We and Our Research
We and Our Research
We and Our Research
Charles Peirce (1955) says, “ to satisfy our doubts, it is necessary that method is to be found by
which our beliefs may be determined by nothing human but, by some external permanence by
something upon which our thinking has no effect. The method must be such that the ultimate
conclusion of every man shall be thee same. Such is the method of science”.
we do have our beliefs
These beliefs determined by nothing human
But, by some external
Upon which our thinking has no effect
Every person arrives at the same conclusion
Such is the method of science which needs to be adopted.
1) According to Aristotle, deductive reasoning needs to be adopted for acquiring the knowledge
which speaks to move from general to particular or major premise to minor premise.
2) According to Bacon, inductive reasoning to be adopted for acquiring the new body of
knowledge which means to move from particular to general.
3) The scientific method involves both the deductive and inductive reasoning to arrive at the
Steps for scientific method
Step – I : Identification and formulation of Research problem with objectives
Step – II: formulation of hypotheses
Step – III: Testing hypotheses
Step – IV: Collection and analysis of evidences
Step – V : verification / Rejection / acceptance of hypotheses.
Process of research
Basic Features
Scientific Inquiry
Clarity of objectives
Testing Hypotheses
Arriving at the conclusion
Principle of need and relavance
P. of scientific and scientific temper
P. of objectivity
P. of an appropriate hypothesisation
P. of Reliability
P. of validity
P. of randomization
P. of giving solution to the problem
P. of generalization
P. of implication
Types or Research
I- Based on originality and Applications: Three Types:
i. Fundamental Research / Basic Research:
It is a type of research which intends to produce / create absolutely new body of knowledge
which may be the creation of theory / laws/ principles and considered an addition to the existing
fund of knowledge. practical application immediately may be / may not be but it is a specialized
concept and looks abstract in nature. Since it is absolutely original and new in nature, so it is also
termed as pure / basic research.
ii) Applied Research:
It is a type of research which has direct and immediate relevance of application of knowledge for
solving the problem. It is conducted mainly for the purpose of testing the knowledge in different
context and place for having the solution of the problem. The outcomes of this type of research
are useful for making plans and policies in the state / country.
iii) Action Research:
It is a type of research in which the focus lies on the immediate problem and its solution.
Second, it confines to the professionals / practitioners who come acorss some problems in their
profession and the professional goes for action research to eliminate the problem for becoming
effective in his / her practice. It is the type of research which is conducted by practitioners like
the teachers, managers, medical practitioners etc. to improve their practice.
S.No. Fundamental Research Applied Research
Nature matches but there is thin line Between these two categories
S. Fundamental / Applied Research Action Research
1. It goes with quantitative data in It goes with qualitative data in the form of
numerical form thick description
2. Confined to quantitative Broad and holistic in nature and goes deep
analysis into the problem
3. Based on large sample Based on small sample
4. Random sampling technique is Non-random sampling technique used
5. More objectivity is involved More subjectivity is involved
6. Testing and non-testing Generally Non-testing techniques used.
techniques , both used
7. No involvement of researcher Personal involvement of the researcher
with participants