Algebraic Approach To Differential Equations
Algebraic Approach To Differential Equations
Algebraic Approach To Differential Equations
Algebraic Approach
Algebraic Approach
Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Alexandria, Egypt 12 – 24 November 2007
Edited by
Lê Dũng Tráng
ICTP, Trieste, Italy
World Scientific
Published by
World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.
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USA office: 27 Warren Street, Suite 401-402, Hackensack, NJ 07601
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Copyright © 2010 by The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics
ISBN-13 978-981-4273-23-7
ISBN-10 981-4273-23-6
Printed in Singapore.
In october 2007, the “Abdus Salam” International Centre for Theoretical Physics
(ICTP) organized a school in mathematics at the Biblioteca Alexandrina in
Alexandria, Egypt. From the 3rd century B.C. until the 4th century A.C. Alexan-
dria was a centre for mathematics. Euclid, Diophante, Eratostene, Ptolemy, Hy-
patia were among those who made the fame of Alexandria and its antique library.
The choice of the Biblioteca Alexandria was symbolic. With the reconstruction
of the library it was natural that one also resumes the universal intellectual ex-
change of the antique library. The will of the director of the Biblioteca, Ismael
Seralgedin made that school possible.
The topic of the school was “Algebraic approach of differential equations”.
This special topic which is at the convergence of Algebra, Geometry and Analysis
was chosen to gather mathematicians of different disciplines in Egypt. This topic
arises from the pioneer work of E. Kolchin, L. Gårding, B. Malgrange and was
formalized by the school of M. Sato in Japan. The techniques used are among the
most recent and modern techniques of mathematics. In these lectures we give an
elementary presentation of the subject. Applications are given and new areas of
research are also hinted. This book allows to understand developments of this. We
hope that this book which gathers most of the lectures given in Alexandria will
interest specialists and show how linear differential systems are studied nowadays.
I especially thank the secretaries Alessandra Bergamo and Mabilo Koutou of
the mathematics section of ICTP and Anna Triolo of the publications section of
ICTP for all the help they gave for the publication of this book.
The school was made possible with the help of Mr Mohamed El Faham,
Deputy Director of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Ms Sahar Aly in charge
of the international meetings, Ms Mariam Moussa, Ms Marva Elwakie, Ms
Yasmin Maamoun, Ms Omneya Kamel, Ms Asmaa Soliman and Ms Samar
Seoud, all from Bibliotheca Alexandrina.
From the ICTP side, Ms Koutou Mabilo and Ms Alessandra Bergamo
was in charge of the organisation of the school and Ms Anna Triolo was in
charge of the publication of the proceedings.
Preface v
Acknowledgments vii
D-Modules in Dimension 1 1
L. Narváez Macarro
Departamento de Álgebra & Instituto de Matemáticas (IMUS)
Universidad de Sevilla, P.O. Box 1160, 41080 Sevilla, Spain
∗ E-mail: [email protected]
These notes are issued from a course taught in the I.C.T.P. School on
Algebraic Approach to Differential Equations, held at Alexandria (Egypt)
from November 12 through November 24, 2007.
These notes are intended to guide the reader from the classical theory
of linear differential equations in one complex variable to the theory of D-
modules. In the first four sections we try to motivate the use of sheaves, in
very concrete terms, to state Cauchy theorem and to express the phenomena
of analytic continuation of solutions. We also study multivalued solutions
around singular points. In sections 5 and 6 we recall the classical result of
Fuchs, the index theorem of Komatsu-Malgrange and Malgrange’s homo-
logical characterization of regularity, which is a key point in understanding
regularity in higher dimension. Section 7 is extracted from the very nice pa-
per2 of J. Briançon and Ph. Maisonobe. It contains the division tools on the
ring of (germs of) linear differential operators in one variable. They allow
us to prove “almost everything” on (complex analytic) D-module theory in
dimension 1 from the classical results. Section 8 tries to motivate the point
of view of higher solutions, a landmark in D-module theory. Sections 9 and
10 deal with holonomic D-modules and the general notion of regularity.
Both sections are technically based on the division tools and so they are
very specific for the one dimensional case, but they give a good flavor of
the general theory. Section 11 is written in collaboration with F. Gudiel
and it contains the local version of the Riemann-Hilbert correspondence in
1. Cauchy Theorem
Let U ⊂ C be an open set. A complex linear differential equation on U is
given by
dn y dy
an + · · · + a1 + a0 y = g, (1)
dz n dz
where the ai and g are holomorphic functions on U and y is an unknown
holomorphic function on U , which in case it exists is called a solution (on
U ) of the equation (1). If the function an does not vanishes identically, we
say that equation (1) has order n.
When g = 0 in (1), we call it an homogeneous complex linear differential
equation. In such a case, the solutions form a complex vector space, i.e.
-) the product of any constant and any solution is again a solution.
-) The sum of two solutions is again a solution.
Remark 1.1. A very basic (and obvious) remark is that a complex linear
differential equation on U as (1) determines, by restriction, a complex linear
differential equation on any open subset V ⊂ U and we may be interested
in searching its solutions, not only on the whole U , but on any open subset
V ⊂ U.
If an (x) 6= 0 for all x ∈ U , then equation (1) is equivalent (in the sense
that they have the same solutions) to
dn y dy dy
+ a0n−1 + · · · + a01 + a00 y = g 0 , (2)
dz dz dz
where a0i = aani and g 0 = agn .
Equation (2) is still equivalent to a linear system of order 1
Y1 B1
dY .. ..
= AY + B, Y = . , B = . (3)
Yn Bn
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Y1 = y
Y2 = y (1) Y1
y 7→ .. , . 7→ y = Y1
(n−1) Yn
Yn = y
establish a bijection between the solutions of (2) and the solutions of (3).
When b = 0 this bijection is an isomorphism of complex vector spaces.
The basic existence theorem for solutions of a linear system of type (3)
is the following result, which ca be found on almost any book of differential
equations (see for instance the book5 no 384).
Y ∈ S 7→ Y (0) ∈ Cn
a Later, we will need the general notion of sheaf, but in this section we only study the
is a homomorphism of C-algebras.
Exercise 2.4. Let {Ui }i∈I be an open covering of U and Li ∈ End(OUi ) for
each i ∈ I, such that Li |Ui ∩Uj = Lj |Ui ∩Uj for all i, j ∈ I. Prove that there
is a unique L ∈ End(OU ) such that L|Ui = Li for all i ∈ I.
Remark 2.1. The above exercise indicates that, for a given open set
U ⊂ C, the family End(OV ), V ⊂ U open subset, satisfies the same for-
mal properties as subsheaves of OU (see definition 2.2). In fact, OU , sub-
sheaves of OU , and {End(OV ), V ⊂ U open subset} all are examples of
“abstract sheaves” (of complex vector spaces or C-algebras) (see for in-
stance the book9 ). The family {End(OV ), V ⊂ U open subset} is denoted
by End (OU ), and we write End (OU )(V ) = End(OV ) for any open subset
V ⊂ U.
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End(OU ).
Obviously, if L : OU → OU is a linear differential operator of order ≤ n
and U 0 ⊂ U is an open subset, the restriction L|U 0 is also a linear differential
operator of order ≤ n.
Exercise 2.8. In the above definition, prove that the ai are unique.
Remark 2.2. In the above definition, the functions in (ker L)(V ) are obvi-
ously the same as the solutions on V of the homogeneous linear differential
dn y dy
an n + · · · + a 1 + a0 y = 0.
dz dz
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Remark 2.4. The stalk Fp can be described as the inductive limit (or
colimit) of the system F(V ) when V runs into the open neighborhoods of
p contained in U , ordered by the reverse inclusion.
Exercise 2.10. (1) Prove that in the case F = OU , the stalk OU,p is a C-
algebra and that the Taylor expansion centered at p defines an isomorphism
of C-algebras
∼ 1 di f
Tp : OU,p −
→ C{z}, Tp (fp ) = i
(p)z i ,
i! dz
Proposition 2.1. Let U ⊂ C be a connected open set. Then the linear map
f ∈ OU (U ) 7→ fp ∈ OU,p is injective for each point p ∈ U .
Exercise 2.13. In the situation of the above definition, prove that there are
canonical isomorphisms ker Lp ' (ker L)p , im Lp ' (im L)p . Prove also that
L is injectif, i.e. ker L = 0 (resp. L is surjectif, i.e. im L = OU ) if and only
if Lp is injectif (resp. Lp is surjectif) for all p ∈ U .
dn d
L = an n
+ · · · + a1 + a0 ,
dz dz
with ai ∈ OU (U ). Let us call ti ∈ C{z} the Taylor expansion at 0 of ai .
Then, under the isomorphism of exercise 2.10, the stalk L0 : OU,0 → OU,0
is identified with the linear endomorphism of C{z} given byc
dn s ds
s ∈ C{z} 7→ tn n
+ · · · + t1 + t0 s ∈ C{z}.
dz dz
Exercise 2.14. Let U ⊂ C be a connected open set and V ⊂ U a non-empty
open set. Prove that the restriction map DU (U ) → D(V ) is injective.
c In definition 7.1, we will study the ring of this kind of linear endomorphisms of C{z}.
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Proof. The proof of this corollary needs to use a small (and motivating)
argument of sheaf cohomology (see for instance9 ). Let us consider the exact
sequence of sheaves
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− ker L →
− OU −
→ OU →
− 0
and the associated long exact sequence of cohomology (cf. loc. cit.)
L(U )
− (ker L)(U ) → − H 1 (U, ker L) →
− OU (U ) −−−→ OU (U ) → − ···
From proposition 3.1 we know that ker L is a constant sheaf, ker L ' CnU ,
and so H 1 (U, ker L) ' H 1 (U, Cn ) = 0 since U is simply connected.
4. Local Monodromy
The universal covering space of C∗ = C − {0}, with base point 1, can be
realized for instance by
− (C∗ , 1),
q : (C, 0) → q(w) = e2πiw .
Base points can be moved inside the set of positive real numbers R∗+ ⊂ C∗
and inside the imaginary axis Ri ⊂ C without ambiguity, since both sets
are contractible.
The group of automorphisms of q is infinite cyclic generated by the
automorphism M : w ∈ C 7→ w + 1 ∈ C.
For any open disk D centered at 0, we write D f∗ = q −1 D∗ and we
also choose q : Df∗ → D as universal covering of D ∗ with base points in
The set of multivalued holomorphic functions on DR is denoted by A0R .
It is clearly a conmmutative C-algebra without zero divisors. For 0 < R 0 <
R ≤ +∞ we have restriction maps A0R → A0R0 which are injective and
C-algebra homomorphisms.
The map f ∈ O(DR ) 7→ f ◦ q ∈ A0R is injective and so we can think
in O(DR ) as a sub-C-algebra of A0R . The automorphism M induces an
automorphism of C-algebras
f∗ → D∗ is a
Let f = g ◦ σ a fixed determination of g on U . Since q : D
covering space, σ must be a biholomorphic map between U and the open
set σ(U ). Any other holomorphic section of q on U must be of the form
M k ◦ σ and q −1 U = k∈Z M k (σ(U )). Hence, any determination of g on U
is of the form T k (g) ◦ σ.
Proof. The key point is that if we take any simply connected open set
U ⊂ D∗ and we fix a holomorphic section σ : U → D f∗ of q, then σ
must be a biholomorphic map between U and the open set σ(U ) ⊂ D f∗ ,
any other holomorphic section of q on U must be of the form M ◦ σ and
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q −1 U = k∈Z M k (σ(U )). So, if f = g ◦ σ is a fixed determination of g on
U , then the map
T k (g) 7→ T k (g) ◦ σ = g ◦ M k ◦ σ
The set of all multivalued holomorphic function on DR of finite deter-
mination is a sub-C-algebra of AR , stable by T , and will be denoted by AR .
It is clear that the restriction map A0R → A0R0 sends AR into AR0 .
Exercise 4.2. (1) Prove that ∇(A0R ) is a subspace of O(V ) stable under the
action of the derivative dz . Conclude that A0R has a natural structure of
∗ ∗
left D(DR )-module in such a way that ∇ is D(DR )-linear. In particular,
AR is a left D(DR )-module.
(2) Prove that the monodromy T : A0R → A0R is D(DR
(3) Prove that AR is a sub-D(DR )-module of A0R .
set W ⊂ U , let us call W 0 = U 0 ∩ q −1 W and so q −1 W = k∈Z M k (W 0 )
and q : M k (W 0 ) → W for each k ∈ Z. It is easy to see that for a holomor-
phic function h on W , the condition h ◦ q|q−1 W ∈ F(qe −1 W ) is equivalent
to the condition h ◦ q|W 0 ∈ F(W 0
). In particular, one has that a holomor-
phic function h on W belongs to F(W ) if and only if h ◦ q|W 0 ∈ F(W e 0
Composition with q gives rise to a commutative diagram
F(U ) e 0)
/ F(U
Proposition 4.3. Under the above hypothesis and with the notations of
definition 4.4, the following properties hold:
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Proof. (1) We have ∇({g ∈ A0R | L(g) = 0}) ⊂ (ker L)(V ) and from
proposition 4.2, we know that (ker L)(V ) ⊂ ∇(AR ). We conclude that
{g ∈ A0R | L(g) = 0} = {g ∈ AR | L(g) = 0} ' (ker L)(V ).
e−2πiw d
(2) For g ∈ A0R , we have d
dz (∇(g)) = ∇(δ(g)), où δ = 2πi dw , and
L(∇(g)) = ∇(L(g)) with
e = an (e2πiw )δ n + · · · + a0 (e2πiw ) =
dn dn−1 g
an (e2πiw ) e(2πi)n dw n + bn−1 (w) dw ∗
n−1 + · · · + b0 (w) ∈ D(DR ).
Example 4.4. (1) For L = z dz − α, we have {g ∈ A0R | L(g) = 0} = hz α i.
d d
(2) For L = z dz 2 + dz , we have {g ∈ A0R | L(g) = 0} = hLog z, 1i.
Now, let us prove the existence of the φj,k . We proceed by induction on the
degree d(g) of the minimal polynomial of the action of T on g.
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φ1,r1 −1 = .
(r1 − 1)!λr11 −1 Q(λ1 )
We deduce that P 0 (T ) g − φ1,r1 −1 z α1 (Log z)r1 −1 = 0 and we conclude by
applying the induction hypothesis to g − φ1,r1 −1 z α1 (Log z)r1 −1 .
Remark 4.1. In the course of the proof of the above theorem, we have also
proved that if E ⊂ AR is the finite dimensional vector subspace generated
by the determinations of g and
j −1
X rX
g= φj,k z αj (Log z)k
j k=0
with φj,k ∈ O(DR ) and φj,rj −1 6= 0 for all j, then each φj,rj −1 z αj belongs
to E and it is an eigenvector of T |E with respect to the eigenvalue λj .
Exercise 4.3. Prove that for any complex number λ, the map T − λ : AR →
AR is surjective d .
d ActuallyT − λ : A0R → A0R is also surjective, but the proof needs a cohomological
argument (cf. th. (4.1.2) in20 ).
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5. Fuchs Theory
In this section we study the behavior of a linear differential equation, or of
a linear differential operator, in the neighborhood of a singular point.
D = DR of order n (an 6= 0), and let us assume that 0 is the only singular
point of L.
For a function a ∈ O(U ) and a point p ∈ U , let us write ν p (a) for the
vanishing order of a at p. It only depends on the germ ap (see exercise 2.10).
If ap = 0 then ν p (0) = +∞.
Theorem 5.1. (Fuchs) Let U ⊂ C be an open set, L = an dz n + ··· +
a1 dz + a0 a linear differential operator on U of order n ≥ 1 and p ∈ U a
singular point of L. Then, the following properties are equivalent:
Proof. The proof of this theorem can be found in the book,8 15.3.
Theorem 6.1. Under the above hypothesis, the following properties hold:
The proof of the above theorem consists of a reduction to the case where
the differential operator is of the form L0 = an dz n , where an easy compu-
0 d
tation shows that χ(Lp ) = χ dzn + χ(an ) = n − ν p (an ). The reduction is
based on the fact that L can be seen as a compact perturbation of L0 on
convenable Banach spaces.
The proof of the following theorem is much easier than the proof of
theorem 6.1 and can be found in the paper,17 prop. 1.3 and th. 1.4.
(1) The vector spaces ker Pb and coker Pb are finite dimensional and
Corollary 6.1. In the above situation, the following properties are equiv-
b −−−−→ O/O
0 −−−−→ O −−−−→ O b −−−−→ 0
we obtain the exact sequence
0 → ker P → ker Pb → ker Pe −→ coker P → coker Pb → coker Pe(= 0) → 0
and soe χ(P ) − χ(Pb) + χ(Pe ) = 0. From theorems 5.1, 6.1 and 6.2 we have
that (1) ⇔ (2) ⇔ (3) ⇔ (4). On the other hand, from equation (6) we
deduce that (4) ⇔ (5) and (6) ⇒ (4), and finally (5) ⇒ (6) is obvious.
Remark 6.1. The above corollary shows that the finite dimensional vector
space ker Lfp is a measure of the non-regularity (or the irregularity) of the
singular point p of L. This point of view is the first step of the notion of
irregularity complexes of holonomic D-modules in higher dimension (see the
paper21 ).
7. Division Tools
The material of this section is taken from the papers.2,13
In this section we work over the ring of convergent power series in one
variable O = C{z}, that we can think as the ring of germs at 0 of holomor-
phic functions defined on a open neighborhood of the origin. Let us denote
by ∂ : O → O the derivative with respect to z.
(3) The vector space ⊕n≥0 F n D/F n−1 D has a natural structure of ring (in
fact a C-algebra), that we will call the associated graded ring of the filtered
ring (D, F ) and will be denoted by grF D.
(4) If P, Q ∈ D and P, Q 6= 0, then P Q 6= 0 and ord P Q = ord P + ord Q.
(5) If P, Q ∈ D, then ord(P Q − QP ) ≤ ord P + ord Q − 1 and so grF D is
a commutative ring, and that it is isomorphic to the polynomial ring O[ξ].
Exercise 7.3. Prove that the ring D is simple, i.e. it has not any non trivial
two-sided ideal.
The proof of the above lemma is easy, and in fact it is a particular case
of the general division theorems in several variables (see the lectures by F.
Castro). Let us note that the condition on the remainder R is equivalent
to say that
supp(R) ⊂ N2 \ exp(P ) + N2 .
Let us denote by K the field of fractions of the ring O. Any element of K
can be written as a/z r , with a ∈ O and r ≥ 0. We can think of elements of
K as the germs at 0 of meromorphic functions defined on a neighborhood
of 0 and with a pole eventually at 0. The derivative ∂ : O → O extends
obviously to K.
Let DK be the ring of linear differential operators of K, i.e. the subring
of EndC (K) with elements of the form
ak ∂ k , ak ∈ K.
The ring is filtered in the obvious way and for any P ∈ DK , P 6= 0, the
definition of its order ord(P ) is clear.
The proof of following lemma is easy.
Lemma 7.2. Let P ∈ DK , P 6= 0. Then, for any A ∈ DK there are unique
Q, R ∈ DK such that A = QP + R with ord(R) < ord(P ).
Corollary 7.1. Let P ∈ D, P 6= 0. Then, for any A ∈ D there are Q, R ∈
D and an integer r ≥ 0 such that xr A = QP + R with ord(R) < ord(P ).
Definition 7.5. Let I ⊂ D be a non-zero left ideal. We define the set
Exp(I) = {exp(P ) | P ∈ I, P 6= 0}.
It is clear that Exp(I) is an ideal of N2 , i.e. Exp(I) + N2 ⊂ Exp(I).
Given a non-zero left ideal I ⊂ D let us write
p = p(I) = min{ord(P ) | P ∈ I, P 6= 0},
and for each d ≥ p,
αd = αd (I) = min{ν(P ) | P ∈ I, P 6= 0, ord(P ) = d}.
Since αp ≥ αp+1 ≥ · · · we can define
q = q(I) = min{d ≥ p | αd = αe , ∀e ≥ d}.
We also define
ν(I) = min{ν(P ) | P ∈ I, P 6= 0}.
It is clear that ν(I) = αq(I) (I).
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or in other words
supp(R) ⊂ N2 \ Exp(I).
In particular, A ∈ I ⇔ R = 0 and so any Gröbner basis Fp , Fp+1 , . . . , Fq of
I is a system of generators I.
Let us keep the notations of definition 7.6, and let us assume that the
Fd satisfy the following property:
Fd = z αd ∂ d + terms of lower order.
We say in that case that our Gröbner basis is normalized.
For each d = p + 1, . . . , q, there are unique Qdl ∈ O, l = p, . . . , d − 1 such
∂Fd−1 − z αd−1 −αd Fd = Qdp Fp + · · · + Qdd−1 Fd−1 .
We have then the following syzygies of (Fp , Fp+1 , . . . , Fq ):
d−1 d
| {z } |{z}
Rd = (Qdp , Qdp+1 , . . . , −∂ + Qdd−1 , z αd−1 −αd , 0, . . . , 0)
for d = p + 1, . . . , q.
We have the following result (see prop. 3 in2 ). It is a particular case of
a general result valid for Gröbner bases in several variables and in various
settings (see the notes3 ).
Proposition 7.1. The module of syzygies of (Fp , Fp+1 , . . . , Fq ) is generated
by Rp+1 , . . . , Rq .
Proposition 7.2. (Cf. prop. 8.8 in 10 or lemme 10.3.1 in 27 ) Let M be a
left D-module which is finitely generated as O-module. Then it is free (of
finite rank) as O-module.
Let us note that the ring D is the inductive limit lim D(DR ).
(7) Prove that T : A −→ A induces an automorphism on A/O. Prove also
that for any λ ∈ C, the map T − λ : A → A is surjective (see exercise 4.3).
(8) N := lim NR is a left sub-D-module of A. The elements in N can be
written as finite sums
φα,k z α (Log z)k
M0 = A0 /O, M = A/O.
Proof. Properties (1) and (2) are a simple translation of proposition 4.3.
Property (3) is a consequence of property (2). For property (4), let us
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Proof. Property (1) is a consequence of proposition 7.3, (1) and the fact
that A has no O-torsion.
For property (2), we only need to prove that any g ∈ M annihilated by
Fq is annihilated by Fp , . . . , Fq . We can assume that our Gröbner basis is
normalized. Then, the definition of the syzygies Rd (see proposition 7.1)
can be written in the following compact form:
∂Fp Fp 0
∂Fp+1 Fp+1 0
.. .. ..
. = A . + . (7)
∂Fq−2 Fq−2 0
∂Fq−1 Fq−1 z αq−1 −αq Fq
p z αp −αp+1 0 ··· 0 0
Qp+2 Qp+2 z αp+1 −αp+2 ··· 0 0
p p+1
. .. .. .. .. ..
.. . . . . .
q−1 αq−2 −αq−1
Q p Qq−1
p+1 Q q−1
p+2 · · · Qq−1
q−2 z
Qqp Qqp+1 Qqp+2 · · · Qqq−2 Qqq−1
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(a) I = I 0.
(b) E(I) = E(I 0 ) and F (I) = F (I 0 ).
(b) p(I) = p(I 0 ) and ν(I) = ν(I 0 ).
(c) p(I) + ν(I) = p(I 0 ) + ν(I 0 ).
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Proof. The equivalence (a) ⇔ (b) comes from property (4) in proposition
7.5. The equivalence (b) ⇔ (c) ⇔ (d) comes from property (3) in proposition
7.5 and the obvious inclusions E(I 0 ) ⊂ E(I), F (I 0 ) ⊂ F (I).
8. Generalized Solutions
If we start from a linear differential equation as (1), we may be interested
in searching its solutions, not only holomorphic functions, but possibly
distributions, hyperfunctions, etc.
In order to make sense the sentence “y is a solution” of (1) what we need
is that y is an element of certain space S, g is also an element of the same
space S, and it makes sense the action of any linear differential operator on
elements of S. Algebraically that corresponds to the fact that S is a (left)
The solutions of the homogeneous equation associated with (1) in the
space S can be expressed simply as
ker(P : S → S) = {y ∈ S | P y = 0}
d d
where P = an dz n + · · · + a1 dz + a0 . But it is clear that
S(P) = {Q ∈ Dm | Qi P i = 0}.
Qi gi = 0, ∀Q ∈ S(P) (11)
(see the book28 ). In fact, the ExtiD (M, N ) appear as the cohomology of
degree i of a certain complex of vector spaces
R HomD (M, N )
−1 ·P 0
M • = · · · → 0 → D −→ D → 0 → · · · ,
In particular,
(3) If N is an injective (see for instance the book28 ) D-module, we can solve
any compatible system with unknowns in N and
gives rise to the relation (see (7) in the proof of proposition 7.5)
∂Fp Fp 0
∂Fp+1 Fp+1 0
.. .. .
. = A . +
∂Fq−2 Fq−2 0
∂Fq−1 Fq−1 z αq−1 −αq Fq
with A a matrix with entries in O. By applying ψ we find
∂gp gp 0
∂gp+1 gp+1 0
.. .. .
. = A . +
∂gq−2 gq−2 0
∂gq−1 gq−1 z αq−1 −αq gq
fp fp 0 hp
fp+1 fp+1 0 hp+1
. = A . + .. + . ,
fq−2 fq−2 0 hq−2
fq−1 fq−1 z αq−1 −αq fq hq−1
where hd ∈ O for d = p, . . . , q − 1, and
fp − F p f fp − F p f hp
fp+1 − Fp+1 f fp+1 − Fp+1 f hp+1
d ..
. = A . + .
dz .
fq−2 − Fq−2 f fq−2 − Fq−2 f hq−2
fq−1 − Fq−1 f fq−1 − Fq−1 f hq−1
By Cauchy theorem we deduce that fd − Fd f ∈ O for d = p, . . . , q − 1
and so Fd g = gd for d = p, . . . , q − 1. The extension of ψ is given by
ψe : P ∈ D 7→ P g ∈ M.
Exercise 8.1. By taking the free resolutions in exercise 7.8 and the injective
resolution of O given in proposition 8.1, compute in two different ways
Sol M for: (1) M = O. (2) M = K. (3) M = K/O.
March 31, 2010 14:8 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 01˙macarro
−1 0 · · · 0
∂ 0 0
∂ −1 · · · 0
0 0 0
.. .
.. ... .
.. .
.. .
P= .
0 0 0 ··· ∂ −1 0
−a0 −a1 −a2 · · · −an−3 −an−2 ∂ − an−1
P1 = (∂, −1, 0, . . . , 0, 0, 0)
P = (0, ∂, −1, . . . , 0, 0, 0)
.. .. ..
. . .
P = (0, 0, 0, . . . , ∂, −1, 0)
P n = (−a0 , −a1 , −a2 , . . . , −an−3 , −an−2 , ∂ − an−1 ).
(Q0 , . . . , Qn−1 ) ∈ M 0 = Dn /I 7→ Qi ∂ i ∈ M = D/DP
9. Holonomic D-Modules
In this section, all D-modules considered will be left D-modules.
(a) M is holonomic.
(b) M is of finite length.
(c) There is a non-zero ideal I ⊂ D such that M ' D/I.
f Holonomic D-modules make sense in several variables, but their definition needs to work
with filtrations (see the notes3 ). The present definition only works in one variable.
March 31, 2010 14:8 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 01˙macarro
Proof. (See II.3.1 in13 ) The equivalence of the first three properties comes
from proposition 7.3, (1), exercise 10.1, proposition 7.5, (1) and theorem
Let {Fp , . . . , Fq } be a Gröbner basis of I. We know from proposition
7.5, (2) that F (I) = F (DFq ).
(b) ⇒ (d): Let g = f ∈ M be a class in F (I), i.e. Fq f ∈ O. We can find a
non singular operator P ∈ D (ν(P ) = 0) such that P Fq f = 0, and so, by
theorem 5.1 f ∈ N and g ∈ N /O.
March 31, 2010 14:8 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 01˙macarro
Remark 10.1. Let us note that for any holonomic D-module M , the vec-
tor space HomD (M, O/O) is finite dimensional. For that, it is enough to
consider the case where M = D/I with I ⊂ D a non-zero left ideal. In such
a case we have an isomorphism
HomD (D/I, O/O) b
' {η ∈ O/O | P η = 0, ∀P ∈ I},
Proof. The proof follows the same lines as the proof of the injectivity of
A in proposition 8.1, since O/O has no O-torsion either and we can use
theorem 6.2, (2) instead of proposition 7.4, (2).
(a) M is regular.
(b) R HomD (M, O/O) = 0.
(c) The map HomD (M, N ) → HomD (M, A) induced by the inclusion N ⊂
A is an isomorphism.
(d) The map HomD (M, N /O) → HomD (M, A/O) induced by the inclusion
N /O ⊂ A/O is an isomorphism.
March 31, 2010 14:8 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 01˙macarro
− M0 →
0→ − M 00 →
− M→ − 0,
Remark 10.2. The above results are the precursors of the irregularity
complexes along a hypersurface and the notion of regular holonomic module
in higher dimension (see the papers20,21 ).
Definition 11.1. Let us call C0 the category defined in the following way:
(1) The objets of C0 are the diagrams (E, F, u, v) where E, F are complex
vector spaces and u : E → F and v : F → E are linear maps such that
IdE + v ◦ u and IdF + u ◦ v are automorphisms.
(2) If O = (E, F, u, v), O 0 = (E 0 , F 0 , u0 , v 0 ) are objets of C0 , a morphism in
C0 from O to O0 is a pair (a, b) of linear maps a : E → E 0 , b : F → F 0
such that u0 ◦ a = b ◦ u, v 0 ◦ b = a ◦ v.
We also call C the full subcategory of C0 whose objects are those (E, F, u, v)
with dimC E, dimC F < +∞.
March 31, 2010 14:8 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 01˙macarro
Exercise 11.1. (1) Prove that C0 is an abelian category. Which are the
monomorphisms and the epimorphisms in C0 ?
(2) Prove that C is an abelian subcategory of C0 . Prove that any object in
C has finite length.
(3) Prove that the simple objects in C are isomorphic to one of the following
types: (i) (C, 0, 0, 0); (ii) (0, C, 0, 0); (iii) (C, C, 1, λ), λ 6= −1, 0.
Definition 11.3. We define an “universal” object U 0 in C0 as U 0 =
(A, M, U, V ) with U : A → M the projection map and V : M → A the
“variation” map defined as V (f ) = T (f ) − f . This object contains another
special object U = (N , N /O, U, V ).
The object U 0 is enriched with a (left) D-module structure, since A
and M are left D-modules and U, V are D-linear. So, for any object O =
(E, F, u, v) in C, the abelian group HomC (O, U 0 ) carries a natural structure
of left D-module given by the following operation: for P ∈ D and (a, b) ∈
HomC (O, U 0 ), P (a, b) is defined as (P a, P b) where
P a : x ∈ E 7→ (P a)(x) := P · a(x) ∈ A,
P b : y ∈ F 7→ (P b)(y) := P · b(y) ∈ M.
In that way we define a contravariant left exact additive functor
F0 = HomC0 (−, U 0 ) : C → Mod(D).
Since U is also enriched with a (left) D-module structure, we also have
another contravariant left exact additive functor
F = HomC0 (−, U) : C → Mod(D)
with F ⊂ F0 .
March 31, 2010 14:8 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 01˙macarro
Proof. The proof goes easily by induction on the length of the object O.
If O is simple, the result has been treated in exercise 11.2.
Assume that the proposition is true anytime that lg O < n and let
O be an object in C with lg O = n. We can find a short exact sequence
i p
0 → O0 → − O− → O00 → 0 in C with lg O0 = 1 and lg O00 = n − 1. By applying
F we obtain a left exact sequence of left D-modules
Fp Fi
− FO00 −→ FO −→ FO0 .
Definition 11.4. For any regular holonomic D-module, we define the map
1 2
ξM : M → FEM = HomC0 (EM, U) by ξM (m) = (ξM (m), ξM (m)) with
ξM (m) : φ ∈ HomD (M, N ) 7→ φ(m) ∈ N ,
ξM (m) : ψ ∈ HomD (M, N /O) 7→ ψ(m) ∈ N /O.
Proof. The first part is clear. For the second part, we can restrict ourselves
to the case M = D/I, where I ⊂ D is a non-zero left ideal. In such a case,
EM is canonically isomorphic to O = (E(I), F (I), U, V ) ⊂ U and the map
ξM can be seen as
Proof. We can assume that M = D/I, with I ⊂ D a maximal left ideal and
so EM is isomorphic to O = (E(I), F (I), U, V ). Let O 0 = (E, F, U, V ) be a
simple sub-object of O and J = {P ∈ D | P f = 0, ∀f ∈ E, P g = 0, ∀g ∈ F }.
We know from exercise 11.2, (3) that E(J) = E, F (J) = F .
It is clear that J is a proper ideal containing I, and so I = J. We
conclude that O = O 0 and O is simple.
0 / M0 /M / M 00 /0
' ξM 0 ξM ' ξM 00
0 / FEM 0 / FEM / FEM 00
and so ξM is an isomorphism.
Exercise 11.3. Prove that the correspondence which associates to any object
O of C the map τO is a morphism of functors τ : Id → EF.
Exercise 11.4. (1) Prove that for any objects O ⊂ O 0 in C with O0 /O simple,
the induced map FO0 → FO is surjective (Hint: Proceed following the three
different types of simple objects in C and use exercise 7.2, (7)).
(2) Conclude that the functor F : C → RegHol is exact.
E : RegHol(D) →
− C and F:C→
− RegHol(D)
Remark 11.1. (1) Since A and M are in fact left modules over the ring
D∞ of germs at 0 of infinite order linear differential operators (cf.23,26 ),
we can consider F0 as a functor from C to Mod(D∞ ). One can prove that
A = D∞ ⊗D N , M = D∞ ⊗D N /O and that D∞ ⊗D F ' F0 . Let us
call Hol(D∞ ) the full abelian subcategoryg D∞ ⊗D Hol(D) ⊂ Mod(D∞ ).
g One needs to use that the extension D ,→ D∞ is faithfully flat (cf. loc. cit.).
March 31, 2010 14:8 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 01˙macarro
We can also define, for any left coherente DX -modules M, N, the sheaf of
complex vector spaces Hom DX (M, N). We also define
1. M.F. Atiyah and I.G. MacDonald. Introduction to commutative algebra.
Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Reading, Mass.-London-Don Mills, Ont.,
2. J. Briançon and Ph. Maisonobe. Idéaux de germes d’opérateurs différentiels
à une variable. Enseign. Math., 30 (1984), 7–38.
3. F. J. Castro Jiménez. Modules over the Weyl Algebra. This volume.
4. P. Deligne. Lettre à R. MacPherson. 1981.
5. E. Goursat. Cours d’analyse mathématique, Tome II. Gauthier-Villars, Paris,
6. J.M. Granger and Ph. Maisonobe. A basic course on differential modules,
in16 vol. I, 103–168.
7. F. Gudiel Rodrı́guez. Sobre una variante local del problema de Riemann-
Hilbert en una variable. Tesis de Licenciatura, Facultad de Matemáticas,
Universidad de Sevilla, October 1991.
8. O. Ince. Ordinary Differential Equations. Dover, New York, 1950.
9. B. Iversen. Cohomology of Sheaves. Universitext. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg,
10. N.M. Katz. Nilpotent connections and the monodromy theorem: Applications
of a result of Turritin. Inst. Hautes Études Sci. Publ. Math., 39 (1970), 175–
11. H. Komatsu. On the index of ordinary differential operators. J. Fac. Sci.
Univ. Tokyo Sect. IA Math., 18 (1971), 379–398.
12. Lê Dũng Tráng (editor). Introduction à la théorie algébrique des systèmes
différentiels. Travaux en cours, 34. Hermann, Paris, 1988.
13. Ph. Maisonobe. Germes de D-modules à une variable et leurs solutions, in 12
14. Ph. Maisonobe. Faisceaux pervers sur C relativement à {0} et couple E → ←F ,
in12 135–146.
15. Ph. Maisonobe and L. Narváez Macarro (editors). Éléments de la théorie des
systèmes différentiels géométriques. Cours du CIMPA, École d’été de Séville
(1996). Séminaires et Congrès, vol. 8. Soc. Math. France, Paris, 2004.
16. Ph. Maisonobe and C. Sabbah (editors). Eléments de la théorie des systèmes
différentiels (vol. I, II). Summer school at CIMPA, Nice, 1990. Travaux en
cours, 45, 46. Hermann, Paris, 1993.
17. B. Malgrange. Sur les points singuliers des équations différentielles. L’Enseig.
Math., XX (1974), 147–176.
18. J.C. McConnell and J.C. Robson. Noncommutative Noetherian Rings. John
Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 1987.
19. Z. Mebkhout. Une autre équivalence de catégories. Compositio Math., 51
(1984), 63–88.
20. Z. Mebkhout. Le théorème de comparaison entre cohomologies de De Rham
d’une variété algébrique complexe et le théorème d’existence de Riemann.
Inst. Hautes Études Sci. Publ. Math., 69 (1989), 47–89.
21. Z. Mebkhout. Le théorème de positivité, le théorème de comparaison et le
théorème d’existence de Riemann, in15 165–308.
March 31, 2010 14:8 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 01˙macarro
Department of Algebra
University of Seville
Campus Reina Mercedes
41012 Seville (Spain)
E-mail: [email protected]
We develop some basic results on modules over the Weyl algebra including the
existence of the Bernstein polynomial and the relationship between logarithmic
modules and the so-called Logarithmic Comparison Theorem. We use computer
algebra system Macaulay 2 to explicitly compute some invariants arising in the
whole subject.
These notes are an enlarged version of the lecture notes given at the School
on Algebraic Approach to Differential Equations that took place at Biblio-
theca Alexandrina (Alexandria, Egypt) from 12th to 24th November 2007. a
The school was organized by the Mathematics Section of the ICTP (The
Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste).
The content of these notes is the following. Section 1 is devoted to the
definition of the complex Weyl algebra, the ring of linear differential oper-
ators with polynomial coefficients, and the study of different filtrations on
the Weyl algebra and on left An –modules. The associated graded structures
will be used in Section 2 to define the characteristic variety, the dimension
and the multiplicity of a finitely generated An –module. In this section we
prove the Bernstein’s inequality and study the class of holonomic modules.
a Part of this material has been previously taught in the Aachen Summer School 2007
Algorithmic D-module theory that took place from 3rd to 7th September 2007, at the
Söllerhaus in Kleinwalsertal (Austria).
February 4, 2010 18:13 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 02˙jimenez
One of the deepest result of this section, due to J. Bernstein, states that
the An –module of rational functions, with poles along a hypersurface in
Cn , is holonomic. Following J. Bernstein we also introduce the Bernstein
polynomial (also known as Bernstein-Sato polynomial) associated with a
given polynomial f ∈ C[x] := C[x1 , . . . , xn ].
In Section 3 we consider the class of logarithmic An –modules. These
modules are associated with a polynomial f ∈ C[x] and are defined by using
differential operators of order 1 arising from the logarithmic derivations
with respect to f .
Some parts of the lectures were devoted to algorithmic questions and
explicit computations in the theory of finitely generated modules over the
Weyl algebra. These explicit computations are possible because the theory
of Groebner bases can be extended from the polynomial ring to the Weyl
algebra. We have added in an Appendix some basic results on the Division
Theorem for differential operators and the theory of Groebner bases in An
and other rings of differential operators. Many of the used algorithms are
due to T. Oaku and N. Takayama37 and have been implemented in the
D-modules package for the Computer Algebra system Macaulay 2. 28
While giving the lectures and writing these notes we have supposed that
the students and the readers have some familiarity with basic notions in
Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry. In particular they should
have a good elementary knowledge of the theory of commutative rings and
their modules, as contained for instance in the first three chapters of Atiyah-
Macdonald.4 They should also know the basic definitions and results in
the theory of affine algebraic varieties at the level of the first chapter of
R. Hartshorne.30 This knowledge must include the Nullstellensatz and the
theory of Hilbert functions and polynomials.
Notation 1.1. The notations above are not easy to use. Hence, we will
simply write xi instead of φxi . This identification is justified by Proposition
1.1. We will also write P Q instead of P ◦ Q for the product in An .
For α = (α1 , . . . , αn ) ∈ Nn we will write xα = xα αn
1 · · · xn both for the
Proposition 1.2.
Proof. (1) It follows from the case n = 1 and the distributivity of the
product with respect to the sum in An . For n = 1 (writing t and ∂t instead
February 4, 2010 18:13 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 02˙jimenez
Proof. It is enough to prove the first statement since the second statement
follows from it.
Any word in the generators x1 , . . . , xn , ∂1 , . . . , ∂n is a product of mono-
mials (see Remark 1.1). By Proposition 1.2 (3.) a product of monomials is
a linear combination with coefficients in C of elements in B. This proves
that B is a generating system for the vector space An . Let us prove now
that B is linearly independent. Let us consider
P = pαβ xα ∂ β
a non trivial linear combination of monomials in B. Let β 0 ∈ Nn be the
smallest element, with respect to the lexicographical order,b appearing as
0 P
the exponent of ∂ in P . We have that P (xβ ) = (β 0 )!( α pαβ 0 xα ) because
if β 0 is strictly smaller than β in the lexicographic order then ∂ β (xβ ) = 0.
Because of the choice of β 0 there exists α ∈ Nn such that pαβ 0 6= 0 and then
P (xβ ) is nonzero. In particular the endomorphism P ∈ An is nonzero.
Due to Proposition 1.3 the action of an element P = β pβ (x)∂ β ∈ An
on an element g ∈ C[x] can be written as
X ∂ β1 +···+βn (g)
P (g) = pβ (x) β1
β ∂x1 · · · ∂xβnn
and this justifies the name of Linear Differential Operators with polynomial
coefficients for the elements in An .
In fact C[x] is finitely generated as An -module. This can be proved just
by considering the map
φ : C[x] −→
An (∂1 , . . . , ∂n )
defined by φ(g) = g = g + An (∂1 , . . . , ∂n ) where An (∂1 , . . . , ∂n ) is the left
ideal generated by ∂1 , . . . , ∂n .
This map is a morphism of left An –modules and it is injective by Propo-
sition 1.3. Let’s see that φ is also surjective. Consider P ∈ An and write it
P = pβ (x)∂ β .
the maximum of |β| for pβ (x) 6= 0 is called the order of P . This nonnegative
integer is denoted by ord(P ). The maximum of |α| + |β| for pαβ 6= 0 is
called the total order of P and it is denoted by ordT (P ). We will write
ord(0) = ordT (0) = −∞.
is the polynomial
σ(P ) = pβ (x)ξ β ∈ C[x, ξ] = C[x1 , . . . , xn , ξ1 , . . . , ξn ]
|β|=ord(P )
February 4, 2010 18:13 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 02˙jimenez
Proof. (1), (2) and (3) follow from Proposition 1.2. Parts (4) and (5) follow
from the very Definitions 1.2 and 1.3.
Proof. Both cases being analogous we will only write the proof for the first
one. Assume F ∈ gr(I) is not zero. As gr(I) is generated by {σ(P ) | P ∈ I}
there are P1 , . . . , Pr in I such that
F = Hi σ(Pi )
for some polynomials Hi ∈ C[x, ξ]. Let’s denote by d (resp. di ) the ξ-degree
of F (resp. σ(Pi )). Then we can assume Hi ξ–homogeneous of degree d − di
(in particular Hi = 0 if d < di ). Let’s denote by Qi (x, ∂) any element in
An such that σ(Qi ) = Hi . As
F = σ(Qi )σ(Pi )
has total order strictly smaller than ordT (P ) and then P 0 should be in J.
This implies P ∈ J which is a contradiction. This proves J = I.
P0 = Pj (x, ∂ 0 )∂ij
Remark 1.6. The only invertible elements in An are the nonzero constants
(i.e. the elements in C \ {0}), since if 1 = P Q for some P, Q ∈ An then
0 = ordT (1) = ordT (P ) + ordT (Q) and this implies that both P, Q must be
nonzero elements in C.
1.3. Filtrations on An
Let us denote
Fk (An ) = {P ∈ An | ord(P ) ≤ k}
Bk (An ) = {P ∈ An | ordT (P ) ≤ k}
for k ∈ Z.
If no confusion arises we will simply write Fk = Fk (An ) and Bk =
Bk (An ).
Definition 1.5. The family (Fk )k (resp. (Bk )k ) is called the order filtration
(resp. the total order filtration) on An .
Exercise 1.4. Each quotient Bk−1 is a C–vector space with dimension
2n + k − 1
2n − 1
xα ∂ β = xα ∂ β + Bk−1
February 4, 2010 18:13 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 02˙jimenez
with |α+β| = k generate the quotient vector space Bk /Bk−1 and, moreover,
they are linearly independent since a linear combination
λαβ xα ∂ β
Each quotient Fk /Fk−1 is a free C[x]–module with rank
M Fk
resp. gr (An ) :=
Proof. We will write down the case of the total order filtration (Bk )k , the
other one being analogous. Let us consider, for k, ` ∈ Z, the map
Bk B` Bk+`
µk` : × →
Bk−1 B`−1 B`+k−1
defined by
µk` (P + Bk−1 , Q + B`−1 ) = P Q + Bk+`−1
for P ∈ Bk , Q ∈ B` .
The map µk` is well defined: P Q + Bk+`−1 does not depend on the
chosen representatives P ∈ Bk and Q ∈ B` .
February 4, 2010 18:13 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 02˙jimenez
by bilinearity:
µ0 ( Pk , Q` ) = Pk Q `
k ` k,`
Proposition 1.9. The graded ring grB (An ) is isomorphic to the polyno-
mial ring C[x, ξ] endowed with the grading defined by the degree of the poly-
ηk pαβ xα ∂ β + Bk−1 = pαβ xα ξ β .
|α+β|≤k |α+β|=k
February 4, 2010 18:13 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 02˙jimenez
Remark 1.8. The polynomial ring C[x, ξ] can be also endowed with the
grading defined by the degree in ξ:
C[x, ξ] = C[x, ξ](k)
C[x, ξ](k) = C[x]ξ β .
Proposition 1.10. The graded ring grF (An ) is isomorphic to the polyno-
mial ring C[x, ξ] endowed with the ξ–grading.
Notation 1.2. From now on, we will identify the graded rings grB (An )
and C[x, ξ] (endowed with the degree of the polynomials) (resp. grF (An )
and C[x, ξ] (endowed with the ξ–degree)) by mean of the isomorphism η
(resp. η 0 ).
February 4, 2010 18:13 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 02˙jimenez
Remark 1.10.
(1) The total order filtration (Bk (An ))k is a B–filtration on the left An –
module An .
(2) Let us denote, for k ∈ Z,
Bk (C[x]) = {f ∈ C[x] | deg(f ) ≤ k}.
The family (Bk (C[x]))k is a B–filtration on the left An -module C[x].
(3) Let I ⊂ An be an ideal and denote Bk (I) = Bk (An ) ∩ I for k ∈ Z. The
family (Bk (I))k is a B–filtration on I considered as a left An –module
(see also Subsection 1.9).
(4) Let I ⊂ An be an ideal and define
An Bk (An ) + I
Bk =
for k ∈ N. The family (Bk (An /I))k is a B–filtration on the left An –
module An /I. It will be called the induced B–filtration on An /I (see
also Subsection 1.9).
ii) k Mk = M .
iii) Fk M` ⊂ Mk+` for all (k, `).
Remark 1.11.
(1) The order filtration (Fk (An ))k is an F –filtration on the left An –module
An .
(2) Let us denote, for k ∈ Z, Fk (C[x]) = C[x] for k ≥ 0 and Fk (C[x]) = 0.
The family (Fk (C[x]))k is an F –filtration on the left An –module C[x].
(3) Let I ⊂ An be an ideal and denote Fk (I) = Fk (An ) ∩ I for k ∈ Z. The
family (Fk (I))k is an F –filtration on I considered as a left An –module
(see also Subsection 1.9).
(4) Let I ⊂ An be an ideal and denote
An Fk (An ) + I
Fk =
for k ∈ Z. The family (Fk (An /I))k is an F –filtration on the left An –
module An /I. It will be called the induced F –filtration on An /I (see
also Subsection 1.9).
Remark 1.12. We will use here the notations of Propositions 1.9 and 1.10.
If P ∈ Bk \ Bk−1 (resp. P ∈ Fk \ Fk−1 ) then
(ηk ◦ σkB )(P ) = σ T (P )
resp. (ηk0 ◦ σkF )(P ) = σ(P ) .
Proof. We will only treat the case of the B–filtration the other one being
Let us consider the map
ν : grB (An ) × grΓ (M ) → grΓ (M )
defined by bilinearity from the maps
Bk M` Mk+`
νk : × →
Bk−1 M`−1 Mk+`−1
defined by
νk (Pk , m` ) = Pk m` .
February 4, 2010 18:13 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 02˙jimenez
Definition 1.8. The graded module grΓ (M ) will be called the associated
graded module to the filtration Γ = (Mk )k on M .
Proposition 1.12.
0 → Nk → Mk → (M/N )k → 0
Proof. It follows from Proposition 1.13 applied to the canonical exact se-
0 → I −→ An −→ →0
where each term of the sequence is endowed with its corresponding B–
filtration or F –filtration.
identified with a graded submodule of grB (An ). This means that grB (I) is
a graded ideal –modulo this identification– of the graded ring grB (An )).
Let us recall (see Proposition 1.9) that there exists a natural isomor-
phism of graded rings
is defined by
ηk pαβ xα ∂ β + Bk−1 = pαβ xα ξ β .
|α+β|≤k |α+β|=k
Proposition 1.14. With the above notations, the ideal η(grB (I)) is the
homogeneous ideal of C[x, ξ] generated by the family {σ T (P ) | P ∈ I}.
We have an analogous result for grF (I) and the family {σ(P ) | P ∈ I}
(using the notation of Proposition 1.10).
Recall that we have identified grB (An ) with C[x, ξ] (see Notation 1.2).
Let I be an ideal of An and let us denote M = An /I and Γ00 = (Bk (M ))k
the induced B–filtration on M (see Remark 1.10). By Corollary 1.3 grΓ (M )
is isomorphic as C[x, ξ]–module to
February 4, 2010 18:13 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 02˙jimenez
C[x, ξ]
grB (I)
i) Γ is a good B–filtration on M .
ii) There exists k0 ∈ N such that Mk+` = B` Mk for all ` ≥ 0 and for all
k ≥ k0 .
m = m0 + Pj (x, ∂)mj .
Exercise 1.7. Let us define Bk0 = B2k for k ∈ Z. Prove that (Bk0 )k is a B–
filtration on the An –module An . Prove that (Bk0 )k is not a good filtration.
(Hint: For i > 0 and k > 0 we have Bi Bk0 = Bi B2k $ Bi+k 0
= B2i+2k ).
for all k ∈ N.
ii) If Γ and Γ0 are both good filtrations then there exists k2 ∈ N such that
0 0
Mk−k 2
⊂ Mk ⊂ Mk+k 2
for all k ∈ N.
Proof. Let us prove first that ii) follows from i). So, let us assume i) is
proved. Then there exists j1 ∈ N such that Mk ⊂ Mk+j 1
and there exists
j2 ∈ N such that Mk ⊂ Mk+j2 and both inclusions hold for all k. Let us
define k2 to be the maximum of j1 and j2 . This k2 satisfies ii).
Let us prove i). By Proposition 1.16 there exists k0 ≥ 0 such that Mk+` =
B` Mk for all ` ≥ 0 and for all k ≥ k0 . As Mk0 is a C–vector space of finite
dimension there exists k1 ∈ N such that Mk0 ⊂ Mk0 1 . If k ≥ k0 we have
Mk = Mk−k0 +k0 = Bk−k0 Mk0 ⊂ Bk−k0 Mk0 1 ⊂ Mk−k
0 +k1
⊂ Mk+k 1
If 0 ≤ k ≤ k0 then Mk ⊂ Mk0 ⊂ Mk0 1 ⊂ Mk+k
Remark 1.13. Propositions 1.15, 1.16 and 1.17 remain true if one replaces
B–filtrations by F –filtrations.
Let us consider C(x) the fraction field of the domain C[x]. Elements in
C(x) are rational functions, that is, quotients fg of polynomials g, f ∈ C[x]
with f 6= 0.
For any of these rational functions fg its partial derivative ∂i ( fg ) is noth-
ing but
∂i (g)f − g∂i (f )
Bibliographical note
Most of the material of this Section appears in the already cited article
Bernstein6 and in the books by J.E. Björk7 and by S.C. Coutinho.21
P since in this case the graded ideal gr(I) ⊂ C[x, ξ] is generated by the
principal symbol σ(P ).
i1 : load "D-modules.m2";
i2 : R=QQ[x,y];
i3 : W=makeWA R;
i4 : P1=x*dx+y*dy, P2=x*dy+y^2*dx
February 4, 2010 18:13 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 02˙jimenez
o4 = (x*dx + y*dy, y dx + x*dy)
o4 : Sequence
i5 : I=ideal(P1,P2)
o5 = ideal (x*dx + y*dy, y dx + x*dy)
o5 : Ideal of W
i6 : charIdeal I
o7 : Ideal of W
i8 : J==I
o8 = true
Then Gj ∈ AnngrF (An ) (grΓ (M )) for each j. This proves that the ideal
AnngrF (An ) (grΓ (M )) is ξ–homogeneous.
Z ⊇ Z0 ⊃ · · · ⊃ Zm
i2 : f=x^2*y^2+x*z-y; g=x^2+y^2+z^2;
i4 : I=ideal(f,g)
2 2 2 2 2
o4 = ideal (x y + x*z - y, x + y + z )
o4 : Ideal of R
i5 : dim I
o5 = 1
i2 : R=QQ[x,y,z];
i3 : W=makeWA R;
i4 : P=x^3*y*dx*dy+dz,Q=y*dy*dz-z*y;
i5 : I = ideal (P,Q);
i6 : dim I
o6 = 3
i7 : charIdeal I
o7 = ideal (dz, y, x dx)
Proof. See [44, Ch. VII, §12] or [30, Ch.1, Th. 7.5].
Definition 2.4. The polynomial gHPgrΓ (M ) (t) ∈ Q[t] is called the Hilbert
polynomial of the graded module grΓ (M ).
Proposition 2.3.
i) If Q(t) ∈ Q[t] is a numerical polynomial, then there are integers
c0 , . . . , cd such that
Q(t) = ck
t t(t − 1) · · · (t − k + 1)
= .
k k!
ii) If φ : Z → Z is any map, and if there exists a numerical polynomial
Q(t) such that ∆φ(ν) = Q(ν) for ν ∈ N, ν big enough, then there exists
a numerical polynomial R(t) such that φ(ν) = R(ν) for ν ∈ N, ν big
enough. Moreover, if the leading term of Q(t) is ad td then the leading
ad d+1
term of R(t) is d+1 t .
Proof. See [44, Ch. VII, §12] or [30, Ch.1, Proposition 7.3].
Proof. It follows from Theorem 2.1, Proposition 2.3 and the fact that
∆HFM,Γ (ν) = gHFgrΓ (M ) (ν + 1) for all ν ∈ N.
Definition 2.6. The polynomial HPM,Γ (t) ∈ Q[t] is called the Hilbert
polynomial of M with respect to the B–filtration Γ.
Concerning the statement of this Theorem let us remark that while the
Hilbert polynomial HPM,Γ (t) and the multiplicity e(M ) are defined using
a good B–filtration Γ of M , the dimension of M , dim(M ), which is the
Krull dimension of the characteristic variety Char(M ), is defined using a
good F –filtration on M .
To each good B–filtration Γ = (Mk )k on a finitely generated An –module
M , we can also associate the algebraic variety defined in C2n by the homo-
geneous ideal AnngrB (An ) (grΓ (M )) of the graded ring grB (An ) (see Propo-
sition 1.9).
Let us denote ∇(M ) := VC AnngrB (An ) (grΓ (M )) which is an homoge-
neous affine algebraic variety in the affine space C2n .
By Proposition 2.2 the algebraic variety ∇(M ) is independent of the
choice of the good B–filtration Γ on M .
The variety ∇(M ) can be different from the characteristic variety
Char(M ). The following is an example of this situation. Let’s consider
P = x21 + ∂12 in the Weyl algebra A1 (C) and define M = AA11P . Then
the characteristic variety of M is the line ξ1 = 0 in the plane C2 (with
coordinates x1 , ξ1 ) while ∇(M ) is V(x21 + ξ12 ) ⊂ C2 .
Exercise 2.1.
Exercise 2.2. Compute the dimension and the multiplicity of the quotient
An –module An (∂k+1 ,...,∂n ) for each k = 0, . . . , n − 1.
one gets that A1 is also holonomic and this is not true because dim A1 =
(2) Assume that M is a finitely generated A1 –module, say M =
`=1 A1 m` , for some m1 , . . . , mr ∈ M . Then M is the sum of modules
of type A1 /I` where I` = AnnA1 (m` ). From Theorem 2.3 we have that
M is holonomic if and only if all the I` are nonzero.
(3) The An –module C[x] = C[x1 , . . . , xn ] is isomorphic to An (∂A n
1 ,...,∂n )
then it is holonomic (see Exercise 2.1).
Theorem 2.5.
(1) Let M be a finitely generated An –module and N a submodule of M .
Then M is holonomic if and only if N and M/N are holonomic. If M
is holonomic then e(M ) = e(N ) + e(M/N ).
(2) If M` , ` = 1, . . . , r is a holonomic An –module then ` M` is holonomic
e(⊕r`=1 M` ) = e(M` ).
0 −→ Mi+1 −→ Mi −→ Mi /Mi+1 −→ 0
we get that e(Mi ) = e(Mi+1 ) + e(Mi /Mi+1 ) (see Theorem 2.5). Then we
have e(M ) = e(Mr+1 ) + i=0 e(Mi /Mi+1 ) ≥ r + 1, for each r ≥ 0. This
is a contradiction. Moreover, the length of M should be less or equal than
e(M ).
Proof. First of all we will prove that any nonzero finitely generated sub-
module N of M is holonomic and e(N ) ≤ c1 . Since N is finitely generated
it admits a good B–filtration say ΓN = (Nk )k . Consider the B–filtration
February 4, 2010 18:13 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 02˙jimenez
g gf m
= k+m
f f
and deg(gf m ) = m + dm ≤ (d + 1)(k + m). That proves g/f k ∈ Nm+k .
We have proved that (Nk )k is a B–filtration on N = C[x]f .
We will now prove that this filtration satisfies the hypothesis of Propo-
sition 2.5 for adequate c1 , c2 .
The dimension of the C–vector space Nk is bounded by the number of
monomials xα in C[x] with degree |α| ≤ (d + 1)k. This number is
(d + 1)k + n 1
= (d + 1)n k n + p(k)
n n!
where p(t) is polynomial in t with rational coefficients and degree less than
or equal to n − 1. Then there exists an integer number c2 > 0 such that
(d + 1)k + n 1 (d + 1)n k n
dimC (Nk ) ≤ = (d+1)n k n +p(k) ≤ +c2 (k+1)n−1
n n! n!
for k 0. Then by Proposition 2.5 C[x]f is holonomic.
Remark 2.8. From the above proof we can also deduce, applying Propo-
sition 2.5, that the multiplicity of C[x]f is bounded by (d + 1)n . This bound
is far to be sharp. See Exercise 2.4.
Answer.- Recall that the annihilating ideal AnnAn (1/f ) is by definition the
ideal {P ∈ An | P (1/f ) = 0}.
i) By definition we have that An f1 ⊂ C[x]f . The equality
1 (−m)g
g∂1 = m+1
1 x1
holds for any g ∈ C[x] and any m ∈ N. This equality proves that any
rational function of type xm+1 belongs to An x11 and then it proves the
equality C[x]f = An f1 .
ii) The inclusion An (x1 ∂1 + 1, ∂2 , . . . , ∂n ) ⊂ AnnAn (1/f ) is obvious. Let
us consider an operator P = P (x, ∂) ∈ An annihilating x11 . We can write
P = Q 2 ∂2 + · · · + Q n ∂n + P 1
February 4, 2010 18:13 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 02˙jimenez
for some Q2 , . . . , Qn , P1 ∈ An and P1 = ` a` (x)∂1` for some a` (x) ∈ C[x].
The operator P1 annihilates x11 since P also does.
We can write
P = Q2 ∂2 + · · · + Qn ∂n + Q(x1 ∂1 + 1)
and then σ T (P ) ∈ J. This proves the equality grB (I) = J. The leading term
of the Hilbert polynomial gHPgrΓ (C[x]f ) (t) of the quotient graded module
C[x, ξ]
' grΓ (C[x]f )
equals (n−1)! tn−1 (here Γ denotes the induced B–filtration on An /I '
C[x]f ). This proves that e(C[x]f ) = 2.
February 4, 2010 18:13 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 02˙jimenez
∂i f s = sf −1 ∂i (f )f s
(d + 1)n k n
≤ + c2 (k + 1)n−1
for k ∈ N, k big enough. Then by Proposition 2.5 the An (s)–module N =
C(s)[x]f f s is holonomic.
February 4, 2010 18:13 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 02˙jimenez
i1 : load "D-modules.m2"
i2 : R=QQ[x,y,z];
i3 : W=makeWA R;
i4 : f=x^2+y^2+z^2;
i5 : globalBFunction f
February 4, 2010 18:13 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 02˙jimenez
o5 = 2s + 5s + 3
o5 : QQ[s]
i7 : globalBFunction f
5 4 3 2
o7 = 9s + 63s + 173s + 233s + 154s + 40
o7 : QQ[s]
i8 : factor o7
o8 = (s + 1) (s + 2)(3s + 4)(3s + 5)
i10 : globalBFunction g
3 2
o10 = 36s + 108s + 107s + 35
o10 : QQ[s]
i12 : f=x^2-y^3+1;
i13 : globalBFunction f
o13 = s + 1
o13 : QQ[s]
The last two examples show that a little change on the expression of
the polynomial f can produce completely different Bernstein polynomials.
February 4, 2010 18:13 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 02˙jimenez
Bibliographical note
Most of the material of this Section appears in the articles Bernstein6 and
Ehlers23 and in the books Björk7 and Coutinho.21
3. Logarithmic An –Modules
In this Sectionh unless otherwise stated, we will denote R = C[x] =
C[x1 , . . . , xn ].
for some ai (x) ∈ R. Moreover, DerC (R) is a free R–module of rank n the
set {∂1 , . . . , ∂n } being one of its bases. Elements in DerC (R) are also called
vector fields on Cn with polynomial coefficients.
If f ∈ R is not a constant we can define the notion of (global) logarithmic
derivation (or logarithmic vector field) with respect to the hypersurface
D = V(f ) = {a ∈ Cn | f (a) = 0} ⊂ Cn , as follows:
Definition 3.1 (K. Saito39 ). A vector field δ = ni=1 ai (x)∂i with coef-
ficients ai (x) ∈ R is said to be logarithmic with respect to D if δ(f ) ∈ Rf .
h Part of this Section follows the talk Computational methods for testing the range of
validity of the Logarithmic Comparison Theorem given by the author at the Workshop
Geometry and analysis on complex algebraic varieties held at RIMS, Kyoto University,
from 11th to 15th December 2006.
February 4, 2010 18:13 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 02˙jimenez
the literature as DerR (log D). The sign before log D in our notation will be
explained latter (see Remark 3.4).
For each polynomial g ∈ R, we can also denote
DerR (− log g) = {δ = ai (x)∂i ∈ DerC (R) | δ(g) ∈ Rg}.
Exercise 3.1.
(1) Prove the equality DerR (− log gh) = DerR (− log g) ∩ DerR (− log h) for
g, h ∈ R.
(2) Prove that if f, g ∈ R and V(f ) = V(g) then DerR (− log f ) =
DerR (− log g). (Hint: Use Nullstellensatz).
Exercise 3.1 justifies the notation DerR (− log D) for the R–module of
logarithmic vector fields with respect to the hypersurface D = V(f ).
Exercise 3.2. Prove that DerR (− log D) is a Lie algebra (i.e. prove that it
is closed under the Lie bracket [−, −]).
i1 : load "D-modules.m2";
i2 : R=QQ[x,y];
i3 : W=makeWA R;
i4 : f=x^2-y^3
3 2
o4 = - y + x
o4 : W
i5 : kernel matrix({{f,diff(x,f),diff(y,f)}})
o5 = image {3} | 6 0 |
{1} | -3x -3y2 |
{2} | -2y -2x |
o5 : W-module, submodule of W
i6 : matrix({{0,dx,dy}}) * gens o5
o6 = | -3xdx-2ydy -3y2dx-2xdy |
1 2
o6 : Matrix W <--- W
i7 : ideal o6
o7 = ideal (- 3x*dx - 2y*dy, - 3y dx - 2x*dy)
o7 : Ideal of W
DerR (− log D)
0 → f DerC (R) → DerR (− log D) → →0
f DerC (R)
Exercise 3.5.
3.2. The ideal AnnAn ( f1 )
Let f be a nonzero polynomial in R. We denote
P = η + a0 (x)
for some polynomial a0 (x) ∈ R and some derivation η = i=1 ai (x)∂i (with
ai (x) in R for i = 1, . . . , n). Then, from P (1/f ) = 0 we get f a0 (x) = η(f ).
So, η ∈ Der(− log f ) and P = η + η(f f .
We denote by AnnAn ( f1 ) (or simply Ann(1) ( f1 )) the left ideal in An
generated by the operators of the form δ + δ(f
f for some δ in Der(− log f ).
That is:
1 g log f ).
Ann(1) = An Der(−
To each nonzero polynomial f ∈ C[x] we have associated (see Subsection
3.1) the quotient An –module
M log f := .
An Der(− log f )
February 4, 2010 18:13 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 02˙jimenez
flog f := An An
M = .
g log f )
An Der(− Ann(1) (1/f )
flog f = An φf An
M −→
Ann(1) (1/f ) Ann(1/f )
defined by
1 1
φf P + Ann(1) = P + Ann( ).
f f
(we say in this case that the annihilating ideal of 1/f is generated by op-
erators of order 1).
It is an open question to characterize the class of polynomials f ∈ R
such that the Ann(1/f ) is generated by operators of order 1.
Annihilating ideals can be computed using Groebner bases in An (see
Oaku and Takayama37).
We will use Macaulay 2 to compute some examples.
The next script computes a system of generators for the annihilating
ideal Ann(1/f ) ⊂ A2 for f = x41 +x52 . The computation gives two generators
for Ann(1/f ), namely P = 5x1 ∂1 + 4x2 ∂2 + 20 and Q = 5x42 ∂1 − 4x31 ∂2 . So,
the annihilating ideal of 1/f is generated by operators of order 1 and then,
in this case, the morphism
A2 A2
φf : −→
Ann(1) (1/f ) Ann(1/f )
is an isomorphism.
February 4, 2010 18:13 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 02˙jimenez
i1 : load "D-modules.m2"
i2 : R=QQ[x,y];
i3 : W=makeWA R;
i4 : f=x^4+y^5
5 4
o4 = y + x
o4 : W
i5 : RatAnn f
4 3
o5 = ideal (5x*dx + 4y*dy + 20, 5y dx - 4x dy)
o5 : Ideal of W
i6 : g=f+x*y^4
4 5 4
o6 = x*y + y + x
o6 : W
i7 : Ann=RatAnn g;
i8 : toString Ann
o8 = ideal(4*x^2*dx+5*x*y*dx+3*x*y*dy+4*y^2*dy+16*x+20*y,
i9 : kernel matrix({{g,diff(x,g),diff(y,g)}})
o9 : W-module, submodule of W
1 2
o10 : Matrix W <--- W
2 2 2 3 3 2 2
o11 = ideal (4x dx + 5x*y*dx + 3x*y*dy + 4y dy, 4x*y dx + y dx + 3y dy + 25x dx - x dy + 20x*y*dy)
o11 : Ideal of W
i12 : Ann==Ann1
o12 = false
i1 : load "D-modules.m2"
i2 : R=QQ[x,y,z]; W=makeWA R;
i3 : f=(x*z+y)*(x^4+y^5+x*y^4)
2 4 5 5 6 5 4
o3 = x y z + x*y z + x*y + y + x z + x y
o3 : W
i4 : kernel matrix({{f,diff(x,f),diff(y,f),diff(z,f)}})
o4 : W-module, submodule of W
1 4
o5 : Matrix W <--- W
i6 : Ilog=ideal o5;
i7 : toString o6
i8 : dim Ilog
o8 = 4
M log f =
A3 Der(− log f )
is not holonomic.
In the next script we will first compute a system of generators of the
ideal Ann(1) (1/f ) for the same f = (xz + y)(x4 + y 5 + xy 4 ). The value of
the string Ann1 is a generating system of the ideal Ann(1) (1/f ).
February 4, 2010 18:13 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 02˙jimenez
i9 : matrix({{-1,dx,dy,dz}})* gens o4
o9 =
| 16x2dx+20xydx+12xydy+16y2dy-4xzdz-4yzdz+76x+96y -xzdz-ydz-x xz2dz+4x2dx+5xydx+3xydy+4y2dy-xzdz+xz+19x+24y
2y2z2dz+8xy2dx+2y3dx+6y3dy-2y2zdz+2y2z+30x2dx-25xydx-2x2dy+25xydy-20y2dy+5yzdz+38y2+2xdz+5ydz+150x-120y |
1 4
o9 : Matrix W <--- W
o11 = 4
flog f = A3
M (1)
Ann (1/f )
is not holonomic.
Exercise 3.7. Prove that the dual of DerC (R) is naturally isomorphic to Ω1R .
Proposition 3.2. The R–modules DerR (− log D) and Ω1R (log D) are dual
to each other. Both modules are then reflexive.
This bilinear form is just the restriction of the one of Remark 3.2. First of
all, we will prove that if δ = i ai ∂i ∈ DerR (− log D) and ω = i bfi dxi ∈
Ω1 (log D) then hδ, ωi ∈ R, i.e.
ai bi ∈ Rf.
Let us write g = i ai bi . Recall (see Exercise 3.6) that if ω =
P bi 1
i f dxi ∈ Ω (log D) then
f i bj − f j bi
for all i, j. Let us write fi bj − fj bi = hij f for some hij ∈ R. Then, for any
i = 1, . . . , n,
fi g = f i ( a j bj ) = a j f i bj = aj bi fj = bi δ(f ) ∈ Rf.
j j j
So we have
J · Rg ⊂ Rf
and V(f ) ⊂ V(J) ∪ V(g) where J = R(f1 , . . . , fn ) is the Jacobian ideal
associated with f .
We can write V(f ) = V(J, f ) ∪ V(g, f ). Recall that V(J, f ) is the set
of singular points of the hypersurface V(f ) and that it is a proper Zariski
closed subset of V(f ). So any irreducible component of V(f ) should be
included in V(g, f ) ⊂ V(g). By Hilbert’s Nullstellensatz g ∈ Rf .
There is a natural injective R-module morphism
Ω1 (log D) → (DerR (− log D))∗
which associates to any logarithmic 1-form ω the R-module morphism
φω : DerR (− log D) → R
defined by φω (δ) = hδ, ωi. We will prove that this natural injective mor-
phism is also surjective.
February 4, 2010 18:13 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 02˙jimenez
Assume ϕ ∈ (DerR (− log D))∗ . We will see that the rational form
X ϕ(f ∂i )
ω= dxi
fi ϕ(f ∂j ) − fj ϕ(f ∂i ) ∈ Rf
and then ϕ(δ) = φω (δ) for all δ ∈ DerR (− log D). That proves ϕ = φω and,
moreover, the natural morphism
is an isomorphism of R–modules.
We will prove in a similar way that the natural injective R-module
φδ : Ω1R (log D) → R
P gi
Assume ω = i f dxi ∈ Ω1R (log D) for some gi ∈ R. We have
f ϕ(ω) = ϕ(f ω) = ϕ( gi dxi ) = gi ϕ(dxi )
i i
= gi φδ (dxi ) = φδ (f ω) = f φδ (ω)
where pβ (x) ∈ C{x} (resp. C[[x]]) for all β ∈ Nn and, as in the case of the
Weyl algebra, ∂ β stands for ∂1β1 · · · ∂nβn .
As any power series pβ (x) can be written as
pβ (x) = pαβ xα
with pαβ ∈ C, then each element P ∈ D, unlike in the case of the Weyl
algebra, can be written as a, possibly infinite, sum
P = pαβ xα ∂ β
and we have a similar result for D.
Some notions in Section 1 can be easily extended from the Weyl alge-
bra to D and D. b Among these notions we have the order ord(P ) and the
principal symbol σ(P ) of an operator P in D or D b (see Definitions 1.2 and
The ring D is then filtered by the order of its elements. We will denote
this filtration by
(Fk (D))k∈Z .
The associated graded ring gr (D) is naturally isomorphic to the ring
C{x}[ξ] = C{x}[ξ1 , . . . , ξn ]
which is a polynomial ring with coefficients in C{x}. With any (left) ideal
I in D we can associate (see Definition 1.4) its graded ideal
grF (D) = C{x}[ξ] · {σ(P ), | P ∈ I}
which is homogeneous with respect to the ξ–variables. We also have anal-
ogous results for D.
Alike An the ring D is left and right Noetherian. The proof of the
noetherianity of An uses the total order in An (see Proposition 1.6). By
Remark 1.5 we can also give a proof of the same result by using the order
in An instead of the total order. This last proof is also valid in D and in D.
For another proof of the noetherianity of An (also valid for D and D) see
Remark 4.10.
February 4, 2010 18:13 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 02˙jimenez
Division theorem in An
(α1 − β1 , . . . , αn − βn )
exp≺ (P ) = max N (P ).
{∆0 , ∆1 , . . . , ∆m }
∆1 = (α1 , β 1 ) + N2n
∆0 = N2n \ (∪m i
i=1 ∆ ).
(1) P = Q1 P1 + · · · + Qm Pm + R.
(2) exp(Pi ) + N (Qi ) ⊂ ∆i , i = 1, . . . , m.
(3) N (R) ⊂ ∆0 .
This proves the existence at the first step of the induction. Assume that
the result is proved for any (α0 , β 0 ) strictly less than some (α, β) 6= 0 ∈ N2n .
Let j ∈ {0, 1, . . . , m} be such that (α, β) ∈ ∆j . If j = 0 we write
xα ∂ β = 0 · Pi + xα ∂ β .
This proves the result for (α, β). Thus, existence is proved for any P ∈ An .
February 4, 2010 18:13 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 02˙jimenez
Remark 4.7. It follows from the proof of Theorem A.1 that for any
division P = Q1 P1 + · · · + Qm Pm + R as in the theorem we have
max{maxi {exp≺ (Qi Pi )}, exp≺ (R)} = exp≺ (P ).
Groebner bases in An
The theory of Groebner bases in the polynomial ring C[x] (see Buch-
berger9,10 ) can be extended to the Weyl algebra An and also to the rings D
and D b (see Castro14,15 and Briançon and Maisonobe8 ). The book M. Saito
et al.40 contains many applications of Groebner basis theory to the study
of modules over the Weyl algebra An .
Let us fix a monomial order ≺ on N2n . For each non zero ideal I of An
let Exp≺ (I) denote the set
and we denote
It is clear that Ei,j + Nn−1 = Ei,j and by the induction hypothesis there is
a finite subset Fi,j ⊂ Ei,j generating Ei,j . The finite set
[ [
F = {α} (φi,j )−1 (Fi,j )
Buchberger’s algorithm in An
Buchberger’s algorithm for polynomials (see Buchberger10 ) can be easily
adapted to the Weyl algebra (see Briançon and Maisonobe8 and Castro14
(see also Saito et al.40 )).
Considering as input a monomial order ≺ in N2n and a finite set F =
{P1 , . . . , Pm } of differential operators in An , one can compute a Groebner
basis, with respect to ≺, of the ideal I ⊂ An generated by F. So, one can
also compute a finite set of generators of the subset Exp≺ (I) ⊂ N2n .
The Division Theorem A.1 and the theory of Groebner bases can be
extended for vectors and for submodules of free modules Arn for any integer
r > 0 (see Castro14 ).
Moreover, the Division Theorem and the Groebner basis notion can be
also considered, in a straightforward way, for right ideals (or more generally
for right submodules of a free module Arn ).
Similarly to the commutative polynomial case, Groebner bases in An are
used to compute, in an explicit way, some invariants in An -module theory.
Most of the algorithms in this subject appears in Oaku and Takayama.37
In particular, Groebner bases in An are used:
a) to compute a generating system of SyzAn (P1 , . . . , Pm ), the An –module
of syzygies of a given family P1 , . . . , Pm in a free module Arn (r ≥ 1).
b) to solve the membership problem (i.e. to decide if a given vector P ∈ Arn
belongs to the submodule generated by P1 , . . . , Pm ) and to decide if two
submodules of Arn are equal.
c) to compute the graded ideal and the total graded ideal associated with
a (left) ideal I in An (see Definition 1.4) and to compute the dimension
of a quotient module An /I.
February 4, 2010 18:13 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 02˙jimenez
Bibliographical note
Most of the material of this Appendix appears in Castro,14,15 Briançon and
Maisonobe,8 Saito et al.40 and Castro and Granger.16
1. Adams W.W. and Loustaunau Ph. An introduction to Gröbner bases. Grad-
uate Studies in Mathematics, 3. American Mathematical Society, 1994.
2. Álvarez-Montaner J., Castro-Jiménez F.J., Ucha-Enrı́quez J.M. Localiza-
tion at hyperplane arrangements: combinatorics and D-modules, J. Algebra,
available on-line 28 Dec 2006;
3. Aroca J. M., Hironaka H. and Vicente J.L. The theory of maximal contact.
Volume 29 of Memorias del Instituto “Jorge Juan”, Madrid, 1975.
4. Atiyah M.F. and Macdonald I.G. Introduction to Commutative Algebra.
Addison-Wesley, 1969.
5. Bernstein J. Modules over the ring of differential operators. Study of the fun-
damental solutions of equations with constant coefficients. Funkcional. Anal.
i Priložen. 5 (1971), no. 2, 1–16.
6. Bernstein J. Analytic continuation of generalized functions with respect to a
parameter. Funkcional. Anal. i Priložen. 6 (1972), no. 4, 26–40.
7. Björk J-E. Rings of Differential Operators. North-Holland, Amsterdam 1979.
February 4, 2010 18:13 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 02˙jimenez
26. Goryunov V. and Mond D. Tjurina and Milnor numbers of matrix singular-
ities. J. London Math. Soc. (2) 72 (2005) 205-224.
27. Granger M., Mond D., Nieto A. and Schulze M. Linear free divisors. arXiv
28. Grayson D. and Stillman M. Macaulay2: a software system for research
in algebraic geometry. Available at
Leykin, A. and Tsai, H. D-modules package for Macaulay 2. Available at
29. Greuel G.-M., Pfister G. and Schönemann H. Singular a computer algebra
system for polynomial computations, Centre for Computer Algebra, Univer-
sity of Kaiserslautern,
30. Hartshorne R. Algebraic Geometry. Graduate Texts in Mathematics.
Springer-Verlag. 1977.
31. Kashiwara M. B-functions and holonomic systems. Rationality of roots of
B-functions. Invent. Math. 38, 1 (1976) 33–53.
32. M. Lejeune-Jalabert and B. Teissier. Quelques calculs utiles pour la résolution
des singularités, Volume of Prépub. Centre de Mathématiques, Ecole Poly-
technique, 1971.
33. Malgrange, B. Le polynome de Bernstein d’une singularite isolée. Lecture
Notes in Math. 459, (1976), Springer-Verlag, 98-119.
34. Noro M. An efficient modular algorithm for computing the global b-function.
Mathematical software (Beijing, 2002), 147–157. World Sci. Publishing, River
Edge, NJ, (2002).
35. Noro M., Shimoyama T. and Takeshima T. A Computer Algebra System
Risa/Asir. Available at
36. Oaku T. An algorithm of computing b-functions. Duke Math. J. 87 (1997),
no. 1, 115–132
37. Oaku T. and Takayama N. Algorithms for D-modules – restriction, tensor
product, localization, and local cohomology groups. Journal of Pure and Ap-
plied Algebra, 156 (2001) pp. 495-518.
38. M. Sato. Theory of prehomogeneous vector spaces (algebraic part)—the En-
glish translation of Sato’s lecture from Shintani’s note. Notes by T. Shintani.
Translated from the Japanese by M. Muro. Nagoya Math. J. 120 (1990),
39. Saito K. Theory of logarithmic differential forms and logarithmic vector fields.
J. Fac Sci. Univ. Tokyo 27:256-291, 1980.
40. Saito M., Sturmfels B. and Takayama N., Gröbner deformations of hypergeo-
metric differential equations. Algorithms and Computation in Mathematics,
6. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, (2000).
41. Stafford, J.T. Nonholonomic modules over Weyl algebras and enveloping al-
gebras. Invent. Math., 79, (1985), no. 3, 619-638.
42. Terao H. and Yuzvinsky S. Logarithmic forms on affine arrangements,
Nagoya Math. J. 139 (1995), 129–149.
43. Torrelli, T. On meromorphic functions defined by a differential system of
order 1. Bull. Soc. Math. France 132 (2004), no. 4, 591–612.
February 4, 2010 18:13 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 02˙jimenez
44. Zariski, O. and Samuel, P. Commutative algebra. Vol. I and II. Springer
Verlag, 1975
April 6, 2010 15:50 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 03˙teissier
LE ˜ ´
The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics,
Trieste, Italy
E-mail: [email protected]
Inst. Math. de Jussieu, 175 Rue Chevalleret, 75013 Paris, France
E-mail: [email protected]
0. Introduction
In this paper we give a quick presentation of the characteristic variety of a
complex analytic linear holonomic differential system. The fact that we can
view a complex analytic linear holonomic differential system on a complex
manifold as a holonomic DX -module, allows us to present the characteristic
variety in an algebro-geometric way as we do here.
We do not define what is a sheaf; for this we refer to the famous book of
R. Godement.2 We also do not define properly DX -modules although one
can find in the lectures of F. Castro the definition of left modules on the
Weyl algebra of operators on Cn with polynomial coefficients which give a
local version of DX -modules.
Also we consider categories, complexes in abelian categories, derived
functors and hypercohomologies1 which are the natural language to be used
here. Of course, we cannot define all these notions. One should view these
notes as a provocation rather than a self-contained exposition. We hope
they will encourage the reader to learn more in the subject.
1. Whitney Conditions
In Ref. 19, §19 p. 540, H. Whitney introduced Whitney conditions. The gen-
eral idea is to find conditions for the attachment of a non singular analytic
space having an analytic closure along a non singular part of its bound-
ary which ensure that the closure is “locally topologically trivial” along
April 6, 2010 15:50 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 03˙teissier
2 2
X-YZ =0
Fig. 1.
2 3 2 2
X -Y - Z Y = 0
Fig. 2.
2. Stratifications
Let X be a complex analytic subset of CN . A partition S = (Xα )α∈A is a
stratification of X , if:
(1) The closure X α of Xα in X and X α \Xα are complex analytic subspaces
of X ;
(2) The family (Xα ) is locally finite;
(3) Each Xα is a complex analytic manifold;
April 6, 2010 15:50 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 03˙teissier
2 2 3
X -Y Z =0
Fig. 3.
Remark also that there is a coarsest finer partition with connected strata;
this is obvious by taking the connected components of strata. In stratifica-
tion theory one often assumes that the strata are connected.
3. Constructible Sheaves
All the sheaves that we consider are sheaves of complex vector spaces.
First, let us define local systems.
4. Whitney Stratifications
Let S = (Xα )α∈A be a stratification of a complex analytic set X . We
say that S is a Whitney stratification of X if, for any pair (Xα , Xβ ) of
strata, such that Xα ⊂ X β , the complex analytic set X β satisfies Whitney
condition along Xα at any point of Xα .
As we announced above, the interest for Whitney stratifications comes
from the fact that they imply local topological triviality. Namely, a theorem
of J. Mather14 and R. Thom18 gives:
This theorem shows that locally on X , along any strata, the analytic
set is topologically a product.
A theorem of H. Whitney19 gives that:
April 6, 2010 15:50 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 03˙teissier
In the case where the critical locus of the restriction of p to the non-
singular part of X ∩ U is not empty for p ∈ Ωk , the closure of the critical
locus in X ∩U is called “the” polar variety Pk (X , x, p) of X at x of dimension
k, defined by p and the multiplicity m(Pk (X , x, p)) is called the k-th polar
multiplicity of X at the point x. For Pk (X , x, p) this is an abuse of language
April 6, 2010 15:50 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 03˙teissier
Beware that this theorem is true with stratifications: for instance the
frontier condition is important. One can consider the case of the surface
defined by:
X 2 − Y 2 Z 3 = 0.
Examples. Let X be a surface, i.e. a complex analytic set of dimension 2.
If, x ∈ X is a non-singular point, the 2-nd polar variety at x is X itself and,
by definition, its multiplicy is 1. At x the 1-st polar variety is empty, so
m1 = 0. If x ∈ X is singular, again the 2-nd polar variety at x is X itself and
m2 = mx (X) > 1. For almost all singular points, except a finite number
locally, the 1-st polar curve is empty, so m1 = 0. So, a Whitney stratification
of X is given by the non-singular part X 0 of X , the nonsingular part of the
singular locus minus the points where the polar curve is not empty, the
points where the polar curve is not empty and finally the singular points
of the singular locus.
For the surface given by:
X 2 − Y 3 − Z 2Y 2 = 0
the stratification given by X \Y, Y \{0} and {0} is a Whitney stratification.
A consequence of this theorem is the existence of a minimal Whitney
stratification refining a given one (see Ref. 17):
has a unique “minimal” Whitney stratification in the sense that any other
Whitney stratification is a refinement of it.
5. Milnor Fibrations
Let f : U ⊂ CN → C be a complex analytic function defined on a neigh-
bourhood of the origin 0 in CN such that the image f (0) of the origin 0 by
f is 0.
One can prove:
Theorem 5.1. There is ε0 > 0, such that, for any ε such that 0 < ε < ε0 ,
there is η() > 0, such that for any η such that 0 < η < η(ε), the map
ϕε,η : Bε ∩ f −1 (S)η → Sη ,
induced by f over the circle of radius η centered at the origin 0 in the
complex plane C, is a locally trivial smooth fibration.
See Ref. 16 for the case where f has an isolated critical point at 0 and
Ref. 5 for the general case. We call the fibration given by the theorem the
Milnor fibration of f at 0.
When f has a critical point at 0, the fibers of ϕε,η have a non-trivial
homotopy. Since the “fiber” at 0, i.e., Bε ∩ f −1 (0) is contractible by Ref. 16,
one usually calls vanishing cycles the cycles of a fiber of ϕε,η , i.e. the ele-
ments of the homology H∗ (Bε ∩ f −1 (t), C) for t ∈ Sη .
One calls neighbouring cycles the elements of the cohomology H∗ (Bε ∩
f −1 (t), C). The theorem above shows that these definitions do not depend
on t ∈ Sη . One can prove that it does not depend on ε, η chosen conve-
One may observe that the complex cohomology H∗ (Bε ∩ f −1 (t), C) is
the sheaf cohomology of Bε ∩ f −1 (t) with coefficients in the constant sheaf
We also have on any analytic set a theorem similar to the one above
(see Ref. 9):
Theorem 5.2. Let f : X → C be a complex analytic function on a complex
analytic subset of CN . Suppose that 0 ∈ X and f (0) = 0. There is ε0 > 0,
such that, for any ε such that 0 < ε < ε0 , there is η() > 0, such that for
any η such that 0 < η < η(ε), the map
ϕε,η : Bε ∩ X ∩ f −1 (S)η → Sη ,
induced by f over the circle of radius η centered at the origin 0 in the
complex plane C, is a locally trivial topological fibration.
April 6, 2010 15:50 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 03˙teissier
7. Neighbouring Cycles
We saw in Section 5 shows that any analytic function on an open set defines
locally a locally trivial fibration on a circle S. The last theorem of Section
5 shows that this extends to functions on any complex analytic sets.
Let f : X → C be a complex analytic function on a complex analytic
subset of CN . On the fiber f −1 (f (x)) of the function f through any point
April 6, 2010 15:50 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 03˙teissier
x of X one can define a sheaf Rk (ψf −f (x) )(C), with Rk (ψf −f (x) )(C)y '
Hk (Fy , C) where Fy is a fiber of the Milnor fibration defined above at y ∈
f −1 (f (x)) by f .
This sheaf Rk (ψf −f (x) )(C) is a constructible sheaf on the fiber of f over
f (x). One calls it the sheaf of k-th neighbouring cycles of f at x.
Similarly, for any constructible sheaf L, one can define the sheaf of
neighbouring cycles Rk (ψf −f (x) )(L) of f at x, where Rk (ψf −f (x) )(L)y '
Hk (Fy , L).
When f is defined on Cn+1 and has an isolated singular point at
x, the sheaf Rk (ψf −f (x) )(C) is non-zero when k = n or 0. In this case,
R0 (ψf −f (x) )(C) is the constant sheaf on f −1 (x) and Rn (ψf −f (x) )(C) is a
sheaf whose value at x is Cµ and which is zero on a neighbourhood of x
outside {x}. In this special case, when n ≥ 1, one also call Rn (ψf −f (x) )(C)
the sheaf of n-neighbouring cycles of f at x.
When the complex analytic space X is a Milnor space (see Ref. 10) and
the function f : X → C has isolated singularities, i.e. there is a Whitney
stratification of X , such that the restriction of f to the strata has maximal
rank except at isolated points, one can define the same type of sheaf over the
fiber above the image of a singularity. For instance, complete intersection
spaces, e.g., hypersurfaces, are Milnor spaces.
Because of the fibration theorem, neighbouring cycles and vanishing
cycles at a point y of f −1 (f (x)) are endowed with the monodromy of the
fibration. We have the important theorem (see e.g. Ref. 8, Theorem I p. 89,
or Ref. 4):
8. Constructible Complexes
Constructible sheaves over a complex analytic set X make a category where
objects are constructible sheaves over X , morphisms are morphisms of
sheaves. Unit morphisms are identities of constructible sheaves and the
composition is the composition of sheaf morphisms.
One can notice that, for each morphism of constructible sheaves over
X , one can define the kernel, the image and the cokernel of the morphism.
A complex of sheaves of complex vector spaces over X is a sequence
of morphisms (ϕn )n∈Z , say φn : En → En+1 , such that, for every n ∈ Z,
ϕn ◦ ϕn−1 = 0.
April 6, 2010 15:50 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 03˙teissier
hn+1 ◦ ϕn = ψn ◦ hn .
9. Vanishing Cycles
Let X be a complex analytic space and K a constructible complex over
X . Let x be a point of X and f : U → C be a complex analytic function
defined on an open neighbourhood U of x in X . We have defined the k-th
neighbouring cycles of K along f − f (x) at x as the sheaf Rk (ψf −f (x) )(K),
where Rk (ψf −f (x) )(K)y ' Hk (Fy , K), over the space f −1 (f (x)).
It is convenient to define the sheaf Rk (ψf −f (x) )(K) as the k-th cohomol-
ogy of a bounded complex R(ψf −f (x) )(K). The definition of the complex
R(ψf −f (x) )(K) uses derived categories and is rather abstract. Then, there
is a natural morphism from the restriction K|f −1 (f (x)) to R(ψf −f (x) )(K).
There is a natural triangle in the appropriate derived category:
K|f −1 (f (x)) → R(ψf −f (x) )(K)
- .
R(φf −f (x) )(K)
April 6, 2010 15:50 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 03˙teissier
The complex R(φf −f (x) )(K) is called the complex of vanishing cycles of
K along f − f (x). The cohomology gives a long exact sequence:
→ Hk (K|f −1 (f (x))) → Rk (ψf −f (x) )(K) → Rk (φf −f (x) )(K)
→ Hk+1 (K|f −1 (f (x))) →
The sheaf Rk (φf −f (x) )(K) is the sheaf of k-th vanishing cycles of K along
In special cases these sheaves are easy to interpret. Let X = Cn+1 and
f : Cn+1 → C be complex analytic function with an isolated critical point
at 0. Let U be an open neighbourhood of 0 in Cn+1 where f has the only
critical point 0. Let the complex K be the complex having one term in
degree 0 equal to the constant sheaf C over Cn+1 and the sheaf 0 in other
degrees. The results of J. Milnor in Ref. 16 show that:
C if k=0
R (ψf −f (0) )(K|U ) = 0 if k 6= 0, n
Cµ at 0 if k = n and 0 at x 6= 0
Therefore if n ≥ 2, the complex R(ψf −f (0) )(K|U ) is the complex with the
constant sheaf C|U in degree 0, the sheaf with one non-trivial stalk Cµ at
0 in degree n, and all morphisms are zero.
The complex R(φf −f (0) )(K|U ) has only one term in degree n which is
the sheaf with one non-trivial stalk Cµ at 0, all the other terms in degree
6= n being 0.
One can observe that in this special case of isolated critical point the
complex of vanishing cycles of the complex K|U along f consists of a sheaf
non-trivial in the degree equal to the dimension of f −1 (0) which has only
one non-trivial stalk over the isolated critical point 0.
It can be proved that it is true for any space X satisfying the Milnor
condition (see Ref. 10, §5) for functions having isolated singularities in the
general sense of (Ref. 10, §1) and for any complex KX equal to the constant
sheaf CX over X in degree 0 and to the trivial sheaf 0 in other degrees.
The support of a constructible sheaf L on the complex analytic space
X is the complex analytic subspace Y closure of the set of points x where
Lx 6= 0.
One says that a constructible complex K on CN satisfies the support
condition if the codimension of the support of its i-th cohomology Hi (K) is
≥ i.
The Verdier dual of a constructible complex K on CN is the derived
complex RHomCCN (K, CCN ). Beware that the Verdier dual of a complex on
April 6, 2010 15:50 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 03˙teissier
CN is not the complex of duals. On the other hand, there is also a notion of
duality for a constructible complex on a complex analytic space. However
in this general case the construction is not as “simple” as the Verdier dual.
The construction of the Verdier dual is usually difficult. Properties of the
Verdier dual can be found in Ref. 3. One can prove that the Verdier dual
of a constructible complex is also a constructible complex.
One says that the constructible complex K on CN satisfies the cosupport
condition, if the Verdier dual Ǩ of K satisfies the support condition.
A constructible complex K on CN is perverse, if it satisfies the sup-
port condition and the cosupport condition. We shall call perverse sheaf a
perverse constructible complex.
One can prove that more generally, if K is a perverse sheaf on CN , the
complex of vanishing cycles along a function f which has an isolated critical
point in the general sense of Ref. 10, §1 at 0 for all the restrictions of f to
the closures of the strata on which all the cohomologies Hk (K) are locally
constant, in an open neighbourhood U of 0, consists in the degree equal
to the dimension n of f −1 (0), i.e. for Rn (ψf −f (0) )(K)|U , of a sheaf which
has only one non-trivial stalk over the isolated critical point 0 and 0 in the
other degrees:
One has the following result due to P. Deligne (see e.g. Ref. 11):
We can define:
p ψ ϕ
(D)|Ux → (D|Ux )q → M|Ux → 0.
Theorem 10.3. The Verdier dual of the analytic solutions RHomD (M, O)
of the holonomic D-module M is the analytic solutions of a holonomic D-
module, dual of M.
It follows that:
From this result and the ones of the preceding section we can state a
result of D. T. Lê and Z. Mebkhout:12
1. H. Cartan and S. Eilenberg, Homological Algebra (Princeton University Press,
2. R. Godement, Topologie algébrique et théorie des faisceaux, Actualités Sci.
Ind. No. 1252. Publ. Math. Univ. Strasbourg No. 13 (Hermann, Paris, 1958).
3. M. Goresky and R. MacPherson, Intersection Homology II, Invent. Math.
72, 77 (1983).
4. Periods of Integrals on Algebraic Manifolds, Mimeographed notes (U.C.
Berkeley, 1965-1966).
5. H. Hamm and Lê Dũng Tráng, Ann. Sci. École Norm. Sup. 6, 317 (1973).
6. M. Kashiwara, Pub. Res. Inst. Math. Sci. 10, 563 (1975).
7. M. Kashiwara and P. Schapira, Acta Math. 142, 1 (1979).
8. A. Landman, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 181, 89 (1973).
9. Lê Dũng Tráng, Some remarks on relative monodromy, in real and complex
singularities (Proc. Ninth Nordic Summer School/NAVF Sympos. Math.,
Oslo, 1976), pp.397-403, Sijthoff and Noordhoff, Alphen aan den Rijn (1977).
10. Lê Dũng Tráng, J. Algebraic Geom. 1, 83 (1992).
11. Lê Dũng Tráng, Bol. Soc. Mat. Mex. 4, 229 (1998).
April 6, 2010 15:50 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 03˙teissier
12. Lê Dũng Tráng and Z. Mebkhout, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I Math. 296,
129 (1983).
13. Lê Dũng Tráng and B. Teissier, Cycles évanescents, sections planes et condi-
tions de Whitney II, in Singularities, Part 2 (Arcata, Calif., 1981), pp.65-103,
Proc. Sympos. Pure Math. 40, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI (1983).
14. J. Mather, Notes on topological stability, Harvard booklet (1971).
15. Z. Mebkhout, Théorème de dualité pour les DX -modules cohérents, C. R.
Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. A-B 285 (1977), A785 - A787/ Math. Scand. 50, 25
16. J. Milnor, Singular Points of Complex Hypersurfaces, Annals of Mathematics
Studies, No. 61 (Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J., 1968).
17. B. Teissier, Variétés polaires II. Multiplicités polaires, sections planes, et
conditions de Whitney, in Algebraic geometry (La Rábida, 1981), pp.314-
491, Lecture Notes in Math. 961 (Springer, Berlin, 1982).
18. R. Thom, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 75, 240 (1969).
19. H. Whitney, Ann. of Math. 81, 496 (1965).
February 4, 2010 18:28 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 04˙delabaere
Université Nantes, Angers, Le Mans
Université d’Angers, UMR CNRS 6093
2 Boulevard Lavoisier, 49045 Angers Cedex 01, France
∗ E-mail: [email protected]
1. Introduction
Classically a singular integral is an integral whose integrand reaches an
infinite value at one or more points in the domain of integration. Even so,
such integrals can converge as shown in the following example.
which converges absolutely for z ∈ C, |z| < 1. We have also, for < c > < b >
0 and |z| < 1, the Euler’s formula :
Z 1
F (a, b; c; z) = tb−1 (1 − t)c−b−1 (1 − zt)−a dt (2)
Γ(b)Γ(c − b) 0
Indeed, since for |tz| < 1
(a)n n n
(1 − tz)−a = t z
and we recognize the Euler’s Beta function. Therefore, for < c > < b >
0, |z| < 1,
Z 1
tb−1 (1 − t)c−b−1 (1 − zt)−a dt
Γ(b)Γ(c − b) 0
(a)n Γ(n + b)Γ(c − b) n
= z
n! Γ(n + c)
(a)n (b)n n
= z .
(c)n n!
As a consequence of the Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem, we note
that the integral representation (2) allows to extend analytically F (a, b; c; z)
in z to | arg(1 − z)| < π (the cut plane C\]1, +∞[). This raises the following
questions :
February 4, 2010 18:28 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 04˙delabaere
Here part of the answers comes from the fact that the Gauss hypergeo-
metric function F (a, b; c; z) is solution of the following Gauss hypergeomet-
ric equation,
h d2 d i
z(1 − z) 2 + c − (a + b + 1)z − ab f = 0. (3)
dz dz
Now (cf. L. Narváez, this volume):
(Here X stands for X = z, X = z − 1 and X = respectively
depending on where we localize.)
Z +∞ Z +∞
−kf dt Γ(1/2)
I(k) = 2 e σ = e−kt = 1/2
0 0 t1/2 k
(symmetry) (f = t)
Z +∞ l
−kt α l d Γ(α + 1)
e t (ln t) dt =
0 dα k α+1 (5)
l ∈ N, <(α) > −1.
− t 1/2
0 0 t 1/2
0 t0
Fig. 1. (a) The graph of z ∈ R 7→ |e−kf (z) | for k = 100. (b) The map f .
February 4, 2010 18:28 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 04˙delabaere
We thus write
I(k) = I(k, t0 ) + R(k, t0 )
Z Z (6)
I(k, t0 ) = e−kf σ, R(k, t0 ) = e−kf σ
0≤f ≤t0 f >t0
0 Σ r, δ
For k fixed, we notice that e−kf σ ∈ Ω1 (C), where Ω1 (C) is the space of
holomorphic differential 1-forms on C.
f 1/2
0 t0 0 t0 t 1/2
Fig. 3.
lim I(k, t) = 0
(see (12), we recall that ϕ ∈ O(C)), so that I(k, t0 ) can we written as the
following incomplete Laplace transform :
Z t0 Z ! Z t0
−kt σ dt
I(k, t0 ) = e |f =t dt = e−kt √ . (14)
0 γ(t) df 0 t
∀N ∈ N, ∃C > 0, ∀ k ∈ Σr,δ , |r(k, t0 )| ≤ . (16)
|k|N +1
Γ(1/2) C
∀N ∈ N, ∃C > 0, ∀ k ∈ Σr,δ , |I(k) − |≤ .
k 1/2 |k|N +1
d2 y
− xy = 0 (17)
which has ∞ as an irregular singular point (set y(x) = Y (X) in (17) with
d2 Y dY
X = 1/x, then X 5 + 2X 4 − Y = 0).
dX 2 dX
By Fourier transformation, one easily obtains the following particular solu-
tion of (17),
Z +∞
1 s3
Ai(x) = ei(xs+ 3 ds, (18)
2π −∞
known as the Airy function. Applying the Cauchy existence theorem for
linear differential equations, we know that Ai(x) extends as a holomorphic
function on C.
Our aim in this subsection is to analyse the asymptotic behaviour of
the Airy function when x → +∞. More precisely we shall demonstrate the
following result (see also Ref. 5 for an hyperasymptotic viewpoint):
√ an C
∀N ∈ N, ∃C > 0, ∀ k ∈ Σr,δ , 2 πk 1/6 e2k/3 Ai(k 2/3 ) − n
≤ N +1 .
k |k|
C C1 c
0 a b
ΣR(A0 )
Fig. 5. On the left the paths C and C1 . On the right the open set ΣR (A0 ). On this
right picture, a, b and c are relative 1-cycles of C with respect to ΣR (A0 ), and d is a
relative 1-boundary. The relative 1-cycles a and b are homologous and thus represent the
same class in H1 (C, ΣR (A0 )). This 1-homology group is a free Z-module generated by
the classes of a and c.
π 2π θ π 2π θ
Aθ = ] + j− , + j − [,
6 3 3 2 3 3
and the associated family of sectorial neighbourdhoods of infinity
ΣR (Aθ,δ ) = {ζ ∈ C, |ζ| > R, arg(ζ) ∈ Aθ,δ }, R > 0.
ΣR (Aθ ) = {ζ ∈ C, |ζ| > R, arg(ζ) ∈ Aθ }, R > 0.
February 4, 2010 18:28 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 04˙delabaere
Then, the integral I(k) will be absolutely convergent if apart from a com-
pact set the (support of the) path c belongs to ΣR (Aθ,δ ) for some R > 0
and δ > 0.
To precise the space of such allowed paths c, we now introduce the
1-homology group of the pair (C, ΣR (Aθ,δ )),
H1 (C, ΣR (Aθ,δ )) = H1 (C, ΣR (Aθ,δ ); Z).
(see Appendix A for some notions on homology theory, see also Fig. 5).
We see that H1 (C, ΣR (Aθ,δ )) ∼
= Z2 . Also, if R0 ≥ R, so that ΣR0 (Aθ,δ ) ⊆
ΣR (Aθ,δ ) one has a natural isomorphism
RRR0 : H1 (C, ΣR0 (Aθ,δ )) → H1 (C, ΣR (Aθ,δ ))
since the pairs (C, ΣR0 (Aθ,δ )) and (C, ΣR (Aθ,δ )) are homotopic. This allows
to define the following 1-homology group by inverse limit:
H1 θ,δ (C) = lim H1 (C, ΣR (Aθ,δ ))
a Itis amazing how Riemann introduced this method to obtain what is now known as
the Riemann-Siegel formula for the zeta function, see Ref. 4.
February 4, 2010 18:28 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 04˙delabaere
Fig. 6. The vector field ∇ <(kg) , some steepest-descent curves of <(−kg) for k > 0,
and the path C2 .
s −∞ 0 +∞
−k g C(s) − g(1) % &
−∞ −∞
2.2.4. Localisation
In (26) we set ζ = 1 + z so as to be centred on the critical point:
k 1/3 e−2k/3
Ai(k 2/3 ) = I(k)
for k ∈ Σr,δ , Z (27)
−kf (z) 2z3
I(k) = e dz, f (z) = −z −
Γ 3
where Γ is the translated of C2 .
We now fix a t0 > 0 and we note Γt0 the restriction of Γ (precisely its
support) to f −1 ([0, t0 ]), see Fig. 7.
z2(t 0 )
Γt 0 f
0 0
z1(t 0)
Fig. 7. The path Γ and its restriction Γt0 . The path Γ is mapped twice on R+ , resp.
Γt0 twice on [0, t0 ], by f .
February 4, 2010 18:28 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 04˙delabaere
We write
I(k) = I(k, t0 ) + R(k, t0 ), I(k, t0 ) = e−kf (z) dz. (28)
Γ t0
and in particular
∀N ∈ N, ∃C > 0, ∀ k ∈ Σr,δ , |R(k, t0 )| ≤ (29)
|k|N +1
or more precisely
Γ(N + 2)
∃C > 0, ∀N ∈ N, ∀ k ∈ Σr,δ , |R(k, t0 )| ≤ C N +1 . (30)
|k|N +1
This allows to concentrate on I(k, t0 ).
f (z) = Z 2
1 5 1
z = iZ + Z 2 − iZ 3 − Z 4 + · · · ∈ C{Z}.
6 72 27
Therefore, for t0 > 0 small enough,
Z √t0
I(k, t0 ) = √ e−kZ h(Z) dZ,
− t0
X 1 5 4
h(Z) = hn Z n = i + Z − iZ 2 − Z 3 + · · · ∈ C{Z}.
3 24 27
As we shall see later (see 2.2.8), to get the asymptoticsZ of I(k, t0 ) and I(k)
when |k| → +∞ in Σr,δ reduces in exchanging and and in integrating
on R:
√ −1/2 √
π 5 π −3/2
I(k) ∼ i −i k +···
k 48
February 4, 2010 18:28 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 04˙delabaere
In other words, z1 (t) (say) extends to a multivalued function z(t) ∈ O^D ? ,t0
with two determinations z1 (t) and z2 (t) (cf. L. Narváez, this volume).
It is not hard to calculate z(t) explicitely:
1 1 5
z(t) = t − t2 + · · · +t 1/2
−i + it + · · ·
6 27 72
where the series expansions belong to C{t} with 4/3 for their radius of
We now go back to I(k, t0 ) as defined by (28), where we assume that
t0 > 0, t0 ∈ D? . Making the change of variable z = z(t) one has
∨ ∨ 1
I(k, t0 ) = e−kt J (t) dt, J (t) = −
Γ t0
z(t) 2 + z(t)
J(t) = −1
J(t) = −1
Fig. 9. g
The path Γ t0 .
February 4, 2010 18:28 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 04˙delabaere
where the series expansion belongs to C{t} with 4/3 for its radius of con-
so that e−kf σ ∈ Ω1 (B) and thus e−kf σ is closed. Since B is simply con-
nected we deduce that e−kf σ is exact : there exists ϕ ∈ Ω0 (B) = O(B)
such that dϕ = e−kf σ. By Stokes,
I(k, t0 ) = dϕ = ϕ (32)
Γ t0 γ(t0 )
z1(t0 )
0 t0 0
S1 z2(t0 )
Fig. 10.
X Z t0 N
X Z +∞
−kt n−1/2
= bn e t dt − bn e−kt tn−1/2 dt.
n=N +1 0 n=0 t0
n−1/2 N +1/2
Since s ≤s in the integrals, it follows that for k ∈ Σr,δ ,
N ∞
X Γ(n + 1/2) X n+1/2 Γ(N + 3/2)
I(k, t0 ) − bn n+1/2
≤ |bn |t0 N +3/2 .
n=0 n=0 t0 sin(δ)|k|
Using (28) and (30), we can conclude for the asymptotics that:
X Γ(n + 1/2)
∃C > 0, ∀N ∈ N, ∀ k ∈ Σr,δ , I(k) − bn
k n+1/2
Γ(N + 3/2)
≤ C N +3/2 . (36)
|k|N +3/2
Note this result (36) is stronger than the usual Poincaré asymptotics (see
With this result and (27) we get the proposition 2.0.1.
The data of all these groups (F(U )) with the obvious isomorphisms
2.2.11. Exercise
z3 z4
One considers f (z) = + . Note that z = 0 is a degenerate singular
3 4
point of order 2 for f , whereas z = −1 is a nondegenerate singular point,
see Fig. 12.
For k ∈ Σr,δ (for some r > 0 and 0 < δ < π/2) we define
Z +∞ Z +i∞
−kf (z)
I1 (k) = e dz, I2 (k) = e−kf (z) dz.
−∞ −i∞
Fig. 12. The vector field ∇ <(kf ) , and some steepest-descent curves of <(−kf ) for
z 3 z 4
k > 0 and f (z) = + .
3 4
with t0 > 0 small enough, and a convenient γ(t). With the notations of
2.2.9, show that T 3 (J) = J where T is the monodromy operator.
df ∧ ω = 0
ω = df ∧ Ψ.
φ? ◦ f (s) = f ◦ φ(s) = s1 .
φ? ◦ ω(s) = φ? ◦ g(s) det dφ(s) ds1 ∧ · · · ∧ dsn .
φ? ◦ Ψ(s) = φ? ◦ g(s) det dφ(s) ds2 ∧ · · · ∧ dsn
one gets
φ? ◦ ω = d φ? ◦ f ∧ φ? ◦ Ψ = φ? ◦ df ∧ φ? ◦ Ψ = φ? ◦ df ∧ Ψ .
2.3.2. An application
We consider here the integral
I(k) = ω, ω = e−kf σ
where z = (z1 , · · · , zn ), σ = g(z)dz1 ∧ · · · ∧ dzn (Rn with its canonical
orientation). We assume that f ∈ C ∞ (Rn , R) and g ∈ Cc∞ (Rn , R).
Assuming that the support of the differential form ω does not meet the
singular locus of f (the set of critical points) and using Lemma 2.0.2, one
obtains :
Z Z Z Z ! Z Z !
ω ω −kt σ
ω= df ∧ = dt = e dt
Rn Rn df R γ(t) df R γ(t) df
where γ(t) is level hypersurface f = t (naturally oriented as the boundary
of f ≤ t).
As a matter of fact, the above equality extends to the case where the support
of ω meets some singular fibres f = t since:
• the set of critical values of the smooth function f is a Lebesgue null set
(Sard’s theorem).
• each fibre f = t is a Lebesgue null set for the Lebesgue measure in Rn .
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2.3.3. An example
By way of a simple example we consider for k > 0 (or even k ∈ Σr,δ for
some r > 0 and 0 < δ < π/2),
I(k) = e−kf σ, f (z1 , z2 ) = z1a + z2b , (a, b) ∈ (2N? )2
with γ(t) the closed curve γ(t) = {(z1 , z2 ) ∈ R2 , f (z1 , z2 ) = t} and from
(37) by inverse Laplace transformation,
X gp,q p + 1 q + 1 p+1 + q+1 −1
J(t) = 4δp,q B( , )t a b
ab a b
with B the Euler Beta function. See also M. Granger, this volume.
• ω is a holomorphic differential (n − 1)-form on U ⊂ Cn ,
• γ(t) is a (n − 1)-cycle on the level hypersurface f = t,
• f : U ⊂ Cn → C is holomorphic.
The notions of homology theory which are used in the sequel are recalled
in the appendix A, see also Refs. 12, 16 and 28.
February 4, 2010 18:28 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 04˙delabaere
f −1 (U ) −→ U × f −1 (t0 )
f| & . pr1
X = B ∩ f −1 (D), X = B ∩ f −1 (D).
It can be shown that this is true at least for ε > 0 small enough. Now by
the implicit function theorem, f −1 (t) and ∂B will intersect transversally
for any t ∈ D provided that η > 0 is chosen small enough.
February 4, 2010 18:28 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 04˙delabaere
X = B ∩ f −1 (D), X = B ∩ f −1 (D)
X −→ D × Xt0
f| & . pr1 , Xt = B ∩ f −1 (t) (38)
3.1.3. Applications
We assume that the conditions of Theorem 3.2 are fulfilled. We start with
a given (n − 1)-cycle γ(t0 ) of Xt0 ,
γ(t0 ) = ni σi ∈ Zn−1 (Xt0 )
t ? : Hq (Xt0 ) → Hq (Xt ), ∀q
and the disjoint union Hq (Xt ) of all these groups makes a local system
on D which is a constant sheafc .
Proof. By Proposition 3.0.2, the integral J(t) = ω depends only on
the homology class [γ(t)] ∈ Hn−1 (Xt ). In the homology class [γ(t0 )] ∈
Hn−1 (Xt0 ) we choose a piecewise differentiable (n − 1)-cycle γt0 and we
γ(t) = ni Φ−1
t (σi ) = ni σi (t).
Z 3.2.2. With the above notations and hypotheses, the integral
J(t) = ω defines a holomorphic function in D.
c Note F = Hq (Xt ). If U ∈ D is an open neighbourhood of t0 , then F (U ) is the set
of the sections γ : t ∈ U 7→ γ(t) ∈ F defined as γ(t) = Φ−1
t ? (γ(t0 )) ∈ Hq (Xt ) where
γ(t0 ) is some given element of Hq (Xt0 ).
February 4, 2010 18:28 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 04˙delabaere
γ(s) γ(t)
Fig. 13. The cycles γ(t) ∈ Zn−1 (Xt ) and δt γ(t) ∈ Zn (X\Xt ).
Z Before to give the proof (from Ref. 1), it is worth noting that the integral
df ∧ ω
only depends on the homology class [δt γ(t)] ∈ Hn (X\Xt )
δt γ(t) f − t
df ∧ ω
because ∈ Ωn (X\Xt ) is closed.
f −t
d Note that δt σi can be seen as an element of Cn (X\Xt ) in the sense of appendix A :
Pn n
just consider for instance the map j=0 λj ej ∈ ∆ 7→ λ0 e0 + (1 − λ0 )e1 , j=1 (λj +
λ0 1 n−1
)ej−1 ∈ ∆ × ∆ whose inverse map is obvious.
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We write this as
1 df ∧ ω
2iπ δt γ(t) f − t
Z Z ! Z Z Z !
1 ds 1 ds
= ω + ω− ω
2iπ S1 γ(t) s − t 2iπ S1 γ(s) γ(t) s−t
| {z } | {z }
A1 A2
By the Cauchy formula (because ω does not depend on s) one obtains
1 ds
A1 = ω= ω.
2iπ S1 s−t γ(t) γ(t)
By Proposition 3.2.1 we know that ω is a C ∞ function in t, so that by
ω− ω = Cste.(s − t) + O([s − t|2 )
γ(s) γ(t)
the cycle δt γ(t) does not depend on t for t near t0 in D. Since the integrand
is holomorphic in t, one concludes with the dominated Lebesgue theorem.
Remark To make a link between Theorems 3.3 and 3.1, let us introduce a
compactification of f which can be defined as follows. If d = deg f , define
G(z, z0 , t) = z0d f ( ) − tz0d = f d (z) + z0 f d−1 (z) + · · · + z0d f 0 (z) − tz0d
(z0d f ( zz0 ) is the projectivization of f by the new variable z0 ; we have noted
by f l the homogeneous part of degree l of f ) and introduce the set
M = {((z : z0 ), t) ∈ PnC × C, G(z, z0 , t) = 0}
where PnC is the n-dimensional complex projective space. We consider the
embedding e : z = (z1 , · · · ,zn ) ∈ Cn
7→ (z : 1) = (z1 : · · · : zn : 1) ∈ PnC
and the map E : z ∈ Cn 7→ e(z), f (z) ∈ PnC × C, so that M is the Zariski
closure of E(Cn ) in PnC × C. We thus get a commutative diagram
Cn −→ M 3 ((z : z0 ), t)
f↓ ↓p
C −→ C3t
A compactification of f : Cn → C is given by the proper map p : M → C
which is a locally trivial fibration except over a set of points, and this
translates to the fibration f (see Refs. 31 and 6.. One has to see M as a
Whitney stratified space – see B. Teissier, this volume – and instead of
Theorem 3.1 one has in fact to use the Thom-Mather first isotopy lemma).
Of course f (Singf ) ⊂ Atypf . However, Atypf may contains other values
which come from a set Singf∞ of singular points at infinity. This is related
to the fact that the hypersurface M ⊂ PnC × C has a singular locus, namely
Σ×C where Σ is the following algebraic subset of the hyperplane at infinity
H ∞ = {x0 = 0} ⊂ PnC ,
Σ = {(z : z0 ) ∈ PnC , gradf d = f d−1 = z0 = 0} ⊂ M. (39)
What have beenGdone in §3.1.2 can be repeated. Theorem 3.3 implies
that the union Hn−1 (f −1 (t), K) (K = Z or C) makes a local
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Using the fibration Theorem 3.3 one can consider the continuous hor-
izontal deformation of a (n − 1)-cycle when t follows a closed path λ ∈
π1 (C\Atypf , t0 ). We thus have an action
M : λ ∈ π1 (C\Atypf , t0 ) 7→ ρ(λ) = Aut Hn−1 (f −1 (t0 ), K)
and we see that Zanalysing the action of the monodromy operator ρ(λ) on
the germ J(t) = ω just reduces by the representation (40) in analysing
the action of the geometric monodromy operator M(λ) on [γ(t0 )]:
ρ(λ) ω = ω. (41)
γ(t0 ) M(λ)[γ(t0 )]
is the total Milnor number ((∂f ) is the Jacobian ideal) and is the
Xsum of
the Milnor numbers at each singular point (cf. Ref. 30), µ = µz ? ,
z? ∈Singf
C{z − z? }
µz? = dimC . In a more general case for n ≥ 2, still assuming that
(∂f )
f has only isolated singular points including those at infinity (for instance
(39) defines a finite set), then for any t ∈ C\Atypf , Hn−1 (Xt ) ∼ = Zµ ⊕ A
where µ is the total Milnor number while A is some finitely generated
abelian group.7 (We shall return to that point in §4).
Let us then define a basis B(t0 ) = (γ1 (t0 ), · · · , γµ (t0 )) of (n − 1)-
cycles whose classes generate Hn−1 (f −1 (t0 )) as a free Z-module of rank
µ. The continuous horizontal deformation of B(t0 ) along a loop λ ∈
π1 (C\Atypf , t0 ) provides another basis M(λ) B(t0 ) of Hn−1 (f −1 (t0 )) :
the geometric monodromy operator M(λ) is represented in the basis B(t0 )
by an invertible matrix M (λ) ∈ GLµ (Z).
With Atypf = {t1 , · · · , tN }, the fundamental group π1 (C\Atypf , t0 ) of
C\Atypf with respect to the base point t0 is the free group generated by
the family of loops (λi )1≤i≤N drawn on Fig. 14 : the loop λi follows a path
li which goes from t0 to some tei near ti , then λi turns around ti in the
positive oriented direction and finally goes back to t0 following li in the
inverse way. Z
We return to J(t) = ω as in Corollary 3.3.1. By analytic continu-
ations along the path li , we can assume that t0 = tei and think of J(t) as
an element of O^Dt? ,t0 where Dti is a small disc centred on ti . From the fact
that Hn−1 (f (t0 )) is a free Z-module of rank µ, we know that the geomet-
ric monodromy operator M(λi ) is the zero of a polynomial (for instance its
with r > 0 small enough, b − a < 2π, there exist M ∈ N and C > 0 such
∀ t ∈ Σ(ti ; r, a, b), |li J(t)| ≤ C|t − ti |−M .
Proposition 3.3.1 and Theorem 3.4 imply that each li J(t) belongs to the
Nilsson class (cf. L. Narváez, this volume). Consequently:
3.2.3. Examples
First example We consider f : (p, q) ∈ C2 7→ p2 + V (q), V (q) ∈ C[q]. In
classical mechanics, p is the momentum and V (q) stands for the potential
function. For a non-critical E (E= the energy) one has H1 (f −1 (E)) ∼
= Zm−1
where m is the degree of V .
February 4, 2010 18:28 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 04˙delabaere
Fig. 15. The level manifold f −1 (E) viewed as the Riemann surface of p = (E −V (q))1/2
for V (q) = q 3 and E = 1. The homology classes of the 2 cycles γ1 and γ2 drawn generate
H1 (f −1 (E)).
where n ∈ N apart from a finite set of negative values. One can be more
precise: since the eigenvalues of M(λ0 ) are X1 = e2iπ/6 , X2 = e−2iπ/6
February 4, 2010 18:28 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 04˙delabaere
(cf. L. Narváez and M. Granger, this volume, see also Ref. 1). In fact l0 ≥ 0
as we shall see in a moment (cf. Theorem 3.6), and the result extends when
ω is a holomorphic 1-form.
which is isomorphic to C? .
Using (39) we can remark that (z1 : z2 : z0 ) = (1 : 0 : 0) is the sole
candidate for being a singular point a infinity (see Ref. 30).
From (42) we see that H1 (f −1 (t)) ∼
= Z for t 6= 0. Indeed, H1 (f −1 (t)) can
be generated for instance by the oriented cycle
defines a diffeomorphism from the level complex curve f −1 (1) to the level
complex curve f −1 (t). This means that, starting with a 1-cycle γ(t0 ) on
a generic fibre f −1 (t0 ), its horizontal deformation γ(t) will extend toward
February 4, 2010 18:28 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 04˙delabaere
(1 − z2 )m (z2 − 2)
ω = tn−m−1 dz2
Z Z (44)
for ω = z1m z2n dz2 then ω = tn−m+1
γ(t) γ(1)
(1 − z2 )m
ω = tn−m+1 dz2 ,
H m
thus the conclusion ( (1−z 2 ) (z2 −2)
dz2 = 0 if n − m − 1 < 0 and
H (1−z2 )m
z 2m−n
dz2 = 0 if n − m + 1 < 0).
Then for ε > 0 small enough and for and 0 < η = η(ε) ε the restrictions
X\f −1 (0) X\f −1(0)
f| ↓ and f | ↓ are locally C ∞ trivial fibrations. Also :
D? D?
(1) The Milnor fibration does not depend of (ε, η), in the sense that two
Milnor fibrations given by two allowed pairs (ε1 , η1 ) and (ε2 , η2 ) are
February 4, 2010 18:28 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 04˙delabaere
equivalent : X(ε1 ,η1 ) and X(ε2 ,η2 ) are diffeomorphic and the following
diagram commutes:
X(ε1 ,η1 ) \f −1 (0) −→ X(ε2 ,η2 ) \f −1 (0)
f| ↓ ↓ f|
? ≈
D η1 −→ Dη?2
(2) X is contractible.
(3) For t ∈ D? and Hn−1 (Xt ) ∼ = Z µ for n ≥ 2, H0 (Xt ) ∼
= Z µ+1 for n = 1,
where µ = dimC is the Milnor number at 0.
(∂f )
In the conditions of the theorem, X is called a Milnor ball while the
homology group Hn−1 (Xt ) is called the vanishing homology group of the
singularity z = 0.
Thanks to this theorem 3.5, what have been done in the previous sec-
tions can be repeated for
J(t) = ω, [γ(t)] ∈ Hn−1 (Xt )
where ω ∈ Ωn−1 (X). More precisely one has the following properties, see
Malgrange,20 see also Refs. 1, 2 and 3.
Theorem 3.6. If ω ∈ Ω (X) and J(t) = ω, [γ(t)] ∈ Hn−1 (Xt ),
then J(t) viewed as a germ of holomophic function at t0 ∈ D? extends as a
multivalued holomorphic function J ∈ O ^D ? ,t0 and J is of finite determina-
tion at 0.
Also J belongs to the Nilsson class at 0. More precisely, for any sectorial
neighbourhood Σ(r, a, b) of 0,
Σ(r, a, b) = {t ∈ D, 0 < |t| < r, a < arg t < b} ⊂ D
with r > 0 small enough, b − a < 2π, there exists C > 0 such that
∀ t ∈ Σ(r, a, b), |J(t)| ≤ C.
lim J(t) = 0
t→0, t∈Σ(r,a,b)
J(t) = φα,l tα Log l (t), φα,l ∈ C{t}.
α∈Q?+ , l∈[[0,n−1]]
February 4, 2010 18:28 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 04˙delabaere
absolutly convergent for some c = ni σi ∈ CnΨ (Cn ), one needs also to
control the growth of the differential forms σi? (σ). This why we restrict
ourself to the polynomial case in the following theorem, see Pham26,27 :
HqΨ (Cn ) ∼
= lim
Hq (Cn , f −1 (SR )), ∀q
∀ R0 ≥ R > R0 , ∀q, +
Hq (Cn , f −1 (SR )) ∼ +
= Hq (Cn , f −1 (SR 0 )).
We detail that point. Because SR 0
is contractible, there exists a C ∞ -
diffeomorphism Φ such that the following diagram commutes (for a chosen
t0 ∈ S R 0
+ Φ +
f −1 (SR 0
) −→ SR 0
× f −1 (t0 )
f| & . pr1 (47)
SR 0
+ + Φ + + h×id + + Φ−1 + +
(f −1 (SR ), f −1 (SR )) → (SR , SR ) × f −1 (t0 ) → (SR , SR 0) × f
(t0 ) → (f −1 (SR ), f −1 (SR 0 ))
0 0 0 0
f | & . pr1 pr1 | & . f |
+ + h + +
(SR , SR ) → (SR , SR 0)
0 0
Also, Theorem 4.1 implies that a n-cycle Γ ∈ ZnΨ (Cn ) can be represented
by a relative n-cycle Γ ∈ Zn (Cn , f −1 (SR ))) and, thanks to the convergence
∃C > 0, e−kf σ − e−kf σ ≤ Ce−R|k| , |k| ≥ r, arg(k) = θ.
Consequently :
February 4, 2010 18:28 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 04˙delabaere
ti Li
Fig. 16. The family of half-lines Li and their closed neighbourhoods Ti for θ = 0.
+ S +
taining a deformation-retraction Dr : (Cn , f −1 (SR )) → ( i f −1 (SR ∪
−1 +
Ti ), f (SR )), by setting:
H = id on restriction to f −1 (Ti )
H = Φ−1 ◦ (dr × id) ◦ Φ elsewhere
F Φ F dr×id + F Φ−1 + F
f −1 (C\ i Ti ) → C\ i Ti × f −1 (t0 ) → SR \ i Ti × f −1 (t0 ) → f −1 (SR \ i Ti )
f | & . pr1 pr1 | & . f |
F dr + F
C\ i Ti → SR \ i Ti
+ + S +
Next, defining AR = intSR \ i (intSR ∩ Ti ) where intSR is the interior
+ +S +
of SR , we note that (SR i Ti \AR , SR \AR ) is a deformation retract of
+S +
(SR i Ti , SR ), Fig. 17.
+F +
Now by excision (Corollary A.1.1) the pair (SR
F F + i Ti \AR , SR \AR ) is homo-
topic to ( i Ti , i (SR ∩ Ti )). Lifting this information through the fibration
f as previously done, one gets the isomorphism
+ +
Hn (Cn , f −1 (SR )) = Hn f −1 (Ti ), f −1 (Ti ∩ SR )
i i
t1 t1
Ti Ti
ti Li ti
tN tN
+ S +
Fig. 17. On the left the pair (SR i Ti \AR , SR \AR ), on the right the pair
F F +
( i Ti , i (SR ∩ Ti )).
+ +
Hn (Cn , f −1 (SR )) = Hn f −1 (Ti ), f −1 (Ti ∩ SR ) (50)
ti ∈Atypf
4.3. Localisation
For each ti ∈ Atypf , let Di be an open disc centred at ti with a small
radius ηi and Diτ = Di ∩ {t, <((t − ti )eiθ ) ≥ τ }, 0 < τ < ηi . Then by a
deformation-retraction whose definition is left to the reader we get
Hn (Cn , f −1 (SR )) = Hn f −1 (Di ), f −1 (Diτ ) (51)
ti ∈Atypf
Hq (Yi , Yiτ ) = τ
Hq (Xij , Xij ).
In the pair (Yi , Xi ∪ Yiτ ) we excise Xi \∂Xi where ∂Xi is the boundary of
Xi in Yi :
Hq (Yi , Xi ∪ Yiτ ) = Hq (Yi \Xi , ∂Xi ∪ (Yiτ \Xτi )) with Xτi = τ
Xij .
By the exact homology sequence of a triple one has
· · · → Hq (∂Xi ∪ (Yiτ \Xτi ), ∂Xi ) −→
Hq (Yi \Xi , ∂Xi )
→ Hq (Yi \Xi , ∂Xi ∪ (Yiτ \Xτi ))
−→ Hq−1 (∂Xi ∪ (Yiτ \Xτi ), ∂Xi ) → · · · (57)
so that by (56) condition (55) reduces in the isomorphism
Hq (Yi \Xi , ∂Xi ) = Hq (∂Xi ∪ (Yiτ \Xτi ), ∂Xi ). (58)
But by excision and denoting by ∂Xτi the boundary of Xτi in Yiτ , (58) reads
Hq (Yi \Xi , ∂Xi ) = Hq (Yiτ \Xτi , ∂Xτi ) (59)
and this last equality is true by a deformation-retraction argument, because
f | ↓ is a locally trivial fibration (by the Ehresmann fibration theorem 3.1,
since Yi is a manifold), thus a trivial fibration because Di is contractible.
What we have obtained is in particular the following proposition.
where Xij is the Milnor ball associated with the critical point zij ∈ Singf ,
f (zij ) = ti .
X = B ∩ f −1 (D), X τ = B ∩ f −1 (Dτ )
B = B(0, ε) ⊂ Cn , D = D(0, η) ⊂ C ,
D = D ∩ {t, <(t) ≥ τ }, 0 < τ < η
such that X is a Milnor ball (see Theorem 3.5). For later purpose it will be
convenient to note
Since we have localised the problem, one can also assume that σ ∈ Ωn (X).
We mention that if Γ, Γ0 ∈ Zn (X, X τ ) define the same class in
Hn (X, X τ ), then for some fixed r > 0:
∃C = C(r) > 0, e−kf σ − e−kf σ ≤ Ce−τ |k| ,
Γ Γ0
|k| ≥ r, arg(k) = 0
(see the reasoning in §4.1) so that Γ e−kf σ and Γ0 e−kf σ have the same
Poincaré asymptotics when k → +∞.
Also, since D is contractible, the restriction map f | ↓ is a trivial fibra-
tion. This induces an isomorphism (because D τ ⊂ D+ is also contractible)
Hn−1 (X τ ) = Hn−1 (Dτ × Xt0 ) = Hn−1 (Xt0 )
for any chosen t0 ∈ Dτ . Putting things together, we have obtained an
Hn (X, X τ ) −→
Hn−1 (Xt0 ), t0 ∈ D τ .
Consequence: in the class of a given element [Γ] ∈ Hn (X, X τ ) one can
choose a chain Γt0 ∈ Cn (X) whose boundary ∂Γt0 = γ(t0 ) belongs to
Zn−1 (Xt0 ), with t0 ∈ Dτ .
In what follows we fix a t0 > 0 in D . By the trivial fibration f | ↓
the cycle γ(t0 ) can be horizontally deformed into γ(t) ∈ Zn−1 (Xt ), t ∈ D+ .
Then :
Theorem 4.2. With the above notations and hypotheses,
Z Z t0
I(k, t0 ) = e σ= e−kt J(t) dt
Γ t0 0
J(t) = |f =t = ψα,l tα−1 Log l (t), ψα,l ∈ C{t}.
γ(t) df
α∈Q?+ , l∈[[0,n−1]]
We note
for t ∈ D , I(k, t) = ϕ. (64)
February 4, 2010 18:28 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 04˙delabaere
I(k, t) = φα,l tα Log l (t), φα,l ∈ C{t}. (65)
α∈Q+ , l∈[[0,n−1]]
|f =t = ψα,l tα−1 Log l (t), ψα,l ∈ C{t}.
γ(t) df
α∈Q?+ , l∈[[0,n−1]]
February 4, 2010 18:28 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 04˙delabaere
J(t) = ψα,l tα−1 Log l (t), ψα,l ∈ C{t}.
α∈Q?+ , l∈[[0,n−1]]
for some α ∈ Q?+ and l ∈ [[0, n − 1]] and we assume that the series ex-
pansion converges for |t| < τ , τ > t0 . We also assume that Log (t) is the
principal determination of the logarithm function (real for t > 0).
We adapt what we have done in §2.2.8. For k in the sectorial neighbourd-
hood of infinity Σr,δ as defined in (7) one has, for any N ∈ N:
Z t0 ∞
−kt α−1+n l
I(k, t0 ) = e bn t Log (t) dt
0 n=0
Z +∞ N
I(k, t0 ) = e−kt bn tα−1+n Log l (t) dt
0 n=0
Z +∞ N
− e−kt bn tα−1+n Log l (t) dt
t0 n=0
Z t0 ∞
+ e bn tα−1+n Log l (t) dt
0 n=N +1
4.5. An example
We illustrate the previous considerations with the following simple example.
We take
f (z1 , z2 ; β) = β 2 z1 + z2 + z1 z22 , β ∈ C?
which is a deformation of the Broughton’s polynomial (see §3.2.3). This
polynomial has two atypical values which are the critical values t = ±iβ.
Each generic fibre f −1 (t), t ∈ C\{±iβ} has only one connected component
for t 6= ±iβ, f −1 (t) = {z1 = (t − z2 )/(β 2 + z22 ), z2 ∈ C\{±iβ}} (68)
∼ Z, H1 (f −1 (t)) ∼
so that H0 (f −1 (t)) = = Z2 and Hq (f −1 (t)) ∼ = 0 otherwise.
February 4, 2010 18:28 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 04˙delabaere
Ψ(β) ∼ Z2 for t ∈
where [Γ] ∈ H2 (C2 ) and g ∈ C[z1 , z2 ]. Since H1 (f −1 (t)) =
C\{±iβ}, we deduce from Theorem 4.1 and (49) that
H2 (C2 ) ∼
= Z2 . (69)
From (68) it is easy to see that H2 (C2 ) is generated by the following
two cycles Γ± (the so-called Lefschetz thimbles),
Γ = m + Γ+ + m − Γ− , m± ∈ Z
Γ+ = {z1 = (iβ + r − z2 )/(β 2 + z22 ), r ∈ [0, +∞[, |z2 − iβ| = β} (70)
Γ− = {z1 = (−iβ + r − z2 )/(β 2 + z22 ), r ∈ [0, +∞[, |z2 + iβ| = β}
Note that the data H2 (C2 ) makes a local system on C? (in fact
a constant sheaf of Z-modules).
One can recover (69) using Proposition 4.1.2:
H2Ψ (C2 ) ∼ τ
= H2 (X+ , X+ τ
) ⊕ H2 (X− , X− )
for instance:
i b b
a+ 2β + icβ β −3
IΓ (k; β) = m+ e π + O(k ) +
2(βk)2 βk
i b b
−a + 2 β + icβ β
+m− e+iβk π − + O(k −3 )
βk 2(βk)2
where m± are integers which depend only [Γ]. It can be shown that the
remainder terms O(k −3 ) are in fact zero functions. We do this by direct
calculation, using (70) which provides
Z +∞ I
−iβk −kr iβ + r − z2 dz2
IΓ+ (k; β) = e e a+b + cz2 dr
0 β 2 + z22 β + z22
that is
Z +∞
−iβk −kr π π π
IΓ+ (k; β) = e e a + b(i 2 + 3 r) + ciπ dr.
0 β 2β 2β
so that
i b b
a+ 2β + icβ β
IΓ+ (k; β) = e π + .
βk 2(βk)2
i b b
−a + 2β + icβ β
IΓ− (k; β) = e+iβk π − .
βk 2(βk)2
4.6. To go further
By their very nature, the complex singular integrals considered in this paper
are crossroads for different scientific communities, from pure mathemati-
cians to physicists and chemists. In such various situations one often needs
to enlarge the methods presented in this paper, for instance for Laplace-
type integrals with boundaries. Also, it allows a theoretical and numeri-
cal control of the so-called Stokes phenomenon with a hyperasymptic and
resurgent viewpoint. To go futher in that direction, the reader may consult
Refs. 10 and 11 and references therein.
February 4, 2010 18:28 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 04˙delabaere
This paper is based on a course given at the ICTP “School on Algebraic
approach to differential equations”, Alexandria - Egypt, November 12-24,
2007. The author would like to warmly thank the organizers of this so
pleasant School in a so charming place, especially Professors Lê Dung Trang
and Mohamed Darwish, as well as the students and colleagues for their
many interesting questions and helpful discussions.
Proposition A.0.1.
∀ q, ∂q ◦ ∂q+1 = 0.
Z0 (X) ∼ m
Example H0 (X) = = Z where m is the number of path-
B0 (X)
X components of X. Indeed, one has Z0 (X) =XC0 (X) =
{ ni [xi ]} where the xi are points of X and B0 (X) = { ni ([x2i ] −
f inite f inite
[x1i ])} where for each i, x1i and x2i are connected by a continuous path in
More generally, if X is a Hausdorff topological space and if {Xi } are its
path-connected components, then
Hq (X) = Hq (Xi ), ∀ q.
February 4, 2010 18:28 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 04˙delabaere
What have been said in §A.3 can be extended for pairs. Let X and Y
be two topological spaces and A ⊂ X, B ⊂ Y . From a continuous map of
f : x ∈ (X, A) 7→ y ∈ (Y, B), f (A) ⊂ B,
one can associated a homomorphism of homology groups
f? : Hq (X, A) → Hq (Y, B).
Example In §2.2.2 we have introduced the pairs (C, ΣR (Aθ,δ )). For R0 ≥
R, (C, ΣR0 (Aθ,δ )) is a sub-pair of (C, ΣR (Aθ,δ )) and one has an homeomor-
z ∈ (C, ΣR0 (Aθ,δ ))
h : z ∈ (C, ΣR (Aθ,δ )) →
from which is associated an isomorphism
h? : Hq (C, ΣR (Aθ,δ ) → Hq (C, ΣR0 (Aθ,δ )).
One has the analogue of Proposition A.0.2:
February 4, 2010 18:28 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 04˙delabaere
then f? = g? .
Proof. The couple {X\U, A} is an excisive couple so that the excision map
(X\U, A\U ) ,→ (X, A) induces an isomorphism of homology.
Note that for a given triple (X, A, B), B ⊂ A ⊂ X, the couple of pairs
{(X, B), (A, A)} and {(X, B), (A∪, A ∪ B)} are always an excisive couple of
pairs. One thus deduces from the relative Mayer-Vietoris homology exact
sequence that:
The set of q-chains with support in Ψ makes the group CqΦ (X) of q-
chains with support in Φ. The boundary operator ∂q can be defined in
an obvious way on CqΦ (X) (∂q defines a map from CqΦ (X) into Cq−1 Φ
by (ii) of (A.1)). To the chain-complex (C• (X), ∂• ) of Z-modules one can
then associate the homology groups
ZqΦ (X)
HqΦ (X) =
BqΦ (X)
and HqΦ (X) is called the q-th homology group with support in Φ.
f0 % ↓ f , there exists a homotopy H
h e : X × [0, 1] → M lifting
X × {0} −→ N
H, e % ↓ f , with h
H f0 = H|
e X×{0} .
X × I −→ N
Corollary A.4.1.
Z If ϕ is a closed differential q-form on X (dϕ = 0), then
the integral ϕ along a q-cycle c only depends on the homology class
[c] ∈ Hq (X).
σU : (g1x , · · · , gpx ) ∈ (OX |U )p 7→ σU (g1x , · · · , gpx ) = gix six ∈ F|U
(we note F|U the restriction sheaf to the open set U ⊂ X). One says that
F|U is generated by the sections s1 , · · · , sp if σU is surjective. (Every stalk
Fx , x ∈ U is generated as a Ox -module by the germs s1x , · · · , spx ).
The sheaf F is said to be finite at x ∈ X if there exists a neighbourhood U
of x and a finite number of sections s1 , · · · , sp ∈ F(U ) which generate F|U .
The sheaf F is said to be finite on X if it is finite at every point x ∈ X.
If σU is an OX |U -homomorphism as defined by (B.1), then the following
February 4, 2010 18:28 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 04˙delabaere
H 0 (X, F) = F(X)
In such case the resolution (B.2) is said to be acyclic and one has the
following de Rham theorem:
H 0 (X, C) ∼
= ker d : O(X) → Ω1 (X)
ker d : Ωp (X) → Ωp+1 (X)
H p (X, C) ∼
= , p ≥ 1.
Im d : Ωp−1 (X) → Ωp (X)
We know that the ΩqX are coherent sheaves of OX -modules. Since df ∧ Ωq−1X
is the image of Ωq−1
X by the OX -linear map df ∧ . : Ωq−1
X → ΩqX one deduces
that df ∧ Ωq−1
X are also coherent sheaves. In the exact sequence (B.5) since
two sheaves are coherent, then the third sheaf ΩqX/T is also coherent as a
consequence of the so-called “Three lemma”.14
We now add the assumption that X 0 ⊂ X is a Stein (sub)manifold.
From the short exact sequence of sheaves (B.5) we derive the following long
sequence of cohomology:
· · · → H 0 (X 0 , df ∧ Ωq−1 0 0 q
X ) → H (X , ΩX )
→ H 0 (X 0 , ΩqX/T ) → H 1 (X 0 , df ∧ Ωq−1
X ) → ··· (B.6)
is a surjective homomorphism.
Now, if ω ∈ ΩX (X 0 ) is dX/T -closed, then dω can be seen as an element
n−1 dω
of H 0 (X 0 , df ∧ ΩX ) and the above result provides the existence of ∈
(X 0 ) such that dω = df ∧ .
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February 4, 2010 18:28 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 04˙delabaere
Laboratoire J.A. Dieudonné, UMR 6621, Université de Nice, France
E-mail: [email protected]
Notice that:
• If a = 0 or b = 0 or is negative, then F is a polynomial.
• If c = 0 or is negative, then F is not defined.
• The series is convergent for | x |< 1.
The sum of the series inside its circle of convergence is called the hyperge-
ometric function, and the same name is used for its analytic continuation
outside the circle of convergence.
February 4, 2010 18:44 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 05˙jambu
X xn
(1 − x)−a = (a, n) = 1 F0 [a; x]
x2 x4 2
cos(x) = 1 − + +··· = 0 F1 [1/2; −x /4]
2! 4!
x3 x5
sin(x) = x − + + · · · = x.0 F1 [3/2; −x2 /4]
3! 5!
x2 x3
log(1 + x) = x − + + · · · = x.2 F1 [(1, 1); 2; −x]
2 3
X xn
Li2 (x) = = x.3 F2 [(1, 1, 1); (2, 2); x]
X Z 1
so I(x) = (b, n)x ua+n−1 (1 − u)c−a−1 du
n≥0 0
X (b, n) Γ(a + n)Γ(c − a)
= xn
n! Γ(c + n)
Γ(c − a)Γ(a)
= F [(a, b); c; x]
Thus we obtain the integral representation
Z 1
Γ(c − a)Γ(a)
F [(a, b); c; x] = ua−1 (1 − u)c−a−1 (1 − xu)−b du
Γ(c) 0
2. Modern Approach
This point of view is mainly due to Aomoto and Kita1 on one hand, and
Gelfand7 and Varchenko11 on the other hand.
Let Mx = C \ {0, 1, x−1 }, x 6= 0, 1, and λ = (λ1 , λ2 , λ3 ) ∈ C3 . Let
γj 7−→ exp(−2π −1λj ); j = 1, 2, 3
3. Local Systems
γ 7−→ −1
γ 7−→ µ
Proof. Denote ∇λ = d + ωλ ∧ .
dΦλ −1
∇λ (Φ−1 −2
λ ) = −Φλ dΦλ + .Φ = 0
Φλ λ
If ∇λ (f ) = 0, then df = −f ωλ = −f . Thus d(f Φλ ) = df Φλ +f dΦλ = 0
so f ∈ CΦ−1
λ . Cover M with contractible open sets to see that Lλ is locally
Let us point out that for any m = (m1 , . . . , mn ) ∈ Zn , the local system
associated to λ + m coincides with that associated to λ.
4. Hypergeometric Pairing
We have to interpret hypergeometric integrals as the result of the hyperge-
ometric pairing.
February 4, 2010 18:44 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 05˙jambu
H p (M, Lλ ) × Hp (M, L∨
λ ) −→ C
(η, σ) 7−→ Φλ η
is exact.
The problem is still difficult. We have to reduce the case of arbitrary poles
on N = i=1 Hi to the case of order one (i.e. logarithmic). Following
Deligne’s results, we must compactify M with a normal crossing divisor.
We embed V ⊂ CP l by adding the infinite hyperplane, H∞ . Define the
projective closure of A, as A∞ . The divisor N (A∞ ) may have non-normal
crossings. Before going further, let us review some basic notions on hyper-
plane arrangements.
February 4, 2010 18:44 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 05˙jambu
6. Hyperplane Arrangements
6.1. Generalities
We refer the reader to Ref. 8 as a general reference on arrangements.
Let A = {H1 , . . . , Hn } be an arrangement of hyperplanes over C, where Hi
are affine hyperplanes of Cl . A is also called l-arrangement. A is said to be
central if H∈A H 6= ∅. Define the complement M (A) = Cl \ Hi and
L(A) the poset of nonempty intersections of hyperplanes of A with reverse
X ≤ Y if Y ⊆ X
for all 1 ≤ i1 < . . . < is ≤ n such that rk(Hi1 ∩ · · · ∩ His ) < s, i.e.
the hyperplanes {Hi1 , · · · , His } are dependent and where b indicates an
omitted factor.
Notice that for a central arrangement, i∈S Hi 6= ∅ for any S.
We will denote aH (resp. aS ) the image of eH (resp. eS ) under the natural
projection and denote bp (A) = dimAp (A) the p-th Betti number of A• .
P p •
Let P (A, t) = p≥0 bp (A)t be the Poincaré polynomial of A . It is
shown that P (A, t) = X∈L(A) µ(X)(−t)codim(X) .
Moreover, P (cA, t) = (1 + t)P (A, t).
P (A, t) is closely related to the characteristic polynomial χ(A, t). As an
important property of this algebra is the following theorem due to Orlik
and Solomon.
Theorem 6.1. The cohomology algebra and the Orlik-Solomon algebra are
isomorphic as graded algebras
A• (A) ∼
= H • (M (A); C).
The divisors N (A) and N (A∞ ) do not have normal crossings along a dense
Remark 6.2. β(A) =|e(M )|, where e(M ) is the Euler characteristic of the
complement. β(A) is a combinatorial invariant.
1. X is dense,
2. AX is not decomposable,
3. β(dAX ) 6= 0,
4. β(dAX ) > 0.
The proof mainly uses the properties of the triple (A, A0 , A00 ) where A0 =
A \ {H} for a suitable H.
7. Resonance
Let λ∞ = − λH be the weights of H∞ . For X ∈ L(A∞ ), define λX ∈ C
λX = λH , H ∈ A.
Let ωλ = H∈A λH ωH = d(logΦλ ). Since ωλ ∧ ωλ = 0, wedge product with
ωλ provides a finite dimensional subcomplex (B• , ωλ ∧) of (Ω• (∗A), ∇λ ):
ωλ ∧ 1 ωλ ∧ ωλ ∧ l
0 −→ B0 −→ B −→ . . . −→ B −→ 0
Example 7.1. Let A be a general position arrangement. Then for all p < l,
H p (A• (A), aλ ∧) = 0.
For λ ∈ W(A), the local system cohomology groups are independent of the
weights. There exists a maximal dense open subset U(A) ⊇ W(A) where
the local system cohomology groups are independent of the weights. We
call weights λ ∈ U(A) non-resonant. Notice that there are in general
non-resonant weights which do not lie in the set W(A).
Much is known in such a case which is called of non-resonant weights. But
substantially less is known about resonant weights. This interest has been
a motivating factor in many works and we will refer to the paper of D.
Cohen and P. Orlik.3 They study the local system cohomology using strat-
ified Morse theory following D. Cohen.2 They construct a universal com-
plex (KΛ• (A), ∆• (x)), where x = (x1 , . . . , xn ) are non-zero complex vari-
ables, Λ = C[x±1 ±1
1 , . . . , xn ] denote the ring of complex Laurent polynomials,
q q
KΛ (A) = Λ ⊗C KΛ (A) ' Λbq (A) where bq (A) = dimAq (A) = dimH q (M ; C)
is the q-th Betti number of M with trivial local coefficients C and ƥ (x) are
Λ-linear with the property that the specialization xj 7→ tj = exp(−2πiλj )
calculates H • (M, Lλ ).
There is also a similar universal complex, called the Aomoto complex
(A•R (A), ay ∧) where y = (y1 , . . . , yn ) are variables, R = C[y1 , . . . , yn ] is the
polynomial ring, where AqR (A) = R⊗C Aq (A) and boundary maps are given
by p(y) ⊗ η 7→ yi p(y) ⊗ aHi ∧ η.
For λ ∈ Cn , the specialization y 7→ λ of the Aomoto complex yields the
Orlik-Solomon algebra (A• (A), aλ ∧).
Theorem 7.3 (Ref. 3). For any arrangement A, the Aomoto complex
(A•R (A), ay ∧) is chain equivalent to the linearization of the universal com-
plex (KΛ• (A), ∆• (x)).
empty set and the nonempty subsets of A which have nonempty intersection
and contain no broken circuit is called NBC(A). Since NBC(A) is closed
under taking subsets, it forms a pure (r−1)-dimensional simplicial complex.
Idea of the proof: If v is a vertex of NBC(A) then its star, denoted st(v),
consists of all the simplexes whose closure contains v. The closure st(v) is a
cone with cone point v. Let (A, A0 , A00 ) be a triple with respect to the last
hyperplane Hn . Then prove that NBC(A00 ) ' st(Hn ) ∩ NBC(A0 ). Consider
the Mayer-Vietoris sequence for the excisive couple {st(Hn ), NBC(A0 )} to
get the long exact sequence and use the fact that st(Hn ) is contractible.
Theorem 8.2 (Ref. 9). Let A be an l-arrangement of hyperplanes of rank
r ≥ 1. Then
H p (NBC(A)) = 0 if p 6= r − 1
= free of rank β(A) if p = r − 1
Idea of the proof: Use induction on r and consider the long exact sequence
of the previous theorem.
Thus, there is an explicit isomorphism between the only non trivial coho-
mology group H r (M, Lλ ) and H r−1 (NBC(A), C) under the non resonance
Example 8.3. Let A be the Selberg arrangement once more. Assume the
weights of the dense edges satisfy suitable conditions. Then
ζ({2, 4}) = (λ2 ω2 + λ4 ω4 + λ5 ω5 )λ4 ω4 = λ2 λ4 ω24 − λ4 λ5 ω45
1. K. Aomoto and M. Kita, Hypergeometric Functions (in Japanese), (Springer-
Verlag, 1994).
2. D. Cohen, Adv. Math. 97, 231 (1993).
3. D. Cohen and P. Orlik, Mathematical Research Letters 7, 299 (2000).
4. H. Esnault, V. Schechtman and E. Viehweg, Invent. Math. 109, 557 (1992);
Erratum, ibid 112, 447 (1993).
5. M. Falk, Annals of Combinatorics 1, 135 (1997).
February 4, 2010 18:44 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 05˙jambu
Université d’Angers, LAREMA, UMR 6093 du CNRS
2 Bd Lavoisier 49045 Angers France
These notes are an expanded version of the lectures given in the frame
of the I.C.T.P. School held at Alexandria in Egypt from 12 to 24 November
Our purpose in this course was to give a survey of the various aspects,
algebraic, analytic and formal, of the functional equations which are sat-
isfied by the powers f s of a function f and involve a polynomial in one
variable bf (s) called the Bernstein-Sato polynomial of f . Since this course
is intended to be useful for newcomers to the subject we give enough signif-
icant details and examples in the most basic sections, which are sections 1,
2, and also 4. The latter is devoted to the calculation of the Bernstein-Sato
polynomial for the basic example of quasi-homogeneous polynomials with
isolated singularities. This case undoubtedly served as a guide in the first
developments of the theory.
We particularly focused our attention on the problem of the meromor-
phic continuation of the distribution f+ in the real case, which in turn moti-
vated the problem of the existence of these polynomials, without forgetting
related questions like the Mellin transform and the division of distributions.
See the content of section 3. The question of the analytic continuation prop-
erty was brought up as early as 1954 at the congress of Amsterdam by I.M.
Gelfand. The meromorphic continuation was proved 15 years later indepen-
dently by Atiyah and I.N. Bernstein-S.I. Gel’fand who used the resolution
of singularities. The existence of the functional equations proved by I.N.
Bernstein in the polynomial case allowed him to give a simpler proof which
does not use the resolution of singularities. His proof establishes at the
same time a relationship between the poles of the continuation and the
zeros of the Bernstein Sato polynomial. The already known rationality of
the poles gave a strong reason for conjecturing the famous result about the
rationality of the zeros of the b-function which was proved by Kashiwara
and Malgrange.
and especially Professor Mohamed Darwish for their hospitality and the way
they took care of all the practical details of our stay in Alexandria.
1 Introduction to Functional Equations 228
1.1 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
1.2 A review of a number of elementary facts about b-functions 230
1.3 A first list of examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
1.4 Remarks on variants of the definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
8 Complements 282
8.1 Appendix A: Mellin and Laplace transforms . . . . . . . . . 282
8.1.1 Integrals depending on a parameter . . . . . . . . . . 282
8.1.2 Analyticity of Mellin transforms . . . . . . . . . . . 282
8.2 Appendix B: Regular sequences, and application to the
annihilator AnnD f s , in the isolated case . . . . . . . . . . . 285
1.1 Definitions
Let us consider the ring O = C{x1 , · · · , xn } of germs of functions defined
by a convergent power series at the origin of Cn :
f (x1 , · · · , xn ) = aα xα with xα = xα αn
1 · · · xn
X β
P = P (x, ∂ x ) = fβ (x)∂ βx with ∂ x = ∂1β1 · · · ∂nβn .
The set of polynomials e(s) for which an equation of the type (1) exists
is clearly an ideal Bf of C(s), which is principal since C[s] is a principal
The Bernstein-Sato polynomial of f is by definition the monic generator
of this ideal denoted by bf (s) or simply b(s):
Bf = C[s] · bf (s)
Here are some variants and extensions of this definition
1) Algebraic case. In all what follows we denote K a field of char-
acteristic zero. When f ∈ K[X1 , · · · , Xn ] wePconsider the Weyl algebra
An (K) i.e. the set of operators P (x, ∂ x ) = β∈N fβ (x)∂ x with polyno-
mial coefficients fβ ∈ K[X1 , · · · , Xn ]. The global or algebraic Bernstein-
Sato polynomial is the monic generator of the ideal of polynomials e(s)
included in a functional equation as in (1) but with a polynomial operator
P (s) ∈ An (K)[s].
2) We may also consider the formal analogue where f and the coefficients
of P (s) are in K[[X1 , · · · , Xn ]].
3) A generalisation: let f1 , · · · , fp be p elements in C{x1 , · · · , xn }. Then
there exists a non zero polynomial b(s1 , · · · , sp ) ∈ C[s1 , · · ·, sn ], and a func-
tional equation:
s s +1
b(s1 , · · · , sp )f1s1 · · · fp p = P (s1 , · · · , sp )f1s1 +1 · · · fp p (2)
b ∈ C[s1 , · · · , sp ] , P ∈ D[s1 , · · · , sp ]
The set of polynomials b(s1 , · · · , sp ) as in (2) is an ideal B(f1 ,··· ,fp ) of
K[s1 , · · · , sp ]. There is an algebraic variant of this notion of a Bernstein-
Sato ideal B(f1 ,··· ,fp ) .
nontrivial equation as stated in (1), was first proved by I.N. Bernstein in the
polynomial case, see [6]. The polynomials bf (s) are called Bernstein-Sato
polynomials in order to take this double origin into account. The analytic
local case is due to Kashiwara in [21]. An algebraic proof by Mebkhout
and Narvaez can be found in [32]. The formal case is given by Björk in his
book [9]
Nontrivial polynomials as in (2) were first introduced by C. Sabbah,
see [36]. In the algebraic case the proof is a direct generalisation of the
proof of Bernstein. For the analytic case see [36], completed by [3] where is
shown the necessity of using a division theorem proved in [1]. There is by
[36], [3] a functional equation (2) in which the polynomial b(s1 , · · · , sp ) is a
product of a finite number of affine forms. It is as far as I know an unsolved
problem to state the existence of a system of generators of Bf1 ,···fp made
of polynomials of this type.
∂ ∂g s ∂f
· g(x, s)f s = + g · ∂xi f s
∂xi ∂xi f
We may notice that the multiplication by s on this module is D-linear.
• We consider the submodule D[s] · f s generated by f s . The equation
(1) means that the action of s on the quotient:
D[s]·f s D[s]·f s
s̃ : D[s]·f s+1 −→ D[s]·f s+1
the intuitive meaning and the change of s into s+m induces a D-linear
automorphism of O[s, f1 ] · f s , which restrict to D[s] · f s → D[s] · f s+m
given by P (s)f s → P (s + m)f s+m .
M = {f ∈ O | f (0) = 0}
- If f ∈
/ M is a unit in O then bf = 1. Similarly, in the algebraic case
bf = 1 if f is a constant.
- If f is in the maximal ideal of O in the local analytic case, or if f is
not a constant in the polynomial case, we obtain by setting s = −1
in the functional equation: P (−1) · 1 = b(−1) f1 , and this implies
b(−1) = 0. We write usually in this case b(s) = (s + 1)b̃(s).
Setting s = −1 in the equation now gives P (−1) · 1 = 0 and therefore
X n
∂ ∂
P (−1) = Ai , P (s) = (s + 1)Q(s) + Ai
∂ xi i=1
• When f = xα αn
1 · · · xn we obtain by a straightforward calculation:
n αn
1 Y ∂ α1 ∂
Qn αi ··· · f s+1
i=1 αi i=1 ∂x1 ∂ xn
Yn i −1
αY !
= s+1− · fs
α i
It is an easy exercise to prove that this equation does yield the minimal
polynomial for a monomial.
• Let f = x21 +· · ·+x2n and let ∆ be the Laplacian operator then there is
a functional equation leading to the polynomial b(s) = (s + 1)(s + n2 ).
To be precise:
∆f s+1 = (s + 1)(4s + 2n) · f s
The minimality of the polynomial is not so obvious but can be deduced
from calculations in the section 4 below. This is an example of a semi
invariant for the action on Cn of the complex orthogonal group which
is reductive.
• Finding by blind calculatory means a functional equation in more
general cases is virtually impossible. The case of f = x2 + y 3 is
already challenging. In section 4 we shall treat the case of all quasi-
homogeneous singularities which includes all the Pham-Brieskorn poly-
xa1 1 + · · · + xann
Obviously we have the divisibility relations ban,a |bloc,a , and bloc,a |balg ,
but there is in in fact a much more precise relation
Proposition 1.2
The proof of these results may be found in a more general setting in [11], in-
cluding the case of multivariables Bernstein-Sato polynomials b(s1 , · · ·, sp ).
We shall give the proof of proposition 1.2 in section 5.3.
Let us first recall general results about holonomic modules on the Weyl
algebra An (K):
dim Fk (M ) ≤ (N + 1)n + c2 (k + 1)n−1
It remains to be noticedS that Fk (M ) is a filtration of M as an An (K)-
module and that M = k∈Z Fk (M ). The conclusion of the lemma follows
after 2.5, moreover with the inequality:
The proof is similar except for the fact that the filtrations and dimensions
concern vector spaces over the ring of fractions K(s). We set
g(x, s) s
Fk (Mf ) = { f | degx g ≤ k(N + 1)}
f (x)k
In order to check that we obtain a filtration, assume that degx g ≤ k(N +1).
Then we have
∂g ∂f
∂ g(x, s) s ∂xi ∂xi s
· f = + g f
∂xi f (x)k fk f k+1
and the verification to be made is just that deg(f · ∂x i
+ g · ∂∂f
) ≤ (k +
1)(N + 1)
The proof of the existence of a functional equation can now be ended
in the following way: The module Mf contains the descending sequence of
Mf ⊃ An (K(s)) · f · f s ⊃ · · · ⊃ An (K(s)) · f m · f s ⊃ · · ·
f m · f s ∈ An (K(s)) · f m+1 · f s
2.3 Generalisations
Theorem 2.9 Let f1 , · · · , fp ∈ K[x1 , · · · , xn ] be p non zero polynomials.
There is a non zero polynomial b ∈ K[s] depending on the p variables
s = (s1 , · · · , sp ), and a differential operator P (s) ∈ An (K)[s1 , · · · , sp ] such
P (s)f1s1 +1 · · · fpsp +1 = b(s)f1s1 · · · fpsp
∂ ∂ ∂
(u ⊗ g(x, s)f s ) = ( · u) ⊗ g(x, s)f s + u ⊗ · g(x, s)f s
∂xi ∂xi ∂xi
Theorem 2.10 Let f ∈ K[x1 , · · · , xn ] be a non zero polynomial, and let u
be an element in a holonomic An (K)-module. Then there is a polynomial
b ∈ K[s], and a differential operator P (s) ∈ An (K)[s] such that
P (s) · (u ⊗ f s+1 ) = b(s)u ⊗ f s
The proof is quite similar to the previous ones. We consider a filtration
Fk (M ), and the good filtration of K(s)[x1 , · · · , xn , f1 ]f s already considered
in the previous section. We shall work in the An (K(s))-module:
K(s) ⊗K[s] (M ⊗K[x] K[s][x1 , · · · , xn , ]f s )
= M (s) ⊗K(s)[x] K(s)[x1 , · · · , xn , ]f s
where M (s) = M ⊗K K(s) has the obviously good filtration Fk (M )⊗K K(s).
Then we see easily that the filtration:
1 s X 1
Fk (M (s) ⊗ K(s)[x, ]f ) = Fp (M (s)) ⊗ Fq (K(s)[x, ]f s )
f f
is good and that its Hilbert polynomial χ is related to the Hilbert polyno-
mials χ1 and χ2 of M and K(s)[x, f1 ]f s by the inequality:
χ(k) ≤ χ1 (p)χ2 (q)
P (Dρ(g)x ) = cI (ρ? (g)Dx )i11 · · · (ρ? (g)Dx )inn
I=(i1 ,··· ,in )∈N
∂u X ∂
◦ ρ(g) = g −1 j,i (u ◦ ρ(g)) = ρ? (g)Dx i (u ◦ ρ(g))
∂yi j
∂x j
therefore in particular:
1 ?
f ? (Dy )(u) ◦ ρ(g) = f ? (ρ? (g)Dx )(u ◦ ρ(g)) = f (Dx )(u ◦ ρ(g)) (5)
∂ 1 ? χu (g) ?
f ?( )(u)(ρ(g)(x)) = f (Dx )(χu (g)u(x)) = f (∂x )(u)(x)
∂y χ(g) χ(g)
∂ χ(g)s+1 ?
f ?( )(f (y)s+1 ) ◦ ρ(g) = f (∂x )(f (x)s+1 )
∂y χ(g)
so that
? ∂ s+1 1
f ( )(f (y) ) = f ? (∂x )(f (x)s+1 )
f (y)s ∂y |y=ρ(g)x f (x) s
? s+1
This proves that x → f (∂xf)(f (x)
is an absolute invariant hence a con-
stant b(s) depending on s. The fact that b(s) is a polynomial is clear and
we refer to [23] for the statement on its degree.
We refer the interested reader to [35] and its bibliography for more
informations on these b-functions as well as for the method of calculation
of bf in the case of an irreducible singular locus S by microlocal calculus
and holonomy diagramm. See also recent work about reducible examples
involving linear free divisor, in [16], [17].
exp(s log f ) if f (x) > 0
Y (f )f s =
0 if f (x) ≤ 0
A − N := {s ∈ C | ∃i ∈ N, b(s + i) = 0}
Proof Recall that a distribution is defined by its value for any test func-
tion ϕ ∈ Cc∞ with a compact support in the domain of f :
hY (f )f s , ϕi = ϕ(x)Y (f )f s dx
hY (f )f s , ϕi = b(s) hY (f )f s+1 , P (s)? (ϕ(x))i
Since the right hand side is well defined and holomorphic in the open
{s | <s > −1} \ b−1 (0),
we have an analytic continuation of
hY (f )f s , ϕi = ϕ(x)Y (f )f s dx,
A − N := {s ∈ C | ∃i ∈ N, s + i ∈ A}
N.B. In the last statement we anticipate the fact that the roots of the
Bernstein-Sato polynomial of an analytic germ are negative rational num-
bers. See section 6.
1 We may also notice that the stationnary phase integrals are Fourier transforms of
df := ω|f =t :
F (t) = ϕ
f =t df
The definition of the Mellin transform is:
Z +∞
ΓF (s) = ts−1 F (t)dt
The function F (t) has an asymptotic expansion with terms of the form
aα,q tα (log)k . A precise version of this result can be found in Jeanquartier
Let f : X → R be a real analytic function, on a manifold X. The Dirac
distribution δt (f ) is defined setting Xt = f −1 (t) by the following formula:
hδt (f ), ϕdxi = ω.
We are mainly interested in the case X = Rn , but even in this case the
statement in [18] with an arbitrary variety X is necessary. This variety
may even be a non-oriented one and the test function becomes a n-form of
odd type. This is already hidden in the case of Rn , because the proof in
[18], see also [19, Proposition 4.4.] uses the resolution of singularities.
We shall not give a detailed proof of this theorem but just make the cal-
culation for the crucial step which concerns the function f (x) = xk11 · · · xk` `
on the hypercube {x ∈ Rn | 0 < xi ≤ a, i = 1 . . . n}. Using a comple-
tion argument one shows that it is sufficient to consider test functions with
separated variables i.e. of the type g(x) = g1 (x1 ) · · · g` (x` ).
We have
x1 df
dx = dx1 ∧ · · · ∧ dxn = ∧ dx2 ∧ · · · ∧ dxn
k1 f
F (t) = g1 (x1 ) · · · g` (x` ) dx2 ∧ · · · ∧ dxn
f (x)=t k1 f
Z t k1
F (t) = g1 1 g2 (x2 )
0<xi ≤a;1≤i≤n xk22 · · · xk` `
k k
x2 2 ···x` `
· · · g` (x` ) dx2 ∧ · · · ∧ dxn .
k1 t
1 k1 −1 t k1
F (t) = t 1 g1 k`
1 g2 (x2 )
k1 0<xi ≤a;1≤i≤n xk22 · · · x`
1 k1
· · · g` (x` ) 1 dx2 ∧ · · · ∧ dxn .
xk22 · · · xk` `
hY (f )f s , ϕi = I(s) + J(s)
Z γ Z +∞
with I(s) = t F (t)dt ; J(s) = ts F (t)dt
0 γ
fs = Ak (s + 1)k
with Ak a distribution.
The expansion of f · f s = f s+1 has no pole at s = −1, its value at
s = −1 being f 0 = 1, This expansion is also
f s+1 = f Ak (s + 1)k
4 Quasi-homogeneous and
semi-quasi-homogeneous isolated
This section is inpired by the preprint [7] in which we give an algorithm
for the calculation of the Bernstein-Sato polynomial non only for quasi-
homogeneous polynomials, but also in the more general situation of a
semi-quasi-homogeneous function with an isolated singularity. In [8] we
generalised this calculation to any function which is nondegenerate with
respect to its Newton polygon. We will give in detail below the proof in
the quasi-homogeneous case with hints for the extension to the semi-quasi-
homogeneous germs.
In all these examples we see by a direct calculation that the coefficients
of the monic Bernstein-Sato polynomial are in Q.
As a preliminary let us recall the example of a monomial in which we
see directly that the roots of bf (s) are rational.
When f = xa1 1 · · · xann := xa , bf divides the following product:
Y i −1
Πa (s) = (s + 1 − )
is a set of representative of J(f ) .
2 2
In the Pham-Brieskorn case σ = (1 − a1 ) + · · · + (1 − an )
with the following conditions (using the convention that ρ(0) = +∞):
ρ(v) = ρ(u) or v = 0
ρ(λi ) = ρ(u) − 1 + wi or λi = 0
is a set of representative of In(J(f )) .
• We have by Milnor-Orlik:
µ = dim(O/J(f )) = ( − 1)
w i
The proof relies on the following simple division lemma in which we have
fixed a graded supplementary space E to inJ(f ) as above:
with the following conditions (using the convention that ρ(0) = +∞):
conjugate, see [24]. We shall see in section 6 that this allows a comparison
of the roots of the two Bernstein-Sato polynomials bf , bf0 , because the roots
of bf are deeply linked to the eigenvalues of the monodromy. By a result
due to B. Malgrange in the isolated case:
∃k ∈ Z | bf (r + k) = 0 ⇐⇒ λ = e2iπr
is an eigenvalue of the monodromy of f
χ(f ) = f
X ∂
wi · xi uf s = (χ + |w|) · uf s = (χ(u) + (|w| + s)u)f s
and reordering.
Let Π = ρ(E) = {ρ, Eρ 6= 0} be the set of weights of elements of E,
which is a finite subset of [0, σ] ∩ Q. When u ∈ E is a quasi-homogeneous
element of weight ρ = ρ(u), we can write χ(u) = ρ · u and by applying the
division lemma to each of the monomials xi u we get:
n n
X ∂ X ∂
(s + |w| + ρ)uf s = wi · xi u f s = · vi ( mod DJ(f ) · f s )
∂xi i=1
Using the fact that sf s = χ(f s ) and that f ∈ J(f ) we finally obtain an
Xn n
∂f ∂
uf s = Bi · fs + · Ci f s
∂xi ∂xi
i=1 i=1
This means that there exists a polynomial b ∈ C[s] such that b(ϕ) = 0.
The proof is by induction on the number of components (of dimension
n) of the characteristic variety of M. We postpone to section 7 an
exposition of the necessary material on analytic D-modules and a
sketch of the proof. See also [15, Proposition 23].
Bernstein-Sato polynomial.
Now let us consider according to the theorem 5.1 the maximal subholonomic
submodule Ñ ⊂ N . I claim that if x ∈ e and N
/ f −1 (0), then the germ of N
at x are equal. The reason is that the operator:
∂f ∂ ∂f ∂ ∂ ∂f ∂ ∂f
◦ − ◦ = ◦ − ◦
∂xi ∂xj ∂xj ∂xi ∂xj ∂xi ∂xi ∂xj
is in the annihilator of f s so that the germ at x of the characteristic variety
of N is contained in and in fact equal to the set defined by the equations:
∂f ∂f
ξj − ξi = 0 , 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n.
∂xi ∂xj
This set is smooth of dimension n + 1 because ∂xi0 (x) 6= 0 for some index
i0 . Now this proves that e
is a coherent D-module with support in f −1 (0).
Therefore by the nullstellensatz and since the section [f s ] belongs to an
O-coherent module, namely O · [f s ], we have f k · [f s ] = 0 which means that
f k+s ∈ Ne . Furthermore there is an isomorphism:
N −→ Df s+k : P f s → P f s+k
0 → N0 → N → M → 0
and this leads directly to the desired equation by P (x, ∂x , 0)(s)f s+1 =
b(s)f s
to prove that Nλ is holonomic because we have seen that for some integer
k0 this surjection becomes:
1 1
Nk0 −→ D · k
= O[ ]
f 0 f
bf (s) = lcm{bloc,a | a ∈ K n}
is obvious and in view of the converse we notice that the set of polynomials
g(x), such that
g(x)b(s)f s ∈ An (K) · f s+1
is an ideal of I of K[x1 , · · · , xn ]. Since for any maximal ideal P we have
(s) s+1
a functional equation b(s)f s = Pg(x) f , with g ∈
/ P and P (s) ∈ An (K)[s]
we obtain g ∈ I \ P and therefore I * P. This result being true for any
maximal ideal we must have I = K[x1 , · · · , xn ] so that I contains 1 and
therefore bf b as required.
There is also a link with the analytic Bernstein-Sato polynomial in the
case of K = C.
ban,a = bf,Ma
We shall admit this result for which we refer to [11]. The proof relies on
the faithful flatness of OCN ,a over C[x1 , · · · , xn ]Ma
Theorem 6.1 The roots of the local analytic Berstein polynomial are neg-
ative rational numbers.
This results is linked to the monodromy theorem and had been tested
beforehand in various contexts.
- In the quasi-homogeneous case the rationality of the roots can be
checked directly as was first noticed by Kashiwara. We gave a proof and
an explicit calculation in section 4.
- In [27], B. Malgrange gave a partial proof in the case of isolated singu-
larities. He used the monodromy theorem which states that the eigenvalues
of the monodromy are roots of unity and he proved that the spectrum of
the monodromy is exactly the set of all e2iπr when r runs over all the roots
of the b function. The statement is more precise in that b appears as the
minimal polynomial of the action of t∂t on a saturation of the Brieskorn
lattice. The negativity of the roots relies essentially on results in [28].
- The proof of M. Kashiwara in [21] is quite different and is based on the
resolution of singularities, the obvious case of a monomial and the theory
of direct images of D-modules.
- In [30] B. Malgrange gave a proof for the general case of non isolated
singularities in the spirit of [27]. This is the starting point of the theory of
V -filtrations due to Malgrange and Kashiwara.
such that for all j, bj ∈ K[s] and Pj ∈ An (K). Since f has all its coefficients
in K these decompositions are transmitted to the functional equation and
we obtain for all j:
bj (s)f s = Pj (s)f s+1
and therefore bK,f bj , so that bK,f bL,f as expected.
Let us now come to the proof of the theorem itself: Let k ⊂ K be
the subfield of K generated by Q and all the coefficients of f . Because of
the lemma the Bernstein-Sato polynomial of f is equal to its Bernstein-
Sato polynomial as a polynomial in k[x1 , · · · , xn ]. Now since k is a finitely
Let σp+q−1 ([P, Q]) be either 0 or the symbol of [P, Q] if its order is p+q −1.
Then we have
∂f ∂g ∂f ∂g
σp+q−1 ([P, Q]) = −
∂ξ i ∂x i ∂x i ∂ξi
We shall prove that this formula has an intrinsic meaning on any variety.
Towards the sheaf D
The correspondence U → D(U ) defines a pre-sheaf of rings on Cn : If
V ⊂ U , and P ∈ D(U ), the restriction ρU,V P ∈ D(V ) is just the restricted
action of P on O(V ).
The sheaf DCn associated with this presheaf is called the sheaf of linear
differential operators. Any section has locally a finite order, and because
of the unicity of the expansion and by analytic continuation for the aα ’s,
the set of section of D is exactly D(U ) on any connected open set.
O(U ) // O(U )
ϕ? ϕ?
ϕ? (P )
O(V ) // O(V )
from which incidentally we see that the map ϕ? preserves the order of
OX // OX
be the set of operators with order ≤ m. Then we obtain a ring filtration i.e.
D(m1 )(U )D(m2 )(U ) ⊂ D(m1 + m2 )(U ) and the associated graded ring
M D(m)(U )
grD(U ) =
D(m − 1)(U )
is commutative isomorphic to O(U )[ξ1 , · · · , ξn ] with ξi the class of ∂xi .
D(m)(U )
Proof Denote by σm (P ) the class of P ∈ D(m)(U ) in the quotient D(m−1)(U ).
If σm (P ) 6= 0, that is if P ∈ D(m)(U ) \ D(m − 1)(U ) we denote it σ(P ) and
call it the principal symbol of P .
It is clear that σ(P ) = |α|=m aα (x)ξ α , and therefore O(U ) and ξ1 , · · · , ξn
generate grD(U ) and this ring is commutative because these generators
pairwise commute, the only nontrivial case being:
∂ ∂
[ξi , a] = σ1 ( )σ0 (a) − σ0 (a)σ1 ( )
∂xi ∂xi
∂ ∂ ∂a
= σ1 ( ◦a−a◦ ) = σ1 ( )=0
∂xi ∂xi ∂xi
The last assertion follows from the unicity of the coefficients aα of an op-
erator hence also of a symbol of order m.
Let T ? X → X be the conormal bundle on X.
The set of operators DX (m) of order ≤ m, is organized in a sheaf of
locally finite modules over the sheaf OX of holomorphic sections. We obtain
the following intrinsic formulation of the proposition 7.4:
7.1.5 Coherence
Theorem 7.6 The sheaves DX and grDX are coherent sheaves of rings.
We refer to the paper of J.-P. Serre for the definition of coherence of a
sheaf of rings and details about this notion. Recall that this notion is of
particular interest in that it reduces the notion of a coherent module, to
the property of having locally a finite presentation. Left coherent modules
are differential systems in the case of D. For DX the statement is valid for
left coherence and for right coherence as well.
We shall admit the following three results, more details being available
in [15]:
Lemma 7.7 Let K ⊂ Cn be a compact polycylinder, then the ring O(K)
of holomorphic functions in a neighbourghood of K is noetherian.
Theorem 7.8 Theorem of Cartan and Oka. For any complex analytic
manifold the sheaf OX is coherent.
Theorem 7.9 Theorem A of H. Cartan. Let F be a coherent sheaf of
O-modules on a neighbourhood U of a polycylinder K.
1) The O(K)-module Γ(K, F) is finitely generated
2) The sheaf F|K is (finitely!) generated by the set Γ(K, F) of its global
This last claim means that for any x ∈ K, and any germ of a section of F,
s ∈ Fx there are a1 , · · · , aq ∈ Fx and s1 , · · · , sq ∈ Γ(K, F) such that
s= ai si,x
Γ(K, DX (m))
grD(K) '
Γ(K, DX (m − 1))
// DX (m − 1) // DX (m) DX (m)
0 //
DX (m−1)
// 0
Theorem 7.10 The ring grDX (K) is noetherian and DX (K) is left and
right noetherian.
φ : (DU )q → (DU )p
and hence is coherent for each `, by Cartan-Oka theorem. The union over
` being ker φ.
Therefore by theorem A of Cartan,
for any polycylinder K ⊂ U , and any
x ∈ K the fiber ker φ ∩ DU (`))q x is generated by Γ(K, ker φ ∩ DU (`))q ⊂
Γ(K, ker φ), from which ker φx is generated by Γ(K, ker φ).
By the left exactness of Γ(K, •), this gives an exact sequence:
and by the noetherianity of DX (K) this proves that Γ(K, ker φ) is generated
by a finite number of sections say s1 , · · · , sr .
Using again the theorem A of Cartan we conclude that the morphism:
DX (K)r → (ker φ)|K
is surjective which ends the proof.
If ν > 0 then we can choose a variable xk such that the initial part inν u1
depends on it. In that case the valuation of ∂x k
is exactly ν − 1.
Let us derive (?):
Xp Xp
∂ui ∂
ei + ui ei
∂xk i=1
From the fact that for any k, ∂k j = 0, we deduce easily that for all i, j, k,
∂k (fi,j ) = 0, so that ϕ is represented by an r × r matrix with constant
coefficients and as such admits a minimal polynomial bϕ ∈ C[s], bϕ (ϕ) = 0
Hint: Consider the filtration of DX [s](m) by the total order with respect
to (∂, s) and prove that DX [s](m)f s is OX -coherent.
iii) In the proof of theorem 5.6 we found k0 such that O[ f1 ] = DX f 1k0 .
Prove in detail that (DX (m) f 1k0 )m∈N is good. A key step towards the
holonomicity of O[ f1 ]
Théorème 7.18 Any coherent left DX -module admits locally a good filtra-
Φ π
(D|U )q // (D|U )p // M|U // 0
0 // M // N // P // 0
The induced and quotient filtrations are exactly made for the exactness of
the sequence of sheaves
Exercises i) Translate the above proposition into the following Artin type
ii) Prove that any good filtration {Mk } has a local expression of the follow-
ing type: in a sufficiently small neighbourhood
U of any given x ∈ X, there
is a presentation of M as a quotient DN of a free module by a coherent
submodule N and a r-uple of integers n = (n1 , · · · , nr ) ∈ Z such that we
Mk = π(D[n](k)) , with D[n](k) = D(k − ni )
Proposition 7.22 Let Mk = Fk (M) and M0k = Fk0 (M) be two good fil-
trations on a left DX -module M. Then, for any x ∈ X, there is a neigh-
bourhood U of X and an integer k0 ∈ N such that
We shall omit the easy proof, left as an exercise. See also [15].
DX (`)
with the natural filtrations M` = π(DX (`)) = I∩D X (`)
and I` = I ∩ DX (`)
L M` D
We can write gr(M) := I∩DX (`) ' I according to elementary results
on quotients of modules:
Exercise: Verify that the following sequences are exact:
0 // I` // D(`) // M` // 0
// gr` I D(`) π M`
0 //
// 0
f1 (x, ξ) = · · · = fr (x, ξ) = 0
Exercise Prove that I2 = D · x2 + D · (x ∂x + 2)
Verify that I1 = OT ? X · x and I2 = OT ? X · (x2 , xξ) define the same
subset of T ? X, the conormal set to the origin T0? X.
Let us remark as a transition that I = grI is the annihilator of grM.
In the next section we generalize this observation.
P m = 0 , in
that is:
P · Mk ⊂ Mk+d−1
The proof is identical to the proof for the algebraic case and we omit it.
See the course of F. Castro-Jimenez in this volume.
√ fact (see Gunning and Rossi): if I ⊂ D
We shall also admit the following
is a coherent sheaf of ideals then I is also a coherent sheaf. We are now
ready to give as a conclusion the final definition:
Definition 7.28 Let M be a coherent left DX module on a complex an-
alytic manifold X. Then there is a coherent sheaf of homogeneous ideals
J ⊂ grDX such that for any local good filtration of the restriction of M to
an open subset U ⊂ X, we have:
J = AnngrF M
The conical subset of T ? X defined as the zero locus of J is called the char-
acteristic variety char M of the differential system M.
for the local dimension at any point x? ∈ char(M) which is out of the zero
section TX X.
This generalized Bernstein inequality is also true. As a consequence the
components of char(M) have dimension at least n, and in particular the
characteristic variety of a holonomic module is of pure dimension n. The
inequality (7) follows from a much deeper result: the involutivity of the
characteristic variety. Recall that the cotangent bundle is equipped with
a canonical 1-form θ and a canonical 2-form ω = dθ whose expressions in
local coordinates are:
X n
θ= ξi dxi , ω = dθ = dξi ∧ dxi .
Involutivity means that for any p in the smooth part of char(M), we have:
microlocalisation. For a purely algebraic proof valid for a much larger class
of non commutative rings a basic reference is the paper of O. Gabber [13].
Because of the nondegeneracy of ω, Bernstein inequality follows from
the inequality of dimensions 2n − dim Tp char(M) ≤ dim Tp char(M) at
any smooth point hence everywhere. For a holonomic module we deduce
from the inclusion (8) that there is in fact an equality (Tp char(M))⊥ =
Tp char(M) at each smooth point. A variety with this property is called
The structure of these varieties in the conical case is easy to deduce
from a study of the symplectic form ω and we obtain (see [15, IV.1.] for
where (Sα )α∈A is the locally finite family of closed analytic sets consisting
in the projections of the components of char(M) by the map T ? X → X.
In this theorem TS?α X is the closure of the conormal to the smooth F part
S S α . We can also define a refinement of the support of M, α∈A α =
β∈B Y β , into a Whitney stratification (Y β ) β∈B . We have then an inclusion:
char(M) ⊂ TY?β X
BY (X) =
DX (x1 , · · ·, xp , ∂x∂p+1 , · · ·, ∂x∂ n )
charM|Y = TY? Y
the conormal section of Y . It is easy to deduce from this fact that M|Y is
a connection see [15, IV.2.], hence is isomorphic to a OYr as a DY -module.
The proposition follows by application of an iterated version of lemma 7.30.
M|Y ' ∂1k1 · · ·∂pkp OYr ' BY (X)r
The above proposition can be thought as a generalisation of theorem
7.14 which concerns the case Y = X. Similarly the generalisation of corol-
lary 7.15 is:
The proof is identical to the proof of corollary 7.15 once we have proved
by a direct calculation that any morphism BY (X) → BY (X) is a dilatation
m 7→ λm, λ ∈ C.
Let us now recall proposition 5.2, which we are now able to prove as
announced at the beginning of this last section 7.4.3
8 Complements
Theorem 8.2 Assume that the integral defining Γf (s) is absolutely con-
vergent for <(s) = a and for <(s) = b > a. Then this integral is also
absolutely convergent for a ≤ <(s) ≤ b, and the function Γf is holomor-
phic and bounded in the open strip B := {s ∈ C , a < <(s) < b} and
continuous in the closed strip B.
Since |xs−1 | = x<s−1 , the absolute convergence of Γf (s) depends only
on <s and for any x > 0 and any s ∈ B, we have:
|xs−1 | = x<s−1 ≤ xa−1 + xb−1
This implies the convergence of the integral and by section 8.1.1 the conti-
nuity on B (using the Lebesgue convergence theorem) and holomorphy on
B. Furthermore Γf is bounded since
|Γf (s)| ≤ Γ|f | (a) + Γ|f | (b)
The derivative of Γf is:
Z +∞
Γ0f (s) = f (x)(log x)xs−1 dx
1. Let f : [0, +∞[−→ R be rapidly decreasing at +∞, which means that
all xn Dα (f ) are bounded, and continuous at 0. Then Γf (s) is well
defined for <s > 0
2. Let f be with compact support [a, b] ⊂]0, +∞[. Then Γf (s) is an
entire function defined in the whole complex plane.
Both examples are direct consequences of section 8.1.1.
We may refine and generalise the first example to a large class of ex-
amples for which there is a meromorphic continuation to a half-plane or to
the whole complex plane in some cases.
Theorem 8.3 Let f : ]0, +∞[−→ C be a locally integrable function rapidly
decreasing at infinity, and which admits an asymptotic expansion at zero of
the form
f (x) = a1 xs1 + · · · + an xsn + O(xsn+1 )
with <s1 ≤ · · · ≤ <sn < <sn+1 . Then the integral Γf (s) is convergent for
<s > −<s1 and admits an analytic continuation as a meromorphic function
on the punctured half-plane:
{s ∈ C | <s > −<sn+1 } \ {−s1 , · · · , −sn }
with simple poles having as residues
Res−sk (Γ( f ) = ak
Proof For any s ∈ C the integral 1 f (x)xs−1 ds is convergent and defines
a holomorphic entire function Rby section 8.1.1. Therefore in what follows
we deal only with the integral 0 f (t)dt.
Furthermore g(s) = x f (x) is continuous at 0 with g(0) = a1 . Then
by example 1 above the Mellin transform Γg (s̃) of g is defined in the half
plane s̃ > 0, which is equivalent to the fact that Γf is defined by a conver-
gent integral on the half plane <(s + s1 ) > 0.
Let us write the asymptotic expansion of f and its integral on [0, 1]:
Z 1 Z 1 Z 1
s+s1 −1
f (x)x s−1
dx = a1 x dx + · · · + an xs+sn −1 dx
0 0 0
Z 1
+ xs+sn+1 −1 h(x)dx
Z 1 Z 1
a1 an
f (x)xs−1 dx = +···+ + xs+sn+1 −1 h(x)dx
0 s + s1 s + sn 0
This ends the proof of the theorem because, again by example 1 above (or
rather a slight generalisation), the function
Z 1
s→ xs+sn+1 −1 h(x)dx
f (n) (0)
Res−n (Γf ) =
More generally if we have an asymptotic expansion at any order of the
f (x) ∼ ai xsi (log x)`
for some sequence with (strictly) increasing <si tending to +∞ then the
function Γf can be extended to a meromorphic function on C \ {−si } with
poles at −si of order ≤ ni . We just have to use exactly the same argument
at any order and use the formula for the derivative of the Mellin transform.
ϕ L ν
O[ξ1 , · · · , ξn ] / RA := ν∈N A Tν
O ψ
L Aν
A [ξ1 , · · · , ξn ] ν∈N
Proof We first recall the relations between the elements of a regular se-
quence in an arbitrary commutative ring R
to which we may apply the induction hypothesis. This gives the desired
result (details left to the reader).
Lemma 8.7 Let |J|=p µJ g J = 0 be a relation in O between the mono-
mials of a fixed degree p in the gi ’s. Then there is a matrix H = aJ,i with
coefficients in O such that:
µJ = aJ,i gi
We get
0 = µJ g J = µI+k ,k fk f I
|J|=p |I|=p−1 k
:= νI f with νI = µI+k ,k fk
|I|=p−1 k
νI = bI,k gk
bI,k = 0
I+k =J
(µI+k ,k − bI,k )fk = 0
and using the case p = 1 which is exactly lemma 8.6 leads to:
µI+k ,k − bI,k = hIk,i fi
(µJ,k − bJ−k ,k ) = µJ − bI,k = µJ
jk >0 I+k =J
and finally
X X X n
µJ = (µI+k ,k − bI,k ) = ( hIk,i fi ) = aJ,i fi
I+k =J I+k =J i=1
with aJ,i = I+k =J hIk,i This proves the lemma 8.7 because of the following
last calculation:
aJ,i = hIk,i + hIi,k = 0
J+i =L I+k +i =L
Now we return finally to the proof of the proposition 8.5:
i) ⇒ ii) P
Let us take
L νa homogeneous element of degree p, µJ ξJPin the kernel
P O[ξ] → A T . By the lemma 8.7 we may write µ J = i aJ,i gi with
J+i =L J,i = 0 for any fixed L of length p + 1.
Let us choose J and i such that aJ,i 6= 0. We change the relation if
there is an index jk such that j + k 6= 0 and k < i. Then for such a triple
(J, k, i) we have:
gi ξ J = gi ξk ξ J−k = (gi ξk − gk ξi )ξ J−k + gk ξ J
with J 0 = (j1 , · · · , jk − 1, · · · , ji + 1, · · · , jn )
Now modulo the ideal of O generated by the element gi ξk − gk ξi we can
replace the term aJ,iP gi ξJ by aJ,i gk ξJ 0 , noticing that because of i + J =
k +J 0 the condition J+i =L aJ,i = 0 is preserved. Iterating this proces we
are reduced to a situation where the only remaining aJ,i are for multiindices
J of the type:
J = (0, · · · , 0, ji , · · · , jn )
Then all the aJ,i are zero because of the relation J+i =L aJ,i = 0 and the
fact that in this situation there is for any L a unique J.
ii) ⇒ i) We have to prove that gi+1 is not a zero divisor in (gi ,...,g i)
. It
is enough to do this for i + 1 = n. If u · gn = 0 in (gi ,...,gn−1 ) this means
Pn Pi
that ugn = i=1 ui gi or that (umodA)ξi+1 = k=1 (ui modA)gk ∈ Kerψ.
By a direct application of ii) this implies that u ∈ cA.
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UFR de Mathématiques, UMR 5582,
Institut Fourier, Université Grenoble 1 -CNRS,
38402 Saint-Martin d’Hères Cedex, France
1. Introduction
Roughly speaking, the question is the following: given an algebraic variety
S over C, and a “family of algebraic groups π : G → S with parameter in
S”, study differential equations over the sections of π which are compatible
with the group structure, in a suitable sense.
The question is implicit in the work of E. Cartan on “infinite Lie
groups”: the differential groups are, in fact, a special case of the “intransi-
tive case” of his theory.1 But it has been developed in an independent way
by E. Kolchin2 and his students, namely P. Cassidy and A. Buium. It has
been used for a “parametric differential Galois theory” by P. Cassidy and
M. Singer3 (see other references later in the text).
My aim here is to give a rough idea of this theory. This work should not
be considered as original, except for the presentation of the definitions and
of some results.
3. Differential Groups
Suppose now that X is a “group over S”. More precisely, writing G instead
of X, it means the following: first, we assume, as before that G and S are
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3.1 If σ and σ 0 are sections (i.e. germs of analytic sections) of π which are
solutions of Y , then µ(σ, σ 0 ) and λ(σ) are also solutions of Y . [I suppose,
of course, that σ and σ 0 are germs at the same point s ∈ S(C).]
An obvious, but important observation is the following: it is sufficient
to impose these conditions for the germs at points s ∈ V , where V is a
dense set in S(C), (dense, for the “transcendental”, or analytic topology);
actually the conditions to be a solution are closed: if they are satisfied on
V , they will be satisfied everywhere. A fortiori, it is sufficient to impose
those conditions at the points of a Zariski open dense set V .
In particular, the condition (3.1) will be satisfied by the following defi-
(i) The Yk |U are smooth, and the mappings Yk+1 |U → Yk |U smooth and
(ii) Over U , Yk+1 is contained in the prolongation pr1 Yk |U , with equality
if k 0.
(iii) Yk |U is a subgroup over S of Jk (π)|U .
The filtrations {Mk } and {Nk } are good, therefore N̄ is a coherent mod-
ule over D̄ (see the courses on D-modules in this school). Now, according
to a result of Grothendieck,9 (see exposé 4, lemma 6.7 of “generic flatness”)
there is a Zariski open dense subset U of S such that N̄ |U is flat, and even
free over OS |U . Then the N̄k are also flat; since they are coherent, it implies
that they are locally free. It follows easily that the Nk are also locally free.
For another argument, see.10 On Mk , this means that, over U “Mk is a
subbundle of Diffk over S”, of constant rank over each point 0 ∈ S.
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(i) The Yk are vector bundles (in the usual sense, of constant rank), and
the projections Yk+1 → Yk are surjective.
(ii) Yk+1 is contained in pr1 Yk with equality for k 0.
(This last property is the translation of the fact that one has Mk+1 ⊃
D1 Mk , with equality for k 0. I omit the details.)
Now, M being given, I fix a U with these properties. Note that the bracket
[·, ·] extends obviously to Jk (π).
4.4. Convention
Taking into account 3.2 and 4.2, we will now work “generically on S”, i.e.
we will identify structures which coincide on a (not precised) Zariski open
dense subset of S. For instance, if necessary, we can suppose that 3.2 or 4.2
are true, not only on U , but on S itself.
on Γ; then the Lie bracket on vector fields furnishes the required structure
(one could also take the right invariant vector fields. The consideration of
the inverse g 7→ g −1 shows easily that one would obtain the opposite Lie
algebra law on Te Γ).
Similarly, if we have a group over S : G −→ S in the sense of §3, one
has a structure of Lie algebra over S on the bundle of vertical vectors on
G along ε (or equivalently, on the normal bundle along the section ε). I
denote it by Lie G.
Suppose that we have an algebraic subgroup G0 ⊂ G over S (I suppose
again G0 smooth, and the map π|G0 smooth surjective; but I dot not suppose
necessarily G0 connected). Then, to G0 correspond a Lie subalgebra L0 over
S, i.e. a subbundle (of “constant rank”, as explained after 4.1), stable by
the bracket of L.
If we have a Lie subalgebra L0 of L in the preceding sense, there does
not exist necessarily a corresponding G0 . There can exist also several G0 ;
but, in this case, their connected components of identity (= ε) are identical.
Now, suppose that G → S is provided with a structure of differential
group, as in 3.2. Restricting S if necessary to a Zariski open dense set, we
can suppose that the properties (i) to (iii) are satisfied on S.
We will provide Lie G = L with a structure of differential Lie algebra.
For that purpose, denote π 0 the projection L → S, and note that there is
a canonical isomorphism Lie Jk (π) ' Jk (π 0 ) (I leave the simple verification
to the reader). Then the collection of Lie Yk give a collection of subbundles
of Jk (π 0 ); and one verifies that they define a structure of differential Lie
algebra on L.
I omit the verification (there is essentially one point to verify, i.e. the
commutation of “take the first prolongation” and “take the Lie algebra”).
Of course, a special case is the trivial one, where we take Yk = Jk (π), and
then Lie Yk = Jk (π 0 ). In this case, the solutions are all the sections of π,
and similarly for the Lie algebra.
I will denote by G̃ this differential group, and I will consider the other
Y = {Yk } as subgroups of G̃. Following a terminology of Kolchin, I will say
that “Y is dense in G̃” if (in restriction to some U Zariski open dense set
of S), one has Y0 = G(= J0 (π)). The main purpose of these lectures is to
give, in several cases, a description of dense differential subgroups of G̃. If
there is no possible confusion, I write G instead of G̃.
definition is technically quite different of the one given here, as, instead of
a variety S, they work on a differential field K, which they suppose gen-
erally differentially closed. Therefore, the translation of their results in the
present language is not always easy. In the first approximation, it would
be simpler to consider that one has two theories, close to each other, but
distinct. Some effort to connect them more closely would be useful.
5. First Examples
For a study of these examples in the point of view of differential fields,
5.2. Here is a remark which will be useful in the next sections. Let G −→ S
be a group over S, with G connected. Then, if Y = {Yk } is a differential
group dense in G, Y is connected (i.e. the Yk are connected). Therefore, it
March 1, 2010 17:57 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 07˙malgrange
The variation of period when s varies satisfies the equation (6.1) (in
general, in the theory of integrable systems, the authors omit to consider
this point).
The multiplicative Gauss-Manin connection can also be interpreted as
the differential Galois group of the hamiltonian system of the pendulum; I
hope to explain that in a future publication.
7. Connections
Our next aim is to study the simple (or semi simple) case. For that purpose,
some preliminaries are necessary.
The integrability condition is just the Frobenius condition for the ξi ’s, or
the ωj ’s. Due to the special form of ξi , it means just that [ξi , ξj ] = 0 ∀ i, j.
Explicitly, one has
∂ajk ∂aik X ∂ajk ∂aik
− + ai` − aj` =0
∂si ∂sj ∂x` ∂x`
0 → va X → Ta X −→ Ts S → 0
(π 0 the tangent map to π; v mean here “vertical”).
Then, a connection can be defined as a splitting of this exact sequence,
depending analytically on a ∈ X. One sees at once that this is equivalent,
in local coordinates, to the notion defined above. Considering this splitting,
either as a lifting of Ts S to Ta X, or as a projection of Ta X to va X, we get the
interpretations (i) and (ii) above. In particular, the second interpretation
gives a form Ω on X with values in vertical vectors.
We say that this connection is “flat” or “integrable” or “without curva-
ture” if the integrability condition considered above is satisfied. Although
I will not need this fact, I mention that the integrability condition can be
written [Ω, Ω] = 0, where [·, ·] is the Nijenhuis bracket on vector valued
forms; one could also, more generally, define the curvature as [Ω, Ω].
To end this section, note that the notion of connection and its integra-
bility can be defined similarly in the algebraic context: here, S and X are
smooth algebraic varieties over C, and π : X → S is smooth and surjective.
Of course, here, we require that the data defining the connection, e.g. the
form Ω, are algebraic. Again, a flat connection defines a foliated bundle
(this is just a different name for the same notion).
7.3.1. Suppose X → S is a vector bundle. Then we will say that the connec-
tion is adapted if the corresponding differential system is a linear system
(= the Yk are linear subspaces of Jk (π).) It is sufficient that Y1 is a linear
subspace of Jj (π).
7.3.2. Suppose further that X is a Lie algebra over S. We will say that
the connection is compatible with the structure of Lie algebra if the corre-
sponding differential system is a Lie subalgebra of X → S. It is necessary
and sufficient to require that Y1 is a Lie subalgebra over S of J1 (π).
Explicitly, in the case considered above, the condition is that Ai (s) is,
for s ∈ S, a derivation of the Lie algebra, i.e. Ai (s)[x, y] = [Ai (s)x, y] +
[x, Ai (s)y].
7.4.2. In the same spirit, let me mention briefly some other facts, also dis-
cussed by Buium in.14
Let G → S be a connected group over S, and let Ω be a flat connection
on G → S, compatible with the group structure.
(i) The fibers Gs are all analytically isomorphic. This follows from a result
by Hamm, see.14
(ii) If G is affine over S, then the Gs are algebraic. This follows from
a theorem of Hochschild-Mostow,17 which says that two connected
affine algebraic C-groups analytically isomorphic are also algebraically
isomorphic (but it does not mean that all analytic isomorphisms are
algebraically isomorphic, cf.18 ).
(iii) If G is not affine, the result is not true. Actually we have seen implicitly
a counter-example in §6: the “multiplicative Gauss-Manin connection”
considered on G (notations of §6) is not a connection on G. But it is a
second order differential operator, which can be considered as a con-
nection on J1 (π) = G1 . Each fiber is a commutative group, extension
of G by an additive group (its “universal” extension, cf. loc. cit.). If
Gs is not isomorphic to Gs0 , G1s is not isomorphic to G1s0 (use the
Chevalley-Barsotti theorem: the connected maximal affine subgroup is
unique, and therefore also the quotient, which is abelian). But they are
analytically isomorphic according to Hamm’s theorem. Actually, it is
not difficult to see that they are all analytically isomorphic to (C∗ )2 .
8. Simple Groups
For the general theory of linear algebraic groups, see e.g.19 or.20 Here, the
result is the following.
8.2. Generalizations
Let me indicate them very briefly.
(i) Let Γ be a connected semi-simple group over C. Then, the dense dif-
ferential group structures on Γ can be obtained as follows.
First, one looks at differential Lie algebra structures on Lie Γ =
L1 ×· · ·×Lq , Li simple. Arguments similar to 8.1 show that these struc-
tures are products of Fi -connections on S × Li (the Fi can be different
from each other). Then, if Γ0i is the connected component of the group
Aut Li , this differential structure can be lifted to Γ0 = Γ01 × · · · × Γ0p .
Call Y 0 = {Yk0 } this structure. Finally, Γ is a finite covering of Γ0 by
the adjoint action; then one lifts Y 0 to S × Γ by Yk = Yk0 × Γ [note that
one has Jk (π) = Jk (π 0 ) × Γ, with π (resp. π 0 ) the projection S × Γ → S
(resp. S × Γ0 → S 0 )]. I leave the details to the reader.
(ii) More generally, let G be a semi-simple group defined on C(S), the field
of rational functions of S. Then, if we replace C(S) by a suitable finite
extension, i.e. if we replace S by S 0 , étale finite covering of U ⊂ S,
Zariski dense, we are reduced to (i). However, to finish, we would have
to examine descent conditions to go back from S 0 to S. I will not
examine this here.
March 1, 2010 17:57 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 07˙malgrange
1. E. Cartan, Ann. Ecole Normale Supérieure 26, 93 (1909).
2. E. Kolchin, Differential Algebraic Groups (Academic Press, New York, 1985).
3. P. Cassidy and M. Singer, Galois theory of parameterized differential equa-
tions, Differential equations and quantum groups, IRMA Lecture Notes in
Math. and Th. Physics 99, Strasbourg (2007) European Math. Soc.
4. R. Hartshorne, Algebraic Geometry, (Graduate Texts in Maths. 52, Springer-
Verlag, 1977).
5. D. Mumford, The Red Book of Varieties and Schemes, Lecture Notes in Math.
1358 (Springer-Verlag, 1988).
6. J. F. Ritt, Amer. Math. Soc. Coll. Publ. 33 (1950) and Dover (1965).
March 1, 2010 17:57 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 07˙malgrange