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Faculty of Natural and Computational Science, Department of Sport Science, Woldia University, Ethiopia, P.O.
Box. 400
[email protected]
Abstract: The objectives of this study was to investigate the effect of strength training on power, speed and
flexibility of Woldia University third year male sport science department students. It also attempts to determine the
effect of strength training on power, speed and flexibility. Method: In order to attain their purpose data was
gathered from the sample population using simple random sampling method. The study was carried out on ten (10)
male students in Woldia University third year male sport science department students. The data was collected by use
of measurement of power, speed as well as flexibility by application of tests like vertical jump, 20 meter dash and sit
and reach. The data was analyzed and compared with the help of statistical procedures in which arithmetic mean
(mean), standard deviation (S.D) and paired t-test by using SPSS VERSSION 20 were employed. Result suggests
that maximum strength training is strongly associated with dynamic power. In addition maximum strength training
is strongly associated with speed but not flexibility. Hence the finding of this study indicates that before this time
students do not exercise effective strength training to bring power, speed and flexibility. Based on the major findings
above, the researcher concluded that by effective strength training practice students develop better power, and speed.
But the result shows by effective strength training practice students do not develop flexibility or there is no
significance change of flexibility.
[Bayih Ejigu, Getasew Abebaw. The effect of strength training on power, speed and flexibility in case of
Woldia university third year male sport science department students. Biomedicine and Nursing 2021;7(2):53-
60]. ISSN 2379-8211 (print); ISSN2379-8203 (online).http://www.nbmedicine.org 7.
Back ground of the study them is inherently inter connected with strength
Strength training is the use of resistance to training as it is shot put, discus, and highland game.
muscular contraction to build the strength, anaerobic Many other sports use strength training as part of their
endurance and size of skeletal muscle. There are strength training regimen, notably football, wrestling,
different method of strength training the most common basketball and track and field. (Schwarzenegger,
is being the use of gravity or elastic force to oppose Arnold (199).
muscle contraction when properly strength training can Strength training with isometric exercise was
provide significant functional benefit and improvement popularized by Charles atlas from the 1930 onwards.
in overall health and well-being, including increased The 1960 saw the gradual introduction of exercise
bone density, muscle, tendon and ligament strength and machines into the skill related strength train gyms of
toughness, improve joint function, reduce potential for the time .strength training become increasingly popular
injury, increase metabolism and improve cardiac in the 1980 following the release of the body building
function (Shaw, B.S; Shaw, I.(2005). movie pumping iron and the subsequent popularity of
Strength training commonly uses the Weight training a component of body building and
technique of progressively increasing the force out put weight lifting, weight trained is a technique for
the muscle through incremental increase of weight, developing muscle strength by progressively lifting
elastic tension or other resistance, and use a variety of increasing amount of weight (weight lifting guide
exercise and type of equipment to target specific 2004, emilwz @weight training guide.net).
muscle groups. Strength training is primarily anaerobic Isometric training, exercise or isometrics is a
activity, although some proponents have adapted it to type of strength training in which the joint angle and
provide the benefit of aerobic exercise through circuit muscle do not change contraction.
training. Strength training differ from body building, Power-the ability of muscle to quickly
weigh training ,power lifting and strong men, which are generate force over a very short period of time (the
sports rather than form of exercise although training for ability to exert a maximal force as quickly as possible
Biomedicine and Nursing 2021;7(2) http://www.nbmedicine.orgBNJ
Biomedicine and Nursing 2021;7(2) http://www.nbmedicine.orgBNJ
Iso-metric exercise- exercise involved muscle order to acquire the required information. The
contraction without the muscle or joint following information would be used:
moving. N=total population to total number of male 3rd year
Power- the ability of muscle quickly sport science department students.
generates force over a very short period of S=sample population (sample number of 3rd sport
time. science department students). So the investigators
Speed- ability to perform a movement in a chooses the samples (specimens) by using simple
short period of time or ability of an athlete to random sampling technique to get qualify and valid
move as fast as possible. information.
Strength training- is the use of resistance of
muscular contraction to build the strength, Table A. Total and sample of the student
anaerobic endurance and size of skeletal Third year male sport science department students.
Study design 37 10
The study was experimental type of study in
order to investigate the effect of strength training on Source of data collection
power, speed and flexibility in Woldia University sport In this research different data collection
science 3rd year male students. approaches were employed:
Study area and population These approaches were the primary data collection
The study was conducted in Amhara region; methods. In the primary data collection method, the
North Wolo zone, Woldia University which is located researcher selected voluntary students to gather
in Northern part of Ethiopia. Geographically the study available information by testing 3rd year male sport
area is located approximately 525 km far from Addis science department students.
Ababa and 5 km from Woldia town. It has latitude Data collection instrument
11 50 north and longitude 39 36 east (retrieved from In order to get necessary information
http//www.wikpedia.com). This study was going to regarding to investigation on the effect of strength
conduct on Woldia University, Faculty of Natural and training on power, speed and flexibility in Woldia
computational science, Department of Sport science 3rd University department of sport science 3rd year male
year male students would be taken as a target students. The researchers used pre-test and post-test to
population. There were about 37 regular male 3rd year conduct this study. The investigators were gather the
sport science department students in Woldia University relevant information by using sit and reach test, vertical
in 2009 E.C. jump test and 20 meter dash test as instrument assisted
Sample size determination and sampling techniques by materials. i.e. measuring tape, stop watch, whistle,
The investigators selected 10 male students pen, paper, box and vertical jump ladder was used to
from third year sport science department students under collect the data during the test.
the study randomly by using lottery method and use for Resistance training guidelines and exercise
the study. When the researchers took 10 male students The American college of sport medicine
from the total population of 37 male students had its (ACSM) recommends that strength training program
own purpose. That is to reduce waste of time and should be performed a minimum of two non-
according to researcher’s income to reduce cost consecutive days each week, with one set of 8 to 12
(financial resource) to perform the required outcome repetitions for older and frail individual 8 to 10
(result), when appropriate sample size is making in exercise should be performed that target the major
muscle group.
Free weight Body weight
Chest Supine bench press Push-ups
Back Bent –over barbell rows Pull-ups
Shoulders Dumbbell lateral raise Arm circles
Biceps Barbell/dumbbell curls Reverse pull-ups
Triceps Dumbbell kick backs Dips/dig-ups/
Abdomen Weighted crunches Crunches prone planks
Quadriceps Back squats Body weight lunges
Hamstrings Stiff-leg dead lifts Hips-ups
Biomedicine and Nursing 2021;7(2) http://www.nbmedicine.orgBNJ
Concerning the training, the researchers used than the other. The participants were asked to pull
the resistance guidelines and modified it to some extent forward their body as much as possible and the
due to time constraint and the participants were possible for one to two seconds while the distance was
students and it was very difficult to get according to the recorded. The score was being recorded to the nearest
first program prepared; the researcher tried to modify centimeter or half inch as the distance reaches by the
the guidelines in such away: 4 days in a week (totally hand.
24 days in 6 weeks), moderate intensity, but; the Method of data analysis
intensity differs in each individuals and duration (70 After the researchers gather the data, the
minutes per day), with 8-10 repetitions per set and 4-7 statically technique could be used. In this research
sets per exercise. there were mean, standard deviation; paired ´t´ test by
Test administration using SPSS VERTION 20 t test and systematically in
To conduct the research, the researchers table and graph was applied to find out significance of
prepared testing methods of 20 m run test for speed, the effect of strength training on power, speed and
vertical jump for power and sit and reach test for flexibility of the selected variables and descriptive
flexibility of individual students. statement.
Procedures for power, speed and flexibility
The participants were performed warming up RESULT
exercise activities for all three tests for 10-15 minutes The chapter deals with the result and
before starting test. discussion of the data obtained from students through
Vertical jump tests test. For this purpose 10 male students were taken
This test were performed the athlete stands randomly as total respondents or sample out of 37
side on the wall and reaches up with the hand closed to students. The data which obtained from the student are
the wall. keeping the feet flat on the ground, the pint of displayed in mean, standard deviation, paired‘t’ test by
the finger tips is marked or recorded, this is called using SPSS VERTION 20 processed systematically in
standing reach test, the athlete then stands away from table and graph.
the wall and leaps vertically as high as possible using
both arms and legs to assist in protecting the body Table 1. Demographic characteristics of
upwards. Best of three attempts was recorded. The participants.
difference in distance between the standing reach Unit Mean (SD )
height and the jump height was the score. Age 23.3 (0.95)
20 meter dash test Weight 56 (6.00)
The researchers used stop watch, cone Height 1.70 (0.05)
markers, and flat and clear surface to conduct the test.
The test involved running a single maximum sprint From the above table 1, the characteristics of the
over 20 meters, with the time recorded. Start from participants were analyzed in the form of mean and
stationary position, one foot in front of the other. The standards deviation as age =23.3±0.95, weight
front foot should be on or behind the starting line and =56±6.00 and height =1.70±0.05.
then the result have taken by giving two trials and best
time was recorded. Table 2. Selected variable and their criteria
Sit and reach test measures.
This test involved sitting on the floor with legs No Variables Criteria measures
stretch out straight ahead with bare foot. The soles of 1 Power Vertical jump test
the foot were placed flat against the box. Both knees 2 Speed 20 meter dash
were locked and press flat to the floor. With the palms 3 Flexibility Sit and reach test
facing down wards, and the hands on top of each other From this table.2, the criteria measure indicates that by
or side by side. The subject reaches forward along the
what type of test we measure variables which mean
measuring line as far as possible. Ensure that the hands
power, speed and flexibility.
remain at the level, no one reaching further forward
Biomedicine and Nursing 2021;7(2) http://www.nbmedicine.orgBNJ
As above table.3, show that the mean and standard deviation of strength training individuals of male sport
science students. These values were recorded as variable of pre-test power= 39.55±13.63, speed=3.23±0.21 and
flexibility=14.22±7.00; post-test power=41.3±7.00, speed=3.11±0.22 and flexibility=13.5±7.25 respectively.
Table.4. Comparative analysis of power between pre-test and post-test of third year sport science male
No Group Number Mean SD Df ‘t’ value p
1 Pre-test 10 39.55 13.63 9 47.22 0.00
2 Post-test 10 41.30 7.00
3 Pre-post difference 10 1.75 6.63
As above table.4, A paired sample t- test was conducted to assess whether their difference in found between
the mean of the two tests shows that the mean and standard deviation show that value on the power variable pre-test
(before exercise)and post-test (after exercise)male students were recorded. The result shows there were significance
difference between the mean power of pre-test (39.55±13.63), post-test (41.30±7.00); pre-post difference of mean
and standard deviation (1.75±6.63); ‘t’ (9)=47.22, p<0.05 respectively. Therefore by performing effective strength
training every individual could improve his or her power.
41.5 mean
pre-test post-test
Figure 1 comparative analysis of power between pre-test and post-test of 3rd year sport science male
From the above Figure 1, indicates that the mean of the pre-test was 39.55 and the post-test 41.30.
Therefore it indicates that there were great differences between the two means or there was great pre-post difference.
The ‘p’ value was p<0.05, so there was significant change of power by performing strength training.
Table.5. comparative analysis of speed between pre-test and post-test of 3rd year sport science male students.
No Group Number Mean SD Df ‘t’ value ‘P’ value
1 Pre-test 10 3.23 0.21 9 42.22 0.00
2 Post-test 10 3.11 0.22
3 Pre-post difference 10 0.12 0.01
As above Table.5, A paired sample t-test was conducted to assess whether their difference in found
between the mean of the two tests shows that the mean and standard deviation; show that value on the speed variable
of pre-test and post-test male students were recorded. The results shows there was a significance difference between
Biomedicine and Nursing 2021;7(2) http://www.nbmedicine.orgBNJ
the mean speed of pre-test (3.23±0.21) and post-test (3.11±0.22); pre-post difference of mean and standard deviation
(0.12±0.01); t (9)=42.22, p<0.05. So there was a significance change of speed by performing strength training.
Figure 2. comparative analysis of speed between pre-test and post-test of 3rd year sport science male
From the above figure 2, indicates that the mean and standard deviation of the pre-test was 3.23 and the
post-test was 3.11. Therefore it indicates that there was difference between the two means or there was a pre-post
difference. The p value was p<0.05, so there was significance change of speed by performing strength training.
Table.6. comparative analysis of flexibility between pre-test and post-test of 3rd year sport science male
No Group number Mean SD Df ‘t’ value P value
1 Pre-test 10 14.22 7.42
2 Post-test 10 13.52 7.25 9 6.05 0.052
3 Pre-post difference 10 0.7 0.17
As above table 6, A paired sample t-test was conducted to assess whether their difference in found between
the mean of the two tests shows that the mean and standard deviation shows that value on the flexibility variable of
pre-test and post-test male students were recorded. The results shows there was no significance difference between
the mean flexibility of pre-test (14.22±7.42) and post-test (13.52±7.25); pre-post difference of mean and standard
deviation (0.7±0.17); t (9)=6.05, p>0.05 respectively.
Biomedicine and Nursing 2021;7(2) http://www.nbmedicine.orgBNJ
14.4 14.22
pre-test post-test
Figure 3. comparative analysis of flexibility between pre-test and post-test of 3rdyear sport science male
From the above figure.3, indicates that the In closing, a six week strength training
mean and standard deviation of the pre-test was 14.22, program has significance change on power and speed;
the post test was 13.52. Therefore it indicates that there whereas no significance changes in flexibility.
was no significance difference between the two mean
or there was little pre-post difference of the two means. CONCLUSION
The p value was p>0.05, so there was no significance On the basis of the results the following
change of flexibility by performing strength training. conclusions are drown:
Effective strength training has a positive effect
DISCUSSION on the development of power.
The primary finding in this investigation was Additionally, Strength training has a positive
the six week effect of strength training program on effect on the development of speed. However;
power, speed and flexibility. strength training has no a positive effect on
These results suggest that the effective strength flexibility.
training has significant changes in speed. In the study Generally, it was concluded that by proper strength
(Fletcher & Hartwell, 2004), the effective strength training practice, individual trainer develops better
training has no significant changes in speed. power and speed but do not develop flexibility.
Specifically, our results suggest that when students
doing strength training they can improve speed. RECOMMENDATION
In our result the effect of strength training has As power, speed and flexibility are the major
significant changes on power. In the study (Caro, Riek qualities for strength trainer the coaches,
& Carson, 1997), strength training has changes in training organizations or club managers
power. So the result suggest that when students doing should give attention for power, speed and
strength training they can develop their power. flexibility training.
These results suggest that there were no changes Runners and jumpers should perform strength
in flexibility. In the study (Hetu & Christie, 1998), also training to improve their speed and explosive
suggest that strength training has no significance power respectively.
changes on flexibility. In addition to proper strength training well-
balanced nutrients and recovery have
Biomedicine and Nursing 2021;7(2) http://www.nbmedicine.orgBNJ
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power, speed and flexibility. So, to Republic. 2014.
compensate the energy cost of the trainer, Nimphius,s, McGuigan,MR,and Newton.
training organization should facilitate and Relationship between strength, power, speed and
provide all the nutrients for their trainer. change of direction of female softball players.J of
Future studies should not only use male strength and Con Res.2010;24-Issue 4:885-895.
participants and use control variables. PATRICA A. Duster PhD’s,p,H,(1997) PF.Navy
seal fitness level guide.
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