Lab No 9 ADC
Lab No 9 ADC
Lab No 9 ADC
Experimental results
Date: Signature:
NO. 09
Equipment’s required:
• Function generators
• Oscilloscope
• Trainer
• LM741 IC
• AD632 Multiplier Introduction:
ASK is a form of modulation that represents digital data as variations in the amplitude of a carrier
wave. The amplitude of an analog carrier signal varies in accordance with the bit stream (modulating
signal), keeping frequency and phase constant.
On-off keying (OOK) is the simplest form of amplitude-shift keying (ASK) modulation that
represents digital data as the presence or absence of a carrier wave. In its simplest form, the presence
of a carrier for a specific duration represents a binary one, while its absence for the same duration
represents a binary zero.
The input binary symbols are represented in polar form with symbols 1 & 0. This binary wave is
multiplied by a sinusoidal carrier in a product modulator. The result is a ASK signal.
The amplitude modulation technique has some drawbacks, because the link noise and the electric
interferences can modulate the amplitude of the carrier signal. Moreover, an amplitude modulated
signal is sensitive to interferences from frequencies close to the carrier frequency. So ASK is no longer
widely used in digital communications.
The spectrum of ASK is:
At the receiver, detection can be accomplished using either non-coherent envelope detection, or
coherent detection. Non coherent receiver is simple and cheap to implement but on the cost of the
probability of error. On the other hand, coherent detection provides a better probability of error but
it needs carrier synchronization. So, we can trade quality with the cost of the receiver. Depending
on the application we might choose either coherent or non- coherent detection.
The probability of error for a coherent ASK system is given by:
Experimental Procedure:
2. Apply the modulating input signal as 2Vpp rectangular pulse with 1Vpp offset at 1kHz and
Carrier as 5Vpp Sine wave at 5kHz.
3. Observe the waveform for ASK.
Hardware Circuit:
Hardware Results:
Perform the ASK Modulation and Demodulation in Proteus.
Circuit Diagram:
Circuit Diagram:
In this lab, we learned to perform amplitude shift keying modulation and demodulation. In
modulation, we have carrier signal in analog and modulated signal in digital form data. ASK represents
the digital data as variations in the amplitude of a carrier wave by keeping frequency and phase
constant. We learned that On-off keying (OOK) is the simplest form of amplitude-shift keying (ASK)
modulation that represents digital data as the presence or absence of a carrier wave. We also perform
the demodulation in which we found the square wave on the output of the demodulator.