Mycology-Parasitology Chart (Optometry School OD2)

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Superficial Mycoses

Common Scientific Epidemiology Pathogenesis Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment

Name Name
Black Piedra Piedra hortae Where: South America Incubation: days Gritty/hard/black Stain cross Selenium sulfide
Carriers: soil, humans & How: Nodular encrustations of sections of hair
other mammals swellings on hair hyphal cells form Hair shafts show
Spread: Person to shafts; hair breaks nodules on head hard, black
person or mammal or off BLACK DANDRUFF nodules
Pityriasis Malassezia Where: Worldwide Incubation: days Patches: red on Stained skin Ketoconazole
(tinea) furfur Carriers: All mammals; How: Fungus feeds pale people, scrapings =
versicolor normal human flora on SKIN OIL pink/white on tan short/stubby
Spread: Person to Removes stratum people hyphae and
person or mammal or corneum layers Itchy globose budding
fomites NO IMMUNITY papules/pustules yeast cells that
and atopic look like spaghetti
dermatitis and meatballs
Tinea nigra Hortaea Where: Worldwide Incubation: days Brownish-black Stained skin Miconazole
werneckii Carriers: stagnant water How: Removes flat, painless scrapings = dark
& soil, humans & other stratum corneum macules pigmented
mammals layers (of Darker towards the hyphae and
Spread: Person to hands/feet) middle elongated,
person or mammal or NO IMMUNITY Black color of budding cells
fomites fungus
White piedra Trichosporon Where: Worldwide X X X X
ovoides Carriers: stagnant water
& soil, humans & other
Spread: Person to
person or mammal or
Cutaneous Mycoses

Common Scientific Epidemiology Pathogenesis Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment

Name Name
Tinea faciei Trichophyto Where: Worldwide Incubation: weeks Scaling, annular and Stained Miconazole
(think: face) n species Carriers: humans & other How: mycelia grow on chin & circular lesions preparations
mammals upper lip of females and Papules show hyphae
Spread: air, fomites, mammal and children but not Pruritus (itching), with
human to human contact mustache/beard of males burning, erythema microconidia
PARTIAL PROTECTIVE (reddening of skin)
Tinea barbae Trichophyto Where: Worldwide Incubation: weeks Scaling lesions & deep, Stained Griseofulvin
(think barber n species Carriers: humans & other How: mycelia grow in pores follicular pustules on preparations
because it mammals around hair & in stratum bearded areas of face show hyphae
affects hair) Spread: air, fomites, mammal and corneum layer; release of & neck with
human to human contact enzymes that destroy skin Keloids, kerions, microconidia
*Lesions must be present to proteins alopecia, scarring
Tinea capitis Microsporu Where: Worldwide Incubation: weeks Gray-patch ringworm Stained Griseofulvin
– ectothrix m species Carriers: humans & other How: hyphae grow around Affects scalp, preparations
mammals hair follicles & in stratum eyelashes, eyebrows – show hyphae
Males = Spread: air, fomites, mammal and corneum layer hair is gray, scaly, and with
prepuberty human to human contact PARTIAL PROTECTIVE breaks off microconidia
Females = IMMUNITY Papules →
after puberty kerions/keloids
Tinea capitis Trichophyto Where: Worldwide Incubation: weeks “Black dot ringworm” Stained Terbinafine
– endothrix n species Carriers: humans & other How: conidia found in hair Scaly, circular lesions preparations
mammals shafts with black dots show hyphae
More Spread: air, fomites, mammal and Allergic eruptions (broken off hairs) with
common in human to human contact PARTIAL PROTECTIVE Scutula, hair loss microconidia
males IMMUNITY Chronic, lifetime

Subcutaneous Mycoses

Common Scientific Epidemiology Pathogenesis Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment

Name Name
Lobomycosis Lacazia loboi Where: South and Incubation: Month+ Plaques and Stained tissues Surgical excision
Central America and How: Yeast in skin keloids turn into show thick, lemon
Florida causes release of toxins ulcers; tumor-like shaped budding
Carriers: Humans and that cause inflammation areas of infection yeasts in chains
dolphins NO IMMUNITY Squamous cell
Spread: skin contact carcinomas
Sporotrichosis Sporothrix Where: Worldwide Incubation: weeks to Painless lesions Tissue stains Itraconazole
schenckii Carriers: decaying months on lymphatic show
vegetation & soil How: lesions in channels leading chlamadospores
Spread: traumatic lymphatics that contain away from in asteroid
implantation of plant neutrophils, primary lesion bodies, cigar-
material in skin macrophages, & giant Ulcers at initial shaped budding
cells site (face, neck, yeast forms, pus
NO IMMUNITY trunk) gilled granulomas
Opportunistic Yeasts

Common Scientific Name Epidemiology Pathogenesis Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment

Candidiasis Candida albicans Where: Incubation: days Glossitis: White/grey Exudates of Fluconazole
Worldwide How: Yeast membrane on the infected tissues or
Carriers: Human masses with tongue have budding amphotericin
flora mucoid Stomatitis: patches w/ yeast cells or B
Spread: human degeneration and folds on the tongue pseudohyphae
contact, hospitals, large emboli in Cheilitis: erosions on the with constrictions
fomites brain, spleen, and lips and oval
kidneys, allergic Perleche: lesions in blastophores at
reaction corners of mouth the septa
NO IMMUNITY Vaginitis, balanitis (penis
infection); lots more
Cryptococcosis Cryptococcosis Where: Incubation: CNS involvement = Staining of CSF Fluconazole
neoformans and Worldwide unknown meningoencephalitis shows yeast cells
Cryptococcosis Carriers: Immune How: inhibit cell Headaches, fever, with thick
gattii compromised mediated nausea, vomiting, etc polysaccharide
people immunity, hurt Pulmonary cases are capsules forming
Spread: pigeon complement, asymptomatic halos around cells
dung opsonization and Pastules, pustules, ulcers,
(neoformans) and phagocytosis, abcesses
eucalyptus trees form granulomas Swollen nodes
(gattii) PARTIAL Meningitis and lesions in
PROTECTIVE the heart
Opportunistic Molds

Common Name Scientific Name Epidemiology Pathogenesis Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment

Aspergillosis Asperillus species Where: Incubation: days Asthma & Septate hyphae in Amphotericin B
Worldwide to weeks bronchitis in stained
Carriers: Soil, hay, How: Pus and asthma pts preparations of
grains, decaying death of Pneumonia, sputum
vegetation and endothelial cells bronchial plugging Demonstration on
plants Release of fungal when airways are conidial structures
Spread: Fomites, endotoxins colonized or acute angle
spore inhalation, Lesions, edema, Fever, dyspnea, branching
GI infection, abscesses, edema,
person to person thrombosis, hemoptysis
contact infarctions due to Protrusion of eye,
invasion of blood nasal swelling,
vessels growth on heart
NO IMMUNITY valves, skin
lesions, etc
Mucormycosis Absidia species Where: Incubation: Fever, dyspnea, Broad, branching, Amphotericin B
Mucor species Worldwide unknown bronchitis, non-septate
Rhizopus species Carriers: Soil, How: invasion of pneumonia, hyphae in stained
fruit, grain blood vessels, hemoptysis preparations with
Spread: Fomites, infarction and Protrusion of eye, right angle
spore ingestion, death of blood brain swelling branching
spore inhalation supply; Ulcers, diarrhea
by patients with Necrotic/fibrotic CNS infections
diabetes, lesions
leukemia, NO IMMUNITY
transplants or
Systemic Fungal Infections

Common Name Scientific Epidemiology Pathogenesis Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment

Coccidioidomycosis Coccidioides Where: SW US, Central Incubation: weeks Pulmonary infection is Tissue Amphotericin B
immitis and South America How: necrosis of asymptomatic OR fever, staining
Greatest risk is Carriers: Domestic tissues and chills, cough, anorexia, shows thin-
pregnant women and animals and rodents formation of headaches walled
non-white in summer Spread: NO person or granulomas Allergies = rashes, spherules
months animal to person producing cavities nodules, vesicles called with
transmission; and nodules and “desert bumps” endospores
inhalation of spores causing scarring Meningitis
Histoplasmosis Histoplasma Where: Worldwide, Incubation: days to Pulmonary infection Exudates Amphotericin B
capsulatum mainly Ohio- weeks causes fever, chills, with
and duboisii Mississippi Valley How: Granulomas, chest pain extra/intra
(capsulatum) lesions with yeast Fever, cough, loss of cellular
Africa and Asia infected monocytes breath, bloody sputum, yeasts
(duboisii) and macrophages sweat,
Carriers: Birds, bats (grow in bone Ulcers on mucous
Spread: Inhalation of marrow) membranes
spores PROTECTIVE Systemic = fever,
IMMUNITY anemia, meningitis,
sepsis, weight loss
Non-Arthropod-Borne Protozoan Infections

Common Scientific Life Cycle Epidemiology Pathogenesis Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment

Name Name
Amoebiasis Entamoeba Humans acquire Where: Worldwide Incubation: GI: fever, Amoebas in Metronidazole
histolytica cysts from Carriers: humans weeks bloody exudate or feces for amoebic
fecal-oral route and mammals How: Toxin diarrhea, Karyosome or stages
Amoebas Spread: production that leukocytosis, cysts with 1-4 Diloxanide
develop and Transmitted during erodes mucosal
anemia, nuclei furoate for
invade mucosa cyst passing surface of large
nausea, cyst stages
of large intestine; lesions,
intestine amoeba in brain, vomiting, ab
Amoebas liver, spleen, pain
develop into lungs, skin Respiratory:
cysts and pass NO IMMUNITY chest pain,
in feces cough,
Skin sores
Acanthamoe Acantham- Fresh water: Where: Worldwide Incubation: days Uveitis Star like cysts in Propamidine
ba keratitis oeba amoebas form Carriers: air, soil, How: Ring in the (inflammation stained smears
castellani cysts and then water eye w/ recurrent of iris and of tissue
multiply and Spread: breakdown and ciliary body), exudates
revert back to Transmitted during healing of
optic neuritis,
amoebas cyst passing epithelium
Enter human Antibody
damaged tissue dependent keratitis
in soil, hot tubs, cellular reaction Encephalitis
contact lens NO IMMUNITY Skin lesions
solution, etc
Primary Naegleria Free form Where: Worldwide Incubation: days Headache, Karyosomes in Amphotericin
amoebic fowleri amoebas form Carriers: soil, water, How: inhabit fever, smears of CSF or B and rifampin
meningoenc cysts and hot tubs, spas over sinuses, vomiting, biopsies of brain
ephalitis revert back to 37 F meninges, eyes, lethargy tissue
Spread: Inhalation lungs, skin,
amoebas Stiff neck,
of water into nose testes, uterus
Cysts enter anorexia,
Death of tissue/
human loss of function/ colvulsions,
nostrils, bleeding photophobia,
convert to NO IMMUNITY seizures,
amoebic form, coma, death
penetrate within 1-14
meninges days
Toxoplasmo Toxoplasma Ingestion, Where: Worldwide Incubation:
sis gondii invasion of Carriers: cats, weeks
small rodents, chicken, How: Invasion of
intestine, swine, cattle, cells of spleen,
sheep, humans eyes, brain, liver,
Spread: Ingestion of wander through
oocytes in milk or body tissues
helial system meat, inhalation cat Cell lysis and
Oocytes in cat feces, blood and necrosis = loss of
feces but not organ transfusion organ function
humans Lesions on the

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