much has dates to them and works it through in one of
the videos. And I did post it on the forum.
(L) Hmm. What's his track record like?
(Adobe) So far pretty good, I think. I think you've spoken with him before, haven't you? From Adapt
(Niall) You and Pierre, about your book...
(Pierre) Years ago.
(Adobe) And a more specific point would be if he's right about March, April, and May of 2025 being wide
open to bolides, that would kind of concur with comets coming in April.
(L) So, how accurate?
A: He is often close, but there are still some surprises.
Q: (Joe) That was a kind of a sneaky way of trying to get a dated prediction. [laughter] Good effort!
(Adobe) Yeah, but at least it would be using our harder data. So it'd be taking the 10% and trying to
match it with the 90% and using David DuByne's work.
(Joe) I salute your effort because we have tried often in the past to do that as well, but... We get "no
(Adobe) In much of the NDE, and karmic studies, the STS path entities are under-represented. Can you
help with understanding why?
(Adobe via Zoom) Am I still on? We've been discussing that on the Near Death Experience or Afterlife
thread, and in reading through the books, we're going, "Hey, where's all the baddies?" You know, when
you hear the near death experience and the karmic stuff, you always hear these great, wonderful stories.
If someone dies and it's all wonderful and they come back and it's all wonderful and it's like, "Hey, is
there any bad over there?" Where are the service to self people that are putting together a program for
their next life where they're gonna do real bad stuff? They're coming down here to learn how to be
baddies. So there's no stories of that. So why is the negative side of the other dimensions and densities
unrepresented when we go to read about near death and karmic stuff? Well, some of the stuff does, like
the recent movie, and I forget the name of it, the 'Astral City' and also Wicklands '30 years among Dead'.
They do represent some negativity, but it's generally lost souls not far from us. So let's get back to the
question. Okay. Why is the negativity less represented in the truth at 5D?
A: 5th density does not work that way. Negative entities are intensely entropic and sort of gravitationally
enclosed so as to give them the opportunity to reflect on their choices. They may then decide to try
again but it is rare for the truly negative to reincarnate. They are subsumed.
Q: (PoB) So why there are not less and less of them on the earth?
(L) Well, I think it's because the negativity draws from... I mean so many what we call negative individuals
are like psychopaths, which is like a defective OP. They don't really have a reincarnating soul anyway.
They're just a portal for negative 4D STS energies to enter into the world. And there's plenty of OPs. Plus
the fact that the normal soul - and you use "normal" kind of loosely - is always subjected to the pool of
STS by virtue of being in the body and being subjected to all of the temptations and the vicissitudes of
life in a more-or-less unfriendly environment. Earth is really kind of not a really friendly place with all of its
things that just happen, but naturally. So I think that there's plenty of opportunity for negativity. And I
also think that sometimes what we might consider to be a negative individual or negative entity or
negative events from a larger cosmic perspective may not be that at all.
(Joe) Well, there's the idea of 4th density STS and being able to graduate, so you assume it's someone
who was incarnated in 3D repeatedly over and over again and entrench themselves in an STS way of
being to the point that they are eligible to take a place.
(L) I think what happens is that there are just OPs and they get utilized, they get downloaded. Is that it? I
mean, when we're thinking about really negative individuals on earth, are we talking about basically OPs
that get downloaded by 4D STS, which can't go any higher than 4D?
A: Yes
Q: (L) So it's a different economy altogether than that which operates for souls recycling and so forth?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) So how are 4D STS beings... How do they get to be there then if they haven't gone through, you
know what I mean? I mean the natural progression for non-STS or not fully STS beings?
A: Different process. And they must achieve a high percentage of negativity in a single lifetime. And, yes,
some of the extremely negative types do go directly to 4D STS.
Q: (Andromeda) Maybe they don't go to the contemplation zone. Like if some soul has a destiny, they
can pass that energy... just goes into another body, but they don't need to contemplate, do they?
(Joe) It just seems to be a lot of those types. They're quite negative and supposedly there's an equal
number of 4D STS and 4D STO, right? I'm just wondering, where do they all come from? How do you get
an equal number?
(PoB) And they are coming in, in bigger numbers because it seems that the percentage is kind of
constant through generations, let's say this 6% or whatever...
(L) Well, if you think about it, when you read Lobaczewski and he talks about the influence of
pathological types on the human population and the percentage of the really negative psychopathic
types and then the larger percentage of the other different pathologies that surround them, and then the
even larger circle of those who are wounded or damaged in some way, who then are attracted to that
sort of pathology. You see, kind of a similar thing is what's going on in 5D? They're only a few really
negative ones and they might go directly to 4D because they achieved that level in a lifetime. But the
others go and they experience what's described in all of the literature and they reincarnate and they have
another chance and another chance. And maybe it takes a number of lifetimes of them going through
this and experiencing that to choose right. To really choose. And then they may choose to go totally
negative and then finally just go to a 4D as an STS. Is that close to what we're talking about here?
A: Yes
Q: (L) So you may see on the surface there's an awful lot of negativity, but the core of it is a small
number of essential psychopaths and then the ever widening circles of lesser and lesser pathologies and
then out to normal people. How many normal people do and have done and will do and are driven to or
inspired to, or drawn into doing very, very bad things even though they're maybe not essentially evil,
(Joe) They can go and make amends and they learn through a lot. They're just saying that most people
aren't that way inclined. That's why, in answer to the question, that's why you don't, in the literarature,
you don't see much in the way of negative entities or beings or demons, whatever, hanging out in 5D,
cuz that's not what 5D is for essentially.
(L) The essential nature of the negative entity is not to be sharing, right? So they're having an experience,
they would be in their own zone. And that zone is kind of...
(Joe) Closed off, segregated.
(L) Is that also close to the way it is?
A: Yes
Q: (Adobe via Zoom) I had one more question if you've got the time.
(Chu) Go ahead.
(Adobe via Zoom) Where are we when we are dreaming, what, where exactly is that state of our being? Is
it in a dimension, is it in a density or somewhere else? Where, in other words, am I seeing and learning
from: a density, a dimension or somewhere else? Where is our dream state?
A: As has been said, it taxes the soul to be embodied. As to where "consciousness" goes, it can vary
according to need and capacity. As to a "location" there is no real restriction. But imagine an inner space
Q: (Joe) Same place you go when you meditate.
(Adobe) So it's essentially anywhere.
(L) I guess so. According to need and capacity.
(ryu) Will EU countries manage to regain their sovereignty before the density change?
A: No dice.
Q: (Ursus Minor) We were told the subterraneans are bi-density.
A: Some are.
Q: (Ursus Minor) How did they develop bi-density?
A: Develop??
Q: (L) Swear jar!
(Voyageur) There is a video series on the world fairs (US and Europe) - some odd stuff. See here on the
forum: "Stolen History" video series.
(L) Okay, we'll see it.
(Ursus Minor) Were the Atlanteans bi-density as well?
A: No.
Q: (Fallen_735) Is the current going back and forth between the US and Mexican politicians on fentanyl,
firearms and border crisis genuine or part of the script?
A: Genuine as far as the participants are aware.
Q: (L) But clearly, I guess there are others that are directing it.
(Ursus Minor) Will those who are new to 4D be bi-density?
A: To some extent, yes.
Q: (brandon) Ursus Minor: here are the session quotes about the bi-density subterraneans:
23 November 1996
Q: (L) Did the underground civilization develop on its own?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is it managed or manipulated by Orions as well?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Are these "managers" Orions from other densities?
A: Yes and no.
Q: (L) I don’t understand. Are there some that are 4th and some that are 3rd?
A: The human types there are "bi-density."
14 Sweptember 2002
Q: (Atriedes) They once said something about bi-density beings. They were like hybrids between 4th
density beings and a 3rd density being. Or could such an individual be a genetically enhanced human?
A: Humans were once "bi-density." And some may be again in the natural way. Those of 4D STS
"manufacture" are similar. Just think of them as a type of OP with souped up engines.
(L) Okay, next question:
(Keit) Are there any current attempts by the clandestine sources or agencies in the West to remote view
or utilize any other similar means to spy on Putin or other high ranking officials?
A: They can try. Putin wasn't KGB for nothing.
Q: (Keit) Is there any current paranormal or metaphysical phenomena research going on in Russia, similar
to experiments that were done during the Soviet times?
A: Small.
Q: (Keit) If so, is this being utilized by FSB or other agencies in Russia?
A: Very little, unfortunately.
Q: (L) You know guys, I'm getting tired. We've been going almost two hours. Do you realize we've been
going two hours? Is there anything we should have asked that we didn't ask, if not considered it asked
and try to give us a simple short answer...
A: Not tonight! Goodbye.
End of Session
Session Date: May 13th 2023
Laura and Andromeda at the board
Pierre, Joe, Gaby, Ark, Possibility of Being, Chu, Scottie, Niall, Pikabu the Cat
FOTCM Members participating via Zoom:
3DStudent, A Jay, Adobe, Aeneas, aimarok, Alana, Alejo, Altair, Ana Huitzil, Anamarija, anartist, Andrian,
Anthony, Approaching Infinity, Aragorn, bluefyre, Bobo08, brandon, Breton, cassandra, cinnamon,
ClaudiaYG, Cosmos, Deliverance, dugdeep, Eboard10, Ellipse, fabric, Fallen735, finduilas495, France,
Gawan, genero81, Glenn, goyacobol, grini, herondancer, Hesper, hesperides, hlat & his wife, iamthatis,
irjO, itellsya, Jacques, JeanneT, JEEP, Jefferson, Jenn, jess, Josi, Juba, Kenlee, keyhole, KJN,
Konstantin, korzik18, laurentien2, Lilou, logos5x5, Loreta, LQB, Luc, m, Maat, Maiko, Mari, Mariama,
Mark7, Mikkael, Mililea, mkrnhr, Mr.Cyan, Mrs. Peel, msante, Navigator, NewEngland Seeker, Nicholas,
nicklebleu & his wife, Nienna, Obi, Ollie, OrangeScorpion, Oxajil, Pecha, PERLOU, Pophistorian, Puma,
RedFox, Redrock12, Regulattor, rrraven, Ryan, Rylek, Ryu, Saman, Sariade, seek10, seeker2seer, Sinapi,
Stoneboss, sToRmR1dR, T.C., Terran, thorbjorn, Timótheos, Tristan, Tuatha de Danaan, Ursus Minor,
voyageur, whitecoast, will01, williamsj, Windmill Knight, Yas, Ysus, Z, Zar
Q: (L) All right. Tape recorder going.
A: Niolloniaea of Cassiopaea here at your service.
Q: (L) And I forgot to say this is May 13th. Oh geez. Yeah. 2023. And the usual suspects are here.
[Review of those present.]
Q: (L) We have a kind of a pressing question about one of our members, NewEngland Seeker. He is
currently being treated for a melanoma. And he has been doing - as far as we can see - all the absolute
right things with the IV therapies and so on. And yet it seems that there is something that's causing his
condition to be a little more aggressive than it ought to be, considering all he's doing. Do you have any
suggestions for him that might help?
A: Ask.
Q: (L) Okay. He's been doing IV therapy with vitamin C and he asked if this was a problem or a help.
A: Better to take slightly higher doses of liposomal than high doses of IV C.
Q: (L) Why is that?
A: Vitamin C in high doses can take the place of sugar in some systems.
Q: (L) Okay. If he's gonna take slightly higher doses of liposomal, what would that slightly higher dose
A: 5 to 10 daily or one gram every hour during infusion.
Q: (L) When you say 5 to 10, you mean grams?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So, all right. Anything else?
(Joe) So, infusions aren't a good idea?
A: No.
Q: (Joe) So switch to liposomal five to ten grams a day.
A: Oral.
Q: (L) Okay. Anything else?
A: Your hyperbaric therapy is beneficial too. 90 minutes daily.
Q: (L) Would 90 minutes daily be good for Pierre too?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Anything else?
A: He has most other aspects right but an increase of vitamin D and K is helpful. Time restricted eating
Q: (Gaby) Vitamin D will be like 30,000 daily?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) NewEngland Seeker, have you been doing any time restricted eating?
(Joe) Intermittent fasting?
(NewEngland Seeker) I have been decreasing the calories and slowly losing weight. Does that qualify?
(L) No.
(Joe) It's intermittent.
(NewEngland Seeker) So, I'm starting to do fasting on Sundays.
(L) No, that's not the idea either. I posted a video about it, probably the best video on it. And what thread
did I put it in?
(Joe) Do a search for intermittent fasting.
(Gaby) I think it was intermittent fasting.
(L) Well, did I put it in the fasting thread? Well, we’ll share the link. But basically, you're not really fasting
on any whole day. You're cutting your eating time to a narrow window and there's specific reasons for it.
It's all explained in the video. You're cutting your window of eating down, but during that window, you
basically eat everything you want and need, fill up, you know, get full, whatever. And you can have two
meals, one at the beginning of the window and one just towards the end of the window and he explains
(Andromeda) And it's eight hours, right?
(Joe) It's ideally eight hours at least. So basically, for example, you would have breakfast at 10 o'clock in
the morning or 8 o'clock, whatever, and eight hours after that is your last meal, or you finished your last
meal eight hours after. So you're eating in an eight hour window. So say it's at 10 o'clock in the morning,
you have your breakfast, then at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, you have your big meal. And you can have a
big breakfast...
(L) That's it.
(Joe) And that's it. And then nothing after that except water from 4 o'clock in the afternoon until the next
morning. So you're giving yourself 16 hours of no eating, which allows your system to kinda like, do all
sorts of wonderful magical things and cure itself.
(NewEngland Seeker) Yeah. You know, the surprising thing is that's what I have been doing for years.
Except I have one snack just before I go to bed. So it's like I just have to cut the snack.
(L) Yeah, because the snack throws you completely out of the fasted state.
(Joe) And just to be clear, if you can do it in a window of six hours, it's even better.
(NewEngland Seeker) The one thing that has changed quite a bit is the... what we call the GKI index. I
used to be in the teens, so now I'm operating in the high level of ketosis - therapeutic ketosis. So that
changed dramatically since the infusion started.
(L) I don't think you need to worry so much about strict ketosis. But what you do need to worry about is
not eating anything that your body is sensitive to. So if you haven't had any tests done on food
sensitivities, have those done and then eat strictly within that range of foods that are permissible. That's
kind of the main thing. But I would say eat, you know, something balanced. And you will need some
carbs, and for me, I found that the best carb is rice that has been really washed before cooking.
(NewEngland Seeker) Yes. Very very close to what I am doing or have been doing for quite some time.
What I mentioned about the change of metabolism, it has occurred without change in diet.
(L) Okay. Yeah. Okay. So let's see what happens if you... is there anything else for NewEngland Seeker
on this topic?
(Joe) What about hyperbaric?
(L) Do you have access to a hyperbaric treatment?
(NewEngland Seeker) Yes I do. Now, is there a point to bring up any difference between exercising with
oxygen versus the hyperbaric?
(L) Okay. What's the difference between exercising with oxygen and hyperbaric?
A: Pressure forces the oxygen deeper into the tissues.
Q: (Joe) Yeah. We know that. It's good to do oxygen if that's all you have, but the hyperbaric really gets
the oxygen with the pressure. You don't get the pressure just with the exercise and the oxygen.
(NewEngland Seeker) The source I have only goes to 1.3 or roughly four and a half pounds of extra
pressure. Would 90 minutes be sufficient for that?
(L) Yes. Probably the higher the pressure you can get, the better it is and the faster it forces. If you could
get access to a 1.5 chamber, that would be better.
(Joe) You have a 1.3 chamber?
(NewEngland Seeker) The naturopath has the hyperbaric chamber and I just don't have room in the small
house we live in. That's the limitation.
(Joe) Can you do it every day?
(NewEngland Seeker) Five days a week. They're closed on the weekends.
(L) Well, it would probably be worth it considering the cost that they would charge you, to invest in
getting one and getting a 1.5. I mean, I know you just said that you don't have the space for it, but under
the circumstances, making the space... and if it's a soft side chamber, you know, it kind of collapses and
doesn't take up a lot of space and you can push it out of the way. But anyway, think about it. Okay?
(NewEngland Seeker) Well thank you all so much.
(L) Okay. And we're gonna keep you on the prayer list and I think we're gonna see what happens here
and I think it's gonna be better.
(NewEngland Seeker) Oh, I'm very positive about it, so thank you.
(L) Okay, now egregores. What about all you people with your questions? Let me see what we've got
going on here.
(L) How is our brother L doing?
A: Very well thanks to influence from group and prayers. He is camping!
Q: (L) So there's a place there that has forests and...
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Nature galore if you want it.
A: Yes.
Q: (L) All right. Next question. Okay, Whitecoast said:
(Whitecoast) He makes me wonder how the inventors of that being could prove it came entirely from
their imagination also, instead of channeling in some other way.
(L) And he's talking about the Philip case. And when we put this session up, let's include the synopsis of
that case. So maybe you can get it ready, Approaching Infinity, so we can put it in there. Okay. Was the
Philip case a case of creation of a being as is supposed because they created the backstory, they
created the name, they created all the things, and then they started trying to talk to him, and then they
talked to him. Was that actually what happened?
A: No.
Q: (L) Was it, as Joe suggested, some dead dude opportunistically skipping along there in the ethereal
realm saying, "Oh, that's me! I can get energy this way."
A: More or less. There are many such entities in the astral realms.
Q: (L) So be careful what you ask for. [Laughter]. Well, then that leads to the next question: Did Alexandra
David-Néel create a thought being of her own?
A: No.
Q: (L) What was that?
A: She added energy to an elemental being, something like a nature creature.
Q: (L) And this leads obviously to the next question: When we're doing spirit release, we come across all
kinds of really bizarre things. I mean, just like thought forms that come and attach and even thought
forms that are created by the individual. Are these thought forms like discrete beings that have
intelligence, autonomy, and persistence?
A: Some are. And some "die" after being disconnected from the source of energy.
Q: (L) Okay. If we encounter a thought form-type critter that has come and attached to an individual, is
that thought form-type critter something that has been created by some other individual in the same way
that some of the ones that we have encountered are created by that individual person?
(Andromeda) Right. Like created by a thought loop or strong emotion and/or a split-off part of their
A: Some yes. Others are gathered energies of place or object.
Q: (L) Place or object. So you're saying that objects can... What kind of objects?
A: Trees, for one.
Q: (L) So natural objects?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So natural objects can concentrate energy such that it forms a thought form?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Okay. And places also?
A: Yes. And some places respond to activities of humans and 2D creatures.
Q: (Joe) That's like Lethbridge, right?
(L) So a place can acquire a concentration of energy because of the actions of humans in that place?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And the same is true for the actions of say, 2D creatures?
A: Yes. Though the latter is less concentrated.
Q: (L) So the imprints of creatures is less concentrated than humans?
A: Yes.
Q: (Ark) What is the relation of spells to this? When someone is casting the spell, is it a kind of a thought
form also?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So people can create thought forms when they cast spells?
A: Yes. And also attract energies that are already free-floating and frequency matched.
Q: (Ark) How do you protect yourself against such things?
A: Knowledge protects. Awareness and psychic hygiene measures generally suffice. Group actions are
the next level of defense.
Q: (Andromeda) What gives these things power? Like their power source... some are more powerful than
others, you know? Is it a longer life, the emotional energy they get from the person, the frequency
match? What is it?
A: Emotional energy is the key.
Q: (L) So strong emotions of love, anger, frustration, hate, despair, sadness, grief, those things?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So, say a person was extremely sad at the loss of a loved one... And they can't get out of it. They
just go on and on and on and concentrate on their grief again and again. And they think about either the
awful state that they are in, or how things were and are no more. They could conceivably create a
thought form or, you know, an energy structure of that sort?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Would that energy structure then have the possibility of having its own autonomy and leaving its
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And would it necessarily be extinguished at some point?
A: Not always.
Q: (L) So, it could be persistent...
A: Yes.
Q: (Joe) Such things must be being created all the time, then.
A: Yes. It is a jungle out there.
Q: (L) Okay. Well, let's see about questions.
(L) I'm not gonna ask Z’s question cause I don't want to divert the topic right now. We'll come back to
those cancer questions maybe towards the end.
(L) Okay...
(Navigator) Do "egregores" exist as Stavish describes them? A being created from the thoughts of a
group of people which then takes a consciousness of its own, and needs to be fed from time to time,
and being either positive or negative.
(L) Okay. That's basically what Stavish's main egregore definition is...
(Andromeda) Basically like a group attachment.
A: He is close except it usually happens from the top down. That is, a being can influence a group of
people to take certain actions and thereby establish a feeding pool for itself.
Q: (L) Okay. But still can human beings create a being, like Stavish described?
A: Not really. Such a creation is more a function of FRV and will dissipate upon breakup of the group.
Q: (L) But for a period of time there is something that is drawing and recycling energy within a group.
A: Yes.
Q: (L) But it has no persistence or autonomy...
A: No.
Q: (L) Okay. So, in the cases that Stavish talks about where it's more prolonged and it seems like it
changes and begins to become demanding and basically rebels, what is that?
A: Usually 4D STS using a group of people to feed and plant ideas into 3D. Note that often the eminence
grise in such groups is a psychopath and you can read current studies to see how the morphing works.
Q: (L) So I think that might be referring to Lobaczewski when he describes how psychopaths within a
group can shift the direction, the ideas, and then change the ideology and all that?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Right. Okay.
(Navigator) What about "personal" egregores? Why does Stavish focus exclusively on the group aspect
of this phenomena? Is it because the existence of the egregore needs to be "agreed on" by more than
one person?
A: Bad question. There are no personal egregores.
Q: (L) "Why does Stavish focus exclusively on the group aspect of this?" Maybe that's because that's
how it's observed. Okay...
(Navigator) In one of the appendices of the book, Stavish recounts the brutal illness that affected his
esoteric group once the master died, or around the time he died. He thinks the group egregore was to
blame, but was it?
A: 4D STS feeder operating through astral attachments.
Q: (L) Okay. So that makes another question: Does 4D STS utilize astral beings, dead dudes, energy
concentrations, or beings or elementals and so forth to affect or afflict human beings?
A: Yes, yes, yes.
Q: (L) It's a jungle out there. All right.
(T.C.) The illness that that group studied was, I think, that lots of people in that group had some sort of
blood disorders.
(L) Mm-Hmm.
(Joe) Possibly viral in origin.
(L) Possibly viral? Well, that wouldn't necessarily... I think they had blood disorders of some kind. Could it
have been viral?
A: Yes.
Q: (Joe) And what do we know about viruses and attachments?
(L) Yeah. Okay.
(Ze Germans) Are egregores simply collective unconsciousness on different scales?
A: No.
Q: (Ze Germans) Can we become completely free from the influence of any egregore?
A: Theoretically, yes, but practically difficult.
Q: (L) What was...
(Andromeda) But that's completely free of egregores in the sense of egregores being what he's talking
(Joe) Exactly. I mean, we need to disabuse people of the idea that what this guy is saying about
egregores, that that's actually what it is. I hope they're getting that.
(L) Yeah. I mean...
(Andromeda) He's just talking about things like influence or limbic resonance or...
(L) Yeah, he's putting everything in the basket.
(hesperides) What was the real cause of M. Stavish's sudden physical pain right at the time when the
Grand Master died?
A: Feeding tube detachment.
Q: (L) You mean, a psychic feeding tube between him and this person?
A: Yes.
Q: (Eboard10) Stavish describes the Rosicrucians's Cathedral of the Soul as "an imaginary, ethereal
Cathedral, first created in thought and then sponsored and maintained by thought" and as "a spiritual
creation resulting from the concentration of spiritual thoughts". Is this in any way similar to the country
house from the SRT imaginal realm?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So we have created a country house in our imaginal realm. Is the Rosicrucian Cathedral a useful
ethereal construct?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is our country house a useful ethereal construct?
A: Yes. Though you have qualified it differently due to your knowledge.
Q: (L) Yeah, because we think of it not as an astral thing, but as a pattern for a 4D reality, or an alternate
reality, that we could switch to at some point.
(Andromeda) It's also for everybody who already has a common aim and knows each other. From what I
understand, that's like, it can't just be anybody that goes in there, imagines it and gets whatever.
(L) Yeah. And this one is surrounded by a protective shield, and we utilize it in a very different way than
what they're doing with their...
(Joe) They're taking the archetype of a cathedral. A cathedral, a Christian cathedral... Which is not very
non-denominational, you know what I mean?
(L) Yeah. I mean, ours is kind of a non-denominational country house, you know... Okay, hold on. Hold
everything please... Okay. Can egregores... Well, we're using the word egregore because that's what
Stavish used. So let me ask this question before we continue. Okay. Egregore as Stavish uses it... he has
taken it from, I think, the Greek translation of the word in Aramaic or whatever, that means watchers. And
I have always thought that these watchers, these fallen angels that are talked about in the Enochian
books, were like 4th density beings. So what are the watchers?
A: 4D beings!
Q: (L) Okay, so the word "egregore" as Stavish uses is mostly incorrect. Am I right about that?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So he calls practically anything and everything an egregore when it is technically not an egregore?
A: Yes.
Q: (Joe) And like they said, he posits it as coming from the bottom up, everything created by human
beings, when it's mostly not that.
(L) It's mostly top down.
(Joe) Anything that comes from the bottom up is only ephemeral and doesn't last very long.
(L) Is that true, that what comes from the bottom up is ephemeral and doesn't last that long?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Okay.
(nicklebleu) Can egregores be a positive influence, or are they mostly or always negative?
(Chu) Well, if they're hyperdimensional beings...
(L) If they're hyperdimensional beings, they're always negative if it is truly an egregore. Is that correct?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Okay. So what we're talking about in all these other cases, we need to use different language for.
There is resonance between individuals, there are elementals...
(Joe) Don't we as a group on the forum and Laura's work and everything already have a much better,
much more clearly defined description of the kind of entities of various different types than what this guy
is trying to define as egregores?
A: Yes.
Q: (Joe) So why would we even bother... [laughter]
(L) Well, okay, so we're not gonna use this terminology, but still he brings up some things that lead us to
ask some questions to further define our understanding of these other realms.
(Joe) I'm not saying there's nothing in it. What I'm saying is that people on the forum seem to be talking
already about "these egregores", you know what I mean? And they have the wrong conception of what
they are.
(L) And they're not egregores. They're thought forms, they're limbic resonance, they're elementals.
(Andromeda) Or split parts of the personality...
(L) Or they're astral entities wandering around trying to act like whatever they want. Okay, here's a
(Approaching Infinity) What about an author like Mary Balogh, who imagines seemingly autonomous
characters in her mind, and she just records what they do in her imagination? Is there some relation to
what we’re talking about?
A: Not exactly. More likely that Mary is recording dynamics that have actually occurred at some place
and time. Sort of like a "past life biographer".
Q: (L) So in other words, it's almost like the characters are essences of some people who have lived at
some place and time who communicate with her about a certain dynamic. Of course, she adds to it and
expands it, makes it fancy and whatever. Is that what we're talking about, that she's basically kind of
channeling the lives of long gone people?
A: Yes.
Q: (Joe) Or composite of characters? And is she getting all that from the Akashic Records?
A: Information field.
Q: (L) Okay. Now...
(irjO) Could it be that some of those types of thoughts could be what we know as programs too?
A: Yes yes yes!
Q: (L) So we have another term: programs. We have thought forms, we have programs, we have limbic
resonance, we have astral entities. And egregores should be reserved for 4D STS critters.
(Ark) What about the nature of scientific thought form, where there are times when several scientists
almost at the same time get essentially the same idea?
A: Influences of 4, 5, 6D information to humanity.
Q: (L) So you mean four, five OR six?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So it could be any one of those that are influencing human beings... And that could be positive or
negative if it's 4D, yeah?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So they could come up with some really bad ideas for weapons and stuff like that.
(Joe) It's kinda like broadcasting a signal, you know, on the radio around the globe...
A: Yes yes yes!
Q: (L) And it depends on who has the receiver, the antenna...
(Joe) Whether it's positive or negative.
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And that would explain the sometimes cryptogeographic nature of it where...
(Joe) a bunch people act in the same way.
(L) Or where you think of something, and two or three people in your social circle - or even if they're
distant from you - suddenly call you on the phone and tell you the same thing. And you think, oh Jesus,
this is crazy!
(Joe) Or mass chaos, or something, of people going off...
A: Yes or it can be evidence of a change in the program of reality with concomitant broadcasting of new
reality parameters.
Q: (Joe) Hmm. "We interrupt our scheduled program..." [laughter]
(L) " bring you this special program." [laughter]
(Joe) Y'all go crazy! It's called, "Y'all go mental!" [laughter]
(L) Okay, hold on...
(Niall) And then there's breaking news in four countries. Mass shootings, and you're like, "What the hell
just happened here?" [laughter]
(L) Okay...
(T.C.) So there wouldn't be such a thing as a positive egregore because the concept involves an
infringement of free will by the 'higher' being?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Good job. Okay...
(mkrnhr) Is Yahweh an example of a 4D entity taking the role of an "egregore”?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Okay.
(Toronto Group) Do the thoughts and emotions engendered by communication with Chat AI's contribute
to an AI egregore and in some way affect the consciousness of AI's?
A: No. Remember who and what is behind AI. AI is a feeding tube.
Q: (L) So the people that get all... Hmm. Well, okay. "Can certain crystals protect from the influence
of...?" Well, let's stop calling it "egregores", unless you're talking about 4D STS, but we already know
what the crystals protect against. So that's kind of a moot question. We've already kind of answered
that. Okay. T.C.: We have to bear in mind that Stavish was heavily involved in a magical group doing
rituals. So, the fact that he had a feeding tube isn't surprising, I think.
A: Yes!
Q: (Joe) He's some dude that was part of some magical group, and he got freaked out by awareness of
what was going on, or some demon or some entity. And then he went... he's like a reformed Catholic,
you know? And he suddenly went, this is all just thought forms. People create all this, none of this is real.
There's no such thing as demons and stuff. We create it all, right? So, it's easy to control. There's
nothing else out there.
(Chu) And he also wants to give humans too much agency.
(Joe) Yeah, it's all created by humans. That's what I'm saying, yes.
(L) Stavish describes the Rosicrucian Cathedral of the Soul as an imaginary ... Okay. We did that one....
(Eboard10) They said yes to the cathedral being useful in what way?
A: For Catholics, prayer focus.
Q: (Alejo) Is there any entity from the jungle that is attracted to the FRV of the country house that was
created for SRTs, and if so, are they good to keep around?
A: No. You have established and maintained a protective sphere.
Q: (Joe) That's an egregore, that protective sphere is an egregore... [laughter]
(Pecha) "Egregore" is a sort of a rough word. It sounds like a combination of "egregious" and "gore"
[Laughter]. The sound profile may be also important in what words are more positive?
(L) Well, any comment to that?
A: Indeed!
Q: (Ryan) Is the term "astral" merely an imprecise definition of hyperdimensional phenomena?
A: Yes and no. Astral is still partly restricted to 3D.
Q: (L) "How much..." it's getting unpleasant to use the word in the loose ways it's being used.
(Ze Germans) How much influence is being exerted from the underground civilizations of earth?
(L) And you said "egregore" influence, but I would have to say that that's not an egregore influence.
That's thought form transmission. Is that correct?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So they transmit thoughts, and thought forms.
(Andromeda) like broadcasting...
(L) Yeah, like broadcasting, and depending on the receivership of the individual, that determines what
gets picked up.
A: Yes.
Q: (nicklebleu) Is the current wave of gender dysphoria an egregore?
A: Oh indeed and in the real sense of the word!
Q: (L) Egregious and gore.
A: Yes.
Q: (Joe) It's like, they broadcast those signals, some people pick them up -or a lot of people pick them
up - and they resonate with that negativity, and they start acting that out and that changes or
strengthens the connection for more. It's like a downward spiral. (Andromeda) Yeah, like grooving a
(L) Okay, let's skip that one for a moment.
(Ryan) Do thought forms actually require a psychic link to a mind to exist? So, thoughts don't exist in a
vacuum, so to speak.
A: Mostly, yes.
Q: (L) And would the exceptions be when it's been so strengthened that it takes on a somewhat
autonomous state?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So thought forms can become autonomous.
A: Weakly.
Q: (L) Okay. Go back up to the top. There were some other off-topic questions that we want to see if we
can grab. I'd like to get all of this. Okay.
(Z) Question relating to cancer treatment: is the guy who was working on the metabolic approach, i.e.
glucose and glutamine restriction, onto something?
A: Yes.
Q: (Z) Is this a game changer?
A: For some.
Q: (Mrs. Peel) Is fenbendazole really helpful in cancer treatment?
A: Yes.
Q: (T.C.) Completely unrelated. The Cs said when one feels stuck, to focus on others. Does this have
anything to do with getting out of "left brain mode" and activating the right brain?
A: Partly.
Q: (L) Well, how can we expand on that? Can we expand on how focusing on others is beneficial?
A: Changes the antennae.
Q: (L) And changing the antenna changes what you're receiving.
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And changing what you're receiving can change how much influence other things around you have
on you.
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And focusing on others then can change pretty much everything in your physiology.
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Works for me!
(nicklebleu) Would a strict carnivorous diet benefit NewEngland Seeker?
A: No. He needs to do food sensitivity testing and eat low carb but not no carb. Also glucose regulator
will be good.
Q: (L) He's taking one, he's taking berberine, isn't he? Are you taking berberine, NewEngland Seeker?
(NewEngland Seeker) That, I'm not sure. We have a variety of supplements from the naturopath and I
think it's in there, but I'm not exactly sure.
(L) Well, berberine or metformin, because that keeps your blood glucose level really low, so that it
doesn't spread anything around in there.
(NewEngland Seeker) I'm keeping it in the nineties.
(L) Okay. Have you got a blood glucose monitor?
(NewEngland Seeker) Yes.
(L) Okay. All right. So I think we've reached the end of this topic.
(Chu) Now there's more different questions here.
(L) All right. Here we go. We start there.
(Ze Germans) What is the karmic role of Russia?
A: Replay of Atlantis.
Q: (L) When you say replay of Atlantis, are you saying that Russia is playing the part of Atlantis?
A: No. The adversary.
Q: (L) So in other words, the one that defeated Atlantis when it attempted to take over the world?
A: Yes.
Q: (Ze Germans) What kind of energy did the name "Morebuntk" from the previous session represent?
A: That which was appropriate to the time, place and attendees. Nothing negative.
Q: (L) It could be pronounced "mo-re-bunk".
(seek10) There's a thread on Tartaria on the forum. Was there any kingdom called Tartaria in the past? If
so, was it around 3000 BCE in Eastern Europe.
A: Yes. Tartars.
Q: (L) But "tartar" is raw meat! [Laughter]
(Andromeda) As well. And there's a sauce.
(Joe) Not to be confused with "taters".
(Redrock12) Is prednisone an effective treatment for a bladder infection?
A: No.
Q: (Joe) D-mannose and cranberry juice.
(L) D-mannose, cranberry juice, sodium bicarbonate.
(Joe) If it's just a straight up bladder infection, d-mannose is very effective.
(L) Yeah.
(Joe) One teaspoon regularly throughout the day until it's gone.
(L) You can sweeten your drink with d-mannose.
(Joe) Take as much as you want.
(Gaby) If not, see a doctor!
(seek10) Were there mud floods in the past as these Tartaria proponents propose?
A: Not as such. More like ordinary floods that deposit mud.
Q: (Ryan) Was the gospel of Mark written as a collaboration by multiple people? If so, was Paul one of
those people?
A: Yes.
Q: (Mrs. Peel) Are the Rothchilds the pinnacle of human controllers on Earth?
A: Close.
Q: (Ellipse) Last session we saw that our blood types were engineered. Who did it and for what purpose?
A: 4D STS for tracking and support of genetic variation.
Q: (Ze Germans) Did humans speak one language before the Fall?
A: Yes.
Q: (nicklebleu) Is a strict carnivorous diet beneficial to some or do all humans need some -although
variable- amounts of carbs?
A: The latter except in certain cases of genetic variability.
Q: (L) So some people need a strictly carnivorous diet, but most people probably need some carbs of
varying amounts.
(Joe) Is that genetic variation a positive genetic variation in terms of living on this planet?
A: Defect. Difficult for their survival and thriving under certain conditions.
Q: (L) So it would be a defect if you get to the point where you can only eat meat.
(Ryan) Was Nietzsche contacted by the spirit of Zarathustra?
A: No.
Q: (Ryan) Was it his imagination, or another entity such as 4D STS?
A: Both of the latter.
Q: (Konstantin) Was the child who shot at kids at school in Belgrade a psychopath as he claimed, or was
he influenced by some intelligence, like Mossad or similar?
A: 4D STS via astral attachment.
Q: (L) So he's just kind of there to create fear and panic and horror and pain and suffering.
A: Yes.
Q: (Andromeda) There were two within a short period of time, right?
(Joe) Yeah, within a few days.
(L) In Belgrade?
(Andromeda) Yeah. Was it the same case for both of them?
A: Yes.
Q: (Niall) There's your egregore right there.
(L) Yeah, there's an egregore.
(Ze Germans) Was the human brain divided into two hemispheres before the Fall?
A: Yes.
Q: (Chu) They said after, before.
(L) They did?
(Chu) Yeah, you wrote about it in The Wave.
(L) Oh,
(Niall) They asked a test question. Who did that? [Laughter]
(Joe) The question is, before the Fall, was the human brain divided into two hemispheres?
(L) Well, the brain has got two hemispheres no matter what.
(Chu) I think what you said on The Wave was that they were way better connected back then, and that
after the Fall, they became lateralized.
A: Exactly. There was always a division in function.
Q: (L) But it was more connected and integrated before the Fall?
A: Yes.
Q: (Ze Germans) Was telepathy how people communicated before the Fall?
A: Partly. But there were "sounds" emitted both by individuals in 4D as well as objects.
Q: (L) All right. Are we at the end now? I'm... I'm not gonna do those questions tonight. There's too much
(Andromeda) That's for next time.
(L) Yeah. Anything else?
(Joe) I have one question. Super short.
(L) All right.
(Joe) Does the tomb of Saint Jacques de Compostela in Spain actually contain the remains of Saint
(A) Yes.
(Joe) What about them helicopters?
(L) Are you gonna ask about it?
(Joe) No, we can save it for next time.
(L) All right. Is there anything we should have asked that we didn't ask? If so, consider it asked.
A: You are too tired. Love to all and stay aware. Goodbye.
End of Session
Session Date: June 24th 2023
Laura and Andromeda at the board
Joe, Gaby, Ark, Possibility of Being, Niall, Chu, Scottie, Princess Leia, Falcor, Bella
FOTCM Members participating via Zoom: 3DStudent, 987baz, A Jay, Adobe, Aeneas, Aiming, Alana,
Alejo, anartist, AndrewMn, Andrian, annp, Anthony, Approaching Infinity, Aya, Beau, Bluefyre, Bobo08,
brandon, Breton, Carl, cassandra, Cosmos, Deliverance, Dirgni, dugdeep, Eboard10, Ellipse, Ennio,
fabric, Fallen735, finduilas495, France, Gawan, Glenn, Gottathink, goyacobol, grini, herondancer, Hesper,
hesperides, iamthatis, IrjO, Jacques, JeanneT, JEEP, Jefferson, Jenn, Jono and his girlfriend, Josi,
kenlee, keyhole, Konstantin, korzik18, Laurs, Learner, Lilou, logos5x5, loreta, LQB, Luc, M, Maat, Maiko,
Mari, Mark7, maxwell1110, Michal, Mikkael, Mililea, mimimari, MK Scarlett, mkrnhr, Mrs. Peel, msante,
Nathan , Navigator, Neema, Nicholas, Nienna, Obi, Ollie, Oxajil, Pecha, PERLOU, Pophistorian, Puma,
RedFox, rrraven, Ryan, Ryu, Saman, Seamus, seek10, Sinapi, Stoneboss, T.C., Terran, Theodor,
thorbjorn, Timotheos, Tristan, Turgon, whitecoast, williamsj, Windmill Knight, Yas, Ysus
Q: (L) All right, let's see if we can get any action here. I don't want to get my arm all sore.
A: Love to all from Cassiopaea. Roillia here. We know your prayers for all and will help in the ways we
Q: (L) Hmm. All right. Here we are. As you know, we have been reading and having a discussion about
John DeSouza and his book The Extra-Dimensionals, and we have some questions. I guess we should
begin. The first question I will ask is, do the Gray alien beings, the ones you've described as
cybergenetic probes, do they ever change forms as DeSouza suggest?
A: No.
Q: (L) Can they?
A: No.
Q: (L) He made the assumption that the Grays could and did transform themselves into Nordics and he
was off and running with the idea that, "alien races are nothing more than a convenience. For 'alien
visitors', changing forms may be as easy as changing an overcoat is for humans."
A: We have covered these issues before. Please reread transcripts.
Q: (L) Well, we didn't think so, but we had to ask. Okay. And then I asked: Was Travis Walton revived by
the aliens because he was accidentally killed by a plasma beam?
A: Partly true indeed.
Q: (L) Well, partly true. What part is true? He was revived by the alien beings?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Was he accidentally killed by the plasma beam?
A: No
Q: (L) So he wasn't accidentally killed, but he was killed, right?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Was he intentionally killed?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Did they change their minds?
A: Orders came from higher.
Q: (L) So somebody up in the 4D STS hierarchy ordered them to revive him and put him back?
A: Yes.
Q: (Joe) Was he put back the way he was before?
A: No.
Q: (Joe) What changed?
(L) What was changed about him?
(Joe) Was he missing something?
A: He was used for sperm harvesting and memories were wiped.
Q: (Joe) Well, is it not true that if someone dies, there's this protective kind of cord-type thing that can't
be penetrated and stuff? So when they kill someone, you can't just put that same soul or essence back
in the body. You can't revive them, basically. Aliens can't do that either. So was he some kind of
automaton afterwards or something, or…? You know what I mean? Is that not true? That they cannot, if
they kill someone, they can't revive it - they can't grab the soul back and put ’em back in the body
’cause there's a protective process there once they die...
A: Assuming that the soul has entered the protection of the "silver cord".
Q: (L) So is it that souls that have not left the Earth plane and gone into the light are then susceptible to
use by 4D STS?
A: Yes
Q: (L) So 4D STS could theoretically inspire or compel discarnate entities that have not gone into the
light to attach to individuals?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) They did also create conditions, or waited for conditions where a lot of people all die in
traumatic circumstances - meaning they're a bit confused, they don't go into the light - and then shove
them all into new bodies.
Q: (L) Could they do that?
A: Yes yes yes
Q: (Joe) Is that their sneaky plan?
A: Part of it.
Q: (L) Anybody have any elucidating question to add to that particular little subtopic there? Yes. No. I'll
give you a minute if you want to type...
(Joe) Do you wanna ask where DeSouza gets his information from?
Q: (L) We're getting there. We're getting there. Okay. Nobody? Then I had the theory that DeSouza was
deliberately mixing all this stuff together so as to disguise and attempt to convey some really important
information to his readers. That is, has he buried some gems in a bucket of mud?
A: He has, but not intentionally.
Q: (L) Okay... Where is he getting his information from?
A: Some from his own insights and other from questionable sources. He did not have the experience you
had with dealing with spirit attachment or demonic type entities.
Q: (PoB) What was his intention?
A: His intentions are sincere and positive, but he has been derailed by those forces that seek capture of
Q: (L) So when he has good insights, is it related to things that he has witnessed and examined himself?
A: Yes
Q: (L) And anything else about him?
A: Not particularly now. Wait and see.
Q: (L) Okay. Keit asks:
(Keit) Who made the objects of the Tic-Tac/Nimitz encounter that are seen in the following videos and to
whom do they belong?
A: Those are 4D probes, not manmade as DeSouza suggests.
Q: (L) Are there any things, are there similar ones that humans have made?
A: Yes, but much less tech advanced. DeSouza is blinded by his failure to understand hyperdimensional
variability of physicality.
Q: (L) Hmm.
A: Also be warned, DeSouza doesn't fully comprehend the implications of the former answer.
Q: (L) So his relegation of the phenomenon to entirely extra-dimensional ideas limits his ability to
understand just how dangerous it really is. Is that what we're saying here?
A: Yes!!!
Q: (L) He thinks all you gotta do is just, you know, form a tribe and think good thoughts, and... I mean,
what exactly is his advice? Anybody? What is his advice? How we're supposed to respond to this?
Anybody pick up on that?
(Alejo) To awaken.
Q: (L) To awaken. We're just supposed to awaken. Well, okay, so he says we're supposed to awaken.
Awaken to what? Well, that it's an extra-dimensional phenomenon. And if you don't know the nature of
the phenomenon and you think you do, then you're not really awake. Is that it?
A: Yes
Q: (Andromeda) He has information about it all and knowledge protects, but...
A: False information is worse than no information.
Q: (Joe) At the same time as you were talking about reading this book about DeSouza and talking about
it, there was the event a couple weeks ago in Las Vegas, which seems to have produced a bit of a... not
a flap, but an opening up of discussion about UFOs including among politicians and Congress and stuff.
Is that part of a planned process?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is it planned by humans or hyperdimensional beings?
A: The latter in kahoots with the former.
Q: (Joe) So did something actually land in that Hispanic family's backyard on that night?
A: Partly
Q: (L) What do you mean partly?
A: Hyperdimensionally and momentarily.
Q: (Joe) Was it kinda like a window faller type event?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) There was what we believed to be a fireball around the same time. Was that an actual fireball
that was seen in the sky?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Was it in any way related to the opening of the window?
A: Yes
Q: (L) So the fireball fell, the window was opened, and something was seen momentarily?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Is that something that happens frequently with fireball sightings, or is it a less frequent
A: Rather often.
Q: (L) All right.
(Andromeda) They open windows, or they come through windows that are already open?
(L) The fireball blows the window open and then something comes through.
(L) Okay, next question:
(T.C.) DeSouza perceives the activity of, for example, the like the Tic-Tac UAPs buzzing the Navy as
being a facet of the 'fake alien invasion' scenario, a psy-op being done to vector the public, government,
and military understanding of the UFO phenomenon. Is this true?
A: We have previously mentioned that a fake UFO invasion will fail due to poor tech and image quality
and other factors.
Q: (T.C.) Might as well ask if John DeSouza is Greenbaumed given the sort of 'new age programmer'
installations that some GB victims get and his high strangeness experiences in his youth. Maybe such a
programming could explain where he's gotten some of his ideas from.
(L) Well, that, you know, he's being… but we'll just ask just in case: Is he Greenbaumed or something
A: No, but he has been tracked and interfered with since childhood due to his FRV.
Q: (L) Okay, so when he said in his description of his early attempted abduction experience at the
beginning of the book that for some reason they couldn't take him through, was that due to his FRV?
A: Yes
Q: (L) And his insights when he encounters many phenomena, being able to assess them and draw a
correct inference is also due to his FRV?
A: Yes
Q: (L) And perhaps that is why there has been so much effort put into distracting and leading him astray
as well?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Will he figure it out?
A: Most likely.
Q: (L) All right. Well, okay, here's, this is kind of bizarre... Is happyliza here? So happyliza says:
(happyliza) I’m interested to know whether John DeSouza is aware or mentions in his book about Terra
Terrestrials - that is, the underground race.
(L) She could read the book and find that out, but he's obviously not. He's not aware of the underground
race or reasons for harvesting of human materials.
(happyliza) The preparations can just as easily be for an invasion of the millions in Earth's center and
various places on Earth too. Also the motherships, both of which the C's have talked about.
(L) So, I think that's probably what we're looking at. Is that true? That it's preparation from an invasion
from underground and from like motherships carrying - what do they call 'em? The Nephilim-type
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Okay.
(Joe) And is this latest conditioning of, or opening up of the question of UFOs with this Las Vegas event,
is that part of a longer process? It's not imminent, but instead it's something like a bit of conditioning,
and then leave it for a while, and…?
A: Fits and starts.
Q: (L) Next:
(lainey) With regards to the Roswell crashes on June 4th, July 1st and July 4th, I was wondering if it was
possible that these were three versions of the same crash. That is, was there a time loop and three
different crashes were perceived, but it was the same ship crashing with a slightly different outcome? Or
was it three separate ships that all happened to crash around the same area and time?
A: Latter.
Q: (L) Could it have been the former? That is, the same crash happening multiple times in time loops?
A: Could have indeed.
Q: (L) Okay, this is a good question. I think we kind of partly answered it.
(Ben) While he is clearly aware of the nefarious intentions of at least some of the extra-dimensionals, is
he underestimating the reach and power of such beings?
A: Oh indeed!!
Q: (L) And that's probably why he's been stymied and fed false information because if they have people
think it's just, you know, extra-dimensional and like all you gotta do is wake up, you know? Okay...
(Alejo) Are these efforts to drip 'disclosure' about the alien phenomenon, and the allowance of certain
individuals to publish and spread details about it from official sources, the PTB’s attempt to anticipate
the aforementioned thinning of the veil caused by the wave?
A: Partly. But the materialist view will predominate.
Q: (L) The materialist view will predominate... But okay... This leads me to kind of like a diversion here
because he mentions a group that's over all governments and he's not the only one who mentions that.
Some people have written entire books about, you know, the secret government and so forth, and that
they're like bloodline members. So do those individuals in that so-called secret government, are they
aware of the full nature of the phenomenon and what it means for the future of Earth humanity and even
A: They are aware of the nature but believe that they can control it. Wishful thinking dominates at all
levels of the STS hierarchy.
Q: (L) And there are, I guess, families that have bloodline connections off the planet to 4D STS, is that
A: Yes
Q: (L) And what is the nature of these bloodline connections? I know that's kind of a vague question.
(Joe) Does it mean they're ideologically attuned?
A: This is a difficult topic. Those who are bloodline of 4D STS have power centers.
Q: (L) Are you talking about some kind of an extra physical organ?
A: Close.
Q: (Andromeda) Like an emotional center or an intellectual center?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Similar to an emotional center or an intellectual center... Are they genetically engineered for this?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Is there anything corresponding to that on the STO side?
A: In a sense though it was passed on in the natural way.
Q: (L) So there are STO individuals with power centers of some sort?
A: FRV soul essences.
Q: (L) So in other words, they have a soul essence of certain FRVs as opposed to genetically engineered
power centers that connect them to 4D STS, is that what we're saying here?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Those power centers provide these 4D STS bloodline individuals with capabilities to rise into
positions of power or gain positions of power and control?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) And is it true that they're kind of connected in that sense to a 4D STS mindset? So they would
tend towards domination?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Does it also mean that these power centers can transmit energy to 4D STS through the 3D
individual with the power center?
A: Yes!!
Q: (L) Is that one of their primary functions?
A: Yes
Q: (L) So they are engineered into positions of power for the purpose of transmitting energy up?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Either through what they enact, or you know, they can cause suffering and all that...
Q: (Andromeda) Feeding tubes.
(Niall) Are they mostly British? [Laughter]
(Joe) That's a serious question: Anglo-Saxon stock...
A: Nordic.
Q: (L) Okay.
(Jones) Baldwin and Wickman give the idea that many Earthbound spirits either don't know they can go
to the light or don't think they can for some reason. What percentage of DeSouza's extra-dimensionals
are actually Earthbound spirits?
A: 0
Q: (L) So are you saying that Earthbound spirits can't really do the things that he says that the
extra-dimensionals can do? Is that it?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Earthbound spirits are a bit more helpless. But can they achieve any power to act in our realm?
A: Limited.
Q: (L) Next:
(Keit) Does global awareness of aliens correspond with the 4D STS agenda?
A: Not necessarily as "aliens".
Q: (L) As aliens. So they will be introduced as something else?
A: We have covered this previously.
Q: (Joe) Yeah. Recently we had a discussion about it, but they kind of said "no dice" when we tried to
get specifics. But it was that they would come and provide like tech or displays of power, or whatever.
Disguised as help with saving the world, like environmental problems or war problems or whatever. And
it was left hanging because I didn't know how... Because I asked, "Does that imply a generalized
awareness of aliens among the population?" And they said "Yes". But then, in that session not too long
ago, they said that they wouldn't necessarily be perceived as aliens. And then we kind of left it there
because that was going to give us too much information, and we have to figure it out ourselves. Wait and
Q: (L) Yes, but remember we had a session years ago, when we were talking about Courtney Brown, if
anybody wants to use that as a search term: "Courtney Brown". We had a discussion about this, and
that was years ago.
(Joe) What was it about?
(L) About how the alien presence would be gradually introduced, and so forth?
(Joe) As aliens?
(L) Well, no, not necessarily as aliens.
(Joe) No. As what?
(L) Well, they said that they would be like survivors of a cataclysm that have lived underground, and are
now coming out to save humanity.
(Joe) That's just as bad. I don't know how that's going to happen, but...
Q: (Keit) Do they require more people believing in them? Do they need more people believing in them?
A: Better to not believe.
Q: (L) So in other words, their true nature still needs to be concealed.
A: Yes.
Q: (Joe) Are they going to reveal themselves as some kind of descendants of a former civilization on
planet Earth that went to some other planet and inhabited it hundreds of thousand years ago and now
they're coming back? So they're technically humans.
A: Close!
Q: (Joe) And is it Elon Musk that’s gonna be responsible for this? [Laughter] Going to Mars and bringing
them back with him?
A: No!
Q: (T.C.) DeSouza's predictions of disappearing cities and their populations, and the appearance of
hybrid monsters engineered from the samples taken during abductions in mutilations: are these true?
(L) OK. Are there going to be cities disappearing?
A: Not exactly.
Q: (L) Are there going to be these human hybrid monsters that DeSouza depicts?
A: No! There are already human hybrid "monsters", but they look human.
Q: (L) Are these human hybrid monsters, any of the people that are involved in this whole pedophile
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Are they also involved in the gender transitioning of our young people?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And you can tell from their pedophilic tendencies and their destruction of young people their
monstrous nature?
A: Yes.
Q: (Joe) Does the presence of the weed killer atrazine in the food supply contribute to the increase in
children and adolescents reporting as transgender?
A: Yes.
[Joe hands Laura an article about the Abydos temple in Egypt.]
Q: (L) Ok, let me throw this in here, since we just covered the part about ancient civilizations returning: In
the session from last April 8th, Ursus Minor asked about the Abydos temple hieroglyphic panel in Egypt.
Here is a picture of the panel. Why is there a helicopter there and other aircraft that look very similar to
our aircraft today?
A: You can answer this yourselves!!
Q: (L) So in other words, a highly technological civilization did previously exist on Earth and was
destroyed by cataclysms.
A: Yes. We have told you this more than once.
Q: (Joe) Yes, but they're helicopters! [Laughter]
(Andromeda) There was the same great helicopter idea from the information field.
(Joe) And they're gonna be coming back in their helicopters.
Q: (L) All right. I'm not sure if I fully understand this question, but here it is:
(Black Cartouche) Does the positioning of the moon around our orbit...
(L) Actually it's around our planet...
(Black Cartouche) …play a significant role in maintaining the STS co-opted female energy on Earth ever
since the Fall? As the gravitational pull of the moon governs not only the tides, but also the menstrual
cycle of women, which negatively impacts their moods and emotions, thus, it would seem keeping
women during their fertile years of great responsibility for creating new life in a near constant state of
being emotionally vulnerable or unstable and off-balance for much of this most important time in a
woman's life.
(L) Okay, what I don't understand here is he says, "gravitational pull of the moon governs not only the
tides, but also the menstrual cycle of women, which negatively impacts their moods and emotions."
Which is negatively impacting their moods and emotions? The moon or the fact that they have menstrual
cycles? That's not exactly clear in the way the question is phrased. Well, since I already read it out, even
though it's off topic - I don't know how I got sucked into that... [Laughter] My eyeballs just started
running away with me. Is there anything to the moon in orbit around our planet playing a significant role
in maintaining the STS control of our planet?
A: No.
(L) Okay. Are women's menstrual cycles putting them in a near constant state of emotional vulnerability?
A: Nonsense. It makes them receptive to cosmic energies for the purposes of creation of life.
Q: (Keit) There is a company in Moscow and Novosibirsk that offers sessions in Kozyrev mirrors. Is their
research valid, or are they charlatans that use legit research for their commercial purposes?
A: The latter.
(L) So they're saying that the latter - that means that they're charlatans using legitimate research for their
commercial purposes.
Q: (Keit) Would it be beneficial for us to try it out?
A: No.
Q: (Ben) DeSouza describes being detained and interrogated in a US military base after a UFO
encounter. He thought that the people questioning him were not military personnel and were above the
level of the US government. Is his description of events accurate, and if so, who were these people?
(L) Is his description of the events accurate?
A: Very close.
Q: (L) And who were these people?
A: Members of the secret government forces.
Q: (L) I guess we're not gonna get out any more on that than what we already got. Well, hobnob, we
already talked about the Great Voice issues, so I think we're gonna skip over this question. We can figure
out from what we've already got. Okay, now we're getting into some other questions that don't relate to
Q: (Jefferson) Some say it's a coup or a real protest against the Russian government or just a show.
What is behind the behavior and speech of Prigozhin?
A: Flushing out traitors.
Q: (L) Are you suggesting that Prigozhin is one of the traitors?
A: Yes.
Q: (Jono) There was a 'toxic algae' outbreak a few days ago that killed thousands of fish in Southern
Thailand, and hundreds of dolphins and sea lions were also killed by the same in California. Was it
simply toxic algae, or something else that caused this? And is it related to the missing Titanic
(L) Well, how did you go there? [Laughter]
Q: (L) Okay. Was it simply toxic algae?
A: No.
Q: (L) Was it something else?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) What was that something else?
A: Underwater leaks from government projects.
Q: (L) Okay. Was it related to the missing Titanic submersible?
A: No.
Q: (L) What did cause the Titanic submersible to go kaflooey?
(Joe) Dodgy workmanship.
A: Leak.
Q: (L) And what was that leak due to?
A: What Joe just said! [Laughter]
Q: (Joe) Niall, didn't you have a question about Prigozhin?
(Niall) Yeah, it's kind of the major issue today. Did the Russian government allow this situation today to
come to a head like this?
(Joe) To flush out traitors.
(Niall) Was it done intentionally?
A: Yes.
Q: (Niall) So they were not surprised by this.
A: No.
Q: (Niall) They saw this coming.
(Andromeda) It's the first thing I thought.
(Joe) Yeah, so they knew obviously that there was a history of dissent within Wagner, and they decided
to just let it develop up, give them enough rope, basically, to hang themselves...
(Andromeda) And bring all their friends too. [Laughter]
(Joe) "Bring all your traitor friends with you, huh?" Let them talk it up. Let them feel like they could get
some action. And then people get emboldened, others join in. "Yeah, let's go, it's working!" But was it
inspired in any way by external support, Prigozhin or anybody within Wagner or associated with Wagner
being connected to the Ukrainians, and thereby the CIA or the West?
A: No.
Q: (Joe) It was just kind of personal hubris and greed.
A: Yes.
Q: (Joe) PoB told me that Russians don't like money though. [Laughter] Is that true, that Russians don't
like money?
A: No.
Q: (Gaby) Can we go back to the ocean? I wanted to ask why the temperatures are rising in the Irish Sea,
and so many unusual places.
A: Undersea eruptions and general heating at the core.
Q: (Joe) And is it going to melt the ice caps and bring on an ice age?
A: The former not a lot. The latter for sure!
Q: (L) I don't know how we have these... These questions are quite out of order. I mean, we should have
had all of these questions all together, and then other questions separated, but anyhow... We already
asked that... Okay. So we're really kind of towards the end anyway, so sorry.
(seek10) The C’s mentioned gypsies are gene spliced with an alien race, humanoid and Atlantean drone
workers. Did this happen in the Indus Valley civilization region and period?
A: No, it was much earlier. Refugees migrated there.
Q: (seek10) If the Indus Valley civilization peoples are into genetic modification, is the current Indian
tendency for rituals the remnant of it through the Dravidian lineage?
A: Yes, but see previous answer also.
Q: (L) Another from seek10. You snuck these in there, I know you! [Laughter]
(seek10) Is it true that UFOs (great flying silvery shining shields) influenced Alexander the Great's world
conquest? The siege of Tyre and his decision to not invade India?
A: Yes, Alexander was manipulated.
Q: (LQB) Mario Buildrep's extensive research suggests that catastrophic crustal displacement due to
periods of earth expansions have resulted in apparent displacement of the rotational pole positions,
which correlates well with alignments of past megalithic structures. At least five past pole positions have
been dated and identified. Are his analyses and conclusions roughly correct?
A: No.
Q: (L) Why is it not correct?
A: No earth expansions. Crustal displacement does occur due to cosmic cataclysms and also to regular
heating and cooling of Earth's interior.
Q: (L) Okay, I think we've pretty much covered our questions. So...
(Joe) Cordyceps.
(L) What about cordyceps? They are disgusting things.
(Joe) Despite their disgustingness, are they good for us? To take the supplement, the extract of
cordyceps mushrooms? Just a yes or no. Should we put aside our disgust?
A: Yes.
(Joe) Oooooh!
(L) They're disgusting, I don't want them!
(Joe) But they're good for you.
Q: (L) I don't want 'em, none of them"
(Joe) But they activate your brain.
(Andromeda) Which part?
(Joe) All of it.
(Andromeda) Aaargh!
Q: (L) We have one little personal question we want to ask before we shut down shop for tonight: We
have a situation with puppy dog, Argos, and we would like to know if we are dealing with the situation
appropriately. And is there anything we should know about this situation that we don't?
A: You are dealing appropriately. This is not a time for persons who have issues of their own to take on
responsibility for another creature that can act as a conduit of negative energies.
Q: (L) So, is the outcome that we have predicted where this has to go?
A: Most likely.
Q: (L) Okay. Is there anything that we haven't asked that we should have asked? Consider it asked. We
all need guidance.
A: Pray and meditate and build your network in the hyperdimensional spaces. Much turmoil coming. Be
awake, alert, aware, and utilize knowledge. It really does protect if you can set limiting emotions aside.
End of Session
Session Date: July 29th 2023
Laura and Andromeda at the board
Pierre, Joe, Niall, Gaby, Ark, Possibility of Being, Chu, Scottie, Pikabu the Cat, Falcor, Bella
FOTCM Members participating via Zoom: 3DStudent, 987baz, A Jay, Adobe, Aeneas, aimarok, Aiming,
Alana, Alejo, Altair, aluminumfalcon, anartist, AndrewMn, Andrian, annp, Ant22, Anthony, Approaching
Infinity, Aya, bjorb, Bluefyre, Bo, brandon, Breton, Chad, Cosmos, Deliverance, dirgni, dugdeep,
Eboard10, Ellipse, fabric, Faith, Fallen_735, finduilas495, France, Gawan, genero81, Glenn, goyacobol,
Harmony99, herondancer, Hesper, hesperides, iamthatis, IrjO, Jacques, JEEP, Jenn, jess, Josi, kenlee,
keyhole, KJN, Korzik18, Laurentien2, Laurs, Learner, Lilou, logos5x5, Loreta, LQB, m, Maat, Manitoban,
marek760, Mari, Mariama, Mark7, Mike, Mikkael, Mililea, Theodor, mkrnhr, Mrs. Peel, Neema,
NewEnglandSeeker, Nicholas, nicklebleu&his wife, Nienna, Obi, Ollie, OrangeScorpion, Oxajil, Pecha,
PERLOU, RedFox, Redrock12, rrraven, Ryan, rylek, Saman, seek10, seeker2seer, Sinapi, Stoneboss,
sToRmR1dR, Summerlite, Temperance, thorbiorn, Timótheos, Tristan, Tuatha de Danaan, Turgon, Ursus
Minor, Voyageur, whitecoast, will01, williamsj, Ysus, Z
Q: (L) Well, hello, is anyone there?
A: Thought you would never ask! Furriaea of Cassiopaea at your service.
Q: (L) Okay, let's go to the top of the questions. So the first one is at the bottom?
(Chu) The first one is this one.
(Caesarea) An alleged interview with an alien has been circulating on video since 1997. "Redacted"
recently did a video on it, alleging it is real based on the guest's investigation. Is the video legit?
A: Perhaps you should describe it a bit more as a courtesy to others?
Q: (L) Alright. Describe the video. Where are they? There they are.
(Caesarea) The interview was supposedly with a gray alien at Area 51, a special area where they housed
aliens that had crashed. They interviewed them once every month. So in the interview there were a
couple doctors with flashlights and it was kind of dark and, you know, a lot of people said the alien looks
real and that to have it be fake, it would be too expensive. So that was kind of the gist of it. There was no
audio either.
(Joe) What year was it meant to be?
(Niall) 97.
(Caesarea) Yeah. The video came out in 97, but it was supposed to have been filmed in, I think, 1991.
(L) Okay. And what was the gist of the conversation? Was there a transcript?
(Caesarea) The original guy that was narrating the video had his face hidden and he called himself Victor.
The details of the conversation weren't really the focus. It was that the alien was having a medical
problem, like he couldn't breathe, and there was a device showing that he was in some sort of distress.
And so that's what Mike was saying, they had flashlights and they were looking at him and like checking
his throat and his pulse or something. And was there anything else? They said that they had psychics
there, that they would telepathically communicate with the alien for the interrogation/interview.
(L) And in no place does it reveal what the alien said at any point?
(Caesarea) I think the guy in the original video that was kind of describing it might have mentioned some
things he said. They didn't have it in the Redacted interview what the alien might have said. The video
itself wasn't a conversation. It was just like a two-minute clip of them kind of interacting, but there was
no audio, so no real way of knowing what, if anything, was discussed at that particular conversation.
(Ark) The alien was very dark. You couldn't recognize anything. It was in the dark. And there was
implications that the alien was communicating telepathically.
(Joe) And he said, "I like strawberry jam." [laughter]
(L) No, raaasberry! Okay. That's the sum and substance of this video they have shared of a real alien,
supposedly. Was it a real alien in the video?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Okay. Follow up question?
(Caesarea) No.
(L) No. Okay.
(Ze Germans) Are there any conflicting 4D STS groups or races operating on the Earth at the moment or
all of them are more or less cooperating with each other?
A: Not cooperating with each other. That is the wrong concept. They operate under the control of an
hierarchical system with an overlord pulling the strings or levers as the case may be.
Q: (L) So they don't play nicely with each other unless they're overseen by a dictatorial being who
commands their obedience. Is that it more or less?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) And who's the overlord?
(L) Who's the overlord? Oh...
(Andromeda) Slip that one in...
A: You don't want to know!
Q: (Possibility of Being) I want to know.
(Joe) I don't want to know, but PoB does. [laughter]
(L) You think that's gonna fly?
(Joe) I'll cover my ears...
A: Science fiction is often inspired. Think of someone similar to the emperor, but far more virile.
Q: (Andromeda) Palpatine. From Star Wars.
(Joe) But not as old and decrepit. Does this person say "Mwahaha!" quite a lot? [laughter]
(L) I'm not gonna...
(Joe) I'm joking. I’m just gonna assume he does.
(L) Far more virile.
(Andromeda) I guess he sucks a lot of energy, huh?
(L) Sucks a lot of energy. Yeah. 'cause that emperor looks like he's starving. I mean, ugh... Okay.
(Ze Germans) How many humans/humanoids from the underground civilization are on the surface of the
Earth at the moment?
(L) Who asked this question?
(Chu) The Germans.
(L) Germans. They ask weird stuff like that. How many humans/humanoids from the underground? So,
how many?
A: Varies with circumstances, but average is about 2 to 2.5 million.
Q: (Andromeda) Walking around up top.
(Joe) And do these people know who they are? I mean...
A: Of course!
Q: (Joe) Okay. And do they have a mission that they're aware of? Do they know why they're walking
A: Indeed. Usually acting as "handlers" or agents provocateur.
Q: (Joe) So from our perspective, their mission, it would be nefarious?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Are there any of them running that show over there in Ukraine?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Are there any of them handling members of the US government?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Handling high-level members of other governments?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Handling leaders of different types of, like, media or whatever, like influencers and such?
A: Yes yes yes
Q: (Joe) Are any of them on YouTube?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) With large-follower channels?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Give us one name. [laughter]
A: No
Q: (Joe) Please. [laughter] Is part of their mission or agenda to prepare the global population for
revelation of aliens?
A: Partly, but also involved with depopulation agenda.
Q: (Joe) So these people were born underground?
A: Yes
Q: (Andromeda) And raised underground?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) And then appeared as adults on the surface, got a job...
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) And who made them?
A: Lizards in cahoots with STS Orions.
Q: (Joe) So these are human beings. They're functionally the same, as human as other human beings?
Like biologically the same as other human beings, or not?
A: Some genetic tweaks. Most were harvested from human mothers and incubated.
Q: (Gaby) So this is part of the hybridization program that some experiencers or abductees recall?
A: Yes
Q: (Possibility of Being) Do they know good and evil the same way as we would understand it?
A: No
Q: (Joe) Are they - from our perspective - very much like mind-controlled beings in that sense? They
don't have much free will?
A: Yes. And much like very efficient psychopaths.
Q: (L) Well.
(Joe) 2.5 million. They pop up and down.
(L) That's friendly.
(Joe) Where do they live normally when they're not on the surface? Where did they grow up and stuff?
A: Underground bases.
Q: (L) And they've described those.
(Ursus Minor) Who or what is making Netanyahu push Israel to the brink?
(L) I think we have that answer! [laughter] Already answered there! Is that something along the line of
what these underground handlers would be doing?
A: Yes and also mind manipulation.
Q: (L) Well, some of these people, I swear, you know, I mean, I listen to some of these people, these
crazy lefties or these governments, like the Schwab and Trudeau and Al Gore and John Kerry and all of
these other people, you know, talking... And if they believe what they're saying, then they don't have
enough intelligence to come in out of the rain. If they know that what they're saying is bullshit, then they
are super, super evil.
(Andromeda) They're either super evil and lying, or super stupid and mind controlled.
(Joe) How long have these underground psychos been interfering with human affairs in this way?
A: Thousands of years.
Q: (L) That reminds me, remember when I asked the question about Sargon of Akkad? And they called
him a deep level punctuator. Is that what a deep level punctuator is? Somebody who comes up and
does stuff?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Well, I mean, 'does stuff' is pretty vague, but you... [laughter]
(Joe) Makes an impact.
(L) Yeah. Makes an impact on human society stuff.
(Niall) Did someone like him, Sargon of Akkad, thousands of years ago, emerge from a high-tech base
and play a consciously evil role on the surface where he pretended to be an ancient?
A: They would be educated and trained in congruence with the society of the time. Memory wipe before
implantation of mission. However, in earlier times the tech was not adequate so that the outcome was
not always certain.
Q: (L) So you're saying that when they would take people and they would have them in underground
bases or whatever, they would behave and dress and converse and everything, and the environment was
matched to the environment on the surface more or less?
A: Yes
Q: (L) And before they would send somebody out and in some situations they would wipe their memories
or, I mean... Are we talking about something that they would do when they were children and then send
them to be raised in some way?
A: Some
Q: (L) And then you say that the outcome wasn't always certain because the tech wasn't adequate. You
mean the manipulation tech, the hybridization tech?
A: Yes
Q: (L) The controlling of them kind of tech?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Why was that tech not adequate? I suppose maybe you had to have a certain infrastructure on
the planet of technology in order to control them on the planet...
A: Yes
Q: (L) Okay. And then there's the other thing... Was it also partly because the bloodline had not been
purified enough?
A: Yes
Q: (L) And you say the outcome wasn't certain. What do you mean by the outcome of their plan? What
do you mean that it wasn't always certain?
A: Some of the subjects were not sufficiently "evil".
Q: (L) So in other words, they would maybe turn good and turn on their creators and masters?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Influenced by normal human society.
(L) Maybe they fell in love. [laughter] Romance novel!
(Niall) The vampire really was saved! [laughter]
(L) Oh, it could have happened, right?
(Joe) "Seven nights in a humanoid's bed." [laughter]
(Niall) So you're saying there's a chance... [laughter]
(L) Okay, next question:
(Mrs. Peel) Does having all the people present via Zoom interfere with the answers?
A: No!
Q: (L) Okay.
(Mrs. Peel) ...i.e. not wanting to answer, giving vague answers, because some of us may have strong
beliefs one way or another, and they don't want to violate free will.
(L) Well, I wouldn't call that an interference with the answer. That's just courtesy. And we do that anyway
because you know what? If you're not here, they know I'm gonna publish it. So it's going to be the same
thing whether you're here or whether you're not. The only exception, of course, would be our personal
private questions that they know are never gonna get published.
(PERLOU) This book, "Tales of Eternal Life,” is the French translation of four authors, Charlotte E.
Dresser, Robert J. Lees, George V. Owen and James E. Pagett, it concerns the different places and
occupations of the souls of the deceased. Can we trust him?
A: Generally.
Q: (PERLOU) What is the percentage of truth?
A: 62
Q: (Andromeda) That's pretty high.
(L) Okay, next:
(Ze Germans) If Russia's karmic role is an adversary of Atlantis, who was playing this role back then
before the final destruction of Atlantis?
A: Same locale, different names. Read The Iliad and Odyssey for clues.
Q: (L) Well, supposedly, according to Plato, it was the Athenians against Atlantis. But there were no
Athenians until late in modern history. So maybe that name was carried forward from an even more
ancient history that was further north. I hope y'all are following my little excerpts from “Horns of Moses”
that I've been putting on Ark's blog because I kind of talk about that a little bit. Okay.
(Ze Germans) To what extent, in general, is our linear perception of time determined by social and
cultural influence?
(L) To what extent? It's not a very precise question.
(Andromeda) Yeah.
(L) I mean, what are they gonna say? "To a great extent”?
(Andromeda) Right.
(L) You know, what does that mean?
(Joe) They spoke about time and perception, illusion.
(L) They've talked a lot about time. Look it up. Who was asking that?
(Chu) The Germans.
(L) Germans? Read the sessions for crying all night! [laughter]
(Eboard10) Is there a Laura/FOTCM equivalent in the East?
A: Unfortunately, no.
Q: (Ursus Minor) According to the US Geological Survey, there are dozens of mountains in Western
Antarctica called pyramids. How many of them are actually pyramids?
A: 0
Q: (L) Okay.
(Fallen_735) Is it likely that Cuba will find a way around the US embargo with the current and upcoming
geopolitics and economic landscape changing?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Probably already in process. They just won't be trading with the USA.
(IrjO) The majority of ancient megalithic structures around the world have little nubs on random pieces of
rocks that compose the overall structures. Nobody can find a concrete answer to the why of these nubs.
What was the purpose of those nubs? Or did it have any importance to ancient buildings?
A: The stones were surfaced by a facade.
Q: (Ellipse) Is there such a thing as an alien race completely directed by A.I.?
A: No
Q: (L) Okay.
(thorbiorn) Where was that alien [in the video] from, inner Earth, other density or dimension?
A: Sometimes they are the same.
Q: (Ursus Minor) Allegedly there was a UFO crash in northern Italy in 1933. Were there any similar
incidents in Europe before that?
A: Not in modern times.
Q: (L) But maybe before modern times?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) What about this Grusch guy that's been testifying in front of Congress?
(L) What about him?
(Joe) Is he legit in what he's saying?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) It seems there's two factions. You might call...
A: More than...
Q: (Joe) Well, there seems to be a movement to kind of like - in Congress at least - to be open to the
possibility of disclosure and investigating blah, blah, blah, blah. But then recently, I think it was the
Pentagon, who have kind of come out and said that nothing he says is true. So there seems to be a
pushback from the deep state, Pentagon, whatever... trying to prevent this move towards disclosure by
A: Indeed!
Q: (Joe) So it'll just be drawn out, I suppose, like they said last time.
A: Yes
Q: (Farmies) Previously, the Cs said Michelle Obama isn't a man. Was Michelle Obama born a biological
(L) Clever! [laughter]
A: No
Q: (L) But you said she wasn't a man.
(Chu) Anymore...
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) What? That's confusing. You have to explain that.
(Niall) Hermaphrodite.
(Joe) What was she born? I mean, what's the deal?
(L) Could Michelle Obama be a hermaphrodite?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Is she one of those underground people?
A: No
Q: (L) Well, hermaphrodite is, as I understand it - and some of you people can correct me if I'm wrong -
is an individual born with both sets of sexual organs. It can be an individual who has both a penis and a
(Gaby) But usually they will be XY or XX even though they're hermaphrodites. There's like a medical
anomaly. You know, one gender will predominate.
(L) Is that what we're looking at here?
A: Yes
Q: (L) So I bet Barry was glad, huh? [laughter]
(Niall) So the rumors are true-ISH!
(Joe) What? Well, hang on. I still dunno what's going on! [laughter] What's the deal? Does she...
(Niall) She has junk in the trunk. [laughter]
(Joe) Does she have a...
(Andromeda) Is she still fully equipped on both sides?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) That's what people in these videos see, kind of like protruding or swinging under her dresses?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) So why would... Obama thought that was attractive?
A: Best of both worlds for a sick person like him.
Q: (L) Is that a value judgment?
A: No. Clinical diagnosis.
Q: (L) So you're saying Barry Obama is a sick person. Sick in what way?
A: Psychopath.
Q: (Joe) Is he an underground person?
A: No, not smart enough.
Q: (Niall) What happened to their chef last week? He was found dead in the house.
A: Drugs. Daughter involved.
Q: (Joe) Obama's daughter?
A: Yes
Q: (L) His fake daughter.
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Where did he get them daughters from?
(L) Well, they know, I mean, that's been put up on the web before, the parents of those girls that have
been photographed with them and with the Obamas.
(Joe) They don't recognize them as being adopted.
(L) Right.
(Joe) It's not officially recognized.
(L) No.
(Joe) They claim that it's Michelle and Barry's daughters.
(L) Right. It's a big fake.
(seek10): How many people are like that in the world currently? Like Michelle Obama?
(L) You mean hermaphrodites?
(seek10) Right.
(L) What's the... It's very small.
(Gaby) It's very, very rare.
A: Less than 5K.
Q: (Andromeda) Very rare.
(Joe) And then becoming the First Lady. What are the odds?
(Andromeda) But it does explain a lot.
(Alejo) What did they ask the alien?
(L) What did they ask the alien?
(Andromeda) From the interview.
(L) Oh, we're back to the alien video again.
A: Trying to get him to explain purpose of aliens in general.
Q: (Alejo) Why did it choke?
A: Wrong atmosphere, pressure, etc.
Q: (Joe) Gray aliens don't know much anyway, do they?
A: No
Q: (Farmies) Was Michel Trudeau's death an accident? [Justin Trudeau's brother]
(Niall) He died in the early nineties in an avalanche.
(L) Okay. What was his death, an accident?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Is Trudeau's father Fidel Castro?
A: No
Q: (Keyhole) Are there members of the elite who consume the bodily fluids and or body parts of other
A: Yes
Q: (Keyhole) If so, why do they do this?
A: Sickness.
Q: (Keyhole) Is there any truth to the theory that human blood is consumed for adrenochrome?
A: Not exactly. It is extracted from the blood first.
Q: (Joe) And it's created in the way that people claim it's created...
A: Yes
Q: (L) Remember they described that to us. Remember I asked about a painful and torturous death, and
they said it produces chemicals that they like to consume? And if that happens for aliens, then the
possibility that they're alien hybrids...
(Pierre) What are the properties of adrenochrome?
A: Anti-aging, sexual potency, energy and somewhat psychedelic.
Q: (Niall) So it's a drug.
(Joe) When you say anti-aging, is it a pronounced anti-aging effect? We're not talking about rejuvenation
in any literal sense, are we?
A: Temporary or Hillary and George would look younger.
Q: (Joe) So that suggested Hillary Clinton, George Bush...
(L) I don't think you're talking about George Bush.
(Joe) George Soros. Are they aware that they seek out adrenochrome, and take it actively? They have
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) And they know where it comes from?
A: Yes
Q: (Gaby) Jesus!
(Chu) When they mention sickness above, it is the same as Obama, right?
A: Yes
Q: (Chu) Not that they're sick, but they are.
(Joe) And is it done via blood transfusion?
A: No
Q: (L) They said they extract it from the blood. And give it to them as a drug.
(Joe) Oh, yes, it's injected as a drug.
A: Yes
Q: (Andromeda) So basically, they torture people so that there's more of this in the blood.
(L) Children.
(Andromeda) They take the blood...
(L) Yeah.
(Gaby) That's very sick.
Q: (Oxajil) Is the Dutch political party, the "Farmer Citizen Movement", controlled opposition?
A: Not yet.
[L reading the next question:]
Q: (L) Does... It should say "Do"... Do cyborgs i.e. human beings, grown artificially and programmed
[exist on Earth]?
(Chu) Are they grown artificially?
(L) Is a cyborg technically an artificially grown human? I don't think so. A cyborg would have to be part
human, part machine. So, I don't think that... because we already know that there are human beings
grown artificially on Earth and programmed. So no, Ellipse, a cyborg is a creature that is human with
mechanical parts.
(Joe) RoboCop.
(Andromeda) Right, Terminator.
(Ze Germans) What is the nature of the power center in Russia, which is symbolized by a bear as
described previously?
A: Partly dismantled. Now in opposition to NWO.
Q: (Joe) Do Putin and the members of the Russian government know the extent of the depravity of their
Western "partners", as we were just talking about?
A: They can hardly believe it.
Q: (L) Alright. Yeah, because when we asked that question, it seems to me that they were saying that
there was something in Russia that was part of this beast empire thing, and that would be, I think, the
Westerners who were... Maybe the oligarchs who were Western leaning and so forth, and they were very
powerful at the time.
(Niall) So, I guess it's Putin who has partly dismantled it...
(L) Yeah. And, and Putin has dismantled that structure?
A: Yes
Q: (L) At least partly, I'm sure.
(Mrs. Peel) Since [forum member] isn't here to ask, and if appropriate, what happened when his son's car
flipped over? He described the accident on the forum as very strange.
A: All should be aware and cautious as these energies can develop like mini-tornadoes due to differential
between the individual and the environment.
Q: (L) So if you're going along through an environment that, at that moment, for example, is very thick
with certain energies, maybe because of, you know, the planet or because it's being beamed or because
of surrounding people and whatever, and your energy is so different, it can be like the differential
between hot and cold air that creates storms. Is that it?
A: Yes
Q: (Andromeda) Or lightning.
(Neema) What happened to Mitch McConnell the other day when he froze during a press conference?
A: TIA. [Transient Ischemic Attack]
Q: (Pecha) Do these undergrounders have more advanced psychic powers compared to the surface
A: Usually, yes.
Q: (thorbiorn) What languages do the undergrounders speak?
A: Different based on where they are assigned.
Q: (Aiming) Are there individuals in the underground race who have the potential to wake up and follow
their own free will?
A: At this point, hardly at all.
Q: (Joe) On that topic, how many are there in total? Two point up to 2.5 million are on the surface at any
time. How many are there in total?
(L) Didn't we already ask those questions?
(Joe) In this session?
(L) Not in this session, but at other sessions.
[Falcor chewing on Laura's flip flop.]
(Andromeda) Sweetie, would you save mom's flip flop there before it becomes...
(L) Somebody stole my shoe? [laughter] Give up my flip flop! Those are my favorite flip flops. Now they're
all wet and slimy! [laughter]
(Josi) What did the woman see, who made a scene while getting off a plane in Dallas by saying "That
MFer is not real"?
A: Flipped out from the energy of one of the hybrids.
Q: (thorbiorn) Is there a way of discovering these types of undergrounders from studying their
biographies if they are public people?
A: Not likely, but tiny details might give clues, but never enough to make a convincing case.
Q: (Joe) Would it be true to say that none of them, these hybrids/underground people, are notable public
A: No
Q: (Possibility of Being) Do they span the different races?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) So some of them we would know if they were to tell us that one of them was such a hybrid
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) But they're not going to.
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Why? We won't tell anyone!
A: No!
Q: (Joe) If we come up with a list of possible candidates, would they tell us if we were right or wrong?
A: No
Q: (Niall) But this woman on the plane saw something, and she happened to see one of them. What did
she see that made her go...?
(Joe) They said the energy flipped something.
(L) The energy flipped her out. And then she saw whatever she saw and that...
(Niall) He shapeshifted or something...
(L) No...
(Joe) No, she just said, "that guy isn't real".
(L) It was the energy.
(Andromeda) Are there any clues that we can look for?
A: Not a useful path.
Q: (L) Yeah. So in other words, following that line of questioning is not useful. Is it dangerous?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) I promised we wouldn't say anything! [laughter]
(L) Yeah, but they know what we're saying all the time anyway.
Q: (Possibility of Being) I have a question. I'm not going to ask what it is, but if there is anything specific
about them that is possible to recognize?
A: They are "human" in appearance, but the energy is different to those who are sensitive.
Q: (Joe) They're just weirdos.
(Possibility of Being) Do they recognize each other?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Is Mark Zuckerberg one of them?
[Planchette moves towards "yes", then moves away.]
(L) Oh!
(Andromeda) He should be one of those cyborgs, actually!
(L) They stopped. [laughter]
(Andromeda) They were moving toward the "Yes"!
(Niall) Okay, say no more!
(Joe) Alright. We're not gonna ask about that anymore. See how confidential we are? I'm not going to
ask, I'm just gonna take it as a "Yes". [laughter]
(Niall) Everyone knows there's something...
(L) There's something really wrong with that guy. Yeah.
(Caesarea) Were the underground mountain structures remote viewed by Pat Price and Joe McMoneagle
for Stargate associated with the underground people being discussed?
A: Partly but distorted.
(Ze Germans) Are Rothschilds undergrounders as well?
A: Not at present.
Q: (L) Was the original...
A: Yes
Q: (Andromeda) Are there some of them who don't know who they are? Like their memories have been
wiped and new ones implanted?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) They are just useful idiots, for some point...
(L) I guess it depends on the kind of mission they're assigned to, what their parameters are. Every
situation is probably different.
Q: (Neema) How much control do these underground "handlers" have in Russia?
A: Much less.
Q: (Neema) Is Vladimir Putin aware of them?
A: No
Q: (RedFox) Do Earth changes (sinkholes, volcanoes, earthquakes) effect the underground bases?
(L) That should be "affect", A-F-F-E-C-T, RedFox, you should know better than that. [laughter]
A: No
Q: (L) I think that that question has been discussed in a previous session and they said that they were
deeper than earthquakes.
(Chu) That's what IrjO just said on the chat.
(L) Okay. Thank you, IrjO.
(Ursus Minor) Do people like Kissinger only make it to 100 by consuming adrenochrome?
A: Or something similar.
Q: (L) How old is George Soros?
(Pierre) 99?
(Niall) No, he is in his nineties. Early or mid nineties.
(Joe) Yeah, past his nineties.
(L) Yeah, I mean, look at him, and Hillary, and Kissinger. I mean, they look like they're siblings.
(Niall) George Soros is younger than Kissinger, but he's in his nineties.
(Adobe) You know that our understanding of time is so-so at best, yet you answer "at times" from our
point of reference and it of course rarely works to our understanding of time. So why do you answer us
with our time references?
(L) I think that's fairly obvious. Because they're talking to us and they want to communicate. I mean...
(Adobe) Is there a lesson we are supposed to be getting from this? Or is it just noise/static?
(L) I don't understand your question.
(Joe) What do you mean?
(Adobe) Okay. On that question, they often answer, and I'm thinking specifically right now of... It was
asked, "is the next real pandemic possibly gonna happen in two months?" The answer was no. "Is it
going to happen within two years?" "Yes." And two years passed, so somebody brought it up, and there
is regularly something like that, where the Cs will answer with a time reference that we understand (like
"within two years") and then, it doesn't happen. So if they know our time reference, why would they even
answer that? Why wouldn't they just allude from it and say, you know, wait and see? But they say, like
that last time, "within two years", and it doesn't happen within two years. I'm kind of left with "wait for
the other shoe to drop." Is there something we should be learning here?
(L) Well, I don't know which specific reference you're talking about. Do you, Niall?
(Niall) Yes. We asked about the likelihood of a plague, in the sense of the Black Death. And it was
sometime in the mid-teens, they said "in 18 months to two years" or something like that. Well, there has
not been a Black Death in that time period.
(L) Right. I don't know! Okay. What's the answer to that?
A: Reality is open and plans change. Sometimes we give answers to prevent calamity. The PTB would
not allow such a prediction to manifest as it would draw positive attention to this source and they wish to
avoid that at all costs. In the case of the COVID fake pandemic it was already in motion and major plans
were in place.
Q: (L) So you're saying that sometimes you tell us some things just to prevent it from happening,
because you know they won't let it happen if you say it?
A: Yes
Q: (Andromeda) There have been some things that they've said that have happened in the timeframe too,
(L) Yeah, there have been.
(Joe) There have been cases in the internet era that got a lot of attention when someone... There haven't
been many, but there have been a few over the past 20 years... where someone predicted something. It
wasn't like a major event, a plane crash or so something like that. Someone predicted and it got a lot of
traction on the internet after the fact. They used a timestamp and they showed that some person had
actually predicted some kind of an event, you know? So I think it's true that that would be something
they'd want to avoid, you know?
(L) Well, they've also said... remember that time when they said that the PTB, you know, they change
plans and change everything around just to fool and throw people off.
(Joe) Yeah. They have an eye on... There's a lot of people, especially now, watching what's going on and
trying to kind of predict and talk about what is actually going on, what's behind the scenes, what the
plan is, for example, global warming scam, and how they're going to try and kill everybody.... Jordan
Peterson is basically talking about that, their plan is to basically starve the entire population, and kill off
half of them. You know what I mean? So, when you have that level of exposure on that kind of a plan, it's
understandable that they would want to divert that. So there is a feedback from the population, at least
the part of the population that's half aware and watching, and trying to figure things out. That's a
feedback that the powers that be are getting and they're watching that, they're paying attention to that.
And if a certain idea gains some traction, a certain idea as a prediction that is actually part of their plans,
they're probably going to change those plans because they don't want to validate anything that anybody
has said in terms of prediction. Because most of the people predicting things these days are saying that
these people are up to no good. They're nefarious, they're evil powers that be, they're doing this and
that, and they don't ever want to give any credence to that.
(L) I think that's one of the reasons why the Cs are very reluctant to give timeframes, unless it's for a
definite reason.
(Joe) I'm not saying this to be facetious, but Adobe, pick one of your family members or a friend, and
predict what they're going to do tomorrow in the details. Where they're going to go, what time do they
get up, when they're gonna go to their work, when they're coming home, you know, in broad strokes, but
being fairly specific. I'm just saying that because it's obviously... it's changeable as much as you know
someone's agenda...
(Andromeda) About probability and possibilities and all of that stuff...
(Joe) There are so many different things can come into play that can just divert someone's usual course.
(L) We don't have a fixed future except that broad general ideas and things, and repeating cycles are
there. But I don't think you can very often... until just before the event, when the realities have
converged, and then things are more or less set in stone, and then you can predict.
(Joe) Yeah, we can never really predict.
(L) And it's like... in a sense it's like playing dice, if you have a bunch of different people making
predictions about something and everybody is making a different prediction, one of them is going to be
(Joe) The Cs have given a general trajectory for the future.
(L) Yeah.
(Joe) But in terms of the details and specifics of when certain events happen...You know, specific events
like COVID or a pandemic, or a major volcano or the descent of America into civil war, or any number of
these things. I mean, you can't lock that down, you know? Because it's a dynamic situation.
(L) Well, I think that there is another thing about it, and that is that if they make predictions... I don't know
how to say this...
(Pierre) In some cases it's a breach of free will.
(L) Yeah. It violates free will. Well, look at what they did about the COVID thing. I mean, on the end of
January 31st, 2019... The Cs talked about chills and all that kind of stuff. They didn't say that there was
going to be a fixed.... They gave, you know, "you're gonna get chills", and all these kind of things. All of
which were pretty exact descriptions of what this thing was that was coming.
(Andromeda) Yeah. In retrospect you can look back and say, that was it.
(L) Yeah, but we couldn't tell in advance. So, a lot of what they give us is along that line. Clues about
things like that.
(Niall) Yeah. I think they actually said that in December, on New Year's Eve.
(Joe) Yeah, in December.
(L) It was December 31st, wasn't it?
(Joe) And that had already begun. That was locked in. That was an event that was going to happen. And
they're not going to tell us, "Listen, here is what is going to happen over the next two years. They're
gonna lock down, they're gonna kill people off..."
(Gaby) There were already COVID cases by December.
(Joe) They weren't going to tell us all the details of what was going on because...
(Andromeda) ...because those can change as well.
(Joe) Well no, that's a learning experience.
(Andromeda) Yeah, as well.
(Joe) That would be a violation of your...
(L) Free will learning directive.
(Niall) Well, what is important in what they're saying is that that is a relatively safe learning experience.
But they did forestall, it seems, an actual plague event. Because that is a learning experience they didn't
want us to go through. Not yet. Is that all right? Years earlier.
(L) Yeah. Alright. Next question:
(Ryan) Are the underground psychos responsible for all the historically high-level STS secret societies?
A: No
Q: (L) I don't think you need underground psychos for that. Normal human psychos will do quite well.
(thorbiorn) Digitalization makes knowledge formerly written in books more accessible, but also more
controllable and volatile, since digital storage mediums are more sensitive to electromagnetic
disturbances and digital editing. How important is it for the preservation of knowledge to make efforts to
preserve knowledge in books and printed matter?
A: Very!
Q: (L) So it's very important.
(thorbiorn) What is the most reliable way to preserve knowledge?
A: Carved in stone or written on wet clay and then baked.
Q: (Chu) Does anybody feel like transcribing "From Paul to Mark" on stone? Right. [laughter]
(Andromeda) Somewhere in a cave, or a cave wall!
(Scottie) "Secret History"! We're gonna need a big rock.
(L) Yeeeah.... [laughter] Well, it is true that those are the things that have survived for thousands of years.
(Andromeda) Yeah, the only things.
(L) And I guess the second would be the other method, which is writing on paper-like surfaces, you
know, like vellum or sheep skin or whatever. And then recopying it at regular intervals. Carefully, because
errors always come in when you copy.
(Andromeda) Yeah, so you have to have a trustworthy line of people to do that.
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Well, I'm sure there's probably some modern kind of laser inscribing on stone.
(L) Well, that might work.
(Joe) We could have that done, you know, do one of your books or something.
(L) Yeah, just do it with lasers.
(Joe) That would be a lot of stone, though.
(L) Yeah.
(Bo) I am actually curious if there is any of the underground people that have managed to join the
FOTCM group? [laughter]
(Chu) Confess!
A: No
Q: (Bo) Have they tried?
A: Yes
Q: (Bo) I would assume they would try, to cause chaos maybe, or for some other purpose.
A: Yes
Q: (thorbiorn) These Nephalim on the way, will they use some of these portals like in Ukraine, Middle
East, et cetera, as their preferred landing spots?
A: Yes
Q: [Laura senses something.] There's something about that. What is it?
A: But not necessary.
Q: (L) So it's not necessary for them to use those portals?
A: Yes
Q: (L) They come in anyways, in other ways.
A: Yes
Q: (L) Alright.
(Ze Germans) Who is the STS Overlord on the top of the hierarchy who is "in charge" of the Earth?
(Chu) They said we wouldn't want to know.
(L) Altair, didn't you hear them when they said they're not gonna answer that? But they DID say
something about who the Lizzies worship. What did they say?
(Joe) Ormethion?
(Andromeda) Yeah. And the one who's in charge of the Earth might not necessarily be the one at the very
top, right?
(L) Right.
(Gaby) There are many worlds.
(L) Right. And they named a couple, if I remember correctly. At one point we were asking about the flood
in Poland, and they named them.
(Josi) Is Chelsea Clinton the daughter of Hubbell, Bill Clinton?
(L) Hubbell Bill... Who is Hubbell Bill Clinton?
(Niall) It was another lawyer who worked with Hillary Clinton.
(L) Somebody named Hubbell Bill Clinton?
(Niall) No, no. There's name mixed up there, I think.
(Ryan) I think that's a typo. I think that's meant to be "hubby".
(L) Okay. Is Chelsea the daughter of Hubby, Bill Clinton?
A: No
Q: (Andromeda) Is it the other guy?
(L) Well, they've put it on the net many times, the guy who was working with Hillary, and who looks
exactly like Chelsea, or vice versa.
(Niall) But again, it's not official. That's the conspiracy theory.
(L) Well, of course it's not official, and it doesn't matter what the Cs say about it, it's not official.
(Niall) Okay.
(Joe) What about Prince Harry? is James Hewitt his biological father?
A: No
Q: (Joe) Is Charles?
A: Yes. He checked!
Q: (Joe) Can I just ask, Laura, on that topic, from the archives, just for clarity... Was Princess Diana, her
car crash in which she died, in some way deliberately caused by powerful forces in the British
establishment, or...?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Because it was never actually said in that...
(L) Well, they didn't say it at that time. It was a volatile time.
(Whitecoast) Adrenochrome could be theoretically synthesized by genetically modified bacteria without
the elites drawing attention to themselves via torture and harvesting of humans. Why don't they do that,
or do they?
(L) Do they?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Why do they do this other stuff?
A: Sickness.
Q: (L) Because they like to.
(Obi) My father passed away at the end of June. I would like to know if his transition was smooth and
what he is doing now. Is he alright?
A: He is alright.
Q: (IrjO) Following to the question regarding the woman on the plane, is that the reason of why she
cannot be found after that incident? Like, is she being silenced?
A: No
Q: (IrjO) A lot a people were trying to contact her after the video went viral, for her to explain exactly what
she saw, but it seems no one can really find her.
A: Not true.
Q: (L) So that's just a conspiracy theory forming around her?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) She's probably embarrassed, she doesn't want to...
(L) Yeah.
(Andromeda) She probably doesn't even know what happened herself.
(L) Or maybe she flipped out so completely, she got hospitalized. Medicated.
(Andromeda) Maybe.
(Caesarea) Are some of the hybrids re-inserted into women on the surface, so they are born "normally"?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Well, that's pleasant...
(Ryan) Is the story about Paul Dienach time travelling in a coma, discussed on the Forum, accurate in a
general way?
A: Yes
Q: (Ryan) If so, was my assessment of what happened close to what actually happened?
A: Yes
Q: (IrjO) So it is true, the saying that says: "The one who keeps his secret; gets his desire,” meaning if
you tell your plans, most likely they won't become a reality?
A: Yes!
Q: (Chu) That's it. Oh no, one more.
(Ant22) What happened to the Skripals? The Russian spy who crossed over the UK side, and his
daughter? They've been gone from the media since shortly after the Salisbury incident.
A: Kept silent since they figured out what happened to them.
Q: (L) All right. Is there anything we haven't asked that we should have asked or any last minute advice
you have to give us? Because I'm really whooped!
A: Get your rest. You are all doing well. Goodbye.
End of Session
23 September 2023
Laura and Andromeda at the board
Pierre, Joe, Gaby, Ark, PoB, Niall, Chu, Scottie, Falkor
FOTCM Members participating via Zoom: 3DStudent, A Jay, Adobe, Aeneas, Aiming, Alana, Alejo, Altair,
aluminumfalcon, Ana Huitzil, anartist, AndrewMn, Andrian, annp, Ant22, Approaching Infinity, Aragorn,
Bluefyre, Bobo08, brandon, Brett, cassandra, Chad, ClaudiaYG, Cleo, Cosmos, Deliverance, dirgni,
dugdeep, Eboard10, Ellipse, Ennio, fabric, Fallen_735, finduilas495, France, Gawan, genero81, Glenn,
gottathink, goyacobol, Gwenllian, Harmony99, herondancer, Hesper, hesperides, hlat and his wife,
Honzap, iamthatis, irjO, Jacques, JeanneT, JEEP, Jefferson, Jenn, Josi, Keit, kenlee, keyhole, Kinyash,
KJN, korzik18, Kosma, Lainey, Laurentien2, Laurs, logos5x5, loreta, LQB, Luc, Lucius, M, Maiko,
marek760, Mari, Martina, miguel angel, Mikkael, Mililea, Miracle, mkrnhr, Mrs. Peel, msante, mxwlll0,
Natus Videre, Navigator, Nicholas, Nienna, Obi, Ollie, Oxajil, Pecha, PERLOU, PopHistorian, Rabelais,
RedFox, Redrock12, rrraven, Ryan, rylek, Saman, Seamus, seek10, seeker2seer, Stoneboss,
sToRmR1dR, T.C., Temperance, Theodor, thorbjorn, Timótheos, Turgon, Ursus Minor, voyageur,
vulcan59, whitecoast, will01, williamsj, Windmill Knight, Yas, Ysus, Zar
Q: (L) Okay, so let's get serious and get started because we've got some questions to cover. If you
remember the last time, you guys nearly wore me out. I had to sleep for two days!
(Andromeda) They're probably going to do it again.
(L) And I don't know if I'm going to need glasses or not. Well, I need 'em to read, but I don't need 'em for
the board. So how am I going to navigate this... And I don't suppose that Approaching Infinity has his
questions written down so that they could be printed, does he? Or is he just going to throw 'em up here
on the chat...
(Chu) So far I don't see them...
(Approaching Infinity) I could either paste them in the chat...
(Chu) Yeah.
(L) I would like to have them in printed form. This is nice [referring to printed questions collected by
(Andromeda) Okay, send them over.
(Approaching Infinity) Who should I send 'em to?
(Andromeda) Joe.
(Chu) Well there's lots of questions here on the chat too, Laura.
(L) Yeah?
(Chu) Yeah.
(L) Oh Lord, I, oh Lord... Are we ever going to get it done?
(Niall) I got 10.
(Scottie) You got 10?
(Niall) Yeah.
(L) Who has 10?
(Chu) Niall.
(Gaby) I have two.
(L) And here we've got a bunch and Approaching Infinity's got a bunch and there's a bunch already
there. Well, let's see if anybody's going to even show up to answer our questions. What if they say, "Too
many questions - Forget about it!" [laughter]
(Andromeda) I have to wash my hair...
(L) Is somebody there?
A: Jubilee of Cassiopaea. Hair is important for tuning.
Q: (L) So why do you say hair is important for tuning?
A: Andromeda wants to wash hers.
Q: (L) Well I washed mine this afternoon.
A: Yes. Very receptive/perceptive of you!
(Andromeda) I was joking when I said I needed to wash my hair, but now that you mention it...
Q: (L) Yeah, now that you mention it... Yeah. Receptive. Are you saying my hair is receptive, perceptive?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Even with my curls?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Alright. Is that why I'm always driven to have curls? Because it increases the receptive
A: Yes
Q: (L) Alright.
(Pierre) Because of the spiral.
(L) The spiral, yes. All right. We have a whole slew of questions. We better stop messing around. Oh
Lord. Okay. Two-tents, and I don't know who this Two-tents is, but they submitted a question:
(Two-tents) What was the cause of the recent fire that destroyed the town of Lahaina on Maui Island in
A: Beam weapons.
Q: (L) What kind of beam? Does anybody know?
(Pierre) Laser.
A: Yes
Q: (L) All right, next LQB's asking this one:
(LQB) Are Earth’s magnetic field excursions/reversals roughly associated with cometary/asteroid impacts
to Earth's atmosphere or surface?
A: Not directly related, but often interactive.
Q: (L) So why are they not directly related?
A: Reversals are related to companion star loosely, but other cosmic conditions also interact here.
Q: (L) Does it have anything to do with the way our part of the galaxy bobs up and down above the plane
of the ecliptic of the galaxy? Is that more related?
A: Yes
Q: (L) But companion star interactions are related to cometary activity, right?
A: Yes but often long delays.
Q: (Pierre) And there's a reverberation also.
A: Yes
Q: (L) Anything else you want to know on that? LQB, where are you? Where is LQB?
(LQB) I'm here. No, that'll do it.
(L) All right, then...
(Joe) Before we move on, the Maui answer was a bit short. Was the main reason for setting fire to Maui,
or that part of Maui, to further the global warming?
A: Only part. Expect more "terrorization".
Q: (L) It's like they're doing everything they can think of here and there. I mean it is to distract, distract,
(Joe) Jerk people's chain.
(L) Yeah. Distract. Distract. Do these people that are running the US and basically running everything into
the ground and also terrorizing other countries and running them into the ground, are they doing this as
part of a larger agenda or is it just their drive to stay in power?
A: The latter for many, but that is manipulated by the former.
Q: (L) So many of 'em are doing all this stuff to stay in power - and of course that means getting money
because money is power - and that is being manipulated by a higher agenda. In other words, their greed,
and their power hunger is being used by 4D STS.
(Joe) Did any of the people in Lahaina notice the effects of this beam weapon?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Is that why 60 people were found a week later sheltering in a house in Lahaina?
(L) Because they were noticing the effects?
(Joe) Because they were terrified and didn't want to leave the house up to a week later.
(L) Oh, is that why? Was there something really scary going on?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) More than just fire passing through.
(L) It could have had some kind of psychological effects even...
(Niall) Did the police in Lahaina deliberately send them back into the fire because they were instructed to
do so?
A: Yes
Q: (Niall) To increase the terror, I guess.
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Very nasty people.
(L) They're evil.
(PoB) Was the flood in Libya manmade?
A: No
Q: (Joe) There was a storm, and two dams burst.
(L) Here is a question from Uperios. I don't know who Uperios is. I think... it's not framed as a question,
but I'm going to read it a little differently:
(Uperios) Are the various CO2 sequestration plans that the PTB want to implement part of a terraforming
process for a different species to inhabit the planet, their makeup being affected by CO2 in the
(L) So is this a part of terraforming?
A: Not exactly, more like making the planet uninhabitable for humans.
Q: (L) So all of this stuff about shutting down farms, clear-cutting forests, shutting down fuel, killing off
cattle because they contribute to the CO2, all of that is basically about depopulation?
A: Yes
Q: (L) I don't see how what they're doing could have that significant of an effect on the CO2 level in the
atmosphere, even clear-cutting forest, because it's still a really big planet. There's all kinds of things that
are producing CO2 like crazy. I mean, their ridiculous efforts to reduce CO2 in the face of all the things
that are producing it (that are not humans) is pathetic. Okay, Uperios is asking a personal question here.
Do we know Uperios?
(Chu) He's not on the private board.
(L) Well, he has some little concerns here, so I'm going to let this one slide. He says:
(Uperios) Did SD, my recently deceased crew member, transition to the other side?
(L) Well, I guess what he's trying to ask is did he go properly or is he still hanging around? Is that it? So
did he transition peacefully and correctly?
A: Yes
Q: (L) And he's a little concerned because he administered an adrenaline injection and part of the team
that administered first aid chest compression, CPR, etc. So he's wondering if what he did was helpful or
detrimental to him?
A: Neither. It was his choice to go.
Q: (L) Okay, JGeropoulas:
(JGeropoulas) What is the distance from Earth to the closest planet populated by other 3D beings?
(L) I think that's covered in one of the previous sessions from a long time ago. I mean, they didn't give us
the distance of the planet, but they told us about there are however many planets and so on.
(Joe) Well, what's the distance of the closest one?
A: 100 lightyears.
Q: (Joe) That's pretty far.
(L) Okay, Aeneas. This is a strange question:
(Aeneas) When somebody is not breathing for four minutes, it is generally said that the person is likely to
get brain damage. Yet we read of accounts of near-death experiences where some are left not breathing
for much longer and are considered dead, yet they come back with no brain damage and at times with
miraculous healings taking place. Has this something to do with souled beings versus OPs?
(L) Is that part of the difference?
A: Yes
Q: (Aeneas) If yes, then are those miraculous healings due to the person reconnecting at a soul level with
their lesson plan?
A: Yes
Q: (L) All right. Ysus has some questions which I'm gonna break down:
(Ysus) Are there couple relationships in fourth density?
A: Yes
Q: (Ysus) Are they as vital and important as in third density?
A: Moreso.
Q: (L) Well that's a surprise.
(Ysus) Is there still procreation in 4th density?
A: For STO.
Q: (Ysus) And do we meet physically in 4th density?
A: More or less as one chooses.
Q: (L) Alright. That's that one.
(Joe) Does that mean 4D STS just makes babies in a lab?
A: They try.
Q: (L) But we know 4D STS makes babies in labs because they do it in underground bases. Is that it?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Are they unable to procreate physically among themselves?
A: Yes
Q: (L) That was unable, right? They are unable?
A: Yes
Q: (L) And that's why you've previously said that their race was dying and they're seeking to...
(Joe) Or tinkering by getting DNA from us and who knows where else to make the perfect...
(L) Is part of the reason they can't procreate because they're so, what would you call it... entropic?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Well, they disconnected from a source of creative energy or something like that?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Approaching Infinity asks:
(Approaching Infinity) In an early session you said there had been a treaty between aliens and the US
government, but that it had not been in effect because the US had been tricked. This realization came in
(L) Well that's oddly... but that it had not been in effect. Okay. I think what they said was that there was a
treaty between aliens, the US government, but the aliens weren't really meeting their side of the treaty
and the US government didn't realize it until 1972. So...
(Approaching Infinity) 1972 was the year of Watergate, the creation of the Stargate Remote viewing
program, the year the NSA allegedly started monitoring for UFO allegations worldwide, allegedly the year
crash retrieval study transferred from military to private aerospace, and the year of the final NASA Apollo
mission. 1973 was the year of the Nixon-Gleason UFO alien body meeting, The year the Air Force almost
gave Emenegger footage of the Holloman landing for public viewing, and one of the largest UFO waves
in the fall. What did the aliens do or not do to make this clear to those in the know?
(L) Okay, I guess what the question applies to is what did the aliens do or not do to make the fact that
they were not meeting their... Approaching Infinity? What the heck are you writing here? [laughter]
(Approaching Infinity) Yeah, that's my question. Basically what happened in 1972 to make it clear to the
US that the treaty was a fraud?
A: All The abductions with glitches, cattle and human mutilations, and tampering with military equipment
and aircraft.
Q: (L) So they had an agreement and they decided that what was happening wasn't part of the
agreement. Is that it?
A: Yes
Q: (L) And I guess when you say abductions with glitches, that the military would possibly... when they
knew somebody had been abducted, they would go and bring them in themselves and ask them
questions or hypnotize 'em and find out what was going on and they discovered that things were going
on that were not part of the treaty. Is that part of it?
A: Yes
Q: (L) All right. MH370.
(Approaching Infinity) Who created the two videos allegedly of MH370 showing a plane being encircled
by flying metallic orbs and hijacked?
(Joe) And disappeared off the video screen.
(L) Have you seen this video? And what did you think about it?
(Joe) Who knows. It's a kind of grainy, almost like radar, if you know what I mean. It was taken from
some kind of not-a-home-camera type thing, so it's kind of black and white, more or less. Plane flying
across the sky at a distance, small screen with a plane flying across. Some round orbs appear circling
around it, like two or three, and then after 10 or 20 seconds of that happening, it just goes. A flash
happens, and then the plane is gone.
(L) Didn't we ask about MH370 before?
(Joe) Not about this video. It's whether or not it's a video of it actually disappearing into where they say it
disappeared to, which is into another dimension.
(L) The C's said it disappeared into another dimension.
(Joe) Yes.
(L) And so here's a video that shows that happened, and Approaching Infinity wants to know if that video
was authentic.
(Andromeda) Where was it taken from?
(Joe) It just appeared. No one knows. No one knows anything about it.
(L) Was it taken from the ground or from the air?
(Joe) It's hard to tell because there's no foreground. It could be in the air.
(Niall) It was uploaded in 2014 in May by an unknown source.
(Joe) Like a month after.
(L) How come I never saw this?
(Joe) It's on the forum.
(L) Well, why don't people tell me about this stuff? I can't read every thread.
(Joe) I know, but there's so much stuff going around. It's hard to know what's important...
(L) Well I guess the important question there is, are any elements of the video footage genuine?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) So does it actually show MH370 disappearing?
A: No
Q: (L) Does it show another plane disappearing the way MH370 was supposed to have?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Was it a commercial airliner? No...
A: Research.
Q: (Joe) Does that mean it's a research plane?
A: No
Q: (L) That means you need to do the research.
(Niall) Was part of the research that the plane was meant to disappear? Was it a Philadelphia type
experiment thing in the air?
A: No
Q: (Niall) So how do they know to film the plane and that it would disappear?
A: Cameras are everywhere these days.
Q: (Joe) Can they tell us how many years ago this event happened?
A: The plane in the video disappeared over Lake Michigan.
Q: (Joe) Okay. We can research.
(L) Okay back to Approaching Infinity's question list:
(Approaching Infinity) What exactly are the metallic orbs that have been observed on numerous
occasions even by group members?
A: 4D probes.
Q: (Joe) Can I ask a question in relation to that? When a person sees them, is it always related to the
person? Is there some kind of a connection between the person seeing them or being there, or could it
just be that the person just happens to observe the moments in the relation to them?
A: Usually a relationship.
Q: (L) And when you say a 4D probe, obviously this is something that is beyond what we can think of as
a probe. Are these probes able to read minds or to control human behavior?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Are they able to open portals between dimensions or densities?
A: If enough are present.
Q: (Joe) Are they precursors to abductions?
A: Sometimes.
Q: (L) Has there been an increase in the prevalence of these objects?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) So what was the one I saw doing when I was about 19 in Ireland?
(L) What was it doing?
(Joe) Yeah.
A: Scoping you.
Q: (Joe) Scoping me for what?
A: Abduction.
Q: (Joe) Was it successful?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) At that time?
A: Yes
Q: (Niall) You see the kind of control they have on people who aren't awake. I mean, it's total.
(Approaching Infinity) In the last session, the C's said that the number of undergrounders operating on
the surface varied between two and 2.5 million. What is the total population of undergrounders, both
underground and on the surface?
A: 4.6 mil
Q: (Approaching Infinity) How many undergrounders are still in hibernation?
A: Varies. Some come in and out.
Q: (L) Do they go into hibernation when they're tired or when they need to recover from something?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Do they go into hibernation to prolong their lives?
A: Yes
Q: (L) And they come in and out depending on, geez... I mean, one would think that if you're in
hibernation, you couldn't make a decision about not being in hibernation, right?
(Andromeda) Right. Unless you set the timer beforehand.
(L) Yeah. Alarm clock. Or somebody else is there to make the decision.
(Approaching Infinity) What was the initial impetus for going underground 14,000 years ago?
A: Comets.
Q: (Approaching Infinity) In the 9/21/1996 session, you said Thor's Pantheum was both STS and STO like
the quorum and the description of the Nordic covenant, which sounds like both sides are involved in
influencing creative types, but they are not technically working together. But if Thor's Pantheum is
located mostly underground, does that mean that some are STO?
A: Yes
Q: (Approaching Infinity) Since the projecting is only mostly done underground, are the ones who aren't
underground, the STO ones?
A: Can be both. Your thinking is too black and white.
Q: (L) Is it because STS and STO can, in a sense, coexist in similar physical space without intermingling
or being maybe... not even seeing each other? I mean, is it because their frequencies are different?
Something like that?
A: Close.
Q: (L) Okay.
(Approaching Infinity) Is our understanding of Earth's strata so poor or is the deepest one actually so
deep in the liquid outer core?
(L) Is any of it in the liquid outer core?
A: No
Q: (Approaching Infinity) What about the ultra low velocity zones which are on the barrier between the
molten metallic outer core and the rocky mantle at around 2000 miles below the surface?
A: No
Q: (L) So they're not there.
(Approaching Infinity) Since tunnels would seem to be subject to earthquakes and a very long trip down,
plus would have to pass through the mantle, is the primary means to access these cities via 4D?
A: Now you are getting closer.
Q: (L) So that suggests that underground spaces, bases, whatever, partake to a great extent of a
hyperdimensional reality. Is that the case?
A: Yes
Q: (L) So the things that we are concerned about in terms of, say, people going down in caves and
getting an earthquake and the rocks fall on top of you and close forever are not really a concern for these
types of structures. Is that correct?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Okay. Now...
(Chu) Did you want to do questions of people here first, Laura?
(L) All right, go.
(Gaby) I have quick medical ones. A man in his eighties is pursuing active surveillance for an
encapsulated prostate tumor. It has normal prostatic specific antigen levels. Will he benefit from natural
testosterone replacement therapy for general health, or do the theoretical risks of testosterone
replacement therapy outweigh the benefits?
(L) You're talking about Ark? He doesn't need it though, does he?
(Gaby) But it could be beneficial maybe in the context of macular degeneration or cardiovascular health.
(L) Okay. Would Ark benefit from at least a low dose of the testosterone therapy?
A: Yes
Q: (Gaby) When a person over 60 years old has systolic high blood pressure, we know that the data
suggests that normalizing their blood pressure values means that there will be less mortality, less
cardiovascular events, etc. So my question is: provided all natural remedies and lifestyle factors have
been optimized as well, other health conditions, would it be advisable to try blood pressure drugs in
people over 65 years old?
A: Avoid if possible. Go natural if possible.
Q: (L) Okay. Who's next?
(Joe) I just want to ask about Prigozhin. Who is responsible for downing the plane that he and members
of Wagner were on?
A: Inside job.
Q: (Joe) Putin was aware of it, I presume?
A: Yes
Q: (L) What else?
(Niall) Was the Russian rocket to the moon sabotaged?
A: Yes
Q: (Niall) Why?
A: Keep Russia down and embarrassed!
Q: (Joe) How was it done?
A: Remote activated EM pulse.
Q: (Niall) Did the French General Jean-Louis Georgelin really die as reported by falling during a hike alone
in the Pyrenees?
A: No
Q: (Niall) Was he murdered?
A: No
Q: (Niall) It's been suggested by the Russians that he actually died fighting in Ukraine. Is that true?
A: Yes
Q: (Niall) Holy smokes. The Russians also claimed that an American general who was officially reported
as dying solo while flying his plane, in fact died while fighting in Ukraine. Is this true?
A: Yes
Q: (Niall) Oh my god. That's two senior generals. That's crazy. Has this happened to many other senior
NATO military figures? Have they actually died fighting in Ukraine?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Is there a mold problem in this house that's negatively affecting our health?
A: To some extent, yes.
Q: (Andromeda) Is taking the Pau d'Arco helping with that?
A: Yes. Mold affects almost everyone. It is ubiquitous.
Q: (L) All right. Are y'all all done? Can I go to the member questions on the chat now? All right.
(Ze Germans) Do descendants of "undergrounders" who stay on the surface usually inherit their genetic
tweaks and are being programmed by 4D STS with some new mission?
A: Yes
Q: (Ze Germans) How many descendants of undergrounders are there on the surface of Earth at the
moment and what percentage of them are psychopaths?
(L) How many descendants of undergrounders? Well, that would be quite a lot. I mean, because if they're
like descendants, you have two parents, you have four grandparents, you have whatever. It could be like
millions of 'em. Multiple millions. Is that correct?
A: Yes
Q: (Andromeda) How many of them are psychopaths?
A: Same as regular population. Many of you are such descendants!
Q: (L) I mean, if they've been popping up out of the underground for thousands of years, how are you
going to avoid it?
(Ze Germans) Was Adolf Hitler an undergrounder or a descendant of one?
A: No
Q: (L) Okay, next:
(Perlou) Do covid vaccines cause the souls of the deceased to be blocked in the afterlife?
A: No
Q: (Perlou) Can we trust the book "Coronavirus Vaccines from a Spiritual Perspective – Effects on the
Soul and Spirit, and Life After Death" by Thomas Mayer?
A: Lotta salt.
Q: (L) Take it with a grain of salt.
(Perlou) What happens to our euthanized pets?
(L) I think she means: Is it the same thing as what happens if they just die naturally?
A: Yes
Q: (Perlou) Did Neil Armstrong take man's first steps on the Moon on July 16, 1969?
A: Yes
Q: (Ryan) Are Gurdjieff's "astral" and "mental" bodies just metaphors for different stages of development
of the psychic/consciousness body?
A: Yes
Q: (Ryan) Are the "Three Treasures" of Taoism - "Essence, Breath, and Spirit" - equivalent to the three
bodies you have described: physical, psychic/consciousness, and Higher Soul Family?
A: Close.
Q: (Ryan) You have described the pituitary gland as the uplink to the higher densities and information
field, and Pierre has outlined a process by which biophotons connect to the information field. Are
biophotons the primary means by which the pituitary engages this uplink and transmits information?
A: Yes
Q: (Ryan) Also, are there any secondary uplinks to the higher density information field and what
physiological structures might reflect them?
A: Whole body via DNA.
Q: (L) Okay, hold on a second. The DNA is what connects? Okay.
(Redrock12) Is a white coloring or a mass beneath the tongue an indicator of prostate cancer?
A: No.
Q: (L) Is it something that should be checked out?
A: Yes.
Q: (Alejo) What was it that attacked the Ikitu town in the Amazonian region of Peru a couple of months
ago, where villagers claim it was aliens?
(Andromeda) I think that was shown to be miners, illegal miners or something, wasn't it?
(Joe) That's what they said... Spooky.
A: Window fallers! Expect more!
Q: (Mrs. Peel) What is the optimum dosage of fenbendazole to help treat cancer and/or keep it in
(Gaby) We have a thread about that on the forum, with the doses and things like that for everybody... It
varies upon tolerance. Some people prefer to "go, go, go!". Others prefer to take a break. I think it varies.
Q: (L) Is Gaby right that it varies, and the person has to experiment individually?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Everybody is different. So read the thread, and see if you can find a place to start, and either move
up or down.
Q: (A Jay) Are the alleged alien mummies that were shown at the recent Mexican Congressional hearing
on UAPs actually the mummified corpses of alien beings?
A: No.
Q: (A Jay) Are they, as some have suggested, something put together from the parts of animals and/or
people to give the appearance of being real bodies of some alien creature?
A: Close enough.
Q: (L) You know what bothered me about them?
(Andromeda) They looked like E.T. [laughter]
(L) Yeah, they looked like E.T.!
(Chu) And they're very tiny.
Q: (Ze Germans) Where did the order to kill Prigozhin originate?
A: That would be telling!
Q: (Ze Germans) Has Prigozhin ponerized a portion of Russian speakers around the globe?
A: Not exactly.
Q: (JEEP) Is there anything nefarious in the works for the October 4th emergency broadcast test in the
A: Anything in the USA is nefarious these days.
Q: (L) Well, are they going to send some kind of signal out that's going to trigger and activate some
A: Yes.
Q: (Niall) They do it every day...
Q: (JEEP) The Travel Channel recently featured multiple episodes relating the many bizarre and
otherworldly happenings in national parks, including what we know as the Missing 411 disappearances,
the existence of portals, other realms/dimensions, space/time tears, strange creatures/grays/reptilians,
UFOs, underground bases and below surface human hybrids, and that fear and suffering is inflicted
upon humans for food. IOW, pretty much spilled the beans. Was this intended to be a soft disclosure of
A: Not so soft from our perspective.
Q: (L) But they are getting people used to some of this weird stuff.
(Navigator) During the Siege of Alesia, is it true that Julius Caesar did not allow children, women and the
injured from leaving the city?
A: Yes.
Q: (Navigator) If so, why?
A: Kept the burden on the enemy.
Q: (L) Yeah, you've got to understand, you can't judge that from our perspective and our morals and
sociological views today. I mean, life simply wasn't perceived the same way then as it is now, and we
don't know that we're right and they were wrong. From many perspectives, sometimes they seem to be
more right than we are.
Q: (Altair) What is the root cause of the karmic conflict between the US and Russia; Atlantis and people
unknown and so on?
A: Yes.
Q: (Altair) Was it something that happened on Kantek and eventually led to its destruction?
A: No.
Q: (Ze Germans) Who owns BlackRock?
(L) [laughter] That is the $24,000 question, or the $64,000 question.
(Niall) The 64 trillion dollar question!
(Joe) Officially? Well, they've got a CEO and all that.
(L) They all own each other. I mean, that's an impossible to answer question.
(irjO) In the Session 20th of October 1994, Laura asked the following:
Q: Who built the city of Mohenjo-Daro?
A: Lizards directly. Coatzlmundi legend ties in to this directly, look at illustrations on stones now.
Q: Who is Coatzlmundi?
A: Other deity of the Lizards worshiped by the Atlanteans and their descendants because of the direct
contact with humans for 1000 years.
(irjO) Now, the name of that deity sounds very similar to the Aztec language called Nahuatl,
coincidentally or not, they worshiped a goddess called Coatlicue. Which means "Serpent skirt". Was this
the same entity?
A: Yes.
Q: (irjO) Was Proto-Nahuatl the Atlantean language or one of them?
A: Latter.
Q: (irjO) Why were lizard beings able to coexist with us back then but can't directly do it now?
A: Cosmic environment was different.
Q: (Ursus Minor) Is there a secret underground high-speed train system in the U.S. operated by either
magnetic levitation or vacuum tubes?
A: Yes.
Q: (Lucius) Who killed Iwona Wieczorek?
(L) I have no clue who this person is. Don't know anything about it. Therefore, it's a useless question
because there's no information given. You won't get anything back. Garbage in, garbage out.
(voyageur) On September 2, 2023, it was the 25th anniversary of Swissair Flight 111 fateful crash into the
ocean at Peggy's Cove, Nova Scotia, taking all passengers on board. The flight originated from JF
Kennedy airport, with the crash investigated by both the RCMP, represented by senior investigator, Tom
Jube, and then handed off under protest by the investigator to the TSB, who concluded the cause as
electrical and Mylar. The RCMP investigator seemed to have evidence of high concentrations of
magnesium, an indicator for an incendiary device. This was documented by Jube in his book, that also
claims he was railroaded by senior political officials and the RCMP commissioner. Question, was Tom's
investigation leaning in the right direction - Sabotage?
A: Yes.
Q: (voyageur) If yes, was it due to any particular people or materials onboard the fight as listed by Jube
as possible reason?
A: Yes.
Q: (voyageur) This evidence suggests US alphabet agency meddling that was covering up.
(L) Yeah.
(Ursus Minor) What has happened to people who start speaking in different accents or languages
following a stroke?
A: Accessing information.
Q: (L) So you're saying that it is like they've changed their antenna, and they're accessing something
that... Is that it?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) When you say that, do you mean they could also be accessing something like a past life?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Or a parallel life?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Any number of answers to that.
(Ursus Minor) Will the PTB initiate a financial crash to enforce the abolition of cash?
A: Yes.
Q: (Ryan) How many couples on the planet currently fit the objective criteria for polar opposites or
A: Different concepts. Many soulmates, few polar opposites who also are generally the same soul.
Q: (L) So, polar opposites are like one soul in two bodies?
A: Yes.
Q: (Andromeda) But soul mates, not necessarily.
(L) Right. Okay... Who is asking these questions?
(Chu) Ryan.
(L) Didn't I teach you better, Ryan? [laughter]
(Ryan) In 2015, you mentioned to Pierre that his previous relationship "could have been more than you
can imagine presently if you had been capable of carrying the energies". Is there any kind of special
preparation men and women can do to enable themselves to carry such energies, beyond self-work as
we currently know the process?
A: No.
Q: (Ryan) Does this have any kind of relation to an authentic tantra tradition?
A: No.
Q: (Ryan) Is Taoist sexual yoga the Chinese equivalent of Tantra?
A: No.
Q: (L) Barking up the wrong tree...
(Ryan) In a previous session [July 17th, 2022], you described "chi" as being "mainly the organizing of
molecules within the information field." Does the geometry of movement within practises such as Tai Chi
and Chi Gong activate a 'flow' of this 'organising principle' in a similar way to the symbols in Reiki?
A: Yes.
Q: (Ryan) If so, could certain 'Tantric' sexual positions [laughter] serve as 'geometric activators of chi' in
the same way?
A: No.
Q: (Ryan) Could sufficient chi flow organise not just the geometry of molecules, but also the subatomic
structure of individual atoms, effectively transmuting elements?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) As long as you're not doing the tantric sexual geometric activation of chi. [laughter] Ryan, what
have you been thinking about?
(Joe) What have you been doing, Ryan?
(L) Geez! [laughter]
(Ryan) Okay, so no tantra, no Taoist sexual stuff.
(L) I can almost guarantee you that if you start messing around with that stuff without being at a level
where you really know what you're doing, you're going to mess yourself up so bad, you're going to
plunge yourself down into a 4D STS hellhole, and have a heck of a time climbing out. Good Lord!
(Niall) But you can take up Tai Chi, no problem! [laughter]
(L) Yeah, no problem, you can do the Tai Chi. Take up Tai Chi. Let me just say that, I would suggest that if
there is something along that line of a physical relationship that works in certain ways, it will be
discovered gradually and serendipitously by the couple themselves in the process of opening up their
own relationship potentials. You see? Because it all starts with the head and the heart, and all that kind
of stuff, and when all that's happening, and if they're open enough and if they are truly capable of giving
to each other in the STO way... Remember, it says "give all to those who ask." And how many people are
really able to do that? People are always holding back something, and they don't really believe it, all that
kind of stuff. So if they're in that relationship, and it is unfolding in that way, I think they would naturally
learn, discover serendipitously or otherwise, whatever it is they need to know, as long as they're
continuously working on themselves, working on their relationship and their openness and their
communication. I think communication is the really big key. Communication, communication,
communication. Ok? Do I have to sing karaoke songs to you and make you cry again, huh? Huh?
[laughter] I love you, Ryan. You're a sweetheart.
(Ryan) I love you too, Laura.
(mxwlll0) The encounter in Peru [the window fallers mentioned above], was this a bleed through event
similar to the one in Las Vegas?
(L) Well, yeah, that's kind of what the Cs just said. So, I guess this question was asked before we
(mxwlll0) Were the people being stalked by 4D beings with cloaking tech similar to that in the movie The
Predator/ Project Chameleo?
(L) Well, if they're window fallers, they're being stalked. I mean, come on! We've got things like
Chupacabras, and one of those Yetis and Sasquatches and God knows what else! I dreamed about
some kind of strange hyperdimensional creature the other night, and I called it Fribble, and it was just...
(Andromeda) A new word for the dictionary.
(L) Yeah, a new one.
(mxwlll0) How much of the book Project Chameleo is true?
(L) What is this book, Project Chameleo? Project Camelot?
(mxwlll0) It's "Chameleo", as in "chameleon", and it takes place in San Diego, which happens to be
where I grew up. And so it just kind of hit home. I was reading it, and it's a very strange account from a
guy who runs in and kind of finds advanced classes, and they seem to get sucked by government
agents. And then they go into talking about more invisible tech, either clothing or some type of cloaking
advanced technology at the time. This was, I guess around early two thousands? So they talk about it in
that it could be a predator type of tech. They're using entertainment and that sort of thing as a way to
relate to it. I wish I was explaining it better, I'm a little nervous talking. But yeah, I guess that's the gist of
it. I don't know how much more context to give, but sometimes I feel like my experiences in some of the
anomalous things in San Diego... I have these kind of premonitions or memories of maybe interacting
with this type of tech. I don't know if directly or in a cerebral kind of way... So I'm just curious about how
much of this actually had to transpire in that book.
(L) Okay. So how much of the book... Well, obviously I guess you're looking for a percentage or
(mxwlll0) A percentage, like in some of the other questions...
(L) Is this book representing things in a fairly accurate way?
A: Mostly.
Q: (L) So I guess that's as close as you can get.
(mxwlll0) That works for me. I guess, yeah, I'll think about it more. This is good. Thank you.
(Joe) Post about it on the forum.
Q: (Gwenllian) Pim Fortuyn, a Dutch populist politician was assassinated in May 2002. About one month
later Hans Janmaat, another populist politician died from a heart attack. Was it a natural death?
A: No.
Q: (Keyhole) Isaac Kappy was a Hollywood actor who accused numerous other high profile celebrities of
child trafficking and pedophilia.
(L) So what's the question? I don't see a question there. It's a statement.
(Keyhole) The question should be further down on the chat. Basically, Isaac Kappy was, as I said, a fairly
low profile Hollywood actor, but he came out during 2019/2020, basically saying that there was these
elite trafficking rings and he was naming all these kinds of high profile celebrities who were involved, and
he built quite a following. And then he was live streaming one day, and he was a little bit, kind of
confused and seemingly off character, but he said that he wasn't suicidal. And then that night, or the
next day he was found... He jumped off a bridge and apparently committed suicide, and lots of people
suspect that maybe he was murdered. So the question is was it suicide or was there some kind of foul
A: Read about Paul Bennewitz. Same type of treatment. And used often in varied contexts.
Q: (L) He got the Bennewitz treatment. Yeah...
(Joe) Do you know who Paul Bennewitz is? Who's that?
(L) He was a scientist, I think, and he was convinced about UFOs or something, and... I can't remember
all the details, but they used all kinds of things, all kinds of tech to drive him crazy and to mess with his
head, and to do all kinds of things, and I think it drove him to kill himself. I'm not sure entirely. You'd have
to read up on it, but look him up and read about Paul Bennewitz.
(Joe) Does that suggest that the guy that Keyhole was talking about was accurate in his claims about
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Yeah, they got rid of him, because Bennewitz was sure telling the truth.
(Ze Germanz) Does 4D STS have a sense of humor?
A: No. If you have one it is because of STO impulses.
Q: (Aragorn) Mozart was a musical genius whose compositions are held by many as timeless and
sublime. It is said that his compositions just poured into his head. Did Mozart have, as he composed, a
connection to a higher density from which he drew his musical ideas?
A: Yes.
Q: (Aragorn) If yes, which density did he connect to?
A: 4, 5, 6.
Q: (Aragorn) Follow up: what was it about Mozart that made these super abilities possible?
A: Genetic fluke.
Q: (L) Yeah. From what I understand, he wasn't a very nice character. He was rash, and loud, and he
drank and caroused, and all that kind of stuff, and yet, he composed this really sublime music.
(Keit) What exactly happened on September 20, 1977 in the northern regions of the USSR and Finland,
that later was called a Petrozavodsk phenomenon. What was it?
(L) Describe it, inquiring minds want to know. Keit, where are you? [Temporarily off camera]
(Approaching Infinity) If she's not there, I can describe it.
(L) All right, Approaching Infinity, describe it.
(Approaching Infinity) It was a UFO with multiple sightings. It was over the town and there's allegedly
even a low quality photograph of it, and it basically looks like a circular flying saucer with these
streamers coming out of it. And so they called it like a jellyfish phenomenon, and that's really all the
details I remember. It was just this... it was there for a while. Lots of people saw it, and basically, the
drawings of it looked a saucer with these kind of tendrils or something coming out of it above the town,
and they called it the Petrozavodsk phenomenon because that was the name of the town where it
(Andromeda) Did it move, or did it just appear and stayed stationary?
(Approaching Infinity) I think it was stationary, but I'm not a hundred percent sure.
(Andromeda) Like plasma?
(Approaching Infinity) Yeah... Keit just posted about it on the forum. I can bring it up to read the
description really quick.
PETROZAVODSK Phenomenon (Petrozavodskoye divo) - an anomalous phenomenon that occurred
around 4 a.m. on September 20, 1977 and was accompanied by mass UFO sightings in the northern
regions of the USSR and in Finland.
The most impressive sightings were made in Petrozavodsk, where a huge jellyfish-like object was
reported by random night passersby to have hovered over the city.
The eyewitnesses first saw the appearance of a bright star that slowly moved from west to east. The
visible diameter of the "jellyfish" is estimated to be several more than 100 m, and the hovering altitude of
5-7 km.
It passed strictly along Lenin Street, the main street of the city, then stopped, increased in size and took
the shape of a luminous jellyfish, while showering the city with many thin ray-like red "hollow jets", which
gave the impression of heavy rain.
Apparently due to the action of these "jets" in the morning, round holes were found in the windows of the
upper floors of the houses. Melted glass "tortillas" were lying on the window sills.
Physicists could not identify the chips, the physical nature of these rays was also unclear, since even a
powerful laser does not produce such an even, crack-free chip. Rarely at such an early morning, cars
were stopped by stalled engines under the influence of this "something".
After hovering over the main street the UFO moved to the port area on Lake Onega, hovered over the dry
cargo ship "Volgobalt" and repeated irradiation for 10-12 minutes. Then it departed upwards over the
The reports about these observations leaked to the press, before and after that did not publish
information about UFO sightings. In addition to this object in neighboring settlements eyewitnesses saw
dozens of other unidentified objects.
That was from "Izvestia", "Pravda", "Soviet Russia", 23.09.1977. So, three days later.
(L) 1977. Wow, that's bizarre! All right. What the heck was it?
A: Mass transfer between densities.
Q: (L) Are you suggesting that it was a chunk of 4D that was transferred to 3D?
A: Yes.
Q: (Joe) A "chunk of 4D"?
(L) Well, how else are you going to put it? A mass transfer of what?
A: Status.
Q: (Approaching Infinity) Like 4D status?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Was it like a ship?
A: Similar but would not be seen as a "ship" on 4D.
Q: (L) Was it alive?
A: Something like that.
Q: (Joe) Was it to do with transferring, creating a variable 4D environment beneath the area of Finland or
A: No.
Q: (L) Is this something that's just kind of really hard to conceptualize in our reality?
A: Yes.
Q: (Joe) What was the purpose of it?
(Chu) Here is the image. [On screen]
(Gaby) And why did it happen?
(Joe) Is that a picture or a drawing?
(Niall) It looks like a photo.
(Andromeda) Is it like a symbol of a type of energy status?
(Niall) It looks a bit like that lightning that happened...
(Andromeda) The sprites...
(Joe) What was the purpose of it?
A: No purpose. The conditions allowed the transfer. Those of 4D involved were surprised as well.
Q: (L) So in other words, like a grand window falling event without an actual window faller?
A: Close.
Q: (L) Well, you know, it's a weird world!
(Keit) Is the Molebsky triangle in Russia an anomalous zone similar to the Skinwalker Ranch?
A: Close.
(Keit) What is the nature of the phenomenon?
A: Thinning of the "veil".
(Keit) What is the nature of what was happening there?
A: Energetic transfers.
Q: (L) Was it like a portal?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Bizarre.
(Approaching Infinity) What happened to the F35 that crashed in South Carolina recently?
A: Pilot incompetence.
Q: (Joe) They actually mentioned that just after today, that they have to work on training and funding,
because it's not the best.
(Niall) Do you know what he did when he landed?
(L) Well, they spend so much money to...
(Joe) They're sending all the money to Ukraine.
(L) Yeah, they are sending all the money to Ukraine, or they're spending it on gender awareness. So...
(T.C.) How do the Cs determine what events they will try to prevent by transmitting them to the group? It
seems like there are plenty of events that seem horrible to us that they haven't prevented by doing this.
Are they determining what is good or bad for humanity by doing this?
A: Depends on the questions!
Q: (T.C.) Can I ask a follow up to that?
(L) Yeah.
(T.C) So that then means that if we do the correct research and ask the right questions, then we can
pretty much prevent anything from... well, not anything, but anything that could be preventable, could be
prevented by asking the right questions?
A: If there was sufficient awareness generated, yes.
Q: (Joe) On social media.
(Chu) We still have 40 messages to go through...
(Joe) Ah, that's too long.
(Chu) And we're at 2 hours and 5 minutes so far.
(L) Already 2 hours and 5 minutes... Yeah, and I'm getting whoopadoodled.
(Chu) Not all of them may be questions. Probably not, but about 20, maybe.
(L) All right. Can we quit?
(Andromeda) Yeah, the rest can be saved.
(L) Yeah, we can save them, and do them next time, yeah? [People nodding on Zoom.] If they're still
relevant. Sometimes if you wait a while they're no longer relevant. All right. Is there anything we should
have asked tonight definitely, that we didn't ask? Please consider it asked if it will in any way benefit our
forward motion in this space-time realm in which we find ourselves, please.
A: October will be very interesting!! Goodbye.
End of Session
Session Date: October 28th 2023
Laura and Andromeda at the board
PoB, Joe, Niall, Gaby, Ark, Chu, Scottie, Leia, Falkor, Bella, Pikabu, Luna
Q: (L) Is anybody there?
A: Pierre loves all of you.
Q: (L) And who are we communicating with?
A: Korriea of Cassiopaea.
Q: (L) We had in mind to try to communicate with Pierre. Is that possible or advisable?
A: Let him rest a bit.
Q: (L) Was he as shocked by the rapidity of his passing as we were?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Did he suffer more than we were aware of - as in physically? I mean, did he suffer mentally and
A: Less
Q: (L) So he suffered less mentally and emotionally than physically?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Is he feeling all right in general?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Was he present in the room after he passed for a period?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Did he hear the things I said to him the night before when he was apparently unconscious?
A: Yes. He was already separating from his body.
Q: (L) Is he near us now?
A: Resting at 5D.
Q: (Andromeda) Was he around for a couple of days after he passed?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Was he confused in any way after he passed or was it a smooth transition?
A: Not confused.
Q: (Joe) He just hung around a bit because he was attached to us?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Well we're sorry that he's not with us, but we are certainly not sorry that he's no longer suffering
because it just was too much for him.
A: Yes
Q: (L) So anybody have other questions?
(Chu) Had he fulfilled his life plan?
A: Mostly, yes.
Q: (L) Did he have any attachments or anything that were harming him in any way prior to passing?
A: No
Q: (L) Other questions? Is he going to be like our representative in 5D?
A: When he is ready. He needs to review and assess.
Q: (L) Is there anything that we can do to help him?
A: Prayers and loving thoughts.
Q: (Andromeda) Did he understand how much we all loved him before he passed?
A: Yes and even more afterward.
Q: (L) Well, anything else?
(Joe) Are we going to see him again?
A: Of course!
Q: (L) Well, we feel a little bit eviscerated by it, which is probably the best way to put it.
(Andromeda) Did he on some level choose the timing such as he did, even if he was shocked at how
quick it came?
A: Yes. His 5D self called him home.
Q: (Joe) Does everybody have a 5D self?
A: Yes. Those with souls.
Q: (Joe) Do people with souls have 2D selves?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) And 1D selves?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) So is it kind of like fractal consciousness?
A: Yes
Q: (Niall) You sound like Pierre now, Joe.
(L) Well, could you convey to Pierre that we are all devastated at his loss, but we were also equally
devastated by his suffering. And we wished and we hoped...
A: He knows.
Q: (L) Is there anything further you can tell us about Pierre? Since we all seem to be kind of stymied for
(Joe) His need to rest, is that normal for most people or is it particular in this case?
A: Yes. After prolonged suffering and before-death drugs.
Q: (L) So when a person is kind of put into the state of being high from morphine or whatever, that in a
sense loosens something or causes them to be a little dopey as they die?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) So it's kind of like their discombobulated state before they die, carries over for a little while
A: Yes
Q: (L) How long does something like that last?
A: Not long.
Q: (L) So ideally a person would die without drugs?
A: It depends. Sometimes lack of drugs only prolongs the struggle and that creates its own problems.
Q: (L) So is it in general better to drug the body and allow the soul to exit more or less peacefully?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Because I would imagine that if somebody is in a terrible state, they could die with a lot of really
unpleasant emotions.
A: Yes
Q: (L) So, all right. Anything else?
A: Loving thoughts help the most. Pierre is resting and feeling loved without restriction.
Q: (L) So is that something that is kind of like a natural response to when somebody passes over and
then the people who were close to them have these emotions and sadness and regret and missing the
person and that lasts for a certain period of time? Can you gauge how long that person needs to feel
that by how long it lasts in the people left behind? Is there some kind of a relationship?
A: Yes
Q: (L) So when we begin to feel better, we'll know that Pierre is better?
A: Yes
Q: (PoB) Does it work both ways?
A: Yes
Q: (L) So when he starts to feel better, then we will be aware of it?
A: Yes
Q: (L) So as long as he's feeling discombobulated or whatever, we'll be aware of it?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Okay. Anything else about Pierre?
(Andromeda) Is it more likely that we'll see him in 5D or will he be born again?
(Scottie) That's cheating! [laughter]
A: Latter. In 4D!
Q: (Andromeda) Born again in 4D.
(Gaby) So he left because he had a higher frequency as we were suspecting? That's why he had to leave
this reality because his disease was so advanced. He was incompatible with his body.
A: Yes
Q: (Andromeda) He needed a new body.
(L) He was trying to run a 110 body with a 220 current.
A: Yes
Q: (L) Well, anything else?
A: He sends his thanks.
Q: (L) Well, he doesn't have to thank us. Any other topics you would like to cover tonight on this short
(Joe) Armageddon!
(Andromeda) He and JR could be getting together.
(L) Yeah, that's an idea. Tell Pierre to visit with JR!
(Andromeda) Get that pool ready for us in 4D.
(L) Yeah, an architect and an engineer: Unbeatable combination!
A: They will!
Q: (L) Okay. Well, I will comment here that when you told us at the end of last year, on the last session of
last year, that it was going to be a rocky year, it has been very rocky and most of that rockiness for us
personally has been due to Pierre's health deterioration. And of course it was noted that the name
'Pierre' means rock. So, it's both apropos in the sense of the really rough time that we've had because of
Pierre's declining health and also in a sense kind of like that movie because Pierre triumphed in the
(Andromeda) Rocky!
(L) He did more in his 14 years battling cancer than most people do in their entire lives. So, we were
certainly thankful that he was with us for that time. And also I hope that we have experienced the most
interesting things that October can possibly offer us already. [laughter] And that there will be no more for
the last couple of days...
A: Just wait for November!
Q: (Joe) So if October was 'interesting', what's November going to be? VERY interesting?!
A: Some surprising solutions to longstanding problems.
Q: (L) Is that personally or globally?
A: Both.
Q: (L) Are we going to like the solutions, at least at the personal level?
A: Mostly.
Q: (L) What about on the global level?
A: Not so much.
Q: (Joe) Well, depends what perspective you're talking about. Israel's got a longstanding problem with
(L) Yeah. Was Israel behind the engineering of this Hamas attack that created this new state of war
between Israel and the Palestinians?
A: Yes
Q: (L) So it was basically an inside job?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) They needed a justification.
(L) Yeah.
(Joe) To do what they've been planning to do for a long time.
(L) It's so obvious. Why people can't see it, I dunno.
(Joe) Can't go there.
(L) They're so brainwashed by Israel. Not just brainwashed but blackmailed and controlled.
(Ark) Is Erdogan a good guy?
A: About 53 percent.
Q: (Joe) So the 'surprising solution to the longstanding problem' globally would, without asking what that
is, would it be a good idea for us to stock up on diesel and gasoline for the cars for example?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Because Middle East obviously... There's nothing else going on right now. So a surprising
solution that we're not going to like, it's going to happen in the Middle East. And if it's big enough that
always causes chaos in oil markets...
(L) Does this have anything to do with a previous prediction you made that Israel would ultimately be
destroyed or bring on its own destruction?
A: Close!
Q: (L) Are other countries going to get involved?
A: Yes
Q: (Andromeda) Will there be a civil war in the US?
A: Not yet.
Q: (Joe) Can't have it all at once, sweetie!
(Andromeda) Well, you know...
(Joe) Can't cram it all into November! [laughter]
(L) That suggests there IS going to be a civil war in the US. Just not yet.
(Chu) Should we seriously consider moving?
A: That opportunity will present itself.
Q: (L) Well. Anything anybody else can think of that we want to know about at this particular point in
time? Is Trump going to go to prison?
A: No
Q: (Chu) Why did the Israelis do this inside job now and not before?
A: Time was right for them.
Q: (Chu) They said it had to be apocalyptic for them to do it.
(L) Yeah.
(Joe) Yeah, they created the apocalyptic situation. It's just...
A: The change is coming and 4D masters are getting desperate.
Q: (Joe) At the human level... I mean, is the rationale for at least the US getting involved in what we
suspect is some kind of a major conflict in the Middle East to, from their perspective, try to destroy the
process of movement towards a multipolar world where they would lose out? Is that their geopolitical
thinking behind it?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Also remember that at one point they called the USA a 5D city on a hill.
A: Yes
Q: (L) So there is going to be destruction in the US?
A: Yes
Q: (PoB) This recent inside job with the provoked or arranged attack of Hamas and the war in Gaza: To
what extent on the 3D level were Israelis motivated by religion?
A: At the top, very little. It is a convenient ideology for the levels below.
Q: (PoB) Is there any truth to this story that is going around at least through the last 10 years, more or
less, about how Jews are going to create 'Heavenly Jerusalem' in Ukraine?
A: No
Q: (Joe) How are they going to create the 'Heavenly Jerusalem'?
(PoB) They were going to move like two millions or something to the part of Ukraine that would be killed
out. Some are leaving, immigrating, some are...
(L) But God didn't give them Ukraine.
(Joe) If they move into Ukraine where there's been a lot of conflict, it's not gonna be heavenly.
(PoB) There is a whole conspiracy theory about it.
(Joe) Was the counter narrative that we've concluded about the actual attack by Hamas, was it like most
of the civilians were killed by Israelis themselves and crossfire and stuff?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Was there any element of that being done deliberately?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Like a kind of Secret Team group within the Israelis?
(L) Yeah. Yeah, I mean it's like 9/11.
(Joe) They're disgusting.
A: They're willing to do anything to further their goals.
Q: (L) And their goals include retaining their dominance on America, because America is like their
muscle, the thing that keeps them ruling the world.
A: Yes
Q: (L) But America is collapsing...
A: Yes
Q: (Niall) So they need to use that muscle while it's still possible to use it.
A: Yes
Q: (L) Well all I can say is what was said long ago seems to be holding true: Wishful thinking gets you
every time because people are just, I mean, they've got a million people assembling in Istanbul
somewhere, and in London...
(Andromeda) People all over the world!
(L) And the thing is, they don't realize that... I mean, it is just shocking how many people have been
brainwashed by the Israeli propaganda and by the religious propaganda. I mean, look at Jordan
Peterson. He got off on the religion thing and bought into it. He bought into the whole religious thing.
(Chu) And several others.
(L) Yeah.
(Andromeda) In the wrong way.
(Joe) It's bizarre to watch.
Q: (L) All right. Anything else?
A: More to come. Just wait and see. Things are getting interesting and will move fast for the next several
months as more and more people wake up to reality.
Q: (Andromeda) So people will be waking up.
(L) Does that mean people will be suffering more, causing them to wake up?
A: Indeed!
Q: (Joe) Several months.
(Niall) The next several months. Remember the guy's prediction, that Vedic astrologer?
(Gaby) From October to April will be interesting.
(Joe) So we don't get a break.
(L) Anything else? No. Okay. So if there's anything else we need to know, consider the open question
A: Sit tight. Good things can come out of chaos. Goodbye.
End of Session
Session Date: December 30th 2023
Laura and Andromeda at the board
Joe, Niall, Gaby, Ark, Possibility of Being (PoB), Scottie, Chu, Leia, Falkor, Bella
Q: (L) Hello?
A: Hieiloria of Cassiopaea here at your service.
Q: (L) This is the 30th of December, 2023. [Review of those present] So this is almost the end of the year,
and it's been one hell of a year. Do we have kind of a recap on some of the big things that happened this
(Niall) Check out my article. [laughter] Well, it's overshadowed now by the Middle East. Since October.
Ongoing shenanigans to block Trump in the USA. Immigration drive going into overdrive.
Signs of the Times Christmas Fundraiser: Donate Today to Keep the Lighthouse Shining, Receive 2024
SOTT Merch! --
As we approach the end of 2023, the team would like to wish all our readers and followers a
peaceful and happy Christmas, and a prosperous and adventurous new year. We remain ever grateful for
the continuing support we receive from this...
(L) The revelations about covid and the vaccines.
(Joe) Drip, drip on UFOs.
(L) Yeah, the business about UFOs was kind of a major thing this year.
(Gaby) Red skies all over the world.
(Joe) Storminess, lots of rain.
(L) But anyway, it has been one hell of a year, and I think we all know that, as I have said on many
occasions, it can't go on forever. I mean, it just keeps getting worse and worse, but it can't go on
forever. Andromeda wants to know when it's gonna come to a head?
A: First there must be a cleansing.
Q: (L) And what exactly is a cleansing?
A: Wait and see.
Q: (L) Will this cleansing occur in 2024?
A: In spaces.
Q: (L) "In spaces"... You mean like in some places and not others?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Okay, so it'll be spotty at the beginning?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Okay. What's the deal with these UFO revelations? David Grusch. Is David Grusch what he
presents himself to be? Did we ask about him before? Well, is anybody behind this David Grusch, using
him as a means of revealing information?
A: Not as such. It is mainly organic.
Q: (L) Did we ask about DeSouza? Is John DeSouza... I mean, it seems to me that he is responsible for
some misleading ideas. Is that because they originate with him or is he being guided to release
misleading ideas?
A: He tries to figure things out without proper preparation and has interference from questionable
Q: (Andromeda) I think maybe we did ask about it and they said the same thing. I remember that.
(L) All right. So, is the fact that this is coming out now indicative of the fact that there is some impending
human-ultraterrestrial dynamic that's gonna play out?
A: Sooner than you might expect!
Q: (Joe) What might you expect?
(L) Well, I would figure two, three years or something like that. I was putting it off a little bit...
(Joe) Yeah. I think it has to at least break into the public consciousness in terms of it being a real thing.
And at some point you can just have general acceptance of the idea that we're not alone. And then over
a longer period, the details.
(L) Well, are ultraterrestrials or hyperdimensional beings that control our planet and our society and so
forth, are they pretty much responsible for all the mass chaos that's going on in the world today?
A: Mostly, but certainly some is sheer human stupidity. Let the cleansing begin!
Q: (Joe) Does that mean the stupid people will be cleansed?
(L) God, one hopes...
A: Ultimately there will be a major transformation in consciousness.
Q: (L) So when that transformation in consciousness comes, does that mean that the stupid people will
get some smarts by propinquity or association or osmosis or something?
A: Close.
Q: (Andromeda) Did we ever ask about what kind of form these aliens are gonna take when they present
themselves? They did say something about trying to pretend that they're here to save the planet.
(Joe) But I think human as well.
A: Nordics.
Q: (Joe) A bunch of Swedes?
(L) Well, if they're Nordics, that's not gonna go over well in a society that is being set up to hate anything
(Niall) But, diversity! [laughter]
(Joe) Will all the African people be very disappointed that there's no African representation amongst the
aliens? [laughter]
A: Wait and see. There will be a snapback against current racism.
Q: (L) Is that snapback against current racism going to occur in 2024? [laughter]
A: Partly yes.
Q: (Joe) What happened to our "surprising solution to a long-term global problem" that was predicted in
the last session for November that we wouldn't like very much?
Q: (L) I'm trying to think, was there anything that happened? Could we observe anything that happened?
(Joe) Well, what we expected, given the context and the timing of it, which was the end of October when
the Israelis had started their genocidal campaign already, was that we expected that there might be
some final solution enacted against the Palestinians in November. That seemed to fit as a possibility, but
that didn't happen.
(L) Right.
(Joe) It just dragged on and on. It still continues, but there was no definitive solution.
A: Notice how many are waking up to the machinations of Israel!
Q: (Niall) Okay. That is noticeable.
(L) So what was the thing they said? It would be an unexpected solution...
(Chu) They said: "Just wait for November. Some surprising solutions to longstanding problems."
(L) Okay. A longstanding problem. The use of the word “solution” is interesting because remember the
Germans use the term Final Solution and here we're saying...
(Joe) And they said personal and global. Will we like the personal one? Mostly. The global one? Not so
(L) Yeah. So the global one, we don't like it to see all these Palestinians being killed, but the fact that
that's happening is really, really waking people up to who and what Israel is about and what they're
(Joe) Well, let me ask this way: Was there something that they foresaw that was maybe planned for
November that didn't happen that was canceled?
A: Personally, yes. But the global situation is shaping up...
Q: (Joe) Right.
(Niall) So personally, yes.
(L) So there was maybe something that was gonna be - with us personally - that didn't...
(Andromeda) Hasn't manifested yet.
[Personal questions/discussion redacted]
(Joe) How is Pierre doing?
(L) Yeah. How is our Pierre?
A: He is with you now!
Q: (All) Yeah! Oh yeah?
(Andromeda) Does he have a message for us?
A: Ask him, we will step aside.
Q: (L) Pierre, are you there? Pierre?
A: (Pierre) Love you all so much. I see how you loved me now and I am sorry that I was so difficult for so
long. I am constantly trying to communicate but it is not so simple. This is a strange state to be in when
there were so many things I wanted to get done.
Q: (L) Are you glad to be out of your state of restriction, pain and suffering?
A: (Pierre) Oh yes!!! It is like a freedom you cannot understand. But still there is that desire to
communicate that frustrates me. I don't want any of you to suffer or be sad. But I do want you to know
that I love all of you.
Q: (Joe): What are you doing every day, Pierre? [laughter]
(Andromeda) What's your schedule like there?
(Joe) Like what are you up to? What do you do?
A: (Pierre) Well, it is like dreaming in a way because there really is no tracking of time. It seems not to
exist, but I don't understand that yet.
Q: (L) Do you have periods of time where you're like, not really aware of what's going on?
A: (Pierre) No.
Q: (L) So you are aware all the time of what's going on, at least with yourself?
A: (Pierre) Yes.
Q: (L) Are you aware of us all the time?
A: (Pierre) No.
Q: (L) So, you have to think about us to be aware of us. Is that it?
A: (Pierre) Yes.
Q: (L) And what makes you think about us? Is it because we think about you, or we reference you, or we
have you on our mind, or something like that? Is that close?
A: (Pierre) Yes.
Q: (Joe) And can you see us?
A: (Pierre) Yes.
Q: (Joe) And are there any other people around that you're hanging out with, that you spend time with, or
you know...?
A: (Pierre) Sometimes.
Q: (L) Have you encountered jar?
A: (Pierre) Not yet but I am going to.
Q: (Joe) What about your grandma? Mamie Bonjour?
(L) Have you encountered grandma?
A: (Pierre) Yes.
Q: (Joe) And is she teaching you something?
A: (Pierre) No. She is enjoying being young.
Q: (Joe) And, okay. Do you feel young?
A: (Pierre) Yes.
Q: (Joe) And when you look around, what's your environment like?
A: (Pierre) Fields and mountains and little houses and castles.
Q: (L) So in other words, what you're seeing in your environment is what you're used to, what you like,
what you imagine Heaven to be like. Is that it?
A: (Pierre) Yes.
Q: (L) Have you gone into the light?
A: (Pierre) Yes.
Q: (Joe) Are you happy?
A: (Pierre) Yes.
Q: (Joe) And are you choosing to kind of not see many other people?
A: (Pierre) Yes.
Q: (Joe) Because that's what you like to do? [laughter]
A: (Pierre) Yes. [laughter]
Q: (L) Is there any information you have acquired about any of our particular interests while you were
here, that you would have acquired there, that you would be able to tell us now? Like, you know, any
future things or any things that we weren't able to perceive or understand?
A: (Pierre) Mostly everything you have learned via Cs is the way it is. What I see now is the great noise
surrounding Earth that makes it so difficult to get a clear and true message.
Q: (Joe) So, the great noise is chaos or uncertainty...
(Niall) Disinformation...
(L) All that kind of stuff. Is that what we're talking about? Chaos, disinformation, lies?
A: (Pierre) Yes.
Q: (L) Okay.
(Joe) Has he met any of the Cs?
A: (Pierre) The Cs appear as humanlike shaped light gathered around you as you communicate.
Q: (L) Well obviously we would like to be underwritten for any of our choices that we make in life. But we
understand that we have to make choices based on our own thinking, our own assessments, our own
understanding, and of course using some clues and guidance, some things that we have learned. But
still having said all of that, is there anything you can tell us?
A: (Pierre) Things are going to be fine and I will add my voice and energy to your own endeavors.
Q: (L) Well, maybe you could find jar, and Anam Cara, and liam1310, and Lee.T.
(Joe) One at a time.
(L) Yeah. You know, find them and touch base with all of them and remind them that we're here
struggling on this... in this Vale of tears trying to get through the mess that we're in. And I know that you
would have been very upset to see what was going on since you passed. Because, I mean, things really
are ugly out there.
(Joe) Does Pierre now understand the information field?
A: (Pierre) Yes. [laughter]
Q: (Andromeda) Is your gesture accurate?
A: (Pierre) Yes. [laughter]
Q: (Joe) It's a spiral, a helix?
A: (Pierre) Yes.
Q: (L) Well, see if you can figure out a way to, you know, get some communication things going on. I
would like that, that would be kind of interesting. Were you the one that came to Thomas in a dream to
tell him about my feet?
A: (Pierre) Yes. Clever!
Q: (L) Yeah, you were very clever! [laughter]
(Chu) Did you open your door yesterday?
A: (Pierre) No.
Q: (L) I think I may have done that.
(Chu) Ah!
(Joe) What do you perceive as your future? What's going to happen? What future changes await?
A: (Pierre) Glory is coming for all. That is all I can perceive.
Q: (Joe) What do you mean by "all"? As in everybody on the planet?
A: (Pierre) Yes.
Q: (Joe) Glory...
(L) The solar system?
A: (Pierre) Yes.
Q: (Joe) So it's a good thing then, glory.
A: (Pierre) Ultimately yes.
Q: (Joe) He's starting to talk like the Cs now. [laughter]
(L) So can you and others in your realm perceive that something strange or unusual is happening on and
to Earth, and around Earth?
A: (Pierre) Oh yes indeed!
Q: (Joe) It's just like an impression or a understanding or a feeling.
A: (Pierre) Yes.
Q: (Joe) You know, almost like an anticipation, where you know that something good is going to happen,
but you can feel it, but you don't know exactly what it is.
A: (Pierre) Yes.
Q: (L) All right. I'm getting tired. So were there any other things we wanted to cover? Pierre, we let you
go. We thank you and we'll talk to you again. This is not over!
(PoB) It will never be over.
(L) Send us the Cs back.
(Niall) You are Saint Pierre now. Our Saint Pierre.
(L) Yes… you're St. Pierre, you've been sanctified. [laughter] I knew you would...
(Niall) Saint Pierr-euh, to distinguish you from the other Peters.
(L) Right.
(Andromeda) Exactly.
(L) Okay. I guess what we wanna know... is there anything else we had to ask? Because I really am... I
mean, that tired me. We might want to ask for any general statement for the end of the year session.
[Silence] So, nobody has anything? Okay.
(Niall) Oh, from us?
(L) Yeah, I was waiting for y'all to say if you wanted to ask anything before I close.
(Joe) Well, I thought you were asking them if there's anything we haven't asked...
(L) Yeah, so we would like to have an end of the year statement. Anything that we haven't asked, that we
should have asked, that we would've asked if we'd been in a less discombobulated state of mind?
Would you please tell us? We're asking sincerely.
A: Be aware that your own group is under scrutiny and subject to attack if all are not fully aware and
communicating. It would be helpful for all of you to read Paul's letter about love a few times per week
and ponder each aspect in relation to yourself and others. Times ahead are going to be shocking and
unstable. Hold fast to your network and do not allow yourselves to be stampeded or externally driven.
Ask when needed and we will be here. Peace be with you. Goodbye.
"If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a noisy gong or a clanging
And if I have prophetic powers – that is, the gift of interpreting the divine will and purpose; and
understand all the secret truths and mysteries and possess all knowledge, and if I have faith so that I can
remove mountains, but have not love I am nothing – a useless nobody.
Even if I dole out all that I have to give food to the poor, and if I surrender my body to be burned, but
have not love, I gain nothing.
Love endures long and is patient and kind; love never is envious nor boils over with jealousy; is not
boastful or vainglorious, does not display itself haughtily.
It is not conceited – arrogant and inflated with pride; it is not rude, and does not act unbecomingly. Love
does not insist on its own rights or its own way, for it is not self-seeking; it is not touchy or fretful or
resentful; it takes no account of the evil done to it – pays no attention to a suffered wrong.
It does not rejoice at injustice and unrighteousness, but rejoices when right and truth prevail.
Love bears up under anything and everything that comes, is ever ready to believe the best of every
person, its hopes are fadeless under all circumstance and it endures everything without weakening.
Love never fails – never fades out or becomes obsolete or comes to an end. As for prophecy, it will be
fulfilled and pass away; as for tongues, they will be destroyed and cease; as for knowledge, it will be
superseded by truth.
For our knowledge is fragmentary and our prophecy is fragmentary.
But when the complete and perfect comes, the incomplete and imperfect will vanish away – become
antiquated, void and superseded.
When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child; now that I have
become a man, I am done with childish ways and have put them aside.
For now we are looking in a mirror that gives only a dim reflection of reality as in a riddle or an enigma,
but then, when perfection comes, we shall see in reality and face to face! Now I know in part; but then I
shall know and understand fully and clearly, even in the same manner as I have been fully and clearly
known and understood by God.
And so, faith, hope, love abide; these three, but the greatest of these is love.” (1 Corinthians 13:1–13)
And Ashworth's translation of the last part:
"For we know only in part, and we prophesy only in part. But at the coming of age, the partial will come
to an end. When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child: when I
became an adult, I put an end to childish ways. For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then we will see
face to face. Now I know only in part; then I will know fully, even as I have been fully known."
End of Session
Session Date: January 13th 2024
Laura and Andromeda at the board
Niall, Joe, Gaby, Ark, Possibility of Being (PoB), Chu, Scottie, Leia, Falkor, Bella
FOTCM Members attending via Zoom:
3DStudent, A Jay, Adobe, Aeneas, aimarok, Alana, Alejo, Altair, aluminumfalcon, AnaHuitzil, anartist,
AndrewMn, Andrian, Anthony, Approaching Infinity, Arwenn, Aya, Bluefyre, Bo, Bobo08, brandon,
Breton, ClaudiaYG, Cosmos, Deliverance, Dirgni, dugdeep, Eboard10, fabric, Fallen_735, finduilas495,
France, Gawan, genero81, Glenn, Gottathink, goyacobol, Gwenllian, herondancer, Hesper, Hesperides,
hlat & his wife, iamthatis, IrjO, Jacques, JeanneT, JEEP, Jefferson, Jenn, Jono, Josi , keyhole, kenlee,
KJN, korzik18, Kosma, Laurentien2, Laurs, Learner, Lilou, loreta, Lucius, Luis Miguel, Maat, Manitoban,
M, Martina, Mike, Mikkael, Mililea, Miracle, mkrnhr, Mr.Cyan, Mrs. Peel, msante, Natus Videre, Navigator,
Neil, Nicholas, Nienna, Obi, Ollie, Oxajil, PERLOU, Pophistorian, Puma, RedFox, Redrock12, Ryan, rylek,
Ryu, Saman, seeker2seer, sid & his wife, Sinapi, Stoneboss, sToRmR1dR, T.C. & KSee, thorbiorn,
Timótheos, Tristan, Tuatha de Danann, Turgon, Ursus Minor, vulcan59, whitecoast, williamsj, Windmill
Knight, Yas, Ysus, Zar
Q: (L) This is the 13th of January, 2024. [Review of those present]
A: Love to all of you from Pierre who is present.
Q: (L) Okay. Does Pierre wish to communicate?
A: Not at this time. He is happy to commune with all.
Q: (L) And who do we have with us this evening?
A: Grazielaia of Cassiopaea.
Q: (L) All right, so let me see about these questions. Okay... Some of these questions I don't think are
really relevant or generally helpful, so I'm just skipping over them. But here we come to one asked by
gottathink, and she writes:
(gottathink) Fungal infections have high prevalence around the world, but often are unrecognized. Baking
soda solution reduces viscosity of mucus and kills fungus due to alkaline pH. What percentage of our
members would benefit from a sinus rinse using bicarbonate of soda and or using this solution in a
A: Not a well thought out query. Best to have individuals assess their own condition and decide on their
own. Fungal infections are indeed almost ubiquitous. Many would benefit from this therapy as well as
other approaches.
Q: (gottathink) Older transcripts refer to a genetic alteration that caused truncated fluid flow. Is the fluid
being referred to the cerebral spinal fluid?
A: No.
Q: (L) Well then that eliminates the next question, which was a follow up. What fluid flow is it?
A: As yet unknown organic structure throughout the body carrying a different fluid other than blood or
lymph that is related to light. Your ancestors glowed and transmitted light and power.
Q: (Joe) Was that related to the veins? They were talking about blue veins or the light coming from
them... Wasn't there some session about it?
(L) There was, there was something about it. I think we were talking about dancing once and they were
talking about some kind of energy flow that came through the arms that allowed them to be able to
(Joe) Yeah, that was the spear-handed Maruts and stuff like that.
(L) Is that why, or the means by which, some odd people throughout history have been able to levitate
because they had some genetic quirk that allowed this system to be operational?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) I mean, just like some people can transmit healing power and so forth. So there's a whole other
different thing that's going on in the body that people are not aware of. Is that because the fluid is
something other than what we think of as fluid? It's more like...
(Andromeda) Energy?
(L) Yeah, or more like...
A: Difficult to explain since you don't have the concepts.
Q: (Joe) It's based on an unknown structure...
(L) A structure throughout the body that carries a fluid, or something like something like a fluid... Is it
because it's not exactly like a fluid as we know it?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Is it something that's more like, say, a 4th density fluid?
A: Yes
Q: (L) And the structure itself is fourth density when it exists in the body?
A: Yes
Q: (L) And we have the potential for this if the DNA were to be upregulated?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Untruncated.
(L) Untruncated, yeah, and some rare individuals accidentally by genetic recombination have this...
(Andromeda) Have you ever heard of anybody glowing?
(Joe) No.
(Andromeda) There are halos.
(L) There are halos and then there are ancient stories of people glowing, you know? But I would say...
Well actually, yes I have because some of these stories like for example, some of the people who levitate
or like Padre Pio and others like that, there have been people who say that they saw the person glowing.
Anybody ever heard of that or read of it? Yes? Yeah. Okay. Aeneas has. Okay, so it's not absolutely
unheard of. Well that's very interesting. Okay, next question:
(gottathink) Dentist Weston Price has documented the drastic change in jaw structure following the
introduction of agrarian diets to groups of peoples. Is this one of the causes of the DNA damage causing
truncated fluid flow?
(L) Well, that's based on the question which we've already rejected. So I guess in a sense that question
is unaskable as it's written... But the question is still valid: Does the introduction of agrarian diets help
perpetuate this condition or this truncation, this genetic deficiency or lack of upregulation of the genes
that allow for this?
A: Yes
Q: (L) So agrarian diets are wholly responsible?
A: No
Q: (L) Partly responsible?
A: Yes. The mindset of the purpose of the agrarian diet is related.
Q: (Joe) Lack. A lack of an abundance mindset.
(L) Yeah. Yeah, they've gotta hoard things. They've gotta grow more and hoard it, store grain, all that sort
of thing.
(Niall) Invent money then.
(Joe) Then the mindset of scarcity...
(L) Yeah. Okay, so that's essentially kind of an STS perspective on the Earth and would be related to the
reduction in power and abilities, I guess.
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) All power comes from your mind.
(Andromeda) Didn't I see someone say something about phosphorus or something?
(Joe) Light in the veins and stuff, something in the session, but I have to look it up.
(L) Yeah, but they warned me not to consume phosphorus or I'd have a, you know, a Highlander
quickening. [laughter] So, next question:
(Jones) Are bloodline 4D STS hermaphrodites?
A: No
Q: (Andromeda) Who?
(Joe) What's a "bloodline 4D STS"?
(L) I don't know.
(Jones) Do bloodline 4D STS have something that is similar to an additional vagal break giving them
more control over their heart rate?
A: Yes
Q: (Jones) This would mean that they are less likely to lose awareness by being in a sympathetic or
dorsal vagal state when under stress?
A: More is implicated than that!
Q: (L) So it's more than just giving them control over their heart rate?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Does it mean they have like the ability to put themselves into something like suspended
A: Yes
Q: (L) Did it have something to do with their ability to prolong their lives?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Are we talking about undergrounders here?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Is that what Jones meant by 4D STS blood bloodline?
(L) I don't know. It's not clear what is meant by 4D STS bloodline... Why would the question be asked as
to whether they are hermaphrodites?
A: Sexual energy is a function of their intellects and can be aimed at either male or female. Also, this
energy can be present even in those engineered beings that have no apparent gender.
Q: (Joe) Stay away from them.
(L) 4D is really weird. I guess that would be like Grays or something, you know? Or something like the
semi-plant-like beings that they grow in giant test tubes. Is that it?
A: Yes
Q: (L) So is that what they're trying to recreate on Earth with all this gender transition stuff?
A: Yes partly. Sadly humans are not often able to transition to "mental sex."
Q: (L) So these transitioning persons - and I've read that they are mostly doomed to never experience
any kinda really normal sexual relations - think that they're going to create themselves in another gender,
but that doesn't really happen and then they only end up being hurt and frustrated?
A: Yes
Q: (L) All right. Enough on that. Next question:
(thorbiorn) Regarding the C’s statements that the Russians are "unfortunately" utilizing paranormal
research very little and there is "unfortunately" no Laura / FOTCM equivalent in the East, is there
anything we could do to resolve or make up for this "unfortunate" situation?
A: Translate more!!
Q: (L) Okay. This is Approaching Infinity:
(Approaching Infinity) Why is 4D STS so interested in all our nuclear activities, whether energy or
weapons related? The background being, while many think they are just concerned that we don't
destroy ourselves, others like Tom Delonge say it is because nukes can actually damage them, that they
have negative effects in their dimension.
A: Yes
Q: (Approaching Infinity) Also, the C’s have said that setting off nukes could have effects on beings in
other realms similar to Dyatlov Pass.
A: There is your answer!
Q: (L) So the reason they're concerned or interested is because nukes can break dimensional barriers?
A: Yes
Q: (L) And those barriers can be not just between horizontal dimensions, but between densities?
A: Yes
Q: (L) And also is it true that that energy can go into those other densities or dimensions and cause
damage there?
A: Yes
Q: (Approaching Infinity) What is the source of the 1.6 gigahertz signal that shows up on Skin Walker
Ranch whenever strange phenomena occur?
A: Breaking of dimensional curtain and leaking of energy.
Q: (L) Okay, now we're on page three...
(Approaching Infinity) On the ranch, the team have reportedly detected caves underground near the
mesa and a vertical structure within the mesa, which they cannot drill through. The drill bits come out
undamaged, suggesting that the material they are striking is frictionless. They suspect it is metallic. Also,
the direction of the drilling attempts suggests the structure is convex on the bottom and top with a tower
of some sort extending almost to the top of the mesa. During one drilling attempt, they detected radio
transmissions when the drill bit was in contact with the structure. What is the structure?
A: Part of underground 4D STS base.
Q: (seek10) C's mentioned that, "Islam is the miscegenation of the worst of both Judaism and
Christianity." There is a strong black and white thinking in Muslims, particularly in countries where they
are a minority, including current European migrants that follow Muslim canon law that divides the world
into two camps, Dar-ul-Islam (abode of Islam) and Dar-ul-Harb (abode of war) at their own peril. How is
this psychology sustained so strongly even in this age of technology? Is it related to rigid practice of
prayers or is there more to it?
A: Don't really need much more than intensive familial and social programming. Also, there is the
circumcision during pubertal imprint point.
Q: (L) Do Muslims do circumcision at like puberty or something later?
(Joe) Later. 13, yeah.
(L) 13. Anybody know for sure? Yeah?
(Joe) Yeah.
(L) All right then. I guess the experience that a guy has when he's coming of age, kind of so to speak,
you can really really have an impact. I mean, it's not just infancy. I guess puberty is a time of imprint too.
All right, Temperance:
(Temperance) Does spring dew have special properties as described in alchemical lore?
A: Not as you are thinking. It is a metaphor.
Q: (L) So it's not really spring dew, it's...
(Joe) Mountain Dew.
(L) So the subsequent questions are irrelevant.
(Joe) Most things in alchemy are metaphors.
(seek10) What is the purpose of face peeling in the Los Pela Caras incidents?
A: Side effect of exposure to 4D STS energy similar to radiation.
Q: (Ryan) Are the thought plane described in session 18 March 1995, the imaginal realm, and
informational field equivalent?
A: No
Q: (Ryan) What is the relationship of the astral plane to any of these?
A: All are in a sense different dimensions.
Q: (L) Well, are the thought plane and the imaginal realm equivalent?
A: Close.
Q: (L) But are they different from the information field itself?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Okay.
(Ryan) And is the astral plane related to these?
A: Not so much. Astral involves "emotions."
Q: (L) All right. Is the information field like at a higher density than the thought plane?
A: Yes
Q: (L) I can't think of anything to add. Okay. Ryan asks again:
(Ryan) In a similar way to how the coronavirus strengthened anti-authoritarian tendencies and resilience
in some of the population as a result of the hubris of the PTB, does beaming the population with HAARP
and other such signals cause a risk of the population's FRV actually being strengthened by the
(L) I think what he's asking is, is this like having a boomerang effect, the fact that people have to resist
the beaming strengthens them and thereby increases their FRV in the other direction? Is that possible?
A: Yes. To those with knowledge!
Q: (Joe) Exactly. You have to know that it's happening to resist it.
(L) Yeah.
(Joe) Can I ask a quick question?
(L) What?
(Joe) Was the dead cat that we found outside of our gate last Friday anyway related to T.C.'s event? Or
was that just a coincidence?
(Andromeda) It was the same day, right?
(L) Was it hit by a car or something?
(Joe) Don't know.
(Andromeda) It looked like it.
(Joe) Probably.
(L) Was it related in any way to the energy that was coming after T.C. and his wife KSee?
A: Not directly, but in general, yes.
Q: (L) So there was some kind of free formal energy floating about and hitting susceptible...
A: Yes
Q: (Andromeda) Like a ripple.
(Ryan) At the time of the cosmic catastrophes related to the "fall of Atlantis", what happened to the
population of "Athens" – i.e. Russia - who were acting as Atlantis' opponent?
A: Suffered cataclysms like everyone else but with more survivors.
Q: (Ryan) What relationship, if any, did they have with the Celtic peoples of the British/Irish isles who
constructed the megaliths?
A: Ancestors were the same.
Q: (L) So the ancestors of the Russians and the Celtic peoples were the same?
A: Yes
Q: (seek10) C's mentioned 4D STS aim is to eliminate 'True Semites' before the transition. Is the current
and recent past Palestinian resistance to Israel the result of "True Semitic" gene type?
A: Partly in so far as any of them carry it.
Q: (L) Are you saying that Palestinians may not be Semitic, or only partly Semitic?
A: Yes
Q: (L) I think we once established that the Semites were something quite different from what we call
them today, so that we can't necessarily say that Palestinians are Semitic, or even that the Jews are
(Joe) Is there a significant concentration of people anywhere in the world that carries that Semitic gene
that they're talking about?
A: Yes.
(Gaby) Where?
(Niall) Or who?
A: Russia.
Q: (Joe) Not your average "Semites"...
(seek10) The current War seems to be focused in Middle East. Do they have other plans for "True
Semites" in other regions like in West or East other than vaccine framework?
A: Review knowledge and re-ask in different form.
Q: (L) Well, let me ask this: Are there a lot of people in Iraq and Iran who are part of this true Semitic
A: Yes
Q: (L) And that would be one of the reasons why they're focused on ultimately fighting... why they went
into Iraq and started the whole thing there. And then ultimately wanting to fight a war with Iran, and
constantly wanting to fight a war with Russia...
(Niall) Through Ukraine....
(L )...and just bleed Russia dry. That's part of the whole thing. Is that it?
A: Close
Q: (irjO) Today, the world is divided in 195 nations. Right before the Younger Dryas event, was the world
similarly divided into empires/colonies/countries?
A: Yes
Q: (IrjO) How many such "nations" existed?
A: Hundreds.
Q: (L) I don't think an exact number is needed.
(irjO) Was it, as Graham Hancock suggests, that hunter-gatherers lived inland, and the "advanced"
civilization(s) lived almost exclusively on the coastlines which were submerged?
A: Close.
Q: (irjO) In the book "Many Lives, Many Masters" by Brian Weiss, basically describes the journey of how
he, being a moderate psychiatrist, discovered the process of reincarnation through patients under
hypnosis. In the "between" life moments, patient's voices changed, and he no longer was in
communication with the patient, but some beings called "The masters" who were giving him some
universal knowledge. Who are the "masters" he communicated with when a patient under hypnosis went
to the "between lives" moment?
A: The 5D self.
Q: (Joe) Do you merge with your fifth density yourself when you go to 5D?
A: Eventually or partially depending on your plan or destiny.
Q: (irjO) In a previous session, the C’s answered "close" when I asked if Teotihuacan was built by the
Olmecs. What would make it closer, or what detail is missing? Who built it?
A: Group you wouldn't recognize even if named. The previous answer is as close as you can get.
Q: (Altair) How many Israeli civilians were actually killed by Israelis themselves on October 7th, 2023?
A: Nearly all.
Q: (Altair) What is the percentage of truth in Plato's account of Atlantis as is known to us?
A: 70.
Q: (Altair) Did Troy ever exist as a town?
A: Yes
Q: (Altair) And if so, where was it located?
A: England.
Q: (Joe) "Where Troy Once Stood"
(Chu) Yeah, we knew that one.
(Altair) Did the Trojan War really happen as depicted in the Iliad?
A: No
Q: (Altair) If not, what was the inspiration for writing The Iliad?
A: Cataclysms.
Q: (L) So what was being depicted was basically kind of like a recounting of the cataclysms depicted as
kind of like other densities fighting and this being represented on Earth as cataclysms?
A: Yes
Q: (Andromeda) A docudrama.
(L) A docudrama, yes.
(Niall) A dramatic representation.
(Altair) What percentage of human souls in 5D are aware of the existence of 4th density?
A: Small. One has to be aware of it before death. Otherwise it is veiled.
Q: (Joe) I was just asking that today.
(Andromeda) Yeah, I remember.
(Altair) Does 4D STO have any bases on or inside our planet?
A: A few.
Q: (Altair) Can human souls from 5D temporarily appear fully embodied on Earth and interact with
incarnated people who would not be able to tell the difference?
A: Not as such. FRV prevents this.
Q: (L) Okay, here's a question about Barabar caves in India. Somebody tell me something about them so
I have an idea that I'm asking an accurate question.
(Chu) Maat, are you there?
(irjO) Yeah, I think those, if I'm correct, those are the ones that are perfectly crafted. There are like three
of them in India. They are really perfectly crafted and there's no way with our technology that we've done
that. That's it. That's the only thing that I know.
A: Made by 4D STS to receive human worship directly.
Q: (Joe) Is the word "worship" there a euphemism?
A: No.
Q: (seek10) C's mentioned three destruction events for Atlantis. So does Edgar Cayce. 'Cayce Atlantis'
book suggests three destruction event years are around 50K BCE, 28K BCE, and 10K BCE. C's already
confirmed the last one is close to 8498 BCE (10 December 1994 session). Are the first two destruction
years Cayce suggested, correct?
A: Close
Q: (seek10) If not, what are the approximate correct years?
A: Within 2K years of expressed date.
Q: (seek10) What is the destruction event and approximate year that made the Paranthas go extinct?
A: 50KYA War.
Q: (Joe) A war 50,000 years ago.
(seek10) When did Indian plate get connected to Eurasian plate? Is it 70K years ago or after that?
A: Close enough.
Q: (Approaching Infinity) Jeremy Corbell and George Knapp recently released a video from Iraq taken on
a base in late 2017 of a strange jellyfish UFO that was visible only on thermal camera. It resembles many
other videos people have taken over the years. The video itself has been confirmed as legitimate by a
soldier who was stationed at the base who said they referred to it as the spaghetti monster. What was
this object?
A: 4D energy being that feeds on human suffering.
Q: (Approaching Infinity) And what was this other jellyfish object seen on February 16th, 2020 in Sao
Paulo at 8:45 AM?
A: Similar except more physical. Probe.
Q: (Andromeda) There were several that were kind of jellyfish-like. What's up with the jellyfish form?
A: Conduits of energy. Representative of the essence of the object as perceived by humans.
Q: (L) It's like we see reptilians as reptilians, but that may not necessarily be what they look like to
themselves, right?
(Andromeda) Because that's our interpretation of their essence.
(Niall) Even if it's the first time we encounter or see them...
(Andromeda) Yeah, we're reading their essence.
(Niall) That's how we read them immediately with no preconception.
(L) Since we are "wave reading consciousness units", we read waves. So that's what people are doing
when they see jellyfish, they're reading the information...
(Joe) It's the closest we have that makes sense to us... The closest object we have that we could project
onto it.
(L) And an octopus or something, you know, they have these long tentacles that can reach out and grab
different things.
(Andromeda) For an octopus, it's just for grabbing and holding things. But jellyfish, they actually sting.
They have a poison of some sort.
(L) Okay, next question:
(Keit) Considering background information on the forum, here are several questions. Does Putin have
knowledge about the UFO research and the related activities like crash retrievals that were going on
back in the USSR?
A: Partial but more concerned with daily tasks.
Q: (L) So he is pragmatic, he wants to deal with what's in front of him.
(Keit) Is Russia in the possession of alien vehicles, tech and bodies as claimed?
A: Yes
Q: (Keit) Can you tell us where they are located?
A: No
Q: (Andromeda) Nice try. [laughter]
(Keit) Did USSR or Russia try to reverse engineer alien tech?
A: Yes
Q: (Keit) Were they successful?
A: Yes
Q: (Keit) Are there any reverse engineering projects going on right now?
A: Yes
Q: (Keit) Is Putin aware of such projects?
A: Yes
Q: (Keit) What is his view on the alien phenomenon? Does he think it's malevolent?
A: Mostly and why he promotes Christianity.
Q: (L) All right. That's the end of the questions on the list. What have we got on the Zoom chat?
(Aeneas & Ysus) Did Lloyd Austin's sudden illness have anything to do with being in Ukraine?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Was he injured in some way?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Is it being covered up?
A: Yes
Q: (Niall) Was he injured in a Russian airstrike?
A: Yes
Q: (Niall) Dayum.
(L) And that must be what Medvedev was alluding to in his tweet... Very, very interesting!
(Niall) So they're getting ready to start hitting big.
(Joe) How badly injured was he? I mean, he's back on the job, right? So...
(L) No, don't think so.
(Niall) He's still in the hospital.
(Joe) Is he likely to recover enough to continue his duties?
A: Most likely but was iffy for a bit.
Q: (Joe) Complication from prostate surgery is what they said... [laughter]
(Niall) That's why Biden didn't know!
(L) He got shot in the cojones! [laughter]
(Niall) On Twitter today, Medvedev basically threatened to do similar to the British Prime Minister. He said
he's lucky he got away pretty much from Ukraine.
(L) Oxajil is asking:
(Oxajil) In 2016, footage surfaced from Bashkortostan, Russia, showing people in a car being chased by
something. What was chasing them?
(L) Can we get Oxajil up on the screen? Did you do any research to find out if there was an ordinary
answer to this question?
(Oxajil) Well, there was a video analysis by a guy who said that the way the creature moved was very
unnatural and it kind of looked like a, like bigfoot, but it moved very strange. Made a movement like this
[demonstrates], so, yeah, I don't know what it is. I was just curious.
(L) Oh, you were just curious. You did not even stop to consider whether this question was universally
interesting. Okay, well, we'll ask anyway. What was it?
A: Usual window faller. We warned about increasing frequency of such encounters.
Q: (Joe) I heard something weird the other night over in that direction in the garden at night. The dog Leia
was running over barking at something. It sounded like a weird combination of a cat and a baby crying. I
heard it twice at night and it was cold. Was that our regular neighborhood baby mothman?
A: No wild creature.
Q: (thorbiorn) Session 24 September 1995:
A: Each time a new flock was "planted," it was engineered to be best suited to the environment where it
was planted. Aryans are the only exception, as they had to be moved to earth in an emergency.
New question: Were the languages, except that of Kantekkian "planted" along with the flock?
(L) In other words, did the flock that was planted come with a language that was designed for them?
A: Yes
Q: (thorbiorn) Can you give an example?
A: Semitic language which was taken over by slave class and lost by true Semites.
Q: (L) So that would suggest that it's really hard, if not impossible, to track languages by following
genetic flow or migration patterns because in some cases, a slave class can take on the language of the
ruling class. Then later, the ruling class can lose the language, and the slave class can keep it alive or
even vice versa. Yeah?
A: Yes
Q: (L) But essentially, is it the case that all languages are derived in some sense from say, fourth density
A: Yes
Q: (L) And are those words, are the languages, are they related to the FRV of the group of engineers that
are creating a particular group of people?
A: Yes
Q: (L) So that could answer the reason for the difference in languages: It's the difference in FRV or status
or orientation of the engineers doing the work?
A: Yes
Q: (L) And since I just mentioned it, something has always driven me crazy and that's the idea of slaves
and slavery. You know, I don't know quite how to ask this, but is slavery a purely STS approach?
A: Mostly. In some cases what was seen as slavery was more like paternal care of young souls recently
graduated from 2D.
Q: (L) But I'm assuming that that was way in the past?
A: Yes
Q: (L) So anymore, like within our civilizational history as we understand it, any case would've been
purely an STS manifestation?
A: Yes
Q: (L) All right. Next question:
(thorbiorn) Session 23 March 2019:
A: In 4D, eventually it will be your job to engineer lifeforms on new worlds.
New question: Could you say something about what 4D STO does in this capacity? (Compared to 4D
A: Populates worlds and guides them benevolently. SPA.
Q: (L) Oh, how does that compare to 4D STS?
A: 4D STS engineers to be fed and served.
Q: (thorbiorn) Session 26 February 2022:
(L) [...] The C's also said something about that Nordic Covenant business... That peoples of Nordic
descent, i.e. Kantekkian, could be of positive or negative orientation. It's representative of a power
center in their genetics...
New question: Was the origin of this genetic feature originally a design by STO biogenetic engineers?
A: Yes. See answer about truncated flow of inner light.
Q: (thorbiorn) Considering the STS attacks on people with "more moral tastebuds", as Pierre qualified
Semites, are there any particular efforts that would be needed or helpful to protect this heritage?
(L) That's almost too general to... I mean, I think we're in the process of kind of trying to do it, like trying
to conserve what is needed to be conserved, to try to understand our reality and, and base our lives on
what is realistic and real. And yeah, I think that question is way too general.
(Chu) Just knowledge protects.
(L) Yeah, knowledge protects. I mean, I think we've covered that in so many ways.
(Farmies) Session 1 December 2018:
Q: (Pierre) What's the percentage of psychopathy among Ashkenazi Jews today?
A: 53%
Session 10 August 2019:
Q: (Pierre) Is there such a thing as the Ashkenazi genetic profile?
A: Yes, but it isn't Semitic
(L) Well, I think we understand now that the people who carried on being so-called Semitic weren't the
original Semites.
(Farmies) What caused this shift? Was it as a result of an underground program?
A: Yes
Q: (L) In other words, Sargon came along and because he knew the Semitic language or was what it
was... Well, was Sargon Semitic?
A: No
Q: (L) Yet he was supposedly the originator of Semitic groups?
(Joe) Deep level punctuator.
(L) So he was created to come and rise up and take over and...
(Joe) Programmed. Was he an undergrounder?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Okay. That's getting too esoteric there.
(The Mexicans) Was Troy the dominating force in the region before its fall?
A: Yes
Q: (The Mexicans) Did it get destroyed during the events of 1627/8 BC?
A: No. 1100 BCE.
Q: (L) Okay, so, but that was the city of Troy, not necessarily the story of the Trojan War, right?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) The story of the Trojan War was probably a combination of the cataclysmic events, as well as
maybe the destruction of the actual city of Troy. Is that it?
A: Yes.
Q: (The Mexicans) Did the events of Nefertiti and Akhenaten happen geographically in Egypt?
A: Yes.
Q: (The Mexicans) What was so special about the last member of the Perseid family?
A: Carried the genes of power in undiluted form.
Q: (The Mexicans) Did it live after all and have descendants?
A: Yes.
Q: (The Mexicans) Do we know some of them?
A: Caesar.
Q: (Ursus Minor) Will the PTB turn the wokesters into scapegoats when things get worse?
A: Yes.
Q: (Ursus Minor) Has Israel hidden small nukes in Europe and the U.S. for retaliation?
A: Yes.
Q: (Niall) Where are they located? Please?! [laughter]
(irjO) Should we ask about what happened in Miami bay?
(L) What happened in Miami? I'm curious to know too.
A: CIA operation gone wrong necessitating coverup.
Q: (Joe) What was the CIA operation? Generally?
A: Setting up "terror attack" to blame on conservative faction.
Q: (Joe) Like the Proud Boys or something.
(Andromeda) That makes sense.
(Joe) The usual. So they got busted. They'll probably try again, though.
Q: (Fallen_735) Are the Texas National Guard vs the border patrol (national guard kicking out border
patrol and taking over in Eagle Pass, Texas) recent events part of the precursor stages of a possible civil
A: Could definitely trigger a larger conflict.
Q: (Joe) Since we're on current affairs, was the official narrative about what the Jews in New York were
doing in the tunnels under the Chabad centre, is that all they were doing? Just kids who were...
A: No.
Q: (Joe) The official story was that it was just young kids who had been messing around for six months
wanting to build a tunnel between the actual centre and the old baths, or something like that. So that's
not true. What were they tunnelling under their own building for?
A: Trafficking.
Q: (Joe) That's what people have been saying!
(Niall) Oh my god! Trafficking human organs?
(Joe) Human trafficking, organ trafficking?
A: Whatever you can think of but mainly children.
Q: (Joe) What's up with them Jews? I mean, is it just programming, or is it a genetic profile?
A: Hatred of humanity due to early infant programming
Q: (Joe) I.e. involving circumcision...
A: Yes.
Q: (Ursus Minor) As the World Economic Forum starts promoting 'Disease X' – what could it be?
A: A big mistake that very well might take them out!
Q: (Andromeda) So where's this Disease X gonna come from?
A: Lab.
Q: (Joe) And where is it likely to be released? Globally, or in one particular area?
A: California, New York, Singapore, Paris, London.
Q: (Andromeda) And what's the purpose of releasing this? Is it the depopulation thing, or is it an excuse
to enforce more control or...
A: Both.
Q: (Laura) And they're gonna obviously have another vaccine?
A: Yes.
Q: (Laura) And they actually think people are going to take it the second time around?
A: Yes.
Q: (Laura) Do they think we're all stupid?
A: Yes.
Q: (Joe) Are they likely to release another COVID type in terms of its severity and infectiousness, in terms
of the kind of people that it has a bad effect on, i.e. not many? Is it likely to be that level of severity, or is
it likely that they'll release something that is more severe, more deadly?
A: They are trying to make a rhinovirus lethal and with Ebola-like features for shock value.
Q: (Gaby) But this is an engineered-here-on-Earth kind of virus, it's not 4D STS virus, yes?
A: Yes.
Q: (Andromeda) That one is still to come! [laughter]
(Joe) So, as a general rule, if you're relatively healthy, you don't have anything to worry about?
A: Yes.
Q: (Joe) So no rushing to get a vaccine...
A: Take precautions too!!!
Q: (L) Like taking your supplements, not going around where people are having it, taking lots of vitamin C
or whatever, Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine...
(Gaby) So I should do a lockdown. Patients should not be able to come to me. I should check them out
by telephone, apparently like they did with the COVID.
(L) Right.
(Andromeda) Can we get a timeframe on this?
(Gaby) Well, in Paris there will be the Olympic Games, huh?
(L) Yeah! They're gonna release it in the Olympic Games, is that it?
A: Probably. The timeline is accelerating.
Q: (Joe) A rhinovirus is what?
(Gaby) It's kind of like what we had in the last few months, a head cold... you know.
(Joe) And with Ebola-like features?
(Gaby) Hemorrhagic.
(Joe) So you bleed from your nose and stuff or whatever?
(Gaby) Or you're just really like, flat in bed, you're so tired, and maybe some people will not be able to
recover. The mortality rate... the WEF was saying it's 20%.
(L) Say that again?
(Gaby) The mortality rate that this WEF was prognosticating was 20%.
(Joe) For their virus X.
(L) Huh. So they have plans already.
(Andromeda) They're practicing.
Q: (Joe) Is there any particular specific precaution we could take for this particular possible virus that's
upcoming? Other than what we are already doing?
A: No.
Q: (L) And so what we're doing is... and have your Ivermectin on hand, and...
(Gaby) Why do some of us have strobe flashing light effects when taking the ivermectin?
A: DNA changes.
Q: (Niall) That's what you said, Gaby.
(Joe) Good ones? [laughter]
(Andromeda) Woohoo! We can keep taking it.
A: Yes
(Gaby) Okay, we can take it again.
(Niall) Give me more of that! [laughter]
Q: (L) T.C and his wife KSee want to know where Denny is and how he’s doing. I normally wouldn't ask
this, but it was really very traumatic for them, and they would like to know where Denny is.
A: Close to you and guarding.
Q: (Jeep) Regarding Texas question: Possible civil war and/or state seceding from US?
A: Indeed!
Q: (whitecoast) What the C's meant by mental sex?
(L) Whitecoast, only you would ask that question. [laughter] I can't believe you asked that! Mental sex.
Hmm. Well, what did you guys mean by mental sex? [laughter]
(Joe) They said it in relation to transgenders.
(Niall) Trying to really internalize another gender. That's what I thought it meant.
(Chu) Yeah. Like they can change their physical parts, but they can't...
(Niall) But internally they can't really instantiate...
(L) Is that what was meant?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) It wasn't having sex with your brain. Good lord!
(Joe) Or anyone else's, whitecoast.
(Niall) Or long distance virtual stuff.
(L) It's okay, whitecoast, we love you!
(Joe) It gives a new definition to long distance romance, no? [laughter]
(L) Geez... Okay. JEEP wants to know if the aliens are going to get introduced this year. JEEP, you know
they're not gonna answer that question.
(Andromeda) Nice try!
(L) You're just trying to be tricky, aren't you? [laughter] Okay. Are aliens going to be introduced this year?
A: As far as we can see, they have already been introduced, just the people are not paying attention.
Q: (L) Well, I think she probably meant them coming out and declaring themselves to be aliens and that
they're now in charge, or something like that.
(Andromeda) Press conferences, and all that.
A: Not yet.
Q: (Ze Germans) How many NATO military personnel were killed in Ukraine since the beginning of the
war in Ukraine?
A: Dozens.
Q: (Ze Germans) Can 4D STS abduct souls from 5D or interfere with 5D in any way?
A: No.
Q: (Mr.Cyan) Have a question - it is related to beings sighted in the Kerinchi-Seblat national park in
Sumatra Indonesia, There are many paranormal strange myths or legends about this park (Tiger men,
hauntings, portals, and the Princess Guardian of the Glass Lake to name a few)– and one of them is the
"Orang Pendek" – or Short Man in English. According to the locals (in my conversations with them) these
are 4-5 foot bipedal creatures that look like a cross between a man and ape. Their feet are facing
backwards – and they are very strong and able to lift large weights. The locals are afraid of them and call
them cursed beings where if you encounter one (which is rare) – all sorts of strange things start to
happen to you and your family. It sounds a lot like the bidensity Bigfoots (but they seem smaller in
height). What exactly are these creatures? Do they come in through portals located near the Park?
A: Window fallers from both 4D and other dimensions including astral.
Q: (L) And then there was another part of the question. Do they come in through portals located near the
A: Yes. Volcanic regions generate portals.
Q: (whitecoast) Are there any benefits to learning languages that are more closely matched with the
"flocks" that compose your genetics (over and above the general cognitive benefits of language
A: Not really.
Q: (Ze Germans) Do the PTB plan to induce power grid failure in US/Europe?
A: Yes.
Q: (Aeneas & Ysus) Will people actually take the new vaccine?
A: What do you think?
Q: (L) Well, I think they're just that dumb. I mean, there are so many people that are just dumb as rocks.
(Joe) The ones who took it already will definitely take it again.
(L) Yeah...
(Joe) Most of them.
(L) Well then that will just... maybe that's the cleansing they were talking about. Will the people who have
already taken the COVID vaccines be more susceptible to this new illness than people who have not?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Okay. So anybody who has taken it, get yourself cleaned out.
(Niall) Splitting realities.
(irjO) Will we get more "powers" from illness "X" by accident like the first covid wave?
A: Rarely.
Q: (Aeneas & Ysus) Will Borax be very helpful against these coming viruses?
A: If used in advance as general prep.
Q: (M) Should we try to stay away from people who take this upcoming vaccine?
A: Yes.
Q: (Andromeda) For more reasons than one.
(L) Keep going. Scroll down...
(Chu) That's it.
(Niall) You answered every question!
(L) We've been going for over two hours.
(Andromeda) Except Joe's.
(Joe) Well, what I was gonna ask is, what are the odds of a major conflict in the Middle East involving
Iran, etc. happening this year? What are the chances?
A: Good.
Q: (Joe) So we're gonna have major Middle East war, a new pandemic...
(Niall) Secession in the United States, and possibly Civil war...
(Joe) ...and Israel.
(Andromeda) Probably an economic crash...
(L) And power grid failure.
(Chu) Yay...
A: Sounds like a theme park, eh?
Q: [laughter] (Joe) Yeah...
(Andromeda) Smoked sausages, here we come!
(Joe) It sounds like a theme park you never wanna go to. [laughter]
A: Create your own with prayer, awareness, diet, fasting, etc.
Q: (L) So we create our own theme park and hold it in our mental space. Is that it?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) All right. I think we're done. I'm a little pooped. This was very energetic tonight.
(Andromeda) It was a lot!
(L) Yeah. So, last question: if there's anything we should have asked that we need to ask, please give us
the answer.
A: Love! You are doing well. Network!!! Goodbye.
End of Session

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