(2021년 기출) 현대고등학교 (서울 강남구) 1-1 기말 영어 족보 (동아 (이병민) ) (Q)
(2021년 기출) 현대고등학교 (서울 강남구) 1-1 기말 영어 족보 (동아 (이병민) ) (Q)
(2021년 기출) 현대고등학교 (서울 강남구) 1-1 기말 영어 족보 (동아 (이병민) ) (Q)
4. zb 4 ) 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것을 포
함한 문장을 모두 고르시오.
- 1 -
free. You have a power and presence that ⓑ 6. zb 6 ) 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임
radiates from deep within and shines out
이 적절하지 않은 것을 고르시오.
confidently into the world. You did not come into
this life to suffer, to be ⓒ manipulated and Many convenience stores are open 24 hours a
denied. Whatever binds you and keeps you from day, 365 days a year. Since they never lock their
living your truth is false and can be ⓓ shed. It doors, why do they bother to install doors with
takes courage to ⓔ embrace your authentic self locks in them? It is always possible, of course,
and live life on your own terms. Yet to be that an emergency could force such a store to
uniquely you, to listen within and love yourself for close at least briefly. In the wake of Hurricane
all of your weaknesses and missteps, is what your Katrina, for example, residents of New Orleans
soul longs for. were forced to evacuate with little notice. But
even if the possibility of closing could be ruled
ⓐ authentic : showing or pretending to feel out with certainty, it is certain that a store
emotions that are not sincere would find it advantageous to purchase doors
ⓑ radiate : to collect several things, often from without locks. The vast majority of industrial
different places or people doors are sold to establishments that are not
ⓒ manipulate : to control something or someone open twenty-four hours a day. These
to your advantage, often unfairly or dishonestly establishments that are not open twenty-four
hours a day. These establishments have
ⓓ shed : to get rid of something you do not
obvious reasons for wanting locks on their door.
need or want
So, given that most industrial doors are sold with
ⓔ embrace : to accept something with great
locks, it is probably cheaper to make all doors
interest or enthusiasm
the same way.
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7. zb 7) 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임 9. zb 9 ) 다음 글의 상황에 나타난 분위기로 가장 적절한
이 적절하지 않은 것을 고르시오. 것은?
As we grow older, the eye lens becomes more Anne and Marco's comfortable home
yellow, causing poorer color discrimination in immediately becomes a crime scene. Anne is
the green-blue-violet end of the spectrum. Also, sitting on the sofa in the living room. Someone
the lens's ability to adjust and focus declines has placed a blanket around her shoulders, but
as the muscles around it stiffen. This is what she's still trembling. Police cars are parked on the
causes difficulty in seeing close objects clearly street outside the house, their red lights flashing,
(called presbyopia), necessitating either longer pulsing through the front window and circling the
arms or corrective lenses. To complicate matters pale walls. Anne sits immobile on the sofa and
further, the time our eyes need to change focus stares ahead as if hypnotized by them. Marco, his
from near to far (or vice versa) reduces. This voice breaking, has given the police a quick
also poses a major problem in driving. Because description of the baby – six months old, blond,
drivers are constantly changing their focus blue eyes, about sixteen pounds, wearing a
from the instrument panel to other autos and disposable diaper and a plain, pale pink onesie.
signs on the highway, older drivers may miss The house is swarming with uniformed police
important information because of their slower officers. They fan out and methodically begin to
refocusing time. search the house, but the baby is gone.
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zb 11) 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 13.
zb 1 3) 다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 공통으로 들어갈 말로
고르시오. 가장 적절한 것은?
Art is a force for preserving the status quo, but Yellowstone National Park was the first
it is also often used in the opposite way – as a 'wilderness' protected area in the world, but the
vehicle of __________. A number of artists have model spread rapidly across the globe, even
attempted, through their own artistic media, to though may 'wilderness' areas were created by
raise the consciousness of their oppressed removing local inhabitants. In Africa, game
countrymen and to bring about changes in social reserves were established with the aim of refilling
and political structures. For example, Marjorie stocks of wildlife killed by Europeans in the
Agosin documented the case of the Chilean 'scramble for Africa.' Safeguarding animal
arpilleristas, who told the story of political populations in protected area facilitated the
oppression on scraps of cloth. These courageous control of access to wildlife and also served to
artists were considered such a threat to the separate wildlife and domestic stock, at least to
established government that they were eventually some extent, thereby slowing the rate of spread of
banned in their own country. In Chile, during the animal disease. Since (A) ________________ was
Augusto Pinochet regime, local artists painted contradictory to the wilderness ethic, the
murals under the cover of night depicting scenes management ideal was to isolate conservation
of government oppression, only to have them areas, keeping disturbance to a minimum, on the
removed by the military police the next morning. grounds that if left alone. nature's balance would
prevail. These ideas were supported by the belief
*status quo 현재의 상황 **regime 정권
that nature's fragile balance would be disrupted
beauty harmony by (B) ___________.
resistance superiority
*game reserve 수렵 보호구역
*prevail 우세하다
zb 12) 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 human influence severe competition
- 4 -
zb 14) 다음 밑줄 친 ⓐ his experiment를 이해한 내용 15.
zb 1 5) Al-Jazari에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않
으로 적절하지 않은 것은? 는 것은?
- 5 -
zb 16) 다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적 17.
zb 1 7) 다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적
절한 것을 고르시오. 절한 것을 고르시오.
When our emotional fuel is low, we can't do an When was the last time you saw a sky full of
lndy pit stop and refuel quickly. Our emotional brights stars? In the past, about 2,500 stars were
reserves can be compared to a car battery, visible to the naked human eye. Nowadays, the
___(A)___, if we sit in a parking lot and run all number has shrunk to less than 300, and that's in
our car's accessories – radio, headlights, and so less populated areas. In big cities, you would be
on – we can probably sap that battery in about lucky if you could see even one or two stars,
ten minutes. After that massive drain, suppose we since artificial lighting is very intense in urban
then take the battery to a service station and say, areas. ___(A)___, scientists estimate that only 10%
"I'd lie this battery charged in the minutes." What of the world can enjoy truly dark skies at night.
would the attendant tell us? "No, we're going to Not only does light pollution take away the beauty
put the battery on our overnight charger. It's of the night, but it also harms the environment
going to take seven or eight hours to bring it all and the creatures living in it. ___(B)___, birds that
the way back up." It has to be recharged slowly are active at night have difficulty navigating the
or else the battery will be damaged. ___(B)___, to night skies because of light pollution. These birds
recover properly from an emotionally draining depend on light from the moon and the stars to
activity takes time. find the right direction. Artificial lighting confuses
these birds and they either end up crashing into
(A) (B)
buildings or flying in circles until they drop from
In contrast However
In contrast Similarly
(A) (B)
In addition Therefore
In fact However
For example However
In fact For example
For example Similarly
Moreover However
In contrast For example
In contrast Moreover
- 6 -
zb 18) 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? 19.
zb 1 9) 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에
가장 적절한 곳을 고르시오.
Our bodies have a protecting trick up their
sleeves. Once certain viruses have done their dirty More often than not, however, diets change
work in a body, they'll never be let back in again. because of circumstances associated with the
It's called "immunity" and it's why we get chicken objectives of economic development that are
pox only once in a lifetime. Let's say that a big, beyond the control of the local people.
ugly dog moves in next door. The first time you
try to pet it, it snarls and tries to take a small
Programs of economic development often lead to
chunk out of your rear end. So the next time you
changes in people's dietary habits. ( ) In some
have to walk past that dog, you are prepared.
cases these dietary changes are voluntary to the
You blow a dog whistle that sends him cowering
extent that some new foods, associated with
into his doghouse with his paws over his ears.
powerful outsiders, are status symbols. ( ) For
You fight back because you recognize danger
example, in an attempt to grow more cash crops
when you see it. Your body works the same way.
(which help to raise wages and bring in foreign
It recognized an evil virus the second time
exchange capital), non-Western people often divert
around, know it will cause trouble, and attacks it
time and energy from growing their normal
before it has a chance to do its mischief again.
subsistence crops. ( ) The result is that they
How Does Age Affect the Immune Response? spend much of their hard-earned cash on foods
Why Do Some People Get Chicken-pox Twice? that are both costly and nutritionally inferior to
feed their families. ( ) In brief, people may
Too Much Information on Viruses Causes Stress
change their dietary habits voluntarily, but they
Dog Whistles : the Best Way to Stop Dogs from
may also change them because of the demands
associated with economic development. ( ) And
Immunity : Why We don't Get Reinfected with it can pressure non-Western people to grow cash
Certain Viruses crops and consumer expensive and
undernourished foods.
- 7 -
zb 20) 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 21.
zb 2 1) 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절
가장 적절한 곳을 고르시오. 한 것은?
Unfortunately, at some point early in life, we all Many people have habits that are bad for
heard someone say, "Always do your best." survival.
Some things in life are important, and they (A) But none of these habits can make you happy
deserve your full commitment. ( ) It's important all the time because your brain doesn't work
to do your best when performing your job, that way. Every happy-chemical spurt is
cultivating your marriage, raising your children, quickly metabolized and you have to do more
and competing for the league bowling to get more. You can end up overdoing a
championship. ( ) Giving it your all is a happy habit to the point of unhappiness.
necessary part of success which gives us pride (B) How does that happen if our brain rewards
and joy and a sense of self-worth. ( ) And a behaviors that are good for survival? When a
lot of people accepted the wisdom of this advice happy-chemical spurt is over, you feel like
without ever questioning it. ( ) These are the something is wrong.
people who avoid trying new activities because
(C) You look for a reliable way to feel good again,
they are afraid that someone will judge their effort
fast. Anything that worked before built a
and scold them if it's not their "best." ( ) So
pathway in your brain. We all have such
these people miss out on lots of fun,
happy habits: from snacking to exercising,
mind-expanding, enjoyable activities because of
whether it's spending or saving, partying or
the "always do your best" mentality.
solitude, arguing or making up.
*metabolize 대사 작용을 하다 **spurt 분출
(A)-(C)-(B) (B)-(A)-(C)
(B)-(C)-(A) (C)-(A)-(B)
- 8 -
zb 22) 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. (3) 글의 흐름으로 보아, 윗글 [A]의 빈칸 ⓒ에 들어갈 알
맞은 말을, 주어진 어휘들을 모두 한 번씩만 사용하여
[A] In the school volunteer club today, we made
어법에 맞게 쓰시오.
natural soap. We had much fun making beautifully
colored soap with oil, water, and other various ⓒ : _____ _____ _____ ______ _____
ingredients. ⓐ I used lemons for yellow soap and (by / to / soap / hard / come )
some students made brown soap using chocolate.
But what does making soap have to do with (4) 윗글 [B]에서 다음 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적
volunteering? I learned the answer from my 절한 곳을 찾고, 바로 앞 문장의 끝에 있는 두 단어를
teacher, Ms. Kim. Washing your hands with soap 쓰시오.
is one of the most effective and inexpensive ways
For example, iron's nature is most fully
to prevent the spread of diseases. In fact, in West
understood if we know how it behaves when it is
and Central Africa alone, the simple practice of
hot, cold, smashed, left in water and so on.
washing hands with soap could save the lives of
about half a million children each year. But ⓑ _____ _____
___________ the health benefits, it is very ⓒ
_______________ in some regions since a bar of (5) 글의 흐름을 보아, 윗글 [B]의 밑줄 친 ⓓ가 '지속적이
soap could cost more than a day's wages! 고 변화하지 않는 상태의 쇠에 최적인 환경들에 쇠를
두었을 때 쇠가 어떻게 행동하는지를 아는 것은'의 의
미가 되도록, 주어진 어휘들을 모두 한 번씩만 사용하
[B] According to philosopher Radcliffe Richards, 여 어법에 맞게 쓰시오. (단, 필요할 경우 변형할 수 있
it is incoherent to think that something's real 음)
nature is revealed when it is in its correct
ⓓ : _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
environment. First of all, the whole notion of a
'correct environment' is problematic. Isn't the ( behave / leave / how / when / know / iron )
notion of what is correct relative to various
concerns? The correct environment for a salmon
when cooking one is perhaps a heated oven. The
correct environment for its spawning is something
else again. But, more importantly, to know
something's nature is to know how it is in a
variety of environments. ⓓ
______________________ in conditions optimal to
its continued, unchanged existence only gives a
partial view of its nature. To sum up, the notion
of 'correct environment' is improper in
understanding something's nature, but its behavior
in carious conditions best reveals its nature.
ⓐ : _____ _____
- 9 -
zb 23) 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오. ( nor / the financial rewards / that / the respect /
rarely / enjoy )
[A] Every great thing that was ever started
began in uncertainty. Thomas Alva Edison asked, ________________________________________________
"Will this work?" and now we experience the gift of
the lightbulb. Steve Jobs pondered, "Is there a
need for this?" and now we have minicomputers
that fit in our pockets. In order to bring our ideas
or dreams to life, we have to expect fear and 24.
zb 2 4) 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.
uncertainty, welcome it in. What we already
[A] Biotechnology opens up the possibility of
predicted is not influential any longer. We must
creating the plant, animal, and human
remind ourselves that there are two possible ends
environments in which we would like to live.
to every uncertain journey we embark upon:
Biotechnology can build plants that ⓐ r________
either we learn a lesson that brings us one step
diseases without pesticides, use less water, and
closer to our true desires or we reach the point
produce more edible food. Similar improvements
we set out for.
are occurring in animals. More milk per cow leads
to less pressure on grazing lands and more room
for wildlife. When it comes to improving humans,
[B] Prior to the modern era, the Chinese actor,
the process will start by eliminating genetic
whether rural amateur or urban professional was
diseases and move on to building better (smarter,
not respected. Until recently, in fact, a theater
taller, more beautiful) men and women. The
practitioner could hardly earn his living with one
biotech processes for curing existing diseases are
stationary troupe. He often became an itinerant
dual-use technologies. The same techniques that
performer, travelling among small towns and rural
make it possible to eliminate genetic defects (very
villages to perform during festivals or to celebrate
inferior genes) allow ⓑ _______________________.
important occasions in the lives of the local
gentry. Most individual actors were at least
part-time itinerants, and they contributed to the
[B] Our instincts tell us the higher we climb up
image of the vagabond good-for-nothing that
the ladder, the more stress we feel and the
harmed the reputation of his profession for
weaker our feeling of safety. Consider relentless
centuries. In the imperial period, entire urban
pressure from shareholders, employees and the
troupes might tour the countryside at harvest,
firm's largest customers a high-strung executive
New Years, and other festival times.
ⓒ face. We are hardly surprised when one of
*troupe 극단 **itinerant 순회하는; 순회배우 them suddenly drops dead of a heart attack
before fifty. However, a study tells us a different
(1) 윗글 [A]의 요지가 되도록, 주어진 어휘들을 모두 한
story. Decades ago, scientists in Britain set out to
번씩만 사용하여 어법에 맞게 쓰시오.
study this ink between an employee's place on the
We need to face fear and uncertainty
corporate ladder and stress. Known collectively as
because once we face it, it _____ _____ _____
the Whitehall Studies, the studies' findings were
_____ _____ _____ _____.
both astounding and profound. Researchers found
( has / us / a hold / no longer / on ) that workers' stress was not caused by a higher
_______________________________________________ degree of responsibility and pressure usually
associated with rank. It is not the demands of the
job that cause the most stress, but the lack of
(2) 윗글 [B]의 내용과 일치하도록, 주어진 어휘들을 모두
control workers feel they have at work.
한 번씩만 사용하여 어법에 맞게 쓰시오. (단, 필요한
경우 변형할 수 있음) *high-strung 극도로 긴장한
Prior to the modern era, all Chinese actors (1) 글의 흐름으로 보아, 윗글 [A]의 빈칸 ⓐ에 들어갈 한
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 단어를 주어진 영영풀이를 참고하여 어법에 맞게 쓰시
_____ society pays him or her today. 오.
- 10 -
ⓐ : to fight against something or someone that is night's sleep helps fight depression and even
attacking you cancer. In the presence of artificial lighting at
night, however, the human body ⓔ
______________ that it is day, and produces less
ⓐ : r___________
of the helpful hormones.
(2) 글의 흐름으로 보아, 윗글 [A]의 밑줄 친 ⓑ에 들어갈 (5) 글의 흐름으로 보아, 윗글 [C]의 밑줄 친 ⓓ에 들어갈
알맞은 말을, 주어진 어휘들을 모두 한 번씩만 사용하 알맞은 말을, 주어진 어휘들을 모두 한 번씩만 사용하
고 반드시 한 단어를 추가하여 어법에 맞게 쓰시오. 여 어법에 맞게 쓰시오.(단, 필요한 경우 변형할 수 있
(단, 필요한 경우 변형할 수 있음) 음)
ⓑ : _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ⓓ : _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
_____ _____ ( reproduction / of / hurt / their chances )
( to / slightly inferior genes / be / superior genes
/ replace ) (6) 글의 흐름으로 보아, 윗글 [D]의 밑줄 친 ⓔ에 들어갈
알맞은 말을, 주어진 어휘들을 모두 한 번씩만 사용하
(3) 윗글 [B]의 밑줄 친 ⓒ를 어법에 맞게 한 단어로 고쳐 고 반드시 한 단어를 추가하여 어법에 맞게 쓰시오.
쓰시오. (단, 필요한 경우 변형할 수 있음)
- 11 -
"cause-related marketing."
Minji : Yes, you're right. Cause-related marketing
(CRM) is a mutually ⓐ ______ ______ between
a corporation and a nonprofit organization. It
is designed to promote the former's sales and
the latter's cause.
Jiwoo : Yes, as far as I know, "American Express"
first ⓑ _____ the term in 1983 to describe its
campaign to raise money for the Statue of
Liberty's restoration.
Minji : Oh really? Actually, CRM ⓒ _____ me of
Tom's shoes marketing. It represents cause
marketing with their "one-for-one" business
model, where they promise to deliver a pair of
new free shoes to a child in need for every
sale they make.
Jiwon : Yes, it was a megahit. That's because
Toms' marketing was able to ⓓ ______
consumers' demands for corporate social
responsibility, allowing consumers to feel that
they were helping charities.
Sunha : While cause marketing sounds great, it's
not without ⓔ _____.
Minji : What can those be?
Sunha : Well, there is a chance that the donation
may be discontinued or changed without the
consumer's knowledge. For example,
consumers might think they are helping
children who ⓕ ______ _____ with serious
health problems, while the company decides to
switch to promoting education without notifying
their customers.
Jiwon : That's true. There is also the danger of
the company acquiring a bad reputation if the
target consumers see its alignment with a
charity as just a marketing trick.
*alignment :지지, 동조
(1) 글의 흐름을 보아, 윗글 [B]의 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 단
어를 다음 <보기>에서 골라 주어진 어휘들을 모두 한
번씩만 사용하여 어법에 맞게 쓰시오. (단, 필요한 경우
변형할 수 있음)
be / coin / afflict / fulfill / benefit / remind /
collaboration / drawbacks
ⓐ : _____ ______ ⓑ : _____
ⓒ : _____ ⓓ : _____
ⓔ : _____ ⓕ : ______ _____
- 12 -
/ (4) the situations that make them feel
2021년 1학기 기말 helpless / (5) hurting their chances of
현대고 reproduction / (6) is tricked into thinking
3) [중] ,
4) [중] , ,
5) [중] ,
6) [중]
7) [중]
8) [중]
9) [중]
10) [중]
11) [중]
12) [중]
13) [중]
14) [중]
15) [중]
16) [중]
17) [중]
18) [중]
19) [중]
20) [중]
21) [중]
◇「콘텐츠산업 진흥법 시행령」제33조에 의한 표시 ◇「콘텐츠산업 진흥법」외에도「저작권법」에 의하여 보호되는 콘텐츠의 경우, 그 콘텐츠의 전부
1) 제작연월일 : 2022-03-24 2) 제작자 : 교육지대㈜
또는 일부를 무단으로 복제하거나 전송하는 것은 콘텐츠산업 진흥법 외에도 저작권법에 의한 법
3) 이 콘텐츠는 「콘텐츠산업 진흥법」에 따라 최초 제작
일부터 5년간 보호됩니다. 적 책임을 질 수 있습니다. I410-ECN-0199-2021-001-001401574
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