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P2WW-2410-04ENZ0 TOP

Explains about "ScandAll PRO". Overview of
ScandAll PRO

How to Use ScandAll PRO Explains how to scan documents using

the scanning application "ScandAll PRO".
How to Use
ScandAll PRO

How to Use This Manual

How to Use This Manual TOP
How to Use This Manual Index

Overview of
This section shows how to use this manual. Index page
ScandAll PRO
Cover page

How to Use
Jumps to the ScandAll PRO
top page of
each chapter.

Jumps to the page of the index that is clicked.

Jumps to this Common Note:

page. z To display or print this manual, either Adobe® Acrobat® (7.0 or later)
TOP: Jumps to the cover page.
or Adobe® Reader® (7.0 or later) is required.
Contents: Jumps to the contents page.
z Clicking a blue character string (where the mouse pointer changes
Index: Jumps to the index page.
into a link-selecting icon such as while pointing) moves to the
Contents page reference.
z In this manual, you can use the Search tool of Adobe® Acrobat® or
Adobe® Reader®.
For details, refer to Adobe® Acrobat® or Adobe® Reader® Help.
z On the keyboard, press the [PageUp] key to move to the previous
page, and the [PageDown] key to the next page.

Jumps to the page of the title that is clicked.

Introduction TOP
Introduction Index

Overview of
Thank you for using ScandAll PRO. Manufacturer ScandAll PRO
Overview of ScandAll PRO PFU LIMITED
International Sales Dept., Imaging Business Division, How to Use
ScandAll PRO is an application that enables you to display ScandAll PRO
Products Group
and edit images scanned with a fi-series Image Scanner.
Solid Square East Tower, 580 Horikawa-cho, Saiwai-ku,
This manual describes how to use ScandAll PRO for scanning
Kawasaki-shi Kanagawa 212-8563, Japan
with a fi-series Image Scanner.
Phone: (81-44) 540-4538
For details about the functions of ScandAll PRO, refer to the
All Rights Reserved, Copyright © PFU LIMITED 2007 - 2010
"ScandAll PRO Help".
Use in High-Safety Applications
This product has been designed and manufactured on the
Microsoft, Windows, Windows Server, Windows Vista, and
assumption that it will be used in office, personal, domestic,
SharePoint are either registered trademarks or trademarks of regular industrial, and general purpose applications.
Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other It has not been designed and manufactured for use in
countries. applications (simply called "high-safety applications" from
ISIS is a registered trademark of EMC Corporation in the here on) that directly involve danger to life and health when a
United States. high degree of safety is required, for example, in the control of
Adobe, the Adobe logo, Acrobat, and Adobe Reader are either nuclear reactions at nuclear power facilities, automatic flight
registered trademarks or trade names of Adobe Systems control of aircraft, air traffic control, operation control in mass-
Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. transport systems, medical equipment for sustaining life, and
Kofax and VRS are trademarks or registered trademarks of missile firing control in weapons systems, and when
Kofax, Inc. provisionally the safety in question is not ensured.
Other company names and product names are the registered The user should use this product with adopting measures for
trademarks or trademarks of the respective companies. ensuring safety in such high-safety applications. PFU
LIMITED assumes no liability whatsoever for damages arising
from use of this product by the user in high-safety
applications, and for any claims or compensation for damages
by the user or a third party.

Conventions TOP
Conventions Index

Overview of
Symbols Used in This Manual Product Indication ScandAll PRO
In this manual, the following symbols are used to describe Windows Vista® Home Basic (32/64-bit) Windows Windows
operations as well as indicate warnings. Windows Vista® Home Premium (32/64-bit)
Vista (*1) How to Use
Windows Vista® Business (32/64-bit) ScandAll PRO
This symbol alerts operators to particularly important
Windows Vista® Enterprise (32/64-bit)
! information. Be sure to read this information.
Windows Vista® Ultimate (32/64-bit)

Windows Server® 2008 Standard (32/64-bit) Windows

This symbol alerts operators to helpful advice regarding Server 2008
operation. Windows Server® 2008 R2 Standard

Windows® 7 Home Premium (32/64-bit) Windows 7

Abbreviations Used in This Manual Windows® 7 Professional (32/64-bit)
Windows® 7 Enterprise (32/64-bit)
The following abbreviated terms used in this manual are
Windows® 7 Ultimate (32/64-bit)
Microsoft® Office SharePoint® Portal Server Microsoft
Product Indication 2003 SharePoint Server

Windows® XP Home Edition Windows Windows

Microsoft® Office SharePoint® Server 2007
(Service Pack 2 or later) XP (*1)
Windows® XP Professional Adobe® Acrobat® Adobe Acrobat
(Service Pack 2 or later)
Windows® XP Professional x64 Edition *1 : Where there is no distinction between the different versions of the
above operating system, the general term "Windows" is used.
Windows Server® 2003 R2, Standard Windows
Edition Server 2003
Windows Server® 2003 R2, Standard x64

Conventions TOP
Description of Successive Operations
In the procedures described in this manual, successive
operations are connected with J in between.
Example: Click the [Scan] menu J [Scan Settings]. Overview of
ScandAll PRO
Screen Examples in This Manual
The screen examples in this manual are subject to change How to Use
without notice in the interest of product improvement. ScandAll PRO
If the actual displayed screen differs from the screen
examples in this manual, operate by following the actual
displayed screen while referring to the user's manual of the
scanner application you are using.
The screen examples used in this manual are of TWAIN
driver, ISIS driver, ScandAll PRO (which is an image capturing
application), and Adobe Acrobat.
The screen examples used in this manual are of Windows
Vista. Depending on the operating systems you are using, the
screen examples and operations may differ from the actual
ones. Also note that, depending on the scanner model,
screens and operations stated in this manual may differ when
you update TWAIN driver/ISIS driver. In this case, refer to the
manual provided upon updating the driver(s).

Scanner Component Names in This Manual

The button names on the scanner and the name of the display
area of the operator panel described in this manual may differ
depending on the scanner you are using.
In this case, refer to the Operator’s Guide for your scanner.

Contents TOP
Contents Index

Overview of
How to Use This Manual ................................................................................................................................... 2 ScandAll PRO
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................ 3
Conventions ....................................................................................................................................................... 4 How to Use
Chapter 1 Overview of ScandAll PRO .......................................................................................................... 8 ScandAll PRO
1.1 What is ScandAll PRO? ................................................................................................................................................ 9
ScandAll PRO .................................................................................................................................................................. 9
1.2 Features ....................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Feature of ScandAll PRO ............................................................................................................................................... 10

Chapter 2 How to Use ScandAll PRO ......................................................................................................... 11

2.1 Launching ScandAll PRO ........................................................................................................................................... 12
2.2 Selecting a Scanner Driver ......................................................................................................................................... 13
2.3 Selecting a Scanner Model ......................................................................................................................................... 14
2.4 Scan Parameters ......................................................................................................................................................... 15
2.5 Scanning Methods ...................................................................................................................................................... 16
Scanning with [Scan]...................................................................................................................................................... 16
Scanning with [Batch Scan]............................................................................................................................................ 16
2.6 Scanning with [Scan] .................................................................................................................................................. 17
2.7 Scanning with [Batch Scan] ....................................................................................................................................... 20
Creating and Editing Profiles.......................................................................................................................................... 20
Scanning Documents ..................................................................................................................................................... 22
2.8 Advanced Scanning .................................................................................................................................................... 23
Scanning Methods List ................................................................................................................................................... 23
Duplex Scanning Using the ADF Virtual Duplex Option (fi-6750S) ................................................................................ 24
Saving Scanned Images in PDF File Format ................................................................................................................. 26

Contents TOP
Dividing a Multipage Document Using Patch Codes ...................................................................................................... 28
Dividing a Multipage Document Using Barcodes ........................................................................................................... 30 Index
Using the Scanner Buttons to Start a Scan Quickly ....................................................................................................... 34 Introduction
Specifying the Result of Zone OCR as a File Name ...................................................................................................... 37 Overview of
Specifying the Result of Barcode Recognition as a File Name ...................................................................................... 41 ScandAll PRO
Creating Saving Folders for Each Batch Scan ............................................................................................................... 44
Saving Scanned Images from a Batch Scan to a Microsoft SharePoint Server ............................................................. 46 How to Use
Restarting a Suspended Batch Scan ............................................................................................................................. 48 ScandAll PRO
Outputting Indexing Information File and Linking with an Application ............................................................................ 49
Detecting Errors in the Scanned Document (fi-6800)..................................................................................................... 51
2.9 Useful Post-Scan Functions ....................................................................................................................................... 53
Marking Thumbnails ....................................................................................................................................................... 53
Saving Scanned Images to a Microsoft SharePoint Server ........................................................................................... 54
Index ................................................................................................................................................................ 55


Chapter 1 Index

Overview of ScandAll PRO Overview of

ScandAll PRO

How to Use
ScandAll PRO
This chapter describes the overview and features of ScandAll PRO.

1.1 What is ScandAll PRO?................................................................................................................................9

1.2 Features .....................................................................................................................................................10
Chapter 1 Overview of ScandAll PRO TOP
1.1 What is ScandAll PRO? Index
ScandAll PRO
Overview of
ScandAll PRO is an application for scanning images, which ScandAll PRO
conforms with both the TWAIN and ISIS standards.
Used with a TWAIN or ISIS driver, ScandAll PRO allows you How to Use
to scan a document to convert it into image data. You can also ScandAll PRO
scan a document with a VRS (*1) ISIS interface.
ScandAll PRO is suitable for routine task input, such as
computerizing business or application forms.
*1: An application that can easily create high-quality images. VRS can also
detect and automatically correct errors that may occur while scanning.
For a example, scanning documents containing skewed or smudged
characters due to the colored or shaded effects.

z For details about the functions of ScandAll PRO, refer to the

ScandAll PRO Help.
z If your scanner does not support VRS, you cannot use VRS.

Chapter 1 Overview of ScandAll PRO TOP
1.2 Features Index
Feature of ScandAll PRO z Text-recognizes scanned barcode data or a part of the image with
Zone OCR, and outputs the data to the indexing information file. Overview of
ScandAll PRO has the following features: z Launches the specified application while using the output image file ScandAll PRO
or indexing information file as a parameter.
z Checks for errors in the scanned images, and if any exist, changes
■ Various Scan Settings the background color of the target thumbnail. (fi-6800 only) How to Use
z Marks thumbnails of the scanned images by changing the ScandAll PRO
z Conforms with both TWAIN/ISIS standards.
background color so that they can be easily sorted.
z Allows batch processing (batch scan), enabling scan operations with
scan conditions, file format, and file save destination specified. You
can also save the specified scan settings as a profile.
z Has hot key controls, enabling batch scan operations with a single
touch on a keyboard.
z Allows events to be set, enabling batch scan operations with a single
press of the [Scan] or [Send to] button.
■ Display/Edit/Save Functions to Meet Your Needs
z Shows multiple files side-by-side for comparison.
z Allows you to edit the scanned images in various ways such as
rotating, reverting, deskewing, sorting, and page-insertion and
deletion. You can save the edited data as a new file, or resave it with
the profile settings used for the scan.
z Outputs both color and monochrome images simultaneously with a
single scan. (When using a scanner that supports the multi-image
output function.)
z Inputs/outputs Bitmap, JPEG and TIFF files.
z Outputs the scanned images in PDF or PDF/A file format. You can
also create searchable PDF files and high-compression PDF files.
■ Other Useful Functions
z Automatically saves the scanned images in the specified server by
linking with FTP server or Microsoft SharePoint Server.
z Sends the scanned images as an attached file by linking with an
e-mail program.
z Classifies pages of a document in a specified unit and saves them in
separate files by using patch codes or barcodes.


Chapter 2 Index

How to Use ScandAll PRO Overview of

ScandAll PRO

How to Use
ScandAll PRO
This chapter describes how to scan documents with the scanner using ScandAll PRO.

2.1 Launching ScandAll PRO ...........................................................................................................................12

2.2 Selecting a Scanner Driver.........................................................................................................................13
2.3 Selecting a Scanner Model.........................................................................................................................14
2.4 Scan Parameters........................................................................................................................................15
2.5 Scanning Methods......................................................................................................................................16
2.6 Scanning with [Scan] ..................................................................................................................................17
2.7 Scanning with [Batch Scan]........................................................................................................................20
2.8 Advanced Scanning....................................................................................................................................23
2.9 Useful Post-Scan Functions .......................................................................................................................53
Chapter 2 How to Use ScandAll PRO TOP
2.1 Launching ScandAll PRO Index
1 Select the [Start] menu J [All Programs] J [Fujitsu Overview of
ScandAll PRO] J [ScandAll PRO]. ScandAll PRO
D ScandAll PRO starts up.

How to Use
ScandAll PRO

Chapter 2 How to Use ScandAll PRO TOP
2.2 Selecting a Scanner Driver Index
A fi-series Image Scanner comes with two scanner drivers; a 1 Select the [Tool] menu J [Preferences].
TWAIN driver that conforms with the TWAIN standard, and an D The [Setup] dialog box appears. Overview of
ScandAll PRO
ISIS driver that conforms with the ISIS standard.
ScandAll PRO supports both drivers, and there is no
2 On the [Scan] tab, select either of the drivers under
[Device Driver]. How to Use
significant difference between them. Choose one to suit your
ScandAll PRO
The following explains how to select the scanner driver (switch
between TWAIN and ISIS) to use with ScandAll PRO.

z In ScandAll PRO, [TWAIN] is selected by default.

z For functional details of the TWAIN driver, refer to the
TWAIN Driver Help.
z For functional details of the ISIS driver, refer to the ISIS
Driver Help.

3 Click the [OK] button to save the settings.

Chapter 2 How to Use ScandAll PRO TOP
2.3 Selecting a Scanner Model Index
You need to select a scanner to use before you scan a ISIS driver:
document. Overview of
ScandAll PRO
The following explains how to select the scanner.

1 Select the [Scan] menu J [Select Scanner]. How to Use

D The [Select Scanner] dialog box appears. ScandAll PRO

2 Select a scanner you want to use, and click the [Select]

Select the scanner model that you connected to your computer. Note
that the indication of the scanner model name depends on the
selected scanner driver.

TWAIN driver:

Chapter 2 How to Use ScandAll PRO TOP
2.4 Scan Parameters Index
The scan parameters are configured in the scanner driver’s ISIS driver:
setup dialog box. Overview of
ScandAll PRO
The scanner driver’s setup dialog box specifications differ
depending on the scanner. How to Use
For details, refer to the Operator’s Guide for the scanner you ScandAll PRO
are using.

1 Select the [Scan] menu J [Scanner Setting].

D The scanner driver's setup dialog box appears.

TWAIN driver:

For the configurable parameters in the respective drivers, refer to the

Operator’s Guide for the scanner you are using.

2 When you have completed the settings, click the [OK]

D The scan parameters are configured.

Chapter 2 How to Use ScandAll PRO TOP
2.5 Scanning Methods Index
There are two ways to scan documents by using ScandAll
PRO. Overview of
ScandAll PRO
Scanning with [Scan]
How to Use
Use this option when scanning a small number of pages. ScandAll PRO
Each time you scan documents, you may need to configure
new settings as necessary, such as the file format, saving
destination, and scan parameters.
For details, refer to "2.6 Scanning with [Scan]" (page 17).

Scanning with [Batch Scan]

Use this option when scanning a large number of pages.

You can save scan settings as a "profile" in advance, and scan
documents according to the profile.
Profiles are configured for scan settings such as the file
format, saving destination, scan parameters, image
processing properties, and application with which to interact.
You can create more than one profile beforehand, so you do
not have to configure new settings every time you scan
documents. You only need to switch between profiles.
For details, refer to "2.7 Scanning with [Batch Scan]" (page

Chapter 2 How to Use ScandAll PRO TOP
2.6 Scanning with [Scan] Index
Each time you scan documents, you may need to configure 3 In the [Scan Settings] dialog box, configure various
new settings as necessary, such as scan and saving settings such as for saving the scanned images. Overview of
ScandAll PRO

1 Load a document on the scanner. How to Use

For how to load a document on the scanner, refer to the Operator’s ScandAll PRO
Guide for the scanner you are using.

2 Select the [Scan] menu J [Scan Settings].

D The [Scan Settings] dialog box appears.

For information about the setting items you can configure,

refer to the ScandAll PRO Help.

Chapter 2 How to Use ScandAll PRO TOP
4 Click the [Scanner Setting] button. 5 Configure the scan parameters.
For the configurable parameters in the respective drivers, refer to the Index
Operator’s Guide for the scanner you are using.
6 When you have completed the settings, click the [OK]
Overview of
D The scanner driver's setup dialog box appears. button.
D You are returned to the [Scan Settings] dialog box.
ScandAll PRO
TWAIN driver:
7 Click the [Scan] button. How to Use

ScandAll PRO

When using the TWAIN driver, clicking the [Scan] button

may display the scanner driver's setup dialog box. If so,
you can also change the settings in the dialog box
Click the [Scan] button to scan the document.
Click the [Close] button when you finish scanning.

ISIS driver:

If you do not want to display the scanner driver's setup

dialog box, clear the [Show TWAIN dialog before each
batch scan process] check box in the [Scan Settings]
dialog box.

Chapter 2 How to Use ScandAll PRO TOP
D After the document is scanned, the scanned image(s) are
displayed on the ScandAll PRO window, and then saved to a file. Index

Overview of
ScandAll PRO

How to Use
ScandAll PRO

z If you clear the [Save to file] check box in the [Scan

Settings] dialog box, the scanned image(s) will no
longer be saved to a file. To save the image(s) to a file,
select the [File] menu J [Save As].
z To scan documents with the same settings afterwards,
select the [Scan] menu J [Scan].
z For more details about the functions and operations of
ScandAll PRO, refer to the ScandAll PRO Help.

For information about scanning methods other than scanning with

[Scan], refer to "2.8 Advanced Scanning" (page 23).

Chapter 2 How to Use ScandAll PRO TOP
2.7 Scanning with [Batch Scan] Index
With Batch Scan, you can save various settings as profiles 2 Do the following as necessary:
beforehand and then scan documents by using such profiles. z To create a new profile: Overview of
Click the [Add] button. ScandAll PRO
Creating and Editing Profiles D A new profile appears in the [Profile Editor] dialog box.
How to Use
z To create a new profile based on an existing profile:
ScandAll PRO
1 Select the [Scan] menu J [Batch Scan Settings]. Select a profile you want to change the settings for, and click the
[Copy] button.
D The [Batch Scan Settings] dialog box appears.
D The profile you selected from the profile list is displayed as a
new profile in the [Profile Editor] dialog box.
Profile List
z To change the settings of an existing profile:
Select a profile you want to change the settings for, and click the
[Edit] button.
D The selected profile appears in the [Profile Editor] dialog box.

z To delete an existing profile from the profile list:

Select a profile you want to delete, and then click the [Delete]
D The selected profile is deleted.

When you create a profile, the profile is added in the profile list.

Chapter 2 How to Use ScandAll PRO TOP
3 In the [Profile Editor] dialog box, configure settings for
scanning and saving the scanned images. Index

Overview of
ScandAll PRO

How to Use
ScandAll PRO

z The profile showing [Template] at [Type] in the dialog

box is a default sample profile. It cannot be used for
actual scanning. Use this profile as the base of new
z When the title line of each parameter in the profile list is
clicked, profiles other than [Template] are sorted. When you use TWAIN driver, only [00: Current Setting] is
z You can specify the initial setting values beforehand. ! available for [Setting File] in [Scanner Settings].
1 Select the [Tool] menu J [Preferences] and specify
a profile name for [Initial setting for profile] on the
[Scan] tab.
For information about the setting items you can configure,
2 For [Batch Scan Setting], create a profile with the refer to the ScandAll PRO Help.
same name as the one you specified.
3 An asterisk (*) is displayed to the right of the profile
type, to indicate that default values are used for the
profile settings. When you create a new profile with 4 Click the [OK] button.
the [Add] button, the profile is created with the D You are returned to the [Batch Scan Settings] dialog box.
default settings values. Added or copied profiles by using the [Add] or [Copy] button are
added to the profile list.

Chapter 2 How to Use ScandAll PRO TOP
Scanning Documents D After the document is scanned, the scanned image(s) are
displayed on the ScandAll PRO window, and then saved to a file. Index
1 Load a document on the scanner.
Overview of
2 Select a profile from the [Select the Batch Profile] drop- ScandAll PRO
down list on the toolbar.
How to Use
ScandAll PRO

3 Click the [Start Batch Scan] button.

z You can perform a scan by using the [Scan] menu or by

configuring settings in the [Batch Scan Settings] dialog
box as well. For more information, refer to the ScandAll
PRO Help.
z When a batch scan is performed, the batch scan
working state is temporarily saved automatically.
Because only one working state is temporarily saved
for each scanning profile at a time, the saved state is
always overwritten with the one last used. The
temporarily saved batch scan working state can be
restored from the [Scan] menu J [Restore Batch
Scan]. For details on how to restore a batch scan, refer
to "Restarting a Suspended Batch Scan" (page 48).
z If another scan is appended, inserted, replaced, or
added to the document batch, or scanned images are
edited after performing a batch scan, you can save the
changed contents from the [File] menu J [Save].

Chapter 2 How to Use ScandAll PRO TOP
2.8 Advanced Scanning Index
Launching the TWAIN driver from ScandAll PRO allows you to
scan documents by various methods. Overview of
ScandAll PRO
The following shows the scanning methods list.

Scanning Methods List How to Use

ScandAll PRO
Changing the scanning method
z "Duplex Scanning Using the ADF Virtual Duplex Option (fi-6750S)"
(page 24)

Setting post-scan operations and processes

z "Saving Scanned Images in PDF File Format" (page 26)
z "Dividing a Multipage Document Using Patch Codes" (page 28)
z "Dividing a Multipage Document Using Barcodes" (page 30)
z "Specifying the Result of Zone OCR as a File Name" (page 37)
z "Specifying the Result of Barcode Recognition as a File Name" (page
z "Creating Saving Folders for Each Batch Scan" (page 44)
z "Saving Scanned Images from a Batch Scan to a Microsoft
SharePoint Server" (page 46)
z "Restarting a Suspended Batch Scan" (page 48)
z "Outputting Indexing Information File and Linking with an Application"
(page 49)
z "Detecting Errors in the Scanned Document (fi-6800)" (page 51)

Changing the scanner’s scan responses

z "Using the Scanner Buttons to Start a Scan Quickly" (page 34)

Chapter 2 How to Use ScandAll PRO TOP
Duplex Scanning Using the ADF Virtual Duplex When selecting the Batch Scan option
Option (fi-6750S) Display the profile to be used for scanning in the [Profile Editor] dialog Index
box. On the [Scan] tab, select [ADF (Virtual Duplex)] from [Scan
Type]. Introduction
The ADF Virtual Duplex option allows you to scan the front of
the pages of a document first, and then scan the reverse sides Overview of
in succession. It then automatically sorts these scanned ScandAll PRO
pages in the correct order.
How to Use
JKL ScandAll PRO
5 6 Sort
3 4 (Auto) 4
1 2 3
Front Side Back Side 2 When using a scanner driver
In the [TWAIN Driver (32)] dialog box, select [ADF (Virtual Duplex)]
from [Scan Type].
1 Load a document face down on the ADF paper chute.
For how to load a document on ADF paper chute, refer to the
Operator’s Guide for the scanner you are using.

2 In ScandAll PRO, specify Duplex Scan mode.

When selecting the Scan option
Select the [Perform ADF virtual duplex scanning] check box in the
[Scan Settings] dialog box.

In the ISIS driver dialog box, you cannot configure

settings for ADF virtual duplex scanning. When using this
driver, go to the [Scan Settings] dialog box or use the
Batch Scan option.

Chapter 2 How to Use ScandAll PRO TOP
3 Perform a scan with ScandAll PRO. z The ADF Virtual Duplex option is not available once
D When the scanning is complete, a message appears to prompt
! you have selected any of the following. To use the Index
you to reload the document face up. option, change the settings in ScandAll PRO or in the
scanner driver.
4 Load the document face up on the ADF paper chute. - The [Output color and monochrome simultaneously]
Overview of
For how to load a document on ADF paper chute, refer to the and [Sort color and monochrome automatically]
Operator’s Guide for the scanner you are using. check boxes on the [File format and Name scheme] ScandAll PRO
tab in the [Profile Editor] dialog box.
- Any of the [Number of Pages per Separator], [Use
When scanning the reverse sides of the pages of a How to Use
! document, carefully load the document so that:
z The document is scanned from the last page.
Patchcode-Based Job Separation Sheet], [Use
Barcode-Based Job Separation Sheet], and [Use ScandAll PRO
z The pages are not upside down. Hardware-Based Job Separation Sheet] check
boxes on the [Document separator] tab in the
[Profile Editor] dialog box.
5 Click the [Yes] button. - The [Multi Image Output] check box in the [Multi
Image] dialog box, which is opened by clicking the
[Enable Multi Image] check box in the [TWAIN Driver
(32)] dialog box of the TWAIN driver.
- The [Split Image] and [Blank Page Skip] check
boxes in the [Option] dialog box, which is opened by
clicking the [Option] button in the [TWAIN Driver
(32)] dialog box of the TWAIN driver.
- The [On] check box under [Blank Page Deletion] on
the [Blank Page Deletion] tab of the ISIS driver.
- The [Front Image #1] and [Front Image #2] check
D The reverse sides of the pages are scanned.
boxes for [Camera] under [Image Mode] on the
When the scanning is complete, the pages of the scanned
[Image Processing] tab of the ISIS driver.
document are sorted automatically.
z The scanned images are not sorted if the page count
on the front pages differs from that on the back side.

Chapter 2 How to Use ScandAll PRO TOP
Saving Scanned Images in PDF File Format When scanning with the Scan option
Select a file format from [File Format] in the [Scan Settings] dialog Index
ScandAll PRO allows you to create PDF data easily without box.
any special steps. By changing the compression rate, you can
reduce the size of PDF data. Overview of
ScandAll PRO is recommended for scanning in color or ScandAll PRO
grayscale mode.
How to Use
The procedure is as follows: ScandAll PRO

1 Load a document on the scanner.

For how to load document on the scanner, refer to the Operator’s
Guide for the scanner you are using.

2 In ScandAll PRO, select the file format to save the

scanned images from the following: When selecting the Batch Scan option
z PDF File Display a profile name you want to use for scanning your file in the
[Profile Editor] dialog box. Select the [File format and Name scheme]
z SinglePage PDF File
tab, and then select a file format from [File Format].
z PDF/A File
z SinglePage PDF/A File

A [PDF File] or [SinglePage PDF File] is saved in a format

compatible with Adobe Acrobat 4.0 (PDF 1.3), while a
[PDF/A File] or [SinglePage PDF/A File] saved in a PDF/
A-lb format (format for an archive of digital documents
based on PDF 1.4).
Selecting [SinglePage PDF File] or [SinglePage PDF/A
File] creates one file per scanned image, and selecting
[PDF File] or [PDF/A File] creates one file containing
multiple scanned images.

Chapter 2 How to Use ScandAll PRO TOP
3 To configure PDF-related optional settings, click the [PDF
Option] button. Index
D The [Output PDF File] dialog box appears.

Overview of
ScandAll PRO

How to Use
ScandAll PRO

In this dialog box, you can change the compression rate for creating a
file, make searchable PDF files, and set a password to open a PDF

For details about the [Output PDF File] dialog box, refer to
the ScandAll PRO Help.

4 Perform a scan with ScandAll PRO.

ScandAll PRO features the outputting of scanned images

! as PDF file(s), but does not officially support the function
to open PDF files. You can forcibly open files, but they
may not be displayed correctly, and operation may be
To view PDF files, it is recommended to use an
application that can open PDF files, such as Adobe

Chapter 2 How to Use ScandAll PRO TOP
Dividing a Multipage Document Using Patch 2 Create a new batch profile in ScandAll PRO, and then
Codes open the [Profile Editor] dialog box. Index
For how to create profiles, refer to "2.7 Scanning with [Batch Scan]"
(page 20). Introduction
ScandAll PRO supports the Job Separation function using
Overview of
patch code sheets. This function allows you to divide scanned 3 Select the [Document separator] tab, and then select the
ScandAll PRO
images of a multipage document by a specified unit without [Use Patchcode-Based Job Separation Sheet] check box.
interrupting the ongoing scan, and save them respectively in
separate folders. When the output file format is set to How to Use
ScandAll PRO
multipage PDF or TIFF, and multipage document is scanned,
the pages can be divided by the specified unit and saved as
separate files.
The procedure is as follows:

1 Prepare patch code sheets.

The PDF file for use as a patch code sheet comes with two size types
(A4 and Letter). Before using the patchcode-based Job Separation
function, you need to select the [Start] menu J [All Programs] J
[Fujitsu ScandAll PRO] J [Patch Code] J [Job Separation (A4)] or
[Job Separation (Letter)], and then print the PDF file of either "Job
Separation (A4)" or "Job Separation (Letter)" as many as you need.

z Take note of the following when you print out a patch

! code sheet:
- Use blank white paper.
- Set the scaling to 100%.
The sheet is not recognized correctly when printed
in a size smaller than the original.
- Do not save toners.
The sheet is not recognized correctly if the print is
too light.
- Do not use thin paper in order to avoid bleed- z To suppress the scanning of patch code sheet images,
through. select the [Remove separation sheet] check box.
z Using the same patch code sheets repeatedly may z In Duplex Scan mode, you can disable the scanning of
decrease the recognition accuracy due to accumulated the back side of patch code sheet by selecting the
dirt on the sheets. If the patch code sheets are not [Remove the next page of a separation sheet] check
recognized correctly or get smudged, print new patch box.
code sheets.

Chapter 2 How to Use ScandAll PRO TOP
4 Insert the patch code sheets wherever you want the file/ 2 Set [Document Counter], [Folder delimiters],
folder to separate. [Character string 1], and [Page Counter] in [Settings Index
Load the document with the patchcode-printed sheets face down on applied].
the ADF paper chute. Introduction

Overview of
ScandAll PRO

How to Use
ScandAll PRO
Patchcode-printed Sheets

D [Document Counter] situated above [Folder

delimiters] is the folder name, and the scanned
5 Using the batch profile you created above, perform a images are saved in this folder.
batch scan. If [Folder delimiters] is not set, no folders are
For how to perform a batch scan, refer to "2.7 Scanning with [Batch created, and [Document Counter], [Character string
Scan]" (page 20). 1], and [Page Counter] will be the file name.
Example of saving files in folders:
Follow the procedure below to save images of a scanned
When specifying Saving folders 0001
document that are separated by patch code sheets, in
[Document Counter] as image0001.jpg
separate folders. image0002.jpg
folder names ..
1 Select the [Use the Name Rule] check box on the .
[File format and Name scheme] tab in the [Profile 0002
Editor] dialog box, and click the [Name Rule] button. image0002.jpg
D The [Name Rule] dialog box appears.
When not specifying Saving folders 0001image0001.jpg
[Document Counter] as 0001image0002.jpg
folder names .

Chapter 2 How to Use ScandAll PRO TOP
Dividing a Multipage Document Using Barcodes The following lists the barcode detection parameters:
Item Parameter
ScandAll PRO supports the Job Separation function using Introduction
Barcode height 10 to 30 mm / 0.39 to 1.18 inches
barcode-printed sheets. This function allows you to divide
scanned images of a multipage document by a specified unit Barcode length 300 mm / 11.81 inches or less Overview of
without interrupting the ongoing scan, and save them ScandAll PRO
Barcode margin 5 mm / 0.20 inches or more on each side of
respectively in separate folders. When the output file format is barcode
set to multipage PDF or TIFF, and multipage document is How to Use
scanned, the pages can be divided by the specified unit and
Barcode base color White (This may not be recognized correctly ScandAll PRO
depending on the document.)
saved as separate files. You can create files and folders with a
Barcode color Black
name that includes the document counter or the text
recognized from barcode. Resolution 200 to 600 dpi

Barcode angle Horizontal and vertical

ScandAll PRO can detect the following types of barcodes:
Code Character set Field width
z If you scan a document with an undefined barcode type for
UPC/EAN/ Numbers UPC:12 (UPC-A only; includes ! this function, the document may be separated wrongly, and
the scanned images may also be deleted depending on the
JAN check digits)
EAN, JAN: 8 or 13 (includes scan settings. To prevent this, check the document carefully
check digits) in advance to see if it has undefined barcodes. It is
recommended that you limit the barcode types to be
CODE39 Numbers, alphabets, 1 to 32 detected, and define the area to detect barcodes.
7 symbols (excludes start/stop codes) z Using the same barcode sheets repeatedly may decrease
the recognition accuracy due to accumulated dirt on the
CODE128 Full ASCII codes 1 to 32 sheets. If the barcode sheets are not recognized correctly or
(excludes check characters) get smudged, print new barcode sheets.
z If the text recognized from the barcode includes any control
Codabar 4 start/stop 1 to 32 characters and/or characters unavailable for a file or folder
characters, numbers, (excludes start/stop codes) name, such as \, /, ,, :, *, ?, ", <, >, |, those are replaced with
10 alphabets and "_" (underscore) in the created folder or file name.
symbols z The barcode may not be recognized correctly depending on
the document (if skewed), the scanner driver settings and/or
the print status of barcodes. Operate after ensuring that the
barcode is correctly recognized.

Chapter 2 How to Use ScandAll PRO TOP
The procedure is as follows: 3 Select the [Document separator] tab, and then select the
[Use Barcode-Based Job Separation Sheet] check box. Index
1 Scan a sample image for barcode recognition. Introduction
For how to perform a scan, refer to "2.6 Scanning with [Scan]" (page
17) or "2.7 Scanning with [Batch Scan]" (page 20). Overview of
ScandAll PRO
The image created with ScandAll PRO can be used for
Details of the conditions are as follows: How to Use
ScandAll PRO
Resolution Color format Paper size

200 dpi or Monochrome/ Height and width:

higher 8-bit Gray/ 50 to 453 mm
24-bit Color

2 Create a new batch profile in ScandAll PRO, and then

open the [Profile Editor] dialog box.
For how to create profiles, refer to "2.7 Scanning with [Batch Scan]"
(page 20).

z To suppress the scanning of the image of barcode-

printed sheet, select the [Remove separation sheet]
check box.
z In Duplex Scan mode, you can disable the scanning of
the back side of barcode-printed sheets by selecting
the [Remove the next page of a separation sheet]
check box.

Chapter 2 How to Use ScandAll PRO TOP
4 Click the [Setup] button. To change the sample image to be shown, replace it
D The [Barcode Setting] dialog box appears.
! from the [File] menu J [Open]. Index
z Barcode type
5 Click and drag to select the area to detect the barcode. You can specify the barcode type to be searched for
D The selected area is displayed in shaded red. from the [Barcode] menu J [Advanced]. Overview of
ScandAll PRO

How to Use
ScandAll PRO

If barcode scanning performance deteriorates, limit the

barcode types to be detected or narrow the barcode
area to improve the scanning performance.
6 After you have completed the area selection, select the If there are multiple barcodes in the barcode detecting
[File] menu J [Exit] to save the setting contents. area, the one recognized first will be enabled.
z Barcode recognition results
z Sample image display You can check the barcode recognition result of the
! The sample image displayed on the barcode setting
window is as follows.
sample image from the [Barcode] menu J [Recognize
- An image which has been displayed once and then
saved is displayed as a sample image. If no relevant
image is saved, the last image displayed on the
main window is used as a sample image. If there is
no image displayed on the main window, select the
[File] menu J [Open] to select a sample image.
- Bitmap or JPEG (except Progressive JPEG) files are

Chapter 2 How to Use ScandAll PRO TOP
7 Insert the barcode-printed sheets wherever you want the
file/folder to separate. Index
Load the document with the barcode-printed sheets face down on the
ADF paper chute. Introduction

Overview of
ScandAll PRO

How to Use
ScandAll PRO
D [Job separation sheet] situated above [Folder
delimiters] is the folder name, and the scanned
images are saved in this folder.
If [Folder delimiters] is not set, no folders are
Sheets created, and [Document Counter], [Character string
1], and [Page Counter] will be the file name.
8 Using the batch profile you created above, perform a Example of saving files in folders:
batch scan. When specifying [Job Saving folders January
For how to perform a batch scan, refer to "2.7 Scanning with [Batch separation sheet] as image0001.jpg
Scan]" (page 20). folder names image0002.jpg
Follow the procedure below to save images of a scanned image0001.jpg
document that are separated by barcode-printed sheets, image0002.jpg
. .
in separate folders, and name each folder with a March

character string recognized from the relevant barcode: image0001.jpg

1 Select the [Use the Name Rule] check box on the . ..
[File format and Name scheme] tab in the [Profile When not specifying Saving folders Januaryimage0001.jpg
Editor] dialog box, and click the [Name Rule] button. [Job separation sheet] Januaryimage0002.jpg
D The [Name Rule] dialog box appears. as folder names .
2 Set [Job separation sheet], [Folder delimiters], ..
[Character string 1], and [Page Counter] in [Settings
applied]. Marchimage0002.jpg

Chapter 2 How to Use ScandAll PRO TOP
Using the Scanner Buttons to Start a Scan 6 Select the [Events] tab, and then select the event.
Quickly From the [Select an event] menu, select the event that you want to Index
launch an application for.
You can perform a scan simply by pressing the [Scan] or
[Send to] button on the scanner. To do this, you first need to Overview of
assign your desired scanning applications to these buttons. ScandAll PRO

Computer Settings
How to Use
1 Confirm that the scanner is connected properly to your ScandAll PRO
computer, then power on the scanner.
For how to connect the scanner to your computer, refer to the
Operator’s Guide for the scanner you are using.

2 Select the [Start] menu J [Control Panel].

D The [Control Panel] window appears.

3 Select the [Hardware and Sound] icon.

D The [Hardware and Sound] window appears.

4 Select the [Scanners and Cameras] icon. The following events can be selected:
D The [Scanners and Cameras] window appears. z Scan Button (when the [Scan] button is pressed)
z Send to 1 to n (when the [Send to] button is pressed while a
5 Display the properties of the scanner. number (from 1 to n) is displayed on the operator panel)
Double-click the scanner icon.
Numbers displayed on the operator panel depend on the
! selected scanner.
Example: Send to 1 - 9

Chapter 2 How to Use ScandAll PRO TOP
7 Select the application to be launched when an event 9 Start up ScandAll PRO.
occurs. Index
Select the [Start this program] option button under [Actions], and then 10 Select the [Tool] menu J [Preferences]. Introduction
select the application you want to use. D The [Setup] dialog box appears.
Overview of
11 Select the [Event] tab. ScandAll PRO
12 Select the action for the event you selected in Step 6, and
then select a profile from the list you want to use for How to Use
scanning. ScandAll PRO

8 Click the [OK] button.

This completes the computer settings for an application other than
ScandAll PRO. Then, configure settings for your scanner according to
"Scanner Settings" (page 36).
You need to create the required profile beforehand.
z The screens and operations may differ slightly if the For how to create profiles, refer to "2.7 Scanning with
operating system that you are using is other than [Batch Scan]" (page 20).
Windows Vista.
z If you want to link with other buttons here, repeat Steps
6 to 7, and finally perform Step 8. 13 Click the [OK] button.
14 Exit ScandAll PRO.

Chapter 2 How to Use ScandAll PRO TOP
When you press the linked button, ScandAll PRO starts up, Depending on the scanner you are using, the profile name
and a batch scan is executed according to the selected ! specified as [Send to 1 to n] in Step 12 is displayed on the Index
profile's settings. operator panel. However, the profile name is not displayed
correctly if...
Scanner Settings z the name is set in a language that the scanner does not
Overview of
support (Unsupported languages are displayed with ■)
ADF Type Flatbed Type ScandAll PRO
z the name does not fit into the display range (16 characters ×
3 rows)

Hopper Height
Function Send to Scan Power
How to Use
ScandAll PRO
Paper Thickness
Thin Thick

Send to Scan [Scan] Button

[Send to] Button
[Scan] Button
[Send to] Button

z When using the [Scan] button

No setting changes are needed.
D Pressing the [Scan] button starts up the application you selected.

z When using the [Send to] button

Press the [Function] button to change the number displayed on the
operator panel.
Match the event set at the computer (Send to 1 to n) and the number.
To perform the event configured with [Send to 2], for example, display
[2] on the operator panel.
D Pressing the [Send to] button starts up the application you

Operator panel specifications differ depending on the scanner.

For details, refer to the Operator’s Guide for the scanner you
are using.

Chapter 2 How to Use ScandAll PRO TOP
Specifying the Result of Zone OCR as a File The procedure is as follows:
Name Index
1 Scan a sample image for Zone OCR. Introduction
ScandAll PRO supports the Zone OCR function. With this For how to perform a scan, refer to "2.6 Scanning with [Scan]" (page
17) or "2.7 Scanning with [Batch Scan]" (page 20). Overview of
function, you can perform Zone OCR on a specified area of a
scanned document and output the recognition result to a file. The image created with ScandAll PRO can be used for ScandAll PRO
You can also use character strings recognized by the Zone
Details of the conditions are as follows: How to Use
OCR as a file name or folder name.
Resolution Color format Paper size ScandAll PRO
This section explains how to set the character strings
recognized by Zone OCR as a file name. 200 dpi or Monochrome/ Height and width:
higher 8-bit Gray/ 50 to 453 mm
z The following resolutions are recommended for images. 24-bit Color
Resolution higher than 600 dpi cannot be recognized for
- Monochrome: 400/600 dpi
- Color/Gray: 200/300 dpi 2 Create a new batch profile in ScandAll PRO, and then
z The deskew function of the driver and the orientation open the [Profile Editor] dialog box.
correction filter may improve the recognition rate. For how to create profiles, refer to "2.7 Scanning with [Batch Scan]"
(page 20).

Chapter 2 How to Use ScandAll PRO TOP
3 Select the [Filter] tab, and then select the [Enable Zone 5 Click and drag to select an area for Zone OCR.
OCR] check box. Index

Overview of
ScandAll PRO

How to Use
ScandAll PRO

D The selected area is displayed in shaded red.

6 After you have completed the area selection, select the

[File] menu J [Exit] to save the setting contents.

z Sample image display

The sample image displayed on the Zone OCR setting
4 Click the [Settings] button. window is as follows.
D The [Zone OCR Settings] dialog box appears. - An image which has been displayed once and then
saved is displayed as a sample image. If no relevant
image is saved, the last image displayed on the
main window is used as a sample image. If there is
no image displayed on the main window, select the
[File] menu J [Open] to select a sample image.
- Bitmap or JPEG (except Progressive JPEG) files are
To change the sample image to be shown, replace it
from the [File] menu J [Open].

Chapter 2 How to Use ScandAll PRO TOP
z Zone OCR advanced settings 8 Set [Character string 1], [Page Counter], and [Zone OCR]
You can specify advanced settings for Zone OCR from in [Settings applied]. Index
the [Zone OCR] menu J [Advanced]. For information
about the setting items you can configure, refer to the
ScandAll PRO Help.
Overview of
ScandAll PRO

How to Use
ScandAll PRO

D [Character string 1], [Page Counter], and [Zone OCR] are used for
z Zone OCR results the file name.
You can check the sample image Zone OCR result
from the [Zone OCR] menu J [Zone OCR]. Note the following when using the character strings
recognized by Zone OCR as a file name.
z Up to 32 characters can be recognized.
z Illegal characters (\ / : ? * " < > | , ) are replaced with "_"
z Line feed characters are deleted.
z If outputting the single page type file, include [Page
Counter] to the file name. If the page counter is not
included, the file name may be duplicated.
z When multipage type files are created, the character
string recognized at the Zone OCR on the top page will
be used for the file name.

7 Click the [Name Rule] button on the [File format and

Name scheme] tab in the [Profile Editor] dialog box. 9 Load a document on the scanner.
D The [Name Rule] dialog box appears.
10 Using the batch profile you created above, perform a
batch scan.
For how to perform a batch scan, refer to "2.7 Scanning with [Batch
Scan]" (page 20).

Chapter 2 How to Use ScandAll PRO TOP
Confirm and correct zone OCR results. Index
When the [Confirm and correct zone OCRed text]
check box is selected for [Zone OCR Advanced Introduction
Settings], the [Zone OCRed Text Confirmation and
Correction] dialog box is displayed when a batch scan Overview of
is performed. You can confirm and correct zone OCR ScandAll PRO
results in this dialog box.

How to Use
ScandAll PRO

Chapter 2 How to Use ScandAll PRO TOP
Specifying the Result of Barcode Recognition as 3 Select the [Filter] tab, and then select the [Perform
a File Name barcode recognition] check box. Index
ScandAll PRO supports the barcode recognition function. With
this function, you can perform barcode recognition on a Overview of
specified area of a scanned document and output the ScandAll PRO
recognition result to a file. You can also use character strings
recognized with barcode recognition as a file name or folder How to Use
ScandAll PRO
This section explains how to set a character string recognized
with barcode as a file name.
The recommended resolution for an image to be used for
barcode recognition is 200 to 600 dpi.

The procedure is as follows:

1 Scan a sample image for barcode recognition.

For how to perform a scan, refer to "2.6 Scanning with [Scan]" (page
17) or "2.7 Scanning with [Batch Scan]" (page 20).

The image created with ScandAll PRO can be used for

Details of the conditions are as follows:
4 Click the [Settings] button.
Resolution Color format Paper size D The [Barcode Setting] dialog box appears.

200 dpi or Monochrome/ Height and width:

higher 8-bit Gray/ 50 to 453 mm
24-bit Color

2 Create a new batch profile in ScandAll PRO, and then

open the [Profile Editor] dialog box.
For how to create profiles, refer to "2.7 Scanning with [Batch Scan]"
(page 20).

Chapter 2 How to Use ScandAll PRO TOP
5 Click and drag to select an area for barcode recognition. z Barcode properties
You can specify advanced settings for barcode Index
recognition from the [Barcode] menu J [Advanced].
For information about the setting items you can
configure, refer to the ScandAll PRO Help.
Overview of
ScandAll PRO

How to Use
ScandAll PRO

D The selected area is displayed in shaded red.

z Barcode recognition results
6 After you have completed the area selection, select the You can check the sample image barcode recognition
[File] menu J [Exit] to save the setting contents. result from the [Barcode] menu J [Recognize
z Sample image display
The sample image displayed on the barcode setting
window is as follows.
- An image which has been displayed once and then
saved is displayed as a sample image. If no relevant
image is saved, the last image displayed on the
main window is used as a sample image. If there is
no image displayed on the main window, select the
[File] menu J [Open] to select a sample image.
- Bitmap or JPEG (except Progressive JPEG) files are
To change the sample image to be shown, replace it
from the [File] menu J [Open].
7 Click the [Name Rule] button on the [File format and
Name scheme] tab in the [Profile Editor] dialog box.
D The [Name Rule] dialog box appears.

Chapter 2 How to Use ScandAll PRO TOP
8 Set [Character string 1], [Page Counter], and [Barcode] in
[Settings applied]. Index

Overview of
ScandAll PRO

How to Use
ScandAll PRO

D [Character string 1], [Page Counter], and [Barcode] are used for
the file name.

Note the following when using the character strings

recognized with barcode recognition as a file name.
z Up to 32 characters can be recognized.
z Illegal characters (\ / : ? * " < > | , ) and spaces for the
top or end are replaced with "_" (underscore).
z Line feed characters are deleted.
z If outputting the single page type file, include [Page
Counter] to the file name. If the page counter is not
included, the file name may be duplicated.
z When multipage type files are created, the character
string recognized with the barcode recognition on the
top page will be used for the file name.

9 Load a document on the scanner.

10 Using the batch profile you created above, perform a

batch scan.
For how to perform a batch scan, refer to "2.7 Scanning with [Batch
Scan]" (page 20).

Chapter 2 How to Use ScandAll PRO TOP
Creating Saving Folders for Each Batch Scan 3 Load a document on the scanner.
If the same batch profiles are used consecutively, multiple files 4 Using the batch profile you created above, perform a
with same file name are created and may overwrite the batch scan.
previous batch scan output file. D When the batch scan is executed, the [Batch Folder Name] dialog Overview of
box appears.
With ScandAll PRO, in order not to overwrite the file, you can ScandAll PRO
make a setting to create folders for saving image files each For how to perform a batch scan, refer to "2.7 Scanning with [Batch
Scan]" (page 20).
time a batch scan is executed. How to Use
The procedure is as follows: 5 Enter a batch folder name, and click the [OK] button. ScandAll PRO

1 Create a new batch profile in ScandAll PRO, and then

open the [Profile Editor] dialog box.
For how to create profiles, refer to "2.7 Scanning with [Batch Scan]"
(page 20).

2 Select the [File format and Name scheme] tab, and then
select the [Use a batch folder] check box. D The batch scan starts and the scanned image file is saved in the
created folder with the specified name.

If the names of the batch folders include a number of 8 or

less digits at the end, names are created by adding "1" to
the previously specified number. In the case where
adding "1" would increase the number of digits, the
number returns to "1" instead.
If folder names include a number of more than 8 digits at
the end, the number does not vary.
Specified batch folder Next batch folder name
Batch_0009 Batch_0010
Batch_9999 Batch_0001
Batch_000000001 Batch_000000001

Chapter 2 How to Use ScandAll PRO TOP
Example of saving files in folders:
When using folders created for Saving folders Batch_0001 Index
each batch scan image0001.jpg
. Introduction
image0001.jpg Overview of
ScandAll PRO
image0002.jpg How to Use
.. ScandAll PRO

Chapter 2 How to Use ScandAll PRO TOP
Saving Scanned Images from a Batch Scan to a 2 Click the [Linking] tab, and select the [Link up with the
Microsoft SharePoint Server following process] check box. Index
With ScandAll PRO, you can perform a batch scan and save
the scanned image file to a Microsoft SharePoint server. Overview of
ScandAll PRO
The server on which Microsoft SharePoint Server is run
! requires some ScandAll PRO modules to be installed. In order
to install the modules in a server, obtain
How to Use
ScandAll PRO
"ScandAllPROSrv.exe" from the [ScandAll] folder in the Setup
DVD-ROM, and execute it on the server.

The procedure is as follows:

1 Create a new batch profile in ScandAll PRO, and then

open the [Profile Editor] dialog box.
For how to create profiles, refer to "2.7 Scanning with [Batch Scan]"
(page 20).

3 Select [Upload to Microsoft SharePoint Server] and click

the [Setup] button.
D The [Information to transfer to the SharePoint Server] dialog box

4 Specify the settings for saving the scanned images to the

Microsoft SharePoint server.

5 Click the [OK] button.

D This returns to the [Profile Editor] dialog box.

Chapter 2 How to Use ScandAll PRO TOP
6 Load a document on the scanner.
7 Using the batch profile you created above, perform a
batch scan.
D When the batch scan is executed, the image file is saved in the Overview of
Microsoft SharePoint server.
ScandAll PRO
For more information, refer to the ScandAll PRO Help.
How to Use
ScandAll PRO

Chapter 2 How to Use ScandAll PRO TOP
Restarting a Suspended Batch Scan Restore the saved working
state and restart the batch Index
With ScandAll PRO, when a "batch scan" is performed, the Introduction
batch scan working state is temporarily saved automatically
If you want to restart the batch scan, select the [Scan] menu J Overview of
[Restore Batch Scan] for the saved batch scan working state. ScandAll PRO
After restoration, you can restart the scanning.
For example, you can continue the interrupted batch scan the How to Use
next day. Similarly, if another more urgent scan needs to be ScandAll PRO
The procedure to restore the saved batch scan working state
performed while a batch scan is running, its working state can is as follows:
be saved, allowing it to be restarted at a later time.
Perform a batch scan
1 Select the [Scan] menu J [Restore Batch Scan].
D The [Saved batch scan data list] dialog box appears.
(Automatically saved)

2 Select a batch scan you want to restore, and click the

[Restore] button.

Perform a different scan

D The working status of the selected batch scan is restored on the

main window. You can perform additional operations for the batch
scan, such as additional scanning or image editing.

For more information, refer to the ScandAll PRO Help.

Chapter 2 How to Use ScandAll PRO TOP
Outputting Indexing Information File and Linking 3 In the [Profile Editor] dialog box, select the [Linking] tab,
with an Application and then select the [Output indexing information] check Index
box. To set the file name and file type to be output, click
With ScandAll PRO, you can output the result of Zone OCR the [Set Indexing Info] button, and set in the [Set Indexing
Info] dialog box. Overview of
and the barcode recognition result to the indexing information
file. You can specify an application to be launched and a ScandAll PRO
parameter to pass the name of the indexing information file to
the application. How to Use
ScandAll PRO
This function allows you to create a batch profile, such as for
saving image data with indexing information in the server.
The procedure is as follows:

1 Create a new batch profile in ScandAll PRO, and then

open the [Profile Editor] dialog box.
For how to create profiles, refer to "2.7 Scanning with [Batch Scan]"
(page 20). z Indexing information files are saved in the folder
specified with [Folder Name] in the [File format and
2 Set the barcode or Zone OCR in the [Profile Editor] dialog Name scheme] tab, in the [Profile Editor] dialog box.
box. When the [Use a batch folder] check box is selected,
For details on how to set a barcode, refer to "Dividing a Multipage indexing information files are output to the batch folder.
Document Using Barcodes" (page 30). For details on how to set Zone z Indexing information files are of the following types.
OCR, refer to "Specifying the Result of Zone OCR as a File Name" For information about the details of file types, refer to
(page 37). the ScandAll PRO Help.
- Unicode Text format

YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss [TAB] file name [TAB]

page number [TAB] "Zone OCR recognition
result" [TAB] "barcode recognition result"

- CSV format

"YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss", "file name", "page

number", "Zone OCR recognition result",
"barcode recognition result"

Chapter 2 How to Use ScandAll PRO TOP
- XML format 4 In the [Profile Editor] dialog box, select the [Link up with
the following process] check box on the [Linking] tab, and Index
<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"?> then select the [Launch another application] option button.
Click the [Setup] button, and specify the application to be
<page> launched for [Application Program] and %i for [Argument-
<item name = "Date&time" value = "date and Overview of
Parameter] in the [Option] dialog box. ScandAll PRO
time" />
<item name = "Full Path" value = "file name (full
path)" />
<item name = "Page Number in Document" value
How to Use
= "page number in document" /> ScandAll PRO
<item name = "Zone OCR" value = "zone OCR
result" />
<item name = "Barcode" value = "barcode
recognition result" />
<item name = "Date&time" value = "date and
time" />
<item name = "Full Path" value = "file name (full
path)" />
<item name = "Page Number in Document" value 5 Load a document on the scanner.
= "page number in document" />
<item name = "Zone OCR" value = "zone OCR 6 Using the batch profile you created above, perform a
result" /> batch scan.
<item name = "Barcode" value = "barcode
D After the document is scanned, ScandAll PRO launches the
recognition result" />
application and passes the indexing information file name to the
application as a parameter.
For how to perform a batch scan, refer to "2.7 Scanning with [Batch
Scan]" (page 20).

Chapter 2 How to Use ScandAll PRO TOP
Detecting Errors in the Scanned Document z When selecting the [Mark pages when error is detected by
Automatic Image Quality Checker] check box Index
The scanned document is checked for any folds or tears.
If an error is detected, it is indicated by changing the background Introduction
If an error is detected in the scanned document, the of the thumbnail for the page containing the error to yellow.
background color of the thumbnail changes automatically so z When selecting the [Mark pages when multifeed is detected] check
Overview of
that the user can recognize the target image easily. box ScandAll PRO
The scanned document is checked for any errors where multiple
pages are fed at a time or where sheets of different lengths are How to Use
The procedure to set the automatic error detection and fed.
ScandAll PRO
notification is as follows: If a multifeed error is detected while scanning, the scan is
continued without stopping. After all scans are completed, the
1 Create a new batch profile in ScandAll PRO, and then
multifeed error is indicated by changing the background of the
thumbnail for the page containing the error to red.
open the [Profile Editor] dialog box.
For how to create profiles, refer to "2.7 Scanning with [Batch Scan]"
(page 20).
3 Click the [Detail Scanner Settings] button on the [Scan]
tab to configure the scan parameters.
2 On the [Scan] tab, select the [Mark pages when error is z When selecting the [Mark pages when error is detected by
Automatic Image Quality Checker] check box
detected by Automatic Image Quality Checker] and [Mark
pages when multifeed is detected] check boxes, and click
the [OK] button. Scanner driver Settings

TWAIN driver On the [Rotation] tab in the [Option]

dialog box displayed by clicking the
[Option] button, select [Automatic Page
Size Detection] or [Black Background]
for [Automatic Size and Skew detection].

ISIS driver Configure the parameter as either of the

z Select [Automatic], [Deskew], or
[Long Page] for [Cropping] on the
[Main] tab.
z Select [Black] for [Backing] on the
[Paper Handling] tab.

Chapter 2 How to Use ScandAll PRO TOP
z When selecting the [Mark pages when multifeed is detected] check 7 Using the batch profile you created above, perform a
box batch scan. Index
D If there is an error in the scanned document, the target thumbnail
Scanner driver Settings is displayed with background of a different color. Introduction

TWAIN driver On the [Job/Cache] tab in the [Option] Overview of

dialog box displayed by clicking the ScandAll PRO
[Option] button, select [Check
Overlapping (Ultrasonic)], [Check
Length], or [Check Overlapping and How to Use
Length] for [Multifeed Detection]. ScandAll PRO
ISIS driver On the [Multifeed Detection] tab, select Fold
[Paper Overlap] or [Paper Length] for
[Multifeed Detection].

4 When you have completed the settings, click the [OK]

D This returns to the [Profile Editor] dialog box.

5 Click the [OK] button in the [Profile Editor] dialog box to

add the profile. You can replace a scanned image with an error by
selecting the [Page] menu J [Replace] J [Scan].
6 Load a document on the scanner.

Depending on the color or shape of the document, errors

! may be detected by mistake or fail to be recognized, since
they are detected only in the corners of the scanned
Make sure to check the scanned image yourself even
when you use this detection function.

Chapter 2 How to Use ScandAll PRO TOP
2.9 Useful Post-Scan Functions Index
Marking Thumbnails 3 After marking the desired image, select an option from the
following: Overview of
This function is useful to distinguish a certain desired image ScandAll PRO
from others. Menu option Used to...
How to Use
Previous Marked Page Display the previous marked page.
The procedure is as follows: ScandAll PRO
Next Marked Page Display the next marked page.

1 Load a document on the scanner and perform a scan. First Marked Page Display the first marked page.

2 Select the thumbnail of the desired image, and then select Last Marked Page Display the last marked page.
the [Mark] menu J [Mark]. Unmark Unmark the selected thumbnail.
D The background of the selected thumbnail turns to
orange. Unmark All Unmark all thumbnails.

You can also unmark a thumbnail by right-clicking and

selecting [Unmark Selected Pages] while the thumbnail is

You can also mark a thumbnail with orange background

by right-clicking and selecting [Mark Selected Pages]
while the thumbnail is selected.

Chapter 2 How to Use ScandAll PRO TOP
Saving Scanned Images to a Microsoft
SharePoint Server Index
You can save scanned images to a Microsoft SharePoint
server. Overview of
ScandAll PRO
Scan to Microsoft SharePoint needs to be installed.
! If not, install it referring to [Readme] from the [Start] menu J
[All Programs] J [Fujitsu ScandAll PRO].
How to Use
ScandAll PRO

The procedure is as follows:

1 Load a document on the scanner and perform a scan.

2 Select the [File] menu J [Send] J [Microsoft SharePoint].

D The [Scan to Microsoft SharePoint] dialog box appears.

3 Save the scanned images to the Microsoft SharePoint

For more information, refer to Scan to Microsoft SharePoint User
You can view Scan to Microsoft SharePoint User Guide by selecting
the [Start] menu J [KnowledgeLake] J [Scan to Microsoft SharePoint
User Guide].

Index TOP
Index Index

Overview of
A L ScandAll PRO
advanced scanning......................................................... 23 launching ScandAll PRO ................................................ 12
How to Use
B M ScandAll PRO
batch scan ...................................................................... 44 Microsoft SharePoint server ..................................... 46, 54

conventions ...................................................................... 4 PDF ................................................................................ 26
creating and editing profiles............................................ 20 post-scan functions ........................................................ 53

dividing multipage document restarting batch scan ...................................................... 46
barcode .................................................................... 30 restoring batch scan ....................................................... 48
patch code................................................................ 28
driver S
ISIS .......................................................................... 13 saving folders ................................................................. 44
TWAIN...................................................................... 13 scan.......................................................................... 16, 17
Scan button .................................................................... 34
F scan parameters............................................................. 15
features........................................................................... 10 scanning methods .......................................................... 16
scanning methods list..................................................... 23
H scanning with
[Batch Scan]....................................................... 16, 20
how to use
[Scan] ................................................................. 16, 17
ScandAll PRO .......................................................... 11
this manual................................................................. 2
scanner driver .......................................................... 13
scanner model ......................................................... 14
I Send to button ................................................................ 34
indexing information file.................................................. 49
introduction ....................................................................... 3

Index TOP
specifying file name
barcode .................................................................... 41 Index
Zone OCR ................................................................ 37

V Overview of
VRS .................................................................................. 9 ScandAll PRO

W How to Use
What is ScandAll PRO?.................................................... 9 ScandAll PRO


Overview of
ScandAll PRO

How to Use
ScandAll PRO

How to Use ScandAll PRO

Issue date: July 2010
Issued by: PFU LIMITED

z The contents of this manual are subject to change without notice.

z PFU LIMITED assumes no liability for incidental or consequential damages arising from the use of this Product, and any
claims by a third party.
z Copying of the contents of this manual, in whole or in part, as well as the scanner applications is prohibited under the
copyright law.

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