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1. Define software.

Draw the failure curve for Softw

Software: Software refers to a collection of programs, data, and instructions that enable a computer syst
perform specific tasks or functions. It includes both application software (such as word processors, web b
and games) and system software (such as operating systems and device drivers).

 2. State two characteristics of Software.

 .

1. 2. 3. Define software requirements specifications.

Software Requirements Specifications (SRS): Software Requirements Specifications (SR

document that describes the functional and non-functional requirements of a software sy

It serves as a blueprint for software developers, outlining what the software should do and

how it should behave.

4. Define Proactive and Reactive risk strategy.

Proactive Risk Strategy: Involves identifying potential risks early in the project lifecycle and taking
For example, conducting risk analysis workshops or implementing risk management plans.
Reactive Risk Strategy: Involves responding to risks after they have occurred by implementing con

For example, allocating additional resources to address unexpected delays or failures.

1. 2. 5. Name two cost estimation approaches.

6. Define software quality.

1. Software Quality: Software quality refers to the degree to which software meets specified

It encompasses various attributes such as reliability, usability, maintainability, efficiency, and secu

7. Name four software quality assurance activities.

State and explain four board categories of software

9. Explain the notations used for preparing a Data Fl
10. Describe 4 ‘P’s of management spectrum giving t
11. Explain four basic principles of software Project
12.Explain process framework with a suitable diagram
A process framework, also known as a process model or software
software engineering to define, implement, and manage the pro
blueprint for organizing and managing activities, resources, and

13.Describe four principles of good planning.

15.With an example, explain Line of Code (LOC)
1. based estimation.

Based on historical data or industry standards, you estimate that it takes approximately 1 hour o
Calculation: Total Estimated LOC: 200 lines Effort per line of code: 1 hour / 10 lines of code Total

16.Explain waterfall process model. State its advanta

and disadvantages.
Waterfall Process Model:
1. Requirements: The project requirements are gathered and documented in detail at the b
2. Design: Based on the requirements, the system architecture and design are created. This
3. Implementation: The actual coding or development of the software is carried out accord
4. Testing: Once the development is complete, the software is thoroughly tested to ensure t
5. Deployment: After successful testing, the software is deployed or delivered to the custom
6. Maintenance: Any issues or defects identified during deployment or later stages are addr
Advantages of the Waterfall Model:
1. Simple and Easy to Understand: The Waterfall Model is easy to understand and implem
2. Clear Milestones: Each phase has well-defined milestones, making it easier to track prog
Disadvantages of the Waterfall Model:
1. Rigid and Inflexible: The Waterfall Model is inflexible and does not accommodate chang
2. Limited Customer Involvement: Customer feedback and involvement are limited until th

17. Enlist core principles of Software engineering pr

18.Describe RMMM Strategy.
19.Describe the Analytical method of project cost estim
20.Explain GANTT chart and its application for
project tracking with an example.
Software project scheduling involves creating a work
and start date, and assigning tasks to individuals. Thi
timelines for the project's tasks and resources.
1. Visualization: Gantt charts provide a clear and intuitive visual representation of project sc
2. Timeline Management: Gantt charts help in scheduling and organizing project activities
3. Resource Allocation: Gantt charts facilitate resource management by indicating when sp
conflicts or overloads.
4. Dependencies Management: Gantt charts show dependencies between tasks, such as wh
dependencies effectively.
21.Sketch a use case diagram for library managemen

with minimum four use cases and two actors.

22.Explain the concept of Black box testing and
white box testing.

23. Calculate using COCOMO model (i)Effort (ii)Pro

estimated size of project is 200 KLOC using organic
24.Distinguish between perspective process
model and agile
process model.
25 Describe any four principles of
communication for software
26 Draw proper labeled “LEVEL I Data Flow
Diagram” (DFD)
for student attendance system.
27 State importance of “Function Point (FP)”
and “Lines of codes
(LOC)” in concerned with project estimation
Lines of Code (LOC): LOC is the simplest among
all metrics available to estimate project size.
This metric is very popular because it is the
simplest to use.
Function Point (FP): The conceptual idea
behind the function point metric is that the
size of a software product is directly
dependent on the number of different
Functions or features it supports.
28 Describe extreme programming with proper
Extreme Programming (XP) is an agile
software development methodology designed
for small teams facing vague and changing
requirements. It emphasizes lightweight,
efficient, and flexible development, guided by
values and principles. XP promotes self-
organization within teams and consists of
simple, self-contained core practices, which,
when combined, result in more complex and
emergent behaviors.
29. List and explain any “four core principles”
of software engineering.

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