Application of Cloud Computing For The Internal Stakeholders

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Article in International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Review · February 2021


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Rajenthiran Mohanaraj Gowsiga Mahendrarajah

University of Moratuwa University of Moratuwa


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GARI International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research

ISSN 2659-2193

Volume: 07 | Issue: 01

On 28th February 2021

Author: Mohanaraj Rajenthiran, Pavithra Ganeshu, Gowsiga Mahedrarajah

University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka
GARI Publisher | Cloud Computing | Volume: 07 | Issue: 01
Article ID: IN/GARI/ICST/2020/105 | Pages: 178-193 (16)
ISSN 2659-2193 | Edit: GARI Editorial Team
Received: 03.12.2020 | Publish: 28.02.2021

Mohanaraj Rajenthiran, Pavithra Ganeshu, Gowsiga Mahedrarajah

University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka

The significant challenge in the internal stakeholders through CC in the

construction project is the efficient construction process. Real-time
collaborative involvement of the monitoring, low maintenance cost, and
stakeholders since the stakeholders are high collaboration were found as major
coming from multidisciplinary and benefits of the CC. Moreover, a higher
working together to achieve a particular requirement of computer resources, high
goal. Consequently, at present, the implementation cost, data security and
construction industry has started to move protection, and lack of awareness of the
on to Cloud-based technologies for the stakeholders were identified as significant
collaboration of the stakeholders, Could- limitations of cloud-based Building
Computing (CC) is one of those Information Modelling (BIM)
technologies. Although the stakeholders’ collaborative involvement of internal
collaboration through cloud-computing stakeholders in the construction process.
provides many benefits for the Keywords: Construction industry;
enhancement of project performance of Cloud computing; Cloud-Based BIM;
the industry, the stakeholders rarely utilise Stakeholder’s involvement, Stakeholder
the cloud-based applications and collaboration
technologies during their day-to-day
activities of the construction process. INTRODUCTION
Accordingly, practical enhancement of the
stakeholder collaborative involvement The construction industry has been
through CC in the construction industry growing, and it plays a considerable role
needs to be re-analysed. Accordingly, in the Gross Domestic Product (GPD) of a
there is a requirement to review the country (Fathi, Rawai, & Abedi, 2012).
involvement ways of internal stakeholders The most significant factor in the
through the CC for the collaboration and construction industry is the interrelation
enhancement of the project performance. and communication methods among the
Hence, this paper highlights the literature parties within a project to improve their
findings on the collaborative involvement relationship (Frederick & Nancy, 2003).
of stakeholders through CC. Also, this Normally, the construction industry is
study discusses the benefits and fully personalized with the information
limitations of the usage of the CC. The and the people, who are involved in the
findings revealed that contract process of delivery (Afolabi et al., 2018).
management, design management and In addition, proper management of
drawing, real-time management, and internal and external resources, and
document management are the information are essential factors for
collaborative involvement features of making better decisions in order to

ISSN 2659-2193 | Volume: 07 | Issue: 01 | 28-02-2021

overcome the challenges of construction through CC in the construction industry.
projects in various stages (Shi & Halpin, Accordingly, there is a requirement to
2003). In the current situation, the review the involvement ways of internal
generated information in the construction stakeholders through the cloud-based
industry should be more accurate and on technology for the collaboration and
time for the increment of stakeholders’ enhancement of the project performance.
performance (Afolabi et al., 2018). Thus, Hence, this paper highlights the literature
the collaboration of the stakeholders is an findings on collaborative involvement
important thing for the communication ways, benefits, and limitations of internal
and awareness of the project activities to stakeholders through the CC collaboration
complete the project in an effective way in the construction industry.
(Barthelmess, 2003). Moreover, the The structure of this paper begins with
construction industry is fully based on the the methods used to achieve the aim of this
projects, and many construction firms study which is to enhance the stakeholder
assess the performance of the organisation collaborative involvement through cloud-
based on the completed/ongoing projects based BIM. To achieve the objectives such
(Tatari, Lacouture, & Skibniewski, 2008). as identify the involvement ways and
Presently, the construction firms are benefits of internal stakeholders through
more towards Information Technology the Cloud-Based BIM collaboration, and
(IT) in most of the prime activities of the identify the involvement level of the
construction industry, so the construction internal stakeholders through the Cloud-
firms can exchange information with the Based BIM. along with the literature
help of the internet from many servers at synthesis linked to key concepts. Finally,
one time (Kumar et al., 2010; Hayes, it presents the conclusions of the study.
2008). Cloud Computing (CC) is a pattern,
that is unique and suitable for the access of Research Method
the network at any time and anywhere, and This study was developed based on a
it acts as a puddle to share the computer comprehensive literature review of the
resources (Mell & Grance, 2011). The research gap on the collaborative
implementation of CC in the construction involvement of the stakeholder through
industry is one of the innovative tools for cloud-computing. “Cloud Computing”,
collaboration, and there is a requirement to “Stakeholders of Construction” & “Cloud-
analyse the innovative collaboration Computing”, “Collaboration” & “Cloud-
through CC (Fathi et al., 2012). As well, in Computing”, “Application” & “Cloud-
the construction industry, the stakeholder Computing” have been used as the
can use cloud-based applications in many keywords to find out relevant academic
ways to get the construction process articles. through popular search engines
effectively, but the stakeholder rarely namely “Google Scholar”, “Emerald
utilizes the usage of cloud-based Insight”, “Academica”, “Science Direct”
applications and technologies during the and “Research Gate”. The literature
day-to-day activities of the construction review was focused on the concept of CC,
process (Afolabi et al., 2018). Further, the a cloud-based application available in the
researchers need to focus on the industry, the involvement ways and
involvement of construction stakeholders benefits for the collaboration of
through CC for the efficient outcome of stakeholders, and also the limitations for
the construction process (Chu, Matthews, the involvement of stakeholders through
& Love, 2018). Meanwhile, there have cloud-computing. A total of 122 articles
been some disagreements regarding the were chosen after the first round of
collaborative involvement of stakeholders evaluation, which involved scanning

ISSN 2659-2193 | Volume: 07 | Issue: 01 | 28-02-2021

article titles. Further to refine the set of scalable, automatically update, adoption
articles in terms of relevance, articles were of new requirements, technical supports
selected by reading the abstracts and throughout the operation period (Al-
conclusions, 97 were then refined in the Johani & Youssef, 2013). Furthermore,
next round. CC has some specific characteristics such
as sharing of infrastructure, vast storage,
LITERATURE SYNTHESIS dynamic resource allocation, software
automation, accessibility, hardware
Introduction to cloud computing pooling, scalable, no need for a physical
Industry 4.0 is an emerging technology location, flexible, on-demand services,
in the whole industry and it has several low cost (Cegielksi, Jones-Farmer, Wu, &
features, that help to automate the industry Hazen, 2012). Accordingly, it could be
such as CC, big data, robotics (Lasi et al., concluded that CC is a more flexible and
2014; Oesterreich & Teuteberg, 2016). CC efficient technology in the industry.
is a model for enabling, ubiquitous,
convenient, on-demand network access to Applications of cloud computing
a shared pool of configurable computer In the construction industry, the
resources through the internet (Mell & stakeholders tried to move comprehensive
Grance, 2011). In addition to that, CC applications for the construction process
helps to manage the information and data or managing tasks (Chong, Wong, &
through the cloud and provides a Wang, 2014). There are many applications
significant impact on the information available in the market to deliver the
system of the business firm and business services through CC, especially for the
developers (Pozin et al., 2017; Jadeja & project and document management, and
Modi, 2012). CC is the combination of the application can run on the desktop and
software, data access, storage facility, no mobile devices with or without the
need for a physical location, and wireless installation of software in the desktop or
technology (Diakaiaos et al., 2009; mobile devices (Chong et al., 2014; Ma et
Somani & Dadhich, 2013). Accordingly, al., 2018). Industry 4.0 pointed out some
CC is much better than previous technologies which are used in the
technology and it facilitates to provide construction industry such as Building
better collaboration, interoperable, and Information Modelling (BIM), CC,
easy delivery method (Jadeja & Modi, Internet of Things (IoT), Internet of
2012), also, efficient utilization among the Services (IOS) (Oesterreich & Teuteberg,
stakeholders, pay as services, on-demand 2016).
usage, flexibility, vast storage, and store BIM is an innovative technology in the
data in the cloud. Scalable, interoperable, construction industry, which helped to
service quality, delivery method, easy encourage collaboration among the
maintenance, no need to install, efficient stakeholders to increase performance
utilization, sharing the hardware (Onungwa & Olugu, 2017; Ma et al.,
resources, better security, and easy 2018). Also, BIM uses to collaborate with
accessibility are some of the the stakeholders within the project or
characteristics of CC, (Ashktorab, organisation, and it allows them to change
Taghizadeh, & Zamanifar, 2012). the design and construction process during
Moreover, the technology side the construction period (Onungwa &
characteristics of CC are the client’s Olugu, 2017). BIM is getting into the
preferred operation systems, firewalls for construction industry step-by-step to
security, compatibility support with improve the capability of the construction
already running application, flexibility, project practices in the design,

ISSN 2659-2193 | Volume: 07 | Issue: 01 | 28-02-2021

procurement, prefabrication, construction, Involvement ways of stakeholders
and post-construction stages (Cao et al., through cloud computing in the
2017; He et al., 2017). Moreover, cloud- construction industry
based BIM is the key technology in the The construction industry is fully
construction industry in the field of CC gathered of information through the
(Abanda, Mzyece, Oti, & Manjia, 2018), presence of stakeholders during the life
and it significantly contributes to the cycle of the construction project (Teizer,
development among the construction 2013; Hooper & Ekholm, 2010; Alreshidi
industry stakeholders through creating et al., 2016a). It becomes complicated
opportunities and real-time when the required information increased
communication among the stakeholders and it’s fragmented due to a large number
(Wong, Wang, Li, Chan, & Li, 2014). of stakeholders involved in the
Further, the combination of BIM with CC construction process (Oh et al., 2015;
in the construction industry is much better Grover & Froese, 2016). Thus, this
than using BIM as a single product. The construction industry wants to improve the
adoption of cloud-based BIM is one of the transfer of information in a digital format,
emergent technologies to involve the and it helps to manage the activities of
stakeholder collaboratively to improve the stakeholders during the construction
productivity of the construction industry process (Behazadan, Aziz, Anumba, &
(Ibem & Laryea, 2014; Chu et al., 2018). Kamat, 2008). The cloud-based
There are several cloud-based BIM technology is the best option for the
systems available in the construction construction industry to manage the
industry such as Revit Server, Revit projects and to provide the information in
Cloud, and general-purpose cloud digitization format during the construction
services. These help for effective process (Zeeshan et al., 2004; Chu et al.,
decision-making in construction tasks 2018). Currently, several organisations in
(Zhang & Issa, 2012; Du et al., 2018). the construction industry are adopting new
Additionally, BIMX is a feature of BIM, emerging technologies for improving the
and it can be installed in the computer to productivity of organisations (Williams,
develop the functions in the cloud (Chong Bernold, & Lu, 2007). The CC provides an
et al., 2014). Further, the authors stated as open-door collaboration among the
Autodesk has been developed from the construction stakeholders with the cloud-
platform of BIM in the cloud and the based application (Abedi, Fathi, & Rawai,
product comes out from Autodesk 36 that 2012). It can be used for the stakeholders’
combines the cloud, CADD Force and day-to-day activities, and there are several
BIM9. Furthermore, some BIM platforms available for helping the
applications, which are integrated with the stakeholders to use CC in the construction
cloud for stakeholder collaboration in the industry (Abd Elmonem, Nasr, & Gheith,
construction industry such as Autodesk 2017). Additionally, several applications
BIM 360, BIM Server, BIMX, CADD allow collaborating with the stakeholder
Force, Onuma System, Autodesk Revit, through CC (Aziz, Anumba, & Pena-
Archi CAD, CBIM, and Ruska (Alreshidi, mora, 2009).
Mourshed, & Rezgui, 2016b; Onungwa & The involvement of the stakeholders is
Olugu, 2017). CC and BIM integration is an important part of the improvement of
developed for the improvement of the effectiveness of construction projects,
information exchange during the and the quality is dependent on the
construction process, and it helped to stakeholder’s involvement since
reduce the technical-based solution in the construction projects are different from
construction process (Chu et al., 2018). every project (Heravi, Coffey, &

ISSN 2659-2193 | Volume: 07 | Issue: 01 | 28-02-2021

Trigunarsyah, 2015). The stakeholders projects during the construction process
provide various services during the stages (Grillo & Goncalves, 2011). The
construction process for the success of the internal stakeholders of the construction
projects (Meng, 2012; Sutterfield et al., industry include several benefits such as
2006). The authors divided stakeholders clients, designers/architects, project
into two categories according to the managers, subcontractors, suppliers,
services such as internal and external contractors, consultants (Newcombe,
stakeholders. In a construction project, the 2003; Zhang et al., 2014; Grillo &
internal stakeholders are the members of Goncalves, 2011). Thus, stakeholder
construction projects, and the construction management in the construction industry
projects can not survive without the is a very critical thing (Vinten, 2000).
involvement of these stakeholders Further, the authors stated that each
(Clarkson, 1995). Internal stakeholders are activity of the internal stakeholder
the members who financed the project and becomes more complex, so the project
support completing the construction manager wants to analyse each
projects on time efficiently and effectively stakeholder and type projects for the
(Winch & Bonke, 2002; Newcombe, stakeholder collaboration (Olander S.,
2003; Olander & Landin, 2005). Also, the 2007). Table 1 demonstrates the internal
internal stakeholders are the responsible stakeholder involvement ways through CC
persons to share the risk of construction in construction projects.

Table 1: Internal Stakeholder Involvement Ways through Cloud-Computing in Construction


Authors Stakeholders Responsibilities

(Aapaoja, Client Fulfill and put their needs in practice, and they should map the
Haapasalo, needs in the early stage
& Consultant Help with his / her experience through the project and provide
Soderstrom, /project solutions for the client’s needs and also provide better
2013) manager coordination between the client and contractors for the better
project management
Architect Complete the design and the project according to the client’s
needs and find economical solutions in the early phases of the
project and be responsible for the designs.
Main Construct the project successfully with the experience get
contractors gained in the early stages of the project and greatest
responsibility in the practical implementation of the project
(Ma, Cai, Client Recheck and double recheck the work respectively by the
Yang, Feng, specifications
& Wang, Consultant Recheck and double recheck the work respectively by the
2018) specifications
Contractor Check the work by the specifications

(Heravi et Client Establish the project, develop the project and process, and
al., 2015) control and operation
Consultant Establish the project, develop the project and process, and
control and operation

ISSN 2659-2193 | Volume: 07 | Issue: 01 | 28-02-2021

Architect Establish the project, develop the project and process, and
control and operation
Contractor Establish the project, develop the project and process, and
control and operation
(Fulford Client Initiate the project and Responses for the bidding construction
& Standing, organisations, design and estimation, progress measures, and
2014) payments
Consultants Responses for the bidding construction organisations, design
and estimation, progress measures, and payments

Contractor Responsible for the construction phase

(Li & Client Conflict decision making, data management, authority
Ma, 2016) management
Architect Feasibility of the design scheme
Consultant Participate in review the planning, designing drawings,
construction programme
Contractor Implement the construction with the programme
Client, Involve in the project planning and participate through the
Architect, whole construction process
Consultant &
(Oesterre Client Involve in the briefing, designing, planning, construction, and
ich & maintenance stage of the construction activities.
Teuteberg, Architect Involve in designing, planning, and construction activities
2016) Consultant Involve in the briefing, planning, construction activities
Contractor Involve in the planning, tendering, and construction activities

In another way, collaboration is the 2018). Many researchers stated that the
agreement among the several parties, who collaboration of stakeholders helped to
involve in the project to share the handling share the information, communicate
capacity, available data, information, and among them, and coordinate the
knowledge, aiming of the tasks defined by stakeholders to achieve a particular thing
the client or the stakeholders (Hu et al., Alreshidi et al., 2016b).
2016; Hughes et al., 2012; Matthews et al., Benefits for the adoption of cloud
2018). In the construction industry, the computing
time based and accurate information are The conventional method of
needed during the construction phase to collaboration is paper-based or verbal
success a particular project, because communication among the stakeholder to
stakeholders involve from the multiple communicate and share information
organisation. Real-time and effective (Teizer, 2013; Hu, 2008). Further, the
information generates the knowledge to authors commented that only a few
make the decisions efficiently (Cheng et stakeholders are working efficiently
al., 2012; Cao et al., 2017). In through the conventional method of
construction projects, there is a need for collaboration in the construction industry
the collaboration of stakeholders or (Ma et al., 2018). Two third of the
various organisations to deliver the construction problems are arisen by the
projects successfully (Abanda et al., inadequate exchange of information data

ISSN 2659-2193 | Volume: 07 | Issue: 01 | 28-02-2021

transferring, and the inefficiency of drawbacks of the conventional
information in the conventional method collaboration of stakeholders in the
(Hu W. , 2008). Table 2 elaborates on the construction industry.

Table 2: Drawbacks of Conventional Involvement Method of Internal Stakeholder in the

Construction Process

No Drawbacks Authors

Nikas & Poulymenakou, 2006

Xuan & Yuanzhang, 2007
Peanspap & Walker, 2006

Thomas & Thomas, 2005

Dallasega et al., 2018

Matthews et al., 2018
Alarcon et al., 2013

Afolabi et al., 2018

Zhang et al., 2017

Kim et al., 2013
Xue et al., 2007

Ng,et al., 2006

Teizer, 2013
Hu, 2008

01 Inadequate * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
exchange of
02 Inefficiency of * * * * * *
03 Poor coordination * * * * *
04 Low transparency * * *
05 Limited * * * * * * * * * *
06 Decision-making * * * * *
path critical
07 Collaboration * * * * * * * *
stakeholder very

CC with BIM collaboration is helped to CC collaboration in the construction

overcome these issues in the conventional industry facilitates many ways in the
collaboration of construction stakeholders, construction process (Hu W., 2008). The
and it reduces the risk of the construction cloud-based collaboration in the
management (Beach et al., 2013; Oraee et construction activities changes the nature
al., 2017; Ma et al., 2018). of the collaboration, and it introduces a
new trend for managing many people at
Collaborative Features through the same time with the stakeholders from
Cloud- Computing the scattered locations (Oraee, Hosseini,
Papadonikolaki, Palliyaguru, &

ISSN 2659-2193 | Volume: 07 | Issue: 01 | 28-02-2021

Arashpour, 2017). Table 3 illustrates the internal stakeholders through cloud-based
collaborative involvement features of BIM in the construction process.

Table 3: Collaborative Involvement Features of Internal Stakeholder through Cloud

Computing in the Construction Process
No Collaborative Authors

(Zhang, Pan, Wang, Sun, & Wang, 2017)

(Beach, Rana, Rezgui, & Parashar, 2013)

(Zhang, Liu, Yu, Hu, & Zhao, 2014)

(Oesterreich & Teuteberg, 2016)

(Du, Shi, Zou, & Zhao, 2018)

(Hassan & Yolles, 2009)
(Alreshidi et al., 2016)

(Abanda et al., 2018)

(Chong et al., 2014)

(Wong et al., 2014)

(Chu et al., 2018)

(Ma et al., 2018)
(Hu W. , 2008)

01 Document * * * * * * * *
02 Contract * * * * * * * * * * * *
03 Design management * * * * * * * * * *
and drawing
04 Real-time * * * * * * * *
05 Project life cycle * * * * * * * *
06 Efficient * * * * * * *
07 Supply chain * * * *
08 Finance * * * *
09 Tracking features * * *
10 Sophisticated * * *
11 Task assignment * * * *
12 Procurement * * *
13 Time management * * *

ISSN 2659-2193 | Volume: 07 | Issue: 01 | 28-02-2021

14 Scheduling * * *
15 Tender management * *

Thus, the adoption of Cloud-based BIM stakeholders (Oesterreich & Teuteberg,

in the construction stakeholder for the 2016; Dallasega, et al., 2018). Table 4
collaborative involvement provides more shows the benefits of the collaborative
benefits such as improve productivity, involvement of internal stakeholders
high collaboration, real-time monitoring, through cloud-based BIM in the
and efficient communication among construction process.

Table 4: Benefits of Collaborative Involvement of İnternal Stakeholder through Cloud

Computing İn The Construction Process

No Benefits Authors

Oesterreich & Teuteberg,

Amarnath, et al., 2011

Alreshidi, et al., 2016

Abanda, et al., 2018

Afolabi, et al., 2018

Zhang, et al., 2017

Wong, et al., 2014

Fathi, et al., 2012

Du, et al., 2018

Li & Ma, 2016

01 Easy communication * * * *
02 High storage capacity *
03 Backup and recovery * * *
04 High collaboration * * * * * *
05 Real-time monitoring * * * * * * * *
06 No need for a physical location * *
07 Data transfer quality and * * * *
productivity improvement
08 Trust development * *
09 Low cost * * * * * * * *
10 Resource sharing * * * *

The construction stakeholders are rarely following Table 5 explains the limitations
involved in the construction process for the involvement of stakeholders
through CC (Afolabi, et al., 2018). The through CC.

ISSN 2659-2193 | Volume: 07 | Issue: 01 | 28-02-2021

Table 5: Limitations for the involvement of stakeholders through cloud computing

No Limitation Authors

Oesterreich & Teuteberg, 2016

Onungwa & Olugu, 2017

Alreshidi, et al., 2016
Davis & Sharp, 2014

Wong, et al., 2014

Meza, et al., 2014

Du, et al., 2018

Smith, 2014
01 Hesitation * * *
02 High implementation cost * * * *
03 Changing of organization * * *
04 Data security and * * * *
05 Legal uncertainty * * *
06 Higher requirement of * * * * *
computer resources
07 Unpredictability of *
08 Trust related issues *
09 The limited size of *
document sharing
10 Data ownership * *
11 Lack of awareness * * * *

CONCLUSIONS stakeholders due to the paper-based

collaboration and some main challenges
This study is assessed the CC concept are inadequate exchange of information,
and its importance for the construction poor coordination, decision-making path
sector. Based on the findings from the critical, and limited communication. Also,
literature review, the conclusion was made this paper was found that the collaborative
that, the CC is an innovative technology in ways of stakeholders through cloud-based
the construction industry to improve the BIM, the benefits come through the
performance of the construction project stakeholder collaboration and the
with the better collaboration of the limitations for the stakeholder
stakeholders through CC. There are collaboration through cloud-based BIM in
several challenges faced by the the construction industry. Considering the

ISSN 2659-2193 | Volume: 07 | Issue: 01 | 28-02-2021

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