Exam13 6

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Exam .

A) Calculation section :
1- How many grams of water add to 5% KCl to make 100 gm of solution (w\w) :
2- 0.1% equal what PPm ?
a) 10
b) 100
c) 1000 ( I think )
d) 10000
3- Case not important ……….. what percentage if 2g of the medicine need 20 ml
to dissolve ?
a) 9.49 %
b) 10.3 %
4- four patients . each should take 7.5 million unit from drug X . if 1 vial contain
50ml of 600000unit/ml how many vials should be administered ?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
5- VD : 500 L Boiavailability : 70%( not important) T1\2: 74.2hr cl=??
6- Dose = 30 mcg/ml css=30L LD = ?? in mg/ml
Answer : 30 / 1000 x 30 x1000 = 900 mg/ml

B) Structures:
7- picture of what ? what is its natural derivative treatment?
Malaria – Quinine
8- what is the pharmacophore ?

9- 4 structures and ask you which one is Quinidine :

10- A structure of benzodiazepine and another 4 structure ask you which one of
them Is the inactive metabolite ?

C) Normal MCQ:
11- PT : atrioventricular conduction
12- RT : atrial action potential
13- QRS : atrial depolarization
14- First Ig in infection : IgM
15- Athrites treatment used once per week : Methotrexate
16- Case : patient with schizophrenia, his friends say that he get mad easily and
he get inner thoughts to kill himself (suicide) whats the drug of choise :
a) Clozapine ( my answer )
b) Haloperdole
c) Reperidone
17- Ergot derivative used for migraine :
a) Ergotamine
b) Dihydroergometrine
c) Dihydroergotamine ( my answer )
18- Alkaloid that cause hepatotoxicity : Pyrrolizidine
19- Case : patient diagnosed with H.pylori no allergy: PPI + clarithromycin +
20- What drug belong to PPI : omeprazole
21- Case : drug of choice for status epilepsy : lorazepam
22- Who is responsepile for stock in nurse unit :
a) Nurse
b) Pharmacist
23- Nurse noticed that the solution got cloudy : I chose stop it
24- Hand shake :
a) Verbal
b) Non verbal
c) Physical ( my answer )
d) Visual
25- A pharmacist showed a patient how to use injection by pictures :
e) Verbal
f) Non verbal
g) Physical
h) Visual
26- One of Hyperthyroidism symptoms:
a) Weight gain
b) Sensitivity to cold
c) Nervousness
d) Depression
27- Case : patient took phenytoin and it was 13.6 ( normal 10 -20 ) what to do :
keep same management
28- What decrease warfarin ?:
a) Vit K
b) st. john's wort
29- which vitamin decrease warfarin :
a) vit D
b) vit A
c) vit K
d) vit B
30- vit deficiency when a person do not expose to sun : vit D
31- pharmaceutical sociology definition : the study of the effect of social and
culture factors on health and medicine ( be carful all options are close )
32- what is the cost of illness

33- How to solve a problem ? : solve the root of the problem

34- Septic shock treatment : NE ( no fluid )
35- Septic shock not response to fluid : NE
36- Clozapine monitoring : absolute neutrophil count
37- Case : mother with her neonate in the hospital , what differ neonate
compared to adult ? high VD , low T1\2
38- Why doctor prescriped sodium polystyrene sulfonate ? decrease K
39- 1gtt ou BID : give one drop both eyes twice daily
40- Before meal : AC
41- How to write enoxaparin prescription ?
a) clexane 80 mg subQ every 12hr
b) enoxaparein 80.0 subQ BID
c) enoxaparin 80.0 subcatanous BID
d) enoxaparin 80 mg subcatanous every 12 hr
42- which drug act on the angiotensin system and used in the treatment of
a) prazosin
b) metoprolol
c) lisinopril
43- a pharmacist only treat his relatives : justice
44- one of the five rights of the patient :
a) right time
b) right strategy
c) right personnel
45- which increase the risk of kidney failure :
a) age
b) diabetes
c) hypertension
d) radioactive iodine
46- cleaning laminar hood : isopropyl 70%
47- warfarin gene : CYP2CP & VKORC 1 ( were together in one option)
48- lactate produced in : skeletal muscle and the gut ( were together in one
49- case : pregnant women with headache : acetaminophen
50- women taking medicines one of them is ferrous and she is complaining from
stomach pain , constipation and dark stools : from ferrous
51- Naranjo scale 9 means : definite
52- a pregnant women delivered her baby , what’s the vaccine the baby should
take before leaving the hospital ? hepatitis B
53- a women came to the pharmacy for refill , the pharmacist noticed in the
lable “ well controlled hypertension’’ : which one from SOAP :
a) subjective
b) objective
c) assessment ( my answer )
d) plan
54- 60 years old male is on atrial fibrillation from 10 days , he is hypertensive
and diabetic patient , what is his score from CHADS2 :
a) 0
b) 1
c) 2
d) 3
55- Which score for stroke atrial fibrillation : CHA2DS2-VASc
56- Case : ejection fraction 35% what to give : spironolactone
57- A girl want to go in a trip to a country endemic hepatitis A what to give ?
hepA vaccine + immunoglobulin .
58- Furosemide 120 mg is given in : 30 min
59- Diversion definition :
60- A women wanted to commit a suicide and took unknown amount from
paracetamol 8 hrs ago what to give ? acetylcystine
61- A women saw an ampty iron bottle near her son what to give ? deferoxamine
62- Enzyme hydrolyze triglycerides (fats) into their component fatty acid and
glycerol molecules? Pancreatic Lipase
63- Whats the plant used to treat jet lag? Melatonin
64- Which of this factors more likely to increase Rhabdomyolysis with
Gemfibrozil? – Statin
65- MOA of benzodiazepines :
a) Inhibit GABA action at GABA receptors
b) Stimulate GABA action at GABA receptors
c) 5HT receptor agonist
66- Definition of mode : the most frequently occurring number found in a set of
67- What is the cardiac output : heart rate multiplied by stroke volume.
68- What is the meaning of double check ?:
a) A pharmacist check a medicine twice
b) Two pharmacist check a medicine together
c) Two pharmacist check a medicine independently
69- Which drug not given to children because it make teeth discoloration :
70- DNA → RNA ? Transcription
71- A medical representative wanted to give a sample of a prescribed medicine ,
he should get permission from :
72- Haemolytic Anaemia after 2 weeks :
a) Allergy type I
b) Type II( my answer )
c) Type III
d) Type IV
73- A women feeling metallic sensation what is the drug responsible :
captopril ( no metronidazole or metformin )
74- Medicine for chronic constipation :
a) Senna
b) Lactulose ( my answer)
c) Bisacodyl
d) Paraffin liquid
75- smart pill reminder medicine technique:
76- a women in the hospital with her baby , he is one month old and he has low
grade fever what to do ?:
a) Ibuprofen solution
b) Naproxen capsule
c) Aspirin suppositories for children
d) Refer to doctor
77- Which medicine is approved mood stabilizer for bipolar : lamotrigen
78- What medicine is not given in G6P deficiency :
trimethoprim sulfamethoxazolea
79- women complaining that she is always cold and her toes and Fingertips
looks pale , she is diagnosed with raynaud's disease what is the management :
80- a mam taking medicine foe hypertension ( I cant remember the mane but the
medicine was from CCB ) , he accidently over dosed the medicine , what to
give ?
calcium gluconate
81- which IV container need filtered needle :
a) Vial
b) Bag
c) Ampoule
d) All IV preparation need filtered needle ( my answer)

82- What decrease triglyceride : fish oil

83- What is aerotolerant anaerobic ?:
Grow with and without oxygen

84- You recied a prescription on a plain paper what to do ?

a) Tell the manager
b) Talk to the prescriber and don’t dispense ( my answer)
c) Talk to the prescriber and don’t dispense
85- How many amino acid in the human body ?:
a) 20
b) 30
c) 40
86- Aspirin PKa 3.2 what is the PH best for absorption : 2
D) Prometric file Q:










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