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The researchers would like to express their sincere deepest gratitude

and heartfelt appreciation to the following individuals who have contributed

their time, knowledge, resources, and enthusiastic support in some way to

the success of this study. Their contributions made the researchers’ goals


To Dr. Diobein C. Flores, our college President and an external

validator of our survey questionnaire, for his remarkable ideas and

professional assistance to pursue this study.

To Dr. Hazel C. Montepio, our college Vice-President and panel

examiners, for the genuine and constant support given to us. We truly

appreciated your noble expertise you imparted to us.

To Ma’am Helaria B. Carmona, MBA, our Program Head and

chairperson of the panel examiners, for the unconditional support and

motivation for the success of the study.

To Ma’am Welyn Asendiente, our panel examiners, for the valuable

suggestion which contributed for the improvement of this work.

To Sir Angelo J. Namuag, our panel examiners, for the valuable

suggestion which contributed to the improvement of this work.

To Sir Luvie Jhun S. Gahi, LPT, our statistician for imparting his

expertise on statistical data analysis for the completion of this study.

To Sir John Mark B. Lazaro, LPT, MAEd, our research adviser for her

undying assistance, continuous support, encouragement and guidance

during the whole process of writing this paper and until this work was made


To people in Santo Tomas Restaurants, for their humble responses

during the survey and for giving factual data needed in the study without

any hesitations. We highly appreciated your coordination.

To our family and friends, for their encouragement to work harder,

stay motivated, during these difficult moments, and successfully complete

this research.

To our classmates and colleagues, thank you for sharing your

thoughts with us. We will always cherish the wonderful memories and deep

friendships we made along the way.

Above all, we give thanks to the Almighty God for His wisdom,

abundant blessings, role as the source of all power, and for giving us hope

throughout these tough times so that we could complete this mission. Also,

for making it possible for all these things. We are incredibly appreciative. We

return all your honor, Lord God.


This piece of paper is sincerely dedicated to:

Our parents

Jocelyn Geneston

Romeo Geneston

Maria Sebuan

Ramon Sebuan


Johanna Mae Geneston

Romeo Geneston Jr.

Emmanuel Sebuan

Khatherine Kastil


John Mark B. Lazaro, LPT, MaEd

Luvie Jhun S. Gahi, LPT

our Almighty God

for His guidance and protection.

You are our inspiration

in our daily endeavors.

Table of Contents


Title Page i

Certification ii

Approval Sheet iii

Acknowledgement iv

Dedication vi

Table of Contents vii

List of Tables viii

List of Figures ix

List of Appendices x

Abstract xi



Background of the Study 1

Statement of the Problem 3

Hypothesis 4

Theoretical/Conceptual Framework 4

Significance of the Study 8

Definition of Terms 10


Research Design 11

Research Subject 12

Research Instrument 14

Data Gathering Procedure 16

Statistical Treatment of Data 17



Summary 35

Conclusions 36

Recommendations 37



A Letter of Permission to Conduct the Study 44

B Letter of Permission from the Author 45

C Validation Forms 46

D Informed Consent/Assent 47

E Survey Questionnaire 48

F Statistician Certificate 54

G Ethics Certification 55

H Grammarian Certificate 56

I Minutes of Research Defense 57

J Routing Form 58

K Curriculum Vitae 59
List of Tables

Table Page

1 Distribution of Respondents 13

2 Level of Ambient Atmosphere in terms of Sense of Vision 19

3 Level of Ambient Atmosphere in terms of Sense of Hearing 20

4 Level of Ambient Atmosphere in terms of Sense of Smell 21

5 Level of Ambient Atmosphere in terms of Sense of Touch 23

6 Level of Ambient Atmosphere in terms of Sense of Taste 24

6 Summary on the Level of Ambient Atmosphere 26

7 Level of Customers’ Perception in terms of Food Product 27

8 Level of Customers’ Perception in terms of Services 28

9 Level of Customers’ Perception in terms of Cleanliness 30

9 Level of Customers’ Perception in terms of Dining Environment 31

10 Summary on the Level of Customers’ Perception 32

11 Significance of the Relationship between the Variables 33

List of Figures

Figure Page

1 The Conceptual Framework of the Study 7

List of Appendices


A Letter of Permission to Conduct the Study 44

B Letter of Permission from the Author 45

C Validation Forms 46

D Informed Consent/Assent 47

E Survey Questionnaire 48

F Statistician Certificate 54

G Ethics Certification 55

H Grammarian Certificate 56

I Minutes of Research Defense 57

J Routing Form 58

K Curriculum Vitae 59

This study assessed the level of ambient atmosphere and customers'

perception in restaurants in Santo Tomas, Davao del Norte. Descriptive-
correlational research design was employed in this study therefore it was
used to determine the relationship between the two variables. The
respondents of this study were 128 customers in restaurants in Santo
Tomas, Davao del Norte, they are selected through a random sampling
technique. One set of adapted questionnaires and one set of researcher-
made questionnaires were used to obtain the information from the
respondents. The findings of this study revealed the overall results that the
level of ambient atmosphere in terms of sense of touch, sense of vision,
sense of taste, sense of smell, and sense of hearing was high. The result
indicated that sense of vision was the common factor that customers
considered in the restaurants. Also, the investigation found that the level of
customers' perception in terms of food product, services, cleanliness, and
dining environment in the restaurants was revealed high. It shows in the
result that services got the highest mean over other customers' perception in
the restaurants such as food product, cleanliness, and dining environment.
It is also found in the study that there is a significant relationship between
ambient atmosphere and customers' perception. Therefore, it was suggested
to maintain good practices in ambient atmosphere in restaurants, and as
well as the customers maintain their scope of knowledge with regards to the
importance of restaurant's ambiance especially when choosing products and
meal based on their needs and desires.
Keywords: Ambient Atmosphere, Customers’ Perception, Restaurant,

Untidiness and Poor Positioning

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